> The Merchant of Equestria! > by Azelze The Mephistocorn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > I just wanted some gecko eyes..... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a peaceful day in Ponyville. The sun was shining, the birds were singing…. “AAAAAAH!!!” ...and a full grown stallion screamed like a bitch as you kicked him out of your store. “You better run!” You yelled as he did just that. “And if I ever see your ugly face in my shop again, I'll turn you into a mare!” You huffed as you slammed the door shut, causing most of your vials to rattle in place. Honestly, the nerve of some ponies these days, trying swipe one of your potions when you weren't looking. He was lucky you didn't turn him into a mare! He probably wouldn't be very pretty anyways. After making sure all your merchandise well and accounted for, you made your way back to the counter, waiting for your next victi - CUSTOMER! You sighed as you brought out you tarot cards and began shuffling. Perhaps some fortune telling will help pass the time, you thought as you deal the cards. How long has it been since you ended up in Equestria anyway? Two months? A year? You didn't know nor did you really care. It wasn't like you were planning on going back to earth anytime soon, you were thriving here way better than you ever did in that dump. At first, the locals were wary of you which was understandable you suppose - not everyday an alien and his house/shop show up out of nowhere at the edge of town. Some ponies said it was fate; that you were a hero, destined to save them from a great evil. Some of them said you were a bad omen. A few of them (Rainbow Dash) said you were an alien spy, here to lead an alien invasion and enslave them all. You were content to let them believe what they want but, if you were completely honest with yourself…..you were just a guy who put too much cinnamon in his teleportation potion. But they didn't need to know that. It was only after three weeks in that you finally realised that you were separated from your one true love. You were missing the one thing that always kept you going in life. You're favorite thing in the whole world, no, universe was gone. No I'm not talking about weed! I'm talking about money and lots of it! Now you weren't going to lie, you loved money more than life itself and it loved you right back. It's always been oh so good to you. Whoever said money can't buy happiness can kiss your ass! You were also very sly and witty. You knew this. Hell, you embraced it! With your wits, you could probably sell ice to an eskimo. Yep, you had one hell of a platinum (silver is for losers) tongue. Why, with the right words, you bet you could even convince the royal sister to bow before you. So, suffice to say, you were an excellent businessman. So, after some consideration (mostly about how much you would charge), you went down to town hall, got the paper done and BOOM! You were ready to reopen shop. And just what did you sell? Just what item was it that made you such a success? To what do you owe the big time for making you the greatest merchant of all time?! Magic! ….sort of. Okay, so maybe not magic but it was something just as good. You sold mystical items. Yep, in addition to being a greedy fox, you were also a master of the mystic arts. You sold everything from potions and charms to wands and fortunes. No seriously, you had a crystal ball and everything. Zecora, a good friend of yours, once said that you were a shaman like no other and technically, she was right. But the ‘master of the mystic arts’ had a much better ring to it than ‘shaman’. Then again, ‘grandmaster shaman’ didn't sound too bad either. Now your life wasn't completely perfect, just mostly. As all good things in life, it had it's problems. While you were nice to all the mone - CLIENTS that entered your store, there were a select few who managed to get on your shitlist, such as a certain blonde stuck up unicorn. Royal discount indeed… There were also a few other nuisances such xenophobic ponies, persistent business rivals and the more-than-occasional villain trying to take over Equestria. And then there was the main six…. The mere mention of those girls made you groan in annoyance. Your relationship with them was rather….interesting for lack of a better word. While you didn't hate them per say, you certainly didn't get along with them. Sure, they weren't all bad - Rarity was a big fan of your youth potions (and any pony who can pay you in rare gems is a-okay in your book) and Fluttershy was so sweet and adorable that you almost wanted to give her a discount. Almost. You and Applejack had an understanding. Though she made it clear that she didn't believe in using magic and potions to solve her problems nor did she approve of your manipulative ways, she never bothered you about it. She respected your business and left it at that. Rainbow Dash made it more than clear that she didn't like you, which was odd. What's not to like? You're amazing! Any who, despite her obvious dislike of you, she still came to your store often. She often claimed that she was ‘keeping an eye on you’ but let's be honest here, if you were actually planning something, you would've at least done something by now. Which begged the question: why did she really come to your store? Your answer? You didn't care. You had way better things to do than question some rainbow headed mare about her distrust. You were always nice to Pinkie but that was only because you were fairly certain that she had dead bodies in her closet. And then there was Twilight. The magical purple - oh sorry, lavender mare seemed to have made it her mission to be a constant thorn in your balls. Every time she walked through the door she questioned you about your merchandise. She refused to believe any of your potions and fortunes were real, demanding ‘scientific proof’ which was pretty damn funny coming from the fucking element of magic! Every time she talks to you, you just want to rip your own arm off just so you have something to throw at her, but, since Redheart said that if you asked her to fix your dislocated shoulder one more time, she'd start billing you, you settled for throwing a book at her and telling her to get out. You never did get that book back. It didn't help that whenever a magic related disaster happened in town, their first suspect was always you (How were you supposed to know that chimera had a grudge against Applejack?!) but, at that point, you always stated that you were not responsible for whatever the client does with their purchase after they leave your property. That usually shut them up. You were snapped out of your thoughts be the sound of the bell that hung above your door, followed by the sound of nervous hoofsteps. You didn't didn't need your crystal ball to see where this was going. “E-Excuse me, d-do you have any -” He hadn't even finished his sentence yet when you suddenly thrust a sack in his face, the clinking sound of the potions within echoing through the room. The stallion stared at you with wide eyes, you hadn't even taken your eyes off your cards. “That'll be fifty bits please,” You stated, still not looking at him. You didn't need to. This had become a somewhat daily occurrence as of late. It started of innocently enough; one day a stallion came in asking for an invisibility potion. The next day two more came in asking for a teleportation potion. This went on for a while until eventually, you had a whole crowd of stallions outside your door asking for potions and fortunes. If your eyes hadn't been too busy playing ‘who could be the best dollar sign’, you probably would've noticed the nervous and even scared looks on their faces. Sure, some of them tried to explain what was going on - a warning from one man to another if you will - but all you really heard was ‘cha-ching’! It didn't really bother you. After all, you'll sell anything to anyone; mares, stallions, fillies, heroes, villains, as long as they had cash, you didn't care. But now that you thought about it, you have noticed a strange lack of males in town lately. Oh well, not your problem. You'd let the heroes deal with it. The ever musical sound of bits landing on your counter snapped you out of your reminiscing. You stared down at the money for a second before nodding, deciding that you didn't need to hunt the stallion down and beat the proper amount out of him, and handing him the bag. You watched as walked out the door, looking quite relieved for some reason, before bringing back to your cards. What you saw made your eyebrow go higher than Celestia's sun. “Huh, didn't see that coming.” True to your words, the card you saw was the last card you expected to see since you came to the cartoonish land known as Equestria. A card that made you question whether your fortune telling needed some work. The Knight of cups. You rubbed your eyes, blinking a few times before looking back at the card. Nope, still there. Well at least you know you aren't dreaming. ‘Hmmm...this either means that I'm going to have a loving and meaningful relationship that will fill my life with a joy like no other...or I'm gonna get laid. Either way, yay for me!’ You were about to draw another card to find out who this lucky mare was when the ring of the bell interrupted you. As you made a mental note to melt that bell into a paperweight, the sound of hoofsteps reached your ears. These steps weren't nervous and heavy like a stallion's, but rather light and well paced. You looked up and let a half smile spread across your face at the sight of you favorite purse. “Hey Rarity, what can I do for ya?” The ivory mare smiled at you as she placed her novelty purse on the counter. You really liked this mare, mostly because she never asked for change. Generosity truly is your favorite element. “Hello darling. I was wondering if you had any vials of youth potion left.” “Again? Didn't I sell you like, eight two days ago?” “Yes well, there was a bit of an...incident,” Said the ivory mare, chuckling nervously. “Let's just that the crusaders won't be receiving their cutie marks in alchemy any time soon.” Ah yes, the ever so important butt tattoos. Equestrian culture is weird. “Hmm, I think I may have a few left in storage. Be right back,” You said as you walked through the door placed at the back of the room. Walking into your special totally-not-creepy alchemy room, you made a mental note to clean out the large caldron sitting in the room as you made your way to one of the cabinets. Pulling out a medium sized box, you opened it up to reveal a small vial filled with a sparkling pink liquid. “Only one?” You muttered as you lifted the vial. “Huh guess I need to whip up a new batch.” Walking over to a different cabinet, you opened it up and listed your ingredients. Miniroot, check. Rose thorns, check. Crow's feet, check. Gecko eyes, che - WAIT A MINUTE! Peering into the cabinet, you saw that you were indeed out of gecko eyes. Damn, that was the main ingredient, you can't make the potion without it! “Welp, guess I'm heading to market,” You muttered as shut the cabinet. Sighing, left the room, making your way back to the hopeful looking mare. “You're in luck, I have one left. Think you can make this last for two days?” You asked as you handed her the potion. “Oh I think I can manage. That'll be two rubies right?” “Pretty much,” You said, watching as she dug through her purse. As she leaned forward to look through her purse, you couldn't but notice her impressive, ahem, assets. The fact that she was wearing a low cut shirt was definitely an added bonus. “Ah, here we are!” You quickly looked away, praying to whatever deity out there that she doesn't notice the red tint on your face. Whether she found your behavior strange or not was a complete mystery. She just smiled and placed the gems on the counter. “Well, ahem, is there, uh, anything else I could interest you in while you're here? A magic charm or a -” You were cut off by the feeling of something warm and soft pressing against your cheek. Your brain quickly turned to mush and you found your vision blocked by something….purple? Wait a minute, warm and soft? Purple? It took a second for you to finally put two and two together but when you did, you face went a red that put all other reds to shame. You tried to speak but found that your voice was stuck in your throat. What the heck was going on?! Rarity pulled away, giggling at your red face and petting your head. “That'll be all Darling. Now I must get going. Ta ta~” As she walked to the door, you couldn't help but notice the sway in her hips nor the happy wag of her tail. With your brain still being mush, you could only watch as those hips got farther and farther away until they suddenly stopped at the entrance of your store. “By the way, you're still coming over on Saturday right? The weekend just wouldn't be as fun without our afternoon chats,” She asked, turning to face you. “Huh? Oh right, sure. Never miss em’.” “Wonderful. See you then.” And with that, she was gone, leaving to figure out what the fuck just happened. Slowly, too slowly, you placed your hand on the spot that her lips had touched. She kissed you, it was on the cheek but still, she kissed you. “What. The. Fuck?” You stood still for a moment, still trying to process everything, before shaking your head. This was a headache for another day, you decided. You looked around your store and sighed. This was a slow day, even for you. “You know what? Screw this! I'm getting those gecko eyes! Gotta progress this story somehow.” With that being said, you closed up shop early and left, heading to the market. ‘Well, that didn't work.’ As soon as you left shop, the first thing you noticed was that the streets were empty. Not a single soul could be seen. It was mildly creepy but you shrugged it off, perhaps everyone was just busy, not like went out much either after all. Oh how wrong you were. Entering town square, you saw that it was just as deserted as the rest of the town, promoting the situation from mildly creepy to ‘don't go in there!’ creepy. Still, you came here for a reason and you weren't determined to see it through. But when the market is unavailable, where do you go for all your mystical needs? Why, to a rhyming zebra in the Everfree Forest of course! This led to your current situation; walking to through the Everfree Forest while humming your favourite tune. ‘Ooo, eee, ooo ah ah ting tang, Walla walla, bing bang!' As mentioned before, you and Zecora are very good friends. Sure you tried to throttle her when you first met due to her constant rhyming but you're used to it now. In fact, you've written some of her words on paper and sold them for profit. Apparently, changelings are big fans of poetry. Who knew? As you spotted the cosy looking hut in the distance, you were only vaguely aware of the fact that there were probably a lot of dangerous predators watching your every move. You didn't mind. In fact, you liked the attention. It was kind of a ‘you can look but can't touch’ kind of thing. You knew none of them would ever come near you thanks to the repel you sprayed all over yourself. Well, that or they don't like your new cologne. Eh, either way, you're safe. So, without further adieu, you walked up to the hut, knocked twice, and waited for the mare whose words would no doubt earn you a quick buck. The wait wasn't long - two, perhaps three minutes at most. Soon, the door opened to reveal the striped shaman mare...in a bikini. “My friend, I didn't expect you to visit here. Please come in, do not fear,” She greeted though you almost missed it. You were far more interested in what she was wearing. It wasn't really a bikini per say, more like simple cloth wrapped around her chest and waist, showing off her luscious curves and to-die-for thighs. “Nice to see you too Stripes,” You replied as you entered the hut. This wasn't the first time you've seen here such revealing attire, in fact, you were pretty much used to it by now. That didn't mean you didn't….appreciate the view. Many a time you found yourself admiring her body though you never tried more than an occasional jestful flirt. “So what brings you here, if I may ask. Are you in need of a mystical task?” “Something like that,” You replied as you sat down. “I was wondering if you had gecko eyes lying about, I'm all out. Hey, I can do this rhyming stuff too!” The striped mare giggled at your childish cheer. She always did enjoy your company here - aw shit, now I'm doing it! “I'm sure I have some around my dear. Wait right here,” She said before leaving the room, returning a minute later with a jar of eyes in her hands. “Ah! There's the good stuff,” You remarked as she placed it on the table in front of you. “I can always count on you to deliver to goods.” “Thank you dear, that's very nice to hear. But before you leave, would you like some tea? I would be honoured into have you drink with me.” You raised an eyebrow and went into a thinking pose before deciding; to hell with it. “Eh what the heck, I've got nothing better to do anyway.” “Wonderful to hear that! I'll be right back.” She left the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts. You relaxed, not minding the various masks staring right at you. In fact, you preferred it. It made you feel more at home. You're weird like that. Your thoughts went back to the town of Ponyville. You wondered if everyone was out and about by now. You may not be the most social guy out there but being the only person in town is a bit depressing, even for you. You also wondered why the town seemed so deserted in the first place. You'd think a town with Pinkie Pie in it would be a bit...louder? Sure, that'll work. Maybe Zecora knew something about it, you'll have to remember to ask her. As Zecora made the tea, she didn't notice a small portal open behind her, right next to a jar labelled ‘sugar’. She also didn't notice a talon reaching out through the portal and taking the jar, replacing with an identical one. The owner of the arm let out a mischievous giggle before closing the portal, just as the zebra turned around and grabbed the jar. Oblivious to what had just happened, she added a few spoons of ‘sugar’ to the tea before placing it on a tray and returning to her guest. “And then I said ‘parallelogram’!” You went into a fit of laughter while Zecora just smiled, not quite sure what you were talking about but enjoying the story nonetheless. After calming yourself, which took a few minutes (you really liked that story), you took a sip of your tea, letting out a satisfied moan as you felt the liquid pour down your throat. “Man, this tea is delicious! Is this a new brand or something?” “I'm not sure what you mean, I made this tea the same as I've always been,” She replied, cocking her head to the side (dammit!). You raised an eyebrow in confusion before shrugging. The mystery of the delicious tea could wait, you had a more important case to solve. “By the way Zecora, have you noticed anything….strange going on around Ponyville lately?” The zebra gave you the blankest of deadpan stares before replying. “Is there something wrong with your eye? The town does house Pinkie Pie.” “Touché but not what I meant,” You deadpanned. “Then what do you mean, my mystical little Bean?” “Okay, now you're not even trying,” You deadpanned once more, causing the mare giggle. “Then do explain, I promise, I won't laugh again.” “Yes you will.” You took another sip of your tea. “Seriously, are you sure this is your same old tea? It taste freaking amaze-balls!” Zecora took a curious whiff of her own tea before drinking some. “Hmmm. I'm not sure why it taste like this. My tongue has never experienced such bliss.” “Maybe you added too much - that's not the normal tingling in my crotch.” The sound of the teacup crashing to the floor as you grabbed hold of your crotch, your legs cringing at the strange sensation. It wasn't painful but it definitely wasn't pleasant either. Tears started to form in your eyes as the tingling intensified. You opened your mouth to ask for help but all you could manage was a (manly) whimper. Eventually, the feeling became too much and you fell out of you seat. Zecora watched on in concern as you writhed on the floor, not sure what to do. And then….it stopped. You opened your eyes and blinked. Was that it? ‘Huh, that wasn't so bad.’ “Are you alright little one? That did not seem fun,” Asked Zecora as she helped you up. “Yeah, I'm good,” You replied as she placed you back on seat. “Damn, that tea had some kick.” “Are you sure that you're alright? You gave me quite the fright.” “Well I seem fine. Although…” “Yes….?” She trailed off. “My pants...feels kinda...tight,” You grunted as you fiddled with the hem of your pants, trying to make it more comfortable. Zecora just watched you with an eyebrow raised in curiosity and concern. “Stand up. I wish to give you a quick check up.” “Saying the same word twice doesn't count as a rhyme Zecora,” You deadpanned. “Just do as I say, I don't have all day!” “Alright, alright. Yeesh, bossy much?” You stood up, finding it hard to stand straight with you pants fighting your every move. “See? I'm perfectly….fine….?” Looking down, you saw just how wrong you were. Protruding from the front of your pants was an extremely large bulge that definitely wasn't there before. You stared at the bulge with wide eyes and you weren't the only one. Zecora, a rose blush spreading across her face, couldn't take her eyes of it. “Perhaps I shouldn't dare, but I must ask, was that always there?” Part of you wanted to say yes, just for pride's sake, but you decided against it. She probably would've noticed it a lot sooner if that were the case. Though it was definitely an idea worth trying another day. “While I'm definitely not the ‘smallest’ guy around, I'm pretty sure it was never this...bulky.” As she stared at your….improved girth, stroking her chin in thought, you began to feel more and more uncomfortable. You understood that she was concerned and all but did her gaze have to be so...intense? It felt like she was looking right through your pants. “Hey, my eyes are up here!” Whether she was ignoring you or just that focus on your junk was a mystery. With the way she was looking at it, you weren't sure whether to feel flattered or creeped out. What she said next definitely didn't help. “Can you take off your pants please? I wish to see if you are still functioning with ease,” She asked, causing your face to light up brighter than a Christmas tree. “W-What?!” “I asked -” “Don't say it again! And for the record, I am ‘functioning’ just fine thank you!” “Oh just do it you fool, don't be such a tool!” “Do you have to say ‘tool’ in a situation like this?!” “Take them off now little elf, or would you rather I remove them myself?” She asked, her tone so calm that it kind of scared you. “You could at least buy me dinner first,” You jest, eliciting an annoyed growl from the mare. Zebras always did kinda freak you out as a kid. Gulping at her unspoken threat, you quickly, and clumsily, reached for the hem of your pants. Shoving your pride aside, you quickly lowered the garment, along with your underwear. What you saw next though, made you feel more manly than ever. “What the fuck?! It grew?!” True to your word, your manly pride was nearly twice it's normal size and you were not small before. It nearly went past your knees and almost as wide as your forearm. Suffice to say, It was huge and in a land filled with horse people, that's really saying something. Elfman would be proud. “Woman, I don't know what you put in that tea but you've got to give me the recipe,” You joked, unable to stop your sudden rise in ego. You looked at the mare and saw her staring at you with wide eyes, one hand over her mouth while the other was on her chest which, by the way, was rising and falling with each breath. Again, flattery or creeped out? So hard to choose. “Um, Zecora, Are you okay?” “Huh?!” She jumped, snapped out of whatever trance she was in. “I'm sorry, it seems my attention was swaying. What were you saying?” You raised an eyebrow at her strange behavior. Why was she looking at you like that? “I asked for the recipe of that tea. I could make a killing of this shi -” “The tea!” She exclaimed before making her way to the coffee table and retrieving her cup. She brought it to her face and sniffed it, confirming her suspicion. “I thought it taste strange. This tea is not of my usual range.” “So...what, someone messed with your tea?” You asked, getting a nod in response. You were about to ask how the hell she didn't notice someone messing around in her kitchen when a thought occurs to you, a thought you were certain how to feel about. “Wait, didn't you drink the tea too?” You got no response. “Zecora?” She turned to face you. It was then that you noticed how red her face was. She opened her mouth to speak but could only let out a whimper before falling to knees. You panic and ran to her side, placing your hand on her shoulder as comfort. “Woah! Are you alright Stripes?!” A shudder ran up her spine at the feel of your touch. She took a few breath before speaking, her voice breathy and soft. “I...I don't think I am. Oh damn….” Well if you weren't on the verge of panic before, you definitely were now. And on the one day you didn't have a potions on you too, what are the odds. You then realised that you were in a shaman’s hut. Maybe you could whip something up and - “My friend…” Breathed Zecora, her hand placed over her own. “Do forgive me, but there is an itch that I must tend.” ….what was she talking about? “Z-Zecora, w-what are you -” You cut yourself off with a yelp, suddenly finding yourself on the floor with a red faced zebra straddling you (how often does one say that?). She placed her hands on your chest, trapping you in place. You gulped as she brought her face closer, her lips just inches away from yours. You could feel her warm breath caressing you face as she whispered to you. “You know, I've always found you to be quite attractive, but now I find that these feelings are far more active.” “Woah there Stripes.” You grabbed her shoulders, the trying to gently push her off. “I think you need to lie down and -” Grabbing hold of your wrist, she ripped your hands off her and held them above your head. You gulp again as she stared down at you with an almost predatory look in her eyes. If you were still wearing pants, they probably would've been soiled. “You will not deny me this! Such an opportunity I cannot miss!” She growled. “Woah! Okay okay, just be cool!” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. As she exhaled, she moved her hands from your wrists to your palms, entwining her fingers with yours. “That's better. Now how about -” You were cut off again by the feeling of her lips crashing against yours. The kiss was nowhere near as gentle as Rarity’s but left your face red all the same. You felt her tongue slither into your mouth, engaging in a one-sided battle of dominance with your own. All the while, you just lied there, feeling a strange mixture of fear, confusion and arousal. A lot of arousal actually. Zecora tore her mouth away from yours, suddenly gasping in pleasure. Looking back, she saw your pride standing at full attention against her flank. “It's even bigger when it's erect. Such a shaft deserve great respect,” She moaned as she began to rub herself against it. Well, you couldn't argue with that. Letting go of you hands, she grabbed hold of your shirt, ripping it away before you could protest. She licked her lips as she stared down at you body. You didn't have enough muscle to be considered super buff but it was definitely enough to be considered attractive. Lowering her chest against yours, she kissed her way up your neck while her hands began to explore. ‘And ‘getting laid’ it is!’ You gasped as she lips reached a certain spot, causing you manhood to twitch against her. Noticing this, she began to nibble on the spot, causing you to let out a small moan. It was at that point that you decided ‘to hell with it’ and grabbed her flank, eliciting a loud moan from the mare. Looking down, you saw that you grabbed her cutie mark. Smirking, you began to fondle her flank, making sure to pay extra attention to cutie mark, causing her to moan into your neck. Zecora was experiencing pure bliss. Every time you squeezed her cutie mark, she felt herself get more and more wet. Moving away from your neck, she kissed your lips again before sitting up. Reaching behind her back, she sent you playful smile as she removed the cloth, exposing her impressive, luscious breast for you viewing pleasure. And what a pleasure it was. While nopony was bigger than Fluttershy, she was definitely a close second. “Mmmm. Do you like my breasts? They truly stand out amongst most chests.” She leaned forward, bringing her tits to your face. “Would you like a taste? Come, make haste.” No need to tell you twice. As soon as her voluptuous breasts were within reach, you placed your head in her cleavage, licking the valley between her breast. She grabbed the back of your head and pulled you closer, whimpering at the feeling of your tongue dragging itself against her skin. As you continued your unorthodox exploration of the valley, she began to move her chest side to side, giving you one of the motorboats you've ever had (and that's saying something). Moving away from her cleavage, you kissed your way up her breast until you found her nipple. After licking around the nub for a bit, you place it in your mouth, sucking on it like and infant while letting your hand fondle her other breast. It felt so soft between your fingers, you just couldn't help but give it a good squeeze. She groaned in pleasure and pulled you closer, not that you minded of course. As a businessman, you lived to please. She ran her finger through your hair as she watched you tug and nibble at her beast, the sight soaking her thighs. Switching breasts, you placed her nub between you fingers, pulling and tweaking on it, causing her to groan and yelp. Zecora was a panting mess. The way you were sucking felt so good. She was so close to cumming, she could feel it. But she wouldn't cum, not yet. Not before she felt you inside her soaked, needy pussy. She wanted it, needed it. And she would have it. She moaned as she separated from you, producing a ‘pop’ sound as your released her nub. She then lowered herself until she at eye level with your manhood. You bit your lip as you felt her hand running up the side until it reached the head before slowly running down again. You wished she would just grab it already, this slow play was killing you! Zecora licked her lips when saw you twitch against her hand. She continued her movements, moving slightly faster but not fast enough that he'd blow his load too soon. She looked up and smirked when she saw you watching her, gritting your teeth in pleasure. “Does it feel good, watching me play with your manhood?” Unable to respond, not like you would've said much anyway, all you could do was nod. “Then let me make you feel better, it would make me so much wetter.” She licked her lips before slowly, teasingly running her tongue up your length, stopping just under the head before going down again. You weren't a virgin by any means but damn, she was really good with her tongue. When she reached the top again, she stopped when she noticed a glob of precum. She took a quick sniff before licking it up, her eyes widening at how delicious it was. She also found that she needed more. Much more. Without hesitation, she engulfed the tip of your girth while her hand grasped your base and tried to pump out more of the delicious fluid. No longer able to hold it back, you moaned and placed your hand on her head, gently guiding her through the motions. You wanted nothing more than to shove her down your length but, with your new size, you didn't want to joke her. That would be so awkward. While her one hand was busy with your length, Zecora reached her free hand into the cloth around her waist and began to play with her throbbing clit. She groaned, the vibrations moving down your length causing you twitch in her mouth. Deciding to kick it up a notch, she took more of you into her mouth, still leaving enough space for her hand movements. You groaned, grasping a handful of her hair, trying your best not to shove the rest of you in her mouth. But, apparently, you didn't have to. You suddenly yelped in both pleasure and surprise as she suddenly took in the whole thing. The whole thing! Right down to your balls! You could believe how amazing it felt. She remained still for a moment, savoring the feeling of your length down her throat, before slowly pulling up and bobbing down again. You found yourself lightly thrusting into her mouth, enjoying, and not believing, how tight her throat was. You moan as she increased the intensity of her sucking, unable to stop yourself from thrusting a little faster. “Ah sh-shit, Zecora, I'm…” Even if you had finished that sentence, it wouldn't have helped. Unable to hold back any longer, you forced her head down, a loud groan erupting from you as you shot your seed down her throat. Her eyes rolled back and she moaned, her own orgasm making itself known. Gulping sound could be heard as she swallowed your essence, the sheer quantity giving her some trouble. You lost track of how many loads you shot before calming down, somewhere between eight and eleven. There was audible ‘pop’ sound as she removed you from her mouth, wiping a stray drop of cum off the corner of her mouth and licking it up. “I must say my friend, you are the first who's taste does not offend,” She said as crawled up and lied on your chest. “Well, you know...I try,” You panted. She kissed you cheek before moving to your ear. “Mmmm, indeed, so much cum, you did feed,” She whispered as she licked your inner ear. “But now I'm all wet down there. Why don't you return the favor, just to be fair.” She rolled off your chest, removing the cloth around her waist before sitting on her flank. You swore you heard ‘boing’ come from your member as she spread her legs, revealing her dripping, winking pussy. You were surprised to find that while the rest her body was striped, her pussy was a light shade of pink. Then again, that wasn't you main concern at the moment. ‘So hot…’ You thought as you positioned yourself between her legs. The sweet scent of her marehood immediately hit you like a truck, flooding you nostrils with the smell of vein flowers and other familiar herbs. Slowly, almost hesitantly, you flicked your tongue over her clit just to see what her reaction would be. She let out a gasp while her hand balled into fists. Spurred on by her reaction, you wrapped your mouth around her nub and began to gently suck on it. She moaned and lied on her back, spreading her legs to give you more access. “Ah! Yes, play with my clit, feel free to suck and nibble on it!” Being the gentleman you are, you happily obliged, using your teeth to tug at her clit while sliding your finger past her lips. She placed her hands on her breasts, twisting and tweaking her nipples she enjoyed your skill to the fullest. “Oh yes! M-More….” She begged, squirming from your touch. Under normal circumstances, you would've pointed out that that wasn't a rhyme but your mouth was a bit busy at the moment. Oh well next time. You added a second finger, then a third, increasing your speed of your handiwork (get it?!). Her breathed hitched and her moans increased. She started to buck against your face, using her hand to push you deeper into her pussy. “Y-You - ah! - make my h-heart beat like the Zanzebran drum! D-don’t stop, I'm about to cum!” Her words only made you go faster. It didn't take long for her to reach limit. She wrapped her legs around your head, screaming as she climaxed around your fingers. Her body stiffened for a few seconds before she finally calmed down and let go of you. Pulling away, you saw her essence was all over your digit, giving them an almost metallic shine. Two questions came to mind. The first was whether you left the stove on back home but you supposed that you could worry about that later. That left the million bit question…. What did mare cum taste like? Curiosity getting the better of you, you placed the digits in your mouth. The taste was...exotic to say the least. It was a strange combination of sweet and sour, unfamiliar but definitely not unpleasant. You wondered if all mares tasted like this or if it was just a zebra thing. Or was this the tea's doing? You turned your attention to the zebra in hopes of sating your curiosity but found that she a little…preoccupied. The mare’s hands played with the lips of her marehood, her lust filled eyes watching as you licked your fingers clean. She panted for air, making her chest rise with each breath. ‘Yeesh, she's rebounds fast.’ “Such pleasure and yet we haven't gone far. Why don't you come here and show me how much of a stallion you are.” She smirked, giving you the come-hither gesture. You nodded, picking your jaw up from the ground and making your way over. She spread her legs invitingly, her pussy winking in anticipation. You rubbed your cock between her lips, teasing the horny mare. Wrapping her arms around your neck, she pulled you into a passionate kiss while grinding against you. She pulled away, leaving a thin trail of saliva between your lips. “Please, do not tease. My body has been possessed by lust. Cure me, please, you must!” Well, you never were one to refuse a lady. You placed the tip at her entrance before whispering, “Are you ready?” Your only response was a nod and a blush on her striped cheeks. You smirked before thrusting forward. You both gasped as you pushed past her lips. The feeling of her mouth was nothing compared to this. She felt so warm and tight, you almost forgot you weren't fully sheathed yet! You weren't the only one enjoying this. Zecora was experiencing pure bliss. You were only halfway in and already she found her burying her face in your neck in order to stay sane. She raked her nails down her back as you pushed farther, leaving what would surely be long lasting scars. You groaned before thrusting forward, fully sheathing yourself inside. You gave a minute to get used to the feeling before pulling back. She tightened even more, her pussy trying to pull you back in. You pulled until only your head remained inside before slowly pushing back in, prompting a desperate whine from the zebra. With each slow thrust, her walls pulsated around you, sending jolts of pleasure up your spine. You felt her shudder under you as you increased your speed a little, holding you tighter and moaning your name. She moaned as you grabbed her breasts, kneading them as you repeatedly drove into her. She grabbed your head and pulled you into a kiss filled with passion and unbridled lust. As your tongues danced, your hips gained a mind of their own, moving faster and thrusting harder. You moaned into each other's mouths, nether of you wanting this to end. But that's the thing about life isn't it? The best things never last as long as you'd like. Her walls began to constrict around you, making it a lot harder for you to move. That sure as hell didn't stop you from trying though. After all, you were no quitter. Putting all your force into you hips, ploughed into her like a jackhammer while roughly pulling at her nipples. Her moans turned into screams as she wrapped her legs around you, her own climax quickly approaching. “Fuck! Damn you're tight! I don't think I can hold it much longer!” You moaned, your dick throbbing as you tried to hold back. Apparently, Zecora had other plans. “Yes! Do it, here on this floor! Make me into your cum filled whore!” ‘Poetry is so fascinating.’ It didn't take long for you to reach your limit after that. Burying yourself inside her, you gave her one last kissed before releasing your seed, completely covering her insides with white. She screamed your name as she released her own juices all over you, mixing her essence with yours. You give her a few shallow thrusts, fully emptying yourself, before finally collapsing. “Holy crap….” She nodded in agreement, unable to find a rhyme to express her satisfaction. You both lied there, panting in exhaustion. You tried to pull out but her legs stopped you. You gave her a questioning glance, only for her to shake her head and pull you close. Resting your head against hers, you became to feel fatigue finally catch up with you. You tried to fight it but it was a losing battle, your eyelids just felt...so...heavy. ‘Ah fuck it. Goodnight.’ With that being said, you shut your eyes and sighed, briefly wondering what happened to that jar of gecko eyes before passing out.