> Where is Princess Luna?? > by optimusprime142 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Where is Princess Luna?? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "-And that's why cider should be banned throughout Equestria! don't you agree, Princess?" The royal had been talking about some pony "nearly killing" him, though in reality, the stallion accidentally bumped into him, was sober and apologized profusely, but It wasn't her place to tell him differently. "Of course, I shall host a vote regarding your opinion, Regal Rose." This seemed to calm the royal, thankfully. Celestia smiled warmly, though it was a false one, she was more concerned with where her sister was, as she has not seen her in two days. Celestia closed her eyes before clearing her throat. "This discussion is closed, thank you all for coming. I have some... Personal matters to attend to." Despite some of them grumbling, they all had left without a fight, except for her nephew, Prince Blueblood, who sneered when she had mentioned she was going to start looking for her sister. "I honestly Do not see why we must look for that horrible Nightmare Moon, Auntie..." Celestia sighed before turning to her nephew. "Blueblood, She is no longer Nightmare Moon and is your aunt, and she always has been. I am not asking for your help, but it would be appreciate-" Long before Celestia had finished, Blueblood had rushed out of the room. "Very well, I shall search for her myself." Celestia had trotted outside of the room and first searched the obvious one, Her sister's room, Knocking to be polite. "Sister, Are you alright? You have not come out of your room in- I should have known..." Instead of finding Luna, Celestia had instead found a discarded, half eaten cookie. but she didn't care, It wasn't cake. The next place she searched was the kitchen, where the cookies were always kept. but once again found nothing. "Excuse me, have you seen Princess Luna around here lately?" the chef had bowed respectfully before shaking his head. "No your majesty, Princess Luna has not been in the kitchen recently. My apologies, Princess!" Princess Celestia had sighed, she really did dislike the idea that her subjects had to bow whenever they say her. "There is no need for apologies, My little pony. I am just worried for my sister is all. oh, please prepare a cookie ice cream cake for later." "Of course Princess, I shall begin right away!" with that, the chef went to work as Celestia slowly made her way to the dungeons. Celestia had found it quite odd that Luna had taken a liking to the dungeons as of late. though she had insisted it was a place of solitude for her, Celestia was still curious. "She must be here somewhere... Lulu, please come out? Where could she be?" the garden was a beautiful place surely, and Luna had to be there! "She's not here... Where in Equestria could she be hiding?" Celestia decided she would search again in the morning, for now it was time to lower the sun, raise the moon and sleep. ~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~ The next day had begun largely the same, royals complaining about petty things, her nephew talking about rarity, and her drinking a cup of cider from sweet apple acres before returning to her search of princess Luna. "it is a long shot, but perhaps she will be in the old rooms of the castle. Maybe she sleepwalked and stumbled into one of those rooms..." Princess Celestia had checked the older rooms and to her surprise, found Princess Luna in one of them. "Ah, Sister I am glad I found you! You are late for the- GREAT GOOGALY MOOGALY! Give that boy a break already! Besides, It's my turn... whatever, you are late for today's meeting, we must go quickly!" Celestia had used magic to lift Luna off of Anon, Equestria's resident human. "Well that's another mystery solved. come Luna." Luna began squirming in the air. "But that was only three days sister, we have a thousand years of sex that needs to be had!" "Later Luna, that is not important right now, your needs can wait until later can't they?" "We suppose so..." before they opened the door, Celestia looked at her sister and smirked. "Next time, make sure to invite me." With that, the Solar Princess left her sister to continue her duty. ~~~~~~~~~THE NEXT DAY~~~~~~~~~ Princess Celestia was happy that her sister had actually shown up today, which meant Equestria's resident human, Anon, was finally able to rest, that was good. "Did you enjoy yourself sister?" Princess Celestia looked at her sister, who was frowning. "We are barely satisfied sister... we must continue with our mating after this." "Oh sister, you must stop obsessing over having sex. It really is unhealthy..." Princess Celestia reminded her sister as they stared out on the balcony. Though later they found Anon had committed suicide with a letter explaining why. A funeral was had, tears were shed. "I believe we will all miss him, my dear sister most of all... do not worry sister, perhaps it is time for a suitor!" "Oh please sister, please do!" Thus, Luna acquired a suitor, Equestria had no more humans, Luna was dated, eceryone is happy! Well... almost everyone. ~~~~~~~~~IN TARTARUS~~~~~~~~ Deep in the bowels of Tartarus, stood the human, Anon. Up a spiraling stairway was a old looking centaur, and Anon was currently being annoyed by all the pinkie clones from the magic pond. "Jesus Christ, I would rather have dealt with Horny Princess Luna over this! Oh well, at least no sunbutt!" Suddenly, a creepy voice echoed throuought Tartarus. "Haha, nice prank Celestia! So funny I forgot to laugh!" When Anon turned around, he saw Celestia with pink hair. "T-This isn't funny Celestia!" "Oh silly human, I'm not Celestia, I'm her sexual counterpart, Molestia! And believe me when I say Luna will seem tame compared to me. And since the dead never tire, we'll be doing this a long time Anon!" "NOOOOO!!" THE END