> Resident Evil Equestria: The Mansion Chronicles > by EngineGear > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: Scootaloo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **June 18th, 9:32pm** Delta Team's flying around the mountain range situated in the northwest region of Everfree Forest, where we're searching for the helicopter of our compatriots; "Echo Team", who disappeared during the middle of their mission. "Did you find anything, Silver Shine?" I asked. "Not yet", our pilot responded. "Don't worry, Scoot, ah'm sure they're alright.", Applebloom reassured me, but I knew she was lying to make me feel better. Ever since the crime rate rose in Stallion City, the royal guard and SCPD founded the Special Task-force And Recon Coalition Operative Mercenaries, otherwise known as S.T.A.R.C.O.M. My team consisted of Applebloom, her cousin Babs Seed, Sweetie Belle, our medic, myself, our pilot Silver Shine, his co-pilot Wild Tail, our Rear Security, Crystal Daisy, Sky Metal, the maintenance supervisor, Jade Blossom, our weapons supporter, point stallion Dark Snow and his brother Arctic Snow, foot soldiers Steel Bronco, Colt Twister, Emerald Shine, Winter Hero, Silver Stream, and lastly Frost Wing, our division captain. But enough about that, time to tell you folks the real story about what happen. Bizarre murder cases recently occurred within Stallion City. There are outlandish to outright insane reports of families, campers, and hikers being attacked by a group of about ten ponies. Victims....were apparently eaten. Echo Team went first to investigate, but we lost contact three days ago. Sweetie Belle saw something that caught her attention. "Look, you guys! It's Echo Team's chopper! Pilot, take us down." After we landed, I realized something was wrong; no pony was in it, obviously. But strangely enough, most of the equipment was still there, which we all took for safekeeping. However, we soon discovered why. The helicopter was a derelict...save for the remaining bodies of Solar Sorbet and his co-pilot Ocean Breeze. Sweetie Belle completely barfed all over the grass, we all back away to give her some space. We continued our search for the other members, but it turned into...a nightmare. "Hey guys, I found something!", Sky Metal shouted. "Was is it?!" I asked. "Gaahh!! Dear Celestia, It's Solar's hand. "How do you know it's Solar's hand?", Babs Seed asked. "He's the only idiot I know who would wear an ugly watch like this. I think I'm gonna be sick." he replied. During the investigation, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and I discussed about the video log we received. It was a distress video from Flash Sentry himself: "If anypony can hear this, this is Vice-Captain Flash Sentry. I'm here with my teammates Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. We don't know where the others are, and we're running low on ammo. We need immediate evac now!." After that, the entire team was determined to find our comrades. But now, looking at the corpses of Solar Sorbet and Ocean Breeze, I suffered the same reaction as Sweetie Belle and almost barfed my guts out. Sky Metal noticed and went to ask me if I was alright. Before I asked him not to worry about me and keep looking, Sky Metal was suddenly jumped by a wolf. He was a fighter, so it wasn't a big deal, throwing a wolf off him and shooting it . What I saw nearly made me hurl. It wasn't a timberwolf, that's for sure, it was a wolf-dog....only its muscles and tendons were exposed, part of its face and ribcage was exposed, and I could even see the bone from the skull and legs. Another wolf jumped Sky Metal, but he fought back, shooting it right in the face. But, just when Sky Metal was catching his breath, a pack of decayed wolf-dogs pounced on him all at once before he had a chance to react. I watched in complete shock as the wolf-dogs tore him apart. "SKY METAL, NOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! RUN, SAVE YOURSELF!!!!! GAAAAHHH!!!!! NOOOO!!! GET OFF ME!!! AARRGH!!!!!! YAAAAAARRRRRGHHHHH!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" The rest of the team came and watch in total horror as Sky Metal was brutally ripped to pieces, reducing him to mince meat. One dog stared and leaped at me, luckily I came to my senses just in time and blasted the beast with my Python. "That's for my teammate, you piece of shit!!!" "Scoot, there's too many, get to the chopper!", Dark Snow shouted. My teammates and I ran for the chopper, but by the time we got there, the pilots took off without us. "Hey, Silver Shine, Wild Tail, where the hay are ya'll going?!!' Applebloom yelled. "No time to complain, Rookie, RUN!!!" Frost Wing shouted. One of the wolves were catching to us. To buy the others time, I turned and braced myself as a dog leaped at me. However, Frost Wing shot it out of the air and ordered the rest of us to follow him. "Head for that mansion!!", Applebloom shouted. That's what we did, running for our lives from those killers wolf-dogs and shooting at them. We spotted a mansion in the distance and thought it seemed safe. Nothing in our training could prepare us for the nightmare that was yet to come.... > Chapter 1: Sweetie Belle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Out of the seventeen members of Delta Team, There are only 12 of us left, Applebloom, Babs Seed, Captain Frost Wing, Winter Hero, Silver Stream, Steel Bronco, Colt Twister, Jade Blossom, Crystal Daisy, myself and the Snow Brothers. We don't where Scootaloo is. [Applebloom] Whew....That was a close one [Babs Seed] You said it cuz...Wow...This place is huge!!! [Frost Wing] Not your ordinary mansion, that's for sure. [Winter Hero] Hey, wait a minute...Where's Scootaloo? "No....not Scoot" Amusing the worse, I ran towards the front door, only for Frost Wing to stop me by merely blocking my path. "Captain, I'm going back for Scootaloo, don't try and stop me! [Frost Wing] Trust me, Sweetie Belle. You don't want to go out there. [Applebloom] But, Cap, Scoot's... Before our argument got heated, a shot rang out. Based on the sound, I could tell that a pistol was fired. Everyone stood quietly for at least ten seconds before coming to their senses. We all knew that one of us have to investigate, but then again, I managed to get everypony's attention by telling them that we should split the team into groups of two. Without hesitation, they all agreed. [Winter Hero] Alright listen up, Babs Seed, Daisy, Applebloom, Belle, and Twister, you're with me. The rest of you stay with Captain Frost Wing. If anything turns up, meet up back in this main hall. Understood? [Frost Wing] You heard the stallion, move out!! [All] YES, SIR!!! Being a group was a lot better than being alone. This mansion was already starting to give me the creeps. We entered the dining hall to conduct our investigation. The hall was dark and majestic at the same time; I couldn't even if it was scary or beautiful, and I'm pretty sure Rarity would faint after only two seconds. Then something caught Applebloom's eye. It was some kind of puddle near the fireplace. "What is it?" [Applebloom] Looks like blood to me. Ugh...smells like it too. And it's still warm. Y'all keep lookin' for clues, Ah'm gonna examine this. Just hope it ain't Scoot's blood. The sight of that puddle of blood almost made me faint, but I had to pull myself and focus on the mission at hand. A trace of blood lead me a door on the north side of the dining hall. With caution, I followed the small droplets of blood, and into a long hallway. This place was definitely big, and we would have plenty of time to investigate. I hope the residents living here and our teammates are okay. I continued to follow the blood trail down the hallway to the left, and into a small sitting area. As I trotted carefully towards a corner into the sitting area, I heard a disgusting munching noise, as if somepony were munching on a pound of raw meat. When I turned the corner, I saw a pony sitting down, eating something I couldn't quite make out lying on the ground. I was about to speak up as it ripped violently upwards, accompanied by a loud ripping noise, and a fountain of blood raining out of whatever it had just ripped. The sight was beyond horrifying; It was Star Vision, our comms expert. somepony was eating him, part of his throat had been torn apart, his ribcage had been ripped out, exposing his lungs. The worst part was that Star Vision was still alive during the process. The pony stopped and turned towards me; he was some kind of cannibal with no lips, rotten flesh, milky white eyes, and constant moaning. I couldn't move; every part of my body told to run, but I couldn't move. I finally came to my senses and ran screaming back to the others. [Babs Seed] Sweetie Belle, what's wrong? "Look out, It's a monster!!!!" Everyone turned their attention to the cannibal pony. Colt Twister attempted to arrest him, only the cannibal to leap at him and bit him, taking a massive chunk out of his arm. Twister screamed in agonizing pain as Winter Hero shot the cannibal in the chest. But, to everypony's surprise, it didn't collapse, it just kept going forward. [Winter Hero] What the hell?! That was a clean hit and it's not down. Winter Hero fired two more rounds, and the cannibal took those like it was nothing. [Colt Twister] What are waiting for?!!! KILL THAT FUCKING THING ALREADY!!!!! [Winter Hero] I'm trying!!! Winter Hero fired, and the cannibal took three bullets. Frustrated, Winter puts a bullet in the cannibal in the head, finally killing it. During the ordeal, I manage to patch up Twister's bite wound. The wound looked ghastly and it sank through exposing the bone. I covered it up after sterilized the wound so I wouldn't puke. [Winter Hero] What was that? What in the actual fuck was that? "I don't know, but Star Vision was still alive when this thing was eating him.....Oh no, VISION!!!" I went back to check on Star Vision with everyone else following. But it was too late; he was gone. I couldn't believe what just happen. Zombies and monsters?! We weren't trained to handle this type of situation. First Sky Metal, then Scootaloo and now Star Vision. Winter Hero comforted me as I wept for my fallen comrade. [Colt Twister] Now what? [Winter Hero] Let's report this to Frost Wing. *** By the time we got back towards the main hall, no pony was there except Dark Snow. The mansion seemed quiet, almost too quiet. [Applebloom] Hello.....Jade Blossom...Frost Wing....Emerald Shine.....any pony around? [Crystal Daisy] Dark Snow, where's the captain and the rest? [Dark Snow] Frost Wing told me to stay here while the rest of the team went to further investigate the mansion. He gave me a direct order not to leave the main hall until you guys came back and follow you guys. When I heard the gunshots, I panicked, thought something happened. Holy Shit, Colt Twister!! what happen to your arm?! [Colt Twister] Some crazy cannibal pony bit me, ripped a chunk out of it. The worst part was that Sweetie Belle saw that thing eating Star Vision. Get this, Belle thinks it was some kind of zombie. [Dark Snow] Zombie? [Colt Twister] Yeah, but I don't buy it. Zombies?! It was probably some crazy cannibal. I'm sure I'll be fine. Right after that, Twister started coughing blood. We were expecting him to joke around, tell us that he was fine. But, Colt Twister looked concerned and confused. How long can he hold up before he turns? We were all afraid of what would happen to him, but then he told not to worry and that he'll fight it out. [Dark Snow] Sweetie Belle, can I talk to you for one second? "Sure thing." [Dark Snow] Listen, if this whole "zombie thing" is true, I want you to keep an eye on Colt Twister. If his condition gets worse and he does turn, do not hesitate. You put a bullet in his head, got that? I wasn't sure if I want to do it, but with a reassuring nod, I agreed to be one to put down Colt Twister. [Winter Hero] Alright, listen up. The only way we're getting out of this situation is that we stick together. Find any intel about this mansion and these zombies. Sweetie Belle, take this lock pick, you're an expert with this. First things first, Let's find a map of this mansion so that we don't get lost. Alright everypony, move out. "Roger that! " With that said, We continued our investigation together inside the mansion, ready to face the horrors that this place had in store... > Chapter 2: Crimson Head > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While the other members presumed her dead, Frost Wing was right about Scootaloo's training. She managed to escape those dogs by flying away from their reach. One dog tried to leap towards the sky in order to drag her down, only to get a bullet to the face. That was close, Scootaloo thought to herself. Alright, time to regroup with the others. As Scootaloo flew towards the mansion, she went to the front door and tried to open it. [Scootaloo] Ugh, just my luck, locked. Wait....where's my knife? Damn, must have dropped it during the chase. Now what am I going to do? With a irritated sigh, she flew around the mansion, hoping to find an entrance. She used her PDA on her hand to scan the mansion's exterior and interior structure. With that, Scootaloo now had a digital map of the entire mansion. Suddenly her PDA picked up something she didn't notice. It was coming from the second floor of the mansion, at the East Balcony. Scootaloo went to the balcony where the signal came from; she was not prepared for what was at the other end. It was her teammate/markspony rival Lucky Lucy. She was covered in blood and appeared to have been pecked to death. [Scootaloo] Shit...first Sky Metal, now Lucy. What the hell in going on with this place? Hold up, is that what think it is?! A grenade launcher?! with ammo and a combat knife!? Heck yeah! Scootaloo quickly collected the pistol ammo, grenade rounds and knife from Lucy's corpse. Her over-excitement quickly turned into a sympathetic and sad look down Lucy's corpse. [Scootaloo] I'll hold on to these, Lucy. Thanks. Scootaloo closed the still open eyes of her dead comrade and continued on her way to regroup with the others. Suddenly, Lucky Lucy sprang back to life. At first, Scootaloo was happy her rival wasn't dead yet, but something was wrong. Lucy's pearl blue eyes were replaced with cold, cloudy, and blank. On top of that, her flak jacket fell off, revealing a huge chunk of her flesh missing from her body. [Scootaloo] Uh, Lucy? You got something missing on her chest. Lucy? The mare moaned hungrily as she snapped her bloodstained jaws near Scootaloo. In a split second, Lucy lunged at Scootaloo, tackling her down. Scootaloo used the knife to stop Lucy from biting her. Did Lucy turned into a zombie just right? Think, Scoot, think. Ah ha, my gun! With quick thinking, Scootaloo grabbed her gun and aimed it in Lucy's mouth. [Scootaloo] Sorry, Lucy. (pulls triggers) Lucy's head explodes from the back after the bullet had done its work. Scootaloo shoved the corpse aside, reeling on what just happened. If Lucy came back to life as a zombie, Then those wolf-dogs were zombies too. How did those wolf-dogs even turned into zombies in the first place? Never mind that, I had to get back with the others. As Scootaloo scrubbed off the remaining blood matter, a door opened with Diamond Tiara coming outside. [Diamond Tiara] Scootaloo? What happened to you? (gasps) LUCY?! [Scootaloo] Yeah, nice to see you too. Anyway, Lucy turned into a zombie, so I had no choice but to put her down. [Diamond Tiara] Ugh, I hate to agree with you, but you're right and you're not the only one. Silver Spoon and I encountered these monsters when our investigation started. They got Colt Storm, I did my best to patch up his wounds, but it was too late. I saw him already a zombie later on and I was forced him down. Wait...where's Solar Sorbet and Ocean Breeze? [Scootaloo] They're dead too, we found their mutilated bodies in the cockpit, and when we first got here, a bunch of zombie dogs reduced Sky Metal to mince meat. [Diamond Tiara] Damn, That's horrible!! [Scootaloo] Yeah I know, Anyway, we should regroup with the others. [Diamond Tiara] Well you're in luck. I managed to regroup with Silver Spoon, along with Button Mash, Flash Sentry, and Rainbow Gem. You can stay with us, if that's okay with you. Also, Rainbow Gem is hurt really bad, and it looks like she's been poisoned, so I recommend not moving her too much. By the way, where's your pilot? [Scootaloo] He and Wild Tail bailed on us. [Diamond Tiara] I knew it. That get was always too chickenshit to handle the first site of danger. Why Frost Wing put him in S.T.A.R.C.O.M. in the first place is beyond me. [Scootaloo] The moment he comes back, I'll kick his ass beyond twice as hard. [Diamond Tiara] Same some room for me. [Scootaloo] Don't worry, I will. Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara went back to meet back with the rest of Echo Team, into a remote bedroom in the nearby dormitory. Flash Sentry was relived that Scootaloo was okay, but was saddened by Lucky Lucy's death and reanimation. Rainbow Gem wasn't looking too good. She was unconscious, had a rising fever, and her entire body felt numb. On top of that, There were scars on her body that looked like over-sized bites marks. Despite the agonizing pain she was feeling, she managed to wake up. [Scootaloo] Gem, you alright? [Rainbow Gem] S-Scootaloo....everything.....hurts...n-need serum..... [Scootaloo] What happened to her? [Diamond Tiara] It looks like a snake bit her, probably poisonous, but the size of the bite mark is huge! [Rainbow Gem] It’s...not just any ordinary snake...Take my word for it... [Diamond Tiara] Look, this may be a problem, but I need serum to treat this wound. I left it in the chemical storage room on the first floor. The only problem is that the path there is loaded with monsters. [Scootaloo] Yeah, yeah, avoid the monsters, get the serum, got it. [Diamond Tiara] Just be careful alright, and hurry. Gem's fever is getting worse by the second. We don't have much time. Please hurry!! [Scootaloo] Don't worry, I'll get that serum. Hang in there, Rainbow Gem. And with that, Scootaloo rushed to get the serum, fighting more zombies along the way. Near the chemical room, Scootaloo finally caught after fighting her way through hordes of monsters. But, before she opened the door, the door behind her burst open as a zombie came through. This zombie, however, was different than the others. It had claws on its hooves and jagged, sharp teeth. Its heart pumping at an alarming rate, causing noticeable blood seepage in the skin and giving it a crimson shade of red. The level of aggression increased greatly from that of a normal zombie. To top all that, it was a type of predator in which virtually nothing can or will stop them from pursuing their prey. Scootaloo ran from the beast as it chased her, while thinking of a way to kill it. She tried shooting it but the monster was resilient as it took each shot. She then wall-jumped and kicked the monster, knocking off its balance. Scootaloo switched to the Grenade Launcher, hoping it would the kill the monster. As the monster charged toward her, Scootaloo fired a grenade round towards its head and exploded. What was left of the creature was its headless body as it fell to the floor, dead. After the whole ordeal, Scootaloo went to the storage room, got the serum, and headed back to Diamond Tiara. Rainbow Gem was getting worse but, now that Scootaloo had the serum, she might have a chance to survive. [Scootaloo] Hope this is what you wanted. [Diamond Tiara] Thank you, Scootaloo. Hang in there, Gem. I’m gonna give you a shot now. [Rainbow Gem] Here... take it... it’s a radio... Take care of yourself...Scoot. Rainbow Gem's eyes closed as Diamond Tiara inject the serum. Scootaloo rushed to Rainbow Gem in full panic mode. [Scootaloo] Gem!! Hey, Gem!! [Diamond Tiara] It’s okay. She’s just unconscious. [Flash Sentry] it’s not safe here. Let’s get Gem to a safer place. [Scootaloo] Right! The rest of the team careful moved Rainbow Gem to the 1F West Safe Room; the same room Scootaloo found the serum. There, Rainbow Gem was recovering very well after Diamond Tiara injected her with the serum. [Diamond Tiara] Gem's doing well, Scootaloo. She should recover soon. [Scootaloo] Good. Rainbow Gem needs you now. [Flash Sentry] As soon as Gem gets better, we’ll come after you. [Scootaloo] Diamond, you okay with a gun? [Diamond Tiara] No shit, loser. I was trained to handle firearms. [Scootaloo] Alright. I’m gonna continue my investigation. [Flash Sentry] Be careful...Alright? [Scootaloo] You don't need to worry, I'll be fine. *** > Chapter 3: Sandwich > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, at the main hall, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Babs Seed were still investigation the main hall, searching for any clues. Bored out of her mind, Babs decided to have her, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle split up, promising to meet with Winter Hero back in this hall. [Babs Seed] Remember what Winter said, if anything happens, meet back at this hall, got it? [Applebloom] Right. [Sweetie Belle] Roger that. [Babs Seed] Here, cuz, take these as well. [Applebloom] A jackknife and a bazooka? But, Babs, what are you gonna use. [Babs Seed] Don't worry, cuz. I got my custom-made Samurai Edge with me. It fires .40 S&W caliber bullets, has a longer barrel and compensator for increased accuracy and stability. Other than that, I like the buddy system we have here. [Applebloom] Ah see. Thanks. I’ll take them. [Babs Seed] Anyways, see you later, girls. [Sweetie Belle] Ciao. The investigation starts off with Applebloom using the jackknife for the tough-to-open doors. She stumbles into a bathroom when she saw something glimmering in the bathtub. Applebloom reaches in and unclogs the bathtub. As she waits for it to drain, she peers in at the muddy water. As she does, a hand rose from the mess. Applebloom stumbles back as the zombie griffon slowly gets up from the bathtub, and falls onto the ground. As it tries to grab at her leg, Applebloom avoids it for a few seconds before bucking its head inside out. After getting a look at her blood stained boots and the zombie, she quickly ran to the toilet to vomit, collecting the pistol clip when she finished. During that time, Babs Seed stumbles across some files detailing more information about the zombies roaming around the mansion. SV-21 Report They were once ponies, but were infected with and consequently resurrected by the necrotic infection known by many names, the Sàraichte Virus, Tyrannus, or T-virus for short. They lose their ability to reason, which combined with the continued decay of their flesh, has led to their being called zombies. They began to appear in great numbers with the t-virus outbreak. Their insatiable hunger drives these carriers to seek out living organisms for food, which only further serves to spread the infection. Body Disposal We have new information regarding those "beings". They may appear to be dead but in fact, they are able to come back to life. However, there are ways to prevent them from becoming active again. Currently, there are two known methods to cease their resurrection: INCINERATION DESTRUCTION OF THE HEAD If further methods are discovered, they will be notified immediately. Meanwhile to those of you who still have the will to live, oil has been placed on the first floor of the mansion. Take as much as you need. You'll need something to light it with, which you'll need to find by yourself. Crimson Head Notes - Type 1: A zombie that has undergone a sudden mutation, bringing with it a ferociousness surpassing that of a standard zombie. The mutation process requires that the zombie first is incapacitated. At this time, the creature's body tissue is reconstructed at the cellular level resulting in renewed activity as well as the tell-tale reddish color that gives the Crimson Head its name. It possesses long, sharp claws and relentlessly pursues victims with a speed unseen in zombies. Babs Seed quietly filed the notes in her in her pocket. Cold sweat began to run down her skin as she finished reading the other notes. If these notes are correct, then we're in more danger than we thought... Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle was investigating the east side of the mansion. Passing through the adjacent room, she finds a shotgun placed like a trophy, but, not some ordinary shotgun. It was a Remington M870, a shotgun very powerful at close range. Without any second thoughts, Sweetie quickly the shotgun from the mount along with the shells with the room. After taking the shotgun, Sweetie Belle returns to the small anteroom. Suddenly, she hears a *click* that came from the doors. She then notices dust falling from the ceiling and as she looks up, she finds the ceiling is descending on her. Sweetie Belle checks both doors, and to her surprise, both doors were locked. [Sweetie Belle] Dear Celestia...What did I do now? Applebloom, Babs Seed, somepony help me!!! Jade Blossom, while passing through, hears the banging on the other side of the door. [Jade Blossom] Sweetie Belle, is that you? [Sweetie Belle] Jade!! Help!! Get me out of here! The door’s jammed! [Jade Blossom] Alright, stay back!! Jade Blossom aims her revolver at the door’s lock. She fires a shot, and bucks the door open. Sweetie Belle is lying on the ground; the ceiling trap almost completely descending on her. [Jade Blossom] Take my hand, hurry! Jade Blossom quickly pulls Sweetie out into the hallway as the ceiling closes down. [Sweetie Belle] *phew* Thanks, Jade. [Jade Blossom] That was too close, a second late, you would’ve become a sweet sandwich! [Sweetie Belle] Really! By the way, weren't you with Frost Wing trying find other clues? I’m glad and all, but why are you here? [Jade Blossom] Well...we got separated, to say the least. Anyways..we should continue the investigation. [Sweetie Belle] Alright, thanks again, Jade. I owe you one. [Jade Blossom] Yeah, don't mention it. *****