> MLP: Friendship Evolved > by Toxicant_Future_3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change." - Charles Darwin The island, while being 100 square miles, has many dangers. Dinosaurs roamed freely across the island, as well as prehistoric mammals and other prehistoric reptiles. The flora is so... prehistoric. I've never seen any plants this remarkable on Earth. Multiple mountains are scattered across the north of the island, as well as a inactive volcano. Giant vultures flew around these mountains, looking for carcasses of dead creatures. Jungles cover most of the island, but plains and temperate forests also cover the island in shorter abundance. Smaller and faster carnivorous and herbivorous creatures can be found in the jungles and forests, but mostly large herbivores roam the plains, as well as some of the apex carnivores. The north-west corner of the island is a complete tundra. Most of the mammals roam there, including Dire Bears, Dire Wolves, Mammoths, Megaloceros, and Yeti, only found in the caves under the permafrost of the tundra. Swamps cover the majority of the rivers on the island. Strange creatures roam there, including Paraceratherium, Sarcosuchus, Titanoboa, Arthropleura, Dimetrodon, and too many more to list. As for the rivers that aren't covered with swamps, giant beavers will sometimes make dams, and Spinosaurus will be seen fishing for Coelacanth. The oceans contain some of the most dangerous creatures I have ever encountered. Megalodon, Mosasaurus, Dunkleosteus, Elasmosaurus, and others roam the seas. I hate this island. So many of my friends died here. I've almost died as well. The island brings bad luck to all who enter. Although, it seems one doesn't just enter, one is selected by a being. A being who is thousands of years more advanced than us. I don't specifically know what sent me here, or why, but I know that when I was selected at the age of 14, they must have seen something special in me. I was the only child to have been chosen to be put on this island, but luckily I had learned survival skill at a young age. If I didn't learn survival, I wouldn't have made it to where I am now. I want to leave this damned island. I will do anything to gain freedom, even if it means leaving my friends. Although that sounds selfish, it is true. Even friendship can't keep me on this island. You close the crusty old journal, and sigh. Was it depression? Were you just sad? It couldn't be, you seemed like your normal self. You paced around the house on top of the Titanosaurus, then punched the wall until your knuckles became bloody. You wrapped a bandage around your hand and applied pressure. Has this island caused such an impact on your life, that you've resorted to self-inflicting damage? You needed to get your mind strait, do something productive... I need to hunt something... to relieve stress. You get your Ghillie Suit on and got off the Titanosaurus. The Titanosaurus, whose name is Larry, was a gift from a good friend. Your friend was getting sick with an unknown disease, and he gave away his Titanosaurus, knowing that he would be in good hands with you. Only minutes later, due to his extremely critical condition, he was put out of his misery... by you. You shake your head to get that thought out of your head and you begin walking to a friends place. You open the door and call out for James, your friend. "James, I'm going on a hunt, by myself. make sure you tell commander." Commander was the leader of the tribe. "Are you sure you don't want anyone else to come?" James responded. "I'm positive. After all, I'm one of the best hunters in the tribe." "Okay then, just don't get yourself killed" He jokingly said. You chuckled as you walked into the forest. As the journal said, the flora was prehistoric. The forest floor was covered in ferns and other plants and flowers. The one flower that caught your eye was the Ampullaria Pilobolus, Plant Species X. This plant can be grown into a natural base defender that shoots spores out of itself. Taking your eyes off the magenta plant, you continue walking through the forest. 38 minutes later... The jungle was coming to an end. You can see that the jungle opened up into a significant sized field. Once you got to the fprest edge, you noticed something. There we go... Out of the corner of your eye, you spot a Brontosaurus herd bursting through the jungle on the other side of the field. There were ten individuals; eight adults and two juveniles. You walked out of the forest and into a lonely bush in the middle of the field. You manage to get into the center of the bush. You then pulled out a spyglass and begin to spy on the herd. Nothing much is wrong. You know you can't take a healthy Bronto out, or a juvenile, that would be cruel, so you look at the back of the herd. There you spot nothing peculiar, until out of the corner out the spyglass, you see a Brontosaurus walk out of the forest. Upon closer inspection, you can see that it's slightly limping and it's torso was torn apart and gushing blood. You weren't thinking about what could've done that. Perfect you thought. You climb out of the bush and begin walking towards the weak Bronto. About 100 feet from the weakling, you pull out your Longneck Rifle from your back. You pull the lever down and load a bullet in the gun. Grabbing the lever, you slam it up, hearing the very satisfying click of the bullet being loaded into the chamber. You lift the heavy rifle up and put the stock into your shoulder. Aiming down the iron sights, you aim for the head. Your finger slowly slides off the receiver and onto the trigger. You pull the trigger, and next thing you know, the Brontosaurus gets hit with the bullet in the neck. It bellows in pain and begins to run in the forest. You load another bullet in the gun and shoot at the Bronto again, this time hitting it in the torso where the cuts were. It bellows again. You look over at the other Brontosaurus's. They were running away. You look back at the weakling. It was gone. Fortunately, there were footprints on the ground, so you followed them into the forest. "Where the hell is it?" It had been an hour since it ran into the jungle, and you had lost track of the footprints. Looking for another track was impossible, you needed to find something. As you were searching, you brushed up against a fern with your hand. When you lifted your hand up, you noticed a familiar dark red liquid. It was blood. You looked up to see a whole trail of blood. You followed it without hesitation. After a few minutes of walking, you found it in a clearing. It was cornered by a cliff side; the perfect chance to kill it. You pull out the Longneck Rifle and aim it. Before pulling the trigger, you heard it bellow at something in the forest. You thought nothing of it, until the ground started to shake. Your eyes widened as the scenario built up in your head. The limping, the huge gash in the Bronto's torso. There could be only one carnivore that could do that much damage o a Brontosaurus: Giganotosaurus Furiosa. As you expected, the Giganotosaurus ran out of the forest and began charging at the Brontosaurus. You stare at the Giganotosaurus as it successfully pushed over the Brontosaurus and began going to town on its stomach. The Brontosaurus was kicking and flailing as the Giganotosaurus was eating the Brontosaurus alive. Even the Giga was having trouble fighting the strength of the Brontosaurus, so it walked over to its neck and snapped it using its jaws. The Giganotosaurus walked back over to the Bronto's stomach and began eating. To your surprise, it instantly stopped and began sniffing the air. Your heart sank. You began to slowly backing up into the jungle, only getting half way into the jungle, until the Giganotosaurus walked over to you and began staring at you. It didn't know if you were a bush, or a human... yet. Well, fuck. > Chapter 2: Far From Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ow... what in the hell happened?" You said, lying on the cold hard floor of the base on the back of Larry. You got up and walked outside to check the surroundings; Sparky was running in circles trying to catch his short tail. At least Sparky's happy. Your left arm was aching. Task at hand. Okay... we are in the middle of a... forest. You walked over to the side of the saddle and peeked over the edge. Um... the other mounts are standing next to Larry, and that's about it. You walked up the second floor of the base to check to see if your stuff was there. After a minute of checking, you concluded that everything was there. Smithy, yes. Fabricator, yes. Industrial Cooker and Grill, check. Industrial Forge, upstairs, and yes. Chemistry Table, yup. Huh, I guess everything is still here. So far, everything was going great. "Now I just need to figure out where the hell I am. Wait a second..." You remember the words the voice said, TO EQUESTRIA YOU GO. You were in some place called "Equestria". "So, I am in a place called Equestria. Have I heard of this place before?" A memory of a time on Earth flashed in your head. You definitely heard of Equestria. The memory consisted of your 4 year old sister watching a show. You don't remember what it was called, or what it was about, but you remember someone on the show referring to Equestria multiple times. If you were right, you were in a world that was suppose to be on a cartoon show. This can't be possible. How could I be teleported into a cartoon show? I must be dreaming. To test if you were dreaming, you decided to call Sparky over. When someone calls Sparky, he goes ape-shit and starts charging at the person who called him, then he will tackle him to the ground. You see Sparky running as fast as he could towards you. He slammed into you, knocking you to the ground. His small tusks jabbed into your skin, not puncturing the skin, but causing minor bruising and a tiny bit of pain. "Definitely... not a dream." Sparky was laying on your stomach. He crawled up to your face and started licking you. "Hey, stop, that tickles!". You put Sparky on the floor and tell him to stay put. "I'm loosing focus again. I need to find civilization." You tell yourself. You walk over to the ladder, climb down, and saddle up the Quetzal. You begin to fly with the Quetzal. You were planning to put Dagger and Laura on Larry, then have El Diablo follow behind Larry. You fly towards Dagger and, as if on cue, she picks Dagger up. You fly up to Larry, and drop Dagger on him, then land Laura on the platform as well. Good. now just need to find that civilization. You walk over to the seat at the front of the platform saddle, and take a seat. "C'mon Larry, let's go." Larry gives off a bellow, and the Titanosaurus begins to walk forward, with El Diablo following behind. 1 hour, 45 minutes later... "Where is the civilization?" It had been an hour and forty-five minutes, and there still was no civilization. Only trees. The trip was so boring, that Sparky fell asleep. You, as well, almost fell asleep, but you pumped some leftover Stimberries into you to keep you awake for a bit. But as night falls, you decide to rest the dinosaurs. You walk to the room section of the mobile base, you climb in bed, and begin to fall asleep. "Feels like I haven't slept in years." You then fall asleep. The next day... You were greeted by Sparky licking your face again. "Good morning, buddy. We have a big day I am positive we are going to find civilization." You get up, get dressed, and get Larry and El Diablo ready to walk. The walking begins, and instantly... it begins to rain. "WHAT THE FUCK?! WHY NOW?!" You had to keep going, even if it meant getting wet and being pissed. 9 minutes later... The rain finally stopped. The land became light again, revealing the end of the forest and a town. "Oh thank Jesus we found civilization." You get off Larry and take Sparky with you. "I would bring you guys, but I don't want to scare the locals. I'll be back in a bit." You begin walking, with Sparky in a sort of baby carrier on your back. You could hear him panting in your ear. Just in case, you brought your assault rifle, some bandages, and two bottles of Medical Brew, since you didn't know what to expect on foot in the forest. While walking, you admire the flora and fauna. "Huh, it looks just like Earth. The same animals, the same plants, I wonder if this is just a different country on Earth instead of a different planet." Just moments later, you hear bushes rustling along with a symphony of growls. Too big to be a Dilophosaurus, to small to be any other pack hunting dinosaur. They sound wolf-like, so... Dire Wolves? Ok... time to put Sparky in this tree. You take the carrier that was holding Sparky and put it up on a branch about two feet from your head. You were beginning to freak out when you saw the green eyes peek out from the bushes, then a creature in the shape of a wolf came out in the open. It looked like it was made of wood. Then, four more came out in the open, standing next to the first creature. Definitely... not... a Dire Wolf... The creatures began walking towards you, you were stepping back as they stepped forward. You slowly aim your gun up towards the group. As if knowing it was a threat, they charged. Dammit. Your instincts began kicking in; Kill all of them. You pulled the trigger causing the assault rifle to fire. Whizzing through the air, the bullets hit every time, but were only doing minimal amount of damage. Green blood was oozing from the area of contact, but not doing anything to the creatures. You managed to take down one of them, but there were still four left. You didn't bring enough ammo. You were going to die. One creature pounced onto you, biting your arm in the process. You scream in pain as the creature bites harder and harder. You manage to grab your pike and jab it through its torso. Another one down. You push the wooden creature off of you and pull the pike out its body as fast as you can. It's covered in green blood. The remaining three begin to circle you, closing in every step. Well, I'm... Suddenly, you hear a familiar roar and look to your left, only to see the great and mighty El Diablo, standing as tall as the trees, looking down at the wolves. The wooden wolves stared at the Giganotosaurus. They began barking at El Diablo, but he didn't give a shit. They charged towards El Diablo, but he just stood his ground. Bad decision for the creatures. When they reached him, El Diablo lunged at the closest one and picked it up with his mouth. El Diablo began to crush the creature with his tremendous bite force, until completely crushing it in half. Green blood was outlining El Diablo's jaws. He threw the lifeless body on the ground, then proceeded to step on it, crushing it even more. The two creatures looked in horror as the Giganotosaurus brutally murdered the wooden wolf. They began backing away, but El Diablo wasn't finished. He took the next one and picked it up head first in his jaws and pinned the other with his foot. He oh-so gently positioned the pinned wolf to see. It couldn't move. It was forced to watch one of its pack-member get its head completely crushed by El Diablo's jaws. After that, El Diablo threw the decapitated creature to the side, the looked down at the final wolf. He bit it, then, with a little force, ripped it in half. Spitting the first half on the ground, El Diablo stepped off the last half of the wolf, and gave off a blood-curling roar. "Holy shit." Ignoring to bleeding bite on your left arm, you look at the carnage El Diablo made. "You sir, are fucking amazing!" You say to El Diablo. He looks down at you and grunts. "You have to stay here, I really don't want to scare the locals, so just hang tight and we will be right back." You wrap a bandage around the wound and drink some Medical Brew. The bite isn't that deep, but it hurts like hell, You grab Sparky, put him on your back, and continue through the forest. 5 minutes later... "Finally, we made it." You had just escaped the forest. After almost dying from those creatures, you will never look at this place the same again. How could a show have such violent creatures?! You thought as you were walking through a field. Then you saw it... a town with a weird purple tree in the middle of it. It seemed to be made of crystal, and it seemed to have a castle feel. In fact, it was a castle. Mountains were on either side of the town, and the houses felt... medieval. The roofs were made of thatch, and the walls were made of wood. It was strange. Was this show that your younger sibling watched about the middle ages? Was that a thing back in 2012? That didn't matter, it was 2016, and I'm not a little kid. You slowly walked over to the town. Only half way there. You holstered your gun and pike and kept walking. So close... You slowly walked into the town. Sparky was looking over your shoulder. He was very antsy. He had never been in a full fledged town before. Strange... where is everyone? Do I really smell that bad? Instantly, you sniffed your armpit. The smell made you cringe. Ugh, I need a damn shower. You stopped to listen for anyone. You something to your far left, so you turned on the street to your left. You kept walking, until you say where the noise was coming from. A crowd of strange creatures were having conversation. You couldn't hear if they were speaking English, but you still looked over surprised to see they were talking. They looked like...horses. What... the... fuck... You noticed that each one of those creatures had strange tattoos of objects and other things on the side of each of their legs. The show your sister watched was about horses with tattoos on their asses... I always knew my sister was a strange one... You whisper to yourself, "Well, I'm out." You begin to back up, but you run into something. Turning around, you noticed that one of them was standing there, looking at you like you just killed someone. "What the..." The horse said... in English. It was definitely a she. She spoke with a semi-scratchy voice, like she screamed too much. Her fur was a cyan color, and her mane was rainbow. She had magenta eyes, and that tattoo on her leg consisted of a rainbow lightning-bolt coming out of a cloud. She had two folded up wings on the sides of her torso. You didn't know how it was possible for a horse to fly, but apparently it was possible. "Uh... you just TALKED!" You were freaking out. "AH, YOU TALK!" She said. She began hovering in the air. "OH SHIT, SPARKY, STAY BACK, SHE COULD HAVE RABIES!" Sparky was walking towards the horse. "What the buck does that mean?! I'm no raccoon." She said. "NO SHIT, YOU'RE A HORSE!" You said practically screaming. "I'm not a damn horse, I'm a pony, in fact, I'm a Pegasus." She said spreading her wings out. "SAME DIFFERENCE!" You kept screaming. "Why are you screaming?" She asked. "I DON'T KNOW!" You responded. "Shut up then!" "Okay, you don't have to scream!" "Good, thanks." She said. "Don't mention it... I guess." "So... what exactly are you?" She asked. "I'm a human, Nash Anderson to be exact." You said. "Hello, Nash." She sticks her hoof out for a handshake. "I'm Rainbow Dash." "Nice to meet you, Rainbow Dash..." You wearily shake her hoof. You have never had a conversation with a Pegasus before. "Why are you not freaking out about me? I thought your reaction would involve hitting me with something..." "I'm not scared of anything." She responds. "Bullshit." You whispered to yourself, hoping she didn't hear you. Thank god she didn't. "Anyways...what now?" "Well, I have to show you to my friends." She responds. "Oh, so I'm a pet now?" You sarcastically say. "No, we need to confirm that you are safe to keep in Ponyville." She responds. "Ugh, fair enough. Okay, we'll go, but I have to get my other creatures first." "They can wait, we need to go now." She commands. "I live on one, it is kind of important." You respond. "Fine, but be quick. I hate waiting." Rainbow Dash says as you walk away from her to the forest. 11 minutes later... "Oh my Celestia..." Rainbow Dash said looking at Larry walking towards them through the forest. A huge crowd formed looking at the Titanosaurus. Suddenly, you came bursting out of the forest riding El Diablo, Larry following you. About half way to Ponyville, you whistled Larry to stop. You rode El Diablo into town, stopping him in front of the crowd. They crowed stepped back as they saw the teeth and the dried up green blood around his mouth. Rainbow Dash flew up to inspect the Giganotosaurus. "So, these are your creatures? What are they?" Rainbow asks, as she was flying around El Diablo. "Dinosaurs, with the exception of Sparky and Laura." You pick up Sparky and hold him in front your face. Sparky tried to lick Rainbow Dash's face, but she instantly backed up. "Anyways, I told you my creatures were important. Say hello to El Diablo, he saved me from some weird wooden wolves in that forest." You pat El Diablo's saddle. You noticed that Sparky climbed on top of El Diablo's head. "You were attacked by Timberwolves?" Rainbow asked. "And you survived?" Hehehe. So punny. "Fuck yeah, was almost murdered until he barged through the trees and started tearing the living hell out of them." "..." She was speechless. "Anyways that huge guy is Larry, he's my mobile home." You point to Larry. "On top of him is Laura and Dagger." "How in the hell did you get these?" "Simple. I tranquilized them, fed them back to health, then they loved me." You said. "Actually, now that I think of it, I had to shoot a cannon at Larry's head just to knock him out." "That's not simple." She responded. "It is if you've been doing it for over four years." "Damn, four years? You must be very experienced." You were beginning to wonder how the show got passed moderation with Rainbow Dash swearing all the time. "Yup, almost died hundreds of times too." You respond. "Anyways, my friends are down there." She points to five other ponies; a yellow, one white, one orange, one pink, and one purple. "Okay." You respond. You tell El Diablo to stay, you pick up Sparky, then slide down the side of El Diablo, to soften the blow, since he was like thirty feet tall. You walk over to the five ponies, Rainbow Dash lands next to them. "Hello, you must be Dash's friends, correct?" You say to the five ponies. All the ponies in the area, except Rainbow, are speechless that you are speaking English. The white one fainted. > Chapter 3: The New Man In Town. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 minutes later... It had been ten minutes since you met the six ponies. The purple one told you to follow her, as the rest trotted behind you, all but Rainbow scowling. You followed the... Unisus thingy to the tree castle in the middle of the town. She told you to walk in, and as soon as you did, you were knocked unconscious... again. You wake up, your whole body was acing. You managed to stand up and walk over to the chair, where you would sit. Sitting in the room that you were brought to by the six ponies, you wondered what was going to happen. Were you to get tortured... again, or were you to be imprisoned... again, or were you to be force-fed crap while knocked out on the beach... again? Every bad thing that could happened, already happened to you. Fortunately, they didn't tie you up, nor take your weapons or Sparky, which you could use him as a makeshift rock and throw at them. He wouldn't mind... you've done it before, and he has killed someone before too. Suddenly, one of the ponies teleported into the room. "Apologies for the inconvenience, that was only to protect the location of this room." The purple one said. "Don't worry, it happens all of the time." You say, reaching down for your pistol. You weren't planning on doing anything with it unless shit went down. You pull it out of the holster and place it on your lap. "Anyways, hello. I am Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship." After hearing that last part, you almost threw up. Literally, you hunched down and began to gag. Princess of Friendship... I'm gonna be sick... Noticing that you were hunched down and gagging, she asked if you were alright. "Oh yeah, I'm fine, just a little nauseous..." You were beginning to feel better. You took a big breath. "...Continue..." You said. "Ah yes," She began "I need to ask you a series of questions..." "Ah, the classic interrogation. Do you have a lamp anywhere to shine in my face as well?" "No lamp, just ask these questions. First question," Her horn glows a purple, and a note and pencil hover in front of her face. You were about to ask her what the hell she was doing, but you decided not to. "Who are you?" she asked. "Nash Anderson, what does this have to do with if I'm safe to keep here?" "Nothing, just reading the questions that the Princess gave me. Anyways, next question, what are you?" "Wait, there's another Princess? No Queen? There must be a Queen." "Yeah, but she's evil, and she isn't even one of the rulers of Equestria, so... Just answer the question, please." "I'm a Human, or if want to be scientific, Homo sapiens." "Okay, next question, what gender are you? I can tell you're male, so just going to skip that. Actual next question, what diet is your species?" "Omnivorous, but some people are vegetarians, which means they eat only plants and dairy. Then there are vegans, who just eat plants. I can keep going, but long story short, I'm omnivorous." "Okay... next question, how old are you?" "18 years." Twilight looked up at you, surprised at what you said. "Really? How convenient, I'm also 18." "Well, there's one thing in common." "Indeed. Final question, how did you get here?" You took a breath. "I went searching in a cave for something. I found something else called the Element of Freedom, it teleported me, and my animals, into that forest. I decided to go looking for a town, and I stumbled across Ponyville." You holster your pistol. You didn't need it at the moment. "Okay, we have all the data that we need, now to send it to Princess Celestia. Spike! I need you to send this paper to Celestia!" She yelled. "Coming!" Someone said. Just then, a small purple dragon walked in, grabbed the note from Twilight, and blew a green fire towards the note. Within seconds, the note turned into green dust, and flew out the window. "... I don't get how that told me if I'm safe or not." You say. "Oh, those weren't suppose to ask you if you were safe or not. Should've clarified that. We'll choose if you are safe to keep in Ponyville, or not by observing your behavior. Come on, follow me." Following her, you stop and think. I should show them the journal. You decide to go with the plan. "Um, Twilight, is it okay if you can get the others? I haven't gotten to meet them properly." "Yes, of course." She responds. She walks out of the room with Spike. Once she leaves, you look down at the Timberwolf bite. It still hurt, and you thought it was getting infected. Twilight walked back into the room with the five other ponies. You didn't know the other four ponies names yet. She introduces you to the four other ponies; Apple Jack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. You noticed the roles of the six ponies almost instantly. Twilight Sparkle was supposed to be the leader, Apple Jack was the country-pony, Pinkie Pie was the optimistic and kind of creepy one, Rarity was the mature one, if you could say that, Fluttershy was the... shy one, and Rainbow Dash was the bad ass of the group, due to the fact that she was the only one who cussed. Before they could leave, you put the dossier journal on the table. "What's this?" said Twilight. "This is a dossier journal. It shows all of the creatures that I had to deal with on the island." Twilight picks the book up with her magic and begins flipping through the pages, stopping to read the notes on the interesting creatures. She stops at the Giganotosaurus. Inspecting the page, she begins reading out loud. "Fighting a Giganotosaurus directly is never a good idea, as its rage rapidly grows with every hit it takes. With this rage, it builds increasing reserves of energy to use, making its iron-jawed bites progressively more deadly and enhancing its stamina. Add to this the fact that its huge body enables it to take a tremendous amount of punishment, and you have a creature that is generally better avoided or outsmarted than attacked head-on. Wow you must be an extremely great journalist if you've gathered this much information." "To be honest I'm not, this isn't my work. It was one of my friends who created it. She made a copy of the original and gave it to me." You said. "She must be a good friend, where is she now?" Twilight asked. "She went missing a month ago. We went on a search expedition to find her. After walking through the jungle, we found her dead, being eating by a Utahraptor. We killed it, gutted it, and got all of her belongings she was carrying out of its stomach. The funeral happened a day later. They gave me all of her personal belongings, since I was her closest friend. Truly a shame. She usually dealt with animal attacks professionally, but it was the middle of the night, and she was vulnerable. Attack was inevitable." The six ponies gasped at the story, and the fact you weren't upset at Elimisha's death. "And you aren't the slightest upset?" Said Apple Jack. You were beginning to become uncomfortable when they began staring at you. "Trust me, I was upset. I wasn't crying or anything, but I was upset. I lost a great friend that day, but you got to remember, death happens almost daily on the island. As I said, it's inevitable." It was true, death happens every day on the island. "What kind of island were you on? It sounds scary." Said Fluttershy, who was curled up in the corner about ready to cry. "Geographically, it was tropical, but with some temperate and polar regions. Mountains were scattered across to northern part of the island, as well as an inactive volcano. A large river system cut through the middle of the island. As for the ecosystem, jungles scattered most of the landmass, but temperate forests, plains, redwood forests, deserts, swamps, and tundras were also of abundance the island. It seems that more peaceful and weaker creatures inhabited the southern part of the island, but heading up north, larger and more dangerous carnivores were a lot more common. As for what kind of island it is, it's just a normal island." "You know the island well, how long have you been on it?" Says Twilight. "Four years of blood, sweat, and death." "Indeed. Well, it was nice meeting you Nash. We've concluded that you safe, and you can stay here as long as you want." Twilight said. Thank lord for that. You wouldn't be able to survive being followed by ponies. Although, ou were slightly confused that she concluded you were safe by listening to some events in your life. "Cool, thanks. Um... I'll be setting up base camp. If you need me I'll be with Larry. I'm out." You grab Sparky and begin to leave the castle. > Chapter 4: Unexpected Visitors > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You were beginning to get used to Ponyville, and its inhabitants. While the first few days since your arrival, ponies stared at you for extended periods of time, and although it made you uncomfortable, you understood you were a new species in their world. You usually stayed on Larry for most of the day, creating new things and just doing random shit. The only thing you had to eat were berries and vegetables, which were growing outside of the mobile base. You needed some protein. You decided to go hunting. You went extremely deep, so no one saw you, since you had the suspicion that no one in Ponyville hunted game for food. Unfortunately, that meant a higher chance of another Timberwolf attack, but fortunately, you made a shotgun that has more stopping power than the assault rifle, and you brought it with you for both self defense and hunting. Walking through the forest, you spot a deer. It was a buck, and it was alone. It was standing in a small clearing. You had the perfect shot. You aimed down the sights, turned safety off, and fired. The slug hit smack dab in the heart, and the deer fell on its side dead. "YES!" You whisper-shout. Walking over to the deer, you pull out your knife. You were now crouched next to the deer about ready to gut it. 8 minutes later. At this point, you were dragging the deer through the forest. As much as you wanted meat, you felt bad for the deer. It was just standing there, minding its own business, then you come out of no where and kill it. It's just the circle of life. Was all you were thinking, but was it? You were a new species in the circle, with the capability to make weapons that shot projectiles. But hey, you loved being human. You approached the end of the forest. You realized you needed a new approach to the situation. Ponies were everywhere, and you didn't want to be spotted with the corpse of a deer slung over your shoulder, that's why you made a deer sized bag to put it in. You have been preparing to hunt something for the last week, and you decided to make a bag to put the deer in. See, you cared about others, even if they were technicolor equines. After shoving the deer into the bag, you "casually" walked back to the Titanosaurus, if casual was struggling to drag a bag across the ground, and having your hands covered in blood. You were almost back to Larry, you were so close... "Hello Nashy Washy!" It was Pinkie Pie. She scared the shit out of you. You jumped, dropping the bag in the process. Instinctively, you turned around and put your gloves on. Turning back around, you wave. "Oh, uh... hi Pinkie Pie. What brings you to my humble abode?" You began to sweat. "Nothing. I just wanted to know what in this big bag you suspiciously dragged out of the Everfree forest only minutes ago." Aw shit. "Oh... it's... nothing... just some things I found." Your heart was racing. "Things, like what Nashy?" She asked. Aw shit, what do I say... I can't tell her I killed a deer... "You killed a deer?" She just read your mind. "..." You had nothing to say. You just grabbed the bag and continued dragging it to the Titanosaurus. How in the hell did she just read your mind? "So Nashy, did you really kill a deer? Is that what's in the bag?" "Yes, now just go." You were finally at the Titanosaurus. "Why? Are you doing extremely super secret science experiments on It? Or are you going to..." "No, now just go. You wouldn't understand." Staring down at the pony, you realized you were never going to get her to leave unless you told her the truth. You sigh. "Alright, you know how my species is omnivorous?" She nodded "Okay, good. I haven't eaten meat in days," She began backing up "Why are you backing up? I don't eat ponies. I don't eat things that talk, can feel emotions, or anything similar to my own species." "Well, that's a relief. I thought you were gonna kill me." "Never in a million years, now can you please go? I need to get this thing prepared to eat. And before you ask, no, I am not eating it whole." "Okay, bye." She hopped away, humming a song she calls "Smile". You sigh in relief. At least she realized that you were an omnivore. You open the bag and stare at the deer. "Now to get the good stuff." 15 minutes later... You were in your mobile base's kitchen. The meat of the deer was laid out on the counter top. The meat was cut in fillet form. You take two pieces of meat and put the rest in the refrigerator. Just when you put the two fillet's on the grill, the door busted open, revealing Twilight Sparkle. "Wha... what the hell are you doing breaking my door down?" Pinkie told Twilight. That tattle-tailing bitch. "Pinkie Pie told me that you killed a deer, is this true?" "Yeah, I needed something to eat. I am omnivorous, like I said." "..." She was silent. "What? I said I was omnivorous. What did you think I ate?" "I thought you ate things like eggs." "Well yes, but I prefer venison over eggs." "What's venison?" Twilight asked. "Deer meat." You pull a piece of meat from the grill to show Twilight. You inspect the meat fillet for a second. "Huh, not finished." you throw the meat on the grill and flip it. Hamburger style. "That is..." She begins. "Disgusting." "Not if your human." You check the meat fillet's one more time. "Done." You pull the tray out of the the grill and put the meat on a plate. You then grab some mejoberries and put them on the side of the meat. "You know, for being on an island for four years, you have made some advanced technology." She studied the room with all of its electronic machines. "Yeah... I didn't make them. I know a guy, who knows a guy, who knows five other guys, who knows an inventor. He practically reinvented them better than ever. Plus, I got them at a wicked price." "How much?" she asked. "Free." you stare at the plate. You couldn't take it anymore. You grabbed a fork and a knife, and began eating. Looking back up to see if the unisis... or Alicorn, as you have learned, was still there. She was, but she was examining you like a rat being tested on. "Why are you staring at me eating? It's making me uncomfortable." you say. "Oh, sorry." she began to look around the room. "So... how has your stay been?" She asked after a minute of silence. You stop eating. "Oh, it's been great. The residence are getting used to my presence, and all my creatures love it here. Just look at Sparky." you point over to Sparky. He was rolling on the ground and grunting. Before you could say anymore, you heard a scream from Ponyville, followed by Fluttershy walking in. "Um... Mr. Anderson?" She quietly asked. "Yes, Flutts?" you replied. "I um... think you need to see this thing. It looks like something from your book." you were confused. If it was a dinosaur, or anything else from the island, then how'd it get here? And if it was, then there would be a possibility of more coming. That would suck. But... you got an idea. It wasn't a complicated one, but it was clever as hell. This is gonna be so fucking sick... you thought. It didn't matter what kind of dinosaur it was, but you were gonna tame it. You run upstairs, grab a bow, some arrows, meat (you have two fridges), narcotics, and berries and come back downstairs. "Alright, let's go" you say. "You're gonna kill it?" Twilight said. "No, I'm gonna tame it." Walking through the panicking town, you finally spotted it. "Well, well, well. Look what we got here..." you said, walking close to the creature. It was a Dilophosaurus, and it was pissed. It was hissing, its frill was unfolded, and the quills on its back were shaking. You loaded an arrow into the bow. Pulling back the string, you then let go. The arrow flew through the air and hit the Dilo on its side. It instantly keeled over, unconscious. You began to walk over to begin taming it. About half way to the unconscious creature, another Dilophosaurus jumped at you from your left side, knocking you on your back. It then jumped on your stomach and began to try and bite your neck. Before it could, you grabbed its neck and stomach and began fighting it off of you. It was stronger than it looked. It wouldn't stop fighting you. With all your strength, you eventually pushed it off of you. Good, you bought some time. You loaded another arrow into the bow, pulled back, and fired. The arrow hit in the same area as the last one. Giving off a blood-curling shriek, it it plopped on the ground, unconscious. "That's two! Now to tame." You walked over to a Dilo and dragged it over next to the other. After that, the long process of taming began. 1 Hour Later... "All done. Come here you son's of bitches!" you motioned your hand towards the two, now conscious, Dilophosaurus's, who were now a bit less frightening and more... cute. They waddled over to you, stopping a few feet in front of you. "Are you s..sure they're safe?" Fluttershy asked. "Of course they are! Now, pet it." you ordered. "Okay... um... nice dino..." she began to stroke her hoof on one of the dinosaur's backs. It began to purr like a cat. Strange, they've never done that with me on the island. "Well, I'm off again." You motion the Dilo's to follow you, but Twilight stopped you in your tracks. "First off, I want to know how those got here. You said that you and your animals came here only." "Exactly. And apparently, they some how came too." you didn't want anything to to do with this. You just wanted to finish your venison. "But what if a bigger carnivore comes here? Something like your El Diablo?" "If it's a Giganotosaurus, then... we're fucked." "Wha... What do you mean?" "What I mean is that wild Giga's are 10 to 20 times stronger than tamed ones. The reason being is the mass tranquilizers used to knock it out weaken it. They're still very strong when tamed, but they have no chance against a wild one. El Diablo is strong enough to fend one off, but not kill it. Unfortunately, we do have to kill it if one comes. It's too dangerous for this country." "Is there any other ways to defend Ponyville from one?" Twilight asked. "Yes. The only thing that can kill a wild Giga is him." You point to Larry. "Plus, we could use Laura's turrets in the air." "At least we have some defenses." "Yup. Well, I'm gonna go back home and finish eating. See ya!" You whistle to the Dilo's, and they begin to follow you. "That dude always has to rush back to his place." Rainbow Dash muttered after Nash left. "When'd you get here?" Fluttershy asked. "I just got here." Back at your place, you were setting up a pen for the newcomers. It will be 15x15 with a food trough and fresh water, which was hooked up to a reservoir that you also used. They'd be perfectly at home. You managed to find some ferns in the forest for them to use as bedding. Since they were male and female, you were planning to breed them in the future. A few hours later, it was finished. The Dilophosaurus's were put in, and there's another successful day in Equestria. A surprise visit from some dinosaurs, and you weren't the slightest concerned. You know you should be, but you don't really care... yet. > Chapter 5: Ankle Biters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- That morning was normal. You ate breakfast, took a swim in a creek, and walked around Ponyville. You had no intention, except to walk Sparky, but other than that, nothing. That is, until Rainbow Dash showed up. "Yo Nash, you up for a challenge?" She asked. You had an idea where this was going. "Hell yeah! So, what kind of challenge?" You asked. "Cider drinking." "Cider? You're kidding? How about something harder like... Everfree grain alcohol?" You heard that this stuff was one of the strongest alcoholic beverages in Equestria. "Fuck yeah!" Challenge accepted. You two, and Sparky walked to the local bar. 6 Minutes Later... "That was easier than I thought. This shit didn't even make me drunk." You were clearly the winner of the challenge. Apparently, the strongest alcoholic beverage in Equestria doesn't effect Humans as much as equines. It tasted good, but it was shit compared to the brews back on the island. Dash was passed out next to you, and twelve bottles of Everfree were sprawled out on the table. You pay for the drinks and you drag RD back to your place. It had been two hours since the 'challenge', and she wasn't getting up. After drinking six bottles of that stuff, she was out cold. You were surprised the bartenders didn't stop her. It was about noon, so you decided to get something to eat from the fridge. To your luck, there was nothing except rotting meat. Disgusting. You went outside to check the berry bushes to see if any amarberries were growing. None. There were two options; hunt again, or go to a local restaurant. You didn't feel like hunting, so you decided to go to Sugar cube Corner. Sparkle gave you 100 bits, which was their form of currency, so you were set to buy something. But first, you had to do something with skittles. Leaving her on Larry probably wasn't a good idea. You were just gonna drop her off at Sparkles place. "Package for Twilight Sparkle!" you said. No one answered. "Package!" Still no answer. "PACKAGE!!!" Once again no answer. "That son of a bitch. Stay here Sparky, I need to get something..." you put Rainbow down and walked home. At home you, were about to get on El Diablo, but then you heard a familiar bah coming from the bushed next to you. You pulled out your bow and sneaked towards the bush. About half way to the bush you pulled the bow string back and let go. Another bah came from the bush, then the pony sized Pachycephalosaurus came charging at you. At full force the pachy rammed into your chest, knocking you about five feet from where you shot. You were able to put another shot into it, which was enough to knock it out. "Perfect." you mumbled to yourself. It had been about an hour since you knocked the Pachy out, and it was finally tamed and saddled up. Now it was time to bust the door down. The pachy was at full speed towards the Castle of Friendship. You braced for impact as the door came closer. Suddenly, the door shattered into pieces as the Pachycephalosaurus rammed through it. Surprisingly, all the shattered crystals didn't hit you or the dinosaur. You stopped the Pachy before it could do anymore damage to the castle. "Package for... who the fuck is that?" A orange stallion with blue hair was legitimately in the middle of making out with out of Sparkle as you got off the pachy. "Uh... a friend." she responded. "Yeah right, 'friend'. Anyways, I was going to drop off Dash because she's wasted, but I can see you're busy. You sir," you begin. "Get out!" "But I..." Flash began. "No excuses! Get out!" you point to the door, or what was left of it, which was nothing. The stallion bowed his head down and slowly trotted out the... door. "Nash, what was that for?" and thus the argument started. "I knocked on the door for ten minutes! TEN! I had to take things into my own hands! You're lucky I didn't bring the Giganotosaurus!" "You were going to bring him!? That would've destroyed the castle! Why are you so uncomfortable with the display of love and affection?" "I'm not! I'm just slightly annoyed that you were having an affair for over an hour with that guy!" "I wasn't having an affair with him! He just came over and we..." "Fucked?" "NO! We, just talked, romanced, and..." "So you did fuck! You liar!" "Can we just get to the point?" "Whatever. I'm just gonna drop her off at Flutters place." and so you walked out of the castle and continued to Flutter's place with Sparky, the pachy, and a wasted Dash slung over the pachy's back. "Flutters, you home?" a scream came from the inside the house. "HELP! THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!" Fluttershy screamed, even though her screams sounded like someone talking. "Okay, I'm gonna bust the door open, okay?" you back up a few feet, then you charge with all your force. The door flies open, and you fall on your face. It was unlocked. "What seems to be the... Sweet baby Jesus we're fucked." an army of Compsognathus were staring up at you. There were at least 100 of them. They began to run towards your direction. "Oh hell no!" you whistled the pachy to follow and you picked up Sparky, and you began running for your life. The compy army flooded out of Flutters place. Looking back, you saw the door of her house swing shut. You were at the town already, and the compy's were following behind. "I JUST WANTED TO EAT LUNCH!" It had been thirty minutes since the chase started, and you had ran around the town five times. You had an idea, but you needed a house, a gas mask, and some narco grenades. You had the last two (you're prepared for everything), but you needed a house. You knew the perfect place. "Hi Nashy! Why are wearing that thing over your face?" Pinkie Pie asked. "No time to explain, just take this mask." you throw a mask towards her. She throws it back. "No thanks, Nashy, I already have one!" you look over to see a pink gas mask over her head. "Okay, that works. Just brace for a bunch of tiny dinosaurs running in here. Don't be surprised." just then, a flood of compys came into the Sugar Cube Corner. You pull a narco grenade out of your pocket. You pull the pin and throw it at the ground. "GAS OUT!" you yell. The grenade explodes, and a green gas emits from it. The gas gradually fills the restaurant up. A few minutes later the gas begins to go away. When it is all gone, you see that all the compys are unconscious. "Pinkie, I'll be right back. If any of them wake up, throw another one of these." you give her a gas grenade, then you walk out of the restaurant and run back to base camp." You returned to the restaurant with a crap ton of prime meat jerky. Taming all of these Compsognathus wouldn't take too long, since they were probably hungry. you thought. You began to tame these ankle biters. As you thought, it only took a few minutes to tame them all. "My dino army is now 116 strong!" you cheerfully said. "Thanks for keeping these guys safe. Oh, and before I forget, can you take care of Dash? She got wasted pretty hard." "No problem!" Pinkie joyfully said. You whistled all of them to follow you, and you began to walk home with an army of 116, not including the pachy and Sparky. At home, you only just realized that you didn't eat anything. You decided just to eat some leftover prime meat jerky. It was free, and it tasted good. Win win. > Chapter 6: The Friendship is Magic Dino > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you were rounding up the army of Compsognathus at the base, you were thinking of the past weeks. So far, only small dinosaurs have came to Equestria. Which is good, because anything as big or bigger than a Utahraptor would scare the shit out of the ponies. Fortunately they aren't scared of your tames. Hell knows what their reaction will be to a wild Giganotosaurus. You don't even want to think of that. Once you were done rounding up, you had to make a new door for Twilight. So much crystal wasted that night... The next day you start your new routine. It was simple: You were to sweep the whole perimeter of Ponyville for any creatures that show up. You didn't know how this would go. Probably terribly bad. Well, here we go. you thought as you began climbing down the gargantuan you call Larry. You finally got to the ground and you began to walk to the edge of the Everfree forest, the beginning of your perimeter walk. It had been at least two minutes after you left. It had been a quiet and soothing walk. The birds were chirping, the bugs were doing bug things, and no one was around to bug you, except for the mosquitoes. You continued walking for another minute until you heard a bellow come from the forest. You stopped and stared into the forest, looking for the supposed dinosaur. You backed up as the bellows became louder. The ground began shaking, indicating it was big. Your heart raced as the silhouette of the creature came closer, until it poked out of the forest. You sighed in relief, as it was only a Diplodocus. The medium sized sauropod stepped out of the forest and gave off another grunt. The coloration of the Diplodocus told you it was female. Her head gave her a dumb, but lovable look. The tail was whip like, as it was long, and got thin towards the end. She bowed her head down and started eating the bush that was lying under her head. Using her teeth, she ripped the leaves off of the sticks of the bush. She gulped down the greens and lifted her head up. Suddenly, the Diplodocus began to walk towards you. You began to step back, but she had already reached you before you could escape. She took her long neck and began... petting you. "What... are... you doing?" you say as the Diplodocus continues to rub her neck on your body. "STOP IT!" you yell. You begin to walk away, which turns into a jog. You looked back to see the Diplodocus following you. You jogged for a few minutes, until you reached Sugar Cube Corner. You stopped to take a small break, and you looked behind you again to see if the Diplodocus was still in pursuit. She wasn't in sight. "That was a close one... aw shit." suddenly, you see the Diplodocus galloping towards you, which was strange since a wild Diplodocus can't gallop. She had now entered into the town, and the residents were staring at the Diplodocus like it had four heads. You thought to yourself I think I should run... Yep, I definitely should run... as the Diplodocus galloped closer and closer and closer and... you get the catch. You begin to book it in the other direction. The Diplo was galloping as fast as you were running, surprisingly. You tried so hard to shake her off of your tail, but she was so motivated to make a friend, that she followed you all the way to Sparkles castle, where the door that you recently broke was replaced by the one you made for her. "PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP FOLLOWING ME!" you shout in frustration as the Diplodocus still will not stop following you. All of a sudden, you came up with an idea that was sure to work. You burst through the door of the shy yellow mare's cottage, and start barricading it with everything in the particular room. You pushed the couch in front of the door, then you pushed the table and chairs, and finally, you carefully put Angel Bunny on one of the chairs. Once you were done, you turned around to see a very confused Fluttershy. "Um... Mr. Anderson, what's going on?" asked Fluttershy in a mellow tone. "Y... you know a thing of two about taking care of animals, right?" you rhetorically asked the mare. A large knock was heard at the door, followed by a grunt. Angel Bunny jumped off of the chair and skittered behind Fluttershy. "Oh yes, I know a lot about taking care of animals." Fluttershy responded. "Good, well.." the knocking became more frequent, the hinges on the door began to break off the wall, and the door went flying, causing the pile of object to fly in every direction. You grab Fluttershy and hit the deck as the couch flies above your head and hits the wall. You let go of Flutters, and you stand up off the ground. Not to your surprise, the Diplodocus had stuck her head into the cottage. "Fluttershy, I'd like to introduce you to my... Very special friend, Ms. Diplodocus." you point to the Diplodocus, which was currently attempting to make friends with Fluttershy. "Oh, hello Ms. Diplodocus," Fluttershy began. "How's your day been?" Fluttershy began to calm the Diplodocus down by talking to her, which lasted for about an hour. This gave you enough time to reorganize her furniture. Once you were done, it was time to leave to go do the perimeter walk. "Hey Flutters, I got to go finish the perimeter walk." You said. There was no response. "Uh... Fluttershy?" Still no answer. You walked over to her to see that Fluttershy was lying on the ground asleep. You laughed to yourself. Heh, she made herself go to sleep. You picked Fluttershy up and put her on the couch. You placed a blanket on her, and you walked towards the door. As you were heading to the door, you realized the Diplodocus wasn't shoved in the door anymore, she was in the front lawn, also asleep. Fluttershy had put the Diplodocus to sleep, which made you chuckle again. You tip-toed past the sleep Diplodocus, and walked back to the edge of the forest, where you left off almost two hours ago. > Chapter 7 PART 1: Ghosts of the Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You stared intensively at your base camp, looking at every detail, from the gargantuan of a Sauropod that was the iconic piece of the camp, to the small pens down near his feet, which held his old and new dinosaurs. You kept focus on the pens, wondering Who, or what, could've done this? What you were thinking about was the recent disappearances of some dinosaurs. There were three dinosaurs missing: The Pachycephalosaurus, and the two Dilophosaurus's. Both pens had been breached by someone, or something. It was very unfortunate. The Pachy was growing more friendly towards you, letting you get near it without it buck at you, also Pachycephalosaurus was ironically your favorite dinosaur. The Dilophosaurus's had finally mated after countless hours of trying to make them. Even more fucked up, when you went to go do some primitive pregnancy tests, it came out positive, which meant she had a bunch of eggs forming in her. You went strait to the castle and started a shit storm with the Princess. "What the hell do you mean you haven't seen them? They were in their pens yesterday!" you complained to Twilight Sparkle. "What I mean is that I haven't seen any loose dinosaurs. Not a hard concept to grasp on!" she said back. "Yeah I know, but you didn't hear them? Like at all? No baahs or hooting?" she shook her head no in response. "Really?" "Yep." "Well," you began. "Do you think something took 'em?" "That's very feasible. Did you hear anything come near your camp last night?" "No, but when I went to check the pens, there were large breaches in the fences. The Pachy could've easily done that, but the Dilophosarus's don't have the strength to even lift a log, let alone destroy a fence." "So something did take them." "Seems so..." something was very fishy about this whole situation. There were no tracks of any creatures in the area, and yet there are two broken fences to prove that wrong. Another point is that nothing that big has been spotted in Equestria yet. It was really bone chilling to think about. There was a long pause, until you stepped up and began to talk again. "This carnivore is definitely a night dweller, no doubt about it. But I don't know if it's nocturnal or not. Lots of carnivores hunt at dusk before they sleep. Now, I assume a few ponies go out at night to do some activities, am I correct?" you ask Twilight. "Of course. Have you seen Rainbow Dash on a Friday night? She always go down to the local bar and comes back more drunk than a stallion could ever be." you let off a slight chuckle. Oh Rainbow Dash, always getting wasted. "Well, until further notice, they can't. This thing is carnivorous. I don't want any civilian casualties." "Well, I guess I could start a temporary curfew. I just need permission from the princesses..." at this point, you still haven't met the two Princesses, Celestia and Luna. You've heard good things about them, and you kind of wanted to meet them. In person. Out of nowhere, you ask "Can I come?" "Sorry," Twilight began. "But I'm just going to ask Spike to write them a letter." "Oh, that's fine." A few minutes later, Spike had fully written the note asking permission for a temporary curfew. But before Spike could send it off... "WAIT!" you shrieked. "What's wrong?" Spike annoyingly asked. "Can you say that I said hello?" you said with a smirk. "Ugh, fine." Spike unrolled the paper, grabbed the pen, and wrote a note on the back. It said: P.S Nash, the Human, said hello. That is all. He re-rolls the note, puts it up to his face, and blows a flame out of his mouth. A cloud of dust swiftly heads towards the Princesses castle. A few minutes later, a note pops up out of nowhere, containing the answer. Twilight grabs the paper with her magic and begins to read it to herself. "What does it say?" you ask. "She says that if the town is in danger, which it is, then a temporary curfew is allowed until the creatures are gone with." "Did she say anything else?" Twilight checks the note, then she flips the paper over, revealing a P.S. "Ah yes, she said: P.S Tell Nash we said greetings as well." At that, you got the biggest grin you've had in four years. "That is all I wanted." you squeaked. It has been an hour, and a mandatory gathering at the Castle of Friendship was made. Everyone in Ponyville had to attend. As soon as everyone had come, it was time to tell your game plan. Yes, your game plan. Twilight wanted you to announce the curfew, as well as how you are going to deal with the creature, which you dubbed "The Ghost." "Alright," Twilight began. "It's time. Are you ready?" you two were in the castle, while everyone else was waiting outside in front of the makeshift stage Twilight set up. "As ready as I'll ever be." you were confident about this. You had spoken in front of people before. Besides, you had an hour to prepare. "Okay, go now." Twilight motioned you out of the door. What was outside of the door made your jaw drop. There were hundreds of people, er... Ponies. They were all staring at you a bunch of ducklings staring at its mother. You've never talked in front of this many of anything before. To add salt on the wound, staring at you in the back was Celestia and Luna themselves. "Nope." you whispered as you scampered into the castle like a frightened dog. "What are you doing?" Twilight annoyingly asked. "There's too many... Can't... Do it..." "Yeah you can, just... Think of something calming." you thought for a second, until you heard the familiar snorting of Sparky somewhere in the room. You searched for a few seconds, until you found him making a nest in a potted plant. How he got in there was beyond you, but he was enough to calm you down. You grabbed him in your arms and began to walk outside. "I'm good now." you told Twilight, who was staring at the now destroyed plant. You walked back on the stage, now more confident than ever. Then, you began to talk. "Alright, as you all know, something took my dinosaurs, and I am not a happy camper. I don't know what in the heck that thing was, but it was nocturnal, which means it is around at night. Another thing to note, this thing is big enough to take down a full grown Pachycephalosaurus, which means it's big enough to take down a full grown pony." Everyone in the crowd, except the princesses, began to freak out. This was not what you expected. People were screaming WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!, mares were holding their fillies, it was chaos. "ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT! JESUS CHRIST, CALM YOURSELVES!" you screamed at the top of your lungs. Everyone stopped freaking out and looked back up at you. "Thank you. Now, as I was saying, we will be creating a temporary curfew. Each and every one of you needs to be in your houses before the sun sets. This curfew will be in motion until this creature is taken care of. If another night creature pops up out of nowhere, the curfew will be brought back into play. Now, how I will take care of these "ghosts" is none of your businesses. Usually, things don't go so well for them." everyone, even the princesses gave you a what the fuck look. Uh... Anyways, any questions?" No one raised a hoof for a few seconds, until a mare raised hers. "Yes, you?" you pointed to the mare. "Why can't we just stop the moon from rising?" everyone began to talk in unison. You hesitated for a second, before beginning to laugh. "That is the most," you stopped for a second to laugh. "That's the most ridiculous thing I have heard in a while." "Why?" she asked. "Well, in case you haven't been paying attention in science class, the moon orbits the Earth, and the Earth orbits the Sun. It's physically impossible. Unless a powerful being can do that, I don't think..." suddenly, Twilight Sparkle teleported onto the stage and gave you a note. She instantly teleported back into the castle. You began to read the note. "Luna and Celestia..." you read the last sentence to yourself. You were in awe at what you read. "Wait, WHAT? So those two," you pointed to the princesses, who both looked very annoyed. "THEY control the sun and moon? Well, mistake on my part. Anyways, to answer your question, no, they can't. Luna would be out of a job, and all of you wouldn't be able to sleep. Any other questions?" there weren't anymore. "Okay, I guess that's all I have to say. The meeting is officially over." you walked back into the castle as the crowd began to disperse. The crystal doors shut behind you. "Why the hell do they control the sun and moon?" you asked Twilight. "Well, over 1,000 years ago..." "That was a rhetorical question! But seriously, I need to get ready to go hunting for these things." "Fine, be careful, don't die." "I won't, trust me." You were back at base. It was getting darker. The cover of night was perfect. Whatever it was, it would probably be in that forest. You were suiting up with some epic riot armor, night-vision goggles, and a sexy new assault rifle.You truly looked like a Spec Ops soldier, which was what you're going for. You walked outside and turned on the night-vision, the extreme dark turning into black and white vision. It was surprisingly easy to see in black in white. Sparky snorted at you, which was a sign that he wanted to be loved, so you gave him a belly rub in return. You walked outside and continued to the ladder and climbed it down. Once you were down, you walked to the forest edge. You stared into the darkness, knowing that the creature was doubtfully in there. You took a deep breath in and let out an exhale as you walked into the forest. You had a feeling that this was a bad idea, but you had to take a risk. Besides, lots of carnivores hunt at night before they go to sleep, it didn't mean this creature was nocturnal. It was like going in there any other time, except, well, it's dark. It was even hard to see through the goggles. The crickets chirped as you walked through the bushes and onto what seemed to be a game trail. You began to follow the trail deeper into the forest. Suddenly, your foot slipped and you fell right on your ass. You got up and stared down at what tripped you. A puddle. Wait a second... you analyzed the puddle once more. To your surprise, it wasn't a puddle at all. In fact, it was a footprint. You examined the print for a minute. It was definitely a therapod, it seemed to be slightly smaller than a Carno, and it was obviously walking deeper into the forest. You followed the prints for a bit. The trail was getting harder to follow. The tracks seemed to get further apart, almost like the creature was running. In the corner of the goggles, you saw a pool of liquid. You walked over and crouched down next to it. You couldn't tell what it was through the night-vision, so you took them off and grabbed your flashlight, shining it towards the liquid. The liquid shimmered on impact with the light, revealing the dark red liquid that covered the ground and plants near the splotch. "I knew it. Blood." you whispered to yourself. You scanned around to find the blood trail. You finally found it, as well as the footprints from the prey. They were quadrupedal, and they seemed to be from a Trike of a Stegosaurus. The trail was heading into the deep forest. You noticed that along the sides of the trail, there was the same tracks you were following, but instead of one pair, there was another pair following close behind. "Shit, the ghost has a mate." you speculated, since most carnivores, except for Allosaurus, didn't hunt in packs unless they were mates, and these tracks were too small to be an Allo. You grabbed the assault rifle, put the goggles back on your face, and continued following the trail. A few minutes passed by. The amount of blood had increased, but the tracks didn't. If anything, the tracks went from a trot to a faster run. You looked up from the tracks to see what you were looking for: the body. After a few minutes of walking, you could make out the silhouette of something in the distance. You walked up to get a closer look. It was the corpse. It was definitely a Stego, but it seemed... Different. It was smaller, and its face, which was decapitated and lying a few feet away, actually looked like a Stegosaurus from Earth. You circled it, to further examine it. It had spikes on its shoulders and on its back. It wasn't a Stego, it was a Kentrosaurus, one of the strongest herbivores on the island. It was strange seeing this creatures' corpse. Even a T-Rex can't win a fight against one of them. You guessed that it lost because of the night. The area surrounding the body was bloodier than Hell. Upon closer inspection, you found that the Kentro's body was covered with claw marks, all bloodied and beginning to clot, which meant that it was recently killed. This put you on high alert, because the ghosts might still be around. Its stomach was completely torn open, revealing its half eaten organs. One of the shoulder spikes was ripped strait off, and where the spike was was a huge chunk of missing meat. There was a bite mark on its rear right leg. The teeth mark were deep and the meat was almost off the bone. You've seen that bite mark before, and you never wanted to see it again. Not since the incident on the Island. Your eyes widened, for only one creature could make that bite... "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" you were in panic mode. You made sure your gun had enough rounds. The gun was good on ammo. You pointed the gun towards the forest. Nash, you fucked yourself over. you thought, knowing that you followed two of those creatures the whole night into the middle of he Everfree. Suddenly, you heard something big walking to your left. You hesitated to find cover for a second. You looked in the direction of some bushes, and dove into them. You poked your head out of the bush. In the shadows of the forest, you saw two silhouettes emerge from the trees. You knew very well what they were: Megalosaurus.. They were a bit smaller than a Carno, but looked twice as fierce. One was bigger than the other. The female. It was bland in color, being tan everywhere except the feathers on its back and neck, which were the same color. The male was a lot more vibrant, being tan, but with blotches of red. Its feathers were a salmon color. "I'm so fucked." The male walked up to the body and began eating it. Mounds of flesh were being ripped from the corpse as the male bit into the Kentro. The female soon joined in on the feast. Obviously, when they killed the Kentrosaurus, they ate until they were full, and possibly left to feed their young. They would have then digested the meat, and then that's why they were back; to finish their breakfast. Suddenly, the bushes rustled behind you. "Damn, that's nasty." a familiar voice said next to you. You swiftly turned your head to see the source of the voice. It was, unsurprisingly, Rainbow Dash. She was wearing, what seemed to be night-vision goggles meant for ponies. You were a bit confused for a second, but then realized Pinkie probably gave them to her. "What are you doing here?" you whisper yelled, like Flutters. "I'm just here to see the action. Hey, nice suit." "Shh... Be quiet!" you said. She clearly didn't care about her voice level. "We need to get out of here NOW." "Why?" she asked. "These things are extremely..." a growl came from above your heads. In unison, you both slowly looked up. Both Megalos' were staring right down at you two. "... Dangerous. I told you we had to be quiet!" "Aw shit... My bad." "Never underestimate the power of volume. It can be a real fucking cunt sometimes." the growling became louder, and they were becoming impatient. "We should run now." you suggested. "That's probably a good idea." "Okay," you began the countdown. "3... 2... 1... RUN!" you both exploded out of the bushes and ran towards the forest edge. RD began to take off into the air. "NO FAIR!" You shouted. The Megalos' ignored Rainbow Dash and began to chase you. Megalosaurus is a significantly faster creature than a human at night, so you had to rely on your agility. You bobbed and weaved through the dense forest, jumping over obstacles and diving under logs. The dinosaurs weren't that close, but they were slowly gaining up to you. They dodged trees and plowed through obstacles like nothing. Their screeches were terrifying as they pursued you. You were beginning to get tired, but before you stopped, you saw the edge of the forest. Before you knew it, you were out of the forest. You ran another 30 feet, then halted to a stop to catch your breath. You had a good 45 to 50 seconds to think of a plan. Soon enough you had a plan. You swiftly took your backpack off and began rummaging through it as fast as you can. Rainbow Dash landed right next to you. "What are you doing?" she asked. "I have a plan..." you responded. A few seconds later, you pulled a flare gun out of your backpack. You plopped the backpack back on your back. You got the gun ready as the faint sounds of the Megalosaurus's echoed from the forest. "How's that going to help?" Rainbow pointed to the gun. "It's a tactic we used on the island," you began. "I can't go into all the details right now, but it'll hopefully work." "Hopefully?!" her voice cracked. "Just trust me." you reassured her. Suddenly, the two dinosaurs ran out of the forest towards the two of you. They were getting closer and closer. You aimed the flare gun into the air, your finger on the trigger ready to fire. RD was getting scared, you could tell. She was leaning up against you for support. "FIRE THE DAMN THING!" Rainbow Dash screamed as the Megalos' were at least ten feet in front of you. Without hesitation, you shot the flare into the air. The dinosaurs halted to a stop as the flare launched into the air. A few seconds later, the flare exploded into a blinding yellow light. The Megalosaurus's screeched as the sudden light blinded them, scaring them. As the light increased in brightness, they screeches became louder and louder. They swiftly backed up and ran back into the forest. You both sighed in relief as they retreated. "Holy shit, it actually worked!" you said. No one actually tried this tactic on the island, they only speculated that it would scare off a Megalosaurus. Flares are valuable. People would rather kill them then waste their precious flares. "We should probably leave before they come back." Rainbow Dash recommended. "That's probably a good idea." The next day, you lay in your bed, still asleep. The night before obviously had tired you out, so sleeping in wasn't strange. But your long slumber suddenly stopped as the front door slammed open. You heart skipped a beat as you flung yourself from your bed, falling face first on the floor. "What are you doing?" you asked. "No, what are YOU doing in bed still?" Twilight Sparkle asked. She sounded oddly distressed. "What do you mean? I chased off two angry dinosaurs. I'm tired!" "You clearly are! I've been knocking on the door for an hour!" "Why do you need me that bad?" you asked. You were getting a bit worried. You had a bit of a hunch about why she was so eager to get you. "Get dressed, then meet me at the center of Ponyville." "Why Sugar Cu..." you began, but before you could finish... "JUST GO!" she screamed. This wasn't like how she acted normally. She was the Princess of Friendship after all. And from the looks of it, she wasn't living up to her name. "Fine." you mumbled. You were rushed out of the base faster than a Gallimimus. You stumbled to the ladder, but before you could begin the descend, a purple aura surrounded you. You were then lifted up into the air. The next thing you knew, you were being hovered over the edge of the platform. As fast as you were engulfed in the magic, the purple aura disappeared, casuing you to fall to what you thought was your death . You closed your eyes and began to scream as the ground got closer and closer, until... The same purple aura surrounded you before you hit the ground, stopping the fall instantly. You opened your eyes, relieved you had survived. You looked to your left to see Twilight Sparkle, her horn glowing purple, staring at you with the most pissed off expression you've ever seen a pony do. "What?" you asked, genuinely wondering what her problem was. "Nothing... Just go. I'll meet you there." the purple aura once again disappeared, dropping you to the ground. The purple pony disappeared to thin air, leaving you all alone, except for Larry. You got up from the ground, brushing any excess dirt off of you. You then proceeded to walk to Ponyville. After a minutes worth of walking, you were at the center of Ponyville. You were met with not only Twilight Sparkle, but from the whole town. You began to walk faster, your suspicion and concern of the situation growing. You walked up Twilight, having to push through the massive crowd to get through. "Twi, can you finally tell me what... happened." your concern spiked as you saw why she pulled you out of bed. One of the houses was completely destroyed. It seemed something... Scratch that, you knew exactly what did it, rammed through the front of the house. "Why didn't you get rid of the treat?" Twilight began. "You said you would eliminate them, why didn't you do it?" "I'm sorry, it's just... Rainbow sneaked up on me and completely blew my cover. We had to run away. We finally scared them off before they got us." "Well, why didn't you shoot them?" she asked. "I didn't think about it. I only thought to run. My gun wouldn't have killed them fast enough." "Well, I want them dead by tomorrow!" you have never seen Twilight Sparkle so furious before now. "Yes ma'am. While I'm here, I'm going to investigate the house." "Be my guest." she replied. And so you walked over to the collapsed house. Before waling in, you examined the damage to the external part of the house. The whole front face of the house was absolutely destroyed. Nothing more, nothing less. You proceeded to walk into the ruined house to look for... Nothing. You just wanted to snoop around. Not only a few feet in the rubble did you find something so terrifying. "Uh, Twilight, you have to see this." you shouted from inside. The purple pony teleported next to you in response. "What do you want Nash?" she asked, in a drastically calmer voice. "Look." you pointed in the direction of a pool of blood, and right next to it, a severed leg. "Oh Celestia..." it looked like Sparkle was about to throw up, which you were to expect. "I'm not waiting for the night to come, I'm killing them now. I'll see you when they're dead." you walked out of the rubble, the whole crowd of ponies was staring at you. "Go home, there's nothing to see here." you ushered them away from the scene As soon as that was done, you began to walk back home.