> A Harrowed Nightmare > by SCP Pinkamena > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Seek The Sun, Seek The Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seek The Sun, Seek The Day \ "Okay, let's see... Boom Hammer actually out-damages Ludwig's Blade... Holy shit." Tim said looking at the stats for his character. Despite naming it "Abraham Lincoln", he still liked the fashion souls-- Er, Bloodfashion. Right now, his character was dressed up as one of the Boom Hammer Hunters, and looking at the stats of it, it seems that the Boom Hammer out-damages the Holy Blade by a total of 12. With both at +10, he seemed to favor the Hammer more than the Blade. He was Co-oping with a friend of his, AgooRed, in the Ailing Loran dungeon. It was the last boss, the Abhorrent Beast, one of the fastest, toughest bosses in the dungeon. While it was weak to fire, and Arcane, using them correctly is very difficult. With fierce determination, him and Agoo attack the beast, hoping to kill it quickly. Tim threw Oil Urns at the beast at any chance he could and smacked it with the hammer, doubling the fire damage. Agoo swiped it with the Saw Clever, buffed with the Phantasm Shell, and hitting it with A Call Beyond and the Darksky Eye. With those combined efforts, six minutes later the beast was killed, and both Tim and Agoo celebrated with small gestures, and both finishing with the League Oath with both of their canes held high and hands on their hearts. Tim later got a message from Agoo, saying thank you and great job. Tim was about to reply when a knock came to the door. He got up from his couch and opened the door, to see someone with heavy blue coat, a purple bandanna around his face, and a red look in his eyes. Tim's instincts said that he was sketchy. "Hi there, stranger," He said, his voice scratchy. "I heard you were, uh, looking to buy something?" He said, an obvious smile behind his face. Tim, vaguely thinking about buying anything, begins to shut the door. The man stuck his foot in the door present himself in. Tim immediately grabbed him by his cowl and pushed him back out in the hall. "Oh, sorry stranger, I'm just used to people letting me in after a little bit. But please, can you at least let me do that? I'm terribly cold out here." Tim raised an eyebrow, and slowly opened the door more to let him in and he shambled his way in. He sat down on the couch as Tim made him some coffee. "Sugar and cream?" He asked. "Yes, 2 of each please." The man said, and after he got his coffee, he pulled down his cowl and drank it down, without stopping. He put his cowl back and looked at Tim. He reached into his bag and pulled out a vile of some white liquid. "Here," He said, handing it over, "This is an experimental energy drink, I made it myself. There's some apple, orange, banana, pa-- pineapples, and some sugar into the mix! I've had it myself, and I thought it was too sweet. If you could just try it, then I would make some money, and even give you some of the cut." He explained, even promising him some money. Again, Tim's instincts were kicking into overdrive, but yet, depending on how much money this drink makes, it could be hit or miss. He took a deep breath, held his nose, and downed the whole thing. He tasted the flavors, apple, orange, and then an unfamiliar taste. It was sweet, but also bitter. He set the vile down and looked at him. "Honestly, not that good, not that ba--!" Suddenly his chest heaved, and his vision went blurry. He looked at the merchant looking down at him and he set a hand written note in his hand. "Say hi to Dissy for me will you?" Then the world went black. The land of Equestria was a darkened, chaotic mess. Plants slowly withered and died, animals that depended on the sun, like the Timber Wolves, slowly shriveled. With Nightmare Moon as the ruler, and with nothing to stop her, the unimaginable was possible. Yet, deep in the forest of Everfree, A light, brighter than any unicorn could muster, shone brightly over the land, albeit if only for a moment. On Canterlot Mountain, this caught the attention of Nightmare Moon and her guards. She sent a regiment after it. She waited 4 hours for her strongest fighters to return, and after another grueling hour, one solider came back. He was being dragged by his hooves by the medical team, and the only thing coming out of him were mad ramblings. He was set down, and he never bothered to get up, again his madness the only thing audible. The pony quickly became scared, while looking at Nightmare Moon, or more specifically, her mane. He clawed at his face with the tips of his hooves, his muttering now turned to screams. "The child of Kos cometh, THE CHILD OF THE COSMOS COMETH!" He screamed as he limped away into an empty room and lit as many candles as he could find. Nightmare Moon was, to say the least, very concerned for her soldier, for he saw the War of Dusk and Dawn and survived without a scratch. Yet, whatever caused this, was a creature to be feared, even by Nightmare herself. She looked at the forest below, and wondered, what could've caused this? Surely no Manticore, or no Astral Beast. Was this... a creature that adored the night as much as she did, and only came out now? "Guards, escort me the forest. I wish to find this creature myself. Whatever it is, it will pay dearly for hurting my ponies." She proclaimed, and 6 guards flanked her, 3 on each side. They took off the summit and she landed gracefully at the mouth of the forest and began to march inside. While normal ponies would've avoided doing so, it was her mission to take care of her subjects, young or old, fit or frail. Nightmare Moon was not one to be fooled, that purple Alicorn made sure of that. Yet, seeing as she not in this timeline anymore, she shouldn't worry about it too much. crack She froze, as did the guards, looking around for whatever made the sound. The sound of a light sob was being carried through the air. "Moonbeams," She whispered. "Moonbeams! Come out, your princess is here to rescue you!" She called out. There was a moment of silence then a small bat pony with dinged up armor and blood running down her legs came running out. She had a crazed look in her eyes, and she held onto Nightmare. "ThankyouforcomingbackIthoughtIwas--" she stopped short, and began to scream and back away from Nightmare, as she had something on her. "No! Go away! Bring back the light! I don't want to see the stars! GO AWAY!" She screamed, and ran back into the forest. "Quick! Follow her!" One guard shouted and they sprinted after her. They stopped at the Zebra mare's hut, where she was long since gone, and quietly began searching. After a fruitless search, they heard sobbing again, although this time it wasn't Moonbeams. It was a deeper voice that was sobbing. Nightmare and the 6 guards all followed the sound until they reached a clearing, where...something stood in the middle of it. It looked up at the sky, at the moon, and sobbed lightly. Another inspection saw Moonbeams sobbing with the creature, looking at the moon and the stars. The creature looked down at her and picked her up, holding her tightly. "Ah, sweet child of the stars," Moonbeams said with a nostalgic voice. "Looking ever vigilantly for Mother Kos. Whoever knows if you will find her, if she will find you. All I can say is have hope for the future." She said with a smile, then fell limp in his arms. It put her down, then sobbed more, whether for her or at the moon was unsure. Nightmare, being the bold mare she was stepped out into the clearing. "Did you do this?" She said looking at the bodies of her fallen soldiers. How had she missed them? "Well, answer!" "...If you appeared as you did in our world and you did the same thing as I did, would you be surprised if we asked the same questions?" She was silent, and he continued. "I had no choice, they were hunting me down, maybe even going to kill me. I only did what I did to protect myself, nothing more, nothing less." He said, still looking at the moon. "The one that made it back, how is he?" "A muttering wreck." "Ah... I see. I'm very sorry about that." He apologized, turning around to face her. She almost wished he didn't. He was sickly thing, scrawny and looked to be malnourished. "I am truly sorry, indeed I am." He said, turning back to the moon. "Have you seen my mother? Mother Kos?" He asked. "No, i'm afraid I--!" She stopped suddenly... everything was slowly fading. That Alicorn, she really changed the past! "No... No! NOOOOO!!!!" It looked back to see the darkness, and the mare herself disappear. Everything turned to normal, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and everything started to have color again. Yet, he still felt sad, and he stilled longed for mother. He looked up again to see a small cottage on the edge of the forest, with a butter colored pegasus tending to some animals. Perhaps she has seen Mother?