Changeling Conversion

by Queen Sarkas

First published

Story contains a Herm Changeling Queen on a male feral black dragon, as well as knots and Transformation/TF, and a creative use of those Changeling 'holes'.

A dragon is captured and forced to be turned into a changeling, TF, knots, transformation, and some hypnosis~

( Cover is a recolor of )

Chapter 1

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Sarkas sighed, rolling her eyes as one of her minions rambled on about something. She'd be interested, but the Changeling Queen’s mind was currently distracted by the idea of what had become her subject's latest catch. Word has come that they have captured a dragon, a rare prize indeed, and the dragon was bound and being brought to their hive, and eventually her private chambers for her to do with as she wished. It occupied her mind and she couldn’t take her thoughts off of it, everything else seemed meaningless.

As a Changeling Queen, Sarkas looks like a pony with a twisted unicorn horn, a pair of insectoid wings, and stands taller than any other Changeling. She has a sharp pair of fangs and dark red eyes with elongated oval pupils. She has an ashen mane and tail, and black chitinous plating over her midsection. She wears a gold tiara crown set with a ruby gem, a gold necklace with another ruby, and gold adornments covering her hoofs. Her legs, mane, and tail are full of holes, her limbs and torso are very slender, and she has a pair of frayed and tattered insect-like wings.

One of her minions arrived, walking into the room before bowing and interrupting his brethren, “My queen, the dragon you had asked for has arrived.”

Sarkas’s red eyes lit up and she grinned toothily, stepping off of her throne, “Take me to him, I trust he’s been secured?”

“That is correct, my queen.” responded the changeling.

“Let’s go.” She said simply, letting her minion escort her to the holding chamber.


Sarkas entered the chamber that had been reserved for their guest. Her changelings assured her that his name was Fyrre. She looked the feral dragon over, his scales were a midnight black, his wing membranes and underbelly were a dark grey and his horns and claws on his three toes were white. He opened his mouth to speak.

“Wh-who’re you?” the young black feral dragon asked, eyeing the changeling carefully.

“Who am I?” Sarkas asks with a smirk, her predatory red eyes looking over the dragon, her lips pulled into a sneer, “You find yourself in the company of Sarkas, a Changeling Queen.” The young dragon’s eyes widened when he heard what she called herself, causing the black changeling to laugh.

“But.. Your kind were only supposed to be a myth, a mere mare's tale designed to scare foals around the campfire!” Fyrre protested, backing up against the wall.

“I’m surprised there’s so much doubt after that failure I heard about in Canterlot, but I suppose some ponies think seeing is believing..” Sarkas smirks, “Much to our advantage, I do hope dear Crysalis recovers soon, it would be a shame to have her out of the picture for too long. Her deeds in the area has been.. helpful.”

“What are you going to do with me? In the mare's tales that I’ve heard horrible things happen to those captured by changelings, nopony is ever heard from again after they are taken to a... hive.”

“There’s a very good reason for that, my dear Fyrre, and you’re going to find out personally. You see, dragons fascinate me and it’s not too often that I get to see one up close, even rarer get to talk to one or.. convert one..” she snickered, walking up to the black dragon, “For food.. and total control..”

“Convert one? I don’t like the sound of this..” the dragon started to walk towards the exit, Sarkas snarled and replied with a pounce, pinning him down with a surprising amount of strength.

“You’re not going anywhere, you’re mine now and you’ll be receiving a special conversion I usually reserve for.. personal reasons..” she stated, hissing softly and lowering her head to suddenly kiss Fyrre deeply!

The young dragon didn’t know how to react, this wasn’t something he was expecting at all! He couldn’t do too much about it anyway with the changeling pinning him down, straddling his lap. He felt her force her forked tongue into his mouth and he couldn’t help but moan as she used one of her hooves to rub over his slit.

Sarkas snickered, she was pretty pent up and it had been some time since she’d been able to play with her food. She growled into the dragon’s ear and the submissive whimpering only served to urge her on. With a smirk the queen pinned Fyrre down more firmly onto the floor, starting to grind her emerging cock against the dragon, whose twin shafts were hardening from the attention the dominant queen was giving him. In his mind he knew that he had to struggle, he had to do something!

The queen smirked, her horn starting to glow, lacing her saliva with her magic and causing her fully hardened ridged draconic horsecock to glow as well, “Now we’ll start little one..” she climbed up the dragon’s body, keeping him subdued with her lower body weight. She grunted, grinding her tapered cocktip against the stubbornly closed maw, growling softly at his resistance.

The dragon didn’t know what to expect, he noticed that this Queen’s length glowed like her horn, something had to be up and he didn’t like it one bit. He winced and whined as he kept his mouth shut, that tip prodding stubbornly against his lips, spurting pre across his scales. He felt a strange tingling sensation as his scales quickly started changing to chitin at the touch of that preseed. He couldn’t help but gasp at the strange feeling and the alarming realization of what was to become of him.

She took this as her chance to strike, thrusting her cock right into his muzzle, her ridged member bumping and tickling over his tongue, drooling more pre as the changeling got more excited, feeling the texture of the dragon’s tongue change slowly against her cock. She pulled back and bucked right into his mouth again, “Suck.” She commanded simply, growling when the dragon didn’t do as she ordered, “Suck or I start muzzlefucking!” she said after a moment’s pause, hissing when he still didn’t do as she asked.

She gave the dragon a sharp nip then decided to follow through with her warning, starting to thrust into the young dragon’s maw roughly and forcefully, feeling the changes caused by her precum. The dragon’s teeth and the inside of his mouth had been completely converted, the metamorphosis even starting to make it’s way past his lips and over his muzzle, changing his black scales into a smooth, glossy chitin. She kept pounding into his muzzle and eventually the dragon relented, licking over her shaft and tip before suckling roughly.

With a blissful sigh and a moan Sarkas paused briefly to call out to the guards outside, two changelings quickly bringing in a hookah for their queen. Once they had set it up she nodded them away, her horn glowing again, empowering the hookah with her magic before bringing the tube up to her lips, taking a drag and blowing that smoke over Fyrre’s face, forcing him to inhale the smoke as she slipped her cock out for him to breathe. She didn’t give him too much of a respite, as soon as he started to cough she thrust right back in and continued her work, forcing her black shaft as deep as she could into the dragon’s mouth. His struggles started to die down as the smoke filled the room, giving the dragon nothing to breathe but the magic-laced smoke which has started spreading the changes over the dragon’s insides, changeling instincts fighting for control in the dragon’s brain.

Satisfied he’d stay put she slipped her cock out again before slapping him with the tip a few times, smearing her magic pre over his face and muzzle, growling pleasurably as the changes crept over his face. She watched as his draconic eyes slowly becoming overtaken by that of a changeling, his muzzle shortening and his horns tilting forward and merging together, it wouldn’t be long now until his conversion was complete. She climbed back down, prodding along his belly and his twin cocks, giving both a rub and a squeeze with her hooves as she pushed his tail aside, exposing his tailstar fully.

“Now my dear.. it’s time for me to give you an injection in your rear... this will be exquisite!” she snickered, pressing firmly against his rear entrance. The dragon tried desperately to fight it but he was unable to deny her his body. Voices swirled in his mind, starting as naught more than whispers but they grew louder and more insistent with every breath of the poison infused smoke that he inhaled. Why do you fight your queen, Fyrre? She is going to bring you pleasure and make you complete, make you whole. Obey her. He knew that these were a result of Sarkas’s corruption but he could only fight them for so long. Give in, Fyrre. Obey. Serve. Feed.

Soon his struggles ceased and she was able to thrust and pop her tip right in, spurting thick ropes of pre inside of him, starting the changes there as well. Sarkas grinned down at the semi-converted dragon as he fought with his own mind, his expression a mixture of pleasure and horror. Upon her command unseen changelings opened a series air vents,smoke slowly starting to clear the room.

Now that she had made sure that his resistance would be minimal she could truly enjoy this experience. She hissed in pleasure, this dragon was tight and she felt the changes slowly taking over this part of his body, making him better suited to accommodate her. Spurred on she thrusted in fully, stuffing the dragon’s rear with thick changeling meat, already pulling out and thrusting right in before he could truly get accustomed to her size. She was already very aroused from muzzlefucking the dragon and now this had become as much about pleasuring herself as changing this creature into a new minion. Fyrre moaned out, as she settled into a steady rhythm, his rear squeezing around Sarkas’ cock, the queen snickering as she felt him finally give into her ministrations, his body trying to milk her cock. Picking up her pace and spurting more pre inside of him Sarkas smirked as she watched his twin draconic cocks start to merge into a single draconic looking horse cock much like the one buried inside of him.

He looked up at her, seeing her differently as the changes spread, helped by the pre that the dragon had been forced to swallow, the smoke that still lingered in the air, and her shaft deep inside of his rump. The half changeling saw Sarkas as more beautiful and was happy to be treated as such by his queen... before that last spark of dragon fought back inside of his mind. He whined and shook his head, trying to fight the change, seeing the world differently as well with his new changeling eyes. He tried to focus on anything but the amazing sensations of Sarkas’ member thrusting away inside of him. He noticed that his wings had transformed into transparent insectoid ones and that his tail had shrunk and frayed into hundreds of hairs to create something similar to that of a horse though both that and his wings came complete with the characteristic changeling holes, marking him as one of those nightmarish creatures. His now singular horn had changed changed color as well, matching the black chitin taking over the rest of his body.

“You look so much like one of my minions now, I’ll enjoy adding you to the hive. I’m getting close and when I finish my seed will make sure that this change will be... permanent.” She grinned, cackling as she held onto his sides and started picking up as the dragon-changeling moaned out, enjoying being under his queen so, easily slipping into his role as one of her servants. Her cock throbbed and her pace quickened yet again as they both started to moan out more and more. Sarkas smiling toothily as Fyrre started begging for her to take him harder, his own cock throbbing, spurting thick pre as he started to get closer as well.

“Now then! Become mine!” she hissed as the base of her shaft bulging quickly, becoming too large to be thrusted in easily. Her changeling knot at its full size, slickened in her pre, slowly but surely spreading him out with each thrust, growling out as her knot sank in again and again. After a few more thrusts she cried out in in sweet release, not even caring if the whole hive could have hear, her magic enhanced cum shooting into the young changeling that now belonged to her, giggling evilly as the changes rapidly took over the former dragon’s body, his mind lost to her control and in subservience to his new queen. Having lost any thought or feeling for his former life he accepted his new role as a drone for his queen.

Fyrre’s cock twitched and throbbed as watching his belly inflate with seed. Not completely heartless Sarkas brought one of her forelegs over to his cock and she pressed his member through one of the holes in her leg, the fit tight but loose enough for her to slide it up and down, her skill quickly bringing him to climax. The poor changeling grunted and moaned out loudly as he came as well, shooting his changeling-cum all over his belly and even splattering some onto his queen as she panted, the last of her own cum entering his body.

“Oooh... I think I’m going to enjoy you being around, Fyrre...” Sarkas panted, laughing cruelly as she removed his cock from her leg, licking up the delicious mess.

“Y-yes, Queen Sarkas...” panted Fyrre, closing his eyes in exhaustion, quickly falling asleep with his Queen knotted to him.