> Lost His Head > by Evice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Confessions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nothing special was happening; the afternoon of Monday had come, school was just about to end, and the teacher was asking everypony about their Spring break, eliciting more or less the same kind of response each time. Button might have thought them boring ponies, but then he realized he hadn’t done much himself, what with his best friend Rumble out on vacation the whole time. What was there to say? As if in unsympathetic response to that thought, the teacher turned to Button and asked in that sickeningly mawkish tone teachers often seemed to have, “Now how about you Button? Did you go anywhere, do anything fun?” He looked to the side, at the windows, the clouds, anywhere but her as he replied, “No.” She frowned, obviously trying to get somewhere with this, but at a moment’s pause she relented. “Alright. Well, I’m sure you did something, even if you won’t tell me,” she said with a smile. “That'll be all for now class. Remember, have fun, but don’t get carried away!” Button was just happy to be out if there, as he could sense her eyeing him from behind as he trotted out the door. Home free! Rumble was supposed to be back today, and Button was counting on their meeting at the usual spot. He was so enthralled he nearly tripped when he stumbled into the large crowd that had gathered before him. His schoolmates had stopped to watch something, and he peeked his head around to get a better look. It was the 3 fillies, the “Crusaders” as they had titled themselves, and they appeared to be in possession of a sackful of potions and scrolls. Button had no idea what any of it was, and he held a sneaking suspicion that the Crusaders didn’t have a clue either. He listened in. “—for the Cutie Mark Crusader magicians!” they called out. “Scootaloo that’s your cue.” Ponies were mumbling amongst each other, uncertain of what this strange ‘show’ was going to be. Scootaloo lifted up a glowing amber vial of something, presenting it in plain view for the audience, then, eyeing down the glass rim and grimacing in near averseness, she downed it in one gulp. Everyone including Button took a big step backward in anticipation, expecting some kind of explosion. None happened. Nor anything else for that matter. “Uh, Sweetie Bell, you grabbed the right ones, right?” Applebloom asked. Sweetie Bell was flustered, sifting through the iridescent pile of corked bottles. She faltered “I… I can’t read well, alright? I’m dyslexic. I know it’s in here, just give me a second.” The crowd was losing interest fast, and the Applebloom was leaning over Sweetie Bell, about to lose her cool. “Get off my back! I just need to look.” “C’mon, you messed up already, give it here!” The two wrestled the sack back and forth, glass dinking and clinking inside. Sweetie bell managed to pull out a flask as Applebloom collapsed in a heap with the rest of them. She tried pulling the cork with little success. “Hnng! Stupid. Bottles. Just-” By this point everyone had taken yet another step back, and a few had left, but Button was still standing there fixated on Scootaloo, trying to make sense of what that vial was supposed to have done. Seconds later there came a loud pop. Sweetie bell’s flask came open and she nearly flung it right into Button’s face. Pink fluid from the container sprayed him up and down, the bottle hit the ground at rolled to a stop at his hooves. Just then, the school doors sprung open and out came the teacher. She was momentarily surprised, then she saw what was at the center of it all and began marching over. Everypony scattered, leaving 4 shocked ponies behind, plus one befuddled teacher. While the other two were still fumbling around on the ground, Scootaloo had snapped out of her own little trance and was staring wide eyed at Button. She spoke at a whisper, “Button. Look. Quick, before someone sees.” “Wha—” he began, but then he looked down. Lying there in grass was… a penis. It was strikingly familiar. His heartbeat sped up, and he realized what had happened. Immediately he snatching it up and stuffed it in his saddlebag. He looked down, avoiding eye contact with anyone. The others approached him; it seemed only Scootaloo had witnessed it. He looked at the bottle, half empty, and the cork only inches from it. “Button, are you alright?” said a voice. Button wasn’t sure who, and he didn’t much care. He suddenly felt the need to get out of there, to avoid a conversation he didn’t want. In a surge of adrenaline, the flask was taken up and he was running. He kept on running, through Ponyville, past his home, past the town limits, away from prying eyes. The meeting place; the woods were safe. No pony should pay any mind to a colt like him. He was graced with the sound of swaying trees, their leaves growing in to eventually fill the air again with their soothing ambience. The weather ponies had done their job well today. The sky was clear, the sun was out, and it was nicer than usual. Button saw fit to seat himself at an oak trunk at the top of a hill, looking over town and beyond. Yes, this place was safe. He took a moment to slow down and think. Not a minute passed when a rustle came from nearby. It was Scootaloo, wasn’t it? He thought. She had followed him all this way, as if he hadn’t made it clear enough that he wanted to be left alone. The rustling loudened. It seemed to shift as it neared, first it was forward, then it came from up above. Button didn’t know those 3 fillies that well, but he knew Scootaloo couldn’t fly. Or could she? Swooping in was the one pony he had somehow forgotten in all this: Rumble. “Hey Button! Long time no see!” said Rumble “Hey,” Button replied. “You looked a little jumpy just now, something up?” asked Rumble. Button had to think long and hard about that question, having trouble answering it even to himself. “I guess you could say that. I thought you were someone else.” “Who?” “I dunno, maybe Scootaloo?” Button should have anticipated the obvious path these questions were leading through, and where they would end up, but his mind was too scrambled and his conscious thought it wrong to come up with a lie to tell Rumble. “Why would she follow you all the way out here? I thought you didn’t talk to anyone in school.” “I don’t. Something weird happened earlier. Really weird. I’m not even sure I should say what.” “What, can she fly now? That'd be news.” Button reflected, “Honestly, at this point I couldn’t say for sure. But no, that’s not what I meant. It’s, well, it’s personal.” Rumble tilted his head in an unmistakably cute fashion. An inviting smile graced his features. “You know, you can tell me anything.” Button was stuck at those words. Those suppressed feelings were coming up again—as if they had ever subsided in the first place. Evidently, there was more at hoof here than the day’s strange events, and Rumble was almost coaxing him to speak his mind, or so it seemed. The uncertainty was killing Button; it was a long overdue conversation, but he still didn’t know how Rumble would respond. For all he knew their very friendship hung in the balance. Was now really the right time? “I. I just don’t know about this one. I mean, we’re great friends and all, I don’t want to r—ugh, I don’t know. I…” Button was again looking off, away from Rumble’s eyes, avoiding the real confrontation. He dared to peek over, to find Rumble listening attentively, like he was anticipating something. More and more that seemed to convince Button that Rumble knew exactly what he was holding back, that he wanted him to say it. Today was a day of the sporadic, the eccentric. Perhaps it would be befitting that he finally got it off his chest. Button took a breath, closed his eyes, and mustered the words. “I like you” Once more Button peeked, but Rumble’s smile never faded. “I thought you’d never say it” he said, and swept in for an embrace with the astonished brown colt. “I like you too” Button was never so relieved. He let out a big breath and sat down again, this time Rumble followed. There was a slightly awkward period of silence, then Rumble spoke. “So. Do you want to talk about it?” he asked. The air had settled about the two. There was a new-found calm, something Button could not be more grateful for. He wasn’t sure why he had doubted himself. Now it seemed it had been obvious to the both of them. “You knew then? Why didn’t you say anything?” “It was really over vacation when it hit me, I just had that feeling that I knew. But I didn’t really know. It was a hunch, and I went on it. I guess you did too right?” said Rumble. “Right...” a pause. Button twiddled with the straps on his saddlebag. “Are we going to tell anyone about this? You know how everyone is. They don’t understand. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, about school, parents, everything you said about how things are in Cloudsdale… maybe it’s better that we just pretend we're friends.” “I get you. That and, it’s easier to have a little fun if you don’t get parents involved. If you know what I mean.” Rumble, with an impish grin, made a provocative gesture with his wings. The wind picked up, branches swayed above and green fields flicked and rippled below. Button could feel himself sweating despite the cool. He was on a high, and wanted to play along, but something was nagging him. Something in his bag, in particular. “Heh. Yeah, they’re real nosy sometimes.” “Well, nobody’s around right now, is there?” Rumble said, looking around to emphasize his point. “What say we take this a bit deeper in these woods? Wouldn’t want anybody to hear us, would we?” This was going fast! But there was still that problem to deal with, and no options to speak for it. Not wanting to disappoint, Button nodded, forcing a smile over his uneasy self. They wove around and through brush and trees, until the light had dimmed and Rumble was sure no wandering pony would stumble on them. No turning back now. A crude but fairly soft bed of tall green stalks was crafted, a modest but roomy space in a secluded part of the woods. Button flicked Rumble with a stray stalk, initiating a small war between the two. Bap! Wack! Poke! They were lancing sticks back and forth now, and Button took cover behind a wider tree, sitting back to bark and peering around. The branches rustled above. Damn you and your wings, that’s no fair! Button thought. He stepped from his spot to get a better look… and… “AAAAAAAAH!” cried Rumble, swooping down, stick in hoof, right into Button’s crotch. Crash! Rumble got up, half sitting on his victim. “Shit, I rammed you right in the nuts. Ow that hurt. You alright? Button? Hello?” Button stirred. “Augh, that was really dumb. I’m fine, just dizzy.” He bumbled to his hooves. “I swear I hit you pretty hard there. I’d be dying right now. Are you sure?” asked Rumble “No, it’s good, I’m good. You don’t weigh that much… But there is” Button started, but was cut off by his energetic friend. “So how ‘bout it then? You ready for a go?” It was growing late already, but there was still ample time before either pony had to get home. They were known by their parents for their long and late outings, so there was nothing to be worried about yet. If it was ‘cool’ before it was almost straight ‘cold' now, as Button could attest to from the strange utterly strange sensations he was getting. This couldn’t wait any longer. “Rumble, I know y—” “Who's going top?” “Rumble, I—” “Maybe we can start slow?” “RUMBLE!” “…” Button cleared his throat, “I've got something to say.” Rumble, looking a bit shocked, straightened himself to listen. Button began, “It’s about earlier today, before I came here. Scootaloo, Sweetie Bell and them, they were ‘experimenting', putting on some weird show. They must have stolen them, the potions, because no pony would give them something that dangerous. Just my luck, I got caught up in it, and, well, I guess I should just show you, shouldn’t I?” He pulled his bag in front of them, and, carefully, unzipped it. He felt the open air, the pull of his maw as he lifted it out to be seen. “A dildo? What? I don’t get it,” said Rumble. Button shook his head ‘no', the appendage flopping slightly. He sat and set it down on their plant bed. “It’s my penis,” he said. “No way,” said Rumble “Yes way.” “That’s impossible.” “It's magic. I have no idea how it works, but it does,” said Button. He had Rumble’s attention now, and the gray Pegasus was eyeing his package critically. Rumble prodded it with a hoof. Seeing Button twitch, he leered. This time he went in with feathers, tickling. Button exploded. “Bwahaha, no! Stop! You’re killing me. Ehheheee!” he shrieked. He pushed Rumble off it. “You know, “Rumble pondered aloud, “I think we can work with this. It’s weird all right, but I think it’s actually kinda hot. You said a potion did this to you? Huh. What else ya got in his bag?” He pulled it back over and poked his muzzle in. He started fishing around with his hooves. Button recovered from his fit and saw what he was doing. “Careful, there’s still a bottle of—” “What, this?” Rumble asked, pulling out that peculiar flask from before, holding it by the cork. It didn’t stay that way long; the bottle fell and spilled a considerable amount onto Rumble's coat. There it seemed to disappear as if absorbed into his skin. Down with a plop came Rumble’s package. “Holy… you really weren’t kidding. This is so bizarre!” he said. Two erect pony cocks, balls attached, lay together on the bed, throbbing with anticipation. Button seated himself before them, thinking to get a head start; Rumble was being quite pushy today, to say the least, and now was his chance to give it back. It may have been rushing things a bit, but he really wanted to get started. Button was no stranger to sex, at least, not in his mind. Countless hours surfing porn in his room, playing around and wishing he had someone else to do it with, and now, finally, here was the perfect opportunity. “You bet. What was that you said about starting slow?” Button said, as he cradled the members in his hoof and licked across the tips, shuddering at the fluttery sensation. “Ooh,” Rumble moaned. “Your tongue is so warm.” Button took Rumble’s cock and switched to a longer drag, from base to head and back down again. Rumble was practically squirming. He hefted it by the shaft, letting the balls dangle below, and started teasing them with his tongue. A full on lick, then he was popping them in and out like candy. This is so fucking gay, he thought, as he continued tormenting his friend. Suddenly he stopped, ready to move onto something else. But Rumble was a step ahead of him; he had grabbed Button’s dick and was lubing it up with his saliva, mischief in his eyes. Button smirked, “You aren’t going in until everything’s wet. Here I’ll help.” Button had never done real anal like this, but he had fantasized about it, experimented with himself, and he wanted it as smooth as possible. The pegasus was very well kempt, even in his most private places, and Button was greeted with a pleasant scent as he butted his nose with Rumble’s tail. Reaching dexterously with his tongue, Button parted the soft tissue of the rectum, digging deep. He felt it squeeze and pushed harder to fight the pressure. It slicked past, and he flexed around inside and against the inner walls. Rumble was positively shaking with exhilaration. Feeling things were slick enough, Button sucked for a moment and pulled himself off with a pop, getting a shock out of his partner. Rumble must have felt obligated to return the favor, because he gave Button a good licking as well, quicker and sloppier but just as slippery. “There, now we can both go. Eh?” he jived. “Here, do it like this.” He took Button’s dick and positioned the base on the ground, leaving it to point upwards. Using a wing tip he secured it to the ground with a little grass knot, Button copying too using Rumble's dick, then he steadied himself in a squat and lowered down onto it. “Ahh fuck!” Button panted, taken aback at the abrupt stretching down below. He went a little bit slower to start off. Rumble was just sitting, squished up against Button’s balls and tensing on the shaft with his abdominal muscles. The dual pleasure was intense, and Button wasn’t sure how long he’d last if things sped up. “Hey how about we make a game out this?” asked Rumble. “We’ll race, and whoever cums first has to take BOTH at once. Deal?” Button thought as hard as he could in his situation, which wasn’t very hard, and replied, “Alright, when do we start?” “Now.” Button would have said “no fair” if he didn’t feel himself pounding into Rumble’s ass, but all thoughts went out the window, replaced with lust. Rumble was pumping very fast, much faster than Button could keep up with, but Button did have weight on his side, with extra oomph in every thrust. It looked like neither of them were going to last very long, panting and moaning their heads off and sweating like hell. Button gave out first, shooting his hot semen up inside of Rumble and nearly collapsing right there, but he made sure to ride it out for Rumble, who climaxed mere seconds later, leaving the two in a fit of gasps. Their fluids pooled around them in the green bed, warm and sticky and coating their backs. They rested there for some time, until the sun had gone down near all the way and it shone orange through the cracks between the trees. Button knew he was going to have to get home, but he was content being there next to his lover for as long as he could be. He spoke up first. “That was awesome.” “I thought it’d be, but it probably wouldn’t have been as much if you hadn’t brought that potion. I’ve never felt like that in my life. We’ll have to do it again sometime.” “Thanks, you know, for being so nice and everything. And for the sex too of course. I really was worried for a while, that maybe you didn’t think of me that way. I mean, I thought I might have seen a gay magazine or two in your room a while back, but that really doesn’t tell you everything.” Rumble giggled. “You know, I actually wanted you to find those.” “Really?” “Really. I’ve left a couple signs myself too. Guess we were both being shy,” said Rumble. Button leaned in for a kiss, which Rumble reciprocated with equal enthusiasm. They embraced, and helped each other to their hooves. “We probably should get cleaned up somewhere. Like a stream or something.” “Yes, but don’t forget, you lost a bet. You know what that means.” Button sighed and smiled. “We have the weirdest bets.” A slurping noise was made as he forcibly pulled his cock from Rumble’s aching hole, prompting him to suck in a bout of cold air from the hasty move. It was drenched in cum, dripping with the white substance. Button figured he’d get this over with. He used some more grass to tie the cocks together, hovered his rear above, and braced for it. If Button thought he was stretching before, he had to be near tearing now. It was slow, pushing down, sliding in with such firmness. He felt himself tensing on his own dick, jammed against Rumble’s. Both of their sacks lay in a heap under him, and he tried to massage them as best he could to get going. It took forever but he finally got to the bottom, stopped a second and started coming back up. It hurt, but he had to admit, the tightness was bliss to his cock, and to Rumble as well, who was bordering orgasm. Another push, down, faster, he felt closer to the edge with every movement. Up, down, shlick, shhllp. He sped, the feeling amplified, and, finally, Rumble hit climax, then Button. He felt himself filling that slight bit more, and withdrew, satisfied and very tired. “I beat you.” “Show off.”