Crystal Soles

by Quandary

First published

After a decline in popularity as Equestria's first human, you find yourself as a guest of Crystal Empire with some stimulating results.

After a decline in popularity as Equestria's first human, you find yourself as a guest of the Crystal Empire with some stimulating results.

Warning: Contains clop. Wonderful, stamina-enhancing clop.

You (unnamed) x Cadence. Foot fetishry and extramarital play.

Image courtesy of Icaron (deviantart).

Lost in her cadence

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“Last call for the Crystal Empire. All aboard.”

Blink. Blink.

The drone of the conductor's voice vibrates through the loudspeakers, rousing you from your sleep. You groan, lifting a hand to your ear even as the echo fades off into the hum of the engine.


You'd never been much of a morning person. That much hadn't changed, even after moving to Equestria.

You grumble to yourself, punching the travel pillow propped up at your side.

Damn ponies. Putting you on the night train like this. It'd be hours until dawn.

Bleary eyed, you glance around the interior of the traincar. Under the bleached, flourescent lighting, you can just make out the outline of another passenger in the far back seat.

You scratch your neck.

How long had it been since you boarded? Twenty minutes? Thirty?

You blink again, shifting your gaze to the windows. Aside from the flickering lampposts dotted around the station, the night air is pitch black. Not another soul in sight.

You roll your eyes. Not that it was a surprise. Who in their right mind would be up at this hour anyway?

Sighing, you press your head back into the pillow, doing your best to ignore the creaks and groans of the cars ahead.

How had it come to this?

You sigh again.

Since you'd found yourself in this land of bipedal ponyfolk, it had been more of the same.

Sure, at first it had been interesting. Nobody in Equestria had ever seen a human before. Conferences, formal events, guest appearances, Canterlot tabloids—you were the hottest topic in the country. You'd even met the princesses once or twice. Friendship Ambassador. That's the unofficial title they'd given you.

You feel a bitter grin light your face, despite yourself.

After a while though—a few months, half a year—the novelty had started to wear off. Fewer venues looking to host you. Less and less ponies stopping to speak to you on the street. Smiles replaced with odd looks. By the end of it all, it seemed like you'd become a liability—an annoyance. A misfit nobody really knew how to deal with anymore.

You crack your eyes open, eyes landing on an advertisement for last year's Equestrian Games plastered against seat ahead of you. The wrinkled ad hadn't been changed out in months.

That's why you were bound for the Crystal Empire. Equestria's backwater. Sure, the official “assignment” read something along the lines of improving relations between humanity and the crystal ponies, but you knew better. The letter—no doubt only glanced over and stamped by Celestia's hoof—was just the Equestrian government's way of getting you out of the picture. Problem solved, all for the price of an off-peak train ticket.

You tense, the shrill call of the train whistle piercing your ears. Before it's even finished, you can feel your car lurch forward, the low hum of the engine picking up as the train starts to move forward.

Oh well.

You shake your head, settling deeper into the cushion beneath you. Thinking of that now wouldn't do you any good.

Another whistle. You watch as the lights of the station disappear behind you.

Might as well get some sleep.


“Right this way to the throne room, sir. Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor are already waiting for you there.”

“Ah—um, thanks—thank you.”

You shake your head as the armor-clad guard turns to lead you through the gates. As much as you tried acclimate, seeing pegasai was still unnerving. There was something about two wings protruding out from a person's shoulders that you couldn't help but stare at.

Dismissing the thought, you continue forward, glancing around the hall as you match the guard step for step. Backwater or no, the Crystal Castle was actually pretty impressive. Gem studded doors and archways, stained glass windows—the whole nine yards.

A flash of irritation lances through your chest.

If they could afford a place like this, the least they could have done was spring for a better ticket.

Your grumblings are cut short, however, as you approach the entrance to the throne room. With a nod from your guide, two equally winged guards reach for the handles, the massive doors creaking as they turn on their hinges. A faint boom echoes through the hallway as they settle into place.

Before you, the pegasus steps to the side, offering a slight bow as he motions to the entryway.

“They will see you inside.”

You frown, offering a hesitant nod of your own.

“Thank you....I guess I'll be going in then.”

You wince a bit as the last bit leaves your mouth. Sound a little more awkward, why don't you.

Another head shake. You seemed to be doing those a lot lately.

Steeling yourself, you start forward, the clack of your footsteps echoing in your ears as you make your way down the violet carpet. The throne room is just as impressive as the one in Canterlot—possibly even moreso considering the glitter of the crystal walls.

Clack. Clack. Clack. Clack.


You nod to yourself.

Just like Canterlot. The walking never ended.

After an age, you finally reach the base of the steps, eyes completing their circuit of the room as they come to rest on the throne for the first time.

Standing beside the throne is a blue maned unicorn stallion in full royal regalia—red vest and black pants etched with gold trim and clasps. A crest with a six pointed star is strapped across his chest, the glint of polished silver flashing as he shifts in your direction. His stance is impressive—well muscled and broad shouldered, he stands at least half a head taller than you ever could hope to.

You straighten your posture.

Shining Armor. Prince of the Crystal Empire. Captain of Equestria's Royal Guard. You'd seen him in pictures. One of the few stallion figureheads in the Equestrian government, as far as you could tell.

You shrug as you take note of his wide smile.

Seemed friendly enough.

You slide your gaze to his side.

If that was Shining Armor, then, next to him must be...

Your eyes widen a bit as they take in the sight of the figure seated at Armor's left.

Perched atop the crystal throne is a slender, pink mare in a sparkling cyan dress, a conservatively sized gold tiara peering out behind her horn. Her multicolored mane is brushed back behind her pointed ears, flowing down past her wings to the small of her back. Gracing her neck is a golden, v-shaped necklace, the pointed tip dipping low into her surprisingly liberal neckline. Two thin shoulder straps are all that's there to support her ample bust—its prominence made all the more noticeable by the tight dress hugging her slender frame.

Your gaze continues downward past her waist to her crossed legs, one knee tossed casually over the other. On one side—her left—the dress is slit open, revealing the entirety of her leg to your sight.

You trace the slender limb with your eyes. Down her thigh. The length of her exposed calf. Her ankle.

Your eyes widen another fraction of an inch.

Stretched out before you lies the mare's sandal clad foot, tapping soundlessly in the open air. Two thin, golden straps wrap around her ankle, holding it tight to the ungodly steep arch of the stiletto heeled sandal underneath. The top of her exposed foot lays bare your vision, save one, last, gem-lined strap across the front. And protruding from under that strap—five pink, pedicured toes, each sporting a thin sheen of light blue nail polish the same color as her dress.

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.



The polite sound of a female voice clearing their throat rouses you from your visual tour. Glancing up, your gaze meets that of the mare, her dark purple irises popping out at you behind her eyelashes. One eyebrow is raised slightly above the other, a bemused lighting her face as she moves to speak.

On behalf of Shining Armor and myself—Princess Mi Amore Cadenza—welcome to the Crystal Empire, Ambassador.”

You can feel the blood rush to your face.

She had absolutely caught you staring. One hundred percent.


You fumble an apology, scratching at the back of your head.

“Still a little tired from my ride, it seems.”

You let out a nervous laugh, averting your gaze from the princess's own.


Shining Armor, however, doesn't seem to notice your misstep. With surprising swiftness he steps forward, prompting you to take a step back as he grabs your right hand up in his own.

“Don't sweat it! It's a long ride from Canterlot. We've all been there.”

You stifle a yelp as he pumps his arm up and down, his hand gripping yours like a vice.

Aha—is that right?”

You let out a sigh of relief as the stallion finally lets go, the circulation returning to your fingers. You spare a glance in Cadence's direction—embarrassment returning as she locks gazes with your own.

Eeesh. You kick yourself, trying to find the right words to say. No doubt she thought you were some sort of perv now.

Thankfully, Shining Armor picks that moment to chime in again, oblivious to the uneasy silence.

“Well, now that you're here, we'll have one of the guards bring you up to your room so you can sit back for a little while.”

You glance back at the beaming stallion, trying hard not to blanch at his enthusiasm as he continues.

“We've got a place set aside right here in the castle. A couple floors up, if I remember right. It's nothing fancy, but at least it will be close to all the rooms you'll be using during your stay.”

Nothing fancy. You stifle a grin at Shining's modesty. You doubted you'd even be able to afford a mop closet in a place as expensive as this.

Ignoring the thought, you nod instead.

“That sounds great. Should I head up that way now?”

The stallion nods, motioning toward the guards posted at the entrance to the room.

“Go ahead. We won't keep you. Feather Light or Cool Breeze over there should be able to take you up whenever you're ready. We even had Ink Quill prepare a tour of the castle for you once you're all settled in.”

You cough as Shining gives you a firm pat on the back, realigning several of your vertebrae.

“That said though, Cadie and I were wondering if you'd like to meet with us for dinner tonight so we can talk some more.”


Shining nods, motioning between himself and Cadence.

“Yeah. The two of us have some work to get done this afternoon, but if all goes well, we should be done by nightfall.”

“Ah—is that so?”

You offer a quick glance in Cadence's direction. She still hasn't spoken since her introduction, the same look of quiet amusement resting on her face as she studies you.

Ahhhh, kill me.

Wincing, you meet Shining's gaze once more, mind playing through the situation in your head. Awkward feelings or not, if you wanted things to change, this was a first step that you were going to have to suffer through.

Allowing yourself one last sigh, you offer Shining a slight nod.

“I'd love to.”


“Here's your drink, sir. Please wait here. Cadence and Shining Armor will join you shortly.”

You nod your head at the waiter's words, sipping from your glass as he disappears through the archway into what is, presumably, the kitchen. From the looks of things, this dining hall appeared to be one of the castle's smaller rooms—the narrow, rectangular table and its seating-for-eight giving it a markedly more intimate feel that most of the rooms you'd seen during your tour.

You glance around from your seat at the table's corner.

Small as it was, though, it wasn't any less ornate than the other rooms you'd seen. A golden, gem studded chandelier hangs from the ceiling, meshing well with the array of wallet-shaming tableware laid out on the silken tablecloth before you. The whole place practically glows with refinement.

You finish off your drink, carefully setting it back on its coaster.

“Fuck. Sure is taking them a while.”

You stare at your glass a moment longer before slumping forward in your seat.

You were not looking forward to this.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

You chide yourself for the umpteenth time, remembering the Princess's expression. Way to make things awkward off the bat. Now she probably thought you were some kind of creep.

You grab a fork with your right hand, tapping it lazily on the table.

There goes your attempt at a good first impression.

“Stupid. Stuupid. Stuuup—”

“Sorry for the wait!”

You leap halfway out of your chair as Shining's voice fills the room, your legs slamming against the table as you rock back into your seat. The fork in your hand goes flying, landing squarely into one of the table's flower bouquets with a faint rustle.

Turning as casually as possible, you smile through throbbing of your undoubtedly well bruised thighs.

“No problem.”

Oblivious to your pain, Shining enters the room, Cadence at his side. You quickly avert your eyes, feigning interest in the chandelier as the couple walks around the opposite side of the table to take their seats.

Was she still making that same face?

You steal a couple quick glances at Cadence as the two make their way across the room. She doesn't seem to notice, however—her eyes closed in a very princessly manner as she steps forward with an indifferent expression.


Your shoulders loosen a bit as the two take their seat—Shining to your left at the head of the table, and Cadence in the seat opposite yours.

You offer another quick glance, just to make sure.

Nope. Eyes still closed.

For the first time since that morning, you can feel yourself start to relax. She may not have been smiling, but at least she didn't seem to care about what had happened anymore.

"Long time no see! Sorry again for the wait. You wouldn't believe what happened at the training field this afternoon..."

You smile—genuinely—nodding toward the incoming waiter as Shining starts off into a story about one of his exercises earlier that day.

You could work with this. You could work with this.


“...and so he says, 'peanut butter hoof? Yuck, no, not even with jelly!'”

You nearly choke on your drink as Shining finishes his story, the taste of wine burning your sinuses as you spray a mist of red over your half eaten plate.

Shining, for one, is laughing right with you, hand pounding the table with gusto as his deep guffaws ripple through his torso.

Wiping a tear from your eye, you offer the stallion a small nod, chuckling at his antics as you do so. Though their bodies might look similar, it seemed ponies didn't have the same alcohol tolerance as the folks back home. Well, not Shining Armor, at least. Though the two of you had both put back only a glass or two, you could already see the stallion getting a little red around the ears.

Salvaging what your can from your drink, you take another sip, taking a moment to appreciate the situation. The night had been turning out better than you'd hoped. Despite your misgivings about coming here, your first day in the Crystal Empire had been one of the better ones in a while.

You set your glass back on the table, not bothering to look for the coaster this time.

You could get used to this. You really could. Good food. Friendly enough ponies. Everything going well, except, maybe...

For the first time in a while, you glance across the opposite side of the table. Cadence had been silent this whole time, quietly eating away at her meal as Shining went through one story after another. The same, regal, eyes-closed expression lights her face as before—indifferent to the world around her.

You shrug, glancing back to your plate. Oh well. Like you'd already decided—as long as she wasn't openly disgusted with you, things would probably work out.

Beside you, Shining's laughter finally starts to die out. Taking another sip from his glass, he turns in your direction.

“Yeah. We do have our fun times over there. It's hard work running a guard unit up north—more monsters than you'd think. But those colts make it worth it.”

Another sip.

“So, Ambassador. What all have you been up to these past few months? Enjoying your time in Equestria?”

You shrug, drumming the table with your fingers.

“Ah, you know, this and that. It was pretty busy at first, but things have been pretty quiet lately.”

“Ah sure, sure. I know how it is."

Shining's glass hits the table with a dull thud as he raises his hand to make a point.

"You can save Equestria one day and then have everypony forget about you the next. We've been through the same thing a time or two. Isn't that right, Cadie?”

Cadence, for one, doesn't respond his comment. Instead, she simply takes another sip from her glass, expression unchanging.

Shining, however, doesn't seem to notice, continuing right on through into his next thought.

“Yeah, it seems like Equestria needs saving all the time, these days. Last year alone my sis and her friends had to fight off some anti-cutie mark cult and stop a time spell crisis. Both started by the same mare. Real piece of work. She's Twily's pupil now, actually.”

You nod, zoning out as Shining continues. You'd been in Equestria long enough to hear about most of the exploits of Twilight Sparkle and her friends. The six were celebrities. Real celebrities though—the kind that didn't lose favor after a couple months like you did.

You decide to let Shining Armor have his moment, though. No point in ruining his fun.

Stretching, you sit back in your chair. Might as well get comfortable and let—


You blink. Had something just bumped your shin?

You pause a few moments before shaking your head.


You finish shifting around, sinking into your backrest. Too bad the seats on the train hadn't been this plush. Might have let you sleep a little better.

You shift your attention back to Shining's voice, checking in on the conversation.

“...and then there was that time Tirek broke free from Tartarus. You know Tirek, right? The centaur? Yeah, that was pretty bad. Did a lot of damage too. I wasn't around for most of that one either, but the whole thing started this one night when...”


There it was again. A brush against your left leg.

You grab the bottom of your seat and scoot it an inch to the right. Must be bumping into Shining or something. He did tend to get pretty animated when he talked. This ought to do—

Nudge. Rub.

You freeze in your seat.

Definitely not Shining. You'd felt in on your right leg this time. It hadn't just bumped you either. Something had intentionally slid itself down the length of your calf.

You pause for a moment, hesitant to pull up the table cloth and check. There were cats here in Equestria, right? Did Shining and Cadence have cats at the castle?

You glance in Shining's direction, searching for an opening to ask.

“ Sis and her friends finally break free and show Tirek a thing or two. We get him locked back up and, what do you know, Sis gets her own castle out of nowhere! But that doesn't even compare to the time when...”

Nudge. Rub. Rub.

Again, you freeze in your seat.

You'd felt cats rub against you before. That wasn't a cat. Whatever it had been, it was deliberate in its motions—tracing two, slow lines up the inside of your calf. It had felt firm too, almost as if you'd been grazed by someone's sh—

You pause mid thought.

No. Nooo. That couldn't be it, could it?

You shake your head.

No. Nooo. Of course not. That wouldn't happen. That kind of stuff didn't happen.

Slowly, casually, you tilt your gaze to Shining's right. Cadence continues to eat across the table from you, stopping only occasionally to sip from the wine glass at the side of her plate. Just as before, her eyes are closed, features still resting in that same calm expression.


You chide yourself, smiling sheepishly for even having the thought. It's not like Cadence would the middle of dinner...

Your smile dies on your lips as you see Cadence's left eyelid crack open halfway. The slightest of smirks lights her expression as she reaches for her wine glass, pink fingers wrapping around its stem.

Rub. Rub. Sliiiiide.

You can feel your face grow warm as the sensation returns, stroking inside of your calf with light, playful movements. This time, however, it doesn't depart—the contact lingering as it slowly trails up your leg.

No. Noooo.

You look for words.


For all your effort, your mind is a jumble.

Why would she be doing this? Was it a test? A prank? A joke? Were you supposed to say something?

You glance nervously toward the door, waiting for somepony from the waitstaff to glance in your direction.

Nobody there.


The sensation continues to escalate—the flat bottom of Cadence's sandal now easily discernible through your pant leg. The mare continues to tease further and further up your calf—each light stroke sending small shivers down the back of your spine.

You offer Cadence a quick, helpless look, but she only returns your gaze with that same cracked eyelid. That same small smirk.

She takes another sip from her glass.

You glance in Shining's direction, voice catching in your throat.


Shining, however, continues on with his story, alcohol having raised his ramblings to new heights.

“ everyone in the Crystal Empire is trapped. Black crystals here. Black crystals there. Sombra closing in—no idea if we're going to make it out alive or not. Then Spike—my buddy, Spike—jumps right off the side of the castle with the Crystal Heart. Right off the side of it! So, without thinking, I turn around and grab...”

The toe of Cadence's sandal reaches your inner thigh, halting any hopes you have of speaking up. What's worse, you've come to a disturbing realization.

You're starting to get hard.

Shrinking back into your seat, you do your best to avoid attention, mind racing with the beat of your heart.

This was bad.

Day one as Frienship Ambassador in a new nation and you were already in a situation like this.

Your heart skips a beat at the implications.

What would they do if they found out? Could you be exiled for this? Imprisioned?

You swallow.


You grip the table as the point of Cadence's sandal snakes closer to your crotch.

You silently curse yourself for not doing any research into Equestrian royal law.

“ that's how that one worked out, anyways. The crystalling effect was only temporary though—wore off after a few days. Speaking of transformation effects, that reminds of this other time in Canterlot when...”

You latch your attention onto Shining's story. Anything to get your mind off the situation at hand. Maybe she'd stop if you didn't react to her.

Yeah. That was it. Just don't get hard. Don't get hard. Don't get hard. Right. You weren't excited at all.


You grit your teeth in frustration. You were hard. And not just hard but hard. Like bend-a-steel-rod-around-your-dick hard. There'd be no standing up and walking out anytime soon.

Slowly, your eyes drift down past the table into your lap. You can feel the ripple of the tablecloth as, ever so slightly, the pink mare trails her sandals closer to your restrained member.

Sensing movement, you glance across the table to see Cadence slowly close her open eye. With all the casualness in the world, she reclines back in her seat, grabbing the stem of the wine glass in one hand and tracing the rim with the other.

Her smirk widens.

Your eyes drop back down to your lap. With a shimmer of movement, you see the tablecloth part to reveal five, pink, pedicured toes peeking out from the strap of Cadence's right sandal, all pressed against your inner thigh. She drums them rhythmically, flashing you alternating glimpses of her perfect cyan nails and pink toe pads as she slides ever further up your leg. And on her second toe...

Your heart catches in your throat. A thin metal band rests around her second toe—tiny studded gems sparkling in the light of the chandelier.

Your dick jumps visibly at the sight, straining to break free of your zipper. Cadence appears to notice as well, giving her toes a happy wiggle. You glance up, once again met with the gaze of her purple iris behind a half closed eyelid.

Slyly, the mare's sandal slides between your legs, the end of her sandal resting just below your crotch. With a slow, steady, stroke, she lifts her toes up, tracing the underside of your tightening sack with her perfect nails.


The word escapes your mouth without warning. You freeze.

Had Shining heard?

You quickly glance to your left, eyes scanning for the stallion's gaze.

Shining, however, continues to drone on, unaware. His cheeks grow a shade redder as he takes another sip from his glass.

“Boom! Bang! Everypony's hitting Changelings left and right. Now I was out of commission for this one too, but I could see everything! More spells and explosions going off than you could imagine. So Sis and the gang finally break through the front doors and...”

Your spine tingles again as Cadence slowly resumes her earlier drumming, the tips of her toes teasing your sensitive parts as they draw small, delicate circles.

You grip the table more closely, your hunch growing more pronounced. Once again, you glance in Cadence's direction.

This time, both the mare's purple eyes meet you beneath half closed eyelids. Watching wordlessly, she takes another small sip from her wine glass, never shifting her gaze from your own.

She smirks again, nipping at the edge of the glass with her teeth.


Slowly, deliberately, Cadence's toes trail up past your sack to the base of your shaft. Arching her foot back, she presses the toe of her sandal against your base, curling her toes as she starts to tease up and down your shaft.

Your eye twitches as you try to look away, helpless to the situation unfolding. Any move you made could attract Shining's attention.



Without warning, Cadence's sandal slides up to your head, the flat surface pressing your dick against yours lower waist. You struggle not to curse out loud as she begins to move in short, quick strokes—cute pink toes wiggling as she toys with your member.

A familiar tension starts to rise in the base of your shaft.


This was bad. If something like this happened...

You grunt, watching as the corners of Cadence's lips twitch upwards in amusement. Varying her movements, she suddenly twists her ankle—wedging the tip of your dick between her toes and sandal beneath your pants.


Another grunt. Cadence drums her toes again, the pads of her pink toes drawing tiny stars across your vision.

Shit. Shit. Much more of this and you were going to—

“Am I right, Ambassador? Am I right?”

The motion on your member suddenly slows, the tips of Cadence's toes trailing back down the length of your shaft. A moment later, you register the sensation of her shoe trailing down the inside of your leg as it disappears beneath the table.

Spots dancing on the sides of your vision, you glance up at the source of the voice, meeting Shining's eyes for the first time in minutes.

“Ah. Uhm.”

Slowly, you can feel the cogs grinding back into position—forcing your language center through the boot up process. Trying to remember where his story had been going, you offer your best guess at a suitable reply.


“See! That's what I told him. I knew you'd think so!”

The stallion falls back in his seat, slapping his side as he takes another sip from his drink.

Warily, you glance across the table. Cadence's eyes are once again closed, thin fingers wrapped around her glass as she sips her drink.

You sigh in relief.

That had been a close one.

Offering silent thanks to the stallion beside you, you take a moment to consider your game plan. If you could just keep his attention on you...

“So. Shining.”

You wrack your brain, trying to think of a topic.

“You uh...seem to mention your sister a lot. I take it you two must be close?”

Shining meets your gaze, a wide smile lighting his lips at the mention of Twilight.

“Oh, Twily? Yeah! We've been close ever since we were foals. She's my L.S.B.F.F. after all.”

You nod emphatically, trying to keep things moving along.

“Oh yeah? That's great, where did you guys—”

“Yeah, I couldn't ask for a better little sister.”

Shining cuts you off before you can finish, the volume of his voice swelling with pride.

“Twily and I go way back . We did everything together before she left Canterlot. That in itself is a whole nother story. I remember it like yesterday though. Twilight had just come up telling me about this letter she received from Celestia—”

You stare at Shining, mollified, as he starts into another story, his attention entirely not on you.

“Uh, Shining? Shining? Shine—”



You grow silent as you hear a succession of soft noises—the sound of a clasp unlocking, followed by a light tap against the floor—echo from beneath the table.

You glance at the content-looking face of Cadence, studying her in silence.

Had you just imagined it? It didn't look like she was—

Your eyes widen as you see a dim glow form around her horn.


It was her, then. But what was she doing?

Your eyes do a quick circuit around the room. Everything seems to check out.

Thump. Clack.

You flinch as you feel something impact against your shin before falling to the floor.

You shoot a quick glance at Shining. Enraptured in his story, he doesn't seem to have noticed.

Peering to the side as casually as your frayed nerves will allow, you glance over the edge of your chair at the small patch of floor not obscured by the tablecloth. It takes a moment for your eyes to adjust to the shadows, but when they do, your heart skips a beat.

Cadence's sandal.

You blink twice, trying to register the sight before you.

Cadence's. Sandal.

Slowly, you raise your eyes to meet the lidded gaze undoubtedly fixed on your own. Peering out from behind the lip of her glass, Cadence's eyes lock with yours. With a small, knowing grin, she sinks further back in her seat, breasts heaving beneath her dress. The movement prompts a lock of her mane to fall out from behind her ear, partially obscuring her stare.

Your eyes widen as you feel Cadence's touch resume on the inside of one—both—legs. This time, you can't make out the sensation of her sandal—only the tips of Cadence's toes tracing up your calves.

This time, however, she doesn't waste any time toying around. Before you can say a word, her right foot once again pokes out from beneath the tablecloth, her left pressing firmly against your inner thigh.

You hold back a grunt as her pink toes once again resume their strokes against the base of your still-hardened member—the sensation that much more gripping without her sandal in between.

Unable to offer Shining a passing glance, your eyes widen as you watch the rest of the mare's petite foot emerge, her soft sole enveloping your member beneath your jeans. You can feel your dick start to twitch again as she pinches at your cockhead with her toes, drumming her digits along your tip. She slides her left foot in closer, tracing her nails lazily against your sack as she had before.

Your earlier excitement quickly returns—heart pounding with even more fervor than before. You watch, transfixed, as Cadence's foot works your member, flashes of her perfect pink soles meeting your eyes with every playful stroke.

You grunt, suddenly very aware of how tight your pants felt around your crotch. You can feel your dick twitching beneath the fabric, straining—struggling—to break free.

Cadence's toes seem to sense this. She slows her strokes, edging her big toe beneath the clasp of your pants.

You raise an eyebrow, heart thumping at the thought of what was coming next.

She wouldn't—


With a flick, the clasp of your pants comes undone, the tip of your dick already protruding out from beneath your boxers. You watch, mouth agape, as the mare deftly takes your zipper slide between her toes, and tugs.

You immediately hunch another few inches forward as your dick springs halfway free—the elastic of your boxers offering little resistance. Still speechless, you watch the princess's toes draw tantalizingly close to your bare skin as they slide your boxers down your shaft.

You can sense Shining out of the corner of your eye, but the stallion doesn't appear to have noticed. His words are there, but they sound distant—his story lost to the thumping of blood in your ears.

Your heart skips another beat as you see five more pink toes emerge, Cadence's left foot snaking out from the tablecloth and coming to rest against your lower stomach.

Your dick bobs at the sight, straining for stimulation. Teasingly, Cadence's right foot slides over to the base of your shaft, the tips of her toes making contact with your skin for the first time.

You groan. Audibly. Quietly, but audibly.

Left foot still pressed against your stomach, Cadence slowly begins to slide her right upward, her soft pink sole wrapping snugly around your shaft.

Another quiet-but-audible groan escapes you.

You can't even sense Shining anymore. You know he's there, but you can't sense him. Half of you doesn't even care anymore. All you can process now is the touch of cool skin slowly working its way up—

The stars return at the edge of your vision as the tips of Cadence's toes reach your cockhead—the tiny pink pads tapping away at your bare skin. You can feel the slight grating from the studs of her toe ring there too—the only rough patch of otherwise smooth sensation playing against your tip.

Your stomach flip-flops as you see a pearl of precum form at your head. It's quickly swept away by the mare's toes, coating the bottom of Cadence's pretty pink pads with a thin, sheen of liquid.

You can't see the mare's expression, but you know what it is. Lidded eyes. Another knowing grin.

She had you. There was no going back now.

Sensing your closeness, Cadence draws her toes back, her soft sole once again wrapping around the length of your shaft. Your dick twitches beneath her foot, her painted toenails wiggling playfully just below the head of your shaft.

With slow precision, Cadence's left foot slides down your stomach, coming to rest beside her right. Sliding her right off from your shaft, she positions her feet on either side, your cock wobbling obscenely against the sides of her pink soles.

Another drip of precum rolls down your member, running off onto the bare skin of her left foot. Slowly, Cadence drags it back, the side of her foot glistening with the trail of liquid. Wordlessly, she repeats the same motion with her right foot until only the sides of her big toes are pressed against your cock.

The tightening at your base is almost unbearable.

Your thoughts are a mess. Confusion, fear, self-consciousness, excitement.

Only your rationality has a chance of holding you back.

Glancing upwards, you meet the inevitable gaze of the two purple irises behind the glass.

Your rationality, however, had died off long ago.

Unable to hold back, you mouth a single word.


Slowly the mare closes her eyes, her small smile growing ever so slightly on her lips. Eyes trailing down, you sense the mare shifting her legs against you for a better angle.

You watch as the princess turns her feet outward, exposing the smooth pink skin of her soles to the open air on either side of your dick.

Slowly—agonizingly slowly—she draws her feet together until the undersides of her toes are wrapped firmly around the sides of your cock. Without a word, she begins to stroke your shaft, her toes clenching and unclenching in a steady rhythm against your bare skin.

Your eyes widen as new sensation starts to take hold.

Here it comes.

Your breathing picks up—faster than it already was—knuckles growing white as you grip the table.

Here it comes.

Noticing the change, the princess increases her cadence, her painted toes teasing their way further and further up your length.

Here it comes.

The dots at the edges of your vision turn to blotches. You can feel your body writhing with pent up stress, lightheadedness setting in from the prolonged stimulation of princess's feet. The sensation of cool skin against your cock continues the mount as Cadence's toes rub just shy of your tip.

Here it—


Any control you had dissipates the second Cadence's pink toes grip the head of your cock. With feral grunt, your dick erupts, a hot jet of spunk arcing straight up between her toes, spattering wetly on the exposed skin her foot and ankle. Spurt after spurt follows suit, coating the princess's pedicured toes in cum. By the time the last rope leaves your cockhead, both her painted nails and toe ring are barely visible beneath the thick layer of white.


A faint ringing fills your ears as your eyes glaze over, your senses only dimly present as Cadence slowly strokes your deflating member between white painted toes. You watch dumbly as she splays them wide for you to see, strands of semen clinging lewdly between the gaps.

You slide back into the chair, holding a hand to your head. You can feel the princess's toes slide off you a moment later, disappearing once again beneath the tablecloth as if nothing had happened.

Not that that was the case.

For the first time, you notice that Shining's voice has stopped—the silence only confirming your worst fears.

You swallow.

Execution it is.

Eyes still closed, you turn to your side, fumbling to get an apology out from your mouth.

“Shining. I—I don't know what to say. I-I'm sor—”

Peeking out from beneath your eyelids, your eyes snap open at the sight of a passed out Shining Armor, snoring away with his cheek flat against the table.

You hold perfectly still, the absurdity of your apparent luck not allowing you to accept it.

There was no fucking way.

Despite your disbelief, however, the stallion snoring appears genuine. A small puddle of saliva had already begun pooling at the side of his mouth. Celestia only knows how long he had been passed out for.

Not sure how to react, you lean further back in your chair, inadvertently sliding your midsection under the tablecloth.

The action doesn't come a moment too soon. At the edge of your vision, one of the wait staff suddenly appears, nearly sending you tumbling from your chair. You catch yourself, however, doing all that you can to keep your spent member concealed from sight.

“Ah, I see his highness has had a few too many drinks again.”

The unicorn, an older pony from the looks of his graying beard and mane, walks to Shining's side and lifts, propping the sleeping stallion up on his shoulder with one smooth swoop. From the practiced look the motion, it appeared this wasn't the first time he'd done it.

“I'll see him to his room. I trust you'll be retiring too, your highness?”

You shoot a bewildered glance in Cadence's direction, having almost forgotten her presence. Eyes still closed, the mare sips the last drops of liquid from her wine glass, setting it down neatly before flashing a demure smile in the waitpony's direction.

Click. Click.

“Of course.”

Not even sparing you a glance, the pink mare rises from her seat and follows the waitpony out, the click of her heels echoing through the otherwise pin-drop silence blanketing the room.

As she rounds the corner of the table, your eyes are inevitably drawn down the length of her calves. As they meet their destination, your heart stops cold.

The princess's cum covered toes peak out at you beneath the gold of her sandals, glistening wetly under the light of the chandelier. As if aware of your gaze, Cadence drums them one last time—the sticky white digits left glaringly obvious from any angle.

Dumbfounded, you stare at her back as she passes through the archway and out of the room. For the briefest of moments, you swear you can see her flash you a wink, before disappearing from view altogether.

Joints creaking, you turn forward, staring blankly into your drink. A few moments later, you grip your backrest, straightening in your seat.

“Shall I escort you to you to your room as well, sir?”

You immediately slouch back down, nearly falling out of your seat (again) as another wait-pony enters the room.

The two of you share an awkward glance, the room sitting in silence.

You glance back at your drink. Then Shining's seat. Then Cadence's.

For the final time that night, you shake your head.

“Uhm—if you don't mind, I think I'll have desert first.”

Day one in the Crystal Empire: complete.


Victim of her cadence

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You hit the button on you stopwatch. Time. 82 seconds. Not bad for your last lap.

You exhale, putting a hand to your side as you start into a slow walk around the track. It had been a while since you had the chance to get out like this. Life in the castle had been pretty busy as of late.

You lift your head as the sound of footfalls meet your ears from behind. You sidestep into the second lane, feeling the breeze blow past as a green stallion thunders by.

Seems like you weren't the only one looking to run off a little stress.

Shielding your eyes, you look around, squinting beneath the windowed ceiling of the Crystal Stadium. A number of ponies are out on the field with you—some on the track and a few others over by the sand pits.

You glance to your right as a pair of mares run by in the third lane, chatting idly. Your gaze lingers on the tight shorts hugging their backsides as they pass, tails swishing behind them.

Yep. Coming out here had been the right idea. Plenty of space and distractions to get your mind off of things. No reason you shouldn't feel healthy and fully energized.

You stop, wiping the sweat from your forehead as you smile into the light.

You blink.

Then why couldn't you stop fantasizing about Cadence's feet?

You fall to your knees, forehead pressed to the ground as you prop yourself up on your palms.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

You punctuate each thought with a thump of your head against the asphalt.

How had it come to this? This whole situation was a powder keg just waiting to go off. One wrong move on your part and...

You roll lazily onto your side, garnering a stern look from the green stallion as he passes a second time. You ignore him, batting around the thoughts that had been swirling in your head since the other night.

It just didn't make any sense. Why would Cadence do something like that? Didn't she have Shining? Wasn't she already married? And why you? Of all people? Ponies. Whatever.

You gurgle, rolling into the third and fourth lane before splaying out over the fifth.

It just didn't add up.

You glance up, staring unabashedly as the two mares pass again. Fuck it. Might as well enjoy yourself while you were still allowed to live.

You can see the two giggle to one another as your eyes linger on their backsides.

You sigh.

At least nothing had happened since that night. There was that much, at least. You'd run into Shining and Cadence once or twice after that—an inevitable occurrence, as you lived in the same castle—but Cadence hadn't acknowledged what had happened. In fact, she still barely seemed to acknowledge you, simply smiling or nodding whenever Shining had something to say.

You drum your fingers.

What kind of game was she playing at? Was she planning on telling Shining?

You shake your head.

No. That wasn't right. She wouldn't have kept quiet this long just to tell him. There was no point.

With a grunt, you rise onto your knees, rubbing your face with your palm.

Whatever. No use thinking about it again. You'd been through this loop more times than you could count.

You stand and brush off your knees. Time to call it a day. Might as well head back to your room to relax a bit. Sundays didn't come around near often enough. Goings on at the Crystal Castle kept you busy the rest of the week.

You start for the bleachers, eyes scanning the stadium seating under the light. Though you'd been there a few times before, the size still boggles your mind. And this was just the arena. Celestia knows how many gyms and pools and courts they had in the adjoining building. Not to mention the volleyball sand pits in the back.

You shake your head.

It was a good thing Shining and Cadence had opened this place up to the public after the games. You couldn't imagine a place like this getting being left vacant.

“Ambassador? Ambassador, is that you?”

You pause midstep, a faintly pained expression lighting your face.

Speak of the devil.

You turn to meet the white stallion, shielding your eyes as best you can from his glowing, princely aura. Shining's build stands out even more than it usually does, his wide shoulders and broad chest striking an impressive figure beneath his white shirt and athletic shorts. You can see the mares swooning as he approaches you, a trail of ga-ga eyed ponies flopping over helplessly in his wake.

Shining, for one, doesn't miss a beat, jogging up to your side with a bounce in his step.

“Ambassador, I thought it was you!”


A trickle of blood escapes your lips as Shining lands a friendly slap on your back. You grit your teeth, wiping it away with a forearm.

“Shining. Fancy seeing you here. At the Crystal Stadium. Where you said you wouldn't be. Today.”

You cough again, eyes widening slightly as you look at your arm. That was a lot of red.

“Ha yeah, great timing, I know.”

Unphased by your sarcasm, Shining turns, motioning toward the carrying case slung over his back.

“I was just on my way to the raquetball courts to see if I could find somepony to play against. Cool Breeze pulled something last time we were here, so he couldn't make it in today.”

You hold back an eye roll, offering the stallion a nod instead. You could imagine how somepony could have pulled something playing with Shining. He was definitely the type to get competitive.

Wait a second.

You freeze as Shining's words register in your mind.

Pulled something? Partner not here?

Your eyes widen.

Oh no. Oh no no no.

You immediately turn on heel, waving to Shining over your shoulder.

“Well it's been nice chatting with ya, but I've got this thing—”

You cough as Shining's hand lands on your shoulder, his voice suddenly bouncing with excitement.

“Hey, I just had a great idea. Why don't we partner up today? I've even got a spare racquet and everything!”


You can feel something inside you die a little. You turn slowly, patting Shining's hand as you try to let him down gently.

“Uh, maybe not today, Shining. I've just got this thing, and Ambassador duties, and work, and—”

Another trickle of blood trails out as Shining pats your back again.

“Ah, don't worry about it. It's Sunday after all. We've got all week to get work done.”

You cringe as the stallion throws his arm over your shoulder, pulling you tight against his brawny chest. You can almost feel the dagger like stares radiating from all the mares in sight.

“You're only young once, Ambassador. Let's play some racquetball.”

You hold back a squeak as Shining starts forward, practically dragging you at his side. You glance up as you pass into the shadow of the bleachers, frantically searching the stands for some means of salvation. Your eyes widen as you take in the sight of a white pegasus a few rows up, sitting next to a pair of crutches, arm and leg wrapped in a cast.

You make eye contact for a brief moment—just enough to see a small smile creep over his bandaged muzzle.

Coool Breeeeeze!

The echo of your screams fade into nothingness as the two of you disappear beneath the bleacher doors.




You dive to the floor like a madman, limbs burning as the blue projectile whizzes past your ear.


A veritable gunshot meets your ears a split second later, your eyes going wide as the number of dents in the wall behind you increases yet again. You narrowly manage to roll to the side as Shining's figure barrels past you, his arm pulled back like a hydraulic press just waiting to deploy.

“Got it!”


A miniature hurricane erupts in the wake of the stallion's swing. You scramble on all fours, trying to avoid the gale. You had never played racquetball before, but whatever four-walled death match you were participating in now wasn't it.

You gasp for air—doing what you can to hold back another heart attack.

This was not a sport. This was madness.


You dodge again, nearly faceplanting as you fumble out of the way. A split second later, Shining teleports two paces behind you, rearing back for another category five swing.



You roll onto your side, curling into a ball to make yourself as small a target as possible.

Why did it have to be you? Why? Why? Why!?


“Nice job out there, Ambassador. We really worked up a sweat!”

You don't even bother to nod as Shining parades down the hall ahead of you, duffel bag slung over his shoulder. Every part of your body is too busy shaking—your muscles tight from a mix of overexertion and abject terror.

With what little strength you have left, you offer yourself a small pat on the back.

You could relax now. You could do that. It was all over now.

You sniffle.

It's all you can do to hold back tears of joy.

Dragging a hand along the wall to steady yourself, you follow Shining into the stallion's locker room. Not surprisingly, it's completely empty. After you and Shining had started playing earlier, the players on the other courts had mysteriously disappeared.

You click your tongue, propping your body up against the first row of cream colored lockers.

Lucky bastards.

Beside you, Shining slides his duffel back onto the floor, stretching his arms behind his head with a wide smile on his face.

“Now that was a nice workout. Good recovery before the hard sessions later in the week.”

You narrow your eyes, watching as the irritatingly unfatigued stallion starts to pull his shirt off over his head. Your expression continues to narrow as the shirt comes off—the effortless movements of his broad chest and chiseled torso only reminding you of your own pain.

With a sigh, you turn on shaky legs, heading toward the next row of lockers.

Shining notices your movement, his voice reaching your ears a moment later.

“Not gonna shower?”

You lift your hand, talking over your shoulder as you continue forward.

“Nah. You go ahead. I left my clothes back in my room.”

'Not that I thought I'd be working up a sweat like this today' you keep yourself from adding.

You continue your slow plod forward, eyes locked on to the end of the bench behind the farthest row of lockers. Might as well lay down out of the way for a few minutes while Shining cleaned up. You weren't sure how much longer you'd be able to keep standing anyways. A few minutes' break would be nice.

With a last push of effort, your hand reaches the locker endcap, head peeking around the corner as you take in the welcoming sight of an empty bench.

Or so you'd thought..


You blink, unable to process the sight before you at first.

Straddling the bench, back against the wall, is none other than Cadence, her mane drawn up in a sporty looking ponytail, a white sweatband wrapped around her head.

You blink again.

In place of her usual dresses, Cadence is in workout clothes.

Tight. Skimpy. Workout clothes.

Your eyes trail down her spaghetti straps to her top—a light blue cotton top with the word “SEXY” stretched across it in white. You stumble forward a step, eyes tracing the swell of her bust beneath the all-too-thin fabric. Lower yet you can see her exposed midriff, her narrow waist and flat stomach highlighting her athletic figure.

And, were those—were those volleyball shorts?

You bring a hand to your face, pinching your cheek.

With her right leg propped up on the bench in front of her, you can make out a pair of snug black hot pants—the curve of Cadence's tight pink backside peeking out beneath the material. The entirety of her long, slender thighs are exposed for you to see—her flawless pink skin bare all the way past her knees to her—

You swallow.

Socks. White. Knee high. Socks.

It's all you can do to keep yourself from collapsing to the floor.

Your eyes slide down the length of her calf—the white cotton clinging snugly around her slender limb. Your eyes continue down past her ankles to the outline of her petite foot—the pink of her toes just barely visible through the tight fabric.

A chill runs down your spine as her eyes meet yours—her fingers twirling the sucker in her mouth as she flashes you a wink.

You swallow again.

Time to leave.

You turn, but the fatigue in your muscles finally comes to head, spiking into a cramp. With a grunt, you lean forward—palms coming to rest on the bench as you try to catch your balance.

“Doing okay back there, Ambassador?”

You freeze, Shining's voice echoing back from his row of lockers near the entrance. You wince as you straighten your back—trying to keep your voice level as you reply.

“Ah, yep. Yep! Couldn't be better. Just a little cramp.”

You glance back at Cadence. She removes the sucker from her mouth, a small smile forming on her lips. You can feel your heart start to beat a little faster.

This was bad.

“Oh, yeah? Hold on for a second, then. I'll come over and help stretch you out.”

Your heartbeat skyrockets.

“UH NOPE! Nope! Just stay over there! I'm uhh—I'm getting undressed?”

You slap your forehead. Getting undressed? In a locker room. Really?

“Ah, decided to take a shower then after all?”

You give your forehead another swat, fighting to keep the panic from creeping into your voice. You were acting way too suspicious.

“Uhm, yeah. You got me. Just a little on the shy side I guess.”

You can hear Shining's locker swing shut as he chuckles in reply.

“Haha, you're an odd one there, Ambassador. I've got you though. I'll let you know when I'm finished up.”

A moment later, you hear his footsteps disappear in the direction of the shower room. Peeking around the corner to make sure, you offer yourself a sigh of relief.

Now you just had to slip out of here before Shining got out.

You glance down at the bench beneath you, a little surprised to see it there. At some point you must have sat down on it—legs straddling either side.

You shake your head, trying to avoid glancing at Cadence, whose eyes were undoubtedly pointed in your direction.

Whatever. Didn't matter now. This wasn't like last time. You cold leave whenever you wanted to.

You go to stand.

You go to stand.

You go to stand.

Your eyes widen as the realization hits you.

Your legs won't work.

Slowly, your eyes make their way up to Cadence's. Her smirk growing, she pops the sucker back in her mouth and leans back against the wall—the sound of Shining's shower starting up in the background. You watch, transfixed, as she lifts her legs onto the bench in front of her—slowly sliding her white socks in your direction.


You let out a sharp breath as the toes of Cadence's right foot brush the underside of your sack through your shorts, the sensation sending a shiver down your spine. Fabric or no, you could still sense her touch—the ends of her nails tracing small lines through the cotton. Her left foot snakes forward a moment later, the tips of her toes gently massaging your inner thigh.

You can feel yourself starting to get hard.


You blink, hands gripping the bench tighter as you try to steel yourself. You glance up, offering Cadence's sly expression a pleading glance.

“Cad—Cadence. Stop. Shining is—”

“So how have you been enjoying your stay in the capital?”

You jolt, inching forward several inches as Shining's voice echoes through the locker room. You hold in a gasp as Cadence's right foot slides partway up your shaft, the soft sole of her socked foot enveloping your dick beneath the fabric.

You glance back up. Cadence simply stares back at you, a growing smirk lighting her lips as she pulls her sucker out part way before popping it back into her mouth.


You can feel yourself come to full mast as Cadence starts to move her foot along your lower shaft, the motion tugging the fabric of your compression shorts across your cockhead.

You struggle to reply to Shining's question.

“I...uh...great. It's been great.”

You can hear the stallion chuckle, his booming laugh echoing loudly in your ears. Your nervousness heightens a notch.

That was probably the laugh you'd be hearing when he killed you.

“Ah, glad to hear you've been enjoying yourself. It's been awesome having a new bud to show around the castle.”

You swallow as Cadence slowly lowers her arms, breasts threatening to pour out from her top as she wraps her fingers around the bench beneath her.

Wordlessly, she slides her left foot in closer, her legs splayed open as she slides her toes along the side of your shaft. You can see faint lines moving across the inside of her bare thighs and waistline, the muscles of her taught body flexing slightly with the movement.

Guhh—yeah! Castle buddies. Great it's...great.”

You grunt, blinking your eyes as the sensation grips at you. The sensation of her toes and soles are muted beneath your shorts—the clumsy lack of access somehow nearly as arousing as it would be without.

You ears strain to listen for the continued patter of the shower head. That sound was the only thing keeping you from screaming out loud right now.

You let out another grunt as Cadence slides her right foot up further, socked toes coming to rest on your waistband. Your dick twitches, visibly, the restrained bulge pinned helplessly beneath her foot.

Cadence reveals a small smirk, her right cheek bulging slightly from the sucker behind it. She shakes her head, tossing her tricolor ponytail behind her shoulders. Her breasts bob with the movement, the outlines of her nipples agonizingly visible beneath the white lettering of her top.

Your dick leaps again, the mare's foot continuing to hold it firm against your waistline. Despite your nervousness, you can't help but feel a twinge of frustration—the lack of contact was driving you insane.

“Tell me about it. It's not everyday you get to pal around with folk from another world.”

Your eyes widen as you glance back in the direction of Shining's voice. Celestia. You were starting to forget he was still even here.

Shining, however, continues, unaware of your increasingly spotty perception.

“Yep. Totally awesome.” You can hear the sound of a shampoo bottle opening up as Shining pauses for a moment to scrub.

“What'd you think of Cadie by the way? I never had a chance to ask.”

CADENCE?” Your voice hitches involuntarily as you grip the bench more tightly.

Out of the corner of your eye you can see Cadence's smile grow a fraction larger, her perfect white teeth showing behind her lips. The pressure on your dick grows firmer as she starts to move with a couple slow strokes.

You struggle to keep your voice in check as the sensation tugs at your restricted cockhead.

“Ah...yeah...I mean, Cadence....she's uh...uh...”

Your glance back as the mare's foot slides back up to your waistband, her socked toes curling around the elastic strip. Her left foot joins a moment later—toes edging beneath the seam.

Your eyes widen. You can feel a bead of sweat roll down your forehead.


The mare starts to tug, the elastic of your workout gear shifting uncomfortably as it starts to move down your shaft.


With another quick tug, your shorts and compressions slide all the way down—your bare dick suddenly springing forward into the open air. You grunt and lean forward—adjusting your grip on the bench in the process.

GREAT!...she's great!”

You can hear the unevenness in your own voice. Moreso than before.

“You doing alright in there, Ambassador? Sounds like you're breathing hard.”

The sound of Shining's showerhead suddenly stops.

“Need some help over there?”

Your stomach drops.

NOPE! Nope! Doing fine! Just fine!”

You glance frantically over your shoulder, scrambling for words. Your thoughts are a jumble.

“Just...cramps. Doing some stretching. No need for help though. Nope. Ha ha. None at all. You just keep doing what you're doing. Over there....How are you?...”

Your rambling trails off, body tensing with fear. The silence drags on for ages—the sound of your own blood pounding in your ears.

Finally, you hear the squeak of a handle as Shining resumes his shower.

“Ah, is that all. I'll leave you to it then, Ambassador.”


You can feel your heart rate drop back below 300—earlier excitement forgotten in your temporary anxiety attack.

Weakly, you glance back in Cadence's direction, studying her expression. Her earlier smirk has faded—replaced with a look of disappointed curiosity directed down the length of her calf.

You follow her eyes to your crotch, immediately feeling your cheeks grow warm at the sight. Your flaccid dick is flopped limply over the top of Cadence's white sock—the pink tan color of your skin all the more obscene against the clean white fabric.

You glance back up, hesitantly, eyes darting around a few times before returning to Cadence's face. Slowly, you can see the mare's purple eyes trail up your figure until they reach your own. Her expression even, she studies you for a few moments, twirling her sucker in her mouth.

A moment later, her usual expression returns, her eyebrows narrowing as she offers you a sly grin.

Releasing the sucker from her fingertips, she shifts her arms to one side, gripping the underside of the bench. With one fluid movement, she spins, socks sliding out from beneath your cock as she turns to sit on her legs before you.

You swallow, your gaze taking in the full sight of Cadence from behind. Slowly you trail your eyes down her slender shoulders, past the two wings poking out from the holes in her top, and down the small of her exposed back.

As her tail swishes out of the way, your eyes widen at the sight of her backside squeezing out from her too-tight shorts—exposing the top half of a thin black thong strung between her ass cheeks. You can make out the word “PRINCESS” printed in pink and white on the dark fabric of her shorts—the individual letters stretched wide against the curves of her ass.


Your eyes drop another inch. You watch her wiggle her toes beneath her socks, her firm ass smothering the soles of her petite, socked feet. For the first time, you notice a small hole near the toes of her right sock—a small flash of pink skin standing out against the white.

Your memories of the other evening flash through your mind.

Your dick jumps in your shorts.

With practiced motions, Cadence leans forward, arching her back like a cat's. You shift a half foot back as her backside rises up in front of you—her black whale tail drawing tantalizingly close to your crotch before shifting forward on the bench.

You watch, transfixed, she shifts back on her knees—the undersides of her socks once again making their way into your lap.

You glance up.

Cadence's eyes meet yours from over her shoulder—her lips offering you the same sucker filled smirk as before. Her ponytail bobs as she shifts back even further—eliciting a grunt from your throat as the thin fabric of her socks brush against either side your limp shaft.

You shudder as she begins to stroke you from this position—the stretched “PRINCESS” lettering swaying closer to your face with every stroke. You watch as the waistline of her shorts sinks even lower—the black whale tail growing even more prominent between her pink cleavage.

You can see Cadence's smirk grow a fraction wider as you start to harden—your body quickly regaining its earlier tension.

“So, any plans for this evening then, Ambassador?”

You shake your head, only dimly aware of Shining's words as Cadence continues to stroke you through her socks—your cock swelling up to full mast from the slow ministrations of her feet. You can feel her soft soles enveloping either side of your shaft—the thin layer of fabric forming a frustratingly noticeable barrier between her skin and yours.

Nnnh— plans.”

You gasp as Cadence lengthens her strokes—the smooth fabric grazing your cockhead as her ass continues to bob slowly in front of you. You can feel the urge to grab at it—to bite it—tugging at you from the inside of your chest and jaw.

“Really? Want to hit up dinner with me and Cadence again, then?”

You tense as Cadence quickens her movements—her soft soles working your shaft and cockhead with faster strokes. You can feel your sense of self start to drift.

“ thanks Shining...I'm...”

Your voice cuts out as Cadence shifts her position, placing the tips of her toes at the head of your cock before slowly sliding her feet down the length of her shaft. Your eyes widen as you feel your cockhead brush against bare skin—no doubt grazing the small hole in the fabric you had seen earlier.

You grit your teeth, grabbing the bench more tightly. A familiar tightness stirs in your midsection—tiny spots forming on the edge of your vision.

“...I think I'm just going to head in tonight...long day and all.”

You wince as Cadence brushes your cockhead against the hole—the small tear in the fabric growing wider as it starts to stretch around your girth.

Your eyes widen as you realize the her intent.

Glancing up, you catch Cadence's stare in yours, her purple eyes glinting slyly as always. With a smirk, she pushes her foot forward, eliciting another sharp breath from you as your cockhead pops fully into the hole in her sock.


You shake your spinning head, the sensation of your cockhead against the underside of the mare's foot drawing spots on the edge of your vision. Cadence barely gives you any time to adjust, resuming her long strokes with your dick sandwiched between her feet.

You bite the air as you feel your cock forced deeper into the tear—the soft skin of her sole and the fabric of her sock enveloping your dick in a tight sleeve as she continues to jack you off.

The kink of it is electric—one side smooth, the other side coarse—the sensation of fucking Cadence's pure white gym socks feeling wrong, and obscene, and incredible, and exhilarating all at the same time. You glance up again, face only inches away from the perfect pink princess-lettered ass swaying back and forth in front of your face.

You feel another twinge in your midsection.

You wouldn't last much longer.

Nearing the end of your rope, you glance upward, catching Cadence's eyes once again. Giving you a last, knowing wink, she closes her eyes, shifting the sucker to her cheek with her tongue as she increases the pace of her pumping.

Your eyes widen as the sensation against your dick rides into overdrive—the soft skin of Cadence's socks and sole swallowing your cockhead with every thrust. You can hear the fabric of her sock start to tear—the growing hole revealing flashes of soft pink skin to your vision.

The absurdity of the situation takes hold—your mind swirling with euphoria, confusion, and disgust.

Cadence. Princess of the Crystal Empire. Wife of Shining Armor. Bent over. In the stallion's locker room. Whale tail bouncing in front of your face. The word "PRINCESS" stretched across her ass.

And you were fucking her gym socks.


Unable to hold back, your dick erupts, spurting your load into the white fabric clinging to the bottom of Cadence's foot. Immediately, you can see it turn gray with liquid—your thick spunk drawing an obscene, wet pattern on the underside of her sock. An errant strand some how manages to jettison out through the fabric—spattering the black of her “PRINCESS” hot pants with flecks of white. You can hear a wet squelching as she continues to jack you off through orgasm, traces of your cum slowly starting to spill out the sides of the hole in her sock.

You lean forward, neck twitching, as Cadence pulls back—your limpening dick sliding out from its well lubricated cocksleeve. You stare, transfixed, as she rolls back onto her backside—the underside of her cum stained sock still turned to the open air.

You watch as Cadence raises an eyebrow in mock surprise. Lifting her arms, she grabs the mouth of her sock—slowly tugging it down the length of her calf. You watch her smooth skin appear from beneath the white fabric—the gentle curves of her petite ankle and heel slowly taking shape before your vision. With another tug, the sock slides completely off, exposing her sole to the open air.

Your dying cock twitches again as you take in the sight of your cum smeared across her soft skin—the entirety of her pink sole glinting in a thin sheen of translucent white. Eyes fixed lazily on her legs, she does the same with her left sock, exposing the entirety of her pretty pink soles and toe pads to the harsh fluorescent light.

Cadence meets your eyes again and grins, tossing the pair of socks into your lap. You glance between her and the socks for a moment before slouching back. You can feel the elastic of your athletic shorts slide up over your midsection—plastering your spent member against your waistline.

There were no words.

Out of the corner of your eye, you see Cadence shift, tossing her legs to on side of the bench to stand. You watch as she slides a pair of cheap yellow flip flops out from beneath her seat—stepping into both without a second thought.

You can hear the squelching beneath her right foot as she stands—the sound timing perfectly with the squeak of Shining's shower handle in the background. Falling backwards on the bench, you watch silently as she walks past you—her tight, cum spattered spattered backside swaying as she heads for the door.

Casting one last, knowing glance over her shoulder, she disappears out the door—the squelching of her flip-flops fading off into the distance.

Sitting back up, you hold your gaze on the door for a moment longer before glancing back at the socks in your lap. Hesitantly, you lift the untorn sock in front of you—staring intently. Slowly, you start lift it closer to your face.


“Wow. Great showers here. Gotta love that water pressure.”

WAUGH—uh Shining Armor! I uh—”

You immediately fumble forward as Shining rounds the corner, balling the socks up behind you in a single bumbling motion as you turn to face him. You can sense that your face is still flushed—the scene awkward no matter how you looked at it.

You can see him glance at you through the strands of his drying mane—a friendly, but curious look.

“You doing alright over there, Ambassador? You look a little red."

You nod excessively.

Too close.

“Yeah! Yep! Great! Uhh...the blood just sorta rushed to my head while I was doing stretches and all.”

You chuckle nervously, pointing to your face as you shrug your shoulders. Shining lets out a laugh, apparently buying your excuse.

“Ah, I know how that goes.”

The stallion continues to chuckle, dropping his towel as he approaches his locker. You manage to avert your eyes just in time, sliding back a few inches on the bench as Shining roots through his things.

Definitely not the bashful type, this one.

You listen as Shining shimmies into some pants—zipping his fly and clasping his belt as he continues to yell over to you.

“You sure you don't want to catch dinner with Cadence and I? It's hayburger casserole night.”

You feel your face grow a darker shade of red at the thought of Cadence. There was no way you could handle sitting face to face with her right now.

You shake your head to yourself, calling out over the lockers with a half-real half-forced tired voice.

Yaaaawn, ah no. Rain check tonight. Pretty tired. Might just hang out at my place for a little bit before I go to bed.”

You can almost see Shining casually batting the air in front of you—his response as carefree as always.

“Ah, no worries bud. I understand.”

You can hear the the metallic ring of a zipper as Shining finishes packing up his things.


You slide your arms forward, taking another long look at the balled up socks in your fist. You can still see the image of them gracing Cadence legs burned into your mind's eye. The way they hugged her calves...her ankles...her heels...the creases of her soles...

You hear Shining push his locker shut, the sound echoing through the empty room.

“I'll be heading out for now, then. Have fun tonight.”

You nod dully, glancing back at your hands. Despite your fatigue, you can feel faint stirrings in your midsection as your eyes trace over the princess's soiled socks.

You stare a moment longer before nodding to yourself.

Will do, Shining. Will do.


Slave to her cadence

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You sigh, air escaping out the sides of your mouth as you land face first into your pillow.

Another day. Over. Finally.

You click your teeth.

Work had been exhausting, lately. Now that all the initial meet and greets had wrapped up, it felt like all you did anymore was paperwork.

Sign here. Initial there. Skim through this two hundred page draft and tell me what you think.

You stretch, gathering up an armful of sheets to bury your face in.

Being the human ambassador to the Crystal Empire was hard work. How'd they think you were qualified to be making these decisions, anyway? Working out the nuances of a cross-species peace accord wasn't something you'd gone to school for.

Who even knew if Equestria would ever encounter another human again, anyway?

You roll onto your back, still clutching the sheets in your arms.

Whatever. At least it all came with room and board.

You pause for a second, biting your lip.

And footjobs.


Cursing, you toss aside the mess of blankets, flipping back onto your stomach as you bury your face into your pillow.

Who were you trying to fool? You knew it wasn't the work that was stressing you out. Not by a long shot. Honestly, a little paperwork was no big deal. It was a desk job. Nice. Safe. Predictable.

You shake your head.

No, your real issue was her.

You run your hand down the back of you neck.

Twice now. Twice she had gotten you off. With Shining in the same room, even.

To do something like that was just...

You can feel yourself getting excited just from the thought of it.

You glance at your dresser, eying the pair of white leg socks laying out on it surface. It had only been a couple days since your last encounter with Cadence, and you'd already...used...them more times than you could count.

You can feel your mind start to haze over.

Yeah. Used them. One pressed against your face, one firmly wrapped around your—


You pinch your cheeks, rolling away from the sight of them. Seriously. You had to stop doing this. It was getting unhealthy.

Steeling yourself, you sit up, sliding one leg over the side of the bed.

Time for another cold shower, it would seem. Anything to get your mind off of those...things.

You stand and derobe, wrapping a towel around your waist as an afterthought. As odd as it seemed at first, most of the rooms in the castle didn't have private baths or showers. Equestrians seemed to have a thing for social bathing—most resedential floors had one big bath set aside for the occupants to share.

You close the door to your room, not bothering to look around. As it stood, there were only a couple tenants assigned to this block—the baths and halls were always empty.

Scratching your neck, you start down the hall, glancing at the doors to the other rooms as you pass. Nearing the end of the hallway, however, you slow, eyes chancing upon a paper note tacked to the front of the bathroom door.

You narrow your eyes. Hesitantly, you rip the sheet off the door, glancing over its contents.

To the Royal Human Ambassador,

We regret to inform you that the baths on this floor will be closed this Sunday for routine maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.


You close your eyes, crumpling the notice against your forehead. Of course they would be closed today. Just your luck.


Noticing a bit more text out of the corner of your eye, you flatten the note back out and continue reading.

In the meantime, you have received special authorization to utilize the royal bath chambers for the duration of the scheduled maintenance. Please use the key attached to the back of this notice to enter.

Simply insert the key into any locking door and a temporary teleportation gate will be...

You blink, reading over the first part a second time.


Royal bath chambers? in Shining and Cadence's room?

Suspicion immediately fills your thoughts, your mind recalling the events of the past few weeks.

You narrow your eyes.

Surely this wasn't...she wouldn't be so bold as to...

No. You shake your head.

There's no way she'd be that obvious about something like this. The message had been left by the maintenance staff, for Celestia's sake. Surely the “authorization” was just Shining telling somepony that he could borrow their shower...right?

You shake your head, trying to ignore some of the improper thoughts swirling around in your mind.

No. It would be fine. It was just a shower. Nothing would happen.

You scratch your neck.

It's not like you were hoping anything would happen....right?

Steeling yourself, you flip the paper around. Sure enough, there's a plain silver key attached to the back, just like the message had mentioned...

“Insert into any locking door, ay?”

You glance up at the bathroom door before you, eyes drifting back to the key a moment later. Hesitantly, you lift it toward the keyhole, body tensing as you slide it into place. A faint click echoes through the hallway as you turn it, the tumblers sliding smoothly into place. A momentary flash of blue erupts around the door frame before fading into a subdued glow.

Swallowing, you lift a hand to the doorknob, the smooth silver surface nesting comfortably in your palm.

Here we go.

Cautiously, you push forward, the door opening soundlessly into the room before you. You're immediately blinded, the well lit interior glowing in stark contrast to the dim hall you'd been in a moment before. After a few moments, your vision slowly begins to adjust, allowing you to take in the details for the first time.


For a royal bath in the Crystal Palace, the room is more modest than you had expected. It's still plenty big, of course—the archway leading to a bubbling four person jet bath can attest to that. However, aside from the sleek crystal finish coating every surface, the lack of gemstones and gold trim is surprising. The whole place feels...subdued...somehow.

You shake your head.

No, it's not that it wasn't ornate. A room like this back home would still probably cost more than you would make in a lifetime. Living in the Crystal Palace had really warped your standards on interior design.

And speaking of warped standards...

Poking your head through the threshold, you cautiously pan the room.

Bath. Sink. Washroom. Empty.

You breathe a sigh of relief.

She wasn't here. Thank Celestia.

As much as you'd convinced yourself that this couldn't be another setup, you can feel the confirmation lift an invisible weight from your shoulders.

Humming to yourself, you step into the room, the door swinging closed behind you with a light click. Trotting over to the jacuzzi alcove, you stick your toe in, testing the temperature.

Ooooh. That was nice.

Earlier tension forgotten, you swiftly de-towel, basking under the warm lighting in all your nakedness. It wasn't every day you could enjoy a place like this.

You grin, leaping into the air above the bubbling pool.

Might as well make the most of it.


Heavenly. Just heavenly.

You pat the towel on your head, the fluffy fabric pleasantly warm against your head and neck. You'd taken your sweet time getting clean this time around. The warm water had felt wonderful, the high pressure jets easing away all the tension in just the right places. Too bad you couldn't bring yourself to stay longer.

Ah, well. You shake your head. All good things...

As you step back through the archway, you catch a glint out of the corner of your eye. Turning toward the double wide mirrors, you quickly zero in on the source. A small crystal bottle, blue, resting on a silver tray beside the sink.

You frown, searching your memories.

Had that been there when you walked in?

You shrug. Eh. Whatever. Maybe it was another one of those magic courtesy dispensers you'd seen scattered around the castle.

Moving the towel from your head to your waist, you step forward, grabbing the bottle up with your free hand.

After Bath Potable Tonic, huh?”

You turn the bottle over in your hand, looking for any other labels. Aside from the ostentatious “Trixie” branding on the backside, you can't seem to find any more info.

You click your teeth. The bluish glow was a little off-putting, but hey, this was the Crystal Palace. They wouldn't put anything dangerous out for you, right?

“Why not?”

You shrug for the second time in so many minutes and unscrew the cap, downing the four ounce drink with little fanfare. Your eyes widen as the liquid runs down your throat. It's a fair bit sweeter than you'd expected. A nice little surprise, if anything.


Wiping your mouth with your forearm, you set the bottle back on the tray. Yep. This was living.

You glance up into the mirror, studying your own reflection. How long had it been now? Nine months? Ten?

You run your hands along your face and chin. It was still the same you as before. That much was certain. If anything, Equestria's care had left you with a healthier glow than you'd had back home.

You pause, lowering your gaze back to the counter.

Still though...

You shake your head. No. Not the time to feel depressed. You'd been down that road before. It was fine to have hopes for the future, but for the time had to focus on the now.

You glance back up toward the mirror.

Yep. The most you could do for now was...




You can hear your voice crack as you shout, the sharp sound echoing through the ceilings of the bathroom.

Your hands fly to your face, poking and prodding with considerably more intensity than before.

“What is—how could—what?

You stare with wide eyes as you take in your reflection. It's the same face you'd seen just moments before, but notably fainter—almost like someone had taken your opacity setting and ratcheted it down to half.

You glance down at your hands—a faint blue glow outlining your rapidly fading digits.

You can feel your heart start to pound in your chest?

What in Equestria was going on here? You hadn't done anything that would—


You straighten as the thought hits you.

The tonic. It had to be.

Your eyes shoot back down to the counter—searching for any sign of the crystal bottle and tray.

Not there.


It had just been there. You knew it had been.

You shake your head, glancing back up into the mirror.

Your heart drops.

There was no reflection.

There was no reflection.

Frantically you spread your hands out before you—your confusion growing at the sight. Your hands are still visible—fainter, yes, but still visible—the same blue glow outlinining your body as before.

You glance back at the mirror.


You glance back down.


You stumble forward, gripping the countertop as your legs give out beneath you.

What in the world was going on?

You hold your position—breathing heavily as your mind races.

Think man, think. You'd been in Equestria for a while. Draw on your experiences.

You narrow your eyes, wracking your brain.

Invisible. Invisible...maybe it was a pony thing? Was getting invisible after a bath some sort of cultural thing?

You shake your head.

No, that was stupid. Next.

Hallucination, then? Was this all some sort of dream?

You raise your fist, bringing it down into your thigh above the knee.


You cringe, bracing yourself against the counter to further support your throbbing leg.

Not a dream. Next.

You drum your fingers on the counter.

A side effect, maybe? Because you were human?

You mull the idea over.

That could be the case. Most of the magic in Equestria was designed for ponies. Potions reacting differently to different species was a thing, right?

You sigh, rubbing your palm down your face.

Fuck it. That was your best guess for now, anyways. You couldn't imagine many other reasons than that.

What now, then?

You stand back up, studying your lack of reflection in the mirror.

For starters you had to get back to your room. Use the phone there. Call for some help. Shining maybe. You're not sure if anypony else would even take you seriously.

Despite yourself, you roll your eyes.

Oh boy. If Shining was your go-to lifeline in a situation like this...

You shake your head. Whatever. Not important now.

Confirming the visibility of your hands one last time, you nod and head to the nearest door. With levelheaded determination, you swiftly pull it open, stepping briskly through threshold.


You immediately squint, the sudden darkness taking you by surprise.

Magic power outage? Was that a thing?

Slowly, your eyes adjust, the dark silhouettes of furniture slowly revealing themselves in your surroundings.

You frown.

Dressers? A wardrobe? Was that a...a bed in the far corner?

Wait a second.

You blink.

This wasn't the hallway. This was Shining and Cadence's—


You freeze as you hear the sound of the door swinging shut behind you.

Without turning around, you grab the door handle behind you, giving it a half-hearted jiggle.

Clunk, clunk. Clunk, clunk.


You slap a hand to your forehead.


You lean back against the door, sliding forlornly into a seated position on the bedroom floor.

How was this going to play out now?

You glance down at your translucent skin.

What were you supposed to do? Nonchalantly walk out of the royal bedroom as a floating towel and ask for directions to the nearest stairwell?

You shake your head.

No, you'd be lucky if you weren't immediately zapped for trespassing in the royal chambers. Worst case scenario they'd think you were some sort of cloaked assassin. Not all the guards in the castle knew who you were, even when you were visible. It was surprising how many times you'd been stopped for an ID.

You can feel a familiar sense of dread burbling up from your stomach.

This was shaping up to be another episode again. You could feel it.

Resigning yourself to the situation, you tilt your head back, weighing your other options.

You doubted you'd be able to break down the door to the bath. Like the rest of the palace, the thing was made of crystal—more than strong enough to deter any assault your feeble human frame could muster.

Escape through the window wasn't an option either—you'd never been to the royal chambers before, but everypony knew it was located up in the highest floors.

You glance back down at your translucent skin, pondering the situation in silence. After a few moments, a plan starts to take shape in your mind.

Well...maybe if you lost the towel...and walked quietly enough....

Hesitantly, you stand, pulling the towel off your waist and stashing it behind the small dresser to your left. Despite the emptiness of the room and your apparent invisibility, you can't help but feel exposed.

You lightly slap your cheeks, trying to psych yourself up.

Don't mind. This would work. Just sneak out the bedroom door, past the scary magic-you-to-ashes unicorn guards, and back to your room block. Splinter cell style. Easy.

You nod to yourself, the encouragement working somewhat.

Good. Time to get to it. It would be best to do this before someone decided to show—


You fall flat on your ass as something slams against the bedroom door, the sound echoing through the tall ceilings like a thunderclap.

“You've gotta be kidding.”

Scrambling onto all fours, you can feel your stomach drop as a second bang echoes through the room, the sound of keys being fished haphazardly from pockets following suit. You can hear the breathing—low and heavy—of multiple ponies, muffled behind the heavy crystal doors.


You glance around the room, instinctively searching for an exit.

Bathroom? Still locked.

Windows? Still to high to jump.

Under the dresser, then?

You shake your head.

Like hell you'd fit.


You scream silently, heart threatening to beat right of your chest. Darting around frantically, your eyes zero in on the biggest piece of furniture in the room. Without a second thought, you make a beeline for it, diving behind the curtains of the royal bed just as the sound of a key clicks into place behind you.


With no other warning, the door flies open—the light from the hallway flooding the room for an instant before slamming back shut. Eyes straining, you make out two figures bursting through the door, limbs wrapped tightly around one another in a desperate embrace.

Your eyes widen.

It's Shining and Cadence.

You stare, awestruck, as the two slam against the far wall—Cadence's slim pink legs wrapped firmly around Shining's waist as the two paw at each other's backs. You can hear their heavy breathing and grunting as they make out against the wall like animals, Cadence rolling her head back as Shining buries his face into the cleavage of her red dress.

Whunk! Crasshh!

You flinch as the two slam into the nearest dresser, sending an expensive looking vase crashing to the floor. It only faintly overlaps the sound of ripping clothing as Shining tears off the right strap of Cadence's dress—exposing half of her black bra in the dim light.

Oh this was so not a good place to be.

You can feel your mind race, frantically searching for your next move.

Should you run for it?

You shake your head.

No. Even if you were invisible, they'd notice if you tried to run out the door behind them. It was best if you stayed put. Hiding till they left would be the best move.

You nod to yourself.

Right, just stay out of sight. Up here, out of the way, safe and sound on...their...

You slap a hand to your forehead and let out another silent scream.

Their bed? Seriously? How had hiding in here seemed like a good idea?

Your panic is cut short as another ripping sound cuts through the room—the last of Cadence's dress falling to the floor. Your eyes take a full view Cadence's exposed back as they move back from the wall—Shining's hands palming the firm pink backside exposed by her thin black thong.

You watch, stomach dropping, as the two stumble in your direction—kissing deeply as they make their way toward the bed.


With a choked gasp, you scramble back, the curtains suddenly parting in front of you.


The entire bed shifts as the two make contact—Shining pressing Cadence's back into the sheets as the two continue to lock lips in front of you. You can immediately feel the heat rolling off their bodies—a blend of expensive perfume and cologne mixing with the faint musk of sweat rising from their figures.

Heart thundering, you back up as far as you can, your back pressing up against the headboard, bare legs spread open at an awkward angle.


You close your eyes, trying desperately to stay your nerves. You were cornered.


A satisfied breath prompts your eyes back open. Glancing back down toward the foot of the bed, you see that Shining has finally drawn back from his wife's lips—kneeling between Cadence's propped up legs as he starts to kiss down the side of her neck.

You watch Cadence roll her head back, eyes closed, as Shining's lips trail down her collarbone. Despite your predicament, you can't look away—your eyes unable to resist the top down view of her breasts pouring out beneath her black lace bra. You watch as Shining buries his face between their contours, kneading them together with his hands.

Your eyes follow as Cadence drapes an arm across her eyes—her free hand trailing through Shining's mane. The sight of her parted lips is mesmerizing, her faint breaths intermittently escaping into the air.

Oh no.

Your eyes widen. This was not the time for those kinds of thoughts.

Despite the realization, however, you can't stop yourself from glancing back up. Teeth clenched, your eyes trail down the length of Cadence's slim figure, her thighs spread wide around Shining's waist. Despite the darkness, you can still make the toned curve of her legs and shapely backside being pressed into the bed.

You can feel yourself starting to get aroused.


You shake your head, desperately trying to break the spell. Invisible or not, this was too close for comfort.

You pull your gaze back up the length of the bed. You had to find a way out of th—

You freeze as your gaze passes over Cadence's face—a cold chill running down your spine. Your eyes lock onto hers instantly, her bright purple irises peeking out seductively from the arm draped across her forehead.

You feel your blood run cold.

Oh no...

Catching the look of realization on your face, you can see a small smirk form on the mare's lips—a faint flush present in her cheeks as her husband continues to massage her breasts on the bed before you.

Your heart skips a beat.

How could she see you? You were invisible. You were sure of it.

Your eye twitches as the thought strikes you.

Could alicorns see through things like that?

As if confirming your fears, you see Cadence's smile widen another inch, her eyes drifting toward your lap.

You immediately feel your translucent cheeks burn red, the princess's eyes focused squarely on the rapidly rising hard-on twitching between your legs.

You shake your head instinctively, pleading with your eyes. This only warrants a wider grin—a glint of Cadence's white teeth flashing behind her lips.

Without warning, you feel the bed shift again, drawing your eyes to the foot of the bed. You can see Shining rear up into a kneeling position—his hands slowly gliding down Cadence's stomach as he pulls back from her breasts. With one swift motion, the he grabs the hem of his button down shirt with either hand, sending buttons flying as he tears it from his body.

Despite yourself, you feel a familiar pang of irritation as your eyes travel down the stallion's well muscled torso.

Who was he supposed to be, Captain-friggin-Equestria?

You tense a bit as your wandering eyes meet Cadence's again. The mare offers you a wink before shifting her attention downwards, tracing her thin fingers down Shining's abs.

A jealous twinge spikes in your chest. You immediately shake your head, trying to dispel the feeling.

Why were you getting irritated? This was Cadence. Shining's wife. You shouldn't even be seeing this.

Your dick twitches again.

Eyes fixed firmly forward, you watch as Cadence's fingers reach for Shining's belt. Right hand in place, Cadence slowly trails her left below his waistline—her pink fingers caressing the sizeable bulge beginning to form beneath her husband's zipper.


You can hear Shining let out a sigh as he shuts his eyes, arms to his sides as Cadence starts to stroke him through his pants. Your eyes widen as the bulge continues to grow—his belt shifting awkwardly as she runs her thin fingers over the fabric.

You fight the urge to touch yourself.

You tense again as Cadence's eyes meet yours, her eyebrow raised teasingly as she continues to caress her husband's member. A moment later, her stroking slows, her left hand trailing up to meet her right at Shining's waist. Returning her gaze forward, you watch the mare slide her hands along his lower stomach—her pink fingers sliding into position on either side of his belt buckle.


Your eyes widen as Cadence undoes the clasp—the sight dredging up anxious memories in your mind. You have little time to dwell on it, however, as Cadence slowly sneaks her fingertips behind Shining's waistband—the stallion's erection throbbing visibly beneath the fabric.


Slowly—agonizingly slowly—you see Cadence tug downward, her breasts pressing together between her upper arms as she undoes her husband's zipper. She appears to have trouble for a moment—his bulge pressing forward with enough force to keep it from coming fully undone. You can see her adjust her grip and tug again—the garment finally relenting.


You nearly choke on your spit as Shining's throbbing stallionhood springs free in the dim light. In stark contrast to his white coat, the thing is a dull matte black, a few intermittent flecks of white dotting its base. What's more, it immediately answers an anatomical question hadn't realized you had. Unlike your human bits, Shining's resembles that of a horse—the end tapering off into a flattened flare.

Also like a horse's, it was fucking huge.

You blink once—staring unabashedly as any sense of awkwardness you had felt is overwhelmed by shock. Ten inches? Twelve?

You glance around several times, eyes drawing quick comparisons. The monster had to be as long as Cadence's forearm.

Mind still reeling, you watch as the mare slides her hands downwards—her slim pink fingers curling around Shining's shaft. Your eyes widen as you realize she can't even fit her hands around his girth—her fingertips failing to meet one another as she wraps them around the base of his cock.


Another grunt rumbles from Shining's throat as he leans forward with one arm—propping himself up over Cadence as she starts to stroke his shaft. His black cock wobbles obscenely at in her grip, delicate pink fingers sliding up and down his thick flesh.


Noticing movement, you glance down only to meet Cadence's gaze once more, her purple eyes glinting as she continues to jerk her husband off over her exposed stomach. You can't help but stare at her flushed breasts and cheeks—the rising scent of mare flooding your senses.

You grit your teeth—your excitement painfully obvious. You can feel your mind racing—the vivid sensations throwing your thoughts into disarray.

This is bad.

You watch as Cadence's eyes once again trail down your chest—glancing over your exposed member. You can see her flash another teasing grin, suddenly picking up the pace of her hands around Shining's cock.


You flinch as Shining lets out a low grunt at the sensation, his eyes opening for the first time in a while. His eyes predatory, he reaches forward, his arm sliding beneath Cadence's back. You can see the surprise in her expression as Shining suddenly flips her over onto all fours—his muscled forearm wrapped firmly around her waist.


You flail wildly as Cadence practically lands in your lap—Shining's sudden aggressiveness forcing her further forward on the bed. Your back slides partway down the headboard as you stare up at Cadence from little more than two feet away—her cheeks flushed as she props herself up between your awkwardly angled legs.

Gathering her balance, she meets your gaze, one eye obscured by a disheveled lock of her multicolored mane. You can hear her breathing heavily, her cleavage pouring out beneath her her black lace bra.


Cadence's eyes close with the sound of skin hitting skin, your own eyes drifting down the length of her arched back toward its source. Your eyes widen a they take in the sight of Cadence's contours from this angle—her thin waistline only accentuating the heart shaped ass now pressed against Shining's lower stomach. Her thin black thong is pulled taught against her smooth pink skin—the fabric stretched wide across her cleavage. You can see Shining palming her ass as they had before—his broad hands squeezing and caressing her exposed skin.


Cadence let out a low breath at Shining's touch, arching forward as she presses herself against him. You watch as her ass envelops Shining's member—her pink cleavage hotdogging his throbbing cock against his waistline.

You glance down, painfully aware of how close Cadence's face was drawing to your own crotch. Your heart skips a beat as she looks up to meet your gaze, her face partially obscured by your cock twitching just inches from her face. You can feel the warmth of her breath roll over your skin as she offers you a flushed smirk.


Grunting, you see Shining reach forward, grabbing Cadence's waist with one hand as he pulls her thong to the side with the other. You can hear a sharp intake of breath as the mare suddenly arches back up between your legs—glancing over her shoulder from eye level.

Following your gaze past her wings down the small of her back, you can see Shining rocking gently—his black member protruding obscenely between Cadence's cleavage. Even in the dim light, you can see a trace of wetness—the mare's readiness glinting on the underside of Shining's cock.


You can feel your face flush red—the weight of the situation once again taking hold.

Was this really happening?

Were you really going to sit here and watch Cadence and Shining fuck?

Your furrow your brow, your mind screaming at your limbs to move. The anxiety of being caught, however, keeps you frozen, unable to do anything but watch.

You lower your eyes, a pang of guilt hitting you at the same time.

As much a you loathed to acknowledge it, a part of you didn't want to leave.


A quiet, feminine exhale rouses you from your thoughts—your eyes glancing back up at the scene before you. You can see Shining line up behind Cadence's wide ass—one hand stretching her thong to the side, the other guiding his member forward. You can feel her shift her weight on the bed—spreading her own legs further apart to allow her husband access.

Here it comes.

A flutter of movement draws your eyes back up Cadence's arched back—your gaze meeting her partially obscured gaze once more. You can still see the flush in her cheeks and breasts—her breath hot and heavy against your chest. She continues to stare into your eyes, however, the intensity of her gaze refusing to let up.



With a low grunt, Shining pushes forward—the first few inches of his cock disappearing into Cadence's entrance with one push. You scramble back against the headboard as the sudden thrust forces her forward, her right hand landing against your chest as she falls into you. The sudden sensation of her touch is electrifying—her hands warm and smooth against your bare skin.

You stare, mesmerized, as she pants just inches from your chest, her eyes fluttering shut as she accustoms herself to her husband's size. You can see the tips of her ears growing red—the flushin her face and neckline only growing more pronounced.


Slowly, you can feel the bed shift as Shining pulls back—almost withdrawing before pushing back in again, his black cock disappearing into Cadence with slow, shallow strokes. The movement rocks Cadence further against your chest, her hand shifting slightly as she moves to keep her balance.


Your heart skips a beat as Cadence finally glances back up, her eyes half lidded. Propping herself up against your chest, you can feel the heat roll off her body, her breasts shifting below her as Shining's short thrusts rock her slender frame. The scent of arousal rolling off of her is heavy—the potent smell of mare drowning your senses.

Glancing down her back, you can see her start to rock her hips—accepting another few inches of Shining's cock.

Fuck, Cadie....”

You flinch at the sound of Shining's voice—the first words he'd spoken since entering the room. You can see a glint in Cadence's eye as she takes in your reaction, her smile widening as she continues to hold your gaze while her husband ruts her.

You can feel your mind starting to go numb at the sight—your body all to aware of her proximity. Her right hand on your chest, her left propping herself up right between your's all you can do not to curse out loud.

Schlup. Schlup. Schlup, schlup, schlup...

Slowly, the pace of their lovemaking starts to pick up before you—Cadence's restrained breasts swinging beneath her more heavily as Shining finds his stride. Glancing down the small of her back, you can see the better part of his shaft disappearing into Cadence's entrance, a muted wet sound filling the room with every push.

You watch as he slides his broad hands from her ass to her waist—gripping her slender frame as he slowly lengthens his strokes.

You can feel yourself twitch at the sight.

What the fuck was wrong with you?

You shake your head, trying—and failing—to sort through your conflicting thoughts. This was wrong in so many ways.

You grit your teeth.

If anything, the guilt and anxiety of it all made the situation that much more intense—only fueling the lust building inside you.


Without warning, you see Shining thrust forward, Cadence's firm ass slapping against his lower waist as he finally enters her completely.


You tense as Cadence's left hand meets your upper thigh, bracing herself against you as her husband's cock is forced all the way in. You can see her screw her eyes shut—her warm hands clenching against your skin involuntarily. A bead of sweat rolls down the side of her cheek, her breathing hotter and more uneven than before.


You spare a glance down at your midsection—you own erection bobbing obscenely in the open air. You can feel Cadence's warm skin just inches away, the stimulation frustratingly close to getting you off.

Allowing her a moment to adjust, you feel the bed begin to rock as Shining resumes his pumping—his thick black member disappearing inside of Cadenc's marehood with firm strokes. You can hear the slap of skin as he continues to to push forward—taking the mare to the hilt with every thrust.


Looking back down, you take in Cadence's expression before you, her eyes still shut, short breaths exiting her lips with every slap. You follow another bead of sweat as it rolls down her neckline—the droplet making its way down the curve of her cleavage as her husband ruts her from behind.

You swallow.

Blinking away your own sweat, you can see her flushed pink breasts bounce beneath her bra—her slender frame rocking with each impact of the stallion thrusting into her. You can feel her fingers start to dig into you intermittently—her nails leaving faint red marks on your semi-visible skin.

You tense as Cadence's eyes once again meet your own—a wide, lusty smile forming on her lips as she stares at you with a half-lidded stare. You swear you can see the outline of a heart forming in her eyes as Shining fucks her—her entire body eagerly accepting her husband's cock.

You can feel your heart thunder more loudly.


You eyes widen as you see Shining lean forward, planting his right hand in the center of Cadence's back as he pulls her ass against him. You can hear the mare's surprised breath at the sudden movement—her nails dragging against your chest as she falls forward.


You slap a hand over your mouth as Cadence falls into your lap, your cock slapping against her cheek as Shining presses her into the bed. Her hot breath suddenly envelops your member—her parted lips exhaling into your crotch.


You can feel your heart drop into your stomach, the last vestiges of your composure blown away in an instant. Unable to fully process the situation, you gaze down in terror at the mare between your legs.


Letting out a sigh, you can see Cadence's eyes flutter open, her pupils widening with desire at Shining's sudden forcefulness. Panting, she glances back up at you—your cock bobbing lewdly beside her face—and flashes you her widest smile.

Your eyes bug, another twinge of excitement causing you cock to twitch beside the princess's cheek.

This was insane.

You stare down in a daze, mind foggy as Cadence starts to rock forward with Shining's thrusts. His movements are more forceful than before, the roughness of his fucking sending ripples through Cadence's ass as he ruts her into the bed.

Slap slap slap slap.

The mare continues hold your gaze with lidded eyes, your cock occasionally slapping against her cheek as the lewd sound of their joining sexes starts to pick up.

Her close...

The sensation of her hot breath has you throbbing like mad, begging her to get you off.

You can see the corners of her lips perk up—an amused look filtering into her flushed expression as she ignores your body's requests.

You clench your fists in frustration. Staring into her eyes, you can almost hear her thoughts in your head—a chiding, teasing message clearly telling you your place.

Don't touch. Just watch.

Her breathing growing heavier, you watch as Cadence starts to grind her hips back, her wide ass pressing firmly against Shining's abdomen with every thrust. You can hear him grunt in surprise at the sudden sensation, gripping more firmly around his wife's waist.

Fuck, Cadie...Cadie I'm close.”

You can see Shining's body start to tense—the rate of his thrusting increasing as his words travel through the air. You can see Cadence's ears twitch as the message hits them, a mischievous expression suddenly spreading across her face.

A sudden flare of nervousness rises in your stomach.

What is she thinking?

As if reading your thoughts, the mare flashes you a wink, half her face still obscured behind your cock. Without warning, she pushes herself up from the bed, eliciting a grunt from Shining as she reaches back to grab his forearm. The image of seduction, she presses her back against his broad chest, her breasts heaving beneath her lace bra as she lifts her eyes to meet his. Moving slowly, she trails her fingers around the nape of his neck, lips parted as tugs his face closer to her own.

Recovering quickly, Shining leans into the kiss, his free hand once again finding its way to Cadence's breasts. You can see the stallion slide his left hand down Cadence's waist, his finger tips trailing between Cadence's legs as he continues to rock into her with long, even strokes.

Schlup. Schlup.

Though partially obscured by her panties, your eyes widen at the sight of Shining's girth disappearing into Cadence's spread lips. It's smooth, black girth looks impossibly thick for her slender frame, despite the thin shin of marecum coating its sides.


You glance back up at Cadence's hum of approval—the wet, breathy sounds of the couple's passionate kissing growing increasingly hot and heavy. You can see Cadence slide her hands down behind her shoulders, fingers searching for the clasp of her bra.


You stifle another shout as the garment comes loose, Cadence's bare breasts pouring out into the dim light. They're flawless, smooth handfuls—their pert shape and firmness befitting her slim, athletic figure. You can hear her exhale into Shining's lips as he moves to knead them with his hands, his fingers tracing gentle circles along the center of her chest.

How it must feel to touch those...

As if possessed, you can sense your left hand shift on the bed, sliding toward your twitching member. You ignore the turmoil in your chest, feeling yourself start to give in to the prolonged stimulation.

I just...

You stop, mid-movement, as Cadence cracks open an eye, staring into yours as she and Shining continue to kiss. You can see her raise an eyebrow as her gaze drifts over your exposed member, the proximity of your hand giving away your intent.

Despite all that had already happened, you can feel your cheeks grow red. You couldn't imagine how you must look, desperately trying to refrain from jacking off as you watched the two of them fuck.

Embarrassment taking hold in full, you clench your fist, sliding it back toward its original position. You can see the mare drop her brow in approval, smiling slightly into her husbands lips. Wordlessly, she pulls back from the kiss, turning to place her hand on Shining's shoulder. He frowns, momentarily confused as she guides him back out of her with her free hand, gently stroking his shaft as she shifts around on the bed to face him.

You bite your tongue as her tail swishes to the side to reveal her thong clad ass before you—a dark patch of moisture clearly visible against the outline of her marehood.


Your gaze drifts lower as she slides her legs together on the bed in front of you—your eyes widening as the undersides of her pink soles and toes are exposed to you for the first time. The sight is mesmerizing—the faint creases in otherwise smooth soles sending a shiver down your spine.

You grit your teeth in restraint as she wiggles her toes. Christ how you just wanted to massage them...inhale them...bury your face in them.

You stifle a cough as the mare rolls back onto her feet, practically sitting in your lap as her wide ass smothers all but the tips of her toes beneath her.


Your dick twitches at the sudden change in proximity—your eyes slowly drifting up the delicate outline of Cadence's shoulders from behind. You can see her staring upward into Shining's eyes, running a hand down the side of his leg as she motions him forward.

You swallow.

You can feel the bed shift as Shining shuffles forward, holding out his arms for balance as he positions himself in front of his wife. Your eyes widen as you see his massive member once again wobble obscenely into view—Cadence's free hand still lovingly wrapped around its base.

Your heart skips a beat as she looks up at him, her expression partially eclipsed by the horsecock bobbing eagerly in front of her face.


Offering her husband a coy smile, you can see Cadence draw back a few inches, releasing her grip on Shining's member to hook the hairband looped around her wrist. With practiced movements, she gathers her mane into a ponytail—the same sporty look that she'd boasted during your last encounter.

You wince at the thought.

Mane in place, you watch as Cadence brings her hands back forward—her hands gently grabbing Shining's waist as she pulls her closer to him.

You tense as Cadence shifts back, her bent legs sliding out from under her ass as she seats herself on the bed in front of your crotch. You can feel your pulse start to quicken at the sight of your dick wobbling before her heart shaped backside—the cleavage of her wide pink cheeks barely covered by her taut-strung thong. Your eyes widen another fraction as her pink soles once again slide into view on either side of your member—the undersides of her feet resting just inches from your shaft.

Glancing up, you can see Cadence's slim fingers once again wrapping around the base of her husband's cock—the stallion's lidded eyes drifting shut at the sensation of her slow, deliberate movements. You can hear his low breathing as Cadence slowly works her grip up the length of his shaft.


You swallow thickly, eyes set forward as the Cadence fingers make their way to Shining's flare. As if holding a small animal, she holds it out flat on her palm—the black flesh twitching obscenely in her slim pink hands. With a princessly aura you wouldn't have thought possible in a situation like this, you watch her tilt her head forward, planting a small kiss on the head of her husband's cock.


You can hear Shining grunt at the touch of his wife's lips against his skin, his closed eyelids twitching beneath his furrowed brow. You can see his arms shift, as if to reach forward, before drifting back to his sides, simply basking in the sensation.

With confident movements, Cadence shifts forward, her ass lifting off the bed as she brings her face alongside Shining's cock. You stifle a shout as her toes suddenly snake their way under your tightening sack—her smooth pink pads pressing teasingly against your skin.


Your cock twitches at the sensation—the smooth curves of her pink soles exposing themselves beneath your aching member. You fight the urge to reach forward and pull them around you cock, forcing your gaze back upwards.

Before you, you can see Cadence slide one of her hands off of Shining's waist, propping herself up as the other hand strokes his length just beneath his flare. She slowly begins to plant kisses down the side of his cock, her husband's shaft quivering whenever her pink lips made contact.

Despite everything, your find yourself struck the gentleness of it all. This wasn't just some mare desperately trying to get her partner off on lust alone. Her movements were confident, caressing, caring—like she was handling a pet.

A strange mix of yearning blossoms in your chest. This was how Princess Mi Amore de Cadenza tended to her husband's desire.

You flinch as you catch Cadence's eyes glancing at you over her shoulder—her lips pressed softly against the side of her husband's cock. You can see her flash you a small wink as she continues to pepper it with kisses.


You hold back a grunt as the tips of Cadence's toes suddenly trail up your sack—the bottoms of her feet lifting up to meet your cock. You can feel your length throb as her soles softly envelop the underside of your shaft from beneath—your tan skin twitching obscenely against the faint creases in her pink skin.

A glint of satisfaction flashes in Cadence's eyes, her lips curling up into a smile against her husband's length. Exhaling, she closes her eyes, repositioning herself in front of Shining's shaft.

Wordlessly, the mare leans forward, eyes closed—her lips once again meeting Shining's flare. This time she doesn't draw back, instead tilting her head as she parts her lips around the head of her husband's cock. Your eyes widen you see her lips slide smoothly over his tip—popping his head into her mouth with little effort.


You can feel you dick twitch against the undersides of Cadence's feet at the sight. The mare seems to notice your excitement—her soles shifting beneath you. You grit your teeth as the soft skin suddenly envelops either side of your girth—the better part of your shaft suddenly sandwiched between her soles.


This time you fail to restrain yourself, a quiet groan escaping your lips at the feeling of the Princess's feet around your cock. You can feel your mind growing cloudy—your prolonged restraint finally starting to affect your senses. The sensation is intoxicating—Cadence's soles enveloping your bare skin.


Your eyes trail back up Cadence's back at the unfamiliar sound. Eyes widening, you watch as Cadence tightens her lips over her husband's flare—her hands wrapped around his girth as she starts to suck lightly on the head of his cock.


Shining's eyes squeeze shut at the sensation, the muscles in his arms twitching with restraint. You can sense the heat rolling off of Cadence as well—her cheeks growing flushed in the midst of the act. You watch as her right hand slides down past her breasts and stomach—her fingertips trailing beneath the waistband of her thong.


A light hum escapes Cadence's throat as she starts to run her fingertips over her marehood.


You can hear Shining grunt, his expression tensing at the sudden vibration. He bucks involuntarily—Cadence's eyes cracking open to offer a teasing glance at her husband's face. Wordlessly, she shifts around on her knees—her left hand slowly starting to move up and down the base of his cock.

You let out a muffled grunt of your own as Cadence's body starts to rock with the rhythm of her hand. You can feel her soles start to slide up and down the length of your shaft, her pink toes gripping weakly at your base.


Your dick throbs with your frustrations—eliciting another sidelong glance from Cadence . You can see the corners of her mouth twitch upwards around her husband's cock—your breath catching as she presses her feet together more firmly around your shaft.

With a final wink she slides her lips off Shining's tip—her gaze fixed on yours as she positions her husband's twitching flare in front of her open mouth. She continues to rub at the wet spot between her legs—her husband's dick wobbling in front of her as she jerks it with her free hand.


Calling her name one last time, you can see Shining lean forward, his right hand gripping Cadence's slender shoulder as he's forced over the edge. His flare erupts between the princess's slender fingers, the first wad of cum landing thickly on her outstretched tongue. You can see another arc of disappear between her parted lips as she leans forward, stroking her husband's load directly into her mouth. She continues hold your gaze as she strokes his black shaft through orgasm—her lips wrapped firmly around the head of his cock.


Your eyes widen as you pick up a faint gulping sound—her throat bulging as she swallows Shining's load. You can see her fingers continuing to disappear beneath her panties—bucking her hips faintly as she seems to hit her peak.

You can feel your chest burn hot at the sight.

Princess Cadence.

On her knees.

Feet wrapped around a stranger's dick.

A mouthful of her husband's cum.

And she loved it.


You grunt as you lose control, cumming hard into Cadence's sandwiched soles. The undersides of her feet are immediately plastered with your spunk, the second spurt jetting out between her heels. You mind goes blank as you continue to blow your load onto her ass and lower back—the sight of your cum trailing down her tight pink cleavage only fueling the intensity of your spurts.

Schlick. Schlick. Schlick.

You can hear a muffled, sticky sound as the mare slows the rate of her stroking—her toes gently gripping at the base of your cock. With a low breath, the last of your load dribbles out from your cock, your dick finally starting to deflate between her soles.


You shudder as Cadence loosens her grip, lowering the undersides of her feet so that your flaccid dick lays out flat against them. You nearly choke at the sight—the creases of her soft soles glinting with your load in the dim lighting. Your eyes trace down to her pink toes as they continue to caress the base of your shaft—a few errant trickles of cum trailing down her flawless, soft skin to fill the cracks.

As if sensing your stare, she gives them a playful wiggle—your breath catching as the pink pads dance beneath your sensitive member.



You stiffen as you register Shining's voice—your awareness of the situation slowly returning. Glancing up, you can see the stallion leaning down to press his forehead against Cadence's, one hand trailing down her waist as the other traces her parted lips.

Your eyes widen as she leans back to meet his lips—her backside rolling back to rest on her feet.


You slap a hand over your mouth as your dick is suddenly enveloped by her cleavage—her cum-smeared soles smothered beneath her firm pink ass. You can feel your still-sensitive member twitch in futility, the sensation drawing tiny stars across your field of vision. You're dimly aware of the two royals exchanging sweet nothings before you as they kiss—their passion somewhat more subdued in their post-coital glow.

After a few tense moments, you can feel the bed shift as Shining steps off the edge, grabbing a key from atop one of the dressers. With a few long strides, he stops at the bathroom door—flipping the lock and entering in one smooth motion. You wince as Cadence lifts her backside off your member a moment later—her sticky feet suddenly sliding out beneath your sensitive shaft.


Bleary eyed, you watch her leave, her tight, cum spattered backside swaying entrancingly as she follows her husband's lead. Reaching the threshold, she turns, a forearm draped across her bare breasts in a sudden show of modesty.

Offering you a last flirty wink, she smiles, disappearing behind the door.


You stare blankly at the closed dor.

What...what just happened?

You shake your head.

Did I...

Did we...

What just...

You shake your head again.

No. This...this wasn't something that was going to make sense any time soon.

You click your teeth. needed time to process this.

You shake your head a third time.

But first...

For the first time in a while, you glance down at your semi-transparent limbs—your faculties slowly returning.

Before anything else, you needed to find a way out of here. Who knew how long this invisibility would hold out for?

Forcing any other thoughts aside, you survey the dimly lit room, eyes glancing over the bathroom door before settling back in on the entrance.

This was your chance.

Sliding off the bed with a sudden sense of urgency, you scamper to the door, painfully aware of your nakedness as the wind rushes past. Heart pounding, you crack open the left door, peeking through the small gap for any sign of life.

Left side.

No guards.

Right side.

No guards.

You glance down, the familiar blue glow outlining your arms and torso.

Still invisible.

You swallow. It was now or never.

Offering one last glance into the bedroom behind you, you make yourself a silent vow.

Next time, you'd stick with a shower.

Fourth Sunday off at the Crystal Empire—complete.



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Two Weeks Later


“Well...I guess that's that.”

You nod to yourself, closing the latch on the luggage compartment. You were pretty sure you hadn't forgotten anything. Just about everything you owned could fit in a single suitcase, after all.

You turn your head and glance up, shielding your eyes as you take a last long look at the Crystal Palace. It'd been an interesting stay, to say the least. Having some talk to had been a nice change of pace.

You scratch your neck, a small smile creeping onto your face.

To be perfectly honest, you were going to miss it. Breakthroughs in a a dimensional return spell or not, leaving was going to be hard. The place had really started to feel like a second home. As blunt and oblivious as Shining could be, he'd ended up being the first Equestrian you could talk to like a normal person.

A little pang of guilt hits your heart at the thought. You shake your head.

“Nope. Not gonna worry about that right now.”

You close your eyes, convincing yourself to let it go.

“It's not like Shining ever found out, anyway.”

“Found out what, Ambassador?”

You immediately stumble forward at the sudden question, your head slamming into the back of the carriage with a weighty thunk. Flailing clumsily, you scramble onto your backside, glancing up toward its source as your vision swims with stars.

“Ah, Sh-Shining! I—I didn't see you there.”

You force out a nervous laugh, rising shakily to your feet. Your vision gradually starts to return, your eyes taking in the concerned expression of the Crystal Empire's prince standing before you.

“You doing alright there, Ambassador?”

You raise a hand, nodding slowly to keep the pounding in your head from getting worse.

“Yep. Yep. Just—just great.”

You can see the smile return to Shining's face, your ill acted reply setting his worries to rest.

“Ah, gotcha gotcha."

He grins, proffering an elbow in your direction.

"So what what was it you were saying I never found out about?"

You cough, nearly choking your on spit. Grabbing the carriage for support, you glance around, eyes darting from cobblestone to cobblestone as you try to think up a lie.

Ohhhhh! Just that you never found out....”

Your mind draws a blank.

C'mon, c'mon! Say something!

You bite your lip, forcing out the first words that come to mind.

“...found out just how much I'd miss ya!”

You laugh, stepping up into your best bro-like stance.

“Yeah. You got me! I sure will miss you...bud.”

Another flicker of guilt rises in your chest, but you quickly dispel it. It's not like what you were saying was a total lie after all...right?

Shaking off the feeling, you give Shining a firm punch in the arm to seal the deal, immediately regretting it as your fingers crack on impact.

Son of a biiiiiiitch.

Shining, however, doesn't seem to notice. You can see his smile grow even broader at your sad attempt to show camraderie.

“Ah Ambassador, I'm gonna miss you too!”

“Thanks Shin—ack!”

You can feel the air being forced out of your lungs as Shining suddenly pulls you to his side in a one armed embrace.

“It's been a nice change of pace having you around the Castle. Not every day you come across a stand up guy like yourself.”


You barely manage to wheeze out your reply, your head starting to feel light from the lack of oxygen. With a happy grunt, the stallion finally releases you, your body immediately dropping into a crouch as you try to catch your breath.

Celestia that was one powerful grip.

Still panting, you manage to regain your footing, meeting Shining's gaze once again.

“Just...just happy I could help.”

You can see the stallion nod, his excitement finally settling back to normal levels. A moment later, however, you can see him glance around—his eyes searching for any onlookers before making their way back to you. With what you can only guess to be an embarrassed smile, he leans forward, placing a hand on your shoulder as he lowers his voice.

“Oh, and thanks for all you did for Cadence and I these past few weeks. That roleplay was spot on.”


A cold sweat breaks out over your body at Shining's words. Slowly, you turn your head, staring awkwardly at the stallion as he continues to speak.

“Yep, having that 'third person' really managed to spice things up a bit.”

You can feel your body immediately turn rigid, mind going completely blank. You tilt your head robotically, regarding Shining with wide, confused eyes.


The stallion regards your vacant stare with another sheepish smile.

“Yeah, I hate to say it, but we were in a bit of a rut before you came along. Being married is great and all, but once and a while you've got to mix things up to keep it fresh.”

You blink, unable to comprehend the meaning behind Shining's words.


You can see the stallion nodding, his smile lingering as he continues.

“Yeah though. Ever since you came along we haven't been able to keep our hands off each another. It's like—ha, well, I s'pose you've already seen what I mean."

He scratches bashfully at his cheek, tilting his head in your direction.

"Anyways, we really can't thank you enough.”

You nod slowly, Shining's voice fading into the background as your mind tries to process his words. You're dimly aware of the stallion's presence as he leads you to your seat in the carriage, closing the door behind you as you settle in. You can sense him place something into your open hand, closing your unresponsive fingers into a loose grip around it. His voice briefly wanders back into your consciousness a moment later, your ears picking up the last few words of his drawn out goodbye.

“—is great that time of year. Be sure to visit again!”

You offer a vacant nod, mimicking Shining's waving hand as you feel the carriage lurch forward. The stallion soon disappears from sight, your ride starting down the road in the direction of the train station.

What had just...

Staring vacantly through the window, you turn your head as a glint of blue reaches the corner of your eye. Shifting your gaze, you take in the sight of someone waving down at you from one of the castle's lower balconies.


You stare awkwardly as the pink mare meets your gaze—the same blue dress she had worn when you first met her sparkling in the morning light. With playful movements, you can see her step forward—her slim figure leaning provocatively over the edge of the balcony as she flashes you a wink. You can see her dangle one of her legs through a gap in the railing—revealing a glimpse of her sandal clad foot as the carriage rolls by.

Unable to respond, you simply direct your robotic wave in her direction, continuing on even after the castle disappears from view. After a half a minute you finally stop, turning forward as you rest your hand in your lap.


You raise an eyebrow as something crinkles beneath your fingers.

You glance down to the sight of a folded red pamphlet resting in your closed hand. Sliding your fingers out of the way, you glance over the advertisement etched across the front.

Come see the Crystal Empire Crystal Fair. Only two months away!

You lift your eyes back up, staring at the seat in front of you.


You take a long breath, shifting back into your seat to get comfortable.

Looks like you'd have a reservation to make when you got back to Canterlot.
