
by FlareFlarerp

First published

For Applejack, her element is honesty but how honest can she be when her feelings towards Twilight is more then being 'just friends'? How can she express her feelings towards Twilight?

For Applejack, her element is honesty but how honest can she be when her feelings towards Twilight is more then being 'just friends'? How can she express her feelings towards Twilight? How will Twilight react to this?

Come find out in ZapApple

Part 1 of 4 of a Twijack story for -Corey19

Chapter 1-The Dream

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A Romance/Clopfic By
Flare Flare

Chapter 1-The Dream

Applejack sat as a passive observer to a great battle. On one side, there was Twilight, and on the other a massive pegasus mare with hair as mixture of tan aqua blue, blue and green. Her eyes a warm orange. But she kept her warm eyes covered with purple aviators. And assisting her was a… oh god, was that Discord without flesh? The huge pegasus was prepared to strike Twilight.

“FINISH HIM” The Discord look-alike yelled, as the pegasus titan took Twilight's axe from her, and ate it.

“NO WAIT A MINUTE, I WAS JUST KIDDING, YOU LOOK GOOD” Twilight started to say as the giant pegasus hit Twilight so hard her robot arm broke.

Twilight was sent spiraling next to a huge garbage disposal, which Necromorph pushed her into, turning the former pony into bone-meal, prompting a one line from Necromorph,

“Breakfast” The discord like-alike said as he licked his lips. Applejack saw this and let out a horrible scream, and then woke up.

“AAAAAAAAHHHHH.” Applejack yelled as she woke up drenched in sweat.

This was was fourth time in the row the orange earth pony had the same nightmare in a row, the dream about her and her good friend, Twilight Sparkle. The nightmare replayed over and over in AJ’s head. Applejack sat up right in her head as she tried to gather her thoughts. She wiped the sweat off of her head and blinked a couple times as she grabbed the chain to the lamp that was on her nightstand with her hoof and pulled on it. The bright light blinded her for a couple seconds as she turned away blinking a couple more times. The sun was barely coming out when Applejack’s door opened. Applejack looked over to her door and there stood her little sister Applebloom,

“Is everything okay big sis?” Her little sister said rubbing her watery eyes

“A-A-Applebloom? What are you doing up so early?” Applejack stuttered

“Your scream woke me up. Were you having a bad dream?” Applebloom asked as she walked into Applejack’s room

“Yeah I was. I’ve had it for a while now I’d reckon.” Applejack said as she scooched over to make room for her little sister

Applebloom jumped onto Applejack’s bed as she laid next to Applejack. Applejack ran her hoof on Apple Bloom's hair as she shedded a tear looking away. Applejack moved her head to look out the window. Applebloom picked her head up and looked up Applejack, who was facing away,

“What was the bad dream about big sis?” Applebloom said in a mellow tone

“I don’t remember much of it little sis. Just that it had to do with me and my friend Twilight.” Applejack said

“You say that you’ve been having it for a while now?” Applebloom asked

“Yeah.” Applejack said

“Well how is your friendship with Twilight?” Applebloom asked with a curious look

“It’s good but recently I just----Oh nevermind you wouldn’t understand.” Applejack said shaking her head.

“Please tell me big sis.” Applebloom said

“Well I don’t know how to put it into words.” Applejack said with a confused expression on her face as she wiped away her tear

“Well don’t let it bother you big sis. That’s what I do.” Applebloom said laying her head back down

Applejack turned her head to Applebloom and sighed and said within Applebloom’s hearing,

“I wish that was the case.” She said as she dozed off back to sleep

“Hey big sis?” Applebloom said

“Yes Applebloom?” Applejack said

“You need help. Mental help.” Applebloom said

The sun blared down on Applejack’s face through the window as she opened up one eye and opened up her other eye seconds later. Applejack had been asleep for at least four hours and it was early morning. Applejack looked over and saw that her little sister Applebloom, had left the room. Applejack didn’t have time to think where her little sister went. She had plenty on her mind. Like, how in the hay was she gonna come out to Twilight about her feelings. And at that moment, Applejack got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom, brushed her teeth and combed her hair. She then proceeded downstairs and was about head out the front door but was stopped by a familiar voice. It was Granny Smith,

“Now where do you think your going?” She said as she sat in her rocking chair facing Applejack

“Uh…...I’m going to visit my friend Twilight, Granny.” Applejack said innocently

“That purple girl you always talk about at dinner?” Granny Smith said

Applejack blushed in embarrassment but scratched the back of her head with her hoof,

“Well...Yeah.” She said

“Well have fun...Your big brother can handle the hard work for the next couple of days so you can go sleep over at your girlfriend’s house just don’t forget to come back home soon.” Granny Smith said

“S-She’s not my girlfriend granny.” Applejack lied blushing more in embarrassment as she went out the front door in a rush

“Oh don’t lie to me you little shit.”

“What did you call me?” Applejack said, and starting to pull out her gun, but her granny was faster

“Did I mother fucking stutter? I called you a yellow bellied, horn swagling fishing cutter, shitfaced cock sucker, harlot” Granny Smith said

“Love you too granny” Applejack said while putting her gun away.

“BOSCHIIT.” Granny said, and shot her

After carefully contemplating how this conversation would go, he decided not to lie.

“S-She’s not my girlfriend granny-yet” Applejack said stuttering a bit

“Well you know you can always tell me what’s on your mind. I care for ya when you was just a little filly.” Granny Smith said

“Well I did have a bad dream last night about my….girlfriend” Applejack said choking on the last word she said

“Well come here and tell me about it you goshdarn thing.” Granny Smith said rocking back and forth in her rocking chair

Applejack walked into the calm and quiet living room and sat down in front of Granny Smith and exhaled as she began to tell the dream in full detail. She told Granny Smith that she was watching the battle from afar and that Twilight died in the dream. When she was done telling the dream to Granny Smith, The elder mare looked at her granddaughter and gave her a serious look,

“You need some mental and pretty fucking quick Applejack. I really mean it.”

Applejack sighed and got up to leave the house,

“Applejack” Granny Smith which made Applejack stop dead in her tracks

Applejack turned her head so she can see Granny Smith out of her peripherals,

“I know you’ll be able to talk to your friend like a grown mare you are.” Granny Smith said

“I sure do hope so Granny.” Applejack said turning her head forward and heading out the door

Chapter 2- The Visit To Twilights

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Applejack walked down the road leading out from Sweet Apple Acres with her hat over her eyes as she shook her head and stopped by a creek and sat down by the water. The water was calm today as Applejack pushed her hat up on her head as she grabbed a rock and threw it at the water. The rock skipped across the water three times before falling into the blue water. Applejack smiled as she sat back and stared at her reflection in the water below,

“Come on Applejack, you know better then not being truly honest about your feelings towards Twily. I just have to say, ‘Twilight I love you.’” Applejack said as a small tear ran down her face

Applejack sat by the lake for a few more moments and then left and made her way to Twilight’s house.

When Applejack got to the front door, she raised a hoof but stopped mid-knock and thought for the split second of what she was gonna do. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door a few times,

“Coming!” A voice was heard but Applejack didn’t quite clearly hear who it was

A few moments later of waiting, the door opened and there standing, was Twilight Sparkle. The purple unicorn looked at Applejack for a few seconds before speaking,

“Applejack…..What brings you here on this sunny day?” She said with a curious look

“Uh...Hey Twilight. I just come by and tell you something I rather discuss in private.” The orange mare said looking away trying not to blush in embarrassment

“Oh…..Well please do come in Applejack.” Twilight said stepping to the side as she opened the door more for Applejack to walk in

Applejack walked inside and Twilight closed the door behind her. Twilight noticed the face that Applejack was making and she made a worried looked,

“Is everything fine Applejack? You seem somewhat...needing to tell me something.” She said

“Yes I do Twilight. Is Spike here?” Applejack said looking around

“No he went to Canterlot to get supplies for my next experiment. What is it that you need to tell me Applejack?” Twilight said walking up in front of the orange mare, stopping her in her tracks

Applejack sighed and sulked her head for a moment then picked her head up and looked the purple unicorn in the eyes,

“Twilight I’ve wanted to always to say this to you but I haven’t had the guts to tell you so I’m going to be very brief and clear on this statement…..I’m in love with you.” She said

The room feel dead quiet as Twilight stood there for a few moments, stunned by the statement Applejack had just said. Twilight blinked her eyes a couple times as Applejack stared at her,

“Twilight? You okay over there?” Applejack said raising an eyebrow

“You're…..In love with me?” Twilight said stuttering

“Oh I knew this was too soon to tell you.” Applejack said looking away

Twilight looked at the Applejack and put her hoof on AJ’s chin and moved it so that Applejack was facing her,

“I’m glad you're honest about Applejack. But what is so special about me that makes you attracted to me?” She said

Applejack thought for a second as Twilight took her hoof off of her chin,

“Well...I…..You see Twilight...Ever since we’ve been friends all this time and the times we spend together it got me thinking and I just want us to be more than just ‘friends’ I want to be with as your marefriend-if you’ll have me.”

Twilight stared at Applejack for a few moments and blinked her eyes again,

“Would you excuse me for a moment” Twilight said as she walked up stairs.

From the bottom of the stairs, Applejack could hear shouts of excitement, and jumping around, almost kinda like that weird skipping thing she did with Shining Armour. Twilight then came back downstairs and looked at Applejack,

“I’m sorry, can you repeat that, I may have misheard that?” Twilight said, silently hoping that she had heard correct.

“I’m in love...with you?” Applejack said raising an eyebrow

Twilight screamed with joy, jumping up and down and tackled AJ and brought her in a hug. Applejack yelled as they both fell to the floor with Twilight on top of Applejack. Applejack looked up at Twilight as she blushed a dark red,

“Uh…..Twilight, you okay there?” Applejack said

Twilight gave Applejack a bright smile,

“Why of course I am Applejack, I’m just so happy. I have felt the same way towards you for a while now.” She said with pride

“Well I’m glad I got that off my mind.” Applejack said

Twilight smiled as she got off of Applejack. Applejack got up and scratched the back of her head,

“So I’m guessing you’re going to tell Princess Celestia about this aren’t you?”

“Not just yet and I don’t planning on telling her for a while now. I feel we should do the same about telling our friends.” Twilight said

“I agree Twi. I don’t think they should know. At least not now anyway.” Applejack said

“Know what?” A voice said as Twilight and Applejack turned around to see where the voice was coming from, and there standing, was Spike.

Applejack’s and Twilight’s eyes widen as they looked at Spike who was carrying supplies in his tiny purple dragon hands,

“SPIKE! I thought you weren’t expected home for another two hours.” Twilight said

“Well the train came to the station early. The supplies that you needed were easy for me to get.” The purple dragon said

“Please tell me you didn’t hear anything we just said.” Applejack said in a panic tone

“Hear what? All I heard was that you shouldn’t tell them about something.” Spike said

Applejack and Twilight took a sigh of relief,

“Thank Celestia.” Twilight said

“What are you two going on about?” Spike said

“Nothing Spike. Just put the supplies upstairs I’ll attend to my experiment later.” Twilight said

“So you're telling me I just went to Canterlot for NOTHING?!” Spike said in a livid tone

“No I’m just…..Oh nevermind. I can’t tell you.” Twilight said

“Tell me what?” Spike said

“Don’t tell him Twi.” Applejack said quickly

“I have to.” Twilight said

“TELL ME WHAT?!” Spike yelled after placing the supplies upstairs

“Me and Applejack are in love!” Twilight said quickly as she covered her mouth with her hoof

Spike blinked a couple times and stared at Twilight for a few moments,

“Well then. That was unexpected to hear from your mouth Twilight” He said

Twilight took her hoof away from her mouth,

“I know Spike but it’s true. Applejack was the first friend I met when I first came here to Ponyville. I guess it must have been in my interest to tell her but you know me Spike, I’m too busy with learning and reading I don’t have time to tell my dearest friend my feelings for her.” She said looking at Applejack who gave her a smile

“That’s an understatement.” Spike said with a dull look

“Just promise me you won’t tell anyone else.” Twilight said

“Look Twilight...I don’t care about your sexualitly interests. I’ve been with you since I was a baby dragon. I’m not going to be the one to judge you and I think your friends would be the same way but I promise not to tell them.” Spike said making hand gestures as he spoke

“I know but now isn’t the time. Right now I’m going out with Applejack for a walk and probably be back after dark. Dinner is in the cabinet downstairs. Bye Spike.” Twilight said as she left with Applejack

“Finally she’s gone.” Spike said as he grabbed a secret photo of Rarity from under his bed and sat in his bed and stared at the photo

Chapter 3- The Date

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Applejack and Twilight spent all afternoon all around ponyville. They went around and talked and talked about memories they had and while on the way they bought each other stuff which came in a variety of items. From flowers to a box a chocolates from sugar cube corner and so on. When the sun was setting over the horizon, both mares were sitting by a tree and enjoying the moment, Twilight nuzzled Applejack on the cheek like a cat. Applejack smiled and nuzzled Twilight back as both of them chuckled,

“I really had fun today Applejack. Spending time with you was better than any book I’ve read that had to deal with romance on this level.”

“Awwwww thanks Twilight that means a lot to me. I had fun with you too. I… you Twilight.” Applejack said

Twilight smiled and closed her eyes as she gave the Applejack a soft kiss on her cheek. Applejack blushed dark red,

“I love you too AJ.” She said

“Say this will be our first date. Why don’t we go into that fancy restaurant that opened in town.” Applejack said

“The one that got really great reviews? I would be glad to go with you.” Twilight said

“Well let’s go after the sunset.” Applejack said

“Okay.” Twilight said leaning her head on Applejack as the sun continue to slowly go over the horizon

Twilight and Applejack stood outside the front of the restaurant. The restaurant was fancy looking, but it looked like a restaurante mexicano. The restaurant’s name was named, DiamondFlare. Applejack and Twilight walked inside DiamondFlare. At the front was a tanish pegasus. Her hair a mixture of tan aqua blue, blue and green. Her eyes a warm orange. But she kept her warm eyes covered with purple aviators. Applejack approached the waitress and she lowered her glasses. Immediately Applejack’s eyes widen and she cowered behind Twilight. Twilight gave a weird look as she looked behind her and Applejack was shivering in fear. Twilight patted Applejack on the head,

“Applejack what’s wrong?” She said

“That’s the person I saw in my dream. Don’t let her hurt me.” Applejack said shivering more in fear

“What dream?” Twilight said

Applejack stood up and shook off her fear,

“I’ll tell you when we start eating, just come on.” Applejack said

The pegasus waitress pushed her glasses up her nose and cleared her throat, trying to forget what just happen,

“Hello, Welcome to DiamondFlare, How many tonight?” The waiter said

“Two.” Applejack said

“Okay…..Please come this way.” The waiter said as she grabbed two menus and walked the two mares to a table.

Applejack pulled out a chair for Twilight. Twilight sat in the chair as Applejack pushed the chair in and sat across from her marefriend,

“Looks like someone has some manners.” Twilight said

“Comes with the family.” Applejack said

The waiter placed the menus on the table and took out her notepad,

“So what can I start you out with ladies?”

“I’ll just have water.” Twilight said

“Water too.” Applejack said

“Okay I’ll be back with those. And also tonight is comedy night so enjoy the show.” The waiter said walking away

“Comedy? Here? Must be new.” Applejack said

“They have it every Thursday and Saturday night.” Twilight said

“How long has it been goin on?” Applejack said

“About three weeks now.” Twilight said

“Ah.” Applejack said going back to looking at her menu

The tanish pegasus with purple aviators on came back with two glasses of water and placed them on the table. Both Applejack and Twilight took the glasses and took a sip of the water. The waitress asked for their orders and Twilight told the waitress that she would have the double bacon cheese hayburger with hayfries. Applejack ordered the boneless BBQ ribs with hayfries. The waitress wrote down their orders and left them as the lights in the restaurant dimmed and a spotlight pointed towards the stage as a voice came over the PA,

“Mares and gentlecolts, tonight is our annual comedy night here at DiamondFlare so please stomp your hooves and cheer your first comedian coming all the way from the Canterlot.” The voice said as a blue earth pony wearing a pink hat on his head walked onto the stage as everyone in the restaurant stomped their hooves on the ground and cheered.

The blue earth pony stepped up to the mic and before he could a voice came from the audience,

“Lose the stupid pink hat loser.”

“OH HOLD UP! WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!” The blue earth pony said in a slight gangsta voice

“SHIT! RUN MOTHERBUCKER! RUN!.” The audience member said as him and his three friends jumped out the front window and ran off into the night as the blue earth pony chased them.

The entire restaurant fell quiet and then the sound of thunderous applause and cheering was heard. Twilight and Applejack just sat there as the waitress came back with their food and placed the plates on the table. The two mares looked at each other and then began to ate. Halfway through eating, Twilight broke the ice as she took a bite out of her double bacon cheese hayburger and swallowed her bite,

“So what’s that dream you were talking about that freaked you out when you saw that waitress?”

Applejack sighed and looked at Twilight with BBQ sauce all over her face. Twilight gave Applejack a smirked look and used her magic to lift a napkin and wipe her special somepony face. Applejack smiled as the napkin was placed back down on the table,

“Oh yeah...the dream. I might as well tell you but I want to make this perfectly clear...I don’t want this dream story to ruin your date with me Twilight.” Applejack said

“Nothing can ruin this evening since I’m with you AJ.” Twilight said

Applejack blushed, looking away from Twilight then turning her head back took her last bite of her ribs and swallowed it as she cleaned her mouth and hooves. She then began to tell Twilight about the dream,

“Well as much as I can remember about it it seems like I was some sort of bystander of some great battle of some sort and on one side there was you and on the other side was that waitress pegasus but about ten times bigger. There was also a discord look-alike with her and he was like ‘FINISH HER.’ and then the pegasus punched you so hard that her robot arm broke which I found weird but then the discord look-alike said ‘breakfast’ and he licked his lips and I let out a scream and then I woke up. I swear that’s all I remember about it Twily. I’m sorry.” Applejack said

“Hmmm...I believe the dream you had was definitely a nightmare of some sort and from I learned from a book of psychology and from what you told me…..You’re afraid of losing me, aren’t you Applejack?”

Applejack sighed and sulked her head,

“Yes I am Twilight.” She said

“Applejack, I swear I won’t leave you, but if I had to choose between me or you, my decision is clear. If I can protect, even at the loss of my own life, I will.” Twilight said

Applejack picked her head up and looked Twilight in the eyes and smiled,

“Thanks Twilight.” Applejack said as a tear of joy ran down her eye

Chapter 4-The First Of Many Times

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Applejack and Twilight finished the rest of their food which they took their time with. They gave the waitress a very good tip for how good the food was. Which the restaurant was known notorious for was their great food. Twilight paid the check and went out the front door with her mare friend. They took their time to walk home. The moon was out that night and it shined bright over the dirt road that lead to Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack told Twilight to wait outside as she open the big red barn door and looked inside to check and see if the coast was clear. Applejack then took her head out and opened the big red barn door for Twilight. Twilight walked inside and looked around and there wasn’t any animals in there. Just hay and that’s it. Twilight turned to face to Applejack and gave her a confused look,

“Why did you bring me here Applejack?”

“Because I wanna do something fun with you.” Applejack said

“Fun?” Twilight said

“Yeah.” Applejack said closing the barn door and locking it

“Why did you lock the door AJ?” Twilight said

“Because this fun is going to be of the...sexual persuasion.” Applejack said

“What?” Twilight said

Applejack turned around and walked toward Twilight. Twilight took a step back as Applejack got close to her. Twilight blushed as Applejack brushed her mane out of her face. Twilight blushed even an even darker shade as Applejack started to walk closer and closer to her lover. Applejack started to stroke Twilight's mane, as Twilight started to purr. Applejack brought Twilight into a deep warm passionate kiss. Twilight kissed Applejack back as she pushed her orange mare friend down to the ground and continued to kiss her. Applejack wrapped her hooves around Twilight and continued to make out with the purple unicorn.

After many moments of making out and french kisses, Twilight broke from the kiss and looked down at Applejack, who was blushing dark red,

“Ready to go all the way Applejack?” She asked with a smirked look

“I sure am ready Twilight. Let’s do it.” Applejack said

Twilight smiled as she backed herself up and looked down at the orange mare’s exposed marehood. Applejack blushed as she watched Twilight as the purple unicorn lowered herself and began to lick the orange mare’s marehood. Applejack let a slightly loud moan as Twilight continued to lick at Applejack’s marehood,

“O-Ooh Twilight. That feels soooo good.” Applejack said

“Your marehood taste so nice AJ.” Twilight said as she thrust her tongue inside Applejack’s marehood and began to lick her clitorious

Applejack let out a louder moan as Twilight wiggled her tongue inside and thrusted her tongue inside her now wet marehood. Applejack haven’t this much pleasure before and for her it felt amazing and she was also glad that Twilight was doing it to her and not anyone else.

Twilight wiggled her tongue in more and started to hit Applejack’s g-spot. Applejack let out a louder moan and arched her back upward in pleasure. Twilight kept licking at AJ’s g-spot as Applejack moaned louder and started to pant in pleasure from Twilight’s licking. This went on for a few more intense moments and then Applejack couldn’t hold it in anymore. She let out a loud moan and yelled,

“I’m cumming Twilight.”

Then from Applejack’s marehood came out her own juices. Her juices went high into the air and onto Twilight’s face. Applejack continued to squirt her own juices for a few more seconds as her lower body shook. She laid her hind hooves down as she panted. Twilight took her hoof and wiped some of the juices off her face and licked the juices off her hoof seductively. Applejack laid there panting with her hind legs covered in her juices. Twilight licked her face clean and smiled down at Applejack,

“You ready for round 2?” Twilight said with a mischievous smile

“Buck yeah Twily.” Applejack said

“Good. Because this time we’re going to do something different.” Twilight said

“What did you have in mind?” Applejack said catching her breath

“It’s a spell I’ve been studying and just last week I mastered this said spell. Are you ready?” Twilight said as her horn slightly started to glow

“I’m ready.” Applejack said

“Okay. Here it goes.” Twilight said as her horn began to glow

As her horn glowed, something began to appear near her marehood. When Twilight was done, there a bright flash, once that settled there was a full grown erected horsecock which was throbbing up and down a bit as Applejack’s eyes widen as her face was eye level with it,

“Sure you can take this AJ?” Twilight said

Applejack stared at the erected throbbing horsecock and then looked up at Twilight and gave her a smirked look,

“Bring it.” Applejack said as she slowly got up and turned around and raised her hind end high in the air and wiggled her butt at Twilight, looking at her, raising her eyebrows

“Oh AJ.” Twilight said as walked over to her and mounted her and teased the orange mare’s marehood with her horsecock

“You’re such a tease Twily. I want you to fuck me so hard with that big horsecock of yours.” AJ said licking her lips and started to drool a little

“With pleasure Applejack baby.” Twilight said as she thrusted the horsecock deep inside Applejack’s marehood

Applejack moaned loud as Twilight thrusted deep again, almost thrusting the whole cock inside. Applejack moaned louder as Twilight moaned in sync with hers,

“F-F-F-F-Fuck Twilight. You’re so F-Fucking big inside me.” She said closing her eyes in deep pleasure

“You must have the tightest marehood in equestria. I love your tight marehood so much.” Twilight said as she continued to thrust inside Applejack

Twilight increased her speed as she thrusted faster and deeper inside Applejack's marehood. Applejack moaned louder and clenched her teeth from the feeling of the big horsecock inside her. Twilight thrusted faster and harder as the fence began to creak from the hard thrusts she was doing. Applejack moaned louder and panted as Twilight started to thrust harder, slamming the balls against Applejack’s marehood, making a fap sound. Applejack started to pant more letting her tongue hang out as she continued to pant in pleasure. Twilight closed her eyes tight thrusting harder as the horsecock began to pre-cum. Twilight let a loud moan as she yelled,

“I’m Cumming AJ!”

Twilight then thrusted hard, slammed the horsecock hard into Applejack’s marehood, and letting out a big load of cum into Applejack’s marehood. Applejack moaned loud as she felt Twilight’s warm seed flow into her marehood. Twilight moaned louder as she slammed again and let out another big load into Applejack. The orange mare let out another loud moan and panted heavily. The purple unicorn panted as she slowly took her big horsecock of out Applejack’s marehood and then slammed it in again to release one last big load of cum. Applejack’s eyes widen as she let out one last big moan and then collapsed onto the ground panting heavily.

Twilight took the horsecock out of her lover’s marehood as cum dripped from the orange mare’s marehood. Applejack collapsed onto her side and rolled onto her back, panting more. Twilight slowly walked over to her cum dripping lover and turned around as she backed herself up until the cock was directly over the orange mare’s mouth. Applejack blushed dark red as she caught her breath,

“Time for a clean up AJ. I want you to have this little treat.” Twilight said as she wiggled her ass and the horsecock swaying side to side over Applejack’s mouth

“Looks tasty.” Applejack said licking her lips as she began to lick the tip

The purple unicorn then began to lower herself down as her cock slowly went into her lover’s mouth. She moaned as she started to clean out her lover’s cum covered marehood. Applejack began to bob her head up on Twilight’s cock and closed her eyes. Twilight continued to clean out the cum in Applejack’s marehood. Both mares were enjoying this too much. Applejack bobbed her head faster, moaning.

Twilight cleaned out the rest of cum out of Applejack’s marehood as she began to thrust her cock down AJ’s throat. Applejack moaned as she opened up her throat and moaned louder as the purple unicorn thrusted faster. Applejack continue to take each thrust from her lover. Twilight continued to pound Applejack’s throat with her massive member until she thrusted it all the way in and cummed hard into the orange mare’s throat several times. Applejack felt the warm seed from Twilight’s member flowing down her throat down to her stomach. Twilight took her massive member out of her lover’s mouth as she cummed onto her face. Applejack squinted as her face was covered in cum. The spell wore off as Twilight’s member magically disappear. Twilight then turned around and walked to Applejack’s cum covered face and layed down next to her. Applejack licked some of the white juicy cum off her face as her lover helped her in the process,

“Mmmmm…..Juicy.” Twilight said

Applejack giggled as Twilight cleaned the rest of the cum off of her face and licking her lips clean,

“I love you Twily.” Applejack said

“I love you Applejack. I want to be yours and yours only.” Twilight said stroking her hoof on AJ’s cheek

Applejack smiled as she closed her eyes and started to doze off. Twilight smiled as she gave her lover a kiss on the forehead,

“Sleep well my special mare friend.” She said as she laid her head down and fell asleep with her head on the orange mare’s chest.

To Be Continued