> The Hero > by Phoenix Nebula > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Welcome to Equestria > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: Welcome to Equestria This is a story of how I saved another world and became a hero. That's pretty much it. I'll tell you how it goes. It was early one morning I don't remember what the date was all I remember was it was summer vacation, some time in late June. I was seventeen at the time. I woke up to the usual pain in my right shoulder. I had loose joints and little muscle so I could easily dislocate my shoulder, and i did at least six times in one school year do just that. The pain in my shoulder woke me up early one morning. As I rubbed the sleep from my eyes I decide to actually get dressed instead of sit in my underwear for half the day. After putting on a simple red shirt and a pair of blue genes I looked at the clock, it read 7:09. I walked over to my closet and checked on the machine I had been working on for the past year. I pulled out the strange contraption from my closet and plugged it in. It came to life with white light pouring from the middle of the metal loop. This was my first attempt at a portal. "Portal stability at a hundred percent," I said to myself. I had no clue where the portal went. All I knew is that it was a portal to somewhere. Weather it lead to some place on earth on an entirely different dimension was unknown to me. I unplugged the device and headed to my computer. I turned it on and logged in. The first thing I did was check out FIMfiction to see if anyone had responded to my idea posts. I looked at the first thread and received a flurry of rude comments. I checked the next one, and the same thing. I was frustrated to say the least. It felt like the fandom had grown really venomous over the past month. It saddened me, the number of true bronies was dwindling by the hundreds. Now most of the fandom was just as spiteful as the hatedom. "What is this world coming to?" I asked with a sigh. I opened up Skype and decided to chat with some of the few true fans. Despite my name being Michael, I had grown more fond of my nick name Phoenix. I was always called Phoenix at school and on the internet. Well at school I was mostly called Dab King but that's a story for another time. Anyway as I got on Skype I was met with harsh comments. At this point I was really fed up with the way the world was heading. I wished I could leave it and go some place where I could do good and not be hurrahed every day. My religion, my life style, my personality, and who I was in general was always met with hate. I could never be myself no matter how hard I tried to impress others with my skills." I just wish I could leave this world." Suddenly my mini portal came to life and created a vortex that began to pull on my. "What the hell?" Was my only response as the portal broke free of it's containment loop and sucked me in. I was greeted by darkness. I could hear and feel nothing, as if I did't exist at all. Suddenly I heard a voice as my scenes returned to me. I opened my eyes to be greeted with a bright light. I could see a what looked like a high marble sealing. I remember feeling soft carpet under me. Slowly I sat up to a sight that nearly made me lose my mind. There sitting on a throne was non other than Princess Celestia. I gawked for a good thirty seconds at the sun princes before responding with a" WHAT?!!??!" The princess stood up and cleared her throat before speaking."Hello human it is good to finally meet you." "WHAT?!!?!!?" I responded again. I knew it wasn't a dream. There was no way, my senses were too active to be asleep. Furthermore the shock of being aware that I was dreaming would have woken me up. I had concluded that this wasn't a dream, so the only question remained was how was this possible? That's when it hit me, the portal! "I WAS RIGHT! THERE ARE ALTERNATE DIMENSIONS AND REALITIES!!!" I yelled victoriously. Celestia giggled at my antics. "Well aren't we excited?" she asked. "I can't believe it I was right! Take that Earth scientists! AH HA!" After a few seconds of joyful laughing I had calmed down. That's when a question came to me."Wait you said it was good to finally meet me. You knew about me?" "Yes, I knew you existed but I don't know much about you other than that you are intelligent and have a good heart." She responded. I scratched the back my head and gave a cheesy smile at her words. I'm all for compliments, but I had spent years trying to keep my ego in check and now Celestia was starting to play it's favorite tune. I was able to keep my control though I taught myself it was better to be humble."So if I may ask, what is your name?" "Oh right, my name is Michael but I prefer Phoenix," I replied. "It's good to meet Phoenix, I'm Princess Celestia but I think you already know that." "Yes I do know, I'm going to assume you're also aware that in my universe you're a character in a cartoon that I watch?" I asked. She nodded. At this point I knew that Celestia always knew more than she let on. "Yes I'm aware and there is a reason I called you here." Her voice suddenly turned serious. The change in tone was more than enough for me to know that I wasn't here to have fun. "There is a new threat that only a being from another world who can stop it." "I knew everything was too good to be true," I groaned." But why me?" "You're the only one with a portal I could summon through also your intellect my be invaluable." "I have another question what is this threat and how long do I even have?!" I asked. I was on the edge of panic and was fighting to maintain control. I was no worrier as much as I always wished I could be a hero, I wasn't one. "We are unsure of what this threat is but you have several years to prepare." "Years?" At least it was something"Will I at least be able to get some help?" "Yes I will be sending a message to my student. She will be more than happy to help." "One other question what is the most recent event that has happened involving your student Twilight?" "She has recently returned with a young filly named Starlight Glimmer from the past," She responded. I raised an eyebrow at this. I that point I concluded this was not the main universe that the show takes place in. This must be an alternate universe to the canon. This also proved my theory that any idea made up creates an entire alternate universe. "Okay thanks so when should I be leaving?" "In an hour I will send you to Ponyville by chariot." She assured me."Oh, and Phoenix?" "Yeah?" "Welcome to Equestria"