> I Know How the Craved Bird Sings > by Troublesome Beast > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Come Into My Parlance... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity smiled encouragingly as she felt Bronze’s tense legs relax, and began unbuttoning the pegasus’ leather pants. When Bronze let out a shaky breath, Rarity decided to extend a bit more of both trust and generosity. She leaned down and nibbled on Bronze's ear before whispering, “And as for Dash, darling... If she’ll have you, then there’s nothing against making that little mare sing." Rarity swiftly slipped her hand into Bronze’s pants, silencing the mare’s surprised gasp with a deep kiss. Trust is a powerful weapon; you don't know that yet, Bronze, Rarity thought, But you will, darling.  Honestly, though, a squire and now a delicious Vicarius?  You should know that surprise is nearly as potent. To Rarity, multitasking came as naturally as breathing.  Whether in her shop and working, or when arranging social matters so all could win without shame, she handled it all with a myriad of focus.  It gave her a strange, detached feeling at times, and that part of her was secretly smiling softly at poor, repressed Bronze's reactions. Dear me.  Almost as shy as my darling pet.  Is it a pegasus thing, I wonder, with no separation between Rainbow Dash's enthusiasm and Flutters' reticience?  Rarity decided that she wouldn't permit Bronze to have such silly concerns at the moment.  The poor thing was so likely to revert to her cycle of self-destructive internalized hatred-- it would be a positive sin.  And I quite want to know what you taste like, everywhere, my warrior sweetling.  Her fingers, ever her first tool while her own lips were busy-- say, with Bronze's delectable mouth, sucking lightly on her lips-- worked the magic of distraction, gently tending to Bronze's sweet mound in a soft, almost grooming stroke before veering aside entirely and pressing for the warmare's muscular inner thighs. As Bronze whimpered and reflexively ground her toned hips towards Rarity's teasing hand in acute need, Rarity stole the moment to press her tongue against Bronze's, not in some ham-handed young colt's quest for dominance, but a soft, loving twist of strength and strength, dancing with the pegasus' tongue rather than wrestling with it.  I'm so very sorry, Bronze; did you think me one of your fellow rough warriors, to simply go for your pretty treasure first and leave the rest of you untended?  No, my dear, I waited to be sure of your desire, I shan't ruin this by being too quick. Though...  Rarity broke the kiss with a wicked little grin as Bronze hissed, flexing the powerfully corded muscles of her quads against the rake of Rarity's finely sharpened nails.  Momma like.  Rawr, indeed.  A varietal of amazon, are you, sweet Bronze?  Yet another part of Rarity spun a dreaming fancy of Bronze and Applejack side by side, wearing leathers and lace, dressed up as such a delightful variation on the theme of strength, earth pony and pegasus together. The businesslike attention she paid to Bronze was in no ways any less lascivious or any less adoring as the attention and intention that dream and its associated mental blueprints carried.  If she carefully undid Bronze's shirt so there would be no quibble with the wingslits, later, then there was no coldness in it, only Rarity's eagerness to see a lovely mare's special night unspoilt by uncouth fumblings. If she put a... calculated... bit of teeth into the kiss she laid on Bronze's bare throat, her tongue pressing from the pale pink nip mark to the shape and heave of Bronze's neck as she cried out in pleasure, then it was a calculation formed of a desire to see this heaving, heavy set pegasus lose her stresses into Rarity's care and know only pleasure.  And my sheath is quite satisfied with patience and delighting in others' release.  Purring softly, Rarity kissed Bronze on the lips, and peremptorily pulled her shirt off. "Rarity," Bronze whispered.  The tall warrior leaned back slightly, gasping, her slight breasts heaving and nipples stiffening.  Her cheeks flushed darker and darker red and she shyly hugged her taut forearms against her tauter four pack.  Mm, Rarity thought.  There's very little as fun as initiating a shy sweetling-- and one as beautiful as Fluttershy, in her own way, if only she'd realize it. For her part, Rarity gently folded Bronze's shirt up and put it on the table, in a corner.  To an extent, she was deliberately teasing Bronze, humming and wriggling her broad hips on the couch, grinding them against Bronze but doing nothing else while she carefully set the garment away.  When she was done, she turned to Bronze with heavy lidded eyes, and reached up to press her sharp nails gently against the underside of Bronze's chin.  Little pinpricks; stimulating, not damaging. "Bronze, darling?  If you do have objections, do feel free to voice them."  Rarity stroked her steady index finger further back against Bronze's throat, teasing the sensitive skin and leaving little traces in the taut flesh, soon to vanish. "Please, Rarity, that feels so good, I don't know…" Shall we take a gamble?  Mm, yes, I think we shall.  "If you don't know what to do, darling, would you like me to take over a bit more?" Bronze flushed, and Rarity suppressed the urge to giggle.  Instead, she evaded Bronze's warding hands with her left, and stroked that index finger against Bronze's crinkling areola on her cute left breast.  "Yes, dear, I'm offering you more than simply mutual pleasure.  I'm offering you what I do Fluttershy: the chance to give up your shyness.  The opportunity to take the armor you put around your soul away, and simply trust me.  To obey me, not because I have some horribly outre and old-fashioned desire to be some ridiculous alpha-mare, dear… but because I want to make you happy." She smiled boldly, and moved just the very point of her fingernail onto Bronze's hard nipple, its mate pressing just a little tighter against Bronze's throat.  "Because I want to force you to enjoy yourself, to feel the things you've always yearned for but denied yourself.  You are safe in my hands, darling.  Do you understand?  Not just what I'm offering, but the fact that I would never hurt you." Bronze gasped, and Rarity's sharp sense of scent told her that she'd need to use her cleaning spell on the warmare's panties before sending her on her way tomorrow.  If I let her leave that early without a direct request, that is!  My scrumptious little squire, if you only knew how flattering it was that my offer gets you this wet… In a moment, Rarity's delighted sense of appreciation was trebled.  Bronze shuddered, her strong jaw hanging open in shock .  "Mistress, I'd be honored if you took over."  Bronze's eyes were covered in tears; through her own stunned haze, Rarity identified them as joy intermingled with fear.  She softly added, "You helped me before.  With-- from the joke.  What I wanted to do."  Bronze's shoulders were trembling, and she was about to continue, "I need…" Mmm.  That's a bit too deep, I think.  Time for some icewater, I'm afraid. Rarity whipped her elegant finger up from Bronze's pert nipple to her lips.  "Two rules, Bronze.  Or we stop, and I help you ride Dusk, but it will be some time before we play again.  Am I clear?  And, this is not a 'mistress' anything.  This is a Rarity, who loves Dusk, and is very attracted to Bronze." Bronze looked confused and perhaps a little afraid.  "Cl-clear, Rarity." "First.  If you are feeling uncomfortable, worried, or afraid, and it is not something we have discussed ahead of time, you will tell me to stop.  For a scene where we've discussed it, that may be a safeword, but I want you to promise you will say no to me if something is feeling wrong.  We are partners, if we do this, darling; I will take the world for you, but you must take the responsibility of your safety alongside me." Blushing brightly, Bronze kissed Rarity's finger.  "I understand that.  Shiny would kick my ah- kick my butt, if I didn't tell him if I was injured or something." Fighting back the urge to giggle, Rarity stifled a snort as well.  Darling, I'm going to get you so wet you'll think you're riding rain, and then I'm going to make you cum so hard you think you're a thundercloud.  Do you honestly think I'm not going to tell you what a cute ass you have?  Nonetheless, she assumed her best Serious Lady Face, and waited for the promise. Cheeks on fire, Bronze swallowed heavily and gingerly kissed Rarity's finger again.  "I promise, if something goes wrong, I'll tell you." Relief flooded through her.  First step.  Next is a bit harder.  "This… next one… dear.  I'm not your priestess and I'm not your doctor.  I won't be.  I'll get you some fun relief and the same for me, but the minute I start thinking you're codependent, I'll have Dusk send you to Cadance for both our sanity's sakes.  Clear?" Laughter followed.  Bronze reached forward and gave Rarity a stiff, strong hug, her warm arms a wondrous comfort to the unicorn mare, who cuddled against Bronze's adorable B-cups, planting her cheek against the taller mare's breastbone and wrapping her arms around the pegasus' back.  Bronze just let tears, all joyful now, stream down her cheek as she squeezed the delicate unicorn close, laughing.  Eventually, she swallowed.  "Crystal clear, Rarity, I understand.  Cadance would sit on me if I even thought about it-- though I think her threats were originally to do with trying to make Dusk into some pedestal or something." Smiling, Rarity kissed Bronze's left collarbone and let out an appreciative murmur.  "Excellent," she replied.  "Oh, and Bronze?" "Mmm?" "It's 'Mistress,' now."  Once again proving that no instructor Bronze had ever had was as fervent on the topic of surprise as she, Rarity's gentle hands curled into strong yet supple claws, and she left a long, trailing series of poking, stroking, caressing scratches up Bronze' spine towards her wingbases.  She gave Bronze no mercy save that of pleasure, treating each inhaled gasp and exhaled squeak of delight as a heartfelt plea to continue. Are your toes curling already darling?  So delicious. Once she reached the wingbase, Rarity tapped hard at the taut tenderness closest to the spine itself.  Bronze shuddered.  "Rarity!" she squealed, collapsing backwards while her wings unfurled to either side, putting them out of the way as the unicorn maneuvered her flat on her back, resting against the couch cushions. "Oh dear, me, and you started so well, too!"  Rarity's hands moved from behind the groaning warmare; she planted the slender palm of her right hand down between Bronze's gorgeously cute little tits, and tapped her left index finger sharply down into Bronze's bellybutton.  "What do good little birdies call me?" The touch was electric.  Rarity's forays into the world of Safe, Sane, and Consensual had left her with both a library and an education that she hoped would leave her dear Dusk lusting for both the acquisition of and the application of upon his handsome, slender form, and she knew the body of a pegasus well.  She had even had her pet test the theory personally as well, and little Fluttershy's adoring tongue had proven that the yonic research showing that one's belly button and one's clitoris were of the same flesh grown within the womb were quite true. At the worst, she'd have snapped Bronze's attention quite quickly to where she desired it sent.  At the best… "Mi-mi-mi-stress!" squawled Bronze, her strong arms slamming to either side to let her grip the couch just below the resting spots of her wings as she groaned, the giggles from the ticklish initial result swiftly caught by a deeper quaver sent straight up from her quim.  Rapidly, even those passionate moans turned to mewls of delight as Rarity ruthlessly manipulated the nerves' lighting fiery offerings to Cadance's domain in Bronze's brain; Rarity's deft fingernail was starting shuddering winks in Bronze's dampening pussy without ever pulling down the pegasus Vicarius' trousers at all!  "Mistress, please, I'll be good!"  Rarity purred again, pushing down on her floor with the balls of her feet. "Of course you will, dear."  Still stroking Bronze's bellybutton, she reached up to dab her nails lightly into the stream of tickled tears, tracing exotic designs on Bronze's cheek.  "But you must also be coherent, my little chick.  What is my pretty bird asking of her mistress in a song so sweet?" Bronze gulped, flailing her long, chiseled legs about.  Rarity put a stop to that, straddling Bronze's right thigh and gently leaning her own right knee against the now-soaked crotch of Bronze's pants.  Now, all that was moving in either leg were rather delightful vibrations under Rarity's skirt.  The Vicarius opened her mouth wide as though to answer, once, twice, a third time, and then Rarity started to pull her index finger from Bronze's navel… "No, mistress, I'm sorry!" she said quickly.  Her strong jaw twitched, and she stretched her neck out like a submitting wolf, panting.  "Please," she moaned.  "Please take the world away."' As predictable as a stallion with his testicles in my grip, oh my.  If there was ever any doubt, I would drop it here; a stallion and a mare may not be the same in equipment, but in the dances of l'amour, my dear fellow connoisseurs of delight, make no mistake: they dance the same way.  Rarity might be something of a snob on the matters of class, but the idea of segregating herself from a beautiful soul or beautiful body-- And doesn't my sweet chick have both?-- based on something so limiting as mere gender… What would Sweetie's friends say?  'As if?' indeed. "It's more than that, isn't it, little songbird?" Rarity cooed, returning the sharp point of her fingernail to Bronze's tight, shallow navel, but only flicking lightly against the delicately responsive flesh.  Her teasing left hand slid down to Bronze's right breast, squeezing the pert handful with just the tips of her nails.  "If it was just the world, why, I'd tie you up, blindfold you, and introduce you to the sweet parfum de la jument as an especially unruly seat-cushion, mm?" she said, and laughed still the more wickedly when Bronze's unruly blush traveled down to the top of her cleavage. Drawing her nails closer and closer to Bronze's areola, Rarity growled lightly, "So say it, songbird.  Tell your Lady what you need." Breath pounding with shock, her heartbeat throbbing against Rarity's fingertips, legs shifting and feet stretching, Bronze eventually gasped and admitted, "Release, Mistress Rarity!  Please, I need release, mistress.  I need to cum." Expertly shifting the angle of her touch to avoid even the slightest chance of actually drawing blood, Rarity swiftly raked the fingernails of her left hand together, swiping them straight across the sensitive areola and capturing the pretty little nipple in their midst.  A hungry smile passed her elegant lips, and she began to stroke faster and faster in Bronze's navel.  "Oh, good show, darling," she purred.  "You'll cum, my dear chick.  You'll cum straight through your pants, without your Lady ever even touching your cute little pussy."  She leaned across the larger mare, ignoring the pegasus' sudden thrash and began to kiss her way up Bronze's blushing breastbone. With practiced ease, Rarity leaned on her own hand, pressing it into the panting pegasus' bellybutton with just a hint of sharpness; never too much, no, but a pricking now that elicited such wondrous squeals from Bronze; Rarity comfortably snuggled her head against the lovely squire's sternum and listened to the warmare's gasps and cries of pleasure as she manipulated her nerves towards… "Mistress!" came the lovely cry. Ah, l'achèvement. She pulled her finger back from Bronze's navel, shifted her weight forward on her feet, and slunk deliberately across and up Bronze's body.  She claimed more of Bronze as she went,  shifting her legs to straddle the flat-bellied mare's abdomen, keeping her knees and shins clear of the stretched wings.  Missing not a trick, she rocked her heels back against Bronze's sturdy hips, pinning them back.  She sat down lightly, and delicately brought her left pinkie up to her pursed lips, sucking on the edged tip while she planted her palm between Bronze's gorgeous little B-cups.  She watched and felt Bronze grind her four-pack up between her thighs. Did I forget to wear my panties today?  The scandal. Toes curling behind her, well-styled hair bouncing around her shoulders and down her back, Rarity rode Bronze's orgasm, slamming her broad, curvaceous hips down as though she had her gode à deux têtes strapped on and aimed a little lower.  But Goddess, the feel of her riding wild beneath me!  Eyes going wide, Rarity lifted her right hand up to Bronze's lips.  "Suck, my songbird.  And… mmm.  Bite, just a little bit.  Let's see your beak controlled, yes, darling?" Slowly coming down from the tickle-induced climax Rarity had granted her, Bronze eagerly obeyed.  She lifted her mouth to the proffered finger and kissed it, mewling lightly.  She bit down gingerly, looking up at Rarity and watching with eyes that swiftly changed from bashful to awed.  Ooh!  Do you like watching your Lady cum, little Bronze?  You'll get the cha-a~ance… She hissed as Bronze hesitantly nibbled-- Not quite the bite of well-trained pet, but if you enjoy this, you'll learn-- and hammed up her reaction, rutting her sopping sex over Bronze's four pack and growling at her.  With her free hand she lifted her dress and let Bronze see her quivering quim.  There!  "Ahhhhnnnnnn!"  Rarity didn't have to ham that up.  Quite aside from her obedient chick's increasingly bold bite, the look on Bronze's face when she saw Rarity's pussy so near… Well.  It was quite enough to get her over the rest of the way. Rarity pulled her finger from Bronze's lips, stroking the sweet pegasus' saliva over her own chin as Rarity came down from the lovely little peak.  "Good girl," she whispered at the shyly wondering Bronze.  "You're off to a wonderful start and you gave your mistress a good ride."  Before Bronze could speak, Rarity deftly slid herself over and off of Bronze, off the couch, and forestalled any badinage with a tweak of the Vicarius' diamond-hard left nip.  "Shhh, shhh my sweet songbird," Rarity purred.  "Do you think I'm done with you?  Dear goodness me, no.  Those pants must come off for a cleaning…"  She looked down at Bronze with an arch eye and a pitiless expression.  "And I see absolutely no reason why I can't manually claim your pretty slit while I'm down there." Bronze swallowed heavily, and Rarity's grin widened as she saw the stunned-- but not exactly objecting look on Bronze's face.  "My dear.  Did you think I'd let you walk again tonight?  By the time your Lady is done with you, Bronze Feather, she shall have to levitate you to her bower."  Rarity raised her right hand to her lips and gave a long laugh of, "Ohohohohohohohoho.  Think of this as your education carnal, my dear-- and I'm going to give you your orientation."