> Wub Therapy > by canadianbrony91 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: She Knows What I Need > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It wasn't very often that Soarin was allowed to leave practice early. In fact, one might say that that particular night was the first, if not the only time he ever managed to do so. Granted, it was only because the Wonderbolts had a new trainee that needed training and the team collectively decided that Spitfire was the best one for the job. Spitfire was never one to risk having too many Wonderbolts flying at once; more than a few seemed to crash into each other if it got too crowded on the field. "Hey, sorry again. See ya tomorrow" Fleetfoot said in passing, yet in a sincere way as Soarin took off the headpiece to his uniform and trotted off the training grounds. He figured it would be a good time to leave whilst they were in between training routines. "Oh, yeah. Seeya." He retorted somewhat late. He still felt odd leaving while his team was still warming up for the next round of routines. As he looked back, he saw the new recruit had a big smile on her face and it contagiously crept onto his. Watching young prodigies climb the ranks always brought him satisfaction, knowing that the Wonderbolts would always have a next generation when he and his teammates got too old. No one else seemed to notice him leaving, but he was mature enough not to draw any unnecessary conclusions from it. "Hey, Soarin!" Spitfire yelled behind him as she was fluttering her wings in midair. The way she was able to keep herself motionless in the air was always amazing to him. It was as if she was being held up by an invisible pole. "Uh... D-Don't bother... Heading over there yet... I'll come meet you outside." She said a bit awkwardly, but for good reason. There would be no end to the public outcry if anyone else knew about their plans that night. Even though Soarin was always one to obey her orders, the heart pounding attraction for her tempted him to ignore her wishes and surprise her by meeting her at her place instead. "Good... For once, I get a head start..." He chuckled to himself as he entered the men's locker room, already starting to take off the rest of his uniform before he even opened the door. It was so late in the evening that he didn't have to concern himself with others peeking at him. The Wonderbolts were the only ones who had the training field after sundown. He let out a big sigh and sunk his shoulders in relaxation as he sat down on the locker bench and looked up with his eyes closed. Any other man of his age would've been attractive to the little athletic new Wonderbolt recruit that Spitfire was training, but Soarin already had his eyes set on another prize. His heart was thumping, not for the new recruit, but for Spitfire, whom he had asked out several years ago. They had been on several secret dates together, but he knew by the way she talked about that night that it would be special. After of few minutes of sitting there naked with his butt on the cold wooden bench, he realized how silly he was being and dressed into his casual clothes: a pair of long jeans and a Wonderbolts tee-shirt. Most others wouldn't want to wear associated clothing to risk being pointed out in public constantly, but since he was so famous, he figured that his face would do that job by itself and that there was no point in hiding it. He felt naughty doing it, but he skipped his after-practice shower only because he knew from context clues and rumors that Spitfire tended to enjoy the physical workout musk of a man. Even still, he put on a bit of stick deodorant under his arms to be safe. Part of the reason he was so nervous was because of the way she told him to wait before heading over. He had been in a couple of relationships before and could notice when a girl was hiding something, but it was the pure hormone-driven attraction that blinded him to it and caused him to ignore it, mistaking it as sheer excitement for possibly getting laid by Spitfire that night. As he walked out of the locker room after throwing on some gym shorts and a tight fit tee-shirt, he was humming one of his favorite songs by the Pony Tones that had come out just that week. He always liked it when Fluttershy came in and sang backup vocals and he couldn't get the song out of his head. He nodded with a smile towards the few recruits he passed on his way out and his dark blue slicked back mane flew back from the gust of wind that hit him from opening the two glass double doors exiting the academy. The chilly night air filled his nostrils and refreshed him as the somber yet relaxing sound of late evening dulled his nerves. He liked said air more when it was underneath his wings, but being off practice early put him in a state in which he couldn't complain. It helped calm his nerves and his stallion hormones going off at the thought about everything he would or might do to Spitfire. He stopped outside the academy for a moment to reconsider going over to her house as he decided earlier, wondering if it would've been rude to go against her wishes. He knew that Spitfire was always one that appreciated it when guys acted forward and assertive, so he shook it off and kept walking, a slight bulge forming in his jeans already. He got a couple looks from a group of female recruits as they passed by and they giggled after they were behind him. Seeing their bubbly girl butts as he peeked behind him made his bulge throb harder. Daydreams upon daydreams were forming in his head already about what might happen. His favorite possibility would be him coming in and being welcomed with a hot passionate kiss from Spitfire that would lead to the couch. Just the thought of it wasn't helping his problem downstairs and he was glad that Spitfire's place was rather secluded from the main streets of Cloudsdale; it meant that not as many people around would notice it. He really wondered deep down why Spitfire seemed so nervous about him not going over early. It was like an annoying itch in the back of his head that wouldn't go away despite the mass amount of distractions he was trying to feed it. His preoccupying thoughts nearly made him trip on Spitfires stairs up to her door. Once he adjusted himself and caught his balance, he ran his fingers through his hair one last time to make sure he looked pristine as could be. He straightened out a couple of stubborn cowlicks and rang the doorbell, his heart pounding in excitement. He half didn't expect her to be home, though. When she didn't answer, he reached in his pocket and pulled out the spare key. "Heh... Knew this baby would come in handy..." He grinned as he unlocked it himself, making sure to put it tight in his pocket right after so Spitfire wouldn't see it. She still hadn't noticed that he held onto her spare key from the one time he had to house sit for her months back. Almost instantly, though, he could hear a constant thumping, as if someone were tapping their thumb against the wall in one of the back rooms. He was always the innocent and non-skeptical type; the more trained stallion would be able to tell instantly what it was. It was nearly comical how cliche it was set up to the point where he didn't call out to her because he wanted it to be a surprise. He tiptoed closer to the back rooms where the strange sound was still emanating through the walls. His heart began to sink and he got pale when the sounds got more distinct. "Ahnnn! F-Fuck, don't stop!" It was a girls voice and since he hadn't heard Spitfires sex moans yet, he couldn't be sure if they belonged to her or not. He just prayed to Celestia that it was someone else that just sounded like her and that they'd all have a laugh about it later. "Hahhh! Oh Celestia, harder! He almost left so the couple could finish, but he had to see. He trusted that Spitfire wouldn't do something like that to him after all the flirting they'd done and after all the long late night talks they had about getting married and having children. Soarin approached the door slowly and it was slightly cracked, most likely because the two didn't expect anyone to be home so soon. In an instant, once he saw Spitfires perfect young athletic body being pounded senseless into the bed inside the room by a stallion he didn't even know, his heart broke. It was as if every memory of Spitfire that he ever had was forever tainted. He couldn't help but gasp just from the shock of all of it and from the influx of such intense emotions. He ran. He ran hard and fast out of the front door as the banging noises stopped behind them and were replaced by the two sounding panicked and shocked. He knew they would be frantically dressing up to see who was there, but he had no intention on staying long enough for that to happen. He stubbed his toe on the coffee table in the living room and he was almost thankful for it; the pain he felt while running helped dull the emotional pain he just suffered, but only for a few moments. He didn't even stop to think about how she got there before he did until after he left the house. She most likely rushed back to fuck her significant other before he showed up, but couldn't finish in time. With a loud slam, he shut the door on his way out, wiping the tears from his eyes. He couldn't remember the last time his heart hurt that bad. It all happened so fast that he couldn't even comprehend it yet. It still felt like a dream to him and that he would wake up right about then. However, the pain in his foot from stubbing it on the table reminded him that he was very much regrettably awake. He was a mess trying to wipe away tears and keep from sobbing as he walked through crowds of people, trying to get away from everything. He didn't know where to go or what to do. He just wanted to be alone. The crowd picked up instantly on the strange guy crying in the middle of the street and as he usually did when he was in public, Soarin kept his head down with his hand over his face so he wouldn't be recognized. It rarely worked, but he at least needed to hide his tears somewhat. He found a spot to fall through the clouds out of Cloudsdale and nose dived straight down. The cold air bit and whipped his face, making his eyes dry up and become more irritable. The crying made them worse enough; now, he could barely keep them open. Soarin opened up his wings, slowing down with the added strength fueled by sad anger that filled him. A big gust of wind surrounded him as his feet touched the cool grass. The sensitivity in his foot caused him to peel over and stumble to the ground with a pain-filled grunt. He was out in the open with the outskirts of Ponyville in the distance, but he didn't move and he didn't look up. He just sat down in the grass in the open and cried. He grit his teeth hard, starting to feel more of the pain in his foot. If he cared about anything other than Spitfire in that moment, he would've feared that it was broken, but the image of Spitfire pseudo-cheating on him haunted every corner of his mind and prevented him from even acknowledging it. "F-fuck you..." He managed to whine out behind his tears and sniffling. So much anger and sadness was backed up and he knew that if he didn't find an outlet soon, things would only get worse. A phone call came on his cell phone and he already knew who it was. Even if it wasn't her, he was too unstable to handle talking to anyone, so he took out his phone and turned it off. It took all the restraint he had not to throw it as hard as he could out of sadness and anger. The first idea he had of drowning his sorrows was heading to Club Scratch which wasn't that far away from where he landed. He usually didn't dance in club settings and he wouldn't have been able to anyway because of his foot, but he knew that Vinyl always liked talking to him and was generally a good friend. He'd often ask himself if it was worth it to ask her out, but the main reason he didn't was because of Spitfire even though Vinyl had generally been a better friend to him by comparison. It wasn't just because she was a provocative bombshell, but also because he often felt a certain aura from her that seemed to cheer him up no matter how down he was feeling. It was something he'd been ignoring for the longest time, but each time he met her, he felt himself falling prey to it more and more. He could remember several times in the past where he went to her club to drink and she ended up helping him more than the booze did, but he quickly dismissed the idea when he imagined being pestered by fans the entire time at her club. He usually loved the attention but after what happened, he was afraid he'd say something the wrong way and get in a fight or worse. With Vinyl's Club out of the picture, he knew that his sources of therapy were very limited. Vinyl wouldn't be considered an emotional guru by most and her love life basically consisted of one night stands and stripping, but he knew that deep down, she had a way of making him feel better about anything that was beyond his understanding. He sighed and was beginning to run out of tears and as they left, the pain in his foot returned. He reached down and massaged it gently with his fingers and hissed from the pain, and was relieved to find that it wasn't broken. He stood up slowly and looked around. "Good..." He whispered to himself when he discovered that he wasn't being watched. His voice was shaky from all the outpouring of emotions that he was experiencing and was glad that no one was around to witness it. Walking on his foot was out of the question after just taking a couple of steps towards town and limping badly. It looked rather weird, but he knew he'd have to just fly until it got better. He figured it would give him a better chance of finding a bar to settle down in and forget everything. He flew up about a hundred feet in the air and, using his pinpoint precision pegasus eyes, scoped out for a suitable spot. Oddly enough, when he passed by Club Scratch, there weren't nearly as many people there as usual. It made him slightly uneasy until he squinted and read a sign on the front doors saying that it was closed due to maintenance. The night was continuing to go downhill fast. Not only did he not get to meet with one of his favorite mare buddies that always helped him with his problems, but he wasn't finding any bars around town either. "Damn... Did they make Ponyville a dry city?" He talked to himself since no one was listening up in the sky and grimaced. After about five minutes of flying over the town over and over again, he gave up and gently glided around with a sigh, eventually resting on top of one of the taller houses and looking down at the lightpost-lit streets. The peaceful setting helped take the edge off both his emotional and physical pain, but it wasn't enough and he knew it. As he looked down, he began to zone out mentally and think to himself. It was the first time he actually hoped that Spitfire felt bad and wished ill against her. Whether or not they'd be able to make up wasn't clear at the moment but he knew that he wouldn't be able to see her for a couple of days. The two of them were good enough friends that she wouldn't punish him or hold it against him and it wasn't like Soarin missing one or two days of practice would hurt his flying. He thought about how awkward practices would be for a while, how strange it would be flying so close to Spitfire but also feeling as if she'd never been farther away from him. The thought would've been enough to make him tear up again if he had any tears left. He sat there on the roof for what seemed like hours and his eyes were getting heavy. He checked the clock on his phone and realized that it was already an hour past his usual bed time, but didn't act as eager to go to bed because he knew he'd stay up thinking about everything all night anyway. He needed a drink and he needed one fast. Just as he was about to hop down and get a beer from the convenience store, his eyes instantly magnetized to the neon blue and white colored mare in the corner of his eye. He squinted to make sure it was her and a small smile crept on his face when he recognized her signature purple shades. It was the first time a smile appeared on his face since the incident and he knew it was a good sign that she'd be able to help him. She was walking and chatting with a couple of her friends which would make the whole ordeal a bit more awkward, but he couldn't just sit there and mope when his life preserver was right in front of him. He knew it'd make him look stupid flying down to her and walking with her because of the bad limp in his foot, but he had no better way of handling it. He flew a bit ahead of her and landed next to a light pole, waiting for her to approach. He couldn't wipe the look of emotional distress off his face since it was permanently written on it in the form of his irritated eyes and dampened cheeks that he tried to dry off with the back of his hand at the last second. He thought about eight different ways of approaching her within the ten seconds it took for her to reach him but just blew it off and said "Hey Vinyl!" In a casual and friendly tone, not wanting to over complicate something that didn't need to be complicated. He couldn't help but scan her up and down because of the somewhat revealing clothing she was wearing. She was always a provocateur when it came to her clothes. She was wearing a short pink skirt and a black tanktop that wasn't long enough to cover her pierced belly button. Vinyl looked over as did her two mare friends and her face lit up as she took off her shades. The two other girls obviously recognized him but let Vinyl talk with him alone. A few people around them were starting to notice the two and pointed fingers. A couple even took some pictures, which made the whole encounter rather awkward before she even said a word. "Uh... On second thought, let's head back to my place..." Vinyl looked around and put her shades back on, realizing how awkward it would've been as well. Soarin just chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, good call." "By the way, why aren't you walking? Gettin' an extra workout?" Vinyl looked at him with a confused grin. "Stubbed my toe bad... Its not broken but it hurts like hell." "Damn, I hate when that happens... I think I got some ice packs inside." It warmed his heart that she instantly insisted on nursing his foot the second he mentioned it. As they approached her house, Soarin noticed that the two girls that were following behind them had trailed off somewhere else and his ears flattened when he realized it might've been because of him. "Hey, uh... Sorry about your friends, I didn't mean to..." He scratched the back of his head and looked down. The paparazzi that was surrounding them had begun to dissipate as they got farther from the center of town and as they died down, their conversation finally began to carry on. "Nah, it's cool. Dunno why they bailed like that though, I know tons of girls who'd kill to hang out with you." She complimented him, already being able to notice that he wasn't himself and most likely needed a pick-me-up. "Heh, thanks... I..." He almost made a passive remark about Spitfire just then, but figured it would be best to get completely inside before spilling the beans since people with microphones could've been anywhere. "Thanks..." He said and cursed at himself for acting so unstable. "Really sucks, huh? Sometimes I wish I could just walk down the street without being bombarded by little kids and weirdos asking for autographs." Vinyl rolled her ruby-magenta eyes with a sigh as she fumbled her keys around with her magic and approached her front door. Soarin thanked her mentally for changing the subject. "Tell me about it..." Soarin had a similar expression at the thought of just spending one day not being famous. Vinyl's house always vexed Soarin, not because of how messy it usually was, but because of how small and underwhelming it was. He would've thought that someone as famous as her would have a much bigger house like he did, but she instead had a single floor two bedroom one bathroom house that barely looked special at all. He had only been there a couple of times to meet her before going out to her club as a VIP. "Oh, why was the club closed tonight? Maintenance or somethin'?" He asked out of curiosity so the conversation wouldn't die off. "Pfft, yeah..." Vinyl bent down and either intentionally or unintentionally gave him a small peek at her soft upper thighs, picking up her daily dose of fan mail that was left at her front doormat. It made him blush slightly and looked away before he got caught. The more he thought about it, the more he felt as if she did it on purpose since she could've easily picked it up with her magic. "Some idiot knocked down one of my amps last night and busted a hole through the stage floor. They said they'd pay for the amp but they still gotta close to fix up the hole so I don't get drunk and forget and fall down it or something." She smirked and opened the front door. Soarin had never fucked Vinyl before even though the opportunities were always there, but she always gave him little sneak peeks and teasers just because that was the kind of girl she was towards her guy friends. She knew about him and Spitfire, so she never really went farther than that out of respect. It made him wonder what she'd try to do when she found out he was technically single again. There were clothes scattered around the room which told him that her roommate, who usually cleaned up after her, wasn't there. He saw a few pairs of panties on the floor and grinned before she picked them up and put them in a pile near the laundry room, then put the pile of fan mail on a table nearby. He put very little weight on his foot as he hobbled inside, not flying because the gusts would most likely start to knock stuff over. "Where's your roommate?" He asked as he took off his shoes and sat down on the couch facing her television since she didn't seem like the kind of girl that would mind him making himself at home. He was extra careful not to bump his foot on anything else. "Off on a Canterlot trip with her orchestra or something. Should be comin' back tomorrow. Hey, you want a drink?" She asked as she walked into the kitchen, taking off her shoes as well and walking around barefoot. "Yeah, I need one..." He said in a defeated tone when she offered and she gave him an odd look of concern for a moment before going in and pulling out bottles of liquor, trying to find the bourbon which she knew was his favorite. He was starting to think that she was getting wise towards what was going on. Now that they were under some decent lighting, he knew that his pink eyes and damp cheeks would be more visible and it made it harder for him to play dumb about what was going on. "Alright... Uh... Oh, Fuck yeah!" Soarin heard Vinyl pull out a bottle, knowing that it was bourbon already because she knew his favorite drink. It made him chuckle; he always loved her tomboyish friendly attitude. She came back in with a full fifth of Manehattan bourbon and some vodka for her, which was her straight liquor of choice. In her magical grasp was also a bag of crushed ice for his foot. She sat down next to him and gave him a highball glass before cracking open some kind of soft drink and mixing it with her vodka. "So, now that those camera whores are out of the way, how've ya been?" She smiled and leaned back on the couch, crossing her legs. She turned the tv on with her magic, but kept the volume low just so there'd be some white noise to drown out the awkward silence around them. "And don't bullshit me because I can tell something's wrong already." She said in a friendly yet matter-of-fact way that made him rethink beating around the bush a while longer. He poured some bourbon in his glass and took a sip. It wasn't his normal brand but it was passable. With a few hisses and a bite of his lip, he settled the ice pack on his foot. "Yeah, I guess it's kinda obvious... I hate dumping all my problems on you, Vinyl, I'm sorry... It seems like its all I do sometimes." Vinyl put a hand on his shoulder in a comforting and non-sexual way. "Dude, that's what friends are for. Besides, it's only fair since you carry me home from the club all the time." They both laughed as he took another moderate sip, needing a buzz. "Yeah, I guess so, huh?" He sighed and his smile eventually faded away. She kept quiet, hinting that she was expecting him to fess up. He took a second to think of how he was going to say it. "Well, you know Spitfire, right?" "Um, yeah?" She made a weird face at him and chuckled, taking a swig of her drink. "You guys still a thing?" Soarin paused at the question and scratched his neck a little nervously and Vinyl picked up on it instantly. "Oh boy... Alright tell me what happened." The concern in her tone made him happy that he found her. She turned towards him a little on the couch and tucked one of her legs underneath her, waiting for the news. "Well, we were gonna meet up at her place today after practice..." He sighed, trying to emotionally stabilize himself as the fresh memory came back. "I figured we'd be taking it to the next level since we'd been talking for a long time. So I got there early and... She... Was with another guy." "Wait, seriously? Like, she was fucking him?" She asked bluntly and leaned in. "Yeah. Just... Don't tell anyone, okay?" He took another sip and looked down. "Oh shit... Dude, that's fucked up. I thought Spitfire was cool!" She seemed genuinely pissed off about it. Soarin just kept quiet, trying to let the booze relax him. "Damn, I'm sorry man..." She put her hand back on his shoulder. "That's really messed up. Hey, don't blame yourself." Vinyl added. "N-no, I mean I don't, but... I just..." He looked for the words to accurately describe what he was feeling. "There has to be something I don't have that that guy did or else..." "Dude. Stop." She said sternly. It both scared him and snapped him back to reality and he finally looked at her, getting lost in her unique-colored eyes. "You realize how many mares would jump on you the second you asked them? Like seriously, you're hot as shit." She complimented and assured him, making his cheeks turn red a little. "I'm not just saying that, either. I mean, did you know this guy?" "No..." He replied dully. "Exactly. He's just some guy. If she's cheating on you with just some guy, then she's not worth it. I mean, I know I'm not a love guru or whatever but I know cheating is messed up and there're no excuses for it." "I know, it's just... I've known her so long, I can't just forget about her or what happened. I mean, I wish I could be concrete about it like you are, but I just... I can't..." He rubbed his face, trying not to get emotional again. Vinyl heard her phone going off and instead of answering it, pulled it out of her skirt pocket with her magic and tossed it aside without even bothering to see who it was. It made him feel good that she was willing to blow something like that off because she was more concerned about him, especially since it could've been important. Soarin took another sip of bourbon and Vinyl topped him off shortly after. "Look..." She continued after some thought. "I don't wanna make you hate her, but I'm just saying that she's the one that should feel bad, not you. So here." She lifted his glass to him off the table and he took it hesitantly. "Let's just have a good time tonight and forget about it." She smiled and patted his back in a brotherly way even though she was a girl. He eased back in the couch and took a deep breath, taking another sip. "Thanks Vinyl... Man, I'm so glad I found you, I was about to just grab some beers from the store and head back home and cry myself to sleep." "Dude, you should've called me! You know I'm right here if ya need me." "I know, I just didn't wanna bother you if you were busy or somethin'..." He replied humbly and politely. Vinyl sighed, acting slightly frustrated that he was stubbornly polite all the time and didn't ask for help when he needed it. They both knew each other long enough to know each others' flaws and Vinyl knew that was definitely one of his. "Okay. Remember last time you were at the club and I came over and talked to you at the booth after I played? And the atmosphere was all weird?" "Yeah, why?" He asked, a bit confused as to why she was bringing it up. "I was supposed to play two more bits after you came but I didn't because you were down and needed me." Soarin instantly felt guilty from hearing that and his ears flattened at the thought. "And whenever I hang out with you, I'm almost always turning down someone else just because... Well, you're a better friend to me than most others and because you're more important than a couple or songs or a couple random friends that I was hanging out with today. Okay?" Vinyl wasn't good with words, but hoped that she got the point across even though it was a bit more stern than most girls would've put it. Soarin would've felt uncomfortable and felt as if she were fussing at him if he didn't know that she was just doing it because she was such a good friend. He sat there for several moments, not saying anything and thought about what she said. He eventually leaked a smile onto his face and gave her a one-arm hug out of nowhere, too polite to make it two-armed. "Thanks Vinyl..." He said and felt himself getting emotional again. However, it was because he was realizing just how good of a friend she was and not because of Spitfire. "Hey, no prob." She smiled and blushed slightly from feeling his muscle-toned body so close to hers. Because of his good looks and attractiveness, it was hard for even her to resist getting even the slightest bit excited from being that close to him. The bourbon was beginning to loosen him up as well, making both it and Vinyl a two pronged relief from his distress. He was already beginning to forget about everything. "So, you dating anyone yet?" Soarin asked randomly to change the subject as the two found themselves sitting closer together than before because of the hug they shared. "Uh..." Vinly looked a bit conflicted. "I mean... Sorta? I kinda have this off and on thing with my roommate but I dunno man... She really gets on my nerves sometimes." Soarin looked surprised and smiled. "Oh geez, I didn't think you were... I mean, with girls..." He said awkwardly, obviously not used to the idea of lesbians even though half the population of Equestria most likely was because of the overwhelming number of females in it. "I like guys too, don't worry. I just kinda go back and forth." She took her previous relaxed position on the couch and crossed her legs on the coffee table in front of her, feeling good about herself being able to pull him out of an emotional rut so quickly. "Don't worry?" He teased her a little, realizing that it sounded as if she was assuring him that it was okay for him to like her romantically. She blushed slightly and rolled her eyes with a smirk. "Whatever. You know what I mean." A few moments of silence passed by as Vinyl turned the volume of the tv up and started surfing through channels since the serious stuff was out of the way. "So... Every mare in Equestria would jump on me if I asked, huh?" He chuckled, finding her reactions to his teasing adorable. Either the alcohol or his growing attraction to her was causing him to be more flirty with her and since he no longer had trust or interest in Spitfire, the conflict of choosing between the two seemed much more one sided. She had to have known that he was just messing with her, but she continued to act embarrassed about it for some reason. "W-well, yeah, duh." She took another sip of her drink and topped herself off, obviously being able to handle her alcohol more than most. "Why's that?" Soarin smirked. He enjoyed the compliments she gave him but was only asking to tease. He wouldn't have taken it the wrong way if she just blew him off. Vinyl just smirked. She was too laid back and casual to let a tease like that get to her. "Because you're hot and you're in the Wonderbolts." "So you like everyone else in the Wonderbolts just as much? They're all attractive, too." He smirked and tested her a little more. "Yeah, but you're the hottest for sure. Shit, I'd bang you right now if you asked." She said before realizing how uncomfortable it might've sounded. Neither of them said anything for a few seconds that seemed like minutes. "My bad, I didn't mean to-" "Its cool. Don't worry about it." Soarin just chuckled it off and smiled, knowing what she meant. However, the sexual tension in the air was beginning to grow between the two and both of them could definitely feel it even though they didn't want to acknowledge it. "You're really beautiful, too." He said out of nowhere. He was surprised that he said it and instantly felt guilty for it. Vinyl smiled, liking how he called her 'beautiful' and not 'hot' like almost every other guy in Ponyville did. His polite and chivalrous attitude sometimes annoyed her but more often than not, she felt glad that she knew a guy that didn't ogle over her every second and actually treated her like a woman. It was something she wasn't used to, so it felt that much better when it happened. "Thanks..." She blushed and smiled, not acting like her normal self all of a sudden. He expected her to just laugh it off and wouldn't have thought anything of it if she did, but her reaction made his heart flutter with excitement. He knew he did something right and gave himself a mental high-five for it. Meanwhile, Vinyl's mind was a blender of emotions. Not only did she feel guilty for flirting with him literally hours after he was cheated on, but she was still trying to decide whether or not she was going to try and make a move on him. She already knew he was interested in her and the two had a good enough friendship as a foundation. She seemed compatible with him for the most part, more so than her roommate. All it would take would be her talking straight with him about it. With any other guy, it wouldn't have been a problem. However, she felt her heart tightening up and fluttering each time she thought about having an open conversation about it. She didn't know why, but her best guess was because there was something different about him than most other guys. "Hey, but really..." Soarin decided to break the sexual tension a little and gulped as he dove into a potential hornets nest. He put his arm around her over the back of the couch and scooted a little closer to her, hoping she wouldn't mind or feel uncomfortable. "Thanks... You really have been a good friend to me over the years and I don't feel like I pay you back enough." Vinyl smiled and her heart fluttered some more when she felt his arm around her. She hated that she was reacting like a frilly little schoolgirl on a first date, but she couldn't help it. She couldn't help but swish her tail back and forth a little and she hated herself for giving away that she liked what he was doing. "You alright?" He asked after she didn't say anything for several moments. "H-huh?" She got caught in a daydream and snapped back to attention. "Yeah, I'm good! Hey, uh... You want something else to drink? I have pretty much everything under the sun in my cabinet." She changed the subject poorly and he knew she was getting flustered by what he was doing. He wasn't sure whether it was because she was uncomfortable or because she was getting embarrassed in a good way, but erred on the latter since he knew she was straightforward and confrontational with things she didn't like. He remembered back to one of the very few times she hurt his feelings by essentially telling him to fuck off when he pried too much into her personal life with Octavia. "Yeah, sure. Surprise me." He smiled as she got up and snuck a couple peeks at her butt as she walked back into the kitchen. The alcohol hadn't quite hit him yet, so he gulped down the rest of his bourbon while she made him something else. Meanwhile, Vinyl smirked naughtily when she got an idea. "Hey, want a blowjob?" She asked casually and tried to suppress a chuckle. Soarin's eyes widened and he choked on the bourbon out of shock from what she just asked. He coughed on the strong fire water for several seconds before laughing nervously. "Uh, what!?" He wiped his mouth with his hand, feeling numb from the bourbon going up through his nose. "I mean the drink, you horn dog." Vinyl checkmated him with a classic tease and grinned as she started making it, adding in all of the ingredients and putting some whipped cream on top. She didn't expect him to want one since it was primarily a girly drink, but offered anyway just as an excuse to tease him back for earlier. "N-nah, its okay... Uh, I'll take some of whatever coffee liquor you're putting in it, though." He started to feel a bit of tightness in his pants, knowing that she was stepping up her game and making him embarrassed as well. In addition, he couldn't help but imagine her giving him a blowjob just from associated thought. "Aw come on, man. Its good!" She offered as she came in with a shot glass with whipped cream on top in one hand and a bottle of coffee liquor in the other. "No, really. It's okay. I wanna see you do it." He slipped out, not realizing how his words could've been taken. "You said you wanna pay me back, right?" She smirked, knowing that would give her the upper hand. Soarin sighed and gave up. "Alright, fine... Just promise you won't laugh? Just this one time." "Promise." Vinyl gave him a silly salute and watched him intently. "Alright..." Soarin took a deep breath and put his hands behind his back, leaning down and picking up the shot with his mouth as blowjob shots were supposed to be taken. He could already feel the whipped cream getting all over his mouth and face and felt embarrassed by it, but went though with it anyway and leaned back, taking the shot and then grabbing the glass to put it back down. He had whipped cream all over his mouth and rather than cleaning it off, left it there for a second to let Vinyl see. "Woo! Soarin's gettin' wild!" Vinyl chuckled and cheered him on, throwing her hands up in the air comically. "Dude, I can't believe you did that!" "Hey, you promised!" Soarin blushed and smiled, cleaning up the whipped cream around his mouth. Vinyl poured herself a small bit of coffee liquor in her glass and sat indian-style on the couch. She spotted a bit of whipped cream on his cheek that he missed and thought of a really cute way of getting it for him, but it would mean potentially fully breaking the sexual frustration between them. After a second or two of him not noticing it, she gutted up and went for it, knowing that whatever happened happened and that it would be better to try it and be turned down than to never try it and miss her chance. "Missed a spot..." Vinyl smiled, her heart beating out of her chest, and leaned towards him. Soarin's ears perked up, thinking that she was going in for a sudden kiss and he was too shocked to resist or do anything about it. However, he was surprised when she passed his lips and kissed his cheek where the whipped cream was, getting it off for him in the process. He knew that Vinyl liked doing things like that just to embarrass him every so often, but that was the first time it felt different. It felt as if she were truly trying to get his affection because of all the tension in the air and he just sat there like a statue, trying to figure out what to do or say, as was Vinyl. The feeling of her warm moist lips against his cheek made him shiver just a bit from excitement. "Look, I, uh... I'm not good with stuff like this, but... We obviously like each other a lot, and..." Vinyl struggled to get the words out. She knew that there was no use trying to beat around the bush anymore after what she did, but she knew the risks she was taking before she did it. "Hey..." Soarin suddenly got very calm, actually feeling more relaxed now that the subject was out in the open. He scooted closer to her and put her arm over her shoulder like before, but he also put his hand right above her knee. It wasn't high enough on her thigh to be sexual, but it wasn't low enough to just strictly be friendly. He used his thumb to caress her leg as he smiled. "I think so too. I guess... I was just afraid to ask because of Spitfire all those times before." "All those times before?" Vinyl felt the strangest she'd ever felt before. In other situations, she would've just jumped on the guy and fucked his brains out, but she found herself wanting to explore him a little more first. His hand on her thigh and his thumb rubbing her both eased her and excited her at the same time. "Wait, how long have you...?" "A while... Too long, actually. I'm sorry for keeping it from you, I guess I was just scared it'd ruin our friendship." Soarin wasn't much on mushy talk either, but the alcohol he was feeling helped him quite a bit. Vinyl put a hand on his that was on her leg and she couldn't stop staring into his eyes. It was one of the first times she'd actually felt a romantic attraction towards someone that was fueled by something non-sexual and it felt amazing. "Why didn't you just tell me, you dingus?" He had already answered her question before she asked, but her mind was so clouded by emotions and she couldn't think straight. "Because I didn't know whether or not you liked me back." He took a second to think before he continued. "S-Soarin..." Vinyl's breaths were getting heavier before she lost it as well. She leaned forward assertively and planted a strong yet passionate kiss onto his lips, gripping his hand a little harder. Soarin accepted the kiss and returned it, extending his arm around her back to pull her closer to him. The kiss ended shortly after, however, when Vinyl decided she wanted to hear what he had to say before they did anything else. "Y-you wanna... You know, since I'm single now..." Soarin asked with a nervous smile, looking down at her in his arms. "Fuck yeah..." Vinyl wrapped both arms around his neck and kissed him even more passionately, putting all her weight into it and causing him to go down on his back on the couch. She went down with him and kept kissing and for the first time in her life, she let the kisses just be kisses long enough to enjoy them before turning it into making out. "V-Vinyl... Shit..." Soarin groaned out in a desire-filled tone, feeling her tongue slip little by little into his mouth and playing with his. He knew that at this rate and with this much intense attraction, they'd be fucking in no time, but he let her take it at her own pace. However, he could feel her skirt lifting up from them holding each other and rubbing against each other and it was very hard for him not to get hard from it, especially since he could also feel her breasts squishing down on his chest. He was glad he was wearing jeans or else his junk might've been visible by then. All the built up sexual and emotional tension between the two that had built up over their years of friendship was being released all at once and it was too much for either of them to handle. Not only was Soarin beginning to get hard in his pants, but Vinyl felt herself losing control to lust as well. Her nipples were becoming perky against his chest and she could feel her panties getting damp between her legs. She was gliding her fingers through his thick wind-whipped hair and continuing the kiss for several more minutes. Soarin's hands were starting to get further and further down her back until they finally stopped right above her ass at her hips. Both of them wanted and needed sex badly. It was more than just a fuck; it was sex fueled by true love and both of them could feel the difference. He knew that if they ended up fucking, he'd have a lot to prove since she'd been with so many men before and had ten times as much experience as he did. However, something told him that she didn't care. Vinyl finally passed the first threshold when he felt her reach behind her and grab his hands, moving them to her soft white butt. He grinned as she continued to kiss him and groped it happily, getting extremely hard in his pants from it. She groaned slightly into his mouth from the attention he was giving her. She pulled away from the kiss, leaving a small string of saliva between their lips. They both breathed heavily from not having taken a break in some time and from the excitement of it all. She looked into his eyes for the first time, not as a friend but as a lover. "Bedroom?" Soarin chuckled, his hands still on her butt. "Bedroom..." Vinyl agreed with a grin. > Chapter 2: A Hands-On Approach > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was game on and Soarin took the reins as the dominant man and picked her up in his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck as he used his strength to carry her, sharing several kisses along the way. He knew where her bedroom was so he took her straight there. Thanks to the ice pack being on his bad foot the whole time, he was able to ignore the pain. Instead of laying her down and getting on top of her, he laid down on his back with her on top as they were before, liking the idea of letting her go at her own pace. Her bed was messy and unkempt, but neither of them were concerned about anything else but themselves. He expected her to start stripping down and getting dirty, but she instead seemed perfectly contempt kissing him some more. Vinyl laid down on top of him just like they were on the couch, but they had more room to move around and rub against each other. His hands went back to her butt again since she seemed to like it so much and both of them let out moans and groans into each other’s mouths as they had a wet sloppy makeout session that lasted nearly five minutes. Soarin began grabbing her butt underneath her skirt instead of through it and he was almost certain that she could feel his hard-on by then. Even if she couldn't, his flared out wing-boner was a dead giveaway of his enjoyment. "Y-you sure you're okay with being my boyfriend?" Vinyl looked down at him with a smile as the two took a breather from the kissing. "Never been more sure of anything in my life." He said in a cheesy and sappy way and even though Vinyl wasn't one to appreciate things like that, his words seemed to hit her in the right place. In fact, Soarin could've sworn that he saw her lip quiver just for a split second before she laid back down on him and started giving him affectionate kisses on his neck. Feeling her lips and her tongue play with him there made his body shiver with excitement. Soarin figured it was about time to step it up a little and gave Vinyl a little spank on her flank. It wasn't hard enough to hurt terribly, but it was enough to make Vinyl yelp and giggle. He gripped her ass hard after he slapped it and groped it. It seemed to do the trick as Vinyl gave a long lusty lick up his neck and suckled on his ear. "I'm assuming you like it rough?" Soarin said and let out some cute boyish groans from the affection she was giving him. "Tonight, I like it however you like it, babe... Ahn!" She whispered in his ear seductively and it made Soarin grin ear to ear and she moaned sharply when she felt Soarin grab a bit of her panties and pull up, giving her a slight wedgie that put pressure directly on her clit and pussy. She continued sucking his earlobe and moaning into it until she couldn't wait anymore. She leaned up and pulled her tanktop off, then threw it aside. "Really, Vinyl? No bra?" Soarin looked up at her with a smirk and his hands went from her ass, sliding up her sides smoothly, and rested on her soft white tits. "Mmm..." She groaned from the attention to her sensitive breasts. "Don't judge..." Vinyl was starting to rock her hips back and forth right on his bulge in his pants, letting him feel the warmth her pussy was giving off through her panties. He could already feel her getting damp as well as he played with her tits. "Damn, dude... I can feel your cock throbbing through your jeans..." She chuckled with a blush and kept giving him a pseudo-lap-dance, putting some more pressure down onto his hard-on that was begging to be released. "It’s only because you're so damn beautiful..." He smiled up at her and played around with her nipples. His hips were beginning to push his bulge up against her marehood every so often and he couldn't get enough of her adorable little moans. Hearing such a tomboyish mare emit such girly sounds was like music to his ears. Vinyl smiled from that, loving how he called her beautiful again. It was a type of compliment that very few men gave her and it hit her heartstrings in all the right places. "Here, lemme help you with that..." She pulled up his shirt and tried to get it off, but couldn't figure out how to get it through the holes in it that he had for his wings. The fact that he had a massive wing boner didn't help, either. After trying for a while awkwardly, she just laughed and gave up. "Fuck, I hate wings sometimes..." "It's alright. Here." Soarin laughed with her and got it off himself. "Mmm... Fuck yeah..." Vinyl looked down at his chest and bit her lip. She had the face of someone who was about to devour a delicious meal as her fingertips ran up and down his well-defined muscles. "You like? I've been working out my core a lot more recently." Soarin just put his hands behind his head, letting Vinyl do what she wanted for the time being and flexing for her a little. She might not have been like most mares, but Vinyl was just like everyone else when it came to seeing well-toned muscles on guys. It made her go crazy. Vinyl scooted down a little and gave him a wink before licking down his abs and unzipping his pants with her teeth sexily. Soarin just stared down at her with an eager smile, waiting to see what her reaction would be to his cock that she'd never seen before. He wasn't boastful about his size by any means, but he knew that he was more well-endowed than most. When she finally pulled down his pants and his throbbing flared cock flopped out and hit his belly, her eyes widened and her face turned red. "Holy fuck, Soarin! If I knew you were this big I would've tried fucking you a long time ago!" She giggled nervously, knowing that his girth would cause some pain initially because of its size. "And... It's so musky..." Her eyes seemed to glaze over a little from the smell. Apparently, she was a sucker for the after-work out smell as well. She was so caught up with it that she ended up just staring at it for several moments awkwardly. "Well?" Soarin finally snapped her out of it and made his cock twitch a little to turn her on, which it did. Vinyl went right for the money and began stroking it as it started to get harder, sliding down and licking his swollen balls a little. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that she was intoxicated by his cock already. "Nngh... Shit..." Soarin groaned in acceptance to such a naughty yet pleasurable gesture and stared down at her. He ran his fingers through and played with her neon blue hair a little playfully and affectionately. There was a little glob of pre-cum already forming at his tip. After sucking and rolling her tongue around his balls, Vinyl licked up his thick shaft several times and picked his cock up with her hand so it was pointing straight up. "Damn, Spitfires really missing out... She doesn't deserve a cock like this..." Vinyl said naughtily, hell-bent on getting him to not worry about Spitfire anymore despite the fact that he was already sold on Vinyl for quite some time. "And you do... So go ahead and take as much as you want." Soarin kept stroking her hair soothingly and let her go at her own pace, eager to see if she was as experienced at sex as she claimed to be. "My pleasure, babe." Vinyl said before sliding his head into her mouth and swirling her tongue around it. She got a good taste of his precum and seemed to like it a lot because he felt her tongue slip over his urethra a couple times to get the full taste. His stallion instincts were telling him to grab her by the hair and pull her face down onto his cock, but his heart was telling him to treat her gently. At least, until they were both warmed up first. His patience soon paid off as he felt her wonderfully warm mouth and tongue slide down his shaft, which elicited a strong moan from it. "Mmmph..." She groaned on his cock as she slid down halfway. She usually prided herself for being able to take a cock deep in her mouth and even down her throat, but his size kept her from going more than halfway before she sucked back up and licked his head a little. His cock throbbed hard and eagerly in her mouth as he felt her suck his cock better than anyone else ever did. He brought one of his hands down and scratched gently behind her ear while he kept groaning to tell her that she was doing a good job even though she knew she could do better. The affection he gave her encouraged her to try and take him deeper, but it would mean taking him into her throat. Such a feat wouldn't have been a problem for her with average sized cocks, but his wasn't average at all. Nevertheless, she took a deep breath through her nose and slid down, suppressing her gag reflex and popping him into her throat. "Ahh-Ahhhh! Shit!" Soarin moaned loudly from the intense pleasure of being deep throated as Vinyl slid all the way down to his hilt. However, she came back up quickly and started coughing a little. "Geez, you okay?" He asked with concern even though his cock was eager and twitching for another round of that. "Yeah... I'm good." She took a big breath. "Not used to cocks this size, huh?" The alcohol and sexual drive in his system was causing him to be a bit more forward than he usually was. "Nope..." She giggled and started sucking again. This time when she went down, she took him in her throat and sucked him deep for much longer, taking breaths through her nose each time he came out of her throat. She couldn't help but reach between her legs and rub her pussy through her panties from being so turned on from having such a huge cock throbbing inside her throat. She needed relief downstairs but wanted to give him enough attention first. Soarin couldn't help but push up into her throat each time she went down because of how much ecstasy it brought him. Vinyl didn't seem to mind, though. However, he was beginning to feel a tad bit guilty for him getting all the attention and he could tell that she needed some, too. "Mmphhh! Fuck... Take off that skirt and bring that butt up here..." He smirked, knowing that no mare could resist the temptation of a good sixty-nine. "You got it." She said eagerly, happy that he offered. She slid her skirt off to the end of her foot with her magic and she flicked it away with her toe playfully before quickly straddling his face. She leaned back down and started sucking on his cock again, only her panties in the way of his mouth and her pussy. Since she seemed to like the small wedgie he gave her earlier, he decided to do it again and he could hear and feel her moaning against his cock from it. Just to seal the deal, he leaned in and began licking her pussy through her panties. Even from one lick, he could feel her throbbing and soaking wet. As he went a bit further and pressed his muzzle against her marehood with her panties on, he groaned as he felt her deep throat him again and the vibration of him doing it against her pussy caused her to groan as well, making a give and take cycle of extra pleasure. Once he figured she had enough teasing, he pulled her panties to the side a little and stared upon her marehood for the first time. He couldn't wait to plunge his cock deep inside it but for the time being, he was perfectly contempt with eating it out. He started by making his tongue as flat as he could so he could cover as much surface area as possible and then made long licks all the way from her clit to the base of her vagina. "Ahnnn! Oh fuck..." Vinyl took a breather from sucking his cock and moaned from just the first lick, showing that despite her reputation of being arguably slutty, she was rather backed up and sensitive. "Heh... Like that?" Soarin grinned, not expecting a reaction like that. He didn't wait for an answer before going in and licking just like the first over and over again, making her pussy throb and swell slightly. Vinyl pressed her hot naked body on top of him and started to suck a little more passionately, afraid that she'd climax before he would given how sensitive she was. If there was one thing Vinyl hated, it was finishing first. She was making rather lewd slurping noises on his shaft as she took him into her throat, finding it somewhat of a challenge to do so because of his girth. "Mmphh... I can’t wait anymore..." Soarin's cock was about to burst and he tried to hide it as him wanting more so she would stop and give him a chance to cool down. He knew that it usually took him a while to pop, especially after being edged. "Totally..." Vinyl panted as she got off of him. The absence of any pleasure to his cock was making him throb heavily, but he felt his pleasure levels decreasing to a safe level. The two seemed hasty to get right to it; they both panted heavily and took off whatever remaining clothing they had and once Vinyl was completely naked, Soarin's dominant side came through. He put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her down onto the bed on her back, getting on top of her and making out with her lovingly as she moaned in his mouth out of lust and excitement. "Fucking put it in me already you asshole..." Vinyl was getting noticeably more desperate and it was beginning to give Soarin some self-confidence. She didn't say it in an unfriendly way but even if she did, Soarin knew that it was only because she needed it so badly. He didn't even have to look down to see where her pussy was to put is flared throbbing head against it; he just had to feel for the one spot that felt the hottest against him. It was already soaking wet, so he began to push a little, thinking that it would start sliding in. It didn't. He grunted because of how hard he had to push, but Vinyl was moaning loudly the whole time, bracing herself for the extremely pleasurable albeit painful entry. "F-Fuck..." Vinyl gritted her teeth. He finally got a bit tired of the cliffhanger and, with a mighty thrust of his hips, pushed his flared head inside her pussy, giving him an insanely pleasurable feeling of her tight warm pussy gripping his head while Vinyl nearly screamed from it. "Fuck! Ahh! God damnit, you're so big!" He could feel her fingernails digging into his back and just took it as a badge of pride. To him, it was like walking around town with red marks on his back, letting everyone know that he could please his girl in bed. "Fuck... You okay?" He said after panting a little and giving her a chance to get used to him. He knew that it would be hard for him to last as long as he normally did and was surprised that she was as tight as she was given her reputation. "N-no offense, I didn't think you'd be this- Nngh- Tight..." The two tried to calm down a bit while he was still inside of her. Vinyl looked as if she were thinking about something, but shook it off. "D-Don't worry about it, just push in, I'm okay." "You don't have to ask me twice." He smirked before pushing further down between her legs, feeling every inch of her inner walls slide past him. Along with every inch came Vinyl's pained and pleasured groans and when she finally recoiled, he knew that he'd work with what he had for the time being. He gently began moving his hips back and forth, making his throbbing veined cock slide in and out slowly so she could get used to him. He was groaning and panting as much as she was and he hated it because he imagined fucking her brains out that night. However, it seemed as if it was going to be a soft and sweet love-making session. The idea didn't sound bad to him because of all the emotions involved between the two at the moment, but it was clear that both of them wanted more. Vinyl grabbed by the neck and pulled him down so they could kiss some more. His strong stallion body moved against hers back and forth and with each thrust, his cock was getting slightly deeper. That was, until he felt her warm lips touch his hilt. He was both excited and proud of her that she could take him all the way and even though it sounded narcissistic to him, he was impressed since most mares couldn't. "Oh, fuck... It's so deep..." Vinyl's eyes were rolling around lazily, a sign that she was getting slightly lightheaded. Soarin noticed it and decided to give her a small break while she got used to him. He affectionately kissed and licked up her sensitive neck and he heard a slight giggle from it. Vinyl's warm tight pussy was throbbing against him and he felt as if his cock was going to melt inside of it. Her panting finally calmed down after a moment or two. "Hah... A-Alright, I'm good now." Once he got the go-ahead, he began his thrusts again, using his full length to go in and out of her. He could still feel her fingernails digging into his back, surprised that only his gentlest and slowest of hip movements brought her that much pleasure. He grinned, wondering what she'd do if he put forth half his usual effort in bed. Once he sensed that she wasn't feeling that much pain anymore, he sped up a bit and began smacking his hips against her butt. "Ahnnn! S-Soarin! R-Right there..." Vinyl moaned out each time she felt his flared tip slide over her g-spot. Normal-sized men usually had to work at it to reach it but because of Soarin's size, he did it by default with each thrust. Vinyl knew that at that rate, she wouldn't last long unless she got a bit of control back into the mix. As she felt her pleasure levels rising, she used her strength to flip the two over, making her on top and putting an end to his thrusts. She usually hated being edged, but she wanted to get every bit of satisfaction out of him since the sexual encounter meant much more to her than her past ones. Soarin just chuckled and didn't resist as Vinyl sat up straddling his cock. "Heh... I was wondering when you'd want more." Vinyl showed just a glimmer of embarrassment, but she quickly shook it off. "Alright, that's enough mushy-gushy shit. Now that you're my boyfriend, you gotta satisfy me like a real man." "Really, now? How am I gonna do that when you're on top?" He smirked playfully and Vinyl leaned down close enough to his face to kiss him, but she didn't. She stared him deep in his eyes. "By not cumming until I say so." She leaned back up and began rocking her hips back and forth in a hypnotically sexual way, making his cock roll and slide around inside her. Vinyl bit her lip and smiled from the feeling as she watched his face contort into pure pleasure before her. "N-nngh..." Soarin put his hands on her smooth marshmallow hips and guided them, feeling like a king. "And what are ya gonna do if I do?" He said just to tease. Vinyl didn't quite have a comeback for that one, which bothered her a little, but she decided to distract him by beginning to bounce her hips up and down on his cock. They weren't the same soft and loving movements that they used before; they were lust-filled and playful. Soarin's hands slid from her hips to her butt and gave them a good assertive groping as Vinyl kept going at it. She sped up little by little until the bed began to creak beneath them. "Ahnnn! Fuck yeah..." Vinyl stared at the ceiling and closed her eyes, letting herself focus solely on the feeling of his girth churning her insides. Her fluids were beginning to drip out and soak his shaft as well as trickle down his balls, making her riding much easier via lubrication. Such a flawless riding would've made any lesser man cum much earlier, but Soarin was able to hold out much longer. However, as resilient as he was, he was still finding it hard to hang on and Vinyl could see it in his eyes instantly as she looked back down at him. She leaned down and decided to play with him a little, whispering in his ear: "You wanna cum, don't you baby? You wanna shoot that thick load deep inside me, don't you?" She said in a very seductive tone that would make Big Mac melt. She slid all the way down his shaft until he was balls deep, giving him a taste of her full pussy as she rocked her hips again. "Y-yeah... Shit..." He couldn't hide how good he was feeling. His body was yelling at him to dump his seed inside of her and if she didn't pull out soon, he knew that he would. He played right into Vinyl's hand, however, and she slid his cock out of her pussy, watching it twitch and throb as it slapped down on his muscled belly. She knew that men were always a better fuck when they were teased and edged and denied release until the very end and Soarin was no different. As Vinyl kissed his lips lewdly, making sure not to touch his cock, he felt the strong urge to pin her down and fuck her senselessly. Vinyl scooted down and sucked on his cock with several slurps and licks, getting a taste of herself and making sure he didn't go limp. Though, she didn't do it for long before turning around, getting on her hands and knees and presenting her snow-white butt to him. She moved her tail out of the way so he could see her throbbing swollen pussy begging to be pummeled. "Actually, I got a shit ton of morning after pills, so feel free." She wiggled her butt around to lure him in, not that it would take much to do so anyway. She gave him a cute wink as she looked behind her butt, seeing how desperate he looked. "Heh... Don't mind if I do." He got up on his knees and played with her squishy ass cheeks a bit, hotdogging his thick throbbing meat between them. Since she was warmed up, he didn't feel the need to pussyfoot around. He slammed his hot steamy cock inside her pussy all at once with a grunt. "Ahhh!" Vinyl gasped and yelled out and her body shook as she felt her marehood being filled up all at once. She could feel her body getting numb with pleasure as her legs trembled. Soarin began his strong thrusts immediately, making her butt jiggle slightly whenever he slapped his hips against it and slid his cock all the way in. Vinyl was getting into it as well, rocking her hips back and forth in sync with his thrusts and propping her ass up to give him some nice eye-candy. Her white swollen pussy stretched out wide for him and tugged at his cock each time he pulled out only to shove it back in again. Vinyl felt his hands glide up her back as he thrusted deep inside of her and poked against her womb and before she knew it, he had a handful of her hair and was pulling back on it rather dominantly. It made it so that she had to pick her head up and let her moans ring out instead of being muffled by the sheets. Each time he slapped his hips against hers, a new tone of sexual release escaped her mouth. "F-Fuck! Ahhh!" Vinyl stared up at the ceiling, arching her back quite a bit and letting him get to all her deepest spots. "W-What? Too much for you to handle?" Soarin said in between groans and grunts. His head was beginning to flare out a little which was a sign of him about to pop, but he knew a couple tricks to make him last longer if needed. Vinyl knew that she was about to pop much sooner than she normally did but couldn't get rid of her primal instincts to just let it out instead of making it last longer for the both of them. Soarin was beginning to feel the same way but didn't want their first rumble as lovers to end in a doggy style position. There was only one way to end a session like that and that was face to face, close together as they shared an orgasm. He used his strength fueled by his sexual drive to pick her up, flip her over and hold her by her butt. He took them to the nearest wall he could find and pressed her against it with her legs over her chest, spread out for easy access. "S-Soarin... Omigod..." Vinyl stared in his eyes, losing her mind to how manly and passionate he was being. It made her hate herself for not doing this with him sooner. Soarin put some weight against her as he continued his thrusts so she'd stay up on the wall. His wings were flared out fully and he could feel Vinyl's fingernails digging into his back. Each love-filled thrust he gave her made a loud thump against the wall, loud enough to wake up neighbors. "I- Ahhhn! I'm gonna cum baby! You're gonna make me cum! D-don't fucking stop! Hahhn!" Vinyl yelled out with pleasure thick on her words as her body bounced up and down against the wall from his hip smacking against her and his thick cock flaring out even more. "M-me too! Aghh shit!" He could already feel his cock throbbing hard involuntarily, getting ready to dump his entire load out inside of her. "Do it inside babe, fill me up! Ahhh! C-come on, fill me up!" She sounded more and more eager as her orgasm finally hit, making her legs shake and squirm as her hot tight pussy clamped down on him. The sudden feeling of her squirming against him in pleasure and her pussy putting him in a vice grip triggered his orgasm as well and he shoved his cock as deep as he could inside of her, his hips involuntarily giving tiny bursts of thrusts until he let out a mighty groan. He leaned in and initiated a sloppy makeout session as they both climaxed and he felt the release of his built up tension coming out and pouring inside her spurt by spurt. Vinyl's eyes rolled up slightly before closing when he made out with her lewdly. Her fingernails scratched down his back and gave him some rather visible love marks as she felt his hot seed fill her up in the deepest spots of her pussy. His strong legs pushed up inside of her and pinned her tight to the wall for several minutes. Hot sticky cum was leaking out of Vinyl's pussy and trickling down his balls and down her inner thigh by the time they both came down from their climax and Soarin found the remaining strength within him to carry her back into bed where they both crash landed and started panting hard. "H-holy shit..." Vinyl said in between heavy breaths and groans from post-sex soreness. Soarin had laid them on their side and he used one of his wings to wrap around her like a makeshift blanket, still keeping his cock inside. "That was crazy..." Vinyl chuckled and her body shivered slightly. After a rather lazy shared shower to get the sweat and sex off of them, the two fell back into bed with an exhausted sigh, neither wearing any clothes. Soarin slipped under the sheets to escape the after-shower chills and Vinyl followed suit shortly after. The two snuggled up instantly and smiled from the feeling of each other's naked body-heat. It was well after midnight at that point and the sound of cicadas and nocturnal birds could be heard outside her bedroom window, giving each of them a calming background noise to relax to. The house was dead silent after that, which felt odd to Vinyl since most of her time spent at home was either practicing on music or chatting with her roommate. Vinyl felt his arms wrap around her waist and pull her closer as his wing covered her side like before in a very protective and sweet way that made her feel loved. They laid on their side and intertwined their legs together. "If I knew you fucked that good, I would've hit on you a long time ago." Vinyl giggled softly and nuzzled against his chest. Soarin looked down at her and kissed her forehead lovingly, always feeling sentimental and lovey-dovey after sex. "We didn't fuck, we made love." Vinyl looked up at him and gave him a strange face as if she wasn't used to stallions being sweet with her when it came to sex. "Right? Fuck buddies fuck. Couples make love." He clarified, not sure if she understood what he meant. Even though she seemed so enthusiastic about dating him, he knew her to be the one-night-stand kind of mare and wasn't sure whether or not she was used to such a concept. Vinyl buried her face into his chest to hide the fact that her lip was quivering and she tried not to make it sound like she was about to get emotional when she replied. She had the biggest smile on her face but was still a bit too proud to let him see too many of her tears despite having such intimate and open-hearted sex. "Y-yeah... That's right..." Her voice was shaky despite her efforts and Soarin picked up on it immediately. "Vinyl?" He picked her head up gently from his chest so he could see her face. Her eyelids were damp with joyful tears from having found the one stallion in her life that didn't have sex with her just out of personal gain, but out of love. "Hey, hey... What's wrong?" He hugged her tighter out of concern though he knew that she wasn't sad. It was the first time he ever saw her being so emotional and it was quite touching to him. Vinyl sniffed her runny nose. "I... I just..." She knew she wasn't good at mushy talk, so she gave up halfway though and tucked her head back against his chest snugly. "Thanks..." Even though Soarin knew where she was coming from, he couldn't get enough of this new adorable Vinyl that he'd never seen before. A slight breeze of her air conditioner caused him to tuck them in a little more and nearly pull the thick sheets all the way on top of them. "For what, cutie pie?" He chuckled lightly, watching her embarrassment from the affectionate name. "Shut up... J-just... Thanks." She replied with a cute grumble, but not in a rude way. The two relaxed together like a married couple and eventually, their eyelids began to grow heavy as the moon rose higher in the sky from the bedside window. It gave a gentle white light that seemed to illuminate Vinyl's neon-hue hair and make her white fur glow like an angel. Soarin had her wrapped up in his arms, feeling euphoric from the feeling of such a warm and soft feminine body snuggling against him. "What'cha wanna do tomorrow? I'm probably gonna take a day or two off from practice so I can get Spitfire off my mind." Soarin asked with his eyes closed, keeping his voice to a near-whisper since she seemed to be blissfully relaxed and well into the process of falling asleep. "I'm down for just watching movies and fucking." Vinyl chuckled even though she was somewhat serious. "Works for me." Soarin smiled and ran his fingers through her mane, loving how thick and smooth it was. The idea of being lazy all day made him feel naughty in a good way since most of his life was comprised of nonstop routines and practices. Even on weekends, he was busy opening fan mail or attending important meetings and events. A day or two with his newfound lover sounded like an oasis in a desert. Sleep came faster than they expected and it didn't take long at all before Soarin passed out from the emotional stress and wild fucking he had that night. He was lucky that he fell asleep first because of Vinyl's snoring habit that nearly caused her roommate to move out on a handful of occasions. Had he fallen asleep later, it would've kept him up all night. Vinyl smiled and opened her heavy tired eyes, looking up at his sleeping face and giving his lips a little kiss. She felt more comfortable saying the words that were on her mind now that he couldn't hear her, or so she thought. "Love you..." She nuzzled back into his chest shortly after and fell asleep against him, using his body like a body pillow. She usually cringed at even the thought of saying such mushy words but for the first time in her life, they came out with ease. > Chapter 3: Is It A Fling, Or A Thing? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soarin knew from both context clues and her personality that Vinyl would most likely sleep through most of the morning, but it still took him off guard just how late that would be. Even though he had vastly overslept until nine in the morning, Vinyl was still snoring loudly and sprawled out on the bed. Because of his rigorous Wonderbolts schedule, anything that occurred past ten in the morning wasn't considered "early" anymore for Soarin. However, for the young DJ, anything that occurred before two in the afternoon was too early to bother with. Groaning, Soarin stirred next to Vinyl, making sure he didn't make too many movements or noises. When he thought back on it, though, he didn't see the point because of how heavy she was sleeping. The first thing he felt when he sat up on the edge of the bed was a splitting headache from the drinking the night before. It was difficult for him to remember the minute details, but as he turned his head around to look at Vinyl's body under the sheets sleeping like a log, he smiled and all of the important bits refreshed themselves in his mind. The smile got even wider and a slight bit goofier when he remembered that she was his marefriend now. Spitfire didn't hold a single concern in his head anymore; there was no doubt that he couldn't have a better mate than the girl before him. Deciding it would be cruel to wake her so "early", he settled for just leaning down and giving her a gentle kiss on her marshmallow cheek that was barely protruding from the covers. Unsurprisingly, Vinyl didn't react to it at all. It took him a while to find his bearings because even though it was well on its way to noon, the cloudy and stormy weather outside gave the room little to no ambient light. He found his legs to be a bit wobbly from the alcohol and remembered why he never drank more than once per week; practice would've been impossible if he drank as much as Vinyl did. It made him wonder how Vinyl managed to keep such a relatively slim figure. He pondered the quandary even further when he made his way to her kitchen and tried to find something for breakfast. However, the only thing that seemed fresh as he rummaged through the cabinets and her refrigerator were microwave noodle cups and frozen pizzas. He scratched behind his head as he closed the fridge, thinking of ways he could get his hands on a genuine breakfast. Even though he detested the idea due to his lethargy, he knew that the only way was to go out. As he suspected, the first few minutes of flight were painful both for his wings and his stubborn hangover headache. He could usually control his flight in the roughest of conditions, but he found himself wobbling a bit even from the slightest turbulence. Not only that, but his normally keen air-senses didn't notice the two fliers in Wonderbolt uniforms descending above him until they were just a few yards away. He blamed some of it on the thunder above him and guessed that they must had been scouting around for him for quite some time, waiting for him to pop out in the open. "Lieutenant Soarin?" A strong yet slightly crack-ey female tone masked with concern and curiosity called out from above. It would've made Soarin jump in surprise if it weren't for the sound of her wings giving her presence away beforehand. He recognized it instantly and smiled as he turned his head, still flying as straight as he could. Rainbow Dash was accompanied by her fellow squad-mate, Meadow Flower, both wearing their training uniforms. She was a bit soft around the edges, but they both knew whoever did what was necessary to wear the Wonderbolts uniform was tough where it mattered. She stayed quiet for the most part and let her squad leader speak out of respect. He didn't know much about her other than that she was part of Rainbow's squad. "Hey, Crash. Skipping out on practice again?" Soarin saw the opportunity to embarrass her in front of her squad-mate and took it. As expected, it made Rainbow blush a bit in embarrassment, but Meadow just flew alongside respectfully, not reacting much outwardly. It confirmed his suspicion that she kept that nickname away from her subordinates. "I guess they sent you to bring me back, huh?" "N-no, sir..." Rainbows embarrassment caused her to stutter. "Actually, Captain Spitfire instructed me to relay a message and to tell you to come back when you're ready." She used as little slang and as much proper pronunciation as she could, as she did around all of her superiors. Just hearing Spitfires name made Soarin cringe slightly. She handed him an envelope with a Wonderbolts seal on the back. It was a rather official letter and Soarin began to get nervous, thinking that it was some sort of disciplinary discharge from skipping practice. Though, once he thought about it for more than two seconds, he assured himself that Spitfire wouldn't do something that severe to him. "Huh... Well, alright then." Soarin didn't dismiss her officially like he usually did because he could sense that Rainbow was concerned about him. The two had been flying more and more recently and had begun to form a friendship. Albeit, it wasn't as strong as the ones he had with his fellow lieutenants. It still was enough for him to let her speak her mind if she wanted to. A lot less could be said for most other recruits at her level. "Uh... Sir, if I may ask..." Rainbow decreased her formal tone slightly. "Are you alright?" It warmed his heart when his fellow flyers showed concern over him, even though he somewhat expected it, and he smiled. "Yeah, I'm good. Just uh... Need to sort out some personal issues." He didn't want to go into detail since even the slightest leak of information could feed disastrous rumors. Rainbow could tell that the real problem was a lot more serious, but she respected him enough not to pry into it further. She gave him a salute, which shortly prompted Meadow to salute as well. "Understood, sir." "Flower? How's your training going?" He bent a little rule of never talking to a leader's subordinates whilst their leader was present, but neither of the three really cared about such tedious regulations. Meadow's reaction was beyond cute and it showed just how shy and soft she was. Her face went red and her ears perked up high in surprise. "O-oh! Um... G-Good, sir... Very good." She put on a nervous smile. "She'll be ready for squad lead P.F.T. in a week or so." Rainbow added, giving a little more descriptive and informative answer. "Cool deal. Alright, you two can head back, I got some groceries to get. Dismissed." Soarin gave her a comical and debatably half-assed salute and the two flew back up shortly after they returned it with more disciplined and rigid ones. He could hear Meadow mention something about the word "crash" as they flew away, which was quickly followed by a stern response by Rainbow. He chuckled and kept on flying. The sight of his fellow Wonderbolts still diligently carrying out their duties lifted his spirits despite the gloomy weather around him. Getting back on track, he spotted out the local grocery store and descended gently. A couple of stray raindrops hit the top of his head and he tucked the letter underneath his wing as he landed to shield it. He thanked the overhanging roof that protruded several feet from the front entrance and once he was out of the rain, he opened up the letter, making sure not to tear the paper for no particular reason. The note inside it was informal as most letters from his inner circle of command were. "Geez, you could've just texted me..." He read slowly and meticulously once he saw that Spitfire had signed it. Soarin, I can't put into words how sorry I am for what happened. I put two and two together and figured that it must have been you that snuck into my house last night- "Yeah, no shit..." He said out loud and with slight irritation. It was not only my fault for not picking up on how strongly you felt about me, but also for betraying your trust and breaking your heart and I make no excuse for what I did. I know it will be difficult for you to forgive me, but I value your friendship above everything else. I will continue training the others until you get back, so take some time off until you're ready. And don't worry; I'll make sure it's paid leave. Your friend, Cpt. Spitfire P.S. Managed to nab a fried bass meal ticket for when you get back. Although it was still fresh in his head, he appreciated how she didn't try to blame it on something else to dodge responsibility. Although, he wasn't surprised since that was just how Spitfire was. It sounded sincere enough and he knew that she'd probably do a better job of making it up to him in person in some shape or form. Soarin chuckled at that last part, his mouth watering at the thought of his favorite mess hall meal as he folded the letter back up and stuck it in the back pocket of his jeans. It would've been enough to constitute an apology if the ordeal didn't happen so recently. "Daddy, look! It's Soarin!" A little filly's voice caught him off guard and he looked down, smiling at how cute the little one was. The joy she had for seeing him was blatant on her bright face and her father, who had a professional businessman persona, looked surprised as well. Soarin's first reaction was to sigh, knowing that it would turn into an hours’ worth of autographing from the people around him, but he suppressed it and smiled. "Guess a bit a fan service wouldn't hurt first." He thought to himself. Soarin was able to get most of the things he went out for at the supermarket save for a couple exotic spices and herbs that he was spoiled with back at the officer mess hall. Still, Vinyl wasn't a particularly picky person when it came to grub. Just the eggs and hash browns alone would most likely put her in a blissful trance since she was used to frozen dinners and fast food. The added weight of the grocery bags brought back the slight dull pain in his foot as he landed at her front door again, and his sore wrist from the dozens of autographs he signed protested as he turned the knob to the front door. The lights were still off. Vinyl was either a big fan of living in the dark, or she was still asleep. Soarin smirked and shook his head in disappointment, opening the door and quickly putting the bags down on the kitchen table to ease the pain in his foot. "Alright... Show time." He cracked his knuckles and went to work on the best bed and breakfast any girl could dream of. Ten minutes later... The smell of a champion’s breakfast had completely filled the kitchen and the living room and the faint sound of crackling food on frying pans echoed throughout the home. He knew more than most the size of Vinyl's appetite and cooked volumes accordingly, making sure there'd be enough for both of them. It'd been a while since he made breakfast for himself and it was the first time he had ever made breakfast for a lover. He felt anxious over whether or not she'd like it, but calmed himself down shortly after once he realized that him making food for her in and of itself would make her overjoyed. "Whoa... No way..." Vinyl's groggy voice behind Soarin made his ears perk up and his head turn around with a smile. It was almost on cue with him finishing up. She was only wearing panties and a long saggy shirt since she understandably didn't care about her appearance in her own home. Her mane was a mess but it did more for her cuteness factor than anything else. She looked at him with a gentle and tired smile and half-opened magenta eyes scanned the kitchen, taking in everything he was doing. She didn't need an explanation to understand what he was doing. She made her way to him and wrapped her arms around his back, hugging him tight and pressing her warm cheek to his chest. She was about a foot and a half shorter than he was, so hugs from her were always cute to him. "Thanks babe... You're the best." She said with a little twitch of her ear. Soarin gave her blue hair a bit of a playful tease before reaching back with one arm to flip one of the hash browns. Her hair felt surprisingly soft and malleable despite his assumption that she didn't take care of it as often as most girls did. As he was spending more time with her, the stereotypes and rumors about her were all beginning to disappear. Vinyl took the hint and let go of him so he wouldn't burn the breakfast he had been slaving over. "It's the least I can do- Nah ahh..." He teased her by poking the tip of her horn when he saw her levitating her wallet and the grocery store receipt over from the kitchen table, presumably to pay him back for all the ingredients that he bought. He knew that it felt rather funny for unicorns to be poked there whilst using magic, so he made sure it was soft. She obeyed him with a little giggle and recoil of her head and put them back down. "Aw come on, man... That had to be at least fifty bits..." "Don't worry about it. Doesn't make sense for the girl to pay for the guy, does it?" Vinyl’s ears went down from how sweet it sounded; it was a little reminder of what all happened the night before and the fact that he didn't forget meant a lot to her. Soarin could easily see her nipples poking through her loose shirt and he was having difficulty controlling his morning wood because of it. Though, when he went back to work and eventually finished off the cooking, it gave him enough of a distraction to put it at bay at least for the time being. Vinyl was helping him plate everything up when they both heard the front door unlock and twist open. "Goodness gracious, what a rehearsal..." Octavia's smooth and melodic accent sounded out as she walked through the door with her giant cello case, talking to seemingly no-one. She didn't seem to notice that Soarin and Vinyl were there, yet. "Hey, Octy. Tough practice?" Vinyl said right before stuffing her mouth with a fork full of hash browns. "Oh, you're up earl- Oh!" She put out another more surprised "oh", stopping herself when she looked over and saw both Vinyl and Soarin at the table. She began to appear rather self-conscious and nervous. Even though Soarin was already loyal to Vinyl and wouldn't leave her for anyone, he couldn't deny that Octavia was one of a kind when it came to elegance and beauty. Her slim feminine figure accented by her collared button-up shirt and formal skirt stunned him for a half second before he answered, mostly because it had been a while since he saw her. When he usually spent time with Vinyl, it was either after Octavia had gone to bed or after she had gone to practice. "Good to see ya again. I hope I'm not intruding..." He knew neither of them would've had a problem with him staying over, but his overly-polite and respectful manner that developed from his military-like training caused him to say it anyway. "Certainly not." She smiled and leaned her cello against the back of the couch, not wanting to be rude and walk off to her own business before chatting with him for a bit. "I just wish I would've known beforehand so I could've cleaned the place up a tad." She shot a glance over at Vinyl as she sat down at the table, but Soarin's new girlfriend was too drowsy to snip back at her. "It was kinda a last minute thing. My bad." She answered with a mouth full of food. "Oh, and we're an item now by the way. So, uh... Yeah." Soarin blushed slightly from how sudden and blunt she was about it even though he should've expected her to address it like that. Octavia's reaction was written so clearly on her face it might as well have been telegraphed. "Oh! W-well, that's certainly... Surprising. Then again, I suppose you two have been seeing each other as friends for quite some time." Her expression relaxed after a few seconds and she smiled. "I hope the best for the both of you. It's about time Vinyl took a break from girls." She giggled and teased as she got up and Vinyl gave her a little grumble in return. "Oh, it seems your cell is buzzing, Soarin." She perked her ears up when she heard it vibrating softly against the back of the couch and then retreated back to her room to change. "Oh, uh... Thanks." He got up and got butterflies in his stomach. For some reason, he could always sense when Spitfire was about to call him. It was most likely because the only two parties that ever called him were either his parents or his Captain. He confirmed his suspicion as he looked down at his phone and saw the number. He let out a little sigh before he accepted the call and tried to brainstorm what to say. He was past the point of being mad at her and was just trying to cope at the moment, so he wouldn't have to worry himself about saying something he'd regret later. "What's wrong, champ?" Vinyl noticed his reaction. "It's her... I gotta take this, I'm sorry." "That bitch... Calling you this early after that, you'd better-" Soarin cut her off by holding a finger to his lips while putting the phone to his ear, not wanting Spitfire to overhear Vinyl's rough words about her. "Good morning, ma'am." He said in his normal tone, not taking his emotional state as an excuse to devalue his etiquette. "You know you don't have to call me that anymore... We're pretty much the same rank." Spitfire said in a tone that was much softer and sincere than normal for obvious reasons. She chuckled lightly to try to lighten the mood since she had no clue how Soarin was feeling. "Sorry, still a habit." Soarin chuckled back in a similar way, leading up to a rather awkward silence as Soarin played with his hair a little. Spitfire sighed over the phone. "I know I should've called before I sent that letter... Dash got it to you, right?" "Yes ma- Er... Yeah." He corrected himself. "Alright..." She was apparently unsure of what to say, but Soarin didn't want to assure her yet. It wasn't for malevolent reasons, but because he wanted to hear her explanation come from her own mouth. "I know it’s kinda a dumb question, but how are you feeling?" Soarin wanted to say: "How most guys feel when they get cheated on", but he bit his tongue. "I'm alright. Just... Recovering, I guess." "I'm sorry... I just..." Soarin could almost feel the negative energy coming from Vinyl at that point and he was afraid she'd come over and take the phone from him. Spitfire continued once she thought over her words again. "You know me, I hate excuses... Especially bad ones. But, that guy... He was... A jerk. Yeah, I know I was into it when... Well, you saw us... But, he basically told me if I didn't do it with him that he'd go to the papers and tell them what my nickname was. I dunno how he managed to find that out in the first place, but..." Soarin's mood sunk after hearing that. It was a pretty lame excuse to say the least. Despite his unwavering trust in her, he also couldn't help but realize that it was something someone could've easily made up on the spot. Still, he gave her the benefit of the doubt due to his loyalty to his commanding officer. "Please, just trust me... My reputation would've been ruined if he went through with it. Look, can I come over? This isn't something we should talk about over the phone..." She sounded sincere enough but it was still too early for Soarin to let her off the hook. "Eh, sorry, I'm at a friend’s house right now." He glanced over at Vinyl. "Oh, y-yeah that's cool..." The disappointment in her voice was unmistakable. It wasn't every day that someone as illustrious and textbook as Spitfire stuttered. Soarin didn't know whether or not she'd want to try and rekindle their romantic relationship again, but he hoped that she wouldn't since telling her that he was practically unavailable thanks to her blunder might've broken her heart. "But uh... Before I go, I just wanted to say that I think it's best that we keep ourselves as friends... Not just because of all the drama it'd cause, but I really don't blame you if you don't trust me after this. It'd be better that way." "Yeah, you're right. And hey, I'm okay. Just... Don't beat yourself up too much, boss. I'm not gonna let something like this get in the way of our friendship." Soarin made sure to put that part in before she hung up. Spitfire paused for a second after hearing that and when she spoke again, it seemed like a thousand pound burden had been lifted from her shoulders when she spoke again. "Thanks, Clipper... I'll uh... I'll catch you later I guess. P.T. Tomorrow at zero-six-hundred?" She asked hopefully. "Eh..." He knew that Vinyl would want one more night with him, which would include drinking, which wouldn't be good for early morning P.T. "How bout you and I work out after night chow tomorrow. Give us a chance to talk alone?" "Yeah... Yeah that's good. Alright, I'll see ya there. Over and out." She replied after hanging up. "So what was the excuse?" Vinyl asked sternly shortly after Soarin put the phone back in his pocket and sat down on the couch. He exhaled strongly and sat back down with her. Despite her seeming upset, she still joined him on the couch, easing up close to him and giving his shoulders a little rub. He closed his eyes and tried to focus on it, realizing that in hindsight, asking Spitfire for a one-on-one chat in front of his girlfriend wasn't the best idea. Though, Vinyl didn't seem to react to it much. "Well, she said she was blackmailed by the guy; he threatened to leak some pretty embarrassing info about her to the papers if she didn't fuck him. "Dude, that's what everyone says. You don't seriously believe that, do you?" The one fault that Soarin saw in Vinyl was her habit of holding grudges. It was near impossible for her to be understanding or to make amends if someone wronged her in a rather major way, and it was manifesting itself quite strongly. "I dunno..." He sighed and leaned his head back, enjoying the shoulder rub. "She's never lied to me before and I don't think she would about something this serious..." The comradery and trust between Soarin and Spitfire was stronger than steel. It felt strange to Soarin, almost sinful, to even consider the proposition that she'd lie to him about anything. "Celestia... I really want to go over there and knock her teeth in. I mean come on, who does that to someone like you? I mean, yeah, she has an excuse, but I'd never cheat on you for some dumb bullshit reason like that." Soarin put an arm around her and pulled her close, both as thanks for her implication that he was a good person and to calm her down. "It's alright, it's alright... She definitely feels bad about what she did. I could tell." Vinyl couldn't help but simmer down once she felt his warm embrace around her and she nuzzled his chest. She let out a little sigh. He thought it was really cute and sweet how defensive she was getting over him. "Fine... But you're spending the rest of the day with me." She smiled and chuckled. Soarin never took it as a demand or a way for her to force him to stay because he wanted to do the same. As usual, Vinyl took the opportunity from being so close to him to trace her little fingers along his abdominal muscles and chest. The light tickling feeling of it against his thin layer of belly fur made it hard for him to not pop a boner. The only thing keeping him from returning the sensual affection was Octavia, who hadn't been heard from for some time. Although, nothing could've stopped him from tilting her chin up with his finger and planting a light and romantic kiss on her lips. "You know I can’t say no to that." He said softly after kissing her for several seconds and then got a strange look on his face. "You didn't brush your teeth this morning, did you?" Vinyl's cheeks went red out of embarrassment and her ears flattened. "M-my bad..." Even though he was only joking, she got up and quickly went to the bathroom, leaving Soarin by himself. He smiled, thinking about how odd it was that she only gave one fleeting care about her hygiene when he was visiting. Vinyl had apparently bumped into Octavia on the way there because Soarin heard a light-toned "Ooh!" when she went back. "Goodness, someone’s in a hurry..." Octavia remarked as she passed her in the hall and entered the living room, wearing a rather cute white tee-shirt that had "Cello: It's like violin but cooler" on the front and some plaid pink pajamas. "Isn't it funny? She only really cares about hygiene when I'm over." Soarin chuckled as Octavia sat down on a reclining chair next to the couch he was on, holding a cup of something that was steaming hot. He assumed it was some sort of tea since she typically preferred that over coffee. Octavia chuckled as the sound of Vinyl furiously brushing her teeth could be heard in the background. "I wish she thought the same way all the time, love." She took a moderate sip, curling up her tail around her back and crossing her legs under her butt. There was an awkward silence between the two as Soarin leaned his head back against the back of the couch and stretched his wings a bit. Silent moments tended to happen quite a bit between them, but it was mostly the fault of Octavia since she normally wasn't an extrovert, even inside her own home. "So, I assume your relationship with Vinyl came rather... Recently?" She asked with a relaxed tone and closed eyes. It was hard for Soarin to tell whether or not she was mildly upset or just intrigued. "Huh? Oh, yeah. Well, I mean... We've been friends for a while, obviously, but... I guess it just kinda happened last night." Soarin chuckled. The more he thought about it, the more silly it felt to take such a huge step in a relationship so abruptly. Still, he had every intention of keeping the promises he made. "I see... By the way, shouldn't you be in... Practice, or something?" Octavia instantly realized how rude that sounded and backpedaled. "I- I mean, it's always lovely having guests-" "Oh, I get it. Tired of me already?" He teased and chuckled. Octavia's embarrassed expression changed. She raised an eyebrow and smirked. Even though she was as innocent and kind as Celestia herself, she knew when she was being picked on. "And I thought one comedian in the house was bad enough." She answered back, making him laugh a little in return. Once he stopped gradually, he eventually explained his answer to her question before. "But, yeah. I, uh... Kinda skipped it today." "Oh?" Octavia's ears perked up and she looked at him directly, assuming that it had to be a serious reason for him not to go because of who he was. "Is something the matter?" Soarin contemplated whether or not it was a good idea to start spreading rumors any further. Vinyl was one thing, but Octavia was another. It wasn't as if he didn't trust her, but he didn't know how much of a gossiper she was compared to his new girlfriend. Octavia understood his silence and got up, sitting next to him on the couch. It wasn't as close as Vinyl was sitting, but it was a nice, friendly distance that helped him relax a little more. "You can tell me, dear. I promise I won't tell anyone." She put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a comforting smile. One of the few things the two roommates had in common was their ability to comfort their guests and make them feel at ease no matter what was wrong with them. It was one of the many reasons he loved visiting their home. Soarin took a deep breath and let it all out, explaining what happened with him and Spitfire. The emotional pain of remembering everything that happened was still fresh, and he still wished that it was the last time he'd have to explain it. Octavia was obviously shocked and concerned for him. "So... How did that lead you to coupling with Vinyl?" Soarin smirked. He always loved it when she used such Elizabethan and dated terms for every day words. Most others would've thought that she meant sex, but he knew from context clues and the fact that she was so shy about sex that it just meant hooking up. "I guess... I was kinda broken and she was just there to help put me back together." He responded in a rather cheesy and sappy way and it seemed to have an effect on Octavia. Her ears flattened and she got a big smile on her face. "That's very sweet of you to say, darling... I must admit, Vinyl has her ups and downs, but she certainly is good at cheering people up, isn't she?" Vinyl came back out of the bathroom right after he finished explaining the bulk of what happened. Her hair looked somewhat damp and her fur looked much cleaner than before. She had apparently went the extra mile and showered right after brushing. "Yeah, she is." Soarin made eye contact with Vinyl over the couch and it made her stop. "What about me?" She looked confused and in the cutest way possible. Soarin and Octavia both chuckled a bit. "It's nothin'; just talking about how much you helped me out last night." As she came around the couch and sat next to him on the opposite side of Octavia, he realized how his words could've been taken sexually, especially since they did have a ton of sex the night before. "I- I mean, uh... Emotionally." He corrected himself, but it was too late. "Oh, yeah. You helped me out a lot..." She teased, it being closely followed by a playful slap on her thigh from Octavia. "Vinyl Scratch!" Octavia exclaimed with a bright, red face. Both of the girls giggled a little and Vinyl snuggled up to him again. Even if it was her best friend, she still felt jealous towards any girl that came close to him. "Has Spitfire tried to contact you since the incident?" Octavia changed the subject tactfully. "Well, yeah, she actually called me right after you went back to your room or whatever." "Basically gave some lame-ass excuse and tried to get sympathy with him. Bitch..." Vinyl crossed her arms and rolled her eyes as she leaned her head against his shoulder. "Ah, ah... Language..." Octavia sounded like a mother trying to discipline a child, but Vinyl just sighed and tried to relax. "Well, I guess she's not too far off. She said she was being blackmailed with something, but... I dunno." Soarin was beginning to doubt her story more and more even though Vinyl didn't buy it straight from the start. "Goodness... Did she say what the thing was?" Octavia decided to go down the rabbit hole a little further. "She said it was her nickname. I guess it's kinda embarrassing, but I don't know why she'd do something that drastic to cover it up... I mean, almost everyone knows what my nickname is by now and hers isn't that much worse than mine." If she was lying, what Spitfire was really trying to cover up must've been much more important. Though, Soarin felt as if she still should've held faith instead of selling her body in return for media silence. Doing something that drastic for such a small bit of relatively unimportant information didn't make a lick of sense to him. "Did she... Do you think she was lying to me?" "I'm not sure..." Octavia chewed on her finger a bit and thought. "It certainly doesn't sound like a well-put-together story, and there are quite a few gaps that don't make much sense... I'm sorry, love, I know how much it hurts to lose trust in someone." She put a hand on his shoulder again in a comforting way. Having two beautiful girls on either side of him talking with him and comforting him in so many ways was like aloe on a burn for him and he knew that there was no better place to be than right there between them. Still, the weight of Spitfire possibly lying to him after everything they'd done together was breaking his heart all over again. He sniffled slightly and felt embarrassed from getting even slightly emotional in front of the girls. "I just... I can't believe she'd lie to me like that... She couldn't have..." He looked down and tried to keep his lip from quivering. "Hey, I mean... Maybe she's just as freaked out as you are and she couldn't explain it right? I dunno." Vinyl, even after downplaying Spitfire the whole time, tried to help cheer him up. "Or maybe the thing she doesn't want leaked to the public is so secret that even you don't know about it? That's why she didn't want to tell you, because she didn't want you knowing?" Octavia pitched in as well and scooted a little closer to her despite multiple territorial gestures from Vinyl when she so much as looked at him. "Y-yeah, I guess..." Soarin tried to relax and get his emotions in check, taking a deep breath and pinching his temples. "Well, either way, you deserve some time off from the Wonderbolts, at least for today. You can stay here as long as you like until you're ready to go back, dear." Octavia said with a reassuring smile. Once he began recovering, he noticed that Vinyl had basically went from leaning her head against his shoulder to all-out hugging his arm and nuzzling it. He knew that Vinyl showed her affection much more physically than verbally, so he just smiled and scratched behind her ears a little to show his appreciation. "Thanks, you two. You really are the best." Soarin gave Octavia a one-armed hug since his other one was being sexually assaulted by Vinyl, who was trying not to growl at her friend for stealing a hug from him. The new couple could both hear crickets chirping outside of Vinyl's bedroom window as the sun finally died out over the horizon after a long day of cloudy weather. The night was rather peaceful with not too many people out and about, which made it that much more quiet for Soarin and Vinyl whose window was right next to the main street of Ponyville. "Geez, Vinyl... I mean no offense, but there's really nothing to do at your place but eat, sleep and fuck." Soarin teased as he lounged out on Vinyl's bed. Miraculously, the two managed not to have sex that entire day thus far, but it only made things more boring. "Yeah... Why do you think I'm out at bars all the time?" Vinyl snickered as she laid next to him on her back, only wearing a bra and pajamas since Octavia had already gone to sleep for the night. Soarin was finding it hard not to sneak some peeks at her soft yet shapely breasts every so often and he had a feeling that she was doing the same to his chest and muscles that were barely concealed by a thin white sleeveless shirt and the jeans that he'd been wearing that whole day. "W- Well, yeah... But, why don't you go out with your friends and do other stuff?" "The only real friends I have are you and Octy. Everyone else is just fake as fuck." She said in her typical blunt way and turned her head to the side to look at him. "'Sides, do stuff like what?" "I dunno... Like uh..." Soarin thought of all the things that he usually did on his days off, marking off each one as he realized that Vinyl probably won't be a fan of them. Most of his leisurely activities involved having wings, which Vinyl didn't have. "Going to the movies, or like... Going out to eat?" "Well yeah, Octy and I go out to eat sometimes, but... All she ever does is nag about how shitty her practice was or complain about why she can never find a good boyfriend." The part about a boyfriend made Soarin feel slightly bad for her since she was such a beautiful and elegant girl; it made him wonder why she hadn't managed to get hitched yet. "Sorry, uh... Awkward topic." Vinyl read his body language, again showing off her lackluster social cues and insensitive discussion subjects. "Wanna just hit a bar? I'll pay." Soarin knew that it would be the best offer he'd negotiate with since he knew her never to be one for fancy dinner dates or romantic movies. She was a stay-home, good-time kind of girl; it was part of the reason he had such an interest in her. She was different than most. "Sure, why not." Soarin shrugged and began to get up with a slight groan, but he felt Vinyl teasingly grab his bulge between his legs as he got up. "Honk." She chuckled and hopped up as well, acting somewhat childish but in a cute way. Soarin almost wanted to get her back by grabbing her tit, but remembered how easy it was to turn her into a horny mess. One iota too much, and she'd push him down in bed and ride him until the morning. He wanted to get some alcohol in him first since he knew he'd last longer that way. However... He was beginning to feel the same way as her. Just that one bit of teasing from her was enough to put his hormones into overdrive. He was beginning to feel it all throughout the day, but tried to ignore it so he wouldn't come across as a shallow horndog. He wasn't sure if he'd be able to hold back any longer once he realized that he had a full-sized boner that was protruding from the waist of his jeans as she was walking out of the room. It felt odd to him since it wasn't that severe with any other girl. It wasn't that she had a smoking hot body, or the fact that she had the sex drive of a bitch in heat. It was because there was a special connection between them that caused them to want to make love to one another constantly. He knew the difference between being horny to fuck and being horny to make love. The only other time he felt it was with Spitfire, but the magnitude of it then with Vinyl was tenfold. "I'm gonna grab a quick shower. B.R.B." She used texting lingo in a cute and quirky way and shortly after, disappeared behind her bathroom door across the hall, adjacent to her room. Soarin groaned out of sexual frustration and fell back on the bed, not sure whether to make a move or not. He knew it was early into their relationship and one slip-up could cause her to turn off to his advances, but at the same time, something within him didn't care. More certainly to him, his boner didn't care, either. At the same time, he thought about how laid-back Vinyl was about sex. "She wouldn't take it the wrong way too bad, would she...?" He thought to himself as he stared up at the ceiling and his ears perked up once he heard the water turn on in the background and the glass door to her walk-in shower close. He'd had dreams of one day making love to a girl in the shower and now that the opportunity finally presented itself, it was hard to resist. Suddenly, after a groan, his heart and his hormones combined pushed him out of the bed to go join her, throwing caution to the wind and wanting to show her his love in physical form. > Chapter 4: Heart To Heart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So what'cha gonna do, boss?" Fleetfoot said with a slight lisp and with all the concern in the world as she fiddled with her flight goggles and sat still in the chair opposite of Spitfire's desk. "I mean, Soarin isn't the kind of guy to go and blab about stuff like that. Besides, everyone knows that inter-command relationships are prohibited." Spitfire held her head up on the desk with one arm and looked down, seemingly depressed. It was very rare for her to show any emotion in front of her lieutenants, so behaving as such was sending off several red flags for Fleetfoot. The only reason Spitfire decided to ask for a second opinion with her was because she frankly didn't have many others to talk to. Fleetfoot was her most trusted Lieutenant before Soarin. She knew that the others would most likely not spread the situation any further, but with such a rough scandal she was involved in, there were very little risks she could afford to take. It was absolutely quiet in Spitfire's office since it was already dark outside and most other Wonderbolts and Wonderbolt trainees had turned in for the evening. The only sound that broke the silence was her wall clock that provided a very unnerving ticking sound every second that the two talked in lowered, almost whispering voices. "I already called him. He sounded mad, but... I guess he has reason to be." She sighed. "What else can I do besides damage control?" "Just put in an excused absence report; say he had some sort of family issue or something." Fleet suggested, only wanting to help. "I could, but they're going to ask him about it, too. What if he gives a different excuse? Command would be up my flank for months for that." Spitfire looked through her list of high-ranks that she'd eventually have to talk to, but none of them were ones that she thought would be completely understanding. Just the week before, she had to file a report on Rainbow missing practice because of an apparent "friendship problem" trip. Even that took weeks to sort out despite it only being a one-day absence. "Geez... What about the other guy? You know, the one who tried to blackmail you? You sure he isn't gonna talk?" Fleetfoot leaned back in the chair a bit. "Well, he might, but what would he say? 'Yeah, I banged Spitfire the night before'." "Yeah... I guess most people wouldn't believe that. Did you send any texts or emails to him?" "Nah. Just one on one conversations. I know how to cover my bases with outside contacts by now." Spitfire crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair as well. "I guess the only thing I'm worried about is him squawking about my nickname." Fleetfoot chuckled a bit with her cute lisp. "Is that really a bad thing? It could just add to your likability. Oh! I know-" She leaned forward, apparently having a good idea. "You have a press conference in two days, right? We could have someone ask what your nickname is and you tell them. If its you who says it, what's the worst that can happen?" Spitfire thought about it and looked up at the ceiling, her eyes casually spinning around slowly with the low-speed ceiling fan. Planting questions in press conference audiences wasn't new to her, but it still made her feel dishonest. "I guess... What would that accomplish, though?" She still seemed hesitant for anyone to know what they called her. "Aw, come on, Cap. The fans love you. You really think a little nickname is gonna change that. It’s like your mom always used to say, wear your weakness like armor and no one can criticize you." Spitfire let out another sigh. It was obvious that what they were talking about wasn't the real reason why she was upset and Fleetfoot could see it. They sat in silence for several awkward moments as the Captain closed her eyes and tried to focus. "You're really just worried about Soarin, aren't you?" Fleet posited, taking back a bit of her forward attitude to give her some space. Spitfire nodded with closed eyes. "Well..." The lieutenant thought of what the right thing to say should be. "What are you worried that he'll do? He's not gonna quit." "No, but... What if he never trusts me one-hundred percent anymore? You know more than anyone else that one second of hesitation could screw up an entire flight." Spitfire held up a finger to get her point across and leaned forward in her chair again, hinting at Fleetfoot's major blunder a few years back where she ended up almost killing a squad-mate due to her lack of quick-thinking. "Yeah, I know. You don't have to keep reminding me..." She looked up and to the side a bit defensively and crossed her arms. The Captain rubbed her forehead as she felt the starting pangs of a headache coming on. With a slight groan, she got up from her chair and straightened out her uniform. She seemed surprised when she took a glance of the clock on the wall, and rightly so; neither of them realized it, but they wound up talking for nearly a half an hour. "I gotta hit the hay. Got a board meeting tomorrow at zero-six-hundred." She said with little to no enthusiasm whatsoever whilst taking out her keys to lock her office door. Fleetfoot joined her shortly after and followed her out, but made sure to put a hand on her shoulder before they parted ways. "Hey, just so you know. Whatever happens, I got your back." She gave her superior a supportive grin and looked her dead in the eyes to make sure she knew she was serious. It managed to loosen up Spitfires stressed-out appearance slightly and her eyes softened as she turned the key and locked her door. A faint smile appeared on her lips as she gave Fleetfoot a fatherly pat on the shoulder. Soarin hesitated with his hand literally an inch from the bathroom door knob, trying to think of a smooth and acceptable way to announce his sudden presence. He kept telling himself mentally that Vinyl wouldn't care over and over again, but something inside him didn't want to use Vinyl's lack of concern as an excuse anymore. Sooner or later, he'd have to submit himself as someone who could be her lover and not just her mate, someone who did things out of love, not just lust. He figured that Vinyl would hear him come in through the door, so an awkward greeting or announcement wasn't necessary. He turned the door knob after a deep breath and felt the warm humid air hit him instantly. He had already shut the door behind him and locked it when Vinyl perked her ears up in the shower and noticed. The glass walls of her shower were foggy from the steam, but she could still make out his general figure and the color of his fur and mane from inside the shower. She smirked as she finished up washing the shampoo from her hair, making it hang down straight over her shoulders. "Hey, stud... Couldn't wait, could you?" Soarin didn't answer and took off his clothes as quickly as possible as to not make things too awkward. His enormous, throbbing, veiny boner flung out from his pants the second they came off, but he tried to ignore it for the time being. "Uh... You alright?" Her ears perked up when she sensed that he was acting a bit differently. She wasn't nervous because she was certain it was him, but something was definitely off. Soarin held his breath as he opened the shower door and looked down at her for only a moment, taking in the beauty of her soaking wet curvy body, before embracing her against his naked body and kissing her like a man. He used one of his hands to tilt her chin up while the other hugged her hip and pulled her closer to him. After a few seconds, his passion grew even more and he assertively guided her back into the shower until she was against the wall. She let out a series of moans and gasps into his mouth from the sudden intimacy and passion in his deep kissing and he could hear her breathing heavily through her nose even though he wasn't sexually stimulating her at all. Vinyl desperately clung to his upper back and neck with her arms to keep from melting onto the tile floor. It was hands-down the best kiss she ever had because it was filled with so much emotion. She even felt her eyes slightly roll up every so often from how blissful it was and it was the first time in her life that a man had brought out so much woman in her. Her heart was beating quickly in her chest and it suddenly felt much hotter in the room thanks to him. Soarin ended the kiss and looked down at her with a half-smile after what seemed like an hour of kissing and Vinyl's eyes were almost glazed over. "S-Shit..." She said with an exasperated tone as she leaned against the wall with Soarin ready to catch her if her knees gave out. She was still holding onto him in her daze and even though the water was on, Soarin could smell Vinyl's heat dripping between her legs. "You're... You're really good at that..." Just from one series of kissing, Soarin was able to turn Vinyl from slightly egotistical and snarky to completely submissive and infatuated. It wasn't that he was trained in the art of kissing; kisses are always the best when the emotion behind them is strong, and Soarin's emotions were overflowing. It was just the right moment to pop an "I love you", but Vinyl wanted to wait to see if he'd say it first. She bit her lip and couldn't help but smile in a goofy manner as she looked up at him. There was no way someone as vexed as he was could pass it up after an intimate kiss like that. Soarin couldn't resist such an adorable face and leaned in for another few pecks on her lips. "Hey... I know this might be kinda too early but..." Soarin rubbed the back of his neck nervously but kept eye contact with her. "I, um... I love you..." His heart skipped a beat when he said it but he felt as if a giant burden had lifted from his shoulders the second the words left his mouth. He had felt it towards her for the longest time but was too afraid of the repercussions. He had more to follow it up with, but the weight of what he just said stunned him and made him too nervous to say anything else. Despite him trying to be the dominant partner in their relationship, there were still some things that made him shy. Vinyl let out the girliest and most excited giggle Soarin had heard from her when he said it and she tried to suppress it by biting down on her lip harder. Not many stallions, or mares for that matter, had the ability to turn her into a perverbial Fluttershy, but Soarin was one of the few who held the talent. "N-no, it's cool. I... I love you too, so... Yeah." She said awkwardly, but the sentiment was there and it seemed to relax Soarin quite a bit. Her tail was flipping back and forth from excitement as he ran his hands up and down her sides. "Heh... We really nailed that one..." Soarin teased, sensing that she was just as nervous about saying it as he was. He pressed more of his chest against her to let her feel him more and ran his fingers through her hair in the back of her head whilst continuing his pecks on her cheek. He felt her wet fur nuzzle his cheek back affectionately and he was glad that they were able to momentarily suppress their temptations to have such an important emotional moment. "W-Well hey, you kinda just said it, it surprised me, you know?" Vinyl couldn't wipe the goofy smile off her face. Soarin took a break from the affection and looked deeply and closely into her eyes, running his hands up and down her sides slowly. "Are you really surprised, though? That I love you, I mean." He grinned, getting lost in her magenta eyes. Vinyl looked up at him, her hands doing the same as he was doing to her; she carefully studied each one of his back and side muscles, feeling all the hard training and workouts that his body went through daily. She knew her tail was swishing back and forth happily, but she couldn't help it. "Nope." She poked his nose with her finger cutely. "I, uh..." She hesitated, trying to elaborate. Pillow talk wasn't her forte and Soarin knew it, which was why he waited patiently for her to finish. "Could kinda tell ever since we started hanging out. I mean... Even though you'd talk about Spitfire and how much you like her, you always acted differently around me than anyone else." To Soarin's amazement, he could feel his wood begin to soften up a little. The second he brought attention to it and remembered that he was naked in a hot shower with Vinyl, though, it began to come back to life. "What about you?" Vinyl countered, reaching around his back and gently massaging the joints between his wings and his back. "M-mmph..." Soarin groaned in delight when he felt it and Vinyl chuckled and continued. For a mare with no wings, he was impressed with how well she knew a pegasus' sweet spots. "Well I, uh..." He had to search for an acceptable answer as well even though he had plenty time to think of one when she was talking. "The second you started hanging out with me as like... A friend, I kinda had a feeling. Most stallions you'd meet you'd either flirt with or just ignore, but you treated me like a friend. It really made me feel special." He was ashamed to feel a slight emotional watering of his eyes and tried his hardest to make it go away. Bringing up all the hidden feelings he had for her all at once was proving to be tougher than he imagined. When he looked down, he could see that Vinyl was going through something similar. It was hard to notice, but her lip would quiver slightly every so often and she wiped her eyes when he wasn't looking or closed his eyes, but he could still see out of the corner of his eyes at times. A long silence hung between them and Soarin's first instinct was to go in and kiss her again, but Vinyl leaned up on her tip-toes and wrapped her arms around his neck tightly in a warm naked hug. His rod was pressing against her belly, but she didn't seem to care as she nuzzled his face in the hug. Soarin hugged her back around her waist and pulled her to him a little more, rubbing her back lovingly every so often. "You better not let me down after making me feel like this..." Vinyl said with a shaky tone. At first Soarin thought she was talking about being horny, but the emotions laced on her voice made him realize that she was talking about their relationship in general. "I won’t. I promise, babe..." He called her an affectionate name since it seemed appropriate then and held her tightly to him, enjoying the warm loving bond they were sharing together. Vinyl used her magic on the shower knob to make it a bit cooler since the room was getting slightly too hot for her comfort, especially when she was pressed up against such a big warm stallion. After a couple blissful minutes of lovey-hugging, they loosened their grips on each other. She sighed in relaxation and happiness. "You didn't just come in here to sweet talk me, did you?" She smirked and stared up into his eyes as her fingers traced down his abs. She turned him around and positioned herself in front of him so that he was sandwiched between her and the wall instead. "Heh... I guess not." Soarin replied softly, looking down at his mare that seemingly couldn't wait to service him. "Sorry to keep you waiting." "Oh, don't worry. You're always worth the wait." She said seductively but with a hint of love in it as she leaned up and kissed his lips one last time. Soon enough, Vinyl found herself on her knees and at eye level with Soarin's member twitching and throbbing in front of her. It was already rock hard from the looks of it and the little veins that ran through it made Vinyl shiver from arousal. "Hey, big guy... Missed you." She chuckled and gave the underside of his shaft a kiss, talking to it as if it were a thing of its own. "You should take a picture, it'll last longer." Soarin chuckled and teased and it made Vinyl's cheeks turn a shade of pink when she snapped out of it and realized that she was practically drooling over his shaft for far too long. He gave her a little affectionate scratch behind her ear to encourage her. Vinyl licked her lips a bit before going right in and licking up his wet warm shaft nice and slow. She felt it twitch once or twice on her way up which only added to her excitement. Her eyes looked up and made contact with his as she went back down and gave his juicy balls a little attention. Even though his meaty cock was laying on her face, she could still see his face contort in pleasure when she fondled each one of his sensitive members around her tongue. Just thinking about all the semen that was building up inside them for her made her shiver. "Agh... Fuck..." Soarin panted a little. Judging from his reaction, Vinyl could tell that his balls were quite sensitive due to his horniness. Thanks to the foreplay, his cock was at full extent and was harder than a baseball bat. His flared head was even puffing out a little, a sign that stallions showed when they were close to climaxing. "Wow, you're not gonna pop already, are you?" Vinyl smirked and stroked him with her index finger and thumb. "N-nah... It's just really good..." He chuckled nervously, fearing that she'd make him finish too early. He scratched her behind the ear affectionately so he could pull her off if she went too far too fast, but she stopped after seeing his response, she gave him some mercy and backed up with a giggle. "You know, you're cute when you're about to cum..." She stared up into his eyes, her wet mane hanging down around her face and giving her a more womanly look compared to how she usually had it propped up like a rocker chick. She figured he was so sensitive and built-up because of how long he stood there holding onto her naked body, not being able to do anything "Makes it really hard not to finish you..." She winked up at him and went back in, this time taking his length into her mouth and rolling her tongue around his head lewdly. Even though he said he wasn't going to pop, his throbbing and twitching told otherwise. "Nngh! You ass..." Soarin cursed and gritted his teeth, trying to hold on as long as he could, but her tongue and warm mouth were hard to resist. Vinyl ignored him and closed her eyes, focusing on the delicious taste of thick precum coming out of his head. She felt his thick shaft ring glide over her tongue when she reached halfway down his cock and it encouraged her to go further, prodding his horsecock head at her throat. She knew the second he felt the heaven that was her tight warm throat, he'd cum for sure, so she got ready and looked up at him with a wink whilst taking a deep breath through her nose. "W-wait, I- Ahhhh!" Soarin moaned out in ecstasy when he felt her take the plunge, sending his head and part of his shaft down her throat. A slight bulge could be seen on her neck as her lips kissed his hilt and balls. She felt his hands tug at her hair desperately as the pleasure of being deep throated overwhelmed him. "F-fuck, Vinyl... Hah... I'm gonna cum..." He said with exasperation as she slid him back out of her throat and then went back in after taking another deep breath. She couldn't wait to feel his hot sticky seed fill her throat, so she went back and forth, sending his shaft down the rabbit hole over and over again until the throbbing turned into involuntary twitching. A massive buildup of precum escaped his head before she heard him groan like a manly stallion and felt her hair being tugged harder. She hilted him again and wrapped her arms around his waist so he couldn't pull out even if he wanted to. Thick streams and globs of potent jizz poured down her throat and made her want to finger herself from how sexy it was. She looked up into his eyes the whole time even though his were shut from the strain of climaxing. Watching his face contort in bliss while he shot sticky streams of scrumptious semen down her throat was like a drug to her. "Aghhh! Nnnghh!" He kept cumming for a few more seconds before panting heavily and loosening his grip on her hair. Vinyl slid him out of her throat and took several deep breaths once she gulped down all the cum that he gave her, stroking his shaft slowly to keep him aroused. She was surprised that she didn't gag or choke on any of it. "Mmmm... I love how sweet your cum is..." She said seductively with a giggle and licked her lips. She didn't need to since she didn't waste a drop, but it was just for him to see how much she liked it. Soarin was still panting and opened his eyes again. "Heh... Swallowed all of it, huh?" He grinned as he started to recover, thankful that he ate mostly veggies and fruits that made his cum taste less bitter. Vinyl opened her mouth and said "Ahh" as if she were at the doctors, showed that it was clean. "That's my girl..." Soarin scratched behind her ear affectionately and gave her a hand to help her up, which she took gladly. "Now, you know I'm not gonna just let you go without returning the favor, right?" "Hm..." Vinyl reached down and took his cock in her hand once she was standing again, feeling how hard it still was. "Yup. And I'm not gonna let you go without you filling up all my holes tonight." She smiled naughtily and massaged his balls softly. "Yup. One down, two to go, big guy." "Heh..." Soarin returned the smile nervously and gulped. He leaned in and made out with her sloppily, letting her suck on his tongue lewdly for a few moments before breaking it off and leaving a thin band of saliva between their lips. He could taste the musk of his cock and his semen faintly in her mouth. "Alright, but let’s get back in bed. I think the whole house is filled with steam by now." He chuckled. Spitfire hated herself for being so emotional, especially so late at night by herself. Due to her status, she had her own bunk by herself in her own room while her other squad members shared several bunks in the same room. Because of this, she had a bit of privacy and she used it to her advantage by pulling out her phone after some hesitation and beginning to text Soarin. She stared at his number for several minutes thinking of what to say before typing slowly and re-reading each sentence before adding more. However, she ended up groaning and deleting the whole long message once she realized how pointless and immature it was to send a text that should've been communicated in person. She knew it was too late for things to go back to the way they were, but she was done being sad about it. The only thing she cared about then was getting Soarin to trust her again as a friend and come back to the Wonderbolts. She had already taken a nice shower and changed into a rather egotistical tight tank top shirt of her own cutie mark on the front of it along with some black and orange pajamas when a few knocks came on her door. There were only two people that had the balls to knock on her living quarters door so late at night: Rainbow Dash and Soarin. Her heart felt as if it stopped beating, but in reality, it sped up twice as fast as she got up and approached the door. She hoped for some miracle that Soarin would be on the other side of the door just to forgive her. He wouldn't have to do anything else to relieve her stress, just say "It's okay" with his normal smile and then walk away. It was all she'd need to rid her mind of the pain. She exhaled in a way that sounded like a disappointed sigh when she opened the door and saw her multi-color-maned lieutenant standing there in her fatigues and backpack. "Geez, boss. Not happy to see me?" Rainbow Dash read Spitfires expression and smirked. "Just wanted to see how you were holdin' up. You've been lookin'... Worn out lately." Rainbow knew she should just spit everything out at once so Spitfire wouldn't have a chance to interrupt her. "And that whole thing with Soarin, I know something’s up with you two and if you don't wanna tell me everything that's fine, but I at least wanna help snap you out of this funk. It looks bad to everyone else when their leader looks like an emotional wreck, you know?" She spoke her mind transparently, which Spitfire knew wasn't unlike her. The captain felt slightly less annoyed by her presence after her mini-speech. Spitfire thought for a few moments whilst leaning on her open door and then stepped back, gesturing with her head to invite her inside. It made Rainbow smile, not only because she won the little bout between the two and convinced her to let her in, but because it gave her a chance to question her about Soarin. Rainbow did her captain the favor of locking her door behind them as Spitfire sat down at her mini-desk and swiveled her rolling chair around to face her. She crossed her legs in her pajamas and stared inquisitively at Rainbow who was taking a bit too long to scan over what all she was wearing. It wasn't too often that Rainbow had the chance to get one on one with her idol in such a potentially intimate setting, so saying that she was flustered would've been an understatement. "Well? You gonna look at my tits all night or are you gonna ask me something?" Spitfire gave a cheeky smile, knowing that Rainbow was as gay as a three bit coin. She often enjoyed teasing her about it at times despite having the same interests herself, only not as much. Most considered Rainbow to be ninety percent into girls and ten percent into guys, but Spitfire was barely fifty-fifty. "Oh, uh... My bad. So, uh..." Rainbow scratched behind her head nervously and produced a bit of color to her cheeks for a moment. "What happened with Soarin? I mean, it had to be somethin' serious since you asked me to give him a letter from you instead of just going to him yourself. In all due respect... What gives?" She asked forwardly, taking the liberty of taking off her fatigue jacket and letting her upper body breathe a bit more. She still had an athletic bra on underneath, so it wasn't completely inappropriate since they were both girls. Spitfire didn't know where to begin. Not only did she not know how to put everything together into a neat little package of information for her to mentally download, but she also wasn't sure what parts she should leave out if any. She figured since she already told Fleetfoot, it wouldn't be fair not to tell Rainbow. "Alright, but you have to promise not to spread this shit around, okay? I'm serious." Spitfire reached into a glass jar or multi-flavored suckers on her small study desk and unwrapped one, putting it in her mouth. She told herself she'd limit who she'd talk about it with to her closest lieutenants, but she was beginning to realize how little talking to Fleetfoot actually helped. It was only when she remembered that Rainbow was a close friend and companion of the Princess of Friendship that she decided to spill the beans. "Uh, hello? Element of loyalty here." Rainbow put a hand on her chest to gesture to herself and boastfully smirked, taking a seat on Spitfires bed. Spitfire chuckled with a grin and shook her head, thinking of how she'd explain. Eventually, she went into it, telling her most of the important details. Even though Rainbow said it out of bragging, Spitfire knew she was right. Rainbow was one of the most loyal girls she knew and even when it came to keeping secrets, if she promised not to tell, she'd keep her promise to the death. She had to stop for a moment every so often during the end because of the overflowing guilt she was experiencing, but Rainbow respectfully didn't comment until she was done. With the permission of her boss, she pulled out and changed into some athletic boy shorts and a tee-shirt from her backpack since she assumed that she'd be there a while. To the outside observer, it was extremely inappropriate for a Rainbow to be spending time with her superior in such an informal manner, but the two of them had become friends long before they were trainer and trainee. If no one else was around, Spitfire very much preferred to treat Rainbow as the former. Having a robot as a friend wasn't too fun for either of them and being able to talk to anyone without status barriers was welcoming for Spitfire since it hardly happened at all in her position. "Damn... But hey, I mean... It's not totally your fault with that guy..." Rainbow started by trying to relieve her guilt that had already dug itself in rather deep, but it was futile at that point. "No, thinking back on it, my nickname being leaked was a stupid thing to be worried about. I should've been more worried about Soarin." Spitfire pinched her temples, hoping Rainbow could be of more help than Fleetfoot. "Well, hey. If there's one thing I learned from Twilight, it's that you can't fix the past. You have to try to change the future so the past doesn't repeat itself." Rainbow said, quoting Twilight directly. Spitfire smirked, obviously amused by something. "Lemme guess. Twilight said that?" "Huh? N-no! I said it..." Rainbow lied, but Spitfire raised an eyebrow in amusement and kept her eyes on her until she cracked. "Alright, Twilight said it. But still, that's what you need to do." Getting tired of sitting in her hard wooden chair and feeling jealous of Rainbow's tush for getting a mattress to sit on, Spitfire got up and sat next to her, albeit a few feet away so it wasn't too awkward. "Yeah... I guess you do know more about friendships and relationships than me, being so close to the Princess of Friendship and all. Probably should've come to you first." She leaned back and laid down on her back, making herself at home since it was her home. That is, if one could consider a small three-room dorm a 'home'. Her legs hung off the edge of the bed as Rainbow crossed her legs underneath her and turned to face her. "Yeah, probably." Rainbow shrugged and smirked confidently, but when Spitfire didn't seem too amused and stared up at the ceiling, she cut out the tough talk. "Anyways, if you think he's going to want to get back with you as friends, just tell him you're sorry and make it up to him somehow. And it's gotta be in person, too. As much as I love being your mailmare, he's not going to think you're serious unless you just go up to him yourself." Rainbow chuckled to show that she didn't throw the joke in there to be disrespectful. "I mean, what would you think of him if-" "Yeah, yeah... I got it." Spitfire waved her off short. "No need to rub it in." "Oh, uh... Right. My bad." Rainbow's eyes drifted down and away from her when she realized she was lecturing her instead of helping her through it. "It's just... I don't know what to do with all this guilt. It's getting to the point where I don't even think I deserve to have him back. I know it sounds pathetic..." She sighed and turned on her side facing away from Rainbow. It wasn't like Spitfire to act this angsty and moody and Rainbow knew it better than most. She didn't quite manage to grasp how it was affecting her until she turned away from her, behaving like a filly in high school after a breakup. Rainbow thought deep about her many friendship lessons with Twilight and came up with a plan, smiling softly and scooting closer to her on the bed. She gave her a few moments to think before continuing, reminiscing back to something Twilight did with her to get her out of a similar funk in the past. "Hey, remember that time he accidentally thought you were your mom and went up to her to receive P.T. orders?" Spitfire chuckled. She was rather offended by it at the time over a year ago, but it was only a silly memory after time had passed. "Yeah... My mom thought it was cute, though. Ran him for miles until he couldn't walk straight." "He'd probably kill me for telling you this, but he told me after it happened that he'd done it at least a dozen times beforehand." Rainbow smirked. "W-what?!" Spitfire said in shock, but in a hushed tone as she turned around to face rainbow on her side. "That little..." Even though her words sounded upset, her facial expression simply looked amused. "Heheh... Yeah. And you remember when he clipped your wing and put you in the hospital for a week?" "My wing sure does." She was visibly starting to lighten up. "Still hurts when I move it back a certain way. Little bastard..." "And when he ruined your academy formation qualifications for a year because he lied about having a broken wing? And then put your career at risk because you covered up for him?" "Y-yeah..." Spitfire was more confused than she was amused then, wondering why Rainbow was bringing up all of Soarin's bad memories. "Why are you telling me all this?" "Did you forgive him for all of that?" She propped her upper body with her elbow on the bed, thinking. "Well, yeah. Of course. Why wouldn't I? He's like, my best friend after all." Rainbow tried her best to remember how Twilight did this technique with her to the best of her ability. "Do you think he forgave himself?" That made Spitfire contemplate a few moments and she was beginning to see where her junior officer was going. "I... I guess so. It doesn't seem to bother him anymore. Why?" Rainbow scooted closer and put a hand on Spitfires shoulder in a comforting way, a soft smile growing on her face. "Don't you think you should do the same?" She remembered tearing up when the realization hit her all at once when Twilight pulled it on her years ago, but she never would've thought it'd have the same effect on Spitfire until she saw her face contort in emotion. It was if a giant dam of bottled up feelings had been broken. It only began to make sense to her once she realized how she was acting from an outside perspective. She began to turn back around, but Rainbow stopped her, holding her in place by her shoulder. "Listen... Even if he does forgive you, and he will because he's a good guy, it won't change a damn thing unless you forgive yourself. You'll never be able to let it go. Twilight taught me that." "S-Shit..." Spitfire cursed as a tear ran down her face sideways, embarrassed and ashamed that she was acting so compromised in front of one of her squad leaders. She gave up trying to hide it and wiped away her tear, but it was quickly replaced by another one. "But... I hurt him so badly... I-" She was too flustered to complete sentences. Seeing her captain so emotional didn't faze Rainbow at all; it only urged her to help more. She laid down on her side and joined her face to face with a foot or two between them, her hand still on her shoulder. "Come on. You need to go talk to him. You can't keep hiding away here and waiting for him to come back. If you go to him, it'll show him you mean it." Spitfire sniffled and looked over at the digital clock next to her bed that read 8 p.m. "It's eight... He's probably-" She stopped herself and groaned, not at Rainbow or the clock, but at herself for being so stubborn and making excuses. "You're right. Let's go." > Chapter 5: Cold War > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Wait, Octavia isn't going to hear, is she?" Soarin bit his lip nervously as Vinyl tugged him into her room and used her magic to shut and lock the door behind them. Even though he had just dumped a huge load into Vinyl's belly, his cock was still twitching and throbbing for more. "Nah. That girl sleeps like a rock, dude. Come on." She smirked and tossed him onto her bed, following her normal dominant sexual behavior. However, Soarin had already made up his mind to assert his dominance at least once that night. As soon as Vinyl crawled up on top of him, he took her by the waist and rolled her over, putting his weight on top of her and licking her nose playfully. "Ooh... You're that horny?" "Nah. I just love watching you be submissive." He could see Vinyl's reaction to his hot buff stallion body pinning her down and his cock sandwiched between their bellies in her eyes. Not many mares could resist getting hot and bothered by a position like that, but the fact that it was Soarin, one of the most handsome stallions in Ponyville and Cloudsdale combined, made the feeling twofold. "Who's horny now?" Soarin chuckled at Vinyl acting like a bitch in heat. Seeing how much she wanted it just made him want it even more. Vinyl looked a bit disappointed when he got up briefly and began rummaging through her nightstand drawer, perking her ears curiously. Her heart skipped and her asshole puckered when she saw him pull out her bottle of lube, wondering how he knew she kept it there. Before she could register what was going on, she found herself being flipped over by Soarin's muscular arms so that she was laying on her stomach with her white soft bubble tush facing up at him. Her tail settled to the side to let him ogle over her asshole and pink-blushed pussy barely peeking between her cheeks and she looked behind her at him, his expression of a hungry animal getting her excited. "Mmm... You have the best ass..." Soarin selfishly and instinctually reached down and groped her butt, kneading her cheeks with his fingers and spreading them apart for a better look at her nethers. He could see her marehood glistening with arousal and staining the sheets below her. Given that she just took a shower, he saw no harm in doing something he'd secretly wanted to try for a long time. He leaned down close to her ass as she watched behind her cautiously, thinking he was about to start eating out her cunt from behind. She kept her thighs close together just so she could feel him dominantly grab them and spread them apart, but when he kept leaning in closer without doing so, she raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Ahh!" Vinyl's eyes shot open and her ears perked when she felt his wet wriggling tongue lick over her sensitive plot hole. She felt and heard him chuckle under his breath from her reaction. "Y-you dirty b-bastard..." Soarin wasn't sure whether or not she'd like it, but hearing her voice get shaky and her breaths grow short was all the evidence he needed as she kept her cheeks spread and continued to taste her ass. He spread her legs a bit and gave her one long lick from the tip of her clit all the way to her ass playfully, listening to her gasp each time his tongue rolled over her sensitive areas, and decided she had enough teasing for the time being. Using one hand to keep her cheeks spread and the other to dribble some lube onto her naughty hole, he leaned forward and nibbled on her ear a bit before whispering in it. "I hope you don't mind... I'm gonna have to fuck your ass now..." He talked dirty as Vinyl was still breathing heavily, his thick rod sandwiched between her luscious cheeks. "Please... Please fuck my ass, Soarin... Make me your little bitch." She whispered and looked behind her into his eyes as she said it. He couldn't help but let out an excited snort as she felt his cock double in hardness from her words against her butt. "Fuck... Vinyl, you know how I get when you talk like that." "I know, so just do it. J-just go ea- ooh!" Vinyl gasped and was cut off by the feeling of his rock hard throbbing head pressing against her tight hole. She knew what she was asking for when she talked to him like a submissive cock-sock, so she didn't protest. She knew she got high quality lube, so it wouldn't take much for him to slip inside no matter how big he was. "Oh Celestia... Fuck- Aghh!" She cursed as her asshole stretched wide open to accept his flared head, causing her some initial pain. The kinky and weird feeling of something going into a hole that was designed for sending things out surprised her at first. It had been years since she last did anal and she was only doing it for him because he was a special exception. What was more surprising to her was that she felt a considerable amount of pleasure coming from her pussy even though it hadn't been touched yet. It made her feel like a slut, getting off on being fucked in the ass, but welcomed it completely. Soarin moved his hips back and forth slowly, getting a bit deeper each time. The only thing stopping him from losing control was the fact that she was her and he cared too much about hurting her. However, once he managed to get half of his joystick inside her butt, Vinyl quickly began wanting more. "Babe... Come on, you know you wanna go all out so do it." She smiled naughtily up at him and raised her ass in the air slightly for his convenience like an animal waiting to get impregnated. Soarin was already too flustered to have any hesitation about obeying her and his mouth hung open in bliss as he forcefully pushed his way deeper and deeper until he finally felt her plot squish against his waist. His cock was enveloped with a sense of unbelievably tight, warm bliss and he had to close his eyes and think about flight training to keep from popping. His wings were flared out fully as he took ownership of his mare’s sweet behind. Feeling his cock throb deep inside her made the stain beneath Vinyl's pussy wetter and darker as her hips subconsciously rubbed against the sheets, giving some stimulation to her clit. She gasped again when he began sliding out and got hung on his flare before he popped out. "God damn... That feels way better than I remember..." It still hurt her, but thanks to the occasional and experimental dildo-ing she gave herself, she was at least somewhat prepared. Soarin saw her asshole, which was much wider than it was before, pulse with arousal and he wasted no time before plunging back in, popping inside and pushing all the way to his hilt before thrusting at a medium pace. "Hahhh! Oh Luna... Ahhhn! Fuck yeah... Make me your bitch Soarin!" Vinyl moaned loudly into the sheets, feeling his strong hips and swollen balls slap against her butt each time his cock filled her up fully. She yelled out a bit too loudly, but wanted him to hear how much she really was enjoying it. He leaned down closer to her back and kept pounding her plot, making lewd wet noises as his thick horse cock slid in and out of her. He let out all his grunts and pants into her ears and gave them the occasional nibble and bite every so often. He tried to think of something dirty and naughty to say in her ear again, but he was too caught up in his little slice of heaven to think about anything else. Her entrance tightly slid up and down his length but what he loved most was the soft squishy warm insides that enveloped him like a glove that was contoured to his shape and size. It was like no other hole he ever fucked and with each primal thrust, he found himself growing more and more addicted to it. Vinyl reached down underneath her belly and eventually found her swollen pink lips, then immediately began rubbing them, but it was short lived before he grabbed her body and turned them both on their sides, lifting one of her legs up by the thigh without stopping or pulling out and using his other hand to reach under and around her to twist and grope one of her nipples. He knew he was going to explode inside her soon, but he showed no sign of slowing down or easing himself. "Vinyl, I... I can't... It's too good!" He moaned out in an exasperated tone and Vinyl turned her head, pulling his forward into a passionate sex-fueled makeout session for a moment whilst her body recoiled back and forth from his humping. She knew that he wasn't going to stop until he at least gave her pussy some attention and she wanted to follow through with her intent on being his submissive fuck-toy, so she just smiled through her moans and looked him dead in the eye. "It's okay, cum whenever you want, baby. Ahnn! Mmph..." Soarin picked up the pace while she was in mid-sentence and before she could turn around to kiss him again, his groaning got louder and he slammed his junk all the way inside her ass, pushing hard even though there was nowhere else to go. He gave a few short involuntary thrusts inside her before gritting his teeth and bursting. Vinyl felt his long shaft thicken and squeeze her insides as he came like a true stallion and shot thick globs of cum in her deepest parts. When his teeth dug into her neck in a playful yet gentle way and he let loose his climax moans against her, she almost came. She had to keep her hand off her quivering sex, or else the slightest touch could set her off. Even though she loved being dominant, being treated like a sex toy turned her on even more and there was nothing that made a mare feel like she was a stallions sexual property more than being love-bitten while getting bloated with semen. "Mmphhhh! Nnghhh!" Soarin growled aggressively, his eyes shut, unable to focus on anything else as Vinyl's plot hole milked every drop from him. Her body trembled as he kept jizzing inside, eventually making some of his snow white seed dribble out of her ass. When he was finally done, he panted similarly to when he was done with a hard workout, letting his tense body finally relax. Neither of them wanted him to pull out just yet, so they just enjoyed the feeling while it lasted. "S-sorry, I... Hah... Kinda-" Vinyl turned her head and kissed his lips sweetly for a moment or two to cut him off. "Don't worry about it, babe... Hah..." Vinyl was still catching her breath, barely being able to kiss him for a few seconds before needing more air. "J-just gimme a few before you finish me off, okay? Ah!" She yelped in surprise when he slid out and popped his flared head out of her warm sanctuary, sending a thick glob of cum out behind it that rolled off her thigh and onto the sheets. Making him cum so relatively fast wasn't an issue for her whatsoever; in fact, Vinyl took it as a compliment that she could make somepony that usually took thirty minutes to climax cum in a mere three minutes. Her ass felt sore the moment he pulled out and even though she figured she'd tough through it, she knew she'd feel it in the morning. With a mighty groan, Vinyl sat up in bed and had to steady herself for a moment to keep from getting light headed. After giving Soarin a cute peck on the cheek, she slid out of bed and stretched her sex-worn body. "Man, I gotta wash all this jizz off me... Be right back." She said with a giggle and winked at him before beginning to walk a bit awkwardly towards her bathroom, finding it difficult to walk straight after such a rough rutting. Soarin grabbed the towel he brought in with him from the shower earlier and proceeded to wipe off his sex and some of the sweat he produced on his chest and back, grinning at how Vinyl was walking and knowing it was his fault. He didn't mind the momentary break since he'd need time for his stallion sacks to churn up some more seed to give her later. As Vinyl shut the door behind her, he almost considered taking a power nap before hearing a buzz on his cell phone on the night stand. "Wait, I thought you knew where he was!" Spitfire said with a slight inflection of annoyance as they slowly drifted down from Cloudsdale, descending onto Ponyville. The cold air whipping their faces would've made it difficult to open their eyes if not for their flight goggles. The moon hid itself reverently behind a thick layer of clouds leftover from the rainy weather earlier that day, but the two experienced flyers were trained to deal with the lack of light. "W-Well, I... I saw him kinda flying towards that direction, but..." Rainbow pointed towards the residential section of the town off the main road. Spitfire sighed. She didn't want to have to text him before she showed up to wherever he was. Her selfish side worried her that he was with another mare to take his pain away, but the side of her that just wanted her friend back was just glad to know he wasn't passed out in a back-alley bar whenever Rainbow pointed away from the main part of town. She spread her wings wide to slow herself down and landed softly on a cloud so she could pull out her cell. "Heh. What happened to multi-tasking mid-flight?" Rainbow fluttered next to her teased her a bit since they were already in an informal situation; she didn't see the need for addressing her like she normally did during drills. "Hey, I don't text and fly. Okay?" Spitfire blew her off for the moment and focused on her phone. Since most of her life was spent doing physical work with hardly any downtime, she wasn't as in-tune with technology as most other mares her age were. It took her a minute to type: "Hey, sorry I'm texting so late. Just wondering where you are." and stretched her legs while she waited for a response. It felt odd for her to apologize. The one thing Spitfire was known for, other than being an excellent flyer and an almost cruel drill instructor, was her pride. She always viewed apologies as a sign of weakness. However, she felt as if it needed to be said. Her phone vibrated back quicker than she expected. "No problemo. Just staying at a friend’s house for a while." Soarin texted back, lying slightly since Vinyl wasn't just his friend anymore. Rainbow swirled and gathered up some vapors to form another cloud next to Spitfire, sitting down whilst Spitfire stared at her phone. "Oh, good. I'm glad you're alright. Hey, mind if I come by? I won't take long. Just haven't seen you in a while." Spitfire's heartbeat quickened as she anxiously awaited his answer. His next reply took a little longer than his last one. "Yeah, I guess." Even in text form, Spitfire could sense his uncertainty. "I'll meet you outside." Soarin texted her the address a second later instead of simply saying who's house it was, hoping that she'd remain ignorant of who was comforting him in order to avoid any unnecessary cat-fights. Her guilt began to swell back to life after hearing such a passive aggressive confirmation but tried to ignore it, knowing how immature it was to imply moods or tones from text on a screen. Spitfire sighed and put her phone back in her jacket, buttoning the pocket closed. "Alright, I'm going down there to meet him. Keep an eye out and make sure no one spots us, okay? I've already had enough media scares for one day." She sighed and didn't wait for Rainbow's answer before tilting her body forward lazily off of the cloud, free-falling for a short while before opening her wings and gliding down. With a big stallion sigh from his nostrils, Soarin put his phone back down on the nightstand and got back up on his legs, not bothering to activate his pass-code on it since Vinyl typically wasn't the type of girl to pry into his things. He felt slightly light-headed for a moment or two and had to put a hand on the wall until his blood slowly came back into his head. He was glad to have bought some extra clothes from his market trip earlier that day. Otherwise, he would've had to choose between his unwashed clothes from the day before that had a strong hint of musk to them or one of Vinyl's tee-shirts that would most definitely have her scent all over it. Soarin knew more than most that girls could smell another lady on a man from a mile away, especially when they were emotional like Spitfire most likely was. As he rounded the corner out of her room, he could still hear Vinyl's shower going in the bathroom across the hall, hoping he'd have enough time before she was finished. His bare feet strode quietly through the house towards the front door. His wings stretched high and wide, summoning a groan from the sex-worn stallion that was already starting to feel the punishment for not having practiced his flying for such a relatively long time. Spitfire's wing sounds, which Soarin could discern easily due to the lack of any sort of background noise from the eerily silent part of town, made his ears perk up as they got closer and closer to him. He couldn't see her well in the dark, almost moonless night, but he figured she could see him easily from her perspective. A little chilly breeze hit his fur and he folded his wings back up to keep them out of it. There was nothing he could do about his feet, though, and he cursed himself for not putting on any socks as the cold soil slowly made his feet feel numb. A little smile came onto his face as Spitfire landed across the street, looking around for any civilians and making sure she wasn't being recorded by any sort of paparazzi. She returned his smile as she power-walked closer, albeit there was a strong hint of guilt behind it. "Hey, you." Soarin said a bit affectionately and informally, figuring the need for proper manners towards his superior was well in the past. He could barely make out a pair of puffy eyes in the darkness. Spitfire spent hours and hours mentally rehearsing what she'd say to him whenever she saw him again, but even so, she couldn't form the words she wanted to say. She stood there like a nervous high-school filly looking down at his chest in silence. She knew the second she saw his gentle sweet smile telling her it was okay, she'd burst out in sobbing right then and there. Her ears were flat to her head. Soarin could only count the times he'd seen her like that on one hand during their entire friendship together and a part of him felt heartbroken for seeing such an otherwise strong and independent woman reduced to such a pitiful look. His heart ached to just reach out and hug her to tell her it was alright, but his mind wanted her to give him a proper apology first. He was glad that she hadn't brought up the point about which house he was staying at, hinting that she didn't know who lived there. He decided to simply leave that topic alone since it would've brought up more questions than needed. "I- I'm sorry... For everything." Spitfire tried not to start crying again and took a deep breath, still not looking him in the eye. "I thought that maybe I could cover things up, but I couldn't and I shouldn't have tried to and I know I-" She sniffled. "I should've just came to you the second that asshole tried to blackmail me. I was just so stupid and-" Soarin shook his head with a smile and put a hand on her shoulder to stop her as she discreetly wiped her tears from her face, but she kept going "And if you don't want to be my friend anymore, t-then that's fine and I deserve that and-" "Hey..." Soarin put both his hands on her shoulders that time, still looking into her eyes even though she wasn't looking at his. "You really think something silly like that is gonna make me not want to be your friend anymore? After everything we've been though? Come on now, boss." He could feel her trembling slightly. He figured she felt guilty for what she did, but he didn't know it was that bad. "But it wasn't just something silly, I betrayed your trust and..." Spitfire gritted her teeth and desperately tried not to cry in front of him. Soarin couldn't take any more, seeing his superior act this way was heart wrenching and he knew if he didn't console her soon, he'd start getting emotional as well. He pulled her close to him in a hug and wrapped his arms around her mid-back tightly, feeling her warm cheek brush against his. "Stop it." He said softly as he felt her hands slowly and weakly hug him back, her trembling getting worse. "I'm okay. Yeah I was kinda hurt, but it didn't destroy me. I'm more afraid of this destroying you." He pulled back and tilted her chin up so she could look at him properly. Her eyes darted to the side quickly. "Hey, look at me." He smiled softly and booped her nose cutely, making a small grin appear on her face. Reluctantly, her eyes turned to meet his. "I don't know if being in a relationship is ever going to work out between us, I'll be honest. I mean, even if we were a match made in heaven, there's still the whole intra-rank relationship rule, and the media would be up our ass the whole time. Plus, if something like this happened down the road and we were together..." Soarin said honestly. "Y-yeah... We'd be more like those stupid reality show celebrities instead of Wonderbolts." Soarin chuckled a little, glad that she understood where he was coming from and that she was selfless enough to recognize it objectively. "But absolutely nothing is going to be able to come between our friendship. Alright? You know I'll always forgive you for silly stuff like this." Spitfire's eyes watered a little more, but that time it wasn't from sadness, it was joy that her suspicions of his kindheartedness were proven true in that instant. She mentally thanked Rainbow for being so right about him. She nodded and selfishly went in for another hug, the last words he spoke easing almost all of her worries at once. Soarin chuckled at her sudden clingyness, but thought it was cute at the same time as he squeezed her back. Suddenly, both their ears perked up and their hearts jumped when they heard the door open up behind them. They both separated in an instant. Soarin desperately hoped it was Octavia, which was the most reasonable of the two roommates, but Vinyl's damp highlighter blue hair made his ears droop down, afraid of what might happen soon. She didn't look pleased to see Spitfire there, but she wasn't immediately rushing out to deck her in the face, which Soarin thought was a good sign. "V-Vinyl Scratch?" Spitfire looked past Soarin at his new marefriend, appearing stunned at first. "Long time, no see." She responded with as little enthusiasm as possible and Soarin was glad that he was standing between them. He stepped away from his boss slightly so Vinyl wouldn't become more jealous than she already was. He could see her fists clenching and decided he had to intervene before she went off. The topic of them seemingly knowing each other seemed like a good way to change the subject, but there was no way she'd be distracted over something as amateur as that. "Vinyl, I don't know how much you heard, but she's sorry about everything. I mean look at her. She's a mess." Soarin turned towards her and whispered but then came back as to not let Spitfire feel left out. "Oh, I heard everything." Vinyl said, feeling a little full of herself for eavesdropping even though she arguably had a right to, being his girlfriend. She stepped around Soarin so she could face Spitfire directly, her arms crossed across her breasts. Soarin knew she must've been chilly since she was damp from a recent shower and all she was wearing were a pair of boyshorts and a tanktop, but she didn't even shiver once. Either her blood was boiling and keeping her warm, or she was simply talented at hiding how freezing she was. Spitfire didn't bother asking how much she knew; she wouldn't have been acting so openly defensive of him if she didn't know everything. It was even harder to look Vinyl in her eyes since she had the eyes of a jealous marefriend defending her lover. Soarin wisely stood aside, but close by in case Vinyl started swinging. "So I'm guessing you two are...? " Spitfire gestured to the both of them with a nervous grin, her womanly instincts telling her that something was going on between the two of them. "Yup." Vinyl nodded, answering without the slightest hesitation. "We've been friends for a long time now. Just kinda happened recently." It was as surprising to her as it was to Soarin, but Spitfire actually seemed glad to have heard it. Her ears even perked up a little. "That's... Good. I'm actually glad he could find someone to come to." "Yeah, after you shattered his heart." Vinyl grimaced, making Spitfires chest swell with emotional pain all over again. "Vinyl, stop-" Soarin spoke up, knowing that one was a bit too harsh. Vinyl looked behind her and shot him a glance. She needed to at least say something to her, otherwise she wouldn't be doing her job as a loyal marefriend. Soarin stood down reluctantly. "You know how much you hurt him, right?" She continued, seeing guilt written all over her. The Captain hesitated and then nodded. Being scolded by a civilian made her feel sick, but she figured she deserved it to some extent. "And you're sorry?" Vinyl raised an eyebrow, her arms still crossed. "Yes, of course... I'm not going to take our friendship for granted again." She made absolutely sure to speak clearly so Vinyl wouldn't suspect her of lying. Vinyl stepped a little closer, extremely tempted to smack her face with a good left hook, but studied it instead to look for any sign of manipulation or dishonesty. It went on for nearly a half a minute and it was making Soarin increasingly uneasy. What made it worse was the haunting silence around them. "Alright. Good enough for me." Vinyl's mood shifted drastically all at once and her arms unfolded and rested by her sides with her hands in her tiny pockets. "Come on, let’s go inside. Its fucking freezing." She finally acknowledged it and motioned for Spitfire to come in. Soarin let out a sigh of relief and opened the door for the both of them. "A-Are you sure? I don't mean to intrude, I was just-" Spitfire protested out of respect and politeness even though her wings were getting a bit stiff from the chilly breeze as well. She was just as relieved as Soarin was. "Dude, I can see you shaking. Come on." Vinyl smirked. Spitfire had only met Vinyl on a couple of occasions, but she knew her well enough to know that when she was offering something to someone, it was futile to turn it down. She walked up the few steps to her front door and Vinyl stepped aside to let her in, but not enough for her to get in without having to brush against her. Vinyl grinned and purposefully tickled her tail against the Captain's leg, getting a naughty idea. Spitfire smiled with a slight bit of color rushing to her cheeks, looking at Vinyl in confusion. "Besides, I know how bad guilt feels. You'll feel better if you get laid." She chuckled and scanned Spitfire up and down, admiring her slender, muscular body. Soarin's face flushed red as he turned around in surprise. "W-wait, what?!" > Chapter 6: Confrontation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash's face softly glowed from her phone screen as she laid back lazily on her little personal cloud as if it were a recliner. The puzzle game she was playing kept her occupied for a few minutes, but after nearly ten minutes passed, there wasn't much that was able to cure her boredom. "Ugh... Come on, Spit. What's taking 'ya so long?" She mumbled to herself as she closed her game and opened up her messages, seeing that there were none from her boss. "V- Vinyl, wait--" The flustered Soarin protested hesitantly, but the two girls just chuckled. As he stared at the two in confusion, he assumed he'd missed some sort of subliminal female social cue. "Dude, chill. I'm just joking." Vinyl rolled her eyes with a smirk and Soarin just stood there, still recovering from the shock. He knew Vinyl had always enjoyed embarrassing him and watching his "cute" reactions, but he was trying to decide whether or not that little prank was going too far. He thought it was at least insensitive given everything that had happened. Although, it did help lighten the mood. Whether or not that was her intention to do so was beyond Soarin, but he was glad for the outcome at least. Having Spitfire and Vinyl in the same room by themselves after everything that happened was making Soarin's stomach churn with fear and awkwardness. Out of the three of them, he was arguably the most mature, so he was the only one who held some skepticism over things being resolved so quickly. He let out a pent up breath of air from his chest and leaned against the back of the couch, crossing his arms. All the action he was having earlier was finally beginning to catch up to him and make him yawn every minute or two. On the other side of the coin, he was beginning to think that it was for the best for the three of them to talk it out. No matter what plan he came up with for his future with Vinyl, some version of confrontation was always inevitable. The girls' voices sounded calmer and less tense than they did outside, but their body language was the same. Vinyl's ears were perked up and she was making some hot chocolate in the kitchen, which was slightly out of character for her to have such agency over guests. It made Soarin think that she was trying to do something to calm herself down. All the conflicting thoughts that were swirling around in his head were distracting him from their conversation until he finally decided to step in and not give the impression that he was mad, even though he was to a certain extent. "Yeah, totally. I mean I'm not gonna judge you or anything, but I mean, Soarin and I have been friends for a long time. It's nothing personal." Vinyl carried on the conversation they were having that Soarin wasn't really paying attention to until just then as she turned on the coffee and tea maker. "I... Guess I can't really blame you." Spitfire formed a soft apologetic smile on her face. "You should feel lucky you still have your hair. Last time I pissed Vinyl off that much, she strapped me down and shaved my mane." Soarin finally jumped into the conversation. Spitfire rolled her eyes, but Vinyl had a look of righteousness about it. "Wow. What did you do?" Spitfire didn't seem to believe him. "He decided it'd be a funny April fools joke to replace my mane gel with glue." Vinyl answered for him as she filled up three styrofoam cups with steaming hot chocolate and passed them out. "Damn... " Spitfires' eyes widened. "Took a good week for my mane to get back to normal." "Yeah, and it took eight months for mine to get back to normal..." Soarin protested a little and crossed his arms, still holding some resentment. "Hey, man, you deserved it." Soarin knew he was going to get a stiff punch on the arm for it when Vinyl came up to him. Thankfully to him, it wasn't as hard as it normally was, but it still made him flinch a little. There was an awkward silence while the two girls took large sips from their cups. "So, have you two met before? Or..." He still remembered Spitfires first reaction upon seeing Vinyl outside. "I go to her club every once and a while." Spitfire was starting to look more relaxed thanks to her hot beverage. "Don't you? Oh... I guess you don't really like big parties, do you?" "Nah, not really... I buy her music all the time, though." "It's probably for the best. I'm not letting all those drugged up rave whores near you." Vinyl said with a grin and Spitfire chuckled. "What about you? How long have you two known each other?" Spitfire kept the conversation warm, wondering why Soarin never mentioned Vinyl to her. "Uh... A few years, I think? Maybe four. We went to the same school for a little bit and we've been friends ever since." Soarin made sure to leave the answer short and vague so Spitfire wouldn't feel too jealous. There was definitely more detail he could've provided, like how they were informal fuck buddies for the past three years or all the kinky public spots they had sex in. "That's cool." Spitfire finished up the rest of her hot chocolate rather quickly, as did the rest of them as another silence enveloped the room. It was eerily quiet, almost to the point of causing uneasiness. "I should probably get back..." She said after a yawn, the hot chocolate helped her relax, but her uneasiness despite a pseudo-resolution was the only thing keeping her from being asleep already. She was zoning out staring at the small glass vase on the table that held two roses, getting lost in its beauty before snapping back to the other two. "Aw, man... I thought we were gonna play naked twister!" Vinyl teased Soarin again and she was met with a pair of rolling eyes as Spitfire stretched her wings a bit. He knew it was his own fault for acting so offended by the idea of sexy times the first time, so he couldn't complain if Vinyl decided to prod him about it more. "Eh... Maybe next time." His boss thought it'd be fun to get in on it as well. Soarin was about to ask if she wanted to visit a little longer out of habitual politeness, but thought it'd be better for her to head back instead. The invitation might've been interpreted as a threesome invitation given what had been said earlier, which was something he absolutely didn't want. The vision of seeing her former crush riding a strangers cock was still fresh in his mind and it turned him off from wanting to bang her completely. He couldn't tell what time it was, but he was sure it was well past her normal bedtime. He needed to talk with Vinyl after she left as well. Having good manners, Spitfire rinsed out her cup in the sink nearby and left it there to soak before stretching and making her way to the front door. Vinyl smirked at it since they were styrofoam cups, but to Spitfire and Soarin, it was due to a set of manners that had been eternally instilled upon them since their training days. "Oh, and by the way, you're going back to calling me 'Captain' and 'Ma'am' starting tomorrow. Got it?" She poked Soarin on his chest and he suddenly got nervous, not realizing how informal he was being with her until just then. "Y-yes, ma-" He was cut off by a big bear hug around his chest. Vinyl was right beside him, but he took the chance and returned it anyway. "Sorry agai-" Soarin smiled and stuffed her face in his chest so her speech turned to muffled nonsense. Vinyl could never tell whether they were friends first or squad mates first since they often acted in ways she thought squad mates never did, but would also break out in formal moments as well as captain to lieutenant. It was a complicated relationship to say the least and she tried not to overthink it. "Stop apologizing, it makes you look weak." He said supportively with a smile and brushed a loose feather from her wing, which was a rather affectionate gesture between pegasi. To him, though, it was out of a deep bond of comradery that went beyond most forms of friendship, developed over years of flying together. When he let her go, he could feel a slight dampness on his chest. She sniffled and didn't say anything more, only giving Vinyl a little goodbye wave before turning and heading out so she wouldn't say anything out of pure emotion that she would've regretted later on. Her orange and gold tail quickly disappeared behind the door, but she had the consideration to close the door slowly since it was so late at night. Her wings made a thick gust of air around her as she took off. "So... Am I wrong in guessing you're still mad at her?" Soarin finally expressed his concerns that he had been feeling all the while. "Well, duh. What, you think I'd just get over it that fast?" "I guess not..." He sighed. "There're just a lot of things I don't get about you mares sometimes. I mean, it sounded like you forgot about everything back there." He laughed lightly. "Yeah. We have a bad habit of holding grudges while pretending everything's okay." She chuckled jokingly even though she wasn't lying and Soarin chose not to comment and risk saying something careless that'd insult her. "So, like, what is it with you two? You're both act like besties sometimes but then it's all..." She swirled her hands around while trying to think of a word, but Soarin already knew what she was talking about. "Professional?" "Yeah... Well, I've known her for so long. It's... Weird, I know, but... It's kinda like how you suck up to your boss all day and then after work you both go out for drinks and talk about last week’s buckball game. "I guess..." Vinyl scratched her head and it led into a brief silence. Soarin was immensely relieved to hear that Vinyl still had some reservations about Spitfire. It still bothered him to some extent, but it would've bothered him more if Vinyl would've wiped her slate clean just like that. Vinyl wasn't always known for her maturity in certain situations, but he had to admit that it was commendable for her not to fall into the easy trap of hasty forgiveness. "Thanks for not punching her." Soarin said with a slight chuckle to change the subject a bit, hoping she wasn't somehow mad at him for some unforeseen reason that only a mare would understand. "I probably would've if you weren't here." Vinyl crossed her arms and leaned against the kitchen table with closed eyes, presumably attempting to dispel some of the stress that had accumulated. It made him wonder just how much his presence changed her emotions and how differently things would've gone if he wasn't there. "You know if she had any intention of fighting back, she'd put you on your ass, right?" Soarin leaned next to her and wrapped one of his broad strong wings around her to help soothe her. She took a deep breath shortly after, signaling that it was working thus far. There was nothing like the comfort of a blanket of soft feathers over ones back to sooth the nerves, especially for a non-pegasus that wasn't used to the feeling. "Come on, you don't think I could take her on?" She said after some hesitation and a small smile cracked on her lips. "Well, maybe. If she was drunk... High..." He counted off on his fingers and thought, just adding to the joke. "Blindfolded... I mean- Mmph..." Vinyl cut him off by grabbing his shirt collar and tugging it down before planting a romantic kiss on his lips. All the jealousy she had been feeling was proving too much for her and she needed some affection. Soarin kept his wing around her as his hands instinctively slid around her waist. For some reason, the kiss she gave him was hotter and more exciting than any other kiss he'd received from her. It was like she was trying to prove that she was the best mare for him. It was so good that he could feel his gym shorts tightening up without any direct stimulation to his member. She kept her eyes open during the kiss to watch his reaction. He couldn't tell if it was because of her compensating for jealousy or just plain lust, but there was so much passion put into it that it made him shiver a little. Her tongue slipped inside his mouth and danced with his as her hot breaths broke against his face and her body pressed against him. As suddenly as it started, it stopped, and Vinyl looked up at him whilst biting her smiling up. "S-Sorry, couldn't help myself." She breathed heavily though her nose a few times to catch her breath, her body still sharing body warmth with him. "Yeah... No... It's alright." Soarin was still a bit stunned and Vinyl could see it. She was proud that she knew how to drive him crazy with just a kiss. "Hmm..." Vinyl looked down and saw his thick bulge throbbing through his shorts, making her smirk. She dragged a finger up the clearly defined erect shaft and even though it was behind a layer of clothes, it still twitched at her touch. "Looks like your buddy's gettin' perky again." "No thanks to you." He leaned in and decided to tease her a little, running his hands up and down her back and whispering in her ear. "You've already fucked me half a dozen times today and you still can't keep your eyes off my cock..." He nibbled her ear playfully and it made her cheeks turn rosy. "You really are a little slut, huh?" His hands reached her flank and he gave it a nice hearty groping and it produced a little groan from her. She was only wearing a pair of thin boy shorts, so he could feel how warm her buttocks were through them easily. The loose tank top she was wearing also gave him an easy view of her tits whenever he peeked down at her chest. He could feel her heating up more and more by the second, knowing that whispering dirty things in her ear was one of her major turn-ons. "Mmph... Your little slut..." She whispered back before kissing his neck a few times, leaving some mild hickies. The two were wrapped up like mating snakes in vanilla foreplay, groping, nibbling and licking each other for several moments. It was a contest of who would yield first and start taking off the others' clothes, but neither one had the guts to do so in the middle of Vinyl's kitchen with Octavia asleep just across the hallway. That was, until Vinyl had the nerve to talk dirty back to him. "Soarin... Fuck me right here." She said in between lusty exasperated breaths and neck kisses. "Vinyl, Octavia's-" He tried to respond but Vinyl cut him off for a second time by putting her entire hand over his mouth, looking deep in his eyes. He secretly loved the idea of making love to her with such a high risk of being caught in the act; it was excitement that he couldn't describe in words even though he figured Octavia was kind enough not to get angry over it if she found them. "Please... I need you right now. Right here. I love you so much..." She was sounding more and more desperate and hearing her beg for it whilst simultaneously assaulting his soft spot in his heart was proving too much for him. "I can't wait." He smiled, realizing that there was no way he couldn't indulge her after such a genuine and passionate request from someone he truly loved. Up until recently, it was very rare for Vinyl to act so submissive and plead for sex. Beforehand, she'd just talk dirty and then throw him onto the bed to have her way with him. It was something that he was gladly getting used to. Soarin slid his fingers back up before slipping them back down underneath her boy shorts to get direct contact with her ass while she began sucking on his tongue and getting their mouths sloppily wet with saliva. He squeezed the soft marshmallow tush and kneaded it back and forth before using his muscular arms to pick her up and hold her butt. She involuntarily wrapped her legs around his waist and kept the dirty french kiss going. His member was then as hard as stone and was gracefully pressing against her outer lips with only his gym shorts and her boy shorts in the way, and it made them both want to strip down immediately to have their sexes touch directly. Vinyl was still moaning passionately into his mouth whilst she gave his tongue a sloppy blowjob when he decided to finally make a move and put her down on the kitchen table. Soarin didn't intend it, but the force of her body made the rose vase tip over and nearly break. They were concerned about it for a Canterlot minute before forgetting about it and focusing on each other. The two were starting to burn up from all the emotion and they could feel each other’s heartbeats through their chests. Soarin felt Vinyl’s fingers run though the back of his mane, pulling his head down towards her more and her legs were squeezing his waist even tighter. He had her sitting on the edge of the kitchen table, using his hands around her waist and butt to keep her in full contact with him. His wings were completely extended in either direction and they trembled each time she did lewd things to his tongue. They eventually started tearing off each other's clothes, stopping their kisses only for as long as they needed to as their shirts and pants came off and created a little pile on the floor. The two finally broke the extremely prolonged french kiss and started panting, feeling both nervous and thrilled to be naked in their kitchen. Their sexes were already throbbing and rubbing against each other and Vinyl's outer lips gently hugged the underside of Soarin's thick veiny shaft, leaving behind a trail of her lubricating natural fluids. "Fuck, dude..." Vinyl’s eyes drifted as if she were lightheaded before settling back on him. "I think I burned like fifty calories with that kiss." Soarin chuckled a little, still out of breath, to help keep the scene a little lighthearted. "You're about to burn a lot more." Vinyl smirked and licked his lips in a kinky and playful way, trying to tease him into being more dominant. Soarin slid his hands around her legs and gently massaged her inner thighs while bending down and giving her soft perky breasts some attention. He used his tongue to squeeze her nipple between it and his top row of teeth and his fingers were getting achingly closer and closer to her womanhood. "If Octavia catches us, this was your idea." He spoke with a mouthful of her nipple and the vibrations from his voice tickled her and made her groan suddenly. "Y-you're the one who got me so worked up before getting me to the bed." Vinyl bit her lip and her pussy was throbbing uncontrollably. Having his hands so close to her slit without touching it was like torture for her, but she knew it would only make it feel better later. "You started it." He said somewhat childishly but jokingly and smiled. She had met many a stallion in her recent years of freelancing, expecting it to give her more experience with stallions. Most of those stallions were the same in her eyes, greedily getting themselves off with her body without a care in the world of pleasuring her. Soarin was an entirely different breed. She could feel just how hot and hungry his humongous horse cock was each time it rubbed against her pussy or her legs, but he was able to hold back patiently from simply plunging into her pussy and pounding her into the kitchen table right off the bat. Even though the idea of that wasn't uninteresting to her, she knew from experience that that kind of sex would only last a few minutes and the climax wouldn't be nearly as satisfying. At times, it even seemed to her as if he had forgotten about himself and was only concerned with giving her the most intense sexual experiences he could offer. Thinking in retrospect, Vinyl thought it was most likely one of the reasons she always liked him more than any other man she'd been with. Vinyl was spacing out, only able to think about him and what he was doing to her at that moment. Everything else was blank. She had even forgotten that she was in the middle of her kitchen and she began moaning in a mildly dangerous volume when his fingers finally made contact with her pussy. Soarin had the fleeting thought of giving up on the fun and moving her back to her bedroom, but he knew that he'd have to see it through because of how far he'd already brought things. He wasn't being sexually teased as much as she was, so he was at least able to think more clearly than her. Despite wanting to play with her a bit more, as his manhood got harder and harder, it became harder and harder to ignore. He gave her one last stimulation by doing something that he thought would work wonders on her. Slowly inserting his middle and ring finger inside her entrance, he heard her gasp and then groan from finally feeling something inside her after all his teasing. Instead of finger-fucking her or pulling straight out, he then curled his two fingers into an upwards hook and found the texture of her g-spot. She almost yelled out but stopped herself by covering her mouth with one of her hands, using the other one to support her body against the table. As he slowly dragged his fingers back out, he leaned forward and gently nibbled her other nipple that he hadn't touched yet. It was a two-pronged attack that gave her most sensitive womanly areas intense stimulation simultaneously. She was moaning like a whore the entire time and she had to bite her lip to the point where it hurt to keep from climaxing. His fingers popped out of her leaking marehood and Vinyl's legs twitched with a moderately sized puddle of fluid on the table between them. It was at that point that he started to think he was teasing her too much and felt a bit guilty. "Oh my god..." Vinyl's eyes were glazed over for a moment and she pushed back some of her bangs behind her ear with a shaky hand. "W-where did you learn to do that?" "I just kinda made it up on the spot, I dunno..." Getting sexual compliments from girls always was a big confidence boost for guys, and he couldn't help but smile from having watched and heard just how much she liked his little secret teasing technique. "You need to write that one down or something..." Vinyl's hands went back to cradling his neck and she gave him a sweet kiss on the lips. "But first..." "Yeah, sorry for teasing you so much, babe." He licked her cheek like a dog, extracting a cute girlish giggle from her. Whenever she did so, it always made his heart flutter. "Mmm..." She still had a wide smile and looked down as he lined up the head of his rod at her entrance. He was holding her waist and massaging her sides with both hands, so she helped him out by holding his member with her magic and lining him up. He locked eyes with her deeply as he slid inside, finding it to have little to no resistance at all because of how wet she was. He saw one of her eyelids twitch in ecstasy as he went deeper and a high pitched womanly moan escaped her lips. A bit of her tongue was hanging from her mouth as well, showing just how much she enjoyed having him inside her after such a long wait. It felt just as good for him as well. All the time spent with his dick not having hardly any stimulation made the inside of her cunt exponentially better. In reality, it had only been an hour or two, but after fucking her senseless almost all day, it made it feel longer for both of them. After a few hot throbs coming from her walls squeezing around him, he finally felt as if he were feeling just as passionate and empty-minded as she was. "Mmphh... I bet Octavia's watching us right now around that corner with her hand down her panties..." Soarin whispered in her ear as he completely bottomed out inside of her, feeling his balls press against her butt. "S-Soarin-" Vinyl couldn't help but look to her left to see if it were actually true, but Soarin extended one of his wings so that she couldn't see. She was surprised at his sudden change of attitude towards the situation given that he was so nervous about it just a few minutes before, but if anything, it just turned her on even more to see him so worked up and kinky. "If she's there... Let's give her a little show..." His body was going into mating mode and, just like her, his head was getting fuzzy and causing him not to care anymore about relatively trivial things such as others watching. While still holding her waist, he began sliding half of his stick in and out at an even pace. It made lewd wet noises because of how excited Vinyl's marehood was and she could also feel how flared and stiff he was inside her. "Fuck, dude... Y-your head's churning me up..." Vinyl half-spoke and half-moaned as she felt his entire length slowly filling her up over and over again. She was into rough fucking to say the least, but feeling his slow movements so that she could feel and enjoy every inch of his cock was just as satisfying for her. However, it was only a matter of time before Soarin moved things along and he began taking out almost all his length before penetrating all the way back into her womb. His head tugged against her entrance and each time it was nearly about to pop out, he pushed back in. "Nnnmphh!" She let out another set of muffled moans through her lips that she was biting down desperately to suppress them. Soarin didn't usually hear her moan as loudly as she was until he was rutting her like an animal. "Damn, girl... You must be really horny right now. Ugh..." He teased as he groaned and sighed from the satisfaction of having such a tight pussy massaging his joystick. Vinyl’s arms were quickly becoming sore from holding onto his neck for so long and she gently eased herself onto her back on the table, letting him have more range of motion. His broad hands gripped her waist and pulled her into him a little each time he pushed his hips forward. Her body rocked back and forth on the table as she stared up at the ceiling, lost in lust, and her hands went to her breasts to give them both a hearty squeeze. Her new boyfriend picked up the pace and started to make light slapping noises from his hips hitting her nether regions. With his strong arms, he spread her legs a little more and lifted them up to his chest. She was being properly fucked at that point, her whole body bouncing back and forth against the table while the pegasus let out low groans and snorts. Meanwhile, around the corner... Curse you, Octavia, what in Equestria are you doing?! Octavia thought to herself with a mouthful of her pulled-up black night shirt so that she could silence any noises she might've made whilst giving one of her hands access to her breast to play with. Her other hand was lovingly rubbing her swollen clitoris underneath her matching panties and she could feel a warm trickle of mare excitement going down the inside of her thigh. The elegant and proper mare had always been able to curb her cocklust with Vinyl's toys that she'd occasionally sneak out of her bedroom, but each time Vinyl brought home a boy toy for her to play with, it always brought out her inner unspoken naughty desires. Soarin was no exception. In fact, it affected her even more because of just how handsome and famous he was. Just the thought of a Wonderbolt lieutenant rutting her roommate into the kitchen table at midnight would've gotten her hot and bothered, but she was seeing and hearing it happen right in front of her. When she first got up to make some chamomile tea, hearing them going at it in the kitchen made her just want to go to bed and forget it. However, the forever building need within her caused her to take one peek, and it was all it took for her hand to find its way between her pussy lips. Her angel on her shoulder was telling her to stop being so lewd and naughty, but the devil on her other was telling her to waltz right in there and ask to join. It had been so long since she felt a man inside of her and it was getting hard for her to ignore it. What tipped her over the edge was hearing Soarin suggest that she was there already. The hallway light was off and clothed in darkness, so it would've been nearly impossible for him to see her with her grey fur and black mane, especially with her black night clothes. But, just the imagination that he might've known she was watching made her knees buckle. She slid her fingers inside of her nearly unused entrance when Soarin started pounding her harder. She was watching the both of them with one eye behind the corner of the hallway and the kitchen, but she had her eye especially fixed on Soarin. She could see his thick girthy cock each time he slid out of Vinyl's marehood and it was nearly dripping with a mixture of her fluids and his precum. Each time his hips thrust between her legs, she saw the toned and defined muscles on his butt and his legs. His biceps were also flexing handsomely by holding her legs against him. It made her filled with envy and want and hoped that someday, by some miracle, she'd be able to at least touch someone as magnificent as him. Her fingers tried to sync with the rhythm of his cock fucking Vinyl as best as they could to make the best simulation. Her ears perked up when she heard Soarin whispering something again and she watched intently. He had stopped and he grinned a little when he heard Vinyl whine adorably at him stopping such a good rutting, which was very uncharacteristic of her. Octavia only hoped she could tease her about it later without coming off as a creepy peeping tom. Her face turned red when she saw Soarin climb up on the kitchen table and get on his back. She could see perfectly between his legs and ogled his thick swollen balls and the underside of his sex-soaked manhood. As she watched Vinyl climb on top of him and prepare to ride, she brought her hand up only for a moment to get a taste of herself. She looked down at her hand and saw that it was soaked, but she was too horny to mind. It was the perfect view of Vinyl’s ass above his cock and balls and she almost shivered from the sight. It was almost like they were trying to give her the best seat in the house. Oh goodness gracious... She thought to herself again and pinched one of her nipples, waiting for her to go down on him before sliding her fingers back inside. Vinyl's stash of toys was just a few strides away in her room, but she couldn't afford to miss one second of the show. She saw Vinyl cover her mouth and groan as she slid down on that handsome thick manhood and in turn, she slid in two of her fingers and tried her damnedest not to make any noise. She let her panties fall down to the carpet floor since they were soaking wet and getting in her way. "O-okay, just get off when I'm about to cum, okay, babe?" Soarin's exasperated voice hummed softly and it was barely audible enough for her to hear. "Ahnn!" Her roommate moaned a little louder than she should've as she made his love stick disappear behind her butt, making only his seed machines visible. "No way, dude..." She panted and grinded hips back and forth on top of him. "But, you didn't take-" She couldn't see, but Octavia suspected that Vinyl did something to shut him up mid-sentence before picking her ass up and letting it drop down in a rhythmic fashion. What she could see was her lips opening wide to accept his visibly twitching and throbbing member deep inside of her. Her fingers sped up and desperately pushed deeper as her other hand firmly groped her breast still. Octavia didn't hear them speak after that, thinking that they were too caught up in their sex to form words. Their moans only grew louder, though, and hearing Soarin's commanding and manly groans was making her get close already. Suddenly, one of her fingers accidentally poked against her g-spot and she let out a sharp girly moan before she could cover her mouth. She instantly retreated a few feet behind the corner and stopped moving and breathing entirely. Soarin and Vinyl's sounds also stopped and her heart raced with fear of being caught. "What's wrong babe?" Soarin said as he tried to catch his breath. A few seconds that felt like minutes passed. "It's nothing." Vinyl eventually answered and the sound of wet sexes sliding past each other resumed. The earth pony sighed in relief while hearing some movements and thumps in the kitchen. If Vinyl wasn't moaning as much, Octavia's little yelp would've been more noticeable. When she regained the courage to look again, Soarin was on top of Vinyl, mounting her like a horse in heat as she laid on her back. She dazed out, daydreaming about being where Vinyl was and having his weight on top of her, pinning her to a table. Just the thought made a little squirt of her fluids escape her lips. Soarin plunged deep inside of her all at once and was already humping away at her. Octavia could see his jet black balls slap against her butt each time and she could tell from their actions and their noises that they were close. She started fingering herself faster as well to keep up and gave up on her breast so she'd have an extra hand to massage her clit at the same time. Come on, cum inside of her, you beast... She wished intensely even though she learned from context clues that she wasn't on the pill on that particular day. "Nnghhh! Fuck!" Soarin gritted his teeth and didn't appear to care about noise anymore when he began ramming into her and making loud slapping noises. He leaned forward and both their voices became muffled as they began making out in their final moments of lovemaking. Octavia could see all the expressions of intense pleasure written on her face. Octavia stopped caring as well and let loose a few cute moans as her fingers furiously fucked her, eyes still glued to them. Vinyl's body began writhing and erupting in spasms moments later, but it wasn't until Soarin pulled out his meat and started stroking it above Vinyl's body that Octavia felt the surge of pleasure reach a boiling point. Seeing it throb and pump out thick strings of white warm semen tipped her over the edge and triggered her orgasm. She covered her mouth hard and her eyes clamped shut as she came, making her legs nearly give out beneath her. Her fingers rubbed over her throbbing and convulsing clit over and over again and her thighs squeezed together around her hand until the clenching finally stopped. When she opened her lust-glazed eyes again, she saw Vinyl covered in seed from the waist up. "You ass, I told you to cum inside..." Vinyl protested even though she didn't seem that upset. Octavia tried to space her heavy breaths with theirs so that she wouldn't be heard and after catching her breath, quickly tiptoed back to her room without making a sound. She was grateful that they had carpet instead of tile or wood flooring in the hallway so her footsteps were almost silent. One her door was closed, she sighed in relief and thanked Celestia and Luna that she wasn't discovered. Her pussy was still soaked, but she managed to find a towel in her room to take care of it. She would've preferred to take a shower, but it was the best she could do without raising too much suspicion from the lovebirds. Her eyes widened and she went pale when she failed to remember picking up her panties and didn't recall taking them off before cleaning herself up. Her ears were flat to her head and she began to panic as her eyes shot around the room, thinking of some way to retrieve them without either of them noticing, but it was too late. The two were bound to retreat back to her roommate's room soon and if they turned the lights on or held the least amount of attention, they'd most definitely see her hot pink panties that stood out from the beige carpet like a sore thumb. The only thing she could do was to wait and pray. Meanwhile, in the kitchen... "Sorry, babe..." Soarin leaned down and gave Vinyl a soft kiss on her cheek, not having any energy left for another make out session like before. "I don't wanna get you pregnant. Yet." He winked and it made Vinyl blush as she used her magic to grab the towel hanging over her sink and throw it at Soarin. It landed over his face and he used it to start gently wiping the cum from his marefriend. "I'm guessing it's my turn to clean up?" "Yup. Nngh!" Vinyl sat up and groaned as she felt all the soreness and dizziness hit her at once. It took her a few seconds and some deep breaths before she felt comfortable enough to stand without passing out. "Come to bed soon, okay?" She returned his kiss and picked up their clothes. Seeing all the jizz and mare fluids on the floor and table made her grin, reminding her just how passionate they were just a few moments ago. "Oh, hey. Get this little bit over my eye..." She pointed at her face with a snorty chuckle with one eye closed shut and a thick steam of cum tracing over it. "Geez, it went that far?" Soarin smirked and gently wiped it away. "Alright, you're good." She didn't worry about putting any clothes on before heading back through the hallway, figuring that Octavia would've confronted them if she ever did wake up. Her ears perked up and she stopped when one of her feet felt something wet on the floor. A surge of self-consciousness filled her instantly. She was used to the occasional leak from her roof, but the water would've been cold to the touch. Instead, it felt lukewarm on her foot. If that wasn't enough, a pair of black panties that she knew for a fact belonged to Octavia laid right in the middle of the small wet spot. There was no escaping the truth anymore. As much as she doubted Octavia doing something so naughty, the evidence was overwhelming. She felt awkward for a moment or two, but eventually grinned, finding something new that she could tease her about. She knew it was rather silly to worry about such a relatively mild incident compared to other ones that had happened in the past. "What's wrong?" Soarin whispered behind her after having cleaned up, heading to bed. Vinyl quickly picked up the panties and balled them up in her hand so he wouldn't see. "Don't worry about it. Uh..." She wondered for a moment. "I'm gonna talk to Tavi for a sec. Kay?" He thought it was a bit odd, but shrugged it off and snuck into her room, making as few noises as he could. He was the only one in the house that knew that making noise was futile at that point. Vinyl waited until he completely shut the door to her room before deciding to pay her best friend a little visit. She was surprised to feel that the door to Octavia's room wasn't locked and she didn't bother putting any of her clothes on before entering since the two were used to seeing each other naked in the bathroom all the time. "Hey Taviii..." She said in a seductive and womanly tone to tease her. "I found your-" "Not. A. Word." Octavia said a bit sternly while she hid her naked body under her bed sheets in the dark. "Aw, hey. Don't be such a grump..." Vinyl said as she approached and sat down gently on the side of her bed. "I mean, I was kinda embarrassed at first, but... Can you imagine that? Me? Embarrassed?" She chuckled a little and tried to lighten her up since she could tell just by her tone that she was upset to some degree. "Vinyl... Please, just..." Octavia's voice sounded conflicted. Vinyl was starting to make out more details now that her eyes were getting used to the dark room and she saw that Octavia was lying on her side facing away from her with sheets pulled up to her head. She was only like this a few times a year, but Vinyl was accustomed to it from her experience with her roommate and best friend and knew how to go about handling it. Because of Octavia's introverted tendencies, she had some difficulties finding a mate and every once and a while, her frustrations surged up. It was usually triggered from jealously observing Vinyl's promiscuous behavior. Vinyl pulled her boy shorts from the pile of clothes she had in her arms and slipped them on one leg at a time, then laid down on her side in a spooning position behind Octavia. She pulled out her phone only once to send a message to Soarin telling him that her friend needed her, and then put her phone aside on the nightstand. "I'm sorry if I made you jealous... It kinda just-" She toned down her voice and tried to be sweet to her, but Octavia was obviously upset and cut her off. "Just happened? That's what you always say." Octavia sighed and kept facing away from her. "You could've at least made less noise." Vinyl didn't respond for a while, trying to think of what was best to say while she scratched behind Octavia's ear gently. It was a weak spot of hers and she felt her ear twitch a couple of times. She was about to respond when she felt Octavia tremble slightly. The marshmallow white mare didn't have to guess that she was getting emotional even though she couldn't see her face and instinctively put an arm over her side from behind. "W-Why can't I find... I'm such rubbish..." Octavia's voice suddenly shifted towards sadness and she bit her lip before saying anything else and tried not to sob. Vinyl knew that part was going to come sooner or later, but hearing her best friend on the verge of crying always broke her heart no matter how many times she heard it in the past. The two were close enough to be sisters or even lovers; they tended to feel each other’s emotions from time to time. "Hey, hey... Shh..." Vinyl tried to console her and kept gently scratching behind her ear while scooting closer. "Octy, listen... Every time you try to find a stallion, they turn you down because they're assholes and don't care about you. You need to let them come to you, that way you know they're serious. Right?" Vinyl sniffled a little, finding it hard to handle Octavia being so emotional. She could tell her fellow musician would soon turn around to face her and seek comfort from her. "R-Right..." "See? Octy, you're a drop dead gorgeous mare and you have a lot of stuff that a lot of guys want. Someone that deserves you is gonna come by and sweep you off your feet sooner or later, but you just have to be patient." Vinyl whispered softly. "Soarin's an exception, but before him... What I was doing, it was wrong. Fucking with random dudes might sound fun, but..." She knew she was going deep and tried not to get any more emotional than she already was. "It's not the right way if you want a relationship, which is why I'm glad you're not doing what I was. You're doing the right thing by saving yourself for someone who actually cares for you." She was repeating most of what she usually said when Octavia got this way, but it always seemed to work, so she always kept with it even though it involved some sugar-coating. Soon enough, Octavia slowly adjusted her body and turned around to face Vinyl. They were both glad they couldn't entirely make out the details of each other’s faces, otherwise they'd both break out in sobbing from seeing each other's teary eyes. There were very few things that could get under Vinyl's skin and one of them was seeing her best friend crying. It brought out her protective side in a way that nothing else possibly could. Vinyl stroked her hair a little to soothe her and even though she was nearly naked, she snuggled close to her and tucked her head under her chin. To anyone who didn't know about their complex relationship, it would've seemed like they were a couple from their body language, but it was in fact a manifestation of just how much they loved each other as best friends. "Hell, why do you think I tried so hard to get in your pants while we were at that dumb music school? You turned me bi, you know that, right?" Octavia giggled with a blush. "Oh, stop." "It's true." Vinyl continued to feed her compliments as she stroked her hair. "If you can turn straight girls bi, that's saying something. So don't go thinking that you aren't good enough for any guy you meet. Buuut..." Vinyl digressed. "It kinda seems like you're hurting really bad, so if you don't wanna wait to find a guy, I could let you borrow Soarin for-" "Vinyl, no, I couldn't... It's not right." Octavia instantly protested the idea even though just entertaining the possibility turned her on immensely especially after seeing him in action just a few minutes ago. "Why not?" Vinyl asked as she felt around for her cheek with her finger and wiped away some of her tears. The lingering silence told Octavia that it wasn't a rhetorical question. "W-Well, it's quite obvious..." She was getting more and more giggly the more she thought about Soarin on top of her. "Firstly, it seems somewhat... Unhealthy for you two... I... I don't want to come in between-" "Hey, sharing is caring, right? Besides, you'd do the same for me." Octavia started to speak again and reject the notion, but she stopped when she realized that in the same situation, she'd be offering the exact proposal that Vinyl was. Even though the two were as opposite as two sides of a coin, Vinyl was always talented at being convincing towards her. "I'm pretty sure Soarin will be chill about it, I mean I know he likes you." "Likes me? How so?" Octavia perked her ears up, not truly believing Vinyl's compliment. "Eh... I've had to pinch him a few times for staring at you while your back was turned. I'll just put it that way." She chuckled. "Rubbish... You don't have to lie to help cheer me up, Vinyl." Octavia grinned bashfully at the notion that she was being ogled at by such a handsome stallion. "I'm not! Dude, he totally wants to bang you. I mean, he's gonna say no at first just because "oh, you're the only one for me, I couldn't do that to you" and all that crap-" Vinyl used a mock deep-toned stallion voice to emulate Soarin for a moment. "But he'll understand eventually. I mean, I wouldn't let him sleep with just anyone. You're an exception, Octy." Vinyl booped her nose in the dark and hearing her giggle from it made her smile instantly. Octavia felt as if she couldn't refuse anymore after being tempted with it so convincingly. Her usual dilemma of finding someone to screw to ease her heat, yet not wanting to get involved with a total stranger, seemed solved and it was too good of an offer to pass up. After a few quiet moments of thought, she sighed and closed her eyes. "Fine... You win. You devilish minx." "Heheh... You know it." > Chapter 7: Responsibility > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was the first time that Soarin woke up without Vinyl after making love to her the night before. He was used to being the one who left the one night stand first and having the mare beg for him to stay, but it was hard for him to compare the situations since it technically wasn't a one night stand. He opened and rubbed his eyes and saw only a mess of flipped-back sheets beside him. He had to think for a moment and recollect his thoughts to remember what went down and why he was alone and once he did, his confusion and concerns drifted away. He didn't have the right to question or intersect the relationship between Vinyl and Octavia and he knew just how close the two were after multiple visits in the past. He groaned and stretched his stiff body under the sheets and when he came to rest again, he almost drifted back off. Though, the sudden alert tone on his phone beside him sent a tiny amount of adrenaline through his body, snapping him out of it. He was glad that he remembered to set an alarm on it the night before so he wouldn't ruin his relatively irregular militaristic sleep cycle. Sitting up in bed, he closed his eyes and rubbed them again, cursing himself mentally for staying up so late. Going back to his normal morning practice routine would prove an issue for him. He found himself naked and after not locating his clothes from the night before, searched around the room with his eyes for any kind of non-womanly clothes he could use to cover his morning wood that was warmly and eagerly pressing against his belly. With a grunt and a groan, he managed to lean over and open her clothes drawer and locate a decent pair of gym shorts. There was no indication of whether or not they'd fit or whether they were deemed manly enough to wear, but he was too tired to care. They slipped on and hugged him tightly around his waist, but not too tight to be uncomfortable. Any stallion with a slightly overweight midsection would've made a muffin-top with them, but thanks to Soarin's chiseled and muscular core, he never worried about it even with the tightest of clothes. He slipped his phone into one of the pockets before getting up. The informality of the home he was blessed to be a guest of caused him not to care whether or not there was a clean shirt for him to wear; he slid out of bed without one since he had no self-consciousness of his looks from the waist up. A faint thought in his head told him to put one on anyway for the sake of Octavia, but he figured it would be better to not wear a shirt at all than wear his old shirt that stunk to high heavens. A fleeting thought of putting on one of Vinyl's shirts was shook from his head; he was used to his tight leather uniform, but he wasn't a crossdresser. Soarin rubbed his face and in stumbled drowsily to the door, giving his mane a quick pass-through with his fingers to make sure it was the least bit acceptable. He could tell without looking in a mirror that it was messy. Octavia was usually up and going at the time he awoke, about seven in the morning, but he couldn't be sure. He kept trying to remember her rehearsal schedule each time she mentioned it, but it always slipped out of his mind somehow. Still, he strolled casually through the hall and into the kitchen only to find it empty. It wasn't until he felt a gentle breeze tickle his chest fur that he realized that the sliding glass door to the outside patio was cracked open. He placed his phone down on the kitchen table and decided to investigate. It was rather chilly thanks to a small cold front that followed the rain and storms the day before, but it had cleared up quite nicely and the direct sunlight warmed him just enough to not go back in and find some more clothes. The few yards of stone that separated the patio from the lawn didn't benefit from it at all and it sent a shiver up his spine when his bare feet stepped onto it. "Good morning." He heard a soft eloquent voice at the small patio table outside and instantly connected it to Octavia's. "Mornin'." He said in a low, raspy tone, noticing as he looked at her that she was focused on his body rather than eye-contact. She had a hot pink cozy robe on and her mane was damp from a recent shower. "Sorry, I uh... Don't have any clean shirts left. I went to the store yesterday but..." "No problem. I washed your clothes when I woke up; you'll find them in the dryer over there." She gestured to the washer and dryer in the back of the kitchen. "Oh, thanks. Geez, you're a lifesaver." He smiled and made his way back through the kitchen, bending down and opening the dryer to find his tee-shirt that he wore when he first arrived. He quickly slipped it on his torso and rolled his shoulders as he joined her outside again. He thought to himself how much more efficient the Wonderbolts would be if they all held the same level of responsibility and agency that Octavia did. He was used to awkward silences with Octavia over the few times he met her in the past and as he sat down at the table across from her, he didn't try to awkwardly start a conversation until he remembered some more details from the night before. His chair leaned back and his arms crossed as he thought of the right way to bring about the topic. He tried to address it tactfully since he wasn't sure how much she knew about what happened. She was staring out at their back lawn with a gentle smile on her face and her hair carelessly drifted with each passing breath of wind. Her small elegant fingers laced around a steaming mug and he couldn't help but admire how beautiful she was in the setting. "Hey, so... Vinyl told me she was gonna talk to you about something last night?" He initiated awkwardly. Octavia didn't respond for a few moments and it only made him more concerned. "Everything alright?" "Hm?" She reacted late, presumably from zoning out and she perked her ears up. "Oh, it was... Nothing." "Come on, I've dated enough mares to know that excuse." He got up from his chair, noticing that there was obviously something she was worried about, and sat down in one of the chairs closer to her, which seemed to make her either uneasy or flustered to his perception. "I know I don't talk to you a lot, but you can tell me if anything's going on." He didn't know, but him getting closer to her just made what she was thinking about more intense. A faint blush grew on her cheeks as she looked down into her coffee mug, but he was still too drowsy to make any inferences as to why she was acting sheepish. Due to her social introversion, she found it difficult to bring up to him just what was bothering her, especially since it was such an intimate subject that only she and Vinyl knew about. Though, after remembering a bit of a pep-talk from her roommate the night before, she finally mustered up the courage to let him in on a small portion of her issues. "I was just... Feeling down about... Relationships." It felt like punching through a brick wall to even say something like that to anyone except Vinyl and she felt as if she were breaking new ground by doing so. "Relationships?" Soarin turned a little more towards her with his interest peaked. He didn't know how a mare as foxy and gorgeous as her would ever have issues with relationships. "Y-yes. I..." She paused to gather what she'd say, tactfully taking a sip of her coffee to give her an excuse to think for a moment. "I've had issues in the past with stallions and trying to find someone who respects me enough to..." She stopped to ponder again. "Not treat me like a piece of meat to mate with." "Oh." Soarin was surprised at how far she went into her reply since he rarely had such deep conversations with her. "Well, if it counts for anything, I think you're a very beautiful and elegant mare. Both inside and out." He knew he probably could've come up with something more thought-out if he wasn't so drowsy, but judging from how Octavia reacted from his response, he figured that it was good enough. She held onto her mug with both hands and stared down into it with a calm sweet smile that reminded him of Fluttershy: one of his lieutenant's friends that he encountered on seldom occasions. "Thank you..." She said politely and swirled her hot beverage a little. Soarin was starting to wake up more and more from the conversation. "I only wish more men thought that way." "Plenty of men think that way. Heck, I could list three Wonderbolts off the top of my head that that would-" "But you Wonderbolts are trained to respect and appreciate people for what they're worth, correct?" Octavia cut him off, not in a rude way, but instantly felt guilty for it. She also changed her tone suddenly from calm to inquisitive, which threw him off. "I- I apologize, I..." "No, no. You were saying?" Soarin took a passive tone and gestured for her to continue with a tired smile on his lips as he rested his head on his hand against the table, his elbow propping it up. "Well... I'm sure men like you are used to treating women as such, but..." Octavia sighed. "Most men in Ponyville... And Canterlot especially, they don't seem to value the same things. I suppose." "Hm..." Soarin needed a minute to process what she was saying. "I guess most men are assholes, then. Excuse my French." He said frankly and his retort made Octavia giggle. "I mean, you could say the same thing the opposite way; a lot of mares just want a rich guy with a two story house and a fourteen inch-" Her cheeks grew a little brighter and her giggles continued. "Yes, yes. I understand." Soarin digressed, pausing to give her time to settle down into serious mode. "Anyway, Vinyl's not most mares just like I'm guessing you think I'm not most stallions." He sighed and rubbed his forehead a little, trying to take an implication from her body language and tone. "You usually ask out stallions or the other way around?" "The... Former." She admitted with some hesitation, knowing that it wasn't how she was supposed to go about relationships. "I know, just wait for the right guy to come to me." She answered for him, but in a way that told him that she had heard it before and was only repeating what someone else had told her on multiple occasions. "Yup." Vinyl's tired yet distinct voice came from the sliding door behind them and it made both of them snap their heads up. "Hey, we're having a heart-to-heart here?" Soarin teased her with a smirk and Octavia quickly went to looking down into her coffee mug again. Vinyl rolled her eyes. "Oh, so sorry to interrupt." Her roommate was already afraid that her open discussion was going to be interrupted and downsized by Vinyl the second she sensed her presence, but she had some resemblance of hope after remembering how supportive she was the night before. Vinyl, who was up much earlier than either of them expected, walked past them with the last bit of coffee from the pot in her styrofoam cup and stared out at the lawn, her highlighter blue hair radiating against the sun. "So anyway, you should just wait for the right guy to ask you out. I know from experience that if you go around looking for dates yourself, you're gonna make mistakes in judgement and stuff." He decided to carry on the conversation rather than put it off until later and tried to explain in the best way he could even though he was almost certain that Octavia was at least a couple of years older than him and that she had heard something similar before. "That way you can kinda pick and choose what's best for you. I know it sounds cynical, but it's really the best way to keep your heart from being broken. I mean, us guys are kinda expected to initiate relationships anyway." He spoke openly even though Vinyl was still there, but she didn't proceed to pick on either of them like they both assumed she would. She simply poured a couple of sugar packets into her coffee and stepped onto the grass with her bare feet. She stared forward at the lawn for a moment, but then looked behind her. Thankfully to him, Octavia seemed to take in what he said and the two mares shared a quick glance that he was oblivious to; another subtle gesture that went past him. "Oh, goodness. I've let time slip." Octavia got up after checking her small watch on the bottom of her wrist. "I need to get ready for rehearsal. But... Thank you, Soarin." She bent down and gave him a one-armed hug that was polite yet sincere at the same time. He felt her warm cheek press against his and was glad that she was familiar with him enough to show him that kind of affection. "I truly appreciate your help." "Hey, no prob." He felt slightly disappointed at not being able to help her further but was courteous enough to let it go for the time being, gently hugging her back around the waist with one arm as well before she quickly retreated back inside. He wasn't sure if it was perfume or shampoo, but her lovely scent lingered with him for a moment. Vinyl sipped on her coffee whilst giving him a sly glance from the corner of her eye after she disappeared. "What?" Soarin smirked as Vinyl took Octavia's vacant chair in order to sit closer to her boyfriend. Vinyl shrugged with her cup to her mouth and pretended to be oblivious. "What?" He repeated and nudged her shoulder gently and somewhat affectionately, but only after she lowered her cup as to not risk causing her to spill anything. She leaned in. "Wait till Tavi leaves..." "You didn't care about her being here last night." Soarin teased and it nearly caused Vinyl to choke on her coffee that she recently sipped. It was met with a quick punch to his upper arm. "Ow! Hey, that hurt..." He chuckled but winced in pain and nursed his bicep by rubbing it repeatedly, being able to discern that it was out of her embarrassment rather than frustration. Octavia was different than most mares in the sense that it took her a relatively short amount of time to get ready in the morning, which only added to Soarin's impressions of her given that she still looked as beautiful as ever after only fifteen minutes of absence. He tried to examine her briefly through the glass doors to see if she even bothered putting makeup on, but he couldn't tell. A closer look would've revealed that she was wearing some light eye shadow and lipstick, but since he was still sitting so close to Vinyl, he didn't risk appearing to ogle her for too long. The three casually waved goodbye as she left from the front door of the house with her cello case on her back and the door clicked shut behind her. She still had a mouthful of toast as she left. He couldn't help but take an extra glance at her attractive formal clothing that almost looked like a cliche schoolgirl outfit from the kitchen window. "So what was all that about?" He didn't waste time and finally resumed the conversation from earlier, curious as to what hidden motives there might've been from Vinyl's body language and her text from the night before right before he fell asleep. He sat up straight in his chair out of habit from his months and months of training. "She gets like that sometimes." She drank down the last of her coffee." Sometimes it's just because she's in heat, or... Because she's just lonely." Vinyl was thinking of a way to bring up the offer that the two roommates came up with, but she was smart enough to not just come out and say it without proper context. She was a blunt mare, but most who knew her would say that she wasn't that socially inept. She crossed her legs and leaned back in her chair, tilting it on two legs, and put her hands behind her head. "Yeah, but I mean... Is she alright?" He switched his tone to a more serious one, leaning in a little and lowering his voice out of instinct even though he knew that they were the only two left in the house. "Dude, come on. I've known her for like, ten years. She always vents to me about stuff she needs to vent about." Soarin knew when it was time to fold, realizing that Vinyl knew her more than he possibly could. He sighed and smiled a little, noticing how relatively silly he was being. "Sorry." He closed his eyes and massaged his forehead with one hand while propping his head up with his other. "I just have a soft spot for mares with emotional problems." "Yeah, no shit." Vinyl said with thick sarcasm and expected Soarin to just smirk and brush it off, but his reaction was sober and he hardly reacted. In fact, Vinyl almost thought he didn't even hear her until she realized that it wasn't the right time for jokes and he just wasn't biting at the humor. "Uh... My bad." She awkwardly followed up with a lowered tone with her ears a little flatter than before and sat down normally again, scooting a little closer to him so their shoulders were touching. It was a subtle way of apologizing for being insensitive. "It's alright." Soarin sensed that she felt guilty and put an arm around her waist. He was beginning to find a silly irony about her. Even though she always seemed to be spot-on with physical cues and social gestures with Octavia, she still seemed oblivious to them when she was with him. He tried not to overthink it, though, chalking it up to the amount of time Vinyl had to get to know Octavia compared to him. "Thanks for caring about her so much, though. She really needs more friends like you." Vinyl admitted, cutting her normal sly attitude, avoiding being jealous, and rewarding him for being the compassionate man that he was. "I can tell. I mean, honestly she really is a beautiful girl; she doesn't deserve to feel like that." He had a feeling that Vinyl was mature enough not to conflate his compliment about Octavia to jealousy since it was a serious topic. "I know." Vinyl sighed and leaned against him. "I've been trying to hook her up for years, but... I guess she just has specific tastes?" She pondered. Vinyl glanced down and spotted his stiff morning wood poking out through the gym shorts he borrowed from her and decided it was time to try and lighten the mood. Thinking too long about serious things tended to depress her easily. "I see you've acquisitioned a pair of my shorts." She smiled. "Huh? Oh, yeah. Sorry, I-" "Nah, it's cool. They look better on you anyway." She joked with a slight innuendo. "Is it me, or the shorts?" Soarin joked back, not being able to resist her occasional sexual teasing. He figured that he wouldn't be able to hunker down at her place for too much longer; he'd already stayed more than he expected to. He thought it best not to get bogged down in serious topics for the time being and enjoy her company like he had been. "Ah, ah." Vinyl picked her eyes off the shorts he was wearing, realizing that it would've turned into an early morning fuck-fest. "You save all that for later, Lieutenant." "Save it?" Soarin perked his ears up and made a cute confused face at her, surprised that Vinyl would hold him back after how many times they fucked yesterday. "Uh... Okay?" "Just trust me, babe." Vinyl pecked his cheek affectionately. "Now, are you gonna make us breakfast, or what?" Soarin admired just how adorable Vinyl looked with a pony-tail and white cooking apron on in front of the stove and he was having trouble not fantasizing about her being naked and only wearing said apron. Despite his best efforts, it was hard not to think about sex with her after doing it so many times in such a short period. "I uh... Oh, shit." Vinyl cut herself off and quickly turned her attention from the eggs to a bit of bacon that was getting too crispy on one side. Soarin would've helped her, but he was on a mission to make her a little more self-reliant. It was a favor to all three of them; It'd help Vinyl if she ever lived on her own again, Octavia so she wouldn't take on one hundred percent of the housework, and Soarin for a similar reason if he and Vinyl ever got a house of their own. It was hard watching her struggle but they both knew it was for her own good. "I don't claim responsibility if the bacon comes out a little..." Vinyl continued, her eyes glued to the bacon and eggs sizzling. "Charred?" Soarin chuckled. "Hey, it's not my fault I never cook. Octavia always does it for me before I can even offer." Vinyl fussed but in a non-aggressive way and her ears flattened when she pulled off her bacon and it ended up covered with black burned spots. "Eh... Actually it kinda is your fault." He continued to tease her and she looked behind her and gave him an unamused glare. "I could burn your bacon a little more, you know." She pulled the rest of the food off before taking off her apron which she was happy to remove. She gave him his plate and she looked at him closely to judge his reaction when he saw it. Oddly enough, he didn't look too disappointed even though half his bacon was nearly black. "Hmm... I might've had to punish you for that..." He raised an eyebrow and smirked, cutting into his fried egg and finding it a tad overdone. Still, it was infinitely better than most breakfasts they served at the mess hall on base. There was a reason their morning cook's nickname was 'Crunch'. "Hey, I said save it for later, Cassanova." Vinyl lightly kicked his foot under the table after joining him. He had asked what she meant by it a dozen times while she was cooking, but she still wouldn't give him a single syllable of a hint. She cringed a little when she heard him crunch loudly into his bacon, showing just how well-done it was. "So what happened last night with you and Octavia? After... You know." He spoke with his mouth half-full of bacon and shifted the subject. "Oh, that?" Vinyl stuffed some eggs into her mouth to keep her from having to answer for a moment or two so she could come up with a reply. Soarin kept eye contact with her while she gulped her mouthful down and chased it with some water so she'd know he wasn't about to lose interest so easily. "Yeah. I was all cold and lonely in your bed." He picked on her a little but she affectionately brushed her legs against his under the table. "My bad... She, uh..." Vinyl sighed, wondering how much information would be appropriate to share. "Uh... Well, you remember last night when you were saying all that stuff about her watching us?" She lowered her voice a little and inched closer to him even though they were alone with a small nervous smile. Soarin was smart enough to put two and two together and didn't bother with any follow-up questions before assuming what she was getting at. His face flushed and his ears flattened in embarrassment. "W-Wait, seriously?!" "Yeah..." Vinyl took a small bite of her bacon and didn't hide the fact that she thought it wasn't good whatsoever. Soarin heard her teeth crunching it like potato chips, but his concerns were elsewhere. "Celestia..." He looked down and exhaled through his nostrils, holding his forehead. "Vinyl, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to..." He was too flustered to form complete sentences. "It's cool." Vinyl swallowed her bacon casually. "She kinda enjoyed it, actually." A laugh or two escaped her throat but Soarin didn't seem to share her carefree attitude. He was much more embarrassed about it than he thought he'd be, but remembering his brief talk with her that morning set him at ease a little more. She didn't seem too awkward talking to him, so he assumed she didn't think differently about him because of what she saw. "So, you were saying?" He realized he interrupted her and cut up his fried egg, giving her time to explain. "Oh. Yeah. Well." She talked with her mouth full casually until she swallowed. "Long story short, she kinda has problems finding guys because of how shy she is, and... Well, you know how I used to be." She took a swig of milk. "So she started getting pretty jealous and self-conscious after I started bringing home guys every month or so and she got it in her head that she wasn't good enough, or something like that." "So last night when you went in her room?" He tried to direct her to explain what he was worried about. "Mhmm." Vinyl was scarfing down her food. "She got in one of those moods like she always does; kept saying 'how rubbish she was' and stuff like that. I guess seeing us last night made her feel like she was missing out." Vinyl twirled her fork around while she talked and used a silly impression of Octavia which made her chuckle after, but she could tell that again, Soarin wasn't in the mood for more jokes and noticed that he was eating slower ever since she told him about Octavia. "I mean... I don't want to say I feel bad for her because it'd make me look patronizing, but... I dunno. You know how I get with damsels in distress." He finally showed half a grin and took a bite of the bacon. "Yup. You're a softie." She teased, but brushed her tail against his leg a little. "But that's why I like you." Her suddenly sweet comment made him smile a little more and look up to make eye contact with her. "So anyways, if you want to help her, we kinda came up with an idea that might work out?" He perked his ears up. "What's that?" Vinyl tried to think of the best way to go about offering. "Okay, so... She hasn't gotten laid in years and-" Vinyl was mid-sentence when the front door swung open and vomited a clearly upset and distraught Octavia who was back from practice much earlier than usual. She was always careful with her cello, but the large leather case on her back was dropped onto the couch as she passed by as if it held no value to her anymore. Vinyl could instantly infer that something was wrong when she saw how she was treating it. From a closer inspection, something about the shape of the case looked odd. Vinyl couldn't put her finger on it, but it had a noticeably different shape as if something was bending it in an awkward way from the inside. "Tavi? What's wrong?" Vinyl got up but Soarin stayed put, knowing that even though Vinyl could be rash and unorthodox, she still knew more about how to treat Octavia than anyone else. "It... I was just crossing the street on the way to the train and-" Octavia had her back turned to Soarin, so he couldn't see her expression, but he saw how Vinyl shifted into comfort mode instantly when she saw it. Though, he didn't need to see her face to tell that she was upset; he could hear the sadness and shakiness in her voice. "And this carriage just came out of nowhere and..." "Geez, you alright? You aren't hurt or anything?" Vinyl gave her a brief look-over. "No, I'm quite fine, but... M- My cello..." Vinyl unzipped her case and opened it up and she visibly winced at what she saw. Most of the body was relatively fine with the occasional scratch here and there, but as for the neck... "Oh, just look at it!" Octavia was slowly getting more emotional the longer she looked at her broken instrument. It would've been expensive to buy another and probably more expensive to have it repaired because of how old it was. Vinyl's arm went around Octavia's waist as a means of comfort and Soarin was getting increasingly worried about the situation. He figured that she'd only get a little upset over it, but he was ascertaining context clues to conclude that there was some deeper pain she was feeling. He rose from his chair but stayed a safe distance away. His ears fell flat when he heard Octavia start to cry and Vinyl trying to console her. Mares crying always shot straight through his heart, especially when it was someone as beautiful as Octavia. "Shh, shh... It's okay, we'll get another-" Vinyl said softly whilst putting an arm around her. It was a bit of a lie, though, since neither of them had the spare bits to afford one. It was all she could think to say at the moment. "It's not the same!" Octavia said in a warbly voice, her hands clenching the back of the couch in anger and sadness. It meant more to her than money and even if it was just that, neither of them could've afforded it on such short notice. Vinyl rarely got yelled at in such a manner, but she was too unstable to apologize. She was trying not to cry in front of Soarin, but a few of her tears fell against her cello, which was only then a broken catalyst of memories. He approached slowly and peeked over the couch, having a similar reaction to Vinyl when he saw it. He knew it was none of his business, but he also wasn't the kind of man to watch a woman cry without at least attempting to amend things in some way. He didn't bother getting more formal attire on, but put on his tennis shoes and teased his hair slightly to make it harder to detect that he had just woken up thirty minutes ago. It didn't matter that he was wearing some slightly feminine gym shorts since he didn't want to be recognized in Canterlot, anyway. "Where are you going?" Vinyl looked at him like he was insane when she saw him approaching the front door without any explanation. "Where do you think? I'm gonna go get a new bass, er... Cello. Thing." He said casually, showing his lack of knowledge when it came to music and instruments. Octavia pulled her face from her hands and wiped it with her sleeve. "W-What? No, I can't ask you to-" "You're not asking me. I'm just doing it." He gave her a smile of confidence as he leaned against the door with his arms crossed. He hoped his nonchalant attitude wouldn't come off as rude or cold, but he wanted them to know that he was serious about it to the point where it didn't bother him to offer. "Dude, you even know how expensive those things are?" Vinyl asked but immediately realized how silly it was to ask. Soarin chuckled. "You know I hate bragging about race money, but I could probably buy two more houses if I wanted to and still have enough bits to buy ten new cellos." Octavia's facial expression was a mix between relief, confusion and reluctance. "Buuut... I have no clue what kind you want or where the store even is, so you better come with me." He tried his charm on her to perk her up and it seemed to work, producing a tiny half- smile on her face. There was no way she could turn down his offer even with all the modesty in Equestria and she looked down at the carpet with a sniffle as she walked out the door ahead of him, wiping the dampness off her cheeks before she went into public again. There weren't enough bits in Equestria to replace the sentimental value, but it was better than no cello at all. Soarin gave Vinyl a little wink before waving and she gave him a sly look and a smirk. She held her thumb up, a sign of congratulations for cheering her best friend up before the door closed and she was left by herself. She sighed and leaned against the couch with her eyes closed. "Thaaank you, Soarin." She said to herself, glad she didn't have to deal with another one of Octavia's crying fits. She took her boyfriend from her for a few hours, but she was glad it was him going to the music store instead of her. Just the thought of the thick resin smell and ear-ringing bows rubbing against strings made a chill go up her spine. Not only that, but she felt a headache going on just thinking of all the city's noises and people bumping into her constantly. She pinched her temples for a few seconds and sat back down at the kitchen table, unplugging her laptop from its charger and opening it up. It was the perfect opportunity to do some editing to one of her tracks she had just rough-drafted. Soarin's phone vibrated against the table and the loud buzz made her jump a little. "Vinyl... No." She held another conversation with the devil on her left shoulder that was telling her to peek at his phone. Yet, she was still staring at it. She grumbled and shook her head as it vibrated a second time. This time, it was continuous as if he was getting a call instead of a text. Even if she decided not to look at it, it'd be bothering her too much to concentrate on her music. And, if she wanted to move it somewhere else, it'd be too hard for her to simply look down at it while she carried it. "Ugh. Luna damn it." She decided before she changed her mind and picked it up, promising herself that she wouldn't hold anything against him for what she saw because of her snooping. It took her a moment to scroll down all the notifications he'd gotten that morning and they all had the same sender; five texts and two missed calls from a contact named "Boss man." At first, she just thought that it was Spitfire, but the suffix "man" perked her curiosity. Then, her ears flattened when she read the texts. "Lieutenant Soarin, report to base of operations within twelve hours or you will be pronounced A.W.O.L. Don't make me court martial you, son." Was the last text he received before the missed calls. "Uh oh..." She wasn't sure what the acronym meant or what a 'court martial' was, but neither of them sounded good.