Perfect killers

by Blackdust

First published

What happens when the two best killers Equestria has ever seen fall in love with one another while on a job to kill each other? You get this story.

Alfonso Herder, unicorn martial artist, was as cold and calculated as his boss. Anna Blueflow, pegasus swordswoman, was quieter than a pin hitting the floor of a library. They both work for the same person. Discord, sensei to both of them. This is the story of their crossed job.

Chapter: Feelings of Sight

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Why do I have to kill this harmless girl? I thought as I looked through the spotless records. She was an all star student. Loved by almost everyone in the school. Even the Dazzlings liked her. I should know since I go to school with her. And I'm the only one that doesn't like her. "Discord, sensei, why her? She's as harmless as a bee is to a flower."

"Because she poses a threat to me indirectly. Time travel is a finicky thing and she is from the timeline where I fall. So I need her to die," Discord, a shriveled old man with a dragon and bird wing on either side of his back, replied throwing a punch at me.

I quickly dodged out of the way and continued to read the file. Turns out she has some after school stuff that my scouting everyone in Canterlot High had failed to point out. I knew where Pinkie went after finishing her after school chats with her six friends. I will never look at cupcakes the same way again, let me tell you that much. I knew where Rainbow Dash went after losing a game. She is a fierce fighter when she's pissed off. Twilight and Sunset were boring. They both went to the library no matter what. Fluttershy was similar but she went into the forest. Rarity went off to make dresses and turned stuff out that varied with her mood. Applejack could almost always be found with either her friends at school or her family on the farm.

But Anna? She went to fencing clubs, and supposedly was watching the house where Discord lived. And no, that was not where we were. No assassin syndicate is dumb enough to do business at their home. Last time Discord brought my work to my house it was to recruit me. And let me tell you, it took beating, and cutting, me to a bloody but survivable pulp to convince me to join him. How'd he cut me? Way of the Iron Hand. You apply so much force and speed to your hand that you cut through almost anything.

"Well. This is... unexpected," I said, sitting crossed legged on the floor and finished reading the file. If I were to do this right, I could kill her before the Spring Fling and still tell every girl that tries to hit on me to bugger off. But if I were to slip even a little, I would be dead. Or we both would. It all just depends on how I slip up during the fight.

"So. Do you accept your mission?" Discord asked, even though he knew the answer.

I decided to humor him, so I looked up and gave him my most sadistic and soul chilling smile and said in a just as murderous tone, "Of course."

Chapter: Feelings of Sound

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As I looked through his file I noticed something. He went to school with me. And from I could gather about him through Discords weird way of finding things out, he was probably an assassin as well.

"Oh this'll be fun," I said out loud.

"Exactly! I was hoping you would see it my way! One assassin versus another! Which is better? You or him?" Discord said looking at his sword collection.

"Don't even joke about it Discord. We already know how well that would go," I said without even looking up.

"But how much fun do you think it would be to have a light spar?" He countered.

This got me to look at him, but he had already teleported over to his collection and drew a slender blade. But despite it being the thinnest, I knew it was his deadliest. He always kept it soaked in paralytic poison. I instinctively drew my dagger. Don't ask where I keep it. But he saw that I drew it and teleported behind me hoping to end the spar quickly, but I managed to block it and roll out of the way.

"There! You see? You want to fight and your body knows it!" Discord said, while stabbing at me in a mad flurry.

I blocked some of them and dodged the rest while trying to read the file on him. From I could read during his mad frenzy, he would prove to be a problem. Way of the Iron Hand was one path of martial arts that took not only patience and practice, but also a sturdy body. It was often referred to as the Double-edged Hand. That coupled with the fact that he would always flow with punches and stabs and get inside anybodies defense and put them either six foot under the Everfree Cemetery or in the Canterlot Emergency Hospital.

"Damn it Discord, why would you send me after someone that is not only my classmate, but also a walking army?" I asked him, knocking his sword out of his hand.

"Well well well. Looks like you're ready to face him. This really will be an interesting fight!" Discord said while putting the sword back in it's case and back with the rest in the collection.

I looked at him then at the blade and threw the file in his face. "I'll do it. But you're paying for whatever hospital bills or graveyard costs that arise from this."

He teleported the file into the fire and then teleported himself behind me and said, "That seems perfectly fair."

Why do I get the feeling I'm gonna regret ever joining his group... I thought as I walked out of the room in the run down motel that he used to discuss the syndicates jobs. There was always only ever one of them plus Discord in the building. Let alone the room. I stumbled upon the syndicate when I stopped one of them from killing my ex-boyfriend. Why I saved Big Macintosh is beyond me, but it got their attention. And it was either save his ass on a daily basis, or join them in exchange of getting them to guard him instead. Fair trade if you ask me.

Chapter: Feelings of Touch

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"And where's the fun in making since?" - Discord, season 2 or 3

Anna was walking around school looking for her target. But trying to be inconspicuous about it so as to not draw his attention. And since she couldn't find him, she eventually decided that he was either waiting for her at her house, or that he was aware of her job somehow and was trying to take note of her. She did a sudden back flip to see if there was someone behind her, only to see an empty hallway. No lockers to hide in or behind, no classrooms, oddly enough, and no side hallways to duck down. And she highly doubted he could move quick enough to get into the roof without her noticing.

Maybe I'm just paranoid that he could actually kill me... She thought, turning to head toward the schools front doors, and her way home.

Little did she know, that Alfonso was smart enough to avoid detection by not going into the hallway in the first place. Hearing her walking resume, he slowly stuck one eye around the corner and saw her drop her textbooks, and with a soft mumbled foul word, bend over to pick up the books. As she did, the jeans that she was wearing almost ripped. This caused Alfonso to blush slightly and look away from mere dignity for her than anything else.

At the very least, she'll be able to cut my hands. So why am I showing such blatant respect for her? Alfonso asked himself mentally.

After hearing the school doors close, he went to the back of the school to retrieve his bicycle. It wasn't anything fancy or eye catching, but you'd be able to recognize it if you saw it twice. It was mostly red and black with white spokes and tire covers. It also had a trunk type basket on it. In it was various forms of brass knuckles that he only ever used in dire times.

Like now, when Discord thought he could get the drop on his best student. Alfonso reached in, grabbed a pair, and turned around swinging at the poison dipped, jagged edged, rapier that Alfonso had made the mistake of hitting with his Iron Hand style before. The two pieces of refined metal hit and released sparks as the rapier scraped off the knuckles as it was deflected.

"Try a bit harder to kill her than merely watching her from behind corners, Al. Trust me, You'll need to be able to beat me using my favorite rapier before you can even hope to beat her," Discord said, rolling the deflection into putting the weapon back in it's cane sheath.

"You say that, but the instant I can, you'll either kill me in my sleep, poison my meal or drink, have another syndicate kill me, or something else so as to keep your throne as head of the Elements of Chaos," Alfonso countered, setting the iron/steel alloy knuckles that he made himself back in their special quick draw slot in the basket.

"Oh puh-lease! Would I-" Discord stopped himself short as he took note of Alfonso's disapproving look. "Yeah, I probably would..."

"There ya go," Alfonso said, turning back to unlocking his bike so he could get home in time for dinner. He lived on his own, but with the amount of blood money he gets from the simplest of jobs that he didn't really need to go find a job to support himself. Did he feel bad about it? At first, yes. But it's like they say, you kill a bit of yourself every time you take a life.

"Oh, right. You have guard duty today by the way. Silverflight got a blade in her ribs. She's still alive, and sent the assassin to hell, but I fear her time is coming to an end," Discord said, stroking his cane with an evil smile.

"I'll guard him if you leave her alone. She's like the sister I wish I had," Alfonso said, getting on his bike and putting on his helmet, knee and elbow pads. No, not for safety, but because anybody foolish enough to attack him like this would be easier to take down than if he didn't have these basic protection items on.

"Oh phooey. You really are not that fun when on a job, are you Al?" Discord asked in a mock disappointed tone, moving to block Alfonso from leaving.

"Yeah, now move or I'll run over you," he said, pushing off with his right foot while starting to pedal with his left.

Discord smartly teleported himself somewhere that wasn't near him. Alfonso immediately stopped and turned to one corner of the school, reached into the basket, pulling out his special knuckles while getting off his bike.

"So you did sense me," Anna said, stepping out from behind the corner.

"Yeah. And who do you work for?" Alfonso asked, moving to circle around her, keeping a good dash distance between them.

"You already know who I work for, the EoC. Same as you. And I'm assuming your job was to kill me," Anna stated, circling him as he circled her.

"Really? Then let's put on a good show," Alfonso said with an evil smile, then dashed forward.

Specialty chapter, take two!

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Why did I say that...

Alfonso and Anna stared at the words floating before them. They read "WHY THE HELL!" and neither could understand if it was Discord's spirit taking vengeance, on them.

"Any ideas Mr.Wizard?" Anna asked jokingly, poking at the flaming magical words with Discords' favorite toad sticker.

"Nothing Mrs.Stabby, but I highly dissuade you from-" While saying this, Alfonso reached over to take the rapier away from her only to have the words expand and engulf them as his hand touched the blade as well...

Yeah, we all know where they end up because it's the same place as the last Specialty Chapter chain, but this is a unique experience! Here's why. "About damn time." Hello again Rip, ready for round two? "You're damn right!" Is the second that comes out of your mouth every time you open it gonna be 'damn'? "...Gods forbid you're evil..." Took you this long to figure that- "BIRDWALKING!" Thank you!

Alfonso and Anna stared at Rip in both confusion and awe as he stared up at the ceiling talking to who knows what. ;P

Alfonso broke the awkward silence first asking, "Who are you and what are we doing here?"

"My name's not relevant as those of you who haven't read the first Specialty Chapter chain need to go do so now. It starts with A Guardian of Dark Lights. Now for those that didn't just rushoff to go read it and still don't know who I am or what I look like, GO AND READ IT!... They gone? Yeah? Ok, now then, onto the next story!" Rip replied, pointing to a different pentagram like circle with the words Dreamguard: Wrath in the middle.

"Wait what do you mean-" (Alfonso)

Next! No idea how I'm gonna do this one though...