> Life as a Human Librarian. > by Fuzzbutt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy gave a small yawn as she stood up, stretching out her arms and wings, slowly slipping out of her bed and onto her hooves. Standing there was a mare with a body that many others would kill for, her figure slender with large breasts that would make a model faint and hips that a mother would crave for during birth. She stood at a tall 6.8, her light pink hair falling down the front of her body, only having a few tangles in her luscious locks. She smacked her plump, full lips a few times as she tried to get the sleep out of her. She made her way to her bathroom, grabbing a brush in her delicate hand and started to go through her hair, humming a small song as birds and rodents clambered into the room, wanting to see the Goddess. Humming in approval of her hair, she walked out, making her way to her closet and pulling out a pink sweater, her neck being covered by the turtleneck. She then slipped on a pair of tight black jeans, made by Rarity, and looked herself over in the mirror, her large rear being shown off by the tight jeans. Finally, she walked out of her room, petting the head of her pet bunny, Angel, who glared at her for daring to touch his amazing fur. She then grabbed her purse, pulling out a picture of her and her best friends. She opened the door to her home, walking down the long trail that led from her house to Ponyville. Her long tail gently swayed behind her as she walked, many mares and stallions turning heads to look at the figure that could only be called pure beauty. She was making her way to the local library, a smile on her glossy lips. The library itself was a large tree, leafs of green hanging from the branches and windows here and there. Fluttershy silently opened the door, looking in with a smile. Standing behind the checkout was not a pony, but a creature with no fur, just pale skin that looked like it had been dipped in bleach. He wore a black and grey striped shirt, his arms exposed so show they were bone thin, as was the rest of his body. he hands shaggy brown hair that covered his hazel eyes. He stood at 5.7, being quite short but never really minding it. He then looked over at Fluttershy, his frown curving up into a smile as he used a hand to move his hair, waving at her. “Hey Flutters.” He spoke softly as if his very words were a melody. Fluttershy walked in, closing the door behind her. She could not stop the small blush that burned on her cheeks when she saw him, her smile growing a tad bit larger. “H-Hello Karma...h-h-how are you?” She asked, her blush only turning brighter as she heard the stutter in her voice. He did not seem to notice or chose not to mention it, as he nodded his head to the pegasus. “I’m well, just writing down the amount of bits donated this month.” He answered, reaching into a drawer and pulling out a piece of paper that had sloppy writing on it, music notes here and there on the edge. He then sat the paper down, gently humming as he grabbed a large book, the design of a large manticore and timberwolf on the cover. “I assume you want your book?” He asked, looking into her cyan eyes with his hazel ones. She gently nodded, gulping as he held out the book for her. While he may look like a twig, he was pretty strong, seeing as he was holding what looked like a 10-pound book in just one hand. Fluttershy took the book, shivering as she felt her finger brush his. Nodding thanks she walked over to one of the large bean bag chairs that Karma had bought for the library and sat in it, cracking open the book. The library was silent, only the sound of flipping pages and the scratching of quill on parchment breaking the silence. Soon, though, the sound of the quill stopped, causing Fluttershy’s ears to flick as she looked up, only to let out a small squeak as Karma was right in front of her, his face only a few inches away from hers. “Fluttershy...you're...you're so beautiful…” He whispered, causing Fluttershy’s breath to hitch in her throat as her eyes grew wider. He had finally noticed! Slowly his hands rested on her legs, slowly sliding up the slender appendages and rested on her hips, causing her to pick up the speed of her breathing. “K...Karma…” She muttered, only to feel every atom of her body explode into infinite amounts energy as a pair of soft lips pressed into her plumper pair. Instantly she let the book fall to her side as she wrapped her arms around Karma's neck, simply enjoying the feeling of his lips on her own, his body leaning into hers, her legs parting so he could lay closer, his body resting on her’s, her breasts being squashed by his chest, causing a small moan to slip past their lips. Her heart was pounding as she could feel his hands rubbing her hips, one of them slipping behind her and giving her large rear a firm squeeze. Another, more lustful moan erupted from her throat and she couldn’t stop herself from rubbing her inner thigh into his side, causing him to let out a small groan, his body shivering as he slowly pulled away, smiling at her with his fiery red eyes. Fluttershy let out a small yelp, her head shooting up from her book, looking around the empty library, no sign of Karma. She tried her best to calm her breathing, whipping away the bit of drool on her chin. Slowly she stood up, letting the large book rest on a nearby table and made her way over to the counter, seeing a piece of parchment with her name on it. ‘Hey sis, sorry to leave you there but I had to get over to Big Mac’s, he has a date planned and I didn’t want to make him wait. There should be a bag of bits on the counter for the book, so don’t worry about paying for it. XOXO Karma’ Fluttershy gave a small sniff as she looked at the letter. She knew he was her brother. She knew he had a coltfriend. But she just couldn’t stop her mind from rushing to the idea of resting in his arms, feeling his lips on her’s, feeling his love, not as a sister, but as a lover. Slowly she folded the letter, slipping it into her jean pocket and, after grabbing her book, made her way out of the library, heading home. The room was filled with the smell of sweat and musk, lying in a large bed being the two responsible for it. One was the slender, bare form of Karma while the other was a stallion of strength, fur as red as Karma's cheeks, his fur soaked with sweat so the outline of his muscles was able to be seen. His hair was a short orange, his face having three freckles below his sparkling, emerald eyes and on his back was a cut, green apple. One of his large arms were wrapped around Karma's side, keeping him close to him while two thin arms were wrapped around the large stallion’s chest, his head resting in the crook of his neck. “That...was amazing…” Karma whispered, his heart still beating like a jackhammer. “Eeyup…” Big Macintosh said in the same low tone, his hold on Karma getting a tad stronger, something Karma welcomed. They both had the house to themselves as Granny Smith was one heavy sleeper and Applebloom was staying at her friends, Twist’s house, and Applejack was out delivering an order. So Big Mac had told Karma he wanted to show him how much he meant to him. And oh boy did he show it. The two were now covered in Big Mac’s blanket, their naked bodies being covered as Karma gently traced the large muscles Big Mac possessed, causing Big Mac to groan as he felt the fingers tracing around his pelvis. Karma let his lips curve up into a grin as he watched the blanket slowly rise up, looking into Big Mac’s eyes. “Does daddy want to play some more?” Karma cooed, gasping as he got his answer, the arm that had been holding onto him pulling him up onto the large chest of Big Mac, who used a large hand to pull Karma’s head down, their lips pressing into each other as Big Mac’s other hand slithered down Karma's body, groping and squeezing his shapely rear, causing him to gasp into the kiss, grinding his chest sweat soaked skin into the stallions fur covered chest. Slowly Karma slipped down the stallion’s chest, vanishing into the blanket, and Big Mac let out a gasp, letting his head fall back as he gripped the sheets tightly. “D-Damn…” He growled, panting as he watched the blanket go up and done, his hips bucking up in a rhythm of Karma’s bobbing head. Slowly Big Mac opened his eyes, blinking a few times as he heard the cawing of the local rooster, signaling it was time for work. He tried to get up but was met with a faint weight on his side. he looked over, smiling as he saw the sleeping form of Karma, his arms wrapped tightly around his larger one. Gently, as to not wake him, he slipped his arm out of Karma's grasp, getting out of bed and covering him up with the blanket. He looked down at his coltfriend, a smile on his lips. Big Mac then walked over to his messy closet, pulling out an orange plaid shirt, ripped, blue jeans that had seen better days, and a pair of drawers. As he walked out of his room, silently closing the door, he had to stop himself from jumping as his grandmother, Granny Smith, stood there. She had her hair done up in its normal bun, and she looked at her grandson with a small smile. “Is the dear sleeping well?” She asked in an old but wise voice. Big Mac nodded, smiling as he leaned down, giving Granny Smith a hug, one she happily returned. “You really love him...I’m so proud of you.” She whispered, small tears slipping down her cheeks and onto his shoulder. “Your mother and father would be so happy…” “Ah know Granny...ah know…” > 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Karma gently hummed a tune while placing books in the foals section, a small smile on his lips as he did so. He loved days like these, tranquility being the only word he could think of to describe it. Grabbing a copy of ‘A B C Delight!.’ He slid it into place before standing up, popping his back with a groan. With a look outside he saw the sun was in the middle of the sky, with a few clouds here and there. ‘Another beautiful day.’ With a small yawn, he walked over to a beanbag and flopped down, sighing happily at the feeling of comfort. While it had been a rather busy morning, a rather bad storm having knocked down a load of books, he was glad he had gotten everything back in order. He let his eyes close and just listened to the birds chirping, the sound of hooves on the ground, and breath in hi-. With a rather loud squeal, the human sprang up and looked at the one who had used his ear as a whistle. The culprit was a pink pony with a good amount of pudge. She had wild, curly hair that was like her fur, only a much darker shade of pink. Her soft body was covered by a yellow shirt that held two large breasts and a skirt that showed meaty thighs and a bubble butt. She was much shorter than other ponies, standing at 6,3, making her almost as short as Karma. Slowly his look of annoyance shifted to a smile as he shook his head, crossing his arms. “Jeez Pinks, if you wanted to blow me, all you have to do is ask!” The pink party pony giggled, pulling the human into a rather close, tight hug, causing him to sink into her soft body. “Sorry Karebear, but I’ll leave the sucking to you.” She shot back with a smirk. The two looked at each other for a second or two before finally bursting out laughing, Pinkie letting Karma out of her grasp. “So, what can I do for you Pinks?” Karma asked, grabbing a small pile of books and setting them onto a nearby table. “A lot of things, most would make Big Mac rather angry.” Pinkie giggled. “But I need some help with the bakery, the Cakes are sick and I could use the extra hands.” Karma chuckled, sorting the books into smaller, more organized piles. “You know I would Pinks, but I have to finish my chores here. If I don’t, I'll procrastinate all day.” He sighed, before rubbing his chin. “How about asking Flutters? She’s pretty good at cooking." “Hmm...true.” Pinkie rubbed her chin, copying Karma, before nodding. “Okay! I’m off to Flutters! Bye bye!” And with that, as fast as she was there, she was gone. Karma simply shook his head, his eyes scanning over book cover after book cover. “Let me tear her throat out! I wanna see if she truly is a goddess!” The voice was like a mix of male and female, the male’s being a beautiful note, and the females a broken clef. The owner would make one think of a feral rat, only there was no fur, and its teeth ranged from needle-like and long to short and hooked. It had nothing covering it’s body, showing a pair of both male and female genitalia between its strange, crooked legs. “Now now, do relax, in due time, you will be able to...feast.” The second voice was a lot more calm, though it had almost as much malice in it’s ‘friend’s’ voices. She was a lot taller than her little friend, her buxom body being held onto by cold, impenetrable armour. Her voice, unlike her friends, was cool and calculating, clearly not one who makes mistakes. And promises pain to those who do. The two were in what looked like a once beautiful room, now turned into a war room. But these two only had two soldiers, and they planned to take the whole castle by themselves. “Bah! I am done waiting! I want to taste her blood, see if it is golden, taste the ichor flow from her veins!” The beast growled once more, it’s teeth bared and saliva dripping from the very thought of the sun goddess’s flesh. The Mare simply shook her head and started to unroll a map, showing the layout of Canterlot Castle. “Now, you will enter through the plumbing system, using the crystal I made to suck out any magical fields or detectors down there.” She instructed, tossing the creature a dark purple gem. Blade-like fingers caught the gem, etchings already being made into the tough looking jewel. “You will then slip into Celestia’s room...and take her out.” The creature looked over the crystal, and started to cackle as it’s time was finally here. It’s sole purpose, killing the ruler of the sun. Karma let out a small snort as he was awoken by his inner clock, the residue of his dream leaving him. With a yawn Karma got off of his beanbag and made his way over to another bookcase, the last one before all the books are back where they should be, he hoped. He had been working none stop, a habit he had never been able to get rid of. And now he was paying for it as drowsiness took over his mind. Little did he know, someone was sneaking up on his, and before he could react two large, red furred arms wrapped around his waist and pulled him into a brick wall of muscle. He looked up and smiled as he saw the face of his coltfriend. He turned around so he was able to lay his head into the plaid shirt, a sigh of content leaving his lip. “Overworking yourself again I see.” Big Mac chuckled, and Karma could feel his cheeks turn redder than Mac’s fur. “N-N...yeah.” He sighed out, and Mac simply let out another chuckle before wrapping an arm around Karma’s waist and lead him out of the library, the light being turned off with their exit. With its owner gone, the library seemed more normal, while in usually had a buzz of energy and joy in it when Karma was there, it no longer had that buzz, that...spark. Meanwhile, the moon hung high in the air, it’s rays of moonlight shining over buildings. Inside a particularly sweet looking building two mares were cleaning up a messy kitchen, fresh pastries being stored for tomorrow use. The taller, hourglass figured pegasus was gently humming while she placed cupcakes into trays before slipping them into the glass display. Meanwhile the short, pudgy pony was moving around like lightning, placing cakes into a giant fridge for preservation while a few others went on a metal stand on the counter, to show off the confection. It had been a long day, but they had gotten the job done, Pinkie hugging Fluttershy while thanking her for helping, her head vanishing into the flustered ponies bosom. “Thank you so so so so so much for the help Fluttershy! I don’t think I could have gotten it done without your help!” Fluttershy couldn’t help but smile, hugging her friend while nuzzling into her head. “O-Of course Pinkie, I’m happy t-to help when I can.” “You're the best Shy!” After a small snack Flutters as making her way to her home, a smile on her lips that brightened the cold, dark night. > 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sound of hooves on stone echoed throughout the castle corridors, blue flames lining the dark halls. Meanwhile, the moon’s silvery light shined in through large windows, the beams seeming to head towards the torches as if to fuel them. The owner of the hooves had fur as black as the night sky with an ethereal flowing mane that was like space, tinted a sick purple. The mare stood at an impressive 9,4 ft, standing high above many of the creatures in her world. Her body was that of beauty, a black dress that looked like it truly was made from the fabric of the universe held onto her curve filled body, large mounds of flesh made up her bosom and wide hips swayed with each step she took, sometimes showing a crescent moon, surrounded by darkness and stars. The mare’s destination was coming into view, a large door made of solid wood, a symbol resting in the middle. The symbol was that of a moon with cracks over the surface. And staring out of the cracks were five sets of eyes, all of them glaring. Unlike many of the large doors in the castle, this one was not guarded, but it made sense. After all, who would guard other guards? She stopped in front of the door, reaching out to the door with a gloved hand. Before she could even brush the door it creaked open, the symbol on the door splitting in two. Slowly she walked in, her eyes running over the living quarters of her ‘guards’. Mr. Cake was a tall stallion, 8,5 feet to be exact. Though he was tall, he was by no means buff, toned would be the correct word. He was fast in the kitchen, baked goods being taken out, placed down, and a new sweet would take its place. He was a yellow blur as he moved around the kitchen. “Pinkie! Please come and get Gummy!” He called out while mixing a bowl of cake batter. As the pink mare rushed in to grab the alligator, another mare entered the kitchen, putting a bag of groceries on a vacant table. “Hello sweetie” The mare hummed while pecking her husband on the cheek. The mare was rather chubby, but her height helped spread out the fat so most of it was either on her rump, her breasts, or her thighs, though a good amount stuck around on her belly. Her blue fur complimented her pink, swirling mane and tail. She did not stick around the kitchen, though, as she threw on a belted puffer coat, the belt clicking together. It hugged her midsection tightly, her breasts being pushed up and looking much more perky in the coat. “Where are you going dear?” Mr. Cake asked, setting the bowl into an oven. “Karma and I have a get-together today, remember?” Mrs. Cake glanced over at her husband before throwing up the fluffy hood of her coat. “I’ll be back in a bit. Pinkie, please make sure Carrot doesn't burn the kitchen down.” And with that she was out of the kitchen, leaving a pouting Carrot and a giggling Pinkie behind. Nightmare’s Moon was a chilly month, with many of the leafs turning into an assortment of colors. The wind’s carried with the dying leafs through the air and with it the cold. Cup Cake didn’t mind, however, with both her fur and her coat keeping her warm. She had a smile that would make a foal happy and she made sure to greet any ponies she passed. Her destination was town square fountain where she and Karma meet up for their get together. And as she entered the shopping district, she could see her human friend sitting on the edge of the pearly white fountain. She made her way towards the human, shaking her head as she saw he had no coat. “Really Karma? You forgot your jacket in weather this cold?” She scolded. The human looked over at the tall mare, chuckling as he rubbed the back of his head. “It’s not...that cold.” He said, only to shiver as a gust of wind rolled over his body. All he had on was a purple, long sleeve shirt and jeans that hugged his waist. But it did nothing to stop the cold from getting to him. Mrs. Cake shook her head while unbuckling, unzipping and finally slipping off her coat. Under it was a yellow sweater that hugged her bountiful bosom and soft belly. She then put the coat on Karma, not bothering to put it together as it dropped over his small body. “Hehe...thanks, Cake…” He mumbled, looking over at the tall mare with a smile that could melt the heart. She simply nodded, a small smile making its way onto her muzzle. “Of course, dear, now how about we head off to Flora Cafe? I hear they have a brand new coffee that I have to get my hands on!” Princess Celestia, one of the most powerful beings in Equestria sat in her room, tea slipping past her plump, perfect lips. Many would say she was the closest to perfection while others would simply say she was perfect. Many say things, though, and they all fall on the Alicorn’s deaf ears. She was used to the praise, used to the admiration she received. It simply meant nothing to her. Though, there was one being whose words always entered her mind, her most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle. It had been a few years since she had taken in the filly, now a full grown mare. The years had flown by in her immortal mind, and yet she enjoyed every last second of them. The mare was her closest friend, even if she still treated her like a princess, she enjoyed her company. Her shimmering eyes darted to her bedroom door and the mare of her thoughts entered her chambers. Twilight had on her usual blouse and skirt, the skirt flowing down a pair of lovely legs that showed a bit of fur only to disappear behind black stockings. “Ah...hello Twilight.” Princess Celestia smiled, her angelic voice carrying around the rather spacious room. The lavender pony smiled, bowing deeply before entering the bedroom, closing the door behind her. “H-Hello princess, I was just wondering about something.” The mage rubbed the back of her head, and it was then the princess noticed the rather old scroll in her student's hand. She tilted her head while sending a pulse of magic through the room, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink as the magic crawled over her student's body. Though it vanished rather quickly when her magic read through the scroll. “Twilight, where did you find that?”