> Webcam Girls > by Warfire Writing Studios > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Webcam Girls > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ah! Nothing like having the house to myself for the night and spend it with my girlfriend!” Rainbow Dash says, holding a soccer ball in one arm while wrapping the other around the shoulder of her girlfriend Susan as they walk towards her home one evening with the sun at their backs. "I know what you mean Dashie," Susan says with a smile and then kisses her cheek softly. “I have to admit, that was a good game you put up with me, but I think that trick shot had you fooled, didn’t it?” Rainbow asks, talking about a friendly game of soccer they had played at school before walking home. "It always does," Susan says and blushes. "You really are good at sports.” “Thanks. Not to brag, but I was all district champion MVP the last two years!” "I recall, but remember that I was a close second," She says and then slowly pulls Dash close and kisses her lips softly, hugging her close. Rainbow moans into the soft kiss, not minding that they were in public. They’ve gotten away with some… naughtier things without being caught before. “True, you may be that, but you’ll always be my number one Suzie!” "That's so sweet Dashie," Susan says and cradles her cheek with a hand and then leans back in for another kiss. “Mmmm! Mmmm…” the rainbow haired girl moans softly, always enjoying kisses from her special someone. She places the ball in her arm and nestles it between their stomachs and wraps her arms around Susan’s neck and enhances the kiss. Susan giggles happily into their kiss and then reaches down and takes the ball and breaks their kiss. "Come on... I'm so curious about what you want to show me.” “Right, we probably should do that…” Dash grins, taking her hand into her own and leads the way to her house. "So Dashie, you going to keep me in suspense?" “Hmm, maybe. I want to surprise you what it is.” "You're such a tease," Susan asks and then slowly tightens her grip on Dash's hand gently. The slightly blue skinned girl with rainbow colored hair leans against her brunette girlfriend, leading her to the front door of her house. "What a beautiful house. I keep forgetting how big it is," Susan says as Dash unlocks the door with her house key. “Yeah, it’s mostly thanks to my dad. He works for a major sportswear company. It’s how it got me into sports in the first place,” Dash says as she opens the door, leading into her home. “After you, m’lady.” "Thank you Dash," She says and steps inside and looks around and sees many different styles of furniture in each room visible to any who would walk in. "No real sense of style huh?” “Eh, my parents weren’t that crazy on ‘conformity’ in every room,” Dash replies, using her fingers to quote as she closes and locks the front door behind her, placing the soccer ball on the ground afterwards. “They said variety is the spice of life, so why not make every room a bit unique?” "I guess that does make sense. But you'd think they'd make the stuff the same color right?" She asks as she sweeps a hand at the living room's oddly colored furniture and the kitchen's redwood floors. “Talk to them about that. I a’int gonna argue with their logic,” she shrugs and wraps her arms around Susan’s bare midsection, her fingers swirling around her belly button, kissing her neck softly while rocking her body with hers. “You want something to drink, my sweet Suzie?” "Water or tea would be nice," She says and holds Dash's hands against her belly and leans her head away from Dash's head to give her better access to her neck. “Hmm sure thing. I got you something cute that you might like for the ‘thing’ I have planned for us…” Dash grins, leaning in to softly bite her neck. Susan coos softly and feels goosebumps crawl over her skin and slowly closes her eyes to enjoy the nibbling on her neck. “Hmmm, you like that baby? You love it when I make you coo?” The brunette girl coos happily and then brings one of Dash's hands to her mouth and kisses it gently. "You kn-know what makes me shiver.” “I know how you tick, don’t I?” Dash chuckles. "Y-Yes you do..." Susan moans and turns and gives Rainbow Dash a lick to her nose. Rainbow giggles softly and nuzzles her nose with hers. “Get into bed. I’ll get us some water and I’ll give you your ‘gift’ I got you for this occasion.” "Alright Dash. I'll meet you in your room. Clothed or naked?” “Surprise me…” she winks at Susan. "Deal," Susan says and then heads up the stairs and then pushes open the door to Dash's bedroom and smiles seeing all of the sports memorabilia all over the room. "Just like my Dashie," She says and then starts slowly stripping out of her tank top, leaving her with just a bra and shorts on. She then lies on her back, leaning her head off the side of the bed. Rainbow gets two bottles of water for the both of them and quickly heads up towards her room, waiting to see what Susan would be like waiting for her. "You didn't keep me waiting long Dashie," She says and licks her lips as she fondles her bra covered breasts. “Hmm, you’re such a naughty girl, aren’t you Suzie?” Dash asks and slowly approaches her bed, placing the tip of the water bottle on her belly, seeing her shiver softly. "Yes I am," She says and then slowly feels the cool water slide over her bare skin and smiles up at her girlfriend. Rainbow grins and kisses her while her head was upside down, then putting the bottles on the side of the bed on a dresser. She goes under the bed and takes out her laptop along with two pairs of knee high socks. "Knee high socks Dashie?" Susan asks with a smile and then slowly rolls over and lies on her stomach. “Mmhmm. I just LOVE them!” "I won't deny I love them too. They make you look extra sexy.” “They make ANYONE look sexy…” she giggles seductively, giving Susan a pair. “Try them on. I’m dying to see you in them!” Dash says as she takes off her jacket, and t-shirt, leaving her sports bra on underneath and sits on her bed, putting on the sexy piece of clothing. "Deal," She says and then sits up and pulls her own socks off and then slowly pulls them on slowly, wanting to make a show of putting on the knee high socks. “You love to make a show of things, don’t you?” Dash grins, extending her leg forward, showing off her athletic legs with the socks on, coming up to near her black spandex shorts under her dress. "You know I do, and those legs are so sexy," Susan says with a grin. Dash giggles softly and opens her computer and begins to log in to her special account. “Susan, remember that thing I told you that these socks were for?” she asks, looking at her with a grin. "No... care to tell me?" She asks and smiles up at her girlfriend. “Well, remember how I got you those panties and bra along with that vibrator for Christmas?” Dash asks, doing some more typing on her laptop. "I remember that, I really had a blast with that vibrator.” “I paid for them because…” she says with a hesitant pause. “I do internet shows for a job and I promised my followers I’d have you in my next show.” "An internet show? Why do you want me on there with you?" Susan asks with a small pout and crosses her arms over her chest. “Just go with the flow,” she replies and hovers the mouse over the button to start the show before looking at Susan. “Something wrong, baby?” "Nothing, I guess... I'm just a little nervous.” “Don’t be. I was a bit nervous when I did my first show, but once the money started coming in, it was all easy afterwards,” Dash chuckles, hugging her girlfriend lovingly. “Just follow my lead and you’ll do great. Tell you what, I’ll split the earnings I make with you tonight fifty/fifty. Sound good?” "Got it. I love you," Susan says and kisses Dash's lips softly before turning to the laptop with a smile. “I love you too,” Dash replies and turns towards her laptop’s camera and clicks to start her show. “Good evening, my naughty fans! Welcome to Dashingly Spectacular. I’m your naughty athlete Rainbow Dash and… I have a guest with me,” Dash says her introduction before looking at Susan. “Say hi to our audience, Susan!” "Hiya everyone!" Susan says and waves at the camera with a big smile on her face and hugs Dash close to her. Dash grins and sees the comments welcome her to the show. “Care to tell the fans a bit about yourself?” "Well, Dashie and I have been dating for two years now, and we've been happily competing with each other in virtually everything since we started seeing each other," Susan says with a smile and leans in and kisses Dash's cheek with a smile. “One unofficially and one officially, to be precise,” Rainbow clarifies to the audience while holding Susan's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Still, I love you," She says and then kisses her cheek softly. Dash giggles and looks at the chat in the show. “Now, give us suggestions what we should do. You guys call the shots tonight.” "Just be sure to go slow," Susan says and looks from Dash to the laptop. "This is my first time doing anything like this.” “Yeah, nothing too… extreme. Simple things and if we feel like bumping it up a bit, we’ll let you know.” Dash says and pays attention to what the viewers say in the chat. Susan looks back to Dash and back to the laptop's screen, giving the viewers a cute wink. “How are you guys and girls tonight? All nice and horny?” Rainbow chuckles a bit, making Susan giggle, leaning against her shoulder, looking at the chat. "I think that they want us to kiss," Susan says catching several comments wanting them to see the two kiss. “That can be arranged…” the rainbow colored hair girl says with a chuckle, leaning into Susan and gives short butterfly kisses on her lips. Susan moans softly as Dash's lips just brush up against her own and she responds by doing the very same thing. She slides an arm up Dash's arm and closes her eyes happily. The two girls softly kiss in front of the camera, placing their hands on the other’s shoulders for their audience to witness. Susan slowly leans forward a little more, and slowly presses her lips against Dash's, pulling her close, their bra covered breasts pressing together. Rainbow holds her girlfriend’s arms in her hands and gently strokes them with her nails, scratching them lightly. Enjoying the kiss on camera, Dash catches glimpses of the comments, seeing how they like it and some have become rock hard or wet by them kissing. Susan slowly pants heavily into Dash's lips and then pulls back and lightly traces her nails along Dash's back. “Hmmm, t-they really like this…” Dash coos softly as the kiss ends, their lips still inches away from kissing again. "I see that..." Susan says and then slowly pulls away and winks at the camera again. "Like what you saw everyone?” A few seconds passes before a flurry of comments say they have and are stroking or rubbing themselves because of them. “So what’s next you guys?” Dash asks them, winking at them, giving a brief kiss on Susan’s lips, making her giggle cutely. Susan slowly pulls Dash in close with a hug and gives her neck a gentle nibble on her neck. Rainbow softly coos into the soft kiss and eyes the comments, suggesting they strip not themselves, but each other. "Should we enlighten them?" Susan asks softly into Dash's ear before slowly reaching up and slowly pulls at the back of her sports bra. “Ready?" She nods and extends her arms above her head. “Ready sweetie.” Susan slowly pulls the sports bra over Dash's head and then tosses it to the side and leans forward and kisses the top of Dash's left breast. “You all like?” she asks, putting her arms at the sides of her perky breasts and shakes them for the camera. Susan smiles and runs her hands over Dash's breasts teasingly. "I don't know Dashie, I don't think that they want to see those.” “Oh? Are you trying to say something?” Dash asks Susan, hinting at a competition about their breasts. "I think that maybe they'll want to see something new," She says and fondles her own breasts, her bra keeping them from bouncing as much as they could. “Well, let’s see whose they like more,” Dash says, putting her hands behind Susan’s back and finds the hook in her bra. “Ready?” "Go for it," Susan replies with a smile and then slowly licks her lips as she shimmies her breasts. Rainbow’s hands then unhooks her girlfriend’s bra and lets it fall on the bed between them, revealing her perky mounds. She then turns to the camera and asks, “So, whose do you think are better? Mine or Susan’s?” Dash then turns towards her girlfriend and asks, “Want to make a bet whose are the perkiest?” "What is the wager Dashie?" Susan asks and scoots closer to her girlfriend and then slowly pulls her close with her hand on the back of Dash's head, pressing their foreheads together. “How about… loser eats the winner out to two orgasms?” "Deal," Susan says with a smile and then licks her lips slowly. "Prepare to lose.” “The same to you too,” Dash sticks her tongue out at her before looking at the camera. “So, my wonderful people, who has the perkiest tits of us two? My girlfriend's or mine? Say either ‘Dashie’ or ‘Suzie’ in the comments.” "'Suzie?'" Susan asks with a smile and then leans over and bites her neck softly, giving a teasing nibble. “What? It’s my show!” Susan doesn't reply but reaches up and takes her nipple between two fingers and rolls it around, making her girlfriend coo. Rainbow moans softly, licking her lips as she feels her girlfriend play with her nipple as she takes a hand and cups one of her breasts, giving it pleasurable squeezes, loving her warm, soft mounds. "Enjoying my girlfriend's moans everyone?" Susan asks and then rests her chin on Dash's shoulder and winks at them. The chat lights up with them enjoying the impromptu show for them as votes for either “Dashie” or Suzie” show up from time to time. “Looks pretty even so far,” Rainbow says, looking at the number of times their names appear in the chat. "For now..." Susan says as she gets down onto her hands and knees and licks her lips. "Care to tell us now?” “Come on! Vote for me!” Dash says, curling her hands in front of her face, giving cute eyes for the camera. “Pweese vote for Dashie…” she asks in a cute voice. "Oh Dashie..." Susan says and then slowly rolls onto her back and then looks over the edge of the bed at the laptop while upside down and licks her lips, showing off her breasts. "Let them choose.” “I’m just making them see how cute I am so they vote for me!” the rainbow haired girl grins and leans down to lick one of her girlfriend’s nipples softly, suckling on it like an infant to their mother. The brunette haired girl moans and then slowly bites her lip softly as Dash slowly licks and sucks on her nipple. "Da-Dash... that's not fair…" Dash giggles softly and kisses her breasts and looks her in the eyes. “Oh Suzie, you know you love to be teased!” "Makes me all the wetter," She says and slowly feels her pussy begins glistening under her skimpy and sexy panties, leaving a small wet spot. Dash chuckles softly and looks at the chat and begins to see a trend emerge. “Well, looks like they have spoken Suzie…” "Oh?" She asks while looking up at Dash, then to the screen of the laptop with a wondrous smile “And it’s…” Dash looks at it and her eyes shoot open as wide as melons. “You?! WHAT?!” "Well Dashie... looks like you owe me two good orgasms," Suzie says with a smile and gets to her knees and kisses Dash's lips gently. "Care to do that now? Before your followers?” She sighs in defeat, can’t believing she lost, even after doing all the cute things for them. “Oh… alright...” Rainbow pouts cutely. "Don't be like that Dashie... everyone's got to be a good sport," She says and kisses her lips softly. "Now, I'm going to lie on my back and I want you to make a show of this.” “Okay. I guess so…” Dash shrugs as Susan begins to work off her shorts and panties in a teasing manner for the viewers for a few seconds. "Now how about that tongue of yours shows them how you can make me squirm?" Susan asks and then lies so that the viewers wouldn't see her pussy but that they'd be able to watch Dash eat her out. Dash nods and approaches her glistening pussy, licking her lips as she gives it a teasing kiss at first, seeing how Susan would react to it. “This is for you my viewers,” Dash winks to the camera as Susan lays upside down off the side of the bed, looking into the camera as her girlfriend begins to tease and lick her wet and wanting pussy. "Th-That's a good girl Dash... Tell your viewers how good I taste," Susan moans softly, feeling Dash's tongue slowly slide along the outside of her wet and sensitive lips making her shiver in lust. “She has a citrus taste to her, my loyal viewers. She loves her orange juice, along with lemons and limes,” Dash says to them, placing her lips over her pussy, swirling her tongue around the wet folds. Susan coos happily I pleasure and then slowly holds a hand behind her head and humps into her mouth slowly. "S-See how she is everyone? Making me pant and drip my juices into her slutty mouth…" “Mmmm…” Dash moans as her juices drip into her mouth, her tongue slowly making its way into her pussy, wanting to hear Susan moan and squirm in pleasure, knowing all her good spots. Susan moans and closes her eyes and lays her head back to look up at the ceiling and lets her mouth fall open in pleasure. "Does everyone li-like what they're seeing?” A flurry of comments appears saying that they have already cum just watching Rainbow lick Susan’s pussy. "Y-You should see what your viewers are saying..." Susan says and thrusts her hips forward, pushing more of the tongue of her girlfriend deep inside her. “What… What are they saying?” Dash asks, continuing to lick her pussy. "They came already... and that they wa-want you to spread my lips and show them my clit..." Susan says knowing that they'd get loads more comments really soon. “After your first orgasm, you can show them that. Sound good honey?” Dash asks, kissing her clit softly. "D-Deal..." The brunette haired girl moans deeply and feels Dash's lips against her clit. "Just like our first time…" Susan grins and remembers when they first made love together. She squirted a lot of juices into Rainbow’s mouth, considering it was her first time having sex with a girl, and the fact that she was bisexual, like Rainbow. "Ca-Care to show them the skill that tongue of yours has?" She asks as she looks down at her with a lustful smile and feels the approaching orgasm that Dash was working her to become bigger and bigger. “Hmmm, maybe. But that’s a secret between you and I should only know…” Dash winks back in the same tone, flicking her tongue against her nub, hearing Susan cry out softly. Susan grips the back of Dash's head gently with both hands and groans deeply before letting out a cry. "Da-Dashie... I'm go-gonna cum!” The athletic girl doesn’t stop, but continues her pattern of pleasuring her and swirls her tongue around her nub, wanting to give her a good orgasm for their audience. "Fu-Fuck! I'm gonna... gonna cum!!" Susan cries out before throwing her head back and lets out a loud scream as her juices shoot out into Dash's mouth and fills her up with the juices of her cunt. Rainbow moans softly, swallowing as much of her juices as she can, moaning at her sweet, but tart taste, constantly flooding her mouth, making her own lips wet with anticipation when Susan would pleasure her. "Oh Dashie... th-that felt so good," She moans and licks her lips slowly, then pets her hair gently and helps Dash stand before her and pulls her into a deep and tongue filled kiss, sharing her own juices from Dash's mouth. Rainbow moans into the deep kiss, pressing her bare breasts against Susan’s, humping from time to time against her as the two lovers share the kiss and the chat room explodes with comments about how hot that orgasm was and how their kissing is now. Susan slowly sucks Dash's tongue into her mouth and bites it gently and scrapes her teeth along her tongue. "D-Dash... ho-how about we sa-save that last orgasm... for off camera?" She asks wanting to get the viewers to beg for it. “Sure thing Suzie…” Dash agrees, planting a kiss on her lips again. “I bet our viewers must be jelly because of that…” "Go and look... I think that they wa-want me to show my skills…" Dash nods and stands in front of the camera and begins to make a striptease show for her viewers as she begins to slowly work off her skirt, kicking it to the side and her spandex shorts, showing off her toned and smooth ass to them. She spreads her cheeks, revealing her pussy and puckered asshole to them and says, “Don’t you wish you had a piece of this, my viewers? Either eating it out or fucking it hard and deep? Hmmm, well too bad. Only my girlfriend can have it and you can’t…” she then does a teasing shake in front of the camera, showing it off to them. "You're a tease Dashie," Susan says as she gets to her feet and walks up in front of her and slides her hands over her ass cheeks. "Too bad that pussy of yours isn't dripping like mine is now.” “Hmmm, maybe because it hasn’t been licked yet. Care to solve that problem?” "Get on the bed and stay on those hand and knees of yours," She says and then kisses Dash's back gently. “Of course my naughty little girl…” Dash winks at Susan, showing their viewers the moving of her hips as she crawls onto the bed on her hands and knees. "Good girl. Don't you all agree?" She asks and then spreads her cheeks and shows off her girlfriend's pussy and tight ass again. "Now tell us how badly you want me to eat her out.” 'Please eat her out Suzie! I’m on my third orgasm now!' a watcher begs Susan to eat her girlfriend out. 'I want to see her squirm the way you did! On my fourth now!' another says. 'I would LOVE to see that ‘off camera’ orgasm, ;)' a third comments. "I will show you all me making my girlfriend orgasm... however I don't think that you all want to see the off camera orgasm..." She says and then slowly leans in and gives Dash's pussy a slow lick; from bottom to the top, right by her tight ass hole. “Mmmm, t-that’s it…” Rainbow moans softly, licking her lips as Susan slowly licks her cunt. "Do you wa-want more love?" She asks and then gives her ass a firm smack. “Oh! Y-Yes… A lot more baby… I’m a naughty girl…” "Good girl..." She moans and kneels before her pussy and leans forward and pushes her tongue slowly into her, spreading her lips open slowly. “O-Oh fuck…” she moans, feeling Susan’s tongue enter her lips, starting to make her wet. “O-Oh I wish you girls could feel how good she is with her tongue…” Susan chuckles a little and then pulls her tongue free of Dash's pussy, licking her lips up of her girlfriend's juices and reaches up and slowly spreads her lips with her fingers and revels to the laptop and camera her pussy, past her lips. “You all enjoy my girlfriend’s pussy? You like how she’s all wet?” Susan says, showing their viewers Rainbow’s wet and glistening pussy for several seconds. Dash shivers as the laptop "dings" over two dozen times in a minute, each one signifying a comment. “T-They must like my cunt huh?” she chuckles softly to Susan, hearing the “dings” from her laptop. "Sounds like it sweetie," Susan says and then buries her mouth back into Dash's pussy and slides her tongue all up and down her clit. Dash’s mouth opens from the pleasure as she begins to feel Susan’s tongue swirl around in her cunt, making her squirm in pleasure. “G-Give me the laptop!” "What for Dashie?" Susan asks with a smile and gives her clit another slow and long lick. “I-I want to t-talk to them a-as you eat me…!” "Deal," Susan says and goes over to the desk, and sets the laptop on front of her girlfriend then goes right back to eating out her sweet pussy. “H-Hello there m-my naughty viewers! Oh yes! T-Too bad you can’t see how... she’s pleasuring m-me!” Dash moans, looking at the camera, seeing the comments explode. “S-She’s a real e-expert on it! Hmmm, fuck!” Susan moans and slowly pushes a finger into her pussy and licks around it as she rubs her clit with the now dripping finger. Dash moans for her viewers, moving her hips in pleasure for Susan as she continues to use a finger to pleasure her pussy. "Come on Dashie... moan for them!" Susan moans deeply and then slowly blows into her pussy. She shivers softly, her eyes fluttering from the soft, cool breeze against her wet cunt, biting her lower lip. “Hmmm, m-make me cum Susan! I-I wanna cum!” "Should I make her cum everyone?" She asks her viewers and keeps teasing her pussy, rubbing at the spots that couldn't force her over the edge. Rainbow groans softly as she sees the comments overwhelmingly want to see Dash cum, wanting to see her “o-face." "Looks like I have my answer," She says and then lens back down and starts running her tongue over Dash's clit and pushes her finger deep and runs it over her g-spot. “O-Oh fuck! Fuck! Oh damn! I-I wish you could see her tongue work!” Dash shivers softly in pleasure, feeling her girlfriend’s tongue swirling around inside her wet pussy. Susan, in a desperate attempt to make her cum, smacks her ass hard with her free hand and watches as her cheeks grow red. “OH! OH! OH FUCK!” Dash cries out to the camera, beginning to pant heavily from the spanking, bringing her closer and closer to an orgasm. “O-Oh fuck! I-I’m… I’m gonna cum Susan! I’m so close!” Susan moans deeply, sliding her tongue all over Dash's clit and rolls it around before smacking her ass hard once more. She cries out and pushes her ass towards Susan, that smack proving too much to handle as she orgasms around her mouth, letting her juices flow into and around her lips. Susan moans deeply and then feels her juices slide down her lips and down to her perky breasts and suckle down her girlfriend's juices. As Rainbow enjoys her orgasm, her “O-face” is shown to her viewers, making the comments section explode, seeing that most of them have cum again because of her face. 'Looks like that they'll be talking about this for a while!' Susan thinks and pulls away and gives her ass one more smack. Dash looks into the camera with a relaxed look in her eyes, licking her lips. “Wow… that was… incredible,” she chuckles softly, seeing Susan come into the picture. "I bet you loved that didn't you my love?" Susan asks as she kisses the back of her neck and gives it a gentle lick. “Y-Yeah, I did. Did you guys and girls like it?” Dash asks the viewers, anxious for their responses. The replies to her question comes in in large waves. "Looks like that's a yes," Susan says and cuddles up to her and rolls so that Dash was on top of her. Rainbow leans down to softly kiss Susan on the lips so the camera can see it along with her nuzzling her nose to nose with her. “I love you my Suzie…” "I love you too my Dashie," She says and then runs her finger's through her rainbow colored hair. The two girls giggle softly and hug each other close, enjoying each others company, along with their audience for a few minutes. “Aren’t we cute together?” Dash asks the viewers with a grin. Susan giggles softly and smiles up into her girlfriend's eyes before pulling her down into a long and passionate kiss. They press their lips together and move their heads slightly to let the audience see their tongues twirl between them. After enjoying such a long kiss, and so many comments being posted in the chat, Susan slowly pulls away from Dash and looks into her eyes. "I love you…" “I love you too…” Dash replies, running her fingers through her brunette hair. "Do you think that this is something we'll do often?" Susan asks wanting to tease the audience. “Maybe, if you promise to be my naughty little girl…” Dash giggles and winks at her. “Promise." “Good girl. Wanna end this show and let me give you your ‘special’ orgasm?” "Sounds good to me," Susan says and licks her lips slowly. Dash nods and crawls from her girlfriend and looks at the camera. “Sorry guys and girls, gotta end it here and give Suzie a ‘special orgasm.’ Wish you could see it,” she winks at her “audience.” "Thank you for letting me show you guys just how naughty I could be," Susan says with a grin and winks at them while hugging Dash close. The girls see the comments as the viewers say ‘goodbye’ and ‘hope to see her again soon.’ “Say bye to the audience, Suzie!” Dash says. "Goodbye everyone. Thank you all for the warm welcome," She says and waves at the viewers and gives Dash a gentle kiss on the lips. Rainbow giggles softly and lets the stream go for a few more seconds before she ends the show officially. “We’re clear now,” she says, looking to see how much she made tonight with Susan. “Wow! Look how much they gave us for tonight!” "How much sweetie?" Susan asks with a smiles following Dash's finger. Dash points at the screen with the “bank” symbol and shows her a total of three hundred and fifty dollars. "Damn we did good!" Susan says happily, kissing Dash's lips deeply while hugging her close. Rainbow moans into the deep kiss and slowly pulls away. “Yeah, I know. Each time I do a show, I can usually get around one fifty to two hundred. A few times I've done a 'day in the life of' show, meaning I let my audience watch me do certain things around the house naked for six hours straight and usually make around five hundred bucks those days.” "That's really good. So I assume those have been some of your better shows?” Dash nods. “I’ve done it... three times I think. My shows usually last around an hour or two and that’s usually enough to wear me out. But those shows that I did do, took a lot out of me, but I did it for my audience. One time, for my last two orgasms, I read their comments while rubbing myself and they made me cum twice. A good send off for them, don’t you think?” "I think so too," Susan says and licks her lover's nose gently. “Like I said before, I’ll split this show with you fifty/fifty. Sound fair to you?” "Deal," Susan says and kisses her lips softly. Dash grins as they softly kiss for a moment before she pulls away. “Now… about that second orgasm. Why did you want to do it off camera?” she asks curiously. "Because I wanted you to use that vibrator and that wonderful tongue of yours.” “The one I got you when we ‘officially’ started dating?” "Yes," Susan says and reaches down and pulls it out from under her bed. "Care to indulge me Dashie?” “Only for you Suzie…” Dash grins and takes the polished smooth vibrator into her hand. “On your back, like always?” "Like always," She says and rolls onto her back and slowly spreads her legs wide for her. "Good Dashie?” “As always Suzie…” she grins and turns on the vibrator, hearing the soft buzz emanating from the toy and places it at the tip of her girlfriend’s clit, swirling it around a bit, hearing her shiver softly. "That's it... j-just like that!" Susan cries out loudly and then reaches up and starts to fondle her breasts, then squeezes her nipples with her fingers. Dash grins and continues to tease Susan’s clit with the toy, feeling an itch between her legs as she groans from the use of the toy. 'Damn Susan, you’re so hot when you moan for me…' she thinks to herself. "Oh... Oh! Fuck!" Susan cries out and starts squirming, thrusting into the vibrator going strongly against her clit. Dash leans down and moves the toy and slowly inserts it into her now wet pussy, thrusting it slowly and lovingly as her lips begin to suck on her nub. Becoming entranced by her girlfriend’s flavor, Dash takes a free hand and begins to rub her pussy, sticking her ass in the air. "Oh Dashie! Th-That feels so fucking good!" Susan cries out and feels the vibrator push into her dripping wet pussy. Rainbow moans into her girlfriend’s pussy, lapping her juices into her mouth, moving the vibrator with the motions of her tongue. "Das-Dashie I'm go-gonna fucking cum!" Susan cries as she pinches her nipples harder and rolls them around with her fingers as the vibrator and her girlfriend's tongue work to push her over the edge. ‘Cum for me baby…’ Dash thinks to herself, swirling her tongue around Susan’s pussy, focusing on her clit as the toy moves faster and faster inside her. "Fu-Fuck! FUCK!" Susan cries out loudly, screaming at the top of her lungs as she reaches the best orgasm that Dash had probably ever gotten out of her, her juices shooting into Dash's mouth and all over her lips. Rainbow moans as her mouth is flooded with her girlfriend’s juices, leaving the toy inside her pussy and letting it enhance her orgasm, letting out a soft moan that would be drowned out by Susan’s screaming. As Susan's orgasm continues pushing more and more of her juices into the air and on her girlfriend's face, she feels her arms and legs weaken with the pleasure, leaving her a panting and cumming mess. The athletic girl slowly pulls away from her girlfriend’s pussy, pulling the toy out with it and turning it off before she crawls on top of Susan, her breasts pressing against hers, and pushes the toy past her lips, allowing her to taste her own juices. Susan moans deeply around the toy now inside her mouth and licks slowly around it, getting a good and long taste of her juices. 'I really taste good... Nowhere near like Dashie though,' Susan thinks as she licks up her mess like a good girl. “That’s a good Suzie… Enjoy your sweet flavor…” Dash grins, kissing her neck softly, sneaking in a teasing lick also. Susan groans softly and then slowly wraps her lips around the business end of the toy, sucking on it like it was a large cock, wanting to tease Dash for losing their bet earlier. After letting her enjoy the toy like a cock, Dash slowly pulls the toy away from Susan’s lips and leans in for a deep, tongue filled kiss, filled with moans. Susan's eyes close as they kiss, her tongue wrestling Dash's like they did when they wanted to see who was the most dominate of the two; which of course turned out to be Dash. Her tongue pins Susan's down to the bottom of her mouth. Rainbow swirls her tongue around Susan’s, making her moan softly into their kiss. A bit further into the kiss, Rainbow softly bites down on her girlfriend’s tongue, sending tingles down her spine. Slowly the brunette haired girl pulls her tongue slowly from Dash's mouth and feels her teeth scrape against her tongue. "Oh Dashie…" “Was that amazing baby?” the rainbow haired girl replies softly, looking into her deep green eyes. "Hell yeah..." Susan says in a dream-like lustful state. “I aim to please you in any way I can…” Dash winks, kissing her nose softly. "Thank you Dash... for being such a wonderful girlfriend," She says and pulls her lips down so that they could kiss again. “Mmmm…” Dash moans into the soft kiss before slowly pulling away. “You’re welcome Susan. You’re the best girl I could ever ask for. I knew that, when I looked into your eyes the day we met, I wanted you to be my girlfriend, but it took me a damn year to admit it.” "It's almost a crime that we were to afraid to admit that we liked each other.” “Yeah, it was. It took me six months into our ‘official’ relationship to tell my parents about us being together because I was so nervous about how they’d react.” "I'm just glad that my parents are open minded," Susan says with a smile. "Made it easier for me to tell them.” “I bet. My mom was okay with it, but my dad took another three months to finally accept us being together.” Dash says, looking away for a moment. "Well at least they accept us now huh?” “Mmhmm. That’s the good thing. I wouldn’t want to have it any other way…” Dash says softly, planting a soft kiss on Susan’s lips. "Shall we... get some rest? I assume that you're as tired as I am…" “Sure thing. You think our ‘audience’ would’ve liked that on camera?” Dash asks Susan curiously, rolling to her side, feeling her girlfriend cuddle her close to her body like a stuffed toy. "I know they would’ve," Susan says with a smile and then kisses her lips softly. The rainbow haired girl moans happily into the kiss, placing a hand on her cheek. She slowly ends the kiss and looks into her eyes. “I love you Susan, with all my heart.” "Just like I love you with all of mine, Dashie" She replies and then yawns softly. "Good night Dashie, and I may give you a present when I wake up.” “Hmmm, I can’t wait for that…” Dash chuckles softly and slowly falls asleep at her girlfriend’s side. Susan smiles and then slowly closes her eyes and falls asleep in Dash's warm and caring embrace. > Epilogue: The Best Alarm Clock > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Susan and Rainbow Dash both snuggle against each other in Rainbow’s bed after a fun night of doing a web show together and Dash giving Susan a mind blowing orgasm with her tongue. A soft cool breeze blows through the window and kisses Susan’s bare skin, making her shiver a bit as she hugs the side of her girlfriend. "Damn wind... can't let me sleep in for one day?" Susan says softly and slowly opens her eyes and looks at the sleeping face of her girlfriend. "Hmmm, she looks so beautiful.” Rainbow continues to rest peacefully in her warm bed, laying on her back as her girlfriend looks at her. "Well I did promise her a present. Now it's time that she gets it," Susan says and slowly works her way down to Dash's spread legs and grins, thankful that they both went to bed naked. Susan grins softly, leaning down to briefly kisses her pussy lips and cradle her hips in her hands. "Too bad she's not awake to order me what to do, but this will be more fun for me," Susan replies softly and then lies on her belly and scoots up and starts slowly licking Dash's lips slowly. Rainbow moans softly, feeling Susan’s tongue begin to lick her pussy, though in a deep sleep still. "Thankfully she's a deep sleeper," Susan says softly and then slowly reaches up and spreads her girlfriend's lips and slides her tongue slowly up Dash's exposed pussy. The sleeping girl moans softly, thinking she is experiencing a wet dream. Susan moans softly and then slides her tongue slowly along her clit and feels her legs clench around her head for a moment before going limp again. “Mmm… oh yeah,” Rainbow softly says, biting her lower lip, still having no idea her girlfriend was eating her out. 'She's getting a kick out of this, I hope she'll shoot her juices into my mouth,' She thinks and then slowly suckles her clit into her lips and gently presses them together, Dash's nub between her warm lips. “F-Fuck! Oh damn! Y-Yes!” she cries out, beginning to thrust her hips forward into Susan’s mouth. 'That's it Dashie.... cum for your girlfriend,' Susan moans softly and then presses her mouth around her pussy and slides the most textured part of her tongue along her clit. “I-I’m gonna… I’m gonna cum! I-I’m CUMMING!” Rainbow cries out and begins to squirt her juices into Susan’s mouth, experiencing a wonderful orgasm. Susan groans deeply and then slowly suckles down her juices, loving how she tasted and was really happy that she'd made her cum in her sleep. "I love you Dashie.” Dash pants softly before feeling slow licks and hands crawling up her body as her eyes slowly open, seeing her girlfriend approach her. “S-Suzie? W-Was that…?” "Oh nothing Dashie. But I did go to the bathroom and it sounded like you had a very kinky dream," She replies, a smile on her face as she looks down at the wet sheets between Dash's legs. “I-I could’ve swarm i-it was real to me…” she pants, seeing a devilish grin on Susan’s face, kissing between her breasts. "Really?" Susan asks and then licks from between her breasts and then stops at the base of her neck. "Was a good dream though?” “Yeah… It was. I loved it though.” "That's good. Wanna shower with me sweetie?" Susan asks and then kisses her lips gently. “Sure, but… what time is it?” "It's 8:30 a.m.” “A-Alright sweetie, I’ll shower with you,” Dash nods, slowly turning to get out of bed. "Thanks Dashie," Susan says with a smile and pulls Dashie along behind her with a hand holding hers. She nods as Susan starts the hot water for their shower together, swearing that her dream that she had was real.