Star Wars III: The New Empire

by New Fossil Studios

First published

She was merely an opportunist, willing to do any job for money. Little did she know, she would get payed to save the galaxy from an evil Empire.

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, there was an Evil Empire showing no mercy to anypony who broke their highly strict laws even slightly. Now one of their wanted got away, and payed an opportunist to join a rebellion.

DISCLAIMER: This story has references and spoilers to the main series Star Wars movies. So if you have not seen the movies or played/seen complete retellings of their stories, I reccomend you go do that first to avoid spoilers or references that aren't gotten. Thank you, kindly


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A long time ago
in a galaxy far, far away...


Magic, it brings balance to us all and allows unicorns among us to achieve incredible feats like levitation, glowing, teleportation, lightning strikes and so on and so forth.

"It bring balance to us all"...but even magic itself is balanced. For you see; Unicorn Magic has a new use discoverd: LIghtsabers, metallic hilts with special crystals in them that allow light to condense, making the light turn lethal and essentially solid. Only a lighting spell from a Unicorn can activate a lightsaber, and the color of the beam depends on the color of the crystal.

Many Unicorns had experimented with Lightsaber variants, and they ended up filled with lusts for power, in other words: many Unicorns turned to the Dark Side of Magic. The Unicorns of the Light Side were known as Jedi; The Unicorns of the Dark Side were known as Sith, and the Sith traditionally use red Lightsabers; the Jedi traditionally use blue or green lightsabers.

Recently, the Sith had taken control of the Galaxy under a new Empire. The Empire had the most strict of laws: "always obey direct orders from official Empire buisness", "all vehicles not under official authorized by the Empire have to go no more than five mph flat", "all those found with a weapon without permission from the Empire shall never be shown mercy", "none shall question or complain to the Empire", "nopony shall be alive without Empire surveilence of some kind watching their every move", and most importantly: "all Jedi must be arrested on sight". If anypony were to break one of these laws even slightly, they would be shown no mercy from the Empire.

Sadly, lots of civillians followed these laws only to either live terrible lives, or worse, join the Empire. However! The remainder of the population formed a Rebellion, with the goal of ending the Empire and freeing the Galaxy! But that goal needed a lot of hiding...

Chapter 1: Rarity Shot First!

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A Unicorn pony with white fur, cyan eyeliner, mascara, a violet mane and tail of a rolling style, blue eyes, a cutie mark of three diamonds, and no clothing but a brown robe and a gun socket with a scoped blaster in it. This Unicorn was walking along the deserts before coming across a female Unicorn with a violet cloak covering her entire body, she pulled out her blaster.


The cloaked Unicorn turned her head towards the robed Unicorn behind her, levitating a Lightsaber out from her cloak. Her Lightsaber emitted a purple light just revealing her light blue face, and she said:

"You were once a Jedi, now you're just an opportunist."

"Afraid so, but I have no other way to make the bits that I need for food on this dust ball of a planet."

"There's still good in you, Rarity, I believe it!"

"It's too late for that know, Trixie. There is just nothing else that I can do."

"*Sigh* Okay then, I'm sorry that I have to do this, Rarity."

Rarity fired her blaster multiple times; Trixie used her Lightsaber to deflect each blast, moving towards Rarity. The deflection of each blast was getting slower and slower, but Trixie ended up right at Rarity's presence saying:

"Once again, Rarity, I'm sorry that I have to do this!"

Her Lightsaber was just a swing from beheading Rarity, but she wouldn't do it. And while Trixie's eyes were flooding with tears, Rarity's eyes weren't; she said:

"You're too scared to finish me off, which leads to your downfall. Goodbye, Trixie!"

And she blasted Trixie's head straight off, with her Lightsaber deactivating as it fell to the sandy ground.

"I'll take this as evidence."

Said Rarity as she levitated the Lightsaber into her pockets.

*Mos Eisley Cantina*

Rarity sat down at a lone table drinking out of a shot glass, a Hutt crawled over to her.

"I trust you have finished off Trixie?"

She showed him the Lightsaber she got from Trixie.

"Exellent! Exellent! Now, here's your reward."

He gave her a pouch full of bits labelled: 'PROPERTY OF THE EMPIRE'.

"What do I do with this, then?"

"Eh, you keep it."

The Hutt crawled away; Rarity kept the Lightsaber in her pockets. After finishing her drink, Rarity rolled her eyes and noticed a Wookie seated elsewhere in the Cantina.

"About time."

Rarity walked on over to the Wookie with her blaster up, as the Wookie started to get up.

"Going somewhere, Choloka?"

"As a matter of fact, yes, Rarity, I was just going somwhere. Tell your boss that I got the money."

"Oh, really? Let me see it."

He showed her a bag of bits made of a golden leather; Rarity confiscated it.

"This is stolen property, exactly why Sombra put an equal price to it as a reward for your head. I've waited a long time for this moment!"

"Yes, I bet you have."

He pulled his blaster out and shot in Rarity's direction! But Rarity shot first.

"Sorry about the mess."

She levitated some bits to the bartender before leaving the Cantina.

Two Hours after Rarity returned the stolen bits to Sombra all well as Choloka's head, and getting her reward

Rarity was walking through the desert until witnessing a cyan Pegasus pony with reddish-brown eyes, a rainbow-colored mane and tail, a cutie mark of a cloud with a half-rainbow lightning strike, a leather jacket, and prosthetic wings, plummet into the ground right in front of her.

"Ow, my head."

She stood up and noticed Rarity.

"Oh, PERFECT! Out of the frying pan and into the Fire!"

Rarity pulled out her blaster.

"Afraid so, Rainbow Dash. But alas, I need the money in order to eat."

"*:rainbowhuh:* How much are they paying you?"

"A hundred bits."

":rainbowderp: I'll pay you a MILLION bits to join the rebellion, and become a Jedi once again!"

"Only if it's a thousand times that amount, otherwise, it won't match what amount I can currently make in just a month."

"Is that your final conclusion?"

"Final conclusion."

Rainbow then pulled out a key labelled:


KEY TO HER VAULT FULL OF 1,000,000,000,000 BITS'

and put it back into her pocket.


"That's right! And if you accept my offer, I can loan you the key and the vault's location alongside your very own spacecraft!"

"L-looks like you've got yourself a deal!"

Chapter 2: The Ember Pegasus!

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Rarity was following Rainbow Dash across the desert until coming across a spacecraft with a cockpit shaped like a head, a hemispherical body, twelve jet engines, and wings shaped like actual wings, buried in the sands. Rainbow Dash said:

"The Ember Pegasus, my only form of transportation. It has lasers big enough to destroy asteroids, and heat-seeking missiles.
It can go through hyperspace too."

When they got into the Ember Pegasus, there wasn't much in there besides seats, tables, a cargo bay, and the cockpit, which had two seats in it. Rainbow Dash sat in the seat to the left, which had the steering wheel; Rarity sat in the seat to the right, which had the hyperdrive switch. Rainbow Dash said:

"We have liftoff."

The ship began rising off the ground, but they got assaulted by ships shaped like spheres with solar panels for wings. Rainbow Dash said:

"Ugh, Tie Fighters."

And she blasted away at the Tie Fighters while turning,

"Rarity, the windshields are made Blass Glass."

Rarity then pulled out her blaster and began shooting at the Tie Fighters as the blasts went directly through the windshields; the Tie Fighters each completely blew up from a single shot from her blaster.

"Woah, I never knew there was such blaster, Rarity."

They started flying out out the atmosphere,

"Now'll be a good time for a hyperdrive, Rarity"

Rarity then pulled the lever, after ten seconds flat they started going through hyperspace.

"Rainbow Dash, where are we headed?"


Chapter 3: Hoth Base

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*Starkiller Base*

A pony with metallic wings, a mettalic horn, a black body of metal, and a gas-mask-like mask of black, she looks out a massive window into space and towards a planet. A black, male unicorn with a red horn, metal armor, a red cape, and a green iris with purple mist walks up to her.

"Darth Star, is the weapon ready?"

"Yes, Sombra, it is."

Star's voice was intimidating, she constantly breathed through the mouth.

"Are you sure we can destroy Alderaan as quickly as you say it will?"

"I find your lack of faith disturbing."

The base was like a smooth moon cut in half, and with a large cannon in the middle. The cannon started absorbing energy from a nearby sun, it fired directly towards Alderaan and the whole planet blew completely up.

Ember Pegasus

Rarity and Rainbow Dash were taking a moment in hyperspace to take a drink, when Rarity suddenly cringed and dropped her glass.

"Something wrong, Rarity?"

"I feel a great disturbance in magic, almost as if billions of lives shrieked their final moments."

A calm light began beeping,

"Looks like we're almost out of hyperspace, Rarity."

The ship was then in the atmosphere of a snow planet. Once they landed, they stepped out of the ship wearing snow gear. They then ended up in a base in the snow, they were greeted at the entrance by a Radion.

"Ah! About time you came back, Rainbow Dash!"

"Hello, Rallo. This is Rarity, a former Jedi who recently agreed to join the Rebellion."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Rarity."

"No need to be so formal."

"Well, either way, I welcome you to our Hoth base."

"Any other bases?"

"All the remaining five bases are on Alderaan, but don't worry, the Empire will never find us there."