Blood Samples

by Loxart

First published

Keith has no idea where he is right now, but all he knows is that a talking equine wants to test on him.

Name: Keith Marshall
Species: Unknown
Class: Bipedal Mammal
Size: 5' 11"

Not much is known about this subject. He had just appeared out of what seemed to be thin air. Celestia has not been alerted yet. I plan to get some results for myself...

-Twilight Sparkle.


This story contains dark moments along with scenes that may be hard to handle. If you are of the weak
of heart, please do not read. Thank you.

*P.S. I am not the greatest author so feedback would be nice. This is just my attempt at a basic gore story.*


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"Audio log 7:" Twilight starts speaking into her microphone, "My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I have made an amazing discovery. Just recently, I was walking through the woods, looking for anything that may be worth of a good testing, when I saw it. A sudden flash of light blinded me for a few seconds but after I was able to see again, there lied the bipedal creature I have contained, who; by the name on the card he was carrying; goes by Keith Marshall."

Twilight looked through the one way mirror into the room where she had contained this creature. He was still unconscious from when she found him, but that made it easier to secure him down so she could prepare for the tests. This creature looked so much different from anything she had ever seen, and the only thing that made it similar to any animal was those... things on the end of it's limbs that reminded her of monkeys.

"I have yet to proceed with any experiments yet, for I would like to see if it possesses any means of communications with ponies. I am hoping to learn much more about this creature by the end of the day so that by the end of the week, he is categorized in my book of creatures." Twilight placed the microphone down.

She looked intensely at the bipedal she had contained. She was overjoyed that she had found a new species that had not yet been categorized. Celestia was going to be so proud of her after she was through testing on this creature. She had fought many monsters, such as Discord, Tirek, and even a BeeBear... but actually STUDYING something unknown and learning more about it was something she has always dreamed of.

After a few minutes of looking at the creature, she noticed it starting to stir. It seemed like it was about to come through. A smile traced Twilight's face as she exited her chamber and walked up to the vault like door of the containment room. She grabbed her lab coat from the rack near the door and quickly put it on. After taking a few deep breaths to calm her excitement, she walked over to the keypad and input 2264811. As soon as she entered the code, the keypad let off a subtle beep and the door slowly creaked open. Once it stopped, she slowly walked inside as the door sealed itself behind her once more.

She stared at the stirring creature from a distance, being careful not to approach it until it was fully awake. It took a few minutes, but the creature stopped its stirring and gave a little shake under its restraints. She used her magic to float a quill and parchment towards her and started to write down small details. While focused on her writing, the creature stirred again without her noticing and finally did something worth a major note.

"Where am I?" The creature spoke up.

Twilight jumped as it spoke. She did want to know if this creature was able to communicate, but she didn't think it would have been this easy, let alone that it actually speaks the native language of Equestria!

"Ah good! You're awake. And you can talk!" Twilight said approaching the creatures field of view.

As soon as Keith saw twilight, he took a sigh of relief. "Oh, I thought I heard a voice, but it's just a pony. Guess it was left here to keep me company." He looked closer. "Oh look at that! It even has a lab coat on, how professional!"

"I'll have you know that I am wearing this so that I don't get messy during my tests." Twilight spoke up, making Keith's eyes widen and jaw drop.

"YOU JUST TALKED!" Keith started to have a mini freak-out.

"Calm down, Keith." She said in a neutral tone.


"I learned it from this card." Twilight lit her horn and lifted a small ID card in front of him.

"Are you going to hurt me?"

"Probably not. But we'll see." Twilight grinned. She then proceeded to turn on a brighter light above the table Keith was currently strapped to.

Keith was about to protest, but he felt something cover his mouth. It was the hoof of this pony, which; despite how hard people said a horse's/pony's hoof actually felt; was relatively soft on his skin. She levitated a small light and shined it in his wide eyes, taking a very close look. She then smiled and nodded as she removed her hoof from his mouth, content with what she saw.

"So Keith, I'm going to need you to answer a few questions for me." Twilight looked towards Keith once more.

"If it gets me off of this god damn table faster then fine!" He exclaimed.

"What kind of creature are you?"

"I'm a human."

"Hu-man... got it." said Twilight, "Where are you from?"

"Earth." Keith said, trying to keep calm.

"Ok good. Now, how do humans respond to pain?" She asked, giving a slight grin at the question..

"Uhh... we all handle it differently. Why?" He said, a bit concerned for his own safety.

"I won't beat around the bush here. I need to know this in case you ever become a threat to us and we need to kill you." She said, no longer trying to hide a smile.

"Ok, A) Why are you smiling at that, and B) WHAT THE FUCK?!" Keith screamed at the top of his lungs.

"I'll answer that later. Right now, I need to see what you're made of." Twilight giggles and uses her magic to wheel over a cart of medical tools.

She looks at all the options in front of her and decides what she is going to use. After a brief pause, her horn lights up as she levitates a scalpel over Keith's arm, which makes him start to struggle out of his binds. "Woah, woah, woah!" He says nervously, "Aren't you going to put me to sleep for this?!"

"Why, I'm getting two results at once!" says Twilight as she jabs the scalpel straight into his arm, piercing the flesh easily.

Keith let out a shriek of pain as soon as it entered his arm. He darted his head towards the incision point and already saw blood rushing out. He trying to calm down a little but had to bite down on his tongue as Twilight started to move the scalpel down the length of his arm, causing the blood to come out even faster. She then levitated some clamps into the incision to keep it open.

"Hmm... I see... interesting." Twilight mumbles to herself, inspecting the cut she just made, "You bleed a lot you know that?"

"NO FUCKING SHIT SHERLO- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Keith screamed as twilight poked the muscle of his arm with her hoof.

"Oh be quiet, it can't hurt that bad." She sneered at him.

"WHY DON'T YOU TRY IT THEN, YOU SON O- GOOD CHRIST!" He tried to speak, but ended up shrieking in pain once more.

"Alright, now we can get a blood sample." She said, levitating a needle over to a uninjured part of his arm.

"W-why not just take it f-from the incision?!" He pleaded.

"Because." Her grin turned into a full blown maniacal cheek to cheek smile, "It's more fun this way!" She said, proceeding to jab the needle straight in.

"FUUUUUCK!" Keith screeched as she started to drain some blood into the needle. Once it was full, she removed it once more.

"There, that should be all for the day." She said in a content voice.

"A-are you g-g-going to sew me back up?" Keith begged.

"Why? And ruin the fun?" Twilight giggled, proceeding to head for the exit.

"Y-your insane!" He screamed.

Just as Twilight put in the code, she briefly turned around and gave a big smile. "I know, and I don't care. It's for science. I can be as crazy as I want." And with that she was out the door, giggling like a maniac.


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"Audio log 8: It has been two days since I have last interacted with Keith. He seems to be acting more calm then when I left him last time." Twilight spoke into her microphone, getting glances from the human who was strapped to the table. "He has not spoken for the hour I have been here, but I am not going to give up yet!"

"Fuck you, ya bitch!" Keith spat out, angrily.

Twilight turned off her recording device. "Ah good, you're finally talking again. Only took an hour."

"Why would I WANT to talk. YOU CUT MY ARM OPEN, IDIOT!"

"Now now, use nice words." Twilight smiled.

"Fuck you." Keith said, turning his head away from her.

This was the first time Keith had spoken up for 2 days. Even when the dragon came in to give him food, he kept his mouth shut. He ate what he was given, but that was it. Not a single word out of him. This made Twilight get very impatient, hence why she was beside him right now.

"I see... we are going to act like this are we?" Twilight said, annoyed.

"I'M NOT THE ONE WHO JABBED A SCALPEL INTO ANOTHER CREATURE'S ARM!" He shouted, jerking his head back at her.

"I said I was sorry for not stitching it up right away! I wanted to see how long it took for the pain to die out!"

"You're an idiot, pony!"

This caused Twilight to tilt her head. "Wait, did I not say my name?"

"I don't give a fuck what your name is. All I know is that you are insane."

"Think what you want." Twilight started, "But here, proper introductions are needed. I'm Twilight Sparkle."

Keith did not respond to this. He just turned his head away from Twilight once more and ignored her. After a few minutes of awkward silence, he turned back. "Look, just do what you have to and go away. And no more jabbing me with sharp things."

"Oh, nothing like that today!" Twilight smiled, "I'm just going to ask some more ."

"Wait, so you are PLANNING to jab me again?"

"Only if you don't behave." She giggled evilly.

Twilight grabbed a small black book from a bookshelf in the distance with her magic. Levitating it over, she opened it and looked through the pages. When she reached the page that she was looking for, Twilight looked it over, noting all the questions she still had to ask the Human. Giving a very fearing smile.

"Before you say anything... Twilight is it?" She nodded, "Right... can I ask you one thing?"

"I see no problems with that, go ahead."

Keith stared at her with a neutral expression. "If I answer everything you ask, will you let me walk around freely in my room?"

Twilight took the time to contemplate this and nodded. "Very well. Now can I start."

"Go ahead, but DON'T think I'm your friend. You are nothing but a nightmare." He spat.

"Alright, Question 1. Does our species exist in your world?"

"Yeah, but they don't talk... starting to see why now."

Twilight jotted down something on the page and looked back at Keith. "Ok 2, What do most of your kind eat?"

"We are omnivores, but some people are vegetarian and therefor are herbivores."

This made Twilight take a step back in recoil to what Keith had just said. She knew that Omnivores eat plants and animals but she was never comfortable with species that ate meat. In fact, every time she sees a griffin she wants to scream in fear.

"O-oh I see... so you eat meat then?"

Keith looked at her with confusion. There is no way that she hasn't seen or heard of a carnivore or an omnivore. There was a literal dragon that brought him food every day, and if human mythology told him anything, it was that dragons ate people. Though in hindsight, that could have just been that way because dragons do whatever the fuck they want, they're dragons.

"Yes. Why, are there no meat eaters here?"

Twilight looked at him with caution, now knowing the feeding habits of the human. "Of course there are carnivores here. Well, not in Equestria, but in Griffinstone and such places, but we ponies are Herbivores."

"So that dragon eats meat?" Keith questioned with hesitation.

"NO! Spike eats gems! Why would he eat meat?!" She spoke as if she was hurt.

That question brought a long silence between the both of them. This was awkward for Twilight but was more than accepted by Keith, because he didn't have to speak up. A few moments passed and Twilight looked at the human with anger in her eyes. He gave her a worried expression.

"SPIKE! COME IN HERE!" She yelled.

Not even a second later, the small reptile dashed into the room with worry on his face. "What's wrong Twilight?"

"Show your teeth to Keith here will you?" Twilight asked him politely.

The dragon grinned widely and opened his mouth, revealing his fangs to Keith. Even though he was small, he still looked scary as all hell, which put the human in a state of fear. After a few seconds, Keith felt a tug in his mouth. Looking over at Twilight, she was using her magic. Not even 2 seconds later, a howl of pain came from the human, as one of his teeth came out forcefully. Floating it over to where the small dragon stood, she looked back at Keith and his now bleeding mouth. "Tell me, if your teeth are designed to eat meat, then why doesn't Spike have them?"

A silence filled the room for a good minute, until Keith opened his bloodied mouth and spat at twilight, covering her face in a layer of his blood. "Y-you are a fucking dumb ass, ya know that. Now GET OUT! I ANSWERED YOUR QUESTIONS!"

"Not all of them." She glared at him, a pure fury in her eyes. She reached out and grabbed a knife from the side room with her magic. Holding Keith's arm down, she proceeded to hover the knife over his fingers. "Which one is the most useful?"

"I r-refuse to answer that q-question..." He tried to struggle, but to no avail.

"Oh well... thats fine..."

"So you will let me go thi-" Keith tried to look hopeful, then failed when he was cut off.

In a dark, almost evil tone, Twilight spoke just above a whisper right into the humans ear. "Science is always trial and error."

She plunged the knife down at full force. This was strong enough to take Keith's right middle finger off. Screaming in agony once more, he reached over to the hand that was just injured, and started to tear up.

"Want to answer now?" She asked as if nothing ever happened.

Keith remained silent.

"Well?" She asked once more.



"Fuck you."

"Hmm, that's enough for today then. Spike, let's go." Twilight said, starting to leave.

"WHAT ABOUT OUR DEAL?!" Keith screamed, his mouth still oozing with blood.

"I said if you behaved, you animal!" She said, insulting him,

And with that, he was sealed in the room, alone once more.