Five Kingdoms, One Future

by Phen

First published

The world of ponies, gryphons, and batponies all being peaceful and caring about each other that you knew is not this one. This is a world of ponies, gryphons, and batponies having there own idea of the future, and not letting anything get in the way

(To start off this is a AU story heavily inspired by games like Pokemon and Summoner Wars, maybe a little RWBY, so if you don't like the idea of tamers, summoners, and small Technicolor horses killing each other then this is not the fanfic for you)
Long ago in this strange world known as Equestria, there where five kingdoms.
The Uni, a kingdom of unicorn who felt that magic and summoning is the true future.
The Pegi, a kingdom of pegisi who felt that taming creatures and aerial combat was where the world was heading.
The Terra, a kingdom of earth ponies who felt that gunpowder and bots was the only way the future could be stable.
The Gry, a kingdom of Gryphons who felt that everyone was wrong and that sticking blade, bows, and thing of that nature is the only thing that will keep the future nice and simple.
And the Night, a group of Batponies who thought the Earth Ponies had a point, gunpowder is a future, but they didn't care about the robot stuff.

(No picture, sorry. I can't draw for the life of me)

Uni: Chapter 1

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"Queen Arc!" Royal Arc looked away from her papers from the call, she looked up and saw one of her guards rushing over to her "Queen Arc I have a report for you." The guard said as she bowed.

"Speak." was the only reply from the Uni Queen as she looked back at her papers.

"The LE Scout has given a... Interesting report from his patrol-" The guard said as he handed Royal Arc a piece of paper with the report on it "apparently he saw a small Terra group in our lands, he assumes it is a Terra scouting party" The guard said, a ting of worry in his voice, regardless if it was from speaking to the Queen of the Uni or it was from the report Royal did pick up on it.

"Don't worry, i will send a group to go take it out and find out why its here. You may go..." The guard nodded and began to walk away "Oh and if you ever speak to me with fear in your voice again, it better have a much better reason. Your a guard not a foal." The guard nodded once more and started to walk away again, this time much faster. "Regal!" Royal Arc called out, soon a white unicorn with lots of gems and jewelry rushed over.

"You called for me my Queen?" the white unicorn mare said as she bowed, evidently named Regal.

"Go send a message to General Star that he needs to get a group to take out that Terra scouting party... Oh and tell him he can only send one pony and no more then five summons! The report clearly says it didn't look like a big group so i will not be willing to waste a lot of resources on something so small" Arc commanded as she topped it off with a wave of the hoof.

"General Star, Queen Arc has sent you a message" Regal said as she ran over through the barracks towards General Star, once she got to him she floated the message out of her saddle bag, once General Star took it Regal walked away.

General Star read through it, once down he tossed it and sighs "Ugh, one pony and five summons..." General walked over to his desk and checked the list of troops and there ranks "Hmm..." Once he decided on who will go and what summons he leaned over to a large horn looking opening in the wall and slide the lid off of it, he cleared his throat and then spoke loudly into the opening "Ruby Glimmer! Go to the armory, get your weapons, gear, a riding direwolf, a werewolf, a beta phoenix, and a ice spirit summoning crystals. Once done come to my office" The horn echoed his words through out the barracks, after about three minutes a dark red unicorn in a cloak with some armor underneath came up to General Star.

"You called for me sir?" She said in a quite creepily monotone voice.

"Yes I did, you have the summoning crystals i told you to get?" General Star replied as he looked up, Ruby didn't say anything back, she just floated four crystals onto the table, in each crystal there where summoning symbols carved into them. He looked over the four crystals making sure each symbol was correct before he spoke "Good" He floated the LE Scout report over to Ruby "Take out the Terra group but don't kill everything, 'kindly' ask one of those Terra scum what they where doing in this area before you kill him. Understood?" Ruby just nodded and took back the crystals and picked up the report "Dismissed" General Star said as he turned away.

Half a hour later Ruby was sitting on the saddle of the riding direwolf she summoned with one of the crystals, she looked down from a large hill at the Terra group. There was six units, two Terra ponies and the other four where bots, Ruby took out the beta phoenix summoning crystal and mumbles the inscription on the crystal. With a quick flash a large phoenix came out, it was not nearly as big or strong as a alpha phoenix but it was still quite big "Fly over them real quick and find out what robots they have, when done come back to me and report it... And don't be seen!" the beta phoenix nods and flew off, Ruby sat down and put her head on the direwolf as she waited.

One minute later the phoenix came back and started drawing in the dirt with its claws. The phoenix first drew a circle with spider like leg, Ruby knew what the first one was it was a scout bot, all it really has is a rifle built into it and the legs move quite fast making it a decent sniper, next the phoenix drew two circles that went up into a four armed ape like feature and Ruby also knew what those two where, they are normal warrior bots, the top two arms are blades, the bottom left arm is a crossbow for long ranged fighting, and the bottom right arm is a rapid reloading flint lock pistol for close range fighting, and the last thing the phoenix drew was something that she never seen before, it first drew a diamond shape with four beams in it going down to a rectangle with what looked like a cannon on the front and on the bottom of the rectangle was tracks.

Ruby stood up and got on the riding direwolf, she then summoned the werewolf and ice spirit quickly. She whispered to them "Stay here until you see me attack the group, then wait five seconds before leaping in." After Ruby said that she road the direwolf behind some rocks near the group, she listened in to the group.

"What? Nah it will be ok" One of the Terra ponies said to the other, Ruby unsheathed her sword and commanded the direwolf to leap at them with a whip of the reins, they leaped over the rock and landed behind the group. The group turned and looked at her "Oh god damn it! Kill her before she warns anyone about us!" Yelled one of the Terra ponies, both of the Terra ponies ran back behind the two warrior bots who started rolling towards Ruby which started firing and that's when Ruby saw it, there was a massive crystal with four beams keeping it up which went down into a metal rectangular box that had a cannon on it with two tracks on the bottom, it was like a tank. The crystal spun a bit until a small metal pole faced Ruby, the pole sparked up with magic and soon a beam was sent at Ruby. The direwolf reacted before Ruby did and lept our of the way of the beam but the crystal slowly turned keeping to beam going following the Ruby, to make matters worse bullets and crossbows flew around them as all the other bots moved towards Ruby.

A loud boom range out as the tank like bot fired a cannon towards the beta phoenix that swooped in the help, the cannon hit the phoenix directly and all the damage was to much for it, the phoenix shattered into a bunch of crystal shards like all summons do when they die. Ruby quickly got off the direwolf as she saw the werewolf and ice spirit attack the tank like bot. The crystal swiveled around trying to hit something with the beam "Direwolf! Go after the scout bot! Werewolf, attack the warrior bots! Ice spirit, keep attacking the tank... Thing! But keep moving as you do!" As soon as the commands where given the summons acted, sparks, bullets, claws, and magic where flying everywhere. As the fighting went on Ruby grabbed her sword with telekinesis and charged at the two Terra ponies who where trying to shoot the werewolf, as Ruby closed it she sent the sword forwards and slashed one of the ponies in the leg, it didn't last long as a bullet ripped into Ruby's shoulder, she cringed in pain and limped back a bit but didn't stop her attack, she made three balls of fire and sent them at the Terra ponies. The unhurt one managed to get out of the way from the large fiery explosion but the one who was crippled with the leg wound took the full force of the blast.

The werewolf was having not the easiest time given the fact that he was dealing with four blades, two sets of bullets flying around him all the time, and two crossbow bolts being shot out at him but he managed ti dodge most of it sense he has speed on his side, the werewolf jumped back a bit and tried to catch his breath but a crossbow bolt hit him in the chest as soon as he did, it didn't kill him but he fell down a bit and spat out some blood, as soon as the werewolf caught sight of the blood his eyes turned blood shot with blood lust, he got down on all fours and ran towards the warrior bots, bullets and crossbow bolts flew into him but it didn't slow him down, he was like a berserker taking all the hits but still moving. The werewolf pounced on the left warrior bot and proceed to rip it apart with his claws, once he finished taking apart the first one - and taking several more slash, bullets, and crossbow bolts - he ran towards the second warrior bot who was in the process of backing away as it fired but the werewolf had far more speed then the warrior bot and it caught up with the bot quite easily, there werewolf parried the bots blades with a wave of its claws and sank it's teeth into robot's metal chest, soon ripping off the chest plate showing all of the gears and engines inside it. As soon as the werewolf was about to start slashing into the exposed insides of the bot two blades stabbed into the werewolf's neck. No amount of bloodlust could save the werewolf from the blades that ripped open his neck, the blades almost decapitated werewolf but when the warrior bot was done killing the werewolf, all that was left of the werewolf's neck was a patch of skin keeping the neck and body together. Soon the werewolf shattered into a bunch of crystal peices.

Meanwhile the Direwolf just finished easily stomping the scout bot's sphere head, the direwolf only really took one bullet the leg which did slow it down a bit but was not nearly enough to stop it. The direwolf saw the last warrior bot closing in on Ruby who was blocking the Terra ponies blunderbuss with a force field, it was looking like Ruby was having a hard time closing the distance and if that warrior bot got to Ruby then she would be done for. The direwolf charged at the warrior bot ramming it's head into the bot's side sending them both tumbling, the dire wolf pinned down the warrior bot and bit into its left blade arm, attempting to rip the whole thing off, after a few attempts the direwolf figured out how pointless the attempts where and instead it pointed it's attention on biting into the exposed inner workings of the warrior bot, with a few bites into the gears and valves of the bot it stopped fully, but not before pulling its quite mangled blade arm out from under the direwolf and getting one good stab into the direwolf's side, the direwolf stumbled back and with it's mind clouded with pain and blood loss it looked for its next target, the only thing left was the tank like bot which the ice spirit was circling around and freezing the joints of it. The direwolf knew that it would not be able to do anything to the tank so instead it limped over to Ruby, letting out a weak whine. Once ruby saw this she reached into her bags with her mouth and took out the direwolf's summoning crystal. Almost instantly after she did Ruby returned the heavily injured direwolf to it.

Ruby looked back to the Terra pony when she was done returning the direwolf and saw that he just finished reloading another shot but this time he didn't fire right away, he instead took a few steps back and waited, Ruby took this opportunity to lower the shield and charge forward, though not straight at him, she was smart enough to charge more to the left of him to make sure she didn't take a blunderbuss shot to the face. Once Ruby closed the distance she slashed the blunderbuss on his saddle in a attempt to disarm him but she did take a gracing bullet to her side before the blunderbuss flew away the the Terra. The Terra pony quickly unsheathed a sword with his mouth and Ruby gladly took the challenge, they parried each others swords a few times, none of them leaving a big enough opening for a slash yet but Ruby knew she had the advantage of having more maneuverability with his sword. Ruby then had a idea, she locked blades with the Terra pony making it a struggle of strength which she knew she would lose given the fact that the Terra pony is a earth pony which meant he had the natural strength advantage, as soon as the Terra pony started to win the struggle she let go of the magical grip she had on the sword, jumped back, and pulled up a large rock with her magic. The Terra pony lost balance due to Ruby suddenly moving away giving Ruby plenty of room to bash the Terra in the head with a rock, the Terra pony fell down unconscious.

Now that the Terra was taken care of Ruby pointed her attention to the Tank thing, she had a idea about it which was to take it back to the kingdom as little hurt as possible, the ice spirit was slowing it down but not stopping it "Ice Spirit! Pour all your energy into one final freeze, stop its movement completely for as long as you can!" Ruby yelled and the ice spirit complied, it flew up and sent down two large beams of ice at the joints of the tanks which also game Ruby a decent amount of time to fully look at the tank and understand a bit of how it works. There where three parts of the tank that could move, the tracks which could move on there own and turn 180 degrees which allowed it for full movement, the cannon which could turn 180 degrees and the cannon could move also it's self allowing for it it aim any where it pleased on it it's on. and the crystal which could move like all the rest. Now that Ruby understood that she could guess where the engine is, she ran towards the tank like bot and stabbed into the metal shell near the cannon, it took a few stabs but after a while she was able to break through, she slowly carved a hole into the shell for Ruby to get in, once done she climbed through and saw that her suspicions where correct, the gears, valves, engines, everything was all here. She stabbed the engines once to break it, shutting down the bot with no further issue... Or so she thought, while the tracks, cannon, and everything stopped. the only thing that didn't was the crystal on top, while it could no longer move around it was still firing "God damn it..." Ruby mumbled to her self as she climbed out of the bot's inner, she made her way to the top where she crystal was and stabbed her sword into it, she carved out the metal pole that the beam was coming from and it finally stopped.

"Alright..." Ruby said as she caught her breath "Lets go back to the kingdom" She said, moving to the knocked out Terra pony. She picked him up tied him up with her cloak, once done she threw him into the hole she made in the bot "Ice spirit, drag the bot" Ruby commanded and stared moving.

Terra: Chapter 1

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Hoof Smith, the High King of the Terras, was on his throne listening to suggestions from his counsel, most of it was about peace treaties, insisting skirmishes, trade routes, and other dribble that would not further anything in the long run. Soon his voice boomed out over the debates and talking "SILENCE!... We shall do nothing until i get a report on how our recent, ahem, test has been doing!" The room fell silent and finally someone spoke up.

"W-Well about that" Said a weaselly looking earth pony in the back row of the counsel "You see High King Smith, uhm... The group, kinda, well they did, uhm... They where wiped out by the Uni... We found only one of the ponies bodies and the Crystal Tank Bot was missing..." Hoof Smith sighed audibly, not for any real reason besides showing how much disdain he had for the counsel.

"God damn it... Another perfectly good prototype wasted due to you foal's horrid suggestions." The High King didn't mean it, after all the counsel has helped him out through quite a few bad issues but at this moment he had very little patience for there mistakes "Ok, anything else to report before we end this session?" A gray earth pony wearing quite comically large glasses raised his hoof "Yes?" Smith asked, now ready for some much better and useful news.

"Well sir, from what we have heard a recent group of bandits from the Pegi lands have moved into our land and has been harassing our farms and villages... Sir..." The gray earth pony said quite proudly, until the last part that is where a bit of fear marked his face due to the High King's annoyed face.

"Ok two questions: One, how do you know they are Pegians? And two, why do you feel this matter is worth my time? If they are just bandits then send some bots and a warrior to go deal with them!" The King was at the end of his rope, really he just wanted to get out of here and relax.

"Well sir, we know they are Pegians because they where pegisi and they raided with tamed animals. And why we feel like this is worth your time is well... Everything we have sent at them so far has failed." Smith started to laugh.

He just kept laugh for about thirty seconds "Oh my gods, that is fucking hilarious! A group of bandits come into our land and we can't even take them out with some guards!" The king kept laughing for a little bit more before he returned to a more serious expression "Ok, here is what we will do, first send a scout and a scout bot to figure out where there hideout is and about how many there is, once we find that our me and a group of ponies and bots will storm in there are wipe them out." The King said as he got up, soon objection and calls rang out, almost all of them about how he should not risk his own life for this but Hoof Smith just walked away towards his room.

When Hoof got into his room he turned to one of his servant bots, more specifically he was looking at his echo bot. Echo bot's are pretty much identical to the scout bots besides one main thing, they have no weapon. Instead inside there sphere body there is a slot that you open and speak into, once done it seals and keeps the words you spoke echoing inside forever until it reaches it's destination and then it opens the slot again which lets out the sound though the main issue is that the words can get a bit jumbled. Hoof opened the slot and said into it "Iron Mane, please report to my room with your scout bot as soon as possible" after he said it he closed the slot quickly and ordered the echo bot to go to Iron Mane and give the message.

Once the echo bot was on it's way, Hoof Smith started getting a mission detail ready for Iron Mane. Around five minutes later there was a knock on the kings door "Come in!" the king yelled and soon a dark blue earth pony with a iron colored mane stepped through the door.

"You called for me my lord?" He said with a humble smile on his face "The echo bot asked for me to come with my scout bot, i assume it am doing a scouting mission?"

Hoof nodded and turned around, he handed over the mission detail "Everything you need to know is on there, now then your dismissed" Iron Mane nodded

As Iron Mane walked towards the armory to get his gear he mumbled the words of the mission detail to him self "You are to get your personal scout bot, one warrior bot, and your gear and report to Counsel Pony Heralding Scroll, he has further information on the bandits you will the scouting out..." Iron put the note away and opened the door to the armory, he took some light armor, a rifle, a flintlock pistol, and a sword. Once he got them he clipped on the holsters and sheaths putting them in there place and put on a saddle bag before heading to Heralding Scroll's office.

Terra: Chapter 2

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Iron Mane finally got to Red Wood, a small town that use to be part of Pegi land but was taken over by Terra, Heralding told Iron that this place is one of the most targeted places that the bandits attack, the info was clearly correct for Iron Mane saw wolves heading towards the town and pegisi flying over head towards it also. Iron had to make act quickly if he didn't want to end up in a real fight, he commanded the warrior bot to help the civilians fight the bandits head on as the scout bot and Iron headed on to roofs of different buildings, Iron got his rifle ready, within seconds of setting up he fired, the bullet flew through the air and ripped into the skull of one of the bandits who soon tumbled down out of the air lifelessly. Iron started to reload as the scout bot started firing it's self, the scout bot manage to shoot one of the wolves in the leg, the now crippled wolf bit one of the civilian ponies in the neck before the warrior bot stabbed the wolf in the side. Iron muttered a curse under his breath, he was upset that the mutt managed to take a life for it's own, but it was ok after all there was only five more bandits in this raid left.

Iron did smirk a bit at the low numbers of bandits, it could be assumed that they just didn't expect any real push back. Iron lined up another shot, this time aiming at one of the three wolves. The shot zipped through the air but ending up missing completely, lucky one of the civilians manage to shoot the wolf who was startled by the shot with his flintlock pistol, by now the bandits have reached the town it's self and have been firing arrows down at the town and flying by the civilians to slash them with there swords, it was starting to be chaos.

The warrior bot looked up and started firing the rapid reloading pistol at one of the pegsi bandits, despite how bad it is at long ranges and even more so how bad it is when shooting straight up, it still managed to clip the wing of the bandit, sending the pegasus spiraling down into the ground, he got up slowly to meet a crossbow bolt in the face.

Quite a few civilians started running away the wolves ripped apart a few more of the random ponies, Iron shot a bandit in the side, soon after waving for the scout bot to finish the bandit which happened promptly with another bullet to the bandit's side. The warrior bot stabbed one of the wolves in the neck, when another wolf pounced at the bot it shot it in collar bone with it's crossbow. The warrior bot looked to it's side and noticed a lack of a left side, one of the bandits with a axe flew down and lobbed off the inter left side of the bot, that still didn't stop the bot from firing several pistol shots into the bandit's back. The last two wolves ganged up on the warrior bot and started ripping it apart as the last bandit started to fly away, the scout bot shot one of the wolves in the head as Iron Mane got up and started running across the roofs of houses in chase of the bandit, the bandit fired a few arrows back at Iron which missed due to how frantic the bandit was flying, Iron jumped off the roof and bit the bandit's leg pulling the two down into the ground. Iron took out his flintlock pistol quickly and shot the bandit in the wing, soon after he pinned the bandit down.

The last wolf ran towards Iron to attack him but the scout bot shot it in the back before it could reach Iron "Where is your base?" Iron said, the bandit just spat in Iron's face, he just sighed and got ready to work with one of his greatest skills... Torture