> Family Reunion > by treegrowth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Family Reunion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Family Reunion I was harshly awoken by a loud whistle, I jumped and twisted my neck to all directions expecting an predator. Luckily it was only the train I was in. I sighed in relief as a filly with her family behind me was giggling for all it was worth, couldn’t really blame her though, it was only the second time in my life hearing a train whistle. It wasn’t that long ago that I stepped off the ship that took me to Equestria from my homeland. There I was directed to the train station, I got there almost right when it steamed to a stop with the loudest noise I’ve ever heard, similar to a screeching Howler Monkey if it had a throat of an Elephant. I knew that the land of Equestria would be much different than my homelands, yet I was still unprepared for it. I looked out the glass window to see another train station, and behind it was the village I needed to be, Ponyville. I hear the pony in ocean blue suit with a matching cap shout “Welcome to Ponyville! All those who have tickets to Ponyville please step off of the car in an orderly fashion!” At that, pony after pony stood from their seats and herded themselves to the nearest door. I did the same once I saw a chance, however, I felt that my personal space was cramped more than I was comfortable with. Ponies in front and behind me didn’t seem to mind, Their faces gleamed with content as they probably traveled this way quite often. I could hardly hold it together myself, the tribes never traveled this closely. Once I stepped out of the car, I trotted to the closest clearing of ponies. There I shook my striped braided mane and breathed in relaxation with my renewed freedom. As I regained my bearings I started to search my surroundings. I saw the hay roofed homes, which in contrast to the hard concrete buildings back at the bay, they were similar enough to my own home. It was good to see something familiar. Then I saw the Ponies themselves, It was only then that I realized how out of place I felt. I was so used to seeing white and black striped Zebras that the bright colors that ponies show was blinding. Then I felt their stares, not all stared at me, and those who did didn’t do so for long, but they stared nonetheless. As if they never have seen a fellow creature such as I, that was probably true. It matters little. I came here with a purpose and I will find her no matter the discomfort. I made my first step through the village. With each step I took, I felt another Pony stare for a breath moment then, almost at the same moment, turn away to do their business elsewhere. It was as if they expect something to happen- “HIYA!” I yelped and jumped into the air before landing a decent distance, of all things I thought might happen in this strange land, a hot pink Pony just appearing out of nowhere just to say greetings wasn’t one of them. It was strange as she is right in front of me, yet I didn’t see her run toward me, just where did she came from? “I’ve never ever seen a pony like you before,” the pink creature said to me in rapid pace, then she looks at me closer, “or should I say zebra, no no, pony! No zebra, Maybe..” “Umm greetings,” I interpreted causally, she was obviously one of limitless energy and boundless joy comparable to a well-raised child. The elders once told that such creatures could be unpredictable as they are joyful, so I attempt to be as polite as possible. “Miss Pink one, I am here of great importance, and could use some assistance.” “Well of course I’ll help!” She agreed with excitement, “What do ya need?” “I am in search of a kin of mine, perhaps you’ve seen of her person, a fellow zebra?” I asked hopefully. She hummed to herself, before glancing at my stripes and my white hooves, then tapping herself on her forehead with a “Duh!” She turned to me as she giggled out “You're looking for Zecora, right?!” Ah, yes, that was her name, a worthy title of one who is a shaman. “Yes, she is the one that I seek.” “She lives in the Everfree Forest over there.” She says casually as she points to a dense forest not too far from the village. What truly grabbed my attention, however, was one word she mentioned. “Everfree?” I asked myself unconsciously. “Yepers!” The Pink one responded, “Ya know, the dark and creepy forest full of dangerous monsters that could eat, petrify, crush, or just about any nasty mean thing you can think of.” I shook my head out of my mind-wondering. Did I heard that correctly? “Excuse me, did you just told me of dangerous monsters in that forest?” “Yessiry!” She again answered with the exact same enthusiasm despite the grave information she just shared with me. Now I’m confused, why would such a renowned shaman live in such a dangerous land? My tribe wasn’t a stranger to danger, as we still share the land with lions and other such predators. But most of our shamans prefer to stay as far as possible from predator territory. It doesn't matter. She is in there and I need to meet her. I turn to the Pink one, “Thank you fellow creature, You’ve save me much searching.” I began to make my way to the dark forest, I must find her, no matter the danger I will find her. “Wait!” The Pink one yells, “I didn’t catch your name!” I turn back toward her once more to respond, “You should already know it by now!” With that, I continued to make my way to the strange forest. As I exit the village I enter a flat field. Grass flourish on the planes, beautiful flowers of many colors can be seen as far as the fields themselves. Other than the fact that the grass was much shorter, it was very nostalgic, they reminded me of the peaceful savannas of my homeland. I breathed in, and sighed pleasurably, the air was still full of color. While I missed the smell of shaman brews and potion making, it became quite a relief knowing that at least some things were the same as it was back home. The open sky, as well as the winds that run in it, are much cleaner than the travelers to Equestria clam them to be. The bright sunshine without blockage; calming warmth following its gaze. Perhaps it wouldn’t do much harm to spread my- NO! I shouted to myself, This meeting is far too important for me, I mustn't waste to much time. I shook my head to clear the mind inside it, there would be time to be with my natural companion later. With that in my thoughts, I finish my jog into an opening of the dark and imposing forest. The change was immediate; the once clear and peaceful grasslands shifted into a dim and nightmarish wildwood. The gloomy trees would often create wooden monstrosities that would scare many foals into running the other direction. The swamp-like leaves that grow from the disturbing branches work together to block out even the light of the sun, if it wasn’t for the ever distancing light of the entrance, I would’ve thought it to be night. What worried me most, however, were the thick brambles. The bushes made visibility beyond the dirt road virtually impossible. Any zebra-eating monster would be more than happy to hide in them and stock their prey, there could be one in those bushes right next to me and it would pounce after I pass by. I sighed in relief that wasn’t the case, as I did just that and nothing came to make a meal out of me. Still my caution remained, and I continue to brave this cursed forest. I remained in my near fearful state until I came into a crossroads, and that gave me pause. The single path I had suddenly split in two, and I’m stuck in the middle, baffled. The right seemed to move deeper into the forest as it gets darker the further it goes, either such a thing was possible in this shadow forest or my paranoia I couldn’t say. Then there was the flowers, bunched along the sides of the road they formed what one could imagine as two rivers of star blue petals. At once I became wary of the plant, I have never seen such things before and the Shamans of my home always reminded me that the most dangerous ingredients are always the unknown. The other option, was a stark contrast to the other, there was light. Which meant there was a clearing of sorts, and again to different itself from it’s partner of dirt was that there were less thicker the closer to the light. To make it even more tempting was the sound of the steady flow of a river, of which suddenly stole all of the fluid in my mouth, and I’m inclined to take it back with vengeance. However, before I even took my first step toward, someone else did. My ears start to catch multiple steps actually, gentle thumps of a hoofed creature trotting. I turned my head toward the steps, coming from the darker path. Once I did so, I saw movement, a shadow walking in my direction, though it was difficult to tell who it was, but it was obvious that he or she is small. “Howdy!” came a friendly greeting from the small shadow. Apparently she could see me much easier than I could her. After her greeting the trot increased into a gallop, and her shadow started to gain color as the light start to touch more of her fur and reviled her to be: A Filly!?! “How ya doin’ mister?” the child asked me with a particular accent that I’m not familiar with. Though that was the least of my worries. Right in front of me was a yellow filly with a bright cherry like red mane and an innocent bow attached to it. She didn’t even didn’t have her cutie mark yet, she couldn’t be older than ten at least! Which lead me to ask the most plain question any reasonable creature would ask in my situation. “Why are you here?” “Huh?” She released an brow, as though oblivious to my question. With concern weighing my heart I repeated my question, “Why are you here in the EverFree, do you not know that this is the most dangerous forest in your land?” “Well ah could ask the same of you mister.” She replies definitely. “Besides, The Everfree ain’t that bad, so long as ya know where you’re walkin’.” “And how would you know that?” I accused. “‘Cuse ah come here every time ah go to Zecora's place.” The filly explained firmly. “W-Wait, WHAT!” I stuttered loudly, causing the child to take a step back with her ears splayed. “Gee, no need to shout mister.” she grumbled. “Oh, my apologies.” I said, in a much lower tone. However, I still had to be sure, “But did you just mentioned Zecora?” She raised her brow once more, “Yeah, I did.” She confirmed, much to my joy, “Why, ya lookin’ fer her?” she asked curiously. “Yes, yes I am.” I responded with a smile. “Can you show me the correct direction?” “Oh, that’s easy.” she declared joyfully, then pointed behind her, “Just follow this here road and it’ll take ya to her lickidy split.” The direction of her hoof was at the direction of the darker dirt road, the same road that would have once gave me nightmares, the same road that all of my instincts beg for me to be as far as possible, and apparently the same road were my future resided. I swallowed nervously. I looked back down to the child. She seemed so oblivious to my predicament, instead she just smiles proudly like she accomplished a simple chore. If a one as young as her could brave this forest and come out without a scratch then what could I possibly need to fear. Other than the obvious. With renewed courage I spoke to the filly once more, “Thank you young-ling, now I believe it would be best you head home, we wouldn’t want your parents to be worried now would we?” As soon as the words came out, the young one’s cheerful face faltered. Then, the edges of her smiled dropped, her legs slackened, and her eyes stared into the ground, unfocused, as if she no longer was apart of this world. When I looked hard into those eyes, I saw they are far wetter than necessary, but even more important, I saw they were no longer filled with the joy of youth, instead: I saw sorrow. “Yeah, they would.” she muttered quietly. She quickly returned her gaze back to me, with her face once more like a child’s face should, but as a mask, “Welp I gotta head on home, see ya later!” and with that she galloped past me and onward through the path from whence I came. It was all in just one second, just one. I stood there in shock, as I am reminded of one of my most prized talents, my ability to feel. I had the power to be with someone and know their emotion. If they had joy I felt joyful, if they anger I felt that same fire within me, and if they cry I suffered beside them. And in that one second, just one, I felt depressed. I finally realized that the filly already said her farewells and turned to stop her, maybe I could talk to her, maybe I could help her, perhaps I could calm her. She was no longer there. With the fact that she already left my sight, and most likely the forest by now, I had no way of knowing where to go, where or when I could find her again, if I ever could. In a sea of ponies she could be anywhere. So, I started back to the path that the poor young one suggested to find the good shaman. With only one thought in my mind. What had I done. I just walked, just walking as I thought of my crime. Though there wasn’t any way of me knowing, I felt guilty. I had reminded the red haired filly of a tragedy with her elder kin, and the regret eats away at me. My ignorance caused someone else to suffer, and I hate myself for it. I refocused my eyes just in time for me to see it, a massive tree. The tree was just as twisted and creepy as any other tree in this forest, but what stole my attention was what was around it. The grass and other plants of the forest have been forcefully removed around the tree, bottles filled with colored potions hung from the branches, makeshift windows were cut through the hollow trunk as well as a door. She even added a pair of the traditional welcoming masks being supported by the roots. If this isn’t the home of the great shaman, then by who only the Great Spirits would know. I took a deep breath, once I see her my life will change forever, and hopefully for the better. I walked to the door embedded into the tree, I raised my right hoof, and for three times I tapped it. “Who could be at my door so soon? I wonder, Apple Bloom, if that is you?” I hear on the other side. I heard some steady hoof-steps as she made her way to the door. So, I decided to be polite and announce myself, “Shaman of the village, an aided one awaits, please respond to my call and let not a stranger be of bait.” Hearing the traditional greeting of shamans must have shocked her. As those hoof falls ceased for a mere moment, before continuing in a much faster pace. Then the door opened, revealing the glorious shaman I’ve been dreaming to meet. The familiar stripes of my tribe brought a moment of joy to my eyes. The golden rings of greatness, given only to the most skilled, are shared throughout her neck and left foreleg. Her earrings hang from both of her pierced ears. While it has little to no meaning in my tribe, it looks good on her none this less. The Mohawk... I honestly can’t explain, it is an oddity that I wasn’t expecting. But what truly stole my attention, as well as my soul, were her eyes. Those complex irises are filled of a wealth of knowledge and wisdom that most can only dream of. I stared at the void, trying to understand her, trying to see how far that wisdom has dug into her spirit. “Who are you, if I may inquire?” she asks curiously, brows raised, “I need to settle the knowledge I desire.” I blink, trying to understand her confusion, before looking in her line of sight. Right to my wings. I slammed a hoof into my forehead. “Why, Grandmama?” I mumbled harshly, “You were supposed to write to her.” I returned my foolish eyes to the glory that stands before me, “I ask for your pardon, Great Shaman, you were suppose to have been brought a message of my coming.” She hummed to herself as she gave me a second stare at myself, judging me for deception most likely. Then the shaman completely walks out of her home, and encircles me. She eyes the most obvious parts of my body; light brown coat of my upper body, the grass colored eyes, my wings, and of course my cutie mark, all of which were given to me by my mother. Next she spares a glance to my father’s markings, the much darker yet still brown stripes, as she moves downward she notices that my brown fur fades into a creamy white once they grew to my hind legs, as well as the matching black and white tail and mane, though I only have one white stripe flowing through either. Zecora stops in front of me, and her gaze softens. “Come inside my humble hut, discussing this is now a must.” then she trots inside her home. My heart starts to beat quickly, like a filly slamming drumsticks on the drum without rhythm. I was the most happiest creature in the world! Now is my chance to meet my destiny! With a barely contained bounce in my step, I walked into her abode. Throughout the entire hut, I saw potions and empty bottles alike either sitting on a wooden shelf, or hanging by string from some kind of support from the ceiling whilst more traditional masks hung on the walls. Truly, it felt like home away from home. I noticed Zecora finishing a pot of tea as she gestures for me to sit on the seat across the tale. I was far too eager to oblige. “So my odd acquaintance of two faces, what brings you to my home of all places?” She questions as she poured both of us tea. I sipped my tea, trying to find a proper response. “Well I guess I should start with my origins, though they may be quite a shock.” She chuckled. “Have little fear, for many odd things I’ve witnessed, my dear.” I nodded, “Alright, as you may have guessed, my mother is a pony, she was an overseas merchant expert, traveling between Equestria and other nations to make a prophet. She was taking an extended time in Zebrica, when she met my father: just to make it short, they fell in love eventually and married. Mom, quit her career to live with my father and became the tribe’s best trader.” She seemed to thought to herself before responding, “While I myself have never seen the child of such a pair, such stories others did share.” she returned to drinking her cup. I breathed in deeply, preparing myself for a possible, unforeseen reaction. “The shock, great shaman, is not only of the story of my birth.” She placed her cup down, eyeing me quizzically. It was now or never, “I believe you would know my father by the name of Zeodar.” The reaction honestly surprised me. If one would have meet Zecora now, they would never have guessed that she is one of the powerful minds in the world. Her eyes seemed to attempt to pop out of her head, her muscles were tense and alert, and her mouth that once opened to release beautiful wisdom, now sung silence. After a minute of my words seeking in, she broke the silence, “I do not mean to assume anything of sin, but are you implying that you are my kin?” I nodded, and with that in the air I added “I am, apparently, your nephew.” She chuckled hardly, shaking her head. “So my younger finally gained a mare, now he has one thing that I can’t compare.” “The elders were always having fun telling the stories of your rivalry.” I stated fondly, looking back to the past. “Of that I will not doubt, good times when we gave each other a reason to pout.” We chuckled together once more, before calming down. “Well, as mother always put it, there is business a hoof.” I said simply. “Yes, I was wondering of the reason for your trek.” Zecora responded in kind. “I assume you think I have what you expect.” “I came because of my cutie mark.” I stated Now she was confused, “And what of your mark? I hope the matter is not dark.” I looked down to my flank, my mark had two strange tear-drop shapes that seemed to be chasing each other endlessly, one white, the other black, and bother had long tails that would overlap the other tear. “I got this mark when I was just under twelve, it was after I helped a young friend of mine smile once again when he lost his dog.” I paused, remembering the sad young zebra crying on my shoulder, it immediately reminded me of the filly whose depression I accidently resurfaced. I regained my resolved and continued, “It was then when he commented that I was wise, and then I just wanted to be as wise as I could be so I could help more like him and beyond, it just turns out that I’m good at it too.” Zecora smiled gently, understanding, “I can see, you wish to improve your ability?” “Yes!” I confirmed eagerly, “Even before I gained my mark, I heard tales of a wondering zebra assisting anyone who are in need, whether physical or emotional, when you were around travelers would sing songs of your miracles that they have witnessed.” I stood up from my chair with the table keeping me balance, “And I want to be just as useful as the legends say you were, I wish to be of service and heal as many wounds as possible.” I paused, and once more felt the filly’s depression, “I don’t want to see a young one cry and be helpless to stop the tears.” Zecora didn’t seemed to be fazed much by my declaration. She just closes her eyes, I wonder what is being juggled inside that mass riches of wisdom she has collected. At last she opened then, clearly with a positive response, “Very well, I shall grant you all that I know, my apprentice.” Yes! Everything I dreamed about, all of my possibilities, I have reached my destiny! I could not hold it in any longer! I burst from the table and flew around the wide room, with every flap of my wings I shouted a “YES!” I had just about lost track of time when Zecora yelled out, “Calm yourself, before you slam into my shelf!” I pumped my wings in the other direction and slowed into a crawl before sheepishly landing in front of her. “My apologies, Shaman.” Once again, she just smiled. “Your excitement is quite clear, as am I happy work with you my dear. However, ever since you came, I’ve yet to learn your name.” I chuckled, “Perhaps that should have been the first thing I mentioned. Oddly enough, my name is Everfree.” She laughed, “A strange name indeed, to be titled after a wood of much misdeed.” Glancing at the nearest window we both saw that the sun was past set and about to disappear. Zecora turned to me once more time, “Best you fly to your bed for the night, I’ll collect you at first light.” “Yes ma’am, I’ll see you in the morning then.” And with that temporal farewell, I opened the door and flew out as fast as I could, just to let out the new found energy my wondrous joy has given me. Today, I have met my future, and tomorrow… Well, I have a feeling it will be a brighter day.