> Miss Fluttershy > by Nikiroo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Meeting her > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I missed you, Angel Bunny!" Fluttershy was home, at last. The wedding of princess Cadence and Shining Armor did certainly not go as planned, but in the end, all's well that ends well. The white bunny, not knowing what happened to his owner during those fateful two days, was surprised by a heartfelt hug from Fluttershy. Yet, seing her in this state was not unusual: he was used to such antics. Plus, while he would never admit it, he did actually like to be held in such a way by the pegasus, to comfort her. After all, he was the most important thing in her world, was he not? Fluttershy then started telling him everything that happened about the wedding ceremony and the changelings invasions. It was almost a ritual by now; every time she came back home from her adventures, she would thoroughly detail everything that happened to Angel Bunny. It helped her coping with the stress, and it satiated the bunny's burning curiosity. When she was done, it was already late; Luna lowered the Moon hours ago. Ready to go upstairs, Fluttershy was startled by a strange noise from outside. It sounded like a cry of pain, but it was cut short. An almost loud "Eeeeeeeep!" later, her first reaction was, of course, to go hide under the table. "Did... did you hear that?" Angel's only answer was to look non-plussed at her. He did not want to miss on sleep time just because of some noise from outside. "What do you think it was?" He did not bat an eye. "Do you think... it was a monster?" He could only roll his eyes at that question. The cry was heard again. This time, it was clearly a whine of distress. Realising her mistake, the pegasus did not loose time and left from under the table. She would not let an animal in need without assistance. Angel Bunny, irritated by the situation, did not want to leave the house. Changeling #32481 was having the worst night of his, admittedly young, life. Blasted away a few hours ago by a powerful spell made up --- of all things --- of pure love energy, he landed in that cursed forest. The remaining love and his hard chitin carapace softened the impact, but he was still badly bruised. After regaining his senses, his first priority was to get back to the Hive. Or at least, that was the intention. He was no scout, and had no idea where to find his comrades from here, much less the Hive. He was no fighter either... He quickly found out why this forest was off-limit by Royal order. Who in their right mind would have thought trees could grow teeth? By all accounts, he should not have made it alive. After having been used as a chew toy until the timberwolves tired of him, he was dropped there, discarded like a broken dolly. Thank the Queen again for his hard chitin... At least, they left him near the outskirts of the woods. Somehow, he managed to crawl out of the forest, getting himself one more scratch on his carapace and letting a pained cry escape against his will --- he did not want to attract anything else that might hunt him. But a few meters later, safety almost in front of him, he was blocked by a fence. A stupid fence, like those used by the ponies to keep small animals in it. A stupid fence he would have jumped over and over again would he have been in a better shape. A stupid, stupid fence that dashed what little remained of his hopes. He could not help but start crying... Her chicken were restless. Fluttershy thought Elizabeak was having troubles sleeping again, but she heard somepony sobbing near the fence. She approached slowly, not wanting to frighten them, until she saw a dark shape in the night. It was a young pony, probably not older than her, crouched near the fence, crying. "Hey there, can I help you?" Although she spoke softly, the pony heard her and looked in her direction. That's when she saw it was not a pony. That was one of those creatures that attacked them the day before in Canterlot. The lost changeling turned his head to see a frightening sight: out of nowhere, a pony appeared. Not just any pony, but Fluttershy herself. An Element of Harmony, protector of Equestria. One of the six mares who stood against his Queen, and won. She was said to have turned down a dragon and stared off a cockatrice. He tried to crawl away in fear as fast as he could. Fluttershy ran away and hid behind a fence picket. She was trembling, her hair in front of her eyes, and hoped that the changeling will just forget about her if she stayed hidden long enough. ... After some time has passed, she was still safe and whole. The sounds she had first thought were the changeling following her was still heard, though. He... was not in a hurry. It sounded like... cries of pain? Hoping that she was still safe where she was, the pegasus slowly took a peak behind the picket to see what was happening. The changeling was crawling towards the forest, obviously in pain. Afraid, Fluttershy still decided to go and see what was happening: he was obviously not attacking her, and his cries of pain made her feel too guilty to stay there. The more she approached, the worse it looked. Even with his chitinous carapace, the changeling's battered body was obviously in bad shape. When she was close enough to see him clearly by the moonlight, a gasp escaped her lisps. "Oh my..." Inch by inch, the changeling was approaching the forest again. He should not have left it in the first place. He knew his chances of escaping her were very slim, but he had to try. He had to! She still didn't catch him, so maybe, just maybe, he could... *Gasp* Looking at the noise behind him, he saw the dangerous pegasus open her eyes wide, then run fast towards him. He was done for. She was saying something, probably taunting him, but he fainted before she could finish. The combined effects of the shock and the adrenaline wear off took their toll. "Oh poor little one, what happened to you? Stay still, you should not move in that state!" Fluttershy was trying to comfort the wounded changeling as best as she could. His wounds were so bad it hurt just to look at them. When he fainted, she feared for his life; thankfully, he was still breathing. Changeling or not, she could certainly not let him here, he needed help! Determined, she grabbed him securely around his waist and flew back home. Angel was still moping in the sofa when he heard Fluttershy at the door. He was hopping in her direction with the intention of making it clear how unhappy he was, when he noticed the changeling. He wanted to hold his grudge, yet, he was curious. What was this black creature? It looked like a cross between a pony and a bug. From the looks he got around, he was not the only one to wonder about it. Even Harry the bear did not recognize it, and he travelled a lot into the Everfree. Hoping to get a peak, Angel came closer. But his face quickly turned green when he saw the changeling's wounds. He decided to wait until Fluttershy was done treating its... awful... wounds... Angel dashed to the bathroom. Fluttershy was tired. As soon as she came home, she saw to the changeling's wounds. The steps were almost automatic for her, she was used to tend to her animal friends' injuries, and while it was the first time she did so with another pony, it was not so different. Well, almost pony... Now, her living room was a disaster area: strange, green blood covered most of her sofa, used gaze was laying around, soiled towels were out of place. But she was way too tired to take care of that now. She needed to go get some sleep. The changeling was safe now, and probably not going to get up soon, so she decided to go and call it a night. The midday sun shining on his head, #32481 was slowly coming back to consciousness. At first, he wondered if he was alive or dead. But the pain soon rushing to him in waves made that clear. He then opened his eyes, thinking about what he... He quickly shut them off. "I did not see that. No way." He slowly took a peak again and did, indeed, still see a wild bear looking straight at him. This time, he also noticed a lot of small critters nearby, not afraid of the bear in the slightest. "I must be dreaming..." was all he could mutter. A small, almost timid voice was heard. "Oh, you're awake. How do you feel?" He didn't dare let the bear out of his sight, so he answered without even looking at her. "I don't know... Where am I ? What happened after..." Things clicked together in his mind. He *knew* what happened after the events of yesterday. That was a pet bear. He was in Fluttershy's lair! He slowly turned his head towards the voice, colour draining from his face. He was speaking with *her*. He was speaking with *Fluttershy*. He tried to move back a step, but was blocked by the back of the sofa, which startled him. *Yikes!* He crouched low, his hooves over his head, shivering in fear. "Oh my... Is there something wrong ?", Fluttershy did not expect that. "Please don't kill me!", #32481 answered without removing his head from under his hooves, so the sound was a bit muffled. Yet, Fluttershy heard them. She retreated back a few steps, not understanding why he thought she would... she could... do something so awful! Her hair again in front of her eyes, she looked at her animal friends. They were as surprised as she was. That gave her some courage. "No. No, no, of course not!" #32481 was still too terrified to even look at her, but Angel Bunny was not having any of this. With a swift kick on the changeling's right hoof and some gestures, he clearly told #32481 that he was not allowed to hurt Fluttershy's feelings like that. Some more gestures later, and he knew he had to look at the pegasus when she was speaking, too. Trembling, his head hung low but at least not under his hooves anymore, he looked at her. "Look, Mister changeling. I'm a care taker. I'm not going to hurt you.", Fluttershy said. #32481 did not answer. "I brought you here yesterday because it was too late to go to the hospital. But if you are able to move, we should go now; I know how to help my animal friends, but I'm not used to heal ponies... or changelings." "Please, no!", his reaction was much quicker this time, it even scared Fluttershy a bit. If she was really a care taker, too, and not just a warrior, he now understood why he was still alive. He already witnessed such behaviour back at the hive. Some care takers are so engaged in their work that, when there are no larvae to take care for, they report their duties on anyone they can find, changeling or not. But if he was sent to an hospital... the local overseer would kill him on the spot! He didn't understand how a renowned warrior like her could *also* be a care taker, but ponies were known to be strange. Staying with her offered little chances of escaping alive, but it was still better than nothing. Fortunately he didn't have to invent an excuse for his refusal. "I'm... I'm not able to walk." At his words, Fluttershy quickly went from afraid to concerned. "Oh my... Let me check your legs. Does it hurt if I poke here? Or there?", she poked the changeling in different places to see his reactions. "Ouch! Not here! Please, it hurts!" Now knowing where to look and not afraid of waking him up anymore, Fluttershy examined the changeling's leg. "You have a broken rear-leg, and... Where did you get all those claws and bite marks?" #32481 was still terrified of her. But now, he knew how to act; and while it was the first time he was near real ponies, he was still a changeling, and he has been trained for that. If she wanted to care for a poor little hurt "animal friend", he will be a poor little hurt animal friend. "I landed in that dreadful forest. There are *monsters* there!", he shuddered, not needing to act that part. "A pack of... moving trees --- with teeth! --- found me. They clawed at me! They bit me! It was awful." "Oh poor little one!", Fluttershy said, moisture in her eyes. "*Shh*... It's okay now...", she put a wing around the changeling to calm him. #32481 didn't understand. A changeling being comforted by *The* Fluttershy. The mere thought was alien to him, yet it was happening. It was frightening, but he had his act to play... > A caretaker's job > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy was smiling this morning, watching her new resident walking slowly back to the sofa. His state was improving. "So, how do you feel today?" #32481 jumped a bit as being addressed so directly by the pegasus, but quickly suppressed the move. "I still am unfit, Miss Fluttershy" Fluttershy was not used to being called 'Miss', but she didn't want to press the matter. She knew what being shy felt like — better than most ponies — and this changeling was obviously very shy. Maybe even more than her. She should at least ask his name, though; it's only fair, he knows hers. She looked at him. ... Well, maybe... maybe waiting a day or two will make things easier? For him, of course. Yes, for sure. She shouldn't push him too much for information. Getting back to the here and now, she forced herself to smile reassuringly to the changeling. "Don't worry. You'll be back on your hooves in no time." His expression didn't relax. He was probably still under shock... Fluttershy left the room, letting him get some needed rest. Harry and Angel Bunny were watching him again like yesterday to make sure he was safe, so she decided it was a good time as any to go grocery shopping. Maybe she should also get nurse Red Heart's advice, or ask her to come here? But the poor thing was so shy he was already having a hard time with just one pony. One step at a time, Fluttershy, one step at a time... He should at least have until tomorrow before having to meet new ponies. Her non-decision taken, Fluttershy left the cottage. A sigh escaped #32481's lisps. As if her words were not enough, the all teeth out smile she gave him when she reminded him of how little time he had left was not reassuring. "She may be *The* Fluttershy, but I will not show fear!" He saw the devil-bunny rolls his eyes at his quivering voice. #32481 lost himself in thoughts. It looked like she was just playing with him, yet she fed him enough love to slowly heal. But she would not waste so much energy before killing him. That made no sense! Warrior and nurse — care-taker, to use pony words... Maybe she just didn't know which instinct to follow? He'd better step up his act, and soon, then! So... Hurt and/or unable to care for himself? Checked. Sadly, that one was too true, on both accounts. Whining in pain when he tried to move? Checked. Again, there was no need to act that part. Looking lost and afraid? Checked. Hum... there's a pattern, here... Looking up in deference to her? Checked. As if he would dare not do it... He also hoped the title 'Miss' was the correct one for her position, but that's the only one he knew she had; he remembered it from a written pony artefact with lots of pictures of mares wearing strange non-protective clothes. Now. What more should he do? He watched the pegasus when she took care of her animals, but there was not a lot more he could imitate. He saw an otter and a couple of field mice hugging her hoof a few times, which seemed to please her. And that dangerous bear also licked her face once. About that one, he didn't know which was the scariest: being licked in the face by some wild bear, or licking *The* Fluttershy like that? That bear was very brave. Or crazy. So, like most ponies, she liked physical contact. Good to know. But he didn't want to lick her face and end up as changeling stew... Yet, he still has to do something. The more she acts as a nurse, the less she acts as a warrior... and the more time he has to plan his escape. Thinking of that, he looked at his fearful guardian. How will he even evade *that*? He should already try to get to know the bear's sleep patterns, so he'll be ready if an occasion appears. No way was he going to try when the beast was alert. ...But he didn't even have a pen nor paper to graph it. Worse than that, he was still in no condition to shapeshift. Doing so with parts of his carapace broken would be hazardous, at best. In fact, whatever he could think of, there was only one constant: there was nothing he could do but wait. His life was not in his own hooves anymore... On the other side of town, Fluttershy was doing her shopping. "...and, last but not least, your carrots! Will that be all?" "Oh, hum... yes. Thank you, Carrot Top." "You're welcome!" After some bits changed hooves, Fluttershy stayed in front of the stand, pensive. "Are you alright, Fluttershy?", asked Carrot Top after a whole two minutes. "Oh! Sorry! I... I was just thinking about something. I'm sorry, I didn't notice I was in the way." "Well, you're not. The peak hour has passed, there's nopony waiting in line. So. What were you thinking about that made you so quiet?" Fluttershy hid her eyes behind her mane, scrabbling around at the soil with one hoof. "Well, it's just..." Carrot Top waited, but nothing else came. "Oh, come on Fluttershy! Not again! We're friends, you don't need to be afraid. If you don't want to speak about it, that's fine." Thinking about it, Fluttershy actually wanted to speak to somepony about her resident. But she couldn't tell her friend it was a changeling; what if everypony heard about it? She promised herself not to bring him anypony else until at least tomorrow. But she wanted her friend's advice. She would have to be careful... "I want to... If it's okay with you? I mean, I know you have more important..." She was cut short by Carrot Top. "It's okay Fluttershy. So, what is it about?" Carrot Top then frowned a bit. "Nothing too bad, I hope?" Fluttershy shook her head quickly. "Oh no, no, nothing like that! I just heard some noises yesterday evening, so I went to see what it was and..." Again, Carrot Top waited, but nothing else came. "...and?" "He was lost! And wounded so badly!" She was almost crying, simply by remembering it. "Oh, I'm sorry Fluttershy! And is he... is he well, now?" "He's healing. But he's so afraid of everything..." "Then he's lucky you found him. If there is one pony for the job, it is you, Fluttershy!" "Thank you...", Fluttershy said while blushing. "By the way, is he a cat? A dog maybe? Do you know who is his owner?" Fluttershy was not at ease. "Well, I don't know, he didn't tell me..." Carrot Top chuckled a bit. "True. I forgot you could do that. The pony who first said 'The only thing it can't do is speak' obviously didn't know you!" A nearby pony loudly cleared his throat. "Hum. Are you open today, Carrot Top?" "Oh. Sorry", she answered. She then turned to Fluttershy. "Come back and tell me when you know who his owner is. I'll help you look for her." "Oh... okay. Thank you Carrot Top!" That was close... Finally in front of her cottage, Fluttershy relaxed a bit. She opened the door, hoping her resident took some time to rest — he needed to. "I'm home!", she said in a half-whisper, as usual. Before taking care of her saddlebags, she quickly checked on the changeling. "Do you feel better? Did you rest for a bit?" "I did take some rest, Miss Fluttershy" His voice did certainly not feel relaxed, a fact which Fluttershy attributed to his shyness, but she also noticed that he glanced at her saddlebags a few times. She was in familiar territory. Most of her animal friends wanted to have a glimpse at what was in her saddlebags when she came home, especially when they thought it could be food. "Oh, you're wondering what I have in my bags?" But #32481 didn't react the way she thought he would. At all. He looked like he had committed a big offence, and was clearly terrified. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry Miss Fluttershy! I would never..." She reacted almost on instinct and quickly dashed to the changeling to put her wings around him in a hug, cutting him short. "Shh... That's okay. There's nothing wrong with that." By the Queen, *no*! Why did he do that? Why did he do that?! #32481 closed his eyes, probably for the last time, hoping at least not to see the terrible instruments of torture he imagined could be in the warrior's bags. ... He was still alive. What... what was she doing? The pegasus was hugging him, whispering that everything was alright. Not understanding anything about what was happening, he just stopped moving, hoping for the best. "Don't be afraid, everything is alright", said Fluttershy again. He kept still for a moment longer, and was rewarded when the pegasus removed her wings from him. He may have just misread her first reaction. She was difficult to decipher. "I just bought some food from the market. I needed to restock". She pointed to her saddlebags with one hoof. "That's just some vegetables." So... was he supposed to be interested, then? And why was she speaking about restocking? ... Fluttershy hid her eyes behind her mane. "Sorry. It's... it's not interesting, is it?" Was she hesitating again? Then he must say something! #32481 took his courage in both hooves. At least, he knew the subject well. "It is, Miss Fluttershy." "...is it?" "It is actually my line of work." He saw the pegasus relax a bit — it seemed that speaking was the correct choice. "So, you are a cook then?" "...No. I work in the logistic team." #32481 was nervous. He hoped that his occupation as a mere worker would not disappoint her, since he was indeed not a cook as she thought he was. But for once, he was happy not to be from the more prestigious warrior caste. The pegasus smiled a bit. That was the right caste. #32481 felt better. "So, your job is to make sure everypony... I mean, *everyone*, get their meal as needed?" The nervousness crept back in. "...Yes, Miss Fluttershy?" There was much more than that to his work, and he was proud of what he did, but a warrior playing as a nurse would not understand that. "Well, it's an important task", she replied. Wait. A warrior as good as her as praising a worker's duty? #32481 was at a loss. Angel Bunny then came into the room. He looked at Fluttershy, then started tapping repeatedly on the ground, his forelegs crossed over his torso. "Oh. Speaking about that, I should really go feed everyone", said Fluttershy. The changeling watched her go into the kitchen, surprised. Why didn't she punish the bunny? Once in the kitchen, Fluttershy quickly put the content of her saddlebags into the cupboard. At least, she would have all she needed for today and tomorrow, maybe even a bit more if she had enough lettuce for Angel. "I should really make a list...", she muttered for herself for the umpteenth time. But she was actually smiling. It's been a long time since she had a new resident to care for. She deeply loved her animal friends and the pets from Ponyville that frequently visited her cottage, but a changeling? Almost nothing is known about their species. That was exciting! She just hoped Carrot Top was right, that she was up to the task. She promised herself here and now that she *will* nurse him back to health. > Joining > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After less than an hour in the kitchen, Fluttershy was ready to feed everyone. When she entered the living room, a lot of eyes were upon her. While it would be utterly terrifying for her if they were ponies looking at her on a stage, the glittering eyes of her animal friends when she came to feed them only brought her a happy smile. The canary she found last week watched her so intently she could have swore it was a statue. She knew Mister Mousey and his wife did not look different, even if she wasn't able to see them currently, hidden by the small door-like hole made especially for them in the wall. But then, she saw something new. As usual, the couple of ferrets she housed were looking at her, each one standing on one arm of the sofa, only their heads visible above the back of the sofa. What was not usual, though, was the changeling head, only visible from the eyes up, in the middle of the same sofa. His blue, pupil-less eyes were reflecting the light as well as the ferrets', and Fluttershy couldn't help but giggle at the sight. After half her tour was done — she had to go back to the kitchen to get a carrot and an onion slice to satisfy Angel — she came to the sofa, where the three heads didn't move an inch. Of course, she was used to that. Even Harry finally learned to calm his greediness and wait for his turn. She was glad the changeling was so well-behaved from the start. She gave the ferrets their plates and a few comforting words like she did with everyone, and they answered in their own way before digging in: one of them hugged her leg for a second, the other jumped on the sofa and licked her face, making her giggle again. She then turned to face her new resident. “I... I hope you'll like it. I saw your long teeth, so I thought that you would prefer a fish diet?” She offered him a plate. “Of course, if you prefer, I can prepare you something else!” #32481 was still tense, but answered nonetheless. “Thank you, Miss Fluttershy. I can eat fish.” She was still holding the plate in front of him, but he didn't dare take it. All the animals she had served until then have just waited for her to put the plate down in front of them, so he waited, too. Even if the smell was actually very tempting. And he did not eat since the failed invasion. That fish was looking very nice, too... He quickly shut his muzzle when he felt some saliva dripping from it. That wouldn't do. He didn't hear it when his stomach growled, though, his attention captured by the plat in front of him. Fluttershy was hesitating, her eyes shifting away from him, but at last she placed the plate down. He was right to have waited, then. Yet, all the others have thanked her in one way or another. He was very nervous about it, but he didn't want to make a faux-pas. Choosing the move that looked the most like an act of submission, he moved in front of her and lowered his head to her hoof. Fluttershy was still wondering why he didn't take the plate directly; maybe his magic was weak and he was not used to do things by hoof? She then saw the changeling looking at something near her hoof, so she lifted it to make it easier for him to see. But instead of looking at the ground, he just pushed his head against her hoof, like a cat wanting to be petted. The pegasus eyes were sparkling. Such a cute little thing! She gladly obliged the changeling, petting his head affectively. “Aaaw, poor little one. Don't worry, you're safe now. You should eat your dinner, you'll feel better after.” She then went back to her tour, a spring in her step. What just happened? #32481 was not sure. He was glad she accepted his submission, but then she gave him a lot of love-energy — much more than what he needed for the day. And she sad he was now 'safe'. Was she trying to take him in as part of her heterogeneous pack-like group? A weak worker like him? He should not get his hopes too high. It was still unlikely anyone would want him in, especially not if they have been attacked by his kin a few days before. He was not even sure his own Hive would let him back in if he strayed too long. Yet, that would explain most of her behaviour. Or did the fact that he so very, very much wanted his old life back made him see what he wanted to see? It was so easy before... He just had to obey his orders, and he knew his acts were contributing to the Hive as a whole. The smell of his plate hit him again. Well, he could still philosophise about it later. Time to eat. Fluttershy completed her tour a bit quicker than usual. Now that the chicken were fed — she was glad to see that Elizabeak was well rested and didn't have nightmares any more — everyone was accounted for. Well, everyone but her, of course. So she went home, tidied up the kitchen a bit, and had her own dinner. She knew that by the time she will be done, she could start a tour again to take back the plates and cups before doing the washing up. It was a tiring life, but she did it for them, and she felt that it was worth it. Still not able to move as much as he would have liked, #32481 had little to do but watch the pegasus doing her chores. And then, only until she went outside. She was very dedicated to her caretaker activities. At first, when she told him she was not only a warrior but also a caretaker, he thought she was just posing as such on her leisure time; maybe thinking her rank allowed her to do as she pleased. But he watched her, and she was certainly doing a good job. He knew that back at the Hive, a nurse's pride was to show how calm and well-behaved the larvae under his care were. And here, while she took care of many different species of animals entirely — some even sharing a predator/prey relationship — she would get a lot of respect from the worker caste as a whole for the way she handled them. How could she be so good at both activities? It baffled him. He always thought the warrior caste was ruthless and only valued drones strong enough to hold themselves in a fight. She was obviously not acting that way. Was that a pony thing? He didn't know, but he certainly didn't complain about it. Looking at his now empty plate, he wished again that she would actually want him as a part of her... pack? herd? He didn't even know the right pony term. But he knew it was only that: wishful thinking. He should already be thankful that she was willing to nurse him back to health before alerting the officials about it. Once again, he thought about escaping. Even if he knew how unlikely he was to succeed... Still, one lives by hope. As soon as the kitchen swinging doors opened, #32481's eyes were on it. He watched the pegasus passing through them with a tea towel on her back, slowly walking towards him. “So... Was it to your taste?” He was still nervous, there was no way around it; but he tried to stay calm and keep his head low. “Yes — thank you, Miss Fluttershy.” The pegasus let her mane cover her eyes again before continuing. “I know it's silly but... I still don't know your name.” #32481 was taken aback. Yes, she sounded unsure about it, but she actually asked about him! She was considering him! He raised his head slightly, just enough to look at hers, and choose his words carefully. “I'm worker caste drone #32481, from the logistics unit.” ... She didn't say a word, and looked like she didn't get the answer she wanted. Maybe she was waiting for more? Fidgeting, he thought about what he could add, the remembered she first took him for a cook. “I've been assigned a lot of food transport missions, too.” “Hmm... Okay? So what is your name, mister drone?” That was still more encouraging than her previous answer. But why was she asking again? Did he say something she didn't like? ...was she speaking about an honorific title? “I... I don't have any other name, Miss Fluttershy.” The pegasus looks surprised. She was probably expecting a high-profile changeling! But what should he do, now? Lying to her was probably a very bad idea — one doesn't lie to an elite warrior with impunity, and he was completely at her mercy should anything happen. So, what to do? Think! But before he could, she interrupted him. “But... How could you not have a name?” She didn't yet look angry at him — and he was still alive. She's offering him a chance, but what? “I'm always working my hardest for the Hive, Miss Fluttershy! I always do the most I can!” He was trembling, now; he knew very well this was a poor excuse, but that was all he had. The pegasus came closer. “Shh... It's okay, it's akay...” ...was it? She then wrapped a wing around him, which was both terrifying and comforting at the same time. “So, what should I call you, then?” She was not... Was she...? His surprise was enough to make him stop trembling. “Wha... what do you mean, Miss Fluttershy?” “Well, you need a name, obviously. So, what do you want it to be?” She was! She was offering him a name! But why was she asking him about it? The changeling wrapped under her wing wasn't trembling any more. She was glad it was so easy to calm him — the poor thing must still be under shock. Now, he was just showing a blank face. Maybe she could help him with a suggestion? Thinking on it, she remembered something that happened earlier today: the way he was looking at her from the sofa, only his eyes and up visible above it. “Maybe... if it is okay with you... What about Shining Eyes?” The changeling relaxed slightly. “Thank you, Miss Fluttershy!” Speaking about names, she was still not too much into being called 'Miss', but he looked so happy right now that she didn't want to tell him just now. She was still wary about what she said around him, since he could be scared over anything. “Well, 'Shining Eyes', I still have some work to do. Why don't you rest a bit more on the sofa? You need some sleep to get better.” “I will!” Well, he sure looked more happy now. Fluttershy left him there and went back to the kitchen, with some bowls and cups to wash. She still didn't know what to do about Shining Eyes, but she was glad to see he was into his way to recovery. Back into the kitchen, she started the washing up without even thinking about it. That's what she liked about it: her hooves were busy, but her mind was free to reflect upon the day. In this case, her main focus was of course Shining Eyes. When she brought him home, she was afraid he needed medical attention she would not be able to provide; but since he was a changeling, she could not just send him to the hospital. She would have had to make sure he was not mistaken as an invader. So she thought she would go see her friends for advice, or maybe nurse Red Heart directly. But he was very shy, and more than adamant about *not* wanting to go to the hospital. She would usually not cave in to such behaviour, but in this case, he as very well behaved. He was just terrified about a lot of things. And he seemed to get better without complications, though she wanted to check his broken leg again. A bone that healed while misaligned was never fun. Maybe she should check with Twilight if she had a book about them changelings? It would be very helpful, even if she doubted it actually existed. > Getting to know the new queen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting out of bed, Fluttershy yawned then flexed her wings a couple of times. She wished she could fin sleep as easily as Shining Eyes... By the time she came back from tidying up the house a bit yesterday, he was already fast asleep. So she just made sure the sheets were covering him up completely, then decided to call it a night, too. Walking down to the living room, she heard a bit more noise than usual and noticed than Shining Eyes was not in the sofa any more. She also noticed that it was high time that said sofa was cleaned... The changeling walking unsteadily around it. Angel Bunny then hopped next to her, expecting his morning greeting. “Oh, hello Angel!” She complied and patted the bunny's head, smiling as she did so. “Hello to you, too, Shining Eyes.” “Miss Fluttershy.” Shining Eyes lowered his torso, his head held low and almost touching the floor, almost as if bowing to her. The pegasus smile did not leave her lips as she saw the move. She quickly approached and patted his head, too. Shining Eyes was a pony — or almost anyway — but if *he* wanted his head to be patted, she was happy with it. “How do you feel?” Shining Eyes didn't answer immediately, as if surprised by the move, or maybe thinking about his answer. “I should be able to walk normally in a day or two, and fully able to work in a few more. My carapace is already getting ready to shed.” She doubted a broken leg could heal that quickly. “And what about your leg? I'm not sure you should try to walk before it's healed...” “It's mending correctly.” “Can I see?” The changeling obediently turned around to show his leg and, indeed, it was already healing. That was impressive. Maybe the changelings can heal quicker than ponies? She really wished she knew more about them... “Well, yes, it's looking good. That's nice! If you want, you can follow me to the kitchen so we can take our breakfast there; it will be better than on a dirty sofa. If that's okay for you?” “Thank you, Miss Fluttershy.” 'Miss', again. She sighed. “You know, you don't have to call me 'Miss'...” The changeling looked a bit apprehensive. “...Should I call you 'Queen'?” With a thankfully silent 'Eeep', Fluttershy tried to hide her blush behind her mane. “'Mi'... 'Miss' is fine!” Shining Eyes as perplexed. First she pets his head when she bows to her, and now, she is unclear about her title. But if she says it is fine, then so be it. He then watched her prepare the breakfast at a speed that was hard to follow. It seems she was starting things at random times, yet, everything was ready exactly when needed. “Oh, don't worry. I'm used to that. Do you prefer chocolate or jam in your pancakes?” She then hesitated. “Oh. I'm sorry. I forgot you were not a pony. Can you eat pancakes, oats, daisies and all that?” she asked, pointing at the breakfast laid on the table. “If... if you don't, just tell me what you want, I'll prepare something else.” Shining Eyes was surprised again. She really was generous with her hive! “We can eat anything a pony can. But I don't know what are chocolate and jam... I don't mind which you choose.” Fluttershy looked a bit preoccupied and whispered to herself, but he was not able to understand everything she said. He just heard the words 'chocolate', 'pink pie' and 'party'. She then shook her head. “Whatever. Just take a cushion, I'll get the tea and the jam. I'm sure you'll like it!” That pony food was delicious! Shining Eyes never had something as good as that to eat before. That 'tea' beverage was a bit harder to accept, though. But still, he never had such a good meal. Fluttershy was giggling when looking at him when he tasted the different food items, but she kept feeding him love at the same time, so it was obviously a good thing. When she took some time to pet a passing-by otter, he noticed that she sent him as much love as each of her other residents, even that evil-looking bunny thing she was so lenient with. He was... He was truly accepted. To say that he was happy about it was an understatement, and the smile he now wore was proof of this. The pegasus saw it, too. “Well, you sure like your breakfast!” “Yes, Miss Fluttershy. I didn't know food could be so good!” She blushed again. “Well, it's just some basic things. I wanted to give you some choice, so I made a bit of everything I had at hoof...” “Thank... thank you.” He lowered his head a bit in respect. Not a lot more was said during breakfast — he got his head petted once more, though. After Fluttershy removed the stained sheets from the sofa, she went to him. “Do you like to read? ... That is, if you don't mind me asking...” “I write a lot; it is necessary. So I read, too.” She took some time to acknowledge the message. “Well, I need to go see a friend before dinner, but I don't want you to get bored. I've got some books on the shelf that you can read if... if you want. But there are scrolls and ink on the desk, too. If you prefer. Or if it is 'necessary' to you.” When Fluttershy left, the changeling wore a grin matching his happiness. She already trusted him enough to work in her absence. He will make sure she will not regret it. He took the ink and scrolls, and wondered briefly what he will start his inventory with. Fluttershy knocked quietly on the tree-library door. She really needed some more information on changelings, and if somepony could help her when looking for information, it ought to be Twilight. A small dragon opened the door, before looking up at her. “Hey Fluttershy!” “Hi, Spike.” “You know, it's a library... You don't need to knock every time.” That was far from the first time Spike told her so, but she really didn't want to intrude... What if they were busy? So she just followed the dragon — who didn't try to press the point any more — inside the tree-house. “So, what can I help you with, Fluttershy?” “Well, I would like... I mean, if you don't mind... some-information-about-the-changelings,” she said, whispering the end very quietly and very quickly. She hoped he would not mind looking at such a controversial subject. He was affected as much as everypony present that day, and she didn't want to cause him to remember bad memories. “...Sorry, could you repeat that last part?” She tried again, slower, but still as quietly as before. Yet, Spike heard it; he was used to speak with her, after all. “Wow. That's a strange request. I'm surprised you of all ponies is asking about them!” “Well... I'm... curious?” She should certainly not tell ponies about Shining Eyes until he was fully healed. That would not be kind to him. And she was curious, so it was not a lie... “Well, sure, no problem. I'll just go ask Twi if she has any idea where to look for. Any subject in particular?” “Hmm...” She was already hiding her face behind her mane. “I'm curious about what they eat, if they eat like us, as much as us, if they need to sleep, if they rest like us to heal when they are hurt... They are so like us, but still different so... so I'm curious. What are the differences between a changeling and a pony?” Spike looked flabbergasted at how long she spoke in a single reply. ...Without chastising some pony who deserved it or comforting a critter, at least. “Okay... No problem. I just need to know where to look for,” Spike answered. He then yelled at Twilight, “Twilight! Where do I look for books about changelings?” On the shout of "Coming!", the librarian came downstairs. “Oh, hello Fluttershy. How are you?” After some pleasantries were exchanged, Twilight finally answered Spike : "If you're looking for books about changelings, you're lucky! I just grouped them all this morning to move them from the different 'Legends', 'Myths', 'Fiction' and 'Fairy Tales' sections to the more serious 'Non-equine intelligent species' section. You just have to look at 'C'!" “Be sure to properly note which books you take, though; I'm still not done writing them all down!” she added in a serious tone. Spike rolled his eyes at the remark. “Duh. Of course I will, Twi! I'm not your number-one assistant for nothing!” “Heh. Yeah. Sorry,” Twilight answered sheepishly. “Come, Fluttershy! Let's have a look at what you need!” The pegasus just said her thanks to Twilight before following Spike. She was glad the librarian didn't ask her why she was looking for information about the changelings. Coming home at last, Fluttershy wondered how fared her guest. She should have expected that Twilight would not let her leave without at least browsing 'quickly' into all the relevant books... She was afraid this morning not to find a single book about changelings, she now returned with her saddlebags full of those — and only because she told Twilight she couldn't carry anything more. “Hello, I'm home,” she said. The place was quiet. Only Angel Bunny was here to greet her, until he saw she was just carrying books; he then crossed his paws over his chest, not happy. “I'm sorry Angel, I only went to the library.” Before she reached the bookshelf, Shining Eyes came from the kitchen. “Hello, Miss Fluttershy,” he said, lowering himself in a bow again. Fluttershy half-giggled behind her hoof at the sight, then patted his head. “I hope I wasn't too long? Did you try a book?” “No, I only had enough time to sort through the kitchen... But I'll start right away if you want me to!” he answered, half-panicked. Fluttershy quickly put a wing around him to sooth his fears. “Shh... It's okay... I just mentioned the books so you can have something to do if you are bored; you don't *have* to read them.” “Th... Thank you, Miss Fluttershy.” Well, he was still scared over the most silly of things... She was thankful he was quick to recover, though. She then removed her wing, an try to change the subject. “So, what was it about the kitchen?” Shining Eyes wished he thought a bit more before panicking over not having read the offered books. He was so used to the way things were in his previous hive that he reacted instinctively. If he had refused or even delayed such an honour in his previous hive... But Miss Fluttershy was different. He didn't want to look afraid of her while she was obviously trying to put him at ease. Even if it was frightening to think about all she did and was rightfully renowned for... Back into the present, he answered the question. “I sorted through it. I inventoried everything, but I must admit I don't know what some of your supplies are for, or sometimes even just what they are.” Seeing how Fluttershy was surprised, he quickly added, “I didn't disrupt anything, though! I will only start to organise them when you tell me to, and I still need to know more about some of the items before starting.” The reply was not immediate. “...Okay?” Fluttershy finally answered. That certainly was not expected. He did say his job was to make sure everypony was given his meal on time, or something like that. Was it part of that? “So... You made a list of everything I have in my kitchen?” “Yes, Miss Fluttershy?” He didn't seem to sure of himself. She should take care not to scare him again. And speaking about the kitchen... Having a recent enough list of what she had could really be useful. Every time she went to the market after noticing she forgot to check for something in the first place, she swore she would make a list. Someday. “So... If I needed to know, say, how much lettuce I have left... It would be in that list?” “...Yes? Well, you don't have any lettuce left, but if you had, it would be noted.” Oh. Angel Bunny will not like to hear that... Still, she was smiling. It was really nice of Shining Eyes to help her. “Well, that list will be helpful. That's nice of you. Was that part of your work, before? If... If you don't mind me asking.” “Yes. Our team was in charge of the inventory and food reserves when the swarm was moving. So we also had to make a lot of inventory lists.” “Oh.” At lest, he looked a bit more confident. She was also curious about what he was doing before. It looked like it was a lot of work. “What was it like?” “...We knew it served the Hive. That was enough for us.” Not sure if it answered the question, he continued, “We made sure to check everything, too notify the gatherers when we were low on some resources, to plan where to refill them long enough in advance, to estimate our future needs, to organise the safe transportation of the resources across land... In short, our task was to make sure everything was in order.” Wow. That was a lot of work. He looked like he was proud of his work, and she could understand why. ...And he didn't look afraid any more. “That... That certainly doesn't look like it was easy to do.” “No. But it was necessary. And we did it well.” Fluttershy could almost *see* how proud he was of his job. After some more discussion about his work in his previous Hive and how he used to feel about it, Shining Eyes noticed when Fluttershy took the books she had in her saddlebags to put them on the bookshelf. She had so many of them! She already had a large collection, and she is still now adding at least seven of them to it, like it was nothing! And not just any books, but large tomes of knowledge, in pristine state. She probably saw his mouth agape, as she turned towards him. “Is everything all right?” she asked at last. “That's... That's a lot of books.” “Oh. Yes, I just borrowed some books about changelings from Twilight. I figured I could take better care of you with those.” She was speaking lower and lower after each word. “...I hope you don't mind?” She must have called in a huge favour for this... Or maybe her notoriety was enough for her to afford such a move? In all cases, she got that just for him. He swore here and there that he will do anything for his new Queen. “Thank you, Miss Fluttershy.” He bowed to her, a tear in his eye... and got petted again by a giggling Fluttershy. > First Change > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting out of bed, Fluttershy yawned then flexed her wings a couple of times, as usual. She had a good night of undisturbed sleep and fell asleep almost immediately, this time. This was probably linked to yesterday evening. Shining Eyes and her talked a bit more, then she allowed him to reorganise the kitchen's supplies while she had a look at Twilight's books. Of course, they kept talking throughout all of it; him to ask about some supplies he could not identify, her to confirm or infirm what a specific book said about changelings. It doesn't sound like much, but having somepony to talk to during the evening was already a lot for Fluttershy. It was almost like when her friends came to visit her, and she truly cherished those moments. Taking care not to make too much noise, she went downstairs. “Good morning, Miss Fluttershy.” “Hello, Shining Eyes.” Once again, he was already up and about before her. She petted his lowered head. “How do you feel today?” “Much better. I can already walk without feeling pain any more.” “That's good! Maybe we could go for a small walk after breakfast to exercise your legs?” “...If it is all right with you?” she added hastily. “Of course.” The pegasus relaxed a bit at the answer. “But now, let's get some breakfast.” Leading the way, Fluttershy went to the kitchen. Even though all her supplies were reorganised the previous evening, she had no difficulty in finding everything she needed. It seemed that everything was at its place. Using up the rest of a bag of flour for the pancakes, she saw Shining Eyes taking some notes on a scroll. “Is everything all right?” “...Yes, Miss Fluttershy?” Noticing that she looked at his scroll, he added, “I'm just making sure the inventory is up to date so I don't have to do it tonight.” “Oh. Thank you. It's kind of you,” she answered, still working the pan. The breakfast was as good as yesterday, and Shining Eyes still couldn't believe how good that was. So much better than moss and mushrooms... He was also getting used to the petting. The love she gave him just during the times she petted his head could more than easily cover him for a day. And it's not like he was lacking in love, even without these. Her hive was small, but she was a strong Queen. Once they both ate their fill, he followed Fluttershy while she checked on all her residents, and no long after, they were ready to leave the cottage. He checked himself thoroughly before turning to the pegasus. “Miss Fluttershy?” “Yes?” “Should I disguise myself before we leave?” After all, while he was still a bit sore and could certainly not exert himself too much for now, most of his injuries were healed and his carapace was shining like new. Shapeshifting would not be a problem any more, especially with all the love he had in reserve. Fluttershy looked unsure, though. “Are you sure it won't tire you too much? You still need to recover... Of course, if you want to, then it's good, too! You know better if it's okay for you... And... and-maybe-I'd-like-to-see-it, too! But only if you are sure!” she said with some excitement in her voice. She was not clear, but if she wanted to see, he would gladly oblige. Thinking it would be best to keep his wings so he could follow her airborne if needed, he made his choice. Green flames surrounded him for a second, and when they disappeared, a lithe black pegasus stood in his place. Surprised by the green fire, Fluttershy jumped a few steps back. “That's... impressive.” She was excited to see her changeling... well, the changeling she was taking care for, healed enough to do that. Moreover, it was the first time she could see such a transformation without having to fear for her life at the same time. She took her time to check the disguise, but could not find anything out of place. “If I didn't know, I could not tell you are a changeling.” “Thank you, Miss Fluttershy.” She then petted his head, smiling, before passing through the door. Fluttershy quickly checked the sun position. The small walk turned out to be longer than expected. But since the weather was pretty nice and Shining Eyes didn't seem the least bit tired, she was not in a hurry to get back to the cottage. She then noticed the den she was looking for. “Do you see this one?”, she asked, pointing to the den, “This is where Missis and Mister Ferret spend the winter.” Shining Eyes nodded. Since the first time she mentioned something about the area they were wandering in, from the pound near her cottage where carps were plentiful to the path in the forest leading to Harry's cave, he looked interested in everything he ha to say about it. So, Fluttershy did not miss her chance to speak about those things she loved here. It was not everyday she found somepony so quiet and willing to listen to what some consider her 'ramblings' about nature. A few hours later, after some more wandering and a couple of questions from Shining Eyes, they went back to the cottage for dinner. With his help, she made sure all of her residents were fine, and prepared their dinner — he still took the time to note everything that needed to be restocked. But before they could start making their own meal, they heard a visitor. *knock* *knock* Fluttershy jumped back, startled by the noise. Immediately, Shining Eyes took position between her and the door, hissing menacingly. The pegasus quickly put a wing around him, shushing him down. “Don't worry, it's just somepony knocking at the door. Can you just... change back into a pony? ...If you don't mind?” Fluttershy nervously went to the door, green flames erupting behind her. When she was sure Shining Eyes was ready, she opened the door ajar to check who was there. “Yes?” “Hello, Fluttershy!” “Oh, hello, Twilight”, she answered shyly, “How can I help you?” Shining Eyes was very quiet, not wanting to bring any undue attention on him. Twilight Sparkles. The mare who rooted out Queen Chrysalis during the failed invasion. The Sun's protégée. The Element of Magic. Even if he knew from the start that was an ally of his new Queen, it was a very different thing to actually see her in front of him. What surprised him even more, though, was the reason she came for. Not that he would complain, but he was led to believe she was at the top of the hierarchy as far as the Element Bearers were concerned; yet, she came here to bring his Queen an offering in the form of books. It seems a lot of what he knew about ponies was based upon misconceptions. Twilight finally addressed him. “So... Shining Eyes, right?” He gave a quick look at Fluttershy, who was sporting a non-helping, nervous smile. “Yes?” “Please don't be shy! I'm Twilight Sparkles, the librarian here, in Ponyville; I'm also doing some research on the Magic of Friendship, on account of Princess Celestia!”, Twilight said, excited. “I'm sure we can be friends!” She paused a bit, getting a quick look at the first check mark on the scroll she was hiding on her, trying to be discreet about it. “What is your name? ...Oh. Sorry. I know that already.” She looked at the next check mark. “What made you come here?”, she asked instead, showing an obviously forced smile. Shining Eyes was slowly skittering back to towards Fluttershy, who answered by putting one of her wings around him again, before whispering to him, “Shh... It's okay. She's a friend.” Thanks to that, he felt more secure. Praise the Queen. Twilight was taken aback by her move, but before she could inquire about it, Shining Eyes replied. “I'm just resting here from some wounds. I help with the animals where I can, and I maintain some inventory lists.” Twilight immediately forgot what she wanted to ask. “Lists, you say?” Her smile was not forced, this time. Watching the two discuss — or, more accurately, Twilight speak and Shining Eyes doing his best to answer her — Fluttershy was afraid Twilight would notice he was a changeling. After all, she was still not sure she should tell her friends about it, and certainly not before asking his opinion. But here was not a lot she could do about it, so she just stayed there, listening to the both of them. At some point, Twilight came back to the subject she was visiting for, and turned back to Fluttershy. “Did you already find out what you wanted to know about changelings, Fluttershy? Because I'd be glad to help you look into it, and I'm sure we can find everything you need to know in the books you took yesterday and those I just brought in!” “We... We read some of them”, Fluttershy answered nervously. “Oh, Shining Eyes is helping you on this, too? That's great! So, what did you two find about them?” Everything was going well. Fluttershy sighed out of relief. Twilight was still acting as usual, and was actually impressed at what the two found out in so little time; though she then had a very long explanation about how to source one's work and how to write references, and why it was important for any serious work. Of course, she didn't know Shining Eyes knew a lot more about changelings than what was in the books... Since Shining Eyes was making some tea in the kitchen, Twilight turned to Fluttershy. “Tell me, Fluttershy, do you still intend to come to the picnic tomorrow?” “Well... I promised I will...” “Will you invite Shining Eyes? He looks very tense, almost like he was waiting for the Princess to come any minute.”, she giggled a bit at her own remark before continuing, “I'm sure some relaxing and meeting new friends would help him!” So she was still pushing herself so much for her studies... Or maybe to please Princess Celestia. That could be the reason, too. Fluttershy was not sure if even Pinkie Pie was more energetic to try and make new friends, these days. Still, she remembered when Rarity discussed her picnic plans with them. “But... wasn't this supposed to be a girls-only 'sortie'?”, she asked, trying to pronounce the foreign word the same way Rarity did. “Not really. Spike will be there, too. And I'm sure the girls won't mind.” The pegasus thought that maybe *Shining Eyes* would mind, though. He was only just getting used to go outside again, after all. “Well... I'll ask him. He still needs some rest, too.” “Sure.” At that point, Shining Eyes came back with the tea. Twilight finally left a couple of hours later, giving Fluttershy all the scrolls she compiled with them about the changelings. “See you tomorrow!” When he door closed, Fluttershy sat down where she was, exhausted. Shining Eyes immediately went to her. “Are you all right, Miss Fluttershy?” She giggled softly and petted his head. “Don't worry. I'm just tired after all this 'research'.” As she was speaking, her stomach growled loudly. “Let... Let's make dinner”, she said, blushing at the noise. > Pink is a scary colour > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When morning came, Shining Eyes was already taking care of the menagerie when Fluttershy woke up. Strangely, she hadn't heard him get down from the guest bedroom. Moving stealthily must be a changeling skill... “Hello, Miss Fluttershy.” She petted his head. “Hello, Shining Eyes.” He still looked as giddy as he looked yesterday, when she showed him the guest bedroom. “Did you sleep well?” “Wonderfully, Miss Fluttershy!” His enthusiasm made her smile. However, a certain small bunny was not happy about it, and made it known. Loudly tapping his paws on the ground, he crossed his forepaws and glared at Fluttershy. “Oh, hello Angel! Is something wrong?” She went to pet him, but he turned around, his paws still crossed. “Don't be so jealous, Angel.” He didn't bulge. “I'll make sure to cook your favourite carrot cake tonight.” He half-turned, then changed his mind and got back in place. “...with a cherry on top.” He finally relented, but with a look that sent a message. Fluttershy knew she'd better make sure to greet him first tomorrow morning. After having accepted her apology, the bunny left, hopping away proudly. Fluttershy didn't giggle. It was not easy while looking at Angel's antics, but she did her best not to let it heard. He would never accept it. When she turned back to Shining Eyes, he looked like he didn't understood what happened. “Oh... Don't worry about him. He was just concerned because I didn't greet him first.” The look of confusion still present on Shining Eyes' face was making her feel a bit nervous, until he finally answered. “Okay, Miss Fluttershy.” With that, they went to the kitchen. That bunny was showing a great lack of respect for his Queen; yet, Fluttershy didn't even reprimand him. Shining Eyes was not sure why, but the bunny must have done a lot for her to show such leniency. He was now curious and hoped to find more about it later. But, first things first. The Hive must be fed, and he was happy to help with the catering. “I started the preparations, Miss Fluttershy. It should be identical to what you did yesterday — but some of the ingredients are running low.” “Oh! That's very nice of you! Do... Do you think we have enough for tomorrow morning?” “We do, Miss Fluttershy.” It was wonderful to be allowed to directly help the Queen, even if it was for such small things. The smile on Shining Eyes muzzle was a testament to that. Fluttershy put a hoof in front of the other, not speaking immediately. “I... I was wondering...I'm supposed to go meet the girls later today for a picnic... Would you like to come, too? If you're not too tired. And... And if you want to, of course.” She was asking for his opinion? “Do you prefer I stay here, Miss Fluttershy?” “Oh no! No, not at all.” “Then I will come.” If the Queen asked him to come, it means she trusted him enough not to be found out. He already spent a few hours with Twilight Sparkle herself and she didn't spot him out, after all. Moreover, a picnic with friends of the Queen is an honour he would not refuse. And what's the worse that could happen? The door to the cottage opened and a black pegasus ran inside, changing into a black changeling without even slowing down. Only once he was safely under the sofa did he look back at the door, where Fluttershy stood, giggling at him. That was insane! That was madness! Shining Eyes was still trembling from fear. “Do you think she followed us, Miss Fluttershy?” “Don't worry, she now has a party to prepare. But you will be hard-pressed not to attend your 'Back to Health' party when she knows you're well enough.” Shining Eyes shuddered at the thought. What on Equestria could be that thing? Was it really a pony? Oh, she looked like it, with her cheerful pink coat and her large smile. But even a unicorn would not be able to do what she did, and no pegasus was as quick as she was. Yet, she has neither wings nor horn. Finding out that the friends Fluttershy mentioned were none others than the infamous Elements of Harmony was already a shock, but he learned today that if Twilight Sparkle the Sun's Protégée, the Librarian, the One who outed Queen Chrysalis may be the leader, Pinkie Pie was by far the most dangerous. And she just invited him at a party soon to be thrown for him... *Yikes!* He was still trembling when Fluttershy came closer and wrapped a wing around him. “Shh... Everything is fine.” “But... But Pinkie Pie!” His answers were not very coherent right now, but he was still under shock. “Don't worry. She can seem strange at first, but I assure you she is a very good pony when you get to know her.” “But how can she do all of that?” “Oh, it's just Pinkie being Pinkie.” That raised a whole lot of new questions... Fluttershy was a bit surprised to see Shining Eyes panic so much all of a sudden; he certainly didn't show any sign of it during the picnic itself. At the time, she actually thought he liked the picnic as much as she did, even though he was clearly taken aback when Pinke Pie showed up. Still, it was kind of cute to see him react this way. He looked like a frightened little bunny. She didn't mind reassuring him. “Pinkie Pie aside, did you enjoy the picnic?”, she asked to change the subject, a wing still around him. He looked at her strangely. “Did... Did I do well, Miss Fluttershy?” The question surprised her. “...Why, yes. You were very nice to my friends, too, even when Rarity asked you so many embarrassing questions”, she said, blushing. She remembered how embarrassing they were, and how much Rainbow Dash was snickering when she heard them. “I wouldn't have handled them as well as you did...” It seemed to be enough to make Shining Eyes feel better. Not for the first time, she thought that he could panic over nothing, and get back to his senses just as quickly. She petted his head, like she would do to most of her animal friends, and wondered once again if she should tell her friends that he was a changeling, especially since they now have met him. But that was not the right time to discuss it with him. “Now, are you ready to get up from below the sofa? I still have a special cake to prepare for Angel Bunny.” “Yes, Miss Fluttershy.”