(DA) The Princesses' Diaries

by Davids Archivist

First published

"The Princesses' Diaries" is a collection of diary excerpts written by the princesses of Equestria and centered around the human, David Marshall. These writings provide extra context to the major works in David's Archives (DA).

The Princesses’ Diaries” is a collection of various diary excerpts written by the princesses of Equestria and centered around the human, David Marshall.
This archive may contain mixed media, including scraps of the original diaries.

These writings can be treated as companion entries to the major works in David’s Archives (DA), providing extra context and personal perspectives to the events in David and the princesses’ lives.
Some are featured in the major works, as denoted below.

Please refer to the key below for more information.

Key: (DA#:#) - Title (Author) *
The numbers correspond to a specific archive and an act found within it. Diary entries are written either during or after the listed act number. For proper context, please read the diary entry AFTER reading the act. An asterisk (*) after the title indicates the journal entry is represented in part or whole in the text of the act.

Many thanks to The Proofreader Group and the following editor(s) and/or proofreader(s):
Day 1-3: OkemosBrony

(DA1:I) - The First Night (Celestia)*

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The First Night (Celestia)

After the week’s events in court, I was hoping for an uneventful weekend. That destiny was not mine to enjoy. All being said, I do have a renewed sense of vigor for what lies ahead.

A mystical event has lead a traveler from another world to our doorsteps, one of a form nopony has seen before.

This creature, a ‘human’ by his own words, is intelligent, friendly and unusually knowledgeable. He goes by the name of David Marshall, and though his spoken word matches with our own, he is otherwise illiterate in Equis.

Perhaps illiterate is not quite accurate, for he admits that there are both similarities and differences between our written tongues. I hope to investigate it at a later point, if possible.

That, however, is not the only curiosity he holds! The most interesting facet besides his lingual skills is, despite being foreign, he may possess a vast knowledge of many events and ponies here in Equestria, including myself, my sister, and Twilight and her friends! He claims that this knowledge was passed to him in the form of fictional or mythical stories, supposedly created by his own people. I find this somewhat difficult to fathom but cannot wait to hear more.

Waiting is sometimes the most difficult part in life. At the point when it seemed Sir David was about to embark on yet another fantastical story, the stress of the night’s events finally caught up with him, and he asked to retire.

As we prepared to adjourn, I informed him of his current predicament, being one of confinement until he was properly examined. He immediately understood the concept of the proposed quarantine and accepted his position, then showed concern for Luna and myself, as to him we seemed to be exposed without protection. I assured him that we took appropriate precautions, and hearing that, he correctly assumed that our ‘first contact’ protocols had been developed by Twilight. I must say that his responses amazed me, showing both an impressive intellect and compassion towards others. I look forward to having some time to discuss more with him later; though, again that will have to wait. Before leaving him, I finished out the checklist of his needs, then both Luna and I bid him goodnight and left him to rest.

Tonight, while I file reports with the guard and set security policies in place, Luna will be taking watch over Sir David, even though she has a short court schedule to attend to. I must say, I was quite surprised; though she was quite alarmed at the initial encounter, she showed great care while we spoke to him. At one point, he was quite distraught, doubting his own mind and even I did not know how best to calm his fears. My dear sister, though, replied to his plight immediately. She pressed her body to his to let him feel her warmth, and as he looked into her eyes, it calmed him immediately. Such boldness is not in my character, though sometimes I wish I was capable of it. For now, though, I will leave his care this night in her capable hooves.

(DA1:I) - The First Night (Luna)*

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The First Night (Luna)

This eve has brought many unexpected events.

A missive was sent to us from the outlying fields of the capital that a strange, foreboding mass of dark and unidentified magic had appeared there amongst a violent storm. While a storm is of little concern, the anomalous magic warranted action, and so my sister and I felt the need to investigate personally.

Arriving at the scene, the guard corps that accompanied us performed diligently and verified the rural area was indeed clear of bystanders. Even with their efforts, though, there was one creature left within the cordon…

There in the field stood a strange being, one we would later identify as a ‘human.’ It was tall and lanky, stood only on hind legs and gestured with its fore. It wore clothes and spoke to us, asking for help. As my sister and I would not turn away from such a request, Tia banished the unidentified magic and returned peace to the area. Apparently, her actions caused too great a shock, as the human swooned from the display of power and lay unconscious for a great while.

After a cursory inspection, we decided to reconvene back at the castle, Canterlot, taking the unconscious passenger in tow. As a precaution, the guards were first protected by the use of magical wards, which we were also clothed in, as was prescribed by one of my fellow princess’ direction in handling such matters.

Back at the castle, we further examined the newcomer. Under the clothing, fur was not present, nor tail, hoof or claw. It was a soft being, a mammal, and undeniably male. Finding him not physically damaged, we showed great care and transferred him to a guest room for warmth and comfort as we waited for his revival.

Little would prepare us for the shock that awaited us.

Upon his awakening, we found the human, named David Marshall, though stranger to us, knew of us quite well! More so, he claimed this knowledge was available to many, but that to his people, we were mere fiction. How absurd!

His emotions swayed as his mind’s grasp of reality crumbled. Even he could not believe the words he spouted. After hearing his rants and fears of self-lunacy, I moved to put a stop to it. I approached him and looked into his eyes; we shared breath and warmth, and his mind stilled. He recognized us, and in turn, his own situation in our world, as reality.

It was magical how quickly he was able to cope with his situation. I fear if I were in his hooves, I would still be quite mad.

After regaining composure, he explained more of how he came to know Equestria. Though we have never seen his kind before, he and his have intimate knowledge of our world, of us and of some of the more prominent ponies in society. This knowledge was purported to come from stories and film (a media I am still not familiar with) and was created by his own people for the entertainment of their young. He even suggested that our likenesses were crafted into dolls as gifts for the little ones to play with!

All of that aside, Sir David, as we have taken to calling him, was polite and forthcoming with information. Sister and I promised to seek a way to send him home, even though the thought of his world lying beyond my stars and her her sun makes it seem impossible to reach. That must wait, though, as we do not yet know if he is in danger, a danger to others, or if he has been contaminated with powerful magics like those found in the field. Sister has contacted Twilight and Cadance to assist in his examination, as they have not yet been exposed to his presence, and they will be here tomorrow to make a judgement.

At the moment, the Night Court is taking a recess, and so I follow through with my part. Since the night is my domain, I have chosen to be of service to our guest by washing and mending his garments as well as delivering requested supplies my sister and I promised.

As I take a moment now, peering into the dreamscape, I see Sir David is resting, though peacefully is not as I would describe it. Normally, I would not hesitate to attempt to quell a nightmare, but I cannot offer the same assistance in his case, not until I am sure it will do him no harm. Instead, I will continue to watch over him from the shadows. Perhaps a comforting note would ease his fears.

(DA1:III) - Day 1: Introspection (Luna)*

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Day 1 - Introspection (Luna)

I am at wit’s end. For one moment, I thought to gain a new friend in our odd arrival, now I am neither sure of his intent or mine.

Let me recount the events.

Sir David of Earth was distraught in mind this first night, something that is expected due to his circumstance. I chose to visit him after I noticed his retreat from the dreamscape to assess his condition. While there, we both spoke candidly, perhaps too much so on my part.

As we conversed, I felt friendship blossom and let it take root. However, that was not all. Somewhere in the back of my mind, other thoughts were planted. I am not quite sure if they are my own or from another.

I remembered the warmth I felt from his body during our first conversation when I made contact with him. It was… pleasurable, more so than I had experienced outside the embrace of my sister. I chose to seek more of it from Sir David. Again, I cannot be sure if it was my will, though, or perhaps his own.

What I found was more of the same. No, ‘the same’ does it an injustice. It was pleasure and comfort beyond bounds. I recalled internally that the peace I felt was like unto a foal. With his arms wrapped around me and my fur against his flesh, I could sleep away all wars and maladies. And sleep I did.

Damnable, Luna! Your actions have paved the way for contention! I knew at the time that my sister would not approve, and should I have shown a modicum of restraint, I would most likely not be in the situation I am currently in.

I somewhat intended to hide my inappropriate actions from my sister, though through casual conversation this morning at breakfast, it became evident to her. My mind raced to alleviate her fears, but they only poured fuel on the flames. Currently, she is somewhat convinced that I am under Sir David’s spell, and I cannot disprove that notion on my own.

However, more trouble was yet to be discovered. As soon as we confronted Sir David, mostly at the behest of my sister, I felt a new feeling well within me. Sister suggested appropriately that we be separated, but the mere thought sent my mind spinning. I did not want to be separated from him, and I spoke as such. Tia would have none of it, and I remember feeling actions would prove to her what words could not. I… I moved to Sir David’s side and after gazing into his eyes, I took his lips for my own.

What has come over me!?

That, unfortunately, was not the last. As I… kissed him, a change in magic was sensed by my sister. Letting out a frightful cry, she pulled me from his side and back to hers. She explained that while I was engaged, she could feel magic being drawn through her carefully crafted ward. The magic was being taken by Sir David!

I did not want to believe it, but through the lens of my own magic, I could see a conduit of power leading from myself to his own body. It gave me pause, but only for a moment. We both accused and interrogated him of his intent, but his words calmed me, and I sensed the truth in them… I hope. Sister was not as forgiving and is now quite set against either of us coming in contact with him.

Perhaps she is right, though secretly I hope she is not.

I have agreed to her demands; for now, they are most reasonable. I will wait for Twilight and Cadance to arrive, as they are already on their way. Through their combined experience, hopefully, they will unravel these mysteries laid before us.

Will my new thoughts and feelings for this stranger be validated, or will I be discovered to be a captured pawn in a nefarious plot?

Please, I beg, let harmony prevail, and all be well. I do not wish for another Nightmare.

(DA1:IV) - Day 2 - The Investigation (Luna)*

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Day 2 - The Investigation (Luna)

‘Tis the morn of the second day. Today, I imagine I will still be required to be awake at odd hours. Though yesterday’s toil has left me exhausted, it could not have been avoided. I can only hope that tomorrow will allow me sufficient rest before court demands my presence.

Rest aside, I count myself lucky. Twilight and Cadance arrived yesterday afternoon, just as they planned. Unfortunately, melancholy as I was, I was not present to greet them initially. I soon recovered and found them with my sister.

Before I arrived, they apparently examined Sir David and found him to be healthy and with no connection present. That was quite a relief. They also did the same for the guards, my sister and, after my arrival, for me. At the conclusion, they pronounced us all in perfect health and without effect of control or magic. While that alone was music to my ears, there is more to relay.

With sister’s permission, Twilight and Cadance went to examine Sir David again, this time bringing me along as an added variable. Their main concern was that the connection might reappear when in close proximity. Unfortunately, they were correct.

That was not the only thought validated, however. Upon seeing his face again, I immediately found myself overwhelmed with thoughts and emotions of the night before. It is true, then: he may not have power over my mind, but his presence has affected me. Luckily, I was able to suppress such thoughts from escaping and kept my composure.

The three of us experimented for a while, testing this unknown magical anomaly that has linked man and pony. Though through repeated testing, I became somewhat irritable—a trait I am not proud of—and let my thoughts be known. My primary excuse was stress. Now knowing that Sir David was exonerated, I found myself being drawn to him, and simply wanted to wake him and let him know all was well. Yet there I was, being ordered in and out of his room as they watched the connection abruptly appear and disappear, only for the sake of science and not to the soothing of my mind’s desires. It was maddening! Unfortunately, our reunion was not meant to be, as Twilight and Cadance counseled me against it, not yet knowing the effects of the magical connection.

I continued to comply with their demands, if not for them, then for Sir David.

As for their results, at first, though the evidence seemed to confirm their hypothesis of range being a factor, that did not hold true for long. After my outburst, Twilight suggested a recess, most likely due to my increasingly uncooperative behavior. (I am sorry, friend.) As Cadance and I left, she stayed behind to monitor Sir David for a few moments, but when she returned, she looked worse for wear. It took a few moments for her to recollect herself, but she eventually explained that the after the last testing iteration, the connection had failed to disappear and now seemed present and stable at the now much longer distance.

After arguing the merits of withholding this information from my sister until further examinations could be conducted, it was decided to pass the known information to Celestia. She was not pleased. Even with her displeasure, I again deferred to her judgment and am still prohibited from approaching Sir David.


That brings me to my current thoughts. Why is it that we cannot let him know of the state of affairs? Surely he must also be tormented by these occurrences, and he is alone. In this, I believe Tia to be somewhat overreacting to the point of possibly inflicting cruelty to our guest. Her words of ‘protocol’ and ‘for your and Equestria’s safety’ feel empty to me. Perhaps it is my doing that makes it feel as so.

I recognise now. Sir David has stirred new life in my mind and bosom. Perhaps it is only a fillyhood fancy and will pass, but for now, it is present with me. Was it his plight? Am I responding to his needs, or is this something within me, kindled by his character and our night together. Time will surely tell, but I must be patient. That, unfortunately, is not one of my virtues.

Perhaps sister will be lenient now that the initial shock has become worn, and our two investigators have found no danger. Later today I will venture to see if she will allow a visit. I would feel a great deal of comfort if only to hear his voice.

(DA1:IV-B) - Day 3 - Dreamwalker (Luna)* (v2)

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Day 3 - Dreamwalker (Luna)

The night has passed, and it is almost time for the morn of the third day. Though I have been keeping myself busy, spending these last few hours alone has been both a blessing and a curse. Allow me to explain.

Thanks to the generosity of Cadance, I was permitted to speak again with Sir David last night. He proved, again, to be every part the gentlestallion I had thought during our first rendezvous, and after a slight misunderstanding, we found that both of us has interest in the other.

Now that Sir David and I have expressed our mutual affections, I find that my attraction to him has become somewhat heightened, and although I am apart from him, I cannot easily quiet my thoughts. Though I am blessed with feelings of happiness and the promise of something new and exciting, he is still confined, and we are not even permitted to gaze into each other’s eyes. That, in itself, is maddening.

That being said, in order to distract myself, I purposely became lost in the notes of Cadance and Twilight this night, both which have been working quite dutifully to determine a cause and cure to the mystical anomaly linking Sir David and myself. Unfortunately, their research, however thorough, has yielded few results so far.

Twilight has divided her time between examining Sir David or me and surveying the field in which we found him. Cadance, instead, has focused on the magical connection itself and seeks to identify its nature and determine possible repercussions. Reading seems to be my main avenue of contribution. I have scoured what I can in the archives, and although I have read much, I have found little. Sister, likewise, has spent most of her free time muzzle-deep in tomes and various scholarly research. She looks for not only a solution to the current issue but of possible mentions of David’s kind in our history’s past, though I doubt she will find any.


Even while focusing on the issues at hand, I have often let my mind wander to thoughts of him. It has not helped that I was trotted out in his presence as a research subject, and yet still denied personal access to him in an awakened state. Now that we share more than a magical connection, I find myself waiting impatiently for the next time we will be allowed together. Fortunately, or otherwise so, consciousness is not always necessary for two to meet.

In that, I have committed a minor infraction in regards to ‘protocol.’ During the night, after my meeting with Sir David, I napped. In my slumber, I walked the populated dreamscape only to find that Sir David, too, was dreaming. In a rare moment of these last few days, he seemed at peace. Seeing no impropriety to it, I entered and viewed his dream, and was surprised by what I saw.

David had conjured a visage of myself for his dream. He sat upon a precipice and was seemingly conversing with my doppelgänger, who sat upon a cloud, just out of reach of the man.

As I sat silently and watched, I could feel a warmth in my heart and a twinge of desire. It was then that I acted inappropriately. Even though this was no nightmare, I intervened in his thoughts and secretly stole the place of my double in his mind’s eye, replacing figment with reality. When I assumed my new place, I found little conversation; more so it seemed he wished only to have me near his side. I did not mind. It actually gave me a token of comfort that my transgression would not likely disturb this fabrication of his by revealing my actual presence.

We sat together for quite some time. Sir David spoke, and I smiled silently in return, as his previously conjured partner would. He did not make much sense in his words, as his dreaming was not lucid enough for rational thought. What he did convey was a happiness to be there… there with me. I thought it was a great honor, that my newly established coltfriend has sought me even in his dreams. It has shown to me that I have chosen well.

Our time faded, and as he began to wake I slipped from his presence and returned the lifeless doll as I found it.

My David, I wish thee sweet dreams…

(DA1:V) - Day 4 - Research Report (Twilight)

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Day 4 - Research Report (Twilight)

Reporter: Twilight Sparkle
Report ID: Hu-00017
Subject: Human (species)
Classification: (incomplete)
Categorization: Mammal, Omnivore, Bipedal
Sub-cat: Non-magical
Specimen: David Marshall

It has been three days of intense evaluation and experimentation with the specimen, David Marshall. Today, the Princess Council has convened and rendered a decision on his threat level including a modification of the quarantine. A brief recap follows.


Presentation of collected data (simplified):
(Please refer to previous reports for a full digest of collected data)

—The specimen’s non-magical nature makes him receptive to powerful sources of magical energy
—The receptive nature is interpreted as a negative magical pressure (not measurable)
—This negative pressure, coupled with a magical host, may channel energies from a host to specimen
—A host must be mentally or emotionally willing to assist the specimen for the channel to form
—A host may not sense a channel formation or the transfer of energies
—The current host, a mature Alicorn, does not experience a depletion of magical energies from normal reserves
—The channel or “connection” from host to specimen may initially present as intermittent, but may become sustained over a long distance and extended time period
—The transfer of magical energies contains the personal signature of the host and therefore, may affect protective wards designed to protect the host or recipient as the energy seeks to traverse the aural boundaries
—On the subject of Sir David’s origin and probability of return, an examination of the arrival site has provided no useful evidence

The analysis of the research data has led to the following conclusions:

The council decided that since the specimen is not initiating the transfer, nor was knowledgeable about its existence, the specimen shall not be held accountable. Also, as the transfer of energies has not been found to be harmful to the host, recipient, or to bystanders, the specimen, Sir David, is not to be considered as ‘dangerous.’

Council vote:

At the end of the proceedings, Princess Celestia called for a vote to lift Sir David’s house arrest in which we all voted in the affirmative. In addition, he and Luna will be examined regularly to continually assess their condition. The council was then adjourned.


Personal notes:

These last few days have been a whirlwind. After the first day, I took a while to reconsider how I have treated Sir David, especially after being reproved by both Cadance and Luna. I recognized that I have treated him far too clinically for somepony in his position. It’s certainly not how the ‘Princess of Friendship’ should’ve acted, and I now feel I have some amends to make. Luckily, Rarity had a great idea and helped me pull together a gift for him.


Even though I was in the castle for the council and it all turned out well, I couldn’t bring myself to face him yet to deliver his gift. I’m just a bit nervous to meet him, and who could blame me after our first encounter! (I know Cadance won’t let me forget.) I mean, when he’s unconscious he’s a treasure trove of information, and I’ve only started on his scientific classification, but awake? I’m just not ready yet.

However, Cadance actually came to my rescue this time instead of teasing me and suggested a more gradual introduction. In short, I’ve sent him a letter of sorts, though not one of words as I’ve been told that he can’t read our language. Instead, using some modified illusion magic, I’ve created something entirely new. I was able to make a recording of myself and then embed the magical payload inside the letter! Cadance helped me hold the spell matrix together while it recorded and it only took five takes to get the message right. I’ve packed the letter with the gift, and with luck, he’ll get both tonight, as I’ve sent them using the royal courier.

Now that I’ve finished the basic analysis and extended my hoof in hopes of forgiveness and friendship, I really need to work harder. I know that the most valuable source of info left untapped is within Sir David himself. That means an interview, so I’d better get prepared. I gave my word to Celestia and Luna that I’d do whatever I could to help, and that means I can’t just be spooked by all of this and run back to my own castle.

That reminds me, after the council, I may not have been ready to meet him, but I didn’t run back to Ponyville with my tail between my legs. I first went back out to the site where he appeared to do more research. Unfortunately, there wasn’t anything more to find. The only physical evidence of Sir David appears right in the middle of the field just as magically as he did, and there is no trace of a magical signature to find out how he got there, let alone from where.

I suppose I’ll be heading back to Canterlot tomorrow to meet with him, I just hope I’m ready. Whether a blessing or not, I don’t think Cadance will be there. She has to be back in the Crystal Empire soon to take care of her own matters. I suppose I’m just lucky that I don’t have many duties to take care of right now in my own domain.
