Diamonds Aren't Forever

by Magicolt808

First published

After a terrible tragedy, Rarity must now cope with her life.

Written by Askfoxxy

Spike is now a teenage Dragon. Him and Rarity have bonded over the years and have become very close to each other. One day, Spike is caught in a terrible tragedy. Rarity life in torn into pieces as her psyche crumbles and her she tilters on the brink of absolute insanity. How will she be able to cope with her distorted mind set....

Will update things as more chapters are released

My Personal Sun

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In a very dimly lit, unused and forgotten boutique, a light gray pony sits in her high chair, almost forgotten by time. Her colourless coat stands out brightly against the dark shadows that fill the depressing room. This is where she stays, as day by day, she is sobbing and thinking, crying in thought, waiting. As she does this, she re-lives all of her past mistakes and regrets all the things she hadn't done, all the opportunities she had missed in ignorance. She’s silently wishing, wishing she could go back and make her past clearer...but not just for her. She wishes she could go back and make things clearer for a certain purple dragon. But one can only wish...


June 25:

Dear Diary,

I simply cannot wait for tomorrow! Me and my lovely friend Twilight, are going to visit Zecora’s hut in the Everfree forest! I was just telling Twilight about a huge order I had just received, and how I was probably going to end up working all tomorrow night on it. I was in total distress! But then, Twilight told me about a special potion Zacora could make that could give me enough energy to finish it before sundown tomorrow! I’m going with Twilight to Zecora's tomorrow morning. I do hope we do not leave too early though, I need my beauty sleep!



Spike cautiously leaned over Rarity’s shoulder, glancing secretly at her diary as she wrote. Rarity turned and caught him dead in the act.

“Spike!” she yelled, as if she was surprised he would do such a thing . Spike quickly turned around and whistled innocently, chuckling to himself. Rarity closed her diamond encrusted white diary Sweetie Belle had got her last year, “I mean come on, you’re almost a full grown teenage dragon now, you can’t be doing such childish things!”

Spike smirked, “I’m sorry Rarity. I was just a little curious.” Spike hopped off the side of high Rarity’s chair, “Promise I won’t do it again,” he said. Rarity tucked her diary behind her back and shot Spike a skeptical look. Spike swiftly moved back towards the chair. Even from the ground, he was now tall enough to look at Rarity eye to eye while she was sitting in her high chair. Spike’s face moved closer to Rarity’s as he gently whispered, “I promise.”

Rarity smiled, “Thank you Spikey Wikey,” she said hugging him.

Throughout the years, Rarity and Spike had become a lot closer. On an average night, Spike was always at the boutique, helping Rarity with something or just bringing her company. They had grown quite accustomed to each other.

“Is it not just about time for you to be getting home?” asked Rarity. The sun had long since passed over the peaceful land of Ponyville. “Twilight is going to be worried sick!” she exclaimed.

Spike walked out the door, ducking as he could hardly fit though. Rarity trotted back to her high chair and grabbed her quill. She opened up her diary and neatly scribbled, “P.S. I think I will ask Spike if he wants to come too.” Rarity dotted the “i” in Spike with a heart as she closed the sparkling white tablet, and trotted up the stairs to her room.


Twilight and Rarity casually walked down the aged path to the Everfree forest. The warm sunlight, sheltering the ponies of Ponyville from bad thoughts, as they happily went about their daily routines.

Twilight was levitating her clipboard in front her, checking off the ingredients she needed to get from Zecora. Rarity was too busy looking out for Spike when she tripped over a rock that was sticking out of the dirt path.

Twilight helped her up, “He should be here soon,” she said, as if reading Rarity’s mind. “He just had to go do some...ah errands.”

Rarity dusted herself off, using her magic to remove the dirt from her coat. “Well I do not want to go through the forest by ourselves,” said Rarity. She looked down the path to the see the towering trees and dark brush, who knew what they would find if they took the wrong path or got lost. The two mares continued trotting as more and more vegetation formed around them until they were entering the Everfree Forest.

Spike still had not caught up and Rarity had began to worry if she was safe in the forest with only her and Twilight. Even the bright sun could hardly be made out from the heavy ceiling of leaves and tree branches. Small streams of light shone down on the ponies, illuminating them from total darkness.

“Twilight...maybe we should just turn around...” whispered Rarity. Rarity valued the many grand results of being a successful dressmaker...but she valued nothing more than her own life. The trees, grimly carved wooden statues, stared down at them, causing Rarity to turn back every minute or two, wondering exactly what she was seeing. Rarity stopped and turned to catch some quick glimpses of green and white among the trees, mostly likely her eyes playing tricks on her.

“Her hut is just down this path up here,” said Twilight, casually trotted and thinking of the work she needed to get down today.

Rarity sighed, she was coming to the conclusion that she was just paranoid. She turned and looked to toward Twilight in relief, but it had seemed her conclusion was false. Twilight was stopped dead in her tracks, staring at the giant in front of her. As Rarity gazed upon the large maroon dragon, she fell backwards in shock. Rarity, quickly turning backwards and crawling, as Twilight slowly stepped, let out a yelp as another dragon came from behind her.

“Well...Well...Well Garble, looks like we got some little ponies.” said the large orange dragon that was staring down at Rarity.

Garble laughed as he shortened the distance between him and Twilight in one sweeping step. “What are a couple of...pretty ponies like you doing out in forest?” he said, grinning.

Rarity was still lying on the ground, scared and motionless. Twilight tried to sound calm, but her voice was quaking in fear, her knees quivering as she looked at Garble. “We...were just--....uhm we’re heading,” she stumbled over her words.

Gable wrapped his large, muscular arm around Twilight, pulling her into him. “Lost?” he said, his eyes piercing through Twilights. She tried to back up again, but the orange dragon was now directly behind her. Rarity laid on the ground, hooves over eyes, crying in fear.

Twilight’s horned glowed as she shot a blast of magic at the orange dragon behind her, knocking him to the ground. He laughed as he got up, “This kitty's got claws.” The dragon grabbed Twilight head, and throw her to the ground, he started to kick her violently as she yelled and cried.

“Woah, Woah, Woah, Snap, you don’t want to tear her body up too bad...yet.” Garble was staring down at Twilight, who was bruised but alright.

Snap gave her one last kick to the head, rendering her unconscious. “Don’t worry,” he cackled. “We still got this beauty,” Snap walked over to the still cowering Rarity and picked her up by her mane.

“Why! Unhand me this instant!” she screamed. “This is not how you treat a lady!” she screamed on.

Garble grabbed Rarity mouth, pushing her cheeks together, “Oh don’t you worry cutie, we know how to treat ladies.” Both the dragons were now laughing as they grabbed at Rarity.

She screamed and cried out with her eyes closed. “HELP! HELP PLEASE!” But the dragons were not phased by the least. Rarity opened her eyes and glared at Snap, she spat in his laughing face.

“Why you!” he yelled, raising his clenched fist. He brought his hand down hard upon Rarity but it made no connection. Stunned her looked to his left, Spike’s hand was wrapped around Snaps fist.

Spike yelled in anger as he whipped his head back and brought it forward, headbutting Snap, sending him flying backwards into a tree. Blood spattered across the dark wood as Snap moaned and then passed out. Garble backed away from Rarity cautiously, unable to process what had just happened. Spike moved faster than Rarity’s eyes could follow, colliding with Garble. The two furious teenage dragons sent flurries of punches and swipes at each other, scowling and growling. Garble was still too much for Spike, he had much more experience in the wild. Garble’s long, sharp, claws sunk deep into Spike’s chest causing him to yell out in pain. Crimson blood spilled across Spike’s chest, an almost endless flow of dark substance.

Spike thought of Rarity and Twilight, helpless, and his watery eyes filled with more seething anger. He dived at Garble sinking his teeth deep into Grable’s arm, tearing it from his torso, leaving Garble screaming while blood shot everywhere from the gaping hole.

Garble was dazed as he stumbled backward. He lifted Snap’s motionless body over his shoulder, and whimpered as he took off into the darkness.

Spike turned to Rarity, “Sorry...I...was...out getting...ruby--”. Spike collapsed in front of Rarity, lying facedown in a puddle of his own blood. His tense fist unclenched to reveal a Fire Ruby.

Rarity sobbed uncontrollably as she crawled to Spike and hung over his lifeless body. Her clear tears flowed evenly over the dragon. She was not concerned with the stains of blood across her coat, the dirt in her mane or the mud on her tail. At that moment, Rarity had eyes only for her friends. She looked toward Twilight who was still unconscious, and then she looked above herself, seeing the sun through a clearing in the trees.

“Oh Celestia....what do I do?”

Light During an Eclipse

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Rarity slowly crawled over to Twilight, grabbing her body shaking her frantically. Twilight showed no signs of waking up, her limp body sporadically sprawled out on the dirt. Rarity took a deep breathe. She stood herself up, her legs quivering and her heart beating almost out of her cheat.

"You have to be strong darling," she whispered to herself. "You have to be strong for your friends." Rarity whipped her tears and straightened up. She steadily aimed her horn at Twilight. Her horn sparkled a bright blue substance, it swirled around Twilight. This spell took almost all of Rarity's remaining energy, but Twilight's life was most important in this hour of need. Rarity exhausted most of her life force into Twilight, her spell using a generous amount of her own power. Rarity's heart was pounding harder than ever. "Come on Twilight...I need you...Spike...needs you..." Rarity was wearing herself out at an incredibly fast pace.

Twilight stirred. As she slowly opened her eyes, she squinted as the rays of sunlight poured over her. "R-Rarity?" she asked, confused at what was happening. Rarity collapsed onto the ground, barely awake. Twilight quickly stood up and rushed to her side, "Are you alrigh-," Rarity cut her off. "," she whispered.

Twilight trotted over to her fallen assistant. “Oh Celestia...I need to stop the bleeding!” Twilight said, shocked at this horrific tragedy. Rarity’s blurred vision could only make out a purple figure hovering over a large object on the ground. Twilight was trying to seal up Spike’s wounds, but her magic could only do so much. The last thing Rarity witnessed was Twilight sending up a large red magic flare into the sky. Rarity lost consciousness. Twilight looked over at her, “Hold on girl...helps coming,” she said before returning to trying to mend Spike.


June 26:

Dear Diary,

The trip to Zacora’s was an complete and utter fiasco. I awoke inside of a damp wagon, it was dark and I was distraught, but the worst part was I couldn’t find Spike. Twilight was sitting there with me, she told me that Spike had been rushed straight to the Canterlot hospital, his wounds were very...fatal-...bad. Twilight told me she needs to go to the Ponyville hospital. Oh dear... My poor friend might have a concussion. After they dropped me off at my house, I did nothing. I sat in my chair, remembering the cold eyes of Spike as he laid on the hard dirt floor. I needed him to pull through this...I wanted him to be here, comforting me in my time of need. I think I...I...really miss him.



By the time Rarity had pulled herself together enough to leave her house, Spike had moved to the Ponyville hospital. What was left of mane 6 was beside their friends.

Twilight was laying in bed with a large bandage around her forehead. Rainbow Dash was sitting on the edge of Twilight’s bed talking to Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. “And have you seen her eyes...? They’re so like...I don’t know! Empty!” Dash said.

“Maybe we should talk to her about it...” Fluttershy said quietly.

Twilight sat up, wincing for a second at the pain in her scalp, “Girls, Rarity is going to be fine, we just need to give her some time.”

The usually lively and happy Pinkie Pie sat on a chair next to Twilight’s bed. “What a tragedy...” she whispered. It was clear that to her, happiness was far from close.

“Well I’m gonna go talk to her!” said Dash standing up.

Pinkie Pie grabbed Rainbow’s hoof, “You can’t! Only two ponies are allowed to visit the emergency ward at one time! Rarity’s been in there all day, and Applejack just went to talk to her!” Dash sat back down next to Twilight.

“I hope Spike pulls through...” whispered Fluttershy, as she began sobbing.

Twilight and Pinkie put their hooves on her shoulder. Rainbow Dash hugged Fluttershy.

“We all do.” she said as she started to cry.


Inside of the emergency room, Applejack was holding a motionless and frightened Rarity, trying to soothe her as they both sat beside Spike. He was connected to a plethora of tubes and wires, her heart rate monitor beeping every second or two.

“How could those stupid dragons do such a thing...?” said Applejack, as she gazed upon Spike.

Rarity’s voice was monotone and flat, “I can hold no hate towards them...Those barbarians are already suffering. The likes of them are weak, unfortunate and idiotic animals living in a fanatical world where strength gives you power, and power gives you the means to be correct." she spat harshly.

Applejack silently worried about Rarity. Aj had never seen Rarity like this in all of their friendship. She had been in Spikes room ever since he arrived in Ponyville. By now she had stopped crying over the dragon, now she was simply standing by his side, watching over his body

Sometimes Spike would twitch or moan in pain. When this happened, Rarity had to fight the tears threatening to emerge. To know that her Spikey Wikey was in such pain seared her like fire.

“No matter what happens Rarity, ya gotta promise me you’ll pick yourself up. I can’t bear to see you like this...” said Applejack, tears trickling down her cheeks. “When you’re in pain...we are all in pain...”

Rarity quickly pulled away from AJ, “The only one going through pain is Spike!” she yelled, tears flowing out of her eyes and her chest heaving up and down. Applejack looked into Rarity’s eyes, they were no longer the color of a bright sapphire, but now like a dull lake, almost colorless in the moonlight. Rarity stared back at Applejack but could not hold her gaze. She began to cry as she fell back into Applejack’s arms crying loudly, “Is there anyway to give my friends salvation?” she cried out. Rarity stared out the window, scanning the dark sky. Rarity then looked back at Spike. "...How could you conclude that death should be painful without experiencing it yourself?" she whispered.

Applejack held her tighter as Rarity fainted.


In a heated, jagged, volcanic crater, a group of teenage dragons jeer and cheer. A certain maroon, one armed dragon rallies them together. He tells them a story of vengeance and pride, of plundering and looting the defenseless, of killing and hunting the weak, of showing a certain town of ponies what true power is.

A Long Night

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Light seeped in through the blinds as the morning came. Rarity slowly opened her red, puffy eyes the best she could. As she looked at the vanity in the room, she could see that her mane and her overall appearance was the worst it has ever been. Rarity, however, didn’t care and sat up in her bed with shaky hooves and swayed a little from the lack of strength to hold herself up. As she regained her balance, a depressed-looking Pinkie entered the room.

“Morning.” Pinkie said, looking as exhausted as Rarity did with her mane straight to one side. “How’d you sleep?”

“Not too good. It doesn’t look like you slept any better though.”

“Heh. I guess not huh?” said Pinkie, chuckling softly.

The two mares chuckled a little to themselves as they temporarily forgot about what was going on.

“It’s not too bad.” said Pinkie.

“What Darling?” asked Rarity, confused by what Pinkie meant.

“I mean about the death. It’s not so bad.” Pinkie said seriously.

“Pinkie! This is no time to be joking!” yelled Rarity.

“I’m not kidding. I know it may seem like I don’t care, but I do. Everytime you see me, I’m all happy and jumpy. But what you don’t see is that I’m dead inside. I have no will to live this life anymore. I sometimes sit in the bathtub and think about the many ways I can end it now. It’s funny really. A pony, whose special talent is partying, wants to end it all. Ironic dontcha think?”

“Pinkie,” Rarity said softly, “I never knew.”

“It’s fine Rare. You didn’t know. I just want you to remember. If Spike isn’t able to push through, it will all be ok.”

“But how?”

“Just believe in your own strength. Don’t rely on his to make you happy. I may not want to live anymore, but my will is strong. If I can survive, so can you. Anypony can die, but not everypony can live.”


June 30:


I can’t handle the thought of my dear Spike dying-...passing away. But if I daresay the unspeakable happen, I need to accept and embrace death to continue my own existence. But...what is an existence without love? I would gladly trade anything for Spike’s salvation.

Death is love...

A blissful Silence is Death,

Peace can always be found in Death,

A Complacent life is Death,

Answers to life are Death,

Locks across one's soul are Death,
Enlightenment to the questions of life are Death.

Death is beauty,

Death itself is Salvation,
Death is love.

If only Spike could read this now and see.



Rarity casually poked at her food, she hadn't been eating much since they brought her forcibly back from the hospital. She was staying at Fluttershy’s cottage tonight. Her friends had been letting her stay with them for her own health, she was in no mental state to be left alone.

“Rarity, you have to eat, it’s unhealthy not to,” Fluttershy said concerningly.

“Health....” Rarity said quietly. Her tears dripped down her face and splashed against her food. She stood up and began to walk away. “Why do we have to cry? Why can’t I do anything to stop it?” she thought to herself. “All there is to be found in life is fear and suppression, sadness, anguish and madness...and pain.” she said to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy stepped in front of her, “ I know that...even so. As long as we keep our heads up...and have hope...we can find salvation.”

Rarity stopped in her tracks, the words paralyzing her and clearing her mind.

July 05:


Fluttershy is right, I have to be strong. I have to stop crying and move on...for Spike.

On the first day back, I cried because I was shocked.

On the second day, I cried because of the pain.

On the third day, I cried because Spike have wouldn’t notice.

On the fourth day, I cried because most of my friends seemed to have given up on me.

On the fifth day, I cried because of how miserable my life was.

And on the sixth day, I stopped crying for all those reasons...

I’m going to see Spike.



The light gray ponies coat moved across the plane of shadows as she silently made her way out of the cottage and trotted along the path to the Ponyville hospital. As she approached the dark building, the impending feeling of emptiness seemed to leave Rarity’s body. She slowly used her magic to unlock the hospitals double doors. Luckily, Rarity met no force on her way to Spike’s room.

“Spike...” she whispered as she cautiously opened the door. Just as she thought, the only sound that was heard in response was the beeps of the heart monitor and the air being pumped into his lungs. At the sight of this, Rarity collapsed, unable to cope with this tragic scene. She crawled up to Spike’s bed. She stared deeply at her friend, so close, and yet so far. Her warm tears trickled over his chest from Rarity eyes. And then to break her silent cries, the long and monotone beep of the heart rate monitor sang into the night.


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Chapter 4:

Rarity raised her head as her eyes met the monitor screen. The usual jagged line had gone flat and was now accompanied by a horrendously loud screech. The long, flat beep echoed in Rarity’s head as she contemplated what was happening.

“Oh no...” she whispered quietly. She gazed upon Spike’s still body, partially covered by sheets and plastered with tubes of all sorts. “What a horrible way to live,” she thought, “If he even still is...” Rarity’s face was expressionless as her eyes traveled to Spike’s face. The moonlight from the window reflected brightly off of Spikes scales, making them shine beautifully. She could not bear to witness this any longer. She turned her head from Spike, but as the noise of the monitor reached her, his image was still in her mind.

Rarity made her way to the window, the moonlight shining through, lighting the room. The grand white full moon cast its light over the sleeping town of Ponyville, throwing shadows across the houses. Rarity tried to enjoy the beauty of the scene, but the high pitched ringing continued to block her thoughts. Rarity could not take it any longer, this whole moment was like agonizing torture, far worse than any physical pain. She opened the window and let the cool breeze fill the room around her. Looking down, she saw the great distance between her and harsh ground below.

“Would it be quick or slow?” Rarity asked herself as she imagined hitting the grass below with a small thud. Just the thought alone made her cringe. But then again, why should she care. Just a few seconds of pain surely was a good price to pay to escape this nightmare. As she gazed out of the window, the night air blew and made her mane whip her face as she cried softly, watching the tears fall to the ground. With one last look, she steadily tried to lift herself over the sill and let gravity take her. She had lost track of everything in the world.

And then she heard it, actually, it was what she didn’t hear. The sharp heart monitor noise had been stopped, leaving the air still and calm.

“Man, that was getting really annoying.”

Rarity turned away from the window to see Spike leaning up with his hand on the monitor screen and his other hand propping his body up for support.

“Oh my Celestia,” Rarity said quietly before running across the room. She did not care if she was hallucinating. Rarity wondered if she had just died and this was Pony Heaven, but the thoughts left her mind quickly, Spike was back.

Spike chuckled softly as his arms embraced Rarity, pulling her into him. “I thought I was never going to see your green eyes again...” Rarity whispered.


July 7,


I fell asleep leaning on Spike’s bed, the doctor had to wake me up the next morning. Spike was making a tremendous recovery and was hopefully going to be allowed to leave soon. The hospital staff had no clue how Spike’s injury was healing so fast, or how he was able to move around so easily, but then again, they didn’t know a lot about dragons in the first place...



“He’s coming home?!?!” Twilight yelled. Behind her, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were anxiously waiting outside the hospital doors. As the doors opened, a bouncing smiling Pinkie Pie hopped through them. Following her, Spike stumbled out the door with Fluttershy and Rarity at his sides. Twilight and the others ran to Spike, hugging him and laughing, ecstatic that he was okay.

“Oh Spike....” said Twilight, “I’m so glad you’re alright!”

Fluttershy was reminding Spike about what the Doctor had told him on the way to the Library. “Don’t overexert yourself! And make sure you don’t do any heavy lifting!” Fluttershy went on.

“I know, I know,” Spike laughed. Rarity happily trotted alongside him as they made their way to the Library for Pinkie Pie’s welcome back party.


Balloons and streamers hung around the room, confetti strewn about the floor. The party had been great for everypony. Rarity had clung to Spike the whole time, hardly joining any of the party games.

Rarity was leaning her head on Spike as he was enjoying some gems Dash had got for him. “Spike, I’m so glad you’re alright, I thought I’d never see you again,” she whispered. Spike smiled at her, wrapping his arm around her and pulling her closer to him.

“Well I owe my life to you...” said Spike. “When I was injured, it was black and dark, and I could feel nothing, but then I heard your voice, and all I had to do was follow it...” he said. Rarity remembered how she cried over Spike for all that time, and now he was finally back.

“My life was so empty without you a vacancy in my heart...” said Rarity. “What was it like? In your slumber?” Rarity had often thought of what Spike was thinking as she stared at his blank, sleepy expression.

“It sure rains a lot,” Spike said, as him and Rarity walked out of the library.


The small streams of light pierced Rarity’s windows as she woke the next morning. She rolled over in her bed, right into Spike. He was sleeping next to her in bed, his arm still wrapped tightly around her. Rarity looked at him and smiled, laying back into his loving embrace.

As she nuzzled at his neck, Spike opened his eyes and gazed into her peaceful face. His mouth cracked into a grin and he moved in closer to Rarity, hugging her close to his chest.Rarity noticed the shift in movement and knew right away that he was awake.

“How did you sleep Dear?” said Rarity in her sweetest voice.

Spike kept staring and shook his head with the same grin on his face. “I’ve never slept better in my life.”


As days went on, Rarity and Spike lived happily together, as did the rest of Ponyville. The crisis had been averted. Rarity and the others returned to their blissful lives of luxury, and friendship. With their new-found peace came an even bigger boost in confidence as everypony began their day, unprepared for what would happen next.


Rainbow Dash swerved above Spike who was returning from Bon Bon’s store with flowers and chocolates. Spike looked up and smiled at the familiar face.

“How’s it goin’ Rainbow Dash?” asked Spike, wondering why she would be out so late.

“Nothin’ much. I’ve just been practicin’ some tricks. I’m not as young as I used ta be, ya know? What about you? Got anything planned for tonight?” asked Dash, teasingly.

“I bought these for her. Do you think she’ll like them?”

“Spike, I’m sure she’ll like anything you give her.” laughed Rainbow.

The two talked together as Spike made his way to Rarity’s house as the sun started to set.



Darkness surrounded Dash as she flew nimbly to the boutique. She ignored everything in her path, streaking to the front door of Rarity’s house. Blasting through the doors she found the gray pony sitting alone, drawing some sort of design.

Rarity stared up at Dash, “Rainbow wh-” Rainbow cut her off.

“Rarity! The dragons took him! The dragons took Spike!”

New Moon

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Chapter 5:

Rarity stood there silently, absorbing what she had just heard, her mind consuming the words that had came from Rainbow’s mouth.

“Wha-....what?” Rarity stumbled.

Dash ran to Rarity, hugging her for support, “It was horrible, me and Spike were on our way back here...and....oh Celestia.”

“Slow down Rainbow. Tell me exactly what happened.”

Rainbow took a deep breath. Her heart rate slowed and she began to relax, but only a little. Dash then looked Rarity in the eyes with a look of sympathy. “Alright, here it goes...”


Dash and Spike walked quickly to the boutique. The sun had already set and the dusk winds blew dirt around their ankles.

Rainbow Dash was going on about herself while Spike listened half heartedly,“ then I flew around Cloudsdale and beat my old record! I could tell all the other pegasus thought I was so amazing and...”

Spike looked up sharply, “Do you hear that?” he said. Just then, a large and blunt object hit Dash over the head, knocking her to the floor.

A hoarse voice could be heard over her, “What do we do with this one?” it said.

“Leave her be, she’ll tell the others and lead them to us,” another low voice laughed. The sound of footsteps drifted into Rainbow’s ears.

Rainbow Dash opened her eyes just in time to see four dragons escaping into the forest with an unconscious Spike beneath one of their arms before darkness took her again. As she stood up, her legs began to shake and her head pulsed with pain and throbbed horribly. As she shook off the pain, she jumped up and realized what was going on.

“I need to find Rarity!” she exclaimed, blasting off in the direction of Rarity’s boutique.

Flashback Over:

Throughout the story, Rarity was silent and still, her eyes wide and empty. The warmth that had filled her in the past days was again lost and out of her reach.

“We have to go back for him...” she whispered.

Rainbow Dash grabbed Rarity and shook her, trying to bring her to her senses. “NO! Rarity! That’s just what they want you to do!” she yelled. “We have to find Twilight and the others and make sure they are safe first!”

Rarity shook off Dash, unphased by her words. Rarity brushed passed Rainbow as she quickly shot to the door, running outside and towards the Everfree Forest. But she was pulled to the floor, being clotheslined by one of Dash’s hooves.

“Are you nuts!? You were almost killed by just one of those things. What make you think you can take on four at the same time!?” Dash yelled at her delusional friend.

“I have to try Rainbow Dash! He means the world to me! If I don’t make it, at least I died trying to save the one I love!” Rarity sobbed. She then knocked Dash off of her and sprinted through an opening in the forest before Dash could stop her again. Just as she disappeared from sight, Dash flew to gather the rest of her friends.


Spike lifted his head slowly, taking in his surroundings. The long scar on his body was searing with pain.

“Wakey wakey sleepy head...”

Spike would have recognized that voice anywhere. Garble stood in front of Spike, one armed and fearsome as ever. Spike tried to lunged at him, but Snap and another dragon had him pinned by both arms. All Spike could do was look towards Garble and growl and menacingly as he could.

“Oh please,” Garble laughed, kicking Spike in the face, breaking his nose. Blood slowly poured from Spike’s nose and mouth. “I told you this wasn’t over Spikey Wikey, I told you I’d come back for you.” Garble sneered, “And after you, were going to burn your precious Ponyville to the ground, along with all your precious ponies.” The dragons cheered and yelled.

“I’ll die before that happens,” Spike said loudly.

Garble stared down at Spike before grabbing his face with his remaining arm. “Oh won’t...because you’re going to watch it all. After you’ve seen the deaths of your town and friends because of your failure, then maybe I will be generous enough to kill you...”

Spike’s head dropped after Garble let it go. It hung there motionlessly, a mixture of blood and tears dripping onto the dark dirt.

“You’re wrong...” Spike’s voice came out from under his head.

Garble turned back towards Spike, eyeing him. “What did you say...?”

Spike pushed against the dragons holding him, but it was no use, he could not escape. “I said you’re are wrong...Those ponies...My Friends...they are a lot stronger than you think...a lot stronger than you...”

Garble and the rest of the dragons laughed, “You know Spike, you annoying blister on my side, you’re a bigger dumbass than I thought.” Gable raised his clawed hand, “In fact, maybe...maybe I’ll just kill you right now. The suspense is killing me...” Garble’s claws shot down toward Spike, aiming straight to his face as Grable laughed, “Or maybe its killing you!”

The shining black claws were a foot from Spikes head.


The other dragons turned to see Rarity charging at Garble. She lunged in the path of his attack, shielding Spike and earning herself three large gashes across her body. Miraculously, she still stood and stared at Garble.

“I’m not going to lose him again...” Rarity said loudly. The cuts on her were glowing blue and so were her eyes. “I’m not going to sit back and watch my friends suffer!” Rarity stepped toward Garble, her eyes glowing brighter and brighter blue. She winced from the pain in her side but kept walking.

Garble backing up slowly at the sight of Rarity’s glowing body looked at her cautiously. “How are you...? Why...?”

Rarity was now charging at Garble. “Why!?! Because he’s my friend! He’s more than a friend! And sometimes we make sacrifices for the benefits of our friends!” Rarity jumped, her glowing form inches from Garble, “Because that is the true form of generosity!”

As Rarity’s horn made contact with Garble, a blue shockwave rang out, blowing away the other dragons, incapacitating them. But Garble was the leader of the teenage dragons for a reason. His legs held their ground and he grabbed Rarity with his arm, moving her closer to his jaw. Rarity’s body began to turn to its normal color and blood started to shoot out from her massive wounds as she lost consciousness.

Garble was about to bite her neck in half, if it wasn’t for Spike, who was directly above him, hands spread and claws ready. Garble tossed Rarity’s lifeless body to the side and rolled to dodge Spike’s overhead assault.

Just as Garble stood up and regained his balance, Spike was ready facing him in a fighting stance. Garble stood up straight and smirked at his opponent. Garble only had one arm, but his strenght and fighting skill outweighed Spike’s by far.

“You think you can win this? I’ll toss you around just like we just did to your little friend there,” he snarled.

“I’m not going to let you lay a claw on her.” Spike growled.

Spike lunged towards Garble at incredible speed, aiming for his weak side, and slammed his shoulder into Garble’s gut, tackling him to the ground. Spike then got on top of Garble and beat his fists into the red dragons face.

Garble’s head slammed into the ground repeatedly before he grabbed Spike’s throat and flipped them over. Garble dropped his knee into Spikes chest, making his tender injury area swell with more pain. Spike them clawed at Garble’s own chest, but Grable pulled away just in time to only get grazed.

As Spike wheeled around, Garble’s fist slammed into his face, breaking the bones in his snout even more. Blood spurted out making more small puddles in the dirt as Spike fell on all fours. Garble walked up behind and wrapped around Spikes waist. As he did so, he did a backwards bridge and rammed Spike’s head into the dirt, making his body flop on top of itself.

Ten feet from the ferocious fighters laid Rarity’s body. At this sight, Spike kicked his legs up and stood on his feet swaying lightly. Garble stood up, dazed and exhausted. Spike punched at Garble quickly as Garble tried as best as he could to block the attacks. Spike’s tail whipped around and knocked Garble onto the ground.

“You will never win Spike...there will be others...” Garble’s voice was broken, just as his fighting spirit was.

Spike turned away from the crimson dragon and picked up Rarity, “And I will always be here to stop them.”


After Twilight and the others arrived, Celestia had committed Garble to the Tartarus prison for the foulest creatures of Equestria. Twilight, Rainbow and Fluttershy had accompanied the royal guards to exile the other dragons that had followed Garble back to the dragon lands. Pinkie Pie was back to her usual self, bouncing and partying about Rarity’s boutique, setting up the “Get well soon” party. Applejack stood over Spike and Rarity in the Ponyville hospital, keeping them company while they recovered.

“...haha yeah, I just hope Rarity still likes me even with this messed up snout!” Spike laughed. Rarity snickered lowly in her bed.

Applejack patted Spike on the chest lightly, “Now Spike, the doctor said ya’ll will be back ta your usual face in no time a’tall.”

The three of them joked around that evening, enjoying the time they had together, something they are very grateful for.

At last, the doctor came back into the room, “It seems the two of you will be fine, but you will definitely need to stay here and recuperate, you’ve both been through a lot.

Spike and Rarity shared a long glance.

“Oh! I almost forgot!” Spike said. Spike looked at the doctor, who handed Spike something. “The day I got back here the doctor’s been holding on to it for me,” Spike’s arms slowly extended towards Rarity, and as his palm opened, she saw a beautiful red fire ruby. “I’ve got no use for it anyways, the doctor said I need to eat healthier gems,” Spike chuckled.

Rarity’s hoof brushed over it slowly, she looked back up at Spike.

“Oh no it’s fine, you can have it...” Spike said, “It’s the least I can do to pay your back for saving my life.” Spike laughed.

Rarity picked up the gem and looked into Spike’s lively green eyes. Her fire had come back to shield her from the coldness of the world.

“You really are full of hope aren’t you...” Rarity whispered.

Spike’s resolution to protect the ones he loved was easier to see in him, then brazen across his chest.