> Negotiations Part II: Third Party > by Dark Tail > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Negotiations Part II Chapter I > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Someone is going to hear about this, royal Canterlot voice all included.” Luna let out a long sigh as she walked briskly down a long hallway. She glanced down at herself as she walked, her long black dress swayed slightly with each step. Crescent white moons and yellow stars covered the dress. It was thick and made with the best cotton and cloths in Equestria, or at least, that is what she was told. For some reason, the designer did not have the common thought to make holes in the back for her wings. They were currently pressed against her back and made her feel uncomfortable. It did nothing to help her mood. “I swear, this just isn’t my week.” Luna slowed her pace. “I mean, look at how it has gone so far.” She gestured with her hand out in front of her. There was no one else in the hallway. Luna had been known to talk to herself from time to time. It helped to keep her emotions in check… Most of the time. “First, we get the queen of the Changelings walking on into this castle and within a few hours, we are suddenly at peace with them?! How in the world Celestia managed that I may never know.” Luna put a hand to her forehead, “It’s bad enough I slept through their whole invasion. Now I have my enemy here who can turn up at any moment to gloat about it.” Thankfully it had not happened yet but it still put her on edge. “Then let’s add to fact that I have to now convince an entire civilization of ponies that changelings will soon be freely walking amongst them.” Luna shook her head. “This is ridiculous, what is my sister thinking?!” Luna took a deep breath and let it out slowly, “And then there is the problem with my sister… What is going on with her?” Luna began pacing back and forth. To anyone else who might have been watching, they might have assumed she was under a lot of stress, or had simply gone mad. Luckily, she was completely alone though Luna would not have cared either way. “I rarely ever see her anymore. This past week, we have only met to discuss the treaty and nothing more. Then she goes off to talk to the Queen and I swear I don’t see her for the rest of the day.” Luna stopped and stood for a moment. “Surely she must be just as stressed as I am.” Luna put a finger to her chin. “Now that I think about it, I have seen her a few times when she goes to leave her room. Her hair is always a mess; she looked tired with a bit of red on her face that I can only assume comes from a migraine." Also she always smelled like she had taken a rapid cleaning spell on herself. The stench of something still lingered on her that Luna could not for the life of her smelled familiar yet was too far gone to actually figure out what it was. The lunar princess let out another sigh, “Perhaps we have both been under plenty of stress this week.” Luna began to walk again, her wings shifting slightly under her dress. Luna grimaced, “Sometimes I wonder how my sister can handle something like this. She is always so calm and even goes to extra mile to make herself as approachable as possible.” She glanced behind her, “She even makes her wings disappear from her body when she is meeting others for the first time or when she is negotiating treaties. She believes it makes others feel more comfortable.” Luna tried to shift her wings as they were starting to go numb, “Honestly, I am considering learning the trick from her soon if this is how my wardrobe is going to be from now on.” Luna glanced up and saw that she was now nearing a fairly large door. The smell of food was wafting into the hallway now, making her feel a bit hungry. But she had a different reason for coming. It was almost breakfast which meant that she should be going to bed soon. Instead, she wanted to propose something to her sister before turning in. As she neared, she could have sworn she heard voices on the other side. Not wanting to rudely interrupt, she carefully stopped and knocked on the door. There was a ruffling noise almost immediately. “Hello?” came the voice of her sister. Luna smiled, opened the door and casually walked in. The room was large. A table big enough to fit 20 was in front of her. Her sister sat 2nd from the end opposite of the door. Celestia seemed to be in the middle of eating and shifted slightly when she saw Luna walk in. “Good morning Luna,” she said with a bit of surprise in her voice, “I did not expect to see you here. I figured you would have gone to bed by now.” Luna nodded her head, “I was planning to but I have something I would like to ask of you first.” Celestia shifted in her sit. She appeared to be uncomfortable for some reason but Luna decided to dismiss it. “Sister, it has been far too long since we last spent time together, would you not agree?” Celestia winced as she exhaled slowly. She then shifted in her chair again. “Yes, it certainty has been awhile.” Luna smiled and took a step towards her sister, “Well I might have just the remedy for that. What better way to get caught up then to share a bath later tonight.” Celestia leaned forward, taking another deep breath before letting it out slowly. Luna blinked, hoping that Celestia was not about to turn her down. Not wanting to give up so easily, Luna put her hands on the table and leaned forward. Her face was now much closer to Celestia’s. “Would you not agree that you or I am stressed and in need of some quality time together. It has been far too long and you know it.” Celestia bit her lower lip as a small groan escaped her lips. Luna raised an eyebrow, “Sister, are you alright?” Celestia’s eyes grew wide as she quickly answered, “You are right it has been far toooo long. I shall meet you in the baaaath at around 8, ohhow does that sound?” Luna’s eyes brightened as she did her best to contain her glee. Celestia bit her lower lip again as Luna quickly shot back and jumped slightly with joy. “I shall see you then sister.” Luna quickly turned and walked out, doing her best to contain her delight while doing so. As soon as the door closed behind her, Celestia let out a long hard groan. She leaned back in her chair. After a moment of silence, Celestia glanced down at her crotch; a large lump could be seen moving under her dress. “That was cruel.” The lump moved and Chrysalis backed out from under Celestia’s dress. Licking her lips, Chrysalis answered, “When I walked in you said I was welcome to have anything to eat. I chose the sweet nectar you were keeping between your legs.” Celestia rolled her eyes, “You could have waited until my sister was gone.” Chrysalis smirked, “And miss the fun of seeing you squirm? "Wow, you really are cruel.” Chrysalis laughed, “You know you love it.” The solar princess leaned farther back and looked away as her cheeks went red, “I certainty won't deny it.” Chrysalis glanced at the door then back at Celestia, “So it appears you will be busy with your sister tonight?” Celestia nodded, “Taking a bath together is an old tradition of ours. We used to do once a week to help get rid of stress and catch up. But lately it has been much harder to do with so many things going on lately.” Chrysalis jumped back and sat on the table, “I am going to assume you mean our little get together after each of our meetings to discuss our two races slowly joining as one?” “For the most part, yes.” Chrysalis crossed her arms, “So it appears that I have been taking time away from your sister then. I really should apologize for that.” Celestia suddenly went wide eyed as she stared at Chrysalis, “Did the Queen of the Changelings just apologize for something?” Chrysalis looked back and scoffed, “Hey, I may be Queen of the Changelings, but that does not mean I don’t have a heart.” A sudden thought went through Chrysalis’ mind. She gave Celestia a large grin. Celestia looked slightly worried, “Uh oh, last time you got a grin like that I couldn’t sit right for three days.” Chrysalis blinked and before turning her face into a simple smile, “I think I might know of a way to keep up our little sexy fun times going and make sure your sister is able to spend plenty of time with you.” Celestia’s cheeks became a darker red. “I think I know where you are going with this.” Celestia slowly stood up and went over to Chrysalis. “It’s not like we haven’t fooled around before… But I don’t know how she would feel about doing it with you as well.” Chrysalis leaned forward until she was an inch from Celestia’s face. “Don’t worry, you leave that to me. I have a plan and it involves the bath with your sister going on later tonight.” Celestia leaned in and connected her lips with Chrysalis. They kissed for a moment before Celestia pulled away. “Alright, I will leave this in your hands.” Chrysalis smiled at this as Celestia lowered herself. “But until then, I am in need of finishing my breakfast and something rather delectable has found its way onto my table.” Chrysalis leaned back as Celestia began making her way under the queens dress. Chrysalis’ grin returned. "I hope she has your stamina." Celestia giggled underneath the dress, "She actually has more than I do." The queens eyes grew wide as she leaned back into the table slightly. "I think I am going to enjoy getting to know darker side of the moon." *** Luna tested the water with her hand. It was nice and warm, not too hot and not too cold, just the right temperature. Luna let out a loving sigh, it had far too long since she had the chance to really enjoy a bath. Up till now, it had been a quick clean spell and then it’s off to prepare the night. But tonight she was free and she was going to enjoy the night off. The bath she was standing in front of was large; it could easily fit four ponies or two large princesses. Steam was coming off the water and making Luna feel warm. Smiling to herself, Luna quickly removed the dress from her body with a quick spell that made it disappear in seconds. Her body now free, Luna quickly realized her wings had lost all feeling. Luna let out a groan as she tried to move them but to no avail. They were stuck folded against her back. It would be awhile before she would be able to do anything with them. It truly was a good thing that she had no business tonight. Deciding it was best not to worry about it anymore, Luna raised her leg and stepped into the bath. The warm water tickled her leg and made her chuckle slightly. Wasting no time, Luna quickly put her other leg in and quickly sat on the bench inside the tub. The water quickly surrounded her and ran just above her breasts. Luna let out a small moan of delight as the water began to wash away her stress. Just as she was about to close her eyes and relax, she felt a draft hit her face. Luna glanced to her right and saw her sister quickly making her way inside. She quickly shut the door behind her to keep as much of the warm air in as possible. Celestia smiled and nodded at Luna as she made her way over to the bath. She was wearing a simple white cotton robe. She casually undid the robe and slowly slid it off her body. Her breast bouncing slightly as the cotton robe was freed from the top and fell the rest of the way to the floor. Luna stared as Celestia lifted her leg to step in, showing a bit of her lower dungeon as she did so. The sun princess let out a sigh as she slowly sank into the tub and sat opposite of Luna. Both stared at each other, their minds seemingly wandering over each other’s bodies. Luna knew her sister had the better assets but made up for it by having the better stamina when it came to love making. Celestia brought up a hand and cupped her breast, her hand almost unable to cover it completely due to its size. Celestia caught Luna staring and smiled. “So Luna, which are you enjoying more, the bath or the view?” Luna blinked as her face became red. “I think you already know the answer to that.” Celestia let out a small snicker as she began to massage her breast. Luna could only stare as she began to feel a certain need down in a certain area. Celestia seemed to notice and raised her other hand. She began to massage the other breast slowly while continuing stare back at Luna with a mischievous smile. “I know how stressful a day can be Luna.” Luna snapped out of her trance when Celestia spoke. She blinked and nodded. Celestia’s smile grew. “I think we both know the best way to relieve that stress, would you not agree?” The princess of the moon let out a low moan as the heat between her loins began to grow; her lust driving her to lean forward and make her way over to Celestia. She knelt down in front of Celestia, the water now up to her chin, eyes wandering over the luscious breasts in front of her. Celestia moved her hands out of the way and to the side. “Go on dear sister, let’s have some fun. It’s been awhile since we had to chance to bond like this. Let’s make the most of it.” Luna slowly nodded in agreement and quickly put her hands one the large marshmallows in front of her. She slowly rotated her hands clockwise, then counterclockwise. Celestia let out a small moan at each rotation. Starting to feel friskier, Luna leaned forward and began to suck on the large mound, her hands no longer feeling like they could do the deed alone. Luna rotated her tongue around the tip of the breast, before quickly switching hands and tongue to the other, making sure the two never felt left out. Celestia hummed in approval. Celestia’s hand soon shot forward, searching for Luna’s entrance. Upon feeling a warm and tender region, Celestia began to slide her index figure up and down. Luna chuckled as it almost felt ticklish in way. Celestia suddenly pushed Luna back, causing Luna to stumble back into her own seat. Celestia grinned as Luna look at her in confusion. Celestia then sunk her head below the water and slightly swam over to Luna. Her head popped up in front of Luna’s breasts. The moon princess looked down at Celestia, still unsure what she had in mind. Celestia licked her lips before diving under the water. Luna soon felt a foreign object invade her lower region causing her to let out a low moan. Celestia’s tongue quickly made its way in, going up and down quickly and making Luna cry out while doing so. Luna felt both wonderful and confused. Wonderful because Celestia’s tongue was hitting just the right places, but also confused as she also did not appear to be holding her breath. Even if she was, the motions she was doing would not allow her to hold it much longer. Yet she just kept going. “My goddess Celestia, when did you-ohhh-learn a water breathing spell?” Celestia did not answer; instead her tongue seemed to go deeper, penetrating her like never before. Luna let out a cry as the tongue seemed to go even deeper before pulling out and going back in. “Actually never mind that. OH DEAR GODDES! Since when did you learn how to make your tongue so long?!” Luna lurched forward, holding Celestia’s head in place as she felt an orgasm riding up to greet her at high speeds. Celestia seemed to reach her max length as Luna let out a cry so loud that if the room had not been sound proofed, the whole castle might have heard her. Luna let out a long sigh as she let Celestia go who quickly fell back. Luna glanced over at Celestia as she rose back above the water. Gills were currently on her neck but were disappearing in small green flames. Luna blinked and locked eyes with Celestia, whose eyes appeared green for second before quickly changing to purple. Luna’s eyes grew wide as the gears began to click. Luna glanced over at the door, which had been shut a moment ago was now open just a crack. Luna let out a long sigh as she lifted her hand looked back at her sister. A blue aura quickly surrounded Celestia, lifting her up into the air. Celestia appeared shocked, “Luna, what are you doing?” Luna ignored her and simply chose to glare at her. She then glanced back over to the door, now seeing that it was trying to slowly shut without her noticing. Unfortunately, she noticed. Flicking her hand, the door was thrown open and another Celestia, this one wearing white night gown, came stumbling into the room. Luna quickly shut the door and enveloped the other Celestia with her aura as well. Lifting her up she brought her over and now had two Celestias floating in front of her. Luna glared at the two of them before glancing to the one on the left. “Chrysalis I presume?” Looking shocked and defeated, the naked Celestia was enveloped in a green flame before quickly transforming back into the queen of the changelings. Luna raised an eyebrow, “I should have known. It usually takes Celestia awhile before we get down and dirty. Should have guessed the moment you asked me to touch your breasts only a few seconds after getting in.” Chrysalis turned to Celestia, “You forgot to mention that detail.” Celestia winced and looked away, “Sorry, it really has been awhile since we last had sex like this.” Luna groaned, “I don’t even understand this, what was the point of all this?” Both queen and princess of the sun glanced at each other before look away. Celestia then locked eyes with Luna. “I think we have a confession to make. We have been making love with each other for some time now in order to… Well make love.” Luna cocked her head to side, “What?” Chrysalis let out a small sigh, “I need love to feed my kin. Celestia has been doing an excellent job at supplying it. To the point we have starting actually seeing each other as more than sex buddies.” Celestia nodded, “We managed to find a mutual respect for one another and when she suggested making more love, I could not be happier that she wanted to make it with you.” Luna blinked, “So let me get this straight. You and her are a thing, apparently, and were looking to have a threesome with me and that the best way do so was to first have Chrysalis make love to me?” Chrysalis smiled, “Actually that was just step one. Step two was slowly revealing myself and step three was Celestia coming into the room and telling you about what we have been up to. Step four was then sexy fun threesome.” Luna looked on in shock while Celestia tried to suppress a small chuckle. Chrysalis grimaced, “Unfortunately I got a bit carried away and lost focus which caused you to see a bit of me you were not yet supposed to see yet.” Luna glanced between the two as everything sunk in. “I see..." She seemed to stare ahead lost in thought for a moment before nodding and turning back to them, her face surprisingly calm. "Well perhaps it is best we discuss this over tea later. I have a lot more questions but right now I am feeling a bit overwhelmed.” Luna slowly got out of the tub, her magic still holding Celestia and Chrysalis in place. As she threw on her robe, she glanced back at the two of them. “I shall see you both tomorrow night.” She then turned, cast a teleport spell and was gone in a flash. Celestia and Chrysalis glanced at each other in shock as the spell holding them lifted, causing both to drop into the bath with a splash. Celestia and Chrysalis rose from the water quickly, the sun princesses night gown clinging to her body. “Well that could have gone better,” she muttered. Chrysalis smiled, “I don’t know, that invitation to tea later made me think we still have a chance.” Celestia shrugged, “Guess we will know for sure tomorrow then.” Chrysalis raised an eyebrow as she eyed Celestia, “In the meantime, I can’t help but feel a bit worked up with all the events that have transpired thus far.” Celestia smiled as she began sauntering her way towards Chrysalis, “Well, I think I just might have the remedy for that.” Chrysalis grinned, the dark side of the moon can wait. Right now, the sun was eager to warm her heart in the mean time. > Negotiations Part II Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia smiled as she woke feeling well rested. Despite having stayed awake a bit longer than normal, her body felt the most relaxed in ages. The covers were warm and almost made it impossible to leave. But she had to. Raising the sun was one of her most important duties. Celestia made a move to try and slide out of her bed but a firm grip met her half way. Celestia blinked, puzzled. Turning her head slightly to the right and downwards, she found a set of green eyes peering out from under the sheets. Celestia let out a gentle laugh, “Good morning.” The green eyes blinked and moved forward until a head could be clearly visible. “Is it really morning already? Feels like we just went to sleep… Are you sure you can’t stay for a bit longer?” Celestia kissed the forehead of the still sleepy changeling queen, “Sorry but I really must get up. The sun won’t raise itself.” Chrysalis gave her a pouting look but gave up and slide back under the covers, her arms leaving Celesta's body as she did so. Celestia felt a shiver run down her back as the warm body left her. Taking a deep breath, Celestia left the warm covers and made her way to balcony. The moon was just making its descent. A bit quicker than normal, Celestia noted. Luna must be in a bad mood. Long ago she had ignored the signs but now she watched each one like a hawk. Remembering her tea party invite was in fact tonight, as agreed upon by a letter that appeared when Celestia and Chrysalis finally left the bathroom, she and the queen were to meet her soon after sun went down in her room to discuss some problems she felt about her and Chrysalis. Luna was a prankster, so Celestia had thought that her deception recently would have had little impact. But perhaps this was about something else, something more perhaps.  Raising her hand, Celestia felt the heat and warmth of the sun as she slowing rose it into the sky. The black sky quickly disappeared and replaced with a blue hue. The sun slowly rose until it stopped at the same place she always allows it to rest. Satisfied with her placement, she let her hand fall as a feeling lightheartedness briefly flew through her head. While more than used to raising and lowering celestial bodies, the amount of power needed to move them was nothing to sneeze at. Taking a deep breath, Celestia quickly cast a cleansing spell on her. While she usually preferred to be woken with a morning shower, the cleansing spell could do just as much and quickly have her body ready to start the day. She was already running a bit late as is.  Without much of a thought, Celestia was about to open the doors from her room when a grunt from her bed caused her to pause. Glancing back, Celestia could see Chrysalis slowly removing herself from her bed. Her smooth as silk naked body causing Celestia to smile and flick her hand that glowed a gold aura for a second. Chrysalis smirked as a light slap echoed throughout the room as the queen felt the magic hit her rear.  “For someone who just woke up, you sure seem to be a bit frisky.” Celestia smiled back, “Says the changeling queen of I-must-bang-for-love.” Chrysalis shrugged her shoulders as she made her way to the bathroom. “Fair enough.” Celestia turned and was about to leave again when she felt a cool breeze flow between her legs. Looking down, it occurred to Celestia that clothes would probably be a good idea before she left. Walking around naked did sound like fun at first. But then again, the nobles might complain more than usual. If it's one thing those nobles knew how to do well, it was complain. But that did not mean she had to abide by all their self appointed rules. Celestia opened her closet and smirked. "Today is going to be hot after all." *** Celestia strode down the long hallway, her white long sleeved one piece dress flowing as she walked. Probably looked like a spirit the way her dress moved as her eyes wandered around her. To anyone else it may have looked like she was lost in thought, in reality she was keeping an eye out for her sister. Running into her before the nightly meetup may stir up trouble beforehand. The more she thought about how Luna thought, the more paranoid she became. She knew how emotional Luna could get. Whatever she may have on her mind might just bubble up should they meet now. A sigh escaped her lips as it was apparent that Luna may be trying to avoid her as well. She did not show up for breakfast. Granted it was a short breakfast not to mention the fact that she showed up rather late... And the cooks and servants had yet to see her told Celestia that Luna had most likely decided to skip breakfast; that or she was making sure to get there when Celestia would not be around. Eating alone was not something she was used to; at least not something that she has had to do for some time. It could be understandable that Chrysalis would not show up. She ate on love after all. She could come by Celestia whenever she wanted. Luna not being there, however, was still a strange thing after a few years now of being together. If the feeling of resentment towards her deception were felt this badly, then perhaps it is better they did not see each other till tonight. And speaking of Luna, it would appear that Celestia was wise to keep an out as Luna soon turned a corner and was now on a collision course with Celestia. Luckily Luna had her head in a book so she had not noticed Celestia yet. Thinking quickly, Celestia knew she could not simply turn back. She was too far down the hallway and Luna was bound to notice her any moment. There was nowhere to hide and the only place to go ahead was now blocked by Luna. Glancing out the window, Celestia saw there was a large square of potted plants hanging on to the windowsill. Without a second thought, Celestia quickly teleported herself outside, her feet immediately sinking into the dirt of the plants outside. Celestia steadied her legs as they wobbled, her balance was only kept by her hands as grabbed the sides of the window. She stared back inside as Luna passed by. She was completely unaware her sister had been there. Celestia let out a sigh of relief. That sigh turned to a startled huff as the pots holding her up suddenly gave way. There was a ripping sound as Celestia felt her body begin to fall. Celestia quickly tried to unfold her wings but the spell that hid them also bound them to her skin. She would have to undo the spell and that would take time. Trying to do it quickly could end up hurting her back. She considered teleporting but trying to teleport while falling can be dangerous as one little misplace could have her teleporting to somewhere else than she intended. Even if it worked, she may end up back at the hall right back to where she started and Luna would notice her right away.  Celestia looked down and saw she was heading right for a small spring that was created to help in watering her garden. The spring should be deep enough to catch her without too much trouble. Taking a deep breath, Celestia felt the cold water quickly greet her body. Celestia blinked as she sunk for a bit before quickly pulling her head out from the water. Celestia let out a gasp of air as the cold water chilled every part of her body. Quickly swimming to shore, Celestia came to stop where her feet could touch. Now having a chance to catch her breath, Celestia looked down at her dress. Through the clear water she could see the holes and tears in her ensemble. Most likely her dress got caught on the bars that held up the potted plants, as well as whatever was firmly attached to the walls and window. Celestia let out a big sigh as she knew she was going to get a lecture from her seamstress. This had been the fifth or sixth dress ruined now just within the past week. No thanks to Chrysalis for most of those. She always did like to play rough. “Out for a morning dip as well?” Speaking of Chrysalis… “It would seem so, if not an impromptu one.” Celestia looked down as a fish swam around her. The black trout with glowing green eyes was enough of a giveaway to its true form but Chrysalis did not seem to care. To be fair, most of those that had been living in the castle had come to accept her living there as well as the creatures she sometimes became. Chrysalis dived down and with a flash of green in the water, came back up as a large black water snake. She wrapped herself around Celestia stomach. Just tight enough to keep hold but not tight enough to cause Celestia discomfort. She raised her head so that she was now at eye level with Celestia. “So, care to tell me about why you suddenly decided to appear on the window only to dive into my favorite swimming spot?” “I was trying to avoid my sister.” Chrysalis cocked her head to side, “So you decided the window was a good place to hide?” Celestia winced, “It was a split second decision.” “You could have teleported back to your room.” Celestia blinked and looked away, not wanting to meet Chrysalis’ gaze. “Ididn’tthinkofthat…” She muttered. “I’m sorry, care to repeat that?” “I DID NOT THINK OF THAT!” Celestia said more louder than she meant to. Chrysalis let out a small chuckle. “Am I really talking to the right Celestia? How could you not have thought of that?” “I have had a lot on my mind alright!” Celestia said quickly. Chrysalis smiled, “I think you seem a bit stressed.” Celestia didn’t say anything but slowly nodded. Chrysalis hummed as her tail unwound itself from Celestia. “Well I may not be able to do much, but if stress relief is what you need…” Chrysalis let her snake body sink beneath the water, a green glow could seen before her real body slowly rose to the surface. Chrysalis rose slowly up to Celestia, her naked breasts squishing against Celestia's as she brought her lips up to Celestia’s ear. “I can help with that,” She whispered. Celestia let out a soft moan as Chrysalis’ warm breath hit her ear, a shiver running down her body. The changeling queen smiled as she drew closer to Celestia, whose mouth slowly began to open. Chrysalis took the invitation and let her lips lock with Celestia, her tongue dancing in Celestia’s mouth. Celestia grabbed onto her lovers rear, squeezing it with both hands. Chrysalis hummed as she broke from the kiss. Celestia’s lips tried to chase after the retreating ones but soon stopped when she saw the grin Chrysalis wore. Sinking below the water, the changeling queen quickly flashed some gills onto her neck. Using her hands, she then began to rip apart the dress from the bottom up, tearing it apart to reveal the clam underneath. No underwear could be seen. “So she was going commando today? Celestia, you are a naughty princess. I could not be happier.” Chrysalis thought to herself with a wicked smile. Practically feeling the love pour from Celestia, the queen would not let her lover wait. After all, she was also hungry and needed to feast. Chrysalis opened her mouth and drew close to Celestia, pulling apart what was left of the dress; she cupped her hands briefly around Celestia’s large breast, squeezing them with earnest. She could not hear Celestia under the water, but she knew she had to moaning at this point. Chrysalis dove her head slightly more and licked her lips with her long tongue. She tested the entrance in front of her. The clam held her prize and her tongue was the only way she was going to get it. Running it up her down the outside, Chrysalis felt Celestia’s hand grip the back of her head. She needed this and she needed it now. Obliging, Chrysalis shot her tongue inside, wiggling it around. Celestia’s body shook as Chrysalis began to play with her food; darting her tongue in and out, slowly at first before gaining speed with time.  Celestia held her lovers head in place. Her eyes were closed as she took in the pleasure that was being sent to her brain. She took one hand off of Chrysalis, and removed what was left of her dress. She began to squeeze her own breast as the pressure began to build. Chrysalis was good with her tongue, never failing to give her a quick but loving orgasm.   Panting as her climax drew near, Celestia decided to give Chrysalis a little surprise as she was about to be sent over the edge. With a flick of her hand, a gold glow appeared. Chrysalis almost bit her tongue as she felt a magical dildo insert itself into her cunt unexpectedly. It was unexpected, but not unwanted. Feeling the magical appendage begin to work quickly, Chrysalis realized Celestia was hoping to bring both an orgasm at the same time. Smiling despite her tongue deep within her lover, she decided right then that she would not disappoint. Changing tactics, the changeling queen quickly grabbed hold of Celestia wonderful ass. She used it as leverage so she could bring her face as deep into Celestia’s snatch as she could. Celestia felt her breath leave. The tongue was in so deep. It tickled her g-spot. It was almost too much. With a silent scream, Celestia came. Chrysalis knew that the water would make it hard to grab the sweet nectar as it came pouring out. However, with the amount of love that came pouring out as well, she did not care. Her own quick orgasm soon followed. The dildo disappeared as soon as her climax finished. It was a nice treat all around. Chrysalis retreated from Celestia’s snatch and returned to the surface; her gills disappearing as she did so. Grabbing a breath of fresh air, Chrysalis felt Celestia pull her close, their faces no more than a few inches apart. “So princess, how do you feel now?” Celestia smiled as she realized that thanks to Chrysalis, she had almost forgotten all about Luna. It certainly helped to clear her mind, even just for a moment.  “Much better, thanks. You always know how to make me feel good. Luna used to be good at that as well.” Suddenly a thought occurred to her. “I think tonight might be more interesting then we think it is going to be.” Chrysalis raised an eyebrow, “Oh, and why do you say that?” Celestia grinned, “Because no matter what happens, I am making it my mission to make sure we all end up waking up in the same bed tomorrow.” Chrysalis grinned back, “Your negotiation skills never cease to amaze me.”