> The Outcome Of Sacrifice > by Hunter Steel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 - The Beginning of the End > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The End. Its usually what you end a book or film with, a satisfying rollercoaster of drama and emotion rolled into a compelling story for you to enjoy. This is not a story though, this is my life, and like many before me, it did not amount to much. In terms of others, I've always thought of myself as a sheep, just following the person in front, while the person behind followed me, and I've been ok with that. Though, I'm not exactly average when it comes to my physical features. A gene mutation led to an almost luminescent two-tone shade of blue in my hair, striped, short and spikey. People brush it off as dye and attention seeking rather than my actual self. It doesn't help that my eyes also had a weird streak, seeing as they were a bright gold colour, obviously not a normal colour either. Anyway, I'm rambling and none of this stuff will matter in an hour or so, when the radiation finally leaks through the shelter. Huddled in the embrace of my family, all I could do was count down the minutes, that is, until a small group of men approached me. Most wore white lab coats, though it was hard to tell with the many stains and marks one would get if they messed with chemicals a lot. Their hair and faces matched the look with grime and smoke layered on top of what would of been somewhat cheerful middle-aged men. The look in those eyes said otherwise. The group also consisted of two British army infantry troops, but the knee jerks and fidgety postures told me they were only privates. For some odd reason they were heading directly towards my family, or more specifically, me, if I was to decipher their code glancing looks. I was right, and I feel terrible for being so. They stopped just mere inches from my outstretched leg, looking intently at me, looking within the group, almost as if they were having a psychic conversation. With their silent talk done, the leader of said group finally said what he had to. "We need your assistance." He spoke quietly, so as not to disturb the surrounding people in the area. The way he said that was like he expected me to answer with a question, which I needed to do anyway if I ever wanted answers. "What assistance would you need from someone like me?" I could see the gears turning in his head, possibly to see how he would answer this question without provoking me. "Well, according to your medical records, apart form your unique eye and hair colour, you are a healthy young male, which is why we need you." My eyebrows shot up. "And what does that have to do with my assistance to you?" I enquired, already drawing up theories as to his need of me. "Well, you see, me and my colleagues are genetic and biological scientists, and have been working on a project to preserve life through cryochambers, but we haven't been working on it too long and have only created two working chambers as of this moment. Enough for one male and one female." The breathe caught in my throat as I tried to understand the implications of his words. "As of this moment, it is the only way to preserve the human race, while we also have many embryos in similar devices, they cannot grow without the assistance of people, and so, to save our species from being extinct, we are tasking you and one other to go into the cryochambers and outlive this disastrous event and lead the next generation into a new era." He continued, as though he couldn't see my worry and confusion etched onto my face. "Wait wait wait!" I interrupted, "You're telling me, that out of all the people you could choose, you chose me? I can't do this, I barely know how to cook my own tea, never mind reviving an entire species! Ask someone else, or better yet, why don't one of you go in?" I rebuked. I just didn't see the point, what could I possibly want in living when everyone I know and love is going to die? There is no reason for me to get into a metal box and just sleep through this. The men had other ideas. "Please understand that, while we would want nothing more than to get in ourselves, it would be much better for a younger and fitter person to survive, it greatly increases the chances of survival." I sighed at their efforts, they really wanted me to go, but I didn't believe that I was the right guy. The lead scientist suddenly bent on one knee in front of us and looked me dead in the eye. "Look, I know you're scared, believe me, I am too. But bigger things are at play here, the world we know and love has ended and everyone in this room will eventually die, but you don't need to, you can survive, and with that, so will the memories of those you love. Please help us, help me to save what little we have left. For the good of mankind." I was shocked, dumbfounded at his bluntness, and honestly, his words rang true. It was at this point that my parents jumped into the conversation. "You can't just take away my son because you feel like it! And don't tempt him with your honeyed words, it's his choice to stay or go and he made his choice!" My mum exclaimed, her grip on me tightened with very second. My dad stood up suddenly, his hands tightening and untightening, like he was contemplating hitting the scientists. "I don't know what you're trying to do, or if it will really help us, frankly I don't really care, all i know is you're offering a chance to let my son to live, all i ask is that you don't cause harm to him." He finally relaxed and looked them all dead in the eye. "And if I find out this was just some laugh, I'll make you're last few minutes living absolute hell, are we clear?" The room became deathly silent as those words were uttered, the now shaking scientists answered in unison with a croaked "crystal" as he sat back down. I, on the other hand paid little attention as I thought through my options. While I would want nothing more than to live out my last moments with my family, I now have a new option at hand, and this option could save my life. But is it worth it? Would my family hate me for choosing this option? And if I say yes, would I still be able to go through the process of saying goodbye to family? None of the questions were answered but it did lay out what little I knew of the situation in front of me. I knew what I wanted, and I made my decision. I drew a deep breath as I contemplated what I wanted to say. "Alright, I accept your proposal, but on the condition I can say goodbye" I answered in a shaky voice. "Of course, but please keep in mind we are pressed for time. Keep them short." I nodded in acknowledgement. I turn to my brother first. "You've always been annoying and a pain in the ass, but I wouldn't trade you for the world because you're family and my little brother, and I'll miss you. I love you, even if I don't say it, it doesn't make it any less true." My eyes misted a little as I hugged my younger sibling. I could here him stifle a cry as he sniffled. I left go to turn to my mum. "You're the best mum a guy could ask for, you love me and lecture me and keep me on the straight and fly, and you don't hesitate to clip me on the head for being stupid, and I'm fine with that, because I know you do it out of love. All my memories of you will be treasured for years to come, and I will look back on them with a smile. And though I never say it enough I will always love you." I felt my chest tighten with each word. All my mum could do was throw me a teary smile as she reached for a hug. I gladly obliged and stayed like that for as long as I could. My tears were free flowing at this point, but I didn't care. I let go and smiled gratefully at my mum before turning to dad. "I know we've had our differences, but I honestly couldn't ask for a better dad, you're a hard worker and have good morals which makes me want to be like you, thank you for keeping me out of trouble and helping me though school, it really means a lot to see you try so hard for my future." My dad smiled before reaching to a nearby bag and taking out something. I realised it was his old army knife. He presented me the knife before placing it in my hand. "You're giving me this?" He nodded his head. I merely stared at it in shock. What was once such a valuable item that only he alone could touch to being a parting gift to me really meant a lot. I held the knife close to me and smile up at him. "Thank you" I replied before fastening it to my trousers. I look at the scientists to see them glancing worriedly at the door, their watches and finally me before starting the cycle again. "Well, I guess this is goodbye, I'm gonna miss you guys so much" I said as I hugged them all one last time. I grabbed what little possessions I brought with me before getting up. Before I could make another move, my mum quickly reached around her neck before dropping an item into my hand. It was her necklace I realised, the polished gold chain and ruby fastened to the middle made it an iconic part of my mum. I smiled at the gesture. "I'll wear it everyday" I promised as I turned to go, hastily ushered by the scientists deeper into the compound that now housed thousands of people. I make one last look behind me, waved and left, never to see my family again. The walk down the hallways felt like an eternity yet also like seconds, like I was on death row heading to my execution. The stonework was much rougher the further we went, showing how incomplete the underground facility really was. At last, we came to the area the scientists wanted so badly to be in and nearly shoved me in as they began their tests and vaccinations on me. It was just to check my vitals and immune system, they were also documenting me, for science of course. I was told it would help future scientists understand the procedure and since this was never used before, I was basically a test subject so everything was recorded. After that, all of my things are sterilised so that nothing could harm me while I was in the cryochamber. The last thing to do before the deep sleep was briefing. "Now all you need to know is that any information you need on the project is stored on the computer next to the cryochambers. I would brief you personally but time is of the essence." While he was talking, a girl walked in, blonde hair and blue eyes, fair skin and a skinny body were her most prominent features. She briefly looked my way before paying attention to another scientist. The guy I was with noticed my staring. "Her name is Bethany, she is the other person who will be in a cryochamber. I would let you two get to know each other but like I said, not enough time for a chit chat, sorry." I shrugged, it wasn't like it was really important. I turned away from her and gave my attention back to the man. "So will I experience any pain while I'm in the chamber?" I asked. "No, at least you shouldn't, there is no reason for you to feel pain during your time in there. It will be like you're sleeping." I nodded in confirmation. The scientist stood up straight and started walking to the exit, the other scientist also done with his conversation with the girl, or Bethany as she's called and joined the guy in the front. Bethany followed behind me as we headed to what I assumed to be where the cryochambers were stationed. I could feel myself losing my nerves as I shook but I held on, for the sake of my family. We finally reached our end destination, and where we would be spending a lot of time while we waited out the storm. The two men quickly ran off to start work on computers with the other scientists as they attempted to switch on the cryochambers. Suddenly, a low sound started getting louder as the lights in the room dimmed slightly, an indication a lot of power was being used. It concerned me a little, how were the scientists going to keep these on long enough for us to survive? I didn't understand but I'm sure the scientists found a way around it, otherwise they wouldn't claim to of gotten them to work. I look towards the first one, a six foot metal box lying horizontally with a plastic front, I assumed they will be mounted on the wall so it will appear that I'm standing while in cyrosleep. I could see wires and flashing lights both inside and outside the cryochambers, a soft blue rising and falling as it started up. One of the scientists approaches us, a sad smile on his face. "I wish I could've seen my life's work in action before I died, but knowing it's being used for good makes it worth it. Please, for the good of everyone, live for us and while it might be tough living and surviving on your own, don't give up no matter how hard it may be." "I'll remember that, thanks. And thanks for giving me a second chance to live, not many would do such a thing." He grinned at me, the first positive emotion I'd seen from them since I met the scientists. Suddenly a vaguely female voice loudly called. "Systems check. Cryochamber #1: Operational. Cryochamber #2: Operational. Awaiting sleepers to enter chambers." "Ok! It's showtime everyone! Let's get them in before we run out of time." The guy then turned to me and Bethany, "Just give me anything you want to save and I'll place it in a safe, to retrieve your items, all you have to do is enter the code: 2738. Easy right? Now, enter your chambers, just lay down and relax, we will do the rest." We both nod at his words. We hand him any items we couldn't fit into the chambers and slowly made our way over. Once I got near enough, the door to the chamber opened and I was able to climb in. I tried to straighten out and get as comfortable as possible, which wasn't too hard considering it had some soft material underneath and to the sides which helped. The lid of the chamber slowly closed, and with the lid being tinted, it made it hard to look out of, barely making out the vague shapes of the scientists. I suddenly started feeling drowsy, like I was in the same embrace of my family. My family. I'm going to miss everyone of them, all my friends, my pet dog, my room, my bed... and my old life. I wonder what awaits me in the future... I slowly closed my eyes as my mind wandered, recalling memories of home and laughter, of better times before the world ended. I guess this is the end, at least until I next wake up, goodbye world, I hope to see you soon. 100,004 years later Tink Tink Tink "Are you sure this is the area? I'm sure it's further up..." Tink Tink Tink "No this is definitely it! Can't you here that? It's hollow!" Tink Tink Crack "We're so close! Can't you hurry up?" "I would if you'd stop pestering me! I'm trying to find the weak points" "Oh, sorry" Tink Tink Crack "The hole is bigger! Just one more and were through!" Tink Tink Crack Crack Crack Rumble "Oh shoot it's coming down! Everypony run!" Clip Clop Clip Clop Clip "Were in! Quick! Go tell the Princess!" "Right away! She's gonna flip when she sees this!" 10 minutes later The dust had started to clear by the time Princess Twilight Sparkle arrived. She looked at all of her surroundings with a critical eye, making absolute sure she didn't miss a detail, all the while writing everything down so she could review it later. Armed with an arsenal of tools to help with the excavation of the ancient ruins, she stepped inside, making sure to not disturb anything on the ground. "Look how dusty it is in here," she mumbled to herself. " Nopony has been in here for a very long time". She continued on with her exploration of the weirdly symmetrical cave system. "How odd that the cave is so uniform, it also seems to be made of a material I am unfamiliar with, very similar to steel and iron, it is also found on the floor, I can tell due to the sounds my hooves make on impact." Twilight observes the walls for a few more seconds before moving on, drawing nearer to the main hall of this so called cave. Twilight squinted at her surroundings as she drew away from the light of entrance. She huffed before performing a light spell, then continued on her way. She glanced at a picture on the cave walls with weird scrawled lines and shapes beneath, probably the language of the long dead species. Twilight kept herself in check, she could come back and try and translate later. Right now, she has to map out the site. With that last thought, she kept her eyes fully trained on the front, just making out a doorway into what looked like the central cave. Her pace quickened a little, her curiosity besting her will to remain calm and almost galloped into the new room. She wished she hadn't. Bodies. Skeletons. Piles and piles of them scattered throughout the cave. Some in groups while others off alone, curled up into balls, awaiting whatever fate that bested them. Twilight's stomach turned as she witnessed the scene before her. The faint sound of hooves on the new material getting louder told her that her companions had caught up. "Princess Twilight! You shouldn't go on ahead all alone! There could be all sorts of dangerous traps or beasts lurking or-" The sudden cut in conversation made it clear that the others had just witnessed the scene before them. "Sweet Celestia! That's a lot of bodies!" A perky young pegasus said. His blue eyes darting form one end to the other, fear clear in his face. Twilight wasn't fairing any better but she is a Princess, and so she had to remain calm and collected, she could freak out in her own time but right now ponies needed her guidance and leadership. "Well there's no point gawking, we still have a lot of ground to cover, take a few picture of the area before moving on and make absolute sure you do not disturb anything more than dust, do I make myself clear?" "Yes Princess!" Everypony replied as they moved to complete their tasks, while the group mostly consisted of archaeologists, Twilight had a few guards just in case there were any dangers inside, the location of the site was also in the middle of a mountain, while it could be empty, there was the possibility of an ursa major nest, or worse, a dragon. Looking at the size of the cave though, there wasn't much possibility for either and it was too far up for a manticore nest so it should be safe from wildlife. Twilight shook her head as she tried to concentrate on the task at hoof. She stepped carefully around every skeleton, taking note of their body structure. She thought they looked very similar to a diamond dog or minotaur's body, though it was very different. While she was studying the skeletons, she found a group of three near the far end of the room, all of them looked to be holding each other, what looked like two bigger skeletons and a small skeleton. A family Twilight realised, and as she searched the room she noticed similar groups like that. These are families, parents and their children, they died in each other's arms. But from what? There appears to be no struggle, it even appears that they were waiting for it, knowing it was coming for them. Twilight rubbed her chin in thought but nothing came to mind. Finding the train of thought to be fruitless of answers, she decides exploring more of the cave system would reveal answers and continues with her search. 20 minutes later Twilight finally came to the last two rooms, she entered the first one, already recognising beakers and test tubes littered everywhere. This is a lab, she realised. Her pace quickened as she rushed to find research from ancient beings. This only proved to be disappointing as all the research was written in that weird squiggly language of theirs. Twilight huffed in annoyance, but it was still quite interesting to see all the unique equipment in the room. Although it seems a lot of them require a power source. Finding nothing else important in the room, Twilight moved onto the next and final room. This one was a lot larger than the previous rooms she had seen, it seemed to be quite bare, until she realised that most of the equipment was embedded into the walls. "How odd, what use would these glass panes have to be on the wall?" Twilight couldn't figure it out so instead she took a few picture of the room and was ready to leave, until something interesting caught her eye. Tucked into the far corner of the room was two boxes, they both had a see-through front though they were covered in dust. Intrigued by this, Twilight walked over to them. "It wouldn't hurt to look I guess" Twilight said as she wiped a bit of the dust off of the front. She stopped. And looked. And almost had a heart attack as she peered inside of the box. What sat before her was a living, breathing version of the skeletons from before. Twilight had just discovered that the extinct species wasn't so dead after all, and now had a million questions racing around in her head. "How in Equestria did you survive!?" Twilight exclaimed, this was going to be a long day, she was sure of it.