The Everfree Incident

by JellyChilliMustard

First published

A secret research facility in the Everfree Forest goes in lockdown when a creature escapes its cell.

Deep in the confines of the Everfree Forest exists a secret research facility. Spreading false lies of the forest's dark nature and releasing dangerous creatures into the Everfree was necessary to prevent any accidental public discovery of the nature of the secret facility. Inside, scientists and wizards work side by side to amass weapons, both organic and inorganic, in case the Elements of Harmony fails to stop any threats that challenge Equestria.

But what happens when a creature, designed to be the perfect killing machine, turns on its creators?


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Most ponies fear the Everfree Forest but why? Some speak of dangerous monsters that call the dreaded forest home while others tell of unnatural happenings and supernatural occurrences but all are unaware of the real truth. A closely kept secret that only Princess Celestia and a few trusted individuals keep locked away in their memories.

The Everfree Forest as ponies know it didn't exist before. It did not 'magically' appear and start churning out monsters in the middle of the night. The Everfree Forest was not made naturally as most have thought. It was pony-made. Most ponies would instantly dismiss this notion as pure crazy talk but is it now?

The Everfree Forest used to be like any other forest. Woodland creatures would frolic through the grass and the trees would grow straight and healthy but Princess Celestia had other plans. With the aid of the best scientists and architects, she began construction of a deep underground facility underneath the forest.

In the underground complex itself, it has everything a self-sustaining city would need: underground farms, modern amenities, barracks, laboratories, control rooms, power stations, mess halls, recreational areas, movie theaters and of course, a nuclear warhead. In case any of the creatures break free of its containment area and the situation can no longer be defused, the nuclear warhead will detonate and destroy the whole facility as well as the Everfree Forest itself.

But what could they hope to gain by constructing such a facility? Beyond Equestria lies various other dark and unknown kingdoms and lands, their intentions unknown. Equestria is a rich country, filled with prosperous land and hoards of treasure which of course, naturally attracts other countries to try their luck in an invasion. But invading conquerors are not the only threat Equestria faces.

Strange and powerful creatures like Discord and Queen Chrysalis often conduct terrifying plots and evil machinations to further their schemes and destroy Equestria. Some of these nefarious villains have a long and bloody history with Princess Celestia. Some of Princess Celestia's enemies date back centuries and they are not to be trifled with. Even Celestia herself is worried of the more powerful of her enemies threatening Equestria. They wait in silence, biding their time and power, in the lands beyond. Waiting for the opportune moment to spring their plans into action.

But Equestria possesses a terrifying weapon that deters even the bravest of villains: The Elements of Harmony. But what if the Elements fail? What if the bearers fall before the might of Equestria's enemies? That is what the secret facility was built for. The best scientists, physicists, weapon experts, engineers, technicians, wizards and computer experts were brought together to construct dangerous weapons with which to combat Equestria's darkest foes. Robotic killing machines, biological weapons, cybernetic supersoldiers, massive weapons of mass destruction, powerful creatures and various others were created within the confines of that facility.

But what happens when the creations turns on its creators? What happens when the very beings built to protect Equestria decided to destroy it? What happens when apocalyptic creations threaten to break loose?

Dangerous Research

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"The creature is ready. Should we proceed?"

"Send in the robot."

The technician pressed a red button and immediately, the door of the testing room slid open. The loud clanking of the metallic robot entering the testing chamber sounded muffled through the thick glass where the researchers were safely behind. Beyond the glass, the researchers could see the metal pony slowly walk into the brightly lit white test chamber. The big metal doors quickly slid close behind it.

There was a brief moment of silence.

"Send in the creature."

The technician obeyed the commands of the head researcher and flicked a switch on a console in front of him. Around him, various machines and monitors showed streams of information and data. The technician turned his seat around to the researchers gathered behind him before nodding his head, signalling that the creature is in transit.

The researchers peered through the glass as the ceiling parted and a large metal box was slowly placed on the clean white floor of the test chamber. From the big metal box emanated a disturbing heavy breathing.

"Release it."

The technician turned his chair back to the consoles in front of him and pressed a few buttons.


A white mist from the liquid helium escaped the metal box into the test chamber, the only thing keeping the creature docile. As one of the sides of the metal box slowly opened, the gas seeped further, forming a white fog on the floor of the test chamber.

There was no movement.

"Attract its attention."

The technician nodded and typed a few commands into a separate console beside him. The pony robot in the test chamber produced several beeping sounds and the lights attached flickered a multitude of colors in an attempt to attract the beast's attention.

There was a low moan as the creature stirred from its cryogenic stasis. The researchers' eyes were glued to the glass window, scanning the room for any sign of the creature. A buff pale arm appeared, its veins popping. Then another. Slowly, the creature emerged from its enclosure. The researchers gasped as the full form of the beast came into view.

The most striking feature was its muscles. It had huge pale arms that ended in big hands.

"Perfect for ripping foes in half," commented the head researcher to his fellow colleagues.

The creature was almost hunchbacked and one could see its spine poking through its pale pink skin quite clearly. Its head was wolf-like and its eyes were bloodshot-red. It looked quite similar to a werewolf but without a tail and fur.

"Remarkable isn't it? Months of painstaking research to build the perfect killing machine."

The researchers stood with their mouths ajar, examining every inch of the creature, the likes of which they have never seen before. The head researcher was visibly pleased with his colleagues' reactions as 'staring in awe' was exactly what he had been aiming for.

The creature sniffed the air and growled as its eyes passed over the robot. The robot beeped and hummed, oblivious to the danger right before it. The beast crouched down on all fours and prepared to pounce.


The creature sailed through the air like a missile, homing in onto the robot.


The robot was completely crushed under the massive weight of the creature but it wasn't done. Stepping off of what remained of the robot, the creature picked it up with its massive arms and ripped it in half as if it was paper. Sparks flew as the wires were torn apart. The robot beeps were beginning to fade off as its insides were completely mauled by the savage beast.

By the time the creature was satisfied with its destruction, the robot was utterly demolished. The whole test chamber was filled with various bits and pieces of the test robot.

The researchers seemed quite pleased with the results as was the head researcher, who smiled widely.

"As you can see, it is an effective and destructive killing machine."

The researchers nodded and discussed with each other the possibilities of such a creature. The head researcher smiled. He had clearly impressed his colleagues and with luck, he would receive enough support for his creature to be deployed on the battlefield in a few months.

"Uh... sir," the technician pointed to the beast.

The researchers turned towards the test chamber. The creature was sniffing the air, its eyes closed. Suddenly, it turned its head sharply towards the window where the researchers were. Some of them took a step back, unnerved by the piercing gaze of the creature. It was as if it was smelling their fear.

"That's not possible. It shouldn't know we're here. This is a one-way window and the walls are soundproof. There is no way that it could know of our presence," explained the head researcher. "Turn on the sleeping gas."

The technician flipped the red switch with a trembling hoof and the small vents on the test chamber ceiling began producing green smoke. The creature sniffed the air and wheezed. It stared at the window again, its eyes narrowing as if choosing a target. The head researcher's eyes widened: it was staring directly at him.

The head researcher tentatively moved to the other side of the window and the creature's gaze followed him all the way. It could sense him.

"Remarkable," whispered the head researcher under his breath.


The researchers screamed in terror as the beast lunged towards the window. The window cracked under the pressure.

"Get out!" shouted the head researcher.

The technician ran towards a wall and pressed a big red button. The sirens started wailing and the whole room was bathed in a spinning red light. The creature took a few steps back and charged headfirst again. The window cracked again as the researchers ran for the exit. The technician grabbed his radio from the table as the head researcher looked on at the creature.

"Lockdown! Lockdown at Sector K3! We have subject attempting a containment breach in Sector K3! Send security!"

The beast was repeatedly charging into the window as the head researcher stood steadfast in front of the window. The creature wanted him. The head researcher could see it in its eyes. It was blood lust.

The monster started tripping and wheezing as the sleeping gas began taking effect. It charged one final time into the window, almost shattering it, before slumping to the ground.

Security burst into the room and surrounded the window.

"Don't worry gentlecolts, its all taken care of," said the head researcher calmly, repositioning his glasses.

One of the security colts spoke into his radio, "Control, this is Unit K-19, situation in Sector K3 is under control. You can push the alert state to Level 3. Are you okay sir?"

The head researcher nodded, his eyes staring at the body of the creature on the floor of the test chamber.

"I'm fine, don't worry."

Containment Breach

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"Hey sir, you... okay?" the technician slowly opened the door that led to the office of the head researcher. He didn't want to surprise the professor. Not after the attempted containment breach by his prized 'killing machine'. Everyone was already on edge.

"Oh, Swift Wire, do come in! I'm quite all right. Just a little... fazed."

"You sure doc? That was a pretty hair-raising experience back there."

"Oh Swift, you know you don't have to keep calling me 'Doc' and 'Sir' all the time. Just use my real name. It's quite alright."

"Uh... okay Richard. You need anything? Coffee? A snack?"

"No, that's okay Swift. That was quick thinking of you, pressing the alarm."

"Just following procedure doc. I mean, Richard."

"Remarkable isn't it? The creature me and my team have worked so hard on for months. Months of hard research and sometimes plain trial and error. Now, back to square one. Looks like I made the perfect killing machine a little too perfect. The other heads say that as long as the creature doesn't kill our own side, it could be deployed but in its current state, it's just too dangerous."

"Well Richard, I'm not an expert on genetics or cloning or whatever but you sure as hell are. If there's anyone who can make the perfect killing machine, it would be you."

"Ah... you overestimate my skills Swift. You're too kind."

"Well, I better head off Richard, I'm on the clock."

"Be careful Swift. You are my number one assistant after all."

Swift was halfway through the door when the question dawned on him. He turned to face the old researcher who had already begun work on his computer.

"Richard... back in the test chamber. When that thing was charging at you... why didn't you run?"

"For that, I'd have to ask you the same thing."

"Well, I couldn't just leave you there. Something might've happened to you."

"And there you have your answer," smiled the old professor.

Swift looked at the crazy old coot and smiled to himself before closing the door shut. Richard was every bit the mad scientist in the movies with his crazy white mane and his wild unkempt mustache and Swift loved every moment that he spent working with the professor. He was brilliant and humble. Not like the other heads who took all the credit for themselves and threw their team to the sidelines when the work was done. Richard was the best in his field and nopony dared contest that claim. He was so passionate in his work that Swift would feel the same passion every single time he was near him.

The other staff would always comment how both Swift and Richard looked too much like father and son in the way they interacted with each other. It wasn't surprising that Swift and Richard both got questioned if they really were father and son to which they would both laugh it off. It was true that Swift looked up to Richard and Richard looked out for Swift. Taught him important skills and things that would serve him well.

As Swift cantered slowly through the concrete maze of the facility, he couldn't help but wonder if working in the facility was what he intended to do his whole life. He enjoyed his job and the pay was more than he could ever dream of but what good was money if there was nothing to spend on? Nobody to send it to? All of the stuff he needed was already provided for and when he was given leave, he squandered it by just hanging around the facility in the theater rooms, recreational halls and generally just exploring the whole facility. He was a technician and thus had Level 2 Clearance, allowing him to go anywhere but the most dangerous and top secret areas. He'd always wanted to go to Sector Z. It was the deepest level in the facility and where the most dangerous weapons were developed.

Weeoooo! Weeeoooo! Weeooooo!

Swift's mind was instantly snapped back to reality. It was the alarm, signalling a containment breach. Something had broken out of its hold. Immediately, instinct kicked in and he wracked his brains, trying to stay calm and get to the nearest exit. In the distance, he could hear the panicked shouts and the running hooves. Without a second wasted, he took off to its source. Maybe he could get some answers about what was going on. He turned the corner and came to a T intersection with the sound of running hooves emanating to his right. He galloped off to its direction, hoping to evacuate before the lockdown came into effect.

"Lockdown imminent. Please evacuate. Lockdown imminent. Please evacuate."

Swift galloped even harder and reached speeds he didn't thought he could achieve. The sound of running hooves were growing fainter and fainter by the second which frightened Swift. Thoughts raced through his mind as he galloped. Would he make it? What escaped? Richard's creature wasn't the only one being experimented on in Sector K. Was he too late?

As Swift rounded the corner, his heart almost flew out his mouth. It was the entrance. It was sealed.

"No! No! No! No! Don't let this happen to me!"

Swift ran towards the red blast door and banged his hooves against it.

"Hey! Open up! I'm still in here!"

There was no response. Swift waved to the camera that was beside the door. He knew there was somepony watching him. There had to be.

"Hey! You can't just leave me here! Open the door!"

There was no response. Swift banged on the door again, its metal reverberating throughout the concrete walls. Twenty inches of reinforced steel. No way was he getting through that. Swift slid to the floor, exhausted by his exerted effort. He sat with his back to the door, thinking about what to do next. He knew that they were watching him. He knew what he signed up for. If you didn't get out in time, you're stuck in there with whatever that escaped until they figure out how to get it under control. It could take hours, maybe days until the door opened and help arrived.

Until then, he had to find somewhere safe to hide until Control figures out what to do. He couldn't just sit here. It was the worst place possible. There was nowhere to run. It took all his strength to stand back up. He wasn't about to give up just yet. Swift silently crept through the hallways again. If there was any place safer, it would be the professor's office.

"The professor!"

Swift had to put his hoof over his mouth to shut himself up. It hadn't dawned on him about the professor's well-being. As Swift made his way to the professor's office, he couldn't help but wonder if Richard had made it out. It wouldn't surprise Swift. Richard's hearing had been declining rapidly. For all he knew, Richard could be sitting on his office typing away on his computer, completely oblivious to what was creeping around Sector K.

Escaping Lockdown

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The door to the professor's office slowly nudged open. Swift poked his head inside, scanning the room for any signs of life. The beast could be in there for all he knew, waiting for somepony foolish enough to open the door before attacking. The whole office looked empty and neat. Whatever had escaped hadn't been here yet. For the moment, it was safe and peaceful.

Swift closed the door behind him as he entered the room. He breathed a sigh of relief for the temporary safety afforded by the office. Swift looked around the room for anything he could use. Maybe a weapon of some kind. A gun if he was lucky. Swift trotted behind Richard's desk and began ransacking the drawers.

There had to be something here he could use. Richard was a smart man. He must have left something behind in case the monster ever broke free. Something that might stop it or at the very least, keep it at bay until help, real help, arrived. As Swift rifled through the numerous sheets of reports and documents, something shiny caught his eye. It glinted in the dim fluorescent lights of the facility. For a second, Swift thought that the light shining upon it was from heaven itself.

A revolver. It wasn't much and it certainly won't stop a rampaging killing machine designed to destroy entire armies in a blink of an eye but it was all the defense Swift had. It won't really help when the beast comes by but having it there calmed Swift's nerves a bit. He felt just a little bit safer.

Swift began searching through the remaining drawers again. Something even better might pop up.

Clip clop clip clop...

Swift's body froze with fear. Somepony or something was coming for him. His hooves started to shake and beads of sweat started pouring down his trembling face. Swift raised the revolver and aimed it at the door. If the beast wanted him, it had to fight for him.

Slowly but surely, the sounds became louder and louder.

Clip clop clip clop...

Swift's hooves were shaking uncontrollably now. It didn't help that he saw what the beast could do to a pony just this morning. Torn to shreds in an instant. Not a chance.

A shadow appeared under the door and it stopped. The doorknob turned. The beast couldn't operate doorknobs could it? Could it be one of the other experiments? The trigger of the revolver was almost pushed all the way down. All it needed was a little push.

The door swung open and Swift let out a tremendous sigh of relief.


"Woah there Swift! Easy where you aim that thing!"

"Sorry doc," apologized Swift, lowering his weapon. "I thought you were a monster."

"Monster? Whatever do you mean?"

"You mean... you don't know?"

"Know what?"

"There's been a containment breach Richard! Something's escaped its holding."

"Oh dear. Well that explains where everypony went to. I was cantering around looking for everypony. I thought I'd miss some birthday party memo or something."

"Listen Richard, it's dangerous here. We have to get out."

"Well, I assume since lockdown is in effect, the main entrance has been sealed."

"I nearly made it out that way but the blast doors were closed before I could get there in time."

"We'll just have to stay put until this mess gets sorted out then."

"We can't stay here Richard! We have to get out. It could be days before lockdown is lifted and help arrives. Days! We could be dead by then."

"Calm down Swift. I've worked in this facility for years and I've survived multiple lockdowns unscathed. Believe me when I say it that the offices are one of the safest places to hide in during lockdown. We can wait until..."

Thump thump thump thump...

"Richard! Get behind the desk! Something's coming!"

Taking the wise advice of his assistant, the professor hurried behind his desk as Swift readied his weapon once more.

Thump thump thump thump...

"Whatever it is Doc, it's something big."

"And it seems to be coming this way."

"What do we do Richard? This puny revolver won't stop that... whatever that thing is!"

"Maybe if we stay really quiet, the beast will pass."

Both ponies crouched down behind the desk. It was big enough to hide them both well. If they stayed perfectly still and silent, it would seem as if the whole office was empty.

Thump thump thump thump...

The sounds was driving Swift crazy. Any second now, he was imagining that horrific monster crashing through the door and mauling them both. The huge footsteps ended just outside the office door and there was that shadow underneath it.

Sniff... sniff...

It was sniffing them out. Both ponies stayed perfectly still, holding their breath for as long as possible.

Sniff... sniff... thump thump thump...

As the shadow underneath the door faded away, both ponies breathed a sigh of relief. For the moment, the danger had passed and they were safe again.

"Richard, that was a little too close for comfort. We have to get out of here. Maybe there's a side entrance or... or... a secret escape door or something."

"Hm... I might know a way out. A private escape out of Sector K. Each sector has one. It's for head researcher use only. Apparently, Control deems us too valuable assets to leave behind in a lockdown so a private door was designed in a secluded part of each sector for any head researchers left behind in a lockdown to escape to."

"Wait wait... so you're saying that I'm... expendable?"

"No!" scowled Richard. "You will never be expendable. We'll get out of here Swift. Both of us."

"Wouldn't that get you in trouble? Bringing an 'expendable' like me out through a private escape?"

"I'd risk anything for you Swift. Remember that. You will always be my..."


The whole room shook as if it was in the epicenter of an earthquake. The lights flickered and grains of concrete fell from the ceiling. The door to the office looked as if a missile had tried to break through it and nearly succeeded.


"We have to get out Doc!"

"Quickly, in the washroom! There's a small window that leads out into the hallway we can squeeze throu..."


The door bent a little further as the whole room shook again. Swift ran for the door to the bathroom and opened it for the professor.

"Doc, quick! Get in!"

"Hold on!" shouted the professor, searching through his drawers, "There's something I have to find!"

"There's no time Richard, we have to leave now!"


"Aha! Found it!" declared the professor, holding up a small black rectangular device.

Boom! Roar!

The door had completely caved in at this point and the beast poked it's canine head into the room. It couldn't fit its whole body inside. It was far too big. The professor recoiled in horror as the door crashed down, almost dropping the device in his hoof.

Swift took aim with his revolver and fired.


The bullet traveled through the air in an instant and landed right in the beast's left arm that it was trying to get a hold of the professor.


The gunshot had only seemed to make it more angrier. The bullet had harmlessly bounced off the creature's thick pale pink skin. A deliberate design choice. Using the momentary distraction the gunshot had offered, the professor stumbled into the washroom with Swift, who slammed the door shut.


The both of them were panting. If it wasn't for Swift's gunshot, Richard might not have made it out alive.

"That was a brilliant shot Swift!" commended the professor, "You.. you saved my life."

"Well doc, I guess the time spent at the range really helped. There was nothing for me to do on my off-hours anyways."


The room shook. Both of the ponies could hear it. The creature had managed to squeeze itself into the office and was now furiously defiling the whole office as revenge for the gunshot. Swift took it as a sign that it was time for them to leave and they both made their way to the small window in the corner of the room. It wasn't that big but it was the only escape they had.

"Come on Richard, I'll boost you up," suggested Swift, getting ready underneath the window.

The professor wasn't a fit man. He'd spent most of his days lounging in his office and in his old state now, he was in no shape to escape a lockdown. Especially with the pressure of a giant killing machine bearing down on them. The professor stepped onto Swift's hooves and reached upwards for the window sill. Swift used his strength to lift the professor. Being an old man, Richard was quite light and regularly going to the gym certainly helped Swift too.

Once the professor was over (indicated by the thud and 'oof' of his failed landing on the other side), Swift leapt up onto the window sill and squeezed his body through the small window.

With the both of them reunited, the two ponies quietly crept through the hallways, leaving behind the beast still ravaging the professor's office.

"Richard, this path leads to a dead end. There's nothing but maintenance pipes here."

"Exactly. This is where the door is."

Thump thump thump...

Both ponies froze in place as they recognized the distinct sound of the beast's footsteps. It was close. They looked at each other to reaffirm what they just heard and the fearful look confirmed both of their fears.

"Quickly," whispered Richard. "Get this closet out of the way."

Both ponies lifted the closet quietly and tried to move it aside but it was too big. Too big for the both of them to lift.


The closet fell flat on the floor.

"Uh... doc. I think you better open that door pronto."

The professor repositioned his glasses and opened a cleverly disguised power box that was hidden behind the large frame of the closet. It was a retina scanner.

Removing his glasses, the professor hurriedly put his eyes onto the scanner. The blue lights of the device whizzed and whirred as it scanned Richard's eyes.

Thump thump thump...

"Uh doc, I think its seen us."

The professor put his glasses back on as the machine finished processing. The beast was looking down the hallway at them. Staring.

"Retina scanning complete. Match successful. Welcome. Head Researcher Richard."

"Yes yes yes you darn computer! Just open the door!" shouted the professor.


The beast was charging down at them now. The whole place was shaking.

"Door opening. Please wait."

"Dang it!" yelled the head researcher as he banged the door with his hooves.

Swift raised his revolver at the charging creature and fired several shots with his trembling hooves. Contrary to popular belief, it was hard to concentrate on aiming when a gigantic giant is charging straight at you to rip you apart.

Blam! Blam! Blam!

The three shots rang out and sailed through the air towards its target.

Fltch! Fltch! Ping!

The last shot had missed and slammed into a nearby pipe, blowing a hole in it and releasing a torrent of steam. The creature roared as its skin came into contact with the hot steam. The part of the skin where the steam had hit was bubbling but it still did not deter its charge.

"Door open. Enjoy your stay."

The door slid open instantly and the both of them scrambled inside. Swift slammed the large red button by the door, sealing the doorway just as the monster crashed into it.


"That... that... was..." panted Swift. "Really close Richard. Too close. You didn't tell me it was weak to high temperatures."

"I didn't think that was necessary. I was meaning to rectify that weakness next week."

"It's a good thing it's not next week then."

Clip clop clip clop clip clop

It was the sound of galloping. A lot of galloping.

"Freeze! Don't move!"

In an instant, a squad of gun-toting security officers were aiming their weapons at both of them.

"Don't worry gentlecolts. I'm a head researcher. This is... an authorized escape."

The security officers didn't let their guard down. One of them, presumably the leader, spoke into his headset built into his helmet.

"Control, we have a two unidentified ponies who just escaped Sector K lockdown through the head researcher emergency exit. Please advise, over."

"Units, this is Control. Stand down. Bring them to a safe distance away and await further instructions."

"Roger that Control," the security officer responded, motioning his rifle to a door. "Move it."