The Alpha Male

by Necrogen Lord

First published

800 years have passed since the destruction of Earth, and now Zachary Paxton, the last of the experimental Alpha-Soldiers, must find a way to preserve Humanity's legacy.

Log Start.
This is Zachary Paxton, Colonel of the Alpha project.
I say that like it means something.
We were supposed to help speed up colonization.
Super soldiers that would find habitable worlds and eliminate anything that could be a threat.
Fat load of shit that did.
Earth's gone.
Didn't even bother announcing anything.
Just went out like a fucking light.
Now they're all dead.
We're all that's left.
Just the Alphas.
We decided to carry out our mission regardless.
We'll each find our own habitable world out there, survive, try to find a way to preserve Humanity and keep in contact until something kills us.
I just hope that this planet doesn't-
Is the sun orbiting the planet?
- Colonel Zachary Paxton, 2917, orbiting Equis IV


Shameless attempt at an Anthro Clopfic. Born of a lack of sleep. I regret nothing. It's mostly just an excuse for sex.

Some scenes of violence here and there, but no true "Gore".

Equestria's world is a nudist planet and everyone (except for the Human) are all anthros and sex is treated as a casual thing. As in absurdly casual.


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"Give me an update on 37-81-09 for possible signs of habitability," a stern voice spoke.

"Analyzing. One moment," replied a deep, monotone voice.

The owner of the first voice stretched back into the compression chair as he gazed out into the void of space. Said man ran a hand through his short brown hair, scanning the abyss with piercing green eyes. His skin was fairly tan for someone who had spent nearly 800 years adrift in the endless expanse, isolated from what little of his species remained.

"Results available."

"Give me a sitrep."

"We've detected seven planets classifying as 'Semi-habitable' and 14 as uninhabitable entirely."

"Of course you have," he sighed. "How long ago was the first launch of the Alpha fleet?"

"Approximately 792 years, 5 months twelve days, and-"

"Thank you, computer."

"Captain Zachary, would you care for some-"

"I'm fine, thank you. Just prepare the cryo-pod. I'm going back to sleep," he said as he stood up from his seat. "Wake me up when we find something with anything promising."

The Alpha clambered down a maintenance shaft and landed onto the solid metal floor before walking down the dimly lit corridor. The ship was minuscule in comparison to the ships that were intended to carry out hundreds of thousands of people from Earth. He recalled how he and his Alpha brethren were testing the FTL drives for the scouting ships that they were assigned and how they returned to a charred and irradiated Earth.

Zach pulled off his shirt and lined his exterior implants with the tubes that lined the inside of his cryo-pod. The mechanical arms whirred as they adjusted to his height before plunging into his flesh, the clamps locking down on the metallic surfaces embedded in his skin. The tube began to fill with a nitrogen-oxygen compound to keep him alive and frozen as a mask lowered over his face to preserve his most vulnerable parts.

'God, if you're out there,' Zach thought as he faded into sleep, 'Let me find a home. I don't wanna die out here.'

The pod hissed shut as the Alpha was put to sleep.


Celestia yawned as she stretched her arms out at her sides. She smacked her lips as she relaxed into her throne. The Princess sighed as she laid back and basked in the sunlight that was streaming down through the sunroof above her. The feeling of light and warmth caressing her body was enough to get her nethers tingling in just the right-


Celestia opened her eyes to see Luna standing before her.

"Yes, Lulu?"

"Thou art indecent!" Luna replied by holding up a mirror.

The Princess examined her naked reflection and gasped.

"My goodness! You're right!"

Celestia's horn lit up, floating a crown and necklace over to her before putting them on.

"Thank you, Luna, almost started the day without my regalia."

"Of course, sister," Luna stated as she crossed her arms over her bare breasts.

The twin sisters sat down at their respective thrones, not as nude as everypony else but cutting it quite close. Seated underneath the streaming light that graced their amazonian bodies, it was no wonder to anypony that went up to them why they were seen as the most powerful and sexiest creatures on the planet.

"Guards, let the traffic in," Celestia ordered.

Four mares wearing golden pauldrons, helmets and blue drapes over their thighs saluted and moved to open the massive throne room doors. Surprisingly, there was only one pony waiting on the other side. Said pony was a tan unicorn mare with a pitch-black mane and tail, wearing a small lab coat that hid nothing from view. She walked up to the steps before the thrones and bowed.

"Princesses," she greeted.

"Rise, Inkwell," Celestia stated.

"Thank you, ma'am," the mare said as she pulled out a small note. "We've got the results back from the tests."

"Good to hear. What are the results?"

"The artificial sperm fabricated by Honey Dew and Seed has had a resounding 65% success rate in impregnation testing, with no negative side effects on the mares that volunteered or the mares that handled the injections."

"That's astounding," Luna gasped.

"Well... there's some bad news as well, ma'am," Inkwell stated. "You see, out of all the positive pregnancies, none of them report any results with a single Y chromosome. In short, the fake sperm works, but only makes mares."

Celestia and Luna shared a grim look.

"So even if we manage to industrially produce this compound," Celestia started.

"It would only result in less stallions than where we are now," Luna finished.

"Not only that, your majesties, but mass production is out of the question with this substance, due to the precise temperature and chemicals needed to produce it. I'm... we're all sorry."

"Do not worry, my little pony," Celestia said. "You've all done the best you can in this situation. We couldn't have asked anything more from you or your team. Take the day off and have some fun, unwind with each other. You've all earned it."

The mare smiled and bowed once more before walking out. The Princesses turned to one another and spoke.

"This is far more grim than I imagined, sister," Luna said.

"Right. We're officially out of options. If we can't find a solution to this problem, what good would our new society be without citizens?"

"To think that we only had but a few years to enjoy this sexual wonderland," Luna sighed. "Barely even a year back and we're already facing the threat of losing all stallions permanently."

"Would you like for me to call up Shining and Cadance for a quick fuck in the gardens?"

Luna nodded.

"I'll grab my beads," Luna said as she got up.

"And remember to use lube, sister! Wouldn't want to sit on a sore anus all day again, now would we?" Celestia teased.

Luna blushed as she smacked one of her cheeks and shook her rump at her sister before wandering off. Celestia sighed deeply as she ran a hand down her perfectly curved stomach.

"What I'd give for a solution right now," she whispered. "Faust, Harmony, or whatever gods may watch us now, please... please send something, anything to help us right now."


Maud grunted as she ran a finger over her dripping slit, her juices coating her furred hand as her marehood winked. Groping her left tit with her other hand, Maud moaned as she pushed in between her flower's petals, her inner heat flowing into the open air around her.

She gazed up at the stars as she continued to masturbate in the middle of the field, thinking of so many fantasies at once. She lightly pinched her nipple while she thought of somepony taking her by surprise right here and now, forcing themselves into her as she used her fingers to spread her marehood wide open. She could feel herself dripping onto the rock she propped herself on as she circled a thumb about her love button.

"Maud!" a familiar voice called out.

Maud lifted her head up to see her sister Limestone walk up to her.

"Jacking off on the rocks?" she asked coyly, a shit-eating-grin dominating her face.

"Just trying to reel in my heat," Maud answered with her usual monotone.

"Again? Jeez, you're like a freaking machine down there. How many times have you cum on that thing today?"

"Four," Maud answered as she pushed a finger down to the knuckle. Her body went rigid as her delicate flower squirted over the rock. "Five."

"Well mom wants us back at the house. It's almost lunch time and we-"

Their conversation was interrupted by a crack of thunder.

Both mares looked around the open skies, unable to see any cloud that would produce a storm. A shriek-like sound resonated through the air and they both turned to see something neither expected.

A triangular metallic behemoth spouting blue fire was falling from somewhere beyond the sky, tilted as though it were coming down from somewhere even higher. It turned about in the air in a manner that would likely shame a pegasus as giant claws slid out of its underside. The thing began to increase in size as its distance above the ground shortened.

The sisters watched with wide eyes as the metallic beast slowed down to a stop and landed a few dozen meters away from them.

"What in Luna's glazed crotch is that thing!?" Limestone shouted.

Suddenly, a small part of the pointed front popped out underneath it and washed a blue light over the area. It passed over the sisters and paused before blinking and retreating into the thing. The opposite end extended downward into a ramp as something walked out of it.

From what they could see, it was like a pony in terms of shape, but couldn't be further from them.

Its head was covered in a black metal helmet with a black plate of glass where a pony's eyes would be, with the lower half of its face obscured by what looked like a futuristic gas mask. It wore a large, orange trench-coat that stretched down to behind its knees, the coat draped over a plated metal chest piece (the lack of protrusion likely indicating a lack of breasts) while its arms and legs were covered by what looked like plastic materials, thin and shiny. It carried something odd in its hands, resembling one of those super-squirter toys that Pinkie plays with, but made of metal and had two barrels, one on top and another underneath it, both glowing a bright blue.

It scanned the area before it before landing its sights on the two mares in the field.

"Is," Limestone whispered, pointing at it with a trembling hand, "i-is that..."

"An alien?" Maud asked, her eyes widening.

On the Rocks

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Zach rolled his neck as he stood in the aft ramp of his ship, ready to disembark. He fastened the clamps on his armor one more time to make sure that he wouldn't be caught off guard. The ship's scanners said that the planet not only matched Earth's 18th century atmospheric composition, but also had read positive for lifeforms nearby.

"Well if they haven't attacked the ship yet, they're either too dumb to care or afraid," Zach mused to himself. "Either way, it works for me."

Zach had seen the imaging that the ship's cameras had captured, and was surprised to see that the inhabitants had reached a level of intelligence where they could build cities and castles, some of which resembled old cities on Earth. He turned over his Multi-Purpose Plasma Tool, examining the wiring and battery as his helmet slid up from his suit's compartments and locked over his head. Once it sealed itself shut, the ramp lowered to the planet's surface, and for the first time in 800 years, the Alpha stepped off of his ship.

The immediate thing that Zach noticed was that the area was barren and bland, just as he had hoped. Since the inhabitants, from what he had seen, preferred to build their settlements closer to rivers and forests, a wasteland of rocks and more rocks would be the perfect place to get soil samples without announcing himself immediately.

That was until Zach's heightened hearing picked up someone talking.

"Is," a voice spoke behind him.

Zach turned around to see who had spoken. What he found had completely shattered his expectations.

There were two alien beings, likely the natives of this world, one standing and the other laying on a rock. They stood on two legs that ended in hooves, their whole bodies covered in lush fur. The standing one was a greyed-out blue with a head of hair of silver, along with a matching tail, while the other one was simply grey with a purple hairstyle and tail. The resemblance between these aliens and Humans was staggering enough with their facial structures and builds, but drove that point home like a supernova by the fact that they both appeared to be naked, and were very female, what with their uncovered crotches displaying their vaginas while their shapely C-cup breasts stared right back at the Human.

Clearly this place wasn't the best choice to land.

"I-is that..." the one with silver hair stuttered.

"An alien?" the other one finished, widening her eyes.

Zach fought against himself as he felt his blood rush South at the speed of sound.

'Focus, you moron!' Zach shouted at himself internally. 'You're making contact with intelligent alien life and you're going to focus on trying to get laid!?'

800 years of constantly being woken up for maintenance, workouts, scanning reports and eating plastic that NASA called rations didn't exactly leave the Alpha with much time to let the one-eyed sergeant below deck relieve himself of duty. The fact that these aliens also resembled Human women with well maintained bodies didn't help to quell the mutiny in his pants, only fueling the insubordination of Sergeant Johnson and the Juice Crew.

Zach holstered his Plasma multi-tool on his back, the magnetic locks shutting down the weapon as it folded in on itself. He held his hands out at his side as he spoke to the aliens for the first time.

"Hello," he greeted. "I'm sorry to land so close, I didn't know anyone would be out here. I just came down to collect soil samples and-"

"Holy shit, it's an alien!" the blueish one shouted.

Zach paused.

"Um, yes... uh, sorry about interrupting... whatever was going on here."


Maud blinked and looked down at her cooch and back to Limestone, processing what the alien had said.

"Actually, we weren't engaging in anything," she said. "I was just masturbating on the rock when my sister came out here to get me for lunch."

"You're a fucking alien!" Limestone shouted.

"Alright, let's all just calm down a bit," the alien said, "and just take a moment to level out the situation. I'll start. My name is Zachary Paxton, I'm a Human being looking for a new home, and I apologize if I interrupted your privacy."

Maud hopped off of her rock and walked up to Zach, surprised to find that he stood at least half a head taller than her up close.

"My name is Maud Pie," she greeted, "and this is my sister, Limestone Pie," she motioned to her sister, who was beginning to regain her composure. "We live on this farm with our parents, our sister Marble Pie and her coltfriend, Tissue. We're ponies, and I suppose I should say, 'welcome to Equestria'."

Maud held out her hand to Zach, waiting for his hand to grasp her own. The Human looked down at it and responded by clasping it with his own. Maud was shocked to feel the mesh over his hand press down firmly over hers. Few ponies she had met would have been able to not have their hands survive her earth-breaking grip, but Zach was able to meet her strength immediately.

Maud let a small smile cross her face as Zach nodded to her.

"Nice to meet you," he said.

Maud let go of his hand as Limestone cautiously walked up to Zach. She examined him and tilted her head around to view Zach's form from different angles.

"Wow, you're a big fella, huh?" Limestone said. "Wonder what kind of meat you're packing under there," she said, eying his crotch with a smile.


Zachary gulped as he heard Sergeant Johnson rally his millions of sailors to plunder some booty.

'Stand down,' Zach shouted at himself. 'Baton down the hatches and stay at your quarters! Do not engage, repeat, do not engage! We have no idea if their privates are filled with acid or teeth or anything of the sort! We don't even know if we would survive intercourse!'

'We're an Alpha, Damn it!' Johnson replied, throbbing in defiance. 'We were genetically altered specifically for this, and from what we can see, there's no acid down there, only a lovely field of flowers that need a good plow!'

"Moving on," Zachary abruptly said, "I'd rather not get into talk about myself like this."

"Why not? Clearly you've got some good stuff down there."

"I appreciate the compliments, but... we just met."

"And?" Limestone asked, raising an eyebrow. "You never been to a 'meet n' fuck' party before? I just wanna get a little taste, ya know?"

Sergeant Johnson began to strike out against the bonds beneath the armor.

"Uh..." Zach paused, his mind melting as a perfectly toned and completely naked alien lady offered to polish his flag pole seconds after he got off his ship. "I... my kind, doesn't do... sex, publicly. We had a taboo on that kind of stuff... along with mandatory clothing."

Maud and Limestone looked at him as though he were crazy.

"I... I can't even begin to imagine what kind of horrible place Equestria would be without public sex," Limestone said. "How did your species survive?"

Zach let out a dark chuckle.

"That's a topic for another time, Miss Limestone."

"Okay, don't start with that 'miss' crap, alright? I'm 25. Save that for our parents." Limestone's eyes widened. "Ah, shit, lunch! Maud, we gotta go now!"

Limestone tugged at Maud only to fall back with a yelp as Maud remained still. The grey mare turned her gaze away from Zach as she turned her hoof about in the dirt.

"Zachary?" she said.

"You can just call me Zach, if you prefer."

"Okay... Zach, would you like to join us for some lunch?"


"I think that'd be great," Zach responded.

Maud picked her sister up from the ground and motioned for Zach to follow.

"Our family's farmhouse is just this way," she said as she and Limestone sauntered away, giving him a gorgeous view.

'Holy shit.'

Zach couldn't stop his eyes from wandering down their swaying hips, taking in the lush detail of their firm, round cheeks as they bounced so appetizingly, their tails swaying to and fro adding even more of an allure to them. Maud's was larger than Limestone's, but the shorter pony's ass had more of a perkiness to it. On each of their cheeks were marks that differed between the two ponies, but were identical on each side of their bodies. Maud's was simply a rock while Limestone carried a tattoo of half a lime above two white rocks.

'Swear to God, if we don't plant our flag in those moons our life is forever worthless!'

Zach was ever thankful that his armor was heavy as it gave him an excuse to limp behind them, the thick layers of impact gel doing little to lessen the problem in his pants. The Alpha soldier felt his eyes strain as he memorized every single bounce and motion their cheeks formed to, his heart pounding out of his chest and hammering through his crotch.

He thought back on what the science teams had told them about the Alpha serums they used to enhance him and his brethren.

'They said that it'd give us an apex level of instinct suited perfectly for combat. That we'd turn into killer animals on the battlefield and be able to out perform just about anything that could develop on Terran planets suitable for Human habitation. Did that include bestial urges like this?'

Zach blinked as he saw the jiggling mounds stop moving and looked up quickly to see the sisters smiling at him.

"Adjusting well to our lifestyle?" Limestone teased by rubbing her hands over her strange tattoos.

'I've been here all of ten minutes and I already feel like I'm going to die here,' Zach thought to himself.

"Just admiring... your hospitality," Zach recovered.

"I bet you are," Limestone said as she stuck her tongue out at him. "We're here, by the way."

Zach looked past the mares to see that they had arrived at a rather nice looking house. It was built with white wood and hay thatches over the roof, standing at two stories in height alongside a windmill and silo.

"Cozy," Zach commented, thinking back to the old Western American countryside.

"Yeah, home sweet home," Limestone said. "Oh, and before I forget, just know a few things."

Zachary nodded as Limestone turned around, practically glaring at him.

"You're new to Equestria, so let me lay down The Rule. Don't touch anypony's tits or asses without permission. Consent is absolute here in Equestria, got it?" she asked, to which Zach nodded. "Good. Anything your kind takes casually that might make a difference that you can think of?"

Zach wracked his brain for anything that might be considered off on this planet.

'Considering I'm on a sex-centric world with humanoid aliens that pass out BJs instead of handshakes, I don't think there's much of a line I can cross,' he thought to himself.

Zach shook his head.

"You sure? No crazy religion about boxes or strict codes on talking and shit?"

"Nope. Just rules about not killing anyone and respecting others."

"Sounds simple enough."

"You've never seen Detroit," Zach whispered in his helmet.

"Well, without further ado, meet the Pie family."

Limestone opened the door and motioned for Zach to go inside first. He glanced at the height of the door frame and ducked underneath it. The inside was about as homely as he could have expected. There wasn't much in the way of furnishings, a few pictures here and there and a potted plant to give a bit of green to the room, but other than that it was quite spartan. Zach felt some sense of nostalgia well up as he glanced around the room, and-

"Ah! Right there!"

Stopped as he turned his head to see another woman sitting on the couch with her head resting back. She was panting with a smile on her face as her hair and fur were dripping with a light sheen of sweat. She ran her hands across her light grey fur and down to pinch her nipples, cupping her generous breasts that likely bordered between C and D cups. Her dark green mane draped over her shoulders as she sunk into the couch.

Zach glanced over the couch to see a dark copper pony with a black hat sitting on the floor before the couch furiously making out with the woman's dripping entrance. A closer look revealed that the pony was indeed stroking his penis, confirming to Zach that there were indeed male ponies on this world.

"Oh, Igneous, right there! Just a smidgett more to the left!" she cried out.

The woman arched her back and cried out as fluid gushed out from her, coating the man before her with her love juices as he opened his mouth to accept as much of her as he could. As the woman began to regulate her breathing, she opened her eyes and looked up to see Zach's armored form.

"Shit! I am so sorry!" Zach said as he backed away. "I didn't mean to walk in on that!"

"Oh, don't be ashamed, stranger," the man said as he stood up, wiping his mouth and licking up whatever he wiped up. "Just doing my duty as a husband, something every colt needs to learn how to do at some point. Name's Igneous Pie, and this is my wife, Cloudy Quartz" he greeted as he held out his hand.

Zach glanced down at the man's hand (and only his hand) and shrugged off his embarrassment.

'Right, casual approach to sex. Roll with it.'

"Zach Paxton," he responded with a firm handshake.

"Oh!" the man hissed as he pulled his hand back. "Sure are a strong fella, huh?" he chuckled.

"Sorry, been a while since I've had any social interaction."

"Really?" Cloudy asked as she pulled her hair up into a bun. "How come?"

Zach looked between the two of them before Limestone and Maud walked in front of him.

"He's an alien," Maud said.

The woman chuckled.

"Oh, Maud, you and Pinkie have the most adorable sense of humor," the woman said. "Now really, where-"

"Actually, ma'am," Zach interrupted, "I am in fact not from this planet."

The two ponies paused and examined the tall armored being in a new light.

"Oh... oh," the man said as he backed up a bit. "A-an alien..."

"Relax, come in peace and all that shit," Zach said. "Just landed here looking for a place to settle down and thought I'd take some mineral and soil samples and this place seemed perfect for it."

Igneous smiled.

"Well, ya came to the right place, Zach. This here's the best rock farm in all of Equestria."

'Rock farm?'

"Rock farm?" Zach asked aloud.

"Of course," Cloudy Quartz said as she slid on a pair of glasses. "How else would jewelers get the best minerals for necklaces and rings?"

"... Okay, fair enough," Zach dismissed.

"Well Zach," Igneous said as he pat Zach's shoulder, "why don't ya join us for some lunch? We're about to have some of my wife's tomato and basil soup."

Zach thought back to the last time he had eaten a good home-cooked meal (not counting that shit that NASA labelled "Home cooked" and packaged 800 years ago). The thought made his stomach growl intensely.

"I'd appreciate that very much, thank you, sir."

"Don't need ta get all 'sir' on me yet, alright?" he chuckled. "Not unless ya plan on sleeping with one of my daughters."

"Uh, n-no, I-I wouldn't dare, not after just meeting them."

Igneous glared at him.

"And why not? Something wrong with my lovely little pies?"

'That sounds so wrong in so many ways.'

'Abandon ship! Abandon ship!'

"No, nothing at all. It's just that... where I come from, sex is usually something that one waits to do until a great deal of time is dedicated in a relationship, and even then, some cultures in my world hold off on it until marriage."

"Really?" Igneous asked, genuinely shocked. "Wow. That's gotta be unbearable to those poor colts growing through puberty."

"Poor colts? What about those poor little fillies?" Cloudy said. "Imagine those poor dears going through their first heats without being able to do anything about it!"

"I'm sorry, 'heats'?"

"Yes, you know, when a mare enters a heightened state of arousal," Cloudy said. "Like Maud is right now."

Zachary looked over to Maud again to try and determine what this 'heat' was supposed to be. Comparatively, she did seem a bit more... something, than Limestone. For one, her nipples were very rigid, almost like daggers, and the fur around them seemed to be damp with sweat. Down below, her nethers seemed to be leaking something fierce as well, dripping down her inner legs to her knees.

'All men to battle stations!'


"Just remember to ask first, alright laddie?" Igneous joked as he patted Zach's back.

"So tomato soup, right?" Zach asked, trying to change the subject.

"Right! Limestone, get your sister, would you?"

Limestone nodded and approached the staircase before shouting.

"Hey Marble! Soup's on and we've got a stallion guest! He's a space alien! Check this out!"

Zach heard foot (hoof?) steps from upstairs before he saw another mare come down the stairs. She had an identical coloration to Cloudy Quartz, but her hair was far longer and draped over one eye. She paused when she saw the black and orange figure standing in the room.

"Hi there," Zach greeted.

"U-u-um... mm-hmm," she greeted as she looked away.

Zach could take a hint.

"Sorry, just passing through for lunch, I'll be gone in a bit," he said.

Marble looked up to him and spoke.

"Oh, no I-I'm sorry, I... I didn't mean to be rude, I'm..."

"This armor's meant to be intimidating by design, it's fine."


"Oh, stop freaking out over every stallion you see, Marble," Limestone said. "You coltfriend isn't going to hate you for a little casual nookie on the side while he's gone."

"Hey, don't go pushing her on me when she's in a relationship, alright?" Zach said firmly. "That's disrespectful to her and who she's with."

Limestone recoiled from the statement and scowled.

"Hey, I'm just trying to edge my sister out of her little box she calls her social life."

"Then try encouraging her without forcing her to come on to everyone she meets."

Limestone looked as though she wanted to say something, but pulled back as she thought on what he had to say.

"Whatever, let's just go eat."

Limestone and Marble walked past Zach and into the dining room past the nearby door. Zach was about to follow when Maud put a hand on his arm.

"Zach," she said.

Zach looked back to her and nodded.


"I think that helmet might get in the way a bit."

'... Oh, duh. Forgot to take off the helmet.'

Forgoing the plated defense, and being assured that the atmosphere was safe to breathe, Zach pulled away from Maud's grip and entered a command into his forearm-mounted console. The helmet hissed and clicked as it unfastened and lowered itself down into the armor piece. Zach opened his eyes and took in the world around him once more from an unhindered perspective.

Then he inhaled.

It was like being hit by a train, the sensations that hammered through his nose. Zach looked around and set his gaze onto Maud in a whole new light. Everything about her just seemed far more enticing than before. Her hips looked curvier, her breasts seemed perkier, and her still moist flower looked so delicious at the moment.

A primal hunger awoke in the Alpha, and he let out a low growl as he licked his lips.


Maud blinked in shock as she watched Zach's helmet come apart and reveal the Human's face. He had no fur covering his bare pale skin, only a short and messy mane of brown hair on the top of his head. His nose and mouth were separated quite a bit as he lacked a muzzle, his small nostrils flaring as he breathed in.

Maud realized that, without his mask, this was likely the first time he was smelling her heat.

Zach's face seemed to flush with blood as he let out a low growl, something that Maud noted sounded quite peculiar to her, but she couldn't understand why. His small eyes shone a brilliant emerald, and seemed to tighten on her body as he looked over her. The mare felt as though she were somehow being overly exposed, despite having spent her entire life naked.

Then his scent hit her.

She could barely contain the flow of arousal that followed as she breathed in his concentrated musk, barely able to keep from moaning as she panted from the strength of his smell.

"You," Zach growled, "you smell... divine, Maud."

Maud hadn't heard somepony be so flirtatious about her scent since her trip to Ponyville.

"Thank you, Zach. You smell... so, masculine," she muttered.

Zach reached out towards her head, his hands trembling as he reached her face. Maud grabbed his hands and guided them to her neck as she nodded.

"You seem so strong, Zach. When we shook hands out there, I hadn't felt somepony greet me that strongly... ever. I want to feel you hold me closer."

Maud's words seemed to have an impact on him, as he closed the distance in quickly and buried his nose into her mane right next to her ear. He inhaled deeply while Maud sunk her muzzle into his neck, drinking in his scent as she shivered in excitement.

"I haven't felt a stallion in so long," she whispered to him. "When was the last time you felt a mare?"

"800 years ago," he answered.

Maud's perception shattered as he spoke.

"800 years?" she asked, pushing back a bit.

Zachary felt her resistance and hesitantly let her go. He blinked several times in quick succession.

"What... did... did I-"

"How old are you?"

"... Oh... oh, shit... no, Maud, I mean that I've been frozen for 800 years. I've been searching the galaxy in hopes of finding a planet to inhabit and... I-I'm sorry, I'm coming on too strong, I should-"

Maud grabbed his hand and pulled herself close to him.

"No," she whispered. "Going that long without relief must be horrible. You need somepony to help you."

"... Maud, I don't want to hurt you, for God's sake, we just met."

"I know, but I feel like I can trust you." She pulled back to look him in the eye. "Will you trust me?"

Zach took a moment to gaze into her sky-blue eyes and nodded.


Maud smiled.

"Thank you. We better get some lunch, though. Mom doesn't like it when our guests go without eating something."



Zach sat down at the table and shook his head as he took inventory.

'Alright, I almost just fucked an alien who I had just met because something about her smelled... smelled... incredible. She wants to go all the way and now I'm sitting down for lunch with her family. Great progress so far, Kirk would be proud.'

Sci-Fi jokes aside, Zach straightened up as he watched Mrs. Quartz carry a large cast-iron pot onto the table with little effort.

'Maud mentioned that I was strong... but how am I comparatively to this species?'

Mrs. Quartz opened the pot and dipped a ladle into it while Igneous held out a bowl. She poured some steaming red soup into his bowl, which was followed by three splashes. Igneous pulled back his bowl filled with soup and...

'Rocks? Do they really eat rocks?'

"Mister Zach," Mrs. Quartz said, "just so you know, you're not supposed to eat the rocks, they're flavor supplements from out personal collection. The last few guests we had made that mistake and, well, let's just say that the next morning was quite an earful."

"Thank you very much, Mrs. Quartz," Zachary said. "I didn't want to offend anyone by just asking flat-out. And just Zach is fine."

"Oh, don't be ashamed to ask questions, deary, we've all had some growing up. I remember when I thought that rainbows were made when Celestia lost her mane conditioner," she chuckled.

Zach nodded as he shifted about in his seat, his heart pounding ferociously while his muscles screamed for him to take Maud here and now. He picked up a bowl and held it out before him as Mrs. Quartz leaned over to fill it (the Alpha definitely not watching her breasts sway underneath her). When it was filled, Zach pulled it back and thanked the mare before waiting until everyone at the table had filled their bowls.

Limestone sat next to Marble across the table from Zach while Maud sat to his right, her tail swishing about behind her chair as her hands kept trailing over her thighs. She gave him a wink and a smile before he forced his attention on the meal in front of him.

"Well, everypony eat up," Quartz said as she took her seat at the head next to her husband.

Everyone picked up a spoon and began to eat/drink the meal provided. Zach carefully balanced the utensil as he took in the aroma of the soup. It had a nice tinge of basil to it and surprisingly even the rocks had a delectable scent to them. He sipped the liquid and held it in his mouth for a second to let the taste sit before swallowing.

It was the best thing he'd had in his whole life.

Soups that had been consumed prior were shitbuckets compared to the marvel of tomato and basil that sat before him. Zach reigned in his enthusiasm for the meal, however, as to not cause a mess or a scene that didn't need to happen. He moderated his pace with the soup so that it would last longer, and commented.

"This is fantastic, Mrs. Quartz."

"Oh thank you, deary. It's an old Pie family recipe. So, aside from our new guest, anypony have anything interesting to share?"

The table was silent for a few seconds before Limestone spoke up.

"I'd actually like to say something. Marble, I'm sorry about pushing you. And I don't just mean earlier today, I mean for pushing you all the time. I should know, as your sister, that you've put a lot of faith in Tissue, and that you can only handle so much pressure. It shouldn't have taken Zach's comment to get me to realize that, and I'm sorry."

The table grew quiet as Limestone teared up while delivering her apology. Marble gave her sister a smile and wrapped an arm around her back.

"Thank you, Limestone. I should have tried to say something earlier, but... I didn't want you to lose your moxie. Don't be down, you're just trying to make sure I don't regret anything."

Limestone smiled back as the sisters hugged.

"Aw," Cloudy cooed. "That's exactly why we share meals at the table, girls. For moments like these."

Igneous smiled and nodded as he turned his gaze to Maud.

"Anything you'd like to add, Maud?"

"Zach and I are going to have sex after this."


All eyes turned to Zach as he choked on his soup

"What's wrong? Did you swallow a rock?" Cloudy asked.

Zach coughed a bit before shaking his head.

"No, no - agh! ... no, it... it's just, well... Maud, where I'm from, we usually don't announce that kind of thing to everyone like that."

The ponies gave him a quizzical look.

"Why not?" Igneous asked. "It's an assured way to let other ponies know that there's consent."

"Okay, but... where I came from, the act alone is a sign of shared consent between the participants. You don't have to go out and announce it."

"That's weird. Why would you want to keep that kind of stuff private?" Limestone asked.

Zachary sighed.

"Forget it, just cultural differences. Again, sex isn't a public occurrence where I came from."

"If you want my opinion, where you cum from should be public," Maud said.

Zach froze and stared at Maud as she held a knowing smile while sipping her soup. He watched in awe as some of it missed her mouth and trailed down her body, matting the fur of her neck all the way down to her erect nipples, where it pooled up before trailing underneath her breast.

The Alpha felt his mind slip further and further as he watched her.

Maud picked up a napkin and dabbed her mouth a bit before smiling to him as she got up.

"I seem to have spilled some soup on myself. Zach, would you kindly help me clean myself upstairs?" she said with a wiggle of her hips and a flick of her tail.

Her tail seemed to carry some of her scent, because when she wafted him with it, his mind went blank and he mindlessly followed Maud. The mare waved to her family as she sashayed her hips to keep Zach focused on her perfectly sculpted ass. The Human did not resist as his eyes honed in on the mare's behind, following slowly as he stared, practically welding his eyes to her glutes.

Maud motioned for him to follow her up the stairs and gripped a nearby door handle before slipping out of Zach's view. The Alpha shook his head as he followed her scent through the door and searched the barren bedroom. He could see a small window, a desk covered in small rocks and a full-sized bed.

The door closed behind him and instinct took over.

Zach turned to meet the source of the sound before Maud grappled onto him, her mouth meeting his as she let out a moan into his face. Zach returned the gesture by opening his mouth to accept her taste and met her tongue with his own.


Maud made a shocked noise that was muffled by Zach's lips as she felt her tongue explore his mouth. She could feel jagged edges inside as his powerful muscle wrestled her down for dominance. These were the teeth of a predator. She could tell due to their sharp nature and how they grazed the flesh of her thinner tongue. They were made to pierce flesh, and were coming oh so very close to cutting her tastebuds.

It excited her to no end.

To think that this powerful predator was hounding down on her maw, its jagged teeth ready to tear her flesh asunder, yet handling her with such care that she wouldn't break under him. It was intoxicating, and something that Maud doubted that many ponies had even fantasized about.

She let out a louder moan as she felt Zach's hands grab under her cheeks and hefted her up by the thighs. She looked down to see that he held her off the ground as he ran his tongue across the inside of her mouth, licking up whatever remained of her soup and replacing the tomato flavor with his own.

Either unable to or unwilling to interrupt, Maud rested her arms over his shoulders as she gave in to his assault, relinquishing control to the apex that sought to dominate this little pony.

Suddenly, Zach pulled away and set Maud down on the bed.

She sat up and watched as Zach unfastened several latches on his suit, the torso falling off as he removed the duster and armored sleeves like one would a jacket. Maud gaped in awe at the muscular definition that chiseled his chest, a sparse few scars dotting his bare flesh like weathering on the finest stone statue. What was interesting about his appearance, however, were the strange metallic ports that dotted his arms and torso, about six in view from her angle. He reached down to his boots and pulled some things about before they came off, followed soon after by his thick pants.

As they fell to the floor with a heavy thud, Maud gulped as she stared at the tight piece of clothing that kept his crotch covered, his erect cock stretching the black fabric as it throbbed.

'Whoa,' she thought. 'I never knew how erotic clothes could be when they're being taken off.'

Zach gripped the elastic at his waist and paused.


She looked up to his eyes, full of worry.

"Are you absolutely sure?"

Maud felt her heart skip a beat. Here he was, almost ready to have fucked her senseless after a long teasing walk and her ministrations at lunch, yet he refused to act unless she expressed her absolute consent every step of the way. It was somewhat romantic and quite a change of pace from the last few stallions that Maud had slept with. It was so touching and made it feel so much more personal. He really cared about her comfort, and wanted to make sure that she wanted this.

It made her want it even more than before.

"Zach... I don't just want you, I need you, right now."

Zach nodded before pulling his last cover down his legs.

As he stepped out of them, Maud blushed at the sight of his truly alien appearance. He didn't have hooves, instead standing on strange platforms that ended in small stubby fingers that didn't look as though they could grip anything. The strangest part, however, was his penis. A stallion's erection consisted of a flat head that would flare when close to finishing and a medial ring half-way down the shaft, Zach's had a head that resembled a mushroom and a bit of skin that folded up right behind it. There was no medial ring anywhere on his 8-inch shaft, meaning that the transition from the tip to the base wouldn't strain her at all, and the curved head would likely help ease him into her as opposed to forcing it in like a stallion's head. It was so alien and strange in the most exotic and enticing way possible, and Maud wanted to feel it in her badly.

She backed up a bit further onto her bed and rested her head on a pillow as she spread her legs open to him.

"Zach..." she called out.

Zach shook his head.

"I think you forgot about something," he said with a smirk.

She looked at him with a tilt of her head.


Did he want her to start by sucking him off? Did he want her to do something?

"What do you-"

Zach put a hand on her shoulder as he crawled over her on the bed, his sheer masculinity making Maud sink back deeper into the bed as she blushed.

"Forgot to clean you off," he whispered as he planted his lips on the side of her muzzle.

Maud let out a small moan as she felt his tongue slide out and lap up the tomato soup that had matted her fur, and gasped as he trailed down her body. He carefully and at an agonizingly slow pace, dragging his tongue across her body, making sure to lick up every drop off of her coat. He edged his teeth down over her collarbone, causing the mare to gasp as she felt him pinch her so intimately before he trailed down lower.

As Zach got down to her left breast, he brought up a hand to cup and squeeze her. Maud moaned quite loudly as she felt his hand grip her mound as his tongue ran down closer and closer to her areola. Zach gave her tit a light squeeze as he sized her modest mound. She was quite firm but not so much that it didn't have a perfect amount of give under his fingers. Maud's fur seemed to be even softer here, as if it was carefully groomed to be as soft as possible.

Maud cried out as Zach's tongue met her nipple.

The Alpha trailed his wet muscle around her broad pink areola, circling it over and over again as Maud arched her back in an attempt to push him further into her breast. Zach found his other hand automatically reaching for her forgotten breast before cupping it gently and caressing her nipple with his thumb.

"Ah! Yes! Just like that!" Maud cried out.

Zachary pulled his tongue back a bit as he shifted his left hand a bit. He pushed his lips onto Maud's nipple and began to suck lightly on it as he pinched her other nipple between his fingers. The mare underneath him panted as she felt her nerves dance like fire as Zach played with her tits. After only a few seconds, Zach popped his mouth off of her nipple and trailed underneath her mound to continue mopping up the soup stains. His left hand followed downward as he caressed Maud's back and down her thigh. She grabbed his hand and guided it down to where her rock image was on her thigh, where she pressed his fingers into her flesh.

The Alpha squeezed her taught cheek, feeling only a small layer of fat give way to let him feel the powerful thighs that carried this mare. He trailed his tongue down to the start of her leg, where his senses were overwhelmed by Maud's scent. He pulled back a bit to gaze into the wet, winking flower that pleaded for something to touch it. Zach smirked as he pressed his face on her inner thighs.

"Ah, Zach!" Maud cried out. "Please, taste my marehood! I want you to kiss my folds like you kissed me earlier!"

Zach was spurred on by her pleads and shifted his grip. Maud found herself being lifted by her hips as Zach breathed in her aroma point-blank. She could practically hear his meat throb as he took in her scent so closely, and before she knew it, he kissed her entrance.

"F-fuck!" she shouted as she felt Zach make out with her crotch.

The Alpha pressed his lips to the petals of Maud's flower and poked his tongue out slightly to taste her juices.

This was far better than the soup.

Zach wasted no time in plunging his tongue into Maud's entrance, eliciting a scream from the mare. She called out his name over and over again as Zach trailed his tongue across her walls, tasting every single millimeter of her inner flesh as she leaked more and more into his maw, pouring her love juices into his mouth like a small river of arousal. Maud lost herself in his ministrations and gripped the sheets tightly in her fists as her legs locked around Zach's head, his messy mane tickling her legs in such a fantastic way. For almost a full minute, the Alpha lapped at her pussy as though he were a lost traveler drinking from the fountain of Eden, Maud's ambrosia-esque taste driving that analogy home further. Finally, Maud's dam broke.

"ZACH!" Maud shouted as her legs tightened around his head.

The Alpha was washed by a tidal wave of cum as Maud unloaded her tension into his waiting maw, the soldier drinking her out without abandon. The room was filled with the sound of Zach gulping down Maud's excess mare juices as Maud's breathing steadied.

Zach pulled up with half of his face covered with her juices, futilely running his tongue over his mouth to try and keep her flavor for as long as he could. He gazed down at the panting mare beneath him before she reached for his head. With a burst of strength that Zach refused to fight, she pulled him into a deep kiss, where he shared Maud's own fluids with her. The mare moaned as her legs wrapped around Zach's own, pulling him closer as she began to grind on his flesh. As they broke apart, a string of cum connected their tongues as Zach chuckled.

"Already back for more?"

"Zach, there's a fire in this mare," she whispered, "and I need you to hose it out."

Zach pressed his forehead down onto Maud's as he whispered.


Maud gasped as she felt his shaft run along her moist entrance, coating itself in her cum as their heat pooled down below. Zach looked into Maud's eyes as he lined himself up and planted his lips onto hers once more as his head began to push into her. Maud moaned into his mouth as she felt his almost painfully warm member slide into her with ease. His lack of a medial ring gave way to a sensation that Maud had never knew she needed as his smooth phallus fit snugly into her folds. She cried out in ecstasy as she felt Zach's hips meet her own while her breasts squished against his chest.

Zach let out a ragged breath as he hilted inside of the mare, almost ready to explode at the sensation of a tight, warm and wet snatch that he had been deprived of for centuries. He stayed as still as he could inside of Maud, the mare grunting in time with every little twitch that his dick made inside of her.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Never been better," she said with a smile.

The two laid there connected at the crotch for a moment as Maud and Zach adjusted to one another, trying not to blow their loads from their contact alone. Maud slowly brought her legs up and wrapped them around Zach's lower back as she gyrated ever so slightly, an act that was enough to get them both to gasp.

"I... I want you to start, please," she requested.

"Okay... Alright... here we go," he said as he moved his hips.

Zach pulled back slowly, almost painfully for the both of them, hissing from the friction before only the back edge of his head was left in her. Slowly, Zach began to push back inside of her, going in a bit faster than he had planned as his body demanded that he return to her warmth. Maud offered no protest as she could feel herself try to drag him in deeper. They could feel one another's hearts beating through their genitals, and felt themselves syncing up as Zach pulled out once again, only to push himself back in faster than before. He began to repeat this motion until he had settled into a rhythm, his sack slapping against her cheeks with every thrust.

Maud moaned on every slap between them, feeling the successive emptiness and fullness alternating in a manner that sent lightning throughout her body. She reached up and locked her arms around Zach's neck as he continued to pound into her at an increasing pace.

The Alpha buried his face into Maud's neck as he breathed in and tasted her while continuing to dominate the mare's pussy like the apex predator that he was. His grunts turned into a steady growl as Maud began to moan louder and louder.

"Zach! I can't hold it in! Ah!" she called out.

Maud felt herself unleash another spurt of mare juices onto Zach's crotch, the Human unrelenting in his assault as she continued to spasm and clamp down onto his shaft. This was enough to push the Alpha over the edge as he slammed into Maud before he felt himself burst. The mare cried out as she felt his incredibly hot jizz coat her inner walls, practically melting her insides while he pumped her with what felt like a gallon of semen, bringing her over the edge into yet another orgasm that rocked her body like a storm.

The two stayed there, completely still as they revelled in their shared climaxes. After a moment, the two collapsed onto the bed, panting and glistening with sweat. Zach looked up to Maud before he spoke.

"I... I'm sorry, I should have asked if you wanted-"

"Shhh," Maud said as she laid a finger over Zach's lips. "Don't worry about it. It feels great, Zach."

"... Still, I guess I should apologize for not lasting long."

Maud gave him a confused look.

"What are you talking about? That was the longest I've ever had with a stallion."

"What? That was like... five minutes, tops. I should have been able to go for so much longer, but it's just been a while, and-"

"Wait, how long can you last normally?" Maud asked.

"Uh... about an hour? I mean, I'm kind of supposed to have enhanced stamina for exploring uncharted planets, but it should translate to-"

"An hour!?" Maud and Zach turned to see Limestone standing at the doorway with a hand on her breast and another on her vag, a finger working in and out as she trailed onto the floor.

"You can fuck for an hour!? That's gotta be a world record!"

Author's Note

Comments keep this story alive, please leave anything to signify that you enjoyed it.

To Ponyville, We Come

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"Why are you watching us!?" Zach said as he held onto Maud.

"I kinda wanted to know how you'd do it, and was also curious about how different an alien would be down there. Gotta say, you didn't disappoint. Mom and Dad could hear Maud's cries from the kitchen, and she barely gets vocal with anypony," Limestone said, giving Zach a thumbs-up.

"Fantastic! Now kindly leave!"

"Why?" Limestone asked.

"Because you can't just walk in on..." Zach stopped as he realized his lessons of this world moments prior. "Right... sex is a public... thing."

"Did you already forget?" Limestone asked, snorting as she held back her laughter.

"Sorry, I was too busy fucking your sister to think about your planet's laws," Zach shot back.

"And what a good fuck it was," Maud said dreamily, a smirk painted on her face.

"True enough, I guess." Limestone looked down the hallway and chuckled. "Yeah, they went through with it! He's hilted in her right now!" she called down.

"Good!" Igneous said. "'Bout time Maud got herself some after so long!"

"Tell that Zach that he's free to stick around for a while! I'm going to get the Pairing Stone!" Cloudy called out. "Maybe he can see something through it!"

"Why is everyone talking about us having sex if it's a casual thing?" Zach asked.

"Because Maud's scared off so many stallions that she pretty much gave up on finding somepony to love, so you making her scream like that probably means you're her best shot."

Zach froze.

"I'm sorry, what?"

Maud put her hands up to Zach's face and pulled him in close to give the Alpha a kiss on the lips. Not too deep, only a peck, but when she pulled back, the light in her eyes made Zach's heart turn about. The smile she gave him was far more genuine than the sultry looks she gave him earlier.

"Zach..." she started. "It means that I want to get to know you a little better. Maybe... stay with you a little longer?"

Zach blinked a few times.

"You mean... you want to start a relationship?"

Maud slowly nodded.

"I'd be glad to have you as my coltfriend, if you'd want to give... 'us', a try."

'Not even an hour on this planet and I've already committed myself to an inter-species relationship,' Zach thought. 'Well... I've known her about as long as I have every other lady I've taken to bed, but now there's a reason for me to stay.'

He thought back to his time spent in the Alpha training and all of the freaky things that some of the 'psychologists' had gone through with him, wanting only to use his enhanced stamina for a night before returning to his training and medical evaluations. Not much time to form a relationship when one is sent on a mission to search the outer reaches of the Universe and not expected to come home in the next millennium, if at all.

But now here he was, a whole new world that he could settle on, start a family on, somewhere to take root and live a happy and fulfilling life. Here was a wo-mare, who was willing to start something with the Alpha. Not only that, but never before was his drive to just... do what they had done, with any women from Earth. Maybe it had to do with the bestial enhancements he had received, and that 'ponies' were likely a recently evolved species, but something urged him further to please her more than those five lab assistants with that crocodile-themed...

'Wait, what was I thinking about? Right, Maud!'

Zach smiled at Maud before planting his lips on hers once more, pulling away to nuzzle into her mane.

"I'd be glad to, Maud."

She pulled her arms up to wrap them around Zach's head before nuzzling into his neck.

'God, her fur is so soft,' Zach reflected as he ran his hands along her thighs.

A hand crept along Zach's right asscheek, causing him to whip his head about to see Limestone biting her lip.

"Celestia, you could break a Diamond on these," she said as she gave him a squeeze.

"Could you not?" Zach asked.

"I would back off, but just let me jack off," Limestone said as she ran her fingers about her nether lips.

"Right, but could you not, though?"

The sound of hooves on the stairs signaled the approach of another, Cloudy Quartz walking in and smiling.

"My my, just look at this stud sandwich," she commented, leaning on the door frame as one of her hands cupped the underside of her right tit, her fingertips teasing the areola.

'God no,' Zach thought, pleading that their mother wouldn't join in.

'GOD YES!' Sergeant Johnson rallied, praying that the MILF would join in.

Maud grunted as she felt Zach pulsate inside her.

"Zach," she moaned.

Zach looked down to see that he was indeed starting to fly at full sail once again, blood rushing South at the thought of being erect before three mares in this small room.

"Oh... uh, should I... pull out?" he asked awkwardly.

"Yeah, I need to wash up."

Zach nodded before slowly, almost painfully retreating from Maud's warmth. He hissed as his wet phallus was met with the cold sensation of air, throbbing at full length in need of another mare's touch. The Alpha backed away and stood up to let Maud off of her bed, pulling her up to her hooves. She smiled and nodded.

"What a gentlecolt," Quartz commented as she moved into the room.

Zach watched with a mixed expression as Maud walked out the door, a trail of their mixed fluids leaking down her thigh. Limestone stood between Zach and the door (as well as his armor) while Mrs. Quartz held aloft a large stone being suspended by a string. Zach gazed into the dark grey gem, the trinket seemingly having lost its color long ago.

"What is that?" he asked.

"This, is the Pairing Stone," Mrs. Quartz answered. "It's a relic passed down from generation to generation of the Pie family, belonging to my mother, Pumpkin Pie, before giving it to me to help find my stallion. Marble used it to find Tissue, and I believe that it could help you with Maud."

"How so?"

"Because she wasn't able to get anything out of it when she held it close. Usually, when somepony holds it close, they'd see either themselves finding somepony, or somepony finding them. But Maud... she can't see anything past a few blurs. She once said she saw something orange," she said, casting a glance to Zach's armor, "and I think you may have something to do with that."

"... Alright, so... what do I need to do?"

Cloudy Quartz held the necklace out before Zach.

"Take it and hold it up to your eyes."

Zach grabbed the necklace and held it aloft before him, staring into the faded gemstone in the center. At first, it just seemed like any ordinary greyed-out gem, but as he peered into its center, his vision started to fade. Distorted images began to flash through his mind. The scenery around him suddenly changed entirely.

The Alpha found himself standing atop a hill in what looked to be the middle of nowhere, surrounded by grass on every side. He heard laughter from his left and turned to face the source. There she was, Maud Pie. She smiled warmly at him in a way that made his heart soar through his chest, walking up to him before planting a kiss on his cheek.

"You doing alright?" she asked.

"Yeah," Zach answered in the vision. "Just checking their progress."

His vision turned back to the empty field, only to find that it was now occupied with what looked like a military training facility, complete with barracks, an obstacle course (currently filled with around 200 figures), and an airstrip that was laid out with three towers, one of which had an AA-gun. A flag that resembled the insignia of the Alpha Project flew over the five-story building to the left of the compound, sporting an AA-gun on each of its four corners.

"You two doing alright?" another voice said.

Zach and Maud turned to see two more mares approaching. Zach was barely able to make out the sight of wings on one and two smaller ponies in the other mare's arms before everything started to fade.

Zach shook his head as he stumbled back, trying to regain his senses of the physical world. He held the gem out and looked around.

"You saw something," Mrs. Quartz said with a smile. "I recognize that look."

"I did. I saw... I saw something like a military base, and Maud was there, we were looking over it on a hill," Zach said.

"Nice! Guess that means you'll stay with Maud then?" Limestone said.

"It didn't just show me that, though. There were... two other mares there. I couldn't make out anything about them, but one had big wings, and another was holding two children."

"Oh, so you'll end up with a herd," Mrs. Quartz said. "Good. A bigger family is a happier family."

"I'm sorry, herd? What does that have to do with me seeing two other mares? Am I going to have to choose between Maud and those two at some point?"

"Why would you do that?" Limestone asked. "If the pairing stone says you're going to get three wives, why argue?"

'Don't ruin this for us, Shitlord!'

"Three wives? I... I'm just now barely wrapping my mind around the fact that I've found intelligent life on another planet, along with the fact that I'm apparently going to marry someone who, by all intents and purposes, is an alien, who I've already had sex with, and now I'm being told that future visions are telling me that I'm going to end up marrying three mares on this planet?"

"Well," Mrs. Quartz said, rubbing her arm, "I suppose I could see how that's a lot to take in."

"Yeah, a lot to take in," Limestone said as she gazed at Zach's moist member.

'Okay, I need to get my pants back on.'


'Stand down, Gunnery Sergeant! I'm ordering you and your company to stand down!'


"Right, so I'll just be getting this then," Zach said as he pointed to his armor.

Limestone looked behind her to see his armor and then moved to let him pass. However, when she moved, she bumped into Maud's desk and cursed as she backed up. Looking over the desk, Limestone's eyes went wide when she saw a paper on top.

"Oh, shit!" she shouted. "Maud and I were supposed to catch the train to Ponyville ten minutes from now and the station's half an hour away! We're gonna miss Pinkie's party!"

"Oh, goodness, now I remember why we were trying to get you girls out of the house with an early lunch!" Mrs. Quartz said as she brought a hand to her forehead.

"Wait, what's going on?" Zach asked as he slipped on his underwear.

"We were supposed to go to a town called Ponyville for our sister's birthday party! Ugh, we even made her a special cake and everything!"

"... Well, you might not miss it," Zach said as he pulled up his synthetic kevlar pants.

"What? How would we not miss it? Do you have a way there?"

Zach gave Limestone a deadpan stare.

"No. The alien who arrived to your farm, in a spaceship traveling over eighteen times the speed of sound, has no method of moving faster than a train."

"... You're a dick."

"As if you don't want it."


"What's going on?"

The two turned to see Maud approach, freshly out of the shower and dripping a bit, her fur clinging to her body to further accentuate her curvaceous form as she ran a towel over her mane.

"Your sister's mad because you guys missed your train and somehow forgot that I got here in a fully functioning spaceship that could get us anywhere on this planet in about an hour."

"That sounds like her," Maud said as she folded the green towel up. "So, we're going in your ship?"

"Sure," Zach said as he pulled his ballistic coat on. "I'll get you there in safety and style."

"I just hope we have enough time to have some family bonding time," Maud added with a smoking look.

'I have the power!'

"Sure... okay, yeah, so grab whatever you need," he said before Maud cupped his face, planting a kiss on his nose that brought a tint to the Alpha's face.

"I'll grab Pinkie's cake," Limestone said as she walked out of the room.

"I'll get that card that Igneous and I wrote," Mrs. Quartz said as she left.

"And I'll take my new coltfriend," Maud whispered as she booped Zach before sashaying her way out of the room.

"They're going to kill me," Zach realized. "But it'll be so damn worth it."


Bumpy Ride

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Maud hummed in thought as she looked over her assortment of accessories.

It was mostly jewelry that she had made herself over the past few years, a few from Pinkie's friend Rarity, and a collection of small dresses that Rarity said would, "accentuate her marely form". And now that she had time to reflect (mentally in the sense of her desire to be attractive and also literally as she held each one in front of her whilst looking in a mirror), she realized how much she must have owed that posh pony.

She stretched out the fabric of another piece of undergarments that wrapped around her taught cheeks, turning around and groping herself as she moved them to see how it looked.

The purple tone of the fabric matched her mane and tail nicely, but it felt uncomfortable to move around in. She remembered that Rarity said that pieces like these were often on for only a moment before being peeled off.

It was strange how she wanted to give Zach the same kind of treat that he unknowingly given her. Seeing the fabric peel off to show off what he had underneath... no wonder his society valued clothing. It made seeing his full natural self all the more appealing.

"Hey Maud, what are you up to?" Limestone asked as she poked her head into the room.

"I'm trying on some of the clothes that Pinkie's friend sent me to try and seduce Zach into rutting me the whole trip to Ponyville."

"Ah. Need a second opinion?"

Maud ran a hand down her stomach, feeling down to finger her slit. When she pulled it back, her finger tips were coated in her own and Zach's mixed fluids. She lapped it up and swirled it about her mouth before swallowing lightly. The burning in her nethers had subsided quite nicely when Zach came in her, more so than any other stallion she had before. Even now, though, she could still feel her inner need burn like an ember waiting to engulf her, and she needed him to extinguish the flame.


Limestone dug around in Maud's drawers and smiled when she pulled out some stockings.

"Hey Maud, what do you think of getting him into a threesome?"


Zach checked the ship's systems, leveling out the pressure in the rest of the ship while checking inventory. The ship's Molecular Converters were in full stock, currently running through several checks to ensure full capability. Zach thought about the vision that the strange stone had shown him, and pulled up schematics in the ship's database.

"Acheiles Anti-Air cannons, a Medical facility, automated turrets, a training facility... and plans to recreate the Alpha Serum. Yeah, it's all in here," he said to himself. "I can make the Serum and a facility like that... but why did it show me? What do I gain from training an army?"

A series of blinking lights drew his attention to the port console. Turning his seat, Zach examined the stream of data before sighing in relief.

"Thank God, nothing to worry about."

He had deposited 'samples' that were left over from his sexy times with Maud, and wanted to run them through several medical scanners to ensure that his dick wouldn't melt off or turn inside-out somehow. The results showed that, thankfully, the remnants of her orgasm were identical to those produced by any other mammalian female in a heat cycle. Curiously, he had also used a sample of her hair to determine whether or not the genetics would match up. He had doubts, naturally, since he was in a completely different Galaxy. But still, when one lands on a planet with an Earth-like composition filled with Carbon-based lifeforms that resembled amazonian beauties with fur and tails that loved to fuck, a little precaution had to be taken at some point.

"Motion sensors activated. Two lifeforms approaching."

Zach switched the view to the rear of the ship, and gaped at what he saw.

Maud and Limestone were both standing near the rear entrance to the ship, but they were wearing something that was oh-so-tantalizing. They wore a set of stockings and elbow-length gloves that matched the colors of their manes and tails, Maud's a pale purple while Limestone's were grey. A garter belt was clipped above their stockings, wrapping around their shapely waists as they held the fabrics on their legs by small belts. Limestone was carrying a white cake with pink edges while Maud had a bag slung over her shoulder, smirking.

"Zach, can you open this thing up?" Limestone shouted. "There's no doorknob."

Zach wordlessly pulled a lever, the ramp lowering towards the mares.


"AND ON THIS DAY, I WILL RISE!" Johnson shouted from the damned confines of Zach's trousers.

"And rise we shall," Zach agreed.


Maud walked up the ramp, wrinkling her nose as she tried to find any scent of her coltfriend.

'Or is it alienfriend?' she thought to herself. 'Maybe I'll ask Twilight. She seems like a nerdy enough type.'

"Hey, is it just me, or does this thing smell... not at all like a stallion stuck alone for 800 years?" Limestone asked.

"What were you expecting an alien spaceship to smell like?" Maud asked.

"I don't know, like... maybe jizz? Or musk? He's been in here 800 years without masturbating? I don't think there's a pony alive, no matter how timid or how reserved, can go at least a WEEK without jackin' it."

"You weren't there when he took off his armor. It was like a tidal wave of pure male virility washing over a barren island and bringing satisfaction to a mare dying of thirst."

"That poetry class did things to you, Maud."

"Kinky things."

"Oh, no doubt about it. So, where's the space stallion?"

"Down two levels!" Zach called out from a doorway.

Maud and Limestone's eyes widened when they saw that there was a stairway that lead down further than the ship should have gone.

"Hey, there wasn't anything under the ship when we were out there, right?" Limestone asked.

"Last time I saw it, no, there wasn't."

The two proceeded down the stairs slowly, the cold metal surfaces bringing a numbing sensation to their hooves, cutting through the silk stockings they wore. Limestone's nipples straightened out as she shuddered, the fur over her cleavage fluffing out a bit while Maud's body did the same, only with a stream of arousal dripping down the fur of her legs to stick the stocking to her.

Before they got more than halfway down the first flight of stairs, the mares were hit with a scent unlike any other. They stopped to breathe it in slowly and lustfully, Maud relishing the aftertaste as Limestone's nipples seemed to pulse as her arousal skyrocketed. It felt as though a freight train had made its way through her marehood and she was left wanting more. They pulled around the first landing and saw that Zach was waiting there, a smile on his face as his naked form stood tall, his hands on his hips and his erection throbbing in sync with his heartbeat. Maud smiled and licked her lips at the sight of the familiar phallus, while Limestone chuckled.

"Thought you had some kind of custom that you kept clothes on or something?"

"We Humans have an ideal methodology that has been passed down generations for such a time as this," Zach explained as he propped his hands on his hips. "'When in Rome, Fuck it'."

"Now that's a sentiment I can get behind," Maud said as she sashayed down the steps.

"But the view from the front is so nice," Zach said. "I would hate to miss seeing such a beautiful mare's face."

The two grappled onto one another before engaging in a (P)French kiss, the Human hooking an arm around the mare's assets to lift her into the air. Maud began to grind her supple chest into Zach's pectorals, her nipples burning as they made contact with his heated flesh. A second hand met Maud's other cheek as Zach hoisted her up by her thighs, his cock catching the droplets of juice from Maud's dripping entrance.

"Hey, as much as I'd love to watch you two go for it right here and now," Limestone said, "we kind of need to put this cake in a fridge. It's an ice-cream cake, after all."

Zach and Maud reluctantly separated, gasping for air as the Alpha set her down.

"Alright, alright. Let's toss this thing in a freezer, then."

Zach took the cake out of Limestone's hands, the mare thanking him before he turned into the entrance.

"Hey, by the way," Limestone said, "what's with this ship? How is it this big in here?"

"Nanomachines," Zach answered.


"Do you want me to sit here and lecture you for eight hours while this cake melts, or do you wanna get on with it?"

"Fair enough."


Maud and Limestone kept their eyes trained on Zach as he walked them through the ship's halls, claiming that this was only one floor of a dozen that had been constructed before being put into the ship. When asked about how that was done, he gave the same answer.


Limestone accepted it with a sigh of resignation, Maud not paying attention to anything above Zach's waistline. She had her eyes locked onto her greatest prize, followed closely by two second place plates of steel. She watched his finely toned flank cheeks as he walked them about, his words a white noise as Maud's heartbeat overtook her sense of hearing. Zach was still fully erect, swinging about with each step.

'You know, I'm kind of regretting this decision,' Zach thought to himself, trying to not hurt Sergeant Johnson as he walked slowly.

"I think I'm gonna be sick," Johnson said. "Quick, stick me in one of them!"

'Give me a minute, we need to make them comfortable.'

"And, here we are," Zach said as he proudly turned his erection to the mares, waving his hand towards a door that was sliding upwards. "The Captain's personal bedchambers."

Maud and Limestone were motioned to walk in first, their tails brushing by Zach's privates ("That's Sergeant, DAMNIT!") as they went inside. The room was sparsely decorated, the same steel plating the walls as all of the others. This one, Maud noticed, had a fine wooden desk with a collection of stones set up on top of it, more stone fragments decorating the wall above it. Limestone found a series of strange pins and ribbons on the opposite wall. In the center of the room, the mares turned to notice, was a massive bed, easily more than anything they had in their homes. It was as thought all of the beds in the guest room were laid together in a single mattress. The sheets were a fine rose color, an excellent contrast to their coats and lingerie, with a small fridge next to the bed. Limestone opened it to find a collection of water bottles made of plastic, no wrappers or anything on them.

"Nice setup you've got here, Zach," Limestone says as she lays down on the bed. "Oh, so comfy. Is this what a cloud feels like?"

"It's nice," Maud says, laying her back on the covers before spreading herself to the Alpha, "but it's about to get stained."

The mares shot him smoldering looks, Limestone teasing her nipples while Maud gripped the backs of her knees. Zach smiled to them before approaching.

"All men to forward! Prepare for boarding!"

Zach grabbed Maud's midsection by either side before lowering himself over her, his tongue and hers already reaching out to greet one another. As their tongues met, their lips followed soon after, with Zach's erection grinding over the folds of Maud's entrance. The mare shuddered and groaned as she felt his heat so close to her core, the familiar curve of his dick teasing her to the edge already.

Limestone watched with a grin that faltered as she began to finger her own slit, leaning against the padded headboard before grabbing a pillow to put behind her. Now comfortable, she pushed two fingers into her snatch, flexing them in an attempt to feign the spreading feeling of a stallion. She let out a throaty moan as she tried to scratch that insatiable itch within.

Maud's eyes widened before she tapped Zach's shoulder, pushing him away a bit.

Zach retracted his tongue and ceased grinding as he gave Maud a look of concern.

"What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" he asked.

"No, that was amazing, but this is supposed to be for you," she said, jabbing a finger at his shoulder. "Now lay down."

Zach raised an eyebrow.


"Lay down and let us treat you."

"Do as she says!"

Zach did as he was told, laying down onto the bed as Maud stood up. She motioned for Limestone to get up as well, the mare letting out a defeated groan as she withdrew her fingers. The mares huddled together, their backs and asses to him, before Maud started whispering. Zach tuned the words out, wanting to respect her privacy and to enjoy whatever surprise she was thinking up.

The mares turned around, Maud and Limestone sashaying their hips as they approached the bed. The two knelt down in front of his member, muzzle-to-cock, before planting their tongues at his base at the same time.

Zach hissed and gave the sheets a death-like grip as he felt their hot, wet tongues make contact with the underside of his cock. The mares began to lick upwards, as though sampling a treat of high quality, before they started to get into it. Maud let her tongue drag itself lower, tasting the salty remnants of his own release mix with her juices from earlier as she approached his sack. Her hand went up to cup the daddy-bags, the weight similar to a bit-purse more than a stallion's junk. They were swollen to the point where she could fit the entire set in her palm, begging for relief as she traced the curvature with her tongue.

Limestone, however, went higher than her sister did, wrapping her tongue around the top part of his shaft before lightly tracing circles around his head. She had never had the pleasure of seeing a tip of such a shape, and she wanted to memorize it by feel and taste alone. Beads of pre sometimes spurted out from his tip before she lapped the dollops up, swallowing it down to savor its bitterness.

Zach panted from the assault, feeling them give his junk a workout unlike any he had before. Their tongues were somewhat longer and slightly warmer than a Human woman's own, and could reach farther. As such, when Limestone wrapped hers around the head of his dick, she encompassed the entire thing. Maud's search towards the lower part of his manhood had lead her to his sack, which had not received such a treatment in his entire lifetime, the mare seeming to try and get him to cum from just her fondling.

"G-girls," Zach panted, "I-I'm... I-I'm gonna cum!"

"Yeah, let's taste it then," Limestone said as she ran her tongue over the edge of his head.

Maud lifted her head to join her sister's ministrations, the mares occasionally touching their tongues together to share a bead of whatever dribbled out. As they did, the two came closer to this head, their faces leaning towards Zach's crotch before he shouted.


As Zach came, the mares locked their lips around Zach's member, making out as they did so. Zach watched in awe as the mares kissed over the head of his cock, the sight hammering another rope of cum out faster than before, the desire to have them remain having him trying to stick them together like that. He could feel their tongues roll over one another's as his fluids rushed to meet them, the moans stimulating him further as they groped each others breasts.

When the Alpha's high came down, he watched as the mares separated slowly, a string of cum connecting their tongues as they turned their eyes to him, licking up what white liquid dripped down their mouths. He heard them both swallow loudly at once, the mares breathing deeply as they reeled back from the experience.

"Wow," Limestone started, "what was hot. Never knew you'd think of something like that, Maud."

"And now it's time for this to get interesting," she said, standing up.

Maud gently pushed her hands on Zach's shoulders, pushing the Alpha's back to the bed before straddling his still erect cock.

"Now it's time for the main event," she said before planting herself on the still wet phallus.

As Zach felt his tip enter Maud's lower lips, he felt a pair of hands grip his shoulders. Looking up, Zach was greeted by an ass framed by white stockings, a pair of glistening lips lowering over him as Limestone spoke.

"Why don't you return the favor?"

Zach wasted no time in grabbing the mare's supple ass, bringing her flower to his face before planting a kiss to her. Limestone gasped as she felt him make out with her netherlips, smiling as she felt someone press into her for the first time in more than three months. Her dry spell finally over, Limestone ran her hands through her mane as she relished the sensation of a tongue inside of her pussy, tasting all the mare had to give.

As she bounced on Zach's face, her ass cheeks cushioning the upper part of his head as he squeezed and pulled at the succulent mounds, Limestone glanced to her sister. Maud's face was tinted heavily with a massive blush, the mare slamming herself down onto the Human's dick like her life depended on it. She watched as her sister bounced up and down, riding the Alpha while moaning like a high school mare in her first heat. Maud's bust jiggled lightly, the purple nipples looking hard enough to cut diamonds.

Acting in the heat of the moment, Limestone leaned down to suckle on her sister's tits, grabbing Maud by the hips to lean the two of them closer.

Maud cried out as she reached her first orgasm, her juices raining onto Zach's lap as he continued to thrust into her from below like a jackhammer. The sudden warmth clamping around her nipples drove her over the edge and kept her teetering as she felt her sister's tongue on her breasts while Zach's heartbeat pounded along her inner walls as they clamped over his cock.

Limestone moaned when she felt Maud's hands travel towards her own breasts, teasing her nipples and rolling her thumbs over them while Zach ate her out, drinking down her own streaming cum. The continued stimulation from the tongue in her pussy and the grip on her nips drove the mare into bliss, Limestone releasing her sister as she cried in ecstasy.

The mares continued to grind against the Alpha, riding out his stamina as they played with one another while he set into them like an animal. Even when he was underneath them, he proved to have dominance over the mares. They played with one another, suckled each others tits, made out and did everything they could to ride the high of the threesome, coming to climax three more times each before Zach started to show signs of cumming again.

He made a muffled sound from Limestone's rear before thrusting into Maud once more. The mare cried out as the sudden burst of hot cum painting her insides pushed her into the fourth orgasm of the moment, this one so intense that she fell forward, landing her face between Limestone's breasts as she felt the hard throbbing of Zach's member pulse inside of her.

As the climate of the room settled down somewhat, Limestone found herself grinding one last orgasm out on Zach's face, the Alpha finally reaching her most sensitive spot at the last second. She fell to the side, revealing Zach's wet, sweaty face, a predatory glare fading in his eyes as he panted. Maud grabbed his face and pulled herself up to make out with him, the tastes of their juices mixing into a fine cocktail of sweet and sour.

Limestone sat up, glancing around the room, before she spoke.

"Hey, didn't we have to go somewhere?"

Zach and Maud pulled back as their eyes widened.


Party Crashers

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"So why are we here again?" Limestone asked.

Zach sighed as he fastened the safety bar over Maud, stealing a quick kiss on her lips before retreating to his own seat.

"Because the momentum from the ship's speed will leave you with a broken back and your insides on the outside from flying into walls," Zach answered. "Now, I'm going to pull up a map and you tell me where we're going, alright?"

Zach ushered in the commands to the central console as his seat fastened him in, a large projection of Equestria taking up the screen.

"Whoa, how are you doing this?" Limestone asked.

"The map or the projection?"

"The map," Maud said. "How do you have such an accurate image of Equestria if you've only been here for about two hours?"

"Small automated flying machines called 'Drones' fly around with mounted cameras and send images back to the ship."

"Interesting. I wonder if this can take pictures of everypony in Equestria," Limestone mused.

"For what?" Zach asked.

"Masturbating," she answered.

'Of course.'

"So, where on this map do we need to go?" Zach asked.

"There, near the southern forest," Maud said, "the town with the big purple castle off to the side."

Zach scrolled the image and zoomed in to find the massive crystalline castle sitting next to a relatively modest town, with houses roofed with thatch and a large number of naked ponies in the streets, nearly all mares. When the zoom came in close enough, Zach could make out a few ponies walking towards a strange building that looked as though it were made of candy, a cupcake sitting atop.

"Shit, looks like Pinkie's party's starting!" Limestone said. "How fast can we get there?"

"Fast enough," Zach said, smirking as he cracked his knuckles. "Ladies, hold on to your titties."

Maud and Limestone grasped their breasts on the command, shuddering as they felt the entire world around them lurch as they moved upward. The view on the main screen changed to that of the area around the rock farm, the ponies now able to see the view the way a Pegasus would.

"And here... we... GO!" Zach shouted, pushing a lever a third of the way.

The ship suddenly shot forward, the crack of the sound barrier shattering trailing behind them as Maud and Limestone were thrown into the backs of their seats.

"HRRI SHHHCK!" Limestone tried to shout, unable to adjust to the sudden burst of momentum.

The imagery on the screen blurred by in a haze to the mares, unable to define anything that they were passing anymore than its color. Maud felt her jiggly bits juggle furiously as her seat shook about, the strange makeup of the seat conforming to her shapely flanks in a strangely comforting way.

Zach leaned forward in his seat as he hollered like a maniac, slightly turning the grip in front of him. The ship then tilted in the same direction, a tall pillar of stone barely missing as they zoomed straight past it.

"Damn, missed the feeling of G-force in flight!" he said.

"GRGWM VRRE!?" Limestone ... said?

"Just a few more seconds!" Zach said.

As he said, after a few seconds more, the ship started to slow down enough that Limestone and Maud could push themselves upwards, and not long after, they ended up feeling the ship slow to a near crawl over time.

"Holy shit," Limestone gasped as she sat up. "What. The actual. Shit."

"I know, wasn't that awesome?"

"I think I lost all feeling in my tits," Maud said.

"Well... I could check for you," Zach said, approaching her seat from behind.

The safety bar released, rising over Maud and into the chair as Zach's arms reach around. As his hands slowly clasped Maud's mammaries, she gave a content sigh. The Human ran his fingers over her soft and supple bosom, tracing around her areolas with the tips of his fingers. He began to softly knead them as Maud brought her hands over his, moving up and down his forearms to encourage him further.

Zach smiled as he brought his face into the crook of her neck, inhaling deeply as he kissed her.

"Shouldn't we be getting to Pinkie's party first?" Limestone asked.

Zach and Maud sighed as they parted, the mare looking to his eyes as she gave him a wink and smirk.

"We can continue at the party," she said.

"Alright, I'll go get the cake, then. You two can head on out and let them know you've got a plus one."

Zachary typed a command into the ship's console as it settled on the earth, the Alpha walking into the depths of the ship as Maud and Limestone approached the exit.

"Seriously, that was not the ride I wanted when we got on here," Limestone said.

"Don't worry, you'll get your turn," Maud said. "Eventually."


Zach slid on a pair of black briefs before pulling out a pair of black cargo pants from the steel drawer. Next to the bed was a pair of black combat boots and a white t-shirt.

'May be alright when it's just Maud and her sister,' Zachary thought to himself, but I'll be damned if I just... commit to this nudist thing in the span of three hours.'

"Been quite the hours, eh?" Johnson asked.

'So are you just a permanent voice in my head now?'


'Great. The gypsy was right after all.'

"A tongue like that can never be wrong."

"Alright, enough talking to my genitals, I need to deliver this cake," Zach said as he slipped on his boots.

He ran a hand over the edge of the boot's heel, and nodded when he felt a familiar shape nestling within.

"Never hurts to be ready for the worst."


Zach walked down the ramp, cake in hand, and saw Maud waiting for him at the bottom. She smiled up to him and strut a pose, her hands over her garter belt as she leaned to the left.

"I thought you were comfortable with nudity now," she said.

"When it's with just you and one other person, I'd be fine," Zach said. "But if you're asking me to come into town and strut around with my dick swinging back and forth? Not for a while, sorry."

"That's alright, it means that what I see is special."

The two shared a chaste kiss before Zach spoke again.

"Where's Limestone?"

"She went off to Sugar Cube Corner for the party, probably trying to get somepony inside of her."


"She wanted some of you in her before, but she said she couldn't take the tease any longer."

"Well, I suppose I am quite the catch," Zach said, flexing his left arm.

Maud smiled as she ran her fingers over his bulk, his skin radiating a fine heat as she pressed herself against him.

"Mmm, I'll say~," Maud purred as she pushed her hand underneath his sleeve.

"Careful, this thing might melt," Zach said, bringing his hand back to the ice cream cake.

"Right. Let's get going, then."

"After you."

Maud began to sway her hips as she walked in front of Zach, casting a glance back with her seductive look as her tail swung about gently over her shapely ass.

Zach found himself entranced by the light bounce to her step as her finely toned rear shifted before him, his mouth watering as his nethers hardened. The stockings that hitched up to right underneath the curve of her cheeks only made them more enticing, the Alpha licking his lips as he watched them in motion.

The sounds of gasps and hushed whispers broke him out of the trance, the Human blinking as he turned about to look around.

Everywhere he looked, there were ponies. Shapely mares, tall, short, thin, thick, all attractive in all the right ways, bare naked in the open and all had their eyes on him. They were all far more varied in color than what he was expecting, with far more pastel shades than the simple greys that he had associated with Maud and her kin. All of them watched Zach as he walked by, talking in quiet voices to one another and generally bemused by his mere presence.

'Well, at least no one's throwing shit at me,' he thought.

Something, however, caught his eye. When he and Maud turned a corner, Zach saw a duo of ponies spread massive pairs of wings, feathered and colored to the rest of their bodies, take to the air. Glancing up, Zach saw a sky full of gorgeous moons and flowers. Mares were flying overhead, all towards a single building in the open space in the center of the small town. A crowd was gathering in the midst of the area, a wall of mares forming before them.

However, the attention was not on the actual space alien, but rather something that neither Maud nor Zach could see.

"The Hell's going on?" Zach asked.

"And you better get out of here, jerkwad!" they heard Limestone shout.

"Ah, crap," Maud said. "Sounds like she got into an argument."

"And I told you, pony," another voice shouted, "your drakes are ours!"

A roar pierced the air, causing the crowded mares to scream and flee from the area, revealing Limestone being stared down by-


In the clearing stood five tall Dragons, each one standing nearly two full meters in height above the ponies. They were covered head-to-clawed toe in small scales that glistened in the sunlight, with spines going from the tops of their heads down their backs and over the tops of their tails. Four of them sported a somewhat small pair of breasts, around B cups if he had to guess, their small sizes complementing their thin frames well enough to get a rise out of Zach, save for the one at the front of the pack with what looked to be a set of D cups propped up by her crossed arms.

The one with the D's had black scales over most of her body, though her midsection up to her jaw was covered in scales that were a stark white, with piercing red slit eyes and horns that curled nearly two feet down before curling behind her back.


The black dragon lady smirked as a puff of smoke ejected from her nostrils, causing Limestone to back away with a coughing fit. As she did, the dragon's tail reeled back and swung at Limestone's legs, sending the mare onto her back before she was kicked across the open grass. She tumbled to a stop at the hooves of a short and stout pink mare with a wild and messy pink mane and tail.

"Limey!" the mare shouted.

"Limestone!" Maud said, charging at the Dragon.


Maud ran past her sister and growled as she reared back a fist. Two of the other Dragons, however, flew straight to Maud and barrelled into her, knocking her back and holding her arms to the side while their tails wrapped around her legs. The two Dragons, the one holding Maud's left side red while the other was brown, chuckled as their tails began to pull down her stockings, the garter belt snapping as they forced her only articles of clothing off.

Something inside of Zach's mind snapped as he felt his blood begin to boil. The veins over his arms and face began to highlight underneath his skin as he growled in anger at seeing Maud being forced into submission.

"Stupid pony thinks she can stand up to Blackflame?" the red one snickered. "Ha!"

"Yeah, all your stallions belong to us now," the brown one said, "deal with it."

"Quiet, bitches," Blackflame said as she approached the bound pony. "I think I can smell male on her."

Blackflame's tail slowly drifted towards Maud's hips, the tip of the tail's flat spade-shaped spike brushing open the lips of her marehood. Maud gasped as she felt her essence leaking from her nethers as the Dragon invaded her. Blackflame's tail pulled back with a smear of sticky white substance on the end. She brought it up to her nostrils and sniffed it, smirking before running a long, narrow forked tongue over it.

"She's been bred recently," Blackflame said. "Which means there must be a male nearby."

Blackflame chuckled as she brought the tip of her tail's spade to Maud's throat.

"Where is your mate?" she growled out.

"Right here, cunt!" Zach shouted as he reared his arm back.

Blackflame and the other Dragons turned to see something being tossed into the air above them. While their eyes were locked on the pastry, Zach ducked down and sprinted as fast as he could towards the black Dragon, his knuckles cracking as he clenched his fists. With a look of sheer rage burned onto his face, Zach charged at Blackflame before bracing his shoulder and checking her in the gut as hard as he could.


"GUH!" Blackflame grunted as she felt something inside her body break.


Zach reeled a fist back before delivering a solid uppercut to the underside of Blackflame's jaw. As the scales of her hide cut into the flesh over Zach's knuckles, several sharp, curved teeth flew out of her maw as the Dragon flew back from the hit. Using the momentum of his uppercut, Zach came off of the ground and spun about in the air before delivering a roundhouse kick to the Dragon's gut, sending her to the ground nearly a dozen meters away.

Dirt flew up from the impact of the Dragon slamming down from the assault as Zach came down hard. He turned to face the Dragons holding Maud in place, glaring at them as his eyes seemed to ignite. He barred his teeth and growled as he pounded his chests, his actions submitting to his primal instincts.

"You want me you fucking shits!?" he said, pounding on his chest. "Here I fucking am! Get some!"

The Dragons began to release Maud before backing away, stumbling over one another before taking to the skies. The other two Dragons, one white and one green, looked between themselves before flying away as well.

"Holy shit, run!" one of them shouted as they flew off.

While they retreated, Zach kept his eyes on them, screaming his lungs out as they flew.

"Yeah, that's right, fuck off! This isn't your territory, it's MINE! And if you want them, YOU'D BETTER FUCKING KILL ME FI-"


Zach felt something collide with the back of his neck before the world turned black.


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Maud gasped as she watched Zach fall to the dirt face-first, running up to his immobile form.

"Zach!" she cried out.

Just as she came close to his body, a Royal Guardsmare swooped down, her wings flared as she leveled her spear at Maud.

"Stay back!" she said. "This thing is dangerous!"

"That thing is my coltfriend." Maud growled back.

She reached the iron tip of the mare's spear and crushed it in her palm, the metal briefly screeching as it gave way to the Earth mare's innate strength.

The Guardsmare gulped as she backed away from the glaring mare. Maud crouched down to check Zach's unconscious form, his skin practically burning her as she touched his neck. She pulled her hand away and waved it about in the air, glad that he had a pulse but scared of his sudden increase in body heat.

"Maud, you need to get away from that thing!"

Maud turned around to see nopony else but Princess Twilight Sparkle approaching. The Earth pony mare narrowed her eyes at the lavender alicorn, not caring for the crown nor the bracelets that signified her status amongst the royalty. She hurt her mate, and she would be given just as intimate a relationship with the ground.

"Twilight, what did you do," Maud said, clenching her fists.

"I used a series of sleeping spells to stop that thing from hurting anypony."

"His name," Maud said, "is Zach."

Twilight sighed as she approached the Earth pony.

"Maud, I want to trust you, but I just saw that, 'Zach' thing punch out a fully grown dragon with one uppercut. How can you tell for certain that it won't do the same to us?"

"Twilight," Pinkie said, bouncing over to the mares. "Maud! I'm so so so sooooo sorry my party went so bad for everypony! I just wanted to get my doughnut filled with jelly and then those meanie-bo-beanies came out of nowhere, and not in the fun way, and nabbed Big Mac and his friends!"

The pink mare wrapped her arms around her sister and friend, shoving their faces to her large bust and rubbed them about.

"Please please pleeeeease don't start fighting now! I can't stand to see so many ponies upset and hurt, especially today!"

Twilight forced herself off of Pinkie's massive chest as Maud returned Pinkie's hug.

"It's alright, little sister," Maud said. "I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at Twilight for attacking my coltfriend."

Pinkie gasped.

"Oh my gosh, you have a coltfriend!?"

Pinkie dropped to her knees and gave her sister's pussy a long lick. She pulled away, smacked her lips and stood back up.

"Oh, my sister's got a real coltfriend! Yippie!" she said, bouncing about.

"Pinkie, this is a serious matter," Twilight said. "We don't know what her 'coltfriend' even is! For all we know, it could be a Changeling in disguise or-"


All of the mares in the area stopped when the heard the primal growl.

Twilight, Pinkie and Maud turned to Zach's previously prone form. Now, his entire body seemed to be radiating a significant level of heat, his skin glowing a furious red as his veins were highlighted. Slowly he stood, rolling his neck while barring his teeth like a hound, eyes locked solely on Twilight.

"Girls, get back!" Twilight said, spreading her wings and igniting her horn.

"Twilight, wait," Maud said, moving to intercept her.

A magenta blast from Twilight's horn shot forth and slammed into Zachary's pectorals, the magic incinerating his clothes. In that moment, his bare skin rippled and shined as the magic tried to dig in. However, everypony gazed in shock as the bolt ricocheted off of him, striking the ground with the searing blast. Several mares jumped back as charred dirt and burning grass flew away from the impact.

Zachary just stood there, cracking his knuckles and flexing his muscles subconsciously. His skin started to change color all over his body, changing from tanned to purple and gray before changing back to his paler form.

There he stood, free of all clothing in view of all the mares in Ponyville, displaying himself like a prime cut steak at an auction. Yet the mares all stood back, afraid of this strange foreign male. His muscles were massive, he stood taller than everypony, and his scent, while already wetting several dozens whistles, struck a primal fear into the minds of everypony there.

Zachary eyed up the mare that attacked him like one would a child caught with their hand down their pants at church. She was a purple pony with wings and a horn protruding from her forehead, parting her dark purple bangs, which carried two bright streaks through them. This pony had a modest figure, with finely shaped hips and a nicely shaped butt, though he noted that her chest was quite small, barely past an A-cup. Looking into her eyes, he saw that fear dominated her gaze.

Twilight gulped as her eyes shrunk in fear of the apex predator before her, her small frame starting to shiver. In all of her life, she was certain that she had faced off against the most powerful of foes. She had gone hoof-to-hoof with a pony capable of moving the Moon with a thought, survived a battle with the Lord of Chaos, fought off an evil Changeling Queen and her hive during her brother's wedding, stopped a demonic entity from destroying all of Equestria and stopped a crazy cultist from destroying time itself.

Yet, right now, none of them seemed to be nearly as frightening. Nightmare Moon was overwhelmed by culture shock and was easy to distract with a well-executed daisy chaining, Discord hardened and softened up after becoming intimate with Fluttershy, the Changelings were entirely on her side now, Starlight was her new student and even Tirek wasn't bloodthirsty, only angry and sought justice for what he had suffered.

This creature, right now, made Twilight feel like prey, and not in the role-playing kind that she had with the Griffon ambassador. She thought as though she were even more naked and exposed now under its gaze, despite never wearing much at all after turning 18. A shiver ran down her spine, her wings folding in as she took a step back from the eyes of the apex predator.

"Zach, calm down," Maud said, stepping between him and Twilight.

Zach's gaze softened when he saw Maud and approached the grey mare.

"Maud, are you alright? Did they hurt you? Did any of them do things to you?" he asked, grabbing her by the shoulders.

Maud responded with a kiss, leaning up to catch the Alpha's tongue and pulled him down. He responded in kind by scooping up her thighs and pressing them together. Parting, Maud replied.

"I'm fine. You had me worried, though. I thought Twilight could have hurt you like that."

Zach chuckled as he set her down, his erection bobbing between them.

"Like a little light show can outclass these guns," he said, flexing his arms.

Several mares behind him started to drool.


Zach turned to see Limestone standing there with the cake in her hands.

"Nice throw, genius," she said. "You almost ruined Pinkie's su-"


"You got me a cake!?" Pinkie screeched, her face popping out from the pastry as she jumped up through it.

Frosting and cake splattered all over Limestone and Pinkie, the latter of whom decided it would be appropriate to lick it off of her sister's face before hugging her tightly.

"Oh, mom's lemon ice-cream surprise! Thank you soooooo much!"

"Great, now I need a shower," Limestone said. She gave Zach a saucy look. "Would you care to join?"

Zach looked at Maud, who gave him a smile.

"Only if I can wash your back."

"Life is good." Johnson said.



"Holy shit!"

Zach looked up to see another pony running up to them, crouching down to check on the purple pony... who had fainted, apparently.

'When did that happen?'

"Probably when we were making out with Maud."

This new pony had a purple mane with a streak of light blue, pink fur and quite a plump figure, sporting a healthy pair of tits as big as Maud's own. This one, though, had only a horn on her head.

"What the fuck is going on!? First the Changelings near the Everfree, then Dragons and now..." she paused to look over Zach. "And now we've got an alien S-T-U-D, how ya doing?" she asked, adopting a sly look while spreading her knees.


"Hey, we seem to have had some trouble coming into town earlier," Limestone said. "Think you can help Princess Pansy here up?"

"Oh, shit! Right!" she said, picking up the purple mare. "Sorry, where are my manners? I'm Starlight Glimmer, and this unconscious little thing is Princess Twilight Sparkle."

'... Princess...'

"Oh crap. Don't think ladies like passing out from fear."

"I think she and my coltfriend may have gotten off on the wrong hoof," Maud said.

"How could anypony get off wrong on those," Starlight said, staring at Zach's abs.

"She blasted me in the back of the head."

"Oh, well, I'm sure that we could work through this with a good old fashioned meet-n'-fuck."

"And what about that one?" Zach asked, pointing a thumb at the unconscious Dragoness, whose face had already healed from his earlier assault.

"Oh, I'm sure the Guards will take care of it."


"Princess Celestia!" a Guardsmare shouted upon breaching the Throne Room.

"Yes, Guardsmare?" Celestia said, pulling a vibrator from her snatch.

"We've received word from Ponyville that something terrible has happened!"

"Such as?" the Princess said, passing her toy to a maid who began to lick it clean.

"First, one of the Ambassadors of Princess Twilight decided to have a large gathering for her birthday, but Dragonesses took most of the town's stallions and made off with them to the Everfree Forest!"

"That is most troubling to hear," Celestia said, standing from her throne. "I shall combat these horny scalies post haste. Alert my sister."

"We've already told her, your majesty, but, something else transpired in its wake."

"Did they hurt anypony else?"

"No, something... strange, arrived, they said. A large metal... thing, appeared from the sky and brought a creature, supposedly nearing your own size, who proceeded to attack the Dragonesses and scare them off. Princess Twilight engaged the creature, but it seems to be immune to magic!"

"This is most troubling indeed. We might very well need to don our old combat armor if we wish to fight it. Where was it last seen?"

"Reports say that it followed Princess Twilight's student, Starlight Glimmer, to the Castle of Friendship. I believe it to be noteworthy that they made sure to let us know that it is very, very male. They even went so far as to say they came from the sheer intoxication of its aroma."

"Hmm... What was this creature like?"

"The report said that it was bald almost all over its body, save for its head. They also said it has a flat face, walked on strange platforms instead of hooves, and its penis looked as though its tip were a mushroom."

Princess Celestia gasped, her knees closing together as the thought of what that description meant.

"I must go into the archives! Send word to Princess Luna that the creature is to not be attacked!"

"What about sex? Can she subdue the beast with her mighty moon?"

"We can only hope that it shows mercy on her rear, lest we may end up leaving Equestria quivering for mercy."


It was a strange day, Zach realized.

He had landed on an alien planet, fucked a hot alien babe, proceeded to then attack a dragon with massive breasts who dared almost rape his beloved babe before him, got shot by a Princess and intimidated the Princess with his mere presence to the point where she passed out.

"And also jizzed herself," Sergeant Johnson reminded.

'Right, not like I can ignore it, you know,' Zach thought to himself.

Currently, he was being escorted to the Princess' castle (the giant purple crystal tree thing that literally no one could miss) while carrying said Princess, her ass, pucker and pussy facing towards him as she limply hung over his shoulder. Over his other shoulder sat Maud, fully upright with her breasts pressed against the side of his head, who demanded that she be carried as well as she said it looked like fun. As he walked on, she decided to start grinding on his biceps while moaning into his ear. In front of him were Starlight Glimmer and Limestone, who were busy talking about how Zach had arrived.

"And then, just when I told her to get her flank home for lunch, we hear this weird screeching sound above us! We looked around to see if some Griffon got a rock caught between their toes or something when a giant metal thing falls from the sky!"

"That would be Zach's ship, right?" Starlight asked.

"Ahn~!" Maud moaned melodically.

"Right! So then Zach steps out wearing this FUCKING CREEPY armor that covered everything, and I mean EVERYTHING! Couldn't see his face, his pecs, his arms, not even his dick!"

"Wait, what kind of armor covers your genitalia!?" Starlight asked, turning to face Zach.

"The kind of armor that you wear when in the vacuum of space, where it's so cold my dick would literally be destroyed."

"I'll destroy it myself~," Maud moaned.

"Hey, you've already gotten him to jizz three times inside of you already, sis! Learn to share!"

"No," Maud said, wrapping her arms around Zach's head. "Mine. Maybe Starlight can have a go."

As her fur-covered tits were shoved into Zach's face, Zach struggled to breathe but accepted it nonetheless.

"Seriously!? You're gonna let this mare here ride your coltfriend before your sister? Where's the love!"

"In my pussy. And in my belly. And hopefully soon in my-"


A blue light surrounded Maud and Princess Twilight's limp form before they flew back from Zach's grip. Just as Zach's face was released from Maud's tits, he got a view of another snatch, this one surrounded by blue fur. The pussy smashed against his mouth, forcing him to kiss the cooter as thick thighs wrapped pleasantly around his head. The thighs had little trace of fat, the feeling of muscles under the smooth fur an alluring change of feel for the Alpha.

Unfortunately, this wasn't any casual forced cunnilingus, this was an aggressive grapple.

The blue pony proceeded to use the momentum to flip Zach overhead before throwing him. The forceful departure left a trail of mare juices and saliva trailing through the air as Zach was tossed. Realizing that he was closing in on the ground, Sergeant Johnson forced action.


The Alpha's instincts kicked in as he kicked at the ground, forcing himself to flip over again. Digging his hands into the dirt, he sled to a stop a good seven meters away. Now able to hold his ground, Zach dared to take a look up at the pony that physically (and sexually) assaulted him.

This pony was quite large, much larger than the mares he had seen in town, and to signify her importance further, this one wore armor. Sort of. She had a plate of shaped, silver steel that barely covered her abs and cupped her double-D sized blue melons. Two sapphires covered her nipples, and the 'chest piece' stopped there, leaving a massive canyon of cleavage. She wore steel-plated pieces over her forearms and shins, with small things on her hooves that displayed a crescent moon. A small cloth draped over her dripping pussy, displaying the same moon that, now he could see, was marked on her large ass.

Something else that Zach noticed about this pony was that she was quite... different. Maybe it was the fact that she had both a horn and wings. Maybe it was the way her teal eyes seemed to challenge and entice him.

Or maybe it was the fact that she had a scythe in her hands.

"Thou art foolish enough to handle Our ponies and try to maketh thine way to another Princess' castle in the broadest of mine sister's light? What say you knave? Do we fight? Or do we fuck?"

"... what?"

"Fight-Fuck it is!" she said before charging at him.

Less-than-ideal circumstances

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The new pony charged Zach, scythe raised as her wings propelled her forward.

Now, everything started to slow down for him.

He could see every feather move from the beat of the Princess' wings, her muscles ripple under her fur and her assets jiggle in her 'armor'. The expression on her face was one of a frenzied witch, coupled with her soaking snatch made her a sight to behold and be scaroused by.

As everything slowed to a crawl around him, Zach could feel everything nearby. The dirt beneath his bare feet, the wind on his back, the wet spots on his arms from carrying two mares, and every pulse rocking through his heart and dick.

Seeing his reflection in the weapon, he couldn't hear the questionable voice in his crotch, nor could he hear his own thoughts. Every muscle in his body tensed, his form shifting to a familiar combat stance. The skin on his arms morphed and hardened while his gaze turned to absolute zero.

The Alpha had taken over.


Maud, Limestone and Starlight tried to catch the Princess' attention before she could strike at the alien, yet their pleads fell upon deaf ears.

"Princess, stop!" Limestone said.

"Zach, watch out!" Maud said.

As Princess Luna closed the distance between herself and the Alpha, she poised her scythe overhead and swung down.

When she had developed this strategy, Princess Luna had become used to the idea of being the most intimidating presence on the field. She had crafted this technique to catch her foes off guard and to ensure an early victory by baiting them to step back while she charged a stasis spell. Once the creature before her dodged backwards, she would-


-regret having an extra snack before leaving as Zach's fist evicted her stomach from its usual spot.

"BGUGH!" Luna sputtered, failing to gasp as she felt her body fold in to the blow.

The viscous fist withdrew as its counterpart smacked her wrist, breaking her grip and sending the scythe flying. The same hand then grabbed her wrist and pulled her arm down, yanking her entire body towards the Alpha as he delivered a hard knee straight to her unprotected abdomen. Zach proceeded to duck, gripping her arm with both hands before rolling her onto the ground. Once forced to the dirt, he twisted the Princess' arm, using his free hand to grip her horn while planting his knee in the space between her wings.

"GAH! AAAA!" Luna cried out.

The Princess played the event back in her mind again, stunned by her shock of such a technique coupled with this level of aggressiveness. Such action, against a Princess no less! The mere thought of such a beast forcing her down in such a position made her burn even more in her core. Unable to contain her excitement, she screamed.

"Oh, harder Daddy!"


'Somebody call me?'

'What the fuck?'

Zach looked down to see his assailant blushing, grinding her chest against the dirt while her wings flapped. She looked up at him and smiled, licking her lips as she gave him a seductive look.

"Very aggressive and forthcoming, I see!" she said. "'Tis no wonder why thou hast stirred much trouble, along with mine loins. I beg of you, savage, to spank me."

Zach could feel her trying to raise her backside into the air beneath him.

"Make my moon red with your beastly strength! Fuck me into the dirt until I can't walk straight! Make me yours!"


"Choke me, Daddy!"


'I don't feel comfortable.'



"Oh, yes!"

Zach felt every cell in his body set alight with agony, the skin on his back melting from the surge of energy that struck him.


Zach turned his head to see dark smoke coming off of his scorched back, the tingle of his augmented healing surging through the pain. Behind him, he could see Limestone, her mouth agape, Maud, her face etched into one of horror, and Starlight with a smoking horn.

"... whoops," Starlight said.


"Sorry! I was just trying to help!"

"By trying to fucking flay me alive!?"

"I was just charging it and-"

"There it is!"

Five more ponies landed on the ground near Zach. These ones, however, were different from the ponies Zach had seen thus far. They all possessed large bat-like wings that matched their darker toned fur colors. Their eyes were all shades of yellow, though he noticed that they were all slit eyes, like a cat or lizard. All of them wore barely any armor, only enough to cover their arms and shins. The armor they wore extended up to their shoulders and the breastplates they were were engraved with the same moon on the Princess' ass cheeks, along with their loincloth/thongs. Roughly, he would say they sported small B-cups and were quite lean.

Oh, and they were all sporting weapons currently pointed at Zach.

"Foul creature, you shall not defile our beloved Princess! Release her at once!" the one closest said, lunging to attack.

Zach pushed himself off of Princess Luna, eyeing up the new mares to-


"GAAAAAAAAAAAWD DAMN IT!" he screamed, his back searing in agony.

"Sorry!" Starlight said. "I just wanted to-"



Zach looked down to see a large gash on his chest, courtesy of the powder blue bat-mare with the daggers in her hands.


"Hold on, let me just think of something else!"

Zach ducked under the mare's barrage of swipes, preparing to deliver a right hook. As soon as he pulled back, however, an arrow struck him in the shoulder. Looking past the mare in front of him, he could see a dark grey one with an impressive bow.

'Shit, she's tracking me!'

Dodging back from the dagger wielding mare, Zach tried to think of a way to disarm his opponent. As he watched every swing she made, he calculated every angle of her approach.

'Maybe if I try ducking and kicking, I could knock those weapons out of her hands.'

He leaped back and struck out with his leg, catching her left hand off, knocking the dagger out-



As the abyss of unending pain claimed the Alpha, a single tear fell out from Johnson, tainted with crimson as they both fell limp.


Starlight bit her lip when she saw her bolt explode against Zach's crotch.

Limestone winced as she watched Zach fall lifelessly to the ground from the attack.

Maud's eye twitched.

To recap the last three minutes, her alien coltfriend had been assaulted by a Princess, get shot from this 'Starlight' mare, got assaulted by five random Night Guards, got shot by Starlight again, got cut up and hurt by the Night Guards, and got shot by Starlight again. In the dick.

That he was supposed to give to Maud.

The one that she claimed for herself.

The one that satisfied her where no stallion could.

A part of her wanted to scream in despair for her coltfriend's safety. They had barely started their relationship, sure, but how often could one say that their mate literally came down from the stars themselves? Another part wanted to tear the Princess and her Guards apart for daring to assault him without warning.

But most of her...



All eyes turned to the newest addition to the event.

"I hope that all is going well this fi- oh, fuck!"

Standing there in all of her glory was Princess Celestia. She stood nearly two full heads taller than everypony else there, a head and a few centimeters above even her sister. Her pure white coat smooth enough to make silk and velvet feel like sandpaper almost entirely bare for all eyes to witness. Covering her massive E-cup breasts were royal pasties, emblazoned with her own Cutie Mark, a small cloth hanging over her pussy by what could easily be mistaken as dental floss. She had on her iconic regalia, including her necklace with the large amethyst and her golden bracelets, further accentuating her perfectly v

Truly, she was the very embodiment of perfection and godly beauty.

"Luna, what the fuck did you do!?" she screeched goddessly.

"Me!? I barely got to do anything!" Luna , rising from the ground. "I just got here a minute ago and tried to take that thing on! It just so happens that it's proficient in combat, I just wasn't prepared to take it on! And it got may have sparked my kink by slamming me into the ground."

"I thought I had sent a messenger to tell you to hold off on approaching the unknown creature!"

"Um, h-hello?" one of the thestral guards spoke up. "I'm sorry, Princess Celestia, but, when we saw that thing holding Princess Luna down, we sort of... acted."

"And what about the giant scorch marks on him?"

"That, would be my bad, Princess," Starlight said, an awkward smile on her face. "I maybe, accidentally, kind of blasted him with magic just a little bit."

"I can see his ribcage, Glimmer!" Princess Celestia said, pointing to him.

"Ehehehehe... um, sorry?"

Starlight felt hands on her shoulders. She was turned to face Maud Pie, who held a very stoic expression. Starlight looked at the mare with a quizzical look as Maud pushed her down.

"Uh, can I help you?"

"Just bend over."

Starlight complied, letting the mare bend her down. She could feel Maud wrap her arms around her waist before she was hoisted up. Maud leaped into the air, holding Starlight above her as she dove into a power-bomb.


"So, Gummy," Pinkie said, washing her pet alligator, "how do you think Maud and Starlight are getting along?"

The building rumbled as a cloud of dust was kicked up in the distance.

"Yeah, that's about right."

Standard Medical Procedure

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As the dust settled from Maud's power-bomb, the nearby mares coughed and waved away at the air. Princesses Celestia and Luna were untouched by the dust, having erected shields around themselves.

Embedded in the ground face-first was Starlight Glimmer, TKO'd from the sick grapple and buried far enough that only her flank, legs and tail were visible.

Maud cracked her neck as she stood up from her attack, her blank expression betrayed from the calming fury in her eyes. Her coltfriend's dick was avenged.

"Hey Maud, check this out!" Limestone called.

Maud rushed over to see her sister kneeling against Zach, resting his head on her thighs. From her position, Maud could see the tattered remains of what used to be genitals, although she could see them move. After a few seconds, she could see flesh and tissue reform over the singed parts of his penis, the charred remains flowing with blood as it reformed.

"His dick grows back!" Limestone shouted. "He's gonna be okay!"

"Oh, thank Celestia's milky tits," Maud said.

"I don't think my mammaries have to do with the solution this time, my subject," Princess Celestia said, examining Zach's form. "Though this is a rather miraculous sight, I believe it would be best if we were to get him to a hospital. Stars know what kind of trauma he could have suffered from a magical blast like that to such a sensitive part."

"What concerns me is that Starlight Glimmer said it was a stunning spell," Princess Luna pointed out. "How would a stun spell result in one's flesh melting?"

"Hey, Maud, remember what happened when Princess Twilight hit him with magic?" Limestone said.

Maud's eyes widened as she replayed the event.

"His skin did something weird, yeah. It changed color and deflected the magic."

"How come he didn't do that, then?"

"Changed color and improved his defense, you say?" Princess Luna said. "Sounds similar to a technique used by ancient demon-spawns. They can harden and strengthen any part of their bodies in defense, though the process of hardening does require concentration. Perhaps this creature shares a similar power?"

"That would prove different to what we know about his kind, then," Princess Celestia said.

"Princess, what do you know about Zach?" Maud said. "My sister and I saw him land on our farm. He's from space. How would you know about his kind?"

Princess Celestia smiled, running a hand across her right breast as she looked up to Canterlot.

"Perhaps it would be better to share the story after we get everypony some medical attention?" one of Luna's guards said. "Misty got her wrist broken and Princess Twilight needs to be seen to."

"What about Starlight?" Limestone asked.

"What about Starlight?" Maud countered.

"Fair enough."

Celestia and Luna shared a look before a field of magic engulfed all of the ponies there. In a flash, they all disappeared, leaving Starlight buried deep in the ground where her butt could think about what she'd done... and also get sunburned.

3 Hours Later

Darkness. Imprisoning Zach. All he could see.


As feeling returned to the Alpha, he let out a sputtering cough, escalating into a full-blown hacking fit. Sitting up from the warm bed, he could feel different things going on across his body.

His throat cleared, Zach opened his eyes and saw that he was in a hospital bed, IV needles inserted into his arms with various other monitoring equipment strapped on his bare chest.

'... No, no no no, don't tell me that was a fucking dream!' he thought to himself.

"It wasn't."

Zach cringed as he felt the regenerated flesh twitch between his legs. Lifting the sheets off of his lower half, he found that he was naked and that the area of his genitals was a few shades lighter than the rest of his skin.

'Ah, shit. Status report.'

"Are you actually asking the voice in your dick about your physical condition?" Johnson asked.

"... I need to get the fuck out of here."

Just as Zach started to get up, a curtain to the left of the bed pulled back. Behind it was a pony dressed head-to-hoof in a quarantine suit, complete with oxygen tanks and gloves. Not sexy or revealing in any way whatsoever, just a completely standard Quarantine suit. In its hands was a tray with a syringe, various test tubes and a small jar.

"Oh, stars above!" the mare said. "It's awake! Call the doctor and the Princesses, the alien is awake!"

"Whoa, whoa whoa! Calm down!" Zach said. "I just want to know a couple of things."

The mare backed up to the curtain, but stopped when her radio erupted with static.

"Nurse Cherry, please ensure proper extraction from our guest, the Princesses have assured that the incident was a misunderstanding," another mare said from the other end of the line.

"Y-Yes ma'am," she said.

"We've also finished running tests on the samples we've already collected, and we've concluded that the specimen is safe to approach without containment equipment. Please, be sure to extract all necessary samples."

"Yes, doctor."

She came up to the Alpha's side and placed the tray on the small table aside from the table.

"E-excuse me, Mr. A-A-Alien, s-sir," Cherry said, "c-can I just run some d-diagnostics? If that's alright? Please?"

Zach nodded.

"Yeah, it's fine. I'd just like to ask some questions. Could I borrow your radio?"

"Uhm, I-I don't-"

"Give the guest the radio, Nurse Cherry."

"Yes ma'am!"

Cherry fumbled with the radio for a moment before shakily handing it off to Zach.

"Hello, who is this and where am I?" Zach said.

"Hello, Mr. Paxton, my name is Doctor Tender Tongue. I apologize for the change in location on behalf of all of pony kind, and am willing to sacrifice Nurse Cherry to sate any animosity you may have towards us."

"Wait, WHAT!?" Nurse Cherry screeched, jumping away from Zach. "I didn't agree to that!"

"She absolutely did! When we signed up to work on Equestria's first alien patient, we signed an agreement that stated that we would be willing to sacrifice ourselves to sate whatever urges the Extra Equestrial Entity may harbor against us!"

"I thought that meant Zebras or Dragons trying to cross the borders, not actual literal ALIENS!"

"For Fuck's sake, Shut up!" Zach said. "I'm not looking for blood sacrifices!"

"... Nurse Cherry is also a virgin, if that will sate you."


"I don't want ANY sacrifices! I just want to know what happened after I got shot in the dick!"

"I believe I may answer that."

Coming out from behind the curtain was the large dark-blue mare Zach had fought, except instead of armor, she was wearing silver bracelets around her wrists and ankles (or whatever the fuck they're called for hooves), and pasties with the insignia of her moon tattoo on them.

"Oh, please tell me you didn't bring the purple one."

She shot him a confused look.

"Do you mean Princess Twilight Sparkle or her apprentice, Starlight Glimmer?"

"The one that shot me."

"Ah, no, she is quite stuck in the ground at the moment. Maud Pie did quite a Liger Drop on her, if I do say so myself."

"Oh shit, Maud! Where is she?"

"Calm down, sir, please. I assure you by my supple thighs that she and her sister are both safe.

"Yeah, we can trust her."

"Alright, but where-"

"Can we PLEASE! Get some fucking SAMPLES! From the ALIEN!" Doctor Tongue said.

"Right, very well, we can do both. Nurse, proceed."

Waving the nurse on, the large winged pony made her way to the Alpha's right side. When she stopped she eyed up his form again, smiling.

"We are in Canterlot, specifically the Castle from which my sister and I rule over Equestria. This is a special part of the Castle's infirmary, prepped at all times in case of an emergency quarantine."

"Seems to have a pretty good setup, from what I've seen," Zach said.

Nurse Cherry proceeded to remove a small box of cleaning supplies and gauze out of a drawer underneath the bed, prepping an empty vial and a tube.

"Okay, Mr. Alien, sir," she said.

"'Zach' is fine, Nurse."

"Alright, Zach, Can you please hold onto this?" she said, holding up a small rock. "I need a certain pressure to get the blood flowing."

"Give it here."

Giving the rock to the Alpha, Nurse Cherry hooked an empty tube up to a small needle and tapped about Zach's arm, looking for a vein. She slowly inserted the needle into his skin, blood rushing through the tube.

"It'll just be a few more seconds, sir."

"Oh, don't worry, not even close to what I've gone through before. You're doing great, Nurse."

"Pardon me, I seemed to have forgotten my manners," the large pony said. "I've yet to introduce myself. I am Princess Luna, Diarch of Equestria, Bringer of the Moon and Mistress of the Night."

"Colonel Zachary Paxton."

"A pleasure meeting you, especially with such technique. Mayhaps we could resume a fight-fuck another time?"

"Say yes."

"Absolutely, Princess."

"Splendid! I look forward to it!"

Nurse Cherry withdrew the needle and cleaned the injection point, applying gauze and bandages after she had wiped it up.

"Alright, now I need a mane sample," she said, pulling out a pair of scissors.

"A sample of what?"

"The mane, on top of your head?"

"Oh, you mean my hair? Sure, go for it."

The nurse took out a small comb and ran it through the Alpha's hair, combing up a sizable wave of hair before snipping it off. She carefully placed the sample onto a petri dish before reaching for the jar.

"O-Okay, Zach, sir. W-we need a, um... sperm sample, now. But, you see, the way we would normally extract samples would be to magically stimulate the patient to keep a professional air, but considering the conditions of your admittance, we'll have to... bring it out in, other ways."

"I shall volunteer!" Princess Luna said.

"Best. Hospital. Ever."

"So how is this going to work?"

"W-well, it depends on how the P-Princess wishes to perform the extraction."

"Very well then. Colonel Paxton, please sit at the edge of the bed," Princess Luna said, reaching for her pasties.

Zach pulled the blanket off of his legs before sitting at the edge. Princess Luna ran her fingers around the edges of the pasties, pushing at the edges before a wet 'plop' came from her breasts. Giving a light moan, the Princess pulled the pasties away, a trail of milk connecting the ornaments to her sky-blue nipples. They were surrounded by a pale blue glow before floating over to the table as the Princess massaged her mammaries.

"Oh, it feels nice to let the girls get some relief every now and again. Care to sample the night's finest milk?" she said, leaning into Zach.

The Alpha wasted no time in caressing the blue breasts, hefting them up from underneath to get a feel for their volume. They shifted and jiggled in his hands, milk spilling from Luna's nipples as he squeezed. Running his hands over them, he noticed Luna's hands going behind her head as she gave him a seductive look.

"Go on then, Colonel. Embrace the night."

Zach dove his face into her cleavage, moving his hands to press her tits into the sides of his face as he took in her scent. Lavender filled his perception as he groped and shook the Princess' bust. The soft fur enveloped his face, heat pouring out around him from the velveteen fur. Drawing his head out, Zach examined both of Luna's nipples, watching as they leaked profusely from the Alpha's firm grip. Reaching out with his tongue, he lapped up the milk from Luna's left tit before planting his lips on it and suckling the Princess.

"Ah, yes!" she moaned, wrapping her arms around Zach's shoulders as she straddled him.

Sucking down the Princess' milk, Zach could taste a refined mix of sweet and sour, with a hint of a burning sensation snaking through his stomach. Drinking her milk, it was almost like he was chugging a bottle of-

'She tastes like Moonshine!'

Zach audibly popped off from the Princess' left nipple before latching onto the other one, rolling his tongue around her areola while his hands got to work, groping her now free-hanging boob with his left hand while the other groped her moon-marked ass. Beneath her painted mark was a finely toned ass cheek, ripe for squeezing and pulling the mare closer.

Just as he was about to go to town and switch between her breasts again, Princess Luna pulled back and rammed her tongue into his mouth. He used his own to pull her in, wrestling with the long, wet muscle as the Princess tasted her own titty milk. She moaned into his mouth, bringing her arms around his broad shoulders as both of the Alpha's hands landed on her flank, spanking her with his left hand.

"Oh! Getting bold, are we?" she said, a string of milk connecting their lips. "Well, sit back and let the Princess get a taste of you."

As Zach leaned back onto the bed, Princess Luna lowered herself until she was on her knees, eye-to-shaft with Sergeant Johnson. Smiling widely, she reached up with both hands, Zach's length hardening in her tender grasp. With one hand under his balls, she inspected their mass and swell, eager to help him find relief. The other hand started stroking his member, already erect from the earlier foreplay. She began stroking his length, inspecting his veins and head with genuine interest as Nurse Cherry jotted down notes.

"So that's what the alien's genitals look like while erect," she said.

Neither the Alpha nor the Princess paid her much mind. Princess Luna rolled Zach's balls around in her palm before pressing her muzzle into the wrinkling flesh of his sack. She took in a deep breath, her wings shuddering as she inhaled the scent of raw male virility. Demanded by her hormones, she lolled out her tongue and tasted the salty flesh of his balls, resting his dick over her face, barely a centimeter from her horn.

"Hey, hey! Watch that thing!"

She brought her tongue upwards from his sack and trailed it along the underside of his entire dick. The Princess was shocked it was so delectable, despite being regrown moments earlier. She swirled her tongue about the head of his dick, teasing the mushroom-shaped end as both of her hands went down to pleasure herself. Leaning in, Zach's head popped into her mouth while the Princess began to fondle her right tit and fingered her moistening pussy. As more of him went into her mouth, she could feel him leaking pre across her tongue. In Luna's mind, it brought a fine minty fresh feeling to her mouth, making her suck on him harder.

Her lips made contact with the base at his pelvis, the tip of his head almost reaching into the back of her throat. She ran her tongue over the entirety of his member, the heat radiating off of it making Luna feel like she was enjoying a freshly baked treat right out of the oven. Pulling herself off of it, she closed her eyes and drove her fingers into her slit, imagining what it would feel like to have his rod penetrate her lower lips.

Zach rested his hands on the Princess' head, moving her along the length of his shaft as she sucked him off. He grasped her horn, making her moan on his dick. Apparently, horns were quite sensitive here. He used her horn as a means of leverage before he started to pump himself into her mouth, facefucking the royal alicorn.

Both of Luna's hands went to her crotch as the alien had its way with her mouth, moaning and squeaking as it gripped her horn like a handle. Being forced down onto his rod in such a way drove the Princess mad with lust, his flavor and scent furthering her haze as her body began to tingle all over.

Eventually, the Alpha started to grunt in pleasure, feeling his limit approaching. He held out his hand to Nurse Cherry.

"The jar, hand it over," he said, still thrusting into Luna's mouth.

The Nurse put down her clipboard and brought the jar up to Zach before he released Luna's horn and tapped her shoulder.

Prying open her eyes, Princess Luna saw the Alpha holding the jar and remembered that she was supposed sucking his dick for scientific purposes.

'Oh, right,' she thought.

She slowly started to make her way off of his shaft, coming off of him with an audible slurp before she brought her hands back up. Her index and middle fingers were coated in her pussy juices after going to town on herself, and she ran them over the base of his shaft while licking his tip.

The multi-facet stimulation pushed the Alpha over the edge. He brought the cup down to his dick before he jizzed straight into it. A spurt or two strayed off and coated Princess Luna, but most of his load made it into the sample cup. Sighing in relief, he watched as the Princess ran a finger over one of the ropes of white on her coat before she licked it off. She gave a very loud swallow before gripping her own nipples and gasping.

"Aaaahhh!" she moaned, milk squirting out of her tits as she came.

His taste alone drove Luna past her limit, the sheer intoxication of pure maleness drowning her in a drunken stupor. She could barely keep herself from passing out from the flavor, and now the scent caused her nethers to quiver in want... no, in need of his juices.

"Well, N-Nurse Cherry," Luna said, standing up, "if that is all, I believe our guest needs to be brought before my sister as well. She will definitely want a taste of our exotic friend."

"I think things are starting to look up," Sergeant Johnson jinxed.