> Grimm's equestria: Untold stories > by Shamdreamer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The three regillian ponies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- three ponies sitting up a tree, down fell one covered in debris. The second pony heard but not seen, for the pony to be murdered has been keen. The last pony saw, yet jack said the ripper and down came his fall. The three ponies led into darkness, by the ripper who has left laughing, Heartless. One day ripper visited the tree, for what he found wat not to be pleased. Three undead eyes cleaved in his, help was the last word spoken to this. > Madelaine & the dream > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lost in a world unknown to herself, young philly madelaine stood in perfect health. No matter the miles she ran, she kept seeing this giant gem. Minutes turned into days and days turned into months so it seemed, in pain and anger she screamed. Someone.... Save me from this hell! And found a shiny shell. It was a small dark creature whom craved to eat her soul! She than turned around to find her face hanging above that of a ghoul's. She cried out of desparity, in this world seemed no sense of clarity. When she opened her eyes she saw her room and thought "this is my room!" yet a glinstering of evil in the darkness caught her eye, for this was the person who would murder her soon. > Eden is eternal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the beloved land of equestria, eden remained. The start of starts, adam and eve were in hearts. They plead for relief as their god said: It is yet no time for sorrow and grief. God gave them a tree, and adam asked for thee. He did not know, he did not see. What eve was begging for plea. Hungry became the two. Not knowing what to do! An apple was hanging from the tree, beautiful it was, if you'd ask me! Adam and eve took a bite, when a snake performed the rite. God was pleasured, and adam deceased. Eva was lost, she had been released. So she cried and griefed, but she wasn't at all reliefed. She seeked death, but he said: " you'll live untill your very last breath! No sense of shame, god continued this game. Eva was a goner, she knew because her mouth, was what she was going to sew. Pain and blood will sheath your hood, sticks and stoned will break your bones, she murmured. Blood was flooding the land and screams were heard everywhere. There is no safe haven, because death is always aware. > A piece of humanity: part one > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter One : Alone, in the darkness. What do i do, she thought to herself. Trapped in a house filled with darkness, the rotting stench intrigued her nose and disgusted her. Where am I she asked herself... Yet no answer. Because she was all alone. She tried to stand up but fell down as quickly as bird, whom's wings have been clipped. She cried for help and from the darkness, she heard a faint laugh. She knew the voice, but couldn't remember anything. she tried to stand up once again and approach the laughing. Than it was that the voice reappeared from the darkness saying: Heave ho there philly, ain't no time to be strugglin' her voice was weak and miserable, but she fought, fought to say: Who are you? and than everything went black again. Chapter two: wake up, wake up. She woke up, finding herself in the same room in the same position. But now, chains. She was chained to the wall! She couldn't remember, she couldn't see nor move. What is my name, she yet questioned herself. 'w.. what is my.... name?'' A loud laugh was heard, and she heard shuffling from the back. It was pitch black and she couldn't see a thing! 'darlin' dun' struggle too much you'll wound up like 'n old buck. what is my name? She asked. He gave her a paper, and you're here to pay for what you've done. Alois read: Alois bandega de chupacabra, 17 years old, lives in Antrigalya, in equestria. What .... I have done? Alois questioned him. Chapter four: info. Jus' like me! every 3 hour we'll receive sum' food an' sum water, but the guardian is never to be seen! How weird, alois thought to herself. What have i done than ? Nothing. I have done nothing ! I must get out, but i cant. Alois started screaming and she tried to escape from her shackles. But struggling didnt work, at all. The shackles closed up even more and started hurting, Alois cried and cried but wouldn't move a muscle from now on. Chapter five : escapee ? Or to be a goner. And than, out of the blue she heard a sort of spraying noise. What ? No. This can't be happening to me ! and her vision blurred out, fading to black. when she woke up she wasn't alone. Someone was taking off her shackles. She stomped the animal in his face with her hoof and a loud, muffled sort of drum was heard. She went in to find a door, and she searched the walls. Than, a loud click was heard and a door appeared behind stone walls. Chapter five : Freedom ! She ran outside, to find herself in a desert. Not knowing anything of her location, she just started walking and walking. Her mouth was dry and the only option was to find a cactus. She searched for hours, and than she saw in the very corner of her eye. Maybe a kilometer away, a bunch of cacti. She ran, and ran, and ran.... But now all was for nothing ! A juice cactus. Alois drank the juice inside of the cactus. Little did she know this was an cactus irregularis polaris. She laughed, and laughed, and clouds turned into bears and birds. and after all was done, she kept on walking. Which was a good idea, she was close to a city , pendrumegalaris! A desert city whom is known for bandits and thieves. Oh well, better than to die she thought. Chapter six: Arrival Alois arrived at pendrumegalaris, but it was different! She saw landlords and rich people sitting and laughing, With the bandits ! It was darenta chuli perdumigo de amigo festival, lucky. Free food ! Alois ate all she could see, and continued her search for her beloved land of antrigalya. She continued her journey, finding herself a new tale, within a tale. > A piece of humanity: part two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter one : Fuerza de Azul. She woke up from dreaming, put on her shoes. Alois had a weird dream again! Antrigalya... Is not in Equestria she said to herself. And now she remembered! Antrigalya is in the demon demension. Alois was a pony defender and in the barracks of the royal guard. Sent on a mission to eliminate the demons from Fuerza de Azul, the demon demension. She was wondering why she was captured during this disasterous mission. Maybe someone was against the royal guard ? against all humanity ? nah... Her wings started working again, and she tried to fly from ledge to ledge, and in no time she got her old speed back. She flew as fast as she can, and arrived at the portal to Fuerza de Azul Where the gatekeeper was waiting on her. ''Let me give thy a rhyme oh mysterious one' the gatekeeper said. I'll do my best to solve it, gatekeeper. ''What is worth more money than all keepings in the world, and is only to be found in other ponies?'' Friendship and a good heart, gatekeeper. And alois passed through. Chapter two : Not good enough. Struggling against the intense heat of the flames, alois entered. But what she found was not a demon, nor something evil. All her companions had been sliced, murdered,decapitated and ripped apart. Alois screamed in anger and agony, not knowing what to do. Alois, whose heart was broken and enraged, turned black. Dust swirling around her and an armor of evil, blackness wrapped on her body. Nobody hurts my friends, alois screamed. With red eyes and flaming hoofs Alois ran to the demon king And approached him calmly. Is this your doing, demon ? ''Oh please. Call me grelur, and yes. Those puny ponies had been left to their fate by their friend.'' Well then, it's time for you to suffer grelur. Chapter 3 : the final fight Alois flew at the speed of light, with flaming hoofs, which she slammed onto the demon everytime she passed. The demon laughed and said :'' Alois are you serious? Is this all?'' Alois laughed back and said : No, you haven't seen anything yet. Grelur grinned and said : '' give me all you've got.'' Alois her skin bursted, a lava like substance was pouring out, creating a rocklike armor, with spikes and fire. And as she screamed, a blue light which grelur didn't know , poured out of her body and wrapped around her hoofs, Soulforge weapons.... alois whispered. And alois slowly approached grelur , whom's face expression had changed to scared. Alois screamed : Grelur, you shall pay for what you have done to my dear friends. Now, You shall pay double the price. She waved her hoof and lightblue fire circled around Grelur Grelur laughed. What is this ? some kind of spell ? Alois's face was still dead serious: Yes, it's called demon cleaver. Grelur knew he was in trouble. But he couldn't move because if he touched the blue fire he would be sliced and diced ! ''now die.'' The blue flames morphed to swords, thousand of them slashed through grelur and after the smoke was cleared There was no grelur left. Just a bit pile of demon meat. Chapter four : goodbye forever. alois slowly approached all her dead friends. ''Why, Why would you do this to me ?'' alois cried. ''my time has come, I shall stay with my friends, up there.'' And alois jumped into the fire. End. You see grimm and gramm were cave exploring, when they found the portal to fuerza de Azul. And there they entered the portal and found Alois's journal. They kept it secret, until now.