> A LOT More...than just a "best friend." > by Lunasservant1985 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Time together at home. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''Here we are ladies, case de Inkpot, make yourselves at home and as the old Spanish wisdom says, mi casa esa tú casa.'' He said with a wave of his hand for them to head in. ''Hey! I didn't know you spoke Spanish!'' Lyra said happily as she stepped in and ploped herself down on the couch. ''¡Mi gusta é yo casa Erico! She said happily stretching out and getting cozy as Bon Bon took a seat herself on the couch, leaving one in the middle for Eric. Lyra loved to be playfully delightful, she was a very perky and quirky type of girl. ''Lyra, I don't speak Spanish, Just know that one expression.'' Eric said slightly peeved at Lyra's antics. Bon bon kicked off her boots and sighed contently as she switched the TV on. She turned to look at Lyra smiling at her. "I'm gonna heat up some pizza, any kind you girls like in particular?" He asked making his way to the kitchen. "Pepperoni," Lyra said as Bon Bon flipped the channels. Lyra loved the way her new friend invited her and Bon Bon over, her good nature however, was hoping she and her were not impeding on their host's hospitality. Lyra was not the kind of girl to take advantage of someone's good intentions. "Aww I wanted Cheese!" Bon Bon retorted with a childish fold of her arms and a cute little pout. Though Bon Bon wasn't ungrateful or self centered, she still had a bit of a childish side, her admiration for candies just a tiny testament to that. Ever her B.F.F Lyra was known to tell Bon Bon to not act like that around others. While Bon Bon was in gerneral a sweet and nice Canterlot High girl, her tendencies had well...a tendency for pushing peoples buttons the wrong way. "Of course Lyra found her actions cute and charming, evident by how she giggled at her gal pal's pout as she says, "oh Bon Bon. Must you be such a drama even when we're having fun with friends. As a pillow from the couch playfully hitting hin the face softly. Eric couldn't help bit notive how cute his two Canterlot High, school mates antics were. "I don't want to start anything, I want cheese you want pepperoni, this is just like that time at the fall formal, when I though that orange and tan leaf dress would attract Peter Page-Turner's attention, but you had to go and say he would be attracted to a low cut black dress." Bon Bon said added thinking about that day, the fall formal what an eye opener that had been, to learn Sunset Shimmer wasn't just from out of town but this world too! A unicorn from another magical world...who have guessed? "He complimented you on it didn't he?" Lyra asked as memories of that year's formal, aside from that demon monster Sunset Shimmer for the first time in a long time since that day come to think of it. "He said I looked like Black canary, then asked Gilda to dance!...What he sees in her is beyond me." Bon Bon shuddered as memories of THAT girl running amuck her first day at school and how she nearly gave lunch lady Granny Smith a heart attack with that rubber snake. "I think she's a lot better and nicer since then Bonnie." Lyra said as she remembered that day Pinkie Pie and Gilda sold those soft cinnamon scones at the school bake sale, and then there was that rumor about her being one of the students who took down that Freud guy who tried to take over the school with those tacky uniforms and Canterlot High dress code even a nunnery would call strict. "I guess you're right about that...I still want cheese though, I cant eat a pizza for the life of me if it's got spmething on it. I even picked the gourmet toppings off the pizza at that restaurant Mr. Fancy Pants invited the school to lunch that one time with his wife Flur. "Oh I remember that one, they topped it with feta cheese, baked salmon, smoked sardines, and oyster sauce....yuck!" Lyra said gagging as she could almost taste the salty, rank seafood toppings, she and Bon Bon may be friends who disagree on some things to top a pizza with, they could BOTH agree that no fish ever belongs on pizza...yes including anchovies. They unanimously despised anchovies. "Hey relax, It's not that big a deal, I've got more frozen Pizza's than the Ninja Turtles Bon." Eric said as he went to get their After school snack. Bon Bon sighed again uzipping her Canterlot High Hoodie and tossing it aside. She then kicked her sneakers off and tossed them under the couch. Lyra scoffed at Bon Bon's sloppy tendency for doing that, even in her own home you'd think the girl was a closet nudist the way she went prancing around in what little clothes her semi prudent nature would allow. Bon Bon would have probably stripped down to her bra and panties if she was alone. "Bon Bon, I don't think Eric meant for you to get that comfy in his home." Lyra said as she began digging through the stacks of old magazines, mostly Glamour and Cosmopolitian that had gone from the early 90's up to a few years back. Lyra hadn't been into these kinda mags, believing that they only propagated stylized perfection. "Says the girl digging through the family Girlie mags." Bon Bon retorted back. Lyra didn't bother to point out she had used her terminology wrong, though her slight control freak personality was practically begging her too. To correct Bon Bon and inform her she just used an archaic term for porno mags. Bon Bon chuckled seemingly aware that was EXACTLY what she called them, as her channel hopping landed on the home shopping channel. "Blech! Home shopping, I don't know what's more dated those mags, or this channel." "Are you calling Eric lame?" Lyra asked flashing her a dirty look. Sure she assumed the mags belonged to his mother, and the cable package was (as far as they could tell) something to be desired, but Eric was her friend. No one says anything about her friends, even they are her own best friends. "What?! No way! I...just don't like boring shows." She said as she scooted closer to Lyra angrily looking at her. Bon Bon's other tendency, her short fuse temper was starting to show, this was more evident by the way she stared at Lyra as if it was that Shadowbolt vs the WonderColts ice hockey game from tbe WINTER Friendship Games. "Don't get snippy with me "Bonnie." Lyra hissed at her. Lyra was no slouch herself, best friend or not, no matter how soft spoken she seemed on the surface. Lyra is a stand your ground, take nothing from anyone kind of girl when she needed to be. Still there were rumors that Bon Bon was an escaped sleeper agent for the government awaiting her trigger phrase. So far Pixel Resolution had determined it was NOT "Sweetie Drops", or "would you kindly," as his "research," AKA playing Bioshock all weekend had concluded. "I didn't get snippy with you!" Bon Bon responed her face inches from Lyra's now, the girls bopth looking at each other in bitter venomous spite now. Eyes locked iris to iris. "I though we were supposed to be best friends." "Don't you yell at me! We are best friends! I just wish you wouldn't push my buttons that way is all!" "I...Wasn't...yellinig...at...you." Bon Bon said softly as their noses touched, Then Lyra smiled softly as she placed her soft and tender lips on Bon Bon's, making the cream colored and taffy purple and pink haired girl blush hard and have her eyes go wide in shock. Before Bon Bon closed her eyes in bliss and accepted the kiss, the two girl's tongue tips touched and flicked, rubbing together as they giggled into each other's mouths. They broke their kiss slowly and softly. "I Didn't know you were into girls that way Lyra." Bon Bon said blushing and hiding behind her pomp of hair. The news came as a bit of a surprise. Again though mostly rumors, Bon Bon repeatedly told her fellow students, tbe Canterlot High qazzete, even the teachers! That she and Lyra weren't a "couple" that way....until now apparently. "I don't exactly think I'm into girls, but I am definitely into you Bon Bon." Lyra said lifting her shirt off exposing her pink bra. It was a more fashion orientated bra in comparison to her. School sports bra, but enough to peak Bon Bon's interest. "What if...Eric comes back?" Bon Bon asked nervously looking from the kitchen door to Lyra taking that pink bra off with half lidded eyes. Making sure she couldn't see the surprise underneath, not that much was needed to get an interested person's engine started, her soft lime green skin, her golden glowing eyes. Why did these two lose the battle of the bands again? Oh right that was why... "See if he wants to join us if you're into that kinda thing, you're only young once." (Girl not in this screwed up Groundhog Day of a universe) she said watching Bon Bon's jaw hit the dloor at her suggestion, Lyra was really getting into the concept of, living it up. She only hoped the same could be said for her B.F.F. Bon Bon. "Fuck...I'm more amazed YOU are the one open to that kinda thing," The prudent somewhat Bon Bon said still decently dressed save for her shoes and jacket, as Lyra was slowly kicking her panties off her ankle making them fly across the room landing on the novelty Homer Simpson phone. She spread her legs apart exposing her shaven womanhood, glistening with the petals of her arousal longing to bloom from her lover's touch. "Touch me." Lyra said with her pleading voice and eyes. Truth be told, as much as she genuinely liked...maybe even loved Eric, Lyra loved Bon Bon just as equally too. She's an...ambitious girl to say the least. Meanwhile "People round the world, join hands...start a love train...love train." Eric sang as he popped the last of the pizzas into the microwave. The box said specifically not to do that with them, but hey they still tasted pretty damn good when they came out steaming warm with melty cheese and that soft and spongy crust. There's really an aquired taste to microwave pizza you really only appreciate when you're young. Eric placed the other two melty discs on plates, leftover bat and pumpkin plates from Halloween but who cares when you're among friends right? He took a whiff of his supreme topping pizza, his mind wandering to thoughts wandered to the cute and sweet girls waiting to enjoy a nice, wholesome after school snack together, maybe watch the afternoon movie on Fx and..."WHAT THE FUCK!" He said practically dropping the pizza at what he was seeing. "OH! Yes! YES Bon BON! BON! BON! RIGHT THERE! RIGHT THERE!" Lyra said in delight and sexual pleasure as Bon Bon lapped at her puffy, swelling lips as they bloomed open exposing her pinker pearl and their dripping wet inner depths. Bon Bon stuck her tongue out and licked her friend's swollen folds slurping loudly getting her wet with her sweet, sugary juices and saliva. "Bon Bon? Have you been...practicing?" Lyra asked as Bon Bon kissed the protruding tip of Lyra's clitoris. "Well, maybe a little here and there, but I'll never tell." She said with a giggle as she gave Lyra's clit one last little kiss. Both of them were completely nude, Bon Bon lay on her back as Lyra held her close in her arms, her hand gently carressing her belly before diving lower and two well skilled fingers began to rub and slip inside of Lyra's snatch. As two fingers slid into her, Bon Bon's thumb rubbed over the nub of HER clit. As they two girls were lost in the lusty haze, Eric came in with the pizza. "Uhhh girl's?...I'm not one to judge love, but...may I ask why you had to do this in my house?" He asked as his eyes were drawn to the way Bon Bon closed her eyes at the feeling of intrusion by the other girl's fingers as Lyra spread her open. "Awww, what's the matter Eric? Jealous?" Lyra asked spreading Bon Bon open wide, making her gasp and bite a knuckle. "Hand me my pizza please Eric." Bon Bon asked holding her hand out to accept the round cheesey disc. He handed it to her and she let the hot cheese strand hit her breasts, she moaned and hissed as Lyra placed her mouth on Bon Bon's left boob, and Eric did the same with her right. They both licked and sucked on soft warm flesh and hot melty cheese. Their warm mouths leaving sloppy trails off saliva as they sucked on her hard nipples, untill she was licked clean. "Did you enjoy that my best friend?" Lyra asked as she and Eric planted more kisses on Bon Bon's nipples. The bond between them all growing very strong. "Mhhhmmm I liked it a lot, but are we done already?" Bon Bon asked her lips dripping with sarcasm as she placed her hands on Eric's zipper and unzipped it. "Far from it cutie." Eric said smiling as he wondered how they'd share one male. Course he knew from the limited supply days in art class that Bon Bon could be a pretty resourceful girl, that knew how to improvise. Almost like a...no let's not go there. "Mhhhmm, Bon Bon?" Lyra asked as she helped Eric lift the school sweat shirt over his head as Bon Bon made his pants hit the floor. Leaving him in his underwear. " Yes Lyra?" She asked standing up allowing Eric to take Bon Bon's place and lay down on the couch as they looked down at him smiling lustfully as the both gave him a little show by kissing each other full on the lips, tongues and all as Lyra gave Bon Bon's left bosom a hard squeeze. "Can I get a ride from Eric this time?" She asked blushing hard and giggling as she felt him reach up and give her pussy a little tickle with the tips of his fingers teasingly. The mixed sensations making her moan and giggle at the same time. "My tounge is very...limber Bonnie." He said making it snake out and flick like a flat end squid tentacle. He made sure to curl the tip u[p and lick and lap at an imaginary clit that he hoped would be taken by the real one currently dripping sexual juices all over his parent's Persian throw rug. "I see that." Bon Bon said as she stood over his face and lowered her lips to his, as Lyra straddled his body and he felt her grinding her pussy on his leg, going higher and higher along his thigh as she edged closer and closer to his cock. "Hey wait! One sec!" He quickly shouted just as Bon Bon was about to smother him with snatch and muffle him with muff. He reached and picked up a remote making the TV change from HSN to the stereo, as a song began to play. "OMG!" Lyra chirped happily still straddling her vulva on on his bare leg. "Eric! I didn't Know you liked My Chemical Romance! I love those guys!" She said giving a fangirl squee. "For Realsies?" Bon Bon added stealing a saying from The Dazzling Sonata Dusk. "I love MCR, and The Misfits, and Black Sabbath, and Marilyn Manson and...Woooohhh!" She was cut off by having Eric grab her by the hips and lower her pussy to his slightly elongated tongue. Eric licked like a man dying of thirst in the Sahara at her dripping wet vulva. Her vaginal juices were pure perfection, almost making him wish he could sample Lyras, not that she wasn't enjoying herself as she slid painfully slowly down his hard shaft. She bit her lower lip and leaned forward and gave Bon Bon yet another kiss. Eric in spite of his current position got a good look at the sight. One sweet and very beautiful girl sitting on his face, another using his tool expertly to maximum pleasure. "The whole living room was echoing with a symphony as old as time. As Lyra rode his man hood again and again. Moaning and gasping as she felt his chiseled tip poke and prod deep at her G-spot. "Doesn't exist my ASS!" She shouted as her tight muscles began to clamp down and squeeze the throbbing hard cock the was buried deep inside her. "I second that LYE!" Bon Bon equated in pleasure as Eric's tongue shifted and wiggled around on her own sweet spot. One spongy muscle stroking and teasing an even spongier and squishier bit of flesh in her woman hood. The same thing happening, her vulva lips and inner muscles began to close and clench sending shock waves of delight up Bon Bon's spine and her brain was like an electrical storm of pleasure at his actions, all the while her gaze never broken from Lyra's. A look in her eyes that said, 'I love you....both of you..In my own way.' As both the girls threw back their heads and cried out like hawks, saying in unison with their boy toy (presumably given his mouth being busy) "I'm CUMMING!" They all said together as they climaxed in perfect sync with each other. Lyra's pussy gave one last quiver before a steady stream of warm, sap like juice flowed freely like a drain opening. Bon Bon was more...forceful, a squirter. Her Slit opened and bloomed as a hard, hydrant like burst of clear more watery, though no less pleasant stream of juice began to shoot from her and spray Eric in the face. He took as much he could before it felt he'd choke and let the excess runoff cover his face, he drank her payload as if it was ice cold lemonade. They both slide off his ends and slinked down beside him cuddling his sides cooing softly as he felt their warm, soft and velvety cream and lime green skin. "So...What happens now?" Eric asked as they gave the sides of his cheeks soft kisses and giggles. The whole atmosphere was bot very erotic and yet also...causal. Maybe it was the genuine bond he was feeling with these girls here, maybe it was sometime else, something...magic? "We're all friends here Inky." Lyra said with a giggle using her little pet name for him, "I like you...both of you, and I hope we'll all be good friends for a long time." "Ditto on that one, I had fun, hope we get to do it all again soon." Bon Bon said in Eric's ear before licking it. "Best trio of best friends forever right?" She said, her old giddy self slowly returning. "Won't people find it...unorthodox to have two girl's and one guy all in a relationship?" Eric asked imagining hallway whispers at school, and even the few adults in town talking about them, especially that gossip drama teacher Ms. Finish. The mouth on that woman's appetite for gossip was...borderline inhuman and borderline personality disorder. "Oh don't be such a..." Lyra paused for a second to make an invisible dotted line 'Square.' "Yeah, it's not the squeaky clean wholesome 50's anymore Eric." Bon Bon added with a playful giggle as she began to play footsie with him and Lyra. Neither girl was a bad girl with low standards. They just...didn't like being held back or tied down by stupid societal expectations. "Square am I?" Eric asked reaching under the couch cushion and pulling a small bottle of little red pills from under the cushion. "Anyone up for acid? I'd offer some pot, but my folks would be able to smell it." Their hands flew up as they both giggled excitedly, all notions of Coach Iron Will's lessons and lectures on the stuff vanishing with their cares, before Lyra asked concerned. "But...what If your folks come home?" The clicking of the door bolt, followed by his smug ear to ear grin and the unscrewing of the bottle was Lyra's only answer. The Technicolor haze of pure bliss just a few drops away. "This seems wrong." Bon Bon said taking the little red drop. "But it feels so good!" She said sighing contently as her sense of touch became super sensitive. A swirl of colors and lights as the All American Rejects song "Gives you hell came on. The three of them felt like there wasn't a care in the world as hands groped, lips locked and bodies grinded and rubbed up against each other in otherworldly delight. This whole afternoon was one you don't write about your diary you know your mother looks at, or the the one hidden in the walls, one full of your naughty little secrets. It wasn't something any guys at Canterlot High went bragging about, the boys of Canterlot High toke pride in being modern embodiment of chivalry, and forever followed the saying. "A gentleman never kisses and tells." He said to the giggling lovely ladies cuddling him and licking his cheeks as if he was one of those sweet, homemade caramel candies Bon Bon specialized in making.