> Initiating the new recruit > by Sparky_the_pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash huffed and slammed her locker shut. She was in no mood to actually do any of her laundry, so she’d just wear her sweaty flight suit back home. At least it wasn’t covered in garbage like the embarrassment from yesterday. “Hey Crash!” called out a voice from the other end of the aisle. Groaning, the sky blue pegasus turned to face the captain of the Wonderbolts. Spitfire had only a damp white towel draped across her back, and by the looks of it she hadn’t really used the cloth to its full effectiveness. Droplets of water still clung and fell in little tumbling showers from her glistening mane as she approached her newest flyer. “Yes Ma’am?” Dash replied, irritated that the nickname had earned an official status already. It was just day two, and she’d done a lot better on her exercises than that first rookie mistake. “Look, I know it’s tough for you to find your stride so quickly. But that doesn’t mean you should skip your shower and go home upset. Come on, I’ll help you get cleaned up. What do you say?” Slightly confused, and partially distracted by the slick curves of Spitfire’s wet flank, Rainbow nodded. “You’re right, I guess. I mean, I can’t be the only one to have had problems adjusting, and the other ponies aren’t really being mean so much as… encouraging?” She didn’t sound like she believed it herself, but the benefit of the doubt was a powerful tool. Together the two mares walked over to the central shower, and Spitfire wasted no time turning on all four nozzles that covered a wide area with a warm spray. She tossed her towel on the bench nearby and extended one yellow wing out to touch Rainbow’s shoulder. With the deftness of touch that was matched only by some unicorns, her feathers carefully unzipped the back of Dash’s flight suit, lingering for just a moment in the tender shallow of the rookie’s lower back. “You’re right,” she reassured the rainbow mare. “They sometimes forget how much it can hurt.” Dash tried to ignore the involuntary stirring in her loins. Her heart rate had only just begun to quiet down after the tough aerobic exercise, and already she could feel the quickening of pace that indicated her body’s willingness to ramp itself back up for all the wrong reasons. “Do… do you always shower with the newbies?” she asked, uncertain if this was really leading where her hormones were screaming for her to take it. With a smirk, the yellow pegasus flipped her mane and trotted in a quick circle under the hot spray of water. She watched Rainbow’s eyes follow the fiery orange ribbons of her tail as she showed off her athletic body. “Only the newbies who catch my fancy,” she growled just barely over the pounding roar of the shower. Dash didn’t quite know how to respond, other than bite her lip and step the rest of the way out of her flight suit. She joined her captain under the multi directional jets of cleansing water, locking eyes with the yellow pony as they seemed to execute a synchronized flying routine while firmly grounded on the slippery tile floor. “I guess I didn’t really imagine that you’d be… into me like that?” came even more awkward words, but Spitfire hushed the rainbow mare with one touch of yellow feather to Dash’s lips. Suddenly bursting forth with sexual energy, Dash moaned and opened her mouth, letting her lips and tongue brush so gently against the tips of Spitfire’s wings. She returned the motion, extending her wing out to the yellow pony’s muzzle. Lost in sensual pleasure, the two pegasi preened each other under the steamy waterfall. Instinct and desire alike were more than enough to quiet the more cerebral qualms either might have at this breach of the chain of command. Pegasi were always highly sensitive creatures due to their nature, in tune with every little breeze and shift in temperature, and right now the full focus of their unconscious attention was on bringing joy to each other. Even through the moderating effects of the water, Dash could tell Spitfire’s body was revving up like her own, blood flushing quickly to the warm interior of her marehood and causing an ache deep inside. She wanted to feel it, needed to taste the first wonderful drops of nectar from the yellow pegasus’ pussy. Rainbow took hold of her captain’s rump with both wings, carefully spreading open those luscious globes open just enough to get a good look at the slightly darker yellow flesh hidden between. Spitfire’s outer lips barely parted now, and with a groan of happiness Dash dove right in, her muzzle colliding with Spitfire’s pussy as she inhaled deeply of the lead pony’s scent. “Fuck!” cried out the golden pegasus, and her wings flexed back and forth as if trying to grab onto the air for support. She pressed her body backwards into Dash’s head, letting her cunt blossom open directly over the blue pony’s outstretched tongue. “You’re-- good at this, rookie!” “Mmfh,” was all that issued from Rainbow, and she swallowed the first little dribble of sticky wet liquid that burst from Spitfire’s depths. Probing a little deeper with her tongue, she let the desperate little button of the yellow mare’s clit go untouched for just another moment while she teased the next little inner fold she found. Rainbow’s own marehood was beginning to drip its lubrication already, hanging from her thick outer lips for a moment before getting rinsed down her hind legs. Spitfire tried to pivot her hips now, twisting up and down to drive her tiny knob into Rainbow’s waiting mouth. With a slurp, the whole heart-shaped little organ slipped in, and Dash was rewarded with another wet gush from Spitfire’s impossibly warm inner secrets. Rainbow Dash suckled at that sensitive nub for several minutes, expertly working her way around and around until she found the perfect angle to make her captain really squirm for mercy. When she found that Spitfire’s marecum production went into overdrive at the tiny and torturously quick grinding undulations of the tip of her tongue, she held her breath and began to count down from twenty. Every second that passed, she flicked again, just a little bit harder each time. By the time she reached five counts left, Spitfire was practically having a seizure, her hind legs just barely able to keep her standing under Rainbow’s incessant ministrations. Finally, just at the count of zero, she felt the dam burst. Spitfire came, yelps and moans of passion echoing loudly through the locker room until she could cum no more. Dash did her best to swallow what she could, but most of the sweet clear fluid went straight down the drain. Spitfire finally collapsed, and Rainbow Dash reached up to point the shower head so it wouldn’t beat directly on her captain’s exhausted face. Then the multicolored pegasus knelt down to spoon with her, wrapping her blue wings around and intertwining with Spitfire’s golden feathers. “You can pay me back for that later when you’ve rested up a bit, hm?”