> Love Letters > by Godofpie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prologue: Three years after the defeat of Nightmare Moon, Mid July, Ponyville library. Chapter one: Warmth. Twilight assumed control of her body as Celestia's sun shined through the window of her bedroom. The refreshed mare opened her eyes and her reflection greeted her with a small smile; ''Fine, I'll get up. It isn't like I have anything to do today.'' Twilight joked with herself as she rose from her covers and tucked them neatly under her mattress for the one-hundred and twentieth time that year. One-hundred and twentieth. Twilight shook violently at the most careless thing she had ever done, a thing that had left her in Princess Celestia's disappointment, at least she assumed. New years eve. ''Hey Twilight! How's another year in Ponyville treating you?'' ''Oh!'' She hiccuped, ''It's amazing Barry Puch!'' ''Berry... and how many of my special Punch shots have you had?'' Berry Punch did not want to know the answer. ''No matter, but I have to warn you, if you drink any more you won't be able to move in the morning.'' With an awkward smile. Twilight was deep in concentration, ''Oh yeah! You're a mare!'' The ultimately neat librarian shivered at the memory of finding her ball-o-bed-covers the next evening; she was glad she hadn't eaten yet. A quick trip to the bathroom had the unicorns teeth shining and her short violet mane brushed. She wandered out of her living space into her pride and sat down at the table in the centre. Spike had really out done himself. The table had a sky blue spreading and bright yellow daffodils to compliment, every spot and smudge was carefully wiped from every inch of the cutlery and glasses. The dragon burst from the kitchen as if on cue with two plates of Twilight's favoured breakfast: honey swirled oatmeal and a daisy garnish, no stem. ''Morning Twi! Hope you like breakfast, we luckily had enough left for your favourite.'' Twilight chuckled at her assistant's lies. ''I know you go out and get 'special need-to-be-dragon-to-know items only when I have something stressful on my schedule.'' ''How was I supposed to know-'' Spike flicked the daisy head into the waste basket realising the error in his ways ''That you would be teaching the unicorn fillys, and bes-'' The scaly schemer knew his master plan to relax his pony lady and been foiled. ''I never told you what I was doing yesterday.'' Twilight proclaimed with a large smile on her face. ''What a lucky guess Spike!'' The dragon tried to distract. ''Awww, does my wittle baby dragon care for his fwe'nds?'' Twilight couldn't help but laugh at her assistant's carelessness. A little flustered—thinking why she can't just thank him for making the food—Spike hurried the conversation as best he could. ''Well... well how'd it go anyway?'' ''Oh, well sweetie bell is still having problems, she was too distracted trying to be a... what was it? Oh yeah! 'Cutie-mark-crusader-super-organiser' and kept stacking all the chairs in one corner while ordering everypony to sit in a perfect circle. Winter Bell, the youngest filly, got too frustrated because she couldn't conjure up bits from the colouring pencils and stormed out. Snips and snai-'' Twilight's grand story was interrupted by a knock at the door. ''I'll get it!'' Spike, the ever ready, rushed to the door to greet their guest. I wonder who it could be... The mare sank into her chair. Please don't be Filthy Rich please don't be Filthy Rich please don't be Filthy Rich. ''Mail mare! I have two letters for Miss Twilight Sparkle!'' Oh thank Luna. The relief had her immediately out of her chair and trotting towards the door, leaving her breakfast to set. ''Spike, don't take my bowl, I'm not quite done yet.'' ''Yes ma'am!'' Spike saluted without saluting and went about removing everything he was permitted to. ''Why hello Derpy.'' Twilight greeted with a warm smile. ''How are you this morning?'' ''Im good, two letters Miss Sparkle; one from Mayor Mare, One unsigned.'' ''Another unsigned letter, this one is pink though... Oh well, thank you very much Derpy.'' Twenty eight ''No need Twilight, I am Ponyville's mail mare, manticores and mountains will not stop me from fulfilling my duty!'' Announced the proud pony. ''Oh! And one more thing.'' Twilight was handed a very hefty book on Advanced Biology. The most learned of mares sheepishly smiled, taking the book and leaving it on the side table next to the door, ''I honestly don't see how you get through those things.'' ''Im clumsy, not stupid, Twilight.'' Derpy rolled her eyes in a friendly manner, took a step back, and fell off the porch, ''Woah!'' The grey pegasus landed on the path with a smack, ''Oops'' ''Oh my gosh, are you all right?'' Magic sparked into life, up righting the fallen comrade and restoring her package to her saddle bags. ''Im okay, thank you Twilight, enjoy your mail!'' The mail mare called as she hurried to the next house. Enjoy your mail; you're a strange one Miss Hooves. The librarian smiled as she returned to a most certainly cold breakfast and resumed eating. Spike peeked from behind the kitchen door, ''Spi-'' And he was gone. Twilight sighed and six or so seconds later the dragon came running through the two-way door, tripped and sent the newly sharpened letter opener through the air towards the unsuspecting pony. If not for the spoon halfway between Twilights mouth and the bowl she would have certainly been neutered. The weapon fell with a plop into the bowl of oatmeal. ''SPIIIKE!'' ''Ohmygosh, TwilightImsosorryIwastryingtohelpand-'' The baby dragon was now reduced to blabbering like a baby. Twilight just stared at the knife. ''Spiiike! What the hay were you thinking? I told you not to sharpen any of the blades in the library! We don't need them anyway! You have claws and I use magic!'' Tongue tied and with nothing left to say he just stood there, mouth agape, trying to think of some sort of retribution he could pull out of thin air. ''Ugh, It doesn't matter.'' A bowl and spoon were magicked into the kitchen. Twilight, understandably, just wanted the thing to be dropped, but knowing her helper: not without a distraction, ''What do we have scheduled for today?'' Attempting to make up for his mistakes, Spike grabbed the librarians schedule and tried to read out everything on the page at once. Twilight's telekinesis opened the door, her look was enough, What?. ''Oh uuuhhh, um yeah, we. Uhhhhh.'' ''Breathe.'' ''Sorry, we have to help Rarity organise the boutique for her new fashion line... thing.'' ''The Sweet Summer line. Organising, my speciality.'' Twilight corrected. ''Nurse Red Heart also asked us to... Disenchant a cursed table?'' ''She has a new unicorn foal in the infirmary.'' ''We moved grocery day until tomorrow... aaand, whatever is in those letters. For somepony like you we have plenty of time! Oh yeah, I almost forgot! Study.'' ''Good.'' Twilight proclaimed, patting Spike in approval, who was rushing to put the paper back in its spot. Her horn opened the letter from Mayor Mare and she read it aloud, as if spike wasn't surveying the book shelves and looking for errors in their order. ''Miss Twilight Starshine Sparkle-'' I hate it when she does that, ''You have been nominated for the 'Most Helpful Pony' award in the upcoming annual Ponyville Mares and Stallions award ceremony!... Huh...'' She said with a pause. Thoroughly confused, Twilight wondered if she had helped anypony outside her own circle of friends that year. ''What?'' ''I am offended Spike.'' ''Uggh! What I do this time!'' ''You refused to listen when I gave you the honour of reading someone else's private mail.'' Huffed the mare, slightly fed up with Spike's tentativeness to pay attention. ''Once again?'' Altogether fed up, ''Ne-ver mind, why was I nominated for this award?'' Twilight repeated, handing Spike the piece of paper. ''I don't see your problem, you might get an award.'' ''Wouldn't it be more fitting for somepony like Apple Jack?'' ''Ah stop complaining, you help tons of ponies like Rainbow Dash and Cherilee and tons of ponies!'' Still not convinced, but reigned, the letter glowed a sparkly purple before joining the calendar in a drawer. ''I suppose so... could you open the pink envelope please?'' ''Number one assistant is on the case!'' A quick slash and the dragon begun to read. ''Dear Twilight, I really like your mane. Your secret admirer.'' An awkward pause. ''Is that it?'' Spike squinted at the parchment in response. Twilight put hoof to chin, ''Well at least he wrote something this time.'' ''He's a freak!'' Spike mocked, ''He's sent you thirteen blank letters and now the best he can come up with is that?'' ''He has sent twenty eight, and I think it's lovely for a stallion to write love letters. Have you ever written any love letters?'' Joked the purple mare. ''Well...'' Started the now rosy red Spike only to be saved by the chiming clock above the table. ''Oh no, I've got to get ready and help Rarity at the boutique.'' Jittered out the panicking pony, ''You can tell me when I come back from Rarity's, I'll be there for an hour or two if you need me. Be good Spike, don't forget your chores!'' ''Okay! Bye Twilight!'' Spike ran up to his bed and pulled a small case from under his pillow, ''I'll be good Twilight.'' Spike said, throwing a couple of gems up into the air and catching them in his mouth, ''Goosh to theseh rubysh!'' Angel came hopping out of the bathroom like a mad rabbit, carrying a good half-roll of tissue paper. Following the dragging moans from Fluttershy's bed room Angel almost missed the last step on the stairs and tumbled to the aid of the crying mare. Birds and mice sat distraught and unable to help the situation in anyway. Fluttershy lay on her drenched pillow, quill in hoof, and parchment under nose. ''Oh, thank you Angel bunny, you're my best little fluffy bunny in the whole-... in the-'' Angel hushed the broken pegasus before she chocked on her own sobs, and dried her eyes. The yellow ball couldn't help but toil when she read over what she had written, if it was legible, being soaked in tears. ''Oh Angel, why doesn't she notice me? I've sent her so many-'' Letting out a sniffle, ''-letters.'' Fluttershy screamed her last word, knowing that her only effort to charm her lover was futile. Angel grabbed the letter and folded it, looked at Fluttershy, who gave a reluctant answer, ''Send it.'' The letter was taken away to be prepared and Fluttershy took one long look at the portrait of Twilight beside her bed, and continued her morning in the way she begun most mornings. > Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Two: The market was booming, ponies' saddle bags and baskets were ripe with every kind of fruit, vegetable and otherwise. Stallions announced the cheapest prices and mares charmed customers into spending bits on leaves and lengths of rope. Everypony was hysteric, but only one was rushing. The purple blur ducked in and out of every stall and limboed between many different colours of hoofs in a spectacular show. Twilight's sublime punctuality never failed to cause havoc before and that day was no different. The mare's mission marker popped in front of her eyes as she rounded a carpet stall, Carousel Boutique was now in half view, only protected by two unsuspecting shoppers. Can't be late, I made a promise. In an epic display of determination the unicorn managed to fly over the two ponies without a nick, a small pink filly rearing up in applause. In her triumph, Twilight failed to notice the incoming door of the boutique. ''Twilight... TWILIGHT.'' The purple mare came back to the real world to find herself in a strange place with a strange pony looking over her. ''Where am-'' Lifting her head caused striking pain. The concussed Twilight looked around to see she had arrived at her destination. ''Now hush and drink this.'' An appearingly refreshing glass of water was floated in front of her face and Twilight gladly obliged. The pony in front of Twilight was blurry and was walking away, but most definitely had the tender gait of the boutiques owner, ''Thank you Rarity, I'm very sorry. Did I run into your door?'' ''You were running through the streets like a filly, presumably, and then you ran directly into my door giving yourself a bad bruise and leaving a...'' Rarity was trying to find the right words, ''Remarkable dent... On my door...'' Regaining her composure, ''But that is the past, you simply can't get so worked up over such mild things Twilight.'' Fighting through the pain, the mare in question was now able to steady her stance. ''I'm sorry Rarity I just didn't want to be late; I made a promise that I would be here to help you organise the Sweet Summer presentation. I know how hard you have been working on it and I didn't want to slow you down.'' The white unicorn was levitating a brush from a drawer and was now completely taken aback. ''What? No no no no, no. No. I meant you can't get your mane in such a state, even if you are late. You are a lady Twilight; the stallions can wait for you and I. And I, as your friend, will accept no less than your serenity, especially at the cost of your beauty.'' The unicorns words were strong, and were some of the very few able calm the librarian from a state of worry. Rarity had begun to brush the unkempt hair of her friend. Another pin was stuck into the pain cushion and Twilight reared back in response. ''Oh my, that's a little more than a bruise, hold on there Twilight for just a moment.'' Still clenched in pain, Twilight searched for the source and found a not-so-small lump in the centre or her head, just above her horn. ''Ugh! How could I have been so stupid!'' Twilight was sitting on her haunches. ''An understandable mistake dear, just have some thanks you didn't seriously hurt yourself, I would have had to call nurse Red Heart and you know how that pony can be. This is going to be cold.'' The already tortured pony seized up, the ice pack scorched the injury area. ''Ah, Rarity?'' ''Yes darling?'' Hummed the pondering Rarity. ''This really hurts!'' Cringed Twilight, ''Oh you're being such a filly Twilight.'' ''AT LEAST TAKE IT OFF MY HORN!'' The purple pony was now blindly swatting, hoping to dislodge any offending pony or packet. ''Rarity!'' The unicorn heeded no calls or pleas, but just pressed her magic harder against Twilight's head. ''Now Twilight, you of all ponies know that a lady is not to be strutting around with a lump on their head, I shan't allow it.'' ''Okay at least let me hold it then!'' ''You could have asked dear.'' Knowing that her job would be satisfied, Rarity trotted over to her kitchen door, levitated two chairs into the foyer, grabbed a note book and a quill, and sat down. Twilight was still trying to suppress her shouts and curses, in an attempts to sit, she ungracefully missed her mark, and fell right back onto her haunches. ''Twilight please, we have a lot of work to get through; get your quill and notes'' ''Okay, let me find my saddle bags.'' She reluctantly grumbled. ''Um, Twilight?'' The fashionista's tone took effect after Twilight rose from the ground again and took a look to the door. In place of her saddle bags was a small piece of pink paper, folded into thirds. ''Ugh, in my rush to get over here I forgot to bring my supplies and to put down that stupid letter!'' Twilight couldn't help but face hoof. Rarity, on the other hoof, was in a small sweat. ''Why, yes... could I ask who wrote the letter if yo- I meant to say, I'm assuming it's a letter from th- never mind. From whom is the letter from, if you don't mind me asking?'' Twilight's obliviousness could not have stretched any further, even as the white unicorn tugged ears, cleared throat and brushed mane in an almost rehearsed fashion. ''Some pony keeps sending me the letters and signing them 'Your secret admirer'. Thing is, they never actually write anything. This is the first one where they did and it's more of a friendly compliment than a deep message.'' The unicorn had lost her aggressive tone in place of one of confusion, and a tinge of concern. The later, now after forgetting all work ethic, was forced by nature to press for information, ''Ooo, the scandal! Celestia pardon me, how many have you received? Have you not questioned the mail mares about the sender?'' ''Now Angel, I'm going out, if I find that you haven't eaten your breakfast by the time mama comes back you won't be getting any desert tonight.'' A strong tactic, The stubborn ball of white fluff looked at the yellow pegasus, then to the bowl of brown pellets and back to the yellow pegasus, ''I'll be buying cherries in the market today.'' Gotcha. Angel slowly, but inevitably, reached for one of the pellets, and started eating. ''Good, thank you Angel.'' Answered Fluttershy in response to her victory. After saddle bags had been mounted and strapped down, Fluttershy stepped out of her cosy cottage and into the open air. The mare reveled in the afternoon light, it was much warmer than the morning. Trotting towards the small town, birds followed one of their very few pony friends, branch to branch, tree to luscious summer green tree. Fluttershy was forever in debt to the fact she could truly enjoy nature, more so than some earth ponies and yet there was a cut in her concentration, the pegasus couldn't shake the reason she was enjoying the afternoon décor opposed to the morning. No, I can't keep thinking about this, I mustn't. The mare blocked the bad thoughts and continued her journey into Ponyville's market. Various produce was bought and the pony started to feel a great weight, but not from her saddle bags. Everypony seemed so happy, but as Fluttershy surveyed the stands the images kept popping up, images that had no place in the small town market. Everypony had a slight purple hue and the stalls became miniature libraries for many different bits and bobs. Stallions became mares and manes dyed tri-colour. How can this be happening? This can't be right, it can't be! The now aureate pegasus stopped and looked every which way for an end to the illusion. She couldn't be going insane, she couldn't be. The endless repetition of the purple pony made navigation impossible. Just wishing for it to be over, the yellow pegasus curled up beside a library for the history of ice-cream, and hummed soothing songs, best as could be hummed. ''Excuse me, ma'am, are you all right?'' That doesn't sound like Twilight... Slowed by fear, the mare turned to face the concerned pony, ''Wh- who me?'' ''Why yes you, it looks like you've seen a dragon.'' The other pony smiled a little at her simile, she had a pale strawberry coloured coat, poofy turquoise mane and a small, but tall, black top hat. She was the doppelgänger of a pony Fluttershy worked with once if not for a colour switch, name forgotten in fear, exactly like every other word Fluttershy tried to coax into being. The ice-cream pony had an awkward smile, ''So, dear, what's your name?'' With a little breath Fluttershy was able to go from completely mute to deathly nervous ''Oh um... my name...'' ''Yes, it's all I'm asking, I'm no threat.'' She really wasn't, ''My name is Fluttershy... I'm so sorry, I- I really have to go.'' And with that last syllable the pegasus was gone, once again searching for a place to duck behind and forget the current situation. Breaking into a firm trot, the mare rounded a carpet stall; Carousel Boutique was now in full view. Rarity will help me, she has to. Trot turned to gallop. Sobs prevented Fluttershy from paying any attention to the large dent in the door's paint, her shaken state caused failure to notice the reminiscing Twilight. A chin hit the floor, all legs locked to brake. One yellow hoof brushed against one purple hoof, Fluttershy felt her heart miss a few more than two beats. ''Oh my gosh, Twilight I'm so sorry! I was only trying to- oh my g- I'm so sorry!'' Another surprise would surely lead to incontinence. The two unicorns were baffled, an unsettled Fluttershy was not uncommon but the scene was unsettling in its self. ''Fluttershy, what's wrong?'' Fluttershy looked up at the unicorn; her eyes were of total concern and total selflessness. The strange white pony was out of her seat, searching for something somewhere else. It was these times when the grounded pegasus felt truly alone with Twilight. The pegasus's natural don't-alert-Twilight sense rang like Ponyville bell tower. ''Oh, sorry Twilight, I was just afraid I had hurt you.'' An act well practised. ''No Fluttershy, I'm okay, you're a worse worrier than I am.'' ''What do you mean?'' ''Did you see the huge hole I put in Rarity's door?'' The two shared the warmest laugh in Equestria that day, Fluttershy let her head down on Twilight's leg. Rarity assumed from the laughter that the mishap was no longer intense and left the cold cloth, marshmallows and tissue papers where they were. Instead she returned to the two with only a glass of water. ''Here Fluttershy, sit down, please, and drink this up.'' The pegasus stood up and tried continue her act, the walk to take her point on the chair triangle was short but difficult, her legs were shaking violently after the close encounter. A soft pillow and crisp water gave Fluttershy a moment to gather her circus. With a smile and closed eyes, ''Thank you Rarity. I'm sorry about that but really, there was no need, I'm fine.'' And the perfect answer, ''No no, no. Don't fret with apologies, I'm here only for the benefit of my friends.'' A small 'hmf' for a laugh, ''And to steer them clear of dress disasters. Twilight, could you please continue? I'm dying to hear who you think sent the letters.'' An almost perfect answer. The purple pony scratched behind her ear. ''Well to be honest I don't know, Bristle is such a gentle colt when he's in the library but he has a girlfriend. Cloud hoof, the pegasus who organises the clouds and precipitation, has that really strange stand around me, I've even caught him taking looks at me. He never really talks to me though.'' ''Ugh, what a ruffian.'' Proclaimed the disgusted Rarity. The yellow pegasus didn't think she could be more nervous then she already had been, now her wings were begging to sweep the mare away from the whole dilemma. She could feel how moist the back of the chair was, wet from the sweat that built up in the area good posture created between the wings and tail. ''Although Carmel is the opposite, he stammers and coughs when he talks to me, he's always really nervous, it's cute even.'' Oh please Celestia, please no. ''If anypony were sending me the letters I would want it to be him.'' She looked wry with a blush. The first tear dropped slowly from a left eye. How could she not even think of me? ''Darling, are you all right?'' Fluttershy was on her hooves, consumed by jealousy, she kicked the nearest thing in an uncanny rage only to have a white dinning chair move not more than an inch. I'm so weak, I can't even express myself to Twilight, she'll never notice me. With nothing left but blown cover, the green and yellow pegasus ran, as far as possible. Twilight only noticed the incredibly angry Fluttershy just long enough to save a chair from becoming a very dangerous projectile, with the help of some magic, of course. Nothing more was needed to send the librarian running after the enraged pegasus. The unicorn was now running through the streets with the same determination as she had had in attempts not to be late, if not more. What's wrong with that pony? She can't possibly be that mad because I was talking about Caramel, there's something strange going on here, and I'm going to find out. Twilight kicked it into fifth place marathon runner mode, the yellow mare wasn't an athlete but wings gave her a hell of an advantage over Twilight. The streets were now a blur, ponies were major obstacles. No matter how quick the purple unicorn made work of the barriers, Twilight couldn't prod the pegasus any closer. The shade the stands provided had evaporated when the street turned into the open square. Fluttershy was lost of sight a good twenty seconds. The library was only down the street, it was the only lead the pony had. Walking was the best option now, the run had her legs banjaxed and lungs spiked, all over frustration had the unicorn sweltering. The library gradually became bigger, pure luck had two stallions moving a mirror, showing exactly which nook the yellow ball was hiding in. Foresight told Twilight to jump a metre from the small patch of dandelions, blocking every exit for the floundering mare. Dread told Twilight to run, to avoid any confrontation, but no, she had a duty. A leap of uncertain outcome was taken, landing right on the big red 'X', and defensive stance was held. Twilight could see Fluttershy's shivering, she was terrified. Convinced that the pegasus was either too tired or emotionally stressed to offer more pursuit, Twilight fixed her posture and took a soothing tone, the one she had used to calm the jumpy cat from frights and fears many times before. ''Fluttershy, what in sweet Celestia's name has you so... jumpy?'' The pony didn't know what to expect, and was a little frightened. The fear was almost infectious. ''Twilight...'' Heart thumping. Twilight: The name given to me. A tactic developed by the unicorn when she was nervous, scared or angry, she would explain everything she could think of to convince herself that she knows everything that was happening. ''Yes?'' One bodily shake. The unicorn could see the cracks of breaking point, and more than a day too late. ''I'm so sorry you had to see the letters, I done everything I could to make them good but every time I try I- I just cry and I'm so sorry, please don't hate me, I'm not worth your time or your stare or your breath, I'm-'' Stare: A long fixed or vacant look. The yellow pegasus took a long sigh, Twilight could tell it was one of utter defeat, while still trying to comprehend what she had just heard. ''I really am sorry.'' Those words were but a whisper, but held great water. The apology had used up every available sound, Words: A distinct element of language used to form speech. Twilight grabbed one hoof of the broken pegasus, the mare was unsure whether grey clouds hung under Fluttershy's eyes; soft pink hair padded her face. The librarian rushed into her domain, quiet and private. She took a look out her door to see the bewildered Rarity, standing the streets, who had just caught up. She took a motherly smile, seeing Twilight's face, and left in code of silence. Thank you Rarity. Knowing nothing better to do, the unicorn hugged the stony mare, hooves around the head. At first the sobs took over the hushes but were soon consumed by total release. Twilight felt every sadness her hug had suffered, by the time a pair of sockets were buried into her shoulder she had shed a few tears also. Fluttershy rubbed her head and hair back and forth to deny all her melancholy, it was wet and painful but the purple pony didn't care, it was worth it. Although slightly strained, the question still had to be asked, ''Fluttershy... What's wrong? By Celestia please tell me.'' The hug was broken, and both ponies were facing the same direction. ''Those letters you think Caramel sent you?'' ''Yes, they aren't any problem; please tell me what's wrong.'' A small smile crept up on the only visible piece of yellow fur that showed through the dishevelled pink mane. ''I wrote those letters.'' A cool breeze blew past the two. And thus, every worry and injustice and morose thought that haunted the mare was relieved of Fluttershy, she had the weight of the world turn to wings, saddle bags and their contents. Everything lifted, and plopped right onto Twilight. ''What do you mean?'' No, what? What did I even just say? The pegasus turned to her love, feathery smile still powdered on just fine, ''I sent you the letters you told Rarity about, twenty nine letters...'' ''What do you mean? I think th-'' The unicorn coughed to give her brain a few seconds to unscramble, ''I mean they are really sweet.'' Sweet: Having a pleasant... pleasant. ''Sorry, I'm a little surprised, not that you're a good friend but not a goood friend or anyt-'' ''Twilight?'' ''Well I mean you are a good friend and all but just no-'' ''Twilight?'' ''Yes? Yes. Yes?'' ''Would you rather I give you some time to think, and I can come over for dinner? If you don't have any other plans obviously.'' She's more relaxed then I am, and thank Luna for that. ''Um, yes, please, thank you, sorry.'' Logical thinking was awry in every sense of the word, Twilight walked over to the door and her horn opened it. ''I'll see you tonight.'' Said with a face of regard, hair brushed to one side. ''See you then, okay, sorry, bye bye.'' Stammered the mare with an ear to ear grin. Fluttershy has been sending me...love letters? Fluttershy has been sending me, Love letters. > Three > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Three: ''Ten bits to have the wood in the door and chair refilled, two bits for lavender paint, two bits for Celestia white... Maybe five hundred bits for lost time...'' Rarity went about and swept up the pieces of shattered chair leg, being careful not to scratch the floor. ''Well I'm sure Twilight has the situation under to control, I just hated to leave; she seemed so... afraid, like Fluttershy had told her something terrible... Oh Rarity please, Fluttershy is an esteemed pony, any problem of hers can't be that bad.'' A bell rang behind the fashionista, ''Just a minute dearie.'' The unicorn magicked the chairs and glasses back into kitchen as fast as her horn could manage, she couldn't lose a sale now. ''Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where eve-'' Fluttershy's saddle bags were gone, all Rarity could catch a glimpse of was a long pink tail out the window. Knowing better, the unicorn decided not to give chase, and besi- *CHHUUCCTSHHHHHhhshshshhhshshhhh* ''I can fix it!'' ''Sweetie Belle...'' Fluttershy, now two bits down, was wandering the market. She peered at the knick knacks just for the sake at looking at something unusual. A few ponies gave her quick strange looks; she didn't notice and didn't care. Everything the pegasus endured that day was not, ironically, in vain. Oh my gosh, it's amazing, I still can't believe it and yet it's happening. I get to have an evening with Twilight. With Twilight. With Twilight. With Twilight. The perky pony squealed in joy and repeated those two words, strolling through the market. Her smile was viral and she had everypony within thirty hoofs of her grinning. Her trance was broken by a small corner stall. The door of the cottage swung open, Angel rushed without request to fetch a roll of tissue paper. Fearing the worst, the bunny put the paper in a small bowl and rushed to the front room of the cottage. Fluttershy patted her pet lightly in between the ears. ''No need Angel, but thank you for being concerned.'' Reassured the mare, being careful not the bend the brim on her new straw hat, as she stored it atop the high cupboard. ''Do you like it? It was only ten bits, it's perfect for when I go over to the library to have dinner with Twilight.'' The Pegasus sang her words, birds joined the choir, Angel was happier to be relieved of his duties for a day. ''Gasp, you're going on a date with Twilight?'' Choruses ceased, Fluttershy held her breath, animals braced for the tsunami of tears the pink pony from underneath the couch had surely wrought upon them. The pegasus was the most prepared pony in Equestria, granted, the most surprised animal in the room, ''Pinkie Pie? Oh um, what ar-'' A clearing of throat, ''No Pinkie, me and Twilight are having dinner tonight in the library.'' ''Well my front right hoof and left hind hoof went a-clacka-clacka, and that means somepony's in love, maybe it's front left and back right, you never know with me, I'm all left hooves.'' The party pony giggled at her own antics, although Fluttershy was concerned with how the earth pony was even under her couch, very concerned, she knew the infamous Pinkie scene was never wrong, she looked for leverage. ''Um- How do you know it's myself and Twilight? It could have been anypony.'' ''Well I was hiding from Pumpkin Cake in Twilight's globe and I heard you two talking, it was only twenty minutes ago. Twilight was real sad so I wondered why Fluttershy was happy. I put on my detective hat and found you after you had bought that nifty hat of your own and my hooves started goin' clacka-clacka! Unless you're in love with the hat, I can understand that, it is a really nice hat.'' Pinkie was clopping her hooves together, laughing blissfully. Offended by her sarcasm, the yellow mare went full Fluttershy-offensive. ''I'm very disappointed at you for eavesdropping on myself and Twilight's conversation, Pinkie.'' The earth pony gasped half the air in the room up and jumped out from under her hiding place. ''Oh no, I'm sorry Fluttershy, I didn't mean to, I was only trying to hide, I'm gonna go say sorry to Twilight, but what if-'' If not for an open window the pink pony would have taken the rest of the air, ''What if I hurt Twilight and she never wants to speak to me again? Or worse! What if she never wants to speak to either of us again?! I have to make sure I never existed in Ponyville!'' Pinkie went about removing a plethora of emergency items from Fluttershy's cottage, the yellow mare took her chance while a flustered Pinkie was having particular difficulty dislodging an umbrella, from the celling lamp shade. ''I will forgive you, and make sure Twilight doesn't find out on one condition.'' ''Tell me! Tell me tell me tell me tellme tellme telme telme temle temle teme teme-'' ''You can't tell anyone about myself and Twilight's dinner tonight aaand-'' Fluttershy paused to be sure she had the pink pony's attention, ''And you have to forget the last thirty minutes.'' ''I don't even remember why I'm here!'' Pinkie rushed behind one of the hanging paintings, ''Pound Cake? Com'on! I know a much better hiding place!'' Fluttershy let out an almighty breath. ''That was a close one wasn't it Angel.'' Said the relieved pegasus, the rabbit replied by pulling out and nibbling on a small carrot. ''Well, I'm going to have a nice long bath before I start your dinner, is that okay Angel?'' Angel was rocking back and forth, obviously pleased with munching on a carrot. ''Well um... okay, I'll go have my bath.'' Grabbing a soft blue towel, the yellow mare trotted into her bathroom and started filling the large tub with soapy water, stirring the mix every minute. Candles were lit and curtains closed. Nothing is going to ruin tonight, our dinner will be perfect. Once the bath was ready, she gently slid in, letting the warm water tickle every crevasse of her body, and something dawned on her. I have dinner with Twilight, tonight, and less than five hours to prepare. The pegasus slid down so that the water was just below her nose. All attempts to regain comfort had failed so the no-longer-perky pony leaned over the edge of the bath, grabbed the forty-five bit bottle of shampoo Rarity got her for her birthday last year, and twice over, made sure every hair that covered her body shined like Celestia's tiara. Errands are to be, and will be, run. Twilight reminded herself. I have to go to the infirmary and null the restless unicorn's magic. Saddle bags found themselves emptied of quills and parchment. I might need to give the parents a book on caring for their foal. A small paperback copy of Unicorn foals to baby trolls! Raising your young! was levitated into the bags. What was I going to study tonight? Did Apple Jack want me to read up on land surveying? Twilight put on a search for the only two books on the matter the library had, all that she was found was Topography and subdivision. Twilight felt a strong thud against her temple; she magicked a glass of water over for herself to tend to the worst headache she had ever suffered. Great, Apple Jack is out of town for the next week, and with the only book I have that could help me with her request. Sorry AJ, you kind of brought this on yourself, I wont have time tonight anyway because Fluttershy is-. Twilight felt her obligations stacking up, and her headache worsening. Shoot, I put off shopping until tomorrow and I have nothing to cook! Three seconds of frenziedly searching the shelves led the unicorn to an orange cookbook, one that took the library as residence before Twilight, its pages flicked themselves maniacally. What does Fluttershy even like? Minutes of probing through the mainly Mexicolt dishes taught Twilight to throw a book, it landed with a thud behind her. The purple pony considered all the times she had seen Fluttershy eat, which happened to be not much. The only thing she'd seen the pegasus eat other than Pinkie Pie's party favours was a celery and cremé fraiche sandwich, So she likes what, mild tastes? Taking a dive, Twilight picked a book, and page, with her eyes closed. Perfect. Leak and cucumber soup: A Canterlot dish. The flavours didn't sound like they would go together, but against the unicorns better judgement she memorized the ingredients. It has to be good if it's in a cookbook. Twilight had always been a zesty pony herself, preferring oranges, grape fruit and other citrus fruits. The unicorn was out the door, trying to dig where the infirmary was out of her brain, and for that matter, the most efficient course to get everything done in time to wash, cook, and dress for the occasion. Twilight was deep in concentration, trying to convert all the times to do her tasks from minutes into decimals of hours, the headache was bad before but it had begun to scream every twenty seconds or so. If it was possible, the mare's headache was screaming mom or mam or something else... Mam... Mam... ''Ma'am?'' Ma'am: Short for madam, a title of respect. ''Huh? Oh sorry, I was just, thinking, you know how things go.'' A visibly uncomfortable smile was plastered on the Twilight. The pony in front of her was a double of Sapphire Shores, but with a botched colour scheme. An ice-cream scoop cutie mark sat on rump. It was obvious the pony took pride in her appearance as she was wearing the same, but black, top hat Sapphire Shores would wear. ''Oh it's all right, I just seen you running after that yellow pegasus, I met with her earlier today. I was just closing up my stall, I have some errands. Your friend was a bit of an...'' An unsure look, ''Oddity... I was just wondering if she is okay.'' The pony's face was friendly; Twilight was too tied up on the pegasus she was asking about. ''Oh yeah, Fluttershy? She's fine, really fine. Not in the wrong way of course, my name is Twilight, what's yours?'' Luckily, the panic went noticed. ''My name is Ruby Scoop; it's a pleasure for you to meet me.'' The librarian shook Ruby's hoof. She had to get away; she couldn't bear any more chit-chat. Fear of more questions about Fluttershy, and the ice-cream pony's arrogance, caused Twilight's raging headache to rage further. ''Well, I have some work over at the infirmary, I really have to go, it was nice to meet you.'' ''Oh! Are you a nur-'' The unicorn was gone, ''Some ponies now-a-days.'' Ruby Scoop laughed at her own remark. Twilight, once out of ear shot, returned to the day's timetable. Okay, I'm in the market so it would be more efficient if I bought dinner first, I can get wine from Berry Punch on the way home from the infirmary, I just hope I can find my blue dress. Many of the kiosk owners were friendly, some, of course, were getting tired as the day went on. The unicorn's luck was booming, managing to grab the last few leaves of ground snow drop and the freshest cucumbers ever grown, a few handsome stallions even gave her discounts as well as comely looks. Once again, the mare was too lost in her own thoughts to return the smiles, I wonder if my blue dress is too dressy, or too casual. Ooooh, I wish I knew what Fluttershy was wearing, she's never been a flashy pony, apart from her work with Photo Finish. Her mind wandered far, the unicorn remembered one dress that her friend was particularly good looking in, a very plain, trailing green kirtle. It wasn't revealing or body hugging or sexy, it was simply beautiful, Twilight's 'It's lovely' was a little more than friendly, and not for the first time now that she thought about it. Twilight's headache cleared up until she was dragged back to reality by the approaching medical centre. The standalone infirmary was gleaming, as far as the librarian could remember, nurse Red Heart had it white washed using left over money from an equipment grant. Twilight's entrance was less than grand, many ponies were waiting to be examined, pegasi with broken wings, mothers insisting that their foal's fall was more than a bump on the head, ponies with sick buckets adjacent them, other injuries that were indescribable. The grossed out mare trotted up to the main desk, ''Excuse me, my name is Twilight Sparkle, nurse R-'' A crash and loud screech rung down the hall ways, the nurse gave Twilight a terrified look. The beds had become chess pieces, a pile of screaming fruit sat it the corner, a small pearl white filly sat on a mountain of florescent pillows. The king filly's horn lit up, the cowering nurse Red Heart's lower body became one large appendage, a tail, it could have even been called a flipper. The purple unicorn fought back with her own magic, a large aura engulfed the purple pony's horn, magic reverberated around the room. The jelly Twilight was standing in morphed back into hooves, the walls became their boring striped white and grey, everything else reverted back to normality. Knowing time was of the essence, the mare ran to the giggling filly and touched their horns together, a small spark promised that the filly's magic would be dunce for one week, to the second. Nurse Red Heart had already recovered from the nightmare and was distributing the pile of fillies to their beds. ''Thank Luna you came Twilight, I've seen my fair share of horrors but that was something else.'' The nurse laughed panickedly. ''It was my pleasure nurse Red Heart; I'm always looking for places to practice my fail safe spell.'' Beamed the purple pony. ''Everyday I envy you unicorns, the foal has only been here a week and it's caused hundreds of bits of damages.'' ''You should have come to me personally, I would have given you this magic null spell.'' Pulling out a piece of paper, ''Do you have any unicorns on staff who you think could cast it?'' Enquired Twilight. The nurse was already shakily walking to the door, ''I would have come to you personally but- Doctor Stethoscope? You know how busy we can be.'' A green stallion answered, Twilight handed the parchment to the doctor. ''To the base of the horn?'' ''Tip, could you clear up this headache? I've had it all day.'' Twilight felt a small tap behind her left ear. She waited a second, the green stallion was giving her a blank stare, the pounding started up again. ''It didn't work.'' The stallion raised an eyebrow, ''Well sorry I couldn't help, I have work to attend to.'' He gave a nod and left for his work. ''Doctor Stethoscope is our most magically trained surgeon on site, we won't have to bother you any more, thank you once again.'' Assured the nurse, now calming down. ''Once again, it was my pleasure. Can I ask who the parents are? I need to give them a book to help them with baby unicorns.'' Nurse Red Heart scoffed, ''Yes, she is waiting in the lobby, her name is Lyra Heartstrings as I can recall.'' ''Yes?'' The mare in question was standing in the doorway, with a silly grin. Twilight had known of her relationship with the mare Bon-Bon, a cream coloured earth pony, only after it went public. The purple unicorn was not against it and even gave the couple books on coping with the stress. Altogether, their relationship was a scandal. Mayor Mare was, and still is, a good friend of Bon-Bons and was quick to stamp out any sparks of hate that the small town had lit. ''Nurse.'' The white pony coughed in answer, walking out the door, ''Twilight!'' A big warm hug, ''I can't thank you enough.'' ''No, Lyra, I'm here to help.'' The unicorn was a little offended that she wasn't told about the foal earlier but curiosity took hold, ''Please tell me about the foal, I'd love to hear.'' Lyra actioned the mare to come and the two exited the infirmary, and were walking through Ponyville. ''Well Bon wanted a foal; she had told me it was her dream to be a mother, what could I say? I was thinking about it too. I'm sterile so Bon had to carry the baby.'' That was slightly casual. ''Mayor Mare organised a donor from Trottingham, who happened to be a unicorn, and that's why you were called here today.'' ''I know of a spell that can join two parent's DNA despite species and gender, it's illegal to use it cross species but it's perfectly all right for two ponies to use it.'' ''D-en what? Well don't get me started, the only unicorns that can do that spell are the snobs up in Canterlot. They all said 'Oooo, same sex couple? That's so uncouth! Oooo Celestia save us from these heathens!' '' The musician mocked, more bitter than Campari. ''What are you to do... Anyway, Bon gave birth a week ago, she's still weak so I went to check on the foal.'' The two reached a modest abode, Twilight remembered the weight in her bags and hooved the mint mare the book on parenting. ''I hope that can help, I was in a rush this morning and couldn't pick out anything better. Bon-Bon is also probably weak because her blood sugar levels are low, make sure she has enough glucose in her diet.'' ''Are you kidding? You know her cutie mark is a load of sweets right?'' The purple pony had a little laugh, ''Just be sure, I have to go, I have dinner to prepare for tonight, good luck with the foal.'' ''Isn't the stallion supposed to make dinner?'' ''Well, I didn't say it was with another pony, and, um, yeah, stallion!'' Babbled out the unicorn, headache returning to full potency. Lyra took on a blank look for a good twenty seconds, then returned to a tired smile. ''Good evening Twilight, thank you once again.'' And walked inside her house. That was so stupid Twilight, what if she knows now? Well of all ponies, Bon-Bon and Lyra are the best case scenario to find out. Only now had the unicorns brain started to tick over, Good evening... gosh its dark outside right now. The mare stopped right in her tracks, Oh. My. Gosh. Numbers started to fall into place; the unicorn was galloping like a mad mare. It was twenty minutes to Lyra's house; it will take fifteen to get wine from Berry Punch and thirty minutes to get back to the library. Ugh I still have to wash and get dressed and I'm so stupid! A five year old bottle of Parvstela was collected from Berry Punch, with the obvious ''Don't drink too much, you're a feather weight.'' Warning, Berry had been slightly suspicious but smoke raising from her kitchen made enough time for Twilight to make her get away. The streets had become very brisk, What if Fluttershy really does love me? What will I say? I can't just push her away, if only it wasn't something so formal like dinner. Twilight returned to the library, the meal started with a large pot of water with some spices and flowers, it would take about half an hour to boil. A little cry about What have I gotten myself into? was had mid-shower. The soup wasn't too complicated, the unicorn even had some time to make small starters. A very under worn blue dress was found an put on, Twilight tried to restyle her mane twice, Am I really fussing this much? I just need to look nice, and i just need to tell Fluttershy 'We're friends, and I want to stay friends'. The mare redone her mane three more times before settling on her normal cut. The soup was setting in the oven, with a low heat, Twilight waited. > Four > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Four: Fluttershy felt alive, although the day time country and forest took the cake, the night time city was much better than night time country. A few ponies were out, maybe returning from work after a long day, maybe going out for an evenings with their friends. Of all the ponies out, the pegasus was the best looking, maybe not the best dressed, but the hours of washing and brushing and styling had her mane a competitor of Rarity's. Her new hat sat squarely on her head, above a few green butterfly clips that kept her hair platted. She smelled divine, like Dune Bug's spring garden. A few ponies turned their heads, that's for sure. The glistening yellow pony didn't care what happened, she was just glad to have her feelings told, at least that's what the mare told herself. Although the yellow pegasus wasn't going to say it, she had spent around an hour putting in order everything she wanted to say, and how every letter was going to sound. The mare arrived at the door step of the library, and gave three small knocks, Okay, you're going to sit down, enjoy the food, and have a little talk. You need to tell her why you have feelings for her, and how great she is, and how amazing she looks... The mare drifted off, drilling all this information into her head bored her, no matter how important it was. ''I'll be there in just a moment!'' Called the librarian, snapping Fluttershy firmly into attention. You need to tell her what you've done for her, even when she didn't notice, that will prove you to her, what if she doesn't want to know what I've done? What if she just isn't interested? No, don't think like that, you're going to tell her that you- . The door creaked open, she's probably as nervous as you are, but what if she isn't? If that's so then you need to say what needs to be said, and that is- ''Good evening Fluttershy, please come in.'' Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh. The pony in front of Fluttershy was dazzling; every ounce of preparation went to nothing. What had to be silk waved down from neck to belly to hoof, and everywhere in between. The blue complimented the deep purple in a ravishing display, that was more fair than the stars that bordered the night sky. The yellow mare felt helpless; all effort put into looking good for the night might as well been put into forcing back the rising tide that was Twilight's magnificent presentation. ''Fluttershy? Is there something wrong?'' Questioned the unicorn. Fluttershy couldn't answer; any wrong word and she might as well have an executioner's axe coming down to behead her right then and there. ''Is it how I've dressed? I'm sorry, I had a feeling it was too flashy, do you want me to change so you can feel more comfortable?'' The mare inquired, with the utmost of consideration. Twilight's dress was intimidating, but eye candy too good to pass up. ''No, Twilight, you're dressed lovely. Ple-... please don't get changed.'' Whispered the mare, only barley able to respond. ''Why thank you, I love your mane, it must have taken you forever to get it right.'' Complimented the mare, giving Fluttershy room to breathe. ''Oh yes, I used the shampoo Rarity got me for my birthday, I can't thank her enough, it was a really nice gesture.'' ''That twenty-five bit bottle from Canterlot?'' ''Um, no, forty-five. I used a quarter of the bottle, I think. I planned to use it for only the most important occasion. I hope it isn't too nice, I'm sorry if it's too nice.'' Same quiet tone, backing down, not to offend her love. ''Fluttershy, it's not... nice... it's beautiful.'' Blushed Twilight, ''Now come in, the whether schedule said it was meant to be as low as minus ten tonight.'' The library was no less dressed than Twilight. The floor was buffed to a high shine, the table stood under white linen, silverware sparkled and candles glowed a honeyed ambiance to eat by. Every second the pegasus stood staring let a few more gears click into place. ''I had some spare time in between cooking to get the library to look nice.'' Forcibly laughed the librarian. The two took their seats, directly across from each other. The yellow mare sat closest to the kitchen, every smell lingered, even over a twelve and a half bits of expensive shampoo. Twilight pulled a bottle of red wine from under her chair, she took quick glances at the yellow pony, who seen every one of them. The doubt crept back, she seen them all because she was staring. The pegasus looked to the arrangement of cutlery in front of her, trying to play dumb. I can't be sure though, oooh what if I'm wrong? What if this is all a huge mistake? ''Would you like some wine? I got it from Berry Punch.'' ''Oh no, I don't drink, if that's okay.'' ''It's all right; I still have to let the soup set for another,'' A glance at the clock, ''Eight minutes.'' ''Okay, we can wait, we have plenty of time.'' The pegasus froze, I shouldn't have said that, now she thinks I'm going to be all pushy! Be calm Fluttershy, be calm, she has been dropping hints, at least I think she has, oh I don't know. ''Are you okay?'' For the second time that day, the pink maned mare wanted to run from her problems, run and hide and cry and sigh and move on, but she knew there was no running now. ''No, I'm okay, don't worry.'' ''Fluttershy, please don't try to hide anything, I can see that you're tearing up. We came here to talk, and to listen, and to take action if needed.'' The purple pony philosophised. Fluttershy noticed her chair move back a bit, she wanted to run also, right alongside the pegasus the whole way. The yellow mare held back her tears. ''I just feel so nervous, this is my one chance to prove myself to you and I keep saying such silly things. I kept saying to myself that tonight was going to be perfect but now- but now I know that even if you did like me, I'm nowhere near the right pony for you. You're so perfect and you always know what to say, this dinner is amazing and you haven't even brought the food out yet, and even then still done your work and still kept yourself looking as amazing as you always are! I could just scream I'm so mad at myself!'' The unicorn took a jovial tone, ''Ha! Me? Perfect? Everypony I talked to today just got sounds and noise, I couldn't say a word to anypony because I was so nervous about tonight. Berry Punch was asking me a lot of questions, I only got away because her kitchen went on fire...'' A sip of wine. Fluttershy cracked a grin, and then started giggling. Twilight joined, small at first but then having to put the glass down in case the piling up of laughs knocked her drink from her hoof. Fluttershy was well above normal sound levels, holding her belly to stop her insides bursting out to join the two's cachinnation; Twilight was over the table, crying into her hooves from the effort of the bursts. The two were absolutely howling, to no concern of the local residents. Calm had begun to take hold, the librarian was coughing and rubbing her eyes, the more composed mare was giggling out the ends of her air, ''Thank you, Twilight.'' ''No need, I almost have to apologise.'' Spluttered the unicorn, on her last few laughs. ''I think the soup is ready, I'll be back in a moment.'' ''Okay, I'll be waiting here.'' And the purple pony was in the kitchen. Left alone, the yellow pony was given a moment to think in the no longer strangling anxiousness. Why can't I find a comfortable place on this chair? Oh, um, why is my chin so itchy? Discomfort distracted the mare and every move made it anrgier, the laughter had all but bubbled away. Not all books on the shelves has been pushed to the wall, where is Twilight? The yellow mare poured herself a generous glass of wine and took a few sips. The unicorn's cutlery had been mismatched during the outburst, trying to fill the time Twilight was using to spout wings and fly to Las Pegasus, the mare stretched over the table and uncomfortably went about re-organising the spoons and forks. In doing so, the set-up closest to the door was, just like its counterpart, pushed every which way. Oh no, how does Twilight do this? Why is it so hard? Twi- ''Fluttershy?'' Blinked the purple pony, horn carrying two bowls, her checks were a bright red. ''All the spoons and- an-'' ''It's okay, stop apologising, I know you're stressed aaand... so am I... And really, not everything needs to be perfect, the view wasn't- um, half bad. We should at least try stay sane.'' Playfully rolling her eyes. ''Well, um... okay Twilight.'' The pegasus knocked her hooves together, like a filly who had been caught stealing biscuits. The unicorn grabbed one of the bowls and placed it in front of the yellow mare by hoof. ''I hope you like it; it was decided on half way out the door.'' ''Yes, thank you, very much.'' Fluttershy shied away. The spoon was lifted slowly, the mare still recovering from the embarrassment of leaning over a table and franticly messing with the silverware, while her lady watched. But the embarrassment was different, it was laughable at? The spoon picked up its package and delivered it in under supervision of the cook, Fluttershy melted into her seat, letting out a small moan. ''Is it too hot? I'll get you some water.'' The mare called, running to the door. Fluttershy barely had time to swallow and wipe her mouth. ''No, Twilight! It's lovely, the flavours are just amazing. And I poured myself some wine; you don't have to get me water, but thank you for thinking about it. How did you make this, I'll have to make some for home.'' Fluttershy wholeheartedly managed, slurping the soup generously. I'm sorry Rarity; this soup is more important than being a lady. The purple pony's surprise went unaccounted for by the pegasus. She slowly walked back to her seat and took a long sip from her bowl, then started to recall the process of the dish. The moans continued, as well as the blabbering, the scene was altogether quite odd. ''...and so you leave it in the oven at thirty degrees Celsius for twenty minutes. Um Fluttershy? Are you really enjoying yourself?'' Twilight finished and questioned. ''Yes, this soup is lovely.'' ''No, uhh, I meant... uhh, the moaning?'' The pegasus scoffed back up a spoonful, ''I just, um, really- really like the soup.'' ''Well um, I was just going to say, that, uh, I think it's uh sss-... cute...'' ''Um, thank you Twilight.'' Am I hearing things? I can't be that drunk, not yet. Fluttershy was three quarters through her soup; the proud potager across from her had barely touched her bowl and was instead topping off her half glass of wine. ''Could you please fill up my glass? If it isn't too much trouble.'' Both glasses were filled back up. Twilight's inquisitive cheer got a coy look, Oh now Twilight, you know I'm drinking because nervous. ''So... did you like it?'' Swirling her glass. ''That was, um, delicious.'' That was the best dinner I have ever had. ''Why didn't you make it sweeter though? Don't you like citrus fruit?'' The unicorn put down her third spoonful of soup, she looked astonished. ''Oh well, you see- I was just rooting through some, you know, dusty old books, and that was the first thing that looked good, you know.'' ''Well, I was just saying because those kind of foods set the, um, mood. And I know that they're your favourite foods.'' ''The um, mood, yes...'' The purple pony blushed a little, ''Uuuuhhh, Fluttershy?'' ''Yes? Is something wrong? Did I say something wrong?'' ''How did you... how did you know my favourite kind of food in the first place? I don't think anypony knows but Spike, umm,, Fluttershy?'' The yellow pony just stared, both hooves under chin. She could feel the alcohol taking effect, judgement was foggy, and the mare was almost entranced. Twilight said we were here to talk, so I should talk right? But this is my one chance to prove it, pick your words carefully and just remember what Apple Jack said about talking slowly, or speaking slowly, if only I could remember which one! ''Well-'' The pegasus began, taking a swig of spirits. ''When I first started, um... taking a liking to you, the first thing I done was find out what you liked. Rarity said 'The fastest was to a stallion's heart is his interests.' '' Fluttershy claimed, in a badly done impression, ''It was good advice, she didn't know how wrong she was, but it was still very helpful.'' ''Wait so... what you mean found out?'' The unicorn's question made Fluttershy jump, almost spilling some of the precious red juice. ''No, no, no! I meant I just listened to you when I could, there isn't anything wrong with that?'' ''Of course not, I think it's actually really sweet. Go on, I'd like to hear more.'' ''Sorry, I had learned all of your hobbies, favourite colours and, well, everything I could. I just couldn't bring myself to tell you, it had only been around a year that we knew each other by that stage. I thought it was too early and that I would seem very forward, but what really got me was that I was scared, the memories of those two...'' The pegasus hushed. A tender hoof stopped the dropping pony's head, Twilight was leaning over the table, peering at Fluttershy. ''It's okay, you can tell me.'' Fluttershy lifted her head, looked into the soothing pony's eyes and saw a far-reaching shine. ''Well... actually, it isn't really that important anyway, now that I think about it, I hope that's okay with you.'' A small nod in response, returning to her seat. ''I wasn't able to tell you because I was terrified that you wouldn't feel the same way. So I went to Iron Will, he thought me to be confident, and assertive. I felt so powerful, something that I never felt before then, and instead of going and telling you how much... I had feelings for you... I had become such a meanie and I got caught up in my confidence, I had almost hurt you and- and- I just couldn't think about it: what a monster I had become over you. I blocked it out and hid any hints about my feelings. If not for my little animal friends my secret probably would have been found, and I would have been a disgrace, I would have had to move towns and never, ever, see you again.'' The statement resonated through the minds of the two mares, the room fell quiet. ''Um... oh... well... okay, about five months ago a mare came to me asking if I could mind her flock of birds while she was in Mospony for a month, of course I said yes, you just know how much I love my birdies. About a week into her trip she sent me a letter asking how her birds were, after that we started sending each other letters every three days. We had become such good friends, she was a friend that I didn't have to meet face to face though, she said I should start writing letters when I told her about a pony I couldn't talk to-'' ''I'm guessing that's me?'' ''Yes, of course! You're al-'' No! Don't say that! ''Um, you're- you were the pony I was talking about.'' The yellow mare quickly continued, ''I started writing letters to you when she came back four months ago, she managed to convince me that I was really good with words. I just wasn't able to put any words down so I just send you the paper with your name on it, I cried a lot that day, but it did help. It gave me comfort that you knew somewhere, somepony loved you for who you were.'' ''That's quite admirable Fluttershy, I didn't know who it was but I could understand how afraid you must have been, even at the time.'' ''Oh Twilight, I'm so sorry, it must have been awfully confusing, I was just so confused.'' Fluttershy called out, Twilight, her agony aunt, comforted her with her best weapon, her words. Twilight had been inching her chair around the table, the pegasus imagined that she would have been dying of boredom, the 'hints' and alcohol kept the yellow mare from crying at this stage. ''Fluttershy, this is just- this is just such a shock. You're saying all these things about me and I just don't know how to deal with them... I mean, they are all wonderful but I just don't know about it. All through this day I've been stressed to- blazes about tonight, or... right now rather... I'm just worried weather I want to impress you or- or I just don't want you to feel like you've been brushed away, which you haven't, because you're my friend. And what if you're not, what if I do love you and I just wont say it... or I just don't know how. It's almost funny, that no matter how many books I read I can't use words for anything, and here you are, after five years confessing everything that's made you scared...'' ''R-really, you really think that?'' ''Yes, you have more confidence than anypony I know, not even Rainbow Dash or- or Daring Do! Nopony could match up to the things you've been able to do today! You are wonderfully brave, Fluttershy.'' No matter how hard she tried, Twilight couldn't say what she really wanted to say. Brave: Displaying courage. Just say it Twilight, you have made your mind up, and you've heard enough, you l- like- no. The purple pony felt slightly sick from her cowardice. But her headache disappeared the second Fluttershy stepped into her home, it was undeniable that the presence of the pegasus gave Twilight comfort, she could only take a guess at what the process was. You love her. What Fluttershy said next, was one thing the librarian could not have prepared for. ''Twilight, you are the only pony for me; I want to spend my life with you. But that's why I'm scared, I don't know if I'm good enough, how do you know I'm brave? I don't know if I could do something if you asked it of me. W-when I first met you I didn't fall in love, you have always been- been- been something, everypony was always really good friends with you, but you then showed me who you really were, and I couldn't control my feelings. You are more loyal than Rainbow Dash; you don't lose who you really are. You're more honest than Apple Jack; you know exactly who you are. You're more generous than Rarity; you always give yourself what you need. You bring more cheer than Pinkie Pie; you always make yourself happy. And you're kinder than I could ever be; you can be yourself, you don't have to act like somepony other than yourself. I have to put on all these stupid clips and smells and you can just put on a dress and be as attractive as always. I will never be good enough for you, no matter how much I try or what I do! I love you more than anything, more than every small creature and everypony I've ever met but that means nothing, it never has. I'm sorry I wasted your time, Twilight.'' The pegasus, during her confession, had been ripping the butterfly clips from her mane and throwing them to the ground, knotting it up and rubbing it against her tears, making her mane an almighty mess. The straw hat had been chucked down because of what it represented to the yellow mare. A million words went through the purple pony's head, and a billion stories. All the sayings and metaphors that were Twilight's comfort, her feelings, everything she wanted to say. More things flashed through her mind than time in the universe. I could really make something of this, something amazing. This is now or never, for both of us. Purple hoof lay its self on a yellow hoof, the unicorn leaned in close to the yellow mare, made a whisper softer than the mane it nuzzled, ''You haven't wasted my time Fluttershy, you never have, you have showed me exactly who you are, and you are perfect for me... And about this dress, I don't know much about dresses, but I do know-'' A long breath. Fluttershy shivered, and whined just the smallest noise, ''The best ones... the best dresses... are worn to be taken off.'' > Five > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red: Start of mature content Blue: End of mature content Chapter Five: ''Oh, Twilight! That's um, that's a little forward, I mean- no, not that- it's nice and all but- I- Mayb-'' Stammered out the strawberry faced Fluttershy. Twilight leaned past the ear or her friend, stretching her arms around and drawing lines up and down the pegasus' back. ''I thought this is what you wanted.'' A seductive tone. Fluttershy shivered, her words trailing farther every moment. ''Twilight, we can't, the- the scandal... I really sh- should get home, Angel could... could use something...'' The unicorn was barely making any noise at all, ''Stay with me, tonight.'' ''Okay...'' Obeyed the pegasus, ''Goood...'' Twilight nibbled on the ear of the mare, she got up and walked towards the stairs. Bring it home, on the first step, the purple mare turned her head around to Fluttershy and gave her tush a little wiggle, before climbing the rest of the stairs, going into her room, and lighting two dim candles. Okay, if she doesn't take up on this offer there is no saving that pony, I just hope I wasn't too, uhhh, awkward... about it. The unicorn hopped up on her bed and took on the French girl position, right hoof under head, left hoof under tail. Whatever a 'French' was. Sure enough, the pegasus followed, she had taken her time to fix the mess of hair as best as could've been done, ''Fluttershy, you don't need to fix your mane, just come over here and sit down.'' Patting the bed spread. ''Oh, well, um, I just want it to look...um, nice... Twilight?'' ''Yeees?'' ''About what we're going to-'' ''Fluttershy-'' Forced to lose the uncomfortable posture, ''It's okay, you can open up, I'm here, and if this is all a little too much for you we don't have to.'' ''No, I meant... I meant can we please not stop for any-...'' Tried the mute, Twilight could hear every panic-stricken breath. ''You don't have to worry; I'm lying right over here.'' The pegasus walked closer to the awaiting unicorn, her face was clenched in fear until she blurted out, ''Can we please go all the way? And not stop?'' Twilight was surprised by the suddenness but wanted to answer yes a million times and jump around like she had when she first got her cutie mark, but the yellow mare gave no chance to answer, she bent over and locked lips with the now prone pony. Oh my sweet Celestia, she kissed me first? That's nothing like Fluttershy, I don't care though, this feels amazing, adventurous, alleviating. Don't push too hard, enjoy it, you have all the time in the world Twilight Sparkle, all the time in the world, stop thinking about it and feel it. The touch was just beyond smooching, tongues met for only the briefest of seconds, the taste slightly bitter, I could have added some lemon, oh Twilight, could you please stop thinking about the dinner? The latter was sitting down, head up and both fore hooves on the bed like it was a counter top just a little too high for comfort. The unicorn was ready to go for more but Fluttershy pulled away. Getting up and walking slowly around the bed, the pegasus used her teeth to very slowly undo the ties holding the long dress to Twilight's body. She stopped just above the tail, then pulled the top of the garment from Twilight's neck so that the cloth hung below her shoulders. The purple pony was starting to feel frustrated, she watched the pegasus walk painfully slowly back around to face her and crawl onto the bed and just lie there, soft blush. Is she teasing me? I'll have to learn more about this new Fluttershy later, but for now, two can play at that game. Twilight climbed on top of her torturer and gave her a peck on the lips. The pegasus was expecting a lot more, supposedly, letting her head fall onto the pillow, pouting. The kisses continued on the chin, the neck, shoulder, working a slow as possible. The yellow mare moaned, realising the rash turnaround of her actions. Twilight reached the area above the derrière, avoiding the teats as pay back for the slight pulling on her tail and the completely chafing mess of blue around her shoulders, and continued. The smell rising from Fluttershy's private parts was divine, knowing she had the pegasus cornered, the mare idled in the musk. Twilight noticed her bed fellow was dripping remarkably, leaving an ample spot on the blanket. A kiss made the legs around the unicorn shudder heavily. Fluttershy squealed, feeling the kisses continue to her leg and knee and shin. Twilight was only half on the bed as she came nose to tip with a hoof, do ponies actually like... hooves... in that way? I guess it's worth a shot. Twilight began going over almost every inch of Fluttershy's hoof, avoiding the cleft where some dirt had built up. It felt unusual, being at the bottom of another pony, especially with the intentions had. ''Can you feel anything?'' The purple pony wondered, herself being totally unsatisfied. The increasingly restless Fluttershy fidgeted, ''No n- not really....'' ''Okay.'' Twilight schemed, resuming the fruitless kissing. ''Twilight, that's n- not- not fair.'' ''What's not fair?'' ''L- leaving me here, um, how would Rainbow say it? Um... On the bench...'' ''You dissh it dto me.'' Through half a mouth of hoof. ''But Twilight- Twilight... you've been waiting for this for a little over s- six hours, I've been waiting for five years. I'm sorry if I'm too demanding, I- I'm sorry... sorry Twilight... just please... I- I can't wait any longer...'' Whimpered the pegasus. The unicorn was hoping for more compliments, post dinner conversation had set her off but she can't brush away logic, it was a little sexy to her in itself anyway. The purple pony began a long lick up Fluttershy's leg, the pegasus had her wish. A stop at the knee gave Twilight a look at yellow mare; she had her eyes closed and her mouth covered by her fore hooves. A strange feeling came over Twilight, before it was love and having a little fun, now it lust. The mare couldn't explain it but she knew it was there, mainly from the pitter-patter coming from the splashes against the wood floor under her rump. The unicorn skipped the long journey down the leg of her friend, it had taken some will power to pull away from the scent before but now Twilight wouldn't have cared if her parents were standing over her. Twilight gave a lick from bottom to top, it tastes so sweet, I read about that, something to do with fruit and diet or something... The mare was lapping as much of the juices as possible, teasing the button with little kisses. Fluttershy was panting, pushing her breasts into her body with one hoof, the purple pony read her partners plea and entered. The pegasus' moan drove Twilight further, the effort of pushing the muscle was taken as a challenge, the smell sent the mare into ecstasy. Twilight could hear the yellow mare trying to say something through shortened breaths, ''Twi- Twilight- Twi- stop fo- st- op for- Twilight- I'm- I'm.'' Twilight could feel a trembling behind the gates. ''Twilight stop!'' Screamed the pegasus. The unicorn pulled away, she hadn't noticed that her mouth and snout were hurting. Looking up to the yellow mare, Twilight almost fainted at the sight; Fluttershy was flaked out and arching her back in pleasure, wings outstretched and twitching, with her hair spread entirely around her head, hooves running up and down the flowing pink sea. The face of the pegasus was red all over and she was venting amazingly. She bent up, supporting herself with her fore hooves, ''Tu- turn around, I would be a- a meanie if I didn't- ummm...'' ''Repay the favour?'' The purple pony climbed back onto the bed and kissed the tender pegasus. ''Um... yes.'' Twilight undone the last tie on her dress and threw the garment away, ''Oh my gosh!'' The pegasus exclaimed, eyes widening in astonishment. Eager not to disappoint, Twilight turned around so she was facing the door. A small beam of light drew under the frame and the mare thought a shadow had skittered across it, What was that? I guess you're still a little tipsy...- ''Twilight... I think- no, I am ready.'' Okay Fluttershy... I just hope that I am. The unicorn lowered her hind down to the pegasus, who gave no hesitation to begin, skipping the petty teasing and pecking. Twilight could feel every inch of the pegasus' tongue, she hadn't even entered yet and the unicorn was screaming. It was harder through the pleasure but the purple pony returned to her treat, digging deeper than she had, trying to match the skills of the pony nose deep in her. Fluttershy started on the inside of Twilight, so that the two were on even ground, and hitting all the right notes. The unicorn mindlessly circled while her partner made every move meaningful, if anypony were to be a professional, Fluttershy would be that pony. The two worked almost without pause, the purple pony having to stop and scream at the muscle buried in her snatch digging just a little deeper. The yellow mare stopping only to beg Twilight to lick a little faster, gladly done without ever needing to be asked. ''Twilight, I'm close, I'm close.'' ''You ar- you're a little better tha- than I am, I'm about to- I'm about to climax also.'' Twilight finished her words with a godly moan and thanked the magical soundproofing she installed in her room not more than a week ago. The pegasus was licking furiously, Twilight felt the trembling begin once more. It was more in herself than the pony below her. Fluttershy wasn't giving into fatigue and kept going even faster, the pleasure and ecstasy put Twilight over the edge; she could feel every nerve ending in her body screaming in excitement. It became too much and the unicorn could only bury her nose into her partner who let out a shrill cry and finished messily all over the purple pony's snout. Twilight, using the last of her strength, got up, turned around and laid next the pegasus. Both ponies were exhausted from the night's activities and lay there trying to fill their lungs back up. The librarian was the first to speak, still huffing from the small tingles that endured, ''I think, I think we should go- and wash up. And I say we because- I seemed to have made a mess on- you.'' Twilight giggled, feeling her well soaked snout. The nose opposite her was caked in a similar shining liquid, shining from the moonlight which cut through the dark room of candle light long hushed away. Fluttershy returned the giggle, putting one hoof to her nose then to Twilight's. ''I think I can clean you up.'' The pegasus leaned over and nipped at the bits of wet hair, making sure to get every drop on the right side if the unicorns face. ''Fluttershy, that's disgusting!'' Putting a leg between the two, laughing at the small bites from her friend. ''That's your own fluids!'' ''Is it disgusting?'' Questioned the mare, giving an eyebrow. ''Well, I don't know... okay, go ahead, I guess.'' Lowering the hoof, Fluttershy resumed her cleaning. Wow, this new Fluttershy is very different to the one I know, she's so confident? Playful? Loving... I don't think I should complain, that was amazing. I just hope it's for the best... ''There we go, all better?'' Fluttershy joked, licking her lips. The unicorn mackiged a mirror in front of her face, the lighting made it hard to see but it was clear the fur around her nose and eyes were clean, but a complete mess. Fluttershy was snickering now. ''Come here you!'' Twilight pounced on the yellow mare, who was laughing boisterously, and went Labrador's tongue on her nose. The face tasted more bitter than the bits, because of diet or something like that, stop moving! and slightly of shampoo. The pegasus was thrashing and chuckling all the same, eventually the unicorn had her childish bed mate cleaned up and calmed down. Twilight rolled off Fluttershy and onto her side of the bed. The unicorn locked eyes with the mare opposite her, she looked a little uneasy if not for a warm grin. ''Twilight, are we?... Are we?... A-'' ''We are what we are, in whatever we do.'' Giving a small kiss. Fluttershy was at peace, Twilight could tell from her face, it was no longer soaked with tears, sadness and self-hate. The two enjoyed a very comfortable silence, is there such a thing as a comfortable silence? On regular pony-to-pony meetings I wouldn't think so; this wasn't a very regular meeting though... ''You look beautiful in the moon light.'' The pegasus broke through the lull. ''Thank you Fluttershy, you are quite the pretty sight yourself. S- sorry, um, I'm still not totally accustomed to this, my compliments are obviously. I'm sure you can-'' The unicorn babbled, Fluttershy stopped her before she had a nervous breakdown. ''Good night Twilight, I love you.'' Letting her eyes close for the night. The purple mare grabbed Fluttershy's hoof, turned around on the bed, dragging the pegasus' legs around her. ''Good night Fluttershy, I love you too.'' > One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter six: Warmth. Twilight awoke to the unusual sight of both a window and darkness, not to argue with when her body wants to rise; the purple mare rubbed her eyes and turned around to the source of warmth. Fluttershy took back her leg which had so tightly gripped the unicorn and lost her heavenly smile when her bed mate rolled to see her. She must think I'm leaving, I'm sorry Fluttershy, Uh, I guess. I wonder what she is dreaming, and if I just ruined her dream. Twilight brushed the few thin hairs that lay upon the yellow mare face, the wispy locks made the peaceful pegasus sneeze in a very unsettled manner. Ohhh, sorry Fluttershy, I keep ruining your sleep by moving everything. I guess it's still a little early to wake you, it's a little early for me too, hay; the princesses aren't even up yet if the sun hasn't risen yet. I guess I could go back to sleep... don't think I have ever said that before... The unicorn, feeling the haze of the bitterly cold night, snuggled up to the pink maned pony's chest, who responsively latched onto Twilight for protection. I'm glad I didn't drink that much last night, I hate hangovers. Oh Luna, the morning after Rainbow's twenty fifth, Mrs Mccool still throws me daggers for the stain I left on the floor of her bar... To Twilight's disappointment, the pegasus began to stir. She drew in a large breath and let it out slowly, before pulling the unicorn's head closer to her own. ''Good morning, Twilight.'' The pegasus groggily began, ''Good morning, beautiful.'' ''Beautiful?'' The mare squeaked, ''What did we do last night?'' The unicorn laughed a muffled laugh, ''Do you really not remember?'' A kiss to the heart. ''Oh well um, I remember pouring myself a second glass of wine, which is a lot more than I normally drink, and then, um... I can't remember what happened after th- ow!'' The yellow mare held her head in pain. ''Oh, did I do something weird? Did I hurt myself and that's why I'm in your bed? I mean, I'm usually the designated flyer for a reason; I always do something weird when I drink. Oh my gosh I didn't hurt you did I? Oh Celestia I'm sorry Twilight!'' The pegasus hazily continued. ''You really aren't getting these hints aren't you?'' ''Hints? Well I just thought you were hugging me because I was cold and you complimented me in case I felt bad.'' ''Well you said some weird stuff, I can tell you that.'' ''Did I say something bad to you? I'm really, really sorry!'' ''No no no, nothing like that.'' The unicorn leaned up and whispered the gist of the previous night's attire to the pegasus. Fluttershy squealed a few times at the dirtier details, Twilight felt a little lonely being the only one who remembered one of the most wonderful nights in hundred life times. ''Do you not even remember what I said to you before we fell asleep?'' ''N- no? What? What did you say?'' ''Before we fell asleep you said that you loved me,'' The unicorn kissed the mare on the lips and looked away, ''And I said that I loved you too...'' ''I remember that...'' Fluttershy came to an epiphany, ''I remember that! You did! You said it, you said it, you said it!'' The saltating pony grabbed Twilight and hugged the lungs from her body, rhyming off 'you love me' and 'oh my gosh' without a brake. Note to self: never, ever get Fluttershy drunk, she won't remember a thing. The pegasus broke the hug, the two ponies were holding themselves up by their fore legs. ''Wait, what weird things did I say? I doubt they could have been too not-like-me.'' Reluctantly, Twilight recalled the yellow pony's characteristically antonymic performance. The pegasus pulled the covers up to her nose, ''And then I?-'' ''Yep.'' ''And it was on your face?'' Twilight begun to snicker, ''All over my face.'' And the pegasus threw the covers over her head, the purple pony fell from her supporting hooves onto her pillow, bursting out with laughter. ''That's not funny!'' The yellow mare called from under the blanket. The unicorn quickly recovered, ''Sweet Celestia, I've laughed more over these two days than I have my entire time in Ponyville, I don't think I could laugh another second.'' ''Twilight! That's embarrassing! How can you laugh at that?'' ‘’Fluttershy, it’s okay, I did it to you too, it was weird, I know, but we can do these things now and share them together, can we not?’’ ‘’Yes, we can! At least I hope so!’’ ‘’Exactly, and last night was something special, I don’t know about you but it was definitely special for me. If you don't want to laugh at that one bit can you forget it and enjoy the rest of the memory of last night?.’’ ‘’Oh yes! I enjoyed every part of last night! Last night was everything to me, and more! It's just a little embarrassing, that's all... I don’t think I would have been able to go on if it hadn't worked out… was it really special for you?’’ The pegasus questioned, Twilight gave the thought about three seconds, dove under the covers and found the yellow mare’s mouth. The unicorn gave the most unsuspected kiss and the pegasus squealed at the shock of it. Twilight broke the kiss and leaned her head against Fluttershy’s, ‘’Last night was the greatest night of my life, better than anything that has ever happened to me.’’ The pegasus began to tear up, Twilight seen that Fluttershy only realised that their relationship was genuine then, they were tears of joy and emotional hemorrhage. ‘’Thank you Twilight, thank you, you are the most amazing-‘’ Fluttershy let out a light sob, ‘’Pony in the whole of Equestria. I love y- I- I-‘’ The purple pony grabbed the elated mare by the cheeks, pulling her even closer. ‘’You don’t need to say anything.’’ The purple mare kissed the yellow pony once more, and then embraced her. ‘’I love you, Fluttershy.’’ The two lay together under the fluffy analogue of the night sky while Fluttershy wept. The sun rose, eventually she stopped and proclaimed, ‘’I really should be getting home, I’m quite hungry and the animals are probably wondering where I Am.’’ Getting up from the bed to stretch and crack some ligaments. ‘’You can have something here.’’ Twilight insisted, tucking in, and fixing her bed, one hundred and twenty-first, and levitating the slightly smelly dress onto a chair, to be washed later. ‘’Oh no, I wouldn’t want to put you to the trouble.’’ ‘’Do you really think I would have you over, have dinner with you, end up having sex with you and have you leave in the morning without having you for breakfast?’’ The purple pony put, as bluntly as possible. ‘’Oh, gosh, well um. You didn’t have to say the word, and um, okay, I guess.’’ ‘’Sex, Fluttershy. We had it, and I loved it. And anyway, I’m not the one who makes breakfast in this library anyway, Spi-‘’ The purple pony stopped in complete horror of realisation. ‘’Fluttershy? Did you see Spike at all last night?’’ ''W- what do you mean? ‘’Did you see Spike. Last night. At all?’’ ‘’No, now that I think about it. Why is-‘’ The pegasus caught fly, both mares looked to the dragons empty bed basket, which was, to the utter dread of everypony that was in the room, empty. ‘’Oh sweet Celestia.’’ The two ponies said; a real life nightmare, looming. Twilight burst through her bedroom doors and galloped down the stairs. With the curtains drawn and the morning light dim as ever, it was a bit of a fumble, although not hard to find the dragon curled up with his blanket in the center of the main room of the library. ''Spike!'' The purple pony shouted at the slumbering baby. She tried again several more times and yet Spike would not stir, she nudged him and the dragon jumped right out of his blanket, screaming, and into one of the window ledges above the rows of shelves. ''Twilight I didn't see anything I swear. I was at, uhhhh, Pinkie Pie's the whole night! Nope I didn't see anything! Not this dragon!'' Spike shouted, dragging his claws into the wood to prevent his dislodgement. The librarian pulled with her horn all she could; the entire east wall would come down before the dragon would. ''Spike! Come down here! I'm not going to punish you, just tell me what you saw!'' ''Promise you won't skin me?'' ''That's incredibly morbid and disgusting, of course I won't!'' ''I don't trust you!'' The dragon feared for his life, Fluttershy stopped Twilight before she made the ragged reptile more frightened. ''Now Spike, Twilight is your friend and would never do something like that. We just want to talk about it, that's all.'' the yellow mare reassured, a solid minute of clacking teeth and ill-predictions and the baby dragon eventually gave in. Twilight commanded the library ladder over to the ledge and Spike cautiously climbed down. Why do I always forget who I'm standing beside when I'm with other people? The number one assistant stood as if he was caught stealing cookies. Twilight spoke with as much care as she could, considering the tenderness of the whole situation. ''Spike, it is really important that you tell me what you did after I left to go to Rarity's yesterday, and please no fibs, this is extremely important.'' ''Well... after you left I went up to the bed room and got a box of rubies I was saving for a time like that, and I started eating them.'' ''You didn't do your chores?'' ''Twilight!'' The yellow pony nudged the unicorn, reminding her why the dragon was being interrogated. ''Oh, um, sorry, please go on Spike.'' ''I ate a ton of rubies, way too many, like, six more than I usually get through. I got a tummy ache so I went down stairs and got myself some water, I brought it back up to my bed and I fell asleep. Then...'' Spike paused, tapping his fingers together, ''Then I woke up because I heard you and Fluttershy laughing, I went to check it out and I saw that you guys were having dinner and I thought that was normal. I went back to sleep and I was woken up when you walked in and lit some candles.'' Oh no... ''I was going to ask you what you were doing but you climbed up on the bed and uuhhhhh, yeah.'' Oh please everypony in all of Equestria... ''Then Fluttershy came in and you guys started- started talking...'' Oh sweet Luna, Celestia and all who hold power... ''And then, and then, and then...'' ''And th-'' ''AND THEN YOU GUYS STARTED DOING IT! I only heard, I didn't see anything like I said, because remember I moved my bed off the rise? I left when you guys started sixty-nine! I MEAN I DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING, DON'T BEHEAD ME TWILIGHT PLEASE.'' The dragon was cowering underneath the table, holding his hands up for protection. ''What did you do after that?'' ''I cleaned up the table, I carried the dishes into to the kitchen, cleaned the dishes, put the wine in the fridge and then I went to bed fearing for my back side. I would have left earlier I just- I was just too scared! I went when I did because you both looked- um I- I MEAN SOUNDED DISTRACTED.'' Spike screamed, still cowering. Twilight was prepared to poof the dragon to the high court, because being afraid to move was a banishable offence, but once again the yellow pony took the helm. ''Thank you Spike, Twilight will you walk me home? If that's not too much trouble of course.'' The purple pony, against her better and less rational judgement, left the problem where it was. ''Okay, Spike? We can talk about this latter, I promise to be more reasonable. And I'm sorry for being angry with you, there was nothing you could have done.'' ''Goodbye Spike.'' Fluttershy farewelled. ''Bye Fluttershy, g- goodbye T- twilight.'' Both ponies left the library and left Spike to recover, Twilight took a small satchel and two pears, for safe messure. The unicorn was used to untouched air from her normally early mornings but the pegasus was revelling in the sunrise air tightening in her lungs. Twilight had only seen the streets of Ponyville as empty as the were on the morning of her first Winter Wrap Up, and like that morning, there was nopony outside apart from the being she had left the library with. ''This is lovely; I've never seen Ponyville so peaceful.'' ''Yeah, I'd usually see one or two ponies when I get up, but the only ponies I know who are up at this time would be Applejack and the Princesses. Listen, Fluttershy, why did you undermine me when I was giving out to Spike?'' Twilight was terrified that she might have offended the yellow pegasus and immediately started cursing herself. Fluttershy took a confident approach on her area of expertise, ''Well he done exactly what you asked him to do, he was afraid and that's no time to be angry at him, and besides, now you'll have a lot more time to think about what you want to say.'' ''But he watched us! Why didn't he move?'' ''He is only a baby dragon, he probably doesn't understand what, um, a close relationship is, and he was probably too scared to move because of this.'' ''But he knows what sixty-nine is! Sorry, I'm being short with everypony, this is all just so new to me, it's nothing any book could have prepared me for.'' ''Now Twilight, you live in a library with Spike, he was going to find some of the... um...'' ''Adult education?'' ''Yes, that, and I think it's best he learns about it now, and you're his sister, almost, so you're the best to tell him about these kind of things. Also, I don't think he would get the right impression about mare-mare relationships if you get angry at him for the first time he sees one. And this is new to both of us-'' The pegasus took an innermost tone, ''I'm really afraid of saying the wrong thing and I don't think I'm good enough for you, like I said last night, so that's why I've been talking a bit differently.'' Returning to her reserved, slightly chirpy disposition, ''And I know how understanding you are and I'm sorry for when I doubt you but I hope you can understand that too.'' Nuzzling into the purple pony's shoulder. ''I guess Spike does have to learn eventually... Oooo, that isn't a talk I should give unplanned, do you say I could get the right point across?'' ''If anypony could, you can.'' She said she doesn't think she's good enough for me? I can't have you thinking such nonsense, Fluttershy. ''I guess so. Fluttershy, you were incredibly drunk last night, so was I, and I'm going to say this now and with all the emotion I can.'' Twilight stopped and turned the pegasus towards her, ''You are amazing, it's only been five or six hours and I already know that, let alone the five years I've known you, try to be as much of yourself as possible, and if you can't, I understand.'' This is gonna be a tough one... ''But when I said this is all new to me-'' ''Twilight!'' Shouted an anonymous pony; the two mares froze and turned to stone from the sound of the approaching voice. I don't hear any hoofsteps, must be a pegasus, but who? Oh god my life is over. ''Twilight! Turn around!'' The last time she ever would, the purple pony turned around and meet a very cheery set of yellow eyes lined with shiny grey fur. ''Hey Twilight, what has you apprehensive? And for that matter, why are you two out and about? I won't be at the library for up and around an hour.'' Derpy said, checking her watch, which lead her to take it off and tap the bezel. The purple pony felt relieved and blessed, to an extent. If that had been any other pony I would have had to use my memory erasing spell, can't remember if it's illegal or not... I guess Fluttershy would be affected by it also.... I don't think I should use it. Despite the unicorn's negative thinking, the conversation immediately took a positive turn. ''Good morning Derpy, Fluttershy stayed over at the library because she had called up for a little talk and it was too cold for her to head home at the time.'' Excuse: six out of ten, execution: ten out of ten. ''Awww that's really nice of you Twilight, you know my little Dinky had a friend over a few days ago.'' ''Sweet Luna! I always forget to ask, how has Dinky been?'' ''Oh well, the pony she had over was a colt, his name is Snails? No offence to Tea leaf and Ladybird but that colt seems a little bit on the dim side, and I am not letting my little baby be the special somepony to an underachiever. Oh, I sound horrid right now, I'm sorry, you do know she's been acting weird ever since she got her cutie mark. She's been acting especially strange around me, shouting and just being angry. I understand it's because of her hormones, it's a shame I skipped the section on endocrinology in the book I returned yesterday. Her moods are a little bit infectious, and you know how I feel about my little Dinky, she's really all I have, so when I see her with a colt like Snails I just get a little edgy, I want her to excel in an area of her choice and not be dragged down by anypony, provided it's not urology.'' The mail mare mused. ''And although I can't stop her I do want the best for her. I personally have nothing against the boy but given the circumstances you can understand my being high-strung. Oh, what am I doing, I've got to get back to work, here, I can give you two your mail now, it will shave me four minutes and twenty seconds.'' The silvery pony pulled two letters from her saddle bags.'' That is a huge load compared to when I usually see her, and she could have had even more earlier in the morning, have to give her credit for carrying those things around with her ''Two letters for Miss Sunrose.'' What? ''One from the Canterlot aviary, one sealed and signed letter.'' Fluttershy gave a nod, taking the two letters and putting them into the satchel. ''And one unsigned letter for Miss Sparkle.'' ''Thank you very much Derpy, goodbye.'' But the pegasus was gone, ''Goodbye, I might see you around!'' Screaming her farewell to no leeway of the nigh slumbering households. The slightly startled span began walking again; Twilight knew that the early risers wouldn't be out for another forty to fifty minutes, although some shop owners and elderly would be waking up then, no doubt. ''That was a very strange conversation.'' ''What do you mean?'' Fluttershy questioned, ''You didn't say a word to Derpy.'' ''It's a pegasi thing, I think. At least that's what Rainbow said when we first noticed that we all just seem to get along without saying anything.'' ''That's quite interesting, I should do some research into it.'' ''I'm sure you will find out why.'' ''Oh yeah, and since when is your second name Sunrose?'' The pegasus shied, taking a step from the purple pony, ''Um... that's always been my second name.'' ''I'm not trying to pry or anything, I was just curious because you've never told anyone.'' The two reached the bridge that separated Ponyville from the fields of Ponyville, the fog of the low light had begun to lift and curtains in houses and hovels had begun to silhouette with the early risers morning activities. ''Well nopony has ever asked.'' ''Yeah I guess but it's still pretty weird though'' ''I don't know Pinkie's, or Applejack's. I didn't even know yours was Sparkle'' ''Pinkies is Pie, Applejacks is Apple, the first thing I told you when we first meet was my name.'' ''Oh, yeah... ummm... I forgot.'' The pegasus flicked her mane in front of her face, Twilight was quick brush it away, nearly tripping on only three legs. ''You're a terrible liar, is there something you want to talk about? Will I not say you're second name, do you not like it? I think it's lovely, it has a lot of character.'' The purple mare tried to comfort but the pegasus only threw her hair back to her face. ''Oh Twilight I'm sorry, I just can't tell you.'' Wait, tell me what? No, don't say that, she's more than likely under a lot of stress, don't make it any worse. ''It's okay, I don't mind.'' The unicorn sung as best she could, brushing up against the yellow mare. The housing had gone from nucleated to dispersed ''Okay, sorry, and thank you, Twilight.'' ''You're welcome, oh yeah! I'm going to read your letter that you sent me.'' ''No!'' The pegasus squealed like a school filly who'd just had her Hearts and Hooves day card taken off her by bullies, Twilight giggled her words, ''Awww, but why? I love them, I think they're really sweet!'' ''No, that one especially!'' The purple pony pouted and put on her best puppy dog eyes, ''Awww, I really, really, really wanna read it!'' Which at the time happened to be pretty bad. ''Twilight, you really need to work on your begging eyes.'' The pegasus chortled. ''You are a very different pony, Miss Fluttershy.'' ''Oh my gosh, sorry, sorry, sorry!'' Shoot. ''No, no! I was just saying, some parts of the new you are nice!'' ''Um, okay, you can look at the letter, don't read it aloud though, it's um... it's um...'' Twilight stopped the mare with a warm smile, ceased walking and pulled the pink letter from the satchel. The letter looked like it had been soaked and dried of tears, the unicorn turned to the mare to ask her if she had cried over it but the pegasus was examining a blue butterfly, which she presumably knew the name of, and was, to both ponies' interests, using to distract from the pink piece of paper. The librarian decided it was best to just read to herself. Using a small spark of magic, the letter was free and free to read, Dear Twilight, You are really nice and smart, I like you. Your secret admirer. The feeling that Twilight had finishing the letter was nothing less than gay, she ran over to her wondering rhopalocentric pegasus and embraced her, scaring her just short of death. ''Fluttershy, I love it.'' ''W- what? You do? But why?'' ''It's so simple! And so aims-to-please. Fluttershy. I. Love. It.'' The unicorn quietened down, still holding the baffled Fluttershy. Twilight had gotten so perked up that she had an idea, ''Open the letter you got!'' The yellow mare, still coming to terms with Twilight's reaction, gave a minute's thought about, ''I don't see the harm in doing so.'' ''Yes, yes, yes!'' The purple pony shouted hushedly, not to wake the sleeping families, and pulled the letter from the satchel, hoofing it to the pegasus. Letter opened, Fluttershy begun reading aloud, ''Hello Fluttershy!-'' The pink maned pony drew an exited breath, ''This is wonderful news!'' ''You haven't even started reading, what is it?'' ''Oh this is wonderful, Rhyme wrote this letter.'' ''Rhyme? Who in Celestia's name is Rhyme?'' ''Rhyme is the pony who convinced me to start writing letters to you. She's a poet, her poems are beautiful. If it's okay with you, Twilight, can we walk while I read?'' The unicorn began to do something, but seized herself, did you just get jealous of that reaction? No, no of course not... ''Of course, she sounds nice, go on, read more.'' Twilight said, continuing the certainly short last leg to Fluttershy's cottage. '' I loved your last letter, reading about the spa trips you take with your friend Rarity always makes me feel warm and fuzzy, I don't know why! I watched the same sunrise you did during the drizzle, a quote by a pony whose name I can't place comes to mind, it reads: 'Give me odorous at sunrise a garden of beautiful flowers where I can walk undisturbed.' I can't help but feel a slight of pity thinking about this quote and the quoted wishing to be unaccompanied. I can think—being a slight quodophile—of many more fitting quotes for sunrises, but I guess what comes to mind first shows what mind and body most thirst. On my end of the quill-'' The yellow mare announced, as Fluttershy would announce, every line on the letter perfectly. Telling of the ambiguous pony's daily routines followed, work tried and tested with varying levels of success, friends met and conversed with, culinary and horticultural advancements, and general news/ banter. The letter was generic pen-pal material for the first nine-tenths but took a slightly sadder tone at the bottom of the second page. '' I have two more bits of news, most important for last eh? Two days ago I had to release Stripes, he was just too big for his cage and I don't have enough funds to sustain him. I always thought he was the one who liked me the least, I done what you told me and made good friends with him on his last day, he didn't want to leave in the end. I cried a bit, not more than ten minutes, not more than gentle mourning but I'm still sad. I'm going to write a poem for him, I've got the first verse, it's a work in progress because I've only had two days but I did want you to read the first verse My picnic lamp is all but dim, I stop to camp, water will come. Mine love - azure - and once blind light, A friendship pure, but was it love? It feels rough, nothing I can't smooth out though, I just hope Stripes is okay. I'm sick, not dying in my bed sick but still a little sick. I don't see much of a point in going to the doctor for cold symptoms mixed with a head ache, but I have an acidy feeling in the bottom of my gut that this will either blow over night, or get a lot worse, nothing to worry about though. I'm ecstatic for your next letter, hope I didn't ramble on too much, Your friend, Rhyme.'' The two had reached the door of the cottage; Rhyme had done quite an admirable job rambling on. ''That was lovely, although I do hope she gets better.'' Fluttershy said, opening the door to a bushel of sleeping animals. ''That was really nice, and her poem isn't half bad either.'' ''I never had a problem with Stripes; he was one of the more well behaved birds when I had him. Twilight? I'm asking if you've forgotten, if you're okay with that, what were you going to say before Derpy came up to us?'' ''Oh, uhhh, nothing, unimportant.'' Oh why can't you just say it? ''Good bye Fluttershy, I really enjoyed last night, thank you.'' The purple pony leaned in for a kiss, the pegasus retreated, matching every inch. ''Twilight what are you doing?!'' ''Oh, sorry, I just wanted to- um... sorry.'' The unicorn felt like a dunce, How could she not want a farewell kiss? ''No, not like that Twilight, I mean, we're in public, do you know how dangerous it is for us to kiss in public?'' ''People can't react that badly, and besides, who, at this time, is both awake and walking around near the Everfree forest?'' The unicorn reasoned, Fluttershy was visibly edgy. Ruby Scoop was, by no stretch of the imagination, a morning pony. Still, the ice-cream pony had more than a week's worth of paperwork to get through, if only Oscar would give me the time of the day, for a foal he sure is troublesome. Maybe I can take five of ten minutes to find a foal sitter; would anypony be up to it though? Ruby had soon found out after her encounter with, what was her name? Twilight?, that the yellow pegasus was an animal carer and veterinarian. She was taking her pet lizard, Sir Robense L. Claws, to see about a badly lacerated tail. Sir Robense L. Claws, as it was, was much like her owner, and croaked for more rest, ''Roh! Stop that! You are an embarrassment, whining over some lost sleep and a little boo-boo, just be glad I am having you tended to initially.'' The strawberry pony had an impeccable sense of direction and efficiency, and broke through an area of trees to full view of the strange pegasus' home and place of work. Ironically, both the strange ponies that Ruby had met that day were outside the door of the vet. Ruby was going to call out for greeting from the two if the two hadn't started kissing. Oh sisters of the sky, rulers of Equestria. The pegasus and the unicorn smooched for a good three seconds, albeit closed jaw smooching, but smooching none the less. Ruby was confused, scared and a little loss of thought, but most of all, she was disgusted. Nothing else to do, the ice-cream pony took to her heals. ''Thank you Fluttershy, for the evening, will I see you tomorrow? Maybe even sometime today?'' Twilight farewelled, for the second time that day. Fluttershy was still blushing markedly, ''Oh um, yes, maybe today, if not- um, tomorrow. Thank you too, Twilight.'' And the two parted way. The purple pony's mind raced through a field of exuberance and glee, I can't believe how these last few hours have played out, how could I have guessed myself and Fluttershy? I'm glad it's with somepony I trust, I couldn't imagine being with somepony who I don't know, or somepony who I don't know is serious about the relationship. I wish Fluttershy knew how serious I am about this, I'm pretty sure she is serious, if five years isn't longing I don't know what is. Maybe I could... hmmm...how do you prove to somepony that you love them? I'll figure it out later, first things first, I gotta explain to Spike this whole thing, well, maybe not the whole thing. The unicorn giggled and began the decent walk back to the library. > Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Seven: As suspected, Twilight seen three ponies on her walk back to the library. She had little time to talk to them with all the pondering she had to do, Fluttershy, work, Spike... no, no, no.... Work, Friends, Spike, Fluttershy...... why is something so simple eluding me? Okay, I guess I should do this in order of distance.... so..... Spike, work, friends, Fluttershy. Okay, day plan ready! Well.... I guess I can switch friends with Fluttershy. Now, what about Spike? I guess I should start him off with basic relationships, or- he has most likely seen the 'X' rated section of the library, but I've told him that only I can re-shelve it....... should I just start with the birds and the bees? Should I do the birds and the bees at all? Twilight best tried to grasp a talk that she had never been given because of her studies as the princess's personal protégé. She had discovered the act on her own while researching exo-Equestrian geography. The rows upon rows of bookshelves in the Canterlot library were, expectantly, very difficult to keep one-hundred percent organised. The purple mare happened upon an out of place book, one that wasn't educational, but purely for entertainment, pictures and all. Obviously the unicorn said nothing to nopony and it was a constant reminder to Twilight of how not to find out about sex. 'The talk' as a whole was something the purple pony had been dreading for a long time, because as Fluttershy said, Twilight was practically Spike's sister. Ughh, darn it all! I'll just do everything, if he knows about a part he can just ask me to skip it. The door of the library now in sight, the purple pony's mind made the morning seem moderately normal. She had talked with Derpy, was ready to have her breakfast, and, opening the door to the library, found Spike had done his morning duties. The dragon came through the kitchen door carrying two plates of toast and scrambled eggs, the table had a pitcher of orange juice and an assortment of small jars, jams and butters. Twilight took her seat, she noticed a foreign spot in the centre of her chair before she did. Breakfast was eaten in total silence, the unicorn didn't even hear the crunching of toast. The dragon took a few blank stares at Twilight, as if he was expecting something, ''That was lovely Spike, thank you.'' ''Uh, you're welcome.'' The dragon didn't look at his assistee, the purple pony had to make her move now, or else the tension would strangle her. ''Ummmm, is there something you would like to talk about, Spike?'' ''I don't, I think you do though.'' ''Oh, yes, yes I do....'' Twilight said, shocked at the hint of bitter resignment, ''Do you understand relationships, Spike?'' ''Yeah....'' ''And do you understand how really good relationships can progress?'' ''Yeah... I guess.'' ''Guess? Well, what are you unsure about?'' For a start, this is going really well, I should have had this talk with Spike years ago. ''Um, I don't really want to say it.'' Looking at the floor, ''Go ahead, I won't judge.'' ''Well...... uhh...... I mean, is it before or after marriage you get to do anal?'' ''SPIKE!'' ''B- but- you said we were talking about relationships!'' The dragon defended himself, slowly backing off his chair and towards the kitchen. ''Yes! We are! But not in that way, and mind you language!'' The purple pony realised that she was shouting, and a face, even Discord would pity and want to brighten, was plastered on the dragon's face. Twilight sighed and continued as best she could, ''Spike.... so.... you understand deep relationships?'' ''Yeah, uhh.... I'm not- uhh, I'm not really a baby dragon anymore.'' ''Spike, I-'' Oooooohhhhhh..... lovely.... Spike..... ''Well..... now I know you- um, understand what I'm asking you, I'm glad we have that out of the way. You have to understand why I was so angry this morning. I just felt so betrayed, like such a wonderful night had been tainted, you- you know my history with special someponies....'' ''Yeah, I had to sit through your teenage years too you know that?'' ''Hush, that's just inconsiderate.'' She scolded, ''But you do know how much of a shock this is for me, especially with how fast things have moved, do you?'' ''Yeah, I guess, I just can't believe you didn't tell me that you and Fluttershy were doi-, uhh, I mean, together....'' Twilight could have said many things to that but she remembered that she had obligations to fulfil and fulfil she would. ''We can talk about this later-'' Flicking through her calendar, ''It started- it started yesterday. You have your chores and I have other things to do, I'll be back this afternoon, this evening if I get tied up with something. And Spike? Can you tell me you're okay with this, even if you aren't? I need just that small amount of comfort, it's all a lit-'' ''Of course Twilight! What kind of number one, dragon assistant, best-friend-to-a-pony would I be if I wasn't supportive?'' ''Thanks Spike.'' The unicorn grabbed her saddle bags and left the library for the streets of Ponyville. I feel a little better. Spike kind of has that tone which makes it everything sound so normal, he's so casual. He makes it out like myself and Fluttershy's.... hasty get together.... was something that happens every day. I should thank him too, how do you get a dragon to know you appreciate them? Twilight added yet another mental point to her long list of obligations. First off, Rarity's. As per usual, Ponyville bazaar was heavily trafficked, now that the day had opened up to more ponies. The unicorn offered friendly hellos to those she knew, some running stands, some leisurely strolling the stalls. Not a penny out of place. Twilight soon arrived at the door of the boutique, hoping to get some work done, it was obvious her work associate had hive mind. There was a table set off to one side with two chairs, a pitcher of water and an assortment of parchment and different size quills. The fashionista, herself, was already jotting down bits and pieces, she looked up to greet the bell operator. ''Oh, Twilight! I can always count on you to be nice and early, hopefully we can burn through the boutique's façade and have the materials for doing so recorded, counted up and queried.'' Determined to match the white unicorn's very professional and long winded be afters, the librarian walked over and magicked the chair under her, peeking into Rarity's notes. ''Do you ever order your materials from different wholesalers? Do you have past invoices if you do?'' ''Oooo, so our Twilight knows some business, I only called you so you could help me bring everything together.'' ''Well, I have done my study.'' Twilight gave a giggle, ''Have you planned for rain and other bad weather?'' ''Very funny, Twilight. And not yet, that's what you're going to help me with. Do you really think, in all my years and experiences, I'm going to forget about the weather for an outdoor display?'' Rarity said in a humours tone, but quickly returning to the messy lines and ink blots in front of her. The two discussed the job before them, throwing around ideas and up-to-if-not-beyond-date fashion break throughs. Every inch of outside space was made into a problem, for the sole purpose of keeping sales at a maximum. The number of dresses on display, to the colour of the boutique, to how many corners each awning should have, everything was considered. The process took a good few hours; it was mid-late afternoon by the time the two decided to take a break. ''So I was thinking of planting Bluebeard shrubs in the flower bed, because they bloom late July, early August and their colour complements the chapeaus marvellously.'' Rarity said, wiping some cheese away from her lips. ''I'll talk with Dune Bug if I get a chance, and don't forget that you will need some extra soil.'' The purple mare checked the clock on the wall, five O' clock, ''Can we finish this tomorrow? I have to go shopping; there is no food in the library.'' Wrapping up a hastily made burrito. ''Soil! I would have completely forgotten, you are savoury, Twilight. I can go with you, I have a few buttons and different coloured threads to pick up, I'll have to catch up though, I need to file our ideas away.'' ''Oh, I could wait if y-'' The white unicorn was already on her hooves, brushing the purple pony out the door of the boutique, ''Now Twilight, do you really think I would hold you up from your shopping? The market is going to end in a few hours, don't worry about me. I have much less to buy than you anyway, if you leave now we can finish at the same time.'' The damaged white door was closed behind Twilight, Rarity called from behind it once more, ''And I'll talk with Dune Bug, she's a darling and likes to give me discounts!'' ''Um, okay, bye Rarity?'' No response, she won't let you do anything for her; she won't let you be generous to her! Kind of funny even. Being practically twenty steps from the shops, Twilight was quick to start browsing. The purple pony was among mainly sweet and treat stalls; from years of watching the vendor's migration habits, Twilight knew general food and supplies was a little north of her. The unicorn had just planned the optimal route only to be distracted by a pony she had seen but a few times, but still knew decently well. ''Pony Joe!'' Twilight called out. Pony Joe was sitting at a lavish stall, much larger than most others and professionally designed. There were long rows of an assortment of ring, glazed and filled doughnuts, and a coffee machine against the back wall of the stall. A very happy customer was walking away from the stall with a ring doughnut, white icing. The caramel pony took a glance at Twilight and quickly looked away. ''Pony! It's me, Twilight! How have you been?'' ''Good, I've been good.'' Joe replied with a grunt, far from his stereotypical helpful-and-knowledgeable-barman tone. ''Uuuhhh, what- what are you doing here in Ponyville?'' The caramel pony crossed his forelegs on the stall's counter and leaned in on them, ''Well, I've got a friend that I'm visiting, you see. And I was thinking of expanding the business to other towns and such, so I took some time to set up this stall for some market research.'' The Boulanger still wasn't looking. ''Um, do you want me to leave? Am I-'' Joe whipped his head around to Twilight and looked right at the purple pony, ''Yes, please? You're driving away my business, sorry Twilight, but I can't have you here talking to me, I know what you do down here in Ponyville.'' Before, the stallion wouldn't take a peep, now he was glaring at the mare. ''What do you mean 'what you do'? What is- we've been fr-.....'' The unicorn flattened her ears against her head, ''O- okay, s- sorry. Bye Pony.....'' Pony Joe grunted a final time, Twilight left him to himself, she heard him great a customer as she walked away, ''Welcome to Pony Joe's Doughnut Store's Doughnut Stand!'' A very enthusiastic hello, ''..... oh, her? Ahhhhh, don't mind her. You, on the other hoof, look like you fancy the exotic tastes, those you can't find anywhere else, how 'bout trying my new.......'' The purple pony shakily found her way to the section of the market she wanted, what's gotten into that pony? We've been friends for years, and he just shoves me away? He could be stressed about his business plan, or- or his friends is giving him trouble, but what does he mean when he says ‘what you do’? The only secret I have is my secret teddy collection, and that’s hardly scandal, unless he has something against the princess and my study under her……. no, that doesn't make sense, I've seen him have chats with the princess. And he sounded all weird too, he sounded so… so bitter … Twilight thoughts wouldn't let her pay attention to the survey she put on the produce and caused her to bump into a pony who was inspecting a tangerine. ‘’Oh, I’m so sorry ma’am!’’ The purple pony quickly asserted. ‘’Oh, No, it’s quite alright, I wa-‘’ The lime pony began, very understandingly, but the mare quickly flipped her politeness when she seen who had knocked against her, ‘’I wouldn’t expect any less from ponies like you ’’ Twilight was horrified, she hadn’t a clue what she had just heard, ‘’W-what? I said I was sorry!’’ But the pony was gone, Twilight turned to the pegasus who was running the stand beside her, ‘’You- you seen that I apologised, right?’’ ‘’Oh yeah, I seen it, I seen you almost killing that mare, what kind of pride do you take in yourself Miss Sparkle?’’ The librarian didn’t even respond, she confusedly turned around to head to another part of the market. She wanted to move but she couldn’t, most of the market kept taking looks at the unicorn, everypony kept taking looks at the unicorn, like they were concerned, but an angsty concern. And elderly earth pony was shielding her eyes, a mother steered her filly from the path of the purple mare. Everypony in Ponyville has come to me at least twice for help but now it’s like they think I'm evil or something. What is wrong with this town? Twilight forced her legs into a walk; she ducked into a side street, somepony called after her, she moved quickly. The lane way arrived to a small square, it was a much more densely occupied area, she wouldn't be noticed as easily. The purple pony sat down on one of the benches at the edge of the square, contemplating that maybe that Discord had escaped his prison for five minutes, cast a spell that made everypony in the immediate area disharmonious, which Twilight happened to be immune to, and everypony just happened to direct all their anger towards her. The librarian sat for up and around twenty minutes, she wasn't really concerned with time, I wish everypony would stop looking at me and just tell me what they're looking at, it's just a nuisance now! How can I do my shopping with all this...... this! Around me? The occasional pony would turn their heads and give Twilight that same look, every time they did made Twilight want to give up, return to the library and send her assistant out to do the job she had failed to do twice in the last two days. A ray of hope shone through the otherwise dim and dark crowd, Rarity was approaching, magically knowing exactly where the purple mare was. ''Twilight! What are you doing just sitting there?'' Twilight stood up, the two unicorns hugged each other in greeting, the voice of the crystal white pony was beautifully distracting from the eyes of the market, ''And why haven't you bought any food? Surely you haven't just been looking at the other ponies in the market for all this time?'' ''I wish I wasn't just looking at the other ponies, or more that they weren't looking at me.'' Rarity gave a very lady-like laugh, ''Oh, Twilight, whatever do you mean by that?'' The purple pony found it hard to place the right words, ''Has anypony.... uhh... you know, refused you sale today? Or has anypony given you weird looks?'' Twilight gave a look both ways, feeling a small nugget of paranoia. Rarity opened up her saddle bags, completely blank expression, to show an assortment of spools, buttons and fasteners, fair enough answer. ''I haven't been able to buy anything because the stall keepers just won't sell me anything; they would say weird things and give me looks. At one stage everypony was staring at me.'' Two more peeks over shoulders, ''I'm starting to get really scared that this isn't a once off thing.'' Rarity didn't move a muscle, mouth agape, she was speechless. A solid sixty second silence endured before the fashionista spoke up, ''Twilight, what's the first thing you have on your list of shopping?'' What? Bread, what ar- oh yeah, talking... ''Bread, why?'' The white unicorn started looking around the square then started trotting in a random direction, Twilight reluctantly followed, ''Rarity? Where are you going?'' The purple pony took eye on the approaching bread and pastry stall, ''No, no, no, no, Rarity! what are you doing?!'' Twilight shouted under her breath, looking every which way. ''Ooooo, these bread rolls smell simply divine!'' The white unicorn said, seemingly mesmerized by the aroma of the adjacent stall. ''Why thank you! I bake them fresh, every day, back at my shop, Rye's Pastries.'' The stallion proudly stated. The purple maned mare squished the rolls, contesting the bread pony's claim, ''They are fresh baked! These rolls are soooo soft! Buuuuut, I think I will just have a loaf of bread, whole grain, please.'' ''Of course! That will be six bits please.'' ''Six bits? Three bits is a reasonable price to me.'' ''Three bits is reasonable for your run-of-the-mill bread, but would you get the out-of-the-oven heat and freshness from another vendor?'' The two began the ceremonial haggling process. The owner of the stand superlatising his products and playfully down talking his competitors, Rarity charming and smooth talking the price in her favour. Attention lifted from, Twilight had some time to think, less shaken by her previous encounter with the entity of antagonism that had a stranglehold on the market. She searched her mind for any incriminating memories or past experiences, particularly from foalhood. Pony Joe was the only pony she encountered from Canterlot, which is where, as a foal, Twilight got up to most all her tomfoolery. I never done anything bad, I tripped the princess once but that was by accident and in the castle. I done some stupid stuff with my dad but I only really done that stuff when I seen him, on our holidays. ''Well,'' The white pony began, ''I could simply go down to Stone Baked's stall and get two loafs for fives bits, we are friends and all, but this is simply convenient. I personally think four bits is generous given the alternatives, don't you Twilight?'' ''Um, yeah, I gu-'' ''Why are you asking her? I was starting to wonder why she was just standing there, don't you know tha-'' ''Excuse me,'' Rarity counter-interrupted, '' 'She', as you call her, is my friend. And I would rather you not speak to her in such a barbaric tone around me, or at all for that matter. I do not wish to know why you don't like my friend but I assume it is petty, and unimportant, something you may have done yourself and are simply too embarrassed to tell.'' The unicorn put four bits on the stall board and ended softly, ''Thank you very much for your services.'' The stallion was shocked, but took the bits, shoved a loaf of whole grain bread at the duad and glared their way. Rarity put the loaf in Twilight's saddlebags and took point down a random street, ''What's next?'' Did she really just buy bread for me? For four bits a loaf?! And she wants to keep going down my shopping list? She didn't even care why everypony is so... angry with me! ''Why are you doing this? Why don't you care why that stallion was such a jerk to me?'' The white mare was ducking and craning her head to get the best look at the foods, ''What greens do you usually buy?'' ''Oh, uhh, leaks, lettuce, broccoli, water cress, but never cabbage.'' The fashionista had managed to side track the purple pony astronomically, ''W- no- why are you buying everything for me?'' Rarity didn't listen; the purple maned pony dived right into a crowd in front of a vegetable stand, battling for both the best produce and the best price. Twilight sat back, once again, Just like shopping with mam.... the unicorn let out a small 'hmf', that reminds me of that rumour about Green Trail suggesting she was an alicorn, she was always very odd, odder than I....... oh! The librarian had an epiphany, What if somepony is spreading rumours about me? Twilight scoured her mind for nil-accusations, false secondary source's retellings and blatant mockeries of truth. Where does Five-Point live again? Didn't she move to Ponyville for two years? No.... no that was Rage heart, and he was always really nice to me... Bitter-sweet luck had the entire purple mare's past rumours too old to explain the shift in Ponyvillian behaviour. Rarity returned with brown paper bag with a few leaks sticking out of it, she put the bag in Twilight's bag. Once again, ''What's next?'' For the rest of the afternoon, Twilight was dragged around Ponyville market while Rarity slowly filled bags and shopping list. Fruits, maybe it's a rumour I spread about somepony else, or about my family? No, I don't spread rumours and rumours about my family are just ludicrous... Herbs and Flowers, have I stopped doing something? Sending letters to ponies I should?..... have I changed my personality? ''I hear petunias are delicious this time of year!'' Rarity said in exitment. Drinks, jams and miscellaneous, It has to be something recent, could I have offended anypony? Or hurt them without realising? No, anything physical I would have known about and I'm one-hundred percent sure my magic hasn't done anything without my permission..... there is nothing I can think of, I wish I was dreaming, or if I am I knew I was. A muscular stallion hauling a cart shouldered Twilight, breaking her concentration, and probably her sternum, that really hurt! ''Hey! Excuse me, can I have an apology? That was quite painful!'' The purple mare called, the red stallion turned around a flared his nostrils, a raving ire in his eyes, a burning, Bi- Big Mac? The unicorn's throat bubbled, the hostilities of the common and garden pony were tiring and confusing, a hateful friendship was painful. Big Macintosh dragged his cart away from the purple mare, throwing a small fit while doing so. Twilight wanted to cry, she had suffered what was equivalent to a day of magic school where your bag breaks and you have to carry all your books around by hoof and horn, childish acts of de-gaiety, but they still singed the unicorn. Rarity had just finished a lengthy deal for a half-kilo of coffee beans, the purple mare's saddle bags were over filled, ''Is that it? That didn't take long now did it? It cost seventy-two bits, you can pay me back later, cheaper than your average shop wouldn't you say? Oh, and the fabulous Rarity has managed to finish right outside the library!'' The white unicorn gave Twilight a long hug, ''Thank you for coming over Twilight, you were a grand help, we should chat more. Bare in mind, I hate gossip that the entire town is in on, and especially if it involves my friends.'' A small wink, the librarian had to smile, Rarity had always had a way of answering questions without ever addressing them, which the purple pony appreciated. I almost understand you Rarity, Thank you, again. How do you get a friend to know how much you thank them? Twilight, being slightly pulled from the day, caught how the fashion pony's ladylike gait made her hips move. Whoa, okay, not in that way, you've discovered something in yourself but that doesn't mean you can't be faithful. Ugghh It's still all so confusing though! Perhaps I cast a spell that backfired and sent me to a different universe where Fluttershy loves me, everypony else hates me and Rarity is harder to understand than Pinkie Pie..... The unicorn dashed inside the thankfully nearby library, magicked the doors and windows into fortress mode and gingerly flipped the sign on the windowsill to read 'closed'; Twilight was ventilating heavily. They found about Fluttershy and I, but how did it get around so fast? It's the only explanation, I've never seen anything like this before and it explains why Fluttershy was so jumpy about kissing at her door. Oh god, I hope nopony has talked to Fluttershy, I have to go over right now, I'll need to take a moment to charge up my teleport spell. Going into the kitchen, a very wet purple dragon, who was hand washing dishes, immediately took notice to the water guzzling Twilight. ''Hey Twi, I'm guessing you got tied up? I kinda had a weird day, only two ponies came into the library, both of them were asking for you. Oh, uh, what's got you so worked up? You look really stressed.'' Calmly asked the dragon, always a yang when Twilight holds yin. ''They know, Spike, they know.'' Clutching the dragon, ''Who knows what?!'' The unicorn put her glass into the soapy sink, and started clearing a space in the kitchen, ''I don't know how but everyone in Ponyville knows about Fluttershy and I's relationship, maybe my soundproofing spell faded and a pegasus got a look through the window or something like that. I'm teleporting over to Fluttershy's house, you might want to stand back, I've never teleported over an entire town.'' ''Wait, why do you have to go?!'' ''Because if people start saying things to Fluttershy that will really, really, really affect her!'' ''But what if Fluttershy doesn't know? If you come running up a exploding her door to save her and she doesn't know it might make things worse than if she did know!'' The unicorn was about halfway to casting her spell, and she let the magic fizzle out, ''And you can't just go around Ponyville magicking up the place!'' Reasoned Spike, Twilight thought for a second, she was still unsure. ''Do you really think I shouldn't go?'' ''Yeah, it's not like she won't be there tomorrow!'' ''But what if she isn't?! What if she leaves me all alone? and with this whole screwy town?'' ''Hey look, I'm not the one kissing her but even I know that Fluttershy is not the kind of pony to do things like that. All your friends have a little bit of Rainbow Dash in them, if you know what I'm sayin'.'' ''Yeah.... yeah I guess...'' ''And like I said, you can't be shooting magic everywhere, not in this town.'' ''What do you mean?'' ''Ponyville is one of the smallest and out of place towns in Equestria, even though it's close to Canterlot. You know Light in August? Yeah, I read that, and you know the way it's a really kinda... kinda stareeo- stryao-.....'' Spike shrugged his shoulders, ''.... Stereotypical?'' ''Yeah, it's a really stereoplitical trashy town? Like, it's a bad town. Ponyville is the closest thing to Yo- Yow, what ever its name is, you can get. You can't rush into things, you have to wait to see if things aren't as bad as you think. Yeah sure Canterlot isn't open to that kinda stuff but you wouldn't have ponies coming out with pitchforks and potato sacks on their heads. Sure think about it, I still get weird looks because I'm a dragon, I'm an outsider, and always have been. Pinkie Pie is the only pony who openly accepts new ponies and without her all new ponies wouldn't make any friends. I know how important this new, thing, is to you, but you gotta slow down and do things slowly.'' The dragon was right, Twilight couldn't do anything. The mare let out a heavy sigh and put back the unused kitchen table and chair set. Late afternoon and evening went along pretty normally, two ponies, who supposedly hadn't heard about the news and hadn't seen the closed sign, came in and out of the library. Both taking out books, one returning a book. Spike tried at conversation on more than one occasion but Twilight couldn't focus on one thing fro very long. The unicorn lay down in her bed for an early night, refusing supper. Even with way-too-heavy-for-summer blankets, the unicorn felt cold, lonely. Lonely not because Spike set up a permanent bed downstairs but lonely from the feeling that something very important was missing, or that something very important would soon disappear forever. > Three > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Eight: Carrots! Carrots everywhere! Angel hopped around in the seemingly endless fields of fresh carrots, carrots topped with cream and cherries and all other delicious things! A booming voice called out from over the meadow, the boom turned to a heavenly choir which pierced through the clouds, ''Angel, where are you? Come to me.'' The bunny forced himself away from a bowl of butter pecan ice-cream. ''Yes! Yes I'm right here!'' The rabbit shouted, I've never talked before, that was weird, but I want to talk more! ''Angel Bunny, wake up, you must wake up.'' ''Wake up? What do you mean wake up?'' Confusedly questioned Angel, the hevanly voice deteriorated into a squeal. ''Angel! Wake up, wake up, wake up!'' Fluttershy nudged the slumbering Angel as softly as she could, voice matching the strength of the brushes. ''Angel?'' The white rabbit jumped from his slumber, and in an unwitty rage kicked the yellow pegasus' hoof. ''Oh I'm sorry! Sorry, Angel! I w-was,'' The pony began to tear up immediately, ''Just- just waking you b-because I was'tsh- wasn't home two nights ago and I couldn't find you yesterday, because my-myself and T-twilight-'' Angel's face lit up almost immediately, he jumped up and waved his mistress' head towards him, having shied away to hide her tears. The rabbit started signing erratically, the pink maned pony wiped away her tears and began reading, ''I- it's telescope.... telescope K? Oh, it's okay be..... because it's import...... important. It's okay because it's important? But you didn't think it was important a few seconds ago.'' Huffed the animal keeper. Angel pointed at Fluttershy, I'm important? Fluttershy pointed to herself, the rabbit nodded vigorously and put his paw to his forehead, one finger pointing up. And the unicorn.... The pegasus grabbed the white bunny and nearly squeezed his eyes out of his head. ''Oh thank you Angel! Thank you, thank you, thank yooouuuuu! Do you want to hear how it happened?'' Angel, with his job professionally done, sat back in his bed and rested his head on his left forepaw, he prepared for what would be the longest winded story ever told. The talking began like a wave, and continued like that. The wave was a droning; Angel was interested, to a length, but soon fell back asleep. ''-it was just so amazing, and then she dropped me home and she gave me a kiss at the door, it was almost like a dream, oh I'm just so happy!'' An almighty squee woke Angel to the pegasus still talking, there was a bowl of diced cucumbers and chilli flakes in front of him, Fluttershy was blind with love. The white rabbit had had a bad itching on his lucky foot two nights before, when his carer told him she was going to dinner with the pony who'd made her cry so many times. Angel had hid from the pegasus the morning after, too afraid to fulfil his obligations, she almost caught him, coming home so early in the morning. Then the pink maned pony woke him and he got angry with her, but the pony was happy, and she had pre-made the rabbit his breakfast, everything went better than expected. ''-oh! I've talked an awful lot, I have work to do! Oooohhhh, Okay, I need to wake all the animals and feed all of them, and I need to return some animals! Thank you for listening Angel!'' Fluttershy hugged the bunny once more and begun her daily routines. Up and around sixty-two animals were awoken, quietly, and fed, all in the space of two hours. The pegasus was rushing around like a mad pony, she made breakfast for herself only after she had tirelessly fed every living creature in her house. Sitting down for a rest for the first time in two days, with a bowl of porridge, Fluttershy gathered her thoughts. It's so nice to be off my hooves, I was so worried about Angel, I wonder where he was yesterday, I spent my entire day looking for him..... I'm sure he had something he had to do. And I'm so glad he's accepting of myself and Twilight's relationship, I was starting to think he wouldn't like Twilight because of what I've put him through, and that is why he is the best Angel Bunny in the whole of Equestria, I could just hug him and hug him! I wonder how Twilight done with Spike, I do hope she didn't scare him, he probably doesn't understand, at least he should now. The pegasus finished her porridge and resumed her work, frantically tending to her zoo, okay, I need to return Lockjaw, Coco, Coca, Diamond, Scales and Red Tie. The yellow pony was quick to round up a doberman, brown Bird, otter, birman cat, Gold fish and penguin, formally injured critters left in to recover in the care on the pegasus. ''Okay everyone, we need to stay together, is everyone okay with that?'' The animals gave their unique affirmations, ''Good, now let's go little friends.'' Fluttershy's feathery command had the pets marching out the door of the cottage, she hoisted Scales' fish bowl onto her back and followed the brigade. The bizarre gathering of newly nursed animals followed the pink maned pony to the first delivery spot, a happening the pegasus noticed happening with ever increasing frequency. Although Ponyville had a full-time vet with two professionally trained veterinarians staffing the premises, the yellow mare sometimes found herself confronted with injured animals. Fluttershy specialised in animal care, keeping and sickness, which she had told many ponies before who had come to her with pets bearing serious, and even life threatening, injuries. The herder knocked on the door to an elderly pony's house, a few slow steps scuttled towards the door and a myriad of locks and latches were undone. The old mare leaned out her door and squinted at the pegasus, ''Fluttershy! Please, please! Tell me why your beautiful face has graced me dis morning!'' The kind earth pony beckoned Fluttershy into her house. ''Oh, thank you very much Miss Spokes.'' The yellow pony blushed and put her hoof to her mouth, ''But I can't come in, I have to return these animals, thank you very much for you offer though.'' Fluttershy signalled the white cat into the house. ''Hello Diamond, thank Fluttershy for making you better. You didn't have to bring her back, I'm only twenty hooves from your house and I'm still well able!'' Sturdy Spokes grabbed her chest and coughed out a horsey laugh. ''Really, it was no trouble at all, I must be going, I have other things I need to do today too.'' ''I won't hold you up!'' The earth pony opened the drawer to a side table beside her, pulled out ten bits, and gave them to the pegasus. ''It was a pleasure speaking with you, and thank you once again for taking care of Diamond, and don't even think about trying to give any of those bits back!'' ''Thank you but you don-'' And the door was closed, hysteria heard from the other side. Fluttershy only asked anypony for money in the most extreme cases of injury, but everypony always ended up tipping her, she didn't mind, only because it was her main source of income other than the occasional grant for volunteer work. The mare only got by on her years of experience and vast knowledge of animals and animal anatomy; she had even discussed the matter with Ponyville's head vet, Lovehoof. The two agreed that it didn't matter who treated the animals as long as they were being treated. The yellow pegasus was always afraid of when she had to treat injury, or any other major occurrence, lacking both the schooling in toxicology needed to administer the majority of medicines, and the equipment and nerve to operate if the need ever arose. The only theory that Fluttershy could muster was that ponies thought her special talent translated into an infinite knowledge of animal care, if only her special talent let her say no to an animal in need. ''Come on little friends.'' The pegasus steered the troop towards another house. Red Tie waddled ahead of the group and jumped for a doorbell which he could not reach; Fluttershy trotted over to the struggling penguin, put her nose under him and lifted him level with the button. A bright red mare opened the door with one hoof, the other fruitlessly rocking a foal to sleep. ''Pengun!'' The foal cooed, ''Shh, shh, Bolt, pen-guh-win. Penguin.'' The mother rocked her baby more, she had heavy purple lines under her eyes, ''Oh, um, Fluttershy, I wasn't expecting to see you calling up- um I mean, to see you calling up so early.'' ''I just wanted to return all these animals to their homes as soon as possible, go on Red Tie.'' The penguin waddled past the mother and into the house, ''Am I too early? Oh I'm sorry if I'm too early.'' ''No, no, you're okay, I've just got my hoo-'' A bowl crashed to the ground from behind the red earth pony, some beans splattered across the floor of what must have been the dining room, a colt called into the hallway, ''Sorry mom, I uh, I can clean this up. Where are all my shoes?'' ''I've got my hooves a little full,'' Peaking head out the door and looking both ways, ''Thank you for your services.'' The pony said, placing some bits in the hoof of the pegasus and closing the door. ''Oh no, yo- well, okay...'' Lockjaw took head, running up to and smelling the posts and walls of Ponyville's bridge. The doberman's ears stuck right to the sky as he reached to end of the bridge, he sniffed the air for familiar scents and began bounding away from the bridge, snarling. ''No! Wait, Lockjaw!'' Fluttershy begged, lifting a ferret onto her back beside a very confused goldfish and breaking into a run. ''Please come back!'' The dog making easy work of his getaway. The pink maned pony slowed, seeing the dog had stopped. Lockjaw was running lines, jumping and snapping at something in the trees just beyond the bridge. The increasingly frequent sight of a grey coloured pegasus came into view, although hung upside down from a tree branch high above the enraged canine. ''You must be Pencil Pusher's dog, aww you're so cute!'' Fluttershy joined the dog under Derpy and compelled him into submission. The mail mare gracefully lowered herself to the ground with her wings and took a look around, the yellow pony joined the ambiguous search, seeing nothing of interest; nopony was out. ''Thanks Fluttershy, uhh, I gotta go, only a few more houses to go.'' ''You are welcome, Lockjaw gets very excited sometimes, and he just needs to calm down sometimes.'' Scratching the doberman in-between its ears. The grey pony had her everyday smile, if only a little smaller, and her eyes looked a little off, other than their normal laziness. ''I gotta go, thanks again!'' The grey pegasus took to the air with a powerful leap, the wind from the blast off pulling some hair from in front of Fluttershy's face, the pegasus had performed magic, and vanished. Despite a slight confusion bearing on the pegasus, she found her way to her next destination, ''Okay, everyone stay here and don't stray from the group, come on Coco. Don't worry little friends, we won't be long.'' The yellow pony and the brown bird flew into the sky, coming level with a small cloud house. Tapping the door, the house was opened up by a lilac coloured pegasus, she smiled warmly, and screamed into the house, ''Flitter! Door for you!'' Another mare screamed from above, ''Okay, I'll be there in a sec!'' ''She'll be with you in two minutes.'' Mouthed the first pony, The pet owner came charging down the stairs and took the place of her almost identical house mate, ''Thanks, sis, Fluttershy! How are you! Are you here to return Coco?'' Said the pegasus, the most tender voice Fluttershy had heard that day. The bird darted to her keeper and playfully danced in circles in front the lilac pony's face. ''Oh I missed you too Coco, your wing okay now? Give me a sec.'' Returning her attention to the yellow pony, ''You're a star Fluttershy; I really don't know how you do it.'' And hoofing a small pile of bits to the pegasus. ''I can't accept these bits!'' Fluttershy said, as she always did. ''What friend would I be if I didn't pay you!'' Insisted the pet owner, ''Well..... okay....'' The yellow mare subsided, remembering her living cost, or rather, the cost of her pets. ''Thank you Fluttershy, have a lovely day.'' The two parted ways. Returning to ground, Fluttershy found the very enthusiastic doberman being taken away by a blue unicorn; the pegasus swooped down into the dirt, picked up the gold fish bowl and the otter and quietly called after the dog napper, ''Hey! Wait, you can't do that! Come back, please?'' The confused Pencil Pusher turned around, her face immediately turned ice-cold. Fluttershy came to a halt just before crashing into the unicorn, ''Oh, Pencil Pusher? I told you I'd drop Lockjaw back to you.'' Blinky-eyed. ''Oh yeah, well, my office is close by and I was going out for lunch....'' ''....Umm............. do you..... do you want to take him back now?'' ''I was more just, kinda, checking up on him..........'' The blue pony softened her words and took a look at the surrounding buildings of Ponyville, why does everypony keep doing that? Four ponies went about their days. Fluttershy could feel her voice becoming breathy, with an uncertainty she did not know the reason for. ''Well he's okay now, so-'' ''I'm sorry; I can't be seen around you Fluttershy.'' ''Wh- what?'' The yellow mare said, taken aback. Pencil hastefully pulled a small purse from her Pinkie-Pie-poofy level mane and tipped the pegasus accordingly before grabbing the dog by its collar and galloping away. ‘’What? No, wait!’’ Fluttershy said above normal levels, hoping to prompt information from the unicorn. The noise had drawn the attention of the ponies around her. Did it just get darker? The ponies looked fearful, almost cowering behind one another. The female of a couple was staring, staring, the male whispered into the ear of his partner, who put her hoof to her mouth and looked away from the pegasus. The remaining two animals had become slightly frisky, the yellow pegasus hoped they were acting on some past experience of a corrupt owner or bloodily injured limb. The yellow mare whispered to the duo, leaning more so down to the otter, ‘’Let’s go, friends, come on coca.’’ Slowly the otter began to touch ground, using his movements to pull the paralysed pony along the pavement. Fluttershy said hello to the small handful of ponies she seen, the few replies which her nerves had been graced with were shaky, short or suppressed. Oh I so hope I haven’t hurt anypony or done something to offend somepony. I just want this day to be over, maybe I can go over to Twilight and she can tell me if she has heard about anything. I just need to finish up work and then I can call up to the library, that’s all I need to do, just finish work. The pegasus gathered her breath and composure and found her next destination, the water in the bowl on her back began sloshing in recognition of the large red door of the big house the trio had arrived at. Fluttershy pressed the doorbell but no chimes sounded. Confused, the mare went to push the button a second time but a small portion of the door slid open before she did, only big enough to see out of, ‘’Leave the bowl on the ground.’’ Commanded a seemingly androgynous voice. The mare, baffled, followed the pony’s orders, just as she did a few bits were posted through the slot, the door opened, a brown pair of hooves grabbed the fish and the door slammed closed ferociously. ‘’Take your pay and leave.’’ Some ponies from behind began to stare at the yellow mare, she could feel their stares. Fluttershy turned from the door and ran, with the otter on her back. The pitter-patter of rain slowly started up, the pegasus covered Coca with her wing to protect him. As the yellow pony ran through Ponyville, searching for her last destination, she had begun to cry. Ponies called after her, saying things, Fluttershy didn't stop for them, she didn't want Coca to her what they had to say, she knew because of a cretin anger in the shouts of the Ponyvillians. Fluttershy knocked on the door of the final house she had to visit, hoping the pony who would greet her would be friendly, that what had become frightening was simply a dream or another hallucination of loneliness. The prayers of the pink maned pony were not answered; a very grubby unicorn stallion opened the door and immediately started shouting. ''Coca, get in here you dirty rat!'' What did he just say? ''Excuse me, it's not ver-'' ''And what do you want? It's not very what?'' ''Well, I'm- I'm bringing...... back......'' Come on Fluttershy, no little critter deserves to be talked to like that, not by other little critters, or some big meanie or anypony. ''I don't think it's very nice that you talk to your pet like that, it's just not- it's just-'' The pegasus wanted, with the purpose of defending the animal, to tell the stallion his wrongs, but she wasn't able to assert herself over the engulfing belly-laugh of the unicorn. The stallion leaned out his door, grabbed his pet, and shoved Fluttershy back two hooves. ''It's just NOTHING, I heard yesterday, about you, how you're a dirty fiddler.'' ''Wha- I'm- I-'' The yellow mare stuttered, bubbles blocking throat. ''Ha! Can't even defend yourself, take your tip and get off my property.'' The pegasus didn't hear the gruff stallion, Fluttershy was galloping away from the house at full pace into an even more hostile citizenry. Yellow hooves made splashes in the small puddles forming in the dips of the path; Fluttershy started hearing the ponies comments and wished she hadn't. The Ponyvilian assessment of the yellow pony ranged from simple statements to bitter passings of unchallenged hatred. From 'Look, there she is!' to 'Dirty feather ruffling street walker'. The base and unheard voice of Ponyville had begun to peek its hairless head from under the floor boards, something Fluttershy had only seen happen once before then. But why the town had taken such a large shift in behaviour was a mystery to the pegasus. Fluttershy's legs burned after only a few minutes of running, trying to block out what had become the first flames of a great fire. The drizzle turned to rain and the ponies shouts only grew in volume, the yellow mare's consciousness was swamped in negative stimulus and let the pegasus run straight into another pony. ''Hey! Why won't everypony just leave me alone!?'' That voice, I know that voice! Twilight was suited without her usual full yellow rain gear and a multi-coloured umbrella hat; she had small, light, black rings under her eyes. Still crying hiccups, the pegasus hugged the unicorn, ''Sorry Fluttershy, I didn't mean to get angry with you, some weird things have been happening, what are you doing out?'' ''I wa- was out delivering animals back to their owners and everypony started saying mean things to me and now they're shouting at me, it's just awful Twilight, just awful!'' ''Oh no...'' The unicorn hugged Fluttershy harder, ''I didn't want you to find out like that, I was just going over to tell you. Fluttershy, they- Ponyville somehow knows about our relationship.'' ''W- what? How? When?!'' Twilight broke the hug, unknowing until then that a circle of ponies had formed around the two, ''I don't know, but I've never noticed how fast news travels around a small town.'' The pegasus quietened her voice so only Twilight would hear her, ''Twilight, we- we have to go.'' ''We don't want you here anyway!'' Stated a black Pegasus, ''Yeah, what kind of filthy ponies do things like you do?!'' Questioned a lime earth pony. Fluttershy was screaming in tears now, having grabbed back onto the purple body for protection, the same body that was questioning the mob that grew more rowdy by the minute. The rain picked up even more, the pegasus' mane was soaked, the circle grew and drew closer, Fluttershy feared the worst, not knowing what the worst was. I'm sorry Twilight, I'm such a coward and a foal. The yellow mare ran. The growing group of ponies were offensive, hurtful; Twilight was ready to teleport herself and her lover away from the atrocious scene of which they were the main actors of. The growing circle took a hoof closer, it has to be now. The purple mare readied herself mentally but a change threw off concentration. The pegasus, once clutching for dear life, had fled, flying over the crowd and towards the Everfree Forest. ''No! Fluttershy wait!'' Please don't leave me here. Alone.... A few ponies snorted and cursed with glee that the yellow pony had split. The unicorn slowly turned three-hundred and sixty degrees, getting a good look at all the faces of those she called friends, once, the same faces that slandered her for having the audacity to love. Twilight's initial fear of the small town's finding out turned to rage at how the ponies could make cry the soul which embodied kindness itself, the unicorn knew her anger would only fuel the fires of the ponies but she seen no other choice, she was sightless with anger. ''Will everypony be quiet?!'' The mob hushed, the rain kept the ambiance, Twilight readied herself for what she had to say, knowing it would not end well, ''I've lived here for five years, Fluttershy even longer. You are good friends to both myself and Fluttershy, and you start harassing us over something that has no effect on you? The most natural thing in the world! Something I see many of you have already found, something so wonderful! Not all the books and knowledge in the universe could describe. What is wrong with you ponies? I am ashamed!'' ''The better question is what is wrong with you?'' A vaguely similar voice said from behind the crowd. ''And I have proof, I seen the heathen couple kissing outside the yellow pegasus' cottage only yesterday morning.'' Heathen? A strawberry coloured pony pushed through the barrier of mares and stallions, brow ruffled and motherly grin turned into an antagonistic frown, ''Ruby Scoop? Wh- you did this? We only met two days ago! How could you have done this?'' ''I did nothing but spread news, like anypony would.'' The ice-cream pony smarmily defended. ''But how can you turn the entire town against us just because you don't like same sex relationships? That's completely ridiculous!'' ''Oh, I didn't turn them against you, I just informed them. Everypony is independently opposing of heathen couples much like yourself.'' ''Heathen? Again? The situation is completely nonreligious! And I think 'opposing' is a bit of an understatement, it's only been a day and you've abused Fluttershy enough to make her cry.'' ''Oh? So when did this include religion? Are you irreligious?'' The crowd gasped in shock and resumed its rabbles, louder than before. ''What? That's compl- you ponies ca-'' The purple mare flattened her ears against her head; the mob would not subside to reason. Ruby Scoop leaned in close to Twilight, nose-to-nose, close enough for a kiss, and whispered below the rain, ''Hatred is like a fire, and Ponyville is the best and most expensive fireplace on the market. We won't tolerate dirty and sick fiddlers like you.'' ''You can't do this, you won't, it's just not right.'' The unicorn breathed out, Ruby's mouth curled into an incredulous smile, ''We'll see about that.'' The strawberry coloured pony took a step back, Twilight stared at her, she could feel her lip twitching. Ruby's make up was slowly being washed away by the rain, the purple pony could see the deep hatred in her eyes, Twilight could feel the deep enmity between herself and the pony standing two hooves from her. The unicorn took one final look at the mob around her and poofed herself outside the circle, making a dash in the direction Fluttershy had fled; the mob didn't follow. ''Fluttershy!'' The purple mare shouted to an empty street, the storm answered by increasing its ferocity. The rain penetrated the unicorn's thick coat, who wandered randomly down the street, straining her vocal cords calling for a pony who had vanished between the rain drops. After ten minutes of searching Twilight reached the bridge at the fringe of Ponyville, the rain stopped mere hooves from the end of the bridge; the mare sat down against the stone wall and put her hoof into the dry. I guess Rainbow was careful about it raining in Ponyville, the purple pony laughed to herself softly. Where are you, Fluttershy? You're probably at home packing your bags to leave Ponyville, I don't blame you, you shouldn't have to suffer because of me. The storm loosened a little bit, the waters below the bridge raged a little softer and the heavy breathing and sobs of a pony became louder, am I crying? No, I'm not crying, who is doing that? How could anypony be crying? I'm not crying and how could anypony be sadder than I am? The moans sounded familiarly, but stopped abruptly before the unicorn could place a name. Twilight leaned over the slippery edges of the bridge and seen that the grass and some dirt had been removed on the small decline leading to the banks of the river, as if somepony had slipped down the slope. At the bottom was a yellow and pink shape, covered in mud, lying motionless. ''Fluttershy?'' The unicorn said, voice violently shuddering. Why did she stop crying? ''Fluttershy?'' Was I imagining her crying? Twilight stood up and walked across the bridge again, knees jerking and twitching with every step, she stopped at the top of the decline. ''Fluttershy?!'' A little more volume, no response. The mare could feel the salty tears rolling down her face, she stood there. The hill was a little torn; it defiantly looked like a fall. The unicorn tenderly touched ground and made her way down to the bank of the river. Twilight stood a leg length from the body, she didn't know what to do, ''FLUTTERSHY!'' No response. The storm sent a gust and the wind kicked up a small wave from the river, crashing down on the two ponies. Twilight kept her hooves but the dirty water took her by surprise and blinded her, she more feared that the body might have been swept away than for herself. The purple pony rubbed furiously at her eyes, taking visionless steps towards where the pegasus was. As she cleared the watery debris from her face Twilight hit something soft which squeaked as she tripped over it. Sight regained, the unicorn seen that the only other reaction the yellow mare gave was burying her face into a different spot in the mud. Twilight scuttled from her back and to the side of the pegasus, grabbing her head, pulling it out of the ground and checking for injury, ''Fluttershy! Fluttershy thank Luna you're okay, are you hurt? Please don't tell me you're hurt, please, please, please...'' The yellow pony's face was covered completely in mud; her eyes were drowsy and bloodshot. She put her left hoof to Twilight's cheek and smiled, ''T- Twilight, I ran away, what are you doing here?'' ''I don't care, are you hurt? Is there any blood?!'' ''No, I just came down here, I'm okay. Twilight, why did you follow me? I'm a big scardy cat.'' ''Oh thank Celestia, oh thank the gods. I won't let them take you away from me, not now, not in a million years.'' The unicorn was pawing her lovers face, checking over and over to see if she was really there. ''So you still love me?'' Said the pegasus, beginning to cry once more. ''Yes, yes, more than anything.'' ''B- but how can I be sure, how do I know you're not just saying that to make me feel better?'' ''Please don't say that, please!'' Said the purple pony, joining her lover's weeping. ''I'm a bad pony, and a terrible partner, I'm sorry that I couldn't have been better to you!'' Twilight looked to the river; I can show you how much I love you. The unicorn charged up her topmost appendage for a painfully long time, summoning her greater magic, achieved from years of study. The clouds over the unicorn and the river thinned and ceased their hail of rain, the river calmed. Fluttershy stopped crying, the river slowly started to change colour from a hazy dark-blue to crisp lavender. Bright yellow hearts rose in a heart's pulse from the river bed and to the surface, the message in pink letters 'My heart is yours, Fluttershy. -Twilight' circled the hearts. The fish danced to and from the hearts, piercing the water's surface as the beats did, dancing in couples. The purple pony looked to her handy work, wow, that's really bright, and then to the pegasus who lay next to her, ''Is that a good enough answer?'' Speaking softly. Fluttershy lay still, awestruck, shaking from the drying rain taking heat away from her body, trembling from the river of emotion flooding her mind. Twilight magicked herself to cuddle the pink maned pony, the shaking and trembling stopped, the staring continued, ''What about the other ponies? Won't more ponies find out?'' ''I couldn't give a flying hay seed about what those ponies think, if more want to find out they can. All that matters now is that you're happy.'' ''It's- it's motley!'' The pegasus said, inspired by the colours, ''It's beautifully, wonderfully amazing! It's you!'' The unicorn chuckled, ''It's me? I'm not sure I understand what you mean.'' ''It's beautiful and clever and it just makes me smile looking at it and it's a gift from the gods and I-'' ''Oh my gosh, Fluttershy, you're making me blush! Oohhh, I wish I could compliment you like you do me.'' ''It's not hard; you just say what's true.'' Said Fluttershy, calmed down and rubbing her nose against Twilight's neck. Okay, just say what's true.... ''Fluttershy...... you have two wings and four hooves.'' Shoot.... ''That was um.... a start... but don't feel bad, I've had a lot more time to think about it.'' Reassuringly. The unicorn threw the yellow pony a confident smile, ''Wellllll, I've only had two days but since you challenge me....'' ''Oh well, um, that's quite all right Tw-'' ''I quite like your two ears,'' Nibbling the tip of the pegasus' ear, ''And I do love your hair, and your majestic wings, and your forever-and-ever kindness. But I think most of all..... hmmm..... I don't know......'' The purple pony had her trademark thinking face. ''Oh Twilight, you don't need to tell me what you like about me.... but I would like to know.....'' ''Hmmmmmm...... it must be......'' The yellow mare was gawking at Twilight, the same pony that was attempting to stretch the silence as long as possible without smiling and cracking up, ''No, no, no, no........'' ''Oh, I'm sorry, please tell me Twilight; I really, really want to know, sorry.'' ''Okay, but you have to tell me something.'' The unicorn said, quieting down below the levels of the rain behind them, ''That you won't run away, like you did. That you can trust me that I will keep you safe and that everything will be okay. I felt so alone in the middle of that circle, all those angry faces, all those hurtful comments. And it's not that I'm angry at you, it's that getting through something is a lot easier if there is another pony standing beside you.'' The pegasus nuzzled into Twilight a little more, flicked her hair in front of her face and looked away. ''I'm- um... I- I just got..... I just got so scared and, um, the other ponies were just so angry and- and I wanted to stay but I- I.... I'm sorry, Twilight...'' It's okay. The magic faded, the rain soon started on the two mares once more. The mud which had dried and knotted the coats of both ponies started to turn back to slop and re-knot the hair. The light show, being a more practised magic by the unicorn, persisted. Twilight felt an uncomfortable tightening of fur on her knees and chin, Fluttershy must be much less comfortable, she's covered in mud. She's probably too scared to suggest moving because she thinks I'm angry at her.... ''Come on; let's go get you cleaned up.'' Said the purple pony, scratching her mate between the ears. Both ponies slowly stood up and climbed the hill. The walk back to Fluttershy's cottage was done shoulder-to-shoulder and in silence. > Four > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Nine: The water fell softer, at least, although it still hurt. Fluttershy cried for a full thirty minutes before Twilight could calm her down, please stop crying, the unicorn wanted to say, practice what you preach, she kept thinking. The animals didn't make any noise, particularly the birds; they didn't know any sad songs. The pegasus had indeed sustained an injury, she lied about how she had gotten to the river bank; a bit sized bruise, burnished and shining, sat on her rump, she could have been killed! Twilight didn't really want to go with Fluttershy, she wanted to respect her mate, but the yellow mare insisted, she wanted to prove that she trusted Twilight. Angel, as accepting as he was, didn't like the two locking doors in Fluttershy's house while together alone, but submitted. When Fluttershy had stopped crying Twilight grabbed the bottle of shampoo, lathered a hoofull of creamy liquid and began rubbing it into the back of the yellow pony. The mare attempted to spread her splendid wings only to be constricted by the bath-side wall, Twilight pulled the fresh shampoo through the feathers from back to tip. The unicorn herself didn't bother washing her dirty cannons, most of the mud came out with the warm water from the shower; the varnished pegasus' coat was dull and entangled in itself. The shower head was aimed at Twilight and she received the majority of the rain, some water pooled behind the purple pony, the bath being slightly too small for comfort and to allow flow. The unicorn, through bad judgement, found the shampoo clumped in messy splotches and attempted to spread it to Fluttershy's legs and chest, avoiding the belly and rump. ''Who was your first, um, if you don't mind me asking.'' Fluttershy said, taking the purple mare completely at a loss. ''First, uhh, what? First coltfriend?'' ''Yes, first friend-friend.'' ''Um, well... I never really had any coltfriends or friends at all until I moved to Ponyville. You're my first, um, relationship, well... not my first kiss.'' ''What do you mean?'' ''I got dared by a group of fillies that always made fun of me to go up and kiss a colt called Horse Shoe in magic school, I was around fifteen at the time. I went up to him and, like an idiot, tried to explain the whole thing to him! He stopped me and said I didn't know when to talk and when not to talk and he just kissed me, and it was a long kiss too! He was such a gentlecolt, he didn't push for tongue, he wasn't all awkward about it, and he didn't even go and tell his 'buddies'. After, he told me I was really cute but not his type, I just stood there with my mouth wide open!'' The pegasus gave a single laugh, perhaps too tired to give any more. Twilight was still scrubbing away at the fur, having moved onto the yellow mare's belly. Should I have told her that he actually asked me out but I just couldn't answer? Am I too close? I'm practically hugging her, would she like some space? I guess I should ask her the same question.... or is that a little personal? I guess she does trust me...... ''Who was your first coltfriend?'' Fluttershy drew a heavy breath and leaned back on the unicorn, folding back her wings and letting the water hit her face, ''My first coltfriend was a pegasus, I was about seven, he had been my only friend since my first day of school, I was very shy just in case you were wondering. We didn't know much about relationships at that time and we just thought it meant we would spend more time together, which was impossible because we were never apart. When I turned ten I went to an all mare's flight school and he moved to Canterlot, there was nothing either of us could have done. I had a few others; they all ended up with me crying. My first fillyfriend-'' Oh? ''Was my sixth, her name was Headstrong, I was flying home from school one day and she caught up with me and asked me out.'' ''She just asked you out? Just like that?'' ''We were fillies, so we weren't looking for relationships; we thought that because it was an all mare's school that there wasn't a problem with mare-mare relationships. We went out for about two months before both our parents found out, nopony else found out, not because it was a secret, we were just private about the whole thing, I guess. She changed so much around me; she was really loving and tender. She was very different from what she acted like in school. She never let anypony say anything about me or us, it was just her..... umm.....'' ''Nature?'' ''Yes, thank you, she was like Rainbow Dash, except she was more of a bully. When our parents found out they made a big deal about it, they tried to keep it as much as a secret as possible, after that Headstrong moved away. It was the only time I had ever seen her cry.'' The purple mare finished lathering and had washed away all the shampoo and dirt, leaving Fluttershy's pristine yellow coat glimmering. Twilight once again grabbed the bottle and squeezed a small pile into her hoof, lathered up the slippery goo and began running her hooves down the yellow mare's mane. Oooo, I don't want to ask, I really shouldn't, and it would be so nosey...... oooooo...... ''W-..... was it important to you?'' Fluttershy didn't respond, she grabbed the librarians hoof from pulling at her mane, put it to her nose, inhaled with relish and sandwiched the purple appendage between her cheek and shoulder. ''You give really good massages, as good as Aloe's, your hooves also smell really nice....'' The pegasus trailed off; maybe she was delirious from the heat of the water building up in the enclosed space. Twilight could feel herself nodding into a watery sleep, she liked the compliments but they were hardly more important than the span's health. ''It looks like the heat is getting to you, would you like me to open a window or something?'' ''No.... no, I'm okay...... Yes, it was important to me, it was more important than any of my other relationships, I guess it was because of how much she loved me, she truly was a different pony outside of school, it also showed me that I preferred mares. Oh, um, actually, now that I think about it, Dash moved about a month after that. I never found out where or why, I don't think she told me, we were friends but we weren't as close as she makes us out to have been.'' ''I'm sure she won't mind you asking, uhh, I haven't seen Rainbow around that much over the last week.'' The unicorn said, trying to change the topic as nonchalantly as possible. Fluttershy let go of Twilight's hoof, the smile she had been clothing herself in dropped away, the purple pony rinsed her lover's mane of suds leaving it a challenge of its former glory. Did she catch my feeling there? Ooo I really hope she didn't, I don't mean to be jealous! I just.... I just am.... The two lay there, the unicorn having grown aches and resting back against the rear of the bath to relieve them, the silence washed over Twilight. Is she not saying anything because of everything that happened today, perhaps? I should really say something, just to thin the air, but I don't know what to say! After a lull of untold length the yellow pony rose from her fluffy purple bean bag, without word, and turned off the shower. The purple mare mimicked the pegasus, but also pulled a towel for both from the heated towel rack; both ponies dried themselves independent of the other. Twilight magicked the door open and a multitude of eves dropping animals scurried down the hall to the living room. The moist air rushed out of the steaming bathroom, pulling a crisp, cold breeze to replace it. Fluttershy shivered from the sudden cold and sidestepped toward the unicorn, intertwining the purple pony's tail and her own as the two strolled down the hallway and lay on the couch in the sitting room, Fluttershy atop Twilight. ''I think that you're more important than Headstrong,'' Said the pegasus, examining a bird perched on her hoof, ''I've known you for so much longer, and I'm older now so I can appreciate everything a relationship has to offer.'' The purple pony stared blankly at the coffee table, hopping from one thought to the next, is that table made of mahogany? That's impressive; I wonder how much of the tree they used? Could it fit inside the trunk? Inside twenty years of rings? I'm sure they disproved that a few years ago. Fluttershy is saying something...... that's because you didn't have a relationship with Headstrong...... yeah, five years...... I just can't bring myself to believe you Fluttershy.... what is wrong with me? It's- what if you're only saying that to make me feel better? What if it's only chasing me that you loved? This isn't something that's going to be sorted out by us sitting here loving each other, I need to talk about this... ''So what wa-'' Twilight coughed heavily, ''What was that letter you got from the Canterlot Aviary?'' ''It was just a thank you letter for taking some birds into care while they upgraded some of the habitats. I was paid quite a bit, should be enough to keep me going until my grant arrives in December.'' Twilight tried to think of a response but couldn't, bubbles built up behind her tongue and her neck jerked spasmodically, she wanted to get away from the yellow pegasus, she needed to get away from the pegasus. Just for five minutes, not more than an hour, that's all..... ''Are you okay? Do you want me to get you anything?'' Said Twilight, desperately looking for a place to make escape. ''I'm okay, thank you for asking, but I'm comfortable.'' Snuggling deeper into the plush purple belly. ''Oh, okay, that's good.....'' ''Is something wrong, Twilight?'' Aw shoot. ''Um, no, nothing's wrong, I'm just a little stressed about the last two days and I'm thinking of heading home for some, uhhh..... tea..... and a bit of rest....'' ''Well, would you like to stay over tonight? I wouldn't mind, of course.'' I feel so stupid, stupid, stupid! ''Oh, no, it's okay...... umm..... and Spike will be worried if I don't tell him where I am.'' Twilight stumbled over her words, Fluttershy regained her infant smile. Slowly the animal keeper got up and walked over to the door. The pegasus turned around and waited for the purple pony, a lively, but glazed, happiness in her eyes. Twilight quickly made her way to the door and turned herself invisible, startling the yellow mare. ''Twilight? W- where are you?'' Twilight kissed her lover who went crimson cheeked, ''I'm here, I just want a more, uh, peaceful walk home.'' The unicorn truthfully told. ''Oh, okay. Goodbye, Twilight, safe journey home.'' ''Thanks Fluttershy.'' Fluttershy gingerly closed the door behind Twilight, after she had confirmed the purple mare was outside, the latch clicked gingerly into place, I hate myself right now. The unicorn galloped down the path leading to the main path and stomped the ground furiously, kicking up a small cloud of dirt. I hate this town! Love is forever, how am I going to make it last that long if I've become a jerk three days in?! To avoid attracting any attention, Twilight started walking along the path. The river had been washed clean, two unicorns stood overlooking the water with puzzled expressions, they were discussing how to get the fish to stop dancing around the absent hearts, okay maybe that spell is a little more complicated than the others. The mare wasn't the jealous type, the smiles around her made her feel warm, she smiled herself. The more the other ponies laughed the more the purple pony cursed her shield, how she wished to start a conversation with some pony she never talked with and make a new friend, but the unicorn watched with a sharpened eye, they don't want me to be their friends any more. A few ponies noticed the spectre, luckily, nopony investigated past a swipe at hollow air. Twilight was approaching the library when she seen a large metal box outside the front door, a red, oversized present. The purple pony investigated the capsule, it had two compartments. The first, closest to the door of the library, had a book in it, Misty's Marvellous Misunderstanding: A Mare's Muse, the second had two pieces of paper with both different book titles and handwriting styles. What in the world? After grabbing the contents of the box, the unicorn opened the door to the library and seen Spike dusting the bookshelves, ''Spike? Why is there a big box outside?'' The dragon turned around slowly, still trying to concentrate on his work, ''Oh, hey Twilight, you-'' Freezing, ''Uh, Spike?'' ''GHOST TWILIGHT!'' Falling to his knees, Spike held his hands in prayer, ''I'm sorry for whatever I did to you, uhh, uhh, I'm sorry I used the quills to scratch the dirt from between my scales!'' Every time..... ''No Spike, I just used my vanish spell.'' ''Oh, uhh, yeah...'' Said Spike, squinting into empty space, ''Um, why?'' ''It doesn't matter, do you know why there's a large box outside the library? There was a book inside it, I think was Thunderlane's.'' ''M- m- m-..... mmmmmmmm...... Mare's Muse?'' The dragon chuckled and went back to dusting, ''What a girl.'' Twilight returned herself to regular transparency. ''He is not a girl, it's a good book, and I think you should read it.'' ''No way, it's one of those ewwey gooey romance novels and I'm not buying into it.'' 'Ugh, I'm not even going to bother.'' Exclaimed the purple mare, pulling up a chair and slouching into it. Spike turned from the shelves, raised an eyebrow and touched an angry look, ''Is something up, Twilight? You're not yourself, like, usually you aren't all grouchy and stuff.'' Grouchy? You think I'm grouchy? I could show you grouchy if I wanted to, Spike. ''Am I jealous?'' ''Uhhh, I don't know what you mean.'' ''Am I the type of pony who is normally jealous?'' The dragon shrugged, a confused look on his face, ''No, not that I know of, and I've known you all my life.'' ''When I was over at Fluttershy's she was talking about her past relationships and when she said that they were important to her I-'' Twilight grabbed her 'I', I can't just say nothing is wrong now, darn it, why do I always tell Spike everything? ''I got really jealous, and I don't even know why, I just thought that..... oh I don't know, they had their chance? But that's such a stupid reason, am I too needy? And after I got so uncomfortable about it that I made up the most stupid excuse about being tired or something so I could leave.'' ''So? Just say you're jealous, you've never been in a relationship, you're not gonna be perfect.'' ''Exactly! What if I become a massive, jealous dragon?'' Twilight's scaly assistant stared, thoroughly displeased, ''Sorry.'' ''Well I don't know, what if you already are?'' Spike had turned back around to the bookcase and had not looked at the mare again, Twilight gasped, ''W- I, Spike! You're supposed to be helping me by giving me support. Not confirming my fears!'' ''You've been complaining ever since this whole thing started, you're not the only one that has to deal with pre- p- pre-justice, ya know?'' Scoffed the visibly trembling dragon. ''Ugh! I'm- I.'' The purple pony coughed a few times and looked directly at the dragon who had moved on to the next bookcase, ''Why do you keep shaking?'' Spike didn't answer, Twilight seen him clench and retract his hand in angry, jagged jerking motions, Does he really think so strongly about this? Or does he think he can talk back to me because I've changed my preferences and he thinks I'm going to hit him or something? If he keeps this up I might just. ''That box is supposed to be a drop box for the library, I'm guessing it's so ponies don't have to talk to uh- us or something.'' The mare drew another breath, not realising she had stopped breathing altogether, ''Why should I think any better? At least Applejack will be coming home tomorrow, it'll be good to see her.'' The purple pony picked up a duster and started dusting the long row of shelves on the other side of the library, sneezing a few times from not being accustomed to the decent layer of dust on the wooden shelving, ''Sorry I've been complaining a lot lately, I'm not even going to make an excuse about it.'' ''It's cool, Twilight, I guess I just get a little stressed to, it happens to everypony, you know?'' ''Thank you Spike.'' Said the pony, after another tight pause. An hour of meticulous, and slightly chatty dusting had the library sheen and pristine. > Five > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Ten: Apple Bloom awoke very gingerly; the sun having only been up for two hours and her being out late the previous night, against the orders of Big Mac, left a little tension in her muscles. The mare lock-jointedly descended the stairs into the hallway, travelled down the hallway and entered the kitchen; Big Macintosh pulled quickly away from the middle child's ear, the yellow mare's older sister, the room turned dead. The lean orange earth pony turned to the youngest and pulled her own cheeks to her ears, ''Howdy little sis', glad to see ya up with the sunrise, were ya good for your bigger brother?'' The yellow pony looked over at her huge stallion sibling and gave him a sheepish smile, Big Mac was never the angry type, and Apple Bloom knew he couldn't stay mad at her. ''Eeyup.'' ''Well aint' that just peachy? I really don't know how you do it Big Mac.'' The orange mare said, in the typical adult-to-child condescending manner. The stallion didn't puff his chest at all, but only winked at the yellow mare and answered, ''Patience, AJ.'' Thanks Big Mac, I owe ya one. Apple Jack shouldered her brother, ''Ah have plenty of patience, sure I went to that fancy mandatory agriculture assembly, so what are you sayin'?'' ''Ah aint' saying much.'' ''Well let's keep it that way,'' Chuckled the pony, walking over to the kitchen door, ''Anyhow, I'm going over to see Twilight, need to give back this darned book, gonna see what's she's been up to. You get yourself to school little lady, I'll be back in and hour to help harvest, Big Mac.'' And leaving the room; a clink and thump from towards the front of the house not shortly after. Apple Bloom sat down at the kitchen table and surveyed breakfast, if I were me... what would I eat? The drowsy pony shovelled some toast onto her plate and peach jam onto that, dexterously filling a glass with apple juice with her other hoof. The red earth pony was washing dishes very slowly, every plate and glass drifting from counter to sink to drying rack. After washing down a particularly dry bite of toast with freshly squeezed juice, Apple Bloom peered over at her elder, ''Uhhh, Big Mac?'' ''Eeyup?'' The stallion acknowledged firmly. The filly didn't want to ask, Apple Jack normally scolded her for asking about adult conversation, despite being allowed occasionally over the last few months; also considering how the red pony had just saved her hind from a tongue lashing, ''What, uh- what were you'd talking about? If you, uh, don't mind me askin'.'' Apple Bloom immediately started munching on her meal. The huge red earth pony peered out the window, he focused on something intently. ''You know the way you've been tryin' to get work with Tooth N' Nail?'' ''Uh, yeah?'' ''Eeyup.'' Returning to the dishes. ''What? I do-'' The yellow pony spurted the ends of her apple juice and fell off her chair and over the table to get closer to the serene stallion. ''Naw, you're joking me, you're not are ya? Please tell me you're not joking!'' The mare bounded in place then put her chin to the floor in anticipation for the response; Big Mac slowly toweled a paint glass and lightly put it down onto the drying rack, ''Eeeeeeyup.'' The stallion elaborated. Oh my sweet Celestia. Apple Bloom rose up and tackled her benefactor, toppling him; a plate followed, shattering. Big Macintosh lightly heaved. ''Yeeeeehaaww! Thank you Big Mac! Thank you, thank you, oh thank you!'' ''You're gonna be payin' for that plate!'' ''You bet I am!'' The stallion belly-laughed and tried to get up, heavily cracking his back in the process, ''Oof! Granny sure gave me something.'' Aw, shoot. Apple Bloom stepped up from her brother, her jaw must have come loose, Big Mac's stoic silence broke with another loud crack when he violently tried to buck the air from his prone position. He peered up at his younger sister and burst out in laughter, his crisp bones still bubbling. Sceptically, the yellow mare joined in and fearfully pulled the stallion to his hooves; the large red pony strained, panted and wheezed a leg around the filly. Eventually, he calmed, Apple Bloom still giggled jointeethedly, ''Eeyup.'' With regards to sleep, Twilight would have been happy to lie in that particular day, another reason being she didn't expect any business, though neither force could subside the epic work ethic of which was the unicorn, I'll make work if I have to. But the unicorn was awoken prior even to her early start; she pulled herself together into a creaking, joint rigid mess; body slightly less staunch. Somepony was knocking at the door, furiously by the sound of it, ''Please, stop knocking, I'll be there in a moment, stop!'' Twilight rushed down the stairs, sparking the main room's candles into light, Spike didn't react as per usual. The purple pony peaked through the tarps, lest it was more than one pony at the door, what is wrong with you? It's only Apple Jack! ''Howdy Twi! Uh, I nee- wooah!'' The unicorn forced her friend through the door and slammed it safe, ''Sorry about that Apple Jack, there's been some crazy things happening around Ponyville. It's good to see you back, how was your trip?'' Rushed Twilight, almost forgetting to hug the confused mare. ''Uh, yeah, it was good, 'bout that Twi, Ponyville I mean.'' ''Oh, don't tell me about Ponyville, I'm glad you're here, I just really need someone I can sit down with and vent to.'' The unicorn cut-in a second time, ''You know, I always thought Ponyville was a really friendly-'' ''Twilight.'' ''- but oh brother! Was I wrong. I don't like saying-'' ''Twi.'' ''- names but do you know this one earth pony called Ruby Scoop? ''Twahlight!'' Did I say too much? ''Y- yes, AJ?'' ''About that, Big Mac was telling 'bout what's been going on here in Ponyville while I've been gone.'' Gone: The past participle of go, departed from. ''Oh? And?'' ''Ah don't like it.'' The purple mare's brain, having blown a few connections, led her towards a shiny blue floor, into the kitchen. Apple Jack appeared to not care, making her way over to the table in the main room of the library, ''Would you like some coffee? Or anything else?'' ''Nah, I'm fine, I don't drink that black muck, throws me off mah work.'' Coffee: The seed if a coffee plant. I don't drink coffee either. The unicorn topped the kettle with water and set it on the stove to simmer, Okay, maybe she's talking about her absence from the market, maybe Flim and Flam are in town, no, no, no, they would be at that meeting too... or is it only agriculturalists? Maybe something's happened that I don't know about... The kettle boiled furiously, whistling to no attention from the purple pony, and what if she does know? what then? what am I going to say? But she should be okay with it, right? She is my friend and all, but she's been living in Ponyville longer than most ponies, and if my suspicious are right that's the roots of the problem... ''Woah Nelly, Twilight you got that kettle screaming hotter than Uncle Albermarle Pippin after a bad harvest.'' Apple Jack exclaimed, Twilight rocketed into the celling away from the work pony's voice, sending magical sparks everywhere. Gravity quickly had her falling back onto the floor and heavily onto her back. She recovered relatively slowly and by the time her body topped her hooves and she reached for the kettle it had already moved, ''W- wha?'' ''Twilight, we need to talk.'' Well, there are my fears... Her coffee brewed, Twilight prepared herself for the worst, the orange mare sat at the relatively unused kitchen table and chairs set, staring. The mug finally finished and Twilight rushed over to join her friend, wow, this is bitter, how does Spike drink this? Apple Jack spoke up, after taking a glance through the ajar door at the dragon herself, ''You sure we won't wake up the little fellah?'' ''No, he sleeps, um, sounder than a rock.'' The unicorn playfully said, ''Uh, yeah... so, Big Mac was telling me about yerself and Fluttershy...'' ''Yeah? And what did he say?'' ''He said a lot...'' Good thing you can't lie... ''I just wanted to know if it's true.'' The orange mare said in a stern tone. I guess I should be truthful too, ''Yes, it is, very recently, that myself and Fluttershy 'found each other', so to speak. Apple Jack, I'm being as honest as possible, I want you to know I trust you; it's gone very fast, it's been... what, three days? And we'v-'' The earth pony rose a hoof and looked away, ''Stop right there missy, ah, uh, don't need to know the details. So was Big Mac right?'' ''Yes.'' ''Well, uh, I don't know how to put this, as friendly as possible, I guess... you do know those kind of relationships are the most unnatural thing in Equestria?'' ''Oh Apple Jack-...'' ''But it's true! I don't wanna be bad or nothin', aw darn Twilight, you're one of my closest friends!'' Said the orange mare, in a defence of some sort, ''I was hoping you would be supportive! I hoped I could really talk to you about this! Rarity is helping a whole lot but in the completely wrong way, and Spike is just trying to block it out!'' The earth pony scratched her neck and went to say something, Twilight quickly took a loud sip from her cup, hoping it would distract her friend, wow, I think it's starting to work. Everything became clearer, finer details came into the view, such as how uncomfortably angry her friend sat, and how the coffee mug left shallow orange stains on her favourite coaster that reads 'for ponies that can't hold their cider'. ''You know... ah really am sorry Twi, it wasn't nice of me to come in judgin' you an' all...'' The orange pony pushed the clock. ''Thanks, Aj, it can be hard to give up what you believe, and I understand that.'' Said Twilight, feeling some shivers in her spine. ''Heh, heh. Yeah, I do admit, Ponyville can be a bit of eccentric when it comes to new things, like you remember that time we had seaponies swimming up river? Boy was Celestia sore at Spike and his 'special ambassa-derin' techniques.'' The work mare beamed, leaning in on the table. Thank Celestia; if we weren't able to settle this I would have had a heart attack. Very briefly, the unicorn felt like crying but choked back her tears. Don't want friends feeling wrong when they should-n't. ''Right, I'm going to make tea!'' Proclaimed the librarian, ''Uh, didn't you just have coffee? Won't you be bouncin' off the walls?'' Questioned Apple Jack, ''Yes, but now I want tea, and besides, it's herbal, strawberry: for calming and self-connecting.'' Twilight actioned her breathing, ''Good plan?... Aw hay, fill 'er up, you got apple?'' ''Just for you.'' Twilight found her Twilings - because it has her name in it - strawberry and loganberry tea, warms the mind and heart, makes one calm with herself. It's always herself and not oneself, and her Princess's Choice mulled apple. Loose leaves... Rarity clearly understands my love of loose leaves, the mare chuckled and magicked Spike's burr grinder and press from directly above her, then the end cupboard swung open and two cups were unsheathed and put down on the counter adjacent the grinder. ''I only have spare leaves for you, so it might take a bit longer, if that's okay.'' ''That's just dandy.'' Replied Apple Jack. The purple pony eyed the work pony and the cups she had taken for them, she lined the cup up with her friend's eyes, whoa, olive. Twilight ground up the leaves and tipped them into the press, adding water to both it and her cup, once the kettle had finished boiling. Finalising her loganberry-strawberry mix, the unicorn trotted back over to the table, cup on back, ''We'll need to let that brew for five minutes or so.'' ''I never knew you were some sort of tea connoisseur.'' ''It's one of my hobbies, studying is great but it isn't all it's made out to be when studying simple things like... oh... I don't know... the possibilities of monogamy in certain plants, sometimes you need something to get through the easy stuff.'' ''Easy stuff? Twilight! Have you been adding something wacky to that tea of yours?'' Joked the orange mare, ''Ha! The same thing Ponyville is taking!'' Apple Jack chuckled a little, ''There is something I want to ask of you though Twi, don't be going all sour apples about this.'' ''I'm not really sure what you mean.'' Said Twilight, true to her words. ''Well, once this all blows over I just hope you can forgive Ponyville, hopefully they will forgive you too.'' Said the orange mare, in a quietly condescending manner, ''Wait, what?'' The purple pony glanced at the press, went over to it and pushed down the plunger, ''I have nothing to apologise for, I'll stop being bitter when I get an apology for wanting to love.'' The colour drained from the work pony's eyes and she became jittery, ''Oh, I'm not saying you have to apologise or anything, ah- I'm just saying if you let go of all this that Ponyville, in their, uh, current state, might forgive you for making the freaky with Fluttershy.'' Twilight finished filling her friend's cup with scolding tea, the heat leached from the gas & liquid and surged through the handle, the pony's hoof and into her veins. The heat condensed into rage on its short journey right to the librarian's head, ''The what? Is that what you think this is? A swing?'' Demanded the purple pony. Apple Jack stood up, concern on her face, anger in her words, ''Now wait just a darned minute Twilight, I'm gone one week and all of a sudden my friends are hookin' up with one another and going at it, I didn't even think it was true when it came to the older pony stuff. Fair enough with that 'love' an' all but one week, Twilight, and you's are snuggling it up in bed, one. Week.'' ''And? What's so bad about that!?'' Fumed the unicorn, whacking her counter top full force, knocking mulled apple from its tree top and onto the counter. Apple Jack went a tint of red, obviously trying not to lash out at the venting librarian, ''Well if you're gonna be shouting at your friends then I think I might just go back to mah side of the barn.'' Tipping her head to the ceiling, ''Are yo- at this time?!'' ''I didn't do nothing!-'' Defended the work horse. Twilight gritted her teeth and white noise enveloped her thought, double negatives... ''And it's not right to be shoutin' at your friends like that, have a little understandin'.'' Restarted Apple Jack, more smarmy than before, ''Understanding?'' ''Yes, ah just hope in the fut-'' ''Get out.'' Said Twilight, unable to bare the torture of the earth pony's voice; if Twilight had remembered her magic she knew her actions would have been a lot more exaggerated, she was just thankful that she had forgotten what that was, ''What?'' ''GET THE HELL OUT'A MY HOUSE!'' Exploded the purple mare, shouting loud enough to wake even the comatose dragon. Apple Jack didn't attempt at a response, she eyed the molten unicorn and left, pushed the door closed as if everypony was still asleep, and then slammed the front door, ''What was that all about?'' Groggily questioned Spike. Twilight peered at the cup of tea, knots worked their way up her trachea and she thought. What am going to do with you now? She huffed; she hadn't even noticed she had. The dragon peeped into the kitchen only to jump back behind the door to avoid the magically catapulted mug, I really liked you, the olive green capsule lay shattered on the sparkling tiled floor in still-boiling apple. Spike peeked back through the door frame to find the soaking shattered mess, and went about cleaning it up. He first got his towel and wiped up the water - quickly tasting it while his mistress wasn't looking; it was incredibly salty - then started trying, and failing, to put the pieces back in their right places, ''Comm'on Twilight, p- please? It's only one friend, it's okay.'' > Six > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Eleven: Rainbow Dash checked her schedule and scratched her chin, one, two, one, one, two, one, two, two... High above Ponyville in a large cloud mansion, the pegasus peered over her balcony and counted the clouds, one, two, one, one, two... two, two, two... one, two, two, one... no, no, no, not good enough... The blue pony slipped her clipboard and swanky new pen into her saddle bags. Stretching her limbs, Rainbow Dash prepared for the short flight over to Cloudchaser's house, she took five deep breaths, ''Don't give out on me now, wings,'' and leaped off her balcony into a free fall. She held her chest and lungs, counted to three, one, two, one, and unfurled her large, powerful wings, pulling up away from the sticky green tree line that had seemed to be getting bigger. Years of practice had Rainbow's mind fully in tune with her body—letting her know exactly which feather to move and when, for the most effortless flight. She grunted and smiled, ''Thank you flight camp.'' A fleet of red jays passed up beside the multicolour maned mare, Rainbow extended her hoof and the colonel bird confidently headbutted her hoof. ''Fly strong little guys and gals,'' encouraged the pegasus. She saluted; the general bird returned the gesture, and lead his squad away. Rainbow pumped her wings and felt a twinge of pain roll from the first joint to the base of her wing; darn! Should'a- a pause for breath, should'a done some better stretches! The pegasus found her way to a small cloud house on the fringe between Ponyville and its rolling meadows; overlooking the latter. She halted on the edge of the cloud paving; the southern rail road was directly below—just in the right position for the house's cloud catcher to capture the steam—from passing trains—into a hold for warm water and heating—; she stared towards the fields. A gentle breeze blew through the pegasus' brilliant mane, one, two, two, one, two, two... She tipped her head towards the sky and saw Cloudsdale far in the distance, then pulled herself from her wrap and turned towards the house; the door was already open with Cloudchaser in its passage. ''Were you just staring at me?'' Asserted the pegasus. ''Oh, uh, Rainbo-'' ''That's Miss Dash.'' ''Sorry, I wa- uh, Miss Da- Yes, Miss Dash...'' The lilac pony went quiet and dropped her head into her hoof, biting her lip in preparation for Rainbow's next words. The mare herself stood shoulders high, in, practically, the most threatening pose one could stand in from lower ground—one hoof forward. Then the multicolour maned mare moved her other hoof forward, Cloudchaser visibly tensed every muscle in her body, ''I was comparing the numbers and grids today; how many clouds where there meant to be today over two G?'' No hints of softening up. Rainbow seen that the pegasus was struggling to un-knot her tongue and mouth, she worried that the weather mare might break down like they often had done. ''Do you want to know why I'm the regional director? Have I ever told you?'' ''B- because you shattered your wing when you passed the Wonderbolts entrance test?'' Spluttered Cloudchaser. Whoa, no-one ever answers the first time. ''Wrong,'' The pegasus began pacing in front of the steps to the cloud porch, ''I was given the honour of being the regional director because I worked hard, I took on the job that you and two other pegasi—three!... pegasi—struggle to hold together. And I kept and one hundred percent correct mentality. Now I ask you, why were twenty clouds missing over two G?'' ''I uh- I was shaping the- da- da- the clouds and I must have accidentally given too many to Nose 'ncloud and too many to Drill and- I, uh-'' ''So you weren't thinking?'' ''Well-'' The lilac pony rolled her lips and looked up to hide her fear stricken smile, ''I wouldn't really say 'I wasn-'' ''So- you- weren't. Thinking.'' ''Oh, uh- um, yeah...'' She whimpered. Rainbow Dash quickly climbed the steps and went nose-to-nose with the pegasus, ''And what is something I most definitely told you?'' ''To always double triple-C?-'' ''Always double check the cloud count!'' Pontificated the blue pegasus, ''I expect so from now on.'' Narrowing her eyes at the weather mare. ''S- sorry.'' She whimpered once more. Rainbow kept her gaze for a moment before turning around and walking to the edge of the cloud, before turning around once more; the lilac coloured pony still stood in the door way, much like she had been a few minutes before, but with her head down. ''Cloudchaser'' The name looked up at Rainbow, ''I heard that your sister's really sick, would I be right?'' Asked the blue pony. The weather pony, taken aback, put to bed, woken up and taken aback again, took a moment to respond, ''Um, yeah, Flitter's pretty run down, s- she's in the hospital.'' ''I'm tripling your pay for tomorrow, and the day after, but only if your job is done right. Tell her I said 'best wishes'.'' Stretching her wings. ''W- wait! Can I, um, ask you something, not work related?'' ''Shoot.'' ''Why did you dye the blue out of your mane and tail? Sorry...'' Said the weather mare, quieter than drizzle. ''N- no, it's okay,'' Rainbow put a hoof to the back of her head, feeling the green and purple conglomerate which was once the rain to her mane, ''There's- um, there's just something about it. It gives me bad vibes, ya know?'' Joked the multicolour maned mare, while not really joking. Cloudchaser smiled and took a solid look at her employer, in small peaks. ''Oh, sorry, thanks, by the way. For the mon-'' ''Hey, don't mention it.'' Ordered Rainbow, returning to her stronger tones and putting on a playful smile. She then checked her clipboard before taking off once more; she heard Cloudchaser let out seven liters of air when she took flight. Right, Everfree Forest... The blue pegasus let her eyes fall to the ground for a change; she always practiced safe flying, and scolded those who didn't, but her mind wandered to a few conversations she had had with old friends and her head fell with the goods and bads. She snapped back her neck to the 'recommended visual field'—right position—just as a tree was about smack right into her head. You do know how stupid you are, right? One, two, two... Rainbow ascended twenty metres and found her mark far in the distance: the last beech tree before the Everfree turned to its infamous forest of spindly, entangling and looming willows, and bold and leering black-wood arogtred trees—a route without diversion or obstacle—and let her head fall once more. She flew slower to unblur the new picture that swayed with the beats of her wings. The pony flicked her eyes around from point to point, trying to focus on details and edges and found it futile. So instead she began rolling her eyes from front to back with a tree or house, matching her flight speed. And slowly, brown and brick bevels turned to walls, sticks turned to fences, green splotches turned to leaves and blue to water; the world went from impressionist to renaissance. Even ponies' coats began to relief themselves from the flat dirt paths, few were glossy and pristine, some were shiny and smooth, most, matt, matted. Rainbow took a deep breath and felt her rib cage stretch ever so slightly, it made her feel weird, she started breathing manually and another such stretch gave way, a stretch that gave her an uncanny, overwhelming sensation of being alive. She seen the faces of old and new friends below and felt an ecstasy, she seen the faces of friends fallen out with and felt a desire to rekindle the friendship and burn the fire factorial of what it was; she just wanted everypony to as happy as she was; this is what Pinkie Pie must feel like all the time, this is awesome! I should breathe all the time! The pegasus was about to swoop down to the orange shape of Scootaloo and challenge for a race but remembered just why she's the regional director, I'll be back, Scoot, I swear it! The multicolour manned mare averted her eyes from the numerous groundly distractions and picked up her pace hoping it would have her finished work sooner. Rainbow casually counted clouds as they came past her, perhaps to spot a flaw on part of one of the other weather ponies. The beech tree grew bigger as the pegasus approached it, it was one of the biggest trees in Ponyville—even in the Everfree area—but foreshadowed was its attraction by the numerous willows; it's branches radiating in an almost cardioid shape; Celestia, why did I attend Twilight's lectures?; beautifully strong. Once more, the blue pony let her head fall to the ground and a familiar pony—familiar enough to blow off work for—came into view, trotting along the gentle dirt path leading to the Everfree forest. Rainbow pulled up and peaked—for dramatic effect—and turned her nose towards the pony, her wings wrapped back against her body and cheeks pulled back against her teeth and towards her hair line. ''Fluttershyyyyyyyyy!'' The blue pegasus unfurled her wings in preparation for landing but they proved ineffective, damn death falls get me every time! ''Watch out!'' Cried Rainbow, feeling a second of recurring de já vu, lost until that moment. The yellow pony quickly turned around, but—de-agiled by her saddle bags—not swift enough to dodge the incoming multi-coloured bullet. Rainbow crashed, at all most full speed, into her friend; kicking up a dirt cloud. ''Whoa, haven't done that in years!'' Said Rainbow, after spluttering out a heavy cough and rubbing her eyes of large debris. ''You alright?'' Fluttershy stopped her spinning eyes and spinning head and, if not for her entrapping saddle bags, would have thrown the path aside to help Rainbow up, ''Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Rainbow! You're not hurt are you? I didn't know you were flying and I got right in your way and I- I really should have been more concid-'' ''Whoa, whoa! Calm down there, pony. I crashed right into you, how was it your fault? And I'm cool,'' Reassured the blue pony, ''I've had my fair share of falls.'' Once the dust had settled, Rainbow wiped her eyes more thoroughly and stood up. She glanced over the yellow mare and the ground around her; Fluttershy was nervously looking through her mane at her, normal en-ough; from the animal keepers bags lay—upon the ground—a loaf and a half of bread, the half unwrapped, and a spilt bottle of A-grade fish feed. ''What happened to 'no fish unfed, no duck drastic for bread'? and three O'clock Mondays?'' Facetiously commented the multicolour manned mare. ''Oh,'' Lightened up Fluttershy, then starting to pick up the lost items, ''Well Monday was pretty-'' A look down either side of the path, ''Would you like to walk?'' ''Sure, I'd love to.'' The blue mare picked up the half-loaf and tutted, ''Damn, now I feel like a darn filly.'' ''Oh no, it's quite alright Rainbow.'' ''Nonsense! It's only right I try to fix this!'' Exclaimed Rainbow, who opened up her wings and began fluttering them in small, rapid flaps; much like a filly would trying to achieve their first flight. Though slightly whittled, the bread was returned to Fluttershy's saddle bag clean and palatable. ''There we go! Good as new! Uh, kinda.'' ''Thank you, Rainbow, um, kinda.'' Rainbow Dash stared at the pink maned pegasus as they restarted walking, Fluttershy looked back with a completely serious face, and both began laughing uncontrollably. ''Wow, Fluttershy! I remember that as clear as day!'' ''Well, it was quite memorable...'' ''With the- the!-'' ''All of the stallions.'' ''And then boom! The ducks just c- come outta' nowhere!'' ''Yes, I remember it very well.'' The forest noises overtook the noises of the persisting shared memory, one, two, two, one, one, two... ''Well, um... Monday was a busy day...'' ''Oh yeah? Tell me 'bout it.'' Said the blue pegasus, surprising Fluttershy a great deal, along with herself. ''Y- you wouldn't want to hear about it, it's not very, um, awesome...'' ''I'm down, go'on! I talk a lot already, and this is a once off Rainbow Dash listening session, you'd better jump on it!'' Wow, that really is not something I'd say. The pink maned pony shuffled to the edge of the path—away from Rainbow—slowing down in the process, the blue pony having to slow her pace to accommodate. Two robins dropped from their perches in the adjacent trees and resumed their posture on the blades of the yellow pony's wings; the yellow pegasus tenderly straightened her posture—so as not to frighten her tenants thither—one, one, one, and craned her neck to nuzzle the redbreasts. ''Yes, I guess this is a one time opportunity. Well, I was going to go down to the lake with a little birdie named Charlie, the nicest and most generous kingfisher I know; he doesn't fish in any of the lakes around Ponyville, and only because he's afraid he might catch one of my fish or frog friends. When we were eating lunch—before we left—a tiny little cardinal, that I've never seen before, came up to me and told me it was having, um, chest problems. Obviously I had to help her and I, um, got a little caught up... and I only found time to go out again today.'' ''Uh, interesting,'' Tittered the multicolour maned mare; the robins returned to their nests. ''W- what do you mean?'' ''Oh, nothin', it's just I understand why I normally don't listen to peoples stories again,'' Giggling. Fluttershy stuttered her entire next sentence, trying to comprehend why her friend would say such a thing. Rainbow strafed over to her friend and put her in a playful head lock, ''Aw Celestia, Fluttershy! you know I'm only messing around with you! How's AJ and Twi and all that been?; you know, most of all, that I've been very occupied with work,'' The yellow pony tensed up violently, obvious to the blue pegasus. One, two, one, calm down Fluttershy, it was only a question... or, did I say something? ''W- well, well, m- me-'' She coughed, ''Well, I've not t- talked to Applejack since we all met up for drinks last week-'' ''Of which myself and AJ were the only ones to drink.'' ''Um, yes, but you know I don't drink that much.'' ''You drink a lot, Fluttershy, but that's kinda crumby of me to say that, and not the point. How's Twi been?'' ''Oh, um, Twilight? As in Twilight Sparkle?'' ''No, Twilight as in Twilight-Blue Scales; o' course Twilight Sparkle!'' ''Oh, she's been g- good...'' Huh, that's not very Twilight... there's always something going on in that library of hers. Didn't I hear Thistle say that something about her? One, one, two... Looking at the yellow pony, Rainbow noticed she was tenser than she was before, but keeping her composure, is she hiding something? ''That's cool, what's she been up to?'' Inquired the blue pony. ''Um, stuff...'' The multicolour maned mare shot Fluttershy a concerned look, ''Um, Twilight stuff! We were, um, hanging out! um, the other day...'' ''What were you's doing?'' Asked Rainbow, as casually as she could, ''Twilight, um, cooked up some soup, and we were just sitting around and talking,'' The pink maned pegasus begun to talk at almost inaudible levels; but her friend was accustomed to it, unlike most ponies, ''Then I stayed over, because it was too cold outside...'' One, two, two... 'Wait... you stayed over?'' Thought Rainbow Dash, her internal bell ringer repetitively missing on a small, but immensely important bell. The pink maned pony, upon inspection, was tapping the ground with her hoof four or five times for every step she took, as if she was very determined to stop herself from shuddering. ''Yeah, s- she- sh- s- s- shu- she s- s- stayed over.'' No... no... that's not it, something happened after... ''R- Rainbow? Is something wr... something wrong?'' ''No, I remember Thistle said so-'' ''Oh no...'' ''Oh yeah, I remember, some pony called Ruby seen you girls kissing early morning, didn't she?'' Asked the multicolour maned pegasus, one, one, one, don't run off, Fluttershy. ''Y- yes.'' Squeaked the mare. The blue pony drew a quick sigh, not wanting to impose too heavily on her already frightened friend; who more than likely felt very cornered. I've gotta be very... very... what word would Twi use? I've gotta be very tender about this... don't want to hurt the girl. Rainbow consciously loosened her posture and slowed down the party's pace—to that of a stroll—in hopes that it would make the yellow pony's—if the attempt to run was made—inevitable catch less a strain on her body. Strangely enough, Fluttershy stopped shaking, she seemed calmer to the multicolour maned pony, but why? ''Oh... that's... that's something you don't hear about much.'' ''No... it's, um, not... I remember the last time it happened...'' ''The stallions?'' Choked Rainbow. ''Yeah, I remember everypony being really mean to them and running them out of Ponyville within a week, with sticks and rocks, and magic.'' The yellow pegasus bitterly called to mind. I remember being one of those ponies... Sawdust and Root Canal... ''Oh yeah, I remember that too...'' The yellow pegasus took her sigh, a higher pitched sigh; her tone creaking slightly and her breast pushing the air in the most worn and tired of resignation. ''Rainbow?'' She squeaked once more, ''Please don't be like you were before, this time, please? For Twilight?'' ''Fluttershy... you know how I feel about- about thos-'' ''Oh Rainbow, please don't do this.'' The blue pony heard no signs but could tell her friend was welling up; her nose was twitching sporadically. ''Why would I do anything like that to my two best friends? And I've got my scaredy cat filly friend to look out for anyway.'' Fabricated the pegasus, for some reason unknown to her. Fluttershy jumped on the mare and hugged her firmly, ''Oh, thank you Rainbow! I- I mean Twilight just needs somepony's support, really bad...'' ''Not a problem, Rainbow here to help in a dash!'' The blue pegasus looked up into the sky and towards the sun, and shaded her eyes from its rays; she stopped walking and stuck out a her other hoof between the horizon and sun, making it look like she was trying to tell the time. ''Celestia, look at the time, I gotta go!'' ''Oh, okay. Wait, how do you know what time it is? And what's so urgent? Is something wrong?'' ''Oh, it's, uh- just a trick Soarin showed me back in the day; and I really should get back to work; bread ain't gonna pay for itself you know.'' ''No, it won't, I hope you finish your work soon Rainbow Dash, you do work a lot...'' ''Ah, well, you know.'' ''Yeah, thanks Rainbow... for the talk.'' ''Not a problem kido.'' Rainbow began to run and prepared for take-off, she turned around and looked at the pegasus before she took flight; Fluttershy was walking closed eyed and full smiled. One, two... She flew towards Ponyville, away from the beech tree and forgetting about her work and regional directorness. I need a drink, was the reason she told herself why, a nice smoothie. Rainbow swayed more as she flew, not fully concentrating on her flight posture; once again, her head drifted from her flight path and to the ground. The town was harder to detail that the surrounding area; there were more sharp corners and contrasting colours, and all the worming of ponies—in-between and around each other—made everything blend together like worms in soil. The multicolour maned pegasus instead let the ground turn blurry, though not blurry enough to make it indecisive. She passed over the school, ponies, gardens, the market, smoothie stalls, and the likes. Nothing grabbed the ponies' attention until she passed over a horribly disguised purple pony—wearing a yellow shawl and sunglasses. Aw Twilight, you could have at least covered your cutie mark. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, done a three-four loop and half twist, and very casually made a running land next to the unicorn. Twilight—already in a hyper-startleable state—was about to jump and scream from her friend's impromptu arrival; the blue pony wrapped her leg around the purple's neck, covering her mouth in the process, and pulled her close. ''Why wasn't I told about you and Fluttershy starting a lesbian thing?'' Said sternly and shushedly by the pegasus. ''I was going to tell everypony next time we were all together, but the word had already gotten out. Please, try not to draw attention to me, this week has been hard enough.'' ''I'll try; you could have tried to cover yourself up a little better.'' Twilight stopped, and turned around to the multicolour maned mare, ''Why are you being so aggressive? Applejack wasn't very helpful either; if you're not going to help just leave me alone.'' Not wanting to start an argument and draw attention to not only Twilight, but herself, Rainbow gave a moment's thought about her next words, ''Applejack, that hay head,'' Face hoofing, ''What did she say?'' The purple pony began walking again, after taking a glance around her at the partially filled street, ''I don't really want to repeat it... I'm still seriously hurt from this morning.'' ''Well if it was anything about leaving town, I'd recommend it; if it's been four or five days you could get out without too much trouble.'' ''Rainbow!'' Said Twilight, at normal levels, ''I can't believe what I just heard!'' Correcting herself. ''I'm not trying to be like that, I'm trying to help. You know my stance on stuff like this, and at least I'm not being AJ, flip flopping and just being really damn confusing.'' ''Well if you want to help you could try being supportive! Not... not trying to run me out of town!'' Rainbow felt enraged by what her friend had just said; disregarding that she had said something of equal—if not, greater—offence only a few seconds prior. I'm trying to help, I'm trying to help, she repeated to calm herself. ''I'm not going to 'run' anyone out of town-'' Said the pegasus, not at all affected by her calming techniques. ''Keep it down Rainbow!'' ''S- sorry, Twilight...'' Correcting herself. ''Twilight?...'' Said a pony ten paces away, from her garden, over hearing the two's conversation, two, two, ah Luna... ''Hey! That's Twilight-'' ''Oh no-'' Said the target, voice creaking in preparation of tears. The unicorn magicked her shoal farther over her eyes and out of sight of the blue mare; if the librarian was crying, Rainbow was none-the-wiser. ''Hey Rainbow! Why are talking with that sick, sick pony?'' Whoa, that was bitter, but the pace was is about right... ''R- Rainbow, say something! They won't lis-'' Said Twilight in a whisper, and picking up her pace. Dune Bug began to follow, jutting in before the purple mare could finish her sentence, ''Yeah Rainbow, say something.'' Teased the gardener once more, ''I- I, uh-'' Stuttered the pegasus, ''P- please... please R- rh- rainbow,'' Hiccuping her words. What's wrong with you?! Why aren't you defending your friend? One, two, on- because she's gay, that's why. But it doesn't matter because she's your friend, right? What happened to loyalty? Stay loyal to your beliefs! No- not that, your friends! It's only one pony anyway, do it. Rainbow stopped and turned right around to the trailing earth pony, but not with the confidence she had hoped, ''Dune bug, j- just, lay off, go home.'' ''Ha! What's up Rainbow? What's with the change of heart? I thought you hated filly-foolers more than anypony. Don't tell me you're gonna start going off like she does; do you like mare ass? or lick mar-'' That was personal. Rainbow shoved her snout against the flower pony's, resuming her authoritarian tones, ''Do not say things like that to me, Dune Bug, it's not nice. Go home; saying things like that to anypony is just throwin' courtesy out the damn door, and we're all very courteous ponies, aren't we?'' ''A- w-'' Attempted Dune, ''I guess you're right Rainbow,'' Reluctantly, but resiliently, said the mare, ''Goodbye Rainbow, be careful who you sleep with, you don't know who might be watching.'' Dune Bug returned to her garden without acknowledging the unicorn—if one were to say a death stare wasn't acknowledgement—who prodded the blue pony to keep walking. The blue pony happily obliged, not at all happy with the encounter she just had, two, one, one... She returned to a whisper, ''Why didn't you say anything back! Don't let that prissy flower girl push you around!'' ''It doesn't work like that, Rainbow, and you didn't help either; now Dune Bug is going to go off and spread rumours about me and you.'' Snapped the unicorn, from in front, ''I couldn't give a feather what these crazy ponies think of me, I've known all of them a long time, but they aren't as important as my friends.'' ''Fair enough you don't care what they think of you, but I do, and I care because everypony is particularly honest with their opinions of other ponies.'' Ugh, I tried to help! Why is this pony not accepting help! Wouldn't she need it now of all times!? I think she's just afraid or something, but afraid of my help? Might as well be afraid of everything! ''Stop being Fluttershy!'' Accused the pegasus, ''I think you're just afraid of my help! Comm-'' Twilight whipped around, fire in her eyes, and teeth holding back a roar with the power of a supernova; only trickle of ash and cinders escaped. Holy pony! ''Don't you say anything about Fluttershy. I don't need to tell you why. Just don't.'' Once again, Rainbow refused to hear what had passed her ears. You don't know everything, Twilight, and you don't know everypony! Especially not me or Fluttershy. Rainbow wished to say a great many things in her anger—which had been added to from the purple unicorn's first accusation—and she would; unwanting of the multicolour maned mare, her anger took over completely. ''Uh! Just because you start going out with somepony doesn't mean you know everything about her. I've known Fluttershy for over twenty years, and I know that she's probably keeping something from you to spare your feelings!'' ''What are you talking about!'' Said the unicorn, beginning to slowly release the energy through her horn, ''Has she been saying any weird things at all lately? Huh? Just ask her-'' She said truthfully, attempting to gain a more sincere tone, ''W- wha-?'' Disconcertedly said the purple pony, ''-I'm guessing she trusts you,'' Begun Rainbow, in an even quieter and more sincere tone, ''Because you've started going out with her; ask her, I know she probably is.'' One, twi, two, one, two, two, should I have said that? Oh hay seeds, what did I just do? The unicorn stared blankly at the blue pony, a worried, confused look on her face. The multicolour maned mare seen this as a chance to reason with her friend, who she felt was driving a very large circle with her current mind frame, ''And maybe try to use that anger you threw at me to get some of the other ponies to back off. I mean, I'm only trying to help. '' One, two, one. Twilight returned to her anger, now gritting her teeth and sparking her horn with actual cinders, some of which flew onto Rainbow's face and singed her hair, ''There you go again with 'help'! Just leave me alone, and don't say anything about Fluttershy!'' Shouted Twilight, releasing the supernova, to no concern of herself. ''Y- you can't just thin-?'' One, one, one, one, ''Uggh! If you're helping you should know that you're such a third wheel.'' Third? The pegasus extended her hoof—symbolically to reach out to Twilight; realistically a punch to her jaw. But slowed and stopped half way to avoid contact.—But Twilight was gone, ditching her obliterated disguise and using the remnants of her magical anger to make herself invisible, Why didn't she do that initially?! F- Darn it Twilight... I damn tried!