> The Harmony of Music > by Raven Brony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Coming Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Harmony of Music Ch.1 The trains whistle blew as the engine screeched to a stop a few feet down the tracks from where the smoky grey pony stood, her violet eyes looking towards the ground as she fought with herself. How can I go back? It’d only been a few months since the Galla and Octavia could still remember the shock at seeing her older sister Pinkamena after so long. She didn’t even recognize me…. “Not that there is much for her to recognize” She mumbled under her breath. 5 years and she had changed so much. She’d gotten bigger with age, her mane darker thanks to Canterlot’s luxuries that Ponyville didn’t even come close to, and she had gotten her cutie mark, a little purple treble clef showing her devotion to music. “More like devotion to self” She thought Octavia let out a small sigh and turned away from the train, her hooves clip clopping on the wooden floor as she walked to the station exit. “I can’t go back. Mom and Dad must hate me, Pinkamena didn’t recognize me, and the squirt probably doesn’t want to see me either.” Octavia was only a few minutes older than her twin sister Silver Streak but when your kids you take any grasp you can to be in charge so she had taken to calling Silver squirt and the position of the oldest twin. Funny how close we were before I just left her alone like that. The pony winced as the thought went through her head. Shaking her head she pushed the exit door open and was halfway out before she heard somepony laugh. A very distinguishable laugh that could bring a smile to even an old mule’s face. Oh no…. She slowly turned and looked back as the train roared off to its next stop. I pink pony with hair that could only be described as cotton candy puffed stood waving goodbye to it. Standing beside her were four other ponies. She recognized the first one. She was a purple unicorn with a long flowing purple mane with a lighter purple streak running through it. Twilight Sparkle if she remembered correctly, Princess Celestia’s protégé. To her right stood another unicorn, a snow white mare with three sparkling blue gems on her flank and a purple mane as well, but unlike Twilights this one’s was impeccably styled. “Darling why are you waving to the train?” She asked with a prim and proper voice Pinkamena replied in a giggly voice “Because it’s fun of course” She laughed and rolled her eyes “What a silly question Rarity” Well now she knew the white mare’s name. To Twilights left was a golden maned and orange coated earth mare with defined muscles. She wore a straw hat and had three red apples for a cutie mark. “Pinkie has a point there sweetheart” she said with a deep southern drawl. A farm pony if I had to bet my money on it. Standing slightly behind this group was a butter yellow pegasus with pink hair trying very hard not to be noticed. Her hair partially covered her face; just enough for me to not get a good look at it. “Guys stop messing around, something’s happening to Ponyville and we need to find Princess Celestia and see what she knows about it.” This from Twilight Sparkle “Oh calm down Twi, Ponyvilles fine. Its raining chocolate milk! Ponyvilles never been better!” Raining Choclate Milk?! That does sound pretty amazing…. And weird. “What are you staring at?” “BAHH!” Octavia stumbled back and fell on her flank as a blue pony with a rainbow mane floated down and folded her wings. “So what are you looking at?” “N-Nothing” I’ve got to get out of here “sorry” She got up warily and started walking away head hung down just in case “Pinkie” looked over. Walking with a cautioned haste she made it about 15 steps before she heard a small timid voice behind her. “I wanted to apologize for Rainbow Dash. She didn’t mean to scare you like that. Can you please forgive her… I mean if its ok” So close to escape Turning around slowly, seems like she had been doing that a bit lately, and lifting her head to face the voice she recognized the yellow pegasus that was with Pinkie, her hair still in the way of her face. “its ok, I shouldn’t have been staring like that, it was rude of me. Im sorry to you and your friends.” The yellow pegasus lifted her head and smiled at Octavia. Recognition hit Octavia immediately and she stood frozen with fear. “That’s ok, what were you staring for tho? If you don’t mind me asking that is?” Octavia was still to scared to answer, this little mare was the psychopath that had destroyed the Galla chasing the poor animals. Octavia started slowly backing up hoping to get away without being injured. “oh uh, ok If you have to go then ill just leave you alone…sorry.” She slowly hovered away back to the group with her head hung. That was odd, she was nothing like the mare form the Galla but it had to be her. “wait” said Octavia “im sorry, its just I thought you were somepony else, but it couldn’t be you. My names Octavia, whats yours?” The second her name left her mouth she knew she had made a mistake. Wide eyed she looked to the last place she had seen her sister. Sure enough Pinkie has turned to stone and was looking straight at her, was it her imagination or did her hair seem a little deflated? “oh my names Fluttershy” said the Fluttershy. Noticing that she was being ignored she lokked to were Octavia was looking. “do you know Pinkie? Oops silly question Pinkie knows just about everypony.” “no, Ive never met her in my life. No idea who she is, nope. Im sorry ive got to go” turning once again to run for the exit she said over her shoulder “Goodluck saving Ponyville.” crap, just dig yourself deeper why don’t you Octavia. “so you weren’t just staring but eavesdropping on us, huh grey?” Great the blue one was back. And blocking the exit. “No I wasn’t eavesdropping, I just over heard Pinkamena -” DAMNIT! A few moments passed in silence, and then Octavia heard the clear clip clop of hooves on wood. “how do you know my name?” The voice was right behind her. All laughter gone now, replaced with a suspicious air. Octavia didn’t answer. “How. Do. You. Know. My name?” More serious and slightly irate this time. Octavia released the breath she had been holding in a gigantic sigh and turned around to stare Pinkie in the eyes. “Hey sis, long time no see.” There was no mistake this time, the cotton candy poof was gone and Pinkies hair was dead straight. All color drained from her coat so that it looked like the bright pink was shadowed by a storm cloud. Pinkie pie took a few steps closer and glared into Octavia’s eyes searching for something. Octavia stared back defiantly if not a little uncomfortable. All of a sudden Pinkie’s eyes widened and she almost fell back on her flank if Applejack hadn’t been there to catch her. “Great Celestia’s Mane. It is you.” A look of pure rage passed over her face as she regained her footing and reared up on her back hooves. Octavia took a step back and cowered awaiting the blow she had been expecting from everypony from her past, especially her family. Instead Pinkie seemed to explode from the inside as her coat shone and hair fluffed out and tears burst from her eyes. Before Octavia could avoid it Pinkie had wrapped her in a hug that would have injured an Ursa. “Oh Octavia, I’ve missed you so much” To Shocked to respond all she could do was stand there and look into the faces of Pinkie’s confused friends. As Pinkie pulled away Octavia straightened her mane and pink bowtie, something she had taken to wearing after she left Ponyville to remember the pony now crying in front of her. “please don’t cry Pinkie, im so sorry for everything I did, you and mom and dad and Silver must hate me so much.” Now laughing through her tears Pinkie responded “Hate you? Don’t be silly. We were worried sick, I thought you had been eaten by timber wolves or something. Running away in the middle of the night, not even telling Silver what you were doing. Mom and Dad were hysteric for so long. Oh Octavia, why did you do that?” “Whoah woah wait up Sugar” this directed to Pinkamena by Applejack “This here pony is your sister?” Octavia understood her doubt. Pinkamena and she were so much different. Right down to the color if their coats. Octavia was a concert Cellist and admittedly a little uptight, and as far as she could remember “Pinkie Pie” was certanley not uptight. She loved to laugh and smile and party. “Right down to the coat” Octavia thought. “well duh, cant you see the resemblance?” Rainbow dash flew around Octavia observing every inch of her. If anypony could spot the resemblance it would be Pinkies best friend. “its faint but yeah I can see it.” Pinkamena rolled her eyes as if she was the twin and not Silver and once again pulled Octavia in for a hug. “what happened? Why did you leave like that?” Now came the part she had been dreading. If she didn’t hate me before she will now Pulling away from the hug she took a deep breath. “Well…..ummm… I guess i-“ “im realy sorry Pinkie but this is going to have to wait.” Twilight interrupted “we don’t have time right now, but I promise after we deal with whatever is happening we will find your sister and you two can talk all you want” Twilight shot Octavia a look that seemed to say sorry after the last sentence. Pinkie seemed to deflate a little bit again “twilight I havnt seen her in years, cant you give us a few seconds” She said this with out ever removing her eyes from Octavia. Shes just waiting for me disappear on her again “Its ok Pinkamena, I was going to go back to Ponyville when you showed up anyway” “looked more like you were leaving to me” said Rainbow Dash Silence passed between the group at this “I was, I chickened out when I thought of you and the family would react to me coming back.” “well im just happy to know your ok, and Silver….. I don’t know what she’ll think when you see her….. You are going to go back to Ponyville right?” Octavia thought it over “Yes” “Yay, then we can talk when I get back. Oh wait were are you going to stay?” “ I don’t know…..” “she can stay with Spike at the library, now we need to go.” Twilight grabbed Pinkamena and started dragging her off “ill see you when we get back!” “see you then Pinkamena!” “just call me Pinkie!” she yelled as the dorr closed behind her. “well theres one down” Octavia sighed -------------------------------- Inspiration from TheLivingTombstone's Octavia's Overture -------------------------------- Thanks to everypony who lasted this long thru my writing. i know im not the greatest and this is the first of my stories to be seen by anyone so im afraid i havnt had much crtisism to help me get better. Please if y'all notice any mistakes or have any advice let me know so that the next chapter will be better and by extension my next story if there is one. Dont worry about being nice, just tell me what i can fix.