Good Fortune.

by Lunasservant1985

First published

Her name is Fortuna, she's a seer, she knows your fate and she's seen what fate has for you a very handsome human.

Your on vacation in Equesrtia taking in the sights when you see a large tent pitched in the marketplace, a mare wrapped in red and black shawls and wrappings tells you she knows your fate, you humor her having never believed in that kinda thing but then she invites you into her tent for drinks and to get out of the hot summer heat. When she does your wildest dreams are about be fulfilled by...Fortuna

Let's See If The Fates Favor You

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The Ponyville marketplace was abuzz with activity, All around ponies and the strange new comers to their world the ones called "The Humans." darted from stall to stand, It had been at least six months since the world of earth and Equestria had made contact, and now that the terms had been settled and the two societies were settled, there was a mutual and peaceful link between their worlds. At the marketplace set up on the knoll outside the little village of Ponyville, ponies sold their traditional wares like fruits, clothes and hoof made goods, and a few humans had set up their own stands as well, finding the set up akin to a yard sale or flea market from many of their homes. They offered some of the more exotic goods from earth. Televisions, computers, video game consoles, movies, books by human authors and other such items. Though there wasn't much electricity to power their machines, magic would have worked...if it didn't make a lot of them short circuit by being over powered by magic. You step out of one of the tents that had been set up to sell spiced peaches, you never really liked spiced fruits but there was something about the pony's way they made them that drew you too them. Maybe it was the love they added to everything they made, unlike back home where everything was manufactured in cold, unfeeling factories and plants. The stuff they made from their food to clothes, had a special hooves on touch that your world hadn't seen in God..or Celesta knows how long.

Here it was so much...different. The air was cleaner, the food tasted better, and the ponies themselves were so nice. Everywhere you looked stallions and mares smiled and waved their hooves to you as walked around the open marketplace. You stood out in your blue sweater, brown khakis and those red and and white sneakers. Not something that was common to a population that walked around mostly naked all the time. their tails lowered to cover up their privates. You and your species however, preferred to cover up with reliable clothes. You adjust a tightness in your khakis before a soft voice calls out to you, it says.

"Care to know the future darling?" In an accent you can't quite place, It's almost akin to that fashionista Rarity, or that Cellist on the Canterlot Symphony Orchestra, but it seems, more exotic. Like she's not from Ponyville, but far away. Her coat was pure ivory white, her mane was crimson red as was her eyes, her tail and mane had jet black highlights in it, and she wore various shawls and a cloths around her of the same colors. Looking under the table, you saw she had black shoes on her fore hooves, and red ones on her back hooves. She had makeup paint a "goth curve" on her shadowed and mascara covered eyes, the black complimenting her natural red eyes perfectly. She seems to make them shine like rubies as you notice that on the table in front of her are a series of cards, they are the Arcana Tarot cards used to tell fortunes.

"Sorry I never believed in that sorta thing Ms."" You tell her as you start to move on your way, before you remind yourself that in this world magic and by extension fortune telling, do indeed exist.

"Isn't that far fetched?" She says as if almost reading your mind. "You're now in a world of flying dragons, magical talking equines, and a winged unicorn princess...two actually who control the sun and moon, and two more that protect friendship and love, and you think fortune telling is still implausible?" She says with a soft giggle as she shuffles the deck. She then runs a hoof through her mane and flutters her eyelashes with more giggles. Her tent is easily one of the biggest ones there, you wonder if she even bothers packing it up before remind yourself that ponies, especially the earth ones like her, are very strong. Her tent is white with red and black trims and linings along it, with a smoke hole in the roof for light and air.

"well, maybe to a unicorn, but I see you're an earth pony Ms....?" You say realizing you don't know her name.

"Fortuna handsome, and I can see great things in store for you." She says as she chuckles and shuffles her cards again. As she does, you set your shopping bags down on the table and look her in the crimson eyes, your own locking with hers as she smiles warmly at you.

"Is that a madame Fortuna?" You ask with a chuckle of your own as she flutters her eyes again.

"Do I look like an old mare with a white mane and fallen skin? Do I look like a "madame" to you good sir?" It's then you take in that she has cute freckles on her cheeks and a black bow in her hair, which make her look a whole lot cuter and all the more innocent. You laugh softly and reply.

"No Ms. Fortuna I guess not." You say as you lean over the table and ready yourself for her reading. She cuts the deck then lays a few on the table.

"Are you ready to see the unseen?" She asks, accent more noticeable now. Definitely akin to a European accent, and very enticing. You nod and she flips the first card, it depicts a skeletal figure in a black cloak with black wings and a sickle. "I see the fear in your eyes, do not fret my dear. For though I draw the death card, it does not mean there is an actual death in your future...many times it can mean an end, but to a relationship or a trail you've face. Tell me, is there someone you thought you loved to the ends of the earth who has left you?" She asks as she prepares to flip the next one.

Her words make you think back to the reason you came here on vacation in the first place. It's currently your junior year in high school, and after summer it will be your senior one. Your girlfriend who just graduated being a senior,had broken up with you as you watched the other eighteen year old seniors graduate while you'd be stuck with the juniors next year. (you had gotten held back a year on top of everything else) She broke up with you because she wanted someone who could keep up with her and actually make something of themselves, like Lewis who was going to be the state quarter back, or Kevin who made varsity. You often felt like there was an uncertainty in the future, which was a big contributing factor to why you didn't want this reading in the first place. You don't tell her, she understands and flips the next card.

"Hmmm do not despair, this one is good." She says revealing a card depicting a human woman beside a rotating wooden wheel with the zodiac symbols long it. "Fortune and her wheel, she can be a cruel mistress yes, but her wheel can also provide good changes. Like a new sense of hope or salvation. Do you feel any better knowing this?" She says as she readies her hoof for the final card. Think about it, you recall how most of the seniors were jerks to you anyway, and your girlfriend was always a bit of a needy and clingy type too...borderline obsessed. Constantly calling and texting you, always sending you pics of the food she ate or the new shoes she bought. Not too mention she was something of a spoiled snob. The juniors who would be next year's seniors were a lot nicer too you. They understood you better and even invited you to a pizza parlor while the seniors had a fancy dinner with their parents at a restaurant at the back of the parlor. What a great grad's night, even if you weren't a grad.

"And last but not least...The lovers" Interesting. A new love may soon come your way...but you must choose wisely, as a love foreseen by this often lasting and the effects are often...drastic." She says looking up at you. It's then, with everything: the loss of your girlfriend, the getting left back, the jerks who made junior year a living hell, and the good that saw you through it all. That you suddenly notice how beautiful Fortuna is. Her coat seems somehow even glossier and shinier, her mane seems almost like the princesses manes, ethereal and flowing entirely on its own volition, her eyes shimmer then glint like the fire rubies the rare jeweler had for sale. She smiles at you and for a brief second, you see her lift one of her wrappings she's covered herself in to flash you her cutie mark. It's a black heart like the one's printed on playing cards, it stands out against her ivory coat and then it's covered by red fabric yet again.

"Well, thank you much do I own you?" You ask as you reach for the strange golden coins the ponies call bits. She chuckles softly and packs up her deck.

"You seem like a nice fellow, so for you? No charge...On One condition?" She says with a devious giggle and a flip of her mane.

"OH? What's that?" You ask as you start to sweat a bit, and get a bit hot, from more than just the summer heat no less.

"Join me for lunch...come out of the heat...keep a lonely traveling seer girl company for a while...okay?" She asks as she seems to almost slide back inside her tent with a soft and playful , girlish chuckle. You tug at your collar and gulp as you can only stutter, it's a relic from your quickly fading away adolescence, the way you reacted around girls you liked...never in a million moons did you ever think you'd feel this way about a red, white and black mane and tail colored, talking fortune teller pony. You followed the mischievous little mare inside her tent, wondering what lay in the future within.

The Fates Are In Your Favor.

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The first thing that hits your nose is a sweet, and spicy smell, like burning cinnamon and something you can't quite place, but is intoxicating in how sweet and strong it is. Fortuna's tent is indeed very spacious, the walls are a good distance apart and she seems to have fit a round, red velvet sheet covered bed, and wicker chairs and tables. The floor is covered by several finely woven grass and root rugs, the sturdy kind that can make the floor nice and sturdy. Clearly this mare had taken a lot into making sure though she lived in a tent, it was far from rough living conditions. She trots over to you carrying a tray with steaming mugs on a tray on her flanks, you notice the fluid and smooth way they sway while being able to perfectly hold the tray.

"Ah tea! Is there no pleasure greater in life? Well maybe making love." She says with a chuckle. You're shocked she bluntly said such a thing, but you remind yourself that in pony culture, love is very important, and when not in heat, most ponies openly rut with each other, often after just an afternoon or two of getting to know each other. You laugh and blush as she sets the tray down and you take a mug. The tea is slightly bitter but sharp, with a hint of more cinnamon, and something you can't quite place.

"What uhh? What'd you did you put in this tea?" You ask her as your head starts to swim in pleasure at the sensations of the tea. Fortuna chuckles and takes a sip for herself.

"My special secret ingredient, a hint of the oil of pure Frankincense." She says pridefully as she sips the tea, suddenly you feel hot, you ask her if you can take your shirt off, and she says she couldn't care if you get as nude as she is, she points this out by swaying her flanks side to side for you. "Such a shame that you humans cover up, I always found the form you all have quite beautiful. she says turning red as an apple as she looks at you with bedroom eyes. "So darling, you think...maybe my cards have directed to that special somepony...I mean someone in your life?" She says swishing he tail a bit, you can read the signs but can hardly believe what's happening. Does she really mean? You and her?

"Well...maybe...I're not implying that you're...well interested?" You say slightly intoxicated by the Frankincense, its not a drunkenness but rather a mellow mood that you only feel when you're at home after a long day. Fortuna only chuckles and shakes those fine flanks of hers as she lays on her hooves on a cushy red velvet cushion. She looks back at you with her tail teasing to lift itself aside for you. The blood starts to run south, you can hardly believe your luck.

"Maybe I am, after all, I...never really had a stallion or any special somepony to call my own." she says waving her flanks enticingly for you, you gulp hard, both your nervousness and the tea. "Fortuna?" You ask her as she looks back at you with a blush.

"Yes?" She says as she lifts her tail just an inch to expose her mare hood, its a quick flash of pink flesh against ivory fur, but it's more than enough for you.

"I...I..." You stutter, the butterflies almost as if Fluttershy herself was directing them into your stomach. She giggles and lifts her tail higher, you spit it out. "I love you Fortuna." You say as your common decency is about the only thing keeping you from mounting this pretty mare here and now.

"I was wondering when you'd get the gumption to say it." she says as her mare hood starts to wink and her clit pokes out from her hood, no the smell that permeates the air the most isn't Frankincense or cinnamon, but the musky smell an aroused mare in heat. You're spellbound by looking at, so unlike a humans. It's squishier; wetter, the lips are puffier and more protruding. You place a hand on her mane and softly stroke the silky soft hair. She closes her her eyes and relaxes as you stroke her, her tail swished and wags as if fanning the warm lips in between her hind legs. "scratch behind my ears." She asks as her head rubs up against your hand like a cat.

"Okay." You tell her as one of your fingers starts to softly scratch behind her ears, she sighs and moans softly as he tail raises even higher. "Please...I need you." She says begging with her eyes half lidded as she begins to sway her flanks side to side and incing her self closer and closer to you lap, until you feel her spread warm dampness against your legs. You place the hand not stroking her mane on the puffy protruding lips of her needy snatch and stroke them softly. She moans and sighs contently as you stroke her pussy lips softly, they slowly open and bloom with her clit winking from its hood at you. You grow daring as you lean in and softly give the large nub a teasing lick. This seems to drive her even wilder with desire.

"OH CELESTIA!" She says with her eyes glazing, and tail thrashing about as her juices flow like cascading springs over mossy rocks. Her scent fills the air, it overpowers every other scent that her tent houses. She sighs contently and rests her head in her fore hooves as you lick up the juices from her orgasm, good Celestia does she taste good. Like syrup only thinner and more free flowing. She softly moans and raises her legs up higher, tail raised up shamelessly over her back as she looks back you with bedroom eyes. They glimmer half lidded as she lays on a big, squashy cushion and she says with a soft hushed tone in her voice. "Fuck me."

You unzip your khakis and let them fall, underwear and all. Then your sweater and shirt go over your head until you stand stark naked in her tent house. She seems to be sizing you up as she moans looking over every detail of your body as you did to her. She admires your slim but slightly muscled build, not exactly on par with the school football team but still not half bad. You're dick seems to really perk her interest though, as she grows noticeably somehow even wetter as she lays her eyes on it. "Wow, you're so...different from a stallion, but not half bad either." She compliments making you lay your hands on her flanks and rub on her cutie marks. She gasps feeling your hands there. and you line the head of your dick up with her sopping wet puff pink lips.

"You ready?" You ask her as you rub your shaft in between her pussy lips, it gets a slick and slippery coating of her juices, you and her both moan at the pleasure of the teasing rubbing, ad she can only gasp and nod to let you know she is ready. You run your hands through her mane and lean down a bit, kissing the back of her neck softly. You push into her and she tilts her head back in bliss as inch by pleasure enducing inch slide into her slick wet crevice. You hilt in her and let out a loud moan when you do. You feel every single muscle of her pussy walls tighten and then ripple as her mare cunt starts "milking" your cock.

"Oh Celestia that feels so good!" She cries out as you start thrusting, slow and sensual at first, before you start ramming hard into her. Your thighs slamming into hers, your pelvises both make sloppy sounds as you slam into her again and again. She moans and backs her pert backside into you, making it look bigger and easily all the more fuckable. You raise a hand a give her a sharp hard slap on the ass, then a harder spank. "FUCK!" She cries out, you rarely expected a mare like her to have a mouth like that on her, but then again she was getting on or off in this case with a good buck of human like you.

"Fortuna!...I love you." You cry out as the tarot of the lovers is seen out of the corner of your eye on the table, everything suddenly becomes so clear, like a slap to the face. She's the one destined to be your love, it wasn't your old girlfriend, or anyone or anypony else. You flip the petite mare over while still inserting yourself into her and lock eyes with her as your sweat starts dripping onto her. She giggles and moans louder and she leans up. Your lips lock with hers and her tongue tip flails at yours. You wrestle the floppy muscles together as you wrap your around her as you feel how warm and very soft her body and coat is. You hold her close and tightly as a pressure builds up in your crotch and you whisper, "I'm cumming." In her ear.

"Make me your's." Is all she can say to you as you feel load after load into the depths of her pussy and her fertile womb. Thankfully you can't knock her up, but that's not why you love her. You cuddle your mare in the warm after glow of your passionate rutting. You pull out of her softly and gently, her walls suction around your dick milking you for whatever cum you have left. You and her moan and sigh contently as the semen drips from her gaping pussy, staining the blue cushion you lay on.

"I'm so glad I stopped for a fortune reading." You tell her as you stroke her mane softly and bury your nose in the red and black locks, taking in the smell of her cherry and blackberry scented shampoo.

"As I am glad I read you love." She warms you o the very core with her soft pony body, you feel sleep taking you both into its sweet, delightful rapture. You'll be there with her in your arms a few hours later; and you always be with her, Fortuna.