> Trixie's Best Show > by Michael Hudson > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Looking for Help > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity lifted her head as she heard a knock at her door. It was fairly late, and she hadn’t been expecting company, so it was a little odd to be having a customer. Still, she was awake, even if it was only because of too strong of coffee too late in the day. The white mare stretched herself up as she stood up, allowing her firm breasts to push forward in the light blue robe she was wearing. She then swayed her hips as she walked, barely not allowing the robe’s hem to show any of her tight, lovely rump. Her hand coiled around the doorknob and was about to pull it open when she heard a voice on the other side. While familiar, how it spoke was unlike any other time she had heard the confident tones. “It’s okay. You… you don’t need to perform Trixie. You made it on the rock farm, you can make it here. Just… just another few months, and you’ll be back on the road with everypony’s eye…” The voice silenced for a moment, before Rarity’s mane stood on end by the knock that came against her ear. Rarity put her hands over her ear as she shut one eye and stared at the door. She knew what was coming, but to hear a mare so destroyed… A shiver ran through the fashionista’s frame as she thought of what would happen if she ever had to stop making dresses. “The question now is how.” She put a thumb to her mouth for a moment, before putting her hand down, and recomposing herself. No reason to let Sweetie Belle get woken up when she could think while she talked to the blue mare waiting for her. The performer on the other side jumped slightly as Rarity opened the door. Trixie took one look at her, and instead of staring or blushing, she stood straighter, and put her hands on her hips, which were covered by a purple skirt with stars on it. “Is that really how you greet ponies when it is this late?” Rarity faked a yawn while keeping an eye open to look at the mare. While her white blouse and skirt were still okay, her mane was a mess, and she could see red in the other mare’s eyes. Never a great sign, though she wasn’t about to let on about her knowledge. Instead, Rarity lowered her hand from her mouth to the top of her bosom. “I’m still wearing underwear, and I don’t ever expect to keep guests that come this late for long. Am I mistaken in this belief tonight, darling?” Trixie lowered her eyebrows as her lip curled into her mouth. Rarity watched as the blue mare curled her fist, and she took a sharp breath in. She knew she needed to let Trixie in, but if she didn’t get her to open up in the process, all would be naught. Just as Trixie opened her mouth, Rarity beat her, and quickly added, “Because if so, I will need to get more tea brewing.” Trixie’s hand stopped in between them, and the white mare barely suppressed a smile as the anger in her eyes faded while they widened. “R-really?” Rarity nodded as she put her arms below her chest and pushed up her chest. “Well of course, darling. You’re my friend, and,” she reached over and plucked a leaf from Trixie’s mane, "What sort of friend would I be not to invite you in when you’ve obviously just been through a rough patch?” A few blinks later, and Rarity smirked as she heard the door close, despite Trixie’s grumbled, “Trixie is fine.” She swiftly walked to the kitchen, her hooves echoing against the fine, wood flooring of the boutique. A sharp whistle could be heard coming from there, though the heavy door that separated any living space of hers muffled it quite nicely. Rarity was in the process of levitating the pot to get it more water, when Trixie walked in on Rarity reaching up to get to her tea collection. Just from the embarrassed tone, Rarity knew she must of reached too high and was showing off her mini marshmallows. “Umm, may Trixie know what you have as a selection?” Rarity turned around to the mare, flicking her eyes up for a moment to catch her slight blush. “Well, I have Earl Grey, Chamomile, but no cocoa and marshmallows, no matter how much it appears you like them.” She grinned as Trixie turned away, her face now bright red due to the comment. “We’re both full grown mares, so I see no reason you would be so tense about seeing a part of me like that, unless it’s that you’re worried about your own rump’s size.” Trixie’s eyes narrowed again before smacking her thigh. “Trixie’s rump has no problems, especially compared to a scrawny thing like yours. It is merely that she has always been the one almost naked, not the other way around.” Rarity nodded as she brought the heated pot back and set it on the burner again. It wouldn’t take long for it to be boiling again, and that was probably a good thing. “I suppose that must happen when one moves as much as you, especially in such a closed, lonely cab.” The showmare visibly stiffened at the last few words, and she rattled her fingers on the counter as she must have found a sudden fascination with the light. “Trixie never feels alone. She has too many admirers for that. Besides, even during the nights I may feel a little cold, I know one trip to the beach for a bikini performance.” Rarity tucked the little tidbit away as she nodded, having seen already what she needed to do. “It must help to have a nice, comfortable little place to escape after something like that. There is such a thing as too much attention after all.” Trixie gripped the counter beside her as she smiled. Despite this, there was still an audible pause between the two of them, and Trixie was cut off the whistle on the kettle blowing. Rarity pulled down two cups from beside her and began opening a packet of tea. “It is good to hear that you’re so open with your body. It’s a good trait for a mare. I do need to know more than that though,” Rarity let herself pause, laughing internally as she saw the showmare brace herself, “such as what tea you may want.” “Oh.” Trixie’s hand lifted off of the counter as she paused, “Umm, I suppose I could use some chamomile. Help me get to sleep.” Rarity nodded as she handed the other mare her own cup with a bag already steeping within it. She raised her own, and proudly whispered in the small room, “To life going better than it has for you tonight.” Trixie gripped her tea cup hard, visibly straining against the porcelain as her eyes shot wide open, and a small spark came off of her head. She glared at Rarity as her teeth showed themselves due to a deep scowl, and she stepped closer to the fashionista as she breathed in deeply. “Whatever would make you think Trixie is unhappy tonight, other than because of your actions?” Rarity took in a deep breath, before leaning in close and whispering, “You forgot to say Trixie when I caught you off guard, and I heard you outside my door.” The blue mare froze in place, and it was only because of Rarity’s quick magic that the cup did not shatter on the ground. Its contents however, did. Both mares leapt away as Rarity let out a muffled yelp, and Trixie backed herself into a wall. Rarity was lucky though, as the sudden impact slowed Trixie enough for the fashionista to lock the door from the outside with her magic. Trixie tried saying bye, but stopped midway as she tried to turn the knob. “Hey, what did you do?” Rarity raised her hoof up to make sure she wasn’t burned, before turning to the other mare. “I’m keeping you here before you do something you may regret. You’re obviously in a bad place, and running isn’t going to help anything.” “I am not!” “Then use your magic to open the door.” For a moment, the words simply hung there. Trixie laid back against the wall, first staring into the air, before than shutting her eyes. Rarity swallowed hard as she saw Trixie’s fist curl, but it never went crashing against her wall. Instead, it was brought up and put onto Trixie’s head as tears began curling down the mare’s face. Rarity let out a light sigh before she hopped down from the counter and slowly made her way over to Trixie. She placed a hand onto the shaking mare’s shoulder, and froze as Trixie looked up almost instantly. Her masscara was now running, and Rarity frowned at that, before wrapping an arm around Trixie’s back. “How about we leave the tea here, and instead go to one of my couches. You can start telling me about it on the way.” Trixie didn’t immediately move, but instead simply continued to stare at Rarity as she barely got, “Why?” out in her current state.” Rarity hugged the bent over mare closer, not caring that this meant stuffing her into her heaving bosom. “It’s because I know how it can be to always be on display, and want to help you in becoming better. I don’t want this to send you spiraling into pain, or anything worse.” The two mares stared into each other’s eyes for another moment, before Trixie nuzzled into the soft, white bosom of Rarity’s. Rarity gently stroked the other mare, before guiding her out of the kitchen, She didn’t get the chat she had hoped, as Trixie was too busy releasing her pain and staining her fur, than to answer her questions. Of course, as Rarity got them onto the couch and put her robe onto Trixie like a blanket, she would have had it no other way. It would be about another ten minutes of petting while Trixie was curled up against Rarity’s exposed, white thighs, before the show mare really even registered what was going on around her again. At the sight of the lithe, lovely legs, she sat up a little, only to blush more and sniffle after her head bounced against Rarity’s blue bra. ‘S-sorry.” Rarity waved the apology away as she shifted herself a bit, though still leaving plenty of a chance for Trixie to snuggle back in. “It’s perfectly fine, darling. Trust me, I’ve had many times in my life where I’ve completely blotted out the world due to my own overdramatic misery. However,“ she said as she gripped into Trixie’s hand, “once I’m done with the ice cream, I usually find that talking to a friend helps more.” Trixie swallowed hard, before tapping the cushion she was on. “Trixie would not mind some ice cream then.” She smiled wide, even underneath Rarity raising an eyebrow, but soon shook her head. “Trixie knows better, she promises. It’s just… hard to talk about.” “Well,” Rarity tapped her chin for a moment, “consider this like showing off to those stallions then. This time though, it’s emotionally, instead of physically.” Trixie pushed against Rarity’s leg, getting herself to properly sit up now as she chuckled. “You know, Trixie has had stallions jerk it during her performance, and they don’t have a leg up on how nervous you’re making Trixie right now.” Rarity grinned at that as she crossed her legs in front of her and leaned forward. “Maybe it’s just something about me?” The showmare’s breath caught for a moment as she suddenly became far too aware of how close their large bosoms were to touching, or the fact that she might just be pretty enough to still catch Rarity’s eye, despite their past together. “M-maybe, but Trixie’s confusion is not what you wanted to hear, was it?” She shook her head. “No, I want to hear about what happened to your home.” Trixie tightened up at that, now wishing she could just lift her shirt up and change the subject. Of course, her bountiful thighs would probably beat the pants off of Rarity’s sticks. With the pleasant thought in her head, she managed to breath in, and begin. “So, Trixie had just set up camp as she minded her own business near the Everfree, and trying was to get something into her stomach. Unfortunately, Trixie’s stew must have smelled so good that…” She hung her head for a moment. “That a pack of Timberwolves came.” Rarity’s eyes widened, but Trixie shook her head. “No, they didn’t hurt Trixie, not directly. Instead, they rummaged their way into Trixie’s stuff, and she had to watch as they tore apart some of her favorite things.” She brushed an arm across her eyes. “Trixie wasn’t too afraid though, because she got used to danger and worry from being on the road for so long. That’s why she has had to do a nude show, and didn’t even flinch. When they knocked out my parking block though…” Rarity wrapped her arms around Trixie, and felt the other mare’s tears against her fur. She ignored them though, and simply snuggled tighter. “So, you came here hoping for a job, which I will gladly give, but…” She felt Trixie tighten in her arms, and shook her head. “No, no, no darling, I’m not saying I don’t want you to be just an assistant I can’t pay well. Not when I know how long that will keep you off of the road.” Trixie chuckled slightly through her tears as she nuzzled deeper into the comforting, white fur of her friend. “You really did hear me outside, didn’t you?” Rarity nodded. “I… I did, and ever since you came in, I’ve been thinking about what I could do… and I do have one idea, but it might be a bit too… humiliating for you.” Trixie laughed this time, holding nothing back as she backed away. “Are you kidding Trixie? She is currently with a half naked mare who gave up her robe so Trixie could feel better. And this was after hours of walking into town and having to come beg for work. I honestly don’t think I can fall much lower.” Rarity shook her head as she placed her hands onto the sides of Trixie’s face. “You could have not come for help, and proven how much of a fool you are. Instead, you came for help, even if it was going to be tough, which proves to me that you’re the smart and beautiful Trixie I thought I had seen after your run in with the amulet.” A blush clashed against Trixie’s blue cheeks as she looked away, before her fatigue got the better of her and she let out a yawn. Rarity nodded at the motion, and stood up from the couch. “How about we talk more in the morning, when we’re both more awake.” Trixie stood up with a nod, before handing Rarity her robe back. “I… I think you’re right. Though… can I get some sort of idea as to what sort of job you might have for me?” Rarity put a finger to her lips, before letting her teeth shine in a smile. “You’ll be the model for my… special garments, and I guaranty that when you perform, stallions will lose their minds.” Trixie now confidently looked into Rarity’s eyes as she grinned back. “Sounds absolutely wonderful.” > Giving Thanks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie hummed to herself as she loosely slipped the robe awaiting for her backstage. The cheers of excited stallions still rang in her ears, and she had to admit, she was tempted to go back out there and give an encore. However, right now, she had another audience who deserved her attention far more. Her hooves glided across the floorboards as she moved with a bounce she hadn’t had in a long while. They had enjoyed her show, and not just enjoyed it, but loved. Trixie’s tongue ran over her lips as she thought of the younger stallions that had crowded the front. Not the ones who wanted to fuck her, but the ones who stared at her body like it was something from off of this planet. Looks that made her think of her youth, and had helped her decide to be a performer in the first place. She didn’t bother waiting to knock when she got to the back rooms, and opened the door on a sight she had not expected. Her ‘manager’ Rarity, who she had been getting closer and closer to over the past week as they prepped for the night, had a bottle of scotch beside her, and it was half empty. Her hair was a mess, and the dress she had put on, a lovely, little red number, had one strap hanging off of her arm. Trixie took in a sharp breath as she realized she was able to see the top of Rarity’s breasts, and as she felt her cheeks turn red, wondered why she was embarrassed when she had literally just shown all of herself to a bunch of faceless stallions. Rarity responded to the small cough from Trixie, and the showmare almost jumped when she saw the black streaks of mascara running down her face. Trixie almost said something, before Rarity whimpered out, “Do you hate me?” Trixie blinked a few times, before screaming, “What?” which only caused the white mare to hang her head even lower. “I made you strip. For some stupid reason I thought it was okay to make you strip. Maybe even believed only a few stallions would show up so it would be more bearable and still help. But no, so many came. We could pay for your wagon twice over, but for what price?” She put her face into her hands, and her body began to shake as she just kept saying sorry. Trixie decided to respond just as insanely, as she had found in the past that that was the best way to deal with situations like this, and lifted Rarity’s head up with her magic, before slapping Rarity. The sound echoed across the room as Rarity fell out of her chair, and looked up at the showmare. “W-why did you-” “So you would sober up and stop being an idiot! Trixie had a week to say she wasn’t okay with stripping down, and you even made sure she was okay before the show. Trixie said yes though because you were right; it would help me the best, and Trixie has no shame about her body, except when it comes to…” Trixie’s face turned bright red as she slammed her hands between her thighs, before she let Rarity see anymore of her drenched pussy. Rarity though, had woken up from the smack, and even though she was still rubbing at the deserved wound, her brain was working. “I make you nervous? Why?” “Trixie never said you.” Trixie let that hang in the air for a moment, before feeling like a moron for even trying. “Trix… I don’t know. Maybe it’s because unlike me or Twilight, you… you don’t need to be a unicorn. You could be as amazing as you are without magic, while Trixie…” Rarity pushed herself up, shaking her aching head as she said, “Are an amazing mare who not only has grace and skill, but the confidence to do more than I ever could.” At this point, Rarity was also blushing, and reached over to take one of Trixie’s hands. “Is it bad that I didn’t have to be drunk to have wanted to see you naked that night? That you stripping for me was the first thought I had when I wanted to let you keep performing?” Trixie grinned and led the hand to underneath her robe, letting her breath catch as she felt the mare’s smooth fingers caress her thighs. Trixie almost couldn’t believe herself for letting this excite her, but even that thought, the forbidden nature of being so vulnerable to a stupid, pretty mare, just got her more riled up. “You should go to bed, Rarity. You’re so drunk you’re pretending to have feelings for Trixie, and deeper than one should.” Rarity slumped forward, almost knocking Trixie over as she snuggled into the large, firm, blue breasts she found herself in. A smile crossed the white mare’s face as she raised her other hand up, and gently ran it along the side of Trixie’s breast, causing the other mare to moan as her robe slipped away slightly. “No. I’ve always wanted to say that to you. I just was never drunk enough to go through with my feelings.” Trixie swallowed hard as she raised her own hands, and slowly began taking off the straps to Rarity’s dress, until it simply fell from Rarity’s body. Her eyes bathed themselves in the sight of Trixie’s smooth back. It’s simple curve drew her lower and lower, until she saw a pair of black panties that hugged her rump in just the right way. She took in a deep breath to stop herself from simply yanking Rarity’s bra off, and instead breathed, “You know, Trixie was going to come back here to thank you, and maybe put on another show for you. If you’d li-Aaaah.” Rarity had stopped the other mare by moving over, and forcing the robe to be completely open. That wasn’t all of course, as Trixie was a bit better than that. No, Rarity’s real trick had been nosing her nipple, before giving it a long, slow lick. A small hum escaped her lips as she looked into Trixie’s face. “Maybe another night, when I don’t want to just say I love you over and over again.” Trixie’s face felt completely flushed as she put a hand over her eyes in an attempt to hide the tears that were forming. “Y-you’re drunk.” “But I’m being sincere.” “Are you sure?” Rarity looked up, and from beneath the long, slim fingers, she could see the pain and fear in her lover’s eyes. The pain and fear from experiences that had made Trixie stop caring about letting others see her body, but also made it so much harder for her to let herself fall to something like this. Rarity lifted herself up by pulling on Trixie’s shoulders, and looked her in the eyes. Those deep, purple pools made her heart twinge in sympathy. “I love you, Trixie, or at least, you mean a lot to me, and I swear I will never mean to hurt you if I do.” Trixie was silent as all she could do was breathe. She had tried lovers before, but none of them had wanted to stay. Rarity was different though. She wasn’t a magical enthusiast who loved her performances, or some big, strong stallion who wanted to be with the pretty mare, but another mare who had cried at the thought of hurting a shameless little showmare like her. Trixie let a tear fall down her face as she wrapped her fingers around Rarity’s, before leaning in and kissing her. It was brief, but that was because Trixie had to make sure she gave Rarity what she needed to hear. “I love you too.” http://clopplots.deviantart.com/gallery/57949920/Trixie-s-Best-ShowRarity curled her hands around the soft blue mare, and started to freely sob into the bosom she enjoyed so much as Trixie patted her head. “Sorry, I’m not normally so-” “Bullshit.” Rarity laughed at the blunt response, and clung to Trixie tighter. Trixie was done though. She came to the room with a purpose, and she was not about to forget about it. Slowly, the blue mare helped Rarity back onto the seat she found her at, and peeled away the mare’s white arms. Her knees soon hit the carpet beneath their hooves, and she blushed while placing her hands onto Rarity’s inner thighs. “I had planned on this being my way of thanking you for helping me discover a new form of show that I adore, but now, I think you just deserve it for becoming The Great and Powerful Trixie’s wondrous lover.” She stuck her tongue out to Rarity, who turned bright red as she covered her face, but let her legs slowly spread themselves. The showmare’s breath caught itself as she finally saw the shimmering, wet spot on the crotch of Rarity’s panties, and her heart began to hammer itself into her ears. It only got worse as she realized that she was practically naked in front of the beautiful mare who even knew to wear nicer underwear than her. She shut her eyes, the words they had so recently exchanged ringing in her ears as she reached forward. She could feel her fingers brush against the warm nethers as they hooked themselves onto the silk from the front, and she pulled. “Gentle darling, y-you don’t want to rip them.” Trixie swallowed hard as her hands trembled from the sight of the soft, pink lips that so few else had probably been allowed to see. She needed to put on a brave face though, instead of betray her inexperience with this exact subject. “W-will I be wearing them next?” Rarity shivered at the suggestion, and lowered her hands from her face to her bosom as excitement began racing faster and faster through her. She gave them a light squeeze, enjoying the feel of her soft bosom, knowing soon she would feel a similarly sized pair all too soon, but would find them all the better. Or so, she assumed. “M-maybe.” Trixie smiled at the comment, but as the thin, black fabric passed Rarity’s knees, she stopped. Before her were a set of pink, sopping wet folds, and she could smell the arousal, could smell Rarity’s need for her. Trixie let herself stop thinking, and act with her heart and instincts as she leaned forward. Her tongue gently came against the very bottom of Rarity’s pussy, before slowly finding its way up, taking in the sweet taste of every drop of moisture she found while Rarity moaned into the air. Trixie hesitated on moving forward, staying near the edges of her lover’s most secret place for the time as she nipped and licked the vulnerable skin. Rarity would not wait to be treated with a deeper kiss though, and Trixie soon found a hand on the back of her head, before she was pushed forward, and deep into the juicy nethers. Trixie took in a deep breath, her body shuddering as scent and taste of Rarity became all she knew, and she could feel drops of her own arousal hit the wood beneath her. It wasn’t long before Trixie recovered though, and began giving her beloved exactly what she wanted. Rarity gasped as she felt the strong, warm muscle slide between her tight folds, and she shivered as it began to squirm around. Every new moan though pushed Trixie to go deeper, and that only meant for Rarity to get louder in her ecstacy. The white mare would not be so selfish though, not when shown such generosity by Trixie’s fervor. The show mare’s eyes widened as she suddenly realized that she felt everything Rarity was. Each twist of her tongue wouldn’t only get the tight grip of Rarity’s nethers to shift and quake, but now she could feel the waves of pleasure she gave her marefriend bouncing through her own body. As she stuffed her tongue all the way in, her own eyes rolling back from the pleasure as she played, her hands squeezed Rarity’s tight rump, needing something to hold onto as the sensations quickly became too much. Rarity helped break the limit though, as she pulled on the back of Trixie’s head, and lifted her up. The white mare’s eyes almost came out of her head as the juiciest, thickest part of her lover’s tongue came against her engorged clit, and she felt her body stiffen. Trixie didn’t need a mimicry point at this point to know what was happening, or feel the same build up as half of her tongue became trapped inside of Rarity’s strong folds. Both mares let out deep, primal screams of ecstasy as they let their arousals overflow and pour down upon the floor and Trixie. Trixie laid back, exhausted from the passion from just a moment ago, and stared at the ceiling. She was… warm. Not hot, or overheated, but warm. The warmth made her feel safe, happy, like she could just stay there, and nothing would go wrong. She tried thinking to when she last felt this, and thoughts of home came to mind. Home didn’t make her feel as warm though, especially not when Rarity came down and laid upon her chest, nuzzling into the showmare to get some sleep. Trixie ran her hand through the soft, purple mane of her lover, and felt a tear roll down her face. She had a new form of performance that made her happy, enough money to possibly get her home back, and she didn’t want that, she now had a wonderful mare who could... Trixie blinked, unable to stop the tears that streamed down her face as she leaned over and pecked Rarity on the forehead. Yes, tonight’s show had been her best performance, for she could of no other that would get her so much.