Fifty Shades of Glim-Glam

by Anonpone

First published

Twilight Sparkle instructs Starlight Glimmer to come to her bedroom for a special friendship lesson. Things escalate quickly.

Starlight Glimmer returns to Twilight's castle one day to find that Twilight wants her to come to her bedroom for a special friendship lesson. Even stranger, she's just sent Spike out with a huge list of tasks that will take him most of the day to finish. Whatever could she want?

Contains pretty much completely vanilla sex, since my tastes are just that generic. There's at least two other stories with a similar premise, but I like to think this one at least has the best cover art. Speaking of cover art, credit goes to a man who would rather not be associated with this story. For some reason.

The Teacher and the Student

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Starlight Glimmer nervously approached Twilight Sparkle’s bedroom, wondering just why the princess had called her there on such short notice- and in such a bizarre fashion. She’d just got back to the castle from a mid-afternoon shopping trip when Spike had come running up to her to tell her that the princess wanted to see her for a new friendship lesson. Then, when she'd turned to head to the map room where the two of them usually met, the dragon had stopped her to tell her that Twilight had said to head to her room instead- and when she'd asked why he’d just shrugged, telling her with a sigh that Twilight hadn’t explained anything to him and just given him a huge list of errands to run all around Ponyville. As she neared the door she called out. “Twilight? I’m here.” There was no response. “Twilight? Are you there?” Starlight suddenly felt anxious- the prospect of friendship lessons was always nerve-wracking, but this all felt so strange. Why here and not the map room? Why send Spike out with such a huge to-do list? Why wasn’t Twilight replying? Her heart heavy, Starlight reached out her hoof and opened the door, peering inside- only to see the lights darkened and no sign of Twilight. Gulping, she used her magic to create a ball of light around her horn and stepped through the door.

“Glad you could make it, student.” A husky voice came from the direction of the bed. Turning towards it, her whole body tensed, Starlight saw Twilight in the corner of her eye and breathed a sigh of relief- until she saw the princess in full. Twilight had herself propped up against a pile of pillows in the middle of the bed, her hind legs dangling over the side, her eyes half-closed and a strange smile on her face as she faced Starlight.

“Twilight?” Starlight gulped. “What’s going on in here?”

“Well…” Twilight batted her eyelashes and slid off the bed. “We’ve been focusing on all the basics of friendship so far, but I thought we could move on up to something more intimate.” For all her confusion, Starlight couldn’t help but see what the princess was implying- but that just made her more confused. This was a side of Twilight she’d never seen, or even imagined before. Her cheeks turned a hot red.

“Twilight, I- I never thought you w-” She was interrupted as Twilight started slowly walking towards her, swaying her hips from side to side as she moved. Starlight’s eyes widened and, despite herself, she felt a growing wetness between her hind legs as Twilight drew near. She tried to open her mouth to speak but no words came out as Twilight came to a stop just in front of her, their muzzles almost touching. Lowering her voice to almost a whisper, Twilight spoke again.

“How about it, student? Want to see what kind of things I can teach you?” Starlight struggled to form a response, her mind going blank as the purple mare’s face filled her view. It didn’t get any easier when Twilight suddenly reached out and put one of her legs around her neck, but as Twilight moved in even closer she managed to blurt something out.

“Twilight!” The shout came more aggressively than she’d meant, and hearing it Twilight’s expression suddenly changed to one of regret as she pulled back her hoof and her face flushed red.

“I-I’m sorry, Starlight.” She looked down. “I shouldn’t have been so forward, but I did all kinds of studying on personality types and I thought you’d like that kind of-”

“I- I didn’t say I didn’t like it” Starlight interrupted, stammering as her cheeks turned even redder. “It’s just that, well, this is s-so sudden. I never realised you thought of me like that- and what if somepony found us?” Twilight smiled bashfully.

“That won’t be a problem. I’ve spent ages checking everypony’s schedules over the last few weeks and they’re all busy today. Rainbow’s at some flight show, Rarity’s visiting her boutique in Canterlot, Fluttershy’s supposed to be tending to some animals, Applejack’s helping with the harvest, and Pinkie’s visiting Cheese Sandwich. Gotta say, I was worried she’d never be out of the way. And as for Spike, I’ve told him to do so many things that he won’t be back for hours.” She grinned. “And, well, if you didn’t know how I felt about you before, I guess you do now!” she said with a nervous laugh. Suddenly, she blushed again. “So, um…. Well, I’ve never really done anything like this before, but are you saying you’re… interested?” Finally regaining some composure, Starlight smiled shyly back.

“You know, I think- I think I kind of always have been. When you all showed up at my village, I just had this feeling- like there was something special about you. And I even started thinking….” She laughed. “Then after you ruined everything I hated you. Or at least I thought I did. But looking back- I spent so much time thinking about you. Not even the others, just you. And I don’t think- I don’t think that was all hate.” She blushed again. “And now that I’m here, well, I started thinking about you differently. I- I like you, Twilight. I like your personality, I like your looks, and I want- well, this.” And with that, she took a quick step forward and pressed her muzzle to Twilight’s. Taken off guard, Twilight’s wings shot up and she opened her mouth in surprise- only to feel Starlight’s tongue push inside it as the pink unicorn wrapped her forelegs around her neck, drawing her into a kiss. Now it was Twilight’s turn to feel a wetness between her legs, her heart pounding as their tongues interlocked and the world outside the two of them seemed to fade away. After what seemed like an eternity Starlight pulled her muzzle away, leaving a hoof resting on Twilight’s back.

“No… don’t stop yet...” Twilight moaned softly. More confident than before, Starlight narrowed her eyes and gave her a smile.

“Well, princess, I think it’s time we took things up a level.” Starlight nodded at the nearby bed before leaning in again until their muzzles almost touched, dropping her voice to a whisper. “How about it?” Even in her aroused state, Twilight couldn’t help but blush even harder.

“Yes...” she murmured. “Starlight, let’s do it….” Twilight turned dizzily and started walking towards her bed, Starlight trotting alongside her with one leg still around the princess. As they reached it Twilight broke away from her grip and climbed onto the mattress, twisting around so she was lying on her back and looking up at Starlight. As the two made eye contact, Starlight smiling at the sight before her, Twilight blushed again and looked away. “Starlight, it’s my first- please, be gentle….” Hearing her, Starlight smirked.

“I can’t promise that” she replied, pulling herself up onto the bed and straddling the princess. Their lower bodies pressing together, Twilight let out a moan as their eyes locked. “Maybe it’s time for me to teach you a thing or two.” Holding Twilight’s forelegs in place with her own hooves Starlight leant down to kiss her a second time, her tongue sliding into the alicorn’s mouth as Twilight closed her eyes and gasped with ecstasy. At the same time Starlight started steadily sliding her lower body up and down Twilight’s, every movement making the princess beneath her shudder with pleasure. After a few more moments she broke away from Twilight’s mouth and released her forelegs, moving further down her body and planting a series of kisses along her neck. “You know”, she said, pulling her head away and smirking, “Back when we first met, and you and your friends were all locked up, I was really hoping you’d be the first to give in.” Beneath her, Twilight let out another moan. “Then it would’ve been you staying with me, not Fluttershy. And I remember thinking about all the things I could have done to you….” She giggled softly. “It took longer than I’d expected, but I guess I got my wish after all.” Dropping her voice, she put her mouth to Twilight’s ear and whispered. “You’re mine now, Twilight.” The alicorn opened her eyes, giving her a faint smile.

“If being yours is like this, then…. I think I’m alright with it.”

“Now that’s what I like to hear.” As Twilight closed her eyes again Starlight returned to work on the princess, planting more kisses across her upper body while intensifying her movements lower down and bringing Twilight ever-closer to her breaking point. As the princess buckled with every shift of Starlight’s weight her breathing became less and less regular- and, at last, the moment came.

“Aaah, Starlight, I- I can’t hold it- aaah!” Suddenly Twilight’s whole body convulsed, her juices exploding out of her as she finally climaxed. Starlight finally stopped her movements, climbing back onto her hooves and taking her weight off Twilight as she looked down at the spasming princess, admiring her work. Beneath her, Twilight felt almost as if her pleasure would never end as she lost all control of her body- but after almost half a minute her convulsions finally slowed and stopped, and she opened her eyes to see Starlight staring down at her and grinning.

“Your turn, princess. See if you can top that.” Panting, Twilight looked up at her and gave her a smile as she slowly regained her breath.

“I’ll… do… my… best.” Suddenly Twilight’s forelegs shot up, the princess catching Starlight off-guard and grabbing hold of her sides. As Starlight blinked in surprise Twilight pulled her student off her with one great effort, rolling them both over so that she was on top with Starlight pinned to the mattress beneath her. Twilight grinned down at her. “Weren’t expecting that, were you?”

“No”, Starlight admitted. “But there’d better be more where that came from.”

“There sure is, student.” Twilight quickly reared back, pushing herself backwards and off her partner- and as Starlight craned her head to watch her she dived, head-first, between her hind legs.

“Wow, I didn’t think you had that in y-” Starlight was suddenly interrupted as she felt Twilight push her tongue inside her while her hooves rubbed her upper thighs. “W-wow, you’re g-good at that…” she murmured, struggling to contain herself. “Don’t tell me you learned how to do it from a book?” Encouraged, Twilight intensified her efforts, her tongue darting between Starlight’s most sensitive spots and making her shudder with every movement as she quickly neared her own climax. “No… Twilight, n-not yet….” Not hearing her protests the princess pushed deep inside of her, making her cry out. “Twilight! Stop!” Hearing at last Twilight dutifully pulled out and sat up, her face downcast.

“That wasn’t good enough?” She frowned. “I’m sorry Starlight, I spent ages coming up with that technique, I thought-.”

“No, no….” Starlight struggled to get the words out through her panting. “It’s just… too good. I don’t want this to be… over, so quickly….” Twilight nodded, her face taking on a thoughtful expression.

“Something slower, huh?” Her eyes lit up and she gave the exhausted Starlight a smile. “I think I’ve got you covered.” She pulled herself forward to straddle Starlight for a second time, leaning in close to her face and dropping her voice to a whisper. “I think you’re going to like this.” Starlight let out a faint smile of her own, pulling herself back together and bracing herself for whatever she had planned. Twilight pressed her muzzle to Starlight’s, giving her a short but intense kiss, then quickly pulled away again, moving her head upwards- and, to the unicorn’s enormous surprise, closing her mouth around Starlight’s horn.

“What are you-” A feeling Starlight had never felt before shot through her body- a strange mixture of magical energy and sexual pleasure- and she recoiled from the shock, only to find Twilight holding her head in place with both hooves. As Starlight’s eyes widened Twilight began to suck on her horn, sliding her mouth steadily up and down it. At the same time she moved her body forward again, clambering over Starlight until she was effectively sitting on her chest, her hind legs resting either side of Starlight’s forelegs while her own forelegs cradled her head so that all the unicorn could see was Twilight’s underside from her neck to her crotch. Almost immobilised by Twilight’s weight and with every movement of her mouth sending shivers of ecstasy through her Starlight did the only thing she could, reaching out with her own forelegs- and, with as much care as she could, using them to push between Twilight’s legs and inside her. As she felt Starlight’s efforts Twilight’s body rocked again and the movements of her mouth became more erratic, but she kept her grip on her horn firm as Starlight pushed her hooves inside of her. Guessing at their location from Twilight’s work on her she pushed deep to find her most sensitive spots, the tips of her hooves brushing against every inch of her even as Twilight’s own movements sent regular shudders through Starlight’s body. Gritting her teeth to try and keep her body under control Starlight kept up her efforts- and she was finally rewarded as Twilight’s body shook and the princess released her horn, letting out an audible gasp.

“Starlight, I…. won’t come… before you.” She closed her mouth around her horn a second time, sucking faster and more roughly than ever as she struggled to control her own rising urges.

“Hah, we’ll… ah… see about that…” Starlight muttered in reply, pushing as far as she could. But even as she did, Twilight shaking time and time again as she hit the right spots, the princess stubbornly refused to climax. As Starlight felt her own body nearing its breaking point, her eyes narrowed. When had Twilight got so resilient? She was supposed to be the dominant one! More determined than ever to finish her off first she changed her strategy, pulling one hoof out and using it to massage the insides of Twilight’s thighs as the princess had done to her– but even though she was rewarded by Twilight’s breath on her horn becoming yet more ragged, she still stayed in control as Starlight finally realised she couldn’t hold out any longer. “No... not yet-” Starlight’s eyes widened as she felt one last surge of pleasure course through her body. In one last effort she thrust both her hooves forward, as deep as they could go- and right on cue she felt Twilight’s whole body convulse above her. Starlight quickly pulled her forelegs back and out while Twilight released her horn to gasp in delight as, at last, both of them reached climax. Their bodies buckling again and again as their juices poured out over each other and the mattress around them, the two mares tumbled off each other and lay on their backs, panting hard. As the thrill finally wore off, Twilight softly moaned.

“I’d read about it, but… I never thought doing that could feel… so good….”

“So….” Starlight murmured. “Looks like… you came last… after all…”

“I think… we can call it… a tie….”

“Hah, looks like… you’ll have to teach me some of your techniques, after all….”

“Anything… for… my personal student….” Turning her head to face her as Twilight finished talking, Starlight gave her a wide smile.

“So. Again?”