The "Elder One"

by HonorableMention

First published

This strory follows the adventures of a Manticore named James

Following the crossover universe of so many authors before me, I am going to join the Chess game of the Gods series. This story will follow a teenager who is ripped from his life to fulfill the goals of a somewhat sadistic deity. He takes the form of a Manticore and begins by having several adventures from Canterlot to the Mild West.

A cafe, a pin-stripe suit, and a Half-Life reference

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Prologue - Chapter 1 – A café, a pin-stripe suit, and a Half-Life reference

My life was less than desirable, yes. Forgive me for sounding like the standard angsty teenager, but being abandoned by your mother at birth and being cared for by an inebriated, abusive father tends to do that to you. Although my faith still stood it had been shaken and broken. I still refused to turn on my God. Why? Because my Faith is all that kept me chained to life, my one reason. I was bullied at school, beaten at home, and ridiculed by my “friends”, who would sooner stab you in the back for a good reward. All in all my life was sad and miserable. That was the exact reason HE chose me.

It all happened that one fateful day. It was a gloomy day; the rain pelted the small, muggy, dirty windows. I was in the café by my house. I would sneak in there before returning home, in order to avoid my father who could honestly care less about my welfare. I thought about the day.

It began with me being late, compliments of father. Then I was bullied in the hallway after being chided by the teacher for being late to class and having none of the assigned homework. The bullies started the same way each time: slamming my head into a locker, making fun of any of the “nerdy” references to memes I had in my locker and then running away when the principal come around.

The last thing I needed to do was tell them I watched my little pony, the one thing that would cheer me up; connecting to the community, talking to other bronies, and dissecting the show. I would watch it off my lap top.

I snapped out of my deep thought. An elderly man had approached me; he wore a dark crimson and black pin-stripe suit. He wielded a clever grimace aimed towards me as he approached.

“Well, Young man. How are you doing?” He asked in a cool manner.

“Uh, do I know you?” I responded rather confused at his approach, I would come to regret those words of acknowledgement.

“No. Not yet. But you will know me soon enough.” He said. He sounded like a sage, very cryptic.

“Well, what’s your name?” I inquired. I was not one to ostracize, as I would hate for anyone else to experience the torment similar to mine. The man did seem strange to me at first, but I shook it off due to his welcoming aura.

“That is not important at the moment, what I will tell you though is who I serve: A man who is known for disrupting the natural order, not anarchy or chaos per se just change. This man has a proposition for you.” He told me. His eyes seemed to penetrate my soul and he seemed otherworldly.

“Well what is this ‘proposition’?” I interrogated him further.

“Well I recognize you are a ‘brony’” He said with a flat tone. “Yes, my ‘employer’ knows all about you humans and your strange pop-culture trends” He declared with a smug smile that showed a row of jagged, white teeth.

“I can explain… You see it’s not just a show for little girls, it’s actually really good.” I defended as my face flushed red.

“No need to explain, I understand. You are my client and as such I am completely adjusted to tolerate your tendencies, no matter how eccentric.” He said in a reassuring tone. “You see that is the exact reason why I have come here. My ‘employer’ has sent me to acquire a chess piece of sorts, you are that chess piece. You will be His ‘ace in the hole’, his champion. He intends to use you as an asset to the fullest of your purposes, but promises free will and choice in the realm of Equestria. All he asks is your compliance so that he may use you as an asset. So do you want to go to Equestria?” He informed me.

“You can’t be serious; Equestria is a made-up land by Lauren Faust intended to market Hasbro’s products. It’s not real. Is it?” I assured the mysterious man.

“Are you sure it’s not real, what if this is the fantasy? Everything you hold dear: Your free choice, your ‘faith’, your colleagues? How can you be sure that you are so real? Maybe the insane are actually sane and vice versa. How can you be so anchored in that sad, fake pre-established order? Everything crumbles so easily when it doesn’t go exactly planned and your ‘order’ blows away like dust in the wind, just give it time to change and everything crumbles. When things don’t go according to plan things crumble.” He taunted. He had begun to raise his tone and become angry.

“Well, I guess so… Theoretically that is.” I responded, with any reproach I could muster now crumbling.
The man regained his composure and straightened his tie.

“So if you had the choice ‘theoretically’…” He said mockingly “Would you go to Equestria?” He asked

“I guess so, it’s not like I have anything to keep me on this miserable, suffering rock called earth.” I answered

“This is exactly the reason why my ‘employer’ chose you as his client and asset. He knew you would say yes, it’s not like you had any choice in the matter that is. So do we have a deal Mister…uh…?” He wondered

“The name is James, and yes. What would I be in Equestria, A pony?” I replied

“Your race has already been pre-decided. Shall we depart? My ‘employer’ is a rather impatient man and does not like to be kept waiting… all the pieces are now falling into place… The die is now cast.” He finished, mumbling to himself

“Wait… pre-decided?” I asked, but was soon cut-off
The world began to fade around me. Any coherent thought process was scrambled and drowned out by a constant shrieking; I was shocked and gasped for air. I could feel my body warp and strain as I was pulled through a small opening and dragged through into a void.

My body was out of tune with my mind and thus slept for a long time after coming out of the void. After a while my body rose, during the rest my mind was still functioning and cried out in pain. I looked around after I had risen and the world around me had shifted. I was surrounded by an influx of colors and textures that were alien to me. It was all too bright! The small gloomy café had turned into a bright open field. I turned to hear a disembodied voice that quickly vanished.

“Good luck James. Your turn has begun, make the most of it. The Right man in the Wrong place can make all the difference.” He whispered as he vanished
I looked around and then realized something: My legs moved at a slow pace and I lumbered around. More importantly I was walking on four legs! First off: What am I? Second: Am I really in Equestria?

Ransom of Red Chief

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Chapter 2 – The Ransom of Red Chief

I lifted up my hands only to find a large clawed paw. If this wasn’t disturbing enough my skin was now coated in short, curly fur. So let’s put two and two together here…

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Congratulations James, You’re officially an animal. Some sort of Feline at that as I could feel whiskers near my face and I have large, fanged canine teeth. If I ever see my ‘employer’ again I’m going to claw him into ribbons! Then I noticed something strange; my fur stopped growing in two places: The sides of my rib-cage and my Sacrum. Instead large leathery wings protruded from my sides and a scorpion tail extended from my Sacrum! I took a Greek history class as a High-School credit in my 10th grade year and in that class we heavily studied the Mythos, History, and Logic of the Greeks. In the Greek Mythos there was a creature called a Manticore that matched my exact physic at the moment.

“Great I’m a Manticore, now I just need Fluttershy to come remove a thorn from my paw…” I muttered to myself
So not only am I as far from a Human as Pluto is from the Sun, I’m also a pawn in some sadistic, trans-dimensional deity’s game. I glanced out of the corner of my eye. Over in the field several figures were struggling. I tried my best to make out the scene that was occurring: There were several large earth ponies, roughly the size of Big Macintosh I presume, struggling against a… Buffalo?

I thought ponies and Bison had overcome the racial barriers that divided them. Maybe this is a rogue buffalo? Looking over at the large Buffalo I noticed something distinguishing about it: It had a large feathered headdress. Normally Buffalo would wear nothing, well because they are mindless field-animals on Earth. Here they were majestic tribesmen, and only one Buffalo in a tribe would wear a headdress like that: A chief! I also noticed something else: Those work ponies weren’t exactly with Braeburn I presume. Why? They were wielding ropes and spears against the Buffalo Chief. After weighing the pros and cons I charge towards the scene.

“We got ya now ya Chief Redvale!” One of the oppressing ponies announced
He was my first target. I slammed against him, knocking the lasso he was holding out of his mouth. Two more swerved towards me. The first was met with a clawed paw.

“Buck! He sliced my face! I’m bleedin! I’m bleedin!” He screeched

“I’ll get em’ Goon! Then we can get ya patched up!” The second announced as he charged towards me
His charge knocked me back, but then I sent him barreling with another swipe. A third charged me, and was met with a strong head-butt. The shear power made him crumple before me. The Buffalo chief was now free and smiled before me.

“Thank you elder one, the earth mother fore told your return. The shamans will be happy to see you.” He declared
Then I was hit by a powerful blast, Magic. I knew there would be unicorns in Equestria, but with this new powerful body I didn’t expect them to pack much of a punch. This one did. I started to get up, although I was shaking. This attempt was met with three more barrages of arcane energy. I fell and submitted.

“Tie him up with the rest, and this time make sure the Chief stays in his cage!” A gruff voice enunciated it was the voice of the Unicorn that shot me, he had a book and a bull’s-eye for a cutie mark what an odd combination.

“Ernest Hoofingway! I denied you access to my hunting grounds! You won’t get away with this!” Chief Redvale protested

“My dear Redvale, Unbeknownst to you: I already have. You will be held ransom until your village succumbs to my poaching demands and then the prairie will be mine forever!” He retorted
I felt my body being logged onto a wagon. Then a panicky voice whispered in my ear.

“You stupid animal! Imma make sure Hoofingway puts you on a mount for what you did to my face.” It was the same pony who I had slashed across the face, apparently his name was Goon. Although I was weak I couldn’t help but smile at the pitiful ruffian.

Several hours later, I had recovered from the powerful assault of sorcery and found myself confined within a cage; I looked over to see Chief Redvale staring at me.

“Ah! Elder one, you are awake. I was wondering how long it would take you to recover from Hoofingway magic. You are quite resilient indeed.” He commented
I glanced over at the Buffalo and gestured to my tongue and then shook my head.

‘Oh, surely you know how to speak the ancient tongue. It was the earth mother’s blessing to all Manticores.” He mentioned
I shook my head

“You are a strange Manticore indeed… Well just start speaking what you desire and the ancient blessing will take care of the rest.” He remarked
I began to speak, but what came out sounded like the mixture of trumpets, lion roars, and the kid that sings ‘Chocolate Rain’.

“Yes! You are speaking the ancient tongue! Good start!” He uttered
I started to work on refining my ‘ancient tongue’ and the Chief and I worked on communication for the next hour or so.

“Now that we can communicate I must address our current predicament.” The Chief said

“Firstly, our captors: Ernest Hoofingway is a dangerous Unicorn. He apparently was Princess Celestia’s personal Bushman for her tour of the wild regions of Equestria. One day she discovered he was using her royal funds as a means of poaching, taking the rarest of creatures away from their homelands and to either his zoo or the taxidermist for the ones which misbehaved. He was cast into the Canterlot dungeons for fifteen years. After he escaped he harbored a bitter hate of well, most everything! So he has begun his twisted safari once more snatching up any legendary beast up in his grubby little hooves. He finally came here the plains of the Mild West to hunt for the fabled Plain-strider and Jackalope. I would not allow him to enter our sacred stampeding grounds especially not for his evil hunt. So he has acquired me as a means of trade with my tribe. The deal is: my safe return in exchange for his free reign of the Mild West.” The old Chief said

“What happens if your tribe says no?” I asked still not use to my startling new voice

“I fear that they will their compassion is too great. Though if their stubborn pride is also too great he will kill me and poach anyway, destroying Buffalo villages along the way.” He said with a grim tone that saddened me

‘Where is Princess Celestia in all of this? Even though you are not directly her subjects she still has compassion for you and Hoofingway’s madness is her responsibility!” I exclaimed

“I’m afraid, Elder One; she is pre-occupied with the one called Discord.” He replied

“This must be the beginning of season 2…” I said to my self

“Secondly, The prophecy: The earth mother planted the seeds of the Buffalo long ago. The earth mother was once part of the perfect race. Her people were cursed by Chaos. They were forced to break down and create the other great races we know today. Her Brothers and Sisters created the Alicorns who in turn created the great pony races: The Pegasi, The earth ponies, and The Unicorns. They also created the Zebras. The Buffalo worked alongside the Alicorns and Zebras to help raise young Equestria, but soon the great spirit of Chaos hardened the elder Bison’s hearts and made them turn from their equine brothers and seclude to the Mild West absorbed by their pride and greed. The Earth Mother told the very first Shamans that one day there would be an Elder one who would lead them into a new age of prosperity. This Elder one would change the world. It would defy gods, even the Great Spirit that sent it here. It would come from the stars, and it would become a legend. Then it would come to live in the stars when it died.” He said in an excited tone

“You are the Elder One; you are the fore told Manticore!” He announced

“Listen you got the wrong guy, I can’t be this ‘Elder One’. I can barely make honor-roll let alone become a living legend. I humbly replied

“You have to be you match the prophecy.” He said somewhat confused

“The exact reason that guy pulled me here from earth was because I was a no one.” I said defensively “I hate to let you down but I can’t be this hero.”

“Not now Elder One, but you will see your fate soon enough. Rest well Elder One.” He assured me. With that we went to bed.

“James, I see you have already ‘rustled the jimmies’ as you Humans say. You have already begun your journey.” Said a soothing voice
This voice startled me from my sleep. I looked around, the wagon was dark. It was night time.

“Who’s there? Show yourself!” I demanded

“I’m right here child. No need to worry.” Replied the voice still in a calm demeanor
It wasn’t the man from the café. It was a large yellow serpent. Its eyes pierced my soul they were like daggers.

“Expecting someone else, I can read your thoughts just so you know. No, I am not the man from the café. He was my employee, and you are my asset.” The serpent said
I examined him. What was he? He seemed so welcoming, yet I feel my animal instinct warning me away from trusting him. So if that suit guy was his employer, meaning someone under you, who was this guy? How powerful was he?

“I am a time serpent, firstly. We are quite legendary If I do say so myself. Secondly, you are right not to trust me. Though as my asset you are obliged to listen to my commands and carry them out. Thirdly, my name is Change. Lastly, I am quite powerful.” He said with a smile
Right, He can read my thoughts. So try not to think about anything… dang it!

“So why did you pick me?” I began

“Isn’t it obvious? You won’t be missed, you are quite valuable as a Manticore, and you have to carry out that silly prophecy established by that ‘do-gooder’ earth mother; which will only serve to increase your value to me. You will prove to be a most excellent pawn.” He bluntly stated

“Oh” I replied somewhat disillusioned with the aspect of me being so futile and small

“Rest easy child, you have more work ahead of you tomorrow. As for me, I must get back to my residence and think.” He said
With that last statement he vanished, and I fell asleep. What could it all mean?

Back on the saddle again

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Chapter 3 – Back on the saddle again

“Were here, unload the prisoners. Take the Chief out of the back, and the Manticore. Put him on a leash.” Ernest Hemingway Announced with a smirk
We were unloaded, and while I felt the extreme urge to break free the chief gave me a look of concern that halted me. Hoofingway was still too powerful for me. I’d have to work on that. When the galutes that were Hoofingway’s hirelings first approached me with the concept of a leash and collar I resisted. One, I am not someone’s darn pet. Two, it was really kinky. I lunged and jumped away from all their attempts and even smacked them a few times until Hoofingway finally forced them to put on the leash with him overseeing it.

“Now that our captives are well restrained, let us begin” Hoofingway commented with an insane twitch

“Elder One, Hoofingway seems to be losing his sanity with every ounce of power he gains. He is going slip up and when that happens we can make a break for it, and maybe manage to defeat Hoofingway and his thugs.” Chief Redvale whispered
Just then a burly Stallion emerged from Hoofingway’s wagon; He had a hammer for a cutie mark and He was a Pegasus probably the biggest one I’d ever seen. Next to that “Roid Rage” one from Hurricane Fluttershy.

“Ah yes! This good Chief is J.D. Stallionger. He will keep an eye on you both to make sure you don’t pull anything ‘funny’. He is a good hunting-friend of mine so treat him properly.” Hoofingway commented while pointing to the Stallion.

“Well this certainly puts a wrench in our plans.” I said to Chief Redvale in a hushed tone.

“No worries Elder One, A sharp mind can out class a sharp sword.” He replied

We began the long trek across Redvale’s village until we arrived at the Chief’s teepee. Along the way Bison were shocked and terrified that Hoofingway had captured their Chief, but overjoyed to see the “Elder One”. When we arrived at the Chief’s tent Chief Redvale was led inside, leaving me outside with Goon and J.D. Stallionger. Goon still gripped the side of his face, which looked like a Jig-Saw puzzle. He looked over and saw me staring and gave me a look of fear and extreme hatred. I simply chuckled at his attempt of intimidation. Once they were inside for a period I decided to kick in my social engineering skills to outsmart Hoofingway’s Hirelings.

“Hey how does it feel to have a patchwork face?” I questioned the one called Goon

“You shut up about my face ah’ ought to gut ye like a pig! You messed me up bad you stoopid animal!” Answered an irritated Goon

“That is really well done Grammar and Spelling there Country Bumpkin. Tell me what the Backwater taste is like?” I asked attempting to get a response

“Im gonna put ya on my mantle, you busted my face!” He said as he charged at me, finally I thought to myself. I easily caught him off balance and flung him into the teepee behind me. Now I could quickly maneuver without anyone holding my collar. While I was still appreciating my skill at dispatching Goon I flew into a teepee myself. Ouch! It was Stallionger He had gotten up. The Stallion snorted a breath of hot air and charged me. His eyes were full of bloodlust and rage. I hastily averted another solid charge and attempted to swipe at him. He bucked me in the face. He is really strong.
I had at first averted using my Scorpion tail because the venom in it would cause a slow and painful death, I would much rather just kill the person. Stallionger was too fast for me I had to use it. I swung around right as he reared for another charge. It hit him immediately; with wicked speed it pierced him. Now he was down to my level. I took off into the sky, the clumsy leathery wings were rather hard to use, but as more of Hoofingway’s henchmen came out I needed a fairer battleground. Two more Pegasi under Hoofingway’s payroll took off into the sky to challenge me and aid Stallionger.

I swung full-throttle into the first biting it’s stomach; I pulled it down to earth and threw out on the grass. Its intestines spilled out as it screamed in pain, did I just kill someone…er… somepony? I had no time to think as the second slashed at my wings, where there had been a large membrane in between my wing-bones there was now a bloody hole. I quickly lost altitude. I caught Stallionger on the way down. He broke my fall. The Stallion was fading now, and while I felt guilty about taking a life. It felt justified as it was self-defense; I was defending both myself and my friend and possibly an entire tribe! Two earth-ponies charged at me. Normally, Manticores were not exactly the “fastest” I possessed amazing agility for such a slow creature. I dodged the first of the charging ponies and slammed the second’s head into the dirt. Then I had to smack the Pegasus that had wing-clipped me. It’s super effective. He then bucked me back, and I countered this with a tail stab that immobilized him. The last of the Hirelings then fell and was defeated as I had slashed both of his legs while in mid-charge.

I turned my head to see Ernest Hoofingway with Chief Redvale at the end of his horn, Hoofingway then proceeded to clap slowly.

“Oh, well done! You truly are the Elder One, What a saint! More like a killer by the looks of it, sadly all your efforts will be to no avail as your precious Chief will either agree to my demands or have his brains blown all over this teepee!” He shouted twitching violently

“Let him go Hoofingway, You’ve lost. It’s all over; your crazed dreams of poaching have ended. Next chance I get you’re going straight to Princess Celestia to pay for your crimes, or better yet the Bison’s tribal council.” I stated while approaching him

“Don’t take another step. I MEAN IT! HIS BRAINS ALL OVER THE FLOOR! IT WILL BE ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT!” Hoofingway said while charging up his horn.

“Buck This!” Said Chief Redvale as he head-butted Hoofingway

“Wuh..No…Uh..I…Can’t…Lose” Hoofingway mumbled thudding to the ground.

“Let us clean up this mess Elder One, and get you fixed up.” Chief Redvale said