Scooter Learns to Fly

by Harmonium Titalius

First published

In nut shell Scootaloo learns the slow way about getting airborne.

Unfortunately this story is an Anthro/Human story because I tried writing it in a Pony style and it didn't really work out that well. The story is told from the perspective of a Human named Michael who lives with the Mane Six as they attend college in an alternate universe. During the Summertime Scootaloo comes to live with them-she's an orphan and we all know it-and Dashie tries to teach her to fly since she's turning 14 soon. I've got another Prequel to this in mind, but it clashes a bit with another story game written by Fatelogic. Ugh, well everything's derivative I guess so I'll just go with this.

Chapter 1. Scoter's Meltdown

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Scooter couldn’t really remember when she was supposed to be able to fly anymore only that she was becoming less sad and more angry about the fact that she couldn’t. All winged pegasi anthros typically start flying at a very young age. She just turned fourteen and she had still never been through the sky on her own wings before. This abnormality led me to start researching Pegasi physical flight therapy when he first met Scooter and her friends.

I brought them all over one weekend to surprise Jackie, Clare, and Dashie. Annabeth was Jackie’s sister, Belle was Clare’s sister, and Scooter was Dashie’s adopted sister. Scooter was an orphan and Dashie was always Scooter’s hero, so Dashie just looked out for her. Three years after that weekend I had basically mastered the subject of Pegasi anthro wings. Just in time too because Dashie and Scooter came through the door and Scooter was not happy.

“It’s alright girl, you’ll get it next time,” Dashie said encouragingly. Everyone was sitting in the living room waiting for them to be done trying to get Scooter airborne. It was practically midnight.

“No I won’t, if I haven’t now I never will,” Scooter said in her usual miserable tone of voice. There was a dark bitter edge to it this time though.

“Hey come on, you’re still only thirteen. We’ve got time to figure this out,” Dashie tried to help.

“No we don’t there’s no time because I haven’t improved since we started five goddamn years ago.” The whole room was silent, Scooter was a tomboy sure, but she also had a heart of gold. To hear her curse was unheard of.

“Hey come on now,” Jackie started.

“No, I’ll just figure out something a light boned earth anthro could do because that’s all I’ll ever be good for. I might as well just cut off these goddamned wings because then I wouldn’t even be able to get my hopes up about not being stuck on the ground for the rest of my FUCKING LIFE!” Scooter shrieked sprinted out of the room and into the bathroom.

Everyone, but Flutters and I looked after Scooter while we looked at Dashie. She stood there for a moment petrified before her tough resolve crumbled too. She fell to the floor crying while trying not to pull out her rainbow hair. One by one the others left to try to console scooter while Flutters held Dashie between her cleavage . . . her wonderful cleavage. I picked up a book on anthro pegasi wings that I had been reading and worked on a theory. I needed wing pins and a lot of them.

“Uh Michael, can you help us. We’re not having much luck,” Sparks asked desperately. I snapped my book shut and went into the bathroom.

“GO AWAY!” Scooter shouted. I grabbed the nape of her shirt and threw her over my shoulder. “Hey let me go!” she yelled beating against my back. I took her into the garage, set her on her feet, and slapped her across the face as hard as I could. She looked at me astounded and her tail wound between her legs in fright. “What are you going to do?” She asked.

“I’m going to hurt you. I’m going to break you and beat you and stab you,” I answered honestly. New scared tears formed in her eyes,

“Please, I-I got enough of that in th-the-” she started.

“And when I’m done you’ll be able to fly like Dashie,” I said as if she hadn’t spoken.

She was silent and confused, “What?” She asked skeptically.

“Dashie has been too easy on you and she doesn’t know the first thing about new flight,” I said.

“Of course she does, Dashie is the best flyer in the world,” Scooter said proudly.

“I said new flight, Dashie was first airborne as an infant like most pegasi anthros. What was your infancy like?” I asked. She thought and her eyes were a little dark.

“I don’t remember, but I sure as heck wasn’t flying,” she said.

“Did you even have the space to?” I asked.

The light completely left her eyes this time, “No.” I sighed fearing for what her childhood must have been like. I walked over to Flutter’s cupboard and Dashie’s work box and even Sparks’ trunk. I pulled out a grand total of twelve dorsal, primary, and anterior wing pins. These were used on anthros with wings to inhibit their flight to make their muscles, bones, and tendons stronger something that would never work on birds considering how different the wing structure was. Most can’t even feel them going in because their muscles are so conditioned and even if they did it would only tickle or itch a little. I’d never seen any of the girls use them except Sparks one time, but even that was brief. They all owned them because they last forever.

I laid the pins out in front of her on a workbench, “Do you know what these are?” I asked. She shook her head, so I explained to her the best way I could only knowing how they affected the average winged Anthro.

“Oh cool so I won’t even feel any pain,” she said.

I pursed my lips, “there’s no guarantee of that, most who use these only use them to fly stronger and and faster. It’s a little like rubber bands around your wings, but since you’ve never flown before your nerves are more exposed, so I don’t know what it will feel like. Eventually after enough time you’re wings and body will grow a tolerance to them and by that time you will be flying,” I said.

Her eyes widened, “Seriously, I’ll do it then we can start today,” She said reignited that beautiful fire in her eyes.

I sighed, “No, we’ll trust and comfort train for a few weeks. For this to work you’ll have to trust me and be comfortable with me more than anyone else.”

Her jaw hit the floor, “A few weeks?” She asked incredulously.

“What did you think that was going to happen over night? I don’t even have a hundred percent of an idea what’s wrong yet. You have to be so used to me that we’re finishing each other’s sentences. It’s a process, but it ends with you flying,” I said putting my hands on her shoulders.

She nodded, “Okay, I’ll go tell the girls,” she said.

“Don’t tell them everything just tell them I’m putting you through physical therapy. I’ll explain the rest.” When we got to the living room Scooter went to Dashie and gave her massive hug.

“I’m sorry sis, I didn’t meant a word of it,” she said into Dashie’s neck. It was comical really, Dashie was barely taller than five feet so Scooter was this itty bitty thing. Scooter turned around, but Dashie kept her arms around Scooter’s collarbone. “So uh, Michael’s going to be my physical trainer?” She asked.

“No that’s Dashie’s job, I’ll be your Physical Therapist,” I said.

“Wait is she injured, is that why she can’t fly?” Dashie asked.

“You don’t have to be injured to need Physical therapy Dashie, I’m guessing her muscles have atrophied,” Sparks asked.

“That’s my best guess, I’ll have a better idea tomorrow. You need to sleep if we’re going to do this though,” I said.

“I can’t sleep right now, I’m too excited,” Scooter complained. Flutters smiled and took Scooter’s face in her hands, “We’ll see about that,” she said in a sing song voice. When Flutters sang a lullaby you almost felt obligated to sleep. They left the room and I checked the kitchen for a few things. Plenty of meat and milk, lots of oats and bread . . . and Bacardi 151. I was going to need the last thing for myself if what I thought was going to happen happened.

Chapter 2. Day 1

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I was roused the next morning by my bed bouncing. “Wake up wake up wake up,” Scooter cheered. I opened my eyes and the sun was out glittering off of Scooter’s orange skin and purple hair. Her thighs were straddling me and I desperately hoped she couldn’t feel my morning wood considering the short shorts she was wearing I guess I should just hope she didn’t know what it was.

“What time is it?” I asked.

“6:45, Flutters wanted to kiss you awake at 7, but I couldn’t wait any longer,” she said. Right of course I had to miss Flutters’ lips against mine because of an excited thirteen year old. I leaned up causing her to backwards somersault onto the floor. I got out of bed and got dressed,

“Should I leave?” She asked.

“No, part of the trust and comfort exercise will have to have us in the same room naked,” I said.

“Whatever, I don’t really care I mean you’ve seen Dashie naked right?” She asked. I nodded wondering how in the blue and rainbow fuck she knew that. “So, what are we doing today since we’re not doing anything physical?” She asked.

“I didn’t say we weren’t doing any physical therapy we just can’t get to pinning your wings for a while. The classes I’ve been taking say that you need to have a strong bond between the applicant and the applier before pinning can commence. It’s like acupuncture only harder,” I said.

“Oh, well then what are we doing?” She asked. I turned around wearing only boxers.

“Turn around,” I said. She turned swiftly and I placed my hand in the middle of her back. “First we need to over condition the muscles around your wing muscles. For your atrophied muscles to grow strong the rest of your body has to be more so. This shouldn’t be too hard, things like stretching, flexibility, agility nothing you’re unfamiliar with. First I’ll massage out your wings muscles every morning,” I said.

“Oh cool, I bet that’ll feel good,” she said.

“As long as you’re not too tense,” I said thinking about the dozens of reasons she had to be knotted up. “Is anyone else awake yet?” I asked.

“Just Flutters, Dashie and Sparks are already gone,” she said. I pulled out the massage table that was shaped obtusely.

“Sports bra off,” I said facing her. Her orange cheeks pinkened, but she seemed to remember what I said.

“Um okay,” she said unsnapping her bra freeing her small pert breasts.

“Pants too,” I said. Her orange pink face turned red, but she pulled down her shorts and panties knowing I would just ask for that next. I took off my boxers having gotten rid of my boner earlier. She took a good look and bit her lip hard. I made the massage table flat and and turned on the towel warmer . . . yeah Celestia got me all this crap for when she visits. She said it was ‘part of my job as caretaker’, but we both knew that was total crap the thing is that neither of us minded. She just wanted me to do it because she knew I was good at it. I walked over to scooter and pulled her up in my arms. Her eyes flew open wide, “Are you nervous?” I asked. She nodded, “It’s alright you should be now, but we’ll get used this. Soon enough it’ll be as easy as breathing,” I said setting her down. “Now lie on the table with your face in the rest,” I said. She did so and I laid a hot damp towel over her lower half.

“Huh that feels great,” she moaned.

“Let your wings lay flat, you need to be as relaxed as possible,” I said. She did as I said to the best of her abilities, but I could tell she was still nervous. I rubbed some oil into my hands and started massaging her spinal muscles just to get her used to my hands. She sighed and relaxed a bit more. I rubbed her sides under her wings up to her shoulders and started working gently on her upper trapezius.

“Ah, that smarts a bit,” she complained.

“It’s going to get a lot worse before it get’s better, it’ll take about an hour a today before your loose enough to start on your primary, anterior, and dorsal wing muscles.

“Jeez really?” She asked.

“Just relax scooter, trust me and relax,” I whispered turning on some soft music. I breathed loudly in and out, “Breathe with me, match my heart beat and you’ll relax,” I said. She did as I said and I continued. She would tense up every now and then, but she got used to it. At times I would massage other parts like her neck, legs, feet, and glutes and by that time she barely seemed to mind at all. I would always return to her traps and eventually they started to loosen up. She moaned and turned to putty in my hands. It took a lot longer than I expected to get the knots out. “Alright we’re done, now we’ll move on to stretching,” I said. I pulled her back up with no protest this time, “Still nervous?” I asked.

“A little, but not as much. That felt awesome by the way,” she said.

“Good, we’ll have to do that at least once a day. Not for as long as I thought more like half an hour, but still,” I said laying her down on a mat. We went through some textbook stretches to get her more flexible. “Alright, let’s get dressed. Your running shorts will offer a sense of resistance your muscles need. She walked right out into the hallway naked, rustled around in Dashie’s room for a moment and came back in with a pair of spandex shorts and panties. She put them on and I threw on some running shorts. “No tops, I still need your upper body to be accessible.

“Whatever,” she said tossing her sports bra back down. There was some reason other than the obvious that she didn’t want to be naked in front of me. I needed to know what that was. We started the more difficult stretching and she groaned when I applied more pressure. “Ahh jeez!” she complained.

“Is everything al-” Flutters started to ask poking her head in. Scoot and I stared at her for a moment before she slowly closed the door behind her. We had to bite our tongues until we knew she couldn’t hear us.

After Flutters was long gone we laughed like morons for a solid minute, “That must have looked ridiculous,” Scooter brayed.

“Oh she’ll get used to it, who knows maybe she’ll join us one night,” I said.

“Night? I thought you said sleep was the most important part of this,” Scooter questioned.

“Where do you think you’re sleeping? You won’t sleep in my bed unless you’re want to, but what did you think the cot was for?” I asked.

“Oh,” she said sounding scared.

“Are you going to tell me why you’re so scared to be vulnerable around me all the time?” I asked.

“What? I’m not scared. I was naked in front of you all morning,” she said.

“Yes, but it bothered you,” I said.

“Well this is the first time I’ve been naked in front of a boy so it’ll take some getting used to okay?” She said.

“Alright, tell me when you’re ready,” I said.

“Gah, whatever are we done yet?” She asked.

“Yes, you can put your sports bra on. We’ll eat and then go outside for trust exercises,” I said.

“Cool I’m starving,” she said. I made her six eggs, two pieces of toast, some bacon-also for everyone in the room so I ended up making like two freaking pounds-and a big bowl of oats. I set it all in front of her, “Seriously?” She asked obviously regarding the quantity.

“Seriously,” I answered. It took a while, but she managed to eat it all. I had her take a cat nap for an hour so I could get ready. Flutters was sitting on the couch with a bothered expression. “Are you okay?” I asked.

“Fine,” she said curtly. She was angry, Flutters never got angry. I sat down next to her and she scooted away. I placed my hand on hers and she suddenly needed both hands to read her book.

“Flutters-” I started.

“You know what, I just remembered that the shelter needs volunteers today,” she said smiling falsely at me before getting up and leaving. I sighed, the animal shelter was closed today.

Chapter 3. Flutters

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Over the next two and a half weeks of this unusually cool summer I trained and conditioned Scooter like it was the only thing I would ever do with my life. We were barely ever apart and after a while it stopped bothering her. She actually climbed into bed with me one night complaining that it was cold and she has done that every night since. It used to be that one night a week she could go in Dashie’s room and sleep there, but instead she insisted that Dashie just sleep with us. Dashie was very alright with that. Scooter and I got up in the mornings like a couple without the sexual tension to bug me. There was still some secret about her being touched naked that I was adamant about discovering. When she undressed she always cringed a little and she got redressed really fast. While naked it didn’t bother her at all, actually she admitted that sleeping nude was nicer. Unfortunately that led to me giving her the talk about how the male genitals can get bigger and harder in the morning.

“Ah, that explains a lot. How does it like get twenty times bigger without ripping up your shaft thought?” She asked. After I laughed myself stupid I explained that too. The best part for me was the trust fall exercise. It’s a basic thing that any boy or girl scout has done. The subject falls into the other from a stand backwards with their eyes closed. At first it didn’t phase her at all, but that’s because the first fall was a foot off the ground. It got a foot taller every day until the final one was twenty feet high from ten the day before. The look on her face was priceless when she got up there, but the look of trust when I caught her was better. I caught her from that height every day since then and sometimes she would actually jump off to give me a challenge. The only real downside so far was Flutters. She had become insanely jealous for some reason and was giving me a lot of distance whenever I was with Scooter which was all the time.

One day I gave Scooter the day off, “Seriously, like day off day off?” She asked.

“That’s what it means yeah, we’ll start up again tomorrow,” I said.

She was silent for a moment and looked at me in disbelief, "You haven't given me a single break since we started," she said.

"I know, that's why I'm giving you one now. Stop being paranoid scooter girl," I said passively.

“Sweet, in that case I’m going to back to bed,” she said sauntering over to our room with a nutella sandwich. I rolled my eyes, on an average day Scooter would sleep until noon if she could . . . rather if I let her. “Goodnight Flutters,” Scooter said passing her in the hall.

“Night? But it’s morning,” Flutter’s asked.

“Not today it’s not, did you find Dashie’s top?” Scooter asked.

“Oh ah, no it must have been somewhere else,” Flutters said nervously. I heard my bedroom door shut and saw Flutters walk down the hallway timidly. She saw me on the couch and her look turned to shame, “Good morning Michael,” she said sounding depressed.

“Hey what’s the matter?” I asked hoping for an answer this time. She sat right next to me and took her hands out from behind her back revealing my wing journal. “How far did you get?” I asked.

“Page twenty,” she said. Okay so she didn’t get to the part where I said I was hoplessly in love with her. She did however get to the part where I wrote that I was going to pay attention to her more than ever when this was over, how I was going to hold her in my arms for days until she liked me again. “I feel terrible, ever since Scooter interrupted our morning kiss I felt a little miffed and then I saw you half naked with her and now you’re sleeping together. I got very jealous, but then I read all the things you’re trying to do.”

Our hands connected palms down on the couch fingers intertwined. I leaned in and kissed her full on the lips. She returned the kiss with tears streaming from her eyes. I wiped them away and left my hands on her face. Our kiss deepened and led to all those days of build up from having a young warm girl sleeping next to me. I was rock hard and she knew it, “Oh Michael I’ve never been so aroused in my whole life,” she whimpered. I caressed her breast and slid my hand up her skirt, “Oh, but I’m not in heat,” she moaned.

“Do you care?” I asked.

“N-No, but,” she stammered.

“Flutters,” I prompted pulling back. She stared at me eyes swimming, “Neither do I. When it comes to you I never have,” I admitted. Her head angled down with her eyes still on mine before she threw her left leg up and straddled me so our genitals were touching through our clothes. We kissed furiously and ground together until I unzipped and she grabbed my erect dick sliding it past her panties and into her pussy.

“Remember to pull out,” she said before sinking down engulfing me completely in her tight wet entrance. She was so much tighter than when she was in heat and not burning hot either. God it was amazing it’s like she was completely different. This new sensation seemed to spark her too, we made love awkwardly like that for ten minutes because neither of us wanted to move until Flutters came the first time. “Ah Michael, ooh I’m coming!” she squealed. Flutters' fingers raked through my hair while her pussy clamped around me and she dripped on my dick. I yanked my pants the rest of the way down hoping that scooter was sleeping soundly and grateful everyone else was gone. I picked her up not pulling out and set her on her back on the floor. As I started pumping into her again Flutters pulled her shirt over her head and unsnapped her bra revealing her big creamy breasts. God I hadn’t seen adult breasts in weeks. Nothing against Scooter, but Flutters was my exact woman. She knew I liked skirts and stockings so she kept those on while I fucked her. I leaned down pressing our bodies together and we kissed stifling the little moans that she made.

“Mm Mm MMMM!” she moaned against my lips clenching through another orgasm. I pulled out briefly and she got on her knees reading my face. I slid between her ass and back into her pussy. I ran my hands all over Flutters’ perfect body. Up her breasts, down her abdomen, up her legs and ass. She seemed distracted at one point so I stuck my thumb in her ass. “Ahhaha!” she squeaked.

“God Flutters I’m gonna cum,” I said.

“R-remember what I said before, forget it cum in-inside me,” she begged tripping over her words.

“What? I can’t-” I started.

“I need you to claim me, please Michael I want you to claim me as yours . . . forever,” she said.

I kept steady feeling myself about to blow, “I love you Flutters,” I said unthinking.

“Ah ha I l-love you toooo!” she said coming once more. I emptied a month’s worth of build up into her very fertile womb probably making our love child no doubt. Wonder how we were going to explain that. I fell out of her and she pulled me down to lay with her. We panted coming down from our high, “Did you mean it?” She asked.

“Of course I meant it, I really love you Flutters,” I said again.

She rested her fingers on my cheek smiling almost possessively at me, “I love you too Michael.” We kissed and fell into a sweet bliss.

Chapter 4. Scootaloo

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Eventually Flutters and I washed off together. Before lunch she went out to the pharmacy for something, probably a pregnancy test. When I was alone Scooter came out and sat next to me, “So um, that’s what sex looks like huh?” She asked.

I just sat there, “You watched,” I said unquestioning.

“More like I walked in on you guys, you’re good together you know even if . . .” she said looking down. I knew that she wasn’t jealous at least not for herself.

“What’s the matter?” I asked.

“it’s just, Dashie’s always been kinda like a big sister . . . almost like a mom to me. And then you come in ready to help me fly . . . kinda like a dad so . . .” She closed her eyes. “Just imagine your parents getting back together and you’ll get it,” she said. I put my arm around her shoulder and pulled her in close. “Yeah dumb right?” She asked.

“No it’s not, I just can’t fully understand, My parents were killed years ago I deliberately try not to remember what it felt like to know them,” I said.

“What happened?” She asked.

“I’ll tell you if you tell me what happened to you,” I said looking at her seriously. She knew what I was talking about.

“Alright fine, but you can’t tell anyone only Dashie knows,” she said.

“I promise, anyway my parents had a lot of kids. I was the oldest of eight when I was ten years old . . . I was the the only single birth. One day they all went to Disneyland and left me behind because I was grounded for stealing my dad’s fireworks and almost burning down the shed. The bus on the way to the park was robbed and everyone on it died. I lost my whole family in the blink of an eye. I lived on the road learning how to play music and sing until I was sixteen, joined the navy, got a fake I.D. lied about my age and became a SEAL. I could handle having to fight and doing what needed to be done, but I found out there’s a fine line between right and wrong when it comes to what needs to be done. In a nutshell I didn’t want to die a killer. I got out, settled into cooking then I was offered the caretaking job here. At first it was part time and all I did was live here and fix technical issues and cook some meals off the clock, but after Celestia and I . . . met, she increased my workload and my pay marginally,” I said.

She was quiet staring at me horrified, “I had no idea, you’re always so kind,” she said.

“It’s better to learn from the past than hide from it,” I prompted.

“Yeah of course . . . I lived in a cage the first three years of my life apparently. I don’t remember it, but my parents were caught by human poachers. This was before the Celestial Peace Trials were taken seriously. They escaped through the air, but were shot down and I landed in New York City. They sent me to an orphanage and since I wasn’t human they all picked on me . . . and at night the boys would force me to get naked so they could touch me. I felt like an object for them to take out their confusion on. If I didn’t then, well let’s just say not all my scars are from falling out of the air. No one ever actually raped me, but they talked about doing it one night. I ran away and almost starved to death a week later, but then Dashie found me and brought me home with her. She nursed me back to health and let me stay with her until I was old enough for the anthro foster home there. It was much kinder there because everyone was like me and no one was prejudiced. That’s when I went to school and met Annabeth and Belle. You know the rest,” she said pulling her knees up to her chest.

I sat there holding her knowing that my angered feelings about those monstrous little fuckers wouldn’t get us anywhere, so I pulled her in closer and buried my nose her magenta hair and told her, “See that Scoot, now you’re ready to spread your wings. Just don't forget that your loved.” I buried my nose in her hair.

“Scootaloo,” she said sounding like she was smiling.

“Hm?” I asked.

“That was my real name, before I shortened it. You know how most Anthros either changed or shortened their names to avoid Prejudice or persecution?” She asked.

I nodded, how could I forget. Jackie’s parents were killed by a gang because another apple orchard run by humans had connections with them. They didn’t want any competition so they went after anyone with the name Apple and took them out. Luckily Jackie’s Granny Smith had them change their names to something almost completely human. Most of the other girls just shortened their current names, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, and Pinkie Pie. No one really seemed to notice that they were changed except Clare who had a problem selling anything from her boutique with a name like Rarity. Human stylists and fashionistas apparently mistook it for Anthro hubris, so she begrudgingly used Clare instead. During Tuesday tea-Flutter’s idea-we all call her Rarity. “Are you okay?” She asked. I shook my head and was brought slowly back into reality. “Hm, oh yeah just uh . . . distracted for a second,” I said. I really couldn’t understand prejudice at all.

Chapter 5. The Pins

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That’s when things started changing. Scooter trusted me closer than anyone ever had. She even came to me first instead of Dashie when she asked about something wrong with her anus. “Have you been eating the Kale and the other rufige I give you other than apples?” I asked. She smiled guiltily, “Ugh, you’ve been crapping bricks haven’t you?” I asked.

“How did you know?” She asked.

“You have a hemorrhoid, not a big one a little cream and FIBER will get rid of it, but none the less all that constipation and pushing inflamed one of your blood vessels. I give you a lot of vegetables to balance out all the red meat, try to remember that.” She ate all the Kale I gave her after that. This also led to the wing pins which she said were okay no matter what, but it still killed me. I stuck the twelfth and final pin into her left anterior upside joint with a muffled scream of pain from Scooter.

“Okay, so this’ll help them grow back you said?” She asked desperately for the millionth time.

“Yes Scooter,” I said covering my face.

“Okay come on let’s go to bed,” she said stifling her sobs. I laid down with her breaking at the seams. It was apparently Dashie’s turn to be angry with me.

At first for a strange moment I thought she might have been jealous too, but then I heard her mutter, ‘stabbing my girl in the back, fucking literally.’ She was mad for the same reason I felt miserable. Every night and morning stretch Scooter gradually got better with the pins, but it was a slow process. I still had to take them out every day.

A week had passed when we were in bed that night and I got out and went to the kitchen. I found the bottle of Bacardi 151 and drank straight from it. The liquid hell slid into my stomach with an unhealthy grunt and I got tipsy within the hour.

“What are you doing?” An annoyed, but slightly worried voice said. I turned to find Dashie staring at me in her plain white tank top and shorts. Her expression softened when she saw my face, “Michael what’s wrong?” She asked.

“I can’t-” I sniffed swallowing a sob, “I can’t do it, I can’t keep hurting her,” I whimpered. It was really taking it’s toll. I know the bonding that Scooter and I did was necessary, but becoming that close to her and then having to hurt her all the time was frying my conscience.

“Why do you do it then, would you stab Flutters with those things?” She asked angrily.

“Of course, but she would barely feel it let alone cause any pain,” I said.

“You’re so full of shit,” she said taking my liquor away and taking a few large gulps.

“Jeez what is this?” She asked.

“The faster the better,” I said as she read the label.

I got up and left, “Wait Michael I’m sorry I’m just confused. I don’t understand all this wing science crap I slept right through that class. Just sober up and explain it to me okay,” she begged.

“Fine meet me in my room for morning stretch and bring Sparks and Flutters,” I said. “Alright.” I left and made it back to Scooter who had finally fallen asleep. I climbed in with her, but the door opened and in came Dashie. “Hey,” I started before she shushed me. She got naked and climbed in on the other side of Scooter.

“You don’t have to do this alone, I already told the others to meet us here at 7,” she said. I took her hand and we placed them on Scooter’s hip.

The next morning

“Alright have any of you three ever actually used wing pins before?” I asked. Sparks, Flutters and Dashie all looked at their feet. “Well I’m here to show you what they’re typically used for,” I said pulling the twelve out of Scooter’s wings.

“Ahh, thank god,” Scooter groaned falling on the bed.

“Sparks,” I prompted. She hesitated, “If a thirteen year old can handle it,” I started.

“Oh fine,” she said turning around. She removed her shirt already braless and the other two did the same.

“Whoa Flutters nice rack!” Scooter chimed. I smiled and held my hand open behind my back and she noiselessly grazed her palm against it.

Flutters smiled twirling her hair her face beet red, “Anyway, I’ll put two pins in each of your primary centers,” I said.

I slid the pins in, “Ah it itches,” Sparks complained.

“Itches!?” Scooter asked appalled.

“Well they itch a lot,” Sparks said.

“Someone like Sparks who is so new to flying that she barely uses flight will cause some discomfort in the pins, but no pain,” I said yanking them back out. I scratched her points and motioned for Flutters to come over after drenching the pins in alcohol. I couldn’t really help checking her out, but I got to business pushing in the pins.

“Someone like Flutters who was born with flight and flew as a baby will be more resilient to the pins, but since she had a flight block as a child and uses her wings less than the average pegasus they’ll still cause strain. How do you feel?” I asked.

“They do itch a tiny bit, it’s like they’re being held in by rubber bands. I could still fly with this many, but I don’t know if I’d be able to fly at all with twelve of them,” she said. I took hers out and moved on to Dashie. She turned and I made a point of stabbing it into her joint.

“Well are you going to do it or what?” Dashie asked.

“What?” Scooter asked in disbelief. I faced Dashie to a mirror and held a smaller one behind her.

“Someone like Dashie who flies more than she walks won’t even feel the pins, hold on,” I said. I grabbed the other ten pins and set them in place.

“Still nothing,” she said.

“Try extending and flapping your wings,” I said. She did so and strained her muscles a little.

“It is a little harder, but I could probably still fly, not for as long but they wouldn’t stop me,” she said.

“Dang really?” Scooter said falling back on the bed. I took her pins out and set them back in alcohol to sanitize them. “Sooo?” Scooter asked.

I sighed, “Scooter never had a chance to fly at all, the pins are made to enhance muscle, cartilage, and bone mass in the wings by gently injuring them so they can both desensitize the mind and condition the body. Leaving them in conditions your nerves and taking them out allows the body to heal and grow around the injury. These muscles are only ever really exercised during flight so the pins sort of force them into exercise. Scooter’s nerves are so exposed from bone and muscle loss that even the a few pins causes pain. I’m trying to condition her so her nerves desensitize, her bone mass increases and her muscles build up. Eventually they’ll itch and then nothing at all. At that point she should be able to start flying lessons,” I said.

"Wait I'm confused, I was terrible flier at flight camp. One day I needed to fly and I was able to. How come my wings didn't go soft?" Flutters asked.

"Because you flew from birth. Those first two years are crucial for Pegasi Anthros, they determine your wings capability to support your body. Have any of you ever heard the story of Milo of Croton?" I asked. They all shook their heads, "Well as a child he would lift a baby cow over his head every day until they were both adults and he could lift a full grown bull over his head every day. Obviously that's ether of myth or fabricated, but think of it like that. If Milo had never started young with something he was sure he could handle there's almost no way he'd be able to lift a full grown bull. Since Scooter's wings never supported her body as a child the idea of them supporting her now is almost impossible. At least until now." The three of them murmured in agreement.

“Yeah well my shoulders are tighter than a noose right now,” Scooter prompted.

I smiled and pulled the table out, “If you want you can stay, but I’m going to give Scooter her morning massage,” I said.

“You’re doing great, both of you,” Flutters said kissing us both on the head.

“Flutters is right, I can’t imagine how much study this must have taken. Stay strong Scooter we all believe in you,” Sparks said leaving the room with Flutters.

“I’ll stick around a bit, see what goes on,” Dashie said.

“Fine, but you gotta be naked,” I said.

“Huh?” Dashie asked looking at Scooter.

“It’s true,” Scooter said while she and I simultaneously got undressed to nothing.

“Oooookay,” Dashie said stripping down. I pulled scooter up in my arms causing her surprised giggle having long since grown accustomed to this. Dashie watched us amazed at the way we interacted. I used to a towel as a barrier laying her down and climbed on the table straddling Scooter. Dashie was shocked, but to Scooter this was every day.

“So what are you getting this time?” She asked.

“Traps as usual, I work out your pin points too. I’ll get that soreness now and the wing exercises will make the it go away before I repin your wings tonight,” I said working her trapezius. She gave me a thumbs up, so I turned on our favorite soothing music and we got in sync with each other.

When the flow started I forgot that Dashie was watching us, “How do you do that?” She asked.

“Shh, come over here Dashie sit by her head,” I said. She did so without question, “Breath with us, match your heartbeats to ours,” I said softly. She ran her fingers through Scooter’s hair and started taking deep breaths with us. Scooter had become so relaxed with me her body was always just my clay to work with. “Alright that should do it,” I said after about forty five minutes.

I leapt off and Scooter got up smiling at Dashie, “Shower?” She asked me.

“Definitely,” I said.

We walked down the hall and into the bathroom, “Wait, you shower together?” Dashie asked.

“Duh, how do you think he gets the middle of his back or how I shave the back of my thighs so well. We help each other out,” Scooter said.

“It wasn’t always that way, we used to take turns. After we found out how to help each other we just jumped in together and saved water. Everybody wins,” I said.

“You two are crazy,” Dashie said affectionately. I started the water and Scooter got in before me. I got in after and we washed separately at first. She then washed my whole back for me and I got down and shaved both of her legs with care. She asked me to shave her pubic hair once, so I indulged her, but we both agreed that waxing worked better for the sensitive spots like that. I used Pinkie’s sugar wax kit once a week to help Scooter with that because she really hated any pubic hair she got she even convinced me to do the same to myself . . . didn’t really do it for me. She tried doing it herself once, but I ended up spending half the day rubbing Bag Balm on her mutilated skin, so I just slowly taught her to wax . . . slowly. We talked idly in the shower about things we were going to do today, what meals we would have, the usual. Spending all of my time with Scooter was practically my life now.

“You know what I just thought of,” she said when she was drying off.

“Hm?” I asked brushing my teeth.

“I don’t know how I’m gonna go home and sleep without you in bed with me. I mean every time you get out I toss and turn until you get back. How will I get any sleep without you?” She asked.

I chuckled and rinsed, “You slept just fine for thirteen years without me, you’ll be okay,” I said trying to ease her.

She pouted, “If it makes you happy then when you go on vacation I’ll either come visit you or you can come here. It’ll be like old times by then,” I said.

She smiled and hugged me, “I love you no Roma,” she said.

“I love you too no Roma.” I love you no Roma means no romance as in not ‘in love’, her idea since just saying ‘I love you’ apparently felt weird to her. Honestly it felt weird for me to say no roma, it always makes me think of tomatoes.

We separated and Dashie was staring at us lovingly, “I really needed to see that,” she said smiling hard.

“I think so too, now I need to ask you a favor Dashie, for Scooter,” I said.

“Anything,” she said right away. My greatest creeper instincts told me to say, ‘get on your knees, close your eyes and open your mouth,’ but I thought better of it even though she said anything.

“You were in the Wonderbolt’s academy yes?” I asked.

“Sure, Aced them with flying colors and even got into the reserves,” she said.

“Sooooo cool,” Scooter chimed.

I smiled inwardly, “I need you to get me a dozen more wing pins. Twelve is a good number, but we’ll need about twenty four eventually. No rush, but it is important,” I said.

“Uhm, Okay sure they give those out for free up at the gym there,” Dashie responded. Actually to do everything I planned I’d need about two hundred, but I wasn’t about to freak Scooter out with a number like that not to mention it would take years to build up to that so I’d probably have to wait until she was about seventeen. I took Dashie through the rest of the day with Scooter and I’ll admit I could see what Scooter was talking about when it came to the whole ‘parents getting back together thing’. If Dashie and I ever for some reason produced a child it probably would have been Scooter’s pale blue twin. Everything went perfectly . . . or so I thought.

Chapter 6. A difficult choice

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In the middle of making breakfast the next morning I remembered something a little too late. “Oh no,” I said running to the bathroom. I took an enhanced anthropine supplement and downed as much oatmeal as I could. “Scooter you’ve got the day off today,” I said suddenly coming back in the living room.

“What? But you literally said this morning during stretch that you wanted to leave the pins in until just after dinner and try something new,” she said.

“The new thing was just leaving them in straight on into the night, do you think you can handle that?” I asked.

“I-I dunno, I mean it’s a little daunting being asked on the spot like this,” she admitted.

I took her face in my hands, “I know you can do it, I just need to hear you say the words,” I said. She rested her hands on mine, I knew she was being sweet the problem was that I didn’t have time.

“I can handle it Michael, maybe we can just play some Xbox tonight? I’ve still got to,” she started.

“Sorry, but I have an appointment with-” just as I said this I was tackled to the ground by Princess Luna. We flew across the hallway and she licked my neck.

“Mm, hurry before Tia get’s here,” she said opening the wall to the basement.

Her body glowed gold in radiant magic, “Did you really think it was going to be that easy Lu Lu?” Celestia asked appearing in front of us.

“Aww come on!” Luna begged.

“What the heck? U-Uh P-P . . . Princess-” Scooter stammered when she finally noticed who just blew in the door.

“Calm yourself child, we know your trails, but we need to borrow Michael for the next twelve hours or so,” Celestia said gently holding Scooter’s face giving her the lovely golden stare.

“O-oh okay, um take care of him I still need him . . . mother of the morning,” Scooter said.

“Oh we will my child of the sun, we always take care of each other,” Celestia said lovingly. “Come Michael, I believe we need to teach Luna about trying to beat me here,” Celestia said leading the way dragging along a teased Luna with her power into the basement.

“I’d say I’ll tell you when you can understand, but I gotta be honest here, not even I understand this most of the time,” I admitted going into the basement to relieve the princess' heat cycle.

“Oh wait for me!” Sparks said flying into the house and down to the basement. Once we made it to the lush basement we all got busy with their heat relief. It was a little harder this time because I took the booster so late, but when it kicked in I was balls deep inside of Celestia. I came so much and so hard she whimpered a little. After the whole ordeal was over and the three of them were thoroughly creamed and reamed I was dead. I just laid there naked on my side my face buried in Sparks’ hair who was lying head next to me in a right angle, Celestia spooned me pressing her elongated supple body against me, and Luna was curled in against my chest.

“Alicorns, I swear,” I said for hundredth time, they were white hot when they went into heat and practically insatiable.

The three of them all giggled at once, “Too bad Cadence could never get in on this, she’s as submissive as Sparks. It’s one of the lovely things they have in common,” Celestia said running her fingers lovingly through Sparks’ hair.

“Yeah, but she’s got my brother, imagine the crazy sex those two have,” Sparks said.

"Mm, I don't have to imagine it Twilight. Who do you think relieved our heat before Michael came along," Celestia said dreamily. Sparks made a gagging sound. Unlike Jackie, the idea of incest for Sparks was gross.

“Whatever, you three are more sexiness than I’ll ever need at once,” I said.

“Besides, who wants to share him with another this time of the month certainly not me,” Celestia said holding me closer.

“Oh also Scooter’s heat cycle is probably going to coincide with Dashie’s or sooner,” Sparks said passively.

“Oh god, how the hell is that going to work. You think you can relieve it artificially?” I asked.

“It’s possible, it might be smarter for Celestia to do it,” Sparks said.

“Well I suppose if you never want her to fly,” Celestia said.

I was quiet for a moment, “Excuse me?” I asked looking back at her.

“Well that young one has never had heat relief at all. Her body has been going into heat and being dissatisfied for a couple years now. Should I just do it the artificial way the first time she ever recieves it then her body will not react well. It will set off a sort of depression in her mind that will cause her estrogen levels to severely decrease ergo never flying ever,” Celestia explained.

“Okay shit, sooo we just wait it out then?” I asked.

“I suppose that is one solution,” she said. I turned all the way around to look at Celestia causing an annoyed groan from the other two who decided to start cleaning up and getting dressed.

“What do you mean?” I asked. Celestia sighed sitting up with me.

“Well if you recall when heat goes unrelieved it just makes it longer and worse until the female anthro reaches a certain point where they are simply always in heat until it is relieved. Having it not relieved makes the estrogen levels decrease though not even partially as much, but it will still be a couple steps in the wrong direction,” she said biting her lip.

“You are thinking of somehow doing it naturally aren’t you Tia?” Luna asked.

Celestia and I stood up to get dressed, “It would be the logical solution in this scenario, a natural first time heat relief brings forth an unimaginable level of hormonal increase. Her estrogen levels would skyrocket and her physical progress would essentially quadruple. Do you remember our first heat relief Luna?” Celestia asked fondly.

Luna smiled nostalgically, “Not completely, I remember our teacher held us so close I felt warm for days. I sang like no one could hear, danced like no one was watching, I lived like I’d just been born. Surely it returned to normal, but the wonder of that moment is still engraved forever in my mind,” Luna said dreamily.

“Okay I get all that, but the problem is that Scooter is thirteen and I’m no slouch under the covers, heat relief would probably break her in half,” I said.

“On the contrary Pegasi type anthros typically mature physically faster than most,” Luna said.

“It’s true, if anyone her age could handle something like that it would be her,” Sparks said.

“Well let’s not talk about this like you’re actually thinking of having me do it, Celestia back me up. You’re the one who went ballistic when I took Sparks for the first time,” I said.

“Well that was for a different reason. In retrospect it also helped her considerably,” Celestia said. I stood up, dressed and left.

“We’re not talking about this, ever,” I said sternly.

“Oh dear,” Luna said as I stomped up the stairs.

I walked into the hall and ran into Scooter, “I didn’t know this place had a basement, that’s so cool,” she said looking down the steps. I would have stopped her, but that stairwell went like an eighth of a mile into the ground.

“Yeah it’s Celestia’s private . . . sanctuary,” I said.

She raised her eyebrows and smirked, “You mean her sex cave, you don’t have to sugar coat it you know you already explained heat relief to me,” she said.

I sighed, “Whatever come on let’s make dinner,” I said.

“Right behind you.” Celestia and Luna got here at about 7:30am so it was a little past 7pm at the moment.

I made some chicken and Scooter threw together a salad, “You’re getting good at this beautiful,” I called her by accident when we were setting the table.

“You think I’m beautiful?” She asked with her usual cocky tone, but flushed in the cheeks. What I supposed to say, no?

Of course she was beautiful, “Well yes of course, no Roma,” I said.

“Yeah, no Roma,” she said grinning.

She gasped grabbing her abdomen, “What’s wrong? Are you alright?” I asked.

“Yeah, just whoa . . . crazy feeling inside me just now when you said that,” she said clutching her vagina.

Oh dear god, “You going into heat,” I said.

“Oh man it’s early this time. Ahhhhh this bites, every time it takes longer to go away. Getting the pins tonight is gonna suck more than usual,” she whined raking her fingers through her hair.

“Let’s just eat and go to bed, no pins tonight,” I said.

“No I need them,” she said grabbing my arm desperately. She gasped when our skin made contact, she was already warming up. Her hand left my arm and with the other joining it made their way shakily to my chest. I intercepted them with my own and placed them together under her chin. “Sorry, I don’t know why I did that,” she said. We ate in silence and went promptly to bed. Having just dealt with three Alicorns helped lower my testosterone levels, but Scooter’s nude body made me hard, “Why are you hard and big, I thought that only happened in the morning or if you’re having sex,” she said.

“Don’t worry about it, a supplement that I take to relieve heat causes this,” I said like a moron.

“Oh thank god you can relieve my heat?” She asked.

“NO!” I shouted. Her eyes widened and she looked hurt, “I’m sorry, you’re too young. It would hurt more than it would feel better,” I lied.

She sighed, “Alright.” she stepped into my arms getting ready for the pins. I used the mirror to gently pin them into her wings. Scooter used my chest as a scream muffler this time. My dick betrayed me pulsing hard against her torso. She was far from noticing though. All of the pins were in so we got into bed, “At least it’s not as bad afterward anymore,” she said crying. I took her face in my hands I went to kiss her on the head, but she stood on her tippy toes last second causing my lips to brush gently across hers. Her eyebrows curled and she bit her lip.

“Let’s go to bed,” I said walking away around the bed. She sighed crawling into bed with me. I laid on my back and pulled her into my side.

Chapter 7. Michael and Scooter

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The next morning around 5 am I woke to the sound of Scooter talking in her sleep. “Mm, god yes,” she moaned. I opened my eyes and she was facing away from me rocking her hips. Her left arm was above her head around her pillow and her right was fondling her left breast. “I want it, please I want it,” she begged. I slowly crept out of bed and prayed that someone else needed some heat relief today. I went into the kitchen wearing only my boxers and got a glass of ice cold water. I drank it and sat down on the sofa. I didn’t realize it, but i had fallen asleep for an hour just sitting there.

Flutters appeared from next to me, “Why are you up so early Michael?” She asked.

“Ah Flutters, um Scooter is talking in her sleep . . . she’s cycling,” I said.

“Oh yes, Sparks told us about that,” she said.

“What else did she tell you?” I asked.

Flutters blushed nervously, “Everything . . . I think it might be a good idea Michael,” she said.

“God does our age difference bother no one, I can’t just have sex with a preteen,” I said.

“Sure you can,” Dashie said walking in.

“Besides I was around fourteen when I got my first heat relieved, it’s a pegasus thing we grow up faster,” Dashie said.

“What about you two, I still have to-” I started to say.

“Um actually Michael, Sparks and the princesses relieved our heat artificially,” Flutters admitted.

I stood up furious that I was actually considering this, “What the fuck, I am NOT having sex with Scooter, end of story,” I said. I turned around to walk to my room and Scooter was standing in the hall staring at me painfully. We stared at each other silently for a moment before she moved towards me.

“Would it really be that bad for you?” She asked.

“Scooter turn around let me take your pins out,” I said.

“No,” she rebutted stepping away from me. I put my hands at my sides and looked deep into the eyes of my little Scooter girl.

I smiled, “You’re thinking about putting this thing in you, and you’re worried that I wouldn’t like it. Really girl?” I said sweeping her off her feet. She wrapped her arms around my neck.

“That’s a good sign,” Dashie muttered.

I ignored them looking into Scooter’s lovely violet eyes, “Please, I want this. You’re worried about pain? Come on don’t you think I can handle that by now,” Scooter said lovingly caressing my face. I carried her to the bedroom and set her down. I got undressed and she slipped out of her robe too. I was already throbbing from thinking about this, “Wow you are really big,” she said staring full at my dick.

“You still have time to say no,” I said.

“I know, I’m not going to. Now get these pins out and your penis in,” she said turning around. I swiftly removed her pins and began her morning stretches. This time however I was much closer to her. I was trying to be attracted to this child sexually and to my utter dismay it worked very easily. “You’re skin is so warm,” she moaned.

“Okay, I’ll start just relax. Breathe with me and match my heartbeat,” I said like we were on the massage table. We melded easily together while I wrapped my arms around her small slender frame using my hands to gently massage her more sensual spots. I ran my hand down to her developing hips, back up her sides and onto her abdomen. My hands split up one fondling her breast and the other finding its way to her preteen pussy. I hovered over her labia, they were radiating heat like you wouldn’t believe. I cupped her baby soft skin that we just got sugared nice and smooth. I slipped on finger gently between and inside her incredibly tight entrance. She opened for me sucking at my finger.

“Ah, oh that feels awesome! Oh god,” she squealed. I dug my finger all the way in and pushed in and out. Her knees went weak causing her to fall, so I pulled her up like a princess.

“Weak knees?” I asked.

“Uh huh,” she moaned. I plopped her down on the bed and got between her legs. I put my pussy soaked finger in my mouth and took in her subtle virgin taste. I pressed our bodies together and kissed Scooter all over her face, lips and then down her body just over her sex. “You’re gonna use your mouth?” She asked. I answered by latching my lips onto her labia and sucking, licking and rubbing all over. Her legs wrapped around my back and she ran her fingers through my hair. “Wholly crow that feels fantastic!” she screamed. I wrapped my arms around her thighs and pulled her tiny body in with each oral thrust. “Michael stop, I think something’s wrong. I’m gonna explode, something’s gonna come out! MICHAEL!” she shrieked dripping her first orgasm into my mouth. “Never mind, that felt so fucking amazing,” she whimpered coming down from her high. I moved up between her legs and started sliding my dick along the short length of her soaking slit. I positioned myself so I was prodding my head gently against her entrance, but she wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me in until I broke past her virgin head. “AH!” she squealed clenching up. I figured since I was already this far I shouldn’t stop now. I slid deeper inside until all nine inches were engulfed in her tight burning pussy. Her muscles hugged me so tight when Scooter clenched she kinked the blood flow. After about five minutes of slow sex she was still squinting, so I decided to get this over with and stop pretending like I could somehow make this special. I pulled her leg over my shoulder and fucked her like I would anyone else. “Ah AH ung fuck!” she cried. Why did I always have to last so long? She felt so amazing why couldn’t I just cum and get it over with.

“Wholly, uh it’s happening again. Harder, Michael sex me harder, Ah AHHHH YES RIGHT THERE!” she shouted when slapped my thumb down on her clit. She dug her nails into my back and thrust herself against me. I loved being wrong sometimes, “Oh my god what is that it feels amazing?” She asked when I stopped thrusting for a moment to smile at her. I was quiet, “What?” She asked.

“You’re amazing Scooter, whenever you orgasm you look so cute,” I said. She giggled at me clenching her vagina as if to remind me that I’m still buried inside of her.

I thrust hard, “Oh jeez, careful I might just want this more later, god you’re fabulous,” she moaned. I pressed her legs together lifting her lower half off the bed and slamming into her tiny body. “AH MI-OH YES!” she screamed. I licked along her calf muscles and used my free hand to put my fingers in her mouth. She muffled moans of pleasure before they turned into incoherent shrieks while she came a third time. I pulled out briefly to get behind her and she instinctively got on her knees.

“Dashie said you liked butts and wagging tails, is mine good enough?” She asked. I answered her by slapping her cheeks until they sort of jiggled. “Oh god do that again,” she said. I opened her ass and slid my dick back in her stretched orifice. “HUH, Michael slap my butt more!” she begged. I slapped her tight little ass until she was red in the cheeks and came harder than the last. I grabbed her hips and drove into her feeling myself get more sensitive. The door I forgot to lock opened and in stepped a straight haired Pinkie who didn’t seem to get the memo, “GET LOST PINKIE HE’S M-MY-MIIIIIIIINE!” Scooter shouted coming again. After Pinkie left Scooter looked back at me with those violet sex eyes. “Come on, Dashie said you did stuff with butt’s. Ah oh, d-don’t hold out on me,” she moaned.

I was about to cum any second, so I pulled Scooter up against my chest and dug my middle finger forcefully into her super tight ass. “Ah that aches . . . oh fuck me I’m coming already! I’m coming so hard!” she whimpered. I slammed my cock and finger simultaneously into Scooter until I emptied a load of cum I’d been saving especially for her straight into her overactive womb. “Oh sweet heavens that rocks,” Scooter moaned as I pumped more and more cum into her body. Some came seeping out of the very narrow sides of her pussy. I kept her in my arms and laid down in a spooning position still buried in her cunt not intending to leave. She took my hand and put it on her lower abdomen, “You shot so much I’m bloated,” she said grazing my hand over the obvious mound of her cum filled womb. I clenched my kegel muscles so my dick remained at least hard enough to keep the cum in before I twisted around a bit inside her until she was on top of me. I sat up and then stood successfully keeping inside. I carried her out in the hall and into the bathroom. I set her up so she was over the now seatless toilet and then finally pulled out releasing a river of my cum mixed with a lot of virgin blood. I didn’t even want to think about how stained my sheets were. I held her firm my arms under her thighs, palms on her back with her arms around my neck. “That. was. perfect,” Scooter moaned.

“Didn’t hurt?” I asked tossing the toilet seat down and setting her on it.

“Oh it hurt a lot, but when you stopped prodding me and really started slamming it in the pleasure washed away all the pain. You said I came to orgasms was the word? It’s a lot easier to say coming,” she said.

“You’re not the first to think so,” I said. She smiled at me lovingly. I started the bath and ran the water nice and hot. Once it was filled I got in and Scooter laid back on top of me head under my chin so her butt laid snugly on top of my cock . . . of course. Those anthropine supplements and that spell that Celestia puts on me really made staying unaroused difficult.

“Aren’t guys supposed to go soft?” She asked sleepily.

“Not me, I’m a full timer when it comes to heat relief and by now I’ve usually got six full grown anthro girls to relieve. This weekend is all about you though, all the girls made sure of that,” I said a little annoyed. I really wanted to go up Dashie’s ass this weekend and teach her a thing or two or have Clare’s lovely long legs wrapped around me. I’ll admit though, having my own preteen pussy did the trick too. After an hour the water got cool and we stepped out. I dried off, but Scooter was gripping the counter dripping onto the floor. “Are you alright?” I asked.

“It’s nothing,” she lied. I looked closer and found that she was dry save for her very wet vagina. I was still rock hard, so I decided to have some fun with her. “It was supposed to stop,” she whispered thinking I wouldn’t hear her over the bathroom fan.

“Can you change the light bulb? Here,” I said giving her a stool to stand on.

She stepped up on it, “Where’s the bulb?” She asked impatiently.

“Right here,” I said grabbing her hips and slamming full length into her soaking abused pussy.

“AHHHAHAHAHAHAAA!” Scooter exclaimed. I pumped steadily in and out giving her a nice smooth ride.

“First time heat relief is always the hottest. It can take a few days of active sex to bring it down completely,” I explained trying to stay calm as the feeling of her soft tight cunt wrapped me up in bliss again.

“Oh Michael I want that stuff in me again, what is it!?” She begged.

“Semen, but you can just call it cum C-U-M cum,” I explained.

“Perfect, I want you to cum in me and never pull out, I want your cum stay inside me all day! AH YES!” she squealed breathlessly as she came nice and hard dripping wetness onto the floor. Someone knocked at the door. We stopped and I opened it, Jackie looked at Scooter whose was closed eyed and panting, “Come on!” she begged.

“Uhh, don’t let me stop ya,” Jackie said pulling down her pants and sitting on the toilet. Scooter and I looked at each other, shrugged our shoulders and kept fucking. Jackie was going number two, but she had well balanced meals and anally cleaned with soft scented enemas-being an anal lover-so it didn’t really smell . . . still there were two bathrooms why not use the other one?

“OH Michael,” she gulped, “I’m gonna come again!” Her cunt clamped around my dick.

“Sweet Celestia, how can you take that big fat dick in ya?” Jackie asked aroused. We looked over mid thrust to find that she had flushed and finished, but was now touching herself watching us.

“You want put on a show?” I asked Scooter.

She nodded, "Whatever just keep going," she said rocking her hips when I bottomed out in her. Jackie’s slow moans turned into a grunt when she forced herself into an orgasm. “How much longer until you cum? I don’t know much longer I can wait,” Scooter whined.

“Oh I can help with that.” Jackie put her fingers in her mouth and took her left hand sliding two easily up my ass.

“Oh fuck woman! now you’re playing dirty,” I moaned.

“Damn straight, forcing people to come is my specialty,” Jackie said reaching her right hand to Scooter’s clit.

“HUH AHH HHAHAHAA!” Scooter screamed surprised by the sudden onslaught of pleasure. I felt myself brimming so I unloaded another cup of cum into Scooter’s body.

Jackie took her hands back and washed them, “There that should hold ya for a bit,” she said leaving.

I was still inside when Scooter looked back at me, “Butt stuff works for guys too?” She asked.

“Oh yeah, you have no idea,” I said. I carried her to the toilet again only this time only cum came out with a few drops of blood here and there.

“Oh dear that looks dreadfully uncomfortable,” Clare’s voice said from the door that Jackie didn’t close. Clare stepped over to Scooter-who I sat on the toilet-and ran her horn along Scooter’s abdomen. Once she did that out came the rest of anything that was left inside. “There you are, I left a little in the lining of your womb so you don’t have to immediately start over,” Clare said.

Scooter stood up, “What’s with the dress?” Scooter asked.

“Oh I almost forgot why I came to find you two, this lovely thing is for you Scootaloo,” Clare said excitedly pulling it over Scooter’s head before she had a chance to say no.

Scooter wasn’t a dress girl, “Ah what the heck Rarity, how do I always get roped into being your personal mannequin even when Belle’s not here,” Scooter complained. It was plain black and very soft pliant fabric. The bottom was short only just past her thighs. The bodice was very low cut and could easily be pulled apart to reveal her breasts. “What kind of dress is this?” Scooter asked.

“A convenience dress. Say you get all hot and horny Michael can just make love to you you through the dress and the easy access bodice makes it so you can fondle and play too. When you finish it all slides back into place quite easily. I made it last night for this very reason. No need to thank me,” Clare said gliding out of the room. Scooter looked in the mirror returning briefly to her old self.

“Seriously?” She asked.

“It’s a very nice dress,” I said pulling her close by her hips. She giggled and smiled at me through the mirror.

“I love you,” she said.

“No Ro-” I prompted.

“Shut up just let me have this,” she said smiling with her eyes closed knowing she was going to get her way.

I smiled back, “I love you too.”

Chapter 8. The Whole Damn Weekend

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The whole weekend was spent with Scooter wearing that sex dress and us fucking every few hours. Oh and also the girls making it at first awkward and then somehow better. One time Scooter and I were in a basic cowgirl and Pinkie comes in decides to sit on my face and make Scooter suck her nipples until we’d all climaxed. Another situation had me trying to get in Scooter standing up again-her idea-failing miserably until Sparks decided to use her levitation power on Scooter . . . that is as long as I promised to asphyxiate Sparks while sucking her horn. Explaining that to Scooter took a while and just ended with me demonstrating half of it on her while I fucked her from behind causing her to come so hard she passed out. We agreed to save that for when she was a little stronger.

I’ll never forget when Flutters got involved though. Scooter, Jackie and I were making dinner on Saturday night-the night after the morning this whole thing started-and it had been a full four hours since we’d last had sex. I could tell the she was getting restless and starting to ache for more. She did this cute little bounce on the balls of her feet when she stood in one place for too long.

Once everything was off the stove and ready to be served up I walked over to Scooter and grabbed her up off the ground, “Excuse us,” I said pulling her away. I was about to carry Scooter into our room, when Flutters intercepted us and led the way to her room.

“You two haven’t really been very creative, how many times have you used your mouths on each other?” Flutters asked.

“Aw Flutters come on,” Scooter whined impatiently.

“If I can wait through my heat cycle for a weekend you can hold for a few minutes of tongue play. Oh dear, I’m sorry I just thought you’d like me to suck you two since-” Flutters started apologising.

“You’d go down on us, ooh ooh yeah yeah yeah. Michael did that once, but I bet you’re the queen of oral sex,” Scooter said bouncing excitedly. Flutters pinkened in the cheeks-damn it she was so cute-before walking slowly to Scooter removing her robe.

“You have no idea. Now 69 together,” she suggested.

“Huh?” Scooter questioned not knowing all the sex talk.

I pulled her onto Flutters’ big soft bed, “Sit on my face while facing my dick,” I said. Scooter did so putting that sweet little pussy back on my mouth. I lapped and sucked at her eagerly tasting every inch of her this time.

“Huh, it’s so sensitive. God Michaelllll,” Scooter moaned raking her fingers through her hair.

“Oh Scooter sweetheart aren’t you going to suck Michael?” Flutters asked.

“I ung, don’t know how, he’s s-so big and I-I’m . . . not,” Scooter stammered.

“Oh dear I didn’t think of that, well let me show you how to open your throat then, okay,” Flutters said. I couldn’t see her, but knew that when a hot wet mouth engulfed my throbbing cock it wasn’t Scooter.

I grunted into Scooter’s pussy, “Whoa, she’s incredible. Wholly crow she’s swallowed it!?” Scooter asked incredulously. I couldn’t really respond to her she might as well have been talking to herself. Flutters paid ample attention to me wrapping her lips and throat around my dick bobbing and twisting up and down I snaked my arms over Scooter’s thighs and through Flutters’ hair. “Oh god this three way freaking rocks, Michael hit my clit and I’ll come . . . OH SHIT! God yes right there, AH AH AHHHHHH!” Scooter moaned dripping heavily into my mouth.

I sucked her pussy dry while Flutters popped off, “Your turn, you ready suck a cock Scooter?” Flutters asked sweetly.

“Oh yeah, I want cum in my mouth and pussy too,” Scooter said. Well it sure as hell wouldn’t be much longer, Flutters and Scooter were both firing pheromones into my body and I was aching for release.

Flutters soft warm hand grabbed the base of my dick, “Put him in your mouth, but DON’T use your teeth,” Flutters implored. I felt Scooter lean down and a tiny little set of lips pulled my cock in. She wasn’t nearly as good as Flutters, but she did a pretty good job of avoiding her teeth. “Now open your throat like you’re trying to swallow something whole and go down and inch at a time,” Flutters said. Scooter did so only gagging a little bit.

She got almost to the base before coming back up for air, “I couldn’t breathe, not even through my nose,” Scooter said. I was gently licking her pussy from top to bottom to keep her ready to fuck at any moment.

“I know Michael’s wonderful cock does that, just break for air every now and then you’re doing wonderfully,” Flutters said. Scooter went back down and sucked me in. I couldn’t take much more of this, “Faster Scooter,” Flutters implored. Scooter grunted and gagged speeding up and Flutters decided to suck my balls into her mouth. I dug my fingers into Scooter’s pussy torturing her g-spot and sucking her clit so hard she came in seconds.

“MMMM MM HMM!” Scooter screamed against my cock coming.

“Pull off I want some too,” Flutters begged.

“Mm mm,” Scooter said in the negative.

“Oh okay,” Flutters pouted. I emptied my cum into Scooter’s waiting mouth filling it so much it seeped out the sides. “Ooh that’s mine,” Flutters said licking up the considerable amount that came out. Once finished Scooter pulled up with her cheeks full and grabbed Flutter face. They made out swapping my cum evenly between them each simultaneously making a loud swallowing noise. They pulled apart and wiped their lips dabbing the last of it onto their tongues.

“Whoa that slimy stuff tastes pretty good. Weird, but good,” Scooter said.

“Oh yes,” Flutters said dreamily. Flutters pulled me back into her mouth briefly getting me hard again. Thanks to all those supplements it took it was a matter of seconds. At that point scooter was practically begging for it. I slid her ass down onto my lap reverse cowgirl and slammed her until we were both done. Flutters went to Scooter and sucked my cum out of her. The wide eyed look on Scooter’s face was priceless. Flutters sat on her calves legs spread grinning. Scooter moved slowly over to her to gently grabbed her breasts.

“Oh my god they’re real,” Scooter said astonished.

“Um yes, I’ve always been bigger in the chest for some reason,” Flutters said nervously. Scooter laughed exploring Flutters’ busty breasts while the latter just closed her eyes and enjoyed the free massage. I got dressed and left them alone for a bit. I closed the door and stood face to face-figuratively speaking she was about 5’2” after all-with Dashie.

“I’m next and it better be good,” she said before walking off. Dashie wasn’t messing around when she said that. About midnight she broke into our room and recreated the night I shared with Flutters all those years ago only this time with Scooter. She didn’t mind it and neither did I if I’m being honest, but I’ll never tell Dashie that. Afterwards the three of us were all lying together Scooter sandwiched between Dashie and I. We fell asleep easily, but when I spooned Scooter and felt about a dozen little round ball ends I realized something . . . I never took her pins out from the morning before.

Chapter 9. Trust Fall

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The next morning Dashie and Scooter were gone. Damn, I needed to take her pins out before anyone-other than Sparks-tried to do it themselves. Fortunately Scooter walked in the room then wear nothing but her panties, “Morning,” She said smiling. She crawled back into bed with me. Before I could say anything she started making out with me, “One more time, I think I’ll be fine after one more time,” she moaned.

I smiled sliding between her legs and going down on her. I made her come with my mouth once and it took a little longer than usual. Come to think of it she was acting a little differently. I climbed up on top of her, but she looked more collected than I had ever seen her when she was horny. “Stuff me with your dick, I want you in me now,” she moaned teasingly. I didn’t hesitate plunging into her used and abused vagina. We made sweet love like that. She was a little tighter, took longer to finish, and even did more little things like wrapping her legs around me, pulling me down for kisses, running her hands down my chest and licking my neck. She came, so I turned us over so she was on her knees. I loved her from behind nice and deep.

“Wholly sunny mornings I can feel you in my organs,” she whimpered happily. That just about did it for me. I stuck one finger up her ass and the other hand onto her clit sending her into a raging orgasm and making me cum just as hard. The only difference was that this time she jumped off last second, spun around and aimed me towards her mouth. Scooter sucked my cum out drinking it in turns before she sucked me dry.

“Um, I thought you wanted heat relief,” I said.

She smiled and we laid back down together, “Don’t be mad . . . my heat ended this morning I’m just doing something Flutters asked for yesterday. She said she wanted me to make actual love to you at least once without being in heat. Now I know why, that was fantastic in it’s own right, but completely different,” she said. Figures that Flutters would say that. I pulled Scooter in close and kissed her before staring at her for a bit. I just laid still looking at her strangely. “What?” She asked.

“Don’t you want me to take the pins out?” I asked.

“They’re not in yet,” she said like I was crazy.

My eyes widened and she realized it at the same time, “Wholly crow.” We shot out of bed and went to the mirrors. She made sure they were really there.

“Alright before you get too worked up your brain could have just shut down the nerves to protect you, let’s take them out and then put them back in after morning stretch,” I said. I stretched her wings with her and she complained of itchiness, but not pain. I took the pins out swiftly, gave her a short massage and then gently pinned her wings back up. She moved around in discomfort before turning around with tears in her eyes. “Damn, I thought we were getting somewhere,” I said.

“We did,” Scooter said grinning to her ears.

She wrapped me up in hug and sobbed into my neck, “What did you feel?” I asked.

“Barely anything,” She said pulling back. “It itches, but other than that I feel fine,” she said. I set her up at the plain white wall and took another picture in the same exact form of when I took a picture of her before all this started. I compared the two and Scooter’s wings had grown so much it was uncanny. Her joints that were once in a desperate state of atrophy now looked healthy and strong. I took her pins out and got dressed.

“Put some work out essentials on we’re doing the trust fall right now,” I said.

“A little early isn’t it?” She asked.

“Not a bit, come on.” We got dressed and I dragged her outside.

She climbed up the wall and stood at the top, “What is going on?” Dashie asked followed by the girls.

“Dashie get up there with her,” I said. Dashie flew up next to Scooter who looked so confused it was priceless. “For this fall I want you to spread your wings as wide and strong as you can if you feel the current just do what Dashie taught you,” I said. Dashie figured it out before Scooter did, her eyes widened and she smiled nervously having seen Scooter fail more times than she could count.

“Alright,” Scooter said opening her beautiful wings. She jumped and the wind current carried her strengthened wings into a successful glide. “Ahh haa whoa whoa whoa,” Scooter said terrified.

Dashie took off after her and grabbed her hand, “Work with the current, flap when you’re ready,” Dashie said. Scooter took a deep breath and focused. She flapped her wings and dragged an unexpectant Dashie into a powerful thrust of wind.

“I’M FLYING!” Scooter screamed at the top of her lungs. Flutter’s and Sparks took off after them to get closer. They flew around for a solid ten minutes before Scooter got tired.

“Hey scooter girl, we’re doing a trust fall remember?” I asked.

“Oh, right,” Scooter said curling in her wings and falling to the ground. I caught her before she ate dirt and hugged me so hard it hurt. I teared up, but she sobbed happily into my chest. Dashie slammed into us crying her eyes out too.

“I can’t believe it, you finally did it!” Dashie said grabbing Scooter’s face in her hands.

“Wouldn’t done it without you guys,” Scooter said. They embraced in a way only sisters do.

Everyone rejoiced for a while before I went to Scooter, “Alright, I guess now you’re probably going to be spending more time actually training in the air than needing Physical therapy,” I said.

Scooter’s eyes widened horrifically, “Wait, does that mean you’re not going to help me anymore or do all the things we’ve been doing,” she said getting instantly sad.

“No no no Scooter shh, calm down. I can still administer your pins until you can’t feel them at all. By then you’ll be flying like a champion. Besides your cooking’s gotten good, but it still needs work if I want to send you home alone with a clean conscience and after all . . . I still have the rest of the summer to spend doing fun stuff with you now. Okay? It’s not like I would just make you and I inseperable and then just ditch you,” I said palms on her face wiping her tears away with my thumbs.

She smiled relieved, “I guess the school year will probably get in the way though huh?” She asked.

“Very likely, by then you’ll be sick of me and ready to see your friends again,” I said.

She hugged me again, “I’ll never get sick of you stupid.”

The remainder of the summer months that I had with Scooter were spent a little less rigorously. I didn’t give her that much of a break, but Dashie was doing the teaching now. Scooter flew everywhere now every chance she would without exhausting herself. I put her through less cardio and more muscle build. She and I still did our daily routine, but every so often it included small fun things like going to parks with everyone, or when I brought Annabeth and Belle over to see the good news. The three of them all different sizes now still jumped together in a little excited triangle of preteen hormones. We took them all to the fair and when we were doing the mallet to hit the bell strength test Scooter found out how strong she’d actually become. I tried and got it, Dashie tried and almost got it.

“Whatever this game’s rigged,” Dashie complained.

“Uh huh sure, Scooter go try it,” I told her.

“Me? if Dashie can’t do it then-” She started.

“Shut up and do it, I didn’t put you through eight weeks of torment for you to chicken out,” I said. She squinted annoyed at me and grabbed the mallet. She struck it down with all her might and hit the bell in one try. I turned to my very amazed wide eyed blue pegasus, “Try lifting weights Dashie, it’s not all about cardio.” Scooter and the girls came back to us and Scooter gave Dashie the ukulele she won. Dashie smiled and took it playing the rest of the day.

Chapter 10. Back Home

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The time eventually came when Scooter had to go home. I’ll never say it out loud, but I had been dreading the day from the start. “Ya’ll packed up girls,” Jackie called.

The all responded positively, “Alright let’s get going,” Clare said. Clare, Jackie and Dashie were taking the girls back home for school. Odds are really good that this summer was the last I’d ever spend this much time with Scooter.

Everyone was ready, but I could tell Scooter didn’t want to leave, “Scootaloo are you alright?” Clare asked. She shook her head negatively. I sighed and walked over taking her hands in mine.

“Hey, we both knew this day was coming didn’t we?” I asked. She nodded refusing to look at me while tears starting to form in her eyes. “Scootaloo look at me,” I said. She sniffed and locked her bloodshot eyes with mine. “You wanna know why I’m not sad?” I asked. She nodded, “I’m not sad because I don’t plan on making this a one time thing. You’re dumb if you think I’m not coming for a visit whenever I go to Anthaville. Plus for the past three years I’ve been having Thanksgiving and Christmas at Flutters’ cottage. You really think I’m not going to drag you down to earth and get in some trouble with you. And if you think for one second that I’m not going to troll you at school one day saying that you have a family emergency and then I’ll take you to six flags you’re crazy.” She bit her lower lip smiling at me and we embraced, “I love you scooter girl, no amount of distance is gonna change that,” I said.

“What did we miss?” Belle asked. Scooter stepped back, stood on her tippy toes and we kissed. Just a little lip kiss, but it was nice.

“A lot apparently, Yer not gettin’ hitched are ya?” Annabeth asked.

“Oh god no,” we both said at the same time laughing after.

Scooter sighed, “You’re right as usual, I love you too Michael. Hey I can fly now so who knows maybe I can come visit you when Dashie makes me faster,” she said.

“Well I would like to see what you can do on an advanced program with the pins, but we’d need a couple months again. Maybe next summer, but I gotta stick here per the employment of Celestia,” I said.

“We’ll give you a sec, come on girls the van’s a waitin’,” Jackie said as everyone left with the exception of Flutters, Scooter and I. Flutters was staying behind since no one else would be here considering Sparks was with Celestia getting ready for the festival.

“Well maybe I’ll just come stay with you next summer. Maybe I can sleep in bed with you and Flutters,” she said.

“Um . . . what why me?” Flutters asked nervously.

“You’ll be together if not married by then I hope. For a while I wanted you and Dashie together, but when I saw you two having sex . . . you put so much love into each other it was beautiful in retrospect. I just hope I get as lucky as you Flutters,” Scooter said.

Instead of saying anything or acting shy Flutters walked over to her and took Scooter’s face in her lovely hands, “You will, you are an amazing young woman Scootaloo. You deserve the best,” Flutters said before kissing Scooter on the head and lips. Straight or gay if Flutters kissed you and you weren’t expecting it you blushed like Scooter was.

“I love you guys, I’m uh . . . get going now,” Scooter said tripping over herself on the way out. We waved goodbye as the van turned a corner and disappeared. We walked together back into the house and I thought I would at least have to ask, but as soon as the door closed Flutters leapt onto me wrapping her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist immediately making out with me. Yeah, I loved her.