> The Story of Vinle Blizs > by SoundWave > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1 The start > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE STORE OF VINLE BLITZ My little pony My little pony AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! My little pony! I use to wonder what friendship could be! My little pony! Till you all shard it magic with me! Big advent… Wait a minute this story is about me not them me! The one that is important is Twilight and that because she is my cousin. The rest of them are friends and all but this is my story. Hi I’m Vinle Blitz or Blitz for short. COME ON STUPID THING! AH HA! There we go. That’s me. Blitz the elecorn you see I was sepost to be a twins but I’m not. So I have two cutie marks two talents, wings, and a horn. I’m am tecnitly a mutant but that is a problem sense I’m two ponies in one my magic is so strong its hard to control. My sister was already twice as powerful as Twilight. So I’m 4 times as strong as Twilight. O.o Now that you know me let get started! So I was born the nurse say me and flipped out. What a great start huh? From then on I was a walking/ flying train wreck magic and flying yesh. >.< I want into school not magic school not flying school but normal school. Everyone thought I was a girl even the teacher thought I was a girl. I’m a boy but because of my sister’s gens I look like a girl. :( I got into so much trouble. I made it to middle school! You know how the cutie mark crusaders think they have it hard. Everyone in the class below me there cutie marks before me so stop complaining. I got my cutie mark first cutie mark when I was in 7th grade and my second in 10th grade right after I move out on my own I know I was young and am still young to be on my own but my parents think its fine so moved to Mainhattan I didn’t like it so I moved to Ponyville then Twilight saw me and we caught up and I met her friends. Pinkie Pie liked me because we are basically the same but I’m a guy. A good way to say it is both of our heads are full of sugar. That’s the first 16 years of my life in two pages. I’m 17 years old in two days. So we are almost caught up to us now so it is almost a blog! Ok so at my Bday Pinkie Pie set it up all six girls were there and some other ponies showed up but the only good friend I had there was Sound wave. He is cool he is Dj pon-3’s student. Ya I met her Dj pon-3 she was really nice. So ya my party I’m having fun I had to tell Pinkie Pie I was diabetic and that was a trick and a haft I basically told her to make snacks without sugar and she asked why and I said I was diabetic and I can’t very much sugar her hair went straight but told her it was ok and she went back to being Pinkie Pie. My cousin Twilight fell in love with a weird apelike thing from Earth? Were science take over not magic. He is pretty cool. He was at my Bday party to another good friend would be Starchaser ponies think we are together but we are just friends she likes the night life a lot. That is how she got her cutie mark. Starchaser is out at 2:00 in the morning again she is flying outside my house right now I went out and spent some time with her and hell back asleep. I just woke up give some time gosh. Ok spike what do you want? “Twilight needs you.” Ok Twi what do you need? “Oh I got it done. Why are you so tired?” Starchaser kept me up all night and no not like that. I need help no like serially I think I might have some problems because of my mutation I’ve been having two personalities and it is getting weirs by the day. Please make sure I don’t hurt someone Twilight please you know with my magic and all. “Sure buddy sure.” It is still getting weirs but I’m getting used to it. Rainbow Dash told me about her dad or not her biological dad back on Earth. I try to find a connection to their universe I can but for only a little bit it was a really sad story I got some mail to him and it came back he was so happy she would be ok. Rainbow Dash told me that their world was more technically advanced like they have cars and computers. But because of that their world is curl and mean. Somewhere a pony could not live without help their world is boring sad and needs help. But it is still wonderful. And there are times of happiness. I feel sad for them. Today I saw Sound wave’s first concert he was awesome. I really think he’ll go far so much talent. I’m sad I don’t know where to go I have to choses I can go into racing or magic I’m good at both and I’m just not sure. Don’t take everything I say to account ok. Twilight I got suspended from school again. “What did do?” I beat up a bully that was picking on a girl I told him to stop and he started to kick me he was bigger than me it just happened out of habit I used my magic on him and I lost control and he got hurt. Bad. “Ok how bad did you lose or magic?” Really bad I started to flout in the air and my eyes turned a bright orange. D-D-Did I Did I hurt anyone else and if I did how bad? Really didn’t mean to it-it just happened I’m sorry. “You don’t have to be sorry Blitz.” “Ok no one else was hurt. But that one kid is in the hospital.” For how long? “I don’t know Blitz.” Ok. I feel so bad I don’t know what to do. “Blitz.” NO! “Blitz that wasn’t you. You were hurt. You weren’t thinking strait Blitz. Its not your fault.” Summer is almost here so it doesn’t matter as long as I pass. Starchaser is glad I stood up for her even though I got hurt. Did I tell you I’m small and skinny but my chin is starting to square. Not very much though I still look like a girl. I hangout with girls so people think I’m weird. But that is not the only reason my magic power is unheard of and I have two cutie marks. And I’m so hyperactive it puts people off but people can deal with me after all they have Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash brought this music over called Dubstep I came up with something like it. But a little different Pinkie Pie automatically started liking it I don’t know why. She say it just sounds cool. “Spike I was worried this would happen.” Worried about what Twilight? “Nothing.” Oh my gosh! You knew this would this would happen to me! Didn’t you?! “Yes…” Twilight how long? “What?” How long? TWILIGHT! HOW LONG HAVE YOU KNOWN THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN TO ME???????!!!!!!!!!!!! TELL ME!!!!!!!!! “Sense you were bornin. I just didn’t know when to tell you.” YOU KNEW FOR THAT LONG????!!!! I was so mad I started to cry. “Blitz.” NO!! “Blitz I’m sorry.” I slammed the door as I her house I went home the more I thought about it the madder I got. I started to glow my magic was taking over. I went outside and started to fly. My magic became so strong my started to glow and lighting came out of my magic energy. I everyone went inside Twilight and her friends came trod me they ask what was up with me they saw tears come from my bright white eyes as the ground around me was torn up and thrown by my magic energy Twilight say I wasn’t mad I was hurt. She said we have to calm him down. She got pulled into my magic “Blitz you have to calm down.” NO! YOU HID THAT FROM ME FOR SO LONG! “I know.” But why? “Blitz I had to.” I was near the ground and my magic was not as strong. “I’m sorry Blitz.” Its ok. I was back to normal. But still crying. Applejack said “Kid you are strong. Really strong.” We had a group hug and then Twilight and I hugged. So the next day I learned that I’m of drinking age and I’m a pretty funny drunk. My first drink was rose whine rose it my favorite its pretty and taste good. Most girls say it is to pretty to eat. I say the taste is better. I don’t eat at Twilights house a lot I don’t like dandelion a lot and doesn’t like rose so she doesn’t have a lot of food for me. But back to my news. Then I tried some prickleypair vodka. It was ok I guess. Soon I was drunk and saying all sorts of things. It made Pinkie pie laugh so much I’m a light wait so not much alcohol for me. And yes it is true Pinkie Pies hair does smell a little like cotton candy it the shampoo she uses. I have a massive hangover don’t bother me Sound wave I don’t want to listen to your new song right now I’m sure it is good but I’m hung-over right now so later. “Ok.” I’m going back to sleep see you later. “Ok.” He is not much for talking. I’m back at school. Hay Starchaser. “Hi. Are you going to the dance?” Yes “Will you go with me? You know as friend.” Sure. “How is your first day back?” Ok. ugh. “What’s wrong?” Nothing I’m just tired. “Oh…”