
by Daydream Sky

First published

Scootaloo has Fibrosarcoma and would rather die with her wings than live without them.

I don't want to spoil it too much partly because it is a short story so I am sticking with:
Scootaloo has Fibrosarcoma and would rather die with her wings than live without them.


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The rain slowly pours onto the window pane. The small droplets remind me of my existence. I am just one of millions of ponies. No one really cares about one single filly. I know I should be asleep but, I want to spend the last few months of my pitiful existence doing something consciously. Even if that means I spend it staring at the sky’s tears.

I continue staring out at the dark abyss that is the exterior of the hospital. That is until she walks into the room. Her once radiant rainbow mane has silver hairs scattered about it. Her cyan coat isn’t as bright as as it once was. She is soaking wet. And she is a bit out of breathe. Her wing is still in that sling. So I put it together that she ran up to my room as fast as possible. She looks down at her hooves. She paws at the ground. “So...I heard you only have 3 months now. At best.” She doesn’t make eye contact but, I can tell she is on the brink of tears.

“Yeah.” I say looking at my reflection in the rain covered glass. My ears fell flat against my neck.

“You could fix all of this by just…” She says lifting her head to have her dark raspberry eyes meet my pink violet ones.

I jumped up out from the covers. “Never! I can’t...I just...They are the only thing I have! Without these I wouldn’t even an earthpony!” I yelled tears streaming down my orange face.

“Squirt, I’m sorry. You know I didn’t mean nothing.” I plopped down onto the bed. Her eyes were full of sorrow and fear. There was a bit of stress there too. Of course I knew what she was talking about and I despised the idea. I would rather die than have my wings taken from me. I know that they are too small and weak to allow me to fly, but they are the only thing that links me to being a pegasus.

“Hey, uh Squirt. I did notice that there are a few hairs popping out of your scalp.” She said smiling. I just looked back away from her. It did make me happy knowing that my mane might grow back before I die. Hay, maybe my tail would too.

“Really? That’s cool!” I said looking back at her. I couldn’t bare to look at her so sad. I mean she made her life orbit around me. Ever since I was diagnosed she has been by my side. Hay, it’s my fault her wing is sprained. She hasn’t been making much money either. She has done one or two shows in my honor but besides that she just likes to do anything to make my short life better. I am pretty worried for her.
Her sad expression faded into a tired smile. “Yep.” She said. Her eyes looked bloodshot. She hasn’t been getting much sleep either, and has had to put being a wonderbolt on hold for now.

She started to move. Steadily she moved over to my bed and got up to sit next to me. “So. Squirt. Why is it would rather die than give up your wings?” She asked with a nervous look in her shimmering eyes.

“Well.” I said calmly, “I would rather have lived a short life with my pathetic wings than live a long healthy life without them. Without being myself. These wings are a part of me. They are a huge part of who I am.” To explain what I just said, I was given the choice to remove my wings before the cancer could spread. But, they didn’t want to make any rational decision for me. But have me make my own decisions. I mean it isn’t my parents life or my friends lives at stake here. Also if you’re wondering where my parents are, they are hard at work trying to pay for my Chemotherapy. And as for my best friends. They are trying to find a way to make prosthetic wings so I can get rid of my infected ones. And be able to fly for once. But, they know I don’t want that. Besides the cancer has spread. I already lost a kidney and had to get a new liver. For now though it’s only in my wings. Cancer of the wings is pretty rare. But, my great great grandfather had it so there was always the chance I would have it. Luckily wings aren’t vital. So I could remove the source. But, like I said, they are what make me me. Besides there are a few perks. Like I was visited by Princess Celestia and Luna when I slept. Plus Rainbow Dash. Who was once my idol is by my side 18/6. Not exactly 24/7, but good enough.

“I can see what you mean squirt but, it is just not worth dying for. I mean...are they? You can’t even…” She stopped realizing what she was about to say. “What I mean is...if I were in your horseshoes I wouldn’t keep the thing that was killing me with me. Especially if I could help it.”

“Really? Rainbow? Would you really give up your wings if it meant you would live without them? “ I said looking down at a dust bunny sitting motionless in the corner.

“Well...Yeah.” She said tilting her head slightly.

“How do you know? I mean you aren’t in my horseshoes. There is no telling what anypony would do in a specific situation unless it happens.” I said turning to look her right in the eye.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Hey, do you want to get some ice cream tomorrow or something?”
She said a gleaming smile slowly growing across her face.

“Why not.” I said laying my head onto my pillow. Rainbow did the same. Soon we both drifted off to Luna’s realm.