> A Love Bug's Life > by Autum Breeze > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Love Bugs’ Life Prologue ___________________________________________________________ “...life itself was a dream, then. Time was not a cruel metronome, always ticking at the same remorseless tempo. It ebbed and flowed around you like the tide, rushing fast and oozing slow, with its own heartbeat, as organic as moss consuming a log. Alive, dying, yet eternal.” I lean back into my pillow, letting the smooth voice of Illya Leonov roll over me, letting my mind drift into the world of the fic he is reading. I’ve been sick since Thursday last week. It started out as just a nasty cough, and I mean nasty. I was hacking and coughing so much my throat was sore and so was my chest. It actually hurts my stomach now whenever I cough, it’s that bad. However, we thought it wouldn’t be so bad by Monday, so I went back to work. Boy, what a stupid ass move that was. Monday went fine, but Tuesday? Hell, no. By 3pm that day, I had a huge amount of gunk in my right eye. At first I thought I’d just somehow gotten phlegm in my eye and just did my best to get it out with my fingers, after washing them off course. But, an hour later, there was more gunk and even a smaller amount in my other eye. I went home and my mum told me it was conjunctivitis. So, we used salt water to try and stop the gunk from building up and it sort of worked. The day after, we went to our local GP so I could get the eye drops to fix it. We’ve been using them since and I should be fine conjunctivitis-wise this time next week, meaning I should be able to return to work. At the very least, I’ve been able to use up some of my long overdue sick leave. Seriously, before this I had over a hundred and sixty hours. Anyway, whilst my conjunctivitis is pretty much not a problem anymore, it doesn’t mean the main bug I’ve had since last week isn’t. I honestly feel like crap. My body aches and my head is pounding from a lack of sleep for three nights in a row thanks to my coughing keeping up. That and a fear that I could die in my sleep. What am I referring too? Well, three days ago, during one coughing fit, I literally became unable to breathe due to how the phlegm had lodged itself in my throat on the way up, and that fear has kept me up since then. The reason for the fear is simple: I had to work fast to get my airways clear again and it took a lot of effort and concentration. If I were asleep and that happened? Being yanked from sleep is hard enough to come to terms with, but when you can’t even breathe? So, yeah, been up three days straight with no proper sleep. I think I’ve zoned out a few times, but never actually gone unconscious. Listening to Illya, though, I’m thinking I might actually get some sleep soon. Now, I’m not saying he puts me to sleep. Far from it. When he reads a fic, you can’t not listen. I mean, once this whole reading is finished, I’ll probably finally sleep. And with three days til July and my still being sick, it's nice that I can have some enjoyment, despite still being sick. As I let his voice carry me into the fic as he mentions Changelings in the Everfree, I feel a sudden tightness in my chest. Before I can figure out if I’m about to go into another coughing fit again, I feel as if I’ve been jerked out of bed, before feeling like my body’s aching as if it’s been slammed into the ground. On top of that it feels like I’ve been sitting under the Australian summer sun, whilst wearing my warmest clothing, wrapped in a woolen blanket. And it burns, but doesn’t burn at a same time. “Wh-what’s happening to me?!” I call out, my voice sounding rather more feminine than I last remember. Must have started hacking something up and it’s messing with the sound of my voice again. I’ve got to find a way to stop the burning, yet not burning feeling. Suddenly, I feel something inside me shifting. It’s around my abdomen. Good lord, I must really need to shit. How’d I go days without feeling that? As I push, a notice some of the weird burning, not burning feeling is directing itself towards the shit I’m trying to push out. Good. Maybe that’s what’s causing this hot feeling and once I’ve shat it out, I’ll feel better. Sorry that I’m gonna be taking a massive dump in my pjs, mum, but I can’t take the time to get to the loo right now. For several moments I lay where I am, straining, until I feel what I think is poo squeeze out of me and plop by my rear. I sigh with relief, followed by an annoyed groan. The burning, not burning feeling has lessened, but I can still feel it and it’s still all over my body. After sitting for several long moments, I become aware of a sound I wasn’t expecting. Cracking. Upon furthering thinking, I can confirm it’s the cracking of an eggshell. Frowning in confusion, I lift my head to see what it is. It’s coming from close by, around my midsection. If there’s a hatching egg near there, sure hope my crap didn’t fall on it. That’s no way for a new life to enter the world. My vision is pretty fuzzy and I feel really light-headed, more so than before that weird feeling, anyway, so it takes a few seconds for my brain to process what I’m seeing. It’s a green egg, way bigger than I’d have expected an egg to be. It’s bigger than an emu egg. Pushing out of it is something black. I can see a pointed horn pushing through the top. As I try to figure out what it is, the thoughts clogging through my brain like there’s molasses in keeping everything from moving fast enough, I feel a... I’m not sure what I’d call it. A presence, maybe. Whatever it is, I can feel something on the edge of my mind, calling to me. It has fear in it, of that I can tell. It’s scared. Of what, I have no idea, but it’s calling to me for help of some kind. I groan, trying to think clearer. It wants... it wants... reassurance? Yes. Yes, that’s it. It wants reassurance. It thinks something’s wrong and it want me to reassure it everything’s fine. Now, if I weren’t so light-headed right now, I would probably seriously be questioning this. But, for the moment, I’m just going with it, so I send out... I dunno, comforting thoughts, I guess? Letting the... presence, know that it’s okay. It doesn’t have to worry. This seems to calm it as I can somehow feel it feels better. I don’t know how I know this, I just do. Man, why can’t I think straight. I frowning, trying to clear my thoughts, get things back in focus. As I do, however, something becomes apparent to me. I am not lying in my bed. In fact, I’m laying on grassy ground. My frown deepening, I try to stand and find I can only push myself to stand on all fours. Growling at how slow this is, I try to somehow make my focus faster. The result is not what I expected. I feel a sudden rush flow through me, making the burning, not burning feeling distil a bit. I have to gasp for breathe as all my senses hit me in a way they never have before. Smells seem odd and stronger and different than how smells should be. Shaking my head I few times, I manage to finally get a feeling for my body beyond the burning, not burning feeling... and what I feel sends a cold shiver down my spine that is lost to the hot feelings. I’m not a human anymore. I can tell. I can feel no hair on my head, nor anywhere on my body at all. I can feel what is clearly a horn on my forehead. Licking my lips, I can tell I’ve a forked tongue and I feel it going over a pair of fangs pointing out from my upper lip. I just stand where I am, my brain trying to wrap itself around this impossible situation. Okay, yeah, I’ve written fanfics where a human gets sent into Equestria and turned into one of the characters, but I didn’t think that could actually happen. And of all the characters I could become, I end up a Changeling? Are you freakin’ kidding me? Why don’t I just paint a bullseye on my chest, whilst carrying around a neon sign saying “Hey, I’m one of the things you’ll want to kill for trying to take over your kingdom. Kill me now, why don’t you?” I probably would rage further, but the sound of an egg cracking again causes me to turn back to where I saw that egg from before... and my eyes widen in horror as it hits me. I’m a Changeling! A Changeling! And there is a large green egg where what I thought was a shit I was pushing out should be! I laid an egg! I laid a fucking egg! I may be transgender, but God. I didn’t expect to somehow end up doing something only females can. Hell, I haven’t even gotten around to starting the hormone therapy yet, but I’ve just gone and pushed out something containing a new life?! I watched in a mixture of shock, horror and intrigue as parts of the egg are pushed away, until sitting in the bottom half of the eggshell is a small Changeling. It kinda looks like a foal, only more like Flurry Heart than any of the other foals seen in the show. By this I mean it’s a bit bigger than I’d have expected and its eyes look more normal. That takes another second to work its way through my brain before it clicks. This little Changeling has pupils. But... but that would mean... it’s a Royal Changeling, wouldn’t it? Oh, crap! Have I turned into Chrysalis?! Glancing around, I see a small pond and hurry over and check out my reflection. Looking back at me is one of the Changelings from the invasion, but not Chrysalis. My eyes a pure green, with no signs of pupils at all. I’m met with an odd mixture of relief an annoyance at this. I mean, I’m glad I didn’t end up the queen who tried to enslave all of pony kind and is probably N.1 on Equestria’s most wanted list, but at the same time... I’m just a normal Changeling? That’s kinda a kick in the pants, if you ask me. I’m not given time to dwell on this though, as I feel that presence in my mind again and it’s scared again. Glancing around, my eyes fall on the newly hatched Changeling. It’s looking at me with an expression I recognize from when Flurry Heart was taken away from Pinkie Pie, right before Flurry used the Royal Canterlot Voice in a wail and managed to destroy the Crystal Heart. Not wanting the little thing to cry, partly because it’s never nice seeing a baby cry, but namely because we’re in the Everfree Forest and I don’t want it bringing creatures that are more likely to eat me the second they see me, I hurry back over and, not really knowing what else to do, lean down and nuzzle it. This seems to do the job as I feel that presence in my mind calm down again. It even feels... happy. I blink, before lifting my head back and giving the baby Changeling a questioning look. Is it what I’m sensing? Could this be the Hive Mind? As if answering my unasked question, I feel what I can only describe as what it sounds like what a baby coos. I blink again, before setting myself down, looking over the little creature covered in chitin. “So, you can hear my thoughts?” I have to pause as the sound of my voice reaches my ears. It sounds... female. With it not being distorted like Chrysalis' was, it’s really easy to tell. Huh. Guess that theory that Changelings are generally genderless unless they focus on it has just been disproven. If I’m honest... I kinda sound like Veronica Taylor, specifically as Ash Ketchum’s mum, Delia Ketchum. Yes, Veronica voiced both Ash and his mother. Not only that, she was also the original voice for May in Pokemon Advanced, so, before 4kidz lost the dubbing rights to Pokemon, if May, Ash and his mother had a scene together, it was basically just Veronica having a three way conversation with herself. A look of confusion passes over the infant’s face, pulling me from my train of thought, reminding me of the present. I almost hit myself in the head. Of course. Seeing as none of the other Changelings save Chrysalis ever spoke, there’s a good chance they don’t actually talk to each other via words. Hell, when you think about it, it makes a lot more sense. If you could talk with your mind alone, think how fast your conversations would go. it would make sense that, if Changelings do have a Hive Mind, they wouldn’t bother talking to each other verbally unless really necessary. A tiny pressure on my mind causes me to look down again and see the little Changeling looking up at me with an adorable expression. I cock my head to the side, wondering just what it wants. I guess, even with the Hive Mind, babies are still hard to understand. After a few moments, it crawls past me until it’s towards my lower area, where I starts nudging me, as if trying to make me roll over. Curious, I start to do so, until I’m on my side, my lower area, which kinda just looks blank exposed. However, my eyes and mind bulge as I feel something growing out from my body down there, until what look like a pair of teats has formed. Without giving my mind a chance to fully process this, the little ling chirps, before latching onto the lower one and I feel something flowing from within my body and down through my newly formed milkers. However, after a few seconds, I’m able to snap out from those thoughts as I realize something. That burning, not burning feeling is lessening a little more. It’s still there, but it’s nowhere near as intense to the put it was like a neon sign saying “You’re in Weird Pain”. It takes a few seconds more for my form and the possibilities to make themselves known. I’m a Changeling, a creature that feeds on emotions. Maybe, what I’m feeding this baby isn’t milk, but love. Though why the bloody hell I’m feeding it love like a mother would feed a baby, I do not understand. I thought Changelings just transferred love to one another, not feed like a normal creature. Oh, God! Do all Changelings get fed this way? That’s some nightmare inducing images right there. Suddenly, as my head feels much better as the, well, nymph I guess would be the best term for it, continues to eat the love within my body and I question where exactly I got all this love, something comes racing from the back of my mind. “Until this invasion is finished, you will guard my egg with your very life,” Chrysalis says, looking me right in the eyes and I feel a shiver of fear travel down my body. “Once Canterlot is completely under my control you will come to me and I will awaken my heir with the love I will have gained from all these pitiful ponies.” I feel my neck moving into a bowing position. “Now,” she says as I lift me head again to see a sinister smile on her face, “go and hide. I will call for you when the time is right.” I gasp as the... well, memory, I guess, ends and I shake my head. I stay still for a moment as the little one continues to feed, going over what I’d just seen. So, whomever Changeling I somehow ended up in was tasked with watching over Chrysalis’ heir. Glancing down at the nymph and remembering her eyes, I can assume this is her. But, if that’s the case, why the heck has the nymph hatched? If Chrysalis was meant to wake her, how come she’s awake now? And... wait. Glancing around, I frown. This forest. It looks... it looks an awful look like the Everfree Forest? But how...? Wait. Didn’t it look like some Changelings were flung into forests in the season 2 finale? At once I feel something else racing from the back of my mind again. This time though, I brace for it. “Bring my heir to me!” Chrysalis’ voice calls out over the air. “The time has come to awaken her.” I’m currently cornering a trio of ponies, but the moment I hear those words I feel my body go stiff, turn around and fly up towards Canterlot Castle. I can’t help wondering why this wasn’t seen in the show, until I sense something that reminds me of what I’m feeding the nymph. It’s the same feeling, only way more powerful. A blinding pink light expands from the castle, exactly where I’m heading. With my current momentum, there’s no time or chance of turning away. As it slams into me, for the briefest of moments I feel a blissfulness pass over me as a warmth flows into me. but then, less than a second later, that warmth feels hot, than burns, then is scorching, all the while I feel myself being tossed through the air like a rag doll. I gasp as my senses return to me once again. I’m shaking slightly. I sit in silence for several moments, going over what I saw and my current situation. Okay, if I’ve got it right, that warmth and burning feeling was love, however it burned because when Cadance and Shining Armour sent it out in that shield form and blasted all the Changelings out of Canterlot, it was more love than a Changeling body is actually meant to take. This also explains why Chrysalis’ child hatched when Chrysalis hadn’t given it the love it needed. This body, which is now mine apparently, was and still kinda is, overflowing with love, more love than it should be able to take. And, if that feeling in my abdomen was any indication, the egg was being kept safe inside this body. Makes sense, I guess. I can feel this chitin is pretty damn tough. Best shield for an egg, if you ask me. Soft and cosy on the inside, near impenetrable armour on the outside. However, with all that love coursing through me, it makes sense that the egg hatched so soon. With the amount of love inside me, it gained more than enough to hatch. So, with all that figured out, it just leaves one question left unanswered. Well, okay, there’s still more, but one I’m focusing on at the moment. Why the hell did I grow Changeling titties when I’m sure that’s not how Changelings normally feed? But, with my mind a bit clearer, now, I think I actually have a good theory. I’m a mammal, or was until recently, anyway, and I know how mammals feed their young. It is quite possible that, subconsciously, I was thinking about this when looking down at my lower area, what with having an infant down there. Plus, there’s a chance that, whilst inside me and absorbing the love, the little ling subconsciously learned about mammalian feeding. Well, whatever the case, I think I’ll try figuring out how Changelings normally transfer love. This is way too awkward for me right now. A nudging on my mind makes me look down to see the nymph has finished eating. I watch in morbid curiosity as my Changeling titties sink into me and vanish. That’s a weird image I’m not getting out of my head any time soon. The little one and I just watch each other for a few moments, not really doing anything else. After a short time, I decide to get up. At once I feel an anxiousness probing my mind and levitate the little ling up onto my back. I pay no mend to the relief and contented feelings coming from it, however, as my eyes have darted up to my horn. How the hell did I just use magic like that? I quickly shake it off and look around, trying to figure out which way to go. Smells feel so weird in this new Changeling nose. I’m smelling feelings more so than scents. Shaking my head, I start off into the forest, praying to whatever counts as God in this world that we won’t get attacked. I’ve no idea where in the forest we are, but I want to find somewhere we can rest and I can actually think up a plan of action. > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 ___________________________________________________________ I sigh, turning my head to look down at my two charges as they sleep against my barrel. Why did things have to become so much more complicated? SEVERAL HOURS AGO I trudge through the Everfree, glancing around. I keep forgetting that I can sense emotions now, so I’d sense something that could be dangerous before actually seeing it. I glance over my shoulder at the nymph. She’s just looking around as we walk, her eyes filled with wonder. I can’t help smiling at that. Seems baby Changelings are like any baby, curious about the world around them. Then again, maybe that’s not how Changelings usually are. After all, since this little one’s proven the Hive Mind’s a thing; maybe normally the Hive’s queen would implant information via the Hive Mind, thus the nymph gains experience at a fast rate. Seeing as our current Hive Mind is just her and myself, she isn’t being forced to learn a ton of stuff at once, so is like any other infant. I shake my head. I’m thinking way too deep into this. I need to find a way to get back to my own body and leave this nymph with— I almost keel over as my body goes rigid, whilst a pain pounds in my head. It’s like a headache, if that headache was learning how to do the polka whilst playing the drums. Okay, mental note: don’t think about leaving the nymph ever again. Dammit! Must be some leftover order Chrysalis programmed into this Changeling before I somehow hijacked its body, right before its charge hatched. That’s gonna make getting home a bit trickier. Suddenly, a scream rings out, causing me to jump and a burst of fear to come from the little ling on my back. At once, I find I’m galloping. I’m not going to bother questioning how I’m running when I haven’t figured it out, lest I jinx it and fall flat on my face. I’m just going to run with it. Now that I’m trying to find the source of the scream, my nose is picking up three large portions of fear and something I can best guess it wild hunger. Increasing my pace, I burst through a clump of trees to find a sight that takes a moment to process. There’s a white stallion with a brown mane and tail, with a cross and arrow for a Cutie Mark, riding atop of Manticore. A little way off is a Pegasus mare with a coat a bit lighter pink than Pinkie Pie’s, but a curly style mane that’s just as dark as said party pony, blue eyes and a Cutie mark of four red love hearts with wings. In her forelegs she’s clutching a small bundle, one that’s crying. Her eyes turn to me and widen in greater horror, but I’m not giving any time to think about that, as I hear a cry, a sicking crunch and feel one of the large portions of fear just vanish. Whirling my head, I see the Manticore has managed to toss the stallion off its neck and torn into his own. It doesn’t take a genius to figure this out, the stallion is dead. “Arrow!” the mare cries in anguish, apparently forgetting about me. Her shouting was a mistake, however, as it causes the beast to turn and lunge at her. It’s as if every goes into slow motion. The mare turns, throwing the bundle, which I can tell from the crying holds a foal inside, the bundle flies up into the air. Instinctively, I feel myself tapping into my magic, reaching it out to the wrapped up foal and pulling it towards me. Time speeds up again and the half-scorpion, half-cat lands on top of the mare and she lets out a horrifying scream. I honestly don’t know what happened next. It was like I’d suddenly been pushed to the back of my mind as a rage seemed to fill my being, leaving me a spectator. A scream of anger leaves my mouth as green flames engulf me. when they’ve faded, the manitcore is several feet below me. From what I can gather, I’ve turned into a small version of Godzilla. I’m not given much time to question this as my right arm lunges forward, swiping at the manitcore. It gets tossed aside like a leaf, but it seems that’s not all. I feel myself stomping towards the downed beast, my right leg goes up, then comes back down on it. I just sit in the back of my mind, my jaw hanging open, so to speak at what the hell just transpired. At the same time, I suddenly find myself back in control of my now Godzilla body. Finding I actually preferred being a Changeling, most likely because they’re a lot harder to spot than a several stories high fucking lizard, I feel flames engulf me again and I feel myself losing mass. When the flames die down, I’m lying on top of the manticore; the dead manticore. I hurry down it, finding myself briefly using my wings to stop myself from faceplanting in the dirt, before landing. As soon as I’ve touched ground I become aware of the crying again, only it sounds like more than one foal is crying now. Turning to where I’d left the little Changeling royal and the bundle, I see that not only is the foal still crying, but so is the nymph. Maybe, seeing the foal doing it makes it think it should be, too. Whatever the case, I hurry over and start trying to comfort them, though I question why I’m not doing so for the nymph of the Hive Mind when it would probably be easier that way. “Med... Medley?” a voice rasps, sounding frightened. Looking up from the now slightly calmer infants, I see the Pegasus mare lying where the now dead beast had pinned her. Hurrying over, I see it completely crushed her throat; her breathing is wheezy and gurgled. Realizing she’s talking about the foal, I levitate it into her view; I’m not even going to question how I’m using my magic. That can wait for a less inappropriate time. “She’s here,” I say without thinking. The mare looks at me in surprise. “You... you can speak?” she rasps, her question being punctured by a coughing fit, how she’s even still living with her neck crushed is beyond me. I nod, trying not to feel insulted, as this technically isn’t really my body, so it’s not me who should feel offended by that question. “I can.” “What... what are you?” she gurgles. I decide to go with the simple answer. I can tell by her fading emotions that she’s dying, so no point in confusing her by trying to explain what I am completely. “I’m a Changeling. I’m a creature that feeds on emotions.” She stares blankly at me for a moment. “Can I... ask a favour?” she barely finishes before another hacking fit takes over. I nod solemnly. “Anything.” I hope she doesn’t ask me to try and heal her, though. Sure, I used my transformation magic somehow back there and I’m levitating two infants, but Healing Magic? I don’t even know how to figure out the first two and you can bet Healing Magic is way harder. Well, maybe not harder than Transformation Magic, but you get my point. She looks to her foal, then back to me, a grimacing smile on her face. “Look after Medley for me, please?” A part of me wants to argue, but I just tell that part of me to shut up and jump off a cliff as I nod sadly. “I will. I promise, Miss...?” As her eyes start to dim, she gives a sad, but warm smile. “Heart Throb, dear. And... thank you...” her voice trails off as her eyes close and her emotions stop. A sniffling tell me that the foal knows its mother is gone, so I pull it and the nymph close and hold them both. We all just remain that way for several long minutes, the only ones there to mourn Heart Throb and her husband’s passing. After some time, I use my magic to dig a simple grave and place both the ponies inside it, before burying them. Looking down at the grave, the little ones sitting on my back, I bow my head. I promise, Heart Throb, I’ll take good care of you foal. As I lift my head, I feel the nymph stiffen, before she starts shivering. Tasting her emotions I find out she’s scared. At the same time, I feel something inside my head. It’s like the Hive Mind, but, unlike when the nymph and I use it, this feels more like something pushing against it, as if trying to invade it. Glancing around, I see a pair of blue, pupiless eyes glaring at me from within some trees. “Hello?” I call out uncertainly. “Is someone there?” A hiss is my only answer, before the creature steps forward. It’s another Changeling, but, unlike myself, it is in really bad shape. It has tears all through its chitin and is foaming at the mouth. I take a step back, feeling just as scared as I’m sure anyone would in my situation. This Changeling, from the looks of it, has gone mad. Do Changelings get rabies? “Traaaaaitorrrr,” it growls through the foam in its mouth. “Huh?” is the best response my brain has to that. At once I feel the nymph inside the Hive Mind. She’s... she’s the one keeping the other Changeling out, I realize. It’s trying to force a link and she’s pushing back. She... she’s scared of the other Changeling. She doesn’t want it in the Hive Mind. Then again, seeing the difference in how I treated her and the way this one’s acting, you can’t really blame her, can you? “TRAAAAAITOOOOOOOOR!” the other Changleing shrieks, leaping forward. I hear the nymph scream in my head and I don’t even think. My horn flares and I hear what I can only describe as a sonic boom, which pushing up dirt and dust, blinding me. When it finally clears and I can see again, the other Changeling is scattered pieces of chitin all over the place. Not wanting to scar the two infants with what I’m seeing, I quickly hurry off in the opposite direction the Changeling had come from, on the offhand chance there are more around. The fact that I even found one shocks me, considering how wide spread I remember them being thrown apart. ___________________________________________________________ I sigh as I watch the two sleeping, leaning forward and using my snout to shift one of Medley’s wings a little. When I took the wrapping off of her, I found out that she’s a Pegasus. Having sat here for so long, I finally figured out where I’d seen her and her mother from before. They were ponies from the first generation of My Little Pony. I’d seen them when I found the pilot, Escape From Midnight Castle. Though the fact Medley is a foal and Heart Throb gave birth to her put my head through a bit of a ringer. As for how I managed to feed Medley when I’m a Changeling and she’s a pony, well, remember how I first feed the nymph? Turns out, liquefied love can nourish a baby pony just as well as a baby Changeling. How that works, exactly, I would have no clue. I doubt any Changeling has ever feed a nymph like that before, so it’s highly unlikely any studies have been made on it. I give a small shudder. Oh, god. I really need to make sure Twilight Sparkle never finds out about this. I’d become a science experiment, for sure. Though, I guess I wouldn’t go hungry, what with her love for science. Though, I don’t think I’ll be needing to worry about feeding myself for a very long time. Even though I know I had to have used up a ton of energy with that Godzilla transformation, not to mention that blast that destroyed that feral Changeling, and having feed the nymph twice and now Medley, I still feel tons of energy inside my body. Jeez, just how much love did Cadance channel into that shield? Whatever the case, I look back to the closed entrance as the rain continues to pelt it. I found this cave not too long after leaving the area where Medley’s parents died. A good thing too, as an Everfree storm was close to starting by then. Once inside, however, I’d feared if something came in during the night, or to get out of the storm too and found us. Experimentally, I’d tried hacking up and found I could produce something like resin if I focus on it. Working quickly, I’d covered almost the entire entrance with if, leaving some small holes for air. As for the inside of the cave, I knew we were safe. The moment I’d found it I did a scan for any emotions, even faint ones to hint at distance, but found nothing. It was just the three of us in here. With my two charges asleep, I’ve had plenty of time to think about what to do. For one, I feel I should head for the Crystal Empire. Sure, it will be dangerous whilst Sombra’s there, but after that, aside from that disaster during the Equestria Games and Flurry Heart destroying the Crystal Heart, I can’t think of any times the Empire had trouble during the show, so it would probably be the best place to go. Though, I’ve no idea when the Empire returns. Since, from what I can piece together, the invasion was today, looking at things from a logical standpoint, the Empire would return within a few weeks, maybe just one, after. Getting there, however, will be tricky. I need to find out when it will be safe, for the little ones, if nothing else. I’m not risking their lives against Sombra. I highly doubt I’ve enough energy to hold him off even for a little while, what with how fast Cadance ran out of energy in the episode. Though, I don’t know if she’d been holding the barrier up for more than a day, though what Shining says about her not eating of sleeping would suggest it, so I guess that’s not a fair example. I sigh, glancing back to the sleeping young ones. “What am I going to do with you?” > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 ___________________________________________________________ I yawn as I return to the waking world, smacking my lips. Lifting my head, I look to the entrance to the cave. The sun’s out, meaning it’s morning and it seems the storm’s over. Cricking my neck, I look down to my barrel, where my two little charges are still sound asleep, nestled against me, Medley’s blanket wrapped a little haphazardly around the two. I can’t help smiling as I look at the content smiles on their faces. Trying not to wake them, I gently get up, before bending down and picking each up with my mouth, before depositing them on my back. At once the two snuggle closer to me, making my smile grow. They’re so adorable. I shake my head, my expression firming. I need to find out if the Empire’s back or not. Sooner I find out, the sooner I can get us somewhere we’re less likely to encounter danger. Seriously, Ponyville’s a nice town and I would be lying if I said I wouldn’t like to stay if it were just me, but I’ve two infants’ safety to think about, and between a town where Cerberus, a magic-stealing centaur, a unicorn possessed by an ancient magical artifact, among other things coming regularly compared to a place where I’ve only seen three big dangerous events, which were all spanned out with clearly big time gaps, I’ll take the latter as the safer place to be. As I walk up to the cave entrance, however, I realize a problem I didn’t consider. How the heck do I get out when I’ve sealed up the entrance with resin? A sudden stir gets my attention. It isn’t a physical one though, both infants on my back are still sound asleep. No, I felt this in the Hive Mind. It wasn’t much, a whisper at best, but it was enough. Closing my eyes, I imagine the resin liquefying to the consistency of normal water. Opening my eyes, I see a gentle green beam of magic which, when looking up with my eyes, I find is coming from my horn. The beam is hitting the wall, which is slowly melting. A few moments later and it’s just a puddle on the floor and quickly hardens. Huh. Interesting. Will keep that in mind for later, should it be needed. Stepping out into the sunlight, I feel movement from my back. Turning my neck around, I see the two little ones lift their heads and slowly open their eyes. God, I’m glad I’m a Changeling right now. That adorableness would kill another being, but since I now feed on such things, I’m good. Though, now that I think about it, I don’t feel all that hungry. When I arrived I was practically starving despite all the love that was coursing through me from Cadance and Shining’s Love Shield, but now, the only hunger I feel is for normal food. Huh. Putting those thoughts aside, I smile at the two of them. “Have a nice sleep?” They turn their heads to me, before smiling and babbling in baby talk. My smile warms more and I lean my head towards them, nuzzling each in turn. With that done, I start off into the Everfree. I should probably go to Ponyville. If I can find somepony and ask how long ago the wedding was without making it sound weird, I might be able to figure out when the Empire will return. ___________________________________________________________ After leaving the Everfree several hours later, I head down a path, seeing Fluttershy’s cottage in the distance. Hmm. She would be a pretty big help. She takes care of lots of animals and they have to be babies at some point, so I could get a bit of help from her... but I’d rather not take too much of a risk here. Yeah, Fluttershy would be the easiest to convince the nymph and I are friendly, but I don’t know if she could keep us a secret if put under too much pressure. It is Fluttershy prior season 3 I’m talking about, after all. Deciding to head into town and pray to whatever counts as God in this world Pinkie doesn’t find out, I hear the sound of voices from not too far up the path. I realize it’s ponies and panic, turning to the nymph. Without really thinking, I light my horn and my magic flares. When it fades, in the nymph’s place is a purple unicorn filly with a white mane with pink stripes. I sigh with relief, before the voices suddenly seem far closer than I’d like and I recognize them, my eyes widening in greater fear. It’s Rainbow Dash and Rarity. Oh, shit! I am not letting them see I’m a changeling. Hell, no! I quickly try to make my own disguise, doing my best to remember how it felt when I turned into Godzilla to crush that Manticore. I feel a cooling sensation going around my body as my magic covers it, bringing up a disguise. It happens in the nick of time as the unicorn and Pegasus crest the hill and come within my line of view and vice versa. The two pause when they see me, confusion coming over their faces and we all stand in an awkward silence for a few moments. Rarity is thankfully the one to break it. “Why, hello, there, darling. I don’t believe we’ve met. Are you new in town?” “Oh, no. We’re just passing through and...” I pause, having noticed what voice was coming out of my mouth. It sounds almost like Rarity’s only slightly different. “Huh? Never seen a rainbow maned Earth Pony before,” Rainbow says, folding her forelegs and giving me an odd look. Oh... Oh, please, do not tell me I turned into who I think I did. Quickly looking myself over, I inwardly groan at the rainbow with a cloud on either end of it Cutie Mark, the cyan fur and rainbow tail. I turned into G3 Rainbow Dash? You have got to be fucking kidding me! I inwardly sigh. Well, I guess it kinda makes sense. I was panicking and just tried to transform without really thinking about what to look or sound like and, with Dash and Rarity being forefront in my mind, I guess my subconscious merged the two in my mind due to Rainbow Dash being voiced by Tabitha St. Germain, who also voices Rarity in FiM and took G3 as the best choice. Great. “Is something wrong, dear?” Rarity asks, sound a bit concerned. Looking back to the two ponies, I try to think of something. Thank God I perfected the “Think of something to say or do, quick” thing back in high school, because a thought pops right into my mind and I start talking, hoping my brain will keep up with my mouth. Sometimes it doesn’t and those times are way awkward. “Oh, no, darling. I’m quiet alright. I was just surprised to find anypony out at this time.” Okay, so far so good. Brain, please don’t let me down. “My name is Spectrum. I’m just here visiting with these two foals I’m looking after for the day.” It’s now the two ponies notice my charges. Rarity coos, whilst Dash looks impressed. Gonna guess that’s because she sees Medley is a Pegasus. “Oh, aren’t they just adorable?” Rarity says, coming closing and leaning towards the two of them. They both cheer in baby talk, the nymph reaching out and grabbing Rarity’s muzzle. Guessing since she’s a Changeling, she’s excited by the emotions coming off of Rarity. Thank God I can read emotions. This would be a lot harder to do if I couldn’t. “So, if these ain’t your tikes, whose are they?” Dash asks, causing my brain to screech to a halt and back peddle like crazy. “Oh, just a mare I owe a favour to,” I say quickly. Dammit, I should’ve just said they were my kids. Crap. Then again, that would mean needing to keep this G3 Dash disguise up and like hell am I staying this pony. Dash gets a little suspicious. I don’t even need to see her expression to know it. I can feel it. “So, who is this mare?” “Rainbow Dash!” Rarity says in a scolding tone. “How would you like if somepony asked you such a question? If Miss Specrtum here is looking after another mares’ foals, we have no right to question who’s foals they may be. Honestly, how rude.” Dash blinks, before her suspicion turns to a shame as she looks to me, scratching behind her head. “Sorry, Spectrum. Guess I’ve kinda been on edge since the wedding a couple days ago.” The wedding was a few days ago? Okay, good to know. “Thank you, Rainbow Dash,” I smile politely, though I’m thanking her more for the unintended info, not so much her apology. She blinks again, becoming confused. “How’d you know my name?” Then she gets a sly grin. “Then again, I bet my name’s known pretty far. You heard of me?” Okay, I can answer truthfully as say yes I have heard of her... or I can point out the more obvious reason. I nod my head towards the white unicorn. “You’re friend here just said your full name, did she not?” Dash looks blankly at me for a moment. “Oh.” “Well, it was lovely talking with you both,” I smile, looking from one to the other. “However, I feel I should be heading off. Don’t want to keep these two waiting for their food.” Either they somehow got the hint or were actually hungry, because both apparent ponies on my back start making whining noises. Rarity chuckles lightly. “Very well, darling. Have a good day.” I nod and turn to leave, when I notice a trail of sparkling smoke coming in our direction. It moves passed me, splitting into two before taking the shape of scrolls that float before the two mares. Rarity opens hers, before a slightly amused expression plays across her face. “Oh, my. It seems Twilight would like us to join her at the library.” “How come?” Dash asks, taking her own scroll and opening it. Rarity chuckles. “Princess Celestia is asking her to Canterlot for a test.” My eyes widen. Celestia asking Twilight to Canterlot for a test and her sending messages to Dash and Rarity to come to the library. I get the feeling the Empire has returned. Okay, that’s good. I can get us to the Empire, take on a new disguise and we can blend in... except I don’t have any money. “Blast it all,” I mutter, giving only a second’s thought as to why I’m suddenly channelling my inner Britain. Rarity and Dash turn to me, looking confused. “Something wrong, darling?” I blink, inwardly smacking myself for saying it out loud. Well, may as well be honest, for all the good it’ll do me. I turn to them, my ears lowered. “I just realized I’ll need to take two train trips, but don’t have enough for even one.” Rarity smiles, her right saddlebag glowing and opening, a small brown pouch levitating out and over to me. “Oh, no, Rarity, I couldn’t...” I mumble, kicking myself. I feel like I just guilt-tripped her into giving me some money. Dammit! “Oh, I insist, darling,” she says, the bag still hovering in front of me. “It’s not much and you can even buy the little ones a treat if you want.” “May as well, take ’em, Specs,” Dash grins at me. “Rarity won’t take no for an answer when it comes to being generous.” I wait a few moments, before sighing and nod, taking the bag in my right hoof. They both bid me farewell (okay, Dash just says “See ya”) and they both head off into town, clearly towards Golden Oaks Library. I stand there for several moments, berating myself for unintentionally taking advantage of Rarity’s generosity, before sighing and make my way into town to find the train station. I’ll need to be in Canterlot when the Mane 6 head for the Empire, so I can join them. Though I do feel guilty that I’ll have to take advantage of Sombra’s chasing after them to be avoided by him so I can get into the Empire. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 ___________________________________________________________ “How much longer is this going to take?” Rainbow Dash groans, folding her forehooves and frowning as she hovers above the rest of the Mane 6. I watch from behind a wall. Getting to Canterlot had been the easy part. The little ones were interested in looking around at all the new sights and smells on the way, but had quickly fallen asleep. Keeping myself hidden from the rest of the Mane 6, however, was both not so easy and easier. At first, I’d been doing my best to hide, but when Fluttershy’s voice had come from around the corner, I’d panicked and tried to take on a new disguise on instinct… and somehow found myself having turned into a letterbox. Yeah, apparently we Changelings can turn into inanimate objects. That’s a useful little titbit the show has never informed us about and would’ve been more helpful to know back in Ponyville. “Twilight! Applejack’s voice pulls me from my inner thoughts and I notice Twilight and Spike have joined the group. Okay, good. That means we’ll be heading for the Crystal Empire soon. I listen as they talk, until Twilight reveals they’re going to the Crystal Empire, leaving the rest of the Mane 6 and Spike confused. A few hours later, the girls are back, Rarity with a large amount of luggage that she’s making Spike carry around with her. Man, guy really needs to get over his crush… and Rarity needs to stop abusing it. They get on the train and I quickly follow. When the tickets pony asks me where I’m going, I tell him I’m going with Twilight and the others. He gives me an odd look but shrugs and lets me on. I make sure, however, to stay in a cart far away from the Mane 6 and Spike. Last thing I need is them finding me before I can get into the Empire. After a few hours, the train arrives in the frozen tundra that is the Empire, but without the Crystal Heart protecting it properly, the station is stuck outside in the snow instead of within the barrier. I wait for them all to disembark, before covertly sneaking out myself, not made easy with Spike running around chasing the scarves that have flown out of one of Rarity’s bags, meaning it’s harder to avoid his eyesight when he keeps moving around and hiding behind the train. If I didn’t have to remain unnoticed, I would help the poor guy. “Twilight!” “Shining Armor?” I watch from my hiding place as Shining Armor gathers them all and leads them away. Glancing around, I use my magic to cover us in snow and stay low to the ground, following for a bit as Shining explains how Sombra keeps trying to get back into the Empire. A howling noise cuts him off and the shadowy form of Sombra starts chasing the others, myself being sure to not be noticed by the smoke monster. After it attacks Shining and said stallion falls through the barrier Cadance has created, I try to keep as quiet as possible so Sombra doesn’t notice me. He keeps slamming his smoky form against Cadance’s shield, snarling every time it doesn’t do anything. Okay. I’m just a few inches from the barrier. All I have to do is get through there and we’ll be fine. I can take on a new form as a Crystal Pony and blend in and… Loud whining from my back causes me to freeze in place. Looking back over my shoulder, the nymph has had enough of being under the snow and is waving its forelegs around in protest, its horn glowing with a green aura. A roar makes me snap my head in the direction of the large smoke monster. He’s looking right at me, a sinister smile spreading across his maw. The nymph seems to notice Sombra and starting wailing, which causes Medley to start wailing too. Deciding to throw caution to the wind in favour of saving our lives, I drop my disguise and fly into the air, aiming a laser blast from my horn at the smoky tyrant. It passes through him, but I notice him flinching slightly. Guess that was because my magic is charged by love. Taking advantage of his being distracted, I charge towards the barrier, passing through it and land, skidding on the ground until I come to a stop. Looking behind me, I see the barrier hiding the view of what’s beyond, but can sense Sombra’s rage and hatred at being foiled by a Changeling, especially a drone. Sighing with relief, I lean my head back and nuzzle the two little ones. It takes a few moments, but they eventually calm down. Once they’re no longer upset, they look around with awe at our surroundings. Gotta say, I’m pretty impressed myself. The Empire looks way more impressive in person than it did in the show. Taking in a deep breathe, I close my eyes and concentrate, before feeling a cooling sensation passing over me. Once it’s over, I look at my reflection in a nearby crystal. I am now a cyan-grey Crystal Pony unicorn mare, with a two-toned yellow and brown mane and tail and a smiling sun with a rainbow coming from behind it for a Cutie Mark. I look over my shoulder at the little ones and smile. “What do you think? Do you like my new look?” The two smile and babble in foal talk, which I’ll take as a yes. I turn to head into the Empire proper, before I remember something important. Every other Crystal Pony is dull right now, due to their unhappiness. If Twilight and the others go around the Empire to talk to all the residents and notice a single Crystal Pony who isn’t dull, they’ll get suspicious and want to know why I’m not like all the others. Sighing, I transform again, making my colours duller and my mane and tail droopier. The little ones feel concerned and make worried sounds. I look back at them, knowing my smile looks sad thanks to this new disguise. “It’s okay. It’s only for a little while.” We head into the Empire, passing many depressed Crystal Ponies, none of whom really pay me any mind. My little ones are getting concerned, both being able to tell something is wrong, the nymph more so due to actually being able to sense the emotions of the ponies around us. After some searching, during which I notice Twilight and the others moving around the Empire and do my best to remain off their radars, I finally find a building that looks like a real estate agency. Going in, I see a very depressed looking Crystal Pony stallion with a deep blue coat and grey mane and tail slumped atop the front desk. “Hello?” I ask and he moves his eyes to look at me. I cough. “Um, I don’t remember if I have a house or not, so… could I look into getting one?” He slowly lifts his head, before looking around as if he’s expecting somepony else to show up. “Why are you asking me?” I cock an eyebrow. “You work here, don’t you?” He blinks lazily, before cocking his head to the side. “Do I?” I deadpan. Okay. This isn’t going to be as easy as I’d have hoped, and I already knew it would be difficult. Going around the desk, which, due to his current mood, the guy doesn’t protest, despite the fact I’m pretty sure this is against regulations, I open one of the cabinets and pull out a folder labelled “Vacant Residences” and put it on the desk, opening it. We both look over the files, myself being way more energetic than my comrade, until I find a small house not too far from the Crystal Heart… before wilting. This house was vacant for months before Sombra took over the Empire, let alone the thousand years since. Still, it’s better than nothing and I can at least afford it for the time being with what’s left of the money Rarity gave me. I still feel guilty that she gave me so much, but I am grateful to her. I’ll have to find a way to make it up to her at some point. The only good thing about the agent’s depressed mood is he pretty much skips most of the stuff that would’ve taken hours and lazily stamps the file, officially making it my home. I thank him and we head out just as the announcement that the Crystal Fair is being held rings out across the Empire. I smile, knowing soon things can settle down and I can actually start trying to make a life for myself and my two little ones. I frown though, looking back at the nymph. “I never actually gave you a name, did I?” I ask. She looks at me, before smiling at babbles. I put a hoof to my chin in thought. “Well, I guess I’ll have to think of something before the fair ends. I should probably also go ahead and officially adopt the both of you. I guess I could always make up a story that you were two foals that I found, which is technically true. I’ll just have to change the details a little to imply you were here in the Empire. Sound good?” The two babble, before looking over towards where Crystal Ponies are heading off in groups, likely the fair. I smile. “Okay. Let’s go enjoy the fair then.” > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 ___________________________________________________________ “That does feel nice, doesn’t it?” I smile at two foals on my back, whom, like myself, now have a crystalline look to them thanks to the Crystal Heart’s recent activation. Sombra has just been defeated and the Empire is now free of him for good… at least I hope. Fans have theorized that he survived because his horn was still intact when he was being literally blown up, but since I know we get at least six seasons worth without him showing up again, I think we’re in the clear. I sigh, feeling the love all around me pulsing from the Crystal Heart… but find myself frowning. I can sense the love, it’s more than even what had been surging through my body after Cadance and Shining Armour blasted it with their Love Shield… but I feel no impulse to consume any of it. Glancing over my shoulder at the nymph and looking through the Hive Mind, she’s not the least bit interested in all that love either. What the heck is wrong with us? We’re both Changelings and I get the nagging feeling our bodies should not be okay with not eating love right now, but neither of us feels the least bit interested. Did something happen when I ended up in this body? Did my human mind interacting with a Changeling’s brain’s neural network screw something up and I inadvertently did the same to the nymph? I sigh, shaking my head. I need time to just sit and think about this. Try to properly figure out how to handle the situation I’m in. “Oh. They’re simply adorable!” I’m yanked from my train of thought and turn to see a mare standing next to me. She’s a Crystal Earth mare whose colour palette makes me think I’m looking at a pony version of Gloriosa Daisy, she’s even wearing a green hairband similar to her, before quickly realizing that’s not possible. I mean, yes, it’s possible Gloriosa has a pony counterpart, but I don’t think she’d be in the Crystal Empire, especially not as one of the many Crystal Ponies who were lost in time for a thousand years. Glancing at her Cutie Mark, my hunch is confirmed as I see a golden horse shoe encrusted with diamonds. That is definitely not Gloriosa’s Cutie Mark… um, I think. I don’t think we ever actually saw anything that would hint to her Cutie Mark in the movie, but, since she loved working at Camp Everfree, it would most likely have something to do with the forest and her own name specifically, right? “Um… hi?” I blink, before realizing I hadn’t actually said anything and shake my head, before extending a hoof. “Oh. Sorry. My mind’s been a bit scattered recently. I’m Prism.” She nodding, returning the hoofshake. “Verity Lucky.” She then smirks. “Don’t worry. We’ve all had a bit of a scattered mind today, haven’t we?” I blink. OH, right. The memory problems Sombra caused. Yeesh. That’s not a comfortable thing to think about. People joked about mind magic in the fandom, but Sombra literally did that. I’m suddenly very thankful I had the mind to not try challenging him like characters in those MLP self-insert fanfics would do. “As I was saying, they are both quite adorable,” Verity pulls me from my train of thought and I glance to my back as she boops the little ones on the nose each. They both cheer, laughing and burbling at her happily. I sense the kindness coming from her and can’t help but smile, before it becomes sad. Verity catches my sudden change in mood, mainly because the nymph senses my sadness and turns to me with a look of concern. “What’s wrong Prism?” she asks, moving so she’s next to me. I sigh, before looking back at the little ones, both of whom are now looking at me. I lean back, nuzzling the two, which they return furiously in kind, trying to make me happy. “It’s my little ones here. They’re…” I sigh, looking down at the ground. “They’re not technically mine. They’re both orphans I found and… well… I’m worried somepony won’t let me keep them, ya know?” At once, I feel the nymph surge with fear, seeming to understand what I said and holds tighter onto me. I can’t help giving a small smile and nuzzle her again. Verity frowns, before looking to me. “Where did you find them?” I look to her. “They’ve been with me since before the Empire returned.” Verity looks confused for a moment, before her eyes widen in horror, before her expression morphs into sadness as she looks to the little ones. “And it’s been a thousand years since the Empire was in Equestria… their parents must surely be… oh, my Celestia, that’s so heartbreaking.” She looks firmly to me. “Don’t worry, Prism. I’ll make sure you’re able to keep them.” She looks to the little ones, then back to me. “What’re their names?” I look down. “Medley’s the Pegasus, but… the other doesn’t have a name. Or, at least, I don’t know what her mother called her.” Which isn’t a lie. I don’t think Chrysalis ever told the Changeling whose body is now mine what the little royal’s name would be. Verity looks the little one over, rubbing her chin, her tongue sticking out in thought. “Hmm. Well, her colour palette being what it is, maybe… Rose Diamond?” I feel the nymph’s happiness through the Hive Mind as she babbles, clapping her hooves. I can’t help but let a warm smile come to my face. “Very well. Rose Diamond it is.” It feels fitting, anyway. Changelings are kind of bugs, so there’s a connection to flowers and the Diamond connects to the Empire. As for Medley, since a pony living in the Empire with that name isn’t too odd, I feel no reason to change or add anything to her name. Plus, it allows me to honour the memory of her original mother and preserve her legacy. “Let’s go then,” Verity indicates for me to follow. “I know where the adoption agency is, so let’s go and you can officially adopt your two daughters.” I nod, giving my thanks as she leads me into the Empire towards the agency. Well, I at least made one friend already. I hope I can make more, so we can have a good life here. ___________________________________________________________ “Thank you! We’ve been trying since yesterday, but everypony’s been struggling to return to their normal lives,” the white Crystal Pony mare says as we finish signing several papers. “We were worried nopony would be able to take the job for at least several more weeks.” I smile. “Well, I’ve been through a lot in my life, long before Sombra was factored into it. I’m a tough cookie.” “With a Pegasus and unicorn foal, I’d guess you would have to be pretty tough,” the mare chuckled, indicating down. Turning, we both watch as Medley and Rose are chasing each other, even if that just means crawling around, both laughing. After all the celebrations of the Empire’s freedom had concluded and Verity had helped me officially adopt my two charges, I’d began to make my way to our new home near the Crystal Heart so the three of us could rest, but when she’d seen how empty our home was and I explained I’d lost my home before the Empire’s return (technically, it wasn’t a lie), she’d offered to let us stay at her house for the night and, when she learned I needed to find a new job, myself making the excuse that Sombra’s rule made my last job unviable for me anymore, she’d offered to recommend me to her own employer at a day-care if I wanted to work there. Thinking it over, it was a good idea. It was a simple but reasonable paying job, plus it allows me to keep near my little ones all the time, so I don’t have worry about anything going wrong. “These two have been a hooful, I can’t lie,” I say, smirking down at them as Medley tackles Rose and the two tumble in a tangled mess, laughing the whole time. “Well, I wish you the best of luck, Miss Prism,” the mare smiles at me, handing me a folder, which I take in my magic. “A caretaker’s job isn’t always easy, but, since you have practice with your own little ones, I’m sure you’ll do fine. You start tomorrow. I wish you the best of luck.” I nod, before taking my little ones in my magic and levitating them onto my back. I bid the mare good day, the little ones waving and babbling to her and I head out. I look around at the Empire as we walk. Everypony is so much happier and their joy is too infectious for a Changeling to not be happy too. Moving through a nearby park, I see several foals playing on a jungle gym, their parents chatting nearby, while also keeping one eye on their children. They notice me and smile and wave, which I return in kind. I feel contentment from my back and glance over to see my girls have snuggled into my back and fallen asleep. I give a light giggle, before continuing on my way, only a little slower so as not to disturb them. As I walk through the market place, I sense something familiar. Blinking, I look around, before frowning. “Oh, they’re just so cute.” The voice causes me to halt in my tracks and my neck snaps around to see a certain pink Alicorn smiling at the sleeping little ones on my back. “Oh. Princess Cadance,” I say, my body suddenly being racked with nerves, trying to make my smile as convincing as possible. “What a pleasant surprise. What’re you doing, walking around the Empire?” Shit! Shit! Shit! Of all the ponies I could’ve run into, it had to be the one pony who has the worst experience with my kind and now she’s right in front of me. Fuck! Fuckidy, fuck, fuck, FUCK! Thankfully, Cadance is looking at the little ones, Rose having stirred from my sudden change in emotions being pretty much the equivalent to a bullhorn of fear. Cadance gives a light chuckle. “I may be the ruler of the Empire, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to interact with my subjects, Miss…?” “P-Prism, Your Highness,” I stutter, before gulping. “Sorry. I would bow, but with my daughters on my back…” She smiles warmly. “Quite alright, Miss Prism. I may be your princess, but I don’t expect ponies to bow every time I walk by.” She nuzzles Rose, who cheers, grabbing onto the Alicorn’s muzzle and giving a wide smile to the princess. Cadance returns the smile. “What’re their names?” I gulp, trying my best to stay calm. “The Pegasus is Medley and the one holding your nose is Rose Diamond.” “What lovely names,” she replies, blowing a quick raspberry on Rose’s stomach, causing the little faux-unicorn to fall back, laughing, causing her sister to wake as well. “So, Your Highness,” I ask, trying desperately to think of something, “ever considered foals of your own?” My face goes blank and I inwardly start smacking myself in the face. You’ve seen the beginning of season six, you dumbass. You know Flurry Heart is going to be a thing. Good grief, whatever happened to that ability to think quickly? Did I use it all up back in Ponyville? The princess pauses, looking up thoughtfully, before giving a small chuckle. “I can’t say the thought hasn’t occurred to me. Though, I think Shining and I will wait a while before we try.” Only a year or two, if I remember correctly, since the beginning of season four was the first new year in Euqestria since the start of the show. Not exactly long, if you ask me. “So, what do you do, Miss Prism?” she asks and I suddenly realize we’re walking side by side through the street. When did that start? I blink, before her question finally processes through my fear addled brain and I shake my head, before coughing. “Well, my last job isn’t exactly a viable idea for me anymore after Sombra’s rule and, with my little ones still so young, I just finished signing up as a caretaker at a day-care.” Cadance gets a wistful look in her eyes and turns to stare up at the sky. I find myself relaxing as I feel her nostalgia. Didn’t even know that was a feeling with an actually, well, feeling, but there you are. “Would you… like to play with my foals sometime, princess?” I ask, wondering a second later why I’d suggest something so bloody dangerous. Rose hasn’t dropped her disguise once or tried to turn into anything else, but that doesn’t mean she won’t slip up. Her little underdeveloped mind isn’t exactly as sharp as an adult’s. In a moment of joy, she might drop her disguise and then we’ll be busted. Cadance looks longingly at Rose and Medley for a moment, before giving a small sigh. “My duties as princess should come first. But… maybe I can stop by the day care sometimes?” I give a light laugh. “You’re asking me? You’re the princess. You could literally just order us to let you visit. We can’t exactly deny you, can we?” She blinks, before laughing. With that, we both part ways, myself feeling far less worried than I was minutes ago. I’m going to chalk it up to paranoia. With Cadance having been held captive by the being that is now biologically my mother and the fact I’ve now two daughters to protect, I guess my protective instincts were just causing my mind to blow my fears way out of proportion. After all, up to season six, there’s literally been no indication the Changelings are coming back aside from that one appearing at Cranky and Matilda’s wedding and it didn’t seem hostile, despite the fear the foals near it had clearly displayed. I frown. I do wonder how that Changeling never got caught, or, won’t get caught, I guess, since I’m still in early season three timeline. Especially with Cadance, Shining and the Royal Sisters there too. I wonder who that Changeling even was. Definitely wasn’t the one we encountered in the Everfree. I shake my head. What am I so worried about? Til Flurry is born and destroys the Crystal Heart, I don’t think the Empire has anything to worry about, especially not the Changelings. Sure, there was that black dot that flew through the sky towards the Empire at the end of that episode, but if it is a Changeling, Rose will sense it due to it not being connected to our two-way Hive Mind and it will likely try to get into it, just like the one we encountered in the Forest had. Once it does, Rose will alert me and I can alert Shining Armour and Cadance and, thanks to it trying to get into the Hive Mind, we’ll be able to track it and stop it, even if it’s already taken on a disguise by then. I won’t really have to explain how I know where it is, either. I can just lie about seeing it before or something and that I hurried to inform them before it noticed me. They don’t actually have to know I’m a Changeling for me to stop a Changeling. I give a light laugh and we head off towards our house. Verity had some extra furniture she didn’t need, so had offered it to me. While I was finalizing my employment, she’d been off getting some moving ponies to help transport it to my house. I’m going to stop by the Foal Services Store and see if there’s a crib I can buy with my current funds, so my little ones will actually have a bed to sleep in. There is still quite a bit left from what Rarity gave me, but it certainly won’t last very long. Maybe a few weeks, at best, after purchasing my own furniture and supplies. After all, foal supplies cost a lot. Why only get one crib instead of two, though, you may ask? Well, I would be lying if I said it doesn’t hurt that it’ll cost me less, but that’s the financial and least important reason. The main reason is they’re too close. Medley and Rose have become as close as sisters, regardless of my adopting them both as my daughters and thus making them sisters by default. I couldn’t bring myself to separate them when putting them to bed. Later on, when they’re older? Sure. For now, though, let them sleep in the same crib and keep each other company. Who am I to separate them? > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 ___________________________________________________________ “Oh, that’s a nice hat,” I smile sweetly at the young filly, who is wearing a foam flat square on her head. She smile and babbles, while I lift her in my magic and carried her over to a light-blue crib and lay her down. “It’s nap time, though. So, go to sleep,” I flick a switch with my magic and a soothing lullaby starts. I look around at all the sleeping foals in their cribs, my smile warming a little more when I see Rose and Medley next to each other in the same one, staying close. Nodding, I creep out the nursery and quietly close the door. “You’re amazing, Prism,” I turn to see Verity directly behind me, smiling, with a look of awe. “it’s like you can literally tell what they’re feeling.” I smirk. “Just gifted, I guess.” Plus, being able to read their emotions helps too. We both look through the window at the sleeping bodies, my eyes lingering on my own little ones for a brief moment. “We’ve never had such a calm day before,” Verity says as we walk into the staff room. “Only a few tantrums today. How do you do it?” I shrug. “I have a way with infants, I guess.” “Whatever the case, before the last two months, I’m not sure how we ever got along without you, Prism,” says a mare with a yellow coat, red eyes and red hair with pale yellow streaks and a trio of red hearts, with the middle heart being bigger than the other two. She sips from her mug of tea. I smile sheepishly, waving a hoof. “I think you’re over exaggerating a bit there, Scarlet Heart.” “It’s especially hard with everypony getting ready for the Equestria Games,” Verity giggles. “I think even the foals can tell something big is happening.” “Dandy Brush sure has a lot on her hooves,” I agree, sitting down and levitating over a mug of coffee for myself. “Getting Princess Cadance ready with the Ceremonial Headdress is going to be a big effort.” Especially since I know the events regarding that. “I just hope the Games Inspector decides the Empire gets to host the games,” Verity lets a little bit of her nerves show. “I mean, she wouldn’t hold the fact Sombra was ruling over us and we’ve been gone a thousand years against us, will she?” I shake my head. “I’m certain that The Welcoming Comity will do exactly what’s needed for us to end up hosting the games.” Suddenly, I feel a twitch in the Hive Mind. I blink, frowning in confusion, before it turns to a stern frown. “Prism?” Scarlet asks, noticing my expression. “If you’ll excuse me, girls, there are two little fillies misbehaving that need to be put back to bed,” I say, getting up and opening the door. At once, two little foals halt in mid-air, looking at us like a foal with their hoof caught in the cookie jar. Medley is buzzing her little wings, while Rose is surrounded by her aura as she levitates herself. “My word,” Scarlet gasps. “How did you know…?” Verity looks to me. I just snort, giving the two floating foals a very stern frown. “Let’s just say my foals and I had a connection most other ponies don’t.” I start marching towards them. “You two little devils better get back in there before I—” There’s a flash and both foals are suddenly no longer there. Scarlet and Verity start to panic, while I just rub my temples with a hoof. “I’ll be back once I’ve got those two troublemakers,” I say, lighting my own her and teleporting away. ___________________________________________________________ Foalish laughter rings out as several Crystal Ponies drop to the ground to avoid the dive-bombing terrors that are my daughters. “You two, get back here this minute!” I call, flying after them. Thankfully, flying while disguised is trivial, as I can use my currently invisible wings and just lightly coat myself in my aura, making it look like I’m levitating myself. I’ve been chasing the two of them for the last ten minutes as they’ve been flying around the Empire, doing whatever looks like fun, scaring the daylights out of many different ponies. “Yipes!” a mare I recognize as the one Spike and Twilight talked to during the events of the premiere leaps out of the way, my little ones none the wiser. “Sorry!” I call to her as I rush past, before narrowing my sights on my foals. “Everypony just be on the lookout for the pony with the flower print luggage— GAH!” My eyes widen as my foals bowl into none other than Twilight Sparkle. She lays sprawled out on the ground, my little ones laying atop her, cheering and waving their hooves around. “I’m so, so, sorry, Twilight… Sparkle,” I say as I land, quickly reminding myself we haven’t ever met before, so just calling her “Twilight” would cause a bit of suspicion. “Alright I’m,” the unicorn says in a daze as Applejack helps her up. “Oh, they’re so adorable,” Fluttershy leans down, nuzzling Medley, who laughs and grabs her nose. “These yer little ones, ma’am?” Applejack asks, before wearing a surprised expression and turns her head to see Rose sitting on her back, smiling. I grin sheepishly. “Well, yes, they are. I’m afraid they got away from me.” “Pretty energetic little tikes,” Rainbow Dash smirks, looking specifically at Medley. Twilight shakes her head, looking closely at Rose, then Medley, before cocking an eyebrow. “Wait. These foals aren’t Crystal Ponies.” She looks to me. I freeze for a moment, before taking an inward breath and look down, nodding. “They aren’t. I adopted them after I found them. They were here in the Empire and… well, we were all gone for a thousand years. Their parents aren’t exactly around anymore.” Well, the Changeling Queen is, but that’s not important right now. “Oh, the poor things,” Fluttershy holds Medley close, to which she responds by snuggling into the yellow Pegasus’ fur. Rose hops off Applejack’s back and I catch her in my magic, pulling her over and nuzzle her, which she returns. The Apple mare smiles. “Well, looks like they love ya just fine, Miss…?” “Oh, Prism,” I say, looking to her. I indicate to each of my daughters. “This is Rose Diamond and the little one hugging your friend is Medley.” “Nice names,” Applejack nods, before glancing over to Dash and raising an eyebrow. “Somethin’ wrong, Dash?” We all turn to see Dash is now wearing a puzzled frown as she looks between my foals… and I freeze up. Shit! Dash’s seen both of them before. Rose doesn’t even have a different disguise from last time. “It’s weird…” the cyan Pegasus says, looking from one foal to the other. “I… I can swear I’ve seen these two foals somewhere before.” “Well, they do live in the Crystal Empire,” AJ shrugs as Fluttershy passes Medley back to me. “You probably caught a glimpse o’ them and Prism here back when we were saving the Empire from Sombra.” I see an opening and I’m taking full advantage of it. “You mean when Spike the Brave and Glorious saved the Empire, yes?” AJ looks to me, before getting a bored look and waves a hoof as she turns away. “Yeah… sure. Anyway, Prism was probably at the Crystal Fair with her foals and you saw them there.” “Hmm. Maybe,” Dash says, looking suspiciously at my foals, both of whom are not helping the situation by reaching to her, remembering her from when we met outside the Everfree. “My apologies,” I say, bowing. “I should really get back to work. I wouldn’t want to hold you all up from anything important you might be doing.” “Important?” Dash asks, before her eyes widen in horror. “The Games Inspector! Let’s move it!” With that, they all rush off in the direction of the train station. I give a large sigh of relief, before giving a playfully stern look down at the two hugging my barrel. “You two could’ve seriously risked the timeline, you know.” They both look up at me with blank expressions, not understanding. I roll my eyes and smile, before levitating them onto my back. “Come on, let’s get back. After all that flying around, I think we all deserve a good rest, hmm?” They answer by both giving big yawns and snuggling against my back. I sigh, shaking my head, but smiling and start trotting back towards the day-care center. Now I just need to avoid interacting with the Mane 6 until Harshwhinny has given the all clear for the Empire to host the games and then I can relax. Oh, mental note, see if I can help out a little with that. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 ___________________________________________________________ “It’s so exciting!” Verity is practically bouncing of the walls, causing the little ones to laugh at the silly antics of us adults. “I wonder who will carry the flag for the Empire,” Scarlet ponders, several foals imitating her rubbing her chin. I have to hold back a snicker, before glancing around the park at the ponies working diligently to spruce it up for tomorrow. Yes, time has moved on here in the Empire and out in Equestria. Twilight has become an Alicorn and our newest princess. About a week ago was the scare of the sun and moon being in the sky at the same time, but, as I’d expected, everything turned out fine, with the Tree being given back the Elements. Now, today is the day Flag Carrying Competition, where teams from all over are going to see who will carry their flag for their athletic team in the Equestria Games. The students from Ponyville should be arriving soon. I frown as I notice two certain someponies are absent. “Whoa, what in the…?” At the rather raspy female voice, I turn around to see a griffin who looks very puzzled as two foals from her front, smiling up at her. I hurry over. “Sorry, sorry. These two scamps love to pull disappearing acts.” I get a good look at the griffin as I’m gently pulling my foals off her with my magic. She looks a lot like Gilda, but with a slightly different shape. She seems to have everything else similar, save maybe a darker brown coat of feathers, but other than that and her body shape, a bit wider than Gilda’s there’s no difference. She shakes her head, before giving me a very disapproving look. “You’re not a very good mother if you can’t keep track of your hatchlings.” At once, I scowl. “Do hatchlings have the ability to teleport? Until they do, don’t act like you know how hard it is too keep track of a foal use can use magic.” The griffin huffs, before moving off and I notice twelve hatchlings with her, several of whom are glancing back me out of curiosity. I blink, before it clicks. Those must be the students from whatever counts as a school in Griffonstone and they’re competing to hold Griffonstone’s flag in the Equestria Games. Suddenly my forlimbs are empty, but before, I can worry, feel a little form plop on my back. Glancing behind me, I see my little owns, giving me the most innocent smiles. I roll my eyes and smile. These two have been a hoofful. Several times they’ve gone flying around the Empire and causing mischief, thinking it’s a game. I’m lucky Crystal Ponies are so willing to forgive little ones’ antics, because if this were Canterlot, I’m pretty sure the nobles would’ve wanted my head ages ago. Shaking my head, but still smiling, I walk back over to the girls and the rest of our charges and set my little ones back down with them. “Oh. Well, this is unexpected.” I think I almost give myself whiplash with how quickly I turn my neck at the sound of the voice. Cadance is walking into the park, a contingent of guards trying, unsuccessfully, to secretly fool after, clearly there for her protection. At once, Rose and Medley cheer, before Rose lights her horn, teleporting the two to sit in front of the pink princess, holding their hooves up to her. Cadance laughs, picking them both up and nuzzles them. “Oh my gosh! Your Highness!” we both turn to see the girls bowing, the foals laughing, thinking they’re being silly. Cadance radiates happiness and I can’t help smiling at her. “Aww! They’re so adorable!” My eyes widen and I turn around, very surprised to see a relaxed trio of fillies, with a rainbow maned Pegasus flying next to them. Sweetie Belle is looking at all the foals. Then they notice Cadance and go nuts. “I guess that’s my cue to leave,” Cadance smiles sadly, nuzzling my foals and returning them to me with her magic, before heading off with Dash and the CMC towards the stadium where the games and Flag Carrying Competition are being held. I walk back over to the girls, before pausing, glancing behind me, a tiny frown on my face. “Prism?” Scarlet Heart’s voice pulls me from my thoughts and I turn to her. I smile. “It’s probably nothing.” We spend the next half hour just entertaining the foals, making sure none of them run off or cause anypony any problems. I call over any fillies and colts who seem upset, indicating to me either they lost the competition, or feel they have. A few minutes with our gaggle of foals gets them all smiling in no time. Eventually, I notice a certain pair of Earth Ponies in frilly pink skirts stomping down the path. I watch the two, frowning as I find myself torn. Being a mother now, I want to protect Diamond Tiara from her horrible mother, but I know I can’t do so without interfereing with the timeline and risking the CMC not getting their Cutie Marks. I sigh, watching the pair disappear down the road. Sorry, Tiara. I wish I could help, you. I really do. “Prism?” I turn to see Scarlet giving me a sheepish grin. “Hmm?” I ask, cocking my head. She rubs the back of her neck. “We’ve… run out of diapers. Could you… go get us some more and I notice Aroma’s expression…” I look to the little pink and purple maned foal with a scrunched up face. I blink, before nodding, giving a salute. “Be back as soon as possible.” I head down the road back towards the care center. With any luck, thanks to the competition having only recently ended, I shouldn’t have to worry about crowds until a little after getting back with… supplies… I stop in place, turning towards the west, my eyes narrowed. I sense… something. There’s negative emotions coming from that direction. Or rather, positive emotions caused by desires for something negative. Glancing around to ensure not too many ponies are nearby, I move in that direction, my eyes scanning for witnesses. I dunno what it is I’m sensing the emotions of, but it has negative intent and that’s enough for me to want it gone. I find myself reaching the edge of the barrier separating the Empire from the frozen north. I narrow my eyes at the barrier. Beyond it, I sense whatever has negative emotions coming closer. I glance back the way I came, before firming my expression and step out of the barrier. At once, the wind slams into my face, the cold trying to sap the warmth from my body. I just shake my head, bracing against the elements, my eyes fixed on the direction the emotions are coming from. Within moments, I see a form coming closer through the snow. As I watch, it becomes clearer… and I find myself confused. It has the head of a tiger, a goat and a tail with the head of a snake. I blink. It’s the Chimera from the episode Somepony To Watch Over me. What in the wide world of Equestria is it doing all the way out here in the frozen north. I was expecting that pony eating yeti Pinkie encounters in Party Pooped. Shaking my head, I focus as it comes within full range, quickly casting a temporary silence spell on the barrier in a way I know will spread it over the whole Empire. Simple, harmless spells do that, as if the barrier knows what will harm those within and what won’t. Guess that’s the Crystal Heart’s influence. “Halt!” I yell firmly. It does, before the three heads look to me in confusion, then burst out laughing. “Look at this ssssilly pony, sssissstersss,” the snake snickers. “Oh. So-oh-oh intimidating,” the goat head says before giving a bleating laugh. “I’m warning you,” I say, gritting my teeth. “I’m a mother. I won’t let you harm my daughters or anypony else in this Empire!” The tiger head just sneers at me. “And just how does a single little pony plan on stopping us? You’re just an appetizer to us.” “Perhapsss her daughtersss can be the main coursssse,” the snake head hisses, laughing cruelly, causing her sisters to laugh along with her. I snort, letting them finish their laughter, before looking at them with cold certainty. “You three are nothing but a bunch of bullies.” They laugh again. “Oh, we’re sowwy pony,” the tiger head says mockingly. “We didn’t wealize we wewe huwding yow widdle feewings.” I snort again. “And you wanna you the thing about being a bully?” They sneer at me, asking in unison, “What?” My eyes flash with Changeling Magic, causing them all to blink in confusion as I add distortion to my voice. “There’s always someone bigger than you!” I’m engulfed in green flash, that rises higher and higher, towering over the quadruped. When the flames dissipate, I’m now in the form of Godzilla. I lean down, snarling, before letting out a deafening roar. My roar echoes across the landscape for several moments, the tri-headed beast’s fur matted against itself from the force of the wind my roar created. I snort, blowing a cloud of frost over the Chimera. “Run!” They do, speeding off, whimpering all the way. I watch them go until they are far out of sight, which, in my current form, gives me a long range of view. Once they’re finally beyond the far off horizon, I return to my Prism form, pass back through the barrier and return the center to get the supplies. Nopony will be any the wiser. > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7 ___________________________________________________________ I lean my head, dodging to the right, avoiding the rattle and blowing a raspberry, to which the group of foals laughs at me. I’m sitting in the park with Verity. Everypony else is currently at Rainbow Falls, cheering on family trying out for the games. Things have been mostly peaceful, here in the Empire over the last couple months. Twilight and the rest of the Mane Six don’t really come here very often, so I haven’t had to worry too much, most times only learning they were here after the fact, by which point they’d already left. Thanks to the newspapers, I’ve been able to keep up with current events outside of the Empire. Rarity won her fashion contest in Manehattan, a brief mention about odd bat behaviour being the reason for a slight apple shortage in Ponyville letting me know the events with Flutterbat have been and gone without any hassle. And, while they haven’t been mentioned in any way, the former events being mentioned has also clued me in that the Mane Six and Spike have already been through their Power Ponies adventure and that Pinkie Pie is now aware she’s a, if distant, member of the Apple family, As for here in the Empire itself, like I said, it’s been quiet. Medley and Rose have well-adjusted to our home. On days off, I take them on walks throughout the Empire, helping myself get more familiar with its layout and so my little ones can enjoy all the sights, sounds and smells. Verity has been a wonderful friend and help. I couldn’t be happier that she’s the first friend I made after coming here. That’s not to say a few worries haven’t arisen every once in a while. Rose has left her disguise drop every once in a while and I’ve quickly had to make sure to redo it before anypony sees, especially Cadance, for multiple reason. The obvious the reasons are the Canterlot Invasion, but others now include the fact she’s interacted with my foals several times. She’s even invited us to dinner a few times up at the castle. Boy, if that wasn’t that nerve wracking. Thankfully, Rose seems to now understand that, around others, she’s not allowed to drop her disguise. Only at home is it really okay. Though… what’s not okay is how neither of us has felt a need to consume even a drop of love since we got here. I’ve had to make sure we both eat love, because we’re not doing it instinctually. Not helping is how bloated I feel every time I eat love, either. I’ll start and almost instantly feel like I’ve been eating for over an hour. I only push myself and Rose to keep going because I know Changelings are supposed to eat love, which is in abundance here in the Empire, so we don’t have to make it obvious… but the fact it’s something I’m essentially having to force the two of us to do is concerning me. I am genuinely starting to worry that there’s something wrong, with both of us, but, it’s not like I can ask anypony for help on this. Changelings are the enemy and I don’t think that’s ever going to change. Even if it means we’re living half a lie, the only pony I can let know we’re Changelings is Medley herself. She’s going to grow up without seeing a difference, but, that isn’t something I can bank on the ponies of Equestria agreeing to. As such, I have to hope that, whatever’s wrong with myself and Rose, it’s something I can fix on my own in due time. Thankfully, as long as I make sure we’re at least eating some love every day, we should be fine. Loss of appetite for love is worrying, but, as long as I keep reminding myself and Rose to eat it, we should be fine. After all, our general appetite is still there, just not strongly for love anymore. Although, a couple days ago I did notice something… odd. Not worrying, but odd. Our wings have changed. It’s nothing fancy or anything, but, a few nights ago I’d dropped our disguises so I could give both Rose and Medley a bath before bed and I’d noticed our wings have these strange sparkles on them now, almost like tiny gems have become embedded into our wings. I was worried at first, but, it doesn’t seem to be causing any harm, so I let it slide and just assumed it’s because we’re constantly surrounded by love. The fandom did theorize that the Changelings look the way they do from a lack of love and, the more regularly they feed, the more their appearance would improve. Plus, there was always that theory that the Changelings are just a mutated form of Flutter Ponies, so, again, maybe being surrounded by love is changing us back from Changelings to Flutter Ponies. Either way, unless I start seeing some genuinely negative effects start, I think we’re good. “A bit for your thoughts?” I shake my head and look to Verity, who glances to her left, then winks. “Checking out that stallion over there?” I turn in the direction she’s indicating to see a blue Crystal Pony stallion with a two-toned blue main and tail, with a bow and arrow for a Cutie Mark. I blush as I process exactly what Verity is implying and shaking my head, before huffing. “Not a chance. This mother is staying single, thank you very much.” I’m unsure if they understand or not, but Rose and Medley folds their hooves and shake their heads, making “uh uh” sounds, the rest of the foals mimicking them. Verity holds up a hoof, laughing. “Okay, okay. I can tell when I’m out voted.” “Relationships are the farthest thing from my mind,” I say, pulling my foals close with a foreleg and nuzzling them. “These two little rascals are all the family I need.” They both giggle, hugging me. “I do hope friendship is still something you want.” We all turn as Cadance walks into the park, myself noticing some guards standing off to the side. “Cadance,” I wave, before cocking an eyebrow. “You’re not at Rainbow Falls for the selection?” I know she wasn’t in the episode, but asking isn’t too odd, I’d think. She settles down next to me and Medley and Rose immediately crawl over my legs to hug her, followed by all the other foals joining in, crawling all over her. She smiles, shaking her head. “I didn’t feel it needed my being there. Besides, I’m much happier playing with these little ones.” She finishes by levitating a red Crystal Pony foal and blowing a raspberry into his belly, making him squeal with laughter. Glancing around, I see other ponies in the park watching us, most with warm smiles. “So, Prism?” Cadance asks as she lowers the foal back into the throng of baby ponies. “Hmm?” I look to her. She gives a devilish smirk. “Are you sure you’re not interested in finding a special somepony? I’m certain there’s one out there somewhere for you. I’d be more than happy to help you look.” I blush, before closing my eyes, frowning and cough into a hoof. “I’m quite sure, thank you, Cadance.” The smirk doesn’t leave her face. “Such brash talk towards your princess? How rude.” I roll my eyes, but can’t hold back the small smile. After a few minutes, Cadance has to leave, returning to her duties. Verity and myself take the foals and head for a café for lunch. We feed all the foals first, before getting our own food and chat while we eat. As the day turns to late afternoon, the competitors for the games return to the Empire and word quickly gets around as to who won places in the games and what they’ll be competing in. By the time even comes, I’m already back home. I spent the later afternoon cleaning the house a bit. It’s very easy when you can shapeshift, myself even using hands where I don’t necessarily need magic to reach. As I put my little ones to sleep, I look out the window at the night sky. Times are peaceful, but I know it won’t always stay that way. I thankfully know Tirek won’t reach the Empire before he’s defeated, but even then, that’s a ways off from now. Life has been so peaceful here in the Empire that… I’m actually starting to understand why Cadance was jumping at any chance to leave the Empire and do something in later seasons. It is peaceful… but it’s also kinda dull, after a while. Maybe I should plan a trip for a small vacation somewhere, give the girls some new horizons. With that thought it mind, I turn out the lights and head for bed. > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8 ___________________________________________________________ “They had fun, then?” Cadance asks with a giggle as my daughters clamber over me. We’re sitting in her living room in the castle, two cups of tea on a small table to Cadance’s right. Shining Armour is currently out in Canterlot organizing security plans with the princesses for when the Duke and Duchess of Martonia will be here in about two months. Yes, time has flown by in Equestria at large. After Cadance had returned to the Empire following the events of Three’s A Crowd, through her, I’d gotten some info on events beyond that episode… and some somehow prior. Rainbow’s Birthiversary with Weird Al pony has already been on gone, as had the episode where Maud first visits Ponyville, also meaning Apple Bloom had avoided being eaten by the Chimera after Applejack went overboard looking after her little sister. The Breezies arriving in Ponyville, Twilight Time and Filli Vanilli all happened recently too, though I found those out myself. Not wanting to overstimulate my littles ones or myself, like I’d planned, while we did go out on a little vacation during a week off (the girls actually insisted I take that much because I’d done so much since joining), we didn’t go to too many places, only two, in fact. The first place we’d gone was Cloudsdale. It had certainly been an interesting experience, going through the cloud based city. Medley in particular was a buzz with excitement, like because she’s a Pegasus and has a strong subconscious connection to the place. The number of times she zipped off and I’d found her climbing on cloud structures I stopped keeping count of after thirty-five, she was that eager. Rose wasn’t as active as her sister, though she did join her at least five times. Thankfully, nopony questioned why a pair of unicorns were just walking on the clouds, most likely assuming I’d casted a Cloud Walking Spell on the two of us. Honestly, we got more odd looks from the fact Medley is a Pegasus while Rose and I are not, though thankfully those looks were few and far between. I had paused a moment as we’d passed The Rainbow Factory during one of Medley’s little runs, but a quick scan for emotions didn’t reveal anything to suggest that was in any way relevant to this world, thank Celestia. It was during a talk with a Pegasus mare who’d been in Ponyville during the Pony Tones performance that I was able to learn what other events have already passed us by while I’ve been looking after my little ones in the Empire. Since the mare had talked about the Pony Tones in particular, it easily let me figure out that other events had been and gone. It was on our last day before heading back for the Empire that I found out about the events of For Whom The Sweetie Belle Tolls… because we’d unintentionally stumbled into them. We’d needed to catch a train to Canterlot to get a transfer to the Empire and, while I’d been resting with my little ones sleeping against my barrel on the seat, I’d overheard the voices of the CMC, their conversation being about Sapphire Shores and her songs clueing me in that I was smack bang in the events of that episode. I’ve been relaying this to Cadance without actually needing to specify the episodes themselves. I am somewhat on edge, though, as I’m now firmly aware how close we are to the events of season four ending, Shining being off to prepare for the Duke and Duchess being more than enough to clue me in, even if I hadn’t learned about the other events second-hoof and once in person. “I understand why you wanted some excitement when you went to visit your sister, Cadance,” I say, levitating my foals off me and into my forelimbs, before heaving a heavy sigh, “but, honestly, after this week, I think the calm of the Empire will do me much better.” Cadance chuckles. “Yes, well, you have a point there, Prism. Plus, unlike myself, you have your little ones to contend with. I doubt a day is dull with these two rascals around.” She levitates Rose to her and nuzzles their noses together, Rose chirping with happy burbles in response. I smile and am about to say something, when my eyes widen. This does not go unnoticed by the Alicorn and Pegasus. Rose, however, is staring wide-eyed at me. Something’s coming. Something huge. I’ve never sensed anything like this since I first found myself a Changeling. It’s like a sun sized tidal wave of emotional energy roaring towards the Empire at a rapid pace. It’s going to reach us within seconds. There’s no time to do anything. I have no chance of getting us to safety, let alone warn the Empire of this incoming whatever it is. I can’t even move, my body paralysed both in fear and by the sheer magnitude of what I’m sensing. “Prisim? Prisim, what’s wrong?” I can hear Cadance’s voice, but I can’t see her as my vision is clouded by an orange glow. “Rose, you too? Prisim, do you need help? Guards! Guards, come quick! Something’s wrong with Pris—!” I fail to hear whatever else Cadance was saying as my body is suddenly wracked with an intense wave of I have no idea what. The emotions in whatever it is are so strong and so chaotically jumbled together it’s like emotional white noise. I can barely keep myself conscious through it all, the sound of a gasp from my side suggesting maybe Cadance is somehow sensing it too. After what feels like eons the maelstrom of magically charged emotion finally passes by and I collapse to the floor, heaving like I just ran an over forty k mile marathon with no breaks. A few moments later, I open my eyes to see Cadance holding her head, her horn flickering. Despite being so exhausted from however worse whatever just happened was for me due to being a Changeling, though the fact Cadance felt it too is concerning, my eyes slowly widen as I realize Rose is passed out by Cadance’s hooves, her disguise gone. A quick check tells me mine is also gone. “Princess? Princess, is everything alright?” a male voice calls from outside, getting closer. Fear gripping me, it taking far more effort than I’d like to admit, I reapply my disguise and then Rose’s, before collapsing to the floor again, just as the doors to Cadance’s room opens, a quartet of Pegasus Crystal Guards, two greyish-blue, the other two yellow, rushing in. “I’m… I’m alright,” Cadance barely manages, before indicating to Rose and myself, while Medley is anxiously pressing against my barrel, whining in fear. “Help Prism and her daughter. Whatever just happened seems to have hit them worse than myself.” “It’s not just you and your guests, Your Highness,” one of the blueish-grey guards says a yellow one is lifting me onto his back, Medley flying up to snuggle against me, the other yellow guard picking up Rose and bringing her to rest next to me. “As we were rushing to your aid, we saw several other unicorns, clearly effected, though nowhere near as badly it seems as your guest and her unicorn daughter.” Wait… what? Rose and myself weren’t the only ones negatively affected? I mean, that makes sense, but, I’m so sluggish right now, something about it feels off. I hear Cadance grunt, unable to see her due to yellow neck obscuring my view now. “Once I’ve gotten my second wind, I want help investigating this. If it’s not just Prism, her daughter Rose and myself who noticed whatever just washed over the Empire, this cannot be overlooked.” I hear no more, as my war against the tempting wave of sleep is too strong and Cadance and the guards voices fade away, myself vaguely aware of my body bobbing up and down. ___________________________________________________________ “You are taking more time off, you hear me?” Verity says firmly as she and the others stand around my bed. I’m in the castle’s infirmary, where Rose, Medley and myself have been for the last two weeks. Whatever hit Equestria, it hit Rose and I far worse than everypony else. That isn’t a mistake, either. When I said Equestria, I mean all of Equestria. Turns out, whatever that huge wave of magical emotion was that washed over the Empire, it wasn’t just the Empire. All over Equestria, everypony felt it. More specifically, everypony with a horn. While clearly none of them were hit as hard as Rose and myself, all unicorns and all the Alicorns felt that wave too as it washed over what seems to have been the whole world. From Trottingham to Neigh York, no unicorn didn’t feel that wave of energy pass over. It took a few days, but the princesses have a team of unicorn mages now looking into whatever could’ve caused whatever that was. The pressing concern is… nothing seems to have come up. It’s as if the cause of the magical wave had no starting point. No base to even start tracking it. It was just suddenly here and then gone. The only positives that have so far been gleamed is that, aside from unicorns and Alicorns getting temporarily fatigued and given headaches, nothing else seems to have happened because of whatever that wave was. The only ones more negatively affected were Rose and myself and only because we’re Changelings. Does give me a bit of vindictive joy to think the other Changelings and their queen are likely going through the same thing, at least, with less others caring for them than us. The only real issue we’ve been having is myself having to keep our disguises up. With the fatigue of emotional overload being so strong, it’s proven slightly more difficult to keep my own up. Rose, being an infant, isn’t even trying, so it’s been more an effort than usual. “Girls, I’m fine,” I reassure them. “Yes, I’m tired, but that’s all. I’ll be let out in two days.” Scarlet gives me a stern look. “Prism, we are not discussing this. You and Rose have been in here for over two weeks. Once you and Rose are let out, you are taking. Time. Off. Understood?” I inwardly sigh. When Scarlet gets like this, there’s no changing her mind. I nod. “Fine. I don’t approve of it, but, if you want me to take time off, I’ll take time off.” The girls all sigh with relief, before a nurse comes over and asks them to leave so I can rest. Once the girls are gone and the nurse has headed into her office, I sigh with relief and look to Rose, my horn faintly glowing and recasting her disguise just as it falls. While not wanting to take time off had been the reason I’d wanted to end the discussion with the girls quickly, the other, more important reason was I could sense Rose losing her gripe on her form. After this event, Rose being revealed a Changeling would not have gone well, at all. Smiling as Medley snuggles closer to Rose, I lean back and look up at the ceiling, my mind on the near future. As if the mysterious wave reaching all over Equestria hadn’t been bad enough to learn, in the two weeks I’ve been in here, events outside the Empire have moved alarmingly fast. Thanks to Cadance coming in exhausted one time she visited and explaining the reason why, I’m aware that Rarity’s little incident where her mind nearly warped all of Ponyville into her mind’s most extreme thoughts has been gone… which means we’re closer to Tirek’s return than I’d have liked. Yes, there’s still just under one month and two week before then, but knowing now that’s the next key event to happen after the Equestria Games, while I’m still like this… is not a comforting thought, even if I should be running on all cylinders again by that time. I’m thankful Tirek shouldn’t come here… because I don’t know if I could do anything to help. Though, I wonder if Tirek sensed that magical wave too and, since he’s Tirek, would he know more about it? It would be interesting if we could find out something because of Tirek recognising the energy’s signature of whatever. Cooing from my side makes me glance to my sleeping daughters, before sighing and close my eyes. We’ll see what happens.