> Philosophy of the Damned > by Rushing Biohazard > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Escape > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I recall, this war had been going on for nine years and going on ten. I’m only fourteen and yeah, it does sound young compared to others, but that’s not what mattered. What did matter was that I was willing to fight. Others just up and ran. Me? I was born into this war and I wasn’t going to leave until I’m zipped up in a black bag or I kill every last one of these bastards. If you’re willing to listen to my story of why I fought and how I came to be a hardened soldier at such a young age then you should know that this story won’t be fun. It shall not be happy and there will be death. If you want a happy ending where the story teller gets everything they dreamed for in the end then look elsewhere. All I got was a pair of boots, a dead friend, and whatever I could scavenge. It may be worth mentioning that there was one thing that kept me occupied besides war. You know what that is though . It started out as something to preoccupy me but I grew to like it. Of course I never let this out to anyone but my closest friend who did the same. I know it sounds weird but hey, I needed something to do and it was the only channel coming in. It all began back when I was a little kid, around five or six. We had moved to Texas from Kentucky as both of my parents were transferred to a newly built base near the border. Fort Marion. It was good enough and other kids to play with from what I remember. Unfortunately it was around the same time that the NMA attacked. The entire place was razed. They held out for as long as they could and got as many personnel and personal items out as they could, but it just wasn’t enough. Both my parents were slaughtered in the attack and that is where my story starts. I’m not going to make myself out to be the only one either. Others lost friends and family there. Hell, I barely remember my parents and only by the things they left behind. All I have is my father’s knife and my mother’s locket. I didn’t understand what had happened at first because I was the youngest kid on base. Took me about a week to realize, they weren’t coming back. When I did realize this it was almost as if I didn’t react. I didn’t cry or anything. I just stared with a look in my eye. I was later taken in with some other orphans to a different camp which we were never told the exact location. By the time I was eight a civilian militia had been formed to back the military. That being said the militia didn’t follow the same rules as the regular government. They took us in and trained us. I don’t mean that it was forced upon you either. You could deny the training and be left untouched. Here is the kicker though, they only used war orphans. As morally corrupt as that sounds, we all wanted it. Fueled on our hatred we were trained until we were eligible for deployment. Comparatively a much younger age then the regular military. For us that age was twelve. If you wanted to go to hot zones though, you had to train until thirteen. When I reached age a couple of us survivors from the fort pulled together a squad called the Dead Angels. We all called for the suicide missions and became the elite. We were just soldiers. Yet we were feared by the enemy and our own side. One year of crawling through the ruins of destroyed cities and seeing civilians ripped apart by the enemy. As hard as I’m making us sound. It did leave us, or at least me, somewhat scarred. After multiple psychological evaluations I was shown to have post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety issues, and finally extreme irritability. No matter what happened though, we always persevered till the end. Well we did at least. About three months ago we did lose one man. Doc. He was there with us from the very beginning. It was my fault he died too, I should have noticed the second blasting cap. After he died and the impending bloodbath was over, I had killed well over fifty men. It was at this point that I started to lose it. I was always angry and too alert. I started to hear voices and my sanity slipped. This last mission is what landed me where I am today. Set up a recon point and lay a daisy chain of explosives in the road to catch some NMA off guard and get the hell out. Problem was, they were waiting for me. I sat there with my wrists bound and my eyes covered. I had been captured by the Mexican cartel, or the New Mexican army, as they had begun to call themselves. In reality they were just a bunch of killers and thieves. Of course the same has been said about every country that has ever invaded another. I could feel my BDU was still on me and they hadn’t tied my legs which meant this must be a bunch of new punks. They had stripped me of protective gear though. The gear I had on me couldn’t be too far away then. I heard a door open behind me followed by light footsteps that echoed through the room. Behind him I heard another pair of footsteps, these weren’t quite as loud but had more depth witch meant he was wearing boots. Since officers in the NMA are too pompous to wear boots, which means it’s a cartel soldier. More than likely he’s an enforcer. “Tell me, what was it you planned to do?” Asked a voice in a light tone with a heavy Hispanic accent. “Plow your mother.” I said in a sarcastic tone. “What was that, you insolent little bastard? I could kill you!” He yelled. “Then do it, what’s stopping you? We both know I’m not going to talk.” I replied calmly. “Then I will make your death as slow and agonizing as possible.” He said pulling of the blind fold. Now I could see the man with an unkempt goatee and a dirty ill fitting suit. I could also see that I was in what appeared to be an apartment building. “You are one UGLY mother fucker.” I said with a grin. “Manny! Do what you will with this little cretin.” He said walking out. As he shut the door behind him a larger figure walked into my view with an AK. “Hey big boy, whatcha doin?” I asked flirtatiously. *Whack* I felt my head snap back from the impact of his fist. A couple seconds later I felt him push the blade against an area between my ribs before pulling it right, slicing through my skin and causing a surprising amount of blood. He proceeded to drag shallow lines across my chest after pulling open my BDU. “AGH, son of a bitch!” I grunted through the pain. “Enjoying yourself pretty boy?” He asked running the blade along my cheek. You’re just gonna take it lying down like a Bitch? One of the voices seemed to pull me farther and farther into a world of hate. I had taken enough. It was time to return the favor. “Hell yeah!” I screamed jumping up and head butting him before dropping back and crushing the rickety chair beneath me. Looking up I saw that he was on the ground holding his face. This allowed me time to slip my still tied hands under my feet putting them in front. I struggled to my feet and hobbled over to the downed Manny. He looked up at me with a mixture of fear and pain. Without saying a word I grabbed him by the hair and slammed my knee into his face flooring him again. I grabbed his knife which was wet with my blood and stabbed it into the drywall before rubbing the rope on the blade and freeing my hands. I heard Manny again trying to get up. So I pulled the knife out of the wall and plunged it into his throat. I ripped the knife back out, the teeth tearing bits of skin and muscle along with it, I could hear him drowning in his own blood as he gasped for air. Standing up I saw they had left my gear in the room with me. Idiots. I suited up my gear and put my gear back on. Once I had my MOLLE combat vest, my custom hard plate armor, and my mask on I slung my rifle over my back and pulled out my 1911. I grabbed Manny’s sheath and knife as well. My vision blurred and I felt my wound burn again. They had taken my medical gear. “I need to get out of here now. Radio is useless, there’s no way I’m in range. It won’t hurt trying it though.” I said to myself as I pulled a small modified beacon out of my gear bag. It had once been used by firefighters for motion tracking; we had modified it to be used as an emergency beacon. Pressing the button a small red light started to pulse on the small hand held device. I opened the door to see a guard with his back turned to me. He appeared to be looking out at the view of a missing part of the building. I walked up behind him and thrust the knife into the back of his neck as hard as I could. He was killed instantly. Through the hole I could see that I was on the third floor. If I wanted any chance with a medic I needed to get out of here fast. I found the stairwell and limped down to the ground floor and proceeded out with my pistol raised. Three men were standing by the entrance of the apartment complex and saw me immediately. I took them all out with a quick shot to the head before they could fire. I picked up one of their MP9s and took all their ammo replaced my rifle magazines with the newly found SMG ammo. Again my vision blurred, this time leaving me light headed. This time my vision didn’t return to normal and I felt myself getting weaker. Pushing the front door open I staggered outside to hear a commotion above me. The string of commands in Spanish led me to believe they had found the bodies. Turning back to my front I saw that there was what appeared to be some woods that I could seek cover in. It was well off though and I would have to make it through the city first. Sprinting down the street I cut through alleyways trying to avoid everyone I could. It occurred to me that I may have left a trail. Looking down I saw that I had indeed, left a trail of blood. A few drips here and there but it was enough and I could hear them coming. No choice but to run fucknuts! For once I listened to the voice in my head and just ran through the streets hoping I could make it before I fell and passed out from blood loss. The echo of rifles started to carry through the air and dust kicked up around my feet. I could faintly hear the bullets whizzing past my head but it started to be drown out by my own breathing. In an act of desperation I primed a grenade and dropped it at my feet. Seconds later I heard the boom and screams of the men. I was almost to the forest at this point. Just a few more blocks, hurry the hell up! Screamed the voices in my head as I slid across the hood of a wrecked car. I was about five yards away when I heard the dreaded launch. Turning around I saw the projectile coming right at me followed by a trail of smoke. I dived forward before the explosion launched me into the woods and against a tree. I thought I had finally been released from my torture. The sharp pain caused by a poking in my side told me otherwise. Life just loves to fuck with me. My hearing slowly returned and I heard what I thought appeared to be voices. Yet there was something off about them. My senses started to return to return to me little by little. I was in the dirt on my back and my chest burned horribly. I snapped up gulping in as much air as I could. “AHHH!” I heard something scream. Rolling over onto my stomach and started coughing up blood. I collapsed back into the dirt. I could hear someone yelling but I couldn’t make out what they were saying. After I had stopped spitting blood I looked around me to see no one. Whoever had been there was long gone. My head felt like someone had driven a nail into it. The damage on my side had surprisingly closed but still pretty cut up. I summoned up as much strength as I could and grabbed a tree to limp my way to my feet. Hugging the tree for support I heard the snapping of a twig behind me. I drew out my .45 as fast as I could, causing me considerable pain. What I saw confused me a great deal. Standing there was a man in a bright white suit, his face hidden by the brim of a hat. “Who the hell are you?” I growled through a dry throat. I could feel a force wrap around my wrist before it was slammed back into the tree. “I’m the reason you’re alive. Now shut up because I have a lot to say and not much time.” He said calmly. “What are you?” I grunted. “Don’t worry about it. Just know that I am not the enemy.” He said. I felt my hand being released. Something about this guy gave me a push towards trusting him. He definitely stood out here. “Alright now, what is happening is that you are almost dead. If they can save, then you can go back to doing whatever it is that you want. If you die there, then you come here. That’s where it gets tricky though. Down that trail is a doctor, and you need to get there before you die back on earth. You don’t and that’s it and you get judged as is. You probably won’t remember me or this talk, but you will remember what you have to do.” “My head hurts. I’m trying to stay alive so I can redeem myself in a forest?” I asked confused why I should bother. “There is more here than just a forest, smartass. You should find that it’s something you already know plenty about. There is only one problem though. You can’t understand them so we will have to do something about that. I’m going to do a translation trick and you should be able to understand them, and they will understand you. This might hurt, because you are about to master an entire language in less than a minute. Don’t worry about remembering the whole language though. I’m going to adjust the way you hear it. Still hurts though.” He said before pulling off my mask and putting the palm of his hand against my forehead. “Ready?” He asked. “I guess.” Not knowing how else to reply to this. I felt a surge of energy surge through my head shutting down my systems throwing me on the ground. A second later I was gone. The gunfire kicked up dirt and tore the bark off trees as they tried in vain to hit us. I felt myself being dragged along the ground. Looking up I saw Jet pulling me by my collar. “Covering fire! Lets go!” He commanded pulling my arm over his shoulder. I could hear distant pops through the ringing in my ear. “I got you. You’re going to make it.” He said as I closed my eyes. “Agh, what the fuck happened? Wait. Doctor. Path. Hurry!” I grunted to myself grabbing my bag and limping down the road. My head felt like it had been bashed in with a rock. I felt wetness on my body. I was bleeding again. I pushed through the pain as long as I could before I slowed down. I could see the hut. I don’t know how long I ran, but it got me there. Not being able to resist my growing weakness I fell to my knees and started to crawl. When I could no longer grab the dirt I pulled out the knife and stabbed it into ground and dragged myself as far as I could. The light inside the small building burned my eyes as I began to fade. I grabbed a pebble and threw it inside Looking back I could see shadows. They were moving fast and looking for me. Don’t know how, but I could just tell. I was able to get back on my feet with all my strength that was left. I made it to door and pushed it open. My eyes fluttered open feeling the sting on my cheek. I was looking at Jet with a ring of darkness closing in from the edges of my vision. One hell of a death dream. “Stay with me! We’re almost there!” He said. I looked around to see that we were in a clearing. “Where’s the fucking MEDIVAC!? He’s not gonna make it much longer.” Said K-9. The entire squad was there veterans and noobies in all. Even looked like there were even a couple of ranger squads. They really wanted me. “Jesus that kid is tough as shit.” Said one who had come over and was checking me over. “Can you do anything for him?” “I’ll do what I can, but I’m counting multiple lacerations three gunshot wounds, straight through and multiple others. The fact that his heart is even beating at this point is astounding.” He said checking my pulse on my arm. “He’s a ranger, he’ll make it.” He replied. “If he makes it through a direct hit from an RPG he can be one of our rangers.” Said a sergeant who was looking at me. “No thanks, we’re more lenient on what we do for revenge.” I said pulling off my mask. “I’m not going to make it through this. That is something we all know, I have another hour here at most. I guess I knew it would end this way for me. Jet, take my tags, everyone else give me any explosives you have on you. Grenades or plastic doesn’t matter.” Everyone pulled out something. Grenades, pipe bombs, two claymores, and for one reason or the other K-9 had C4. “I’m gonna need the detonator too then.” I said molding the explosives forming a cluster of grenades. Taking the detonators I set it up as a tripwire around my leg. They all watched with a mixture of pain and interest. After it was all setup I waved to jet to come over. “Well I guess this is it then. A final vengeance. Here.” I said ripping off my tags and putting them in his hand. The powderless 12.7 millimeter bullet poked out from his hand. He stared into my eyes with a deep sadness knowing what I was doing. “See you in hell.” I whispered pushing him back. He took the hint and called them all back to leave. No one questioned it. It wasn’t long before the cartel had come out of trees and approached me. I could count at least fifteen of them. A peculiar thing I saw was that the officer was among them. They all came at me angrily. Lying there with my ears ringing and bleeding out, I pulled a grin onto my face and whispered. “See you soon Doc.” Before I closed my eyes and yanked my leg and heard the click. My hearing was engulfed by a loud ringing and my vision blurred as I fell onto the floor of the hut with a thump. A cold feeling washed over me as the darkness overtook my vision. My eyes slowly shuttered open to a dim light. I could see through a small window beside me. The dim brightness was actually sunlight leaking in through the shutters. I was lying on a bed with a straw stuffing that was surprisingly comfortable. I turned my head to see a figure balancing itself on a pole. Is that… Is that a fucking zebra? I asked myself questioning my sanity. I couldn’t dwell on this thought. My throat was so dry it was hard to breath. I tried holding in a cough ,but was unsuccessful and it sputtered out hard jerking my body up. When my coughing fit had finally finished I looked back over to see that the figure was still balancing on a stick. I guess it’s some sort of statue. Looking down at my body I saw that I had been stripped of my ACUs. My chest had been wrapped in bandages. My leg also had a gauze wrap around the knee. I rolled onto my side and pulled my leg off the bed and felt it smack against the wooden floor. I did the same with my other and pushed myself into a sitting position. I looked around the dimly lit room taking notice of the many masks and talismans. After I had taken a good mental picture with my mind I stood up. I figure this is the waiting room for death. I started to rub the fuzziness out of my eyes to little success. “It’s about time you awoke, much longer and I would have thought you to croak.” An unseen voice echoed through the room. “Who’s there?!” I yelled reaching for my hip out of instinct, grabbing at nothing as I realized I was still pretty much naked. “I would advise you to drink the brew at your side. It will allow you to heal and your wounds to seal.” The female voice rhymed. “Please stop rhyming. I want to shoot myself already and you’re not helping.” I asked after chugging the lime flavored drink out of the gourd shaped glass. Normally I wouldn’t have just trusted a voice telling me to drink something but “I will stop rhyming for now but I would suggest you lay back down.” “Riiight. Well whatever yo- AGH! What the fuck!” I yelled clutching my stomach and falling to my knees. I looked up to see that the room was starting to twist together. It felt like I had just been stabbed. “What the hell did you do to me?!” I yelled. Through all the twisting and turning I saw the zebra thing pull itself down off the pole. “Calm yourself if you want to remain in good health.” She rhymed in a soothing voice. I could see the ground rise up to meet me as I fell forward. I tried to move to no avail. My eyes shut and I was thrust once more into the darkness. When I was finally able to open them again I looked up to see a tall figure in green. Oh shit, this is boot. “Private, you want to tell me what the hell you’re doing?” He said calmly. I slowly got to my feet. “I tripped sir.” “Private, if you don’t finish the rest of this course in two minutes then you’ll be doing body builders until you die! Then fifty more!” He screamed at me as I started running the path. I hadn’t gotten far before something hit me in the back of the head and threw me to the ground. I rolled over to look down the barrel of an AK with an angry gang member with a bandana wrapped around his face. He yelled a string of words that I didn’t understand but I could tell most of them were probably something vulgar about me or my mother. Before he could pull the trigger I reached up and pulled the barrel under my arm and punched him as hard as I could. I heard his nose break as he tried to pull back. I then swept my leg under his foot under his leg and tripped him. After I had gotten up I pulled my forty five out of its holster and aimed it between his eyes before pulling the trigger. I closed my eyes so I wouldn’t see the gore. It didn’t stop me from feeling it splash against my face. When I opened my eyes again I was surrounded by darkness. “What did you do to me?!” I yelled. After I yelled this all of it flashed before my eyes. Every brutal hand to hand. Nerve racking firefights. Deafening explosions. Then the aftermath of it all. I could see myself when I was small, this was right after my first firefight, I was mumbling to myself on a bunk. I didn’t know what to do after that. I had gotten my first kill. It then flashed to when I was about twelve. I was being flown out to Maryland with the rest of the unit. I didn’t know what we were doing but apparently it was important enough that we had to be in the rarely used official dress. This happened not long after we had saved a congressional convoy with two senators and a representative in it. When we landed were ushered to a limousine which drove us to an area an area near the airport. When I opened the door I was greeted by the faces of hundreds and the cheers of thousands. I closed my eyes to the brightness of the sun and the flashes of the cameras. After we formed ranks a man walked on stage carrying a small case. He walked up to the podium and spoke as the crowd fell silent. “Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to greet you to the unsung heroes of the war on terror in the South. These young men and women were shown the atrocities of the NMA. Many of them are orphans by their hands. They have shown perseverance and rose from the ashes of their former lives. These soldiers are the toughest and most mercilessly trained men at our disposal. They are at the forefront of every firefight and the emergency operation. Ranging from combat to giving aid and all in between. That is why I present them, the Congressional Medal of Honor for their bravery and personal valor on the field. They have gone above and beyond the call of duty.” As these words were spoken I became more and more shocked. I closed my eyes once again this time I felt myself being flung forward. They opened just in time for me to see the ground. My ears were ringing from the explosion that had thrown me so far. “Get up kid!” I heard someone yell. A second later he was cut down by the metal being thrown out of the barrel of the truck mounted fifty. Poor bastard. Grabbing his rifle I looked through a small gap in the low wall I was using as cover. I put my newly acquired rifle on the wall steadying my aim. My shoulder jerked as the hammer hit, the operator of the fifty had been taken care of. Since this could be my only chance I ran, dropping the rifle, and jumped over the next wall with my comrades behind it. I heard the sound of an RPG launch and covered my eyes to shield them from any debris that was about to hit. The final time I opened them I was on the wet ground. I raised my head to see I was surrounded by thick brush. The fact that I could feel the cold ground told me that this was real. What the hell just happened to me? Was that all a dream? Fucking flashbacks. I pulled myself onto my feet and looked around. I was clothed once again and all my gear had been placed back on. The duffle bag containing the rest was at my feet. I reached down to grab it and was met by a burning in my side and my leg. Unclipping my vest and lifting up my BDU and shirt underneath I saw a line of stitching running up my side and over my chest. I guess it wasn’t all a dream. I need to be careful or that thing will split. After checking over the rest of my now dressed wounds I decided to walk down the path and see what I could find. I figured it couldn’t hurt too much to see if I could find anything or anyone. I’m not even going to bother trying to find whatever fixed me up. After I pulled the duffle bag over my shoulder and settled my rifle, into a patrol position, I headed down the dirt road keeping an ear open for any out of place sounds one would hear in the woods. I had been walking down the dark path before I finally felt the full eeriness of these woods. It seemed almost unnaturally dark. Glancing over my shoulder I couldn’t shake the feeling I was being tailed. I picked up the pace a bit as not to be caught by any hostiles in an unfamiliar area. That or I would walk right into an IED but either way I would be dead, and I’d prefer a quick one. “Thermal on.” I whispered into my mask. The shadowy area snapped to a blue tone. I looked around and only saw one small bright orange animal that was in all likelihood a squirrel. “These woods are too damn thick for me to see more than ten feet, thermal off.” I whispered. After about ten minutes of action packed walking, I could see the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. It was actually just a clearing beside a hill but I would take anything over this cramped ass trail. When I was about to step out into the open I heard a deep growl behind me. I turned to see… three wolves. “What the shit...” I said not taking my eyes off of them. “No, I don’t have time for this shit!” I said angrily as I raised my rifle and released a burst in to the closest one and then into the one behind it. Before I could get the third it charged and tried to bite my neck. I knocked it away with my rifle and fired a single shot. Effectively ending the group. However a problem was now presented to me. When I had swatted away the wolf with my rifle I had also torn open the stitches on my side. “Agh, fuck.” I said, feeling the heat of my blood trickling down my side at an alarming rate. I was already getting dizzy. How much blood did I lose? I limped over to the opening and outside. I felt weak and almost unable to stand. Staggering up the hill with my gear proved a bigger challenge than the wolves. I collapsed at the top of the hill. Unable to carry on any longer I tried getting out my med kit and searched frantically for something to help. After not being able to find anything I could use I felt myself getting cold. “Aw, fuck my life.” I said as I fell over from the blood loss. “Whoa, what are you?” “It’s bleeding, we need to get Fluttershy!” “Go Spike! I’ll bring him back to the house.” “Is that a good idea?” “I’ve never seen anything like this, we have too! Just Go!” “Agh! My fucking head.” I whispered to myself. I clutched my head and ran my hand through my slicked back brown hair. I opened my eyes to see I was in a laboratory of sorts. Looking around I saw a large amount of scientific equipment. Graphs and charts everywhere like it was the set of a terrible 80’s movie. I looked down to see I was without my BDU jacket or my shirt. I also was shocked to see I had what appeared to be little electrodes attached to my nipples. I immediately ripped these off. I felt my side to find that the wound had been sewn shut, this time much more effectively. At least I wouldn’t have to be so stiff. Looking over I saw my shirt was what I was using as a pillow. I quickly slipped the dark brown shirt over my head. I had been laying on what looked like couch oddly enough. So at least I know they want me alive. That could be good or bad though. Whoever had brought me here hadn’t restrained me oddly enough. Yet they still had taken all of my weapons, or at least they thought they had. I reached down and pulled up my pant leg and unclipped the sheath. I pulled out the black dual edged boot knife. Still as sharp as ever. My eyes wandered the room until I saw the stairwell. I could guess I was in a basement from the lack of windows. Oddly enough the whole room seemed to be made out of wood. Even the ceiling was made of wood. I heard the resounding taps of footsteps above me. I quickly ran to the wall beside the opening to the stairwell. Muffled voices echoed down to the basement where I stood waiting to grab whatever rounded the corner. “I couldn’t find anything about it. None of my books had anything that looked like it.” Said a girlish voice. “I just hope he’s okay.” Replied a quieter one. I still wasn’t taking chances without all of my gear. What appeared to be a purple pony passed by me, followed by a yellow one. What in the hell? Is that… no it can’t be. “Where did he go?!” Yelled the purple one. Hearing this I blocked the path to the stairway. “He’s not supposed to be up yet. He could get hurt!” Exclaimed the Pegasus. I stomped my foot on the ground getting the attention of the two ponies. They turned around as I stepped out of the shadows. “You’re awake!” Yelled the purpled one with a smile that slowly faded when she saw the knife. “Look, I don’t want to hurt you. I just want to get out of here. If you could just give me- “You can’t leave yet you’re still hurt.” Said the yellow one who flew over to me. She didn’t notice the knife. “Stay back!” I said bringing my knife up in front of me. She stopped mid air with a look of fear. “I told you I just want to leave. I don’t want, I don’t,” I stuttered feeling myself getting weaker. “Agh, my fuckin’ head.” I said falling to my knee and dropping my knife. “Please, let us help you.” Said the yellow one, trying to pull me to my feet. “Fuck, fine.” I said grabbing my knife and heading over to the couch. I sat down and after a minute the migraine went away. All through this the purple one just stared with a look of awe. “What’s your deal, purple?” I asked, putting my knife back in the sheath. This seemed to shake her out of her stupor. “It’s just, you can talk.” She said still looking amazed. “Yeah, so can you, and you’re a pony.” I said not exactly sure of what to make of the situation. “What’s that supposed to mean?” She said confused. “Never mind.” I sighed. “You mind telling me where I am?” “My house.” “I got that, I meant what city?” “You mean Ponyville?” She asked. “You gotta be shittin’ me.” I whispered leaning back in the couch. “What?” “Nothing.” I said trying to remain calm. “I can’t believe it! We discovered a new species, and they can talk! I have so many questions, like – “Twilight are you down he- Whoa, what is that?!” Asked a blue pony with a rainbow mane. “We don’t know but, we were getting to it.” Said Twilight not missing a beat. “Actually Twilight, maybe you could wait until morning. He needs his rest.” Said the yellow one. “Wait, you’re just going to let him stay here? What if he’s dangerous Fluttershy?!” Yelled the blue one. “He’s not dangerous Rainbow. He’s just a little confused.” Said Fluttershy. “She’s right. I don’t kill civvies.” I said flatly. “What?” Asked Rainbow confused. “You’re non-combatants. Which means that I won’t hurt any of you.” “For your sake I hope not. Twilight I have to go. There’s going to be a storm tonight.” She said walking up the stairs. “I have to go feed the animals too. Please try to get some sleep, and remember Twilight. No questions until tomorrow.” She said walking over to the stairs. “Sorry about the knife thing!” I called after her. “Well, tomorrow you better talk. I don’t like waiting.” Said Twilight walking away. I just laid down on the couched with a single thought in my mind. I’ve finally fucking lost it haven’t I? > The Nightmare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nightmares. So real you could feel it. Every.God.Damn.Night. The smell of burnt flesh, the sting of the cuts across my body, the ringing in my ears. At that moment I couldn’t care less about any of them. I had to see if they were okay. Routine op they told us. Bullshit, they knew we were there. Someone had ratted us out, but I’ll find out who later. Climbing over the debris of the fallen wall I saw four familiar faces. Jacob “Jet” Smith: The team leader. Brandon “Droid” Hews: The Tech Joe “Cross” Lang: The Designated Marksman Lucas “K-9” Foster: The Engineer “Hey you guys up?!” “Jesus we thought we lost you!” “Wait where’s Doc’? “Wasn’t he with you?” “No I thought he was with you when we got hit, what happened?” “The explosives went off to early we don’t know otherwise. We took a few out and they pulled back, probably regrouping, we don’t have long before they come back.” “Damn, should we look at what we got coming?” “Take a peek out the window.” Looking out said window My eyes focused on one thing an arm coming out of some rubble by a destroyed truck. The biggest fear I had with this was the red cross on the arm tag. “Oh shit it’s Doc’!” I yelled running out of cover towards the rubble. “Wait get back here it’s not safe!” Jet screamed at me. “I don’t care we gotta save him!” I said reaching the rubble and pulling the body out. *pew tink* “What the hell.” “Oh shit! Get out of there!” I heard Jet yell, they were back. “Cover me!” I said over the gunfire. Hearing the scattered gunfire from the rifles and the thump of the m60 I took it as my chance to go, pulling Doc’ I sprinted across the cracked remains of what used to be a street and into the store we were taking cover in. Looking down I saw blood, a lot of it coming from chest then I saw it a piece of shrapnel lodged where the right lung was. It was bad. I could barely hear the shallow breathing. “Aww, shit man, Chris man c’mon wake up man wake up!” “There getting closer!” Cross said. “Just hold them off, Droid call some help!” “Coms are destroyed.” “ehh” I heard the body in my arms moaning. “Oh shit, Chris c’mon stay awake you’re gonna make it just stay with me man, stay with me.” “It hurts.” “I know it does but you gotta pull through it man you’re gonna make it.” As hopeful as I sounded I didn’t believe my own words. He wouldn't make it. “No, I won’t and you know it.” He said coughing up a large amount of blood on to my stomach. “They’re breaking through!” “I want you to remember one thing.” “What is it?” “You cannot stop death my friend. As invincible as you think we are, death will find us all.” And with that he was gone. I knew what he meant but I didn't believe it all. All I felt at that moment was rage and sorrow. I would take down these sons of bitches to the last man. “Lucas, give me your gun and all your ammo.” “What, why, dude are you okay?” “Give.Me.The.Goddamn.Gun!” “Alright here. What are you doing.” “War.” Man after man, second after second, bullet after bullet, they fell. Their bodies sawed in half by gunfire, blood strewn across the street , I had them in a full retreat and I wasn’t going to stop pushing until either I or they were dead. I walked down those streets covered in the crimson liquid of life pumping an unholy fiery vengeance into everything that moved. I pulled till I heard click, and puled out my knives and charged, Relishing in the blood curdling screams of my enemies as my cold steel met their flesh and the warming of their blood on my hands. I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy every last second of it. If you looked for any humanity at that moment you find none you would find a cold merciless spirit of death. “I’ll kill every last one of you pieces of shit!” “Rose wake up!” what the hell? Who just said my name? I heard someone running behind me. I turned around and sprinted at the noise seeing a shadow in the alley ahead I jumped at it and tackled them raising my knife I saw the face of my familiar Jason Fenton. He shouldn’t be here he wasn’t even an operations guy he was intel. That led me to one conclusion, it was him, should have guessed quiet, weird, rubbed everyone the wrong way. I would enjoy killing him. “C’mon wake up!” I felt someone grab my shoulder and try to throw me off. I wasn’t about to have my vengeance cut short. I pulled back my arm and slammed my blade into his eye killing him instantly before being thrown off. I opened my eyes to the darkness shooting strait up screaming with my knife at the ready: “Get the fuck off me or I’ll kill you to!” > The Meeting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wasn’t in the city anymore covered in blood, I wasn’t stabbing a traitor in the eye in a back alley, and I wasn’t killing everything I saw in rage. I was in a room with 6 scared ponies and what looked like a fat purple lizard. Jesus, I’m still here, kinda thought I would be awake by now. Wonder if I really am dead. “Rose a-are you okay?” asked Twilight. “No I’m not okay, how do you know that name?!” I snapped. “Hey it was on your jacket, don’t yell at me.” Said twilight right back Looking down I noticed the tag was showing on my jacket, well it wasn’t quite my jacket it was my dads old army jacket, but it held my name so I took it. But the only difference was I had put duct tape over the tag with my new name. “Huh, so it is. Well then your at no fault but I wish to ask that you never call me by that name again, as that’s only my last name and prefer people no to know it.” I didn’t like people knowing my name, getting attached. It’s not fun to keep people from knowing who I really am but if they know my name then they can get closer to me and see what I’d done and what had happened to me. It was my burden and my burden alone. I would carry the feeling of guilt, sorrow, pain, and vengeance with me until the day I die. And when that day comes we will walk willingly to fate as it’s no use struggling, fate will come. The most you can do is prolong it. But I’ve said this before. “Ahm sorry but who’s this fella?” “Oh my, umm we never asked his name. I’m so sorry.” Said Fluttershy. “Mmm, don’t worry about it I don’t like to use my original name.” “Well whatever for darling?” “It’s our way to share them with only the closest and most trusted of friends our names, and with it the nightmares that you’ve been through. That being said I don’t know any of you all that well.” “Well is there anything you do go by?” Asked Twilight. “What like a nickname?” “Sure.” “I’ve got plenty, there’s: Rush, Blade, Boom, Lock, Kick and plenty of others but most just keep it at Rush.” “Okay but are you okay dude?” asked spike. “That all depends on your definition of okay. Hey where’s my stuff?” “It’s all over on the wall, why?” “I need a drink.” I said taking a drink from a dirty water bottle. “If you wanted a drink Spike could’ve gotten you some water from upstairs.” “This ain’t water it’s vodka.” “Wait ain’t that them fancy alcoholic drinks made in Stalliongrad?” “That sounds about right except there ain’t nothing fancy about it.” “Uh, if it’s okay with you I think we should introduce ourselves a little better.” Said Twilight. “Yeah that’s probably a good idea.” I said, now I was a fan of the show and all but it had been a while. Lining up in a row they told me their names and jobs. “I’m Twilight Sparkle, and I’m Princess Celestia’s personal assistant, and Ponyville’s librarian. I was also the one who found you just outside Everfree Forest.” “Hmm being found dying in a ditch is apparently a good way to meet people, good to know. I guess I owe you one for saving me you ever need help just call me up.” “Well partner my name’s Applejack and I buck apples.” “Heh heh.” “What’s so funny?” she said scrunching up her face. “So you buck the wood till it’s empty and your sore?” “Yeah what’s so funny about that?” At this point some of the others were starting to turn red, I’ll save her some embarrassment. “I must have misheard you my bad.” “Well okay then.” She said giving me a suspicious look. “I’m Rainbow Dash, the fastest flyer in all Equestria!” “Would you be interested in proving that?” “Is that a challenge?” “Maybe, care to make it interesting?” I will always be a betting man. “What’s in it for me.” “I win you buy me a drink, you win I help you with something of your choice.” “Your on.” “Alright, who’s next?” “That would be me darling. My name is Rarity and I’m a- “Model?” I said taking a guess by the look of her highly stylized hair. “Oh well I’m more of a tailor but thank you for the compliment.” “Hmm, I don’t suppose you could make me some more clothes I can’t use these forever wouldn’t give a good impression covered in dirt and blood.” “I didn’t want to say anything.” “It’s okay, alright you’re nex- hey you okay you look pretty sad.” I was getting a pretty bad feeling from the pink one. “I’m just sad for what happened to your friend.” Wait what. “Excuse me?” “For what happened to Doc’” “Don’t pity me, it was my fault, and you shouldn’t know about it. I’m gonna need to talk to you later.” How the hell did she know? “Alright bro you’re next.” I said to the lizard. “I’m Spike and I’m Twilight’s assistant, and yes I’m a dragon.” “Alright for now you’re my bro because you’re the only other guy I’ve seen.” If I was gonna be here for an extended amount of time I needed a guy friend to hang out with. “Now Fluttershy, where’s Fluttershy?” “Back here.” Said Rainbow dash flying out of the way revealing a scared pink-maned Pegasus, “Is she going to be okay?” “Yeah she’s just really shy.” “Hey It’s okay you don’t have to tell me I know enough about you from your handiwork on my injuries. “Alright your turn.” Said Twilight. “Yeah I’m sure y’all wanna know about what that whole incedent was.” Boy, this will be fun. “Well, first off do y’all have a military here?” “Yes but the mostly for show like the royal guard.” “I see, well have you ever had a war.” “What’s a war?” asked Spike. They have an army and they don’t even know why? “”I imagine you all know what death is, in war their our thousands who will fight and kill each other for their beliefs, greed, and a number of other equally useless reasons. I was a soldier who was one of the ones out their who fought.” “You would k-kill somepony?” asked a terrified Twilight dropping her notebook. Judging from the looks on the others faces, I could guess I wasn’t winning any points with them. “That all depends, we were only defending what we thought was worth saving. You aren’t my enemies, therefore I have no reason to harm anyone here. Although if there were any to try and oppress others then yes by the oath that I took, I will do everything in my power to stop them including the death of them and possibly in the same sense myself if it were to end the tyranny.” “Whoa. Dude that sounds awesome.” Said Spike. “Yeah well, you remember what happened earlier?” Yeah because they’ll forget meeting soon. “Yes?” asked a fearful Twilight. “That is the offspring of being put into war since you were a child, some kids were playing with toys, I was learning the proper way to disassemble a rifle.” “You mean you never got to have fun.” Asked Pinkie sounding like that was worst thing to happen in my life. “Eh, we did a few fun things on base a couple of pranks, make jokes and other stuff.” “Alright back to my questions: How old are you?” asked a slightly annoyed looking Twilight. “I’m about fourteen and before you ask, yes I’m younger then most who were fighting.” “Why that sounds like the normal age for enlistment here. We’re actually around that age too.” “You serious, y’all look like young adults, then again different species so that sounds about right.” “Wait so you had all that happen when you were just a kid?” asked an extremely saddened Fluttershy who not to previously had been to terrified to talk. “Yeah but it was my choice I didn’t have to fight.” I said standing by my decision to fight. “Wait so you’re gonna get bigger?!” Asked a surprised Twilight. “Uh, ’Bout half a foot, yeah. I should be about six foot three inches by the end of it.” “Wow he’s going to be taller than the princesses!” Said Pinkie. Well she bounced back quickly. “Hey before I answer any more when am I gonna make my public appearance?” I said wondering how no one but these five and Twilight had come to investigate. “What?” “C’mon if all of you heard it then the whole town did, screaming coming from someone’s basement won’t be ignored.” “Hmm I suppose you right, I guess we could ask Mayor Mare for a town meeting to introduce you at. Hopefully you get a better reception then Zecora.” “Alright I guess, I should change clothes because it probably won’t go well if I show up in blood soaked clothes.” “If ya don’t mind me askin’ why exactly IS there blood on ya and why do ya look like ya jus’ fought off a bunch a timberwolves?” asked a slightly confused Applejack. “Oh, it’s all mine from an explosion that went off a bit too close too me which is how I was found like this. Also what time is it?” Revealing as little as possible. “It’s about 10:30, why?” asked Twilight. “It’s still early so we can do this today, you hurry up and get everyone together I’ve got some extra clothes in my bag.” “Wait already?” “Of course strike while the iron’s hot and before they lose whatever interest they have so hurry up and go.” “Maybe you should clean up a bit darling.” “Yeah smelling like blood and explosives won’t bode well.” “There’s a shower in the bathroom upstairs.” Said Twilight. “Alright everyone do what you need to do and get ready for you shall be credited for finding a new sentient species, you might as well look nice for it hell see if you can get your leaders here diplomacy will be needed for integration and other such B.S. but Pinkie I need to talk to you everyone else, go .” I said seeking to find out how much she really knew about me. At that everyone had left and it was just me and Pinkie. “Alright Pinkie how much do you know?” “Well I know you aren’t from this planet, you seen and done terrible things, and that your real name is- “Stop that’s enough, please don’t tell the others what you know. Those are things for a later date and I was hoping to tell everyone this at the same time and answer all these questions then, so this is just between you and me for now got it?” I said “Okey dokey lokey.” She replied still as upbeat and cheerful as ever. “Thanks I owe you one. You can go now.” I said somewhat relieved. “See you in a bit Pinkie.” “See you Rush.” She said hopping out the door. The thoughts still going through my head as I walked towards the bathroom were mostly me trying to figure out how exactly one bounces that far with such coordination as to not trip once. I needed to start remembering things about this place fast. > The Integration > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alright shower’s done, what should I do until they come and get me. Looking out the window I saw some woods and with not the most sober idea I said fuck it, wrote a note, put on my wraparound shades, grabbed my pack and snuck out past whoever was around, it wasn’t that hard it was kinda close and people were starting to head into town. Just looking at the place gave me chills, I could see something that looked like a brown bush and decided to investigate, also not a good idea. “What the fuck is that.” I asked poking the brown bush. “RAWR” “Holy shit it’s a goddamn bear! Uh good boy.” “GRR” “Well shit.” ~Twilight’s View 11:03am~ “It’s good to see you again Twilight, I’m eager to hear of your new discovery.” Said Celestia. “I’m just glad you could make it on such short notice.” “Alright Twilight. I think everypony is here now what is it you wanted to show us?” asked Mayor Mare. “He should be here any minute.” Oh there’s Rainbow Dash, she should know. “Rainbow did you get him?” “He wasn’t at the library, I don’t know where he went.” “What do you mean you don- “Oh my gosh what is that?!” screamed a voice in the crowd. “It’s a bear what’s it look like?” Replied a deeper somewhat familiar voice. “Uh, Twi is that who I think it is?” asked Applejack. “I-I have no idea.” ~30 minutes earlier~ “Okay you wanna eat me and I don’t want that, let’s come to a compromise.” I said trying to bargain with the bear, not something I usually plan for. “Alright I think I have some dried fish in my pack you can have that.” I said throwing the food on the ground. Oh I hope this works. I could see the bear sniffing at the fish to investigate. Alright it’s starting to eat it now or never. “See we can work together here you don’t want to eat me, you’re just another bear in the world trying to live his life aren’t you?” I asked I could see the bear nod its head, good it can understand me. “Well if you stick with me I can promise you there will be more where that came from okay?” The bear nodded. “Hey you mind if I hop on I need to get somewhere quickly? I’ll give you some more fish if you do.” The bear nodded towards his back. “Alright I think I’m gonna call you… Mister Cuddlesworth, that sound nice?” “Mmgh” “I’ll take that as a yes so let’s go, high ho Cuddlesworth!” ~ Present ~ “Oh my gosh what is that?!” screamed someone in the crowd. “It’s a bear what’s it look like?” I replied. I could see Twilight and the others staring at me with awe on their faces. “Hey Fluttershy take care of this for me will you?” “I, uh ok.” “What are you doing?!” Shouted Twilight. “Uh, wondering why you’re shouting at me, who’s this?” I asked wondering about the tall regal looking pony beside her. “THIS is the Princess!” “Pleasure to meet you.” Said the princess looking me over and sticking out her hoof. “Nice to meet you to I suppose we’ll have to go over some things later.” “Yes as I can tell you’re a bit, different.” “Me, uh yeah kinda, well I’m needed on stage so I’ll see you in a minute.” Walking on the stage with the others I could see the crowd’s eyes following me as I climbed the stairs, each one looking in awe and confusion. One particular sea foam green pony seemed amazed and star struck like a three year old at their birthday party. “Alright howdy everybody how you doing my name’s Rush. As, I’m sure you’ve figured out already figured out I am who you all gathered to meet and greet I am hoping to make a residence here and get to know each of you. Before we start anything though, are there any questions?” I saw some hooves shoot up. That sea foam green one shaking wildly. “Uh, you green unicorn.” “I, uh, are you, a human?” she asked. “Yes, actually, how did you know?” I asked surprised that they might actually have us here considering the reactions I got from the others. “I knew it yes, woo!” What the hell? “Hey, what the hell are you doing?” I wasn’t too worried about saying hell. They shouldn’t know what that is. “I knew you were real no one else believed me but I knew, I knew!” I could see she was starting to hyperventilate and wouldn’t last much longer. “Now that you’re here we have so much to talk about and… and.” And she’s gone. “Is she gonna be alright?” I asked concerned about the mental health of the unicorn. “Yeah she’ll be fine, I think.” Replied a pale cream colored pony. Not my problem so it works for me. I could see some little orange filly jumping with her hoof raised, exactly how she kept her balance is beyond me. It looked like she was with a class of considering how many there were and how bunched up they were, am I really that important. “You, little orange one.” “What’s your cutie mark?” “My what?” “It’s the mark that shows your special talent.” Twilight whispered in my ear. “Oh, I don’t have one.” “So you’re a, blank flank.” Said another snootier obnoxious voice. “Uh, sure why not.” “So lame.” Bitch. “I rode in on a bear do you really want to make enemies.” I said annoyed. “Alright next, you magenta in the back.” “Would you mind coming in and sharing your culture with the class?” “Good and bad or just good?” I asked wondering if I should really be teaching kids about the things where I came from. “Both if you don’t mind.” “Um any particular time?” “How about Tuesday?” “Sure, I guess.” “Grey and Blonde up front.” “Do you like muffins?” “Love’em.” Kind of a pointless question. “Maybe you should wrap this we don’t want to keep the princess waiting.” Said Mayor Mare “Hmm right, Alright everyone the rest of the questions will have to wait until were done.” I could see Celestia walking on stage out of the corner of my eye there was something about her that demanded attention. “Well Rush we are guessing you want to get back to where your from as soon as possible. Well I’m sure you’ll be pleased to know I’ll have my top scientists at Canterlot working on it.” She said cheerily. “On the contrary. I would like to stay.” “What? Are you sure, won’t you be missed by those from your planet.” “That’s not my problem, how do you know that I’m from a different planet?” “I can feel that you haven’t been exposed to much magic. I’m more in tune than most.” She said winking. “Uh, okay.” Well we will be glad to have you here. I wish to have you under the study of my pupil and niece Twilight Sparkle.” Not what I’m looking for but I will take it. “Alright I’ll stay under her study, IF you let me do some training with your guards. They have no discipline and the armor is god awful. As well as Integration to Equestria and if you bring the fastest flyer in Equestria down here for a race.” “So in order for us to study you, you want to help train and arm our military?” she asked confused by my statement. “That is correct.” “That can be arranged I suppose, you are an odd one aren’t you?” “We haven’t even scratched the surface.” “So when do you want to go.” “How about next week if I’m doing this I need to plan out the armor and weapons and how far ahead I’m going to set you.” From what I’ve seen so far the armor seems like a byproduct of the Romans, but they have barely any will to fight considering they didn’t jump to protect when the bear showed up. “Alright here’s your certificate of integration.” she said giving me a slip of paper. “That was a little fast wasn’t it?” I asked. “One of the perks of being a princess.” Alright I suppose that’s a viable answer. “Well I guess that’s all there is to it.” I said reaching out my hand to meet her hoof once more. “I suppose it is, smile.” She replied shaking my hand as we turned to face the crowd and press. After the onslaught of flashes and thanking god I didn’t have epilepsy I stepped off the stage to answer more questions. “Alright get in a line and I’ll answer all your questions.” One would think that small request would be relatively simple. That one would be wrong. These were the answers that followed. “Yes that’s a real bear.” “The thing strapped to my waist is a gun.” “A gun is a weapon.” “Self-defense.” “Sure I’d love to try some of your muffins.” As I saw the last three come up I noticed one of them was the orange filly from earlier with what I guessed to be her friends. “Hey you’re that kid from earlier what’s up?” “You said you didn’t have a cutie mark right?” asked the unicorn filly. “Yeah.” “Well we were wonderin’ if ya wanted to try to get it with us.” She said in a thick southern accent. “Y’know you sound a lot like Applejack.” “Well’a course I do she’s ma sister. You kinda talk like we do to.” Hmm good to know. “Uh, sure why not. What do you call yourselves?” I saw each of them take a huge gasp of air which was never a good sign. “Were the, CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!” JESUS CHRIST “Alright then that’s the first time I’ve been that scared in awhile. Wait, before we do any thing what are your names.” “I’m Sweetie Belle, you already met my sister Rarity.” “Your Rarity’s sister, hmm yeah I can see that.” “Ahm Apple Bloom, ya already know ma sister.” “Yep and what about you.” “I’m Scootaloo.” “Alright anything else like a sister or something?” “I don’t have a family.” She said sadly, it was easy to tell this was a pretty touchy subject. “Damn kid , wait, where do you stay then?” I was somewhat confused as an orphanage seems like it might stick out a bit. “I live at the hospital with the rest of the orphans.” This is a bad idea. “Yeah I guess that makes since. Well when’s your birthday” Nice job dickhead wanna make it more awkward just for the fuck of it? Dumbass. “Today is my birthday.” Don’t do this dude. “Well how ‘bout y’all take me ‘round a bit before we do anything.” Yeah let’s just see if you can unfuck this situation. “Let’s take him to the clubhouse!” said Sweetie Belle. “Yeah let’s go!” exclaimed Scootaloo. Well kids got spirit I’ll give her that. “Hold on one second.” I said walking towards the mane six. “Hey Fluttershy, could you take care of my pal?” I asked. “Sure!” Hmm she really isn’t shy when it comes to taking care of animals. “Alright man let’s go.” I told the three fillies As we walked through town the memories were starting to come back the locations, landmarks, traits, things were coming back. Pinkie works at Sugar Corner. A lot of the species are from mythology. Rainbow Dash is the fastest flyer in Equestria, well I got enough booze I suppose. “Come on mister Rush it’s up ahead in our orchard.” Said Apple Bloom snapping me out of my trip. “Please don’t call me mister, were equals.” As we walked I noticed that we were now on a farm covered in apples. Like way more then what would actually be necessary for a farm. I could guess there’d be more here than in all of the Missouri Ozarks. I could hear a steadily increasing thumping sound from behind us. Turning around I saw a giant red stallion charging me and he looked pissed. “HOLY SHIT!” I yelled grabbing the base of his head leapfrogging over the rest of him. “What the hell’s your problem dude?!” “Big Mac what are you doin’?” asked Applebloom. Heh heh B.M. “Stay out of this Applebloom!” “Kid’s go get help or something!” I yelled rolling out of the way of another charge. After dodging a kick that probably would of killed me I was about done. “Fuck this!” I yelled sprinting back towards town with that big red fuck right on my heels. I could see the crusaders hadn’t gotten too far, “Get back here!” “NO, FUCK YOU!” Alright I’m in town hopefully someone can help me. Let’s see if I can use these stalls to lose him. I would think that because he was so big he wouldn’t be agile, I was wrong. Throughout all the sliding under and hopping over stalls he was able to keep up by going around. If he hadn’t been trying to kick my ass for whatever reason I would be impressed. “Follow me now prick!” I yelled jumping up three crates and scrambling onto a low hanging roof. I could see him looking for me I guess he didn’t see the roof jump. I can tell this can only end well. “Get down here.” He said trying to draw me out. I was behind him so I had the advantage here. “Pay back’s a bitch ain’t it!” I yelled jumping off the roof aiming a drop kick at the back of his head. “Huh?” were his last words before by boots met his face and my head met a rock. ~ 3 minutes later ~ “Тьфу мой гребаный голову, что случилось?” “Ahm sorry?” asked Applejack. “What happened?” “Ya beat up my brother then knocked yourself out with a rock.” Said Applejack flatly “He was your brother?” I asked surprised. “Yeah he was apparently trying to defend Applebloom, he wasn’t at the meeting” “Good a reason as any I suppose, is he alright?” “He’s waking up now.” Said Fluttershy. “Hey Fluttershy you take care of cuddlesworth?” Surprised I haven’t ripped my stitches. “Yes he’s back at my house.” “Cool I’m gonna go talk to him, see if he calmed down any.” I said standing up. I could see a crowd “Hey man you okay?” “Eeyup.” Okay. “I assume they told you ‘bout or else you’d be tryin’ to kick my ass again.” I said sitting down beside him. “Sorry about that I thought you were gonna attack my sister.” A lot more talkative then I woulda thought. “No need I woulda done the same thing. Friends?” Guy’s got balls to go up against something he knew nothing about to defend his sister. “Eeyup.” Overusing’ it a bit aren’t ya. “Hey you wanna drink?” I asked taking a sip from my bottle savoring the burn. “Eeyup.” Handing him my bottle I saw him take a big gulp. “Hmm not bad.” “Yeah helps numb pain, you okay ya look a little tipsy it was only a gulp.” I did not take this one for a lightweight. “Yeah I’ll be fine my head doesn’t hurt anymore.” “Well mine does so give it back.” I said taking it back and pulling a few more swigs before putting it back in my pocket. I kept thinking back to that Scootaloo kid and how sad she looked when I asked about her family, it reminded of the kids back home. A lot of their parents had been killed and they were stranded with nowhere to go. We couldn’t do anything but take them in, hell I was one of them. Maybe I could… no I don’t know shit. Although that’s never stopped me before. “Hey are you okay?” Looking up I saw the one I was just thinking about. I could see the pain in her eyes and she could see mine no matter how well someone hides it you will be able to see it in their eyes. A portal to the soul indeed. I could also see that everyone but the mane six and the crusaders were left. I wonder how long I’ve been sitting here. “Yeah I’ll be fine just thinking.” “About what?” “Just some things, you need something?” “Well we were wonderin’ why ya look so sad.” Said Applebloom as she walked over with Sweetie Belle. “It’s somethin’ I’d rather not discuss. Hey I never did get to see your clubhouse.” I said trying to change the subject. “Oh yeah, let’s go!” Said Scootaloo. On our way there instead of zoning out again I took in the sights, it only took us about seven minutes to get to the farm and another three to get to where the clubhouse was. “I must admit it looks nice.” I said ducking under the entrance. It was actually kinda roomy; at least compared to the outside. “So what do ya wanna try?” asked Applebloom. “Well how bout findin’ things?” This just an excuse for you to play hide and seek until you think of something good isn’t it? Yeah. “Okay but what do we find?” “Me.” “So like hide and seek? That sounds pretty lame.” “Not quite I won’t be staying still, I will be far ahead and will be leaving little hints and patterns if you find me you win. So kinda like it but a bit different. Also you only have an hour so don’t mess around.” “Well when do we start.” “Give me a five minute head start and then you come after me.” I said dropping my pack. “You ready?” “CUTIE MARK CRUSADER TRACKERS GO!” My tinnitus is only getting better. “Alright, go!” I said running out the door and jumping over the banister to leave prints. About every eight steps I would stamp the ground to leave a print, maybe a broken twig here and there. Looking at my watch I saw I had about that I had about thirty seconds left so I led it up to the top of the hill and climbed a tree and took a seat on a high branch. I could see them leaving the club house it was a pretty good view. I started taking notes on how they searched. They weren’t the most observant as it took them five minutes to find the first track. After that though they fanned out a bit to find more tracks so that’s a bit better. Hearing a thump next to me I turned to see Rainbow Dash. “What are you doing here?” I asked. “This is my nap tree, what are you doing here?” “Crusading.” “Are you sure it looks like your just sitting here.” “Yeah their trying to track me. So what’s up?” “Aside from what happened thirty minutes ago not much, but that was so awesome I’ve never seen anypony do that before where’d you learn that?” “Oh I didn’t learn that you just have to find different ways to escape when you can’t just run.” “Huh, hey what were you thinking about earlier?” “It’s not something I like to talk about.” “Come on you can trust me.” I’m too tired to argue. “Alright fine, I was thinking about Scootaloo.” “You’re gonna have to give me more than that.” “Well you know how she’s an orphan right?” “Yeah.” “Well, and don’t tell anyone else about this I don’t want them worried, but I lost my parents when I was about four and got taken in by the NRF. I know what it’s like to not have a family, it hurts man. There is very specific reason I didn’t like to talk about this because my parent’s death is what fuels most of my hate. That mixed with what happened to Chris caused me to be somewhat unstable in stressful environments and a bit trigger happy.” “What does NRF stand for?” She asked confused and yet concerned at the same time “The National Resistance Front. Back to what I was saying though, I know what it’s like and I was actually thinking that maybe I could adopt her but I have a lot going on right now I mean the whole just getting here thing, the fact that I’m leaving for Canterlot in a week to help train and rearm, the military. What do you think I should do?” “Well I say you should go for it, I know the kid would appreciate it and hey you never know.” “Thanks for the advice hey you wanna drink?” I asked pulling out the bottle from earlier. Might as well get some liquid courage. “What is it?” “Vodka.” “Nah I’m more of a cider kind of pony.” “I can respect that.” “Hey Rush!” said a voice from below. “Hmm?” I said looking down seeing the crusaders. “Found you!” “So you did.” I said jumping down. I landed on the ground with a jump making the crusaders jump. “Well, go ahead and check yourselves.” “Anythin’?” asked Applebloom. “No.” said a disheartened Scootaloo “Seriously, none of you?” I asked. “What about you?” said Sweetie Belle. “Let me check.” I said looking behind me. “Nope.” “Hmm any other ideas?” asked Scootaloo “I don’t think so, I’m getting tired.” I said, finally realizing everything I’d done today. “We only did one thing!” Said Sweetie Belle. “Wrong. You did one thing. I’ve tamed a bear, introduced myself to an entire town and a princess, and finally ran from your brother and got knocked out.” “Hmm, I guess you could rest in the barn.” Said Applebloom after looking at the other two. “Are you sure, I mean I wouldn’t want to intrude.” I really don’t want to leave my gear at the library and my backpack at the clubhouse. “No it’s fine c’mon!” exclaimed Applebloom. “You’re kinda pushin’ it.” I said. “No she’s not let’s go.” Said Scootaloo. “Okay seriously what is it?” I said stopping in front of the barn. “What is what” Said Sweetie Belle, as Applebloom opened the door. “You all really want me to sleep in that barn don’t ya?” I said walking into the darkness. “Not exactly.” “What?” “SURPRISE!” Screamed what looked like everyone in the town. Huh a surprise party. I haven’t been to one of these in a while. Hell most people were to scared to invite me. “Well do you like it? Huh, huh do you?” Asked a hyped up Pinkie. “Can’t remember the last time I’ve been to a party.” “To tired to party, soldier boy?” Said Dash from behind. “’I’ll party all night long if you don’t call me that.” “So you like it?” Asked Pinkie again. “Love it.” “WOOHOO!” Screamed Pinkie. “Alright lets party.” I said walking into the fray. > The Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After thanking everyone or everypony rather as I guess I should start calling it. Although they seemed to understand what I meant. Oh well there’s bound to be some idiot out there who won’t. “Hey big guy, wanna drink?” asked a voice from behind. “That depends is it alcoholic?” I asked. “No, they only got punch.” Turning around I saw that he was a skinny orange pegasus pony with yellow hair that hurt my eyes. “Yeah that’s fine. So what’s your name?” I asked following him over to the table with some food and drinks. Damn, they really went all out, though I guess this party isn’t just for me. “My name’s Sun Blair.” He said giving me my drink. “The name suits you.” I replied sipping my punch. “Yeah, I get that. So what was with the whispering on the stage with the princess?” “I’m heading out to help train some of the troops up there.” “Whoa man you move fast.” “Yeah, well anyone could see how poorly trained they are.” “Hey while, you’re up there say hi to my cousin Star Hunter.” Looking past I saw a light purple mare that was shakily making her way towards me. “Sure, but who the hell is that?” God she looks more wasted than you on New Years Eve. “Oh boy, looks like Berry went off the wagon again. I’d advise you to watch yourself but I don’t really care.” At this point it was obvious she was coming to me. “You said that they had no alcohol out.” “They didn’t.” “Yo big boy, I hear you’re something of a drinker.” “Yeah, I guess.” “I Bet you fifty bits I can drink you under the table.” “Hey Blair what are bits?” “Money.” “Alright well, I could use some cash, and I haven’t been completely drunk today so, okay.” “Prepare to lose.” She said turning around. “Whatever, you’re going down.” To say the least I was competitive. “You poor arrogant bastard.” “What?” “She has won eight consecutive national drinking contests, and you just accepted a challenge to a drinking contest against her.” “Hmm, yeah I got this.” I said confidently. “Are you for real?” He asked laughing. “You’re talking to the biggest drinker on my base.” “Yeah well good luck. Because they already got it set up.” “Seriously, what the hell?” I asked turning around. “Pinkie bro.” That bitch is crazy. “Hey Rush what are you doing.” Asked a confused Scootaloo. “Uh, crusading.” I said lying through my teeth. “Can we help?” Asked Sweetie Belle walking up with Applebloom. “Actually you can be the referees.” “CUTI- “Ah, ah, ah my ears are still ringing from earlier.” After watching them set up around the table I looked to see that there would be more competition than I thought. Sitting at the table was Rainbow, Applejack, Pinkie, Berry, and an open spot for me. “Alright everypony have their shots?” Alright so having my future kid referee my drinking match not the most responsible thing. “3…2…1…Drink!” yelled Scootaloo. * 15 shots later * I could see Rainbow getting tipsy, not surprising considering her body type. I wasn’t even close this was without a doubt THE weakest whiskey I had ever had. Yet it still maintained a nice flavor. “You okay Rainbow?” I asked. “Yeah I’m good, you?” “I’m feelin’ pretty good.” “Drink!” Yelled Scootaloo again * 15 more shots later * It might be worth noting that Pinkie and Applejack were getting really shaky and Rainbow was flat out drunk. Berry was still going strong. * 30 fucking shots later * Now not to be weird or anything but these were starting to look good, real good. Also Rainbow had dropped out and came to sit by me for whatever reason, oh well got someone on my team. Pinkie as well as Applejack was going to drop out, it was pretty easy to see. Looking in the crowd I saw people put bets on who would win, apparently I had three to one odds. People were starting to chant my name. * 10 shots later * Both Pinkie and Applejack had dropped out and also sat by me, now it was just me and Berry. “Hey, Wanna switch to something a bit harder?” I asked Berry with a little surprise in mind. “I’d love to I’m tired of the weak stuff.” “Alright next shots are from this.” I said pulling a flask out of my pocket for those times I really needed to get drunk. “What is it.” Asked Berry confused. “Patron.” I said flatly. “Drink.” Said Applebloom, who had relieved Scootaloo. After the first shot I saw Berry’s eyes open in surprise. “Yeah it’s a lot stronger isn’t it, you prepared to give up yet?” I asked gloating. “Never!” Jesus how much longer can she go! * 7 shots later * *thud* “Woohoo I wins!” I slurred grabbing the five silver bits off the table. This better be the right amount. “Presentsh time!” yelled Pinkie still drunk. “Woo presents for Scootaloo.” I yelled. After they dragged another table filled with presents over, and Scootaloo had opened all of them including a new scooter, a teddy bear, and a new helmet to go with the new scooter. Even through all of this she still looked kinda sad, I figured this would be the best time. I mean when else am I gonna this drunk, her this sad, and to be like the greatest gift ever. Next year? I don’t know if I can wait that long. All this went through my head as I walked over to her. As she looked up to me I saw this gleam in her eyes, hell she looked like she was about to cry. I can’t let that happen now can I? “Hey kid.” I said as I kneeled down to her level. “Yeah?” she asked, that shine about to spill over. “Why don’t you come outside with me for a bit.” As much effort it took to speak clearly at this moment I had to do it. “Okay.” She said following me out of the barn. Once we were outside I had to ask that all important question. “So, what’s got you so down?” I asked knowing the answer. “Nothing.” “Don’t lie to me kid. It wouldn’t take a therapist to see this.” “It’s just that this is the seventh year without my parents.”’ “What happened to them?” “My dad left my mom, and she died giving birth.” “Alright, well kid I’ve run this through my head a couple times.” “What?” Whelp here goes. “How would you like it, if I were to adopt you?” “Huh, r-really?!” Oh thank god I don’t handle rejection well. “Yes, but it’s your decision whether to spread it around or keep it to yourself.” “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” she said crying and jumping into my arms. “Hey guysh you are missing cake!” said a still inebriated Pinkie who was surprisingly mellow. “Alright we’ll be there in a bit.” I said wanting to get an answer to my question. “So what’ll it be, now or later?” “Well, family appreciation day is in two weeks.” This is going to play out interestingly. “I’m going to be training in Canterlot that week, but I think I can make an entrance.” I said thinking I would have to cancel on Cheerilee. “Thanks.” She said giving me one last hug before jumping off of me. “Alright you should know though I won’t be here for two weeks after Friday, do you have anywhere you can stay or do you wanna come with me?” “I might be able to stay at Applebloom’s for a week.” “Alright otherwise while I’m still here, wanna stay with me at the library with Twilight?” I asked wondering how she would feel about having another guest to share her house with. “Nah I want it to be a really big surprise, people might suspect something if I go home with you.” “Alright if you’re sure. Let’s head back in before people wonder what happened.” As I got up I felt a new sense watch over me, I hadn’t felt it before but I liked it. I suppose it could be from becoming a father, or it could be from being buzzed. I’ll find out in the morning. As we walked in I could just feel her beaming behind me. I went over to the drink table and had a couple more shots of patron to send me over the line, I was tired of being able to think or talk at all clearly. Turning around I saw Applejack, Dash, and Pinkie walking towards me with what I guessed was a peculiar look on their faces, hard to tell with the double vision and all. “Hey soldier boy, we wants to show you something, let’s go up to the loft and check it out.” Said Dash “Alright then let’s go.” “Come on it’s over here.” Said Applejack leading me to a back part of the barn where there was a small single person pull elevator. After having gotten Applejack and Pinkie up there, I pulled myself up there. Rainbow had just flown and was waiting for us. “So what did you wan- oof.” I said being pushed down into a pile of hay. “Why don’t you blow a load off partner’.” Said Applejack closing in with the others. “Oh boy.” I said laying down accepting my fate. > The Regret and The Race > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I could feel the sunlight on my face coming in through the window. “No Voltron, fuck you it’s my bacon.” I said drearily waking out of my drunken dreams. Which are so much better than nightmares. “Why do I taste spicy apple cotton candy?” I said opening my eyes. I couldn’t help but wonder if I was ever going back and all this was a dream, meaning I could be even more reckless than I had been. I mean I’ve been doing so much stupid shit. I fed and rode a goddamn bear, enlisted, and beat a world champion in a drinking contest. Then I adopted a kid so there is that. As I tried to get up I felt something holding my body down, to be more specific three things. One pink, lying uncomfortably close to my face and turned around. You can use your imagination. One orange, at my feet belly up, so you know. Finally, a cyan one sprawled out between my legs. At this point I knew all I had fears, but I had two questions. Where the fuck is my pants and why am I covered in glitter and confetti?! I saw them hanging over the edge of the loft, along with my boxers and shirt. Oh god why? Looks like I’m stuck here. Well while I’m here let’s look at the clues: 1. I’m naked. Okay well they don’t wear clothes, maybe they convinced me to try it out. 2. They’re all lying on me in provocative positions. Quite possibly I’m just a good pillow naked. 3. Glitter. Pinkie is crazy she could of cu-done it! Oh god. 4. There is a whip beside me and I have a searing pain in my back. There is no answer for that. Holy shit you fuck horses, that’s hilarious! “HOLY SHIT I FUCKED TALKING TECHNICOLOR HORSES!” I screamed bolting up throwing Pinkie off of me and started scooting away in disbelief. All the way off the edge only being able to grab my pants. “Hoh shit!” I yelled falling out of the loft and landing on a table snapping it in half. “Aww goddammit.” I groaned rolling off the remains to see what few ponies remained cleaning up staring at me. “Are you okay Rushie?!” said a high voice from above, it was Pinkie. Wait what the fuck did she call me? “Fine, could you throw me my shirt?” I squeaked out as I hurriedly put on my pants. “Are you sure sugar cube? That was a long fall.” Said Applejack poking her head over the side as I put on my shirt that had been thrown down by Pinkie. “Absolutely. I’m just going to get some… air, yeah air!” I said thinking of the best excuse I could. I liked the show and all but that is just fucked up. “Alright we’ll be down in a bit.” Fuck! “Okay I’ll just be outside.” I said walking out. The moment I was out that door I threw up. “Jesus is that glitter?” From what I’d gathered I didn’t want an answer to that. “Oh good god, I knew it. I’m going to hell aren’t I? I mean I was going to hell before, but now I probably got my own personal throne! I mean we were drunk, and it all happened so fast. It would be bad enough with just one, but three.” Alright I need to calm down, I’m fucking talking to myself. I need to keep this in. No one else needs to know about this. Wait there’s no way this is real, I have to be back on base in a coma and this is all a dream. Yeah, I mean there’s no way I could actually do that. Right? “Whoa dude, what was that all about?” asked a tomboyish voice from behind. “Oh just a little sick from last night didn’t wanna throw up on you girls.” I said lying again. “Oh okay, hey I’m going to be practicing later at the park and I was wondering if you might want to come watch a bit.” That does not sound like Rainbow Dash. “Uh sure, I’ll try to be there at six, sound good?” “Yeah, see you there!” she said red faced flying off. Wait, did I just get asked out? By a pony, and accept it? Holy shit, what the hell is wrong with me? “Hope you didn’t forget about us.” said Applejack walking out with Pinkie. Oh god I’m gonna have to multitask aren’t I? “No, what’s up?” I asked wondering how this was going to work out, if at all. “Well Ah was wonderin’ if ya would mind taking some crates of apples out to Big Mac in town, Ah’d do it but I have to do some applebuckin’.” Seems simple enough I could also probably snag a couple to eat. “Yeah no problem, so you want me to single carry them or what?” “Huh, no there’s a cart we use to carry the crates behind the barn. The crates are already on there.” She said walking into the fields. “You need anythin’ Pinkie?” I asked expecting to have some other thing to do. “No thanks Rushie I’ve got to get to work before the Cakes notice I’m late.” She said walking to me. “Alright later.” I said walking past her. “Hey Rushie!” “Yeah?” “Bye!” she said jumping up kissing my cheek As soon as she was out of site I threw up again. After that I hurried towards the back of the barn so I could get out of here. I didn’t want to get blamed for this, it was a miracle they didn’t notice the first one. Coming around the side of the barn feeling like my throat was on fire I saw the cart that was hooked up to a yoke. I noted that if I were to use the yoke that the crates could fall out. Looks like I’m going to have to rickshaw it. Before I picked up the cart I grabbed a couple of apples to eat on the way because I was starving. I didn’t even get any damn cake! Taking my first bite out of the first left me a bit stunned. In all truth this was quite possibly the best apple I had ever tasted. I don’t know if it was because I hadn’t eaten in two days but I have never tasted an apple like this. It didn’t take me long to finish that one and start on the next. As I walked along my mind kept wandering back to why those girls were so calm about everything. I mean was this a one night stand thing or something more. I didn’t know these kinda things, I’m fourteen. I’m not supposed to know these kinds of things. Says the man who kills for a living. There’s a reason I don’t respond to the voices in my head. One, it makes me look insane. Two, they usually get worse. Back to what I was thinking though, I guess I should just let this play out. I don’t see anything bad coming from that. Finishing off the second apple started going over everything that happened. In my first day I had gotten a pet bear, met a princess, enlisted, adopted a kid, and finally got blasted and banged some horses. At this point it’s hard to believe this isn’t a dream. I mean all that in a day, no way. Also the whole sex thing. Yeah, everything is a dream. I need no more explanation, I mean come on. There was only one problem with this though. How long would I be here? When would I wake up? I don’t know if really want to either. There’s just this feeling of acceptance about this place, it’s a big change from the dreary feeling I had back home. At some point I will go back, whether I’ll be ready or not remains to be seen. Entering the town square I spotted Big Mac by an almost empty apple stand. Looks like I got here just on time. “Hey Big Mac. Want me to just put this to the side?” I yelled pulling the cart over to the stand. “Eeyup.” Looking to my right I saw Sun Blair. Setting down the crates I headed over to him. “Hey Blair.” I said walking over to him. “Oh, hey Rush. I heard you got lucky last night.” Well shit, I was kind of hoping no one else would know. “Yeah but I’d rather not let that get out.” I whispered. “Let it get out? Do you have any idea how loud you were being. Everypony could here it after the party died down. I’ll give you credit though not too many ponies could handle those three at once.” God I hope Big Mac doesn’t find out, if he was being protective before, he’d probably rip me a new one and use it as a cup holder. “Gee, thanks.” I said sarcastically. “What?” “It’s just not exactly normal to go around doing it with other species.” “So, you don’t exactly strike me as normal.” “You barely know me.” “Yeah, but you have that certain sense about you.” “Hmm, I suppose I do. Just, don’t tell Big Mac. I don’t think he knows.” “Will do. Oh well, see you later.” He said turning around. “Alright later.” I needed to get my stuff out of the club house. Looking at my watch I saw it was about 1:30. That’s a bit later than I thought it would be. ~ 8 minutes later ~ “Ah, nice to have that familiar weight on my back.” I said talking to myself, walking out of the clubhouse. “Hmm, well I’m effectively bored. Guess I should go talk to Twilight see if she wants anything.” Walking back into town I saw a pegasus in a blue and gold flight suit flying towards me. “Well, this oughta be good.” I said to myself. “Hey are you Rush?” She asked. “One and only, who are you?” “I’m Spitfire, I was told to come here and talk to you. You definitely know how to stand out.” “Seriously, man Celestia moves fast. Well I guess this is gonna happen a bit early.” “What?” “We were planning a race, but I guess we better get Rainbow now.” I told her. “Wait, Rainbow Dash? I know her, she saved a couple of us at Cloudsdale.” “Us? There are more like you?” “Yeah dude, were the wonderbolts.” Oh yeah they’re like the Blue Angels, explains the colors. Walking to the park I made small talk with the apparent wonderbolt. “So are you part of the military or are you a private sector?” “Were part of the military, tags and all. We don’t do protection or anything though. Were actually mostly for show.” “Seems like a lot of the military is, from what I’ve heard.” I said as we entered the park. Looking up I saw a tuft of rainbow hanging over the side of a cloud. I supposed now was as good a time as any. “Hey Rainbow!” I shouted up at the cloud, I could see the clump of rainbow recede back into the cloud. “What?” She said poking her head over the tip of the cloud “You know that bet that you were the fastest flyer in Equestria?” “Yeah?” “Well, prove it!” I said stepping out of the way so she could see Spitfire. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” She exclaimed flying down to our level. “Yep I have a wonderbolt here that you can race to prove that you’re the fastest.” “Really?!” She asked excitedly. Spitfire was being strangely silent during all this. “Yeah, you all get ready.” A crowd had started gathering around as the bright colors of the suit had caught the attention of some ponies in town. You could feel the electricity in the air as I walked in front of the two racers. “Alright racers, first one to lap the park three times is the winner.” I said. “Three. Two. One. GO!” I counted down. I felt the wind blow against me from their takeoff. At the beginning Spitfire had pulled ahead, with Rainbow Dash coming up fast from behind. Halfway around on the first lap Dash had gotten even with Spitfire. By the end of the first lap she had pulled ahead. The crowd was going insane, it was a mix of cheers for Rainbow and cheers of Spitfire. It was like rolling thunder from the sound of all the ponies stamping the ground. Rounding the third corner of the lap, what appeared to be a cone of air started to engulf Rainbow. As she passed the line to start the third lap a static charge surruounded the airstream. She was almost going to fast for the eye to follow. Then it happened, a flash of light followed by a deafening boom. The area had been lit up with a sharp contrast of colors from the rainbow. I was swept off my feet and thrown into a tree being the closest to the explosion. At that it was over. The race had been won and I was out a bottle of booze, fun times I guess. As I got up off the tree and limped my way towards the finish line where Rainbow was waiting, I felt something come over me, it was a warm feeling. I liked it, I don’t know what it was but I liked it. “Well Rainbow, you won. Congratulations, it appears that you won the bet as well.” I told her, even after my loss I had a smile on my face. “Yes! I told you I’m the fastest flyer in all of Equestria!” “So that was the sonic rainboom? I’m glad I got to see it from above this time.” Said Spitfire from behind. “Alright, well I’m going to go see if I can fix my back, Rainbow whenever you need something come tell me.” I said walking back into town ignoring the cheers from the crowd. “God I hope Twilight can help with this.” > The Jump > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been two weeks since that incident. I was still awestruck at the beauty of the whole thing. After that not much else happened. The most that happened was that I had hung out with my new daughter. I had mostly just slept at the clubhouse. The day finally came and I was shipped off. I had my goodbyes with everyone, I forgot to tell them I would be coming back for family appreciation day. I guess it would be a pretty nice surprise. “Hey cap’ you okay?” said a voice to my right. “I’m good Trip, just thinking. You ready for this?” I asked the green pony beside me. “I’m ready, what about you hunter?” He asked the dark blue stallion in front of him. “I can’t believe were doing this.” He said. “Oh c’mon don’t you wanna be one of the first to test my new strategy?” I asked pulling down my tac mask “Yeah, but I can’t believe you picked me!” “Eh, I know your brother. Plus we need someone who’s not on the team to report to celestia.” “One minute!” yelled a voice from behind me. Standing up I turned around looking at the five other ponies who had volunteered to test my idea. “Everyone up, check suits and packs!” I yelled to my new squad. “Thirty seconds!” “Earth ponies hook on! Alright angel squad you are about to do the first HALO jump in Equestrian history. Let’s not disappoint.” I said to the team. “Three seconds!” “JUMP! Go, go, go!” I yelled as I pushed the door of the transport open and threw my self out. There is no other feeling in the world like this. That feeling of adrenaline mixed with the feeling of the wind smacking your face. I began counting down to pulling the ripcord, I had about ten seconds left. Nine seconds… Eight seconds… There was a large low hanging cloud I was about to go through. As chance it happened we were right by Rainbow’s house when we jumped. To be more specific we were above it. So I got a quick tour through her house as I was falling. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Rainbow in what appeared to be a living room, what was she doing up. “What the bu-” Was what I heard before I was gone. Alright that’ll be fun to explain. Five seconds… Four seconds… Three seconds… Two… “NOW!” I yelled. Feeling the snap of the parachute pull me upright, I gripped the cords slowing me down. I could see all of Ponyville from up here. Turning to my right I saw neat line of open parachutes falling. Good they stayed in formation. Looking back down I saw the school house. If I kept going this way I would land right in front of the school and make my entrance. Looking back I saw them all looking to me for direction. I signaled towards the school house and saw them turn a bit so we would all land in the same general area. Scootaloo better appreciate this. “What are you doing?!” Screamed a voice from beside me, it was Rainbow. “Uh, you know, crusading.” I said back. “You fell through my house!” “You can fix it with more clouds right?” I asked. “Yeah, I guess.” “Boom, problem solved. Now I hope you don’t mind if we finish this conversation on the ground.” I said turning back to the schoolhouse. Looking into town I saw them looking at us. Most of them confused as to why we had just jumped out of the transport. Meh, they’ll probably take it as an honor. “Cap’ that was frickin’ awesome!” Yelled Trip from the right. “Damn right it was!” I yelled back. “So were going to see you’re daughter, huh?” “Yep, real great kid. Oh shit!” I said lurching forward. “Have fun!” “Ha ha smartass.” I said gliding faster than I wanted. I was gonna miss the drop zone. From what I gathered I was gonna slam into the side of the school. “Well, shit.” ~Scootaloo’s Point-Of-View~ “I’m telling you he’ll be here!” “Yeah right, why don’t you stop lying to yourself.” Said Diamond Tiara. “No he’s real!” Please oh please. “shit, shit, shit!” “What the- *Crack* “Oh, fuck me!” ~Back to my POV~ I had just busted through a schoolhouse window. Scoots better appreciate the fuck out of this now. Why the fuck did I think this was going to go perfectly. “Are you okay?!” Screamed a voice from behind me. “I’m alright. Just a little bruised. What’s up kid?” I said as I stared up at Scootaloo who had a worried look on her face. “Are you sure? I mean you just fell through the window!” Asked Cheerilee. “No, I’m alright.” I said hitting the quick release button for the harness as I got back on my feet. “Well, can I help you with something?” asked Cheerilee again with a look of confusion. “No, I’m good.” “Rush? What are ya doin’ here, I thought ya went to Canterlot?” Asked Applebloom. “I’m here for family appreciation day.” I said. “Um, I was unaware you were related to anypony here.” Said Cheerilee. “Oh, I’m not.” “Well if it isn’t the blank flank.” Said her Diamond Tiara. “Getting’ real tired of your attitude kid.” “Diamond Tiara, you will treat our guest with respect!” Said Cheerilee sternly. “Ha, you got in trouble.” I said. “Rush if you aren’t related to anypony what are you going to do?” asked Sweetie Belle. “Just because I’m not physically related doesn’t mean that their not family.” “Then who is it?” Asked some random kid in the class. “Well if I have to spell it out for you its Scootaloo.” “Scootaloo!” Exclaimed Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. This did not seem to have as much of a dramatic effect on the others. Well, fuck you too kids. “Holy shit cap’ that was hilarious! I mean you ju-, oh this is a school.” Trip said as he bust in through the door. “Yes, yes it is Trip and thank you for joining me to represent Equestria’s armed forces to these children.” “Oh, joy.” “Where’s the rest of the Angel squadron?” I asked. “They’re right outside sir.” “Bring them in and we’ll show these children how I am the coolest family member who’s gonna be here.” I said fairly certain that no one else would be parachuting through a window. “Alright. Everyone, fall in!” He yelled as he stuck his head out the door. “Told you I would make it Scoots.” “Nice entrance.” She said sarcastically. As they came in they lined up in front of the black board in the small one room school with Trip on the left. They were all standing at attention in the full prototype combat dress that I had designed and Celestia had let us test under my supervision. Turning around I faced the class to give my speech. “At ease. I am Captain Rush and we are the Equestrian airborne rangers.” I said to the class proudly. “We are the new elite quick response troops of the Equestrian Royal Military, if there were to ever be a crisis than we would be at the forefront of every operation. I founded this group within three days of going to Canterlot. If you have any questions ask them now.” I said to the class, I could see Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were still surprised about the Scootaloo thing. I also saw some hooves shoot into the air. “What are you wearing on your face?” Asked one. “This is my tactical interface facemask, or just tac mask for short. It helps identify targets for me, as well as give me constant updates on the condition of my body and of those around me, very useful for my line of work.” “Why did you bust through the window?” “I blame that on the pegasi for there being wind otherwise I would’ve landed right outside.” “What’s that on your back?” Was kind of hoping I wouldn’t have to explain a weapon of war to them. “This is the HK416 carbine with ACOG sights and is specially outfitted for 7.62, it is the only one of its kind here in Equestria. With this I can take out most threats whenever necessary.” Well, that couldn’t have been any vaguer to a bunch of kids who don’t even know what war is. I still can’t believe I got my hands this, couple of attachments too. God bless the dead guy I stole this from. “Could you show us?” Well shit, I was really hoping that wouldn’t happen. No, no you really made it sound interesting show some follow through for once. What the hell? Did one of the voices in my head just give me good advice, what happened? If we’re going to be stuck with you here for the rest of our lives we might as well do it right. What do you mean the rest of our lives? This is just a dream. Right you keep believing that. “Alright, I guess.” I said nervously, I really didn’t want to do this. “Would that be okay with you miss Cheerilee?” I asked. Please no, no, no. “It’s okay with me.” FUCK! “Okay then we need to head outside to do this and I need a target. You mind if I use this apple?” “Go right ahead I’m interested in this to.” Oh Yay lets go show the destructive power of mankind to children. “Alright then, fall out and watch the glass.” I said heading towards the door with apple in hand. As I opened the door I saw a large group of ponies who had gathered around, most likely wanting to know why there had been a bunch of soldiers parachuting to a school. In the crowd I picked out Big Mac, Applejack, Twilight and Spike, Mayor Mare, that one grey mare who offered me muffins but never gave them to me, and for some odd reason that green one who passed out at the meeting. Prepare thyself for a political shitstorm. “What is the meaning of this?!” Yelled Mayor Mare. Alright I already had an answer to this. “Ponyville was selected for a military training drill, the first of its kind actually. Know that this is the only place that has been selected for this. Also this town will be receiving a 10,000 bit bonus for participating in this action.” This shut her up quickly. Just bribe the greedy right out of the gate. “Then why did you land near the school?” Asked someone else in the crowd. “Family Appreciation day, I needed to be there for my kid like you all were going to be there for yours. So since we were landing here I thought why not make it a short walk.” I said in the calmest way I could. “If you have any other questions direct them to the Equestrian Royal Military.” I said being tired of all the talking. As much as I didn’t want to show the force of my race, I didn’t want to explain myself any longer. “Alright everyone line up beside the school while I set this up.” I said setting the apple on a post in the fence line. As I walked back over to the large group of ponies who had lined up at the side of the school I had a peculiar feeling, it was hard to describe what this was. All I knew was that it couldn’t be good. “Everyone cover your ears. Sound proof engage.” I said speaking to the mask. Feeling that familiar shroud of silence fill in the sound of the ponies talking. Looking back at them I saw that they had all covered their ears and were looking at the apple waiting to see what would happen. I switched the fire selector to semi-auto. Turning back around, I pulled the rifle up to my shoulder and lined up the ACOG sights with the apple. As I pulled the trigger I felt the all too familiar kick of the rifle against my shoulder and an extremely muffled pop of the gun firing. I saw the apple explode into chunks. This was also the first time any of the ponies from my squadron had seen this. “Sound proof disengage.” I said as I set my rifle back to safety and turned back around to the shocked faces of the group of ponies. Their eyes wide in disbelief, I could tell they all wanted the answer to the same question: Wouldn’t that kill them? None of them could work up the courage to actually ask. “So now that you know what you have to defend you, take solace in the knowledge that we will always be there to end any and all hostilities.” I said to the crowd who began cheering, from what I knew they weren’t always the most safe of nations. This went on for a couple of seconds until Cheerilee had called the class back inside. Some of the mares and stallions went with them. “Alright, form up!” I yelled having no intention of just leaving. “Alright mares and stallions, as I see it you have worked hard to be able to even qualify for this drill. Much less actually go through with it, so in your honor you are all officially on leave. Enjoy yourselves!” I said congratulating the group. “Woohoo, lets get drunk!” Yelled Trip heading off the group as they headed into town. “Good to know we're always at the ready.” I said to myself as I headed inside. “Oh, did you forget something?” Asked Cheerilee as I walked in the door. “Nah, just thought I’d clean up my mess, and wait till the end of school to pick up my kid.” I said as I shuffled the glass into one big pile, before shoving into the trashcan and taking a seat in the corner by the back of the room. It wasn’t to long before I fell asleep. Ever since I took over my group I had been getting less and less sleep. The nightmares still didn’t help any and I was averaging around four to six a night. I don’t know why but I would never have nightmares if it was just a nap. I woke up a good couple of hours later to see the CMC staring at me expectantly. “Uh, sup?” “So, when did this whole thing with Scootaloo happen?” Asked Sweetie Belle sternly. “Night of the party.” I said stretching as I got up. “Why didn’t ya tell us?” asked Applebloom. “It was supposed to be a surprise, so you know surprise.” I said lazily. “But- “No more, I just woke up. I should probably go see everybody, you all can come along if you want.” I said as I headed towards the door. “Okay!” Said Scootaloo right on my heels with the other two in tow. As we walked back into town I noticed Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were hanging back a bit. I could make a guess as to what they were talking about, if I cared. “Rush!” Screamed a familiar voice before I was tackled from behind. “Oof, hey Pinkie.” I said dusting my self off as I stood up. She was actually only about fifty pounds. “You’re back!” She said sticking to me like a tick. I could feel her pull my vest a bit and put her front legs in the little open space so she could hang on. There was no way this was comfortable for her. “Yeah I am, so what’s up?” “I saw you jump out of that big thing and you had this other thing that shot out of your backpack and you slowed down and you fell over by the school!” She strung together quickly while still being coherent. “Well then why didn’t you come see me before at the school?” I asked. “I wanted to but Mister and Misses Cake wouldn’t let me go until I finished baking, please don’t be mad.” She said a little sad. “Why would I be mad?” “I wasn’t there to say hello.” She said even sadder. “I’m not mad Pinkie.” I said with a chuckle. “Thanks Rushie!” Said the pink one before kissing my cheek, I still wasn’t going to get used to that. “Rushie?!” Yelled the CMC behind me, I had kind of forgotten they were there. “Uh, don’t worry about it.” I said dismissing the question. “Oh no I have to get back before the cakes realize I’m gone!” Said Pinkie as she hopped off my back and ran down the street. Oh well we were almost at our destination anyway. Coming upon the boutique I couldn’t help but feel that it was a bit overdone. “What are we doing at my sister’s house?” Asked Sweetie Belle confused. “I need to order a few things.” I said knocking on the door. We had been walking for a while when we had come up on the Carousel Boutique. I needed to get an official dress and patch for my unit and I could think of no one better. “We’re not open ye- oh! It’s you. Do you need something?” Asked Rarity a bit sleepily a couple moments later. Looked like she hadn’t gotten enough sleep. “I was actually hoping to put in an order to get an official dress for my unit. Price is no obstacle.” I said taking off my mask to reveal my face with a scar under my eye. I had forgotten I was wearing it, really it had become a habit if you wanted to stay alive. “An entire unit in the Equestrian military, my this will be quite the undertaking. I will need everypony’s measurements if I am to do this. Since you are already here would you like to get your measurements now? I am sure you would love to get out of that, ahem, drab clothing.” She said giving a look of small disgust at the shape of my combat gear. “I would love to, also I don’t usually wear these. Actually I have another pair back in Canterlot.” I said trying to prove I knew a little about fashion. “Splendid darling, come in, come in. If you could change out of your clothing and get comfortable on the stage we can begin.” Well, I certainly wasn’t going to strip all the way down that would just be weird. “Alright I guess.” I said heading inside. I could just strip down to my undershirt and briefs. How is she going to know? “What about us?” Asked Scootaloo. “I don’t know. Go crusading for cutie marks.” I said waving them off. You sir, are a terrible father. Mm, fuck you too. I heard the door close behind me as I walked behind a blind to strip. I had hung my mask on the hat rack and thrown my clothes over the side of the blind. ~One and a half hours later~ My nose is going to fucking explode. I swear to god I’m going to die. This is even worse than water boarding. That’s about all I was thinking of while getting my measurements done, apparently I had to stand absolutely still or we had to start over, this was hell. “Rush!” Yelled a voice of a familiar purple mare who had busted in through the door. I moved, unless it was the end of the world someone would die. “Twilight?!” Asked Rarity surprised. “What?!” I said confused as to what had Twilight so excited that she had bust down the door. “CMC, diamond dogs, trouble!” She wheezed out of breath. “Diamond dogs? What have those ruffians done now?” Asked Rarity. “What did they do Twilight?!” I shouted. “Took the CMC, into the caves, help.” She said still out of breath. At that moment I could feel a familiar sense. Anger. I redressed in my combat gear and strapped my mask. I was out of the door before they could ask any questions. I knew where they were, I had heard some of the stories from Celestia. She was proud of these six and had great reason to. They had gotten off easily with them. That would not be my case, they had just made the worst mistake of their severely shortened lives. Hell was about to open its gates to a couple more guests. > The Dogs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alright a bit of gore in this one so put on your favorite song, grab some coco, and warm up with a burning corpse. Oh yeah, happy labor day weekend. You could feel the rage seep from my body, it was like a field of anger and pain that would soon engulf the dogs. Everyone avoided me as well as they could, they all avoided my gaze like it would submerge them in fire. One would be frightened to know what was running through my head at that time. I threw the door to the bar open stopping all conversation immediately. “Cap’, are you okay?” Asked Trip. If only they knew. “Everyone up! We’re going on are first mission!” I yelled with angst. They were all up and out the door. “Head to the outskirts near the gem mines, we’ll link up shortly.” I said sternly. Despite how little time we had been together I had absolute loyalty from all of them. As I headed through the town with my ire growing I had made it to the tree house. I didn’t bother knocking for there was no time. I saw the bag I had left for twilight to study as a bit of a gift. Picking it up I could feel nothing had been taken out. I had brought my duffle bag incase I needed to camp out. Inside were the tools of my trade: some Molotov cocktails, ammo, binoculars, vodka, food, an explosives clacker, some detonators, and some grenades and plastic explosives I got from raiding an armory. I would pity these creatures if I hadn’t felt anything but that sense of pain I would cause them. Let’s go make some pelts. The voices in my head were starting to go too, for once they may be some use to me. Throwing the bag over my shoulder I felt a sense of anger at myself for falling back in this way, it’s to late now. I wouldn’t let a single one of them escape this. Opening the door I grew a vengeful scowl on my face. I walked the rest of the way letting my anger take hold. Reaching the outskirts I saw the elements talking to Trip. They turned around and saw me with my face turned in a twist of hate and insanity behind my mask. “You can’t do this?!” Exclaimed Twilight. “Watch me.” I said back as I walked past. “Everyone pick a post and make sure none escape!” I ordered my squad. “Yes sir!” “Trip you have that earpiece still?” I asked. “Yes sir, setting communications channel two.” He said attaching it poorly to his ear. I had taught him and him alone how to use it. “Alright then, I’m going in.” I said pulling on my mask. “You ain’t doin’ this alone, my sister is in there too!” Said Applejack. “Jackal, make sure these mares stay right here.” I said walking in after I took the plastic explosive, clacker and a detonator while leaving the rest outside. “I’ll get them out don’t worry.” “You have to let us help!” Said Rainbow. Any patience that had remained was gone, I snapped. I was done with being told what to do. I felt my eye twitch and my anger boil. I ignored what they said and walked into the mouth of the cave. I would make sure that they would regret ever crossing us. I set a line of explosives in a crack about twenty feet in. After that it became dark from the lack of natural sunlight. “NV engage.” I said so I would be able to see. It wasn’t long before I came to a cross in the caves. Picking the one on the right a low glow lit up the ground, I heard the chatter farther down. I was ready, it was time to kill. “What do you think they will do with them?” Said one. “Slaves or sex toys like the rest what else?” If I was pissed off before, then I was about to release an unholy wrath on them. I let my madness consume me. I raised my rifle and turned the corner. “What are you doing here?!” “Get him!” I fired twice dropping them both. I didn’t care about stealth anymore, I would show them my fury. They had been guarding the entrance to a large better lit atrium with a cloth tapestry and a couple wooden chairs. I saw the kids, and the dogs. There were at least ten and all saw me. “Rush!” Yelled the CMC. Good they were still alive. “Stop him!” Said one that looked like the leader. I don’t think so. “NV disengage.” Lighting a Molotov I threw it at the group over by the leader. It landed in the middle of them and exploded into a puddle of flames lighting their fur. There squeals of pain did nothing to stifle me. If anything it was music to me. I could see them trying to roll on the floor to no effect. Their fur burned and skin blackened, it almost made me smile under my mask. I saw the others charging at me. I sidestepped the first swing and tripped him before blowing his brains onto the floor. The next one tried the same but instead I just drove the stock of the gun into his nose, no doubt sending bones into the brain. His friend tried to tackle me, I grabbed him by the throat and slammed him into the floor before I smashed my boot into his forehead covering it in blood among other things. The other two hesitated, I took this time to re-sling my rifle and pull out my trench knife. I charged them, tackling one I drove my knife into his chest before pulling out and repeatedly stabbing him in the chest covering my arms in the blood, almost bathing in it. His friend tried pulling me off of him. So, instead I flipped my knife and jabbed it into his leg. As he cried in pain and fell over trying to remove the blade from his calf I got up and stood over him. He looked up at me with fear in his eyes, it was delicious. I stomped on the blade causing it to go even further in, I stomped it again forcing it through the bone and out the other side of his leg. I then dropped my knee onto his chest causing him to lose his breath, I then started to pummel him with my gloved fist snapping his jaw. He still managed to stay awake. I finally pulled out my pistol and put it into his now slackened maw, pulling the trigger I saw the explosion of his blood come out of the top of his head. I was drenched in blood, I would be a terrifying sight to others. As I got up I remembered the reason I was here, the kids. Walking over to them I could see fear in their eyes. “R-rush?” asked Applebloom shakily. I could see bruises and cuts on them, that only made me want to kill more. “Stay with me and we’ll be okay.” I said before retrieving my knife from the dead dogs calf. Turning back around to face them I saw they were not going to question me, I also saw that the furniture and tapestry had caught the fire and were causing a lot of smoke. That was my cue to leave. As we went to head out the way I came I had attracted a lot of unwanted attention. I began firing at the dogs that were heading to check out what had happened. The shots continued to ring through the cave as more and more started to chase us. I could see the mouth of the cave as I fired at the ones chasing us. We had reached the crack in the wall when I had just started firing wildly into the smoke, about ten shots were fired before I heard the dreaded click. As I made it just outside the mouth I tried reloading, but was tackled by three diamond dogs. I could have called for assistance from the others but instead I just pulled out the clacker and squeezed. I couldn’t hear the explosion, but saw it. The dog on top of me saw it too, this gave me just enough time to hit him in the side of the head and switch it where I was on top of him. I immediately head butted him which disoriented him and pulled out my knife and started ramming the hand guards into his face. Feeling bones crack and blood flow I couldn’t help but take joy in it. I kept going until I was sure he was dead. I then turned my attention to the other two who were still focusing on the cave. I took my opportunity and drove my blade into the smaller one’s spine all the way to the hilt before pulling it out and slitting his throat getting more and more satisfaction in my bloodlust. This got the attention of the larger one, he wasn’t happy. I dodged a slash he made towards me before jamming my blade into his paw and the ground sticking him there. Now everyone’s eyes were on me, this would be fun. I sauntered over to the injured dog, I could tell he was the alpha, I would be having fun with this. My first move was to stomp at the leg snapping it like a twig, I could hear him scream in pain. It was annoying so I rammed my kneecap into his jaw making him fall over into the dirt. I then gave him a swift kick to the mouth knocking out a couple teeth. Proceeding to work him over I stomped on his chest, feeling the breaking of his ribs I couldn’t help but let out a harsh laugh of insanity. It just felt amazing giving pain to one who has caused so much to others. I bent down over him and put my hands around his throat and squeezed, I would bring him up for a head butt every few seconds. I could feel all the strength leave his body as he took his last breath. I pulled my knife out of his paw before I got up. I was drenched with their blood. For the extra assurance I gave one final stomp to the head. I could feel the bone crunch and the blood jump onto my leg. I scraped the grey and pink leftovers off of my boot into the dirt. I took a deep breath before I turned to face the horrified crowd. The gunfire and explosives had attracted attention from the town. I saw that even Celestia was there with her own troops. All of them stared at me wide eyed, even my own soldiers were surprised by my brutality. There was no good that would come out of this. I had bigger problems though, I could feel my consciousness slipping. I fell to me knees with my the darkness closing in, I saw Scootaloo try to run towards me but to no avail. I could barely feel my chest hit the ground as I faded into the black. “Rush!” Screamed someone before I finally got my rest. > The Toll > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I opened my eyes to a bright light and sharp beep. I was in a hospital of some sort. This wasn’t exactly what I had in mind for a new life in the military full of ponies. Who the fuck plans for that? Figures a bunch of douches would bring out that side again. “You don’t think he was actually enjoying it do you?” Asked a similar voice to my right. “I guess you can ask him yourself, he’s waking up.” Said Trip. I sat up to see the room with my squad, the six with spike, and the princess. Fuck me. “Rush, are you okay?” Asked Twilight sadly. “Gee, I don’t know. I just killed about a dozen dogs and burned and choked whatever other poor fucks were in there! How the fuck do you think I am?!” I yelled causing everyone to back away in fright. “Calm down cap’, she was just making sure you were okay.” Said Trip. “Yeah, sorry. I’m just a bit on edge. How long was I out?” I growled as I stared out the window. “About an hour, but what made you do that? I mean you looked angry but I didn’t think you would do something that brutal.” Asked Trip. “I heard some of the things they were gonna do, and let’s say I didn’t agree with those things. So I did something about it. Oh, and Rarity.” I said remembering that I should probably tell her how lucky she was. “Yes darling?” She asked shakily. “You should really be a bit more careful in those kinds of areas, don’t know what would’ve happened if you were there now. Trip!” “Yes, sir?” He asked snapping to attention. “I don’t want anybody at that site until we’ve cleared it. Go.” I said still wanting to ensure the safety of everyone. “I don’t think you’re in any condition to be giving orders Captain.” Said Celestia with a disapproving look on her face. “Would everyone mind stepping out for a moment while I have a chat with the princess?” I asked, my squad was already filing out of the room to go cover the area of the incident. “I would also like a word.” Said Celestia. The others did a quick bow before leaving. I looked around to see it was just us two. “You know I did what I had to Princess; we both know that was the only way to stop it. If you just arrested them, which would be highly unlikely, some others would just come in. Now though, that place shall remain empty. Besides, we could setup our own mine. We money on the jewels.” “I agree that you did what was necessary, but it was that you let the others see it. You showed them a different kind of violence and evil. I know it wasn’t your fault so I will let it go this time. Just be more careful, now if you’ll excuse me I need to go handle the press.” “Wait! I don’t have a place to stay.” I exclaimed “There’s a guard house in the town square.” She said quickly before disappearing into a ball of light. It was good to know that I would be let off on this one, but I was still angry at myself. It had been while since I let that side of me see the light of day. It wasn’t that I didn’t like that side, I loved it. The feeling of freedom and the animalistic predator status that you get. The others are the ones I fear for though, so I keep it pushed down. I heard a knock on the door. “May we come in now?” Asked Twilight through the door. “Yeah, come on.” I said grabbing my gear that was sitting on a desk next to me. It had been cleaned of the blood. “Where did princess Celestia go?” She asked seemingly bewildered by appearance of only me. “She left to go handle the press, what do you need?” I said slipping on my iconic zip-up hoody that I was known for back on Earth. If you’re wondering, I had come to reason I may never be going back. It may not be a dream but I still really doubt this is actually happening. “Well, we were wondering if you were going to be okay. You passed out for a long time, and with what just happened- “I’ll be fine, just over exerted myself I guess.” I said thinking of a quick explanation. “Whoa Rushie your eyes look like Dashie’s hair!” Exclaimed Pinkie. She seemed to have a knack for getting a conversation off track. “Pfft! Rushie?!” Asked Spike trying to hold back a laugh. “Shove it scaly, and what are you talking about?” I said confused. “Look! Dashie you look too!” She said pulling a mirror out of her hair and pointing at my face. Looking at the mirror I could see she was right. Though most of my eye was still a deep blue. The border however, was an array of colors and almost glowed with some sort of significance. “What the hell?” “Are you trying to copy me soldier boy?” Asked Dash flying next to my head with a fake smile. “I have no idea what this is actually, and didn’t I ask you not to call me that?” I asked slightly annoyed. “I think it sounds nice.” Said Fluttershy. “Oh god.” I muttered under my breath. “See it’s perfect.” Said Dash giving the others a small laugh. This shit will get old quick. I could see my bag in the corner so I threw my vest and mask in there while keeping my dagger in my pocket. There will never be a time I won’t have a weapon in me. “If you don’t mind my asking, what are you doing darling?” Asked Rarity still keeping some distance between us. “I need to go to the guard house in town and make sure I can stay there.” I said slinging the bag on my shoulder and flipping my wraparound sunglasses over my now multi-colored eyes. “Do you mind if we come along?” Asked Twilight. “Yeah, that’s fine with me.” As I turned around I heard what sounded like a small child’s voice yelling from the hall. “I don’t care! You have to let me see him!” It yelled. As I turned out into the hall with the mane six following, I noticed that it was Scootaloo who was demanding to pass. “Not going to happen kid.” Said the guard that was posted there in front of the hall. As I looked around I noticed all the other rooms were empty. They really didn’t trust me I guess. To say the least, I wasn’t pleased with a grunt talking to my kid that way. “I beg to differ.” I said harshly. As he turned around I saw the fear in his eyes as he caught the reflection of himself in my lenses. “Is there a problem here?” I asked coldly. “No sir!” He said shakily. Coward. “That’s what I thought, come on kid.” I said walking past him. Throwing the kid a glance, I saw a hint of fear in her eyes. I would talk to her about what happened later, but for now I have to find the house. As we walked through the hospital I noticed all the stares I was getting from the ponies in the hospital. I can’t say I blame them for staring at me, but it was annoying as hell. Walking out the hospital doors I was immediately swarmed by the press. I covered my face from the flashing lights of the cameras. The last thing I wanted to do was get attention from them. Instead of answering their benign and unnecessary questions I walked on to the town square. They were right on my heels the entire question, never shutting up. As I reached my destination of the guard building, I turned to give my only statement to these parasites. “I will say this once and only once, so listen up. Those dogs took my daughter and her friends, in return I took their lives.” I growled to the press before stepping inside with the six, spike, and Scoots. Walking in I saw a desk in the right corner with a yellow mare behind the counter, there were some guards that were walking around most likely just trying to look busy. All of them stopped to stare at me, except the mare who hadn’t noticed me. “I’ve never actually been in here, it looks nice.” Said Twilight looking around. “Yeah, let’s hope that doesn’t mean they’re too soft.” I said eyeing the place down. It was actually a rather large building, three stories not counting what I assumed was a basement as I saw some stairs leading down to my far left. A scene flashed in front of my eyes showing my squad entering an abandoned building much like this one. ~Flashback~ I walked in to the bombed out and decrepit building with my rifle raised and sweat on my brow. This had been serpent squads last know location before they went dark. The were bodies strewn around the area, none of them had NRF or US combat fatigues on. “Clear!” I whispered through my mic, as I rounded a corner to a hallway. “This place has definitely seen better days. Hey Rush, hold position.” Said Jet. “Why were they all the way out here anyway? I don’t see much use for this place unless they were going to use it as an observation post.” Said K-9 as he covered the door while moving backwards toward us. “They were recon, so they were probably just scouting an advance.” Said Jet. “Wait, you hear that? Sounds like its upstairs.” I said hearing a board creaking from above. “Rush you go check it, K-9 keep the door covered. I got the area back here. Remember, Sting and bite.” Said Jet. As I walked up the stairs I could hear something moving above us. There was a closed door at the top that I would have to go through, I didn't trust trying to kick it open because I’m pretty sure the stairs would give way. I slung my rifle and pulled out my signature pistol before opening the door. As I stormed in I heard the door slam behind me. Turning around I saw a scavenger about to smack me with the butt with his AK. Instead of letting him get me I dropped my pistol and caught the stock with my left hand and gave a push putting the barrel to the side of his head before slamming the trigger with my finger. It took off a good chunk of his head and splattered it on the wall. Two seconds later Jet had busted in with his rifle raised. “Just a scavenger, fucker almost got me. What was he looking for? They normally aren’t confrontational.” I said picking up my pistol. It didn’t even really register with me that I had killed a man. “I don’t know, search the body.” “Is everything okay up there?” Asked K-9. “Yeah, just a scavenger.” Replied Jet while I searched the body. Checking through the dead man’s clothing I found a couple of peculiar items. The first being a gold plated dagger and sheath with “Texas Gold” inscribed on the blade, a nine millimeter pistol with two mags, a wallet, two AK magizines, and a pack of cigarettes. I figured I could sell the pistol, mags, and cigs. I clipped the dagger to my belt and put the others in my backpack. I slung the AK over my shoulder and grabbed the two mags in his coat pocket. When I went through his backpack that I saw what disturbed me. A helmet, some dog tags, and a mag for an M4. “Jet, we got a problem.” I said holding up the tags. “Shit, check the rest of the building. K-9, form up on me.” Said Jet as I moved to the stairs. As I went up step by step, the question ate away at me. Whose tags were those? It wasn’t the helmets that worried me, you grabbed whatever you could get in these times. We were called the scavenger’s army for a reason. We worked with whatever we had. I was at the door now, my heart pounding. I closed my eyes as I kicked the door in. “Rush!” I heard my name yelled. I opened my eyes to see I was back at the building. They were all staring at me, I had just been standing there eyes closed and knees locked. After a couple seconds I relaxed a bit. I don’t know what that was, but I didn't like it. “I’m okay, just thinking.” I said acting like nothing had happened. “Ahem, can I help you?” Said a pony that looked to be of higher rank then the others around us. “I’m here to requesting room for my rangers.” “Ah, yes. Right this way sir.” He said moving toward the stairs he had come down. I looked to see the others weren’t following me. “We’ll just stay here if that’s okay with you.” Said Twilight. “Alright then, see you in a minute.” I said following him. I had that same feeling again as I started up the staircase. I felt myself be taken back to that destroyed building. My kick threw the door open, sending splinters of rotten wood flying through the room. I ran in and swept the room for anything that moved. There were three bodies on the floor in army uniform. Yet, there was no blood or visible injuries from what I could see. “Sting!” I whispered yelled at them. To my surprise they looked up. “Bite.” Said one of them as he stood up, the other two just sat up with a look of relief on their faces. “Wait there was supposed to be five of you.” I said thinking back to the dog tags. “Yeah well, we ran into some trouble if you couldn't tell from the mess downstairs.” Said one whose name tag read Brown. “Well we need to hurry up and get the hell out of here. Oh yeah, if this gives you any closure.” I said throwing the tags to him. He stared at them for a second before putting them around his own neck. “Thanks, but- “Uh, guys we have a problem. APC is closing fast on your position, not a friendly. Stopping at about twenty feet out.” Said Cross through the radio. “Are you all still able to fight?” I asked. “Randy is injured and I’ve got no ammo.” He said. “Why didn't you say something!?” I yelled walking over to the on slumped against the wall. Examining his arm I saw that he had been shot in the arm clean through. “He’ll be fine, here’s an AK. You've got three mags, don’t waste them. Now what about you?” I asked the other one who was standing up leaning beside a window. “I can cover this window with my rifle.” He said as he pulled the M4 off the ground, he hid it well. His tag read Kinsey. “Here, take this I got it off a scavenger.” I said tossing him the extra ammo. “Thanks, but I trust there are more than just you here.” He said hopefully. “I got two more downstairs ready to go.” I said. “Wait a second you’re just a kid!” Said Brown. I took little offence from this, it wasn't the first time I’d heard it but I was a hardened vet and had the training equivalent of a ranger. “Sir with all do respect, I was born in war and can handle myself just fine.” I said strongly. “God I hope so.” “They’re prepping for an assault, I’m counting about twelve Tangos on foot and one on a fifty. How did they know we were here?” Asked Jet. I figured it out not a second later. “They were bait! It was a trap. Fuck, can we get headquarters on the line?” I asked through the radio. “Patching you through now.” Said Droid. “Everyone open fire!” I yelled, the pops and cracks of gun fire were music to my ears. Peeking out the window I saw that we had mowed down about four guys but were taking returning fire from the machine gun. “Cross, can take that guy out?” “I don’t have eyes on. Should we reposition?” He asked. “Not yet.” “This is HQ what do you need?” I heard through comms. “This is Angel squad, we are under heavy small-arms fire and need support! Danger close!” I yelled over the headset. “Roger, we have artillery support inbound and an extract on standby.” Jesus how important are these guys. “Get those gun bunnies moving then, and send the extraction.” I said. “Everyone down! Arty incoming!” I yelled as the whistling of the large rounds were falling all around us. I peeked out the window to see the hellish rain. I could see that the APC had been left virtually untouched. We sat there for god knows how long, listening to the explosions that were all too close. After it was all over I peeked out the window and saw what was left of the men. Torn apart by the metal, body parts were strewn around the area. “Angel squad do you copy?” I heard as I pulled my head down from the window. “Yeah, we’re here.” I replied. “You’re going to have to go a bit to get the extraction zone. Flashing destination on your display now.” I heard through the radio. “Copy that, everyone okay?” I said seeing a beacon flash northeast of us. “I’m up.” I heard everyone say. “Then let’s go, someone grab Randy.” I said. As we filed out of the building and met with Droid and Cross in the front. I noticed that the APC was still intact, despite the many explosions that had consumed the area around it. “Hey Jet, we could take the APC to the extraction. I don’t like his chances if we walk.” I said looking over at our injured man who had started to bleed again. “Good idea lets go.” As we walked toward the vehicle I took in the whole effect of the artillery. The smell of burnt flesh and dismembered men made me want to vomit. The sight of an arm that had been torn off with a wedding band on it almost pushed me over the edge. As we reached the vehicle that would take us to safety I noticed something off about the back. It was gone and had been replaced by a sheet of metal with a pull down bar and duct tape to keep it up. “You can’t be serious.” I said looking at it. “ Doesn't matter, we need to get out of here.” Said Jet. “Yeah, let’s go.” I said grabbing the bar. As I pulled it down I saw a man sitting against the side of the interior with a pistol now aimed at my chest. Barely a second before I heard the round hammer through the silence in the air around us. The man on the gun hadn't been taken out. “Rush!” *Bang* My eyes shot open and I swallowed as much air as I could before looking around me. I was on the ground, and I was still downstairs. They were all staring at me again. Some of them had looks of concern, others were just wondering what was going on. As I sat up I felt a mix of stinging and burning in my shoulder. As I clutched at it the feeling slowly stopped. “R-Rush are you sure you’re okay?” Asked Scootaloo. “I’m fine, I just need a drink that’s all.” I lied. I've never had flashbacks like those before. What the hell is happening to me? “You don’t look okay.” Said Rainbow. “Look I’ll talk to you about it in a minute. Sir if you could show me where we will be staying I can get out of your hair.” I said to the pony who had been leading me upstairs. “Of course sir.” He replied as we headed back upstairs. As we got to our new quarters I couldn't stop thinking about what could have caused that. Looking around I saw that we would be getting top of the line accommodations. “So this is where we’ll be staying?” I asked. “Yes sir.” “I must thank you for having us.” “Actually it is honor to hold Equestria’s most elite soldiers.” He replied. “Either way I must thank you. Would you mind sending up the ponies that were with me?” I asked setting my bag down by a bunk close to the door. “Not at all sir.” “Thank you.” I sat down on the bunk I held my head in my hands before pulling my necklaces that I adorned out of my shirt. One was my dog tags, the next one a locket that held a cyanide pill and a picture of my army family, and finally the casing of the nine millimeter from the bullet that had hit me in the shoulder. I pulled my bottle of vodka out and unscrewed the top. It may not be a perfect solution and it isn’t healthy, but it’s how I greave. No one will argue with me that I should stop, it would be a fruitless struggle. As I swung the bottle up and gulped a few bits of the burn I heard them coming. Putting down the bottle I looked over to see them with wondering looks on their faces. “So, I guess you want to know what happened down there.” I said staring at them. “Yeah, what was that?” Asked Rainbow. “That was my past catching up to me, things I’ve seen and done. I’m not proud of it. I only did what I had to do to survive.” I said with a sad look. “Please tell us we can’t help you if we don’t know darling.” Said Rarity. “Are you sure you really want to know about me?” I asked hoping to get at least one no. “We’re all concerned about you Rush. What is it?” Asked Twilight. “Well then. I will tell you my real story instead of just a nightmare. If you have a light stomach than I suggest you not stick around. This is going to be graphic and you are going to learn more about me than you want.” Nobody moved not even Fluttershy. “Well, before we start are there any questions?” I asked. “What is that around your neck, it doesn’t look like any necklace I have ever seen before?” Asked Rarity. “Doubt you would it’s a casing from a bullet.” I said, that spot on my shoulder starting to burn again. “Ya mean like the ones in your bag? Why would you have one of those around yer neck? Ain’t that a bit dangerous?” Asked Applejack. “Normally yeah, but this one’s been discharged. To answer your other question why I wear it is going to be a bit more difficult. Did you all see what rounds like these did to those dogs?” I asked receiving an answer in nods and nervous gulps. “Well I got hit with one of these in the shoulder, almost killed me. Almost. I wear it to remind me of my own mortality. That no one can live forever.” I said in a somber tone. “Can we see?” Asked Pinkie who was not in her normally upbeat tone. “I guess so.” I said standing up. As I pulled my jacket off and my shirt up and over my head I heard a series of gasps. “Whoa.” Said Rainbow. “What, this isn’t the first time you’ve seen me with my shirt off.” “Well I wasn’t paying attention. How did you get all those scars?” She asked. “Combat, pick one. I’ve got a story for all of them.” I said. “What about that one.” She said pointing to one that ran three inches up my arm. “Hand to hand with an enemy combatant when I had just started out. He didn’t leave that fight.” I said. “Any others?” I asked. “Why do you have those designs on your body?” Asked Twilight. “Those are tattoos, they tell of the battles I’ve been in and the people I’ve met.” I said. “Now is that it?” When I didn’t get a reply I put my shirt back on and sat back down. I looked up to them and saw that they all were ready to here my story. “I guess you all are ready to hear my story now huh?” I asked. As they nodded to me I remembered why and how I fought. “My story starts back when I was just a little kid, about two or three, my parents were killed in an attack on their base in Texas. You all won’t know these locations but you can guess. I wasn’t born in Texas either, I’m from Kentucky. Enough about that though, I was on that base and I was saved by elements of the so called scavengers army. They took me in as my second family.” “The ones who attacked were a drug cartel who had partnered with a bunch of mixed up private military companies who think they can take over the country. This caused me to grow up with an insane hatred for the cartels and anyone associated with them. Not just a hate like I wouldn’t go near them. Quite the opposite, if I found anyone who was associated with the cartels, I would kill them.” I said. “Kill them? W-why would you ever do that darling?” Asked Rarity nervously. “Let me ask you something Rarity, if someone hurt your family would you let them get away with it?” “N-no.” She said sadly. “I trained from the age seven to where I am now. A Spartans training if you will. There were no breaks or love for us. That was until the Warrior Angels were formed. We got even harder training, we were special. We had no families so there would be no one to mourn are deaths. There was a platoon of us, we became our own family. If you messed with one of ours you had just kicked a hornet’s nest from hell with explosives.” I said remembering the bond I had with my family. “We were the most elite fighting force in the world. We had been born in battle and the battlefield was out playground. Bred for war and designed to kill. We were a new brand of death. We scared navy seals, you may not know what those are but that is an achievement. Here is where it gets dark though.” I said looking back down at my tags. “You’ve already heard about how we lost Chris. Well, he was our first loss. We had never experienced loss like this before, most of us weren’t even old enough when our parents died to remember them. We had a big service, all of us were there. None of us ever really thought any of us would die. A dead angel was unheard of. Every last one of us vowed our vengeance. This cartel would be brought down.” I said angrily. I looked up to see that they were nervous and not sure they wanted to hear any more. “We lost our morals, we would torture any suspected prisoners. We became even more secluded and secretive. We were still a government backed group but we weren’t held to the Geneva Convention. You all still don’t know what that is and I’m not going to tell you.” I said. “We began doing more and more assault operations against the cartel. More and more battles we had to fight. As a family we didn’t care what you did to relieve stress as long as it didn’t hurt the rest of us. Some trained, some gambled, I drank and did pretty much everything else. Technically it wasn’t legal for me to drink but no one was going to tell. So I drank away my troubles, built up a tolerance and became one of the best at it too.” “So that’s why you were able to beat us at drinking at the party.” Said Rainbow. “Bingo.” “Anyway, after so much war and violence, I started to lose it. I relive moments from my battles. I hear voices in my head, hell I’m a fucking psycho who should be locked away. I’ve killed so many people and I got my friend killed, but I just can’t quit. I’m a product of war and have to fight, there is no other point in life for me but to fight. I won’t live to an old age. I don’t plan to live past twenty five. My only problem is, finding something worth dying for.” I said in a rare show of emotion, a single tear rolled down my cheek and fell to the floor. I had never told anyone about how hard a toll it took on me. “A-are you crying?” Asked Rainbow. As I looked up I saw that they all had the same looks of sadness on there face. I looked over to Scoots who had been quiet the entire time. She just stared at me in disbelief that someone who had earlier seemed so invincible could have such pain to deal with every day. “It’s not a subject I like to talk about.” I said hanging my head. “Rush, I’m so sorry!” Said Fluttershy who had jumped over to me and gave me a gentle hug on my side. “You didn’t do anything.” I said. “I know but I’m sorry for everything that has happened to you.” She said gripping tighter. “It’s gonna be okay sugar cube.” Said Applejack who came over and hugged me too. This kept on with them telling me it would be okay until I was literally covered in ponies who were letting little sobs into my clothes as they cried for me. Even though I didn’t. Except Scootaloo who just stood their watching. “Hey kid you alright?” I asked looking up at her. I could see she was about to cry. I just sat their looking at her until she screamed. “Daddy!” She yelled jumping onto me and hugging my torso and crying into it. What did she just call me? We sat there as the cried into me for at least ten minutes. It went on until I heard the sound that I was so accustomed to. One that made them jump off me. An explosion. > The Jet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What in the flying fuck is it now?!” I yelled, wondering why I couldn’t have one moment of peace. “D-dad, can’t you just let it go?” Asked Scootaloo with tears still in her eyes. “Kid, as much as I just want to sit here forever with you and talk about my problems, I just can’t. Duty calls.” I said sadly as Pulled my mask over my head to hide the single tear that slowly fell down my cheek and gripped my pistol. “But- “I’ll make it up to you, I swear!” I said jogging out the door. Running down the stairs I got this sick feeling in my stomach. I slowly gained speed as I went through the door. Two of my troops were in the plaza dodging ponies running away from whatever had ripped me away from my newly trusted friends. “Sir, Trip sent us here to come with you!” Yelled Corporal Barker, a female yellow Pegasus with green hair. Her companion was Sergeant Tool. “Good, he knows what he’s doing. Now let’s go!” I yelled to them. As continued moving through the streets towards a rising column of purple smoke. I was soon followed by many regular guard ponies who had seen me storm out of the station. The smoke was thick and purple. There was something different about it though. It didn’t just rise into the air, it sank onto the ground like a fountain if you will. As I got closer it started to form a veil over my ankles. It almost felt like my steps were getting heavier. I was sure my mind was just pulling tricks on me. “Corporal you get my six, private you get beside me. The rest of you form a perimeter!” I yelled slowing down allowing them to catch up and take position. I took my pistol out of the holster as we got closer to the point where the smoke was rising. I could feel an odd presence around us almost as if the smoke was alive. “Oh shit!” I screamed as I fell forward into the crater of the explosion. Rolling down the hill I squeezed my gun and popped a round off when I hit the bottom. “Son of a bitch.” I wheezed as I rolled onto my back. I opened my eyes to see a roof of smoke covering the crater, vision blurred by the blow and the smoke. When my head had cleared I rolled to my side and got on my knees. “R-rush?” I heard a voice that I could barely recall being familiar. Looking over I saw the battered and bruised looking form of my friend and squad leader, Jet. Thinking that it was just an illusion I slammed my fist into the form expecting just the thud of the dirt. Instead I felt my balled up hand hit the ballistic plate and bounce off. “Dude, what the hell?!” He was here. He was actually here. All thoughts in my mind had stopped. “Holy shit. Holy fucking shit! Are you okay?!” I asked with all former ideas I had just being shredded from my mind. “Yeah I feel fine. Where are we? What the hell is going on? You got blown to shit!” He asked looking at me through his wraparound sunglasses. “Man, I don’t have enough time to tell you where we are or what happened. C’mon, we need to get you out of here.” I said lending out my hand with a toothy smile that he couldn’t see because of my mask. “Thanks bro.” He said. I felt his glove slap mine and gave a pull to get him off the ground. “Wait. How are we going to get out of here?” He said as he looked at the wall of dirt. “I got an idea. Do you still have your two knives?” I asked gripping my gold knife and the one that I had inherited. “Yeah. I think I know what you’re getting at here.” He said as he backed up to the slope of dirt behind us. I followed suit and got my knives ready. We sprinted to the other side and jumped up and stabbed our knives into the dirt. Luckily it wasn’t loose or crumbly so we didn’t fall and stab ourselves with them. Reaching the top I pulled myself up and sheathed my blades. “Holy shit, where the hell did you get that?!” I whispered loudly, spotting the tube with a pointed object at the top, as I almost dropped him. “Whoa! You mean the RPG? Got it off a couple guys that were planning an ambush for a convoy.” “Right, tell no one what that is alright.” “Okay?” He said questioningly. After pulling Jet up over the side, he had on some heavier gear and couldn’t pull himself up, I turned around to face five city guards with their spears pointed at us through the smoke. Then there were my two rangers who were advancing. “Stand down, I got a friendly!” I yelled into the smoke that was slowly clearing up. “Captain, you okay?” Asked Barker. “Yeah, accidental discharge.” I yelled to them. “If I had a bit for every time I heard that.” I could hear Barker mumble. “This maybe a bit surprising, so you may want to prepare a bit.” I said, pulling my mask down. “How bad could it… be?” He asked walking out of the smoke so he could see. I watched him for a second before following him. I came up to his side and saw his face. It was a surprised look to say the least. “You okay their bud?” I asked. “I-I uh, aww fuck it.” He said before falling backwards. “OH SHIT!” I yelled grabbing him, not wanting him to set the RPG off. After I had pulled it off and slung it over my back, along with the RPD, I gripped the handle on the top of his pack and started to drag him back to the guard house. “Corporal, make sure no one goes over there.” I grunted, pulling the Heavy mass of armor and gear that covered Jet. “How are we suppose to do that?!” She yelled. “I don’t know. Entertain them with stories of your horrible sex life.” I yelled dragging Jet away. I turned and saw her face turn red. “Well at least I’m getting some entertainment out of this.” I whispered to myself. I drugged my former commanding officer across the town gathering looks from the ponies. When I reached the house I pushed open the door and drug him up stairs. I reached the room I was in with the mane six still in there. I threw the body into the room startling them. “Agh, another one?!” Yelled Twilight. “Oh was the first one not good enough for you?” I asked with a tired grin. “No no it’s ju- “It was joke, calm down. Anybody got some water?” I asked. “Here.” Said Rainbow, giving me a small cup of clear liquid. “Scootaloo do you mind covering your ears real quick?” I asked looking over and seeing her confused look as she covered her ears with her hooves. “WAKE THE FUCK UP!” I screamed throwing the liquid on to Jet. “Oh wait that wasn’t water!” Yelled Dash. “AGH MY NOSE!” Yelled Jet, rolling over holding his face. “Aww my vodka.” I said sadly “Why would you do that?” He asked. “Why would you pass out with a fucking RPG!?” I yelled. “Dude I swear, I saw a bunch of ponies and shit, and how the fuck are you alive?!” he yelled. “Hold up hold up, whos this feellar?” Asked Apple Jack. Jet turned around to see who was talking. “I’m his C- WHAT THE FUC-MMPHHHHPHHHMM!?” He screamed as I grabbed him from behind. “Would you all mind giving me a couple of minutes?” I asked in an annoyed tone. They all nodded and walked out the door and closed it. I let go of Jet’s head as his freak out finished. “What the fuck man!? That was the mane six!” He yelled. “Keep it down will ya? Last thing I need right now is for them to find out they were a show back on Earth.” “Back on Earth? Where the fuck are we now, and you never answered me, how are you still alive?!” He exclaimed. “If it wasn’t fucking obvious already were in Equestria. To answer your other question, I don’t actually know how I’m alive. I should be dead.” “No shit, we came back and got your body. We fucking buried you, it’s been three months.” He said angrily. “Oh shit, three months? It’s only been a couple of weeks here. How the fuck does that work?” I asked confused as to how it could have been a whole three months. “I don’t know man. I’m a soldier not a scientist. How is any of this possible? I mean I would love to stay here, believe me I would, but we have job to do.” He said standing up. “A job to do? I thought this was all a dream before you got here. If I knew it wasn’t I wouldn’t have adopted a kid and massacred the diamond dogs. I also wouldn’t have tried to ride a bear.” I said, barely able to believe what was happening. “You adopted a kid? Why in the name of fucking Christ would you adopt a kid?” He asked slowly. “She reminded me of myself.” I said with a hint of anger. “So let me get this straight. The past couple of weeks you have been here you have adopted a kid, rode a bear, massacred the diamond dogs, and come back from the dead.” “That is correct.” I replied laying my pistol on the table beside my bunk. “As angry as I should be, I’m not.” He said flatly. “Well, that’s good news. Want a drink?” I asked grabbing a bottle of cheap wine that I had looted from a liquor store back on Earth. “Yeah sure.” He sighed. “That’s my battle.” I said tossing him the bottle after taking a swig. “So I have a question.” He said taking a sip from the bottle. “What would that be?” I asked him while unloading my 1911. “How am I alive?” He asked, catching me off guard. “What do you mean?” “Dude, I had a building collapse on me. How in the hell did I walk away unscathed?” He asked confused. “Probably the same way I am. Though from the looks of you, a little less violently.” I said taking off my mask. “How is that exactly?” He asked handing me the bottle. “Fuck if I know. I don’t question how it happened or why. The only thing I know is that I have another mission.” I said placing the bottle back into the duffle bag. “What’s the mission?” He asked taking off his backpack and placing it on the bunk below mine. “I guess to just do what we can here. Do what we did back home. Just make things better where we can.” I said hopefully. “Right so I noti- His sentence was interrupted by a knocking at the door. “Can we come back in now? We would like to meet this new human.” Said Twilight from behind the door. I looked over to Jet. He nodded taking a drink from his canteen. “Yeah come on in.” I said walking over to my bunk. “So who are you exactly?” Asked Scootaloo accusingly. “This is your uncle Jet scoots, play nice.” I said watching Jet choke on his water. “Are you alright?” Asked Twilight concerned. “Fine, just a little shocked by the situation.” He said. “Right, well you all have fun. I have to go unfu- fix the situation out there.” I said catching myself. “But you just got back!” Said Scootaloo. “I know kid, but it won’t be that long.” I said reloading my pistol and walking out the door. I felt a little knot in my throat from leaving them but I knew they would be fine. “God forbid there be anymore shit that happens today.” I said walking out of the building. > The Threat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I walked through the station door, a look of tiredness and fatigue on my face. We had finally cleared a small pathway in the rocks from the entrance of the cave. We wouldn't be sending anyone in there until it was cleared as safe for entry. “Trip did you tell everybody where we would be staying?” I asked drearily. “Yes sir, but some of them were wondering if they could stay with family they have here.” “That’s fine as long as they can get here in case of an emergency. Go ahead and tell them.” I said pushing open the door. I looked inside and saw Jet along with Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight. Scootaloo was over on my bunk curled up on the cold mattress. “Rushie!” Squealed Pinkie latching on to my midsection. Too tired to pull her off I just returned the hug. “Pfft, Rushie.” Snickered Jet. “Keep laughing and we’re gonna find out what sound you make pulling a KBAR out of your ass.” I said as pinkie crawled off of me. “You all have a very dark sense of humor.” Said Twilight confused. “Comes with the job.” Said Jet with a smirk. “Speaking of which, you were talking about a medal of honor.” Said Twilight wanting to get back on subject. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Scootaloo shiver a bit. “Not that shit again.” I said taking off my gear, trying not to wake up Scootaloo. “Yep, so any way there we were. Coming off the stage and filing back into the limos when it hits us. Not only did they pass us off as adults. They passed us as in their army.” Said Jet with a hint of anger. “It was pretty bullshit.” I said peeling off my pads along with my ballistics and MOLLE vest. “Well aren’t you all glad that you were honored at all.” Said Twilight, confused again. “That’s just the thing we weren’t.” I said pulling off the top of my BDU. “I don’t follow.” Said Rainbow who was lying down on a top bunk. “We weren’t honored. Think of it like this. If you were getting honored, wouldn’t you want your group to get honored as well?” “I guess, yeah.” She said with a confused look. “Well that didn’t happen. What did was a branch from the government military.” I said also getting a little angry. I climbed up on the bunk, waking up Scootaloo. “Dad, is that you?” She asked wiping the sleep out of her eyes. “Yeah it’s me kid. Sorry about leaving you earlier.” I said picking her up into a hug. “It’s okay.” She said drowsily returning the hug. “I got an idea, how about tomorrow afternoon we go out and get you something nice.” I said putting her back on the bunk. “Really?!” She squealed excitedly while her little wings buzzed. In all seriousness. That was the most adorable thing I had ever seen. “Yeah we’ll get you whatever you want.” I said with a smile. “Well I think I’ve asked enough questions for now. It was nice to meet you Jet.” Said Twilight walking out of the room and closing the door. “Oh thank Christ I thought the questions would never stop.” He said with a sigh. “I can still here you!” Said Twilight through the door. “Haha, you got in trouble.” I said mockingly. “Shove it, Rushie.” Said Jet. “Ah, screw you.” I said lying down on the bed. Scootaloo crawled on top of me and stretched out on my chest. Again, it was pretty fucking adorable. “Ooh, ooh, ooh! Can I spend the night!?” Asked an excited Pinkie looking at me with the puppy dog stare. “I don’t see why not. We have plenty of room here. Just pick a top bunk next to us.” I said pulling the covers over me and Scoots. “I’ll go tell the Cakes!” She said bouncing hopping out of the room. “Right, well if we can stay then I am too. I’m already comfortable.” Said Rainbow. “I’m back!” Exclaimed Pinkie who hopped out of the bathroom. “How did yo- “Bro, don’t ask. It’s Pinkie Pie.” I said slowly. “Right, I’ll keep that in mind.” He said coming over to his bunk. “That would be wise.” I said closing my eyes. I slowly drifted off to sleep. When I opened my eyes I was greeted by the dark room. I looked down at my chest to see Scootaloo was no longer on me. Instead she was beside me on her back kicking her leg. I smiled and looked to my left. In the room was most of the two ranger squads and a snoring Rainbow Dash. I turned back over and wrapped my arm around Scootaloo before pulling her into a hug. She let out a little moan before opening her eyes. “D-dad? What are you doing?” She asked sleepily. “Hey kid, wanna go get that toy now?” I asked with a smile. “Sure.” She said stretching. I hopped off the bunk as quietly I could. “Here climb on.” I said facing away from her. I felt the weight as she climbed onto my back. I grabbed my hat and my sack of bits before walking out the door. “So kid, where are the shops?” I asked looking around. “That way!” She said excitedly pointing to the left of us. “Then that’s where were headed.” I said cheerfully. I jogged through the town looking at the stores we passed. “Hey Scootaloo! There you are, we’ve been looking everywhere for you.” Said a high pitched voice. I turned around to see Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. “Hey Sweetie Belle. Hey Apple Bloom.” I said, they flinched at my voice. “Rush is going to buy me stuff you wanna come?” Said Scootaloo. “C’mon I’ll get you all something too.” I said. They looked at each other and nodded. “Yeah let’s go!” Said Apple Bloom as they fell in beside us. “That one, in there!” She said turning my head with her hooves. I saw the shop with a large poster of a wonderbolt in the window. We walked in and were greeted by the sight of rows of toys. I felt Scoots jump off my back. I could here her wings buzz as she glided to the ground. “Whoa.” They all said at once. Looking over I saw the store owner look up in shock. He was an elderly light blue earth pony with grey hair. “Hello, um may I help you?” He asked politely. “I’m just here with the kids.” I said, pointing back to the kids who were scrambling around the shop. “Are all of them yours?” He asked surprised. “Hmm, no just the orange ones. The others are her friends.” I said looking around. “You wouldn’t happen to be Rush would you?” He asked. “The very same.” I said looking at Scootaloo. “You’ve been making quite a few waves in town I hear.” He said. “Just a few, so what’s your name?” I asked looking bat him. “He he, my name is Toy Tag.” He said staring. “Well Mr. Tag I’m kind of surprised you’re acting so calm around me after what happened yesterday.” I sighed. “I don’t like to judge, and between you and me, you did the right thing.” He said. “Nice of you to sa- “RUSH!” I heard a high pitched voice scream. “What?” I said rubbing my ear. “Can I have this?” Said Sweetie Belle holding up a microphone. “How much?” I asked with a confused look. “Twenty bits.” She said losing her smile. “Yeah sure, why not.” I said looking over at the other two. Apple Bloom came up with a purple bow, it was the same as her regular one. “Yo Bloom what’s with the bow?” I asked confused. “Mah regular one is wearin out.” She said handing it to me. “Alright then. What about you Scoots?” I asked pulling out my bits. “I want this.” She said pointing to a plush doll of Spitfire. “Alright, how much I owe you?” I asked Tag. “About forty bits.” “Huh, thought it would be more.” I said laying down four silver bits. “Discount for serving and vets. Not to mention you seem like a nice guy.” He said putting the bits in the register. “Alright then, see you.” I said walking out the door. “You take care now.” He called. “Hey Rush.” Said Apple Bloom. “What’s up?” “Um, Ah’m hungry.” She said followed by a small rumble. “Me too.” Said Sweetie. “What about you, Scoots?” “I can eat.” “Mah sister should be at the cart. We can go see her.” Said Apple Bloom. “Alright then, let’s go.” I said. Walking along the road I heard someone running behind us. I turned around, and saw Spike huffing in air. “You okay bro?” I asked concerned. “Twilight…help…letter…ugh.” He wheezed out. “Right, Scootaloo you mind if I take him back to Twilight?” I asked looking down at the passed out dragon. “I guess, is he okay?” She asked. “I guess I’ll find out. Here’s my cash you all grab some food.” I said lifting the dragon onto my shoulder and throwing them the bag with my remaining bits. I turned back around and started to jog through town. Once I reached the tree house I slowed down to a walk. What could be so important that Spike had to run? I mean, no offense, but he’s not made for it. I opened the door and looked inside at the shelves crammed with books. “Twilight, you in here?” I yelled. “Up here.” A voice from upstairs echoed. I walked up the stairs and saw Twilight looking at a letter. She looked up and I saw she had a nervous look on her face. “What’s wrong?” I asked, setting Spike down on her bed. “What’s wrong, I’ll tell you what’s wrong, the diamond dogs are what’s wrong.” She said franticly. “Calm down, what are you talking about?” I said confused. “The Diamond dogs are angry about what you did.” She said. “Their angry, I’ll fucking show them angry.” I growled. “That’s not all they have support from the gryphons.” She said in a shaky voice. “The more the merrier.” I said feeling a sudden heat inside me. “Rush, this is serious. The princess is requesting your presence.” She said. “Tell her to come to me, I have a surprise for her.” I said walking down the stairs. I had a new enemy. “Rush you can’t just deny the princess!” She yelled surprised, but I wasn’t even listening. I arrived at the guard house with harsh intentions. I walked up the stairs and into our room to see most of the Rangers up and about. “FALL IN!” I yelled causing them to stop whatever they were doing and file into ranks. Jet just looked up at me. “At Ease.” “Ladies and gentlemen. It has come to my attention that Equestria has come under the threat of war.” I bellowed, this was followed by a few murmurs in the small crowd. “Following this threat, we will be shipping back to Canterlot within the month and running combat drills based on what Celestia has to say. I also plan on expanding the Rangers, so prepare for more training considering you all didn’t even pass my basic. Any questions?” I hollered. I saw a few hooves raise. “Who are going against?” Asked Sergeant Tool. “Diamond Dogs with possible gryphon support.” “Are we absolutely sure this will happen?” Asked High Mark, a brown Pegasus pony. “No we are not, but just in case spread the word to those not here. But whatever you do. Do not. Tell. Civvies. Not even your parents, girlfriend, nobody.” I said threateningly. “That it? Dismissed. Jet I need to talk to you.” I said walking out the door. We walked through the door and down the stairs. “Not even here for two days and we already got a war.” He said with a grin. “Yeah, well the dogs are angry at me for slaughtering those dogs.” I said as I walked out the door. “Wait, they’re angry at you? Weren't they the ones who took those kids?” He asked. “Yes, and I can tell you right now it’s all just one big, land grab.” I said angrily. “Well, I guess they’re going to get what’s coming to them.” “Damn straight.” I said walking towards Twilight's tree house. > Gryphon's Strike > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We walked through the door of the tree house with the intent of getting a plan of defense. “Twilight, we need a map of Equestria and the regions surrounding it.” I said walking up the stairs. “What, why?” She asked with a confused look. “We need to know where to set up defenses. I also would like to send a letter to the princess.” I said. “Why do you need to send a letter?” She asked, afraid of what I might say. “I’m putting in a request for extra troops.” I said pulling out my pen and grabbing a piece of paper. ________________________________________________________________________ Dear Princess Celestia, This is my formal request for a larger garrison of troops. I wish to create an enlistment program for ponies that would prove useful to the Rangers as follows. Engineers-Those good with tools and general construction. Must be able to do precision work. Marksmen- This includes current royal guards. Medics- Doctors and nurses. Recon- Map makers, explorers, etc. Infantry- This would include any able bodied pony that is of age and willing to fight. Without this there is no possible way to beat back these possible invaders. I hope you take this into consideration. Sincerely, Captain Rush. “There, now if she’s not an idiot this will be put through.” I whispered rolling up the parchment. “Wait, what is that?” She asked staring at the writing utensil. “A pen. Now will you send this?” I asked. “I guess. Spike, send this Celestia.” She said in an unsure voice. Spike gripped the request in his claws before hitting it with flames. I watched as the ashes magically swirled out the window. “Alright, now we need to set up a plan of defense. Perhaps it would be better to do this at the station.” Said Jet, rolling up the maps and placing them under his arm. “Would you mind if I come? I want to see your races ability at planning.” Asked Twilight. Probably some sort of planning fetish. I mused to myself. “I guess that’s alright, what do you say battle?” I asked Jet. After thinking it over he gave me a nod. “Yeah, you can come. Might want to bring Spike if the princess agrees to that request.” I said following Jet down the stairs. “You heard him Spike, let’s go.” Said Twilight in an excited voice. “I think I’ll sit this one out.” He said walking over to his basket bed. “Well if you would rather stay here and reorganize all the books.” Hearing this he stop in his tracks and sighed. “I’m coming, I’m coming.” He said in a defeated tone. Walking into the Ranger room I saw a small group playing what appeared to be poker. I looked to my right to see Trip and Tool in a pushup competition. We walked up to the large table in the middle of the room. Jet spread out the multiple maps on the table so we could have a clear idea of what we were working with. “Hey cap’ what’s going on?” Asked one of the ponies playing poker. “Were setting up a plan of defense for when the dogs invade.” I said looking over the map. “Alright, wow this doesn’t look anything like I thought it would.” Said Jet. “Tell me about it. Alright, looks like the main concentration of diamond dogs live out past the Appleoosan Mountains, if I’m reading these images right, so I’m guessing that’s where there attack would come from.” I said studying the map. Said images portrayed the inhabitants of the area. “Right, so if there coming from the west then we can setup along the ridgeline and flank them when they pass by going for Appleloosa.” Said Jet. “How do you know they’re going to attack Appleoosa? Why not the buffalo tribes?” Asked Twilight. “She has a point, if this is going to be a land grab then they aren’t just going after Equestrians. They will try and take out anything and anyone in between.” I said walking over to my bag and grabbing what remained of the bottle of wine. “Is this really the time to drink, Rush?” Asked Jet. “It’s always time to drink. Now back to the Buffalo. Do you think we might be able to get them on our side? It shouldn’t be too hard, all things considered. We tell them that the dogs plan on taking them out, they join us, and now we have guides to the area.” I said before taking a sip from the bottle. “This would work, but we have one overbearing problem. Do we have enough time for all that?” Asked Jet. “That same problem remains for training. We have an unknown amount of time here. We’re going to have to jam as much in as we can.” I said setting down the bottle. “Do you think you could setup a boot camp here?” Asked Twilight. “It would be a good idea, that way we don’t have to move all trainees to Canterlot.” Said Trip from behind. “Oh this is going to be a long day.” I said taking a large gulp from the bottle. By eight, the rest of the squads had come back and we had most of the plans mapped out. “Alright so we’ll set up a base here, and have training done at both Canterlot and here.” Said Jet. I heard the sound of a loud belch from behind me. I turned around and saw Spike holding a rolled up piece of paper with a ribbon on it. “Spike, hand that to me.” I said reaching out and grabbing the letter. I brought it up and read it aloud. “Dear Captain Rush, your request has been granted and I hereby give you free reign to carry out military operations as you see fit. I trust that you won’t abuse this power. Sincerely, Princess Celestia.” “Well alright, I guess we better get to work.” Said Twilight. We all turned and looked at her, not quite sure that we heard her right. “Twilight, its like six thirty. I don’t know if you noticed but it is getting dark outside.” Said Jet. “Oh um, must’ve gotten caught up in the planning.” She said as her face reddened. “Right, well I need to go find my kid.” I said putting on my BDU jacket along with the rest of my gear. I placed my 1911 snugly into its holster. “Do you really need all of your gear? I mean your just going to pickup your kid.” Said Jet. “I’m not taking any chances. Never know, maybe there are assassins.” I said jokingly as I pulled my hat backwards and brought down my mask. “What are you smoking?” Asked Jet. “Whatever it is I need more.” I said with a laugh as I closed the door and walked down the stairs. “Guy’s fuckin nuts!” I heard a voice with an Australian accent say down the stairwell. Walking out the door I felt the cool night air blow against my rolled up sleeves. I walked down the street that lead to Sweet Apple Acres thinking that they might have gone there after grabbing something to eat. I passed by the, now closed, apple cart. It would take about ten minutes to get down there. “I wonder if this still works.” I said to myself. “Guess it couldn’t hurt to try. Play Fortunate Son.” I said hoping to get a response from the mask. To my surprise the familiar drum beat started playing. “Well fuck me, it still works. Ha, Jet would be pissed if he knew I had this stuff on here. Alright, pause.” I said to the protective gear. I walked down the path, until I came to the entrance of the farm. I looked over at the farm house to see Apple Jack sitting in a swinging bench on the porch. When she saw me her eyes lit up and she walked over to me. “Howdy, Rush. Ah wouldn’t suppose you’ve seen Apple Bloom have ya? She was supposed to be back before dark.” She asked in a hopeful voice. “I was actually coming over her to see if they were with you.” I said in confused voice. “Ah’m worried, where could they be?” She asked in a concerned voice. “Calm down AJ, maybe they’re at Rarity’s.” I said. “Ah already checked, they ain’t there.” She said. “C’mon they can’t be too far, where did the-” I was interrupted by a sudden static coming from my radio. “Did you get that thing working yet?!” Whispered a high pitch voice through the static. “I’m trying!” Said another. “Who’s there?!” I yelled hitting my mic. “Are ya feeling okay?” Asked Apple Jack, not able to hear the voices through the mask. I took off my mask so she could hear too. “DAD!” Came a voice through the mask. “Scootaloo?! Where are you?!”” I asked confused. “Were at Zecora’s hut. You gotta hurry, there’s a gryphon after us.” She said through the radio which was followed by static. “Scootaloo? Scootaloo?!” I yelled at the radio getting no response. “What in the world are they doing in the Everfree?” Asked Apple Jack worriedly. “Doesn’t matter, if we don’t get there soon then there done for!” I said pulling down my mask. There was no doubt that whatever that gryphon wanted, it wasn’t good. “Well then let’s go!” She said. “No. You go get the Rangers and Jet, I’ll go into the Everfree.” I said turning around. “But what if- “Just go!” I yelled as I sprinted down the road. I would have to run through the town and then onto the path to Fluttershy’s and then into the forest. I ran through the town as fast as I could, jumping over any obstacles in my way, refusing to sacrifice any speed. What normally would have been a thirty minute walk through town was cut to a seven minute sprint. When I had reached the path I was out of breath and sweat glistened in the moonlight off my arms. I was tired but refused to stop. I jogged down the path, looking for any sign of the CMC. I heard a voice echo down the path. I started to run down the path hoping I would get there in time. I rounded a bend in the path and saw the hut. Right outside of which was a gryphon wearing a black vest with a dagger held in a claw sewn on the back. “You’ve got five seconds to tell me why I shouldn’t blow your head off!” I yelled at the gryphon, who turned around in surprise. “Well, well, well. Look who it is. I was just here for the kid but you’ll do much better.” He said with his wings flared. He jumped up into the air and shot off to the right. “Son of a bitch!” I said, unable to track him as he passed into the dark forest. I started walking towards the hut, all the while looking for the gryphon. When I had gotten to the door I started to push open the door only to be knocked to the grown by the gryphon tackling me. “Oh this will be easy.” He said raising a claw. My arm shot up and I hit him with a hard punch to the side of his head. The momentum from the blow knocked him off of me. I sat up and placed my pistol back in the holster. I was going to have fun with this one. Let’s make sure they never come after our family again! Said an angry voice that echoed in my head. I watched him get back onto his feet and pop his talons out of the claws. He pounced forward using his back legs and then his wings for more speed. I brought my fist into an uppercut motion that he flew straight into. The gryphon flipped from the impact and slammed back first into a tree. I ran at the gryphon and drove my knee pad into its eye and slamming the back of his head into the tree trunk. I moved back about five feet before getting back into a fighting position. “That all you got, bitch!” I taunted. This seemed to get his attention as he got to his feet. He flared his wings again and I prepared for another charge. Instead of charging this time he shot straight up until I couldn’t see him as his colors blended into the dark sky. I guess he’s too much of a bitch to finish the job. I thought to myself as I searched the sky. I turned around and knocked on the door. Hearing no response I knocked again, this time louder. “Scootaloo, you in there?” I asked, about to push open the door when I heard a loud screech from behind. Looking back I saw him charging again and this time I wouldn’t have time to do much. I raised my arms in an attempt to soften the blow. The gryphon hit me full force. I was thrown to the ground, knocking all the air out of my body. I tried desperately to suck in air. The gryphon stood over me and grinned. He grabbed my vest and raised his claw again, this time he was sure that he would take me out. I looked up at him, dazed, through the visor. I heard a thwack as something hit him in the back of the head. “Get away from my dad!” Yelled a voice. I looked over and saw Scootaloo throwing another rock. The gryphon let go of my vest and turned around angrily. “Why you little brat!” He yelled walking over and grabbing Scootaloo’s hair. Seeing this I felt a cold knot in my head. So much hate. Perhaps it’s time we put that to some use. Said a voice that sent shivers down my spine. The cold feeling slowly washed over my body. I felt myself changing, both physically and mentally. Any feeling of tiredness I felt was gone. My only emotion right now was hate. I could see a black fog form around me as I looked at my arm. It was all different now, my uniform and armor had turned into a hellish mix of armor that covered my body. I put a hand on my face and felt the mask. It was still there, but there was something wrong about it to, I just couldn’t place what. I slowly got to my feet and looked over at the gryphon. He was still gripping her hair and shouting at her. I saw a tear run down her cheek and felt something inside me break. I saw the gryphon raise his claws and his talons slide out. My hand shot out and grabbed the gryphon’s wrist. He turned around in confusion and saw the monster. His eyes widened in fear as he let go of the child’s hair. He was lifted off his hind legs and brought to eye level. Dark maroon eyes glowed with power like hellish beacons of death. I brought my fist back before swinging it forward where it made contact with the gryphons gut. His body was thrown into the air from the impact before he slammed into the ground. He dared a glance at the being before him while tried struggled to breath. It had to be at least seven feet tall. He had to escape, whatever punishment he would receive would be better than what this thing would do. I looked over at the small orange filly who looked at me terrified. I pointed to the door of the hut, hoping to spare her from this violence. She did as directed, not wanting to anger something that looked like it could, and would, rip you limb from limb. Turning back, I saw the gryphon with his wings flexed in an attempt to fly away. I quickly grabbed the gryphon’s wing and pulled it to me. I could hear him shriek in pain as I threw him to the ground and stomped onto his wing, snapping the bone inside. There would be no escape. His face went from a grimace of extreme pain to fear as he broken wing was once again gripped by the freezing cold hand of this creature. Again he was brought to eye level. His fear worsened as another cold hand wrapped around his throat. He hoped that whatever held him now would just kill him, what he feared was the most painful action a flying animal could have happen. His fears were confirmed when he felt the pull. I stared at the joint which connected the wing and body. I could see every movement of the muscles as they slowly disconnected. The gryphon tried as hard as he could to get away, clawing at him, pushing. Nothing worked. He let out a loud screech as the muscles slowly tore, one by one. My vision focused as I saw the flesh start to tear away. I could see the sinew and ligaments starting to come apart as blood fell from the horrific wound. A demonic smile drew across my lips as the smell of blood rushed into my nose. With one last pull, the wing detached itself from the body of its owner. The gryphon let out a loud screech of pain and sorrow as the last of his wing’s connection broke. Through the unending pain another fear took hold as his other wing was grabbed. He was going to do it again. He felt the pulling of muscles, again going through the unbearable pain. Suddenly the pulling stopped. Looking through the tears that had welled in his eyes he saw his wing hanging limply by the bloody sinew. He looked up in fear as to why it would stop. His vision focused onto the glowing red orbs. As he stared he felt a cold sensation form in his chest. That was when he saw them. His head became filled with horrible scenes. He saw what appeared to by children and females of the human’s species lined up against a wall and executed, what appeared innocents slaughtered before his eyes as the humans laughed, seeing a mound of rotting corpses outside of a destroyed school building. Then the worst of it happened, the victims of what had occurred slowly turned into gryphons. He had seen more than any sane creature could handle. I released my stare on the now limp gryphon as I dropped him to the ground. When he hit the dirt he started to cry and whimper, believing it all to have happened. Everything he had ever loved was dead and gone, along with whatever masters he served. He looked up at the living nightmare before him. “W-what are you?” He managed to get out while the scenes continued playing out in his head. A bit of the black fog swept under the gryphon. Only one answer came to my mind. A being of righteousness that will strike fear into my enemies. “Archangel.” I said in a deep voice. I watched as a large, sharp, black crystal shot through the chest of the gryphon. A couple inches below the tip of the formation was the gryphon’s heart, impaled upon the crystal. The tips of his broken ribs pointed upwards as if clutching at the foreign object. The blood of the impaled gryphon stained against the rock shared an uncanny resemblance to the horn of the last known creature to be able to use dark magic. I reached out and wrapped my hand around the bloody crystal and watched it dissolve into the black fog which rejoined the cloud. I felt something else flow through me now, I was getting even stronger. Good, good. You are much better than the last. Now child, claim your reward. Use his death to benefit you. I dropped down to my knee and pulled out my KBAR. I carved into the gryphon’s claw. One by one I removed his talons. Now, let me help you. The talons were surrounded by the black fog and brought down to my hands. I felt a small movement and the fog was gone. I looked at my gloves and noticed a small bit of black metal on each of the knuckles. “Rush is that you?” Asked a voice shakily from my side. Hearing the voice I felt the cold feeling start to melt away. My head shot to the right where I saw Jet, Twilight, Rarity, and Apple Jack who were flanked by a couple of Rangers. A bright purple light was glowing off of Twilight’s horn. “Yeah, it’s me!” I said, hoping they didn’t see any of that. I could feel myself turning back to normal and watched as the black fog dispersed. “What the fuck was that!?” He yelled angrily keeping his pistol trained on me. “I don’t know… whatever it was it’s gone now.” I said, watching the armor turn back into my regular uniform. “Well, are you okay?” He asked, lowering his pistol. “I feel fucking dandy. That guy’s fucked though.” I said, as the last of the cold faded away. “Are the kids okay?” Asked Apple Jack, reminding us of why we were out here in the first place. “I don’t know, but we can’t bring them out here with a dead gryphon. Rangers, do something with this body and tell us when you’re done. We’ll be inside.” I said pushing on the door. I opened it to a crack and poked my head into the room to try and see anything. “Scootaloo, you in here?” I asked, looking into the room. “Daddy!” She yelled, crawling out from underneath the bed. I saw the other two crusaders crawl out with her. “Hey kid.” I said dropping to one knee and wrapping her in a hug. I heard Apple Jack and Rarity call to their sisters, happy that they were unharmed. “Are you okay Scoots? He didn’t hurt you too bad, did he?” I asked rubbing her head. She mumbled a response into my chest that I couldn’t make out. I heard a small sob and pulled her out of the hug. “What was that thing? It saved me.” She said, looking up at me with her watering eyes. I thought to myself. Racking my head for an answer that even I didn’t know. “He was a… uh… friend.” I said, giving the easiest answer I could. “He didn’t seem too friendly.” Said Twilight, behind us. I heard Jet say something to her, but I couldn’t make out what. “That gryphon… he was going to…I didn’t know what to do. I just felt so weak.” She said, starting to full out cry. I pulled her back into my chest in an attempt to comfort her. “You’re not weak kid. You saved me back there. If you hadn’t thrown that rock, I would have been done for. It takes a lot of bravery to put yourself in danger for me like that.” I said, trying to make her feel better. Her crying slowly stopped and she went silent. “That’s odd, where’s Zecora?” Asked Twilight. In response, a door in the back of the room opened. I lifted my head to see the owner of the hut walk out with an oddly shaped blue bottle. She sat the bottle down on a shelf before turning to the group. “I see that you doing fine, as last I saw you were about to flat line.” She said, looking at me. It clicked in my head that this was who had fixed me up when I passed out from blood loss. “Wait a second. You know Rush?” Asked Twilight confused. “Yeah, she’s the one who fixed me up when I got here.” I said standing up. A knock on the door signaled that it was time to go. “That’s our cue. Thanks for hiding the kids Zecora.” I said walking to the door with a passed out Scootaloo slung over my shoulder. She gave a nod as she was thanked by the others. I walked out the door with Jet at my side to see the four Rangers had disposed of the body. “Well done. Escort the others home when they come out and then you may turn in for the night.” I said before walking past them. “You know what this means don’t you?” Asked Jet as we started down the dark path. “I really wish I didn't.” I said tiredly. > Dark Gift > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I sat there on the bed with my head in my gloved hands. I didn’t know want to think, they actually had the gall to attack a family member and her friends. A couple of kids at that. The worst part of it was they were almost successful. “You okay?” Asked a concerned voice. I looked up, angrily. “Does it fucking look like I’m okay?! My kid was almost killed an hour ago and you’re going to ask if I’m o-fucking-kay?!” I screamed, making anyone in the room cringe. I would’ve restrained myself with the kid in the room but Scootaloo was spending the night with Apple Bloom. I didn’t want her to see me like this. “I just want to make sure that you’re not going to do anything too drastic. After seeing you turn into whatever the hell that thing was, I’m not sure I trust you alone.” He said putting his hand on my shoulder. I pulled his arm off and looked him in the eye. “Too drastic? What in the hell could possibly be too drastic after that?!” I yelled. “Look, I’m just saying that maybe we should hold off for a bit. At least before you go on a killing rampage.” He said. “You want me to fucking wait?! For all we know, they could be k…ki…” I found myself unable to finish my sentence. My breathing became shallow and my skin paled. It felt like I was trying to carry a bear. “You all right man?” Asked Jet. His words echoed in my head as I struggled to stay on my feet. The weight kept piling on and I fell to my knees. As hard as I tried, I couldn’t move a muscle. My vision started to darken and I could only watch through the shrinking hole. “Fuck, medic!” Jet yelled to the surrounding troops. The darkness overtook my vision and I was unable to hear any sound. Despite being unable to move, I still felt the painful cold. I sat there for what felt like a couple minutes before the weight slowly eased off. I could move again, but where was I suppose to go in the pitch black. A loud boom rang out from behind me. I turned around just in time to be thrown back by a wall of light. I felt myself slam into the ground. When the pain finally subsided I opened my eyes. Surprisingly, I was greeted by the sight of a bright blue sky. I struggled to my feet before realizing an off putting detail. I was in civilian clothes. I felt naked without any BDUs or ACUs on. Now it was just my regular clothes that I wore off base. I looked to the ground and saw a shotgun. Not just any shotgun, but a Mossberg 500 Defender. A full box of 00 magnum buckshot shells next to it, an odd find to say the least. “What the hell? Where am I and why is there someone even find rounds like these out here?” I asked myself. I pulled the weapon off the ground, getting a feel for the weight. It appeared to have belonged to someone ready for combat judging by the stylization. A spiked choke on the end for digging into a doorway before a breach. Sling for both the pump and shoulder. Topping it off was a couple of tally marks etched into the fixed stock. “Must have been militia. A flashy one at that.” I said grabbing the box of ammo and counting the shells. I counted out enough shells for three loads worth and threw the empty box on the ground. As I was loading my newly found weapon I noticed two words etched into the stock and read them aloud. “Hamburger Helper.” I read aloud, chuckling at the dark joke of a name. The gun was fully loaded and ready to ruin someone’s day and make a coyote’s dinner. I looked down the dirt path that was flanked on both sides by light brush. I felt myself being drawn towards the path I faced. All of my training said not to do it, yet my body moved forward. “What the fuck happened to me? Am I back on Earth? If I am then where’s my armor?” I said to myself, thinking of all the possible things that could’ve happened. Walking down the path my eyes kept shifting to the Mossberg. It seemed so odd that someone would just leave it there on the ground with it in perfect condition. Especially with the type of ammo that would leave a hole in someone’s chest that you stick your fist through. The path opened up into a small clearing that looked like it would be a park. Something about this place seemed familiar. Yet there seemed to be a darkness looming over the clearing. I walked into the middle of the area looking around. I half expected to be shot dead right there in the open. “Fucking finally!” Yelled a voice behind me. I span around and pointed my weapon where the noise had come from. I found myself staring down the sights at…me. It was me in my combat fatigues, mask and all. He was leaning against a tree with his arms crossed. “Point that thing somewhere else before I shove it up your ass.” He said calmly. Pushing himself off the tree he walked over until he was about five feet in front of me. “Who the hell are you?” I asked, putting the shotgun back in a resting position. “I’m you dipshit, now listen up. The Nightmare wants to talk to you and you probably shouldn’t keep it waiting.” He said through the mask. “The Nightmare? That thing that took over me in the forest?” I asked, looking over the fatigues of the doppelganger. “Yes, now ruck up and shut up.” He said walking past me. I followed him as I saw no other choice but back the way I came. “How far do we have to go?” I asked falling in behind him. “Look, all of your questions will get answered. The biggest one is no, you aren’t back on earth. In fact, if you think that we’re going to get back then you are an idiot.” He said walking through the brush. “Wait, what do you mean we? Who are you?!” I asked confused. “Like I said, I’m you. Now will you please shut up?” “Can you at least tell me where we are?” I asked as I tried to make sense of his words. How could he be me? That doesn’t make sense. “That’s it!” He yelled as he spun around and threw a heavy punch that landed on my temple. A shockwave ran through my body as I twisted in the air. I landed face first on the ground, a couple of pieces of gravel dug into my chin. “You enjoy your talk.” He said. I could here the heavy boots crunch the loose gravel as he walked away. After a couple of seconds of staring at the dirt and trying to suck in air I pushed myself onto my knees and grabbed the shotgun. I looked up at what should have been a dirt path through the woods. Instead I saw pitch black all around, I glanced back down to see that the earth beneath me had disappeared as well. Well this is just fan-fucking-tastic. I got to my feet and grabbed the pistol grip of the shotty. I let out a call to see if anyone was out there in the bleak darkness. Surprisingly, I received a response, but not the kind I wanted. “Mm, hello there.” Said a voice in a tone that sent needles down my spine. I brought the shotty up to my shoulder and aimed into the black. “There is no need for such violence here child. Now would you kindly lower your weapon. I wish to talk.” I begrudgingly lowered the weapon and spoke. “Who are you, and better yet where are you?” I asked, attempting to hide the anger in my voice. “You can call me a friend of sorts. I wish to help you.” “You want to help me? From what I’m guessing you are that thing that took over me in the woods and dragged me here. Now I’m just going to take a wild guess from what happened is that you’re the nightmare. Am I wrong?” I asked into the darkness. “So I’ve been named.” “I see, you want to help me by turning into an evil monster like with Luna.” I said hatefully. “That was her own doing, I give you the power. I don’t decide the actions of those who receive it. I am a creature of hate, fear, and spite, not a spirit of evil. I have been vilified because of the actions of those who allow me to survive, not by the actions of my own accord.” The voice said as its voice turned from the terrible shrilling to one of what sounded like a woman’s. “I see, why should I believe you? Even if what you have told me is true, you have given the power to cause so much pain and destruction across the world. How do I know that I won’t fall to the same fate?” I asked, now interested by its words. “Because I am your only hope of defeating your enemies in the coming months. I will aid you in any way possible.” It said hopefully. “I don’t suppose I have a choice then do I? Fine, but I must ask you a simple question.” “What is it?” “What was the point of having me brought here by, what appeared to be, a different version of me?” “I thought it would give you some insight to where you are. I also wanted to give you a gift.” “Gift?” “The weapon. I brought the idea out of your memory of not having a good close range weapon. I must say that you have a dark sense of humor. Are you ready?” It asked. “Alright, do it.” I said. The air around me grew cold, freezing. I saw my breath hang before a sharp unlike anything I had ever felt before. I let out a scream of agony as I dropped to my knees. It felt like my skin was being stripped off of my body and my insides were on fire. I saw my hand slowly being overtaken by a light blue film before it was absorbed into my skin. A freezing pain traveled up my spine before reaching the back of my head. Once again I was hit by an unending wave of unbearable pain. I threw my head back and grabbed it with both hands. I squeezed as hard as I could in a vain attempt at making the pain stop. I let out another scream in a plea for some kind of mercy and a retreat from the hellish pain that ran through my body. I finally fell backwards as I lost control of my body, unable to let out a sound. I could only silently pray for the end. The sensation in my legs finally stopped in my legs and started retreating upwards. The feeling stopped once it reached the cold knot in the back of my head. It was over. “Thank you.” Said the voice. I wiggled my fingers and toes, trying to get feeling back into my body. I was cold, very cold. I opened my eyes and saw a light through a thin veil. I shot up and looked around me. I was alone in a white room, I looked down and saw that I was sitting on a metal slat. Throwing the sheet off of me I saw that I was naked. I got off the slat and grabbed the sheet before tying it around me not unlike a toga. As I finished the knot I heard the opening of a door behind me. Turning around I saw a unicorn in medical scrubs with a look of fear on his face. “Uh…” A loud smack was heard as he dropped the clipboard that had previously been held up by magic. He turned and sprinted back out of the room and down a hallway. “…fuck.” I sighed, walking out of the room. From the little doors that lined on the wall and the cold I could safely assume this was the morgue. The answer of why I was here still escaped me. A faint pain in the back of my head reminded me of the nightmare I let in. “What the hell? Did that actually happen?” I asked myself. I walked down the empty hallway. My throat was dry and seeing a bathroom I went in. I bent down at the sink and hit the handle before taking a long drink from the falling water. Once my thirst was finally quenched I took a look up at the mirror. I froze at what I saw. Whatever the hell it was it wasn’t me. It had an enormous muscular build and what little skin was visible was scared and pale. Its head hung low only allowing the top of a black helmet to be seen. Its size was unbelievable. It was at least eight feet tall. The muscle mass was scarily large. “What the hell are you?” I asked. In response the beast lifted its head to meet my eyes. The face was covered by a marred and broken mask that was familiar but I couldn’t put my finger on it. A hand came up to raise the mask. Under its cover was a face that was scarred and burned. The teeth were razor sharp and on display in a satanic grin. “Holy fuck!” I screamed and tried to back away. The arms shot out of the mirror and grabbed my shoulders to keep me still. I could feel pressure being placed on them. His face became closer to mine and in it I saw every detail. Every burn that led to bloody bone. Every cut that left bits of skull visible. Then I saw his eyes. Black. No emotions or expressions. Just black. The force being applied against me became too much. I lost my grip on the ground and dropped to my knees. I pushed as hard as I could to get back up but I couldn’t. I stared into his eyes and felt my body go numb. I closed my eyes in a vain attempt to block out the darkness. A small grunt of pain escaped my lips as I pushed against the overwhelming force. Then it stopped. I was no longer being forced down. I started to rise and was able to push my self on too one leg. I pushed up as hard as I could before I heard a loud bang and opened my eyes. Around me I saw what looked to be Rangers, but none that I could recognize. I was back in the room where I had passed out. Surprise marked across all of their faces and not one moved a muscle. I looked down and saw that I had changed. My clothing had been changed to night raid ACUs. Beside me on the ground was the shotgun. I reached down and picked up my newly acquired weapon. “S-sir? Are you okay?” Asked one of the Rangers in the crowd around me. I continued looking myself over and found myself to have elbow and knee pads that were also black. “I think so.” I said while wondering to myself if that was true. I felt the pads and noted to myself that they seemed to be made of metal, yet they didn’t feel heavy. In fact I didn’t feel the normal weight that came with my gear. I checked over my chest armor and found it to be reinforced with a harder layer over the top. This was quite odd as it was still fully flexible. I looked around for my mask and found it lying behind me on my bunk. It was different as well. The scratches and pock marks that had scarred the mask had disappeared. The decal on the front had been restored and changed. It now was a flaming skull that had blood coating its sharp teeth. There was a large modification on the mask as well. A black helmet had been seamlessly attached to the top of the mask while the bit that would have come up and covered my forehead and top at the front had been removed. A little hinge on the top with a small release on top showed that the mask could be lifted off the face while remaining attached to the helmet. “What the hell is going on in here?!” A voice yelled as the door was kicked open. I looked up and saw jet with a look of confusion crossing his face. An awkward silence filled the room as he looked me over and pushed through the crowd to where I was. “Well hello too you too.” I said sarcastically. “What the fuck happened to your eyes?” He asked curiously. “What are you talking about?” I asked. “Um, maybe you should go look at yourself.” He said pointing me to the bathroom. I walked in and looked into the mirror and saw it. The whites of my eyes had turned black as night. The iris remained blue with the rainbow outline. “What the hell did that thing do to me?” I whispered to myself quietly. I exited the bathroom and saw that only Jet remained in the room. “Are you okay? What happened to you?” He asked. “I don’t know. I don’t remember anything after I lost consciousness. I just woke up like this.” I said, deciding not to tell him about letting the nightmare enter my body. “Are you good though?” He asked? I grabbed the mask helmet combo from my bed and slung the shotgun across my back. “I feel fine. If anything I actually feel stronger.” I said looking down at the shotgun in my hand. Even my gloves had gone to raid camo. “Maybe you should see Twilight. She’ll want to know you’re awake.” He said as I started to follow him out of the building. I was reminded that we were going to start training the Ranger recruits. “Shouldn’t I stay here and help with the training the first batch so we can have a couple of squads at the ready?” I asked as we walked down the stairs. “First? You’ve been out for three months. We’ve got about a regiments worth of Rangers from all the camps. I don’t know what the hell you were doing in there, but we couldn’t touch you. There was like a force field around you. It was a black aura. We could barely see you in there. You were pretty much in a kind of stasis.” It hit me like a wall. Three months. “Three months?! What about Scootaloo and the others?!” I yelled walking out the door into the bright sunlight. “Relax. She’s been staying with Apple Jack. She came to see you everyday. As did Rainbow Dash oddly enough.” He said. “Relax?! I’ve been in a coma for three fucking months and you want me to relax?!” I yelled angrily. “Calm down alright. Look, go see your kid and then check up with Twilight. After you’ve done that, come see me at the camp. There is something I need to show you. Okay?” He said trying to calm me down. “Yeah, I’ll see you in a bit.” I said before turning around and running towards the path that led to Sweet Apple Acres. “Three fucking months.” I said to myself as I put on the helmet and lowered the mask into place. > New Power > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I sprinted down the path thinking to myself how it could be possible. Three months. It felt like I was in there for an hour at most. It didn’t make sense. Then again I’m in Equestria where I’m heading off a new kind of warfare. Why the hell should anything make sense? My cardio was pretty good before but I’m sprinting in full gear and I haven’t even broken a sweat. I couldn’t even feel the weight that a reinforced flack jacket should have. Maybe taking that thing in wasn’t such a bad idea. It wasn’t much longer before the barn was in sight and the house along with it. I continued through the gate and up the path to the farmhouse. I arrived at the door and took a breath before raising the mask on the helmet. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer before knocking again. “I’m coming hold on!” Said a voice before the door opened to a rainbow maned pegasus. We locked eyes for a second before she almost tackled me with a hug. “Uh, hey.” I said confused. Rainbow pulled off of me and looked me in the eyes. It lasted a second until she flew past me and up into the sky. I stood there for a second, unsure as to what just happened. The questions could wait for later. “Now if that ain’t somethin’.” Said a voice with a country twang. Apple Jack walked out of the kitchen with a grin on her face. “Yeah I just woke up.” I said walking through the doorway and into the living room. “Well I’m happy to see you back on your feet. Had us a might bit worried there. Care for a cider? Have a couple barrels we keep for ourselves.” AJ asked. It was an enticing offer. “Sure. Um, don’t suppose you know where Scootaloo is, do you?” I asked, watching her walk through the archway that separated the kitchen and living room. She returned with a mug of cider in her hoof. Somehow she managed to make it over to me just fine with only three legs. “Thanks. So what happened while I was out?” I asked taking the mug in my hand. “Well, a bunch of people are joining up. Are we really going to fight the gryphons?” She asked. “If it comes to it.” I said staring into my drink. It wasn’t a matter of if, but when. A memory flashed through my head of my talk with Celestia. “Thank you for meeting with me on such short notice.” Said the princess. “No problem. Should we just get right down to business?” I asked. “Indeed. You may be wondering why I asked you here. Well from what I understand, you come from a military background.” She said, sitting on her throne. “That is correct, I was trained in just about every kind of warfare we had. Plus some others.” I said. “That is good to hear. Equestria’s army, while moderately sized, is not well trained and somewhat…unimaginative in there ideas. I was hoping you would be able to offset this trend. Perhaps some tactics from your world?” She asked. “I’ve got a few ideas. It’ll have to wait until I’m healed up though. I will also need to meet with your officers. Lest I repeat there ideas.” I replied, already thinking of ways to bolster and improve the army. “That won’t be a problem. I encourage you to see my royal physician. She should be able to get you back on your feet a bit quicker. A guard will escort you to her.” She said. “Thank you, I’ll meet with the officers tomorrow morning.” I said. “Thank you for your cooperation. In honesty I was afraid you would decline. With the growing tension with the Gryphon Kingdom, you are something of a last resort for us. Otherwise I wouldn’t have asked you for your help. At least not so soon.” “Well I’m happy to help either way. If you don’t mind, I would like to get some rest.” I said starting to turn around. “Very well, I’m expecting good things from you Rush. Don’t disappoint.” I heard her say. The words bounced off the large walls in the room. “Rush? RUSH!” My train of thoughts were effectively derailed by a yell from AJ. “Huh?” I mumbled looking up at AJ. She was staring at me with a worried look. “You gonna drink?” She asked pointing at the mug in my hand. “Oh, yeah sorry. Got a bit distracted there.” I brought the mug up to my lips and took a hearty drink. I couldn’t believe the taste. It was amazing. I quickly finished the drink, much to the amusement of AJ. “My god, I see why ponies go crazy for this stuff.” I said looking around the room. Pictures lined the walls of the house. A memory flashed in my head of a drug house I had cleared with the squad. I quickly shook the memory, not wanting to remind myself of what I had seen in there. “Ya okay? Got that blank stare you had when you walked into the guard station.” Asked AJ. I quickly nodded my head so she wouldn’t worry. I felt a little light headed and decided that it was my time to leave. “Thanks for the cider Apple Jack but I should get going. I have a surprise for Scootaloo and I was hoping to do it at the school.” I said putting the mug down on a nearby table. “It was good seein’ ya Rush.” Said AJ as I walked over to the door. “You too, AJ.” I said walking out the door. I pulled my mask back down over my face and headed off towards the school. A thought ran across my mind of how the kid was going to react to seeing me. I arrived in the plaza and took a quick look around to get a bearing on my direction to the school. “Rush!” Someone yelled. I looked to my right and saw Twilight running towards me from a shop called quills and sofas. A rather odd name for a store. “Hey Twilight.” I called out as she stopped in front of me. “Don’t hey me, mister. When did you wake up!?” She said in an overbearing tone. “Uh, a little while ago I guess.” I said, unsure of how this was going to play out. “Come with me! I’ve never seen anything like what happened to you. I need to see if there were any adverse effects.” Said Twilight, trotting a circle around me. “Actually I was going to s- “No time!” Said Twilight, picking me up by the ankles with her magic and starting towards her house. Before I could argue, I was hanging upside down and watching the shops and buildings go by as I was dragged through town by Twilight. My sight of the dirt changed to one of wood as I entered Twilight’s house. As fun as it is to be toted around town like an upside down purse that can snap your neck, it was getting old. Something acknowledged my annoyance as the purple sphere quickly turned black and I was brought upright before being set down on the ground. “The hell?” I asked myself. I looked around and didn’t see anyone else in the library. A quick chill ran up my spine of what might have been able to do that. “What? How did you do that?” Asked Twilight, turning away from a book that was sitting on a table. “I don’t know. Just kinda happened.” I said, walking over to the table. “Hmm, come with me.” She said, picking up the book with her magic and starting towards her basement. “As long as you don’t pick me up again.” I said following her. In the basement was what looked liked a bunch of computers, machines, chemistry sets, and metal table that belongs in a James Bond villain’s lab. “Over here.” Said Twilight, pointing at a stand with two clasps and some kind of helmet with vacuum tubes and lights all over it. “Uh, right.” I said walking over and replacing my helmet with the one on the stand. Wires followed out of the helmet down into a machine with a train whistle on the side. Twilight proceeded to lock the clasps around my wrists. “Now just hold still while I get it started.” She went around to the other side of the machine. The whistle let out a small scream as it came to life. Paper started to come out with lines drawn on it. “What’s this thing supposed to do anyway? Probably should’ve asked before I agreed to strap myself in.” I asked while I watched the paper spit out on the floor. “I’m going to monitor the patterns of your brain waves and see if there is any large difference between yours and Jet’s.” She said. “Why do you have brain scan of Jet?” I asked. “I asked for it.” She replied in a cheery tone. “And he agreed?” I said with a bit of disbelief. “Well you did to. Though he was a bit more eager about it.” She said as she studied the lines on the paper being thrown out. “Right. Might need to ask about that.” I said to myself. I watched a frown form on Twilight’s face. “Rush. Did anything happen that you know of while you were asleep?” She asked in a scared tone. “Uh…” “Rush, what happened?” “I may have, kinda sort of, met the nightmare…” I mumbled. “WHAT?!” She screamed. “From your reaction, I can assume that I made a mistake.” I said sarcastically. “This is no time for jokes Rush! That thing almost destroyed Equestria the last time it was released! What did you do?” She yelled in a worried voice. “Well shit. You’re really no going to like it.” I said looking over at her. “Rush, what did you do?” She asked. “I, um, well see. I allowed it to merge with my mind. At least that’s what it sounded like.” I said. Twilight just stared at me with a dumbfounded face. Her face slowly twisted into one of horror. “No, no, no, no, no! W-we need to tell the princess! Come on!” Yelled Twilight. The clasps popped open and the helmet flew back down onto the stand. “Wait, Twilight! There was something else it said.” She stopped and turned around. “It talked to you? What did it say?” She asked curiously. “It was talking about it being vilified for the actions of its hosts. Not it. All it does is give them the power to do what they want. While it may have some form of influence, it sure as hell didn’t cause Equestria to be almost destroyed.” I said defending the nightmare. “Then why does it always come to them. All it has ever done is give power to evil ponies.” Argued Twilight. “Simple answer, attracted to hate and anger like a bug to light. Besides, it works kind of like a parasite with a mutualism aspect. You of all ponies should know the power of teamwork.” I said hoping for a good response. “I…I guess, but if I even begin to think that it’s in affecting you personally then I am going straight to the princesses.” She said defeated. “Fair enough. I’m just asking for a chance to see its effectiveness.” I said grabbing my helmet and starting towards the stairs. “Fine, but I want you to come back tomorrow. I want to do more tests.” She said grabbing the paper that had been spit out of the machine with her mouth and ripping it away from opening. “Alright then, see ya tomorrow.” I said walking up the stairs and proceeding out of the house. I took a moment to get my bearings before heading to the school. Looking around I saw a couple ponies staring as I walked by. Some even cleared the street, allowing a path to form in front of me. The sun on my face gave me a nice warm feeling. I approached the school and thought of the best way to surprise Scootaloo, then it hit me. I pulled down my mask, got a running start, and jumped as high as I could and just barely got a grip on the roof after slamming into the side paneling. I pulled myself up and crouch walked over to the bell. Hearing a door open and close I turned around to see a confused Cheerilee. “Rush? What are you doing up there?” She asked. “Well, um. I haven’t seen my kid in a while and I thought this would be a good way to surprise her. By swooping in, grabbing her, and pulling her back up with me.” I said with a grin. “With all due respect, isn’t that a bit dangerous?” She asked. “How about this, I do you a favor and you let me do this?” I offered. “Well we don’t have anything big planned for the rest of the day. Anything I want?” She asked in an intrigued voice. “You name it.” I said happily. “Hmm, deal.” She said walking back into the school. I turned back to the bell tower and made my way inside. In the bell tower was a trapdoor that led to the rafters above all the ponies. I heard one of the ponies ask what it was that was making the noise. “A bird.” Said Cheerilee turning around and writing on the board. I positioned my self above Scootaloo and prepared to drop in and grab her. Cheerilee looked up and gave me a wink. I locked my legs around the rafter and then dropped. I swung down and grabbed the kid with one arm around her body and one on her mouth. I then curled my self back up and threw myself back over the top of the rafter while keeping the kid’s face against my body. I heard a series of gasps and a couple of yells. I proceeded through trapdoor once again and set the kid down onto the floor where she screamed and backed against the wall of the bell tower. I put a finger up to my mask before pulling off my mask. She sat there silently as she looked me over. “What, not even a hello?” I said with a grin. “R-rush?” She asked in a scared voice. “The one and only.” I said. Tears started to form in her eyes and she jumped onto my chest, wrapping her fore hooves around my neck. I returned the hug eagerly. “So now that I’m back, what do you want to do?” I asked with a smile. “What about school?” She asked. “Don’t worry about it. I now owe Cheerilee a favor though.” I said. “Well, I don’t know. I usually do everything with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.” She said. “Hmm, one second.” I said opening the trapdoor again and putting my helmet back on. I positioned myself above Apple Bloom and grabbed her, then Sweetie Belle in the same way. I handed them up to Scootaloo who helped them up through the trapdoor. I crawled in after them as cries to Cheerilee about the kidnapped students arose. “Scootaloo, what’s going on?” Asked Apple Bloom as I climbed through the hole and replaced the door. “It’s Rush. He’s awake!” She said in an excited tone. I turned to them and removed my helmet. “Whoa. You look…different.” Said Sweetie Belle while she stared at my face. “Thanks. We should probably get down from here.” I said, climbing back onto the roof with the kids in tow. I proceeded down the roof before jumping off while the CMC followed suit and climbed onto my back as I caught them. “So now that I have the other two, what should we do?” I asked while walking through the playground. “We could go crusading.” Said Scootaloo. “Well actually I need to go see Jet at the base outside town. I’m sure we could find something there.” I said, turning toward the center of town. “Let’s do it!” Yelled Scootaloo. The other crusaders let out similar cries of excitement “Now wher-” An explosion echoed through the town followed by a call of “Clear”. It sounded like it came from Sweet Apple Acres. I noticed a lack of reaction from the CMC. They carried on a conversation while I followed the sound of the explosions. I found a small path that I hadn’t noticed before. I walked the path for about half a mile before I saw the base. It was neatly hidden out of the view of Ponyville. An eight foot tall fence with a concertina wire heading surrounded the whole compound. There was an opening gate with a booth containing a guard in Woodland BDUs. He threw me a quick glance before opening the gate and snapping to attention. On the gate was a sign that spelled out: Fort Victor. A wave of familiarity hit me as I realized that this place had a lay out that was identical to the one I had been stationed on before my untimely demise. A grid pattern that had the barracks on the far right of the facility and the officer’s barracks next to it. A mess hall sat in the middle. The far left contained a supply office and an administrative building. I figured that would be my best shot for finding Jet. “Whoa, this place is huge.” Said Sweetie Belle with a squeak in her voice. A formation of soldiers trotted past singing a cadence. The administrative building was a two story building that was kind of like the guard house in town but without the built in barracks. Stepping inside I saw Jet talking to a pony at the front desk. “Hey Jet!” I called out, walking over to the desk. He turned around and looked at me with a grin until he saw the kids on my back. “Uh, Rush, what’s with the…” He faded off, pointing out the kids out with his eyes. “Thought we could find something to do here.” I said happily. An annoyed look gave me the idea that he didn’t approve. “Well I still need to talk to you, in private.” He eyed the CMC once more. I nodded my head once more, almost shaking Scootaloo off. “Hey kids, hop off. I’ll be back in a minute. Play with the secretary for a bit.” I said bending over as they hopped off onto the ground. I followed Jet up stairs and into an office room. “Let’s get straight to business. I need you to act as a training officer.” He said quickly. “What? Look, as much I want to do that, I’m not qualified.” I said. “Oh bullshit, you can instruct, motivate, and scream better than anyone else I know. Besides, we’re already working on getting another one down here, so you would only be doing it for a couple of days.” He said with a smile. “Well, fine. Do we have a schedule?” I asked. “On the desk under your equipment on the desk. There’s a bedroom connected through the door behind said desk. I’ll leave you too it. I’ll send the CMC up.” He said walking out the door. I turned around to see the desk and what rested on it. Painful memories surged back into my head. The thing of nightmares lay there, unmoving. The moniker of pain and suffering. The infamous Round Brown.