> Reunited At The Orchard > by Grasshopper Keller > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Reunited At The Orchard > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was quite a hot day within the industrial area of the city of Canterlot. And it was so hot, that even a cold shower was not able to cool you off. And that same shower was what you needed, just so that you could get your immediate goals in order. It may not have been able to fully cool you off, but at least it was more than enough to compensate for the broken air conditioner on the wall of your apartment. You decided to take a drive to where a place called 'Sweet Apple Acres' would likely get you some good food. But you also had the intention to buy some hard apple cider. And according to a few friends that you had called up a few days ago, the same farm sold that very same drink of the gods. While going just five under 45, just for the hell of it, you notice how the road was changing its background. From the bustling motion of the streets of the large city... into a quiet, serene farmland that always gave you a calming impression. As you pull up to the entrance of the Sweet Apple Acres farmland, you are greeted by a burly looking man with blond hair and a red color on his skin. And you immediately recognize who it was that was about to greet you. You begin to unbuckle your seat belt before sitting yourself on the edge where the window was already opened in your car. "Holy mother of Simmons! Is that you, Big Macintosh?" you call out to him from your spot. "Well, wallop mah cats! Buckeye Fells! It really is you!" the big man shouts back with a growing smile. From what you were able to remember, back in high school, both he, Granny Smith & the little girl named Apple Bloom had all been introduced to you by the girl that you had an immense crush on as a sophomore in that same school that she was attending with you. And Applejack was the most beautiful girl that you ever saw in your whole life; being a senior definitely allowed her to be that beautiful. But it was not just because of your crushing on her. It was also because of how family-oriented, honest, and quite dependable she was. But there were also a few times when you were able to help her out. And those memories - from being introduced to her - to being able to have a dance with her before she graduated - had all rushed through your mind before remembering that you were at the entrance of the farm. "How's the farm coming along, Big Mac?" you ask her as he approached you. "Well, our business is just coming along with the same profits that have helped us stay here," he smiled at you. "And speaking of that," you begin to ask of him, "I was wondering if you have some apples to sell, along with some of that great hard cider that your family is known to make?" Big Mac points you to the entrance. "Follow the little road and Ah'll see ya at the house," he waves to you before he runs out from your sight. "You too!" you shout back before starting the car back up with your seat belt back on your body. As you drive up to the main house where your friends resided at, you knew that this day was only beginning to get great, despite how hot it actually was. After pulling up just a few feet away from the front porch of the house, you step out of the car to take in the air of the farm that was more of an orchard than a farm. But the same sweet air from the apple flowers that had bloomed during the spring time had allowed you to just say "forget it" to yourself. And as you step up to the entrance of the Apple family, another familiar voice had called up to you from just a few feet behind you. "That you, Buckeye?" You turn around to see that it was Apple Bloom addressing you from a few feet away. Her personality, as well as that adorable red bow on her red hair, had not changed at all. But she had definitely grown up... and filled out in the appropriate places. "Why.... Hi, Apple Bloom!" you greet her with a small gasp. She greets you in the same way before she nearly tackles you to the car in a big hug. "Oof! It-it's really good to see you too, AB!" you wheeze out from the crushing but still sweet gesture that she was giving you. "And it's quite nice that ya came down here?" Apple Bloom smiled while holding you, even though you were being crushed by a hug from a woman that was shorter than you. "Now, Apple Bloom! Get off of him, yer crushin' him!" another voice called out to the girl who had immediately released you from her vice grip. You were positive that your spine had to be popped back in place. And after taking back the sweet oxygen while you popped your back, you look up from the ground to see.... Applejack. The same angelic figure that was just a real light during your life in high school was standing there with a small scorn on her face. But even then, she was still making herself quite a character. "Why, howdy there, Buckeye! Ain't seen ya since Canterlot High! How ya been, buddy?" she then asks you, snapping you out of the little trance that she had you in just from that smile of hers. "Wow..." you gasped out. "You.... Uh, I'm sorry, Applejack," you apologize to her after shaking your head for a moment. Great, now you looked more like an idiot than during Canterlot High. "It has been quite a while since I was able to see you, too!" Smooth, Buckeye. "And ah take it that yer here ta get some good food and hard cider, right?" she asks you with a chuckle that still makes you love her more. "Yes... That is the reason that I am here," you nod at her. "Well come on in the house, Buckeye! We got enough ta feed yer belly right," she said while keeping that smile. Some time later, you had been reintroduced to how the family had operated from how the lunch with Applejack and her siblings had gone on. And now, you were just inside of the farm where all of the crops were gathered for both the family's business and their livelihood. And it the entire area was exactly as you remembered from when you first arrived just five years ago. And Applejack was already looking over some of the wooden bushel tubs that held a lot of the harvested apples that you loved having as a snack. But as she looked down to see them, you were given a glorious view of her rear end. And oh what a view it is. The denim blue skirt was big enough to cover what was coveted by yourself. A few inches downward, and you see a small pantie shot from her. It was was a bright orange with a few apple imprints on it. But during the whole time, you started to believe that she was teasing you on purpose. She would not just give you that wonderful view.... would she? The tightening in your pants says yeah, so you do your best to try to calm it down. "So, hey!" she calls to you, prompting you to move your face away from seeing the rear to look to the loft where some boxes were stacked in. Thankfully, she doesn't see your blushing face while you silently thank some pagan goddess for allowing you to see what she wore on a daily basis. "Did ya want ta get this bushel of apples, along with a barrel of our hard apple cider?" she proceeds to ask you. You then look back at her as soon as you hear her words to you, fully knowing that only a small tint of red had circled a part of your cheeks as your loins began to cool down. But then the heat hits back on you with full force as a major amount of sweat had been dripping on your face. You certainly blame yourself, as well as the weather, for not having control of your emotions. As she looks at you, her face turns confused. "Are you alright there, sugar cube?" she sweetly asks you as she sees you looking like you were about to pass out. "I'vebeeninlovewithyoueversincethefirsttimethatIwasintroducedtoyoubyAppleBloom!! Gggaaaaahhhh!!!" you scream out before you bolt it out of the barn door. But before you could even say 'Red', your face thuds against the wood door. The same force pushes you back to the dirt of the ground as your ass hits the ground as you slowly fall back to what should have been the hard ground. A moment later, you awaken with a slight headache as you also feel something... soft. And squishy. "What... what the heck did I just do?" you ask yourself out loud. "More like 'what the heck we're ya even thinkin'!?" she countered at you while holding you close to her. It was not heaven at all.... it was Applejack. "And ah also want ta know: Did ya just say that you've loved me for a while?" she asks you as sincerely as possible, even though she was quite angered with what you were attempting to do. Before you could even respond, your lips are soon pressed by another pair of lips that you never even had a chance to kiss. The farmer woman was kissing you! But more than that, she was crying in the kiss with a small sob as a tear escaped her. You immediately take the initiative by wiping off the tear from her perfect, freckled face. "Care to let me show you?" you ask her before realizing that it was your growing desire that did the talking for you. But you wanted to do this for her. And even more than wanting to buy some food and drinks. "Ah like it hard and fast," she responds to you with a lustful grin that you did not expect from her. But this set you up for a reason to go with your instincts. And just like that, you roll her over to the biggest pile of hay and begin to furiously kiss her all over. Applejack then opens her flannel shirt to allow you to see that she was going au naturale. Without any hesitation, you begin to squeeze, lick and suck on the nipples of her triple-C cup breasts with a few bites to let her know that you were obeying her command without remorse. "Ah!! Ah love it!!" Applejack squeaks out to you as you also pull her breasts the same way a person would pull a cow's udder. This sets you both into a higher level of pleasure as she somehow undoes the zipper of your pants and begin to suck on your erect member. You then move her legs so that the view of her glistening honeypot from her orange panties. You forcefully let them down low enough so that you attack her moist womanhood with your mouth savoring the taste. "Th-th-there!! Right there! Eat me, Bucky!!" The small scream that you hear from her lets you know that you are doing a wonderful job on her. And then you look at her face again before you both get to the main event. But before you get to it, she asks you this one question that had been flaming in your heart for a while. "Cum with me, sugar?" You stick your hard and throbbing member into her waiting entrance and begin to pound into her with a force that even you are amazed with having. Perhaps it was the fact that you were so in love with her that the moment she told you 'hard and fast' that you wanted to oblige her as that wonderful friend that she knew. But that same question that she asked was just the same as if she said 'will you be my boyfriend?' in your mind. Well, whatever was left of it, anyway. "A-A-Aaaappplejack!! I'm gonna cum!" you warn her, hoping that she would take your dick out. Instead, she digs her nails further into your back, along with your lower cheeks. This tells you that she did not want you to stop and pull out. "Inside me, Bucky!! Ah want it all inside of mMMMEEEE-AAAHHH~!!!" she screams out when she feels the pressure of her orgasm becoming too much to handle. And you feel the same way as she does from how your orgasm was just as powerful. As soon as the spasms of your pelvic areas cease down, she presses your lips on hers before roughly allowing her tongue to invade your mouth. The intensity of the smooches set you into the same level of passion. "Ah love ya too, Buckeye...." she sighs as her mouth parts from hers. "Does this mean that I can visit you as a boyfriend, Applejack?" you ask her in your exhausted state. "Eeyup!" The deep bass voice shakes the both of you to cover up with the clothes that you and Applejack had discarded while making love with each other. "Now Big Mac! Please! Ah beg you! Please don't kill Buckeye here!" Applejack pleaded to her big brother in fear. "Yeah, I agree that I'm too young to die!" you comment to him while backing away from him. Instead of looking angry, both you and Applejack see Big Mac laughing loudly from your looks. "Now why would ah wanna do that?" Big Mac chuckled at you. "Be... because...." you point to the area of hay where you and Applejack were playing a hard game at; evidenced by the certain stains that made a few blinks of light at you and the farm girl. "Ah was hopin' that you and Applejack would get to that point!" Big Mac laughed again just as happily as you heard before. "Wait a minute!" Applejack gasped at her brother. "Does that mean that ya knew about Buckeye's feelings fer me?!" she nearly screamed at him with a small fury in her. "Eeyup! And Ah knew that you and Buckeye would finally take the step into having a wonderful relationship," Big Mac continued to smile at you both. He then pulls the shirts that you discarded on the ground and tosses it to you. "Now the both-a y'all better cover up! Y'all don't wanna face Granny Smith buck naked, right?" he chuckles with a wicked grin at you. Sometimes... you just hated his rotten guts! But other times.... like right now.... you just loved him! But not in the way that you showed your love to your country girl. Now that would have just been weird. "Hey, Buckeye-sugar?" Applejack calls to you. "Yeah, A.J.?" you respond back to her. She calls you over with a finger and you obey her. She then pulls you in for a deep, but softer kiss that allows you to know that her feelings were the same as hers. But then, she kisses your right cheek before saying: "Ah'm ready for the next round...." "Back door?" "And ah want ya ta slap mah ass and control me!" You feel your temperature rising up in your loins again. You gulp from the anticipation. "Oh, shit....!"