> Canterlot in Flames > by Sylvian > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Fall of the High Class > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: Fall of the High Class Daring sighs heavily as she walks down the hallway towards the ballroom of the Royal Palace in Canterlot. All around her, ponies are rushing about with purpose, some barely stopping when they bump into each other to offer apologies. Almost all of them are wearing the gold or blue of the day and night guards, the muted sound of their armor rustling filling the air with a strangely catchy hum. Quite a few, though, are dressed like Daring. The armored jumpsuits of the Wonderbolts’ Reserves had drawn more than a few strange looks as they had been handed out, as the Royal Guard knew the Wonderbolts were a combat organization, but until that moment most had never seen what a full mobilization looked like. Many of the Reserves had also looked at the armor like a live snake, having never believed the day would come they would have to dress as if to go to war. Yet, at war they were. Stopping and looking out one of the windows, Daring cannot help but growl at the large shadow fortress hanging over the city. It had not yet deployed the cannon they had seen yesterday, but Daring knows that it is just a matter of time, especially with their them being in a massive fight above the Wonderbolts’ Compound already. Even so, Daring is anxious to get into the fight, but so far Spitfire had not sent word to them, and the Command Chief had not given the word to independently engage. Growling Daring goes away from the window, knowing that if she looks at it any longer she’ll likely take flight and enter the fight, with or without orders. “Senior Master Sergeant?” a voice comes from nearby, causing Daring to sigh and turn to face the speaker. “Yes, Wind Rider?” Daring asks the light blue pegasus walking over to her. “Is there something I can help you with?” “That’s Commander, Master Sergeant.” Wind Rider corrects, a smirk on his face. “No, it’s ‘retired’ Commander, Wind Rider.” Daring sighs, not wanting to deal with the entitled former Wonderbolt. “You’re only here because no one wanted to tell you to go home.” “I am here, my dear Yearling,” Wind says with not a little bit of pride, “because your Command Sergeant deemed my experience and expertise needed.” He circles Daring much like a timberwolf would wounded prey. “Do not forget, I fought in the Griffin-Drake War! I am a soldier unlike any of the foals you call Reserves.” “We are all Wonderbolts,” Daring states, holding her ground, “same as you.” She sighs and smirks slightly, looking at Wind as he passes in front of her again. “Look, Wind, we could keep up this pissing contest, or we can both get to the ballroom and meet with the Command Sergeant and see what our orders are. I’d rather fight them,” she points out a window, “than you right now.” Chuckling loudly, Wind nods and falls in beside Daring. “Same old Yearling, straight to the point and no foaling around.” “I had good teachers,” Daring replies, her smirk growing. “You’ve met Distant and Viridian. Do you think someone who has worked so closely with them would be any different?” “No, I suppose not,” Wind admits with a shrug, “but, since you are a student of two rather… unorthodox minds, what is your opinion on the current situation?” He motions with one wing towards the fortress. “Because my assessment is… less than hopeful.” “Always the optimist,” Daring chuckles. “Truthfully, mine is bleak as well. We can’t get close to it, we can’t shoot at it, and even our friendly ‘Renegades’ aiding Spitfire and the rest of the main forces seem to be doing little more than slowing down that flying death-trap.” Daring sighs and looks over at Wind. “Honestly, Wind, at this point I am going to recommend to the Command Sergeant and the Guard Captain to focus our efforts on the city. We can’t know for sure if throwing more bodies at the problem will fix it, and I am not about to suggest we throw the untested Reserves at something so dangerous.” “I would agree,” Wind confesses with a heavy sigh. “It takes a lot of guts to show up to a crisis like this for a Wonderbolt, especially one who is in the Reserves and expects usually to only be called up for minor things.” He speeds up slightly and waits at a pair of large doors for Daring. “Nothing like this. Reserves haven’t been called into combat since the last war. And make no mistake, Yearling,” he pushes the door open revealing the ballroom beyond, “this is war.” Stepping into the ballroom with a nod to Wind, Daring advances towards the center where a collection of large tables -- usually reserved for banquets -- have been dragged in and are now surrounded by ponies in armor and cluttered with maps and diagrams. The table Daring, and Wind who is not far behind her, is heading towards is occupied by a large map of Canterlot, hoof-drawn lines and notes side-by-side with carved figurines, cups, and banners to mark the locations of troops and vital buildings. There are four ponies around the table, one of them talking loudly. “I understand your concern, Captain,” a pegasus mare wearing the Reservist armor directly across from the other three states calmly. “And I do not know how you do things here in Canterlot, but in Cloudsdale we don’t sit on our tails while ponies are in potential danger. Nor will I lead from the background!” She ends her little speech by slamming a hoof against the table, causing the placemarks on the map to topple over. “Command Sergeant,” A unicorn in the armor of the royal guards, sighs. “While I cannot order you to stay here, I implore you to listen to reason. The battle outside could spill into the city, and if you’re taken out there is no one to take over for you. Who will lead the reservists?” “That is exactly why I have to get out there, Aegis!” the Command Sergeant exclaims. “If it spills into the city we need to be able to react, and I know your soldiers are not ready to fight a battle against these… these Shadowbolts!” “What about the chain of command, Stormbreaker?” a honey colored pegasus next to Captain Aegis speaks up, “This isn’t the weather factory, and this isn’t training. You need to think these things through.” “That’s why I have them,” Breaker comments with a smirk, pointing towards Daring and Wind as they come closer. “Daring is the next highest in rank, and Wind is the most experienced Wonderbolt I could get my hooves on.” She then points to the map, her smirk becoming a smile. “So, what needs to be done? Seeing as my chain of command is well protected, I assume you’ll stop this foalish whining and let me get out there?” “After we bring them up to speed,” Aegis sighs as she looks to the two newcomers. “Senior Master Sergeant, Commander Wind Rider.” “Captain,” Daring greets with a curt nod. “Aegis,” Wind says with a smile. “We don’t have time for a full briefing, so I’ll cut to the quick.” Aegis states, putting a hoof on the map on the table as he uses his magic to right the place markers back into their proper position. “As you can see, we’re in full deployment following the appearance of that flying fortress.” He points to a large mug which Daring guesses is the ‘fortress’. “We’re steering clear of it on the advice of both Princess Luna and the Renegade ‘Captain’ Descent, and after yesterday’s light show I am not about to argue with them.” “What of the civilians in the area?” Daring speaks up, looking at the map with a worried expression. “All evacuated to the newly built emergency shelters,” Dawn says with a smile. “I saw to that personally on day one of the emergency.” “As Dawn said,” Aegis agrees, tapping his hoof on a few circled spots. “All civilians were evacuated to shelters, and any and all Reserves in the population were given direction to make their way through the tunnels that connect the shelters to the ones closest to the palace so they could run here as soon as the fighting lulled to be given orders.” He then looks over at Stormbreaker. “What about your end?” “Well,” Stormbreaker starts, clearing her throat, “once the Reservists are here, they’re given their orders and armor.” She taps a few positions on the map next to a few pegasi toys. “I’ve got them stationed along the border of the city and in the upper clouds, ready to help fight fires and turn away civilian air traffic.” She taps a few more places and looks over at Aegis. “I have a few squadrons doing what they do best, and running supplies between your guard units, acting as messengers, and generally making sure everypony is ready for whatever happens.” “What’s the status on emergency services?” Wind interjects, coming up to stand on the other side of Stormbreaker so him and Daring flank their leader like Dawn and Knight are flanking theirs. “All the military preparation in the world will do us nothing if we don’t have emergency services ready to receive wounded.” “I agree, Wind,” Aegis nods, tapping the map again. “Thus, I have Canterlot General staffed with a compliment of Guard and Civilian doctors, the entire facility guarded by two regiments of my best.” He taps a few other places and looks to the three across from him. “Triage and clearing stations are ready to be established at a moment’s notice at these locations.” “Good, good…” Wind says absently before looking between the Captain and Command Sergeant. “Does that cover everything?” “Except for your marching orders,” Stormbreaker chuckles. “I’ll have you know, I have not ‘marched’ since the last time Blaze Tail caught me unaware in the supermarket…” Wind chuckles. “We’ll have to fix that.” Stormbreaker chuckles. “Anyway! Daring, Wind, I need you two to hold the fort down here while I make the rounds and properly put the fear of Celestia into the Reserves in the field.” “You’re trusting us to run all the logistical stuff?” Daring asks with a raised eyebrow as Stormbreaker starts walking away. “Yeah! You two can handle it, I’m sure!” Stormbreaker calls back with a wave. “Have fun!” Turning to look at the three across from her, she frowns as she spots Aegis walking away -- presumably to do his own duties -- Dawn smiling at her, and Knight paying no attention whatsoever to anything outside of yawning as he looks around for what will likely be another cup of coffee. “So… do you two have any idea how to run a military deployment?” Daring asks slowly. “Yup,” Dawn chuckles. “Y-Yes,” Knight yawns. “Would you be willing to help?” Daring continues. “Nope.” Dawn shrugs, “You can handle it, Yearling, I have faith in you.” He leans over and hooks an arm around Knight’s neck. “Besides, poor Knight here is going to fall over on his handsome face if I don’t get him a cup of liquid energy soon.” “I’m married,” Knight mutters with a loud yawn. “Yeah, and your wife will appreciate it if I make sure you’re awake,” Dawn replies as he pulls Knight away from the table. “I’d never hear the end of it if I let you get killed in the line of duty! Plus, that’d make me next in line for the Captaincy, and we can’t have that!” Whatever Knight’s muttered reply is, Daring doesn’t hear it over the noise in the room. Sighing, she looks to Wind who is carefully studying the map, muttering to himself as he moves pieces across it. He has produced, from somewhere, a pair of reading glasses that only seem to add to the air of veterancy about him. “Well, looks like we’re on our own, Wind,” Daring sighs as she crosses around the table to stand opposite of the retired Wonderbolt. “Any ideas on what the hay we’re supposed to do?”   “Nope, not really,” Wind replies, looking over the rim of his glasses at Daring. “I was never much for the tactical planning side of things. I was a warrior, and a Commander, but I was never much for long drawn out meetings.” “You and me both.” Daring nods as she looks at the map. “I guess, what we need is another set of eyes, and somepony who is organized.” She sighs and looks up, whistling sharply to a Reservist who is walking by. “Wingpony, could you go to the kitchens and track down a pony by the name of Leaf Wind? He should be in there with his father, most likely still arguing with the ‘quartermaster’ about caffeine or something.” “Right away, ma’am,” the pony says with a salute before trotting off at a brisk pace. “Well, that takes care of the second set of eyes,” Wind chuckles. “I guess now we need to figure out what this griffin-scratch is that Stormbreaker wrote all over the map... “ ------ “Dear, I really don’t know what I can do to help,” Leaf says for the fifth time that hour. He is sitting beside Daring as they look over the map. Wind had long since left to go brief a group of Reserves on their orders and had left Daring and Leaf to continue to hammer out what exactly needed to be done. “Well, I have no idea what I am doing, so we’re all good there,” Daring chuckles as she taps the map, which has been cleared of most of the objects that were laying on it. “I figure, though, we just need to keep some scouts in the air and have most of the rest spread out and ready to act should something happen.” “Like that fortress suddenly sprouting a giant cannon like yesterday!” A new voice pipes up from across the table from them. It’s a young voice, full of enthusiasm that makes Daring smile even if she sighs. “Yes, Tricks,” Daring says as she looks over at her ‘nephew’, “That would count. In fact, I am pretty sure that is going to happen. Hopefully, Luna will be able to defend against it like last time.” “I don’t know, Auntie Yearling,” Tricks cautions, setting both his hooves on the map and giving her a serious look, or as serious as a colt wearing a hoof-made cape and what looks to be a smaller version of the unicorn auxiliary uniform can look. “I know Luna is powerful, and my friend Gust would tell you she is the strongest Princess ever, but I’ve been listening to the guards talk. They said she was really drained. She might not be recovered yet.” Blinking a few times, Daring looks to Leaf then to Tricks. “You really shouldn’t be eavesdropping on the guards, Tricks.” She then shrugs and smiles. “Besides, we don’t actually know the Shadowbolts will deploy that thing again after it was ineffective last time.” “Actually,” Tricks says slowly, pointing over Daring’s shoulder and out one of the large windows. “I think it’s a safe bet to say they will.” Furrowing her brows, Daring looks over her shoulder. “Tricks, I highly dou…” She trails off as she spots the Shadowbolts’ Fortress glowing rather brightly. Wonderbolts are flooding out of the Compound, or more to the point the area around the Compound, and are doing their best to fight off yet another wave of Shadowbolts. But, it is not the glowing, nor her fellow Wonderbolts in battle, that hold her attention. It’s the cannon. The cannon, and the definite lack of anything resembling a shield around the Wonderbolts’ compound. Standing and going to the window and pressing her face against it, Daring stares as the battle is joined with a resounding battle cry that can be heard even in the Castle. Leaf joins he a few moments later, with Tricks scampering over and pressing his nose to the glass moments after that. “Told you they’d do it agian,” Tricks states matter-of-factly, a smile on his face. “You take after your mother way too much,” Leaf says absently. “I have to agree,” Daring replies with a nod, then a sigh as she turns around and watches all the other ponies in the room making their way towards the windows to stare. Whistling sharply, Daring stands up straight and does her best impersonation of a certain drill instructor. “Alright everypony! Stop staring at that giant flying light bulb!” She strides forward, her hoofsteps echoing on the floor as she does her best to grab everypony’s attention. “Yes, they’re going to fire that again, so we need to be ready!” She points to the nearest reservist. “Sergeant, get as many reservists as you can, and get the non-combatants still present in the castle to the wine-cellar!” The Sergeant snaps a quick salute and gathers a few lower ranking reservists around him before quickly exiting the room. “You!” She points at a Day Guard who raises an eyebrow at her. “Yes, I know I am not your commander, but go find him right now! He needs to be appraised of this situation.” The guard shrugs, not questioning the order as it is quite valid, and dashes off to find one of his superior officers. The moments tick by like that, Daring continue to give orders and try and get everypony to something resembling a state of readiness to act and not simply be caught in the headlights. Many still slipped through her hooves, though, and as the battle outside progressed -- complete with explosions of magic and what looked to be a very poorly organized defense -- Daring is forced to constantly drag ponies away from the windows and shout at them to get to their stations or get to shelter. The only pony she can’t bring herself to separate from the pane of glass they’re currently attached to is Tricks. Each time she goes to try and suggest he move away from the glass and stop watching the battle, her mind promptly reminds her that the two mares who are basically his mothers are in there, fighting for their lives. And though she had only met Monkey Wrench once or twice when visiting, she knew Witchy well, and it took all her considerable willpower to not sit down next to Tricks and watch the battle with him in the hopes of catching a glimpse of her friends. No, she has to focus on her duties. “Yearling!” A shout comes from the door to the ballroom turned command center, drawing Daring’s attention to the pony galloping towards her. “Ah! Dawn,” Daring smiles as she calls to the honey colored commander. “So good of you to come to my humble command center during this most eventful moment!” “It’s a joint command center, Daring,” Dawn says with a straight face, though the twinkle in his eye betrays his own sarcastic amusement. “I got here as soon as I could, though.” He stops at the table and waits for Daring to come over and stand on the other side. “What’s the situation.” “Well, to be honest, I don’t have a bucking clue…” Daring states seriously. “I’ve not gotten any reports from my scouts, or rather Stormbreaker’s scouts, and so far as I can tell the Shadowbolts are about ready to fire that cannon of theirs, but no shield has gone up over the Compound.” “Anything else?” Dawn asks, shaking his head. “Well, the compound just grew giant propellers…” Tricks shouts from the window. “They look old…” At the declaration from the young colt, all activity in the room stops and everypony rushes to the windows. Daring finds herself drawn, almost magically, to a spot next to Tricks where she looks out the window in slack jawed wonder as the Wonderbolts’ compound not only continues to sprout propellers from odd places, but then a smokestack that starts to belch thick clouds of smoke. And then with a loud buzzing sound, the propellers start to turn as the light from the Shadowbolts’ cannon starts to get brighter, and brighter. “They’re not going to make it,” Daring breathes softly, her breath misting on the glass in front of her nose. “Don’t say that!” Tricks says next to her, his brow furrowed and eyes starting to water. “Witch Doctor always makes it out okay! So does Monkey!” He shakes his head and puts his hooves on the window. “They have to!” Daring opens her mouth to say something, but a sudden burst of light almost blinds her as the Shadowbolt cannon goes off. Opening her eyes again time seems to slow down to a crawl as she watches a billowing cloud of debris shoot outward. “MOM!” Tricks all but wails beside her, eyes riveted to the spot the Wonderbolts’ compound had occupied moments before. Daring moves without thinking, her motions in slow motion as she reaches down and scoops the wailing colt into her arms and turns right as the blast reaches the Castle. As she hears the windows shattering inward, razor sharp shrapnel shooting towards them, Daring wraps her wings and arms around Tricks and does her best to shield him. And as the roaring shockwave rolls over her with all the force of a freight train, robbing her of her breath and shortly thereafter sending her into blissful unfeeling darkness, she muses to herself at how calm she feels. And she smiles, slightly, wondering if this is how Midnight felt… Zero Hour Grunting in pain, Commander Amber Dawn of the Canterlot Royal Guard pulls himself upright. Something is wrong; the once beautiful ballroom in the Palace is in shambles, stained glass and stonework littering the floor along with the bodies of several ponies that Dawn had been speaking to not moments before. Shaking his head to try and clear the loud ringing sound in his ears he takes a few steps forward, the feeling of his hooves hitting the stone floor registering but are silent. As he makes his way forward, he can see many of the ponies in the room are still breathing, though some look like they’re going to be in need of medical attention shortly. The doors to his right slam open as ponies rush in, and Dawn notes in muted relief that they’re Royal Guards mixed with the armored flight jumpsuits of the Wonderbolts’ Reserve Corp. One pony, who Dawn vaguely recognised as one of Captain Aegis’ aids. The aid yells something at him, waving a hoof at him when he doesn't reply, causing him to tap one ear with a hoof to let her know he can’t hear. When wetness meets his hoof, he lowers it to his face and grimaces when he sees blood. Continuing towards the large, and now empty, windows along the far wall of the ballroom, Dawn stops and looks out over the city. At first, all he sees is a large cloud of dust obscuring everything, but, as it starts to settle, his blood runs cold. The Shadowbolt Fortress is still in the sky, though it looks to be underpowered after whatever happened, and is being pushed away by some of the Shadowbolts, but that isn’t what turns his veins to ice. The entire high class district, where some of the most affluent and powerful ponies in Canterlot had made their homes, is now a smoldering ruin. And in the center of it all, where a few minutes earlier the Wonderbolts’ compound had been, is a massive smoldering crater. He feels his plot hit the stone floor, and he shakes his head as tears rush to his good eye. Had the Shadowbolts won? Had they destroyed the Wonderbolts? He barely feels hooves gently take his head, and a cooling sensation as somepony casts magic on his him. How could this day get any worse? And then his hearing returns, and he hears the aid yelling at him. “Sir! The Captain is dead!” the aid shouts. “What are your orders!?” > Chapter 2: In the Wake of Devistation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: In the Wake of Devastation Darkness. All Daring could see, all she could feel, was a vast and empty darkness that stretched in all directions. Truthfully, she isn’t quite sure if she can actually feel the darkness, as at the moment she lacks anything that can be even remotely called a physical body. Still, a part of her -- what part exactly she is not sure -- cannot help but be sad at the fact that there is only darkness. She had, perhaps in a foalish manner, expected death to be… brighter? Happier, perhaps. This darkness was just depressing, but then perhaps this was her punishment for all those ancient things she had stolen… or when she had conveniently left cake near Celestia all those times... Yes, this was her punishment for feeding Celestia’s addiction to frosted treats. “Well, this sucks.” Daring sighs, not sure how exactly she is doing it, but happy none the less to hear her own voice. “I don’t know, it’s not that bad.” A voice comes from behind, followed by a bright light that slowly chases away the darkness. “Personally, I thought it was rather disappointing at first, but once you figure out what to do, it isn’t so bad.” Turning around, and finding that she now actually has a physical body, Daring is dumbfounded to find the last pony she ever thought to see again standing before her. “Midnight?” Daring whispers, eyes wide. “Hey there, Yearling,” Midnight chuckles. “The look on your face is just priceless.” “You’re dead…” Daring states, her ears drooping. “I… I’m dead…?” “Yes, I am dead.” Midnight sighs, looking down at her hooves before looking up and smiling. “You, not so much.” “So, if I am not dead… where am I?” Daring ventures, looking around at the now endless expanse of white. “Because if this is a dream, I have to admit it’s not the best I’ve had.” “I don’t know if it’s a dream,” Midnight confesses, standing up and walking over to lay a hoof on Daring’s shoulder. “It could be the place in between, that you are so close to death that you and I are able to talk. Regardless, I figured I’d say hello, and tell you that you’re going to live.” “Why?” Daring asks, leaning her head to one side. “Because, you’re not done yet.” She pulls Daring into a hug. “Because Leaf needs you, and because a certain colt is currently shaking you and crying.” She releases Daring and smiles. “Now, ‘Auntie’ Yearling, time to wake up.” Daring opens her mouth to say something, anything, when suddenly the world goes black again and she hears a voice calling her. “Auntie Yearling! Wake up, please!” Life rushes back into Daring with a sound akin to the waterfall that occupies part of Canterlot, bringing with it pain unlike she has ever known, her entire body feeling like it is on fire and yet freezing at the same time. Through the pain, and the loud ringing in her ears, she can feel and hear someone shouting beside her as she is shaken. “Auntie Yearling! Please, wake up, you can’t die!” Tricks shouts beside her. Somehow, he had gotten free of her embrace after she had lost consciousness, and was now doing his best to wake her up. “It’s… going to take more than that party favor to keep me down…” Daring wheezes through the pain, finding her hooves and attempting to stand up, earning herself more pain in the form of her back lighting up in a searing flash. “Don’t move, you took a lot of glass to your back, Yearling,” another familiar voice comes from beside her. Turning her head, she chuckles to find Wind kneeling beside her looking completely unscaved safe for his hair being messed up and his jacket now sporting some dust and soot. “You look like like crap, Wind,” Daring weakly jokes. “Speak for yourself,” Wind chuckles weakly. “I thought all the stuff they said about you was just stuff you’d made up. Seems you really are as lucky as they say.” “Really? I don’t feel lucky…” Daring mutters as she attempts to get up again, only to have Wind put a hoof on her back to keep her down. “None of that, I’d rather not have to explain to Distant how I let you get even more injured.” Wind commands in a voice that reminds her of Silver Lining, causing instant obedience. “Good filly, now stay there for a moment.” Looking up at him, Daring watches him turn his head and fix his eyes on somepony on the other side of the room just out of Daring’s limited field of vision. “Sunset! Get your flank over here!” “Give me a moment! I’ve got my hooves full stopping this guard from bleeding out!” a mare shouts from the other side of the room. “Wind? Is Daring awake?” A familiar voice calls over from near the first. “I’ll be right over!” Daring’s ears perk up as the sound of rapid hoofsteps come over followed by a very familiar face devoid of its usual smile. “Hey… Sierra, enjoying your vacation?” Daring chuckles weakly. “Ignore the mess, Canterlot’s usually a lot cleaner.” “It’s cleaner than my house was before your godmother got her hooves on me,” Sierra says absently as he puts down a bag of medical supplies. “Now lay still, and don’t talk.” “Is she going to be alright, Mister Sunset?” Tricks speaks up from beside Daring, his voice wavering slightly. “She’ll be fine, little one,” Sierra replies with a smile. “I’ll tell you what, though. She’ll feel a lot better if you hold her hoof. This is going to hurt.” Tricks nods and gently takes one of Daring’s larger front hooves in both of his. “Don’t worry, Auntie Yearling,” Tricks says with a wavering smile that Daring can’t help but return. “I am sure Mister Sunset knows what he is doing.” “He… better,” Daring grunts as Sierra starts gently looking over her wounded back. “I’d hate for my godmother to put him in time out.” She grunts again as Sierra not so gently brushes against a shard of glass embedded in her armor next to her wing. “Sorry, Daring,” Sierra apologizes absently. Grumbling, Daring remains quiet and allows Sierra to work, which also allows Wind to start talking again. “Anyway, we seem to be lacking the Command Sergeant, so we’re in charge,” Wind sighs, looking around slowly. “Or rather, you’re in charge, and I am your advisor.” He then sighs and looks to Daring with a straight face. “Dawn and Knight are in charge of the Guards… Captain Aegis…” Wind clears his throat and looks away. “He didn’t make it, the blast caught him in one of the western corridors. With no place for the force to displace to, it hit him and his officers hard. He… died instantly.” Sierra pauses for a moment, and Daring takes the chance to shift slightly and reach out with her other hoof to pat Wind’s hoof. “I’m sorry, Wind. I know he was a friend…” “His sacrifice won’t be in vain,” Wind says solemnly, clearing his throat before continuing. “And that, really brings us to now. We’ve not had any reports from any of the outlying scouts, nor from the hospital yet.” “Which is where you should be going,” Sierra says softly. “These glass wounds aren’t bad, but some of them look to be sitting quite close to the joints of your wings, I don’t feel comfortable removing them, and I doubt Corporal Summer will want to as well.” “Not here, at least,” a new voice joins into the conversation, quickly followed by a mare with blood covering most of the front of her guard uniform as well as her hooves. “We should get her to the medical wing in the Palace, we’re taking all the injured there.” “How is Sergeant Poppy?” Sierra asks absently as he pulls out some gauze. “I saw you holding onto his hoof, he was whispering to you.” “He didn’t make it,” Summer replies quietly. “We need to pack some gauze around the glass, make sure it won’t move while we transport her.” Daring suddenly feels a tingling sensation all over her body as Summer continues. “Ma’am, I have to put a pain-killing spell on you, I am actually surprised you’re not howling in pain already, but when we start moving you, it’ll only get worse.” “I’m used to it,” Daring mutters, the pain reducing spell settling in with a cooling sensation. “Where’s Leaf?” “Your husband is in the medical ward,” Summer replies as she waves a couple ponies with a stretcher between them over. “He suffered lacerations similar to yours along his wings and face. Though, he is in better condition, no glass got stuck in him.” “We… we’re not married.” Daring says softly, her body going numb as the adrenaline in her system slows down, as well as from hearing Leaf is injured. “Not yet, they’re not,” Sierra chuckles before looking to Summer. “I think it won’t be too much longer though. At least, I hope not. I have fifty bits riding on it.” “Traitor…” Daring mutters, body feeling heavy due to the spell as she is lifted onto the stretcher. “I am not a traitor,” Sierra chuckles as he picks up his medical bag again. “I have the utmost faith in you and Leaf! You’re just like Distant, wild and free spirited. You two will just be a while yet before you tie the knot.” He then sighs and looks around. “I’ll… talk to you later, Daring. I need to go do what I can…” He looks to Summer. “After you, Corporal.” Summer pats Daring on the shoulder, careful not to touch any of the glass wounds. “Stay safe.” She then goes off and leads Sierra towards a group of other medics who are waving for more sets of hooves for something. Daring sighs and settles into the stretcher, allowing herself to just go limp as she is carried from the room between two royal guards. She does her best not to look at all the destruction and the state the beautiful room has been thrown into. She even closes her eyes as they pass a large area that is cleared of debris, which is now filled with shrouded shapes lying motionless on the floor. And then she is out of the room, the hallways and passageways of the Palace likewise full of ponies, though more of them are standing and moving around while avoiding the shattered glass from the windows and fallen decorations. There are a lot more civilians in the hallways now, mostly palace staff but also quite a few of the ponies who had taken shelter too, and many are helping Guards with the wounded. All of them, guards and civilian ponies alike, have a distant look in their eyes as if they’re walking around on autopilot, and as Daring passes by a row of windows that have been blown out by the blast and gets a good look at the city beyond, she understands why. If she had not been on her stomach already, Daring would have sworn the sight would have knocked the breath out of her. The city is in ruins beyond the Palace, or at least the part she can see, with trails of smoke and smoldering ashes still falling from the sky. Even the sun itself is shrouded behind a veil of thick, oily looking smoke. Pegasi also fill the skies, and as she is just about to turn a corner she watches one stop and dive towards a pile of rubble as they shoot a hoof mounted signal flare. “The city looks like one of the ruins out of your story, Auntie,” Tricks says from where he is walking beside Daring, his eyes are full of both fear and a little bit of wonder. “Doesn’t it?” Daring agrees softly. “Someday, somepony like me is going to look back on this day, and think it’s an interesting little moment in history.” “I don’t like being on this side of the history…” Tricks mutters softly, causing Daring to reach out and ruffle his mane and smile. “Me too, but we need to be brave for Witchy,” Daring offers softly, causing Tricks to look at her with a small smile. “That’s it, I need you to be brave for me and your uncle, too.” “Why?” Tricks asks, sniffling a little. “You’re one of the bravest ponies I know, except for perhaps Witch Doctor…” “I’ll let you in on a secret,” Daring whispers, gesturing for Tricks to come closer. “I’m scared, Tricks. I… I am used to going into ancient ruins, long after all the apocalyptic stuff happened… this…” Daring trails off, closing her eyes and sighs. A moment later, she feels A hoof on her shoulder and opens one eye to see Tricks smiling. “Don’t worry, Auntie, we’ll be fine,” Tricks says in a confident tone. Daring returns the smile and settles back down as they continue through the hallway and eventually reach the medical ward. Unlike the chaos in the hallways, the medical wing is orderly and clean, though even here the windows look like they’ve been blown out and are now covered with sheets or other thick cloth items. The wing is full of cots and beds, all full of ponies wearing guard or reserve uniforms, with nurses and doctors wearing the uniform of palace staff rushing between them. The guards bring Daring to a bed that’s on the small side, though large enough that she won’t be uncomfortable. Before she is put down, a nurse rushes over and replaces the sheets, the last set having a rather… large and nasty bloodstain in the middle standing in testiment to the last occupant having a worse day than Daring. The guards set her down as gently as possible, Tricks instantly taking up a position near her bed with a worried look. “Look who finally decided to grace the medical ward,” a familiar voice says from Daring’s left, causing her to look over and smile. “Hello, dear,” Daring says softly over to Leaf, who is in the bed next to her. “Traffic today in Canterlot was deadly.” “Tell me about it,” Leaf chuckles weakly. “I swear, when Luna gets back I am going to complain about her windows. They’re surprisingly uncomfortable when they hit you.” He gently lifts his wings, which are covered in bandages that have a little bit of blood on them. “I’ll never hear the end of this from Witchy now on my flight ability.” “But, at least we’re alive,” Daring smiles, reaching out with a hoof towards Leaf, grimacing at the pain. Leaf reaches out as well, scooting over to the very edge of his bed so he can reach. “I never want to wake up without you again…” “Hopefully, you never will,” Leaf agrees, a warm smile on his face as they touch hooves. ----- “Sir, hold still!” a dark blue pegasus mare shouts as she holds her hooves, along with a piece of thick gauze, against a large gash in the neck of a unicorn stallion. “We need to stop the bleeding, but I can’t do that if you don’t stop moving!” “I… I can’t feel my legs,” the stallion whimpers. “You’re fine, it’s just a small scratch,” the mare continues, keeping the pressure on the wound. “You’re going into stress induced shock, you need to calm down and takes some deep breaths.” She turns towards a green and blue unicorn mare winding bandages a little ways off. “Ember! how long until those bandages are ready?” “Just a few seconds more, Perfect!” Ember replies quickly, winding the bandages as fast as she can. “I’ve been enchanting them as fast as I can, but we seem to be going through them faster than I can make them.” “Less talk, more enchanting,” a pale purple unicorn across from Perfect says wearily as she levitates some disinfectants over along with more gauze. “Perfect, I can handle this, you should get some rest now that the casualty flow has slowed down.” “I’m fine, Faith, really,” Perfect states firmly. “If I get off my hooves now, I’ll never get back up, and next to Ember, I’m your most experienced nurse on this floor.” “No, I’ve got…” Faith starts but is quickly cut off by Perfect. “She is in the break room, curled up in a ball crying,” Perfect states, not even flinching as a roll of enchanted bandages levitates over her shoulder. “Thanks Ember,” she uses her teeth and one hoof to start unwinding the bandages and start applying them. “Sir, I need you to stay still, this is going to hurt but you’ll feel better in a moment.” The stallion whimpers slightly, but visibly braces himself against the pain he is already imagining will soon wrack him. Perfect wastes no time, quickly unrolling the bandage strip and lifting the stallion’s neck in one smooth motion with one arm. She wraps the injured pony’s neck gently, but tight enough to keep the gauze strip firmly against the wound and keep the flow of blood stopped. As soon as the wound is dressed, Perfect smiles to the stallion and pats him on the shoulder before turning and walking away towards another patient. She gets about halfway before her tail is enveloped in not one, but two, magical auras and she starts walking in place. “And where do you think you’re going?” Faith asks in a motherly tone. “To the next pony in triage, we need to get them cleared before the next wave,” Perfect states quickly, her hooves working harder to move herself across the floor. “Let go of me, both of you!” “No, Perfect you need to slow down,” Ember commands firmly, walking up next to Perfect and putting a hoof on her shoulder. “I know that you want to throw yourself into this and try and forget that your daughter and husband are both out there somewhere in the city.” Perfect shakes her head and keeps trying to move towards another bed. Ember hooks a hoof under Perfect’s chin and makes her look over at her. “Perfect Night, you are no good to anypony if you work yourself into the ground. Now, go to the break room and at least eat something, it’s getting close to evening, and the way things are going none of us are going to get anything resembling a good meal for a while.” “I can eat when we’re finished, no point in being another set of hooves down,” Perfect retorts. “And no point in being a set of hooves down when things really are on the line,” Faith says as she walks up on the other side of Perfect. “I know you’re worried about Evening and Midnight, but both of them are capable of handling themselves out there. For Celestia’s sake, your daughter is a Wonderbolt, Perfect! If anypony can handle this it’ll be her.” She smiles warmly and winks. “Just you wait and see, she’ll be flying her tail in here before you know it. All smiles and enthusiastic as she has always been, just itching to tell you how her and the other Wonderbolts defeated those upstarts with their flying fortress!” Sighing heavily, Perfect allows her shoulders to slump. “You’re right.” “Of course I am right,” Faith chuckles softly, nuzzling Perfect’s cheek like a mother would her foal. “I am many years your senior, and that makes me right when we argue!” She gently pushes Perfect down the hallway a few steps. “Now go, and if you can get the other two nurses to get their flanks out here.” “I’ll try,” Perfect agrees softly, “but I don’t know if Natty is ready to face the world quite yet… All of this really hit her hard.” “It has hit us all hard,” Ember nods soberly. “I don’t think a single pony in Canterlot will forget this day, or where they were when that cannon fired.” Nodding in silent agreement, Perfect starts down the hallway slowly, her eyes and body now long numb to the sights of horror that fill the once peaceful hospital. Yet, her eyes are drawn to it all like a magnet, as if through observing, it might make the horrors less. Might by some divine intervention become nothing more than a devious trick of the light upon her tired body. The hallways do not become any less full of the moaning, sobbing, and often more often than not deathly still ponies who have been streaming in for near a half hour now. Blood often covers the sheets they lay on and stains the bandages they’re wearing. More than once as she passes a pony on a gurney or a stretcher, it is as a doctor is pulling a sheet over them and declaring the time to a nurse. Virtually all of them are Royal Guards or Wonderbolts Reserves, but that fact doesn’t make her stomach do any fewer backflips, nor her heart feel any colder. So many dead from the inner city, and more injured arriving every minute. A few yards from the sanctuary of the break room, Perfect stops and stares out the floor to ceiling window that stretches along this part of the hospital. The city beyond is unlike the Canterlot she had known her entire life, now it is a dark and alien landscape with thick clouds of ash choking the sky and embers raining down to choke the ponies who scurry beneath them. Turning from the window, Perfect does her best to not think about the shape the city is in, nor the fact that she cannot see the part of the city her house sits in through the thick fallout. Instead, she focuses her mind on getting into the break room and getting off her hooves, a plan that, in theory, should be easy if not for the sound of quiet sobbing echoing from inside the room. Perfect hesitates only a moment at the door before opening it and entering swiftly, closing the door as soon as her tail clears the door frame. Normally, the room where most of the nurses took their breaks was a spacious and well-lit room, having at one point been a conference room, that contained a few couches and a small kitchen with a stove to prepare food on the longer and later shifts. Now, however, the room is packed with cots and sleeping bags for hospital staff to fall onto when their bodies can’t continue without rest taking up almost the entire room save for the kitchen, which had in the hours before the influx of ponies had been converted to a station to make bandages and boil saline solution. Walking further in, Perfect heads towards the only other two occupants of the room, both of which are currently in a corner on a cot, one gently holding onto the other as she sobs. “How’s she doing, Poppy?” Perfect asks a pink unicorn mare gently, putting on a motherly smile for the younger mares. “She stopped shivering a little while ago, Perfect,” Poppy replies softly, pulling the distraught mare closer. “I’ve never seen her like this, it’s…” “It makes you want to break down and join her,” Perfect smiles sadly, sitting down on the other side of the brown earth pony in Poppy’s arms. “It’s okay, Natty, you’re safe.” “S...so many…” Natural Remedy stutters. “And the ground, the magic feels wrong.” She looks over at Perfect. “How can we be safe when the very earth beneath my hooves screams in pain?” “It’s the effects of that cannon, Natty,” Poppy says softly, resting her head atop of her friend’s. “I’m feeling it too. I can barely focus on casting spells, I can’t imagine what it’s like for you and other earth ponies.” “It’s horrible…” Natty says softly, nuzzling in closer to her friend’s chest as if to find sanctuary. “I want to close my eyes and try and forget it all… but, every time I try it makes it all that much shaper… and I can see their faces…” “We’ve lost a lot of ponies today, Natty,” Perfect sighs, scooting closer and putting an arm around both of the other mares. “I don’t think any of us will be able to forget a lot of faces after today.” “I… the first pony I lost today…” Natty starts a full-bodied shiver causing her ears and tail to shake slightly. “I… I knew him… w-when I was younger, I used… used to foal sit for him and his wife…” “I wish Witchy was here… She’d know what to say…” Poppy admits softly, trailing off with the unspoken thought on everypony’s mind: Was their friend alive? The quiet that descends on the room and its three occupants is nearly as thick as the smoke beyond the walls of the hospital, and perhaps much more choking. The silence is especially strong for Perfect, as the fact that one of the dead was Natty’s neighbor brings back her own fears for her husband and daughter. Unwilling to give into despair, she instead gives into the side of her that is a mother, which has been screaming at her since she had walked in the door and saw the her two fellow nurses. Wrapping her other arm around both Natty and Poppy, Perfect adds her wings in and pulls both of them into a warm embrace, much like she had done with her daughter on those nights she had startled awake due to night terrors. The three of them stay like this for a long few moments, the only sound between them their collective heartbeats and Natty’s sniffling sobs. All too soon, though, Perfect remembers that they do not truly have the time for this, and looks over at Poppy. “One of us needs to go back out there,” Perfect whispers softly, a sad expression on her face. “Faith all but ordered me to rest, and I don’t think Natty is ready to face the world yet.” She looks down at the still shivering earth pony between her and Poppy. “But Ember and Faith will need help soon.” “I’ll get back out there,” Poppy sighs, “I… am not sure I am really all that better than Natty, but… somepony needs to go help those two.” She looks down at Natty and gently runs a hoof through her friend’s mane and whispers softly in her ear. “I need to go now, Natty. Perfect will keep you safe, okay?” Natty nods slowly, and sniffles, but releases Poppy from her tight embrace. “Stay safe, Poppy,” Perfect offers with a smile as she releases Poppy from her own arms and wings, which gently lay themselves around Natty who has scooted back against Perfect. “Tell Faith I’ll do my best to calm Natty down, but not to get their hopes up too much.” Nodding, Poppy departs without further delay and is quickly out the door, back into the chaos beyond with a look of staunch determination. Perfect sighs, and holds onto Natty a little tighter causing the earth pony to stop shivering. Perhaps it is her motherly nature, or perhaps Natty has simply cried herself out at last. Whichever it is, Perfect is simply glad to be holding onto somepony right now, her own frayed nerves rapidly nearing the breaking point. “Perfect?” Natty asks softly from where she is nestled against the older mare. “D-Do you think my parents are alright?” “They are, Natty,” Perfect says slowly, gently nuzzling the top of Natty’s head. “They were likely evacuated like the rest of the civilians. By now, they’re likely safely tucked away comfortably in one of those shelters Celestia and Luna had built in the wake of the Changeling attack.” “I hope your husband is with them, Perfect,” Natty continues as she takes a shuttering breath and sniffles. “You two always know how to make everyone smile, your daughter too, I really hope nothing has happened to your family.” “Me too, Natty,” Perfect whispers softly, her ears going back against her head as she squeezes Natty gently. “Me too…” > Chapter 3: Picking up the Pieces > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3: Picking up the Pieces. Dawn illuminates Canterlot after a long night of the city being shrouded beneath a choking cloud of ash and dust. Late during the night, after it had grown too dark to continue search and rescue of trapped ponies in the inner city, many of the Reserves had done their best to clear the sky of the lingering ash and dust and had even moved in some storm clouds to allow a light drizzle to remove what they could not. The rain did nothing for the atmosphere, though. Even if it made the air cleaner and put out the fires, the rain and clouds lend a certain mournful air to the wounded city. Into this grey and mournful day, two figures exit the castle and cross the ruined gardens and courtyards of both the High Class District and the Castle itself. The first, a white unicorn with a well-styled azure mane and tail wearing a somewhat rumpled and dusty suit and monocle, is holding an umbrella over the second with his magic. The second is a beautiful and tall light grey unicorn mare who is frowning as they walk through the ruins. “So much devastation,” the mare laments, her ears going back against her head. “All of this beauty gone. I cannot imagine the power that terrible cannon must have, to have done all of this!” “I shudder to think of it, my dear,” the stallion replies with a sigh as he looks around. “I fear we’re not going to find too much of our house, Fleur.” As if speaking of it summons it, the pair turn a corner and find themselves before the looming ruins of a once splendid mansion. The building, made of wood and stone that had once been the finest money could import, is a shade of dark sooty black with most of it having collapsed in a direction facing away from the blast that had swept through the area the day before. Somehow, though, the center of the house seems to still be standing, as the columns and walls seem to have supported the weight of both the blast and the collapse, though by far it is only a small portion of the once grand estate. “Oh, Fancy,” Fleur gasps, her ears going back against her head. “Well, it is more than I had hoped to see standing,” Fancy says with a small smile to his wife. “I fear though our bedroom is likely lost,” he runs a hoof over the front of his dusty suit, “Guess I’ll need to get more suits.” He then sighs and shrugs, “but we are alive to get them, that that is what matters.” Nodding, her smile returning, Fleur looks to her husband. “Perhaps we should go check on the guest house? If Monkey and Witchy are alright, Celestia willing, I think they’d like to know what became of their home.” “A good idea, darling,” Fancy agrees, gesturing with a hoof down the debris strewn street. “After you, my dear.” Smiling warmly, Fleur starts down the street towards their house, her husband in step beside her. Once they’re in their front yard, or what is left of it as the area is strewn with large chunks of everything from other houses to uprooted trees and bushes, it takes them a little while to navigate through the ruins and to the guest house behind their once lavish home. The house which their friends, Witching Hour and Monkey Wrench, had been renting along with their ward Trick Step is in a slightly better condition than the main manor house. But only slightly. The manor had shielded the smaller guest house from the majority of the blast, but even so the building looks as if it had been struck by a giant’s club, the windows and doors all blown from their frames and even a few walls sporting some rather large holes from flying debris. It still looks, mostly, stable however and Fancy and Fleur are even able to venture inside for a few short minutes before they are satisfied it isn’t a total loss like their own home. From there, the pair wander to their own house, emboldened by the survival of their guest house, and enter through a mostly intact doorway leading into the kitchen. “Well, I’ve seen it cleaner,” Fancy chuckles, producing a small light on the end of his horn. The light illuminates the room, revealing the entire place to be strewn with pots and pans, and even a few food items that had been left when the kitchen staff had evacuated with their employers. It is, however, still in good shape, with even the oven and walk-in refrigerator still in one piece. “With a little help we could still cook in here.” “At least a small part of our home has survived,” Fleur sighs, as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. “A lot of our neighbors are likely not as lucky.” “I imagine not,” Fancy agrees as he folds the umbrella up and places it on a mostly clear counter top. “A lot of them are likely going to be without homes, and a lot of them are going to be too proud to ask for help.” He goes forward towards the door to the dining room, and attempts to open it. Finding it unwilling to budge to casual pressure, he puts his shoulder into it and pushes harder. The door opens slightly with the sound of wood scraping across the floor. “Depending on how much of our home is still standing, I imagine they’ll even attempt to buy it from us.” “I imagine they will,” Fleur chuckles, coming over and putting her own shoulder into the door, which makes it open enough for Fancy to slip through. “Did the dining room survive?” “Looks like it,” Fancy calls back through the door. He pauses a moment and sticks his head back through the door. “Though, the china your mother bought for us when we got married didn’t. I fear it met an untimely end against the wall.” “Oh well. I never liked it anyway,” Fleur giggles with a shrug. “What is against the door?” “A suit of armor, and one of the smaller tables,” Fancy explains, disappearing from view again. There is a loud scraping sound followed by the door opening wider and Fancy’s smiling face coming into view again. “My love, the dining room awaits.” Fancy says, bowing and sweeping a hoof towards the room behind him, as if to invite Fleur into a party or some other gathering. Giggling and inclining her head, Fleur steps forward into what is left of her dining room, doing her best to not be surprised at the state it is in. As Fleur looks over the room, she cannot help but smile a little, as it is not as bad as she had dreaded, but it is still far from pristine. The once grand dining room of their house is in a state of ruin, none of the tables are on their legs and one of the large chandeliers that had once hung from the high ceiling has fallen onto the floor and damaged it. Still, it is better than nothing, and with a little work it could serve its function again. Looking to her husband, Fleur is unsurprised to find him walking around, a broom grasped in his magic as it sweeps some of the smaller rubble as he inspects the various still intact pieces of furniture. Not wanting to be idle herself, Fleur goes to one of the cabinets and opens it, rummaging around inside until she finds some candles that are still in one piece. She then sets about righting one of the smaller tables and finding a candelabra, so that her husband does not need to continue to use his magic to light the room. After doing that for a few minutes and successfully righting a few tables and lighting enough candles so the room is no longer dark, Fleur searches a few of the nearby rooms until she finds a feather duster, and starts helping her husband clean up the dining room. The two of them continue on their self-appointed tasks until the sound of hooves brings them back to the present. Looking towards the entryway the two smile as a familiar form comes through the door.. “Master Fancy? Miss Fleur?” The figure, an earth pony stallion wearing the coat of a chef, calls out before noticing his two employers. “Ah! Ladle,” Fancy greets warmly, putting his broom down and going over to the middle-aged stallion. “It’s good to see you, I hope you’re not too badly dismayed at the state of your domain?” “I see some of the house survived,” Ladle asks before stopping and looking at Fancy with a frown. “What do you mean ‘the state of my domain’?” “A small part,” Fancy replies, gesturing for the cook to join them inside the dining room. “Enough, at least. I will likely see if I can’t get a pony from one of my construction firms to look over what has survived, we might be able to shelter some ponies here.” He walks over to his broom and goes back to sweeping. “And, you should see the kitchen for yourself. I fear whatever I tell you will simply not convey the… state it is in.” “I am sure the live-in staff will be glad to hear that, sir,” Ladle states as he walks over towards the kitchen. “Well, it’s their home as much as it is ours,” Fancy states, looking over at Ladle with a smile. “And, what have I told you about calling me ‘sir’ when we’re not hosting a party.” “To just call you by name,” Ladle shrugs, putting a hoof on the kitchen door, and looking over his shoulder. “Fancy… how bad is it in there?” He gestures with his head in towards the kitchen, a note of fear in his voice. “Remember the time you got sick, and the new hire had to run the kitchen by himself?” Fancy asks absently, smirking slightly as Ladle flinches. “It’s not that bad, but it’s a mess.” Sighing and shaking his head, Ladle heads into the kitchen causing Fancy to pause in his sweeping, and turn an ear towards the direction of the kitchen. For a long moment there is silence, but then Ladle’s voice echoes out into the dining room, rattling the walls and causing a little dust to fall from the damaged roof above. “SWEET CELESTIA ABOVE! When I get my hooves on those ‘Shadowbolts’, I am going to put the fear of the sun into their lives!” Chuckling and winking to his wife, who shakes her head and continues doing her best to tidy the room up, Fancy goes back to sweeping. He even starts whistling a tuneless song, as Ladle’s outburst makes it feel as if nothing has changed at all. ------- Sighing wearily, Ember leans against a wall in the entryway to Canterlot General’s emergency room entrance. Currently, it was being used as a triage center, ponies who are not as badly wounded as those who had been rushed in are being seen here by available doctors. Ember is one of those doctors, or at least she had been a few minutes ago. Fatigue, and emotional drain from both using magical energy and the sheer fact that the entire city felt… dead, had taken its toll and she had been forced to step away and tag another doctor to take over her duties. She had told herself, when this whole mess had started, that she could handle it, that the Shadowbolts would never be so audacious as to actually fire that cannon of theirs again when it had not worked the first time. To do so, she had told herself, would be the very definition of insanity. Perhaps she had not been able to admit to herself that these pegasi, who could use magic and who had beaten Talon and his friends up within an inch of their lives, were insane. Perhaps she had wished to see the good in it, and ignore the possibility that she might, once again, lose a home to radical warmongering fools. She had never been so wrong as in the moments she had convinced herself Canterlot would be fine. That lie had been shattered, and with it quite a bit of the emotional energy she had relied on. She had rallied for the sake of the ponies she was looking after, but worry had slowly eroded that final reserve away, and now it was all she could do to stay standing, let alone keep herself in the form of a unicorn. Shaking her head, Ember separates herself from the wall and heads towards the door marked ‘Do Not Enter: Hospital Staff Only’. Moving through the doors, she wanders down the hall, her eyes unfocused as she concentrats on simply moving her weary hooves towards the locker room at the far end of the hall. She doesn’t keep a lot of things in her locker, but with the area beyond the hospital doors being rather inhospitable Ember decides that she may as well grab her cloak, or at the very least something to cover herself incase her disguise drops on the way back to her house. She’d likely not be the only medical personnel heading back to their house, many likely fearing that their homes had been destroyed by the attack, but she would likely be one of the first to leave. Many, if not all, of the medical staff were pushing themselves to their limits, and beyond, to try and save one more pony or treat one more of those in triage. Going into the locker room, she quickly crosses to her locker and opens it as she levitates her scrubs off. Once they’re off she levitates them over to a nearby laundry cart, then turns back to her locker and levitates out some personal objects. First, she pulls out the bracelets that Quicktail had given her what seemed like ages ago now, and puts them on with a content sigh. They might not be the object of her affection, but they provide a certain amount of comfort that usually only he can. Next she pulls a folded cloak from the locker. Smiling at it slightly, Ember unfolds it and puts it on in a flourish, the long emerald cloth nearly touching the ground beneath her hooves. She then pulls the deep hood up over her head, nothing but the tip of her horn showing, and even then if she shifts it slightly forward even that becoming hidden. She truly was in Witching Hour’s debt for this cloak, as it was large enough to hide her entirely if her unicorn disguise ever failed her, and also in her favorite color! Of course, there was another reason she liked this cloak. Being from a close friend, it was a strong comfort to her in much the same way her bracelets were. Even if they did not give her emotional energy, both the cloak and the bracelets help her steel her will, and hold on that much longer to her unicorn form when her energy reserves are dangerously low. Turning from the locker and starting from the room, Ember turns right down the hall and exits the hospital by way of a staff door a short distance from the emergency room’s main entrance. Pulling her cloak closer to herself, Ember cannot help but shiver as she pauses in the doorway and looks around. The air beyond the sheltered walls of Canterlot General is cold -- holding a quality not unlike the biting air that one feels in deep winter in the mountains -- and carries with it a strong feeling of forlorn hope and also of deep hurt. Wishing her cloak were hiding armor, or at least more armor than the slightly armored carapace all changelings have, Ember puts a hoof to the ash-caked sidewalk and starts her journey home. The weather pegasi had pulled in some storm clouds earlier, a light rain having fallen and had by now mostly dried up, though every little while Ember can feel a drop or two of rain against her hood or cloak. Likely, the cold chill in the air was due to the rain, the Reserves and whatever weather pegasi they had with them likely having found the clouds in colder climates, if not having made them right above the city. Turning a corner, Ember stops as she spots one of the large shelters the citizens had hidden in. It’s a square building made of strong stone, crystals inlayed into its walls glowing faintly as their shield spell wait to be utilized. A fair amount of ponies are milling about before the large doors, many of them staring blankly towards the inner city, some simply wandering in circles. For all the chaos and injury she had seen inside the hospital, Ember had not been able to wonder what the rest of the citizens of Canterlot would think, or for that matter feel, when they were allowed back up to the surface. Moving forward again, Ember does her best to not bump into any of the ponies. The crowd parts slightly as she moves through, even the most stunned of ponies able to shift out of her way and allow her passage, and yet she cannot help but feel as if the crowd is pushing against her and surround her so strong are the feelings of shock, anger, and even despair. She cannot blame them, really. This is the second time one of her homes has been attacked magically, the first having been her hive in the Drake Empire, and now Canterlot has been scarred by the Shadowbolts and their cannon. As she is about to leave the crowd, Ember hears a voice speak up from nearby, and pauses long enough to look over towards the source. “Mommy, where’s daddy?” a young unicorn foal, wearing a small hoof-stitched cape with what looks to be a shield with a pony rearing in the center, asks as she tugs at her mom’s hoof. “I can’t wait to hear how him and his squad kicked the Shadowbolts’ flanks! I bet him and uncle Ironside were in the thick of it! Shadowbolts all around them, bearing down on them in a relentless stream of evil!” The foal gestures with one hoof, her eyes aglow as she tells the story in a voice befitting of a story-teller. “I bet him and uncle get a medal from Luna! I bet she tells him that him and his squad helped to save Canterlot from more damage!” The mare sniffles a little, turning to look away from the foal and giving Ember a clear view of the tears forming in her eyes. Wiping them away with an arm, a pair of scorched Royal Guard tags gripped tightly in the hoof, the mare turns back to her child with a smile. “They’re real heroes alright, I am sure the Princess will really be proud of their service.” She then clears her throat and gestures with a hoof down the street, away from Ember. “H.. how about we go and get some hot chocolate? I think I heard one of the guards say something about the coffee shop a few streets over opening back up soon.” Whatever the foal says in reply, Ember does not hear as she starts down the street again at a quicker pace. She could feel the excitement, the adoration, the filly had for her father. The young pony was looking forward to seeing her father again more than anything else. The mare, though? Ember had felt profound sadness, loss, flowing forth from the mare who was barely keeping it under control for her daughter. The tags, the tears, had said it all. The filly wasn’t going to see her father, nor her uncle, ever again outside of pictures. A sudden panic grips Ember, causing her hooves to stick to the paving stones beneath them. Quicktail had been near the Castle, as he worked as a part of the Griffin Embassy's guards. A part of her mind, the rational part, calmly informs her that he would likely be alright as the Ambassador would have been ushered into a shelter, if not the Castle’s basement, and Quicktail would have been by their side. However, the part of her that is in love with him, that worries over him whenever she hears there was a scuffle or any sort of commotion from his work place, screams all the louder that there is the small chance he wasn’t safely tucked away. Sudden icy panic gripping her, Ember starts forward at a full gallop, her hooves clattering against the ash covered walkway sounding like the thunder of that dreadful cannon all over again. Ponies leap from her path as she runs, cloak billowing and head held low as she breaths heavily, looking much like some green specter charging forth from the hazy mist to be seen for a split second before vanishing once more from sight. Ember sees none of the ponies she passes, though, her mind reeling with images of Quicktail lying injured and broken like so many soldiers she had treated in the past day. It was all she could do to not shut her eyes and drive the image of him smiling warmly at her, eyes unfocused and milky as he gently brushes a blood soaked paw against her cheek, as if to brush tears away. Her ears ring with his cough as he spits blood, and whispers softly in a hoarse and weakened voice ‘I love you,’ Tears well up unbidden in her eyes as she forces her weary legs to go faster. In her mind’s eye she can see, can feel, his paw fall limply from her face, her ears hearing the final rattling breath escaping his lungs. Skidding around the last corner and onto the street her house sits on, Ember charges towards her front door, horn already aglow to unlock the door. Before she reaches it, through, the door swings open and the object of her love stands in the doorway. Quicktail smiles warmly to her, and opens his beak to say something, but doesn’t get the chance as she jumps the last little distance between them and barrels him over as she wraps her arms around his neck. Burying her face into his neck feather she sobs, the last of her emotional reserve dissolving. With a flash of red fire, hidden by her cloak, Ember’s unicorn disguise falls apart as she vaguely feels herself being lifted by Quicktail. She is set on her hooves for a moment as Quicktail closes the door, and then led over to the couch and soon finds herself half-laying half-sitting on the couch and her griffin love in equal measures. Burying her face back into Quicktail’s feathers, she continues to sniffle, though the love radiating from her large guardian reassures her as well as starts to replenish some of her energy. Gently pulling her hood back, Quicktail runs a taloned claw along her cheek and smiles down at her warmly. “It’s okay, you’re safe now,” Quicktail whispers, “and I am safe too, so don’t you go worrying about me anymore, alright?” “I…” Ember starts, sniffing and nuzzling into Quick’s neck. “I can’t help it, that cannon… the stories I heard about the area you work in from the surviving Guards and Reserves we treated…” She wraps her arms around Quicktail, shivering heavily. “I… I was so afraid I wouldn’t see you again, that you had gotten into your feathered brain of yours to go help the Royal Guard or the Reserves fight the Shadowbolts.” “Well, I may have given that some thought…” Quick chuckles, earning himself a glare and a poke from Ember. “But, I couldn’t abandon my post, let alone leave the shelter of the Castle’s basement. I knew if I put myself in harm’s way, you’d have some stern words for me!” “And I would,” Ember’s slightly muffled voice comes from Quick’s chest. “I know you’re strong, and brave…” “And handsome, can’t forget that!” Quick inserts. “And handsome,” Ember concedes. “But I am not, and… the thought of losing you…” “You won’t,” Quick states firmly as he leans back and gently lifts Ember’s face so he is looking into her eyes. “I’m not going any-,” he stops when Ember puts a hoof over his beak. “Don’t,” she states firmly, “if you say that… I’m afraid you’ll get hurt, or… or you won’t come back to me.” She shakes her head, smiling softly for the first time in what feels like ages. “Besides, I already know it’s true, so don’t waste your breath.” “Then I guess I shouldn’t say the next thing I was going to,” Quick chuckles as he returns the smile. “I never said that,” Ember whispers as she looks up into Quick’s eyes. “Well,” Quick whispers back, gently placing a paw on the back of Ember’s head. “I love you, Ember.” “I know,” Ember replies before reaching up and kissing Quicktail, who returns the kiss with equal parts passion and tenderness. Breaking the kiss, the two simply snuggle on the couch, and, before too long, the toll of the past two days catches up to Ember who falls asleep still wrapped in her cloak and the arms of her love. Quicktail removes her cloak, and gently carries her to the bed, climbing in and pulling the covers over both of them. Yawning, he lays down beside her, smiling wearily as the changeling scoots backwards and snuggles into him. As the two drift off to sleep, Ember finally finds herself able to relax, and soon finds herself blissfully in the world of dreams, far now removed from feeling the emotional pain of the city she lives in. ---- “It’s only a little further, Auntie!” Trick Step declares excitedly as he leads his aunt and uncle, Daring and Leaf, down a hallway in the damaged Canterlot Castle. He is wearing a hoof-made cape with a little shield on it, marking him a member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. The two adults have seen better days, as both Leaf and Daring are sporting bandages and tired expressions that are only slightly offset by their smiles. They are wearing clean uniforms, however, which is evident by the lack of dust and debris on them. “What exactly is it you wanted to show us so badly?” Daring asks with a chuckle. “And couldn’t it have waited until after lunch? I was really looking forward to hearing more embarrassing stories about your uncle when he was a foal!” She looks over at Leaf whose ears go back against his head. “No, obviously it couldn’t wait until after lunch, dear,” Leaf says slowly. “Clearly, Tricks has something important to show us! The fact that it keeps me from being the focus of embarrassing stories for a little while longer is just a very… pleasant side-effect.” “You have only delayed your death by blushing, my dear,” Daring replies with a warm smile. “After all, you can’t fly away! I have you right where I want you!” “You’re ground-bound too,” Leaf retors with a wink and smirk. “So, I think we both have each other right where we want.” He then looks over at Tricks as he stops in front of a door and sits down. “This it, Tricks?” “It is,” Tricks states in a suddenly serious tone. “But, before you go inside, you both need to Pinkie Promise that you’ll take what I am going to show you seriously, and you’ll let us finish before you say yes or no.” “Really?” Daring asks, raising an eyebrow. “Tricks, what is behind the door?” “I won’t tell you unless you Pinkie Promise,” Tricks repeats firmly. “Alright, but only because you’re the cutest nephew I’ve got,” Leaf chuckles. “He’s your only nephew,” Daring sighs as she rolls her eyes, “but alright.” Daring and Leaf go through the motions of a Pinkie Promise and then look to Tricks who nods firmly before turning the large door and opening it with his magic. He then looks to the two adults and motions with his head for them to follow, but says nothing as he enters the room with Daring and Leaf close behind. The door leads to a large antechamber, which like the rest of the Castle had been damaged by the blast from the Shadowbolts’ cannon, and is currently playing host to a collection of foals all wearing the cape of the CMC. As Daring and Leaf enter, they can hear the soft hum of conversation between the groups, which is quickly cut short as one of the foals spots the rank of Daring’s uniform, and snaps to attention. “Officer on deck!” the foal declares loudly, all the others around them quickly turning and snapping to attention as well. They all hold their straight backed poses as Daring and Leaf both sit down a short distance away in front of them. Tricks keeps going forward until he is standing close to the line of foals. “Crusaders, at ease,” Tricks commands, the entire group relaxing in a very sloppy, yet respectable, imitation of the way the Guards and Wonderbolts act when a superior officer is in the room. Tricks turns and looks at Daring and Leaf with a smile, sitting down in front of his ‘troops’. “So,” Daring starts as she raises an eyebrow, “you and your friends have been practicing?” “Yup!” Tricks replies with a nod before clearing his throat. “I mean, yes, Senior Master Sergeant.” “Why?” Daring asks, her tone becoming that of an officer and not an aunt. “We want to help,” Tricks states, lifting his chin a little as if to challenge her to tell him no. “How? There are so few of you,” Daring questions, gesturing with a hoof at the nine foals, including Tricks. “Even if I was inclined to accept your help, what could I do with so few of you?” “With all due respect, Senior Master Sergeant Yearling,” a colt speaks up from the line as he steps forward. “These are only the Crusaders present in the Castle currently. There are more of us scattered throughout the city in the emergency shelters, perhaps, even by now, back on the surface.” Looking the colt up and down, Daring cannot help but smile slightly. He is a young pegasus around the same age as Tricks, and is wearing a set of very well crafted armor beneath his CMC cape. In fact, if Daring got closer she is sure she’d see the same careful craftsmanship that the royal armorer puts into all his works in this armor as well. “I doubt any of them would be fit for service,” Daring continues, her tone still one of an officer inspecting potential recruits. “You are all foals, hardly fit to be assisting the Guards and Reserves in the dirty work that is to come.” “I beg to differ, Senior Master Sergeant.” the pegasus colt states firmly, punctuating his words with a stomp of a hoof. “I am a soldier of the Royal Guard, and an officer of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I will personally vouch for each and every pony in our ranks.” “And what is your name?” Daring asks, unable to keep a smile from her face. “And why should I even consider this? You’ve yet to give me a single reason.” “Quick Gust, ma’am,” Gust answers curtly. “Private Quick Gust.” “I know of you, Private,” Daring chuckles. “You are Commander Dawn’s friend, are you not?” “I am,” Gust states, puffing out his chest. “As well as Princess Luna’s friend.” “Any pony who earns Princess Luna’s friendship is a pony I would serve beside,” Daring replies, nodding slowly. “But what of the reason?” “It’s our city too,” another voice speaks up, a second pegasus, stepping forward, “and we deserve a chance to help it, and every pony in it!” Daring regards this last colt who sits down next to Tricks and Gust. He is around the same age as the other two with an orange coat and a white-blue mane and tail. His green eyes look out at Daring with a conviction she knows all too well, for she sees it every time she looks in the mirror. Smiling slightly, she raises an eyebrow, gesturing with one hoof to the obvious attempt at a Wonderbolts’ uniform he is wearing under his cape. “That uniform looks familiar, you one of mine?” Daring asks with a chuckle as she stands up and groans slightly as her bandages stretch. “My father is a Wonderbolt, Miss Yearling,” the colt replies, standing a little straighter. “And I want to be a Wonderbolt like him. So I can’t just sit here and do nothing while my home is in ruins.” “Hmmm,” Daring hums, walking closer and looking the colt’s dress shirt, complete with hoof-stitched Wonderbolts’ emblems, over. She frowns and sighs, shaking her head. “What’s your name?” “Quick Spark,” Spark says quickly. “Well, Quick Spark,” Daring says slowly, looking at Leaf behind her who is smiling encouragingly. “It’s a very good attempt at a Reserve uniform, but I fear I can’t let you wear it.” Spark’s ears go back against his head and he frowns, causing Daring to continue quickly. “I can’t let you wear it without the proper badge, that is.” She reaches up to a pocket and pulls out a Wonderbolts’ flight badge, and pins it to Spark’s shirt. “Since I am the acting Command Sergeant, I can ‘recruit’ you into the Reserves for now.” Spark stares at the badge on his chest, mouth open slightly and eyes wide as if he had just been given the most precious and amazing thing in the entire universe. “But, it means you’ll be working under me, and you and any of the other pegasus ‘Crusaders’ will have to follow my orders if they want to be associated with the Reserves.” “And what about the rest of us?” Tricks asks quickly. “Same goes for you,” Daring continues, standing up and pacing in front of the assembled Crusaders. “I’ve met the original Cutie Mark Crusaders, and if you all are like those three, I can’t just allow you all to roam free.” Daring pauses for a moment and shakes her head. “No, if you can get organized I’ll be willing to give you three some tasks, perhaps even talk to Commanders Dawn and Knight about it.” Turning to look at the group Daring can’t help but smile as the nine foals suddenly scramble into ‘units’ of three. Tricks seems to have a pair of unicorns with him, Gust an earth pony and a unicorn, and Spark has a pair of pegasi (All three now wearing flight goggles) beside him. “We’re already organized, Auntie,” Tricks states curtly. “We’ve been talking about this since that fortress appeared in the sky.” “Well, then I guess the only thing to do,” Leaf speaks up from where he is sitting, a proud smile on his face, “is to get you all to the command center, and see about having the Crusaders take on some missions.” “Yes,” Daring agrees, nodding as she looks at the CMC again. “Nothing serious, you understand. I am sure, however, there is a need for messengers and other such ponies right now. You might not earn your cutie marks, but then again, you just might.” “Master Sergeant,” Gust speaks up, smiling softly as he inclines his head in a fashion very similar to Dawn. “It doesn’t matter if we get our cutie marks doing this. So long as we’re helping other ponies, that is enough for us.” “Very well,” Daring states, turning and walking to the door. “Let us go to the ballroom, and see about speaking with Commanders Dawn and Knight. They are likely in need of some young and eager volunteers to help them run messages.” The cutie mark crusaders all follow her as she opens the door and exits into the hallway. They all eagerly laugh and chat, talking of how Daring won’t regret giving them this chance to help! Smiling to Leaf, who returns the smile in earnest, Daring hopes that she really doesn’t regret this choice, as Tricks and his friends really do seem to want to help. About halfway to the ballroom that has been serving as the command center, Gust stops and facehoofs. “Oh, hay,” Gust says under his breath, but loud enough for Daring to hear. “I forgot my helmet.” He looks to Daring who raises an eyebrow at him. “I can’t present myself to Commander Dawn without my full uniform!” He then scuffs an armored hoof against the ground as he looks down at his hooves. “Plus… it was a gift from Lu… the Princess, I don’t want to lose it in the rubble.” “I’ll go get it,” Daring offers, looking to Leaf who smiles encouragingly. “You should stay with your friends. I’m good at finding things, anyway, so I should get it before you’re to the ballroom.” “O-okay ma’am,” Gust says, saluting. “I’ll wait outside the ballroom entrance for you.” He then turns and follows after his friends, who in their excitement have continued on down the hallway. Chuckling, Daring turns around and heads back down the hallway, whistling to herself as she goes. The enthusiasm of the group of foals is a breath of fresh air, as many of the older ponies are already battle-weary and disheartened. But then, Daring can’t blame any of them; Canterlot just had a major chunk of it blown to Tartarus and then some. Even Daring is feeling it, injuries aside, and if she had her way she’d take Leaf, go find a nice quiet corner of the Castle, and… “Jim, your tea is getting cold,” a voice, which sounds surprisingly like Witching Hour, comes from behind the door to the room that Daring and company had left not that long ago. “If you don’t stop playing with that model and get over here, I won’t listen to you complain about it being cold.” “But, I have to diagram the assault on the Shadowbolts’ Fortress!” a second voice, this one male, replies. “I have to figure out just where Rat, Cloak, and Dagger are going to end up during the whole thing!” “Oh, come now, Mr Hoxworth,” a third voice, this one Daring knows to belong to Discord, chimes in. “That is still quite a ways off, several chapters to be precise!” Walking quietly over to the door, Daring carefully opens it slightly and peers inside. As she does so, a fourth and fifth voice reach her. “I’d love to look over your work, Prose.” This voice is also familiar, though as Daring looks towards its source she quickly figures out why. “Though, I am rather busy at the moment. I need to get the next few installments of my own stuff written.” The voice belongs to a rather large blue pony that Daring has seen once or twice around the Compound during her visits. Calm Wind? Yes, that’s his name… “T-take your time, no rush, Calm!” The last voice, and this one Daring knows all too well! Looking slightly over to one side of Calm, who is surrounded by a massive amount of paper, is her editor and publisher, Epic Prose. “I mean, it’s not… really going anywhere! Plus, you’re so busy, I… wouldn’t dream of pulling you away from your stuff.” Prose has a smaller stack of paper next to him, and is tapping two forehooves together and looking at the tea in front of him as if he is contemplating diving in. “Oh, for Celestia’s sake, Prose,” Witchy sighs, gesturing with the hoof that isn’t holding her tea. “Calm doesn’t bite!” She then looks at Discord, who seems to be sewing a puppet in the likeness of her. “And really, please don’t put wings on that puppet! Nopony knows about that yet, I haven’t even written the story!” “My dear, dear Witching Hour,” Discord coos, his tail wrapping around her shoulders. “I know, and so does Calm, Prose, and Mr Hoxworth over there!” He points to a pony off to one side who is playing with a scale model of the Shadowbolts’ flying fortress. “Besides, no one ever takes me seriously, so your secret's safe with me!” Witch rolls her eyes and removes Discord’s tail from her shoulders as she takes a sip of her tea. She then lifts a quill with her magic and starts writing on a piece of paper in front of her own stack of paper. Blinking, Daring shakes her head as she tries to figure out just what she is looking at, but when she opens her eyes again and looks back to where the group was, the room is now empty save for a helmet sitting in the center. Furrowing her brow, Daring enters the room fully, and walks up to the helmet, which is the right size for a foal, and picks it up. Underneath she finds a note, and a tin of her favorite tea. Sighing, knowing that this must be another one of Discord’s many tricks, she picks the note up and reads it as she carefully tucks the tin of tea under one wing with the helmet beside it. Hello Daring,         Sorry you couldn’t join me and the others for tea, but there are rules about these things! I hope you enjoyed your little glimpse into the chaos that is what lays behind the veil! Don’t think too hard on it, though, you might get a headache!         ~Discord Rolling her eyes, she balls the note up and tosses it over a shoulder as she turns and heads back out the door. One of these days, Discord is going to stop being annoying, and just cross into the territory of blatant nuisance. Perhaps then she’ll be able to convince Luna that turning him back into stone, even if only for a week or two, would be a good reprieve from his antics. She wonders how Witch is doing, because she likely wasn’t as calm and collected as that illusion -- because surely that was an illusion conjured by Discord -- was. No, likely she was rushing about helping her fellow Wonderbolts tend to injuries and cursing the Shadowbolts in the moments of stillness. Hopefully she was well, and would return to Tricks whole and ready to continue being a good mother to him. Lost in thought, Daring almost doesn’t spot Gust walk out in front of her until she is almost on top of him. Stopping and shaking her head again she smiles to Gust and offers his helmet to him. “Here, I got your helmet back,” Daring says in an even tone. “Shall we see if the others have figured out what tasks suit them and their little ‘squads’?” Taking his helmet and placing it on his head and becoming quite the spitting image of a little royal guard, Gust nods and sweeps one hoof towards the door. “Mares first, Miss Yearling.” “You’ve been spending way too much time with Dawn,” Daring chuckles as she heads to the door and enters with a smile on her face. Perhaps things will start looking up from here, the city has already been leveled, what else could possibly happen? Off in an unused, and thus a corner no eyes are looking into, a fly on the wall with a beard and rather large, mismatched eyes, chuckles. “Oh, Daring, if only you knew…” > Chapter 4: A Story Told > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4: A Story Told. The sun setting over Canterlot is a moment of much needed relief for everypony within the walls of Canterlot. If the sun is setting, then Princess Luna continues to be alive, or that is what everypony tells themselves and their foals as they head to their homes, or in the case of the upper class ponies whatever shelter they are able to bribe or buy their way into. In a part of the middle-class district, not far from the still smoldering ruins of the once opulent high class buildings, the white-stone walls of an inn named ‘The Gilded Bit’ are packed full of ponies that, on any normal day, would never set hoof or horn within the middle-class. Inside, hushed voices whisper around tables and glasses of the finest wines the owner could find, all voices speaking of their misfortune as they hand over bits like candy. The owner, a rotund unicorn white with a slicked back graying blue mane, is all too happy to take their money as long as it will continue flowing, even if it means he has to put up with listening to a certain ‘prince’ who has taken up holding court in the middle of his taproom. “I just cannot believe the Royal Guard would bar me from staying in the Castle!” Blueblood whines, loudly, for what seems like the hundredth time that night. “So what if the guest quarters are damaged! I am sure they could find a room! They can house those filthy reserves in the servants quarters, or even in one of the outbuildings! They have no place in the castle anyway!” “Quite right, Blueblood,” a grey unicorn wearing a dirty white sweater, a green shirt peeking out from beneath it, agrees as he cleans his glasses. “We should be afforded better lodgings than the commoners! And what with all our servants and staff having to find lodgings, there is hardly room for us!” “I’ve been forced to sleep in my auction house,” a brown unicorn sighs, taking a sip of his wine. “Not that I am complaining… but… it could be better.” “Jet,” Blueblood says, turning to the grey unicorn, then looking to the brown, “Gavel. Something needs to be done.” He slams a hoof on the table, causing the wine glasses, and the bottle, to rattle and nearly spill. “We cannot allow those… those uncultured swine to tell us where and what we cannot do. We are the lifeblood of this city.” He puts a hoof to his chest, further wrinkling and dirting the wrinkled white tux he is wearing. “We are the nobility, the rightful few who should govern when Celestia and Luna are not able.” “That’s all well and good,” Jet sighs, gently spinning the wine in his glass. “Especially coming from you, Prince Blueblood. You’re one of the highest ranking nobles in the city.” He points to himself, then to Golden. “What are we, if not minor footnotes in the listings. If you are denied the comfort of the Castle, what chance do we stand? At least, on our own.” “A very fine assessment,” a rich, deep voice comes from a table nearby. “Because you are quite right, you will never be able to change anything.” A hooded and cloaked figure steps up to the table, having come from seemingly nowhere. “But, I can help you, if you would but hear me out.” “And just why should we listen to you,” Blueblood grumbles. “You do not look like one of us, for all we know you could just be a commoner hoping to gain the ear of a royal.” “My dear Prince Blueblood,” The figure says in a hurt tone. “Do you not recognize me?” He pulls his hood back, the smiling face of a dark green unicorn with a salt and pepper slicked back mane. He fixes Blueblood with a friendly, yet appraising look with his teal eyes, moving his glasses back up his muzzle. “Secure Savings, is that you?” Jet asks with a raised eyebrow. “I thought you were out of the city?” “I was, Jet,” Secure agrees, with a nod, “but I returned just before the city locked down, I needed to retrieve something from my house, but I dare say that will be impossible now.” He waves a hoof dismissively, then looks to Blueblood again. “But, my lord, you are right. We cannot allow such… barbarians, to run Canterlot! Why, I hear tell that the Princess is no longer on the throne, and that the Royal Guard has deposed of her along with the Wonderbolts.” “You can’t be serious,” Gavel whispers loudly, leaning forward. “The Guard and Wonderbolts are dedicated to the service of the Princesses.” “I agree with Gavel,” Jet nods. “The Wonderbolts and Royal Guard might be… brutish at times, but that does not mean they are unfaithful to their vows.” “Ah, but they have been, and I have proof!” Secure declares in a conspiratorial whisper. Waving a hoof for the other ponies to lean forward, he places his arms around Gavel and Jet’s necks, and looks at Blueblood over his glasses. A pink glow flashes in his eyes and a slight glow appears around his hooves and horn. To anypony but the three at the table, it looks like a mere trick of the light. To the three at the table, it’s a blinding flash followed by a sense of confusion followed by profound clarity of mind. “Yes, yes thank you for sharing this information with us,” Blueblood says slowly, his eyes narrowing. “I do not know how you came about it, but I cannot allow this to stand!” He slams a hoof against the table, the wine bottle this time actually falling over. “But, you still haven’t explained how you will help us.” “As the current chairpony of Equestria’s National Bank, I… shall we say come into contact with some less than reputable characters and organizations,” Secure starts, pausing a moment to look around, as if expecting somepony to leap from the shadows. “I know some ponies who can help you, for the right price of course.” He releases Gavel and Jet, sitting down between them and waving the server over, “Could you please bring me a glass so I might partake in the fine vintage my fellows are drinking?” The server nods and goes off to get the glass. “And what organizations would this be, Secure?” Gavel inquires, looking at his ‘friend’ intently. “As we would need a strong mercenary company, or perhaps even a group of deserters, to match the Guard…” “Oh, but my contacts are quite capable of taking on the Guard.” Secure states proudly, holding a hoof out as the server returns and gives him the glass. He balances it delicately upon the flat surface of his hoof. “You see, you are going to require a group that won’t ask many questions.” He tilts his hoof to one side, the glass sliding a little. “But, also a group you really don’t care if a bunch of them say… die a horrible death, they must be expendable after all as I have no doubt you won’t want to give them much in the way of a reward after you take power.” He then levitates the wine bottle and his glass up, pouring himself a healthy share before returning to talking. “But, I am sure you are quite capable of such things, my dear Prince, after all you are of royal blood! And those of Royal blood are natural leaders.” “Of course I am,” Blueblood agrees, holding a hoof against his chest before looking at Secure with a blank expression. “And it sounds like we need to talk to your ‘friends’, Secure. When can we meet them?” “Soon, my Prince.” He raises his wine glass and smiles brightly. “First, let us toast! To a new, and better Equestria beneath the rule of you, Prince Blueblood.” He then whispers softly. “May your reign be short and painful.” ----- Yawning heavily, Dawn makes his way down the corridor of the Castle leading towards the barracks for the Day Guard. As a Commander, he doesn’t need to sleep there, and in fact he actually has an open invitation from the Princess’ to use a spare guest room should he desire. But, with all the Reserves in the Castle, not to mention the large number of support staff and now homeless High Class citizenry taking shelter here, he could not take a bed for himself in one of the guest rooms and oust a civilian. At least, not if he wanted to live with himself. He could also have returned to his home, but knowing his daughter is out there, somewhere, makes him feel as if he can’t leave the Castle in case word comes from the Wonderbolts or even the Renegades. Snorting and stopping by a window, Dawn cannot help but shake his head. The Renegades, former Shadowbolts who had left their corrupt brothers and sisters to join forces with Princess Luna. He would think it insane, if he had not met their ‘captain’ himself! And what a leader that pony was, even if he will not openly admit himself as being the leader, Dawn cannot help but admire and respect the stoic and somewhat ruthless pony he had seen in Decent. Hopefully, he and his fellows were alright, especially the former Wonderbolts, and were helping to keep the Wonderbolts and their apparently flying compound safe. Continuing on, Dawn also wonders if that strange Changeling is alright. Talon had been a surprise, but a welcome one in all the chaos. He seemed determined to make amends for the sins of Queen Chrysalis, and was fighting with all his heart to protect ponies. Dawn would hate to hear the bug had gone and gotten himself squashed, as he really had grown to at least respect him. Turning the final corner and walking into the common courtyard that the Night and Day guards share for training and other practices, Dawn slows to a stop. In the center of it all are rows, upon rows, of Royal Guard helmets mounted on swords driven into the dirt of the practice yard. Not a single helmet does not bear scars, from scorch marks that mar and at times even obscure original gold or azure, to deep dents and rending scratches that speak of quick deaths for the previous owner. Sixty-Two in all, every single Guard they had lost today was represented before him. And one helmet, above them all, sits on a sword in front of the first row. Walking over to it, Dawn pauses and sighs, his ears going back against his head and his shoulders slumping. The helmet is gold, much like his own, and has a mowhawk-like plume of royal blue and dark purple, the colors of both the Day and Night Guard. The otherwise immaculate surface is marred by a large dent, and, though it has been polished, there is blood along the lower part of it near where the muzzle would have been. Snapping to a salute, Dawn stares at the helmet that represents his Captain. He had never expected, all those many years ago, that the scrawny unicorn who had walked into the recruitment office with him would one day outrank him. Hay, when they had trained together, Dawn had never for a moment suspected he would be standing here, saluting his long time friend’s helmet as it stands its eyeless vigil with so many other friends. Lowering his hoof, Dawn sighs and reaches out to touch the helmet. Lowering his eyes, he whispers softly. “Aegis… if you… see my wife over there, can… could you tell her I love her, and miss her with all my heart? Tell her that… I’ll keep my promise. As soon as Canterlot is sorted out, I’ll go find our daughter, and I’ll make sure she and all her friends make it back safely.” Lowering his hoof he stands, and nods to the two Night Guards currently on duty at the memorial, they subtly return the nod as Dawn crosses over towards the barracks that houses the Day Guard. The building is a large ‘U’ shaped building, four stories, and built of solid stone like the rest of the castle. Normally at night, the windows would be dark, and all ponies within sleeping, but as the night before all the windows are lit and activity can be seen within. It’s not that nopony wishes to sleep, far from it, many are in fact seeking comfort from their fellow guards now that they are off-duty. Stories, and mugs of cider and cheap ale are flowing freely, but not so freely as to encourage hangovers or drunken brawls, as many a pony offer thanks and toasts to those who no longer sit beside them. Striding through the front door, Dawn is met by the sight of many a somber pony sitting in the common area doing just as he had expected. “I remember when I first joined,” a dark-grey earth pony says loudly, holding up his mug of cider. “I was scared to death of the Captain! But, he was a Commander back then, and he was tough as steel on the recruits.” He looks to all the other ponies, many devoid of their armor. “A toast, to our glorious Captain! May heaven tremble beneath his hooves! May he sit at the right side of the Creator and share in the just bounty that all who fall in battle receive!” A chorus of agreements fills the common room as ponies lift their own mugs in salute, save one. Walking over towards the downcast and sad looking mare sitting beside the stallion who declared the toast, Dawn smiles slightly as he nods to both the mare and the stallion. “Evening, Chaser, Summer.” “Commander!” Dusk Chaser declares loudly, his cheeks warmed by the glow of the cider. He wraps an arm around his superior officer’s neck and pulls him close. “Come, sit, and raise a mug in memory of all those we’ve lost!”   “I’ll pass, Chaser,” Dawn chuckles, gently removing his second’s arm. “And I think you’ve had enough.” “You’re not the boss of me,” Chaser starts, then blinks, “oh… wait you are…” He sighs and shrugs. “Can I finish this mug?” “Yes, you can finish that mug.” Dawn says abently as he turns to Summer. “Hey, you alright Summer?” “Yes, sir,” Summer mutters, staring off into space. “Summer, you don’t seem alright.” Dawn presses, sitting down beside her. “I’m fine, sir.” Summer deflects again. “Well, alright, I guess I’ll just have to give your week's pay to Chaser,” Dawn says slowly, looking at Summer from the corner of one eye. “He looks like he wants to buy more cider.” “That’s fine, sir,” Summer sighs. “No, it’s not,” Dawn sighs, reaching out with a wing and draping it over the young unicorn’s shoulders. “Summer, what’s wrong?” Shaking her head, Summer tries to get up, but stops as she looks over at Dawn as he removes his helmet. Sighing she sits back down and scoots over towards her CO, thankful the wing is covering her so others can’t see her shivering. “We… lost a lot of ponies, sir.” “That we did, Corporal,” Dawn agrees, looking out over the other Day Guards in the room. “I… it didn’t hit me until I was able to sit down in here,” Summer continues, “I’ve been on my hooves for nearly three days now, doing my best to make sure we did… that we didn’t…” she trails off, covering her face in her hooves, tears starting to leak from her eyes. “That’s… that’s more than my entire recruit class… I… I knew more than half of them, too... “ “I know, Summer,” Dawn agrees. “I lost a lot of friends too, good ponies all.” He leans down and whispers into the sniffling Unicorn’s ear. “Go ahead and cry, all of us want to, but none of us have the courage to. We’re all afraid if we start, we won’t ever stop.” Summer turns and looks up at Dawn, tears starting to fall freely. In a fit of fatigue and mourning, Summer quickly wraps her hooves around her commanding officer’s chest and sobs into a shoulder. Dawn, not missing a beat, wraps both his wings around the sobbing unicorn, and gently rubs her back like he used to do with his daughter. “Shhh, it’s alright. Let it all out.” A short distance away, an earth pony lieutenant wearing a bandage around his head picks up a violin from near the chair he is resting in by the fireplace. Lifting it to his chin, he plays a long, mournful chord. Chaser, picking up on the song, raises his voice and his glass of cider. “Of all the money e'er I had, I spent it in good company.” He smiles and nods to the violinist, who starts playing the song slowly, the music filling the room and causing all heads to turn towards it. “And of all the harm that e’er I’ve done, alas it to was but none to me.” “And all I’ve done, for want of wit, to memory now I can’t recall.” a unicorn mare with her arm in a sling joins in, raising her glass to Chaser - who returns the gesture - her voice rough with fatigue but sounding like crystal glasses. “So fill to me the parting glass.” “Good night, and joy be with you all…” Chaser and the mare sing in unison. The music then picks up as more guards join into the singing. “So fill to me the parting glass. And drink a health whate’er befalls. Then gently rise, and softly call…” “Good night, and joy be with you all!” all the guards in the room sing, drinking or not. The violin is joined by a flute and soon it picks up into a more joyous song. “Of all the comrades that e’re I had, they’re sorry for my going away,” Chaser starts the next part of the song, raising his glass again, and putting a hoof on Dawn’s shoulder. “And to all the sweethearts that e’re I had,” the mare picks up again, winking to Dancer, “they’d wish me one more day to stay.” “But since it fell unto my lot,” Chaser sings, standing and crossing to stand in the center of the common room’s floor, “that I should rise, and you should not.” “I’ll gently rise, and softly call,” the mare continues, rising and standing beside Chaser. “Good night, and joy be to you all.” All the guards sing, this time including Dawn as he continues to comfort Summer who has stopped crying and is listening to the singing as she sniffles. “So fill to me the parting glass,” Chaser and the mare singing in unison, “and drink a health whate’er befalls!” They both raise their glasses in their hooves and continue on with smiles on their faces. “Then gently rise, and softly call.” “Goodnight, and joy be to you all!” The guards, including Summer now, sing. “But since it fell unto my lot, that I should rise,” Chaser sings, staring into the mare’s eyes. “That I should rise, and you should not,” the mare finishes. “I’ll gently rise and softly call,” they sing once more as one. “Good night, and joy be to you all.” “So fill to me, the parting glass,” the entire compliment of guards sings, their voices growing somber, “and drink a health whate'er befalls.” The flute stops, leaving the violin to shift back to a soft and mournful tone. “Then gently rise, and softly call; Good night, and joy be to you all.” “Good night, and joy be to you all,” Chaser and the mare singing with him echo, their voices fading along with the violin’s last, soulful note. For a long moment after the singing and music fade out, the room is quiet. Even the previously loudest of the group stand silent, heads bowed as they remember those that they lost not two days prior now. In his arms, Summer sniffles a little and rests her head against Dawn’s chest, bringing a small smile to the old stallion. “To those who remain here in memory, if not in spirit,” the mare who had been singing with Chaser says, raising her mug in her magic. “May we make them proud in the days to come, and may we never fail to uphold their memories.” As with the previous toast, there is a chorus of agreements, followed by much drinking. Rolling his eyes, Dawn releases Summer and looks towards Chaser and the mare who are now sitting over by the fireplace as they lean on eachother. Dawn can’t help but smile slightly at the sight, even with all the devastation out there the ponies of Canterlot, even the guards, are finding ways to move on. He waves a hoof at a guard, gesturing for them to come over. “Compass,” Dawn says as the pony walks over, “I need you to make sure my second doesn’t drink himself under the table. Again.” “Yes, sir,” Golden Compass replies before pausing. “Sir, not to overstep myself, but shouldn’t you be doing that?” “I would,” Dawn agrees with a chuckle, “but I think I’d best get the other member of my squad to her bunk.” He gestures to Summer, who despite everything has started to fall asleep against him. “I think it’s the part of me that is a father, but I’d rather see her safely to her bunk before I do anything else.” “Understood, sir,” Compass shrugs, sitting down at the table and settling in to watch Chaser. Nodding with a smile, Dawn carefully collects the worn out unicorn and puts her on his back before heading towards one of the hallways leading out of the common room. The hallway is sparse in decoration as, save for a few banners and tapestries, it’s mostly just bare stone. More adornments would be in the way, and Dawn had always thought it fitting for the barracks to be spartan as they guarded beautiful things all day. And that was only if you counted the Princesses. Making his way to the end of the hallways, occasionally weaving around fellow guards who are too tired to do more than half-heartedly salute him, Dawn makes his way to a set of stairs and then quickly up to the second story where Summer’s quarters are. The rooms on the second floor are for more permanent residence for guards who do not have their own residence in the city, or those who choose to live closer to where they work. Summer, being of the second group, shares a room with another mare who is of equal rank. Pushing open the door, Dawn is unsurprised to find the room currently empty and quickly deposits his exhausted medic onto her bed. As she hits the mattress, Summer instinctively wraps her arms around Dawn’s neck and holds on. It takes a considerable amount of strength to pry her arms off of him and get away, though Dawn cannot help but smile. “Rest well, Summer,” Dawn whispers, gently brushing some of the sleeping unicorn’s mane out of her face. “Tomorrow, we wade back into hell. But tonight, I hope you dream of better days.” he then turns and softly closes the door behind him, leaving the sleeping unicorn to her rest. He then travels down and up the stairs again, to his own room in the officer’s wing. Opening his own door, he sighs and frowns at the sight that greets him. Piles, upon piles, of paperwork crowd his desk, the floor around his desk, and even a few on his bed! Hunching his shoulders in resignation, Dawn goes into the room, pulls his armor off, and gets to the mountain of paperwork that has been dumped on his desk. His only real, and admittedly dark humored, thought is that the same mountain is awaiting his fellow Commander in the Night Guard, as they had agreed that they’d split the paperwork. But, at least it can’t get any worse than this… Right? ------- “Mares and Gentlestallions,” Blueblood shouts over the din of voices gathered in the once grand dining room of Fancy’s manor house. “Please, be silent and I shall call this vital meeting to order!” The large collection of, understandably, confused and grumpy Canterlot nobility in the room all slowly quiet down as their attention turns to the well-dressed Blueblood. Once it is quiet enough, he clears his throat. “My fellow members of the Canterlot Gentry, I have gathered you here to speak on a topic most dark, most sinister! For it has come to my attention, through sources I cannot disclose, that -- “ As he is about to drop whatever bombshell he has gathered them there for, the doors to the room open and a unicorn mare wearing a khaki vest walks in as if she owns the place. She smiles warmly, but not too warmly, as she walks towards the table raising her voice to speak as she gets close. “My, my! It seems I am not too late for this clandestine meeting of my peers! Please tell me I didn’t miss ‘Prince’ Blueblood’s latest conspiracy? Please tell me I didn’t!” She reaches into a pocket on her vest and pulls out a small bag that she bounces up and down, a small crunching sound coming from inside. “I even brought peanuts!” She stops next to a dark gray unicorn with a purple mane. Currently, said unicorn is trying rather hard not to burst out laughing, a task that is made all the harder at Blueblood’s impersonation of a fish at the head of the table. Closing his mouth and taking a few deep, calming breaths, Blueblood looks at the newcomer. “Baronett, I did not expect you to join us.” his voice is tense, obviously struggling for control. “In fact, I was not aware you were in the city.” “Oh, well, I am sorry I didn’t come rushing over as soon as I got off the boat,” Distant sighs dramatically. “If I knew your flank needed to be kissed so badly, I’d not have slept so well the past few nights. Can you ever forgive me?” Beside her, the unicorn lets out a loud snort as she clamps a hoof over her mouth to hold in her laughter. Across from them, a black unicorn with a champagne colored mane eyes the unicorn beside Distant. The unicorn instantly starts coughing, or faking a cough, and takes a sip of water from a glass in front of her. Distant reaches into a pocket and offers a handkerchief to the unicorn. “Oh, poor dear, I know the smug in the room is awful. But it is not polite to cough in the company of so many dignified gentlestallions. They might think you’re laughing at them!” Covering another laugh with a cough, the unicorn stands up, “If you will all... “ she pauses to scrunch her face for a moment, “excuse me a moment… I think I need some fresh air.” She then quickly turns and departs the room, bursting into laughter almost before she can get through the door. “Do forgive the Viscountess, sir,” the black-brown unicorn sighs. “My daughter has been overwrought as of late.” “She is forgiven, Earl Velvet,” Blueblood sighs, narrowing his eyes at Distant. “We shall simply have to proceed without her.” “Of course, your grace,” Velvet replies. “Now then,” Blueblood speaks up again, looking at all the other ponies and not just Distant now. “As I was saying before we were… joined by our esteemed Baronetess Horizon. I have gathered you all here for a meeting on a subject most dire, and most critical to the continued survival of not only Canterlot, but Equestria as a whole.” He pauses as the door opens and the grey unicorn returns. He nods to her as she takes her place beside Distant and continues. “That subject is that, through sources who have asked to remain unnamed, I have learned that the Royal Guard along with the Wonderbolts through their Reserve Corps, have staged a takeover of the Castle.” There is a general uproar from the gathered nobility, ranging from outright disbelief to downright outrage that such a thing could happen. Distant simply sighs and opens her little snack bag, and quietly breaks open a few peanuts until the voices start quieting down. “My esteemed fellow Nobles,” Distant starts, earning a glare from Blueblood and Earl Velvet. “Surely, you can see that this is our dear ‘Prince’ Blueblood’s imagination running wild?” She puts down her snacks and stands up, putting her front hooves against the table, which groans slightly due to being still slightly damaged. “I have been in the Castle, for two days now! I assure you, no such events have taken place! Nor, I would assume, would anyone ever go to Blueblood with such information!” “I agree with Distant,” the unicorn speaks up beside Distant. “My son is a Reservist working in the Castle, he was injured during the attack that has crippled our city. And my daughter is a trainer for the Wonderbolts! Both are good and decent ponies, if something like this was going to happen, do you not think I would know? That I would not inform you all?” “Or perhaps you would, my dear niece” a white unicorn with a graying black mane speaks up from closer to the end of the table Blueblood is sitting at. “You and your… spawn. are hardly decent. You already sullied the family bloodline by marrying an earth pony, it would not be hard to believe you would attempt to reach above your station by supporting the Guard and the Reserves if they took over.” “Please, Lord White Tie,” Velvet says flatly, “There is no need to insult Viscountess Fine Brew.” Shaking her head and turning to look at Blueblood, Distant gestures with one hoof. “Well, if they have taken over, which they have not, what did they do with Princess Luna? What of Celestia?” “My source confirmed a dreadful, and sad truth, in regards to Princess Celestia,” Blueblood says slowly in a mournful tone. “My Great-Aunt… is dead. Murdered in her sleep by those she trusted most, and made to look as if she died peacefully in her sleep.” He holds up a hoof to silence the furious uproar from around the table, Distant and Fine Brew not among them. “I know, my heart grieves beside you all! My dear aunt, a mare who has shown me nothing but kindness and love, did not deserve such a fate!” There is a murmur of agreement from around the table, a few of the mares, and some of the stallions, wiping tears from their eyes at the news. “But, there is yet hope, my dear friends. Luna yet lives! My other aunt is held hostage, and I intend to get her back.” “And how, pray tell, are you going to do that?” Fancy Pants, who had until now been silent from where he is sitting beside Blueblood, speaks up. “I do not believe the Guards are capable of such things, nor the Wonderbolts. So, unless you wish to open a line of communication and go about this peacefully…?” “I do not,” Blueblood states firmly. “I will not, shall not, stand idle and trade words with those traitors while my last remaining aunt, the last of the Celestial Sisters, awaits her death.” He pauses, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. The next words out of his mouth sending a chill down everypony’s spine. “I intend to bring unto them what they brought unto my Aunt. I have put forth the bits, and hired on those who would lend their blade to my cause. In a week's time, I ask of you all, my dear friends, to stand beside me and help cleanse this city of the traitors that have stained it.” “That is absolute horse apples!” Distant shouts, pounding a hoof against the table, the table actually shaking violently beneath the force. “You are asking for us to stand in open rebellion against the Crown of Equestria!” “WRONG!” Blueblood shouts, his patience with the unruly Baronetess finally running thin. “As the Arch-Duke of Equestria, I am calling you to arms for the Crown of Equestria!” He make a sweeping gesture with one arm, taking in all the assembled nobles. “You, all of you, represent the purest of the bloodlines, the families of Canterlot who founded this proud city! And by the power given to me by the monarchy, I hereby call you to arms!” He then points to Distant. “And you, should you continue to defy that call to arms, you will be considered a traitor along with those who have killed my aunt!” “Then call me thus,” Distant spits cooly. “I would rather stand beside my god-child than by your side.” “And I beside my daughter and son,” Fine Brew says in calm tone that carries through the room, causing her father, the earl, to frown deeply. “And I with them,” Fancy adds, pointing towards Distant and Fine Brew. “Besides, I do not need to heed your call, I am not of the nobility. I am here because you needed my house to hold this meeting.” He then looks to Blueblood, a frown forming on his face. “Which, you will no longer need. I suggest you take this… farce to somewhere more fitting? May I suggest the waterfall? The water should cool your head.” Narrowing his eyes, Blueblood growls at Fancy. “Are you kicking me out?” “Yes, Archduke,” Fancy replies with a straight face, “I am.” He points to the door, a smile forming. “So, there is the door, my lord. Please, do not let it bite your flank on the way out.” Leaning over to Distant, Fine Brew puts a hoof to one side of her mouth and whispers. “Though, we could use the laugh if it did.” Distant smirks slightly, and offers her fellow unicorn a peanut. “You deserve a reward for that one,” she comments in an equal whisper. “But, yes, we really could.” Blueblood, eyes still narrowed, stands and looks to his fellow nobles. “It would seem we shall find no support here. Those of you with the will to save this city, follow me! The rest of you? Stay here, and be absent from my sight!” All the nobles but Distant, Fine Brew, and Velvet stand and as one move off towards the door with Blueblood pausing as he passes Fancy. “I hope you change your mind, Fancy. You could be brought into the gentry for service with me.” “I already have the only title I’ll ever need, Blueblood.” Fancy replies without looking at the noble unicorn. “And that is?” “I’m married to a beautiful mare, and I am a fair business pony. These titles are all I will ever care about.” Fancy’s voice betrays a small smile growing on his face. “Next to those, whatever titles and honors you could bestow upon me would be hollow and false.” “You truly are a naive pony,” Blueblood sighs, walking away and quickly going through the door. Sighing, Fancy stands and turns to Fine Brew and Distant with a warm smile. “Well, at least not all of the gentry is kissing that blowhard’s flank.” “Oh, of course not!” Distant replies, shrugging. “Personally, I think it’d taste like over-priced shampoo and snobbery. Honestly, I am not sure which taste would be worse.” “You should not speak of the Archduke like that,” Velvet says sternly. “He is, after all, the Princess’ nephew.” “Respect is earned, father,” Fine Brew says, her tone respectful but tense, “and he has earned nothing from me this night.” “And I find it hard to respect ponies who blow hot air from their mouths and speak through their flank.” Distant shrugs, cracking another peanut open and eating it. Earl Velvet looks ready to reply, likely with something less than polite, but Fancy clears his throat and smiles to his last remaining guests. “It is rather late, would you all be willing to join me in a late dinner? I fear all the work around my manor in order to make it a little more stable has robbed me of quite a few meals over the past day, and I would be honored to have such esteemed guests join me for a proper one tonight.” “I fear I cannot accept,” Velvet responds in a stiff tone. “I am needed elsewhere, I fear. Please give your wife my best, Fancy.” Velvet then stands and departs, not even sparing a glance back at his daughter or the host who had so kindly invited him to dinner. “Well, I for one am starving,” Distant says with a smile. “You’d be surprised how little time there is to eat a proper meal around the Castle.” “Then, let me go and speak to my cook,” Fancy offers warmly, standing and heading towards the kitchen. “I think I’ll come with you,” Fine Brew says as she stands and starts after Fancy. “I think after this we could all use a good cup of tea, and I am one of the best at making tea.” “I shall not argue, Viscountess,” Fancy chuckles. “Please, just Fine Brew,” Fine insists as Fancy opens the door to the kitchen, gesturing for her to go first. “Of course, Fine Brew,” Fancy agrees. “And you may as well just call me Fancy, since I have no title to start with.” The two of them enter the kitchen, leaving Distant alone in the dining room. She sighs, and holds up a peanut at eye level. “Well, it’s just me and you now, peanut.” She hovers the peanut over to an ear. “What was that? I should follow them? And offer to be their friends? Why, Mr Peanut, that is a grand idea!” She puts the peanut down, stands and goes off to join the other two in the kitchen, a warm smile on her face. > Chapter 5: Letters to Those Left Behind > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5: Letters to Those Left Behind. Starting awake, a light grey pegasus stallion bumps his head on the bottom of his desk as he sits up. Rubbing his head with one hoof, he searches around with the other until he finds his glasses and puts them on so he can look at the clock nearby. Taking note that it’s still quite early in the morning, the stallion sighs and crawls out from beneath this desk. He lights a storm lantern on top of his desk and looks around. Spotting a mug of tea on his desk, he picks it up and takes a sip without thinking, grimacing when he realizes it’s ice cold. Sighing and running a hoof through his unkempt mane, he picks up a saddlebag beside his desk, puts it on, grabs the storm lantern, and moves to the door. He quickly exits his office and makes his way down the dark hallway. Making his way through the darkened corridor, the stallion sighs as he passes empty and dark offices, the pre-dawn hour casting dark shadows that dance and flicker in the lamplight. Most of the employees who work in the office are seeking shelter elsewhere, with friends and family, leaving the stallion to watch over the place himself. Not that he minds, really, he prefers the peace and quiet over the events of late. Before long, he reaches the front door, and opens it, turning around once outside and lightly closing the door. He looks at the lettering on the door, a small smile on his face as he reads ‘Prose Publishing’ in the dim lamplight. He then turns and quickly walks down the short hallway, then down the stairs, and out the front door into the quiet streets of the small middle-class business park the office sits in. It’s nice for a middle-class area of Canterlot, being closer to the upper class areas, but not so close that the rent would be above what a small publishing agency can handle. Whistling around the lantern, the stallion heads down the street in the direction of the Castle, nodding respectfully to the Night Guard he passes on the streets. Many return the greeting, a few even going so far as to smile! This continues on until he reaches the Castle, stopping only briefly to extinguish his lantern before entering. Once inside, he makes his way quickly towards the section of the castle that holds the ballroom and throne room, his pace leisurely but not slow. The few ponies up and about at this time of day, which is a few hours before the sun should hopefully rise, pay the stallion hardly any more attention than a weary smile and a nod. Most of them are servants or Night Guards, but a few of them are wearing the golden armor of the Day Guard. The last group comprised of early risers like the stallion, attempting to get a leg up on the day’s work, or simply to be awake when their shift comes, and quite honestly the stallion wished he was still asleep on his bedroll. But, that is not an option, as he had promised he’d help as best he could, and he is going to stick to that promise no matter what. Turning into one of the large reception halls near the main ballroom, the stallion smiles slightly upon seeing the tables mostly empty save for a few early risers. Among them, is a light gold mare wearing the uniform of the Wonderbolts’ Reserve Corps. Walking over to the larger buffet table nearby, the stallion gathers a plate of food, and sits down next to the uniformed mare. “Morning, Daring,” the stallion says, yawning afterwards. He lifts one hoof as if by instinct, and a cup of hot tea suddenly slides down the table towards him. “Thanks Rusty!” the stallion calls without looking away from his friend. “Good to see you out of bed this early, Prose,” Daring replies with a weary, lopsided grin. “Well, my office floor isn’t exactly all that comfortable,” Prose replies as he picks up his mug, taking a tentative sip and sighing. “Not as good as that tea house you showed me, but Rusty never does disappoint.” “Hard to compete with the Viscountess’ specialty,” Rusty says as he rolls by, his makeshift armor rattling as he passes. “That it is,” Daring agrees, pausing to take a bite of the bagel she has in front of her. “So, now that things have quieted down, Prose, and we have the CMC to be messengers…” “How did they convince you to allow them to do that?” Prose asks, a spoon sticking out of his muzzle. “My nephew is… very convincing…” Daring mutters in reply. “So, he just used your weakness for cute foals against you?” Prose asks, raising an eyebrow as he smirks. “Now… wait a moment, I don’t have a weakness for…” Daring starts, only be be cut off as a caped foal springs up next to her and yawns. “Auntie Yearling,” the foal says sleepily. “Why didn’t you tell me and the other CMC that the guard shift changed so early? We could’a been ready to go with them, but everypony is still asleep!” “Because, Tricks,” Daring sighs. “You’re all still young, and your uncle and I felt it’d be best if you all got your sleep. You were up late last night, afterall.” “We were serious when we said we wanted to help,” Tricks states adamantly, a mug of tea much like Prose’s sliding down the table to him. “And that means we’re more than willing to get up and do whatever it takes!” “Mmmhm,” Daring hums over a cup of coffee. “Does that mean that the pegasus colt over there passed out on the floor isn’t Quick Spark?” Tricks turns quickly and facehoofs as he spots a red-orange tail sticking out from beneath one of the buffet tables. “He said he was awake!” Tricks protests, turning back to his aunt, eyes large and pleading. “Uh-oh, Daring,” Prose chuckles, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “I think you’re doomed.” “Now… Tricks…” Daring starts, her ears going back against her head. “Please! Spark might not be able to stay awake! But I can!” the young unicorn pleads, lower lip quivering, hooves pressed together as he stares at his aunt. “Fine…” Daring sighs. “After breakfast, I’ll see about giving you --” Daring starts with a sigh, only be be cut off by Tricks “And any other CMC who are awake,” Tricks adds. “And any other of your friends who are awake,” Daring agrees, closing her eyes and putting her face in her hooves, “some early morning courier jobs. I am sure my Reservists will be more than happy to let you do it….” She then mutters under her breath, and Prose is sure he is the only one who hears, “Not that most of them are awake right now…” “You’re the best!” Tricks declares, hugging his aunt from the side. “I’ll go rally the troops!” He quickly takes few sips from his tea, then rushes off. He is so fast in leaving the room, that Prose is almost certain the colt knows how to teleport. “Witching Hour must be so proud of him,” Prose muses, taking a bite of his food. “Not. A. Word.” Daring says, pointing one hoof at her friend and publisher. “Why, Daring, why ever would I tell ponies that you’re a pushover when it comes to your nephew?” Prose asks innocently. “If Witchy were here, she’d tell you to save it, she can see the devil horns holding up that halo,” Daring grumbles. “Like I don’t get enough of that from her already,” Prose mutters. “What was that?” Daring asks, looking over at him. “Nothing,” Prose chuckles. “So, while we’re on the topic of tasks, what do you have for me?” “Do we need to go over this now?” Daring groans. “It’s still an hour before sunrise.” “Sorry, Daring,” Prose offers, putting a comforting hoof on his friend’s shoulder. “I know you’re overworked, but the instant you go into that command center you’ll be lost to the world. Better to talk to you now, before you’re swamped by the daunting task of keeping an entire city together using duct tape, chewing gum, and the spare dental floss you found in your saddlebags.” “That stuff is tougher than it looks,” Daring chuckles, “but you’re right…” She looks down at her half-eaten plate of food, and frowns. After a few long moments, she looks over at Prose and smiles slightly. “You took a lot of first responder classes before you moved to Ponyville, right?” “Yeah? I sort of had to, what with all the crazy stuff that happens there,” Prose answers, rolling his eyes and snorting. “I swear, the first week I was there, we got attacked by potted plants, parasprites, and my mother-in-law came to town! I dare say I couldn’t figure out which was worse….” he trails off and looks at Daring, “why?” “Well, if you’re still current on those classes, we could use somepony helping out at one of our aid stations.” Daring offers, a smile on her face. “Hmm…” Prose hums before nodding. “Yeah, I think I am. Or, close enough for the situation.” He rises and smiles. “Right, well then I guess I’ll be stopping by the medical wing here in the Castle, then?” “No, I’ll have one of our the Guard Medics bring you an emergency air rescue bag.” Daring replies absently. “It’ll have everything you’ll need.” “Alright, what should I do in the meantime?” Prose asks, raising an eyebrow. “Go help Leaf wrangle the CMC that my nephew likely just woke up.” Daring says curtly, a devilish smile on her face. “Payback for my earlier comments?” Prose ventures. “Why, Prose, why ever would you think that?” Daring queries, her smile never slipping. “Now who has devil horns holding up their halo?” ----- Holly Sweep sighs heavily as he walks down one of the few lit streets bordering the ruins of the higher class district and the middle class. The hour is beyond early, as the sky is just now starting to turn the bright pink and orange of a sunrise, but Holly is as awake as he’ll ever be. Taking a moment to stop at an intersection, Holly looks over his shoulder at his saddlebags. Normally, they’re laden down with herbs and other such plants, but today they’re rather light, as he is only carrying a few salves, some snacks, and two very important letters. He hadn’t read the letters as of yet, but they had been given to him by his soon to be daughter-in-law, A.K. Yearling. The look on her face as she had explained who they were from, which in and of itself would have been enough to convince him they were serious, had chilled his bones. He had read a few of Yearling’s books, about her alter-ego Daring Do, but he had never seen her be the serious and experienced adventurer until that moment. He had to admit, he could see why his son cared for her so dearly. Starting down one of the streets into the high-class district, he weaves his way through the ruined walkways and quite a few times through the burnt out or toppled ruins of homes. As with the other times he has come out here in the past past few days, Holly feels a strong urge to go try and find his own home, which sat atop the business he and his wife owned. He knew it was no longer there, as Daring had informed them after the dust had settled that the area it had once stood in, being so close to the Wonderbolts’ Compound and thus ground zero, was nothing more than scorched wood and loose rubble. The desire to see it with his own eyes though was strong, but then so was the urge to get the first letter to his wife so they could read it together. The second was to his grand-foal, Trick Step, who, according to Daring, was with Fine Brew today. As if the thoughts summoned her, Holly turns the last corner to find his wife standing in front of another unicorn, this one a stallion, and shouting loudly. “Can’t you see that what you’re agreeing to do is madness?” Fine Brew accuses the unicorn, her eyes narrowed. “Blueblood is going to lead you all to ruin, if not to an early grave!” “And I assure you, Viscountess,” the unicorn replies in a clearly upper-class accent. “We cannot ignore the information brought forth by Archduke Blueblood.” “We have naught but his word that what he says is true! There is no proof!” Fine argues, stamping a hoof. Sadly, from where Holly stands, it’s clear her words like silent raindrops fall, and echo in the silence. The unicorn Fine Brew is talking to simply does not wish to hear it, and instead of continuing the argument turns and starts off. “Okay! Be blind to what’s clearly right in front of your nose!” Deciding that now would be a really good time to deliver the good news, Holly comes up beside his wife and smiles to her. “Still on your mission of peace, dear?” “Yes,” Fine replies somberly. “These…. foals, don’t know what they are doing! They are going to kick a hornet's nest if they follow through with Blueblood’s plan.” “They never will,” Holly assures his wife. “The gentry can be quite… foalish sometimes, but I cannot see them doing something as idiotic as what you have told me.” He then smiles and fishes the first letter out of his saddle bag. “You don’t know them like I do,” Fine Brew mutters softly, a worried frown on her face. “Well, you can forget them and their idiocy for a little while,” Holly chuckles, “because I have something you’ll want to see.” He offers the letter to Fine Brew and continues. “I got this earlier, along with one for Tricks. They’re from our daughter.” Her eyes growing wide, Fine Brew takes the letter in her magic and opens it. Holly comes to stand behind her and slightly to one side so he can read over her shoulder. The instant she is finished reading the letter, for the second time, Fine Brew turns and draws her husband into a tight hug, tears welling in her eyes. “Oh thank Luna, she’s alive!” Fine Brew says loudly. “I never doubted for a moment, but….” “Nor did I, my dear,” Holly replies, returning the hug with equal measure, ignoring the fact they’re in the middle of burnt out ruins. After a long few moments of holding each other, Holly pulls away slightly and smiles. “Now, where is Tricks? I have a letter for him too.” “Over here, Pappy Sweep!” Tricks’ voice comes from behind some rubble, shortly followed by him and a few other caped foals. “Is the mean unicorn gone?” “Yes, Tricks,” Fine Brew says softly, a small smile on her face. “The Baron is gone; he wouldn’t listen to reason…” “I’m sorry, Nana Brew,” Tricks offers as he comes over and hugs Fine Brew, who returns the hug gently. “Why were you hiding, Tricks?” Holly asks, looking between Tricks and the other caped foals. “Nana and him were fighting so loudly, I… felt that me and the other Crusaders needed to be out of the way.” Tricks replies, a small amount of fear reflecting in his voice. “Nana and he,” Fine Brew corrects gently, “and the other Crusaders and I, dear.” “Yes, Nana,” Tricks replies. “So, Tricks,” Holly starts slowly, pulling the second letter out of his saddle bags. “I know you’ve been playing messenger the past few days, but I’ve got an important one for you.” He offers it to his grandfoal, who snatches it up quickly as soon as he notices the hoofwriting. Quickly tearing it open, he sits down, the letter levitating unsteadily in his magic, and reads it. As he reads it, Tricks’ eyes start to fill with tears, a smile spreading across his face. After going through it a few times, he quickly wraps it in his arms and holds it to his chest, his tears flowing freely. “I knew it!” Tricks declares loudly. “Those Shadowbolts could never defeat Witch Doctor!” He looks over at his grandparents, who are both smiling at him surrounded by equally happy CMC members. “She said she loves me, and she’ll be home soon! Do you think she will be?” “Our daughter is a mare of her word,” Holly says with a chuckle. “She’ll be home soon.” “Do… do you think she really loves me?” Tricks asks suddenly, an unsure tone in his voice. “Yes,” Holly states instantly. “As do we. And we always will.” “Always?” Tricks asks, looking up at his grandparents. “Always.” Holly repeats. ------- The sun rises steadily over the remains of Canterlot’s Upper-Class district, the smoldering and burnt out ruins of the once fine buildings painting the reality of the cost of arrogance, of power, in clear relief. Many have already started to filter back into the area, sifting through buildings that had held their entire lives, the lives of their grandparents, and the futures they had hoped to gift to their children. The devastation extends through the entire district in an outward circle starting upon the grounds of the Wonderbolt Compound, ending just short of the Middle-Class district where most of the merchant and working class live. On the very edge, a two story house sits surrounded by tents and temporary shelters, the windows lit with candles and smoke rising out of its chimney. A Canterlot Royal Guard banner hangs from one window, a red band extending diagonally from the upper right corner and ending on the lower left marks it as a place to find medical relief. Movement in the windows states that many a pony is still awake at this hour. One, a dark blue pegasus mare wearing a nurse uniform is assisting a grey pegasus stallion change the bandages on a young filly’s leg. “That’s it, Prose,” the mare says slowly in a practiced voice. “Have the next set of bandages ready when we get this off, we shouldn’t expose her burns to the air for too long.” Prose, the stallion, nods and opens a pouch on his saddle bags, which are marked with red crosses, and pulls a set of thick gauze bandages from it. “Alright, Perfect, whenever you’re ready.” Prose says in a neutral tone. Perfect nods and quickly removes the bandage, then applies a salve to it, causing the filly to hiss in pain. Prose starts winding the bandage on in a practiced motion while Perfect smiles and pats the foal on the shoulder. “Its alright, dear,” she whispers soothingly, “The worst of it is over.” She then looks to Prose who nods as he finishes and smiles wearily. “Indeed.” He ruffles the filly’s mane, “Hey, so I heard from miss Perfect here that you’re a fan of Daring Do?” The little filly nods, tears in her eyes from the pain. “Well, I shouldn’t do this, but…” He reaches into his saddle bag and pulls out a book, “This may or may not be an advanced first edition of the next book.” He holds hoof up to his mouth and looks around as if to make sure no one else is looking or listening, “Don’t tell anypony about this. I could get in a lot of trouble, but I’ve been going to some very dangerous places as of late.” He winks to the filly, “I could use someone to guard it, and I was thinking I might be able to count on you?” “Yes sir, Prose!” The filly exclaims, then folds her ears back. “I mean, you can count on me to keep it safe!” Prose nods and hands the book over, which the foal quickly grabs and holds tightly to her chest and looks at it as if it were the most precious thing in the entire world. “I… had the entire series… but…” The filly sniffles and holds the book tighter. “Hey, little one, do not cry,” Prose says putting a hoof under the filly’s chin and lifting her eyes to look in his, “If you do a good job protecting it, I bet I could get Daring to pay you a visit. She’d love to hear about how you earned that bandage saving your teddy bear.” The filly’s eyes light up. She all but bounces in her seat as she exclaims, “You could get Daring to visit me!?” Prose nods and winks. “She is a friend. I think I could arrange it,” he sighs and stands up, rolling a shoulder, “but, you need to rest, and that book won’t guard itself.” The filly nods and settles back onto her bed, book clutched to her chest. Prose looks to Peaceful and gestures towards the door before walking off towards where he indicated. Stopping in the doorway, he leans on it and yawns, “I… don’t know how you do it, Perfect.” He shakes his head and shivers, “I’ve been up for nearly two days now, and you’ve been up since this whole disaster started.” He removes his glasses and rubs his eyes before yawning again. “There will be time to sleep when my house isn’t full of guests,” Pefect replies as she puts a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “Besides, I’m a nurse at Canterlot General. I’m used to sleepless nights during emergencies.” Prose chuckles weakly at that and puts his glasses back on, blue eyes focusing slowly. “And here I thought your husband was kidding when he said you were damn near tireless when it came to these things.” He then sighs and looks to Perfect. “I need to get back to the Castle, inform Commander Dawn or Commander Moonlight, whichever is awake right now.” He smiles slightly. “I’ll pass on your list of supplies to them as well.” Perfect nods and gestures to the front door, which is closed to help preserve the warm air inside for the injured. “Thank you for that,” Perfect replies in a weary voice of her own, “My own personal supplies and what the hospital could spare only lasted us so long…” She then pushes lightly on Prose’s shoulder, “Now go, get back to the Castle and get some rest before you take up one of my limited beds!” “Yes, mother!” Prose replies sarcastically, “I’ll go get some rest. Good luck, Perfect.” He then heads to the door, opens it, and nearly runs into the chest of a stallion wearing a satchel on the front porch. “Ah! Oh, so sorry!” the stallion says with a weary smile. “Is this the residence of Perfect Night and Evening Star?” Prose nods and points over his shoulder towards Perfect who is looking over with a confused expression. “That’s Perfect Night.” He then slips around the stallion with another yawn. “I’m sure she can help you.” The stallion nods and looks to Perfect. “Ma’am, may I come in? I have some letters for you, and I’d rather not crowd your front door.” the stallion asks politely, moving inside when Perfect nods her consent and motions with a hoof for him to enter, “Thank you. Now, I have two letters marked from the… Wonderbolts of all places.” He reaches into his satchel and pulls out two letters, holding them out to Perfect, “I couldn’t help but notice that they’re both from Captains, too. Hope it’s good news.” Perfect takes the letters with a weak smile. “I hope so too,” Her voice is soft, and she is trying hard to believe those words, “Do I owe you anything for postage?” “Nope, they were paid for.” The stallion inclines his head and turns to leave. “Have a good day, ma’am, and good luck.” He looks around at the various volunteers helping various injured. “All of you are going to need it.” Perfect nods slowly, looking at the letters on her hooves. “Thanks…” she replies absently, the stallion sighing and walking from the house to continue his errand. Perfect puts the letters in her mouth and walks to the kitchen where she sits on a stool at the counter. There are various other nurses and a doctor or two who live nearby in the kitchen as well, some resting after their shifts, others taking strips of cloth out of a pot over the fireplace to make into bandages. Being the lady of the house, nopony bothers Perfect as she flips between the two letters, both addressed to ‘the parents of Midnight’, the only difference being one is from Lead Captain Spitfire, the other from Captain Riptide. Sighing, she grabs a knife from a nearby rack and opens Tide’s letter first. She is worried sick over her daughter, and if anyone will get to the point quickly it’d be Midnight’s Captain. The first paragraph is stained with tears, the smudges in the ink speaking almost more than the words. Tide hardly ever cried, and she never forgot to put her rank into any letter that Perfect or her husband had ever gotten from the mare. Something was wrong, something is terribly wrong. Reading on her heart all but stops beating. Putting Tide’s letter down Perfect grabs Spitfire’s and tears it open quickly, a panicked look in her eyes that draw the attention of everypony in the room. She looks at the first few words, and instantly tears form in her emerald eyes. She looks up to the ceiling and shouts, “EVENING! GET DOWN HERE NOW!” There is a loud thump from above her as a body hits the floor, then the raucous sound of hooves rapidly across the wooden floor, then the stairs. Evening Star, a black Pegasus with shining amber eyes and a yellow mane, comes into the kitchen in a rush. “Dear, wha...what is it!?” He asks breathlessly, his wings fluttering at his side. In response, his wife holds up Spitfire’s letter, her face already buried in the crook of one arm as she sobs. Walking over slowly Evening takes the letter, and starts reading it. His plot hits the floor, his eyes wide as he reads.   “No…” Evening says slowly, tears forming in his own eyes, “N-no! Midnight… She… She can’t be…” A nurse comes over and looks over Evening’s shoulder, instantly inhaling sharply and putting a hoof to her mouth. Evening gets up and walks over to stand behind his wife, hugging her from behind as they both give into their grief. After what feels like an eternity, Evening’s tears stop. As he continues to hold onto the sobbing form of this wife, he spies the other letter. Blinking away the tears, he reaches over with one hoof and starts reading it, whatever is in this letter cannot be any worse than the contents of Spitfire’s. He reads the first two paragraphs, and makes it to where his wife had stopped. Knowing not what else to do, he reads aloud, his voice rough from his tears. Beside him, Perfect’s tears slow, her ears perking forward slightly as she starts listening. Evening’s voice growing a little stronger, he continues. Evening stops, and looks that line over a few times before looking to his wife, who looks up at him. “Oh, Tide…” Perfect says as she looks to the tear stained letter in her husband’s hooves. “Our dear daughter caught her attention at last…” Evening says with a soft, mournful smile, “Her last letter said… said she had a surprise for us, but this?” he sighs and nuzzles his wife softly before continuing. Perfect covers her mouth with a hoof, fresh tears in her eyes as she stares at those words. All the other ponies in the room are now crowded around them, listening to the letter intently with a mixture of sadness and interest. “You would have made a wonderful mother,” Perfect says slowly from behind her hoof. “Our grandfoals w-would have been blessed by having you as their mother.” Evening nods and smiles softly. “It sounds just like our Midnight to pull something like that on her marefriend,” Evening chuckles weakly. He then clears his throat and continues reading around the lump that had formed. As he finishes reading the formal signature, Evening pulls his wife closer and puts the letter down, the small sorrowful smile on his muzzle reflected in his tear filled eyes. “We lost a daughter, but it seems…” “It seems we may have gained another,” Perfect whispers into her husband’s cheek as she nuzzles him, “I know you’re tired, but we should write back. Can… can you go to the Castle, find that nice stallion Prose who has been helping us. He’ll know how to get a letter back to them.” Evening nods, then kisses his wife’s head as he releases her from his arms. “I will do so, my dear,” he sighs and looks to others in the room. Some are now moving to comfort Perfect, the rest slowly detaching themselves from their spots on the floor and moving back to their duties. Assured that his wife will be well looked after in his absence, he leaves the room to head out of the house and towards the Castle. Perfect looks to one of her fellow nurses who is sitting beside her, an arm around her shoulder in silent comfort. “Natty,” the brown earth pony looks over at Perfect, “Can you go into Evening’s study and grab me an inkwell and some paper? I… need to start on my letter.” Smiling, Natural Remedy nods, “Of course, Perfect, I’ll be right back.” As she leaves, Perfect exhales and slumps over to rest her arms on the counter, and her head on her arms. She sighs deeply, her entire body seeming to just deflate, even her ears do their best to flatten themselves against her head. After a few short while Natty returns, the items requested in hoof. Putting them down on the counter, she gives Perfect a friendly pat on the back, then sits nearby at the counter incase her friend requires anything further. Heaving a single, shuddering sigh, Perfect sits up, spreads the parchment, and puts pen to paper. By the time Evening returns, Perfect has penned out a letter and has fallen asleep at the counter, one of the other nurses having draped a blanket over her back. Smiling softly, he collects the letter, dips the pen in the ink and signs his name. He then neatly folds it before putting it into an envelope he has procured from Prose, then addresses the letter simply, ‘To Captain Riptide, Squad Six, Wonderbolt Compound.’ and places it on the counter in front of his wife. Evening then yawns, and sits down next to his wife, lifts the blanket to get under, and snuggles up next to her before falling fast asleep beside her. -------- Walking down the silent streets of Canterlot, Amber Dawn cannot help but feel as if he is walking into battle. His armor shining in the lamps and polished to a mirror like surface, the sash over it adorned with his rank and honors. Beside the worn out and rubble strewn streets, Dawn almost looks like an illustration pulled from a book, perfect and yet unspoiled. Yet, he does not feel that way. No, even after getting a letter from his daughter earlier that day, he cannot seem to find the strength to smile as he makes his way slowly along the streets of the middle-class. His destination isn’t far from the border of the high-class, in fact it is almost right on the edge of the burned out area. He has taken the long way, though, wishing to delay the meeting he is about to go to as long as possible. But, he can’t put it off forever, no matter how much he wants to. He owes his daughter that much. Sighing, he turns down the street towards the well lit houses that surround one of the many triage stations in the middle-class. This one is a two story house, the Royal Guard Medical Corps banner hanging proudly on one wall, tents and other such shelters surrounding it. Many of those who are camped out around the house are asleep by now, Dawn having purposely waited until the night when his shift was over, the night now having progressed to the point where the moon is near its zenith. Slowing as he walks towards the door, he contemplates backing out one more time. He doesn’t need to be here, he doesn't need to intrude into their grief, does he? No… if it had been his daughter, if Tide had been killed… wouldn’t he want one of them to come to him? Shaking his head and heaving one final, long sigh, he reaches up with one hoof and knocks on the door. Almost immediately the sound of hooves on hardwood greet him, and the door is opened to reveal the face of a brown earth pony mare, who smiles at Dawn warmly. “Good evening, can I help you…” the mare trails off, looking at the rank sash on Dawn’s armor, “Commander?” “Yes, I am looking for the ponies who own this house? Are they… are they awake? I need to speak with them.” “They are,” the mare says slowly, opening the door and stepping aside. “They’re… not really looking to talk to anypony right now, but if you’re here it must be important.” For a moment, Dawn’s mouth works but nothing comes out. Ears folded against his head, he asks himself if this is truly important. Nodding, he looks to the mare and smiles, “It is. I would not bother them otherwise.” Nodding, the mare gestures for Dawn to enter, and closes the door behind him. Once inside, Dawn can see that the rooms that branch off from the entryway are full of beds and cots, most occupied by ponies who are all resting.  Attempting to keep his voice down, Dawn looks at the mare who is waiting a ways off for Dawn to follow her. “You look like you have your hooves full here,” he says quietly. “There were a lot of ponies injured during the attack,” the mare replies, “and quite a few injured afterwards. Secondary fires and collapses have caused us no end of grief.” “I’ve read the reports,” Dawn comments, “I wish there was more we could do to spare the civilians from having to go through their houses... “ “But you all suffered heavy losses,” the mare finishes for Dawn. “Do not worry, Commander, Canterlot’s ponies are strong, they do not hold it against the Guard for being unable to help more.” Dawn opens his mouth to say more, to apologize again, but the mare cuts him off. “They’re through here.” She points to a slightly ajar door. “Thank you,” Dawn says softly, a small smile on his face as he removes his helmet and opens the door. Beyond the door is a spacious kitchen and dining room that looks like, if required, it could hold a hundred ponies tightly packed together. Right now, though, there is only two in the room, both huddled together at the kitchen’s large counter, a pair of opened letters in front of them and one sealed one. One of them, a mare with a dark blue coat and faded grey and purple hair, is softly sobbing into the arms of a black stallion. The stallion, noticing Dawn’s entry, looks up and sizes Dawn up with a pair of weary and bloodshot amber eyes. Instantly, Dawn knows these are the ponies he has come to see. Even without the mare who had shown him in telling him, he knew them to be Midnight’s parents. He had met her a few times, she had her mother’s fur color, and her father’s eyes and mane. “C-can I help you?” the stallion asks softly, his voice faded from crying. The sound of his voice causes the mare to look up and dab her eyes with a handkerchief as she sniffles. Opening his mouth, then closing it and frowning, Dawn looks to the door behind him, which had been left slightly ajar, and closes it. He then looks back at the two before him and offers them a small reassuring smile. “I am not sure,” he offers in response before gesturing to an empty seat across the counter from them. “May I sit, and we can talk about if you can help me?” The stallion nods and Dawn sits in the chair he had indicated, placing his helmet on the counter and sighing. “Thank you, I’ve been on my hooves all day, and I was not looking forward to returning to the Guard Barracks quite yet.” “You’re welcome, Commander…?” The mare asks in a grief-softened voice. “Amber Dawn,” Dawn replies, his smile staying on his face. “But, please, call me Dawn. I am not here on official business.” “I’m Evening Star,” the stallion offers in introduction, followed by him hugging his wife tightly. “And this is Perfect Night.” He then looks to the letters in front of him, then back at Dawn. “So, why are you here?” “A pleasure, Evening, Perfect,” Dawn says warmly before allowing his smile to slip with a sigh. “Because I felt like I owed it to someone to meet you both.” He nods to one of the letters, his smile partially returning. “My daughter’s hoofwriting always was more function than form.” “Your daughter?” Perfect asks, looking to the letters. “Captain Riptide,” Dawn explains with a shake of his head. “I… got a letter from her today, explaining a lot of things, chief among them how she had suffered a profound loss.” He looks to the other open letter in front of the pair, his expression becoming somber. “I see Spitfire was able to mail you her condolences. I’ve had to write a few of those the past few days…” He sighs and says softly, mostly to himself. “Too many.” “You must be kept busy now that things are in a lull,” Evening chuckles wearily. “Must… be a lot of families to visit with how many you lost.” “There will be,” Dawn agrees, looking down at the table. “Truthfully, you’re the first.” Raising an eyebrow, Perfect frowns. “Why us? What makes us so special?” “Because,” Dawn says slowly, “if I lost Tide, and our places were reversed, I would want somepony to come talk to me.” He shrugs and sighs. “Perhaps I am an idealist, or perhaps I just expect somepony to care that my daughter died.” “But why not let the Wonderbolts handle it?” Evening inquires, looking at Dawn with growing curiosity. “The Reservists could easily send someone here.” “Truthfully,” Dawn starts, smiling softly. “Senior Master Sergeant Yearling wanted to come here. I convinced her not to.” He raises a hoof as Evening and Perfect open their mouths. “I asked her, and she agreed, because I felt it would be better if you were visited by a fellow parent. More so since Tide is my daughter.” He then looks at the two ponies across from him, a warm smile spreading over his features. “I even waited until I was off-duty, because I want to learn about your daughter. I want to know about the mare my daughter fell in love with, and has now lost.” Sniffling and standing up, Perfect smiles. “Then let me put on some water for tea… We’ll be here a while.” > Chapter 6: The Sound of Silence. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6: The Sound of Silence “I still can’t believe that he is seriously considering this,” Wind Rider says for the the third time in the past five minutes. “Are you sure he isn’t just blowing steam?” “I’ve seen him blow steam before,” Distant chuckles darkly, “out of just about every orifice he has. This? This isn’t one of those times.” Shaking her head, Viscountess Fine Brew looks up from the map of Canterlot on the table before her. The table, which is located in one of the banquet halls of the Castle, has four other ponies currently holding silent vigil at the other end of the table; Daring, Amber Dawn, Moonlight Knight, and Wind Rider. Daring, who yawns sharply due to the fact the sun is still early in its rising, has a peculiar look of annoyance and worry on her face. Doubtlessly, she had been dragged out of bed for this meeting. Fine is almost certain she had been sharing that bed with Fine’s son, Leaf. No small amount of motherly pride flares up at the thought that she had dragged her soon to be daughter-in-law out of bed with her son, as she was still quite young to have more than one grandfoal quite yet. “I have to agree with Distant and Viscountess Grey’s assessment of the situation,” the voice of Commander Knight. “My guards have been noticing strange activity around what is left of his manor house, as well as the outlying armories. I had assumed it was simply curious locals, but with this new information…” “With this new information it’s clear they’re attempting to find weak points in our defense,” Commander Dawn finishes from where he is standing beside his fellow, a cup of coffee in front of him. “Clearly, we underestimated him.” “We all did,” Distant snorts. “I mean, honestly. How can anypony take him seriously usually? He spends half his time blowing hot air out his ass, and the rest of the time spewing shit from his mouth.” She scoffs and taps a hoof on the table. “Mark my words, if he had a mare holding his leash, none of this would have gone this far!” “And, pray tell, Baronetess,” Fine speaks up with a smirk, “who would we sacrifice to attain that? I know of no mare who would willingly take to his bed, let alone marry him, to attempt the slim chance of reining him in.” Distant opens her mouth, as if to object or offer up a name, but is quickly stopped by Fine holding up a hoof. “No, even the most politically ambitious of us would never bear his whining. In many cases, I would think many would prefer forgoing title and land if their other option was to marry that oaf.” “Not to stop this delightful conversation of sacrificing young virgins to the insufferable evil that is our Archduke,” Dawn says with a surprisingly straight face, “but we do need to figure out how to deal with the immediate situation.” He taps one of his hooves against the map on the table. “I am in favor of rounding them all up and tossing them in the stocks. Let a few weeks of languishing in a cell cool their flanks.” “That won’t work,” Distant says with a shake of her head. “Doing that will draw more to their side, and possibly lead to a bloodier conflict.” “Perhaps checkpoints?” Daring offers, speaking up for the first time during the meeting. “Wind and I can have some of our Reservists assist Dawn and Knight’s guards with setting them up. We can pass it off as simply making sure the flow of outside help stays orderly.” “That is a start, I guess,” Wind agrees, looking at Dawn and Knight. “But that’ll only get us so far. In the event of an actual uprising, we are going to have to keep the civilians safe. I do not know a whole lot about Blueblood, but I do not trust the gentry to keep their swords pointed at just the Guards and us.” He looks to Distant and Fine, smiling slightly. “No offense, Baronetess, Viscountess.” “Well, glad to see I’m still considered among the ‘normal’ ponies,” Distant laughs. “None taken, Rider,” Fine says with a smile. “But, I think Distant and I can assist in that shortcoming. We can rally the lower classes, instruct them to go somewhere safe should things boil over.” “Won’t that tip off Blueblood and his cohorts?” Wind asks, a worried look in his eyes. “You don’t know the nobility all that well,” Dawn chuckles. “They’ll be too caught up in whatever they’re doing to look at how the middle class is acting.” “And what of any outside help they call in?” This question from Daring. “Hired blades likely won’t care,” Distant replies. “You know as well as I do what they’re like, Daring. They might notice, but they won’t do anything about it unless it directly impacts their paycheck.” “Fair point,” Daring concedes. “Let’s just hope that you and Lady Grey here don’t endanger their paychecks, then.” “Have no fear of that, Sergeant,” Fine replies with a warm smile. “We’ll be doing what every noble in the city has dreams about; making the lower classes fear the gentry.” “Oh, well now,” Distant says in a sarcastic tone, fanning herself with a hoof. “Just hearing you talk about it makes me all hot n’ bothered.” “Now now, Distant,” Fine smirks, “I’m married.” “Drat, so am I.” Distant sighs, pouting. “Distant, Fine, please!” Daring coughs a blush rising on her cheeks. “It’s too early for this!” “Yes… I agree with Daring,” Dawn says, shifting uncomfortably. “We are also off topic.” He looks to Knight, who due to his white fur can’t hide his own blush, and clears his throat. “I think we have the basis for a working plan, so Knight and I will go… rally our troops and start on the checkpoints.” “And Daring and I,” Rider coughs, attempting to fold his wings, “should attend to our own forces, get them ready in case of combat.” “Then I guess Fine and I shall take our leave,” Distant smiles as she stands up from where she is sitting and crosses over to Fine. “Come, my dear Viscountess! Let us go have a day on the town!” ------ The day progresses smoothly, with checkpoints being set up quickly and handled as if they had been there the entire time by the ones staffing them. These checkpoints are tested as by the first bell after noon the first of the truly large relief waves come from beyond the city’s walls. The relief is comprised of mostly supplies, such as blankets, tents, and non-perishable foods that can be easily stored by the affected civilians. The majority of these supplies stop at the various triage areas, where most of the refugees from the upper class and some of the middle-class have gathered and made into central hubs for supply distribution. Some of the carts, however, do not head towards these areas. Instead, they head deeper into the city, and to a large ruined estate with a large number of guards patrolling it. The guards are wearing the uniforms of J.S.S. and sneer at the guards whenever a patrol passes close to the perimeter of the estate. Beyond the walls and debris that marks the estate’s boundary is a once-fine garden now trampled beneath the hooves of the many ponies parking wagons, setting up tents, and generally clearing the area of the majority of the fallout from the blast. The ponies going about these tasks look to be gardeners and the expected staff and retainers of one of high status, but the blades and spears close at hoof speak otherwise to the trained observer. The largest concentration of ‘staff’ centers around a large pavilion tent, a pair of J.S.S. sentries on both sides of the entrance.  A stern-looking smoke-grey unicorn breaks off from a freshly arriving train of ‘supplies’ and makes his way towards the pavilion, lighting a thick cigar as he draws near. The guards shift aside, one of them drawing back one of the tent’s entrance flaps, allowing him to enter unimpeded. Inside, a large table sits in the middle of the pavilion surrounded by stern looking JSS officers and nobles, talking quietly and gesturing towards the maps and reports on the table. “Commander Trap,” Blueblood frowns. “I need your troops to be in place before sunset, the checkpoint guards should be changing shifts at that time, we’ll catch more of them at one time.” “I understand, m’lord,” Commander Trap, a middle aged dark-red earth pony, replies in a neutral tone as he looks up from the map. Spotting the newcomer, he gestures with one hoof. “And, my surprise is here. Prince Blueblood, allow me to introduce you to Janus’ expert in artillery.” The unicorn exhales a large cloud of smoke and chuckles as he walks over to stand next to his commanding officer. “This is Backblast. He came here with a special gift.” “Is that so?” Blueblood asks, raising an eyebrow. “And how much am I going to need to pay you for this ‘gift’?” “Depends on how much I get to fire it,” Backblast chuckles, causing smoke to billow from his mouth and nose. “It’s an expensive gun, but it’s well worth the money.” His horn glows brightly as he creates a scaled down illusion of the artillery gun in question. It’s a massive monster set on a railway car, the barrel of the gun alone taking up nearly ninety percent of the entire thing, a series of shells are sitting next to it with a few ponies to add scale. “This, is what we in the ground-pounder section of J.S.S. call ‘Ladykiller’, it’s the largest single piece of artillery Equestria has ever seen.” The illusion shifts, and the gun is loaded by a group of ponies, followed by the gun firing it’s payload. “She was thought up during the whole Griffin-Drake war, y’know, in case those scaly bastards ever woke up something big n’ nasty.” “Unfortunately,” Trap picks up as his compatriate blows another cloud of smoke. “Princess Celestia vetoed it, stating that such a terrible weapon had no place in Equestria’s arsenal.” Trap gestures to the illusion, which is being reloaded slowly. “So, we built her on our own. Just because the Princess tells us ‘no’ doesn’t mean she won’t want it later.” Trap then smiles slightly, an unsettling thing considering his he missing a few teeth. “However, there was always the possibility that… Equestria’s Diarchy would become unfavorable to us, and thus we also had to consider the possibility that we’d one day have to shoot at the Princess.” “So, this ‘Project Ladykiller’ is…?” Blueblood asks, his eyes narrowing. “If I’m firing this cannon, your lordship,” Backblast says with a sneer, smoke billowing up from his mouth and nose like the dragons his cannon was originally supposed to shoot at, “alicorns will die.” “A necessary evil, m’lord,” Trap adds without missing a beat. “What with your claim of your aunt, our dear Monarch Celestia, having been murdered, and the other captured? We cannot leave anything to chance. The cannon can be used for more than just destroying single targets. In fact, if your lordship wishes, we can pre-plan and target important guard rally points within the city to cause their ranks to flee with minimal bloodshed.” “No,” Blueblood answers. “As far as I am concerned, each and every one of the Guards are traitors to the crown. If they were complicit in the crime, or simply unaware, it does not matter. We must clear out the old blood, to make room for the new.” “Our sentiments exactly,” Backblast chuckles. “So, pick your targets, and me n’the crew will make it rubble.” Nodding, Blueblood looks to the map, his face growing hard. Tonight, the blood of many a pony will be spilt. Tomorrow, he will sit on the throne… ----- "Thank you for seeing me so promptly on such short notice, Earl Toffee," Fine says as she pours tea from a tarnished silver teapot. "I trust you won't mind that I took the liberty of ordering a pot of hot water to brew your preferred blend?" “Not at all, Viscountess,” Earl Toffee, an aged unicorn wearing a purple top hat and a purple vest, replies with a smile as he picks up his teacup. “Truthfully, I am simply glad somepony is willing to take some time out of their day to entertain an old stallion, and not just talk about how things have gone down the waterspout what with the attack.” He takes a sip of his tea and his smile grows fond. “Mmm, as always, Viscountess, your skills at teacraft are without rival.” “You flatter me, Earl,” Fine chuckles, blushing slightly. “I try my best, however, even with things as they are, I have a reputation to uphold, after all.” “Don’t we all,” Toffee muses. “I sense, however, that you have sought me out for other reason than to gift me with a cup of my favorite tea, sorely needed as it was.” He smirks over his teacup, which is levitating just in front of his face. “So, my dear, what can this old stallion do for you?” “I am sure you’ve heard the rumblings from our peers?” Fine starts tentatively, smiling sheepishly. “And doubtlessly you’ve heard that I am taking a stance against all of it.” "Much to the joy of our peers, and I'm sure Earl Grey is positively ecstatic about the situation," Toffee replies, a bemused smile tugging at one corner of his mouth. “My father is beside himself,” Fine sighs as she rolls her eyes. “If I didn’t know any better, I would say he’d be dancing in the streets.” She pauses to take a sip of her tea, taking the moment to study the stallion across from her. “And what of you, Earl Toffee, what is your opinion in all of this?” “Oh, well,” Toffee starts, smiling warmly as he puts his tea down onto the saucer in front of him. “I am hardly as young as I used to be, and I am not of the revolutionary mindset.” He chuckles and shakes his head. “That said, I am staunchly firm in my belief that….” “That he is with us,” a new voice interrupts, causing Fine to nearly lose her delicate magical hold on the teacup in front of her. “As the good Earl is part of the Gentry that has been displaced by these events, and stands to lose much should the Wonderbolts and the Royal Guard continue to be in control.” Turning and barely resisting the urge to scowl, Fine offers a polite smile to the stallion who is standing a short distance from her and Toffee. “Ah, Uncle White Tie, so good to see you.” She gestures to an open seat at the table, purely out of etiquette rather than a true wish for him to join them. “I trust you are in good health? My aunt and cousins doing well?” “I am quite well, Viscountess,” White Tie replies with a sniff. “And my wife and children are fair, though disheartened due to our house being reduced to rubble.” He looks to the seat indicated by Fine and a small battle plays across his features as he doubtlessly weighs social etiquette and the desire to be done with whatever had drawn him here. Something wins, as he shakes his head and walks up to the table, but does not sit down. “I sadly cannot join you two for afternoon tea, I have merely come to speak with Earl Toffee.”   “I seem to be quite the popular pony today,” Toffee remarks, looking up at Tie from his seat. “And, to what do I owe the pleasure of speaking with you, Lord Grey?” Biting down a grimace as quickly as it forms, Tie attempts a smile as he speaks. “I wished to know if I, and my compatriots, could count upon your help in the coming days?” “Ah, I see,” Toffee sighs wearily. “Your dear niece was just about to lay out her reasoning for why I should help her side of things. I am sure it would be quite convincing.” “I would argue that my niece is too close to the whole thing for her own good,” Tie retorts, his eyes narrowing. “Her son is a Wonderbolt Reserve, and she has been staying in the Castle this past week! Clearly, she is in league with the Royal Guard and the Wonderbolts, and is only seeking to lead you astray.” “And what of my daughter?” Fine interjects, frowning. “Was not all of this started because Princess Luna was supposedly abducted?” She pauses a moment, waiting for her uncle to open his mouth, before she cuts him off. “My daughter is Luna’s student, Uncle Tie, clearly I have a vested interest in seeing the Princess remain in power.” “Yes, but is she not also a Wonderbolt Auxiliary?” Tie frowns, clearly not happy about being cut off. “No matter that she is Luna’s student, she very well could have lured her mentor into a trap, and allowed the Wonderbolts to capture her! There truly are no lengths you and your… spawn will not go to remain where you are.” “Empty words coming from you, Uncle,” Fine retorts coolly. “And Witch was, and is, Luna’s student first, a Wonderbolt second. She would never commit such a treasonous betrayal against Luna, no matter the reward offered.” Waving a hoof absently towards Tie, Toffee sighs. “Like I was telling your niece here, I am firmly set in my beliefs in this matter, and you do not need to go preaching Blueblood’s words here.” He smirks slightly, lifting his teacup again. “I would inform your fellows of this. I am sure they will be quite pleased to know that Earl Toffee will not be speaking out against them.” Smiling widely, and perhaps with genuine mirth for the first time, Tie inclines his head. “I shall do just that, Earl Toffee.” He looks to Fine, his smile slipping considerably. “Enjoy the rest of your afternoon, Viscountess.” He then turns and departs. As he does, Fine slumps in her seat a little, sighing. Looking over at the Earl across from her, who has returned to sipping his tea, she starts to stand up, stopping only when Toffee speaks up. “Where are you going, Fine?” Toffee asks, a smile on his face. “I was enjoying our conversation, and you still have quite a bit of your tea left.” “I… Well it’s clear you won’t listen to my side of things, so I figure I won’t waste your time,” Fine offers, a ghost of a smile on her face. “Nonsense, my dear!” Toffee chuckles waving for her to sit again. “I merely stated that I will not speak out against them! I’ve said nothing about opposing them in other ways. This business of revolt, and all that goes with it, is hardly what this city needs.” He taps a hoof against the table, looking over at Fine with a sigh. “I do not know if what Blueblood is saying is true, I care not to believe it, but the belief of an old stallion hardly weighs well against the wishes of the world. But, I would work under the belief that Luna is well, that Celestia yet lives, and that the Guard and Wonderbolts continue to be loyal to the oaths which they have sworn.” Sitting down, Fine smiles warmly at the older pony. “You mean...” “Yes,” Toffee answers. “How can this old stallion help you save this city?” -------- The streets of Canterlot of full of ponies despite the early hour, the sun’s journey through the sky showing it to be perhaps only ten in the morning. Many, if not all, of the ponies in the streets are attempting some semblance of normalcy despite the ruined state of the inner city, with a devout few venturing into the inner city to pick through the ruins and try and recover something from their lives before the blast. Then, there are the ponies from outside the city. Many are pulling carts, or escorting those pulling carts. Many are wearing armor, or uniforms, and all are wearing some form of weapon as if worried they’ll be attacked. And then there is the stallion striding down the center of the street, his sheer presence and force of will causing the sea of ponies to part before him, leaving a large space free of anypony but him. The stallion is tall, far taller than many in the crowd, and despite the flowing white cape he wears, it is clear he walks with the grace of a warrior long seasoned on the battlefield. What can be seen of him, mostly from the shoulders up as his cape covers everything else, is white save for his muzzle which is a deep crimson as if he has been eating food of that color for his entire life, a color reflected in his piercing red eyes which currently look straight ahead from behind a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. A white turban sits atop his head, which, although an odd sight in Canterlot, does not make him stick out from the crowd too badly. Turning the corner onto an empty street, the stallion’s pace slows slightly as he looks up towards the large castle in the center of the city. How long had it been since last he had walked the halls of a palace? Since he had set hoof into the beating heart of a Kingdom? A thousand years, surely, and yet it felt just like yesterday he had stood in Fillyon speaking with his brother and sister in godhood, smiling at the foals playing in the garden. And now, he was going to the place from which those foals now ruled as adult mares. “Well, what are you waiting for?” A voice comes from within the turban. “We should get in there and go talk to Luna! Or are you suddenly getting cold hooves, Shiro?” Grunting, Shiro picks up his pace. “I am the God of War, Jinsong. I do not know fear in battle, nor in domestic matters like this.” “I beg to differ, my ancient friend,” Jin chuckles, peeking out from beneath the turban. “For I know you quite well. And right now, you are afraid.” He pats the side of Shiro’s muzzle. “But that’s okay, I’m a little afraid myself.” Jin goes back into the turban and sighs. “The stories we’ve heard about little Luna… To think the mare we used to know grew up to be a warrior to rival even you?” “To think she nearly brought ruin upon her kingdom,” Shiro grumbles. “I thought we had taught her better than that.” “That was not her fault, and you know it,” Jin retorts. “We know, better than most in fact, that such things are sometimes beyond our control…” Shiro offers no reply, and simply continues walking towards the Castle, his pace picking up slightly as other ponies appear in the streets from amongst the ruins. “Honestly, though, I just hope she remembers us. It’s been so long, and she was so young…” This earns him a grunt, but still no reply from Shiro. The two continue on in companionable silence, much like they had since they had entered the city, and soon find themselves coming up to the battered entrance to the Castle’s grounds. “This place could use the gentle touch of a gardener,” Jin says in a sarcastic tone. “I mean, you’d think a bomb went off or something!”   “Considering your normal sense of humor,” Shiro starts with a pronounced frown, “I will assume you are simply attempting to defuse the tension.” He starts forward, pointedly ignoring the drake peeking out from between the folds of his turban. The walk through the castle’s once beautiful grounds is somber, the occasional staff-pony or guard nodding towards Shiro as he passes, though quite a few give him suspicious glances. Shiro pays none of them any mind, however, as the peerless warrior in him is occupied by the castle’s defenses, and the state of the soldiers that patrol it. It is not up to his standards, but then he has not taught these soldiers; his hooves have not touched the affairs of mortal ponies for a very long time. His inner musings last until they are at the gates of the Castle, the guards flanking it lowering their polearms across the door to bar his way. “Halt! Access to the Castle is restricted to staff, Guards, and Reserves,” one of the guards states wearily, and as Shiro looks closer at him he can tell the stallion is injured and looks quite tired. “So, unless you have business with one of them, you may not enter the Castle.” “I have business with your monarch, Princess Luna,” Shiro states flatly. Frowning, the stallion who had spoken to Shiro leans his head to one side. “I am sorry, but Princess Luna has not been here since before the attack.” He lowers his spear and narrows his eyes at Shiro. “What business do you have with her?” “My own,” Shiro grunts. “Is there anypony within I can speak to? If she is not here, then I wish to wait here until she returns.” “You can speak to my commander, or the commander of the Reservists,” the second guard, a mare, speaks up. “However, they are both quite busy since the city was attacked, as you can quite clearly see.” “I am sorry my visit is inconvenient for you, and your commanders,” Shiro offers in a deadpan, “but my business is important.” Sighing heavily, the guard-stallion shakes his head and gestures his head. “Then no point in having you stand here. Knowing your type, you’d stand here until you got what you wanted, and we can’t have ponies standing here blocking the flow of traffic.” When Shiro doesn’t make a move to walk inside, the guard narrows his eyes. “Is there anything else, sir?” “I require escort. I do not know where your commanders are,” Shiro states as if it’s the most obvious fact in the world. Putting a hoof against his face, the guard stallion points to his companion. “Private, can you please escort our… esteemed guest to the ballroom.” “Yes, Lieutenant,” the mare replies with a sigh as she gestures to Shiro. “This way, sir.” Following behind the Private, Shiro quietly observes the inside of the Castle. He is pleased to see that beyond shattered windows the interior of the castle has not suffered much from whatever force attacked the city. He also notes on how next to a few servants and ponies who are clearly civilians, the hallways are thick with military personnel. The sights and sounds of being surrounded by trained soldiers, even if they are not his, eases Shiro a bit, as it is a familiar thing, almost long forgotten in the long years since the fall. It is enough, even, to bring a small smile to his face, which does not unnoticed by the drake hiding in his turban. “You missed it,” Jin whispers in Shiro’s ear, “being in the middle of so many soldiers, striding through rooms full of ponies ready to defend their homes.” Shiro nods slightly in reply, unwilling to speak and give his friend away quite yet. The guard brings them swiftly through the interior of the castle, and to a pair of large open doors. Beyond the doors is a spacious room full of ponies clustered around tables. The largest of the tables has a council of six around it, many of them bandaged and standing awkwardly as they discuss their current topic. Pointing to that large table and its group, the mare who has escorted them there smiles. “There is your destination, sir. I hope whatever it is you came here to discuss with Princess Luna can be discussed with them, and if not, that you find your time here… more productive than the past few days have been for us.” “Thank you, Private,” Shiro acknowledges the mare, his smile remaining. “You did well escorting us here so quickly, I will make sure your superiors know of it.” “Thank you, sir,” the mare returns the smile, though hers is weary and lopsided. “Will that be all?” When Shiro nods, she offers a salute, and then departs, leaving Shiro and Jin to slowly make their way through the room towards the table and its occupants. As he draws close, Shiro cannot help but raise an eyebrow as he observes the small gathering, one pony in particular catching his eye. Though he had seen her with fewer bandages, and certainly in a more rested state, Shiro cannot help but smile as he recognizes Daring standing at the table, facing him, in a military uniform. Sadly, she is the only pony at the table that he instantly recognizes. The others -- save for for one armored pony and one wearing what looks to be a fur-lined leather jacket -- have their backs to him. He is nearly upon them before Daring looks up, her eyes growing wide and a genuine smile crossing her features. “Tell me I am not simply hallucinating because I’ve barely slept,” Daring says loudly, drawing the attention of all the others at the table. “Or have you truly dained to grace us with your presence, Shiro?” “I should be asking you the same thing,” Shiro smirks. “For all that I have lived through, the sight of you wearing a military uniform is perhaps the most surprising.” “Yup, you are definitely Shiro!” Daring declares, then narrows her eyes. “Which means there is a snake in your hat!” “I am not a snake! Thank you very much!” Jin protests, poking his head out and sticking his tongue out at Daring. “I am a majestic drake! If I were my proper size, you’d all be quaking in fear!” “Sure, and I am the Queen of Saddle Arabia,” Daring sighs, rolling her eyes. “Well, if your majesty is finished bantering,” the stallion beside Daring wearing the jacket speaks up, “would you be willing to introduce us to your friend?” Daring opens her mouth, only to have one of the three with their backs to Shiro speak up first. “Shiro Hoshi,” the speaker, a mare wearing a fur-lined cloak says as she turns around with a smile. The mare is a stunning dark blue with a graying silver-blue mane, her sapphire eyes look up at Shiro with the weight of age and experience yet hold a cunning wit and deep humor to them. “Better known, at least to us of House Star, as Lord White Star.” She smiles warmly and inclines her head. “It’s good to see you again, Grandfather.” “And you, little Diamond,” Shiro replies, his tone growing warm. “I see you have taken my advice and put your fiery spirit to good use as a warrior.” “Retired now, but yes, Grandfather,” Diamond replies. She looks over her shoulder at Daring who has both hooves over her mouth to stifle snickering. “Is something funny, Senior Master Sergeant?” “Nothing, nothing,” Daring says between snickers. “Just, never thought I’d see the scary, grumpy, serious Shiro I met all those months ago being… well actually grandfatherly!” She winks at Shiro, who frowns deeply. “It’s quite a sight. I just wish Leaf was here to share in this historic moment! Truly, when we rebuild the city, we should immortalize this moment in stain glass!” “Focus, Yearling,” one of the stallions in armor beside Daring says.  “NO, a statue!” Daring continues, gesturing with one hoof in a broad sweep. “I can see it now! We’ll have Shiro smiling, of course the artist will have to guess at what he looks like when he smiles, because he really never does...” “I do….” Shiro grunts. “And we’ll have Duchess Diamond sitting….” Daring continues, only to stop and raise an eyebrow at something behind Shiro. The sound of hooves against the hard stone floor echoes into the room as a pony charges in, calling out as he storms in. “Daring, Dawn! I could use a little help here!” Leaf calls out, causing Shiro to turn around and raise an eyebrow. Leaf is panting hard, his bandaged wings twitching as if he wants to take flight, ears back against his head. “What’s wrong, dear?” Daring asks, frowning as she leans over to look beyond Leaf. “Is someone chasing you? And where are the foals?” “They’re the problem!” Leaf says hurriedly. “I swear, Tricks, I can handle, but his friends!?” “Aww, what’s wrong Leaf?” Jin says, peaking out from his perch on Shiro’s head. “Can’t handle some foals? Is the husband of Daring truly so easily defeated by the young?” “We’ll see if I send you a wedding invite now, Jin,” Leaf retorts, sticking his tongue out. “Besides, I can take care of foals just fine thank y-” He gets no farther, as a young voice comes from the entrance, drawing all eyes towards it. “There he is!” a unicorn shouts, pointing at Leaf. “Spark, Gust, get him!” The young unicorn, along with his two pegasus friends, charge forward with what can only be called a war cry, causing Leaf to turn around and start backing up. “Now, we can talk about this!” Leaf says slowly, backing up towards the table. “I mean, really, perhaps Daring and Dawn…” “I have no idea what’s going on,” a stallion next to Daring wearing golden armor says slowly, “but it looks like this one is on you, Leaf.” “I have to agree with Dawn,” Daring chuckles. “What’d you do? Promise to take them out to ice cream if they were good?” “Well, possibly, but that’s not…” Leaf starts, but is cut off as a pair of young pegasi, presumably Spark and Gust, crash into him followed shortly by the unicorn. “He promised us yesterday, if we were good and followed orders, he’d take us out to ice cream.” Gust says from where he is on top of Leaf’s back. Leaf grimaces as Gust wiggles, as he is dangerously close to Leaf’s injured wing. “And today,” Spark picks up the narrative from his position of attempting to put Leaf into a headlock. “He says he is too busy, and that streets are too dangerous!” “But, Nana Brew and Auntie Yearling’s friend Distant are out there, so it can’t be that dangerous!” Tricks finishes. He, unlike his friends, is not attempting to tackle Leaf. Instead, he is tugging his tail, mimicking his mother in an attempt to get Leaf to move backwards. All in all, Leaf is standing there with two pegasi on his back, a young unicorn pulling his tail with his magic, and a pitiful look on his face as he looks at Daring. Daring, for her part, is biting her bottom lip to stifle her laughter, with Dawn beside her pointedly not looking at Leaf while holding back his own laughter. In fact, the only person at the table who is laughing is Jin, who all but rolls out of Shiro’s turban and lands across his muzzle. “Oh-ho! I was kidding when I said it earlier!” Jin laughs. “But this? This is too rich. You look like someone just took away your favorite plant pressing book!” He wipes a tear from his eye and then stops as he realizes everyone, the foals included, are staring at him. “What? Never seen a wyrm before?” “No,” Tricks speaks up, staring at Jin with wide eyes. His friends follow suit and get off of Leaf to likewise stare at the small drake. “Where are you from?” “Well, little ones,” Jin starts, sitting up on Shiro’s muzzle and standing heroically. “I am an ancient and venerable god! My grumpy friend and I are from a land far from here. Daring found us, and convinced my friend that the time to hide was long past.” He hops down, intent on landing in front of the foals, but is stopped when he is enveloped in the crimson magical glow of Shiro’s magic. “I do not think they have time to listen to one of your stories, old friend,” Shiro states flatly. “And nor do we.”   “Are you a unicorn?” Gust asks, watching as Shiro lifts Jin and puts him on the table. “And why are you so tall? I thought only alicorns get that tall!” “Because I am,” Shiro replies simply, instantly causing everyone at the table-- save for Daring, Leaf, and the two present of House Star -- as well as the three foals in front of him, to gasp and stare at him wide-eyed. Beside him, Diamond is stifling laughter. “Wait, really?” Dawn asks, looking between Shiro and Diamond. “And why are you laughing?” “Sorry, my grandfather is just rather blunt,” Diamond waves a hoof. “He likely forgets that alicorns are not all that prevalent these days. He is, after all, quite old.” She looks to the three foals, who look like they’ve just stumbled upon the most amazing secret in the world, then to Leaf who is slowly scooting away from them. “Leaf Wind, was it? You’re Viscountess Grey’s son, yes?” “I am,” Leaf says, stopping in his tracks. “What of it?” “Nothing.” She reaches under her cloak and pulls out a small coin purse. “Please, go treat these fine young colts to some ice cream, on me.” She looks to the three who’ve not taken their eyes off of Shiro as she walks over to whisper in Leaf’s ear. “It’d be for the best. I know they’re likely going to want to ask questions, but right now isn’t the best time.” She watches Leaf frown, before smiling. “Do it, and I’ll tell you some embarrassing stories about Jin you can hold over his head.” Leaf perks up at that, and smiles broadly. “Not that holding anything over his head is hard, being as short as he is, but you’ve got a deal, Duchess.” He walks the short distance to the foals, swallows, and opens his mouth. “Say, how about we go get that ice cream?” The three caped foals do not move, and Leaf frowns. “I’ll even let you have sprinkles…. and whipped cream?” “Chocolate sprinkles?” Tricks speaks up, still looking at Shiro, who is staring back unflinchingly. “Y-yes?” Leaf responds slowly. “Alright,” Tricks says, looking to his two friends. “Looks like we’ll have to ask him all our questions later.” The other two moan a little, but follow Tricks as he gets up and starts to the door. Pausing for a moment, Leaf looks to Daring, who is smiling widely, and smirks. “You owe me for this later.” And then, with that, he chases after the three foals. Chucking, Daring looks to the others at the table. “Well, I think with that rather… interesting interruption, we may as well take a break ourselves.” She looks over at Diamond. “I think Duchess Star and her son would like to perhaps get their grandfather here settled in and filled in on what is going on? We very well might need his help and expertise in the coming hours.” “Not to mention, we have a lot to catch up on,” Diamond states with a nod. “I’ll fill him in, though.” She looks to the others at the table. “Commanders, Wind Rider, I hope next time we meet it’s not to plan how to defend this castle against its own citizens.” “Agreed,” the armored stallion next to Daring says. The other, a thestral if Shiro’s eyes don’t betray him, yawns and shrugs. “We’ve got things well in hoof, anyway,” Wind says removing his glasses. “Besides, it’s nearly lunch, and if I don’t get something to eat, I’ll get cranky.” “Oh, you poor old stallion,” Daring chuckles. “And what do you mean you’ll get cranky? As if that isn’t your natural state anyway!” Whatever retort Wind gives, Shiro does not hear as Diamond walks over and gestures for him to follow. “Come, Grandfather, we have a few rooms set aside here in the Castle for myself and the other senior members of House Star.” Shiro follows after her, along with her son who he vaguely recalls is named Dark Star. As they walk, Jin flies out from beneath Shiro’s turban and lands on Diamond’s shoulders, burying himself in the fur lining of her cloak. His head peeking out from the hoof that she currently has down, Jin sighs. “Ah, so much better than being cooped up on top of your grandfather’s head.” “I can imagine,” Diamond remarks with a smirk. “So, I am sure you two have questions.” “I have a few,” Shiro states as they make their way down a mostly empty corridor. “Such as, what is this House ‘Star’, and where is Luna?” “Well, I’ll start with the easy one,” Diamond sighs, turning down another hallway leading towards the guest residences. “House Star is one of the oldest houses in Equestria, second only to the bloodline of the King, who gave his power over to Celestia and Luna.” She looks over her shoulder to Shiro. “It is, for all intents and purposes, your bloodline.” She looks ahead again, head held high. “As such, we are a house of warriors, officers, and defenders of the innocent.” “Why was I never told of it?” Shiro asks, eyes narrowing. “To what end?” Diamond replies with a shrug. “How would you have replied if one of us told you that you were the head of an ancient house created by Celestia and Luna as one of their first acts upon gaining the throne? Our cousins suspected you would not like it, as even if you are the ‘God of War’ I understand you never were one for holding power in any sense that your descendants could potentially rule over ponies.” “And do you?” Shiro asks, raising an eyebrow. “Not in the sense of the word that we order ponies around all the time,” Diamond replies, smiling at a passing servant. “I am considered a Duchess, which means I have the power to effect great change, but I rarely ever use that title, as our house prefers titles earned rather than given.” She waves a couple of guards to ease. “I earned a rank as a General, serving for more than half my life in the Army. My two sons, Dark Star,” She gestures towards the stallion who has been beside Shiro the entire time they’ve been walking, “here is in the Guard, and Gold Star is currently a ranking Admiral in the Royal Equestrian Navy.” “I would expect no less from my descendants.” Shiro smiles as he nods. “Truthfully, we don’t do it for you,” Diamond chuckles. “We serve because somepony has to. Because our bloodline has been serving since Equus, and we’ll keep defending our fellow ponies until the world comes crashing down around us.” She stops at a pair of doors with guards on both sides. “And, perhaps well beyond even that point.” “You sound just like my son,” Shiro chuckles, earning a raised eyebrow from Jin, and a smile from Diamond. “He used to say he’d defend Equus unto his dying breath, and perhaps even beyond if it meant an innocent pony would live.” “Glory Blaze must have been an amazing stallion,” Diamond offers as she opens the door and heads inside. “The stories I was told as a filly about his exploits, not to mention how he was friends with Star Swirl the Bearded, used to keep me up at night wondering if I’d ever be that adventurous, or even that good of a warrior.” She waits for Shiro to enter the room before closing the door behind him. “And are you?” Shiro asks, stopping a little ways into the spacious common room he has entered. “In my own way, I believe I am,” Diamond sighs, taking off her cloak to reveal the set of dark grey armor beneath. “But, one can hardly match up to the son of one of Equus’ Gods.” She looks to Shiro with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. “Not that I haven’t tried.” She gestures to his cloak. “And, there is no need to continue wearing your cloak and turban, everypony within these suite is of the house, and has met you before.” Shrugging out of his cloak and levitating his turban off, Shiro stretches his wings and looks to Diamond. “So, what was that meeting about? It looked serious.” “It was, and if you follow me, we can grab some lunch,” Diamond says slowly as she heads towards a door leading towards what looks to be a small kitchen. “And as we eat, my dear grandfather, I can tell you just how big of a political storm you’ve walked into the middle of…” ------ “If you value your house more than your own life,” Fine growls, ears back against her head as she stares at the stallion in front of her, “then you had best be prepared to defend it!” “And what if I am?” the stallion replies. “This house has been in my family for generations, I will not allow it to be taken from me! No matter what you say.” He sighs, shaking his head. “Besides, I doubt what you say is even true! Blueblood… he is an idiot, but I can’t see him ever being able to fund and coordinate a full scale uprising like you’re saying he is.” Fine opens her mouth to continue arguing, only to have a pair of hooves grab her by the shoulders and gently pull her backwards, followed by a voice. “We understand it is hard to believe, sir. But it’s the truth. If you want to stay, then we wish you luck. However, remember the Royal Guard and the Reserves are urging everypony to head towards the shelters should this break into fighting in the streets.”  “Thank you,” the stallion says, rolling his eyes. “I will keep that in mind. Now, good evening.” He closes the door and locks it with an audible click. “I can’t believe I had to play the straight pony that time,” Distant, who had pulled Fine back away from the stallion, sighs. “I mean, me acting as the voice of reason! There is something wrong with this picture.” “I know… I know,” Fine adds with her own sigh. “It’s just… all of this has me on edge. Between my uncle and my parents?” She slumps her shoulders and starts back out into the street. Following after her friend, Distant nods. “I can understand that. Honestly, if I had your family, I’d have moved to Saddle Arabia and opened an inn!” She pauses, smirking. “Oh, wait, I did move to Saddle Arabia and opened an inn.” She nudges Fine in the shoulder and winks. “Hey, me and Sierra wouldn’t complain if you and Holly decided to open a tea-shop across the street. Or even in our inn!” “Don’t tempt me,” Fine chuckles, a little of her good humor returning. “Tempting ponies is just one of the many fine things I do, though!” Distant declares, shrugging. “But, all of this will be for naught if we don’t keep working on getting ponies out of here… or better defended.” She looks at the small stream of ponies that are actually going to seek refuge in better defended parts of the city. “And at this rate… I really hope more listen.” “So do I,” Fine agrees, turning and walking down the street towards the next neighborhood. “Honestly, I am just ready for this day to be over.” “You and me both,” Distant agrees, nodding firmly. “Who could believe that Blueblood would actually go through with his insane ravings? He just never has seemed capable of harming others in any other way than petty gossip and political maneuvering.” Turning the corner around a boarded up shop, Fine sighs. “It really isn’t like him, but then ponies are always more than they seem on the outside.” She looks to Distant and shrugs. “Perhaps, he has always been capable of such things, but has never had a reason to do them before?” “And perhaps griffins are able to be vegetarians and live in peace and harmony with the world,” Distant posits, rolling her eyes. “Honestly, something doesn’t add up about all of this, but I can’t place my hoof on it.” “If we’re lucky, he’ll stand down once he realizes the Guards and Reserves aren’t pushovers.” Fine shrugs, eyeing a group of Civilians who pass by them wearing old armor and carrying swords. “And that the middle-class won’t let them push them around any more.”   “I just hope none of them get any ideas, and try and fight back first.” Distant adds in, her tone becoming worried. “Seriously, I am sure a few of the ponies we’ve warned will get it in their head to not wait, and we don’t even know when all of this is going to boil over! What if one of them goes and attacks Blueblood or another noble, and it ignites the powder keg we’re all sitting on?” “We don’t,” Fine comments dryly. “Which is why we have to keep warning as many as we can, and prepare for the worst, then pray for the best.” Nodding slowly, Distant sighs. “Well, that makes me feel loads better, Fine, thank you.” “If I didn’t know you, Distant,” Fine chuckles darkly, “I would almost assume you were being serious, and not sarcastic.” She pauses at an intersection and looks down towards the entrance to the lower class district a few blocks away. “But, before we continue knocking on stranger’s doors, I need to go speak to someone…” Following after Fine as she starts down the street, Distant raises an eyebrow. “And who is this mysterious friend? Should I be worried? Do I need to pretend that I’m not here while you warn your secret low born lover that soon Canterlot shall be wreathed in flames and chaos?” Shaking her head and snorting in amusement, Fine shrugs. “Nothing like that, Distant. The friend is a doctor at Canterlot General, and she used to look after Leaf when he’d be his usual self, and even helped get my daughter a hoof in the door when she wanted to be a doctor herself.” “Ah, so returning the favor by looking out for her?” Distant inquires, a smile spreading over her features. “I knew I liked you for a reason, Fine. Loyalty like that is a dying breed with ponies of your rank.” “Well, glad to know you found a kindred, self-sacrificing soul in the ranks,” Fine chuckles as she rolls her eyes. “Anyway, we’re here.” Fine raises a hoof to knock on the door of the plain lower class house she has stopped in front of, but the door opens suddenly and an emerald green unicorn looks out from the doorway and smiles out at Fine. “Hey Emerald, got a moment?” “Huh, to what do we owe the pleasure of your visit, Fine Brew?” Emerald, the green pony, asks warmly. “Distant and I are just going around, warning ponies that Blueblood has grown increasingly unstable,” Fine sighs heavily, frowning. “We fear that he is planning an uprising.” “Against the Royal Guards and the Wonderbolt reserves that have been helping mend this city against the destruction those horrible Shadowbolts caused?” Emerald gasped. “Is he insane?” “Hey, somepony else that agrees with me!” Distant smirks, eyeing the group, especially the griffin behind Emerald. “But yes. We are urging everypony to get into the shelters, and we want your little band here to do the same.” Both Emerald and the griffin shake their heads, as Emerald starts up, “My place is at the hospital. If there are wounded, that's where I’ll be needed most. I think I can defend myself from a few crazy, rich-blooded ponies.” Emerald waved a hoof. “And if there is rioting, the hospital isn't as guarded as everywhere else.” the griffin says looking  with determination at the pair of mares. “So my claws would be better suited there.” Fine sighs, looking towards the griffin. “Just don't hurt them too badly then, ok?” “Where are these shelters?” a muted grey unicorn asks. “Closer to the castle, just follow the stream of ponies.” Distant steps back and points, then looks back at the unicorn, raising an eyebrow. “What, don't want to stay out here with these two?” The unicorn quickly shakes her head. “No, I’d rather be somewhere safe. They don't need me at the hospital anyway. Lode and I can head to the shelters.” She turned to Emerald. “Just you be safe, okay? I don't want to lose you again.” she pulled Emerald into a soft hug. Emerald hugged her back. “You two take care. Don't worry. If things get too bad, I can flee.” “I’d suggest you take any possessions you have with you,” Fine says softly, looking beyond Emerald and into her house. “If you have any that is.” The grey unicorn looks up at Emerald, who glanced back into the house. “Just one, the rest can be replaced after this is all over,” She glances to the earth pony in her group. “Take those leg guards with you. Talon will be wanting them when he comes back.” He nods as he grabs the indicated leg guards, the earth pony puts them into a satchel, then looks at the statues. “What about these?” Emerald shakes her head softly. “As much as I’d like you to take them, I don't want you getting weighed down. Just be careful you two.” Emerald turns back to Fine. “We should all get going.” Fine nods to the group, and turns, gesturing for Distant to follow her. They start off towards the next house, pausing only as Fine looks back to make sure her friend and her group are heading out. “You really worry about her, don’t you?” Distant asks, smiling softly. “What can I say,” Fine chuckles weakly. “Emerald is a family friend… if something happened to her?” She looks over at Distant as the other unicorn puts a hoof on Fine’s shoulder. “Say no more, I understand. If something happened to Daring, or her parents Celestia forbid, I’d be beside myself.” From behind them Emerald shouts something about her steed and the griffin lifts off with Emerald on his back. “Oh, she must fit right in with your family.” “You have no idea,” Fine chuckles. “Well, back into the fray.” She walks up to the next house in the line, and goes right back to work. Silently, she prays to Celestia that her words won’t echo into the silence. -----   Yawning heavily and stretching, a few loud pops echoing through the master bedroom of her house, Perfect Night opens her eyes and looks around. She had allowed herself to be convinced by her husband, reinforced by her fellow nurses Natty and Poppy, to go take a short nap, but as she looks out the window she is astonished to find that the sun is starting its slow descent towards the horizon. “I must have been more tired than I thought…” Perfect mutters between another yawn. Shaking her head, she gets out of bed and runs a hoof over her scrubs followed by her hair. Deciding that, for the moment, she looks less like she has just crawled out of bed, Perfect heads to the door, and then down the stairs. Upon reaching the bottom, she finds that everything is exactly as she had left it, save perhaps for the quiet voice of her husband speaking from inside the area where most of the ponies who had not yet been sent to the hospital, or were not injured enough to be in the hospital, were resting. Walking into the room, Perfect smiles slightly as she spots Evening sitting beside a bed with the brand new Daring Do novel Prose had given the occupant of the bed, his voice low so as to not disturb the other ponies who are resting, but loud enough that any who wish to listen in can. But, for the most part, his efforts are all for the young pegasus filly resting in the bed, slightly burnt teddy bear clutched in her bandaged arms. “And then,” Evening says slowly, looking down at the filly with a smile, “Daring and her brave assistant found themselves in a room as vast as the ballroom of Canterlot Castle, its walls filled with the most beautiful carvings and gems.” He turns the page, pausing for a moment to build dramatic effect before continuing. “But as they advanced into the room, Daring heard a loud scraping sound. Turning, she found her assistant had stepped on a pressure plate! Across the room, their prize, the fabled statue of the prophets, started to sink into the floor! Wasting no time, Daring charged forward, her assistant hot on her tail, desperate to get the statue before it is lost to them forever.” The filly yawns in her bed, and blinks, causing Evening to stop reading put the book down. “Why’d you stop, Mr. Evening?” the filly complains, yawning again. “It was just getting to the good part!” “Because, my little friend, the hour is drawing late,” Evening replies with a fatherly smile. “And you need your rest if you hope to continue to heal after your own heroic adventure.” “Alright,” the filly sighs, yawning again, “but promise you’ll read to me again tomorrow?” “Of course I will!” Evening promises, gently tousling the filly’s mane. “I would never dream of not reading a bedtime story to you! I am a father, you know, and I would be doing fathers everywhere an injustice if I allowed you to go to bed without one.” His smile falters a little, and he clears his throat. “Especially since yours isn’t here to do it.” “I’m sure he’ll be glad you did, whenever my parents come to get me,” the filly offers, yawning again and settling down into her pillow. “Tomorrow, I’m sure they’ll come and get me…” Her eyes drift closed, and she falls asleep with a soft sigh. Setting the book down on the small end table beside the bed, Evening rises and turns with a weary expression which turns into a small smile when he spots his wife. Crossing over as quietly as he can, he gestures for her to join him in the hallway where they can talk. As soon as they’re far enough down the hallway to speak, albeit softly, Perfect looks to her husband. “So, how is she doing?” “Better,” Evening sighs, sparing a glance down the hallway towards the entrance to what had at one time being the living room. “The burns still hurt her, I can tell, but she is putting on the bravest face…” He looks to his wife, a sad smile forming. “She reminds me a lot of Midnight when she was younger.” “She does, doesn’t she?” Perfect whispers, her own smile slipping. She shakes her head and looks over to Evening. “So, any word from her parents?” “No,” Evening replies, shaking his head. “The Guard who brought her in has yet to find them, they might not even be…” “Let’s not go there,” Perfect says, cutting her husband off. “We can entertain that if and when we get word of it.” She then sighs and looks to the front door, as if expecting some new injured pony to stumble in. “Any new arrivals?” “Nope, it’s been rather quiet,” Evening chuckles. “I think the worst is past us, honestly.” “Don’t jinx us,” Perfect chides her husband with a loving smile. “In my line of work, saying ‘it’s been quiet’ and ‘I bet nopony has been injured tonight’ is inviting trouble.” “Oh, well,” Evening says, leaning over and kissing his wife. “If it’s inviting trouble, perhaps we can go get in some trouble upstairs? It’s been so long since you’ve been home with this much energy.” He gently places a hoof on her cheek and strokes it. “Besides, with the Reserves handling the weather right now, I don’t have to go into work… when was the last time we were both home at the same time for more than a few hours? I think we’ve earned a little rest.” “What about the patients?” Perfect asks, blushing slightly. “I should really…” she tails off as Evening kisses her again. “Please?” Evening pleads, giving his wife puppy dog eyes. “Oh, alright,” Perfect giggles. “But only because I’m still tired…” Evening opens his mouth to say something, but is stopped by the sudden tolling of a bell outside. The sound is haunting, ominous, and reverberates through the ponies striking right at their very cores. The first bell is joined by another, and another, and another. The loud ringing fills the air, causing Perfect and Evening to stand stock still. “The warning bells?” Perfect breathes, ears back against her head. “I’ve not heard those since…” “The Changeling invasion,” Evening finishes, quickly grabbing his wife and heading towards the kitchen. “I shouldn’t have scoffed at Miss Brew when she was here earlier. Perhaps there was something to her warnings.”   As they open door to the kitchen, the sound of distant thunder echoes from somewhere in the direction of the center of the city, followed by a shrill whistle… And a loud explosion two blocks over. The closest bell, positioned on a guard armory in that area, goes silent but is quickly replaced by screams from outside. Inside the kitchen, Natty and Poppy are already rallying the neighbors who’ve come over to help with the night shift, and the few who remain from the midday one. Perfect opens her mouth to rally her troops when another peal of thunder, followed by a shrill whistle sounds. Evening pushes his wife to the floor as their back yard, which a moment before had been filled with the laundry from the refugees out front and the patients inside, explodes. The windows in the kitchen explode, as does the door to the back yard. Wood and glass spray into the kitchen, a few ponies getting caught in the blast and falling to the ground with shrill whines. Evening gets up first, and offers a hoof to his dazed wife. Ears ringing, Perfect takes the offered hoof and stands back up, quickly going into nurse mode as she rushes to the nearest pony. As she frantically attempts to stop the young mare from next door from bleeding out on her kitchen floor, Evening rushes to a trap door and opens it up. He goes down into their basement and returns a few minutes later after Perfect has gotten the bleeding mare’s wound under control. By now, Perfect’s hearing has returned, so she hears the sound of a lever being forced back with a click. Looking over at her husband, she can’t help but do a double take at the fact he is holding an old crossbow in the crook of one arm. “What in Celestia’s name are you doing?!” Perfect demands. “Loading my father’s old crossbow,” Evening replies in a calm, detached manner. “Why?” Perfect continues, tying off the bandage on the mare beneath her. “You’re not going out there! Are you?” “No,” Evening states again calmly. “But Viscountess Brew didn’t know if Blueblood’s troops would ignore us, or try and attack us. I am not taking that chance.” He puts on a dusty quiver saddle and looks to his wife. “I am going to go upstairs, and if anypony that isn’t a Royal Guard or somepony who clearly isn’t a civilian comes to the door, I’ll shoot them.” “And what am I supposed to do?” Perfect demands, fear gripping her. “And how the hay are you so calm!?” “You, and the others are going to get everypony in the living room to the cellar,” Evening states, moving towards the door, ignoring the second question. “And perhaps any of the ones who have yet to flee from the front.” “And after that?” Perfect asks, picking the limp mare up and placing her on her back. “What then?” “Then,” Evening sighs, stopping in the kitchen doorway, “we wait. And we pray.” > Chapter 7: Drums in the Deep > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7: Drums in the deep Daring growls as the hallway shakes beneath her hooves, a bright flash coming from the windows to her left as another explosive round strikes the large shield encasing the Castle. The sun was barely touching the western horizon now, the assault on Canterlot having lasted now for what seemed like ages. Barreling down the hallways the instant she was sure the shield had continued to hold, Daring rushes into the throne room, nearly crashing into the armored figure sitting in the center staring up at the throne. “Shiro, we need you in the ballroom,” Daring states breathlessly. “Dawn, Knight, and I are doing our best, but we’ve never handled an attack like this.” “To think,” Shiro whispers, shifting slightly and causing his armor to reflect the light. “Nox and Aurora’s daughters, sitting on a throne, ruling over an entire Kingdom.” He continues to stare at the empty throne. “Yet one is missing, and the other has abandoned her station to protect the few, when the many clamor for her guidance and protection.” “Luna and Celestia did what they thought was needed in the moment,” Daring says as she comes around to stand in front of the alicorn. “And you? Are you going to let their Kingdom fall? Let another city burn all around you while you sit and wait it out in the safety of another palace?” Shiro looks down at Daring, his brow furrowing. “Are you?” “No,” Shiro sighs. “I will not. However, I have seen the looks ponies have been giving me,” he looks back to the throne. “I had assumed many of my kind had died out, but only four remaining? Five, if I count myself?” “Yes, yes there are,” Daring sighs. “But, can you please contemplate the fact you're part of a rare breed later? We need you now!” She picks up his polearm and offers it to him. “Now, Lord General Shiro, are you going to allow ponies, innocent ponies to die while you get lost in thought? Are you not a warrior?” For a long moment, Shiro continues to stare at the throne and Daring starts to fear he’ll be stuck here. Then, the polearm in her hooves is surrounded by his magic, and raises to float by his side as he stands up. “You are right, Daring,” Shiro sighs. He turns around, armored hoofsteps echoing in the empty chamber. “Equus may no longer exist, but my vows still do.” He points with the polearm towards the door. “Lead the way, my friend. I shall offer my council to your fellows.” Nodding, Daring heads to the door, Shiro close behind her with his polearm held in parade rest against one of his wings. As they walk, more shells impact the shield beyond, illuminating Shiro and Daring as they make their way towards their destination. Daring stumbles slightly each time a shell explodes, even being saved once by a wing extended by Shiro who doesn’t so much as blink as the deadly rain continues to pelt the building’s protective spells. To say that she is impressed by Shiro’s resolve and calm under the situation would be a gross understatement, and she finds herself wondering if she can get him to sit down and talk to her about command as it looks like she’ll be in command of the Reserves for quite some time. As they reach the entrance to the ballroom the shelling stops for a moment, followed by the loudest peal of distant cannon fire yet. For a moment, Daring clings to the belief that they’ve decided to stop. Then, the largest explosion yet rocks the Castle, sending Daring from her hooves and into a nearby wall, the wind rushing from her lungs. Shiro also stumbles, raising an armored wing over his face as a blinding flash washes all the color from the corridor. For the second time since the Shadowbolts had attacked the city, Daring is sure this is going to be the end for her. Surely, whatever Blueblood’s mercs fired at the Castle was going to get through the shield and strike everypony in it dead. Yet, the glow fades, and Shiro offers the butt of his polearm to Daring to help her up. Once on her hooves again, Daring spares the shield a glance, making note that it has retreated a few feet backwards towards the Castle’s walls. Whatever it was they just launched at them, it had doubtlessly done some damage. Passing through the door as Shiro opens it for her, Daring strides into the makeshift command center she had left only minutes before as if she owned the place. And at this point, she may as well have. Her Reserves outnumber the Royal Guards currently in the command post, and are manning many of the tables cluttered with localized maps and scouting reports. In the center of it all, is the banquet table with her fellow commanders around it. The massive form of a radio, a long cable leading from it and towards a small magi-tech antenna setup on a balcony. “This is Canterlot General,” a frantic voice comes through the radio. “Declaring ‘Code Black’, I repeat, ‘Code Black’, we’re running out of medical supplies, and the forces stationed with us are experiencing heavy losses from artillery fire. Require immediate reinforcements.” “No can do, Canterlot General,” Wind replies, one hoof holding the microphone, the other pressing the speaker of a headphone to his ear. With his leather flight jacket Daring could almost believe him to be the comms officer on an Airship. “We can’t spare any more troops in that direction. Best I can give you is a few more medics from the Reserves loaded with as much medical supplies as they can carry. You’ll have to clear the LZ, though.” The pony on the other end suddenly yelps and a new voice shouts through the radio. “Wind, I swear to Celestia, if you don’t get me more troops I will personally haunt your flank for the rest of your pathetic life!” Wind holds the headphone away from his ear, as the voice is loud enough for everyone to hear. “Now. GET. ME. MORE. TROOPS!” “You could say ‘please’,” Wind mutters as he looks over to Dawn and Knight, both of which are focused on the large map of Canterlot in front of them. “Dawn, everypony's favorite nurse is asking for troops. What should I tell her?” “Tell her,” Night starts as he looks up, his slitted eyes focusing on Wind. “That we’re fighting street by street to get to her, and that we’ve lost control of Manehattan Street through Celestial Boulevard. We’re trying to establish a supply line to her, but as things stand we’re getting bogged down as we’ve been forced to fight through some of the thickest pockets of troops.” “O… okay.” Wind sighs. In the time it takes Daring and Shiro to find a place at the table, Wind has relayed all that information to the pony on the other end. “Look, Faith, we want to help but like the Commander said, we’re holding the streets around the castle by the skin of our teeth.” For a long moment the radio is silent except for static, but then Faith’s voice returns. “Copy that, Castle, we’ll hold out for as long as we can. But if we don’t get troops soon, we risk being overwhelmed.” There is a sigh followed by a clearing of her throat. “And, please send those Reservists at your earliest possible convenience… if it’s all we’re going to get, then we’d best get it.” “Roger that, Canterlot General,” Wind says in a deadpan before looking up at Daring and Shiro. He moved to microphone away from himself and lowers the headphones so they rest around his neck. “Good to see you two have re-joined this happy circus.”   “Wouldn’t miss this for the world!” Daring chuckles darkly, sweeping an arm to take in all the controlled chaos around her as well as the windows through which artillery shells can be seen raining down on the city. “After Blueblood went through all the trouble to get us front rows seats to him going straight to the the noose?” “It is my duty to be here,” Shiro deadpans. A shell impacts the shield near the room, causing everypony but Shiro and Daring to duck for cover. “And it seems like you’ll need me, you can not command a battle from beneath a table!” “Easy for you to say,” Dawn chuckles as he stands back up. “This might not be my first time under fire, but I’d rather be on the battlefield than trapped inside a building.” “I too would like to be on the battlefield,” Shiro agrees, looking out the window. “But unless there is a pressing need, I do not think putting an alicorn onto the field of battle will make the situation any better.” He looks to Dawn, who looks thoughtful. “Celestia or Luna could have taken the field, but not I. I am an unknown, and they will only latch onto it and say I have come to usurp their ruler’s throne.” “A valid fear,” Dawn agrees before pointing to the map, “but one we can worry about after the fact. Blueblood’s forces are hardly going to listen to reason. He has made it clear he wants the throne, and so even if we field you he will still spew lies. Best to use all our resources, than hold back and potentially lose not only the city, but the civilians caught in the crossfire.” “Still, I am not sure I…” Shiro starts, but trails off as a voice comes from the radio again. “All stations this net,” the new voice, a mare by the sounds of it, says. “This is Echo, Nova, Tango, we’re seeing artillery fire on Canterlot, please respond.” Wind looks over at Dawn, who is frowning. “Why don’t you take this one?” He slides the microphone over towards Dawn, who sighs and clicks the small button. “Enterprise, this is Canterlot Castle,” Dawn says flatly. “The skies are unsafe, best to avoid the airspace over the city for the time being.” He looks to the map, brushing his hoof over a few areas. “Advise your captain that best course would be to head towards Ponyville, there should be an area you can land your airship.” “No need to tell me!” A new voice, this one a stallion, declares with a chuckle. “But, not sure we have much of a choice, Commander Dawn, the balloon isn’t all that stable.” Dawn stops what he is doing, blinks a few times, then sighs. “Admiral Gold Star, please tell me I’m just tired and you didn’t just reply, and that I am actually talking to the…” “Sorry, Dawny, no such luck, I’m afraid,” Gold Star replies in a sure tone. “We heard Canterlot was in trouble and came to help. To think, the admiralty board didn’t want me to fly here!” There is a chuckle followed by a sigh in the background. “But they never expected me to take my old ship!” “Your… old… ship?” Dawn asks slowly. “But, your old ship is a…. STAR YOU DIDN’T!” “As an old pony I knew once said,” Star continues, causing most of the ponies at the table, Shiro included, to sigh. “Catching one’s foes off guard is important, as is choosing your weapon wisely. Well, my ship has yet to let me down, and I know nopony will expect to see it flying!” Shiro reaches over with his magic and takes the microphone from Dawn, who looks ready to protest but is silenced by a glare and frown from Shiro. Raising the mic to float in front of him, Shiro speaks. “When I taught you that, dear grandson, I meant it to be used in conventional warfare. I do not know what you have done to your ship, but when last I checked, ships belonged on the sea, and there is no sea near Canterlot.” The silence that follows stretches on for a while, interrupted only by the constant bass beat of shells falling against the shield, as well as distantly within the city. The next voice that speaks from the radio is not Gold Star, as it is monotone, though it is still a stallion. “I would like to congratulate you, Grandfather of Gold Star,” the voice says, “I have never seen him turn white so quickly, nor back away from the radio after such a fit of bravado.” “Well, at least he still remembers something from his time with me,” Shiro grunts. “Please advise my thick-headed grandson, that he is to follow the advice of Commander Amber Dawn, and that we will have a long talk when all of this is over.” “Very well,” the voice answers. “Be advised, though; from where we are over the city, we can see a large force has flanked your defensive line, and is heading towards the front gates of the Castle. With the way the building’s shielding is reacting, I would surmise that it is set up to stop projectiles, not ponies from entering the castle’s grounds.” “It is,” Dawn says slowly, looking to the map. “We couldn’t sustain a hard-shell for long, and had to scale it back under the artillery barrage…” “Then, you had best ready your defenses,” the voice continues, ”as your foe shall soon be upon you.” “I had best go out and meet them then,” Shiro replies, the finality of his tone causing everyone at the table to look at him as he levitates the microphone back over to Dawn, and turns to walk from the room. “So,” Daring speaks up as she watches the retreating figure of Shiro walk towards the door. “Anypony want to place bets on how many of Blueblood’s troops walk away?” --- The sound of Shiro’s armored hoofsteps against the stone floor of the Castle echo through the hallway he is traveling through, head held high and spear held at parade rest against one wing. His stride is confident and carries him through the corridors quickly. The familiar tingle in the back of his mind, the light-headed feeling of knowing he is about to engage in combat, makes his usually passive face split into a small smirk as he draws closer to the large doors that mark the area just before the Castle’s drawbridge. Passing through the doors, he is unsurprised to find Duchess Diamond, his granddaughter, sitting on the field before the drawbridge, her cloak discarded and her polished armor on display for all the world to see. She is flanked by at least twenty other ponies, all wearing armor and the tabards of House Star. Slowing his steps slightly, Shiro schools his expression as he passes into the group, each and every pony with the exception of Diamond bowing or saluting to him. “I take it you got word that the front door was about to get knocked on?” Diamond asks without preamble or greeting. “Yes, apparently your son decided to join in the battle from the air,” He frowns looking towards the sky. “He apparently has stolen and modified his old vessel to float in the air. I find this highly ridiculous, as ships are meant to travel upon the waves, not the air.” “I had wondered what that old sailing ship was doing up in the air,” Diamond comments dryly, pointing towards a speck in the sky that is mostly obscured by the smoke. “The Enterprise, his ship, is floating somewhere over there. I assume they’re going to head somewhere safe, but I think I saw a pony disembark using a parachute a little while ago.” Shiro grunts in response, and settles down to wait beside his granddaughter. Behind them the troops from the house form ranks, many of them are armed with swords and crossbows, with at least four being earth ponies wearing heavy plate mail and wielding what look to be hand and a half swords. For a long time, the group sits in silence, protected by the shield from the deadly rain that, despite slowing down in the area around the Castle, continues to fall against the shield. Before long, however, the sound of running hooves against the cobblestone of the street comes from nearby, and all present in the defense group stand as one and raise their respective weapons. However, what comes around the corner is not foes, but a large group of civilians all fleeing full tilt towards the Castle. Many of them are wounded, and quite a few stumble and fall before they reach the Castle and it’s defenses. A few of the fleeing civilians turn and head back towards their fallen friends, but as the first starts to help one up, a crossbow bolt comes from down the street and impacts the mare in the side. She falls with a scream that hasn’t even started to fade before Shiro is down the street standing in front of the injured ponies, his wings spread and spear leveled and aimed down the street. Diamond is not far behind him, and he can hear her cursing under her breath. “She’s hurt badly,” Diamond says flatly. “I think the bolt got her in the lung.” “I… I’m fine,” a new voice, this one obviously the mare, attempts to protest. “Just… get my family… out of here.” Shiro wishes to comment, but before he can a volley of crossbow bolts comes from the windows of an empty cafe’ at the end of the street, clearly marking it as the position the bolt that struck the mare came from. Using an armored wing to shield himself, Shiro’s horn glows brightly, dark red magic crackling around it and arcing off of his helmet. When the last of the bolts has struck his wing, he lowers it and sends a beam of magic towards the shop, striking it and instantly igniting it in a pillar of bright blue flames. The civilians who had stumbled and fallen, who have by now gotten up and started towards the castle, stop and stare as the mercenaries inside scream shrilly, one actually falling out of the front window. The mercenary screams, writhing on the ground as he is consumed by the bright flames. Shiro watches with a frown, and eventually lifts the poor creature into the air with his magic, and magically snaps its neck before tossing it back into the building, which shortly collapses into nothing more than a funeral pyre.   “And here I thought your training was harsh,” Diamond says flatly, causing Shiro to turn his head slightly and look at his granddaughter. She helps the stunned and injured mare to her hooves, her eyes glued to the burning building at the end of the street. “But, a fitting end for those who attack civilians.” She looks to the mare. “Come, let us get you to the Castle.” Shiro smiles slightly at Diamond, and turns back towards the Castle. He gets a few feet before the sound of more hooves on the pavement, a lot more than the last group, echoes from one of the connecting streets. Stopping, Shiro turns and gets into a ready stance as Diamond continues back towards the Castle, those of House Star not helping a civilian also come forward and stand beside Shiro. And then, from around the corner, armed ponies start advancing. At first, they seem occupied with the fact that one of their squads, and the building they were occupying, went up in flames. But then, one of them spots Shiro and his soldiers, and cries out. The ponies quickly form ranks, the front rank lowering bladed weapons and the rank behind leveling crossbows. “And what do we have here?” a voice shouts from behind the lines, causing them to part and allow him to pass. “Have the usurpers truly grown so desperate as to conjure illusions in an attempt to frighten us?” The speaker is a unicorn stallion wearing leather armor and wielding a rapier. He scowls at Shiro, who simply schools his face and offers an impassive look. “I am not an illusion,” Shiro states simply. “I am Shiro Hoshi, Lord of House Star, and family to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.” “Ha!” The unicorn laughs, shaking his head. “Yes, Commanders Dawn and Knight must be desperate to conjure such an illusion! You’re not even convincing!” “Then come forward,” Shiro says calmly, lowering his polearm. “Taste my steel, I am sure it will convince you.” “Very well then,” the noble pony sighs. “I never liked House Star anyway, so it makes no difference to me if their house guard wishes to die being led by an illusion.” He turns and raises a hoof, then lowers it quickly. Shiro reacts instantly, a shield springing up around himself and his troops. The crossbow bolts impact the shield and fall harmlessly to the street. As the mercenary crossbows reload, Shiro lowers the shield and lets loose a war cry as he raises his polearm and spreads his wings, the very stones beneath the hooves of the ponies rattling at the intensity of it. He charges down the street at a pace that propels him towards his foes before they even have time to react or recover from his bellow. Their hesitation proves deadly. He advances into the ranks, blade thrusting outwards and catching a pony right where his neck connects to his chest, impacting deeply and propelling him backwards. Without stopping, Shiro jerks his blade downward, the enchanted razor sharp steel ripping through bone, organs, and sinew with equal ease; the end result is the pony not even having time to scream before he collapses in a spray of blood. Shiro arcs his blade upwards and at an angle next, catching a stunned swords pony in the throat, his head cleanly separating from his body and spinning upwards to land in the charging mass of Shiro’s troops. By now, a few of his foes are broken from their shock, blades flashing as they attempt to strike a blow, any blow, against their impossible foe. Each attack is blocked by a wing, dodged, or countered with deadly accuracy. Half of them fall beneath Shiro and his troops attacks before the line breaks. First, one turns and flees, then another, and another. Shiro holds up a wing, the pristine white feathers now stained with blood and gore, and halts his troops from following. The noble who had been commanding them screams at them to stand strong, his rapier out and slashing at a few ponies who are fleeing. “Get back here! COWARDS!” the noble yells, turning his back on Shiro. “He is just an over-glorified unicorn! HE IS NOT AN ALICORN!” A merc beside him trips, his hooves slick with the blood of the fallen and weakened from multiple cuts. The noble rounds on the pony, his blade raising up in his magical aura. The mercenary stares at the blade, raising his hooves over his face, knowing he won’t be able to get up in time to dodge the blade. But, right as it is about to fall, the noble’s neck is enveloped in red magic, and he is lifted violently up to stare into the eyes of Shiro, who had advanced forward when the noble had his back turned. “Go,” Shiro says to the mercenary who is still cowering on the ground. “Inform your fellows that the Castle is under my protection, and any who dare venture here for anything else than to surrender will be given a personal inspection of the sharp end of my blade.” The merc nods, rises, and runs quickly from the area. Shiro then sighs, looking the noble in the eyes as he coughs and chokes, his airway constricted by the alicorn’s magic. “Do you still think I am fake?” When the noble does nothing more than glare at him, Shiro’s face splits into a look of pure rage, his eyes glowing bright red with his magic, the halo around the Noble’s neck growing tighter. “DOES THIS FEEL FAKE TO YOU!?” He tosses the noble to one side, his body impacting the cobble stone and bouncing with a sickening crunch. “I could end you, right here,” Shiro says slowly, advancing forward, blade held pointing downward, blood dripping off of it and leaving a trail as he walks. “When I was a General in Equus, ponies like you, those fools who dared to attack an entire city of innocent civilians, would be put to death. Your cries of mercy always echoed for the longest time, for your deaths were never swift.” He looms over the fallen noble, who coughs, blood dripping from his grey muzzle as he glares up at Shiro. “Sometimes, I would grant them mercy, end their suffering quickly.” He lowers his blade, the end touching the noble’s exposed neck. “But you, you attacked my family.” The blade presses forward, a thin trail of blood forming on the noble’s neck. “I should make you suffer. If only I had the time.” The noble spits blood at Shiro, which only makes the alicorn smile as he raises his blade. “Wait!” Diamond’s voice echoes from behind Shiro. “You cannot kill him, he must be put on trial along with the others who have orchestrated this mess.” Without looking away from the noble, Shiro turns his spear around and delivers a resounding blow to the stallion’s head, knocking him out cold. “You are lucky we’re not in Equus.” He points his blade at the unconscious noble. “Take him to the Castle, let Daring and the Commanders do with him as they will.” He turns and looks to his grand daughter. “See to the wounded, any survivors of his troops should accompany their leader into captivity.” He walks back through the carnage, prodding the corpse of a mercenary with the blade of his spear. “Leave the dead as a warning.” ---- ”I need another three units of blood!” Faith yells as she continues to hold her hooves over the open shrapnel wound in the soldier beneath her. All around her chaos is playing out as ponies, both medical staff and guards, rush around attempting to scrounge up whatever they can to help save the ponies being worked on. The guard beneath Faith had been caught in the courtyard of the hospital when a mortar round had detonated near him, the hot metal easily cutting through the armor he had been wearing. “We’re running low, Faith!” a nurse shouts as she rushes over with a bag full of blood. “ER Chief nearly didn’t let me have this one.” She hooks the bag up to the IV and looks to Faith. “Damnit, if we can’t get this under control soon, I’ll have to let him bleed,” Faith growls, looking around before shouting. “Who the hay has my tray of instruments!” “We don’t have any sterile ones left!” A stallion, currently helping a mare up onto a bed nearby, the mare left arm ending just below the elbow in a bloody bandage covered stump. “Here!” a guard medic the next table over shouts over the din, pulling a knife from his belt and tossing it to Faith who catches it in her magic. “If you just need to stop the bleeding, heat it up and apply it to the wound. It’ll hurt, but at this point we don’t have a choice.” “I know what to do,” Faith bites back, making the guard stallion flinch. “I was in the Navy during the war for Celestia’s sake.”  She narrows her eyes in an attempt to concentrate enough to heat up the blade with her magic, but her efforts only earn her a frustrated headache. Closing one eye, she looks around for something else to heat the blade, but is stopped by a clicking sound beside her. “You always did work yourself too hard,” a familiar, and for once welcomed, voice comes from beside her along with a blue hoof. “Use my lighter.” Taking it in her magic, Faith starts heating the blade with a grimace. “Where the hay have you been, Admiral McCoy?” “I had a red shirt to deal with,” McCoy replies as he puts another I.V. bag onto the stand and hooks it into the line. “And I had to go glare down the colt you’ve got as an ER Director.” “I’m not going to be dealing with another casualty, am I?” Faith asks absently as she lowers the red hot blade towards the stallion’s neck, pausing with it hovering next to the hoof holding pressure on the wound. “Care to assist me, doctor?” “Of course, Nurse Cure,” McCoy replies, holding the patient’s arms firmly. “Whenever you’re ready.” Faith nods and removes the hoof holding pressure, quickly applying the red hot blade to the wound. The instant the knife touches the wound, the stallion under Faith jerks and only McCoy’s grip on the injured stallion’s arms and years of being a nurse on the high seas keeps her from being tossed from her perch. Yet, even after years of serving aboard a ship in war, she’ll never get used to the shrill scream of a pony in true agony. He thrashes and struggles against the grip of the elderly doctor, tears leaking from his eyes as he screams, and screams. And then Faith removes the knife, the wound an angry red and foul smelling scar. The guard falls to the gurney beneath him, heavy shuddering breaths escaping his mouth as he shivers. Looking over at McCoy, Faith can’t help but smile as the old stallion pats the injured guard on the shoulder lightly. “Good job, son,” McCoy says gently. “You’ll live.” He then looks up at Faith and raises an eyebrow at her. “You’re smiling, should I be worried about sleeping tonight?” Before she can answer he turns and motions with his head. “Well, don’t just sit there, we have injured foals playing at war to see to!” Faith growls, dismounting the stretcher now that the stallion upon it is no longer in immediate danger. Turning, she starts towards another 'bed' this one being the counter of a nurses station now long over-taken by sheets and ponies who are in need of assistance. As she draws close, she realizes there is a chaplain from the Guard standing beside the bed, and her pace slows -- a putrid smell filling the air around the poor stallion upon the counter -- noticing the stallion is shaking as he holds onto the hoof of the chaplain. "... Beneath her wings, I fear no darkness, for Her light is eternal. Struck low are the foes who hath dealt me grievance, for they cannot stand before her glory. I go now, to rest beneath Her wings, forever sheltered and protected from harm, my days shall be filled with joy at meeting those who I hath loved, and lost. I shalt know no sorrow, shalt not know pain...." The chaplain's voice trails off, the stallion no longer shaking. With a weary sigh, the chaplain reaches up with a hoof, and gently closes the poor soul's eyes, before looking at Faith and shaking her head before moving on to the next bedside. Faith goes over slowly to the still form of the deceased stallion, reaching out with her magic to confirm what she already knows. Shaking her head, she lifts the sheet up over the corpse, and turns to continue down the line. She gets a few feet before she slumps against a wall and closing her eyes for a few moments with a sigh and a full body shiver. “You alright, Faith?” A voice comes from behind the older nurse. Waving a hoof absently, Faith chuckles wearily. “Just feeling my age, Ember.” “Uhuh,” Ember replies coming over to drape an arm over her friend’s shoulders. “Take a break, I can feel your exhaustion.” “No time,” Faith sighs as she pushes off of the wall. “We need to keep going, too many injured. We can’t afford to be down even a single set of hooves.” “We gained one set when McCoy showed up,” Ember retorts, putting her friend towards a door marked ‘staff’. “I am sure he’ll be able to make up for you going to pass out for a short bit!” “Ha, like he is in any better shape than me,” Faith retorts, starting forward again. “But I’ll take a lighter duty…” She looks to Ember, who is following after with a raised eyebrow and a worried look. “What?” “No such thing as lighter duty in war,” Ember says with a sigh. “I know you and I both know that first hoof.” “Semantics,” Faith replies with a dismissive wave. She opens her mouth to say more, when the entire building rocks beneath their hooves, an ear splitting explosion ripping through the air. Faith dives for the nearest patient, an action mirrored by all the other older doctors and nurses, as light fixtures and ceiling tiles fall from above. After a few moments of no further shaking, Faith sits back up, the red emergency lights coming on. “What the buck was that?!” Ember says loudly, putting a hoof to one of her ears and wiggling it as if to clear it. “An explosion?” Faith replies, looking around at the other medical personnel before shouting. “Anyone hit?” Her question calls forth a chorus of ‘uninjured’ or ‘all clear’ from the various ponies. Faith gets back on her hooves, and starts towards the entrance as a guard with a bandage over part of her face storms in. “The courtyard was hit! We’ve got wounded!” The mare shouts, grabbing the attention of everypony present. “The mercs are making a major push!” All at once, doctors, nurses, and lightly wounded reserves and guards, instantly spring into action. Weapons are drawn and medical bags shouldered as all of them rush towards the front of the hospital like a well oiled machine. For a moment, as she runs side-by-side with Ember, Faith muses to herself silently about how danger so quickly draws ponies together into acting as one entity. And then she is rushing through what had once been a large window on the ground floor entrance, and into the fray. If not for her long years of service in the Navy, Faith would have been stunned by the scene before her, as the stench of blood and spent gunpowder alone was enough to make many of the younger ponies with her gag and even a few vomit. Faith ignores it all, simply wading into the fray with the practiced impartiality born from years of combat, scanning the injured who are still moving with a practiced ease she longed to no longer possess. Instantly, she knows that many -- at least more than half -- would not make it even with medical care, and at least a quarter of those left over would not survive with the meager medical care they could currently provide. Pushing aside the desire to attempt to save them all, she sets to work marking them. Each of those who will not make it she marks with an ‘x’ applied using a nearly spent eyeshadow brush she had found in the pocket of a civilian who had… seen better days. Those who could survive she marks with the proper level of triage. One for critical, through five for non-critical, and any who are uninjured she directs to take the injured into the hospital. It takes only a few minutes, and in that time the fresh guards form ranks as a flare explodes above the courtyard, illuminating the dead and dying that Faith has deemed beyond hope. The bright red light also illuminates the guard ponies who are forming ranks, weapons and armor taking on a surreal look in the strange light, even if the bandages many of them wear make them look all the more like a last stand. And as Faith looks beyond the line of those defending her hospital, she knows that statement to be all too true. Standing barely in the glow of the flare, are hundreds of ponies armed to the teeth, their uniforms an inky black in the shadows cast by the illuminating flare. Many in their first ranks carry barbed weaponry, the very sight of which brings forth a deep seated revulsion, as she has been treating wounds from such weapons all night. The row behind that are holding large crossbows, the bolts mounted upon them gleaming dangerously. The flare fades out, and another is quickly launched from somewhere nearby, the two lines staring at each other as both are unwilling to back down. The silence is shattered by a war cry from the assembled mercs, chilling Faith to her core. Then they charge forward, the ranks of Guards bracing themselves for the impact as Faith scoops up the young mare who she had just marked as non-critical, and runs for it. She gets halfway back to the hospital before the mare’s extra weight drags her down, and her front hoof hits an upturned cobblestone. As she tumbles, she does her best to soften the fall of the injured mare on her back, resulting in her side striking the stones beneath them hard enough to knock the wind from her lungs. Coughing and gasping, she fights through the inky blackness that threatens to overtake her, dimly aware that the fight has been joined by a few more guards from inside, including the large form of Ember’s griffin mate, and the sound of screams and metal clashing against metal fills the air around her. Weakly, she grabs the mare who she had been carrying, getting her back onto her back with some effort as with her head swimming her magic is beyond her. As she starts forward again, a merc stallion is able to break through the line and charge towards her, blade held aloft in his magical aura. As he draws closer, Faith does her best to pick up speed, but she knows that it’s wasted effort, between her tired body and the fact she is still catching her breath, she’ll never outpace her foe. And then, the stallion is upon her, and she watches the blade rise up as if it is the only thing in the world. Absently, she starts going over in her head how she needs to turn as the blade comes down, possibly sparing the mare on her back from the blade even as Faith herself will fall. Right before it does, however, a cutlass comes into view, its hilt clenched in the jaws of a blue pony with a look of fury in his eyes. He deftly deflects the sword and pushes the stallion backwards into the direct line of the griffin helping the defenders, the stallion quickly finding himself in a situation far worse than fighting McCoy. Smiling to McCoy, Faith hurries back to the entrance to the hospital, quickly handing the wounded mare she had been carrying to a waiting nurse, and finds shelter behind the former ER counter. McCoy joins her behind the counter, spitting the hilt of his cutlass out and giving Faith a stern look. “What do you think you were doing!” McCoy demands. “You’re too old to be storming off into the lines of battle and risking your life! You could have --” Faith cuts McCoy off mid-sentence, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him in for a kiss. It’s mostly fueled by adrenaline leftover from nearly getting killed, the rest is simply wanting him to be quiet! Yes, that’s it, she tells herself silently as he stops fighting the kiss, her cheeks are clearly not heating up and her heart isn’t skipping a beat as she remembers all the years she had been married to this truly infuriating stallion. Pulling back and doing her best to frown in her most annoyed manner, Faith glares at McCoy. “Good, that took the wind out of your sails.” She clears her throat and settles back on her haunches. “So… don’t go telling anyone that I just did that, because some of them might get the wrong idea.” “Like what?” McCoy replies, his own scowl failing miserably to hide his blush. “That we actually might still love each other?” He looks away, blush rising to his ears. “Yeah, can’t have the youngsters thinking that.” He pauses as Faith scoots over and leans up against him, head resting on his shoulder. “We’d best go see to the fresh wave of redshirts.” “You never rest, do you, Bones?” Faith whispers, eyes downcast. She looks up at him, intent to say something else, but before she can a scream rips through the air. “QUICKTAIL!” Ember’s voice pierces through the din of battle, the urgency of it causing both Bones and Faith to flinch and instantly stand up and look over the counter. What meets their eyes chills Faith’s blood, as Quicktail is surrounded by multiple ponies wielding polearms and longswords. He is battling furiously, a fallen guard pony beneath him and clearly being guarded by the enraged griffin. The sound of running hooves pulls Faith’s eyes from Quicktail and his immediate danger, and right to the running form of Ember. Faith is stunned to see a look of protective fury filling her friend’s eyes, but more so at the fact that, as she runs, she is suddenly enveloped in bright red flames as she jumps through the window. When she lands, the pony is replaced by a beautiful drake of the same emerald green as Ember, the instant her talons touch the ground she lets loose a furious roar that shakes the building beneath Faith’s hooves, and also chills the old nurse to her core. “Didn’t think I’d ever see that again,” McCoy muses absently, a frown on his face. “Been awhile since I’ve seen our mutual friend change.” Faith nods, unable to find the words to properly express her amazement through the fear Ember’s roar had brought up. It’s not that she is afraid of her friend, but rather she is fearing just what her friend will do to protect her mate. Before Faith, or the mercs who the roar was aimed at, can recover the changeling-drake rushes forward, taloned paws slashing at any unfortunate mercs that get between her and Quicktail who only smiles and fights on harder. Each hit that finds it mark leaves horrible wounds that gush blood, many a pony stricken by her not even having the time to scream before their life-blood flows freely to further muddy the ground beneath them. She fights with a wild abandonment, a feral look to her eyes that causes many a more of her foes to flee before they’re even within range of her talons, a few freezing in place and finding their deaths quickly. Faith watches as Ember reaches Quicktail, quickly leaping on the foe he is fighting, her jaws closing around the neck of the screaming pony and promptly silencing it forever as she rips its throat out in a spray of blood. It is at that point, the mercs break and start to flee. Quicktail picks up a cylindrical grenade from one of the fallen ponies, his uniform marking him an officer, and tosses it at the fleeing masses. It bounces a few times, then explodes in a rush of colored smoke, causing the fleeing mercs to cough and trip. The instant they realize it’s colored smoke, many of the mercs pick up speed, some even rushing back towards the hospital, momentarily confusing Faith.   Then, in the distance a massive peal of thunder sounds, and Faith’s blood runs cold. “Artillery!” a pony cries, scooping up an injured friend, and rushing for the hospital doors. “Oh, flock of feathers….” Quick shouts, quickly grabbing a still wild-eyed Ember, and rushing back to the hospital. He, and many of the guards and quite a few of the mercs, reach the hospital’s entrance when the block the smoke grenade had marked for attack is struck. The force of the explosion sends everypony present, in cover or not, to the dust and rubble covered floor. Faith coughs profusely as dust overtakes the area she and McCoy had fallen to, beside her Quick -- who is still holding Ember close -- likewise coughs as he continues to restrain his changeling mate. “Sound off! Who’s not dead?” Faith calls into the settling dust. A chorus of groans call out in response, followed by voices. “I’m alive,” McCoy says from beside her. “Though, I suspect I’ll feel like dying in the morning…” “We’re alive too,” Quicktail’s voice calls out, followed by a grunt. “Dear, I’m fine! The battle is over!” The dust settles enough for Faith to spot Quick holding onto Ember, who is still in the form of a drake and blinking. Smiling, Faith gets up and walks over to her friends, who had taken cover behind a large support pillar, and smiles. “You two don’t look too worse for wear, considering you’re both covered in blood that likely doesn’t belong to you.” “Blood…?” Ember asks slowly, before looking herself over, eyes going wide. “Oh no… no no no noooo!” She starts squirming in Quick’s arms, doing her best to get out only to be pulled closer by her mate. “None of that now,” Quick says firmly, holding her close, the bottom of his beak resting on the top of her head. “You just saved me, and a bunch of guards, from being killed out there. No one is going to hold you being a changeling against you. Not now.” She looks about ready to continue protesting, but Quick’s soothing tone of voice coupled with being held close kills that before it starts. Clearing her throat, which causes Ember to look at her with tear filled eyes, Faith motions towards the entrance deeper into the hospital. “I… know it’s jarring for you, Ember, but we can’t rest. A lot of wounded to take care of, more so now after that last skirmish.” She rubs the back of her head with a hoof and looks at her friend. “So… if you could go back to your… unicorn form, we’d best be heading back in.” “I… broke the oath, aren't you mad?” Ember asks slowly as she looks down and away from Faith. “Sometimes,” McCoy’s voice comes beside Faith. “Sometimes, the code is more like guidelines, Ember.” He looks to Quick who nods to him. “Besides, sometimes the rules get… blurred in war, as much as I wish they weren’t, sometimes good doctors have to cause harm to save ponies.” “O… okay,” Ember acknowledges with a nod. “I guess that makes sense.” She sighs and is suddenly enveloped in the red flames again, leaving behind the pony Faith has grown to know, and care for, in the place of the drake. “Well, I guess there is no rest for the wicked tonight…” “Guess not,” Quick chuckles, hugging Ember one last time before letting her go. “Let's get back inside, I fear you’re going to need my help with some of the patients.” Ember nods, and starts to the door that leads into the emergency room’s bays without a word. Faith moves to follow, but is stopped by McCoy. “Something wrong?” “Yes,” McCoy says bluntly. “You’re going to go back in there, and work yourself to the ground.” “And what if I am?” Faith replies curtly, narrowing her eyes. “If my working until exhaustion takes me saves another pony, then so be it!” “Wrong!” McCoy replies, stepping closer. “I won’t let you endanger yourself, you stubborn old nag! How I ever fell in love with you is beyond me!” He starts pushing her towards the door. “Now, we’re going to get some blankets, and some pillows, and we’re going to go to your office!” “We!?” Faith demands, her hooves sliding on the dust covered floor. “What do you mean us!?” “Clearly, you will not rest on your own!” McCoy states in an almost shout. “So if I have to sit on you to make sure you don’t sneak back out onto the floor I will!” “I think snuggling up next to me would suffice,” Faith says absently, causing McCoy to almost trip. “Well, we may as well get to it. If I try and fight you I’ll just have to kiss you again to avoid another long winded rant.” Behind her, McCoy grumbles, but from the few words Faith is able to pick out, she can tell he isn’t exactly dreading snuggling with her. Getting back into the chaos inside, she watches with some amusement as McCoy looks for non-blood covered blankets and pillows, a task that Faith knows will be fruitless. Eventually, she is able to get him to move in the direction of the stairs, and then up them towards her office. Once they reach that, she gets him inside, points to the couch and smiles. “It folds out,” Faith says as she goes over to a cabinet, opening it and pulling out fresh blankets and a few pillows. “Knowing you,” McCoy chuckles wearily, “you have a futon because you don’t know the meaning of going home when ponies are sick.” “Too true,” Faith sighs in mock shame. “But, what can I say, I had a good teacher.” She puts the blankets onto the futon as McCoy unfolds it, followed by the pillows, and climbs onto it promptly. She yawns loudly as she lays on the soft, albeit lumpy, mattress. It isn’t too long after that she feels McCoy lay down beside her, his warmth a friend barely remembered from better times. Neither pony says anything, for words are useless at this point. Instead, Faith scoots back against McCoy, who wraps his arms around her as he nuzzles the back of her neck gently. And for a moment, just before sleep claims her, Faith could almost forget everything wrong with the world. If only because the arms around her feel so right. ----- Leaf sighs heavily as he peeks around the corner of the rubble he is hiding behind. The artillery rounds are slowing, but at the same time, the patrols in the area had increased and Leaf is unsure if he prefers the artillery and the constant fear of being blown up, or the mercenary patrols and the constant fear of being turned into a flying pincushion. Of course, there was also the fact he isn’t alone. “Uncle Leaf,” the voice of a young foal comes from behind Leaf, it’s soft and he can hear the fear in it. “How much longer until we can get out of here?” “A little while longer, Tricks,” Leaf replies without taking his eyes off the latest patrol that was stomping through what was left of the neighborhood he had grown up in. “We can’t get out of here until I’m sure those bad ponies are gone.” “Are the bad ponies Blueblood’s?” Tricks asks, coming up next to Leaf, his head poking out from between Leaf’s arms. “I’m not afraid of them! Nana Brew says Blueblood is stupid, and nothing he ever plans works out!” “I don’t know,” Leaf says softly, looking out in the direction of Canterlot General. “Something big blew up over that way a little while back… and I can’t see that having been an accident.” He looks back out towards the patrol, smiling slightly at the fact it’s gone. “Let's go get my mom, I think we can get out of here.” Turning and heading back deeper into the rubble, Tricks on his heels, Leaf deftly navigates into what had at one point been his home. To say that Fine Brew’s tea shop had seen better days would be like saying him and Daring were in love. Everypony could see it was vastly obvious, and had enjoyed pointing it out, much like Leaf had pointed out that this place had seen better days when they had walked in earlier. The building itself had been flattened nearly to the ground, and only the fact that it had been a very well constructed and sturdy building had allowed a few walls to remain standing, even with the upper levels having collapsed down upon them. Originally, when they had come out there earlier in the evening, they had been hesitant to enter the building for long periods of time and Fine had actually forbidden Tricks from entering until he had proven capable of slipping in anyway. However, as the battle had started and shells had started to rain down around them, Fine and Leaf had agreed that any shelter was better than the open street. Thus, they had gone inside and found their way down into the cellar, Fine and Leaf more than happy to see that, for the most part, all the brewing and drying equipment that Holly and Fine had used in their respective trades was in one piece. This is where Leaf and Tricks return to, the soft glow of a storm lantern greeting them as they push aside the charred remains of the door they had propped up in front of the entrance to keep ponies away. “That had better be my son,” Fine calls up from below, “and he had best have his nephew with him so I can scold him for sneaking out!” Tricks attempts to turn tail and flee, but Leaf extends a still bandaged wing and blocks his escape. “Sorry, little adventurer,” Leaf chuckles, forcing Tricks to continue down the stairs. “But if you can’t take the heat, don’t go on the adventures.” Tricks’ ears go back against his head at this, but he soldiers on bravely without a word. By the time they reach the bottom of the stairs he looks like he is walking into his execution. He makes it a few steps into the room, which is well lit now by the storm lantern and a few candles Fine had kept in the cellar in case of power outages, before his resolve breaks and he turns to run. Leaf simply sits down, and starts counting backwards from five in his head, and upon reaching one Tricks slides backwards with his tail firmly caught in the magical grip of his grandmother. “Well, at least now he knows where his mother gets it from,” Leaf chuckles before standing and walking around the corner to where Fine is looming over her grandfoal. “Mom, as much as I would enjoy seeing Tricks not get away with something for once…” He trails off as his mom looks up at him, raising her eyebrow. “We have to go before the next patrol winds their way over here.” “Alright,” Fine sighs, looking down at Tricks, “but when we get back to the castle, you and I are having a long talk about doing what you’re told.” She starts towards Leaf, continuing to talk. “Of course, I’ll also have to pen a letter to my daughter, informing her that you’re going against her orders.” Tricks stiffens, ears going straight up and eyes going wide. “No! Don’t tell Witch Doctor! I’ll be good, I promise!” He follows after Fine with a look of horror, his voice pleading. “I won’t disobey you again! I swear!” Leaf chuckles and shakes his head as he starts up the stairs, his mother and nephew behind him. Before they reach the door, Leaf looks back and puts a hoof to his lips, singling them to be quiet -- which is mostly for Tricks’ benefit, as he was still pleading for Fine to not tell Witch about his transgression -- and then opens the door. He walks outside and looks around, motioning for the other two to follow when he is sure it’s clear. Walking confidently from the rubble, ears perked incase any more patrols are nearby, Leaf smiles warmly. Soon, he’ll be back in the Castle, with Daring, and hopefully this battle will be over soon. Letting out a content sigh, Leaf turns the corner to head back towards the Castle. And walks right into the end of a rapier. “Well well,” an all too familiar voice speaks from the other end of the extended blade poking Leaf in the chest. “Aren’t we out a bit late, dear great-nephew?” “Tie, what is the meaning of this!?” Fine asks loudly from behind Leaf. “Tell me you’re not out here leading mercenaries!” “Oh, my dear naive niece,” Tie sighs, lightly moving the point of his sword up Leaf’s chest and along his neck, causing the younger stallion to stiffen. “Of course I am! Do you think I could pass up the chance to rid my glorious city of the filth that stain it? To aid a true visionary in attaining his throne?” He smiles, the sight chilling Leaf to the bone and forcing him to resist the urge to shiver while the sword’s point is against his neck. “But, don’t worry. I ordered all of them to stay out of what is to come. Such things should be between family, after all!” “And what is to come?” Leaf asks doing his best to mimic the unamused expression he has seen Daring use a thousand times before. “Are you going to monologue us to death and told your mercs to stay back so they wouldn’t see you’re full of hot air?” Pressing a little harder with his rapier, mostly becuase Tricks starts snickering from behind Fine, White Tie’s expression changes to one of disgust. “Did you learn that line from your harlot of a marefriend?” “She is not a harlot,” Leaf growls, brow furrowing. “She is a loving, intelligent, and amazing mare.” “Who has chosen a stallion outside of her social reach,” Tie sighs, the tip of his sword going up to rest under Leaf’s chin, forcing the younger stallion to look Tie in the eyes and tip his head back. “To be honest, though, I am not surprised. My dear niece couldn’t resist the charm of the lower class; why I hoped better for her children, I’ll never know.” “Leave my family alone!” Tricks says loudly, his voice cracking, as he pushes between Tie and Leaf. “I won’t let mean ponies like you hurt them!” His horn crackles with magic, though not very strongly, the pale-gold aura illuminating the space between Tie and Leaf. “I will admit,” Tie says with a frown, “your offspring are as loyal as they are deformed, Leaf.” He looks down at Tricks with a sneer that causes the young colt to swallow hard, but not back down. “It’s almost a service to the world, removing you from it.” “I won’t let you hurt him,” Leaf growls, causing Tie to push a little harder with the rapier, a thin trickle of blood that blends almost perfectly into Leaf’s coat trickling down Leaf’s neck. “And he isn’t my son. He’s Witchy’s.” Wrinkling his nose, Tie’s scowl deepens. “Is this what my father’s bloodline has come to? Deformed offspring who don’t know their place?” He lowers the rapier from Leaf and points it towards Tricks who this time does back up. “But, at least now I have proof the rumors were true. But well done, all of you, for keeping this little abomination hidden away from the rest of the family! My dear sister-in-law would have a heart attack if she knew her precious, can-do-no-wrong granddaughter was as much of a whore as everypony has always known she was!” He looks up and glares at Leaf and at Fine who has come up beside her son to help shield Tricks. “So, where is she? Where is the pride of your lineage, dear niece?” Before Fine or Leaf can react, or at least frown at Tie, Tricks roars loudly from beneath Leaf and lets loose a beam from his horn point blank at Tie. The older unicorn raises his rapier in front of himself out of instinct as he is blasted backwards where he impacts into a nearby wall with a satisfying thud. Collapsing beneath Leaf, Tricks pants and sticks his tongue out at Tie as he starts to get back up. “That’s… what… you get for…. insulting my… mom.” Above Tricks, Leaf chuckles. “Good job Tricks,” he moves off to one side, and opens his mouth to continue when suddenly a purple aura surrounds Tricks' neck, yanking the colt forward and forcing a choking noise from him Leaf reacts immediately, jumping forward and holding onto Tricks as he looks over to Tie, now standing with a seething glare on his face. “You!” he hisses. “You insolent mongrel!” He snorts hard as he lifts what is left of his sword, which is now melted about halfway down the blade. He shakes it in the air, stomping closer. “This was my favorite sword! It was given to me BY MY GRANDFATHER!” He pulls harder with his magic, Tricks making a strangled yelp as he is held by Leaf who is looking around for anything to use to break Tricks out of his great-uncle’s grasp. “And you. YOU RUINED IT! I am going to enjoy killing you. I might even save you for last. Make you watch as I kill my niece, and dear Leaf here. Perhaps-” He gets no farther, as a piece of masonry flies over Leaf and Tricks’ heads, impacting Tie square in the face. The instant the rock strikes him, the magic around Tricks’ neck fades and the colt breaths heavily, coughing and leaning back against Leaf. “Threatening my grandfoal is a big mistake,” Fine states coldly, coming forward to stand beside Leaf as he helps Tricks back to his hooves. “You will not touch him again!” “Who is going to stop me?” Tie says as he stands back up, a bruise forming on face from the stone. “You? Your son? Both of you will fall before me, and the title will pass to me when my oaf of a brother dies, the title will go where it belongs!” “Alright, well I think it’s time to let some of the hot air out of you,” Leaf says with a smirk. “Anymore blowing your own horn, and I’d be afraid you might just pop.” He steps in front of his mother and Tricks, wings flared. He stays there for a few moments, then rushes forward with a yell. Tie easily sidesteps the punch that Leaf throws at him as he draws close, sending a stone flying and striking Leaf in the face hard enough to whip his head around. Tie smiles broadly at apparently being proven right in his belief that Leaf and Fine will go down easy, only to have Leaf crack his neck and look over at Tie with a wide, almost manic, grin. “Silver Lining sneezed with more force than you!” Leaf says loudly, rounding on his great uncle again as stones start flying from the direction Fine is in. Tie finds himself on the defensive quickly, dodging flying stones and hooves, and fails to notice that he is being herded into a corner until his flank hits the wall. For a brief moment, his head whips around to look behind him, possibly for an exit, only to be struck in the back of the head by Leaf, sending him careening into the wall face first, his horn absorbing the majority of the impact. Tie crumbles to the ground, front hooves coming up to cup his head as he screams in pain, a few small cracks now present in his horn that spark magic every few seconds. Leaf hesitates, hoof in the air and ready to strike out again, upon seeing Tie crumple. He knew enough unicorns, his mother and sister included, to know that the horn was very sensitive and striking it with enough force could cause it to crack, which causes a lot of problems and a lot of pain. Looking over at his mom then back at Tie as if unsure what to do. Sighing, Fine walks over to Tie and looks down at him with a frown as he whimpers. Lifting up the broken rapier with her magic, Fine looks over the masterfully crafted hoofguard as if inspecting a shipment of her tea. “You know, Uncle Tie,” Fine says softly, in a deathly serious tone that causes Leaf to take a few steps back. “I’d grown used to you, and all the other nobles making threats against me.” She gestures with the sword, the blade coming dangerously close to Tie, causing him to try and scoot back. “Because that was just how I grew up, as twisted as it is. It’s just how the nobility works, I guess.” She points the blade at Tie, tapping the end of his horn. “But, you had to go and threaten my family.” She steps closer, the blade sliding down his horn, catching once or twice in one of the cracks. She then presses it to the center of his head, between his eyes. “Nopony threatens my family,” she growls, pulling the rapier back to strike. Instead of stabbing him, however, Fine silences her uncle’s whimpering with a sound blow to the head with the hilt of his own sword. Turning, Fine looks over to her son and grandfoal -- who has come over to sit next to Leaf -- her frown remaining. “So,” Leaf starts slowly, looking to Tie. “What do we do now? Do we leave him?” “No,” Fine states with a sigh. “We can’t. If we do, he’ll only regroup with the others. Best to take him with us to the castle, and put him somewhere he won’t harm anypony for the foreseeable future.” She motions with her head to Tie. “So, you’ll have to carry him.” “Alright,” Leaf sighs, standing up and going over to his great uncle. “But if having a stick up your flank is contagious, and I get it, you’ll have to answer to Daring.” Chuckling, Fine shakes her head. “Sweetie, it isn’t contagious, trust me. If it was, you would have caught it from your grandparents years ago.” She levitates Tie onto Leaf’s back and looks to Tricks. “I should scold you for running into danger like you did,” Fine says with a frown causing Tricks’ ears to flatten against his head. “However,” Fine continues, smiling warmly, “I did enjoy seeing my uncle taken down a notch by a foal, so perhaps when we get back to the castle, if you promise to never do that again, I might see about asking Rusty for a treat for your bravery.” “I promise!” Tricks replies happily, falling in beside his grandmother as they start back towards the castle. Their journey back is uneventful, and surprisingly free of mercs attempting to stop them. Leaf wonders why, musing that perhaps Tie had been leading the majority of them out in this area, and that with their leader disgraced and beaten by them, the mercs will simply leave them alone. It isn’t until they get closer to the castle’s entrance that Leaf realizes there is a completely different, and far more gruesome reason... ------ Twilight stares through her telescope, the flashes of light generated by the explosions within Canterlot making her squint every so often, but not look away. Something about it, for all it's horror, fascinates her much like a book she can't seem to put down. She had not gotten any letters from Canterlot, and as things stand she is worried. Luna and Spitfire had both sent her letters detailing that they were not in the city, but who was there in Luna's stead? Had Celestia returned? Or... was someone else in control? Was the fighting out there because of who was in control of the city? Or was it because nopony was? Shaking her head and lowering herself from the telescope, Twilight looks down at her friends, and one very worried looking red and white unicorn in a lab coat. "Twi, I don't mean to say it again," Applejack speaks up once more in her country drawl, "but if what we're seeing is true, we need to get up there. What if this is the Griffins, or the Drakes? Heck, what if it's something worse?" "I know, but Celestia's letters clearly said..." Twilight starts, only to be cut off by another voice. "Princess, with all due respect," the unicorn speaks up, staring up at Twilight with narrowed eyes. "But my husband, one of your friends, is in that city. I know you were Celestia's personal student, but right now, you're a Princess, and part of Equestria is under attack! It's your duty to get out there, rally the troops, and go and save Canterlot! Or are you just going to let your home city burn to the ground as you watch it, taking notes and studying the way the flames look through your telescope!?" Sighing, Twilight stands and descends from her perch on the second tier of her bedroom. “You’re right, Foxfire.” She pauses, looking at her friends, then back out the window. “Now is the time for action, not for overthinking things.” “That’s the spirit,” Foxfire says with a smile. “So, what are you orders, ma’am?” Raising an eyebrow, Twilight sighs and flutters her wings in annoyance a little. “We need to wake up the reserves in Ponyville who are not awake yet,” She crosses to a wardrobe and opens it. “Pinkie Pie, I need you to go to the school house… and ring the bell. The noise should wake anypony that hasn’t already been shaken awake by the fighting, and we’ll be able to gather them there to see who we can ask to come with us….” She trails off, swallowing hard as she stares into the open wardrobe. “What’s wrong, darling?” Rarity asks, coming up beside her friend. “I’m going to be asking a lot of ponies…. a lot of friends, to go into battle with me,” Twilight says in a serious tone tinged with worry. “A lot of them might not be coming back.” “It can’t be helped, Twi,” Applejack sighs. “I know a lot of ponies will come if you ask, and a lot of them will be scared. But a lot of ponies in Canterlot must be scared, too. So we’d best be brave and go help them out.” “Y-yeah,” Fluttershy speaks up in her quiet voice. “T-though I don’t think I want to get too close to the battle…. already the sounds from th-those cannons make me want to hide under my bed!” “Darling, you and I will be far away from the fighting,” Rarity says in a soothing manner to Fluttershy. “Somepony has to tend the wounded, and I will have to help with other, less bloody things.” “Well, let’s stop talking about it!” Pinkie Pie interjects, for once without bouncing. “I’m going to go ring the bell and get this party started!” She then grabs AJ and Foxfire. “You two should come with me, I am sure I’ll need your help!” “I-I think I’ll go too, I should go grab my medical bag…” Fluttershy whispers, heading down the stairs after the group that is being pulled by Pinkie Pie, leaving Rarity in the room with Twilight. “Well, I’d best go prepare myself, too,” Rarity sighs, turning to head to the stairs. She is stopped as Twilight speaks up. “Rarity, wait,” Twilight starts, looking back at her friend. “I- I need help, I’ve never… I mean, I got some robes commissioned… just in case…” “Darling, are you asking me to help you put on your armor?” Rarity asks, a twinkle in her eye. “Yes…?” Twilight replies softly, levitating out a set of padded robes. “And… I figure I should get my mane pulled back, keep it out of my eyes? Perhaps braid my tail? I’ve read in a book somewhere that it’s important to keep your mane and tail tightly bound so that it doesn’t get caught on something in combat. And I think…” She trails off as Rarity comes over and puts a hoof on her friend's shoulder. “I can put off my own preparations for a few moment’s, Twilight,” Rarity chuckles. “After all, it’s not every day you get to help a Princess don her armor before going into battle!” > Chapter 8: Inferno > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8: Inferno From the bridge of the HMS Voyager, Twilight has a clear view of the battle raging within Canterlot. The airship was currently approaching the outskirts of the city, the crimson and gold glow of the fires set by artillery fire casting a surreal glow over the landscape; the occasional bright flash of a shell landing or a building exploding sears the image into Twilight’s brain. It had taken them three and a half hours to gather together enough volunteers, and an hour more after that for the full force of the Cloudsdale Airguard, and the Equestrian Airship fleet, led by Captain Cafée Noire, had been a been able to off-load its humanitarian supplies, and load the required munitions and battle supplies. “Captain, we’re nearing the landing zone for group one,” an earthy-brown pegasus states, coming up to stand beside Captain Noire and Twilight. “Thank you, Commander Coal Feather,” Noire replies, her eyes fixated upon the flame-wreathed image of Canterlot. “Prep the Marines and inform Dame Applejack, and Dame Pinkie Pie that their part of the plan is about to be put into effect.” “Aye, Captain,” Coal salutes, turning to go about his turies. He stops when Twilight speaks up for the first time since they had cast off. “Have we gotten any word from Canterlot?” Twilight asks, breaking her own fixated stare at the city to look to the Commander. “Any word from the Castle?” “No, ma’am,” Coal sighs, looking towards entrance to the radio nest. “We’re getting mostly static and intermittent transmissions, they’re likely not using a very powerful antenna. We won’t get a clear transmission until we’re closer to the city.” He turns back to the Princess, looking unsure. “May I return to my duties, Princess Twilight?” “You may, Commander,” Twilight consents, turning back to staring at the flaming city. As they draw closer to the large clearing a mile from Canterlot’s walls, the bridge becomes a hive of activity, nopony talking as they go about their assigned duties. Before long, they touch down, the deck beneath Twilight’s hooves jolting beneath her. She watches few smaller transport airships touching down beside them. Twilight watches impassively as the ramps on the transports lower, and a collection of Air Guard and Royal Guards from Cloudsdale stream out and form ranks. Absently, she wonders on the sour feeling forming in the pit of her stomach, mixing with the butterflies that had been doing their best to break out of the same place for hours now. Is this how Celestia and Luna felt during their first major military engagement? “Looks like your friends are marshalling their troops,” Noire comments from beside Twilight, drawing the alicorn’s attention back to the troops outside. AJ stands in front of the troops, with Pinkie Pie bouncing around as is her want. Distantly, Twilight’s thoughts turn once more to the battle, this time consumed by how different they look in their armor -- AJ wearing a set of scalemail along with her hat, Pinkie a set of darkened leather and a hood with goggles -- which Twilight finds at odds with how she has come to view her friends. As she thinks over how different the times are, Thunderlane lands beside AJ and scratches at the collar of his armored reserve uniform. Shaking her head, Twilight turns and heads away from the observation window of the bridge, and past the navigational station. She stops near the Captain’s chair, which is currently empty as Noire stands near the window. Facing the back wall, Twilight tries to distance herself from the situation her friends are about to find themselves in. “It is difficult, is it not,” an analytical voice speaks from one side of the bridge, “sending your friends into combat.” “It is,” Twilight states with a sigh. She doesn’t look over at the owner of the voice, but from the low-level magical energy emanating from the area of the speaker, she can tell it’s the strange pseudo-alicorn she had met upon boarding. “I worry for them. We’re not soldiers!” “Why? Have you and your friends not fought against odds such as these before?” The pseudo-alicorn asks, coming to stand in front of Twilight, her magi-tech eyes focusing on Twilight’s face. “Are you not warriors in your own way? You all wield power beyond the normal pony, and have faced creatures that would make many more experienced warriors tremble in fear.”   “We had no choice in those situations, Dee-Seven” Twilight offers, attempting to look anywhere but at the enhanced pony’s eyes. She settles on staring at the stump of metal that makes up the once earth pony’s ‘horn’. “If we didn’t stand firm, Equestria would have been in mortal danger.” “Curious,” Dee-Seven muses, the ghost of a smile on her face. “You place little value upon your actions, declaring you are not a warrior in one sentence. Yet, in the next, you all but say you and your friends are often the bulwark between Equestria and danger.” Twilight opens her mouth to offer a retort, but a chuckle beside her pulls her attention away towards the captain’s chair. “Dee, stop tormenting the Princess,” Noire says as she settles into her chair. “She’s not used to military operations, unlike us.” She smiles up at Twilight and indicates the place beside her chair. “Please, Princess, we’re about to take off again. It’ll be a few minutes until we reach the city.” “Of course, Captain,” Dee-Seven agrees as she walks over to a large table with maps tacked to its surface. She taps a hoof against the table’s surface, causing a light to come to life beneath the tabletop. Turning and sitting down beside the captain’s chair, Twilight considers how natural Dee-Seven looks at her position on the bridge, if only to keep her mind off of the looming battle before her. She knows nothing about how the earth pony standing behind her and Captain Noire got to be the way she is, and if she didn’t have more pressing matters, Twilight could see herself pulling Dee-Seven aside and asking her about it, perhaps learning a thing or two about the processes involved in medical prosthesis. It might give her some more common ground upon which she and Witching Hour cou- “Captain, I’m getting a signal from inside the city!” a tan earth pony speaks up from the dedicated radio station on the side of the bridge. He frowns and looks to the Captain. “And you’re not going to believe who’s talking.” “Oh?” Noire chuckles, raising an eyebrow. “Put it on the overhead, Ensign Knight.” The earth pony nods and flips a switch, the sharp crackle of static followed by a voice. “This is Castle Command,” the voice over the radio declares. “We are broadcasting on local frequencies. Any RAF forces in the vicinity of Canterlot, we require immediate reinforcement to repel a large scale incursion. Multiple districts have fallen to hostile forces, and casualties are mounting.” “This is HMS Voyager,” Noire speaks up, small smile on her face. “We’ve got Princess Twilight aboard, and are leading a relief fleet of ships comprised of REN and CAG forces.” For a long moment the comms are silent except for the crackle of the static. Ensign Knight turns a few dials on his radio station while holding one headphone cup to an ear. “Castle Command, are you still -” Knight asks, but is quickly cut off. “Voyager? NOIRE!?” the voice shouts, causing a large amount of feedback which makes everyone folds their ears back. “Of course it’d be YOU!” “Nice to hear from you too, Yearling,” Noire coughs, rubbing an ear. “Just as boisterous and enthusiastic as last time we talked.” “Hey, I don’t care what you say, that thing belonged in a museum!” Yearling grumbles. “We can argue about that later, Yearling,” Noire continues. “I need to talk to your commanding officer, the Airguard said there should be a Command Sergeant there?” “Sorry, Noire,” Yearling replies, and Twilight can almost hear the frown. “I’m the highest ranking Reservist in the city currently. I have operational command.” Noire blinks a few times, her expression unreadable. “How the hay did that happen?” “Oh, well, I crawled on my belly up to Luna,” Yearling sighs, the hoof waving and sarcastic grin are almost over-implied by her tone. “And kissed her flank until she gave me the position.” “Really?” Noire asks, a slight frown on her face as she rolls her eyes. “NO! Everypony else above me is DEAD, Noire! DEAD!” Yearling declares loudly, causing another feedback spike. “Do you think I wanted command?” “No. I doubt it,” Noire sighs. “You bet every single cup of coffee in Equestria!” Yearling replies. “I don’t want this command. So, you need to get your flank in here befo-” the transmission cuts out suddenly to loud static, and in the distance a bright flash comes from the direction of the city, followed by a resounding explosion that buffets against the airship, nearly tossing it from the air as it tries to gain altitude. “Status report!” Noire shouts, gripping her chair as Twilight tumbles against it. “Was the castle hit by something?” “Negative, Captain,” Dee-Seven speaks up from behind Twilight and Noire. “If I am reading this map correctly, that blast came from an area near one of the magi-tech power stations.” “Perhaps an artillery shell hit it?” Ensign Knight ventures absently as he fiddles with some dials on his radio station. “Captain, reports are coming in from some of the airships at higher altitude. The fire from the power station is starting to spread and… it looks like separate fires are starting in the lower class district.” “What do you mean?” Twilight asks, furrowing her brows. “Separate fires? Are they fires caused by artillery?” “No, Highness,” Ensign Knight replies, his face paling slightly as he continues to listen to his headphones. “HMS Glory reports seeing groups of armed and armored ponies carrying torches setting the fires. HMS New Dawn says it almost looks like they’re…” He trails off, putting a hoof to his mouth. “What, Ensign? They are what?” Noire asks as she gets out of her chair and crosses to the comms pony. “They’re herding ponies into the buildings, and then setting them on fire.” Ensign Knight replies. As one, Twilight and Noire both look to the helmspony, and shout. “Get us into the city, NOW!” ---- The forests and foothills around Canterlot had always been a favorite place to visit of hers when Foxfire had been a filly, the trees and streams had always been so relaxing and peaceful. A perfect spot to get away from all her studies, from her parents, from her siblings. She had spent hours out here, days sometimes, to the point where everypony had been sure her special talent was going to lay in forestry. But, alas, her heart belonged to scientific and magical pursuits, followed closely by her husband. Now, however, all she wants is to be inside the city itself. Her husband is in there somewhere, and she’ll be damned if she lets him get himself injured because he isn’t paying attention, or he is unable to defend himself. The sheer thought of Prose possibly being cornered and at the mercy of those mercenaries makes her blood boil. Foxfire is pulled from her thoughts when a tree branch in front of her swings back towards her, having been previously lifted away by the pony in front of her. Reacting instantly due to reflexes gained after the birth of her twins, she raises an arm and takes the full brunt of the force with it. Surprisingly, it doesn’t hurt, as the flight suit she had found in her husband’s closet -- which is padded and actually seems to have some armor sewn into it -- absorbs the shock of the tree branch as if it were nothing. Smiling happily, she continues forward as she decides to ask Prose later exactly why he has an armored flight suit. Though, admittedly, with her tendency to have her lab burst into flames, or otherwise explode, she really shouldn’t be too surprised. “Might want to pay attention where you’re going, lass,” a voice speaks up from beside Foxfire, causing her to start and blink as she looks over at the red pegasus wearing a white wool shirt with a leather vest over it. He he had apparently come up to walk beside her while she was lost in thought. “We’re drawing close to where that massive cannon was sighted.” “We can’t have been walking for that long, have we?” Foxfire asks, furrowing her brows. “I could have sworn it was a few miles away from where they let us off.” “It’s been a while,” the pegasus replies, looking ahead and sighing. “I’d wager perhaps a half hour, at least. Hour, hour and a half at most. But they’re bound to have patrols.” “Isn’t that why Dame Applejack and Pinkie Pie brought the marines?” Foxfire offers, smiling slightly. “Yes, but when the mercs figure out we’re here,” the pegasus starts, looking at Foxfire with a sad expression. “And trust me lass, they will. We’ll be in for a battle, it really all just comes down to how long we can trot silent in this forest.” Opening her mouth to assure the older pony -- because now that she looks at him, the pegasus is her senior by quite a bit -- she is cut off by Pinkie Pie suddenly appearing and putting a hoof over her mouth. “Shh, I smell grumpy ponies. A patrol must be near,” Pinkie whispers. “How far away?” the pegasus asks, looking at the party pony with concern. “And how did they slip past the vanguard?” Shrugging and removing her hoof from Foxfire’s mouth, Pinkie laughs. “I don’t know, I’m not the author!” She then looks to Foxfire, her smiling staying. “You two better hide, though, I’ll deal with them and we can get back to catching up to the workhorse in charge of this mission!” “She certainly is an odd pony,” Foxfire sighs as she looks to the pegasus. “But, if there’s one thing I’ve learned while living in Ponyville, when Pinkie says duck, you dive for the nearest shelter.” She heads towards a large and old tree, and jumps up into the lowest branch. The pegasus jumps up after her, and before long they’re situated in the branches high enough up to be out of sight. “Good hiding spot,” the pegasus remarks with a chuckle. “They never do look up.” “Thanks,” Foxfire whispers back, keeping her eyes locked on the ground. “Just hope Pinkie knows what she is doing. Pranking ponies is one thing, but this is an active combat zone.” “Don’t worry about her, lass,” the pegasus smiles with a wink. “She knows how to take care of herself. I taught her everything she knows.” Before Foxfire can ask what he means by that the sound of talking reaches her ears. Swiveling them forward, she can barely make out the words, as it seems the one talking is whispering much like her and her pegasus friend have been. Looking about the area from her perch on the branch, Foxfire spots a large group of ponies walking towards the tree, through what looks like a large field of tall wild grass. “Don’t go in the long grass, y’idiots.” The pegasus chuckles. When Foxfire shoots him a questioning glance, he nods his head towards the field, and smiles. “Watch.” Sure enough, shortly after the large group enters the grass starts parting in another area, closer to Foxfire and the pegasus, and heads straight for the group. Momentarily confused, Foxfire blinks and almost misses one of the group suddenly tripping and vanishing into the grass without a sound. Then another, and another. After about the fourth one going down, one of the group notices. The stallion screams, swinging his blade at something before he too is felled by whatever it is in the grass. Alerted by the scream, the entire group turns and as one tries to fight back, only to have the line in the grass circle them, and take another two from behind. The group breaks, all fleeing back towards the way they came, but to no avail as they continue to be picked off one by one, until none remain. “Clever filly,” the pegasus remarks as he spreads his wings and jumps to the ground. He sits down and looks towards the field as he waits for Foxfire to join him. By the time Foxfire reaches the ground, Pinkie Pie is bouncing happily out of the tall grass and humming a song that Foxfire swears she has heard her singing while walking the streets of Ponyville. “Good work, Pinkie,” the pegasus says with a smile, pulling the party pony into a hug. “They’re not going to cause us any more trouble?” “Nope! I tied them up like you showed me,” Pinkie states happily as she returns the hug. “Even left them some of those rations the airguard insisted we take with us.” “Good, we’ll pick them up on the way back,” the pegasus says with a nod before releasing Pinkie from the hug. “Well, come on, let’s see if we can’t catch up to the others before your friend eats her stetson.” He starts off in the direction of the randevu point, Pinkie and Foxfire close behind him. “So, I never got your name,” Foxfire starts after a few minutes of walking, looking to the pegasus “but you seem quite friendly with Pinkie Pie? Do you know her?”   “Oh, my gosh! I never introduced you two!” Pinkie exclaims, vanishing and then appearing between Foxfire and the pegasus, wrapping her arms around the two of them. “Foxfire, this is my grandfather, Captain Bloody Miracle!” Extending a hoof, Miracle smiles warmly. “Aye, Captain Bloody Miracle of the Royal Equestrian Navy.” He chuckles as Foxfire takes his hoof and shakes it slowly, a look of confusion on her face. “I know what you’re thinking, lass.” “No… You really don’t,” Foxfire replies slowly. “Because if you did, you’d know the sound of a mind imploding at the realization there is a non-monotonous Pie relative.” “Ah, you’ve met Maud, I take it?” Miracle sighs. “She’s a good lass, sharp as a spear she is, but she can be an acquired taste.” “Oh, Maud is really fun, though!” Pinkie says enthusiastically as she lets the two go. “But, we can’t stand around, AJ will need you two when we reach the cannon! I mean, I know a lot about them, but for something this big we’ll need a couple more smart ponies!” “I think what we’re going to be working on is a little different than one of your party cannons, Pinkie,” Foxfire chuckles, starting forward. “I think it’d be best if you left it to the professionals. And if your grandfather is a professional…” “Nonsense, lass,” Miracle laughs. “Pinkie is quite an expert in her own right. Those party cannons of hers are based off of naval twelve-pounders, same kind as found on any ship of the line!” “You’re telling me, your granddaughter is constantly shooting off military grade artillery within Ponyville City limits?” Foxfire sputters, looking between Miracle and Pinkie. “Well, not quite,” Miracle sighs. “Y’see, lass, I’d seen a lot of things by the time Pinkie came around. Terrible things during the Griffin-Drake War, and just things during the natural course of my career.” He smiles fondly as he looks towards his granddaughter, who is still happily bouncing along. “And when the wee lass became interested in parties and bringing joy to as many ponies as she could, well I knew I had a chance to start doing some good in the world and not just fixin’ and makin’ weapons of war.” “So, what, you helped her make party cannons?” Foxfire asks, raising an eyebrow. “I did. Found some ol’ guns the navy wanted t’ toss out,” Miracle continues, “bought ‘em up, and me and her painted them a nice shade of pink, and figured out how to make ‘em shoot confetti and streamers!” “I learned a lot!” Pinkie exclaims from between the two, causing Foxfire to jump. “The balloons were real tricky though… Trying to get them to self-inflate after the detonation of the blank loaded into the cannon took a lot of testing, and a lot of spectacular failures!” “Aye, but we had to fail to get it right,” Miracle sighs happily. “Progress is always made with a few spectacular explosions.” “Now that is something I understand,” Foxfire agrees with a nod. “Now if only my husband did! I swear, he always complains about how often my lab catches fire, or the windows get blown out… or…” she sighs, ears going back against her head. “I hope he is alright.” “Your husband is in the city?” Miracle asks slowly, frowning when Foxfire nods. “I’m sure he’ll be fine.” “Of course he’ll be fine!” Pinkie exclaims as she suddenly appears beside Foxfire and pulls her into a hug. “Prose might be an editor and writer by day,” she pauses and sweeps one hoof in a slow arch, “but by night, he is a super cool assassin who hides in the shadows and strikes fear into the hearts of every pony, griff, or drake who happens to get in his way!” Gently pushing the energetic party pony away, Foxfire smiles slightly. “Pinkie, you’ve always had the most interesting imagination, it’s a wonder my husband hasn’t tried to get you to sign a book deal with him.” She then chuckles. “Also, how much sugar have you had today to come up with a story like that?” “I only had an entire double-dark-chocolate-cake to myself on the way down!” Pinkie sighs, ears flopping against her head. “Twilight told us to pack light, so I couldn’t bring more.” “Well, when Canterlot is liberated, I’ll take you out to ice cream, Pinkie,” Miracle chuckles as he gets slightly ahead of the two mares. “But, it shall have to wait, I think we’re here.” Looking away from Pinkie, Foxfire notices that while they’ve been talking they’ve actually caught up to the vanguard led by Applejack. The majority of the forces brought by Applejack are marines from the various airships -- including the entire compliment of marines from the Voyager, who are hailed as the most unorthodox and most effective marines in the floatilla -- as well as a few units of Royal Guards who had been stationed in Ponyville. Applejack herself, along with her coltfriend Thunderlane, are looking lying behind a small hill leading up to the large field separating their forces from the large camp surrounding the massive cannon they’ve come here to neutralize. And what a gun it is. Lit by hundreds of magical lights and crawling with ponies wearing JSS uniforms, the cannon is nearly a half mile long riding on a carriage that the Friendship Express between Ponyville and Canterlot look like a toy train. And judging from the insanely large shell they’re rolling down tracks towards it, the mercs are already reloading for another shot. And then, Foxfire hears a gasp beside her, drawing her attention away from the massive engine of death, and over to Pinkie Pie. “It’s amazing!” Pinkie Pie squealed, running over to lay down next to AJ, leaving Miracle and Foxfire to wander over at a slower pace. As Foxfire gets down along the small incline, she hears Thunderlane chuckle and whisper loud enough to be heard by everypony nearby. “Well, if this isn’t an indication of how badly Blueblood is lacking in the stallion department, I don’t know what is.” He looks between Foxfire and AJ, both of the mares rolling their eyes. “What, it’s funny!” “Sugar, I think you should save the jokes for later,” AJ whispers, pushing her hat back so she can look up at the cannon. “We need to be figuring out how to get rid of that thing.” “But, we don’t need to get rid of it!” Pinkie Pie protests. “We just need to get rid of the crew!” “Pinkie, we can’t let something like this continue to exist,” AJ growls. “It’s too dangerous.” “But think of the party cannon I c-” Pinkie tries to exclaim, only to have a hoof put over her mouth “We can argue this later,” Miracle whispers, a grim frown on his face. “Right now we need to assault their position before they reload that thing and fire on the landing airships.” He points out towards the camp and the cannon beyond. “So, Dame Applejack, you’re the military commander here, how’re we going to take that gun?” “I’m not rightly sure, Captain,” AJ sighs, scratching her head with one hoof. “I’ve never led a military operation before, it’s why I brought you along.” “Well, I’m more of an engineer than a commander,” Miracle sighs before nodding. “But, have no fear, lass, I’ve got an idea.” He looks over at AJ and smiles. “We’re going to need t’ go in quietly, take out as many of their sentries as we can. With the battle going on, they’re going to be on alert, so if the alarm goes up we’ll be swarmed quickly.” “And how do you plan doing that?” AJ queries. “Well, I figure, we build a giant wooden badger!” Pinkie Pie starts, smiling widely. “Then! When the sun sets, AJ, Thunderlane, and I jump out and open the gates!” “Uhm, sugar cube,” AJ sighs as she gently taps on Pinkie’s head. “There ain’t no gates, and it’s already night.” “Well, my plans out.” Pinkie sighs, flopping down to the grass. Coughing, Miracle pats his granddaughter on the head. “It’s okay, Pinkie, I know what we need to do.” He looks to AJ and nods up towards the camp. “Their patrols are somewhat lacking, from what I’ve seen since we got here. Most of their forces must be near the cannon itself, helping to load it as I can hardly imagine it being easy.” “How so?” Foxfire speaks up from the other side of AJ. “Even if they’re lax, I don’t think we can sneak our entire force in without them noticing.” “Very astute, Miss Foxfire,” Miracle agrees. “But, we don’t need to sneak our entire force in, yet. We can send a few in,” he looks to his grand daughter. “Or, perhaps even one?” AJ looks over at Pinkie Pie, as does Foxfire, and smiles broadly. “Ah, shucks, Cap’n, I think you’re onto something.” Pinkie herself looks up, and glances between AJ and her grandfather, a smile growing on her face. “Go give ‘em hell, lass,” Miracle chuckles.   Letting out a high pitched squee -- which causes a few of the thestrals present in the troops behind them to flinch -- Pinkie lowers her night vision goggles and gallops full tilt towards the large camp. The instant she hits the first row of tents she vanishes from view, and the group settles down to wait. “Now what?” Foxfire asks softly, her eyes glued to the camp. She had seen what Pinkie is capable of, and a part of her almost feels sorry for the mercs. “Now, we wait, once Pinkie starts causing some chaos in there, it should draw the majority of the guards to her. When that happens, we’ll enter and make our way to the cannon with the full force. With some luck, we’ll overwhelm the whoever is left.” Nodding, Foxfire settles down, head resting lightly on her forehooves, as she watches the camp with a mixture of eager anticipation, and cold dread. She is about to be put into a battle to save the capital of Equestria, something she had never expected or wanted to take part in. Yet, here she is, beside not only one of the legendary Elements of Harmony, but two! The heroines who had saved Equestria countless times and had never bragged about it once -- with the exception of Rainbow Dash, but the mare being who she is that was hardly out of character -- doing it yet again. A loud explosion, followed by a huge plume of confetti, suddenly cuts through the quiet night air and pulls Foxfire’s attention back to the present. A second explosion echoes out from another part of the camp, and another. Soon, shouts are filling the air as confused mercs are faced with a force of nature they can never hope to overcome, and the party's just starting.   “Alright, I think we can slip in now,” Miracle says loud enough to be heard over the sounds of chaos inside the nearby camp. “Give the order, Dame Applejack.” Nodding with a grim look on her face, AJ turns and motions with a hoof towards the waiting troops. “Well, y’heard him! Let’s go make sure our friends don’t have ta’ fear the rain!” As one the troops stand, shoulder their weapons, and start forward. Foxfire, Miracle, and AJ all stand and start off as the first line of troops reach them. A small box forms around them, as the front line moves to guard them, causing Foxfire to smile sheepishly. She’ll never understand how AJ can look so comfortable striding in the middle of the formation in her armor, as if the farm mare was an experienced warrior. The large group of soldiers under AJ’s command -- as well as Foxfire, AJ, Thunderlane, and Miracle -- make their way across the open area between the camp and their hiding point swiftly, not quite at a run but at a pace that makes them travel the distance quick enough that anypony not attempting to deal with whatever Pinkie was doing would likely dismiss them. And once they reach the tents, the soldiers not around Foxfire and the others fan out, draw and lower their weapons into a ready stance, and advance ahead of their leader. Once the initial vanguard is in, the group around Foxfire and the others draws their own weapons and advances forward into the chaos that is the JSS camp. It doesn’t take long for Pinkie’s actions to show up, as after a few rows of tents confetti starts liberally covering things, ponies lie motionless with pies in their face and a few are even tied up with balloons! Foxfire is once more amazed at just how resourceful the party pony is, for she had no idea there was enough space to hide the amount of balloons and confetti she is seeing as they advance. However, it soon becomes clear that not all of the forces are drawn away by Pinkie’s antics, as the sound of actual combat soon starts to drift towards Foxfire from their destination. It grows so loud and persistent, that the group guarding them stops and readies themselves for combat. “Looks like my granddaughter didn’t lure them all away,” Miracle sighs as he looks to Applejack. “Well, what do you think? Cut our way through, or wait and hope the troops we sent ahead take care of them?” “Well, I don’t really want to leave this to chance,” AJ replies with a frown. “And the longer we wait, the longer that thing is able to fire on our friends. Best to take it out now, and save lives.” “I can get behind that plan, AJ,” Foxfire smirks, reaching into the satchel she had brought along and pulling out a sling. “I’ve been itching to test out some of my newest inventions!” “What kind of inventions, Miss Foxfire?” Miracle asks, looking over at the mare as she goes back to rummaging through her satchel. “Hm?” Foxfire hums, looking up from her satchel with a belt full of what look to be small egg shaped devices. “Oh, uhm, mostly small explosives… and some cleaning supplies my husband insists I must have weaponized!” “Such as?” AJ inquires, raising an eyebrow. “Oh, well I put some of the stuff I use to clean grease off of stuff in my lab, and sometimes off the dishes when Prose cooks, into a few of these capsules,” Foxfire explains, absently as she fiddles with the belt’s buckle. “Truthfully, I don’t think it’s that strong, I mean it only eats through most things like Pinkie Pie does entire cakes.” “Y’sure you want to bring that onto the battlefield?” AJ questions as Foxfire finishes putting on the belt. “Yup!” Foxfire exclaims. “Now, then! Shall we go capture that cannon!” Shrugging, AJ motions with her hoof towards the cannon. “Well, we’ve come this far, might as well see this through.” She starts forward, the group following behind her as the guards around them break ranks and rush forward. Hesitating at the edge of the line of tents just before the growing mele, Foxfire battles with herself as her friends plunge head first into the fight. She isn’t a close range fighter; in fact, outside of the few self defense classes her husband had insisted she take, she barely knows how to fight at all. Shaking her head, she resigns herself to the fact that she is going to fight, and starts forward, stopping once more when she sees merc reinforcements coming to the aid of their comrades on one of the flanks of AJ’s forces. Quickly levitating a circular glass grenade from her belt, she puts it in her sling, and quickly swings it around over her head a few times with her magic before launching her missile towards the reinforcements. The glass shatters with a loud popping sound, followed by a billow of thick smoke. The majority of the mercs stumble out the other side, momentarily blinded by the smoke, which gives AJ’s forces enough time to effectively split themselves to deal with the new threat. Foxfire selects another of her alchemical weapons, and soon another glass grenade flies into the group. This one explodes with a loud bang, shards of glass and round metal pellets shooting in all directions to strike down the lightly armored, and disorient those who aren’t felled. The process repeats itself, sometimes smoke, sometimes other things erupting from the alchemical devices Foxfire tosses. In short order, however, the majority of the mercs are subdued, and those that are not are dealt with retreat. As soon as the last are gone, Foxfire hurries forward to the safety of AJ’s troops, the area next to the stairs up to the cannon now clear. “Captain, if we hold the base of here, will you be able to deal with whatever crew might still be up there?” AJ asks Miracle quickly as Foxfire draws closer. “I can spare but a few troops if you don’t think so, but I’d like to have the majority down here in case they rally against us now that we’ve been discovered.” “Give me only two, Dame,” Miracle states flatly. “I may be old but I can still fight, and in the narrow walkways, more soldiers will be a hinderance.” He looks to Foxfire as she stops nearby and smiles. “Miss Foxfire, shall we?” Nodding with a smile of her own, Foxfire gestures with a hoof. “After you, Captain.” The two start off towards the stairs, quickly followed by a pair of grim looking ponies wearing the light armor of the Air Marines. The ascent is quick, if tense, as shouts from above make it quite clear that some form of resistance will be found at the top. Once at the first of many large platforms between levels, Foxfire finds the guards that came with them already engaged against the first of the defending crew of the massive cannon. They’re mostly unicorns with a few earth ponies tossed in, all of them wielding whatever can be easily reached and used, but hammers and crowbars make for effective weapons in the cramped quarters. Pulling a vial from her belt, Foxfire uncorks the stopper and allows noxious green smoke to start spilling out. Without breathing in the fumes, she tosses the vial towards the back of the group of defenders, instantly shattering it against the guardrail, causing it to explode with a muted bang. The smoke billows forth, and Foxfire pulls her two allied guards back with her magic, as the defenders are overcome by the fumes, and fall to the floor of the platform. “What was that?” Miracle asks as he finishes coming up the stairs. “Compressed chloroform,” Foxfire states as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “The green color, before you ask, is something I did to the stuff in my lab so that if it leaks I can see the leak.” “Ah, well,” Miracle chuckles slightly as he moves forward towards the next set of stairs. “Remind me to never make you angry, lass” “You sound like my husband,” Foxfire giggles as she releases the two guards who look between the fallen crew and the unicorn they’ve been sent to escort before following Miracle. They continue their ascent, the resistance growing steadily as the crew becomes more desperate to stop the intruders. A platform beneath the firing station, they even go so far as to try and cut loose the catwalk with hacksaws and welding torches. The last group is dealt with quickly, and the catwalk stabilized by some well-placed ice spells. The guards go first, heading up the last staircase to the control platform, followed closely by Miracle and Foxfire. The control platform is a large enclosed and soundproof structure full of stations that are currently unoccupied. At the far end, surrounded by heavily armored and armed mercs, is a stallion wearing likewise heavy armor and smoking a large cigar. His hoof hovers dangerously close to a lever, the smile on his face making Foxfire’s blood run cold as she wonders just what that lever is for. “Well, well,” the stallion calls over, a cloud of smoke erupting from his mouth as he does. “Looks like my uninvited guests have made it up here at last, I hope the gun crew wasn’t too much trouble for you.” He levitates a hoofheld crossbow and points it at Foxfire. “Oh, and none of your tricks, Miss Alchemist; I’d rather not have to ruin such a lovely face.” Foxfire lowers the glass sphere she was placing into her sling, frowning deeply as he looks towards Miracle. However, instead of a calm and collected look, as she had seen the pegasus wear in just about every other situation they’d been in tonight, Foxfire almost takes a step backwards as she sees the look of controlled fury on his face. “I should have known Janus would hire a psychopath like you, Blast,” Miracle says coldly, causing the stallion behind the guards to laugh. “Captain Miracle! I am simply touched you remember your old weapons officer!” Blast smirks as he taps the ash from the end of his cigar. “After all, after you got me discharged I thought you would have forgotten all about me!” “After what you did, how could I, lad.” Miracle remarks, his glare growing. “Y’had no business doing what ya did! I could have had you court martialed for your actions! I nearly did if y’hadn’t fled like the coward you are.” “Insults, Captain?” Blast sighs, shaking his head. “Such is beneath a hero of Equestria like you! Especially in a conversation with an old friend! An old friend who currently holds the balance of Canterlot in his hooves!” He lowers his hoof more towards the lever. “Unless, of course, you believe one of those shelters, you know the ones full of civilians, can hold up against this gun?” Miracle, as well as the guards and Foxfire, all take a step forward only to be stopped by the mercs on the other side raising their own crossbows into a ready position. Blast continues on as if it’s the most normal night in the world. “Now, I don’t know about you, but I am personally curious. I designed the shells for this beauty myself, after-all. I really do want to know if they can bust those bunkers, the civilian casualties are only a bonus.” “You’re a monster,” Foxfire growls, lowering her ears and shooting a glare at Blast. “Why thank you, I do try to live up to the expectations my mother had of me,” Blast chuckles before taking a long draw from his cigar. Exhaling again, he gestures with his crossbow. “So, what shall I do with you four? You can’t attack me, since I’ll blow up a few hundred civilians, and I really would rather not kill my old Captain, even if he hates my guts, he did teach me everything I know.” “So, you want us to surrender?” Foxfire scoffs, taking a step forward, her glare hardening. “As if!” “Well, that’s too bad,” Blast sighs, his hoof going towards the lever, “I guess I’ll just have to kill you, and then fire the cannon. I won’t even charge Blueblood for it!” His hoof starts to lower, and right before it gets to the lever, Miracle’s voice rings out through the tense air. “Stop! We’ll surrender,” Miracle barks, causing Foxfire to spin and look at the older pony. Surprisingly, she sees none of the fury or rage that had been there earlier, instead there is a peaceful calm. Noticing her expression, which is one of pure shock, Miracle subtly motions his head towards, and behind, Blast. Looking in that direction, Foxfire spots something slowly rising up behind their foe, and a smile starts to form on her face. “What are you smiling at?” Blast asks, frowning. “Oh, well, you see,” Miracle starts as he sits down, gesturing with one hoof. “I think Foxfire is happy that we’ve surrendered and you won’t be blowing up anymore of the city!” “And why is that?” Blast asks once more, his eyes narrowing, oblivious to the pink pony rising behind him. “Because one of her friends, my grand daughter in fact, wants to throw a party there when the battle is over!” Miracle continues, a smile of his own growing. “And, one does not simply deny the Dame of Laughter her party plans!” He then leans over slightly to the left, and winks at the pony behind Blast. “Isn’t that right, lass?” Before Blast can turn around, he is struck square in the jaw by an impressive balloon hammer with a loud squeaking sound. The impact sends him flying into the line of mercs, and bowls most of them over. Foxfire and the others use the confusion spawned by Pinkie Pie’s sneak attack to rush forward and help the party pony subdue the mercs and their insane leader, with the end result being most of them tied up with balloons and other fun related objects. “Sorry I took so long!” Pinkie Pie says cheerfully. “I got side-tracked with disabling the loader crew and jamming the firing pin!” “Jammed the firing pin?” Foxfire inquires with a raised eyebrow. “How’d you manage to do that? It has to be massive.” “With raspberry jelly, of course!” Pinkie Pie declares, holding up a jar of the stuff. Foxfire opens and closes her mouth a few times, then furrows her brow and waves a hoof. “You know what, I’ll just accept that as a valid answer.” She looks to Miracle and sighs. “So, now what, Captain?” “Now, lass,” Miracle says slowly, walking over towards the door. “Now we go tell Dame Applejack that the gun is clear, and head into the city.” He looks to his granddaughter and smiles. “Can you stay here, Pinkie, and make sure these lot don’t cause any more trouble?” “Okie-dokie-lokie!” Pinkie Pie agrees as she continues to put party hats on the poor captured mercs. ----- Twilight pants as she runs along the war torn streets of Canterlot. Vaguely, in the part of her mind that is not focused on running, she recognizes the street as one that’d had one of her favorite restaurants. It’s also a half-mile from the castle. Twilight groans internally as she turns a corner and jumping over a small impact crater in the street. She wanted to teleport closer to the Castle when they had landed, a desire that Rarity had backed up wholeheartedly. When Twilight had attempted it, however, the magic had fizzled out and Twilight had barely been able to move them a few feet. Unwilling to waste any more of her magic, Twilight and Rarity had endeavored to make their way from the landing zone -- a large park in the middle-class district -- to the Castle. However, as she goes through the city, the desire is mired down by the sheer horror of the sights of a city torn asunder. It takes all the resolve she has to not stop and flee the city, so horrible is the feeling of wrongness that permeates the air. “Twilight, dear wait up!” Rarity calls from behind Twilight, causing Twilight to stop and look back at her friend. She frowns as she realizes Rarity is quite a distance behind her, having been left in the dust as Twilight had become lost in her thoughts. “Sorry, Rarity,” Twilight offers sheepishly in apology as she dances from hoof to hoof. “Something wrong, Twilight?” Rarity asks as she comes up next to her friend. “The city, it’s just... “ Twilight shakes her head and sighs, shivering. “My parents live nearby, I just hope they’re okay.” “I’m sure they’re fine, Twilight,” Rarity offers, patting her friend. “But right now we have more pressing issues. Like getting to the Castle.” She starts forward, stopping as she notices Twilight isn’t moving. “Come along, darling. I don’t know about you, but I am not in the mood to meet any of the mercenaries who made this horrid mess of the city.” Nodding with a grimace, Twilight starts moving again, this time making sure she doesn’t outpace Rarity. They make good time through the remainder of the city, despite having to take multiple detours around collapsed buildings or particularly fierce fires. The damage only grows worse, too, as they near the castle, with hardly a single building standing or left untouched by the multiple attacks on the city. In fact, as they near the street leading to one of the entrances to the castle,  a group of wounded mercenaries stumbling down the street forces Twilight and Rarity to take cover. Emerging from their hiding place -- which the rubble of what had once been one of Rarity’s favorite clothing stores -- Twilight looks to Rarity with a raised eyebrow. “I guess the Castle’s defenses are still holding,” Rarity offers. “Then we’d best hurry.” Twilight states seriously, looking down the way the wounded ponies had gone. The pair charge down the street, making their way down the last two blocks needed to reach the castle in record time. And then they turn the corner and stop, their breath taken away as surely as if they had hit a wall. The entire street is littered with bodies, many of them in more than one piece, the cobblestones of the street stained red with the amount of spilled blood. A few ponies yet live within the living hell before Twilight and Rarity, their quiet sobbing and moans filling the air as a few struggle weakly to drag themselves away from the direction the castle sits in.   Peering down the street, Twilight attempts to see has caused this carnage, but the multitude of burning buildings in the area have caused a heavy smoke to lay in the area, the choking haze obscuring even the enhanced sight of an alicorn. Putting caution to the wind, Twilight advances forward slowly, doing her best to avoid stepping in one of the many pools of blood… or on a body. Gingerly, she picks her way deeper into the butcher’s field, until she comes to an injured mercenary. He is no older than her brother, his coat a deep burgundy that makes assessing his wounds difficult, as does the large amount of blood covering him and the ground. The stallion looks up at Twilight, and reaches a shaking hoof up towards her. “Please, help me,” His voice is weak, scared. “I don’t want to die!” “Calm down,” Twilight says slowly, attempting to sound more calm than she is. “What did this do you? What happened here?” “A daemon! A creature of pure malice and death!” The stallion whimpers, tears forming in his eyes. “The Reserves and Guards must have summoned it, for they knew they could not defeat us without infernal aid!” Frowning, Twilight opens her mouth to inform the injured stallion that, surely, he is suffering from delirium brought on by his injuries and the smoke, but the sound of heavy hoof beats against the cobblestone stops her. They are slow, deliberate, heavy, and accompanied by the sound of clinking metal. Looking up and towards the direction of the Castle’s gates, she sees a figure forming in the smoke. The figure is tall, far taller than Twilight, and looks to be wielding a long-bladed spear that is being held pointing down. As it advances, the stallion next to Twilight starts to whimper and shiver, dragging himself away with his front hooves in a vain attempt to escape. And then, the figure emerges from the smoke, and there is a scream. It takes a moment before Twilight realises the scream came from Rarity, and that Twilight herself is standing in front of the injured mercenary with her wings flared out, and a spell halfway cast. But before she can cast her spell, or demand the creature before her surrender, it too flares out its wings, which are spattered with blood, and fixes the stallion with a glare. “The time has come for you to choose,” the spectre declares, his spear leveling at the whimpering stallion. “Do you surrender, or shall I add your corpse to my growing collection?” “P-please don’t kill me!” the injured stallion cries, covering his face with blood-soaked hooves. “Then say it,” the spectre continues in a growl. “I surrender! Please, I want to live!” the stallion whimpers. The spectre sighs, raising his spear in his magic, and tapping the end of it against the ground. The sound pierces the noise of the flames, and the moans of the dying, and before too long the sound of approaching hooves reaches Twilight who has yet to move from in front of the wounded stallion. It is because of this that Twilight is the first to see the approaching figures of ponies, which soon resolve into a pair of weary Royal Guard medics carrying a stretcher. The two stop beside the spectre and look up at him for guidance. “Take him to the infirmary with the others who have surrendered from this wave,” the spectre says in a surprisingly soft tone. “Leave the dying, we cannot waste medical supplies upon them, and they shall serve as a reminder to those who have attacked this city of the price of rebellion.” “Yes, Lord Shiro,” the senior of the guards replies, before walking over towards Twilight and stopping. “Your highness, please move so we can assist him.” Numbly, Twilight nods and steps aside, her wings falling to her side as she looks between the guards and Shiro. “Princess Twilight Sparkle, I presume?” Shiro asks, turning slightly. Not waiting to see if she nods, he starts walking back through the smoke. “You and your friend need to come with me. It is not safe here.”   “What?!” Rarity shouts from behind Twilight. “I have to walk through that?” She punctuates her last statement by pointing at the field of blood and dead. “I think I’ll stay here, and take my chances with th-” Rarity is cut off as a crimson glow appears around her, lifts her up into the air, and drags her quickly into the smoke and towards the Castle as she shrieks loudly. Taking to the air to avoid most of the bodies, Twilight catches up to the pair as Shiro puts Rarity down inside the Castle’s gates. “How dare you!” Rarity yells at Shiro, eyes narrowed. “Treating a Dame Friendship! A personal friend to the Princess! Why I shou-” “Rarity, enough,” Twilight cuts in, causing her friend to sputter and direct a glare at Twilight. When she says no more, thought, Twilight looks to Shiro and frowns. “I would like to know who you are, though. You’re taller than any pony I’ve met except Princess Celestia and Luna.” Removing his helmet and setting it aside, Shiro studies Twilight with a small smile. “Because, little Princess, I am kin to them. An alicorn, much like yourself, as you can see.” “But… besides Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and I, there are no other alicorns!” Twilight professes, frowning. “Besides, why would you come here now, of all times? What stake do you have in protecting this city?” “My own,” Shiro replies curtly. “I will be happy to explain them to you when the city is once more secure. Granddaughter,” he looks past Twilight, “please escort Princess Twilight and her Dame to the ballroom. The Commanders and Master Sergeant will want to speak to her immediately.” Turning around Twilight shifts to one side as a fully armored mare, the pips of a Major General on her collar, comes striding up to stand beside her. “It would be my honor, Grandfather,” the mare chuckles before waving a hoof to Rarity and Twilight. “If you will follow me, your highness, Dame Rarity.” As she walks, Twilight studies the mare, wondering just how so much blood and dirt could cover a single pony. Walking into the Castle, Rarity at her side, Twilight is rendered speechless by the damage to the inside, as well as the amount of injured ponies that are wandering the hallways. Everywhere she looks, ponies are walking through the hallways, more times than not they hold their heads low and walk in an aimless fashion, as if the world is simply passing them by. The majority, however, are walking with purpose, even if the look in their eyes tells Twilight that they are clinging to whatever jobs they’ve been assigned as if to let go of it would mean drowning. The sea of ponies parts before the general, many offering salute as she pasess. As such, they make quick time to the ballroom, or rather what remains of it. The instant the doors open, Twilight feels her stomach sink at the state of the ballroom. Yet, she  holds her head high as she looks to the pony who has guided them. “Thank you, General…?” Twilight asks, a reassuring smile on her face. “Diamond, your highness,” General Diamond responds, bowing. “General Diamond Star, of House Star.” She then looks over at a large table in the center of the controlled chaos that is the ballroom. “You’re going to want to go to that table, Commanders Knight and Dawn will be there, as will Acting Reserve-Commander Yearling.” As she turns to leave, Rarity puts a hoof on her shoulder, quickly pulling it back and grimacing at the blood and dirt. “General, you wouldn’t happen to be the same Diamond Star who is also Duchess Star?” Rarity asks, tapping her forehooves together sheepishly. “I am,” Diamond chuckles. “What of it?” “Well, you see… if you are Duchess, what does that make Shiro?” Rarity inquires, a look of worry on her face. “A very patient stallion,” Diamond replies, leaving Rarity stunned, and her question not quite answered as she departs. Shaking her head, Twilight makes her way to the table indicated by Diamond, leaving Rarity sitting in the doorway as her expression rapidly cycles through shock, horror, worry, and outrage. Stopping a short ways from the large banquet table, Twilight studies the five adults at the table, as well as the form of a small pegasus colt wearing what looks to be royal guard armor. She knows most of the adults, primarily Commanders Knight and Dawn of the Day and Night Guard, as well Wind Rider who was a fixture at the Gala every year as a former Wonderbolt. The last two, however, are the most interesting. The first she vaguely recognized as Witching Hour’s brother, the description fitting at least and the family resemblance being uncanny. And if the first is Leaf Wind, then the second could only be Daring Do, also known as… “Yearling, have you been able to get a signal on that thing yet?” Dawn grumbles in a weary growl. “We need to get back into contact with the fleet.” “Working on it, Dawn,” Daring grumbles as she hands a wrench to Leaf who is beside Rider. The three Reservists currently have the radio open, exposing all kinds of wires, crystal batteries, and mechanical pieces. “You’re just lucky me and Leaf have some field experience with this sort of thing.” “You have to learn fast when it’s between being stuck on an island full of angry cannibals, and your ride home!” Leaf comments, poking at something inside the radio’s casing. “Less talking, more fixing,” Rider grunts around a set of pick-like tools in his mouth. “I don’t think you three know what you’re doing,” the colt sighs. “Perhaps you should ask someone who knows more about this sort of stuff?” “Like who? Everypony else has more important things to do,” Leaf states. “And it’s not like we’re going to get a surprise visit from somepony who can fix a magical capacitor in the next five minutes.” “Well,” the colt starts, pointing over at Twilight, “what about Princess Twilight?” “Yeah right… Princess Twilight’s probably trapped behind a skirmish line somewhere between here and the landing site…” Leaf’s sarcastic retort is accompanied by a wave of his hoof at the colt. “I doubt we’ll be seeing her anytime soon.” He looks over at Dawn and Knight who have snapped to attention. “What’s gotten into you two? Too much starch in your armor?” “I think they’re just happy to see me,” Twilight chuckles as she goes to stand at the table, beside Dawn, a smile on her face. “After all, I ran all the way here.” She looks to Leaf who is looking at her wide-eyed. “Something wrong, Leaf?” Turning to Daring, Leaf clears his throat. “Dee? Could you do me a favor, and pull my hoof out of my throat?” “Hmm,” Daring hums as she looks over Leaf. “I don’t know, dear. Might be easier to just pull it out the other end, would be much closer from that direction.” She then looks over at Twilight her eyes serious. “So, with you here that means over all command falls to you now. Right?” “I… guess so? I’ve never really commanded a military force.” Twilight says sheepishly, rubbing the back of her head with one hoof. “I wouldn’t even know where to start.” “It’s easy, you tell us to get stuff done,” Daring offer slowly, gesturing at herself first then at Twilight, “and we get it done! Simple as that.” “Okay... “ Twilight’s hesitant response is followed by her looking at the map on the table. “I think I can do that…” She looks to the other ponies at the table who are looking at her expectantly. “Tell me what the situation is, and what these things on the map are, and I’ll do my best.” “Don’t worry, your highness,” Dawn says with a smile and a nod. “We all know what we’re doing.” He then gestures to the map. “Now, these lines represent our current front line, last we had contact with it at least.” He points to a red string line held up by push pins. “With you here, chances are whatever forces you brought are already pressing Blueblood’s, so most likely it has since shifted in our favor.” He looks up at Twilight who is frowning deeply. “Blueblood?” Twilight asks, concern filling her voice. “Why would the Archduke, Celestia and Luna’s nephew, attack his own city?” “We’re not sure yet, your highness,” Knight cuts in, “the mercenaries we’ve been able to capture, especially their officers, keep telling us some garbage about how Blueblood has proof that both of his aunts are dead, captured, or some combination of the two.” The thestral commander sighs and shakes his head. “Where he got these ludacris ideas, we do not know, but they’ve all sworn profusely that it’s the truth.” “Do we know where he is?” Twilight inquires, looking at the map. “We believe his base of operations is in the ruins of his estate,” Dawn says, pointing to a section of the map in the ruined upper class area. “So far as we can tell, this is the most heavily defended area in the occupied zone.” “Have you attempted to attack it?” Twilight’s question earns her a sigh from Daring. “Something you want to say, Daring?” “We’ve been on the defensive the entire time, your highness,” Daring replies with a gesture to the map. “A lot of our forces were injured from the attack that took out the upper class district. Blueblood took advantage of that, and struck us where we were weakest, and used the threat of civilian casualties to stay our hooves in open warfare.” She sighs, and points to the map, a look of profound fatigue and sorrow on her face. “Honestly, without Shiro at the front gates, we likely would have been overwhelmed hours ago. We’ve been floundering trying to get to the pockets of resistance in the other districts.” “Then we need to get aid to the stranded guards?” This time, Twilight’s question is rewarded with smiles and nods from the commanders. “And establish a line of communication with other important places in the city?” “Yes, Princess!” Leaf says enthusiastically. “Now you’re getting it!” “Thanks, Leaf,” Twilight blushes. She then coughs and looks at the map, frowning. “I guess, then, the first place we should liberate is a closer landing zone for the airships.” She points to a large park near the Castle. “This should do, and it’s close to one of the shelters for the civilians, we can start evacuating them as we land troops.” “That’s a good start, Princess,” Daring agrees, looking at the map herself. “But, what about the hospital? Canterlot General needs reinforcements; they’ve needed them all night.” “Don’t worry, Daring,” Twilight replies with a confidant smile. “I’ve already sent some of my most trusted ponies to do just that.” ----- From her perch upon the back of her coltfriend, Big Mac, Fluttershy cannot help but hide her face away behind her mane as the ruined streets of Canterlot fly past her. She had kept her eyes closed for most of the run into the city, the sounds of distant combat and screams of terror filling her senses. If not for the fact that she is perched atop the one pony she feels truly safe with, terror would have taken her long ago. Sure, the platemail Mac wears is cold, and uncomfortable to sit on, and the navy medic uniform she is wearing makes her feel out of place… Another loud explosion rips through the air, and Fluttershy lets out a loud (for her) scream, pressing herself deeper into Mac’s armored shoulders and back. Slowing down, Mac snorts as he goes around the flaming debris of a ruined building -- from the liberal scattering of books and a few potted plants seen from under her mane Fluttershy surmises it might have been a house -- only to stop on the other side and look back at Fluttershy. “Y’alright Fluttershy?” Mac asks in his deep drawl, muffled slightly by his helmet. When she nods, Mac starts forward again, this time at a slower pace. “I reckon we should be at the hospital soon.” Squeaking out her agreement, Fluttershy silently hopes that by soon, Mac means ‘the next time we turn a corner’ and not that they’ll have to spend minutes more in this flame wreathed mirror of tartarus. Glancing back, she watches as the soldiers who had been given to Mac’s command -- most of them Royal Equestrian Marines from the airships mixed with what Royal Guard had been stationed in Ponyville -- make their way around the ruins that Mac and her had just cleared. Though their faces are the masks of professional soldiers, the shivering yellow pegasus can tell that they’re just as frightened as her. Before she can really think on that fact, how soldiers who are trained and expect to go to places like this can be afraid, Mac starts forward again with the troops following in his wake. Their journey takes a while yet, far too long in Fluttershy’s terrified opinion, and by the time they turn the last corner she is just about ready to try her luck at flying out of the city and back to Ponyville. However, the sight that comes into view around that corner, stops any thoughts Fluttershy had of fleeing before they can take root. Canterlot General is a beaten shadow of its former self, the windows smashed out of most of the floors, sandbag walls and tables forming barricades on the front entrance, and the bodies of defenders and attackers both litter the space between the hospital’s entrance and the buildings on the far side of the plaza it sits on. The terrible wrongness of it all, of all this death in a place of healing, strikes a chord deep in Fluttershy’s being, the fear and trepidation she had felt prior to witnessing this site evaporating like rain beneath the sun. Without thinking, she leaps from Mac’s shoulders, taking flight and shooting quicker than anypony had seen her fly towards the entrance. She barely hears the thundering hooves of Mac behind her, as well as the shouts from both her troops and the weary defenders. And then she is inside. Still more defenders greet her, many covered in superficial or non-critical wounds wrapped in bandages. Many can barely hold their weapons straight, and quite a few do not even attempt to hold them at all. Their eyes speak of having seen things nopony should ever have to witness, and a fatigue so gripping it is as if their very souls are being crushed by it. She presses forward, the guards parting before her like snow before the plow, a few of the more alert offering her salutes and murmuring ‘Dame Fluttershy’ as she passes them. Stopping in the middle of them all, Fluttershy shivers a little as she realizes they’re all looking at her as if she is the most beautiful sight they’ve seen in awhile. And, perhaps she is, Fluttershy admits to herself, as she represents their relief. Their long fight is almost at an end. The sea of defenders parts again, this time Mac strides through and everypony present gasps at the giant armored stallion, eyes wide, as he comes to stand beside Fluttershy. Looking up at him, Fluttershy swallows, and climbs back up to stand on his back, all the ponies in the crowd instantly looking up at her. From up there, she isn’t too nervous, but they also still look like they want her to say something. Clearing her throat, she flinches slightly as even the noise of the distant fighting seems to quiet down, all eyes and ears focused on her. “G-good evening, everypony,” Fluttershy squeaks quietly, trying her best to stand tall for all the injured ponies. “I-I’m sorry it took us so long to get here! Our airship was forced land in the outskirts of the city, a-and we had to fight our way here. But, we’ve brought medical supplies, a-and Mac and I brought troops! Y-you’ve all been so brave, but your part in this fight is over. You can all put down your weapons, a-and we’ll see to your injuries, and get you something warm to eat.” And as if on cue, the relief troops Fluttershy and Mac had brought start taking up their positions, the support staff with them bringing in the supplies. The weary defenders all around Fluttershy and Mac all brighten at the entrance of the supplies, many even sitting down and staring in wonder. Yes, these ponies had been through hell, Fluttershy decides. And it breaks her heart to see them thus. From her perch Fluttershy watches her troops take up positions at the barricades, both inside and out, and the weary troops to start shuffling deeper into the hospital. A single stallion in guard armor breaks off from the weary defenders and walks over towards her and Mac, offering a salute to Fluttershy. “Dame Fluttershy,” the stallion greets the yellow pegasus in a weary, but commanding tone which causes Fluttershy to shy away a little. “I am Lieutenant Dusk Chaser, I am the one leading the Guards here at the hospital, per Commander Amber Dawn’s orders.” “Nice to meet you, Lieutenant,” Fluttershy whispers softly. “If you will follow me, I shall escort you and your,” Chaser pauses and looks to Mac, who raises an eyebrow, “guardian, somewhere more comfortable.” “I-I’d like to be shown to where I can put my skills to use,” Fluttershy starts, causing Chaser to raise an eyebrow. “If that’s alright with you, that is… I know my way around a bandage…” “You sure you want to go help back there? It’s not pretty,” Chaser warns, looking between Mac and Fluttershy. Swallowing and gathering all her courage, Fluttershy nods. “I do, Lieutenant. They’ve likely been working non-stop since all this started, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I didn’t go try and ease their burden.” Nodding, Chaser turns and starts walking towards a pair of large double doors marked ‘Emergency - Staff Only’, speaking as he reaches the doors. “If that is your wish, ma’am, then I shall not argue. The majority of the critically wounded have already been cleared, but there are a few left, along with scores of minor and non-critical. I suggest you roll up your sleeves, gather what courage you have, and keep that brave face fixed in place.” He pases, hoof on the door, and looks over his shoulder as Fluttershy gets off Mac’s back and looks at Chaser. “I wish you luck, I don’t have the courage to go in there more than I need.” He pushes the door open and stands to one side, holding it open for Fluttershy and Mac. Mac goes first, as Fluttershy instantly hesitates and shies away from the door, Chaser’s words carrying an ominous undertone. Mac pauses halfway through the door, looking back at Fluttershy and motioning with his head for her to follow, which she does with one final deep breath to try and collect herself. However, once she crossed the threshold of the emergency room, her resolve nearly breaks. The first thing to hit her is the smell, the acidic smell of cleaning agents barely hiding the putrid stench of spilled fluids -- blood, vomit, bowel, all equally and liberally represented and repressed by the smell of bleach -- sparking primal revulsion deep within Fluttershy’s mind. Even Mac does his best to shy away at the smell, his massive armored form unconsciously backing away while also moving closer to Fluttershy as if to protect her. The next thing to hit her is the sight. An entire section of the room, and perhaps even extending out into the hallway, are bodies. Shrouded upon stretchers and counters, stacked in rows like firewood in bodybags, and some even simply wrapped in soiled sheets or flags and put to one side. The sheer amount of dead, and the implication of there being many more in the hallway, brings tears to Fluttershy’s eyes, even as her heart tries its best to freeze between heartbeats from the sheer horror of it all. Without thinking, she wraps her arms around one of Mac’s, pulling herself beneath him where she can be sheltered, in some small way, from the horror that is the cost of open conflict. Shivering, she closes her eyes to block it out, and try to piece back together her fractured courage before it buckles completely and she flees. Because if she flees, she’ll fail Twilight, and she couldn’t do that to her friend, let alone all the ponies who had suffered here. “Hey! You two, you’re not supposed to be back here if you’re not injured!” A voice comes from nearby, the gruff tone causing Fluttershy to shy away and almost run from the room. “SorryI’lljustbeleavingthenifyoudon’tnee…” Fluttershy speaks quickly, her words running together before the pony who spoke comes into view, his stern expression causing her words to die into a wordless, and quiet, scream. “By the Sun, quit your screaming,” the stallion grumbles, which earns him a loud snort from Mac who is now glaring at him. “What’s your problem?” “Yer scarin’ her,” Mac rumbles dangerously. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know they let delicate flowers wear those uniforms,” the stallion continues, pointing at Fluttershy. “Last I checked, wearing that meant you’re prepared to charge elbow deep into gore and drag ponies kicking n’ screaming back to life!” He turns around, ignoring the glare from Mac that could likely pickle apples. “Now, get her out of here, and let the medical professionals continue to save ponies.” As he starts to walk away, a pale lavender unicorn mare wearing the scrubs of a nurse comes over and levitates a clipboard up in her magic. Without stopping, she swats the stallion on the back of the head with it, causing him to nearly fall face first into a gurney, and stops in front of Fluttershy with a warm smile. “What the hay was that for!?” the stallion demands loudly, rubbing his head. “For being rude to a Dame of Friendship, you insufferable old codger,” the mare states calmly before addressing Fluttershy. “Please forgive my ex-husband, the navy did wonders for his personality, I assure you.” “I-it’s okay, miss…” Fluttershy squeaks, peeking out from behind one of Mac’s legs. “I… I really should have perhaps come in with one of the soldiers guarding the front… or with another medic or…” “Dear, it is alright,” the unicorn continues, her smile growing. Though, now that Fluttershy takes a good look at her, she can see there is very little to smile about, as the mare is liberally covered in blood, the sight of which causes Fluttershy to shiver. “So, are you here to help? We could use the extra set of hooves. Most of the staff collapsed the instant the most critically wounded were cleared.” Nodding, Fluttershy peers out at the mare, a small smile forming on her lips. “Uh-huh, Twilight… that is to say Princess Twilight, asked me to come here with the volunteer medical staff from Ponyville and the Two-Twenty-Second Airguard doctors…” “Oh?” The mare’s eyes widen a bit. “Explains why I’ve not gotten any more wounded in here if you’ve landed troops in the city.” She then looks at the door. “So, where are they?” “Mac and I… sort of got ahead of them,” Fluttershy whispers, running her hooves over the front of her mane while looking at the floor. “They should be here soon, so I won’t be in your mane long… because you’ll have your professional doctors soon.” “Nonsense, dear,” the mare chuckles. “If you wish to help, then I’ll gladly have you help.” She offers a hoof, her smile remaining. “My name is Faith Cure. I’m the head nurse here.” Fluttershy takes her hoof and comes out from beneath Mac as Faith continues in her soothing tone, though it takes on an edge of annoyance as she looks over at the stallion who she struck earlier. “And that walking blue bag of sunshine is my ex-husband, Real McCoy, but he’ll likely insist you call him ‘Bones’ because…” “Because she took everything from me in the divorce,” Bones mutters. “Left me with nothing but my bones…” “I left you the house, and all the shiny pieces of metal they pinned on your chest!” Faith says in an exasperated tone. “Honestly, you should be happy about me leaving you the house alone! Remember it? The beautiful one on the sea in Vanhoover?” She turns to Fluttershy, her smile growing fond. “It was our dream house, oh you should have seen how happy we were! The view alone would take your breath away!” “I’ve not lived in it since you left, I have an apartment in Manehatten now, closer to my job.” Bones sighs. “Besides, it’s much too large for a single pony to live in by themselves, too cold during the winter.” “Well, whose fault is that?” Faith retorts, crossing her arms and glaring at Bones. “Uhm… I… think I’ll just go over to a table and… see what I can do.” Fluttershy whispers, slowly inching her way around the two arguing ponies and heading off towards anywhere that isn’t there, Mac in tow behind her. The two continue to bicker, though it is rather obvious to Fluttershy that despite the heated words, they have feelings for each other. Still, the intensity of it makes Fluttershy more uncomfortable than the smell and sights in the ER, so she picks her way through the maze of gurneys until she finds a place far enough away that the shouting isn’t too close, and she is able to find something she can do. Namely, help a mare wind bandages. The mare is a green unicorn, her own nurses uniform stained in the same fashion as Faith’s but also sporting rips and tears in it as if she has been in a fight. Her eyes are fixed on the bandages she is winding, partially using her magic and partially using her hooves, so Fluttershy is surprised when she speaks in a weary tone. “I take it my boss and her ex drove you over here with their yelling?” the mare asks as she levitates a roll of bandages off to one side, where they’re snatched out of the air by a large paw and set down on a nearby table. At the sight of the paw, Fluttershy looks up at the creature it’s attached to, and backs up into Mac’s front legs as she spots a griffin, likewise covered in blood but also bandages and small scratches. Mac blinks a few times, and then looks over at the Griffin with a raised eyebrow. “Don’t mind Quicktail,” the mare sighs. “He wouldn't hurt a fly, unless that fly was wearing a JSS uniform…” “And I’ve no stomach for bloodshed right now, anyway,” Quicktail says softly, his eyes distant as he leans against the table he is sitting beside, the stack of bandages upon it nearly as tall as he is. “So, please, don’t be afraid little mare. I’m as harmless as a newborn chick right now.” He looks to Mac and smiles. “Besides, I don’t think I’d ever get past your big friend there, he looks like he could beat a mountain into submission.” “Oh…” Fluttershy speaks up from behind one of Mac’s legs. “I’m sorry… I’ve just… Griffins have been mean to me in the past…” “Then I apologize on behalf of the griffin race,” Quicktail chuckles wearily. “A lot of my fellows do not know how to smile, let alone get along with others.” He gestures to the table Ember is sitting at, his face splitting into what Fluttershy can only hope to assume is a griffin smile. “I am sure my marefriend would love to have some help with the bandages, I keep trying to get her to rest, but she keeps telling me she can’t stop until this whole thing with Blueblood is over.” “Your… marefriend?” Fluttershy asks, her ears perking up as she comes out. “I didn’t know griffins took pony mates.” “They don’t, normally,” the mare speaks up, levitating another roll to Quicktail. “I’m a special case, I guess. Not that I complain, he makes for a warm bed, and he’s really good at cooking breakfast.” She motions to the table, looking up at Fluttershy at last with a smile. “And, what my birdbrained special somepony failed to mention is my name, which is Emerald Haze, by the way. Though most ponies call me Ember.” With a smile of her own, Fluttershy sits down and picks up a bandage, winding it slowly with her hooves. “I’m Fluttershy, and… well the big stallion behind me is Big Macintosh…” She then blushes and winds the bandage in front of her a little faster as Mac sits down behind her, mirroring Quicktail and Ember. “He… is also my special somepony.” A whistling sound draws her attention back up, and she blushes harder as she sees both Ember and Quicktail staring. “You’re a lucky mare,” Ember chuckles, winking to Fluttershy and Mac. “Though, honestly, I am surprised you can walk. I mean, it must be great in b-” Quicktail starts up, a smirk on his face, but a rolled bandage finds its way up and into his open beak. “Now now, dear, no asking such personal questions to the nice couple we just met,” Ember admonishes her significant other without stopping her own work. Both Fluttershy and Mac blush a little, and avert their eyes from the other couple, as Fluttershy continues the mindless work of rolling bandages and doing her best to ignore the distant rumbling that she assumes to be cannon fire. The work is relaxing, too, in a mindless way. She can focus on it and forget everything else, much like if she was meditating or doing her chores at home. Before long, she has lost all track of time, and barely notices the medics come in to relieve the few doctors still on their hooves in the room, with the exception of Faith, Bones, Ember, and herself that is. Quicktail and Mac also remain behind, sitting beside their respective mares, unwilling to leave their sides. It isn’t until shouting echoes through the ER that Fluttershy is snapped back to paying attention to the world around her. “I know you’re not supposed to be here!” Bones shouts, making Fluttershy whip her head around towards the commotion like a wild animal honing into a potential threat. “You’re not a doctor, and you are hardly worth even the title you do hold!” “Now now, Bones,” a new voice replies; it’s smooth, and holds a hint of mirth in it. “I came here to check in with the Dame, and to see an old friend! You can hardly fault me for making sure you’re still breathing.” “Yes I can, you lame excuse for a sea-captain!” Bones continues, stomping over towards a gold pony wearing the uniform of a naval admiral. “The only thing on Celestia’s green earth that’s going to kill me is my ex, and right now I seem to be more useful to her alive than dead, so you’d best stop worrying about my health!” He thrusts a hoof into the face of the other pony. “And for another thing, I don’t think you’re here to check in with the Dame, because if you were, you wouldn’t be smiling. The Gold Star I know hates talking to other nobles.” “Okay, you caught me…” Gold Star sighs, scratching the back of his head. “I actually wanted to talk to Dame Fluttershy because I heard she’s nice… and I’ll likely be in a world of trouble soon.” “Let me guess,” Bones sighs, putting a hoof to his face. “The Enterprise?” “Yeah, she’s currently parked… in the middle of Ponyville…” Star coughs into his hoof, doing his best to not look like he was up a creek without a paddle. “Closer to the Everfree Forest, really…” And also in a proverbial leaky canoe. “So you’re going to bug her to try and get her to put in a good word with the Princess?” Bones asks grumpily, turning slightly looking to Faith who is walking past. “Faith, are you hearing this?” Without saying a word, Faith’s clipboard levitates over, slaps Star on the back of the head, and then goes back to Faith who hasn’t stopped walking. “Thank you,” Bones smirks. “You’re welcome, dear,” Faith says absently, continuing on as if nothing out of the ordinary is going on. “Good to see you too…” Star chuckles, rubbing the lump forming on the back of his head. His eyes then wander over to where Fluttershy is sitting, and she instantly makes herself smaller so that he doesn’t see her. However, a smile suddenly spreads across Star’s face, and he starts over towards her. By the time he reaches the area Fluttershy and Ember are rolling bandages in, Fluttershy has all but integrated herself into the pile of cloth in front of her. However, he goes right past Fluttershy and up to Ember, the bright smile on his face reflected by Ember. “Ember! Perhaps you can save me from the wrath of my former CMO?” Star greets the unicorn enthusiastically. “I mean, you’re a doctor too, aren't you? You can get him to let me talk to the Dame, right?” “I don’t know, Captain,” Ember chuckles as she hands off the roll she had been working on and stands up to embrace the earth pony. “I think it’s written somewhere in the oath I took that I have to agree with grumpy old country doctors.” “It’s Admiral, Ember,” Star replies with a chuckle. “They made me an Admiral, same as that grumpy old country doctor.” “Oh, well, no matter how many pips they put on your collar, you’re still the same ol’ Gold Star I met all those years ago,” Ember shrugs as she releases Star. “As for the Dame, well I obviously can’t stop you from talking to her.” She then smiles at the shivering pile of bandages that is Fluttershy’s hiding place. “But, if you frighten her any more than you already have, I’ll have to start taking bets on how badly Faith will kick your plot.” “I’ll be nice, I promise,” Star says seriously, putting his left hoof over his heart and holding the right up. “Scouts honor.” “You were never a scout, Star,” Ember chuckles as she goes back to her work. “You sound like my mother,” Star sighs, rolling his eyes. “The Duchess is a smart mare,” Ember smirks. “Not that I’ve met her. I fear you’d never live down all the stories we’d share about you.” “Bah, why are all the mares in Equestria out to get me?” Star grumbles before walking over and sitting beside Fluttershy’s hiding spot. He is quiet, and simply sits there waiting for Fluttershy to make the first move. After a little while of this, Fluttershy pokes her head out and looks at Star with trepidation and a small amount of fear. Her reluctance is met with a smile, and he inclines his head slightly. “Dame Fluttershy?” “Y-yes?” Fluttershy squeaks, pulling back slightly into her hiding place. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Star says warmly, his smile remaining. “I was wondering if I could speak to you, if that’s alright with you?” “I-I guess so, if you don’t mind me continuing winding bandages…” Fluttershy agrees as she sits back down and picks up a bandage. “Unless it’s not, then I’ll stop… I don’t want you to think I am not paying attention.” “No, please continue your work,” Star says with a wave of his hoof. “I don’t think I could get away with making you stop your work.” “Damn right you wouldn’t!” Faith’s voice echoes from nearby, causing both Star and Fluttershy to jump. “Uhm… anyway,” Star continues, clearing his throat and shifting a little where he sits. “I wanted to talk to you about something.” “Your ship, right?” Fluttershy ventures, looking down at the bandage she is slowly winding. “I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation.” “That is exactly it, Dame Fluttershy,” Star says slowly, a sigh escaping him as he picks up an unrolled bandage and absently starts to roll it. “Since you’re a friend of Princess Twilight, and the Element of Kindness, I… figured you would be the best one to speak to.” “I don’t know how much I can help you,” Fluttershy admits, putting aside the finished bandage and moving onto another. “Perhaps if I explain the situation?” Star offers, his warm smile remaining. “That might help? But I can’t make any promises…” Fluttershy trails off, the last barely whispered as she lowers herself closer to the table. ----- The city is burning. The view of it from second story of his house should leave Evening Star speechless, should shock him to the very core so completely that he should not be able to do what he is doing right now. Yet, all the black stallion feels is muted, cold, rage festering in the pit of his stomach. His amber eyes reflecting the light of the flames slowly consuming his home city. The shelling had stopped a while back, and Evening had ventured forth from his hiding spot beneath the house, leaving his wife and and the surviving refugees in the care of the few Royal Guards that had made it to their house. Now, he sits, crossbow perched against the window, eyes staring out into the street, watchful for the movement of the mercs who would dare come to try and burn his home down. And, to try and catch a glimpse of the pony who had been seemingly protecting the block since the shells had started to fall. He had spied the shadowy figure a few times, when mercenaries had come around the corner. The figure would dart out of the shadows, blades gleaming in the light of the flames, and strike down ponies before Evening could line up a shot. Or, sometimes, when Evening would shoot at a group of mercs and cause them to scatter, an unfortunate one would suddenly be dragged into the shadows, never to be heard or seen again. From these glimpses, Evening had determined two things: one, the pony was a pegasus, as he had seen the figure use wings a few times to spring forwards or backwards despite the fact they were wearing a heavy cloak to hide their face and body; and two, the pony was not a royal guard or reservist. The uniform the pony was wearing, at least from the glimpses Evening had caught when the cloak had fluttered up during combat, is a dark purple with yellow or gold lightning bolts on it, almost eerily similar to the Wonderbolts’ uniform. In fact, Evening could have sworn he had seen the pony wearing goggles too. The sound of hooves on the cobblestone outside draws Evening’s attention back to the present, he aims his crossbow out of instinct rather than conscious thought. What comes around the corner though nearly stops Evening’s heart. The armored forms of the absolute largest ponies he had ever seen in his entire life march in front of a group of normally armored mercenaries. Evening has a sinking feeling that no matter how many bolts he puts into the big brutes he’ll never do more than anger them, but he has to try. Reaching to where he put the quivers he had collected from the royal guards, and the one he had started off with, his hoof brushes over the remaining bolts he has. They number a disappointing few, seven at least, ten at most. And of course, right after he is finished counting his nearly depleted stock of bolts, the group stops a ways down the street, and the row behind the armored juggernaut ponies hand up what look to be shoulder mounted cannons. Grimacing and taking careful aim, Evening contemplates what he’ll tell his daughter on the other side. Perhaps apologize? Or, at the very least embrace her and tell her how much he missed her. A loud cough, doubtlessly amplified by some spell, breaks Evening from his morbid thoughts. Looking for the source, he spots a tan unicorn wearing the uniform of one of the merc’s officers trotting forward to stand just in front of the heavily armed ponies. “There’s no use hiding,” the unicorn starts, his amplified voice echoing over the distant din of screams and battle. “We know you’ve been protecting this block, so come out! If you don’t, I’ll have my associate's level every building here,” he points towards the house Evening is in, “starting with the one your sniper friend is in!” Ducking behind the cover of the wall beneath the window, Evening curses under his breath. There is no way in the world the pony that Evening has seen will come out simply because his life's in danger. Heck, if whoever the pony is is smart, they’ll get out of here and go find a better place to fight now that they’ve been put into a corner. Perhaps he can kill their leader before they fire, at least have the satisfaction of taking out the smug grin on the pony’s face before he dies. Taking a few deep breaths and resigning himself to death, Evening pops back up, crossbow at the ready, but stops just short of letting loose the bolt he has loaded as he spots the scene outside having changed.   The mercs are still where they were a moment ago, but now standing in front of them is a cloaked figure, its back to Evening. “So glad you’ve decided to join us,” the unicorn calls to the figure with a sneer, “Shadowbolt.” The figure says nothing, does nothing. The unicorn’s sneer fades slightly, eyes narrowing. “Got nothing to say for yourself? No grand justification for the lives you’ve taken?” He points at the figure with one hoof. “Well? Speak! Or I’ll have one of my jaegers make you!” When the figure continues to stand quietly, the unicorn growls and turns to one of the large armored ponies, which are apparently the aforementioned ‘jaeger’ and points to the cloaked figure. Putting aside its rocket weapon, the jaeger steps forward, its armored hooves echoing ominously against the cobblestone. As it draws closer, the cloaked figure looks up at it, the jaeger standing at least a few feet taller while at the same time slowly getting into a low combat stance. Taking careful aim with his crossbow, Evening’s hoof brushes lightly against the trigger as he contemplates letting one of his last bolts fly into the jaeger’s helmet, not that it’d pierce the thing, but it might distract the hulking pony for a few moments so whoever the ‘shadowbolt’ in the street is can flee or get the upper hoof. Yet, right as he starts to apply the proper amount of pressure to the trigger, the figure springs forward, propelled by grey wings from beneath its cloak. In a flash, it’s upon the jaeger, blades springing forth from what look to be gauntlets worn over the Shadowbolt’s hooves, and before the large armored pony can react a blade finds its way between two armored plates in its shoulder. The jaeger growls loudly, and tries backhand the cloaked Shadowbolt, only to find it’s movement turned against it when the Shadowbolt swings up and around, another blade coming out to slice at the straps holding the helmet and faceplate to the armor. Rearing back, the jaeger manages to force the Shadowbolt to disengage as its helmet flies off. The face beneath is a crosswork of old and new scars, and even what looks to be prosthetic eye. The Shadowbolt doesn’t even flinch -- Evening himself has to hold back a shiver that would doubtlessly caused his crossbow to fire -- and instead squares its shoulders and waits. When nothing happens for a few moments, save for the snorting breaths of the Jaeger as it seems to think on how best to beat the Shadowbolt to a pulp, the Shadowbolt stands up on its hind legs, unclasped its cloak, and holds it out to one side like somepony fighting a bull. The taunt is clear, as the jaeger roars with fury and charges. The Shadowbolt turns aside as the jaeger reaches them, deftly side-stepping and allowing the pony’s rage to build as it runs into Evening’s fence. Once more, it charges, and again, it misses. On the fourth time past, the jaeger is able to stop, and turn before it goes too far, a hoof lashing out at the Shadowbolt. Quickly bringing their own hooves up, the Shadowbolt uses the jaeger’s own strength against it, redirecting the punch away from themselves, and then lashing out with a hoof-blade for the kill before the larger pony can react. From where he is watching, Evening can see the blade vanish under the jaeger’s chin, likely into the pony’s throat, and the jaeger stop dead with its eyes wide. For a few moments the two stay there, frozen in the moment of the kill. Then, the Shadowbolt calmly reaches up with its free hoof, touches a spot on its gauntlet, and presses the blade forward. A piercing crack echoes through the area as the jaeger’s head whips back, blood spraying everywhere as it falls to the ground. With the same amount of deliberate calm, the Shadowbolt goes and collects its cloak as the merc officer stares in blank disbelief at the fallen jaeger. By the time the cloak is back around the Shadowbolt’s neck, the officer has recovered enough to point at his foe and shout. “Well, don’t stand there! GET HIM!” The officer’s voice echoes in the street, and his soldiers obey.closely followed by their less-armored counterparts. The armored forms of the last four remaining jaegers start forward, their lesser armored comrades close behind. The Shadowbolt wades into them like a dancer, hooves lashing out and felling a few of the lesser mercs before they start to overwhelm him. Unable to simply watch, Evening aims his crossbow and lets loose a bolt into the head of a merc who has the Shadowbolt in a choke hold. The merc’s head whips around as the bolt strikes, his hooves jerking and tearing the cloak and hood from the Shadowbolt. As the hoof falls from the Shadowbolt’s head Evening takes note of the two toned grey and brown hair held back by a red headband. It’s oddly familiar, but at the moment he can’t stop to think why he should be able to place the pegasus in front of him. Loading another bolt, Evening takes another shot, this one at a jaeger, the bolt bouncing off of the armored pony and into a nearby merc who is not so armored. The next bolt is aimed at the officer, who instead of raising a shield grabs a fellow pony uses them as a shield. Meanwhile, the Shadowbolt continues to fight like a devil born from the depths of Tartarus, despite numerous cuts and rips in his uniform, exposing the grey coat beneath. Their blades continue to seek targets, and the occasional loud crack echoes through the street turned battlefield, each sound accompanied by a pony falling to the paving stones never to rise again. Once the regulars are out of the way, the Shadowbolt turns to the Jaegers, completely ignoring the officer who seems content to sit back and watch the carnage. And Evening, too, watches now that it’s just down to the heavily armored jaegers. His bolts will do nothing save possibly endanger the Shadowbolt, and being down to at least five, he’ll need to save them for the next wave. The jaegers are not as stupid, or perhaps simply more organized and better trained, than the rank and file, and thus instead of rushing in once their lesser brothers are slain instead form a circle around the Shadowbolt. Evening watches with growing fear as the circle starts to grow smaller, the jaegers stepping in time with each other so that no escape can be found on the ground, the unicorn officer even going so far as to raise a shield over the group so the Shadowbolt can’t fly away. The Shadowbolt simply sits down, spreads their wings out, and bows their head. Taking this as a sign of surrender, the jaegers pick up their pace while still keeping together. As they come within striking distance, the Shadowbolt’s wings ever so slightly twitch. Quick as lighting, the Shadowbolt springs into the air, quickly encountering the shield above, front hooves striking it with a sound akin to a stone hitting water, the shield rippling. Without missing a beat, the pegasus uses the momentum still left to flip over, plant their hind legs, and spring off of the semi-solid surface towards a jaeger. As they rocket towards the larger pony, the jaeger draws a much larger blade than what the Shadowbolt has been wielding, and swings it at the advancing streak of purple and gold. Right before the blade strikes, the Shadowbolt shifts, going under the strike, wrapping his arms around the larger arm of the jaeger and swings themselves around, legs wrapping around the jaeger’s armored neck as they go, and using their built up momentum to twist sharply as they swing over the armored pony’s back. Even before the sickening snap fades from the air, the Shadowbolt is onto the next, performing a somersault between the front legs of a jaeger. The next thing the jaeger knows, a knife is sticking out of their chest, followed by another loud crack as the blade is forced back and a hole forms. As the jaeger falls, the Shadowbolt makes to escape, however they misjudge how the armored pony is going to fall, and their tail gets caught beneath the heavy body, causing them to fall to the ground with a yelp. Turning and grimacing at the fact their tail is caught, the Shadowbolt barely has any time to react as a jaeger suddenly looms over them. They raise their arms to block as the force of a freight train slams into them, freeing their tail but also sending them backwards and into the shield with a loud whinny and a gasp. The Jaeger lumbers over, and picks the Shadowbolt up by their neck. Smiling brightly, the officer lowers the shield and all but prances over to the Shadowbolt being held up in the air. “Not so tough now, are you?” The officer smirks as he steps over the body of a fallen merc. “I admit, I was skeptical when they told me you would be tough to take down, but you proved to be far more entertaining than I expected.” The Shadowbolt simply smirks, spitting blood at the hooves of the officer who looks to the jaeger. The large armored pony walks over to a nearby wall, the officer walking beside it, and pins the Shadowbolt to the wall, its other hoof coming up with a long wicked blade. “Any last words?” The officer asks. “I mean, you’ve not said a word this entire time, so you may as well talk now, if only to beg for your life.” In response, the Shadowbolt smiles brightly, reaching up with one hoof to pull their goggles off to show bright blue eyes beneath. “Yeah, what the hay took you so long!?” For a moment, the officer’s brow furrows in confusion, but then a voice comes from behind him, quickly followed by a crossbow bolt to the Jaeger. “Had to wait for my coffee to brew,” the voice, a mare, replies. Evening quickly looks down the street opposite the jaeger and officer, and smiles as he spots the mare and at least thirty well-armed ponies dressed in Naval uniforms. “So, if you two gentle stallions would put him down, I’d be happy to not turn you both into pin cushions.” She lowers the heavy crossbow in her magic and smiles as she reloads it. “Coffee's getting cold, what’s it going to be?” For a moment the officer seems set on saying no, but as Evening watches him inspect the navy ponies, the fight starts to leave him. Waving a hoof at the jaeger, he sighs. “Put him down.” The jaeger does so without hesitation, leaving the Shadowbolt, which Evening realizes is a stallion, coughing and rubbing his throat. “Very good, you JSS types are well trained, aren’t you,” the mare chuckles, waving her crossbow to a place between her and where they currently are. “Now, disarm yourselves, and we’ll see about getting you somewhere nice and cozy for the duration of this fiasco.” The officer quickly disarms himself, the jaeger does so slower due to having more weapons on them than Evening ever thought possible, and then they back away from their weapons and sit down. Evening sees no more as he dashes for the stairs and to the ground floor. Now that the battle has subsided, at least as far as his house is concerned, his mind is catching up to what he had seen. He knows that Shadowbolt! Bursting out of the front door and speeding across his front yard, and quickly over to the group that has surrounded the two JSS officers. Inside the circle, the Shadowbolt is sitting in front of the two captured ponies, his red goggles hanging around his neck and head leaning to one side. The officer sneers at the Shadowbolt, raising his nose into the air as Evening slows his pace to watch whatever is going on. “Going to gloat now?” the officer asks. “Because I won’t give you the pleasure of seeing me become angry over any petty words you could toss at me.” “Nope,” the Shadowbolt replies with a smile. “Why should I gloat? It’d only put me on the same level as you foal-stealing murderers. I am very happy sitting on my moral high-ground, after all.” The officer growls loudly in response, which only makes the Shadowbolt’s smile grow before he turns his eyes to the hulking form of the jaeger. “You can take off your helmet now, if you want.” The jaeger sits stock still at the words, moving only to look over at the officer who shakes his head. “He can’t hurt you now,” the Shadowbolt continues. “And I’d much like to see the face of the pony who got the best of me.” He puts a hoof to his chest, his smile growing warm and his tone fatherly. “I won’t hurt you, I promise.” The jaeger looks down at the ground, then ever so slowly with shaking hooves reaches up to its helmet, twists it slightly, and lifts it up as air hisses out. Setting the helmet aside, the jaeger looks to the Shadowbolt as everyone in the group, Evening included, gasps. The face of the mare beneath the helmet is heavily scarred, one particularly nasty one across her neck extends up to stop just behind her jawbone. Her fur, where it is not the pale color of healing scars, is a sickly faded purple, her eyes are a rich turquoise that look down at the Shadowbolt with a look of both profound loathing, but also fear. Sighing, the Shadowbolt stands up and walks closer. He stops right in front of the jaeger and looks up at her as she flinches, and looks like she wants to be anywhere but where she is. “What’s your name?” he asks softly. “E…” The mare starts, her voice rough and uncoordinated. She narrows her eyes, forcing the words out. “Des..ignation…Z-zeta three t-t-wo eight” “Shut up, Brute!” the officer snaps, causing the jaeger to flinch and look down at the ground with a whimper. The Shadowbolt looks ready to retort, but Evening has decided he has seen enough, and walks up behind the Shadowbolt. “Prose?” Evening asks, his voice soft both from the smoke and the strain of the past few hours. “Why are you wearing that uniform?” The Shadowbolt flinches, his shoulders slumping. “Hello, Evening,” Prose sighs. ---- “I still think you could have stayed in the Castle, Twilight,” AJ sighs, from where she is standing beside her friend. “No reason to go risking the only Princess we have in the entire city in open conflict.” “If there is any chance at peace by me talking them down, I want to take it,” Twilight replies with a shakes her of head. “Besides, if any of you say Luna is alive and well, and so is Celestia, then they won’t believe you. But I am a Princess.” She then looks up from the map pinned to the table in front of her. “Besides, AJ, I need to be here for the troops, they’ve done so much already, and I fear I ask too much of them.” “I think you ask of them only what they wish to be asked,” a voice comes from behind Twilight, causing her and AJ to turn as a stallion walks from the shadows, his bright eyes and warm smile off-setting the fact he is wearing the dark purple of the Shadowbolts, and marked as a renegade only by the red headband he wears. “Truthfully, after all that this city has been through, after all the death it has seen, the Guard and Reservists are more than happy to vent their frustration upon Blueblood’s final holdout.” Blinking and smiling nervously, Twilight regards the stallion. “That might be true, Prose, but this, I hope, ends without bloodshed.” She then sighs and shakes her head. “And how long have you been hiding in the shadows?” “Too long, my friend,” Prose chuckles. “Truthfully, I’ve been hiding in here for a while now, I thought I saw my wife outside talking with Pinkie Pie and another stallion… and I’d rather not explain to her quite yet why I’m dressed like this.” He gestures to his uniform with one hoof, a frown growing on his face. “You really should,” AJ says with a frown. “I mean, I might sound like a broken record, being the element of honesty n’ all, but you it’s better to come clean about this sort of stuff rather than let it fester.” “A part of me knows that to be true, AJ,” Prose sighs as he walks over to stand beside the two mares. “But, the part of me that has kept this hidden wants to keep it out of her life.” He then sighs and looks to the map. “But, you two have far more important things to worry about than my relationship with my wife,” He pauses and looks to Twilight who has opened her mouth. “No, Twilight, I know you’re the Princess of Friendship, but you need to focus on the battle first. I’ll come talk to you later, with Foxfire, if it makes you feel better.” “Right,” Twilight chuckles weakly, lowering her ears against her head. “So, did you do your scouting run of Blueblood’s defenses?” “I did, and even got inside,” Prose states, no small amount of pride in his voice. “I was, and am, one of the best infiltrators the Shadowbolts, or rather now the Renegades, have.” He clears his throat and taps a few places on the map. “They’ve put up some crude watchtowers in these positions,” he taps another place, “and here, in front of what’s left of the manor house, is a large stockpile of cannons. Mostly twelve and fifteen pounders, but they’re enough to give our troops trouble.” “And by trouble you mean…?” Twilight ventures slowly. “They’ll tear us to shreds, Twi,” AJ sighs, removing her hat and scratching her head. “With your report, and the ones from Thunderlane and Daring’s Reserves it looks like Blueblood’s dug in deeper than a tick.” “Quite accurate, Blueblood always has been a little bloodsucking pain in everpony’s flank.” another voice chimes up from the other side of the room. “Though, now more than ever. However, it doesn’t offer a solution to our problem.” “No, it doesn’t, Duchess Star,” Twilight agrees, looking over at the armored mare who is slowly pulling a whet stone over her blade. “Unless you have a suggestion.” “Could starve them out,” Diamond offers, gesturing with the hoof holding the stone. “See how long Blueblood’s hired hooves last when they’re faced with starvation.” “You don’t know them like I do, Duchess,” Prose states in a deathly calm voice. “These mercs are cold and heartless. Now that we’ve backed them into a corner and cut them off from reinforcements, they’ll fight their way out, or die trying.” “I can work with that,” Diamond chuckles, returning to tending to her blade. “As can I,” Prose agrees, his eyes returning to the map. “However, I am not one to waste life needlessly, even if I would see Janus Security removed from Equestria like a bad stain.” He grimaces and shakes his head. “But, if you three are willing to listen, I might have a plan of attack that could spare lives, and give our troops the needed opening to get inside.” “What’s the plan, sugar cube?” AJ asks, leaning forward and looking at Prose intently. “Well, when I was scouting I noticed some of their patrols are lax,” Prose explains slowly, drawing a line with his hoof on the map. “I figure, a small group can slip in, perhaps take out their leadership, even capture Blueblood.”   “Capture?!” Diamond shouts, putting her sword aside and coming over glare at Prose from the other side of the table. “For what he’s done, his head should be mounted on a pike!” “Duchess,” Twilight says calmly, her expression neutral. “We will determine what shall be done with Archduke Blueblood after a trial, not before.” “I agree with Twilight, Duchess,” Prose offers, looking up from the map and fixing the Duchess with a flat look much like the Princess. “Part of my work in the Shadowbolts was intelligence gathering, and having Daring as an author I publish for I bumped into Blueblood a lot at social functions. His actions go against everything I know about him, and let me assure you what I know about him could fill Canterlot Library.” He then looks to AJ and Twilight and continues on as if the Duchess had never interrupted. “My suggestion is we send in Daring, as she knows how to be stealthy and has the military training to defend herself, as well as the pony known as Dee Seven, as she has inside knowledge of JSS tactics and structure.” “You’ve thought this through, it seems.” AJ remarks with a smirk. “But those two are going to need help. Somepony who knows the lay of the camp.” “You would need a scout for that,” Prose answers, gesturing with a hoof. “One who understands the danger that they’ll face inside.” “Well, I think most of our regular scouts don’t have an idea of what to find inside,” Twilight comments, smiling widely. “And those who you’ve listed need to stay here with us, or are too wounded to be put into combat.” “So, where does that leave us?” AJ asks, looking between Twilight and Prose. “With me going with them,” Prose answers with a sigh, looking at Twilight. “I wouldn’t ask it of you, my friend, if it wasn’t important,” Twilight says softly, her smile sad. “I know,” Prose chuckles as he steps away from the table. “I’ll go inform my volunteers, then?” “You may,” Twilight consents, bowing her head. Bowing deeply, Prose turns and walks from the room that Twilight, AJ, Diamond, and him had been in for the past hour. From there, he walks through a few other rooms in the large burnt out store they had set up their field base in. He passes quite a few ponies as he goes, most of them are guards from Twilight’s personal guard from Ponyville, but a few bear the scars and bandages that mark them as veterans of Canterlot’s past week. Many of the Ponyville guard greet him with warm smiles, which are returned with enthusiasm as Prose pauses a moment to ask after their family here in Canterlot, or how their children are doing. The Canterlot Guard, well many of them give him sideways glances, and do their best to avoid him. They whisper amongst themselves as they see the uniform he is wearing, and Prose answers their whispers with his warm smile, even if he walks a little quicker past them. Pausing as he reaches the door, or rather what’s left of it, Prose pulls up his hood and walks out into the crowded street, blending into the mass of fresh soldiers that are doing their best to integrate themselves with their Canterlot counterparts, leaving everypony too busy with their own tasks to take note of the hooded figure deftly weaving his way through their ranks. The fact that he can still do this brings Prose a small amount of pride, as he hadn’t been on a mission of this scale, let alone any mission, in a year or two. Quickly zeroing in on his first target, Prose makes his way over to the large mass of Reservists, both fresh from Cloudsdale and weary veterans still able to stand up, and stops a short distance from the mare who is striding back and forth in front of them, her voice carrying over the general din of conversation and activity all around them. “To those of you who are fresh off the airships, allow me to welcome you to our little corner of Tartarus,” Daring states loudly, a weary smile on her face. “I know a lot of you are trained in non-combat functions, but tonight you’re all here to defend the civilians of Canterlot!” She stops gesturing with a hoof towards the burning sky, the air so thick with smoke, ashes, and cinders that as Prose follows her hoof with his gaze he could almost believe it to be full of orange and red stars. “Because if we don’t stand firm, if we don’t make good on being Wonderbolts, Canterlot may not still stand tomorrow.” Many of the Reserves shuffle back and forth on their hooves, the fresh wave going so far as to look worried, the battle weary ones simply wishing to no longer stand still. “Archduke Blueblood and his group have done a lot of damage, but I have faith in our ability,” Daring continues, causing Prose to smile at his friend’s confidence. “As Wonderbolts, we are trained to deal with things the Guards cannot. As Reserves, we are the final line of defense for our neighbors, for our families, and I know many of you have friends here in Canterlot. Perhaps even family. So let’s make sure we give them another sunrise in this beautiful city!”  The Reserves, and not a few of the nearby guards and naval ponies, cheer as Daring finishes her little speech. Smirking, Prose walks up to her and taps her on the shoulder, grabbing her attention. “Miss Yearling, I need to speak to you,” Prose says softly as she steps back and gestures with a hoof for her to follow him. She gives him a confused look, not quite knowing who it is under the hoof. Turning back to the Reserves, Daring gestures with her head. “Alright, all of you report to your sergeants for orders.” She then turns and plants her hooves. “Dismissed!” As one the Reserves salute, then disperse as Daring turns and follows Prose into a quiet area of the street. “Sorry for pulling you away from your troops, Daring,” Prose chuckles, lowering his hood. “Prose? Why in Celestia’s name are you wearing a Shadowbolt outfit?” Daring asks sternly, eyeing his headband and flight suit. “Because I am, Daring,” Prose replies with a chuckle. “Though, mostly retired.” He winks and sits down lightly tapping her shoulder with a hoof. “Besides, you think you were the only one to secretly be able to fight! I mean, you’ve met my wife, she is a battle in and of herself!” “Yeah, point taken,” Daring laughs. “So, what do you need me for? I mean, now is hardly the time to talk about my books, and I don’t think we’re dressed quite right to go to a book signing.” “I don’t know, I think we’re both dressed quite well,” Prose comments with a shrug. “But, no I am pulling you into the thick of it. Me, you, and another pony are going to go into Blueblood’s estate, and end this before it gets any worse.” Smiling wildly, Daring nods, “Guess that means I’ll have to turn over command, then, while I am in there with you?” Returning his friend’s smile with a knowing one of his own, Prose puts a hoof on her shoulder, “I’m afraid so, my dear friend. You must turn over command and commission to some other poor… I mean some other officer of the Reserves, for you cannot command while behind hostile lines.” Turning around and walking up to the nearest Reserve, Daring grabs them by the shoulders, turns them around and says loud enough to be heard over the background noise. “Find Commander Rider, tell him he is in command of the Reserves until further notice! And if he complains, tell him he can take it up with me when I get back from doing a super secret mission!” The Reserve looks startled, but quickly salutes and runs off, leaving Daring to return to Prose with the widest, happiest, smile he had seen on her since before the attack. “I can tell you’re really broken up about having to do that,” Prose quips. “Oh, I don’t know how I’ll ever get over it, Prose,” Daring sighs sarcastically before wrapping an arm around her friend and publisher’s neck, and winking. “So, who else are you roping into this?” “We have to go over to the area the airship captains are at, Daring,” Prose sighs. “Our other companion will be found there, though it might take some convincing to get her to come.” Nodding, but saying nothing, Daring releases Prose and gestures for him to lead on. Leading his friend, Prose once more weaves his way through the crowd like a ghost, nopony ever knowing her was there, and never touching any he passes by no matter how tight the space. Behind him, Daring can’t help but watch with a raised eyebrow as she sees her editor, her friend, show a side of himself that she had never seen, a side that makes her admit that her and Leaf are not the only ones who’ve been on some interesting adventures. The journey is short, though, as the marshalling troops have only taken over a few blocks of the city to surround Blueblood’s forces, as the Archduke’s estate is against one of the walls of the city, lending it a very defensible place, but also with no escape for anypony inside should it come to a siege. The Royal Equestrian Navy’s air division, along with the Cloudsdale Airguard, had decided to station themselves in a large park in the middle and back of the picket line. Large crude scaffolding had been erected -- by Guard and Naval Engineers -- to allow for the unloading of supplies from longboats and smaller airships. Most of it is medical and food, but some of it is military equipment. It is into this fray that Prose leads Daring, a wide island opening up around them as the Naval ponies clear a path for him. Unlike the Reserves, quite a few of these ponies had seen him in action against JSS in the hours following Noire’s rescue of him, and those who had not had by now heard of him. This makes it easier for him and Daring to make their way to a picnic area that has been roped off as the officer’s club. Inside, the various Captains and other officers beneath them are walking around, or sitting at tables, discussing the last time they had been in Canterlot, or some of the action they’d seen during the battle. Some discuss what is yet to come, and that group seems to be the most worried. “Wait here,” Prose tells Daring softly, putting a hoof to her chest. “I’ll go in and find the other pony we’ll need and be back out in a moment.” “Suit yourself,” Daring shrugs, sitting down on a park bench and watching the navy ponies as they work. Nodding, Prose walks over to the entrance, not even bothering to blend into the crowd as he makes his way straight past the two marines who are stationed on both sides of the entrance. He is, by far, nowhere near an officer, but the way he is walking expresses a need to speak to someone inside, and they know Prose won’t cause trouble. Once inside, it’s a quick shot to a table in the back, where he had seen a certain Captain and her bridge officers sitting not too long ago. “So, tell me again,” a mare’s voice rings out over the loud din of conversation inside the enclosed area. “How did you ground that priceless ship next to the Everfree Forest? I mean, she’s a seaworthy vessel last I checked, but that Forest is far from the sea.”   “I don’t want to talk about it, Noire,” this voice is a stallion, and as Prose draws closer he can’t help but smile at the group sitting at the table. “Aww, come on, Admiral!” Noire, the mare, laughs. “I want to be able to tell it at your funeral after the Admiralty Board buries you so deep in your own mistake that you’ll have to get Diamond Dogs to help you dig your way back out!” “Careful, Captain,” Gold Star, states warningly. “I outrank you still.” “Only because I like sitting in my captain’s chair instead of behind a desk,” Noire teases as she sips from a mug in front of her. “That way, I don’t have to steal my old ship just to get some action again.” “If you two are done flirting,” a third voice, emotionless and clinical, starts. “We have a guest.” All eyes at the table turn to Prose, who walks up and takes a seat between Star and Noire with a warm smile. “Sorry to bother you again, Captain,” he starts, inclining his head to Noire, “but the Princess has bade me to gather together some ponies for a mission, and I fear I must ask you to part with one of your bridge crew for it.” “Oh?” Noire asks, leaning forward with a raised eyebrow. “And which of my crew are you taking with you, master assassin?” Nodding towards a pony across from him at the table -- a mare who is just as much machine as pony really -- Prose’s smile slips ever so slightly. “Dee-Seven, I fear. My mission requires somepony who… has an insider’s eye into JSS’s workings.” Frowning, Noire turns and looks at Dee, who simply raises an eyebrow. “That seems logical,” Dee states as she looks to her Captain. “Do you have any objection, Captain?” “Are you really alright going in there?” Noire asks softly, concern in her voice. “JSS did a lot of things to you, and nopony would think less of you if you didn’t want to go.” “My feelings in this do not matter, Captain,” Dee replies, the ghost of a smile on her face. “If the Princess, and Prose here, require my aid, I would give it to them. Especially if it helps strike down those who have harmed me, and so many others.” “Well, if that’s your choice,” Noire says with a nod, “then I shall stand by it.” “Thank you, Captain,” Dee nods as she stands and crosses over to Prose. “I shall let you two to resume dancing around each other verbally.” Snorting, Prose stands up and looks between Noire and Star. “Goodbye you two, I hope next time we see each other Noire isn’t demoted to Lieutenant and swabbing the deck or something.” “Oh, what a lovely idea from our resident Shado-” Star starts. “Renegade, Admiral,” Noire interrupts, pointing a hoof at Star. “And don’t get any funny ideas. I don’t think you want to demote me, all the stories I’d have to tell the junior officers!” Star raises his hooves and smiles widely. “Why, Noire, why ever would you tell stories about me?” Noire chuckles, but whatever her reply is to that is lost as Prose and Dee walk back through the crowd and out into the general mill of naval ponies. They’re quick to find Daring, who seems to have gathered a small group of ponies asking for her autograph, and Prose clears his throat to get his friend’s attention. “Daring, I got our third, you ready to go?” Prose asks, looking at the group she is giving autographs to. “Yeah, just one-” Daring starts, only to look up and over at Dee. Eyes going wide Daring stands up and walks over, giving Dee a once over before talking again. "You look like you fell into a machine shop on a bad day." "If that machine shop also served as an alchemical and biomechanical laboratory under JSS jurisdiction, then you would be correct." Dee states calmly, as if this isn’t the first time she has explained this. “However, my appearance has little bearing on the mission, and we should focus on that.” “I can agree to that.” Daring nods as she looks to Prose. “So, where to now?” “Well, we go to where their patrols are lax, and we slip in.” Prose says slowly as he turns. “It’s an area down near where the wall and his estate meet. I think it’s guarded by some of your Reserves, Daring.” “Figures. They must not see my ponies as a threat,” Daring sighs as she rolls her eyes. “But, I guess that’s to our advantage.” She looks to Dee, who simply nods but says nothing as the two mares fall in step behind Prose. The group leaves the makeshift naval station and quickly re-enter the ruined streets that make up the picket line around Blueblood’s estate, their journey taking them through the ruins of the high class houses and shops now occupied by soldiers laying siege to the last vestige of those who would dare attack Canterlot. With Prose guiding them, they avoid the majority of the crowds and patrols, as they duck through buildings and back alleys, occasionally waiting as a large patrol makes their way past a building. In this way, they soon find themselves next to the ruins of a Royal Guard armory, its fortress like exterior marred by large scorched holes and burnt out by flames. Prose brings them to stop in the shadow of the armory, and presses himself against the wall as he pulls up his hood, motioning for the two mares with him to stand in the shadows with him. “There is a patrol that will soon come past,” he whispers softly, his voice carrying to the mares easily. “Once they’re past, the next one won’t come for at least five minutes, so we’ll have to pass through while the gap is open, and be inside the estate before anypony is the wiser.” The mares nod, and Prose continues without taking his eyes away from where he is looking. “Also, once we’re inside, you need to be as quiet as you can. I know a lot of what we can expect, but I can’t plan for everything, they may have put in security measures that I am not aware of. So, if we trip one, or the alarm is sounded somehow, I’ll draw as much attention as I can, but be ready to fight your way out.”  Another nod, and then silence. The group waits for the patrol to come into view, and then watches as they pass once more out of view again. As soon as the patrol is gone, Prose motions for them to come forward before darting towards the safety of the shadows within the estate before them, Daring and Dee close on his tail. And once they’re through the lines, Prose leads them deep into the shadows, where no causal eye will see them. At least, until it’s too late. Progress is slow, however, as Daring and Dee are not as well trained in hiding in the shadows as Prose. Once or twice he is forced to stop their progress so as to allow a group to pass, or even to remove a guard who is in their way. The last takes the longest, as each time Prose is forced to hide the body somewhere a patrol won’t find it. And so, by the time they reach the ruins of Blueblood’s once opulent manor house the moon is nearing it’s highest point through the smoke. Calling a halt in the deep shadows of what had once been a pool house, Prose looks to his companions, and points to a large pavilion tent situated in the large front lawn. “I think that’s his command tent, unless he’s hiding in the manor house itself.” “I doubt he is hiding in the manor,” Daring whispers back, looking around the pool house towards the manor. “There aren’t any lights in the windows, and it doesn’t look too stable. I think that tent is the safest bet.” “While my conclusions are not based on a hunch,” Dee adds, “I would agree with Miss Yearling, the pavilion over there is in the center of it all, and would provide a perfect place from which to command.” “Then that is our target.” Prose agrees as he scans the area around the tent, grimacing at the large collection of soldiers and JSS personnel in the area. “Now, how are we going to get in there.” “We need to draw them away,” Dee states, looking to Prose and Daring. “Perhaps Yearling and I could pull them away and allow you to sneak in and grab Blueblood?” “I think we could do that,” Daring says slowly. “But my wings are still injured, so if something goes wrong I’m not going to be able to simply fly away.” “I will keep you safe,” Dee states firmly. “I understand from Captain Noire you’re an important pony.” “Don’t tell her that too much,” Prose chuckles softly. “I have to deal with the aftermath of her ego becoming inflated.” “I do not think an ego can become inflated, as it is intangible.” Dee states with a frown. “Then you’ve never been in a room with Daring when she is signing books,” Prose offers as he reaches into his cloak and pulls out some small bundles. “But, enough of that. These are some improvised… presents for JSS. Plant them somewhere, and then get to a safe distance, they should draw all the attention you’ll need.” He gives one to Daring and the other to Dee. “Once they go off, try and make your way back here, but don’t take any risks if you can help it. I’ll sneak in and grab Blueblood and get back here.” “And after we’re all together again?” Daring asks, casting a worried glance between the explosive in her hooves and Prose. “How are we getting out?” “We use the confusion to our advantage,” Prose says slowly, before giving Daring and Dee a dead serious look. “And we kill anypony who tries to stop us.” “Right,” Daring says slowly. “Well, I’ll be off then.” “As will I,” Dee echoes. The two mares quickly depart, leaving Prose to continue to hide in the shadows and wait. While he is alone, he allows his thoughts to wander a bit from the mission at hoof, thoughts of how he is going to explain his being a merc to his wife, of the questions Daring will doubtlessly ask of him. A part of him really does look forward to getting this out into the open, as he hates lying to his friends and family, but his job had made it impossible to tell them while keeping them safe. He had his foals to think about, his wife, his friends. Knowing would have put them at risk, and now that they do know… The sounds of a loud explosion rips Prose from his thoughts, and he looks over towards the source, smiling slightly at the fact that one of his friends had chosen JSS’s munitions depot for their bomb. He had thought about sabotaging it on the way in, but the opportunity hadn’t presented itself. Looking out towards the pavilion, Prose watches ponies start to dash towards the explosion, only to have a second one, this time from the direction of the barracks, cause them to stumble and shout as the entire camp is tossed into confusion. “First round is on me when we get back,” Prose whispers as he puts his goggles on, and springs from his hiding spot towards the command tent. A few guards remain, the first of which falling before they even notice he is there as a blade suddenly appeared between their ribs, the second only getting out a short shout before they’re silenced by a throwing dagger. And then, Prose is next to the tent’s entrance, ears perked forward under his hood to hear who is inside as somepony not his target rants. “I can’t believe they repelled us so easily!” the voice, a stallion, rants. “And where the hay are the reinforcements from HQ? I swear to Celestia’s cake-fed-flank we were promised more bodies to take this city!” “Perhaps, Commander Trap,” Blueblood's voice cuts across the other stallion's, “I shouldn’t have trusted you and your mercs, as clearly you were not up to the task.” “I don’t need some snot-nosed, pedigreed runt telling me we weren’t good enough!” Trap growls dangerously. “You’ve been in this tent the entire time, hiding! We have bled for you, and done more than you’ve paid us to do! You should be happy we even agreed to this insane venture!” “No,” Blueblood mutters darkly, “I should be happy you’re all as greedy as you are stupid.” “I ought to wring your neck you little…” Trap starts, but is quickly silenced as Prose pulls aside the tent flap, wraps an arm around the pony’s neck, and inserts a hoof blade into the back of his neck. Blueblood sighs from where he is standing on the other side of a large table, not unlike the one Twilight had been using, and slowly crosses around towards Prose. Looking over at him, Prose is surprised to see the Archduke wearing a set of armor not unlike the Royal Guard, its surfaces polished to a mirror-like quality. “Tsk, I had thought the Guard above sending assassins,” he states wearily. “I had hoped they would at least give me one final stand, tossing themselves against me with some semblance of honor.” “I’m not here to kill you,” Prose states as he wipes his blade off on Trap’s uniform. “Princess Twilight commanded me to bring you in, end all this bloodshed before it grows worse.” “Any why, pray tell,” Blueblood sneers, “would a Shadowbolt take orders from the Princess of Friendship?” “A debt,” Prose answers calmly. “A debt I will never be able to repay, Archduke. Surely, you understand.” “Perhaps I do,” Blueblood concedes as he levitates a blade from the table. “But, you must also understand I cannot allow you to simply take me. I have come too far, sacrificed too much, to simply allow you to whisk me away. And even if I did believe you are here working for the Princess, I will not so blindly walk into the arms of those who killed my aunts!” Shrugging, Prose gets down into a battle stance. “A part of me had hoped you would say that, Archduke.” The two stare at eachother for a few long moments, neither one giving ground or moving in any direction, both waiting for the other to make the first move. However, Blueblood soon tires of this and lunges forward with a guarded strike of his blade -- a rapier of fine craft that reflects its wielder -- which strikes nothing but air as Prose moves aside and lunges forward to strike at his target. Sneering, Blueblood side-steps, his blade coming up to slice at Prose once more, causing the Renegade to duck and roll out of the way, his cloak catching on the scabbard of the dead commander, forcing him to discard it. And so the battle continues, both striking, both defending, both not gaining or giving any ground as they dance around the room, occasionally landing a lucky blow or temporarily forcing their foe back. However, Blueblood being younger soon becomes evident, as Prose starts to flag a little, the fighting that has lasted all day, and that he has been in the heart of, catching up to him. Blueblood takes advantage of this, and lands a clean blow along Prose’s face, cutting a line along his cheek and causing Prose to reel back and swat at the blade with an armored hoof. “Heh, they should have sent somepony fresh,” Blueblood remarks casually. “Somepony who could give me challenge, at least.” “Sorry, I’m all they had,” Prose grunts, eyes narrows and wings flared out as he crouches into a combat stance once more. Sighing, Blueblood levels his blade at Prose, a frown on his face. “At least you can hold your own in conversation, I shall hate to kill you.” “And I am quite proud of that, so I shall hate to die,” Prose smirks. “But, die you shall, assassin,” Blueblood says softly as he lunges forward. Waiting for the last possible second before dodging, Prose shoots forward again. He twists around, not bothering to avoid the blade as it strikes him in the side, trusting his armored flight suit to at least take some of the blow, he delivers a back-hoofed strike into Blueblood’s face, causing the Archduke to skid backwards. Snorting, Blueblood reaches up with one hoof to his cheek, eyes narrowing as it comes away with blood. “How dare you strike me, peasant!” Blueblood roars. “How dare you strike your future King!” “You? King?” Prose coughs, feeling a tightness in his chest from the blade’s impact. “I wouldn’t vote for you.” “That’s not how it-” Blueblood growls loudly only to be cut off as a gold colored hoof suddenly comes from behind and strikes him upside the head, knocking him cold. “He’s even more annoying as a villian than he is at parties,” Daring remarks as she kicks Blueblood in the side for good measure before looking at Prose. “You okay there, Prose?” “Tis but a scratch,” Prose chuckles, holding a hoof to his side. “Though, I think we’d best get out of here, my armor took most of the blow, but I think I’m bleeding.” “Well, then I guess I’m carrying blueballs here,” Daring sighs as she picks up the limp stallion and puts him over her back with a grunt. “He must’ve inherited Celestia’s addiction to cake, he weighs a ton…” “Don’t let Celestia hear you say that,” Prose chuckles weakly before coughing. “Where’s Dee-Seven?” “Outside at the pool house,” Daring replies curtly. “She is watching to make sure nopony sneaks up on us. “Good,” Prose says softly. The two exit the tent, and quickly make their way over to Dee Seven, who takes one look at Prose and quickly pulls a roll of bandages out of her uniform. “You are damaged,” she states curtly as she all but forces Prose to sit down as she applies the bandages. “We will not be able to escape if our guide is unable to run.” “Thanks,” Prose coughs, allowing the mare to patch him up. Once she is done, Prose stands and nods towards the next set of Shadows. “We need to be quick, if I fall behind, just keep heading in that direction, and you’ll make it out.” “I’m not letting you fall behind, Prose,” Daring remarks, “because I am not brave enough to explain to Foxfire that I let you get yourself killed.” “Trust me,” Prose smirks. “I’m not stupid enough to die, she’d just bring me back and kill me all over again. Now let’s move.” The group starts off at a near gallop, slowed down by Prose’s injury and Blueblood’s bulk weighing Daring down. They make it to the next set of shadows without trouble, and keep going as JSS ponies continue to run frantically around in an attempt to put out the fires Daring and Dee had set, many ignoring the figures that are likewise running if they catch a glimpse of the three. A few try to stop them, though, and Prose does his best to quickly remove those obstacles despite his injury, but a few times he is too slow and Dee takes them out with her augmented strength instead. Finally reaching the border between the Blueblood’s estate and the Equestrian lines, they’re surprised to find a small group of Reserves waiting for them, armed to the teeth. Their surprise doesn’t slow them down, however, and soon they’re back behind friendly lines as the leader of the Reserve squad pulls out a flare and lights it off. “Surprised we have a welcome party,” Daring remarks as she shrugs Blueblood off her back and into the ground. “Did Rider send you lot?” “He did,” the leader, a mare, chuckles. “Said something about pulling your idiotic flank out of the fire, so he didn't have to be saddled with command for too long.” “Hmm, and here I thought he wanted to lead ponies,” Daring shrugs. “So, what was the flare for?” “To let the Princess know you’re safely out with your objective,” the squad leader answers as she looks at Blueblood. “She wanted to know when she could press those bastards to surrender when they’re leadership is removed.” “Lets not count the chickens before they hatch,” Prose wheezes as he sits down, a line of blood dripping down from his side wound and onto the ground beneath him. “We still need to get mister high and mighty here to the Princess…” He coughs, then clears his throat. “And Daring, if you could please have one of these kind Reservists see me to the Princess as well… I could use a medic…” “Stars above, Prose,” Daring shouts. “That is not a scratch.” “Okay, it’s a flesh wound…” Prose coughs with a small smirk. “But please, before I bleed out, can we get back?” “I’ll take him,” Dee offers, walking over to Prose and lifting him up onto her back. “I can get him there faster, and you all should guard the prisoner.” “Alright, be safe, Dee,” Daring says as she looks to the Reservists. Prose smiles softly as he lays his head against Dee’s back, and as his eyes drift closed, he takes a little pride in knowing that when he wakes up, the battle will be over; one way, or another. > Chapter 9: Reinforcements from Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 9: Reinforcements from Ponyville. The morning dawns over Canterlot, its golden rays breaking upon the smoldering ruins like a welcomed old friend. All over the city, ponies dig through the burnt out ruins, their eyes focused upon the task of finding their friends and family members, their prayers silently begging Celestia and Luna that they will be found with breath yet still within them. For every one found alive, another two are found long past hope. As the morning progresses, a keening wail starts to echo through the city, the mournful sound sending shivers down the spines of all who hear it drifting on the wind. Many who are digging through the rubble and ashes pray that their own voices are not soon added to it, but many fear deep in their hearts that they shall soon join the unearthly chorus. From her perch upon the throne in Canterlot Castle, Twilight does her best to keep her head held high and tears from forming in her eyes. The throne room had been cleaned up in the hours since the battle -- which many had started to call Blueblood’s Rebellion -- had ended with the capture of the Archduke, yet for all the cleaning that had been done Twilight cannot help but feel hollow as her eyes drift to the jagged edges of the ruined stained glass windows and the ragged and torn banners that hang from the ceiling. And then there is the place she is sitting, the throne she had so often looked up at with her mentor sitting in it. Celestia had always made it look so comfortable, as if to sit upon the gilded throne of Equestria was like sitting on the softest cloud. Oh, how wrong that assumption was, for Twilight would rather be sitting anywhere than upon the soft down pillow that cushions the throne’s seat. Perhaps it is the feeling all eyes being upon her, or the weight of the circlet upon her brow, or even the fact that deep down she feels she could never be as amazing a ruler as Celestia. Putting a hoof against her chest, Twilight takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, then releases the breath and extends her hoof as a small smile creeps onto her face. Opening her eyes she looks to the secretary standing at the base of the dias the throne sits on. “Okay, open the doors, I think I’m ready for this,” Twilight’s voice betrays her unease, but is still strong. “If I might be so bold, Your Highness,” the secretary says with a smile as she motions for the guards to open the doors. “Nopony is ever ready for this, but I think you will do fine.” Nodding in thanks, Twilight pulls herself up to her full height as her wings flutter nervously at her sides as she puts on the same mask she had seen Celestia wear a thousand times before when she held court. The first pony that strides through the doors, though, nearly causes the mask to break at how different they look as they stride up to stand before the throne and bow deeply. “Your Highness,” Shiro greets, his voice soft yet loud enough to travel the distance between them. “It makes my heart glad to see you upon the throne, if only as a sign that Blueblood’s plot failed.” “If only your nieces sat here, and not I, Lord Shiro,” Twilight replies to the greeting, her tone friendly. “Then perhaps none of this would have happened.” “We cannot be sure of that, I fear,” Shiro sighs as he looks around slowly. “My fellow Archduke may yet have tried to stage a takeover no matter who sits upon that throne.” “You’re fellow Archduke, huh?” Twilight chuckles, raising an eyebrow. “When did you get that title?” “Not by choice, I assure you, Your Highness,” Shiro sighs heavily as he look up at Twilight again. “My granddaughter, Duchess Star, informed me that as the head of House Star I was of equal rank with Blueblood.” He then shakes his head and looks out one of the windows as if to glimpse something distant and elusive. “Does something bother you, Archduke? Or have you come to see me first out of some sense of duty?” Twilight asks, concern ringing in her voice. “A bit of both, Your Highness,” Shiro says, his voice distant. “The past night was troubling for me, we lost many a good pony to the senseless violence. Many of them were but foals in my eyes, and more than I wish to count were not soldiers.” Sighing, Twilight’s mask cracks then falls away as she lowers her head. “Last night troubles me as well, Shiro,” Twilight whispers, looking down and away from the other alicorn. “So much death… and many died under my command…” She looks up slightly, looking at Shiro through the tops of her eyes. “Does… it ever become easier?” “No,” Shiro says bluntly, turning back to look at Twilight. “It never does.” Looking at Twilight’s expression and the way she is holding herself, Shiro takes a step forward before pausing. “May I approach the throne?” Nodding, Twilight sighs. “You may, Shiro.” She waits for the larger alicorn to come up and sit beside her on the throne, a spot Twilight recalls Luna often occupying, before she speaks again. “How do you deal with it? Losing ponies to violence?” “Death is an old friend,” Shiro sighs, looking down at Twilight with a small frown. “A friend I do my best to shield others from, for while he is not unkind, he is not a friend I wish to see as often as I saw last night.” “You speak as if death is a physical thing, a pony that one could meet,” Twilight says skeptically, an uneasy chuckle accompanying her words. “He is,” Shiro answers, a smirk forming on his lips. “And I have known him for as long as I have been an alicorn.” “I-I see,” Twilight says slowly, blinking a few times. “You didn’t answer my question, though, Shiro. How do you deal with it? You’ve been alive for thousands of years, and must have seen countless ponies die under your command… How do you just shrug it off?” “You don’t,” Shiro says in a serious tone, fixing Twilight with a look that makes her feel more the foal in the room. “I remember how every single soldier I lost under my command looked, their names, their ages. I mourn for each and every one of them in my own way, but I mourn for them as is proper.” He then makes a sweeping gesture with a wing, pointing towards the windows and the city beyond. "But if ever the time comes when the death of a single individual fails to move us, we are no longer worthy of the precious gifts the Cosmos has given us.” “You sound like Celestia,” Twilight chuckles. “She used to say things like that when I was her student.” “I am glad my lessons to my niece were passed onto a pupil worthy of them,” Shiro states with no small amount of pride. “And that I should sit here beside her, truly Yearling’s finding me and convincing me to re-enter the wider world was destiny.” He then stands and stretches a little with a sigh. “But, I have taken enough of your time, Your Highness, I should return to becoming familiar with my new station.” As he starts forward he is stopped by Twilight’s voice. “Shiro, wait,” Twilight’s voice is nearly a whisper, loud enough for him to hear, but none of the guards or the nobles that wait beyond the doors on the other end of the room. “I could use somepony I trust by my side, and even though we haven’t known each other long, you seem an honorable and trustworthy pony. I’ve never held court like this before, and I could use somepony to advise me.” Turning back around Shiro smiles warmly, and Twilight is reminded that the ancient alicorn was more than just a warrior, but also a father and a grandfather. “I would be honored to advise you, young princess.” He settles back down beside her and pulls himself up to his full height, causing him to tower over all in the room save for Twilight herself. Smiling, Twilight likewise sits straight, head held high once more, and calls down to the guards at the door. “Send in the next pony, please.” The doors open again, and in strides a dark brown unicorn with a pale champagne tail and mane. He walks with the air of somepony who knows they’re worth, and is currently wearing a very fine looking suit and tie free of any dust or other marks of the recent unrest. Stopping before the throne his eyes widen slightly at seeing Shiro sitting in a position of prestige, but otherwise shows no other signs of surprise as he bows deeply to Twilight. “Princess Twilight Sparkle, it is good to see you unharmed after last night’s unfortunate events,” the stallion says in a measured tone. “Thank you, Earl Grey,” Twilight replies in a benevolent tone, a smile she does not quite feel on her face. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your presence.” “A request, Princess,” Grey says with a smile that makes Twilight resist the urge to shiver. “I wished to know what is to become of Blueblood. Shall he be put to trial?”  “He will be put to trial, Earl Grey,” Twilight replies with a small nod. “Though, many in the guard, as well as the Military, are calling for his execution.” “I am glad you are as benevolent as your teacher, Your Highness,” Grey inclines his head. “Then I request to represent His Grace's defense, your highness. I imagine that not many would be willing to serve in such capacity, and none should be left without proper counsel in such situations." Blinking and leaning back a little, Twilight looks to Shiro who likewise looks to Twilight out of the corner of one eye. He nods slightly to her, and Twilight looks to Earl Grey again. “That is an interesting request. In fact, I am surprised any noble who was not involved in last night’s events would wish to represent him, after what he has done.” “While it is true, your highness, that he has done some horrible things,” Grey agrees, his smile never slipping, “he is still the Archduke of this city. His methods, while abhorrent, were brought about for possibly good reasons, and I will not have him walk to the gallows before his side of the story has been told.” “I see,” Twilight says slowly, shifting a little upon the throne. “By all means, if you wish to represent him during his trial, then I shall not stand in your way.” “Then we have nothing more to discuss, Princess,” Grey states simply before bowing. “By your leave, Your Highness?” “You have my leave, Earl Grey,” Twilight consents, inclining her head. “Be safe, and I shall see you at the trial.” Earl Grey turns and departs without further words, head held high and a smirk on his face. As soon as he is beyond the doors, Twilight shivers and looks over to Shiro who frowns deeply. She opens her mouth to say something, but is beaten to it by Shiro speaking. “That pony troubles me deeply,” Shiro rumbles, his eyes fixated on the doors the Earl had just passed through. “Perhaps more so than Blueblood. War, I understand, but I shall never truly grasp the twisted schemes and hidden daggers of those who play the political games of nobility.” “That makes two of us, Shiro.” Twilight whispers as she follows his gaze to the door. “I’m afraid we’ve not seen the end of the nobility troubling this wounded city, not by a long shot.” --- “I cannot believe the nerve of that insufferable old horse!” Fine shouts, pounding a hoof against the table she is sitting at. “Defending Blueblood! Acting as if all this bloodshed was for a good, nay a justifiable reason, as if it made it alright because the Archduke is the Archduke!” “Well, at least your father is only defending a murderer, Fine,” Noire grumbles around the mug of black coffee clutched between her hooves. “Mine is a murderer! Or at least he would have been if his plan had worked!” “Oh… Yeah… I forgot to mention that my father, in his inestimable wisdom, is defending all of Blueblood’s merry band of lunatics,” Fine adds scowling as she looks over at Noire. “OH! That slimy bastard!” Noire shouts, slamming her own hoof against the table causing the items on it to bounce. “Your entire family is crazy, Fine…” Distant mutters as she wipes her drink from her face. “Honestly, you sure you two don’t want to just come back to Saddle Arabia with me? I mean, Noire can sit in the lobby and tell tall tales about being a sea captain, and you can make us all rich by making your tea!” “I told you to not tempt me, Distant,” Fine replies in a half-growl. “Believe me… There are days when I would love to follow my brother’s example and give my family a rude gesture on my way out the door.” “Dear, tempting ponies is my calling!” Distant chuckles as she pours herself more tea. “That or discovering hidden things, but I’ve always considered the two the same thing.” “You sound like my brother-in-law,” Fine mutters, taking a sip of her own tea. “Oh Brewsky!” A voice comes from the entrance, causing Noire and Distant to turn, and Fine to sigh and put her face in her hooves. “You called?” “Hello, Rain,” Fine says without looking at the stallion. “Is my brother with you, or are you here because you sensed I needed a stiff drink.” “Oh, come now, my dear,” Rain, a sapphire blue pegasus save for a red diamond on his forehead with grape colored mane, tail, and facial hair sighs dramatically as he walks in and puts an arm around Fine. “You know I don’t go anywhere without your brother! He is my favorite bed-warmer, after all. In fact, he was so good that I married him!” “A stallion after my own heart, I see.” Distant smiles. “I take it you’re Fine’s brother-in-law?” “Guilty as charged,” Rain says, inclining his head. “My husband and I are here as a part of the relief effort that Princess Twilight put together last night as she was loading troops. She is a very organized mare, I swear she plotted out every detail, right down to the time we’d arrive!” He looks to Fine. “Reminds me of a certain niece of mine, who I am very hopeful to see while I am here, as I fear I missed her when she was in Ponyville.” “Witch isn’t here, Rain…” Noire speaks up, her tone serious. “Fine didn’t really give us all the details but… she was in the Wonderbolts’ Compound when… well, when it vanished.” “What do you mean, it vanished?” Rain asks slowly, his smile slipping and concern entering his voice. “Has something happened to them?” He looks between Fine and Noire. “Sis, tell me Witchy is alright!” “She’s fine, Rain,” Fine sighs, slowly extracting herself from under Rain’s arm. “I got a letter from her not long before the riot. She couldn’t tell me much, but she is alright.” She then smirks and looks up at the pegasus. “And, you really must be worried about her, you never call me sis or really anything other than ‘Brewsky’!” “Well, Witch is my favorite niece; I have a right to be worried about her,” Rain pouts, crossing his arms. “She’s your only niece,” Fine chuckles. “Right you are, Brewsky,” Rain agrees, his smile returning. “Oh! I should go tell Mugsy that Witch is alright!” He turns and heads to the door, calling out to his husband. “Mugsy! Stop haggling with that nice young stallion and get your pretty little flank over here! Don’t give me that look, mister! If you’re not in here in ten seconds, I’m inviting him in with you and you’ll have to put up with me flirting with him too!” “You wouldn’t dare!” comes the response. “Don’t tempt me! He’s a real looker! Yes, I know he is right there. I couldn’t not notice him if I tried!” Rain laughs, waving a hoof presumably at the ponies outside. After a few moments grumbling can be heard, and Rain steps back with a wide grin on his head as another stallion, this one a light brown unicorn with a handlebar mustache and a neatly combed black mane. Rain smiles at him, leans over and kisses him on the cheek as he runs a hoof over the tuxedo vest the stallion is wearing. “You always come running so fast when I threaten to flirt with younger stallions. It’s like you don’t believe I’m madly in love with you.” Blushing deeply, Mug clears his throat. “Well, I can’t help it, you’re just so open about flirting with everypony! It worries me sometimes.” “You wouldn’t love me if I was any other way,” Rain giggles with a smile. “Now, your dear sister just informed me that Witch is with the Wonderbolts Celestia-knows-where, but is safe.” “Oh, well tha... “ Mug starts, before pausing his eyes going wide. “What do you mean she isn’t here!?” He crosses the space between him and his sister so quickly Fine almost could believe he teleported. “WHERE IS MY NIECE!?” he shouts as he grabs Fine and shakes her. “I don’t know!” Fine shouts back. “AND STOP SHAKING ME!” “Only if you tell me where she is! What if she’s hurt?!” Mug growls. “Her letter said she was fine,” Fine barks. “Noire has it, so you can go shake her.” “Whoa now,” Noire chuckles, pulling the letter out of a uniform pocket. “Here, no shakedown required from my cousin.” She smirks and puts it on the table. “A hug would be nice, though.” “Aww, I always have time to hug you, Miss Coffee!” Rain laughs, going over to hug Noire. Before he can, though, another voice cuts into the conversation, causing everypony to stop dead in their tracks. “I would be rather interested in knowing what has become of my granddaughter as well,” the voice is calm, collected, and has the accent of an upper-class unicorn. “However, that will have to wait, I need to speak to you, Fine.” “You need to talk to ME!?” Fine growls as she turns around, ears back against her head. “About what? Huh? About the lunacy Father - No the stallion who I happen to be related to - is getting into!?” “I did come to talk to you about your father,” the mare replies, standing her ground and leveling a cool gaze at her daughter. “In times like these, we should stand unit-” “Stand united?” Fine cuts her mother off. “United behind what? Blueblood and his soldiers killed hundreds of ponies! Innocent civilians who had done nothing wrong!” She takes a step forward, doing her best not to grind her teeth in her rage. “And your brother in law, my so called uncle, tried to KILL ME, MY SON, AND MY GRANDSON!” As Fine advances on her mother, Rain, Mug, Noire, and Distant all cluster around the far side of the table as they instinctively shy away from the enraged tea-maker. “I’ve never seen her so mad,” Mug remarks. “She’s never yelled at our mother before… ever!” “I know,” Noire agrees as she reaches into her saddlebags and pulls out bags of popcorn and a few thermoses. “Popcorn? Coffee?” “Yes please,” Rain smiles, taking one of the bags of popcorn. “Honestly, I am surprised it didn’t happen sooner, Sweet Tea has been slowly chipping away at Brewsky’s last shred of patience for years.” “Well, your son wouldn’t have been too terrible of a loss,” Sweet Tea remarks casually, almost as though she were commenting on the weather. “Though, he might still be able to produce a unicorn, in case Witching Hour never settles down.” She then sighs and shakes her head. “And while I know you have grown attached to him, it’s not like that little foal your daughter seems to have taken in is related by blood! I honestly don’t see why you are so worked up over him being threatened.” Fine roars loudly and makes to jump at her mother, but is quickly caught as both Distant and Noire spring around the table and grab her. “Fine, she’s not worth it!” Noire grunts as she holds back her enraged cousin. “I agree with the Captain,” Distant grumbles. “Even if I should let you ring her bell for that remark about Leaf.” “You always were too free spirited, like your brother,” Sweet Tea sighs, her eyes drifting to her son and his husband who are both eating popcorn and silently watching. “Perhaps it was a mistake allowing you as much freedom as we have.” She then gestures towards Noire, who is still doing her best to keep her cousin from leaping on her aunt. “White Tie had the right idea, sending his daughter into the military, surely she will support her father in these dark times.” “With all due respect, Sweet,” Noire speaks up, the sharp edge to her voice causing Fine to stop her struggling and look over at her cousin. “My father is an enemy of the state, and an attempted murderer. Even were I not bound by my oath to the Equestrian Navy to see him brought to justice, what he did to Fine? What he attempted to do at any rate, leaves a sour taste in my mouth and I will not defend him.” “I see you’ve corrupted even your cousin,” Tea breaths, narrowing her eyes. “And it is clear I shall find no help here. But don’t come crawling to me when your father gets them acquitted and you find yourself on the wrong side of the ponies you need to sell your wares to to survive.” “I think you will find public opinion isn’t what you think it is,” Fine retorts, narrowing her own eyes. “And I think I will do just fine, more so without you meddling in my life!” “Then I have nothing more to say to you,” Tea sighs as she shakes her head. Turning, she heads to the door, pausing only long enough to say one last thing. “Despite what you might think, your father and I do love you, Fine, and we shall welcome you back when you realize the error of your ways.” The Countess then walks out the door, and vanishes into the crowded streets beyond. Sighing, Fine sags heavily in the grip of her cousin and friend, hanging her head. “You alright, Brewsky?” Rain asks from where he is sitting at the table. “Yeah,” Fine replies softly. “It feels good to finally tell her off.” “Good to hear! Was the proudest day of my life when Mugsy stood up to her, and now you have too!” Rain chuckles, putting an arm around his husband. “And we’ll be here for you, like I know Noire and your friend here will be! So, if there is anything we can do, you just ask!” Turning and gently shrugging the two mares who had been holding her back off, Fine goes over to the table and looks her brother and his husband in the eyes. “There is something you can do for me.” “What is it?” Mug asks, frowning. “I need a stiff drink…” Fine grumbles. ---- “I can’t believe they’re letting you all stay in the Castle!” Scootaloo exclaims in wonder as she walks beside Sweetie Belle and Applebloom, the three of them trailing behind Trick Step as they walk through a mostly repaired castle corridor. “And how did you get them to let you wear that uniform?” “It’s mine. My mom gave it to me!” Tricks replies with a happy laugh. “And they evacuated a lot of foals to the Castle, but a lot of us made our way here when the coast was clear. Hay, our ranks swelled when we started doing messenger runs for the guards before the riots!” “And how many do you have now?” Sweetie asks slowly. “I mean, I thought it was just you and your two friends, and perhaps a few others from your school.” “Oh, it started out like that,” Tricks chuckles nervously, stopping and looking over his shoulder. “But… well, you’ll see.” Start forward again he starts towards the doors to next to the gardens. Stopping at the doors, he smiles to the three fillies with him. “Welcome to the Canterlot CMC’s temporary headquarters.”  Opening the door, Tricks goes in and instantly a foal sitting next to the door -- a colt wearing a caped reservist uniform -- snaps to attention and loudly announces them “Officers on deck!” The sound of foals going to attention echoes through the suddenly quiet air as Tricks steps to one side, a proud smile on his face, to allow the three who started it all to come inside and see the Canterlot branch of their club. The three stand silently, mouths slightly open at the thirty-six foals all standing at attention around the room. Tricks stands beside them, his proud smile growing as he looks over all the other foals, before he looks over at the three and gestures to the gathered foals. “Well? What do you think?” “How are there so many!?” Sweetie asks, breathless. “And how’d ya get them all t’ stand at attention like this?” Applebloom adds in awe. “Well, they just started showing up, really!” Tricks says proudly. “Once word got out that we were helping the guard and doing our best to help keep the city together, foals without cutie marks from all over the city came in to join us!” He then looks between the three and the CMC standing at attention. “But, I think we can talk about that in a moment, if they stand at attention any longer, we’ll have to go ask my aunt and uncle to take us all out to ice cream…” “Can I do it?” Scootaloo asks excitedly, causing Tricks to smile. “Of course!” Tricks answers, gesturing with one hoof. Stepping forward and drawing herself up to her full height, Scootaloo smiles and raises her voice. “Cutie Mark Crusaders, at ease!” As one, the Canterlot CMC goes to ease, many of them smiling warmly and coming over to meet the three fillies that had been escorted in by one of their leaders. Tricks introduces them all, his proud smile remaining as each of his Crusaders meet the founders of the CMC. As the line comes to the end, a grey-blue filly comes to stand in front of the three, a neutral expression on her face. She is wearing a set of light leather armor, her CMC cape and a tabard with a white star on it over the armor. After a few seconds she smiles slightly and inclines her head to the three. “With the way Tricks talks about you three, I almost expected you all to be alicorns,” the filly chuckles before extending a hoof. “My name is Shadow Star, I’m the one who keeps this entire thing running smoothly so Tricks and the other two can focus on important stuff.” “Pleasure t’ meet ya, Shadow!” Applebloom says happily as she shakes the other filly’s hoof as the other two echo the greeting. Lowering her hoof, Shadow turns to Tricks and the other leaders of the Canterlot CMC, her smile slipping. “So, is social hour over? Or are we going to cancel the meeting?” “No, we’re still going to hold the meeting, Shadow,” Tricks sighs, shaking his head. “We’ve got some important things to cover, and I can’t just put it off.” “Darn right you can’t put it off,” Shadow grumbles. “My dad’s breathing down my neck about getting reports out of the Crusader’s Guard contingent.” “Why hasn’t Gust been…?” Tricks asks, looking at Gust who starts blushing. “Too busy with hero worship,” Shadow replies flatly, sighing as she levels a narrow-eyed glance at Gust. “Reminds me of somepony I know,” Sweetie chuckles, looking to Scootaloo. “What?” Scootaloo asks, raising an eyebrow. “Who does it remind you of?” “Nothing, Scoots,” Applebloom laughs as she looks to Tricks and his friends. “So, shall we get the meeting underway? Yer friend Shadow looks about ready to explode.” “Am not…” Shadow mutters blushing. “Alright, let’s get going,” Gust laughs. “Tricks is the one who usually starts the meetings, so you three, Spark, and I can go sit over near the front of the room.” “Uhm, where should we sit?” a hesitant voice comes from nearby. Tricks looks over and smiles as he spots the caped unicorn filly with a younger pegasus colt standing next to her, his eyes wide. “Oh, I remember you two!” Tricks says warmly, turning completely around to face them. “Moonshadow and Midnight Gold, right?” “Yes, Un…” Midnight Gold starts, but his sister puts a hoof to his mouth and speaks quickly. “That’s us!” Moonshadow chuckles nervously as she adjusts her glasses. “You’re Trick Step, right?” “Yup, that’s me,” Tricks shrugs, looking to two over with a raised eyebrow. “My friends call me Tricks, though.” He looks around, then gestures his head towards a purple and pink filly sitting at a table off to one side. “You two can go sit with Magenta Phase over there, I’m sure she’d love to meet you!” “Doctor P…” Midnight starts again, only to have his mouth closed by a hoof and magic. “Yeah, she wants to be a doctor!” Tricks agrees, nodding. “You must have already met her! Makes this easier.” “Wait a moment,” Scoots speaks up from behind Tricks. “You’re wearing a Crusader cape, but what are all those patches on it?” “Oh… yeah, I’m… uhm, from the Crystal Empire,” Moonshadow says slowly, smiling uneasily. “My brother and I arrived in the city to visit family just before it was locked down, we’ve… unfortunately not found any of them yet!” “Except our uncle!” Midnight says proudly. “We found him!” “Oh? Where is he?” Tricks asks, raising an eyebrow. “Oh, he is really busy!” Moonshadow says quickly, dragging her brother towards Magenta’s table. “He works with the nobles, and this whole riot has his entire office turned upside down!” She then rushes off, dragging her brother by his tail with her magic as his hooves slide across the floor. “Huh, I didn’t know there were Crusaders in the Crystal Empire,” Sweetie Belle says slowly. “Same here, but Moonshadow showed up wearing a cape, and I wasn’t about to tell her she couldn’t be around,” Tricks says with a smile. “Besides, I’ve not met many ponies from the Crystal Empire!” He chuckles as he starts walking towards the front of the room. “I mean, they both looked so scared, and a little angry, when I ran into them last night! Moonshadow was all but trying to hide under the dirty old cape she was wearing, and Midnight was hiding behind her like every single pony they passed was going to tell them they were in trouble.” “That was real kind of ya, Tricks,” Applebloom offers with a smile. “Thank you,” Tricks says bowing his head. “It was the least I could do after all the things that have happened in this city to foals my age.” He sighs and mounts the short steps to the raised platform and turns. “But, I can tell you more later. Let’s call this meeting to order!” ----- The late afternoon sunlight filtering through the closed drapes of his room, Prose cannot help but feel like he didn’t help secure a major victory last night. For one thing, he is sore beyond belief, every inch of his body feeling like he had been tossed through a tumble dryer, and then had a very large stallion sit on him. But then, with all the fighting he had done last night, he likely wouldn’t have even noticed if Tank had sat on him… Turning his gaze away from the windows, Prose looks over towards the chair where his armored flight suit, goggles, headband, and blades currently rest. They had been dumped there without ceremony last night when he had been brought in here after the medics had patched him up. Twilight had insisted he be given one of the limited rooms in the Castle after leading the raid that had captured Blueblood. He would have been happy to just have a bed in the medical ward, or even in Evening and Perfect’s house. But those beds were reserved for more critically wounded than him, and he was happy to have a place to lay his head while he contemplated what to say to his wife now that she knew. Looking up at the ceiling, he wonders just what he’ll say. Sorry, obviously, but she won’t just take an apology for all the years he had hidden this from her. Perhaps he can get Daring to go get him some flowers? Roses from the royal garden? Celestia and Luna won’t miss a few roses... “I don’t care if he helped save the city! He still lied to me!” The voice of an angry mare comes through the door, the intensity of it making the stallion’s ears fold back as his eyes slowly open. “Ten years. TEN YEARS, we’ve been married, and he hasn’t thought it important to tell me that he moonlights as some sort of… of assassin? Spy? Thief?!  What is he, Daring? Is he even really my husband?” “Foxfire, now you’re just being stupid on top of hysterical,” Daring replies, her tone calm and weary. “He kept this hidden from me too, and I’ve known him almost as long!” Forget the roses, he’ll need to have Daring go and get his wife some sort of ancient and rare flower that only blooms under the moonlight once every twenty years or something if Foxfire’s voice is any indication. Or perhaps a non-cursed giant gem? The last one Daring found ended up being tossed into Roan to protect Equestria… but there were rumors of a few others that don’t cause world-ending jealousy… “Now, you’re going to get out of my way, and you’re going to let me see him!” Foxfire’s enraged shout once more breaks Prose from his thoughts, making him sigh and roll painfully onto his side. “Look, Foxfire, I can’t let you in there right now,” Daring counters. “You’re not yourself. You’re angry, and he needs to rest! Hay, you saw the wound Blueblood gave him! The doctors said if it was any deeper…” “He’d be dead? Is that what you’re going to say!?” Foxfire yells, and as Prose slowly eases himself out of the silken sheets he swears he can see the glass of water next to the bed ripple. “That’s the point, Daring! HE COULD HAVE DIED!” “But he didn’t!” Daring counters, her own voice raising. “Your husband is a hero! He helped end the battle before it could get worse! You should be proud!” “I don’t want a hero!” Foxfire screams, and Prose’s heart nearly stops as he can hear the barely restrained tears. “I want my husband! The boring, happy stallion who falls asleep at his desk while editing your books! The stallion who picks his foals up from school, and gently chides them when they’ve gotten in trouble!” The sound of a plot hitting the floor comes through the door as Prose reaches it. “I want the stallion who asks me to stop blowing up the kitchen appliances when I tinker with them, but I keep doing it because it gets him out of his study….” Opening the door slowly, Prose looks out to find Daring hugging Foxfire as she sobs. Daring looks up at Prose, a frown on her face as gestures with a wing for Prose to come closer. Sighing, Prose moves forward slowly, grimacing as the bandages over his wound pull taunt with each step. As he comes to stand beside the two mares, Foxfire turns her face away from him and continues to sob. Looking to Daring, Prose surprises her by lifting his wings and arms, and signing to her in passable sign language. ‘I am sorry you have to deal with this,’ his movements are unsure, though show practice. Blinking a few times, Daring removes one hoof from Foxfire, and gestures with her wings and her free hoof, ‘It is okay. You should not have kept this from her.’   ‘I know,’ Prose answers, looking down at the floor. ‘I wanted to protect her. You understand?’ ‘I do,’ Daring signs as she looks to Foxfire who is shaking against her but isn’t sobbing anymore. ‘It does not make it right, though.’ “Can you two stop talking about me over my head,” Foxfire mutters between sniffles. “You pegasi and talking with your wings.” “I’m sorry,” Prose says softly, lowering his wings and hooves. “I… didn’t know if you wanted to hear my voice right now.” “Not really, no,” Foxfire whispers. “But I don’t get much choice in the matter, do I?” “No, no you don’t,” Daring answers before Prose can. “And I think you two really should talk, so long as you promise not to wound your husband anymore than he already is.” “No promises,” Foxfire mutters. “I’ll be fine, Daring,” Prose offers. “I’ve lived with her for ten years now, I think I’ll survive her wrath right now.” “Heh, if you say so,” Daring chuckles as she slowly releases Foxfire and steps away. “But, honestly, I’d rather face the JSS again than face Foxfire’s anger.” “Don’t you have a certain red stallion’s plot to be staring at, Daring?” Prose states with a smirk. “I’ll deal with my marital problems, you go back to Leaf before Distant tracks me down and tries to contract me to tie you both up and shove you in a closet.” “She would do that, wouldn’t she?” Daring shakes her head and chuckles as she walks to the door, stopping as she opens it to look back one last time. “I’m just down the hall, if you need anything.” “I need to be alone with my wife, Daring,” Prose says sternly, gesturing with a wing to the hallway. “That’s all I need right now, Daring.” “Alright, alright,” Daring nods, quickly leaving the room. As the door clicks closed, quiet descends into the room like a thick blanket. Prose simply sits down off to one side so as to not block the door, but close enough to his wife to be near for when she is ready to talk. Eventually, though, Foxfire stops sniffling, and sighs as she lifts her head to look out a nearby window. “Why?” Her voice is worn from the crying, but full of determination. “Why did you hide this from me?” “I didn’t want to scare you,” Prose’s answer is soft, almost a whisper. “I was afraid that you’d be angry, or leave because you were scared of me.” “More than you already have?” Foxfire demands, turning to look at him with tear-stained eyes. “How many times have you said you were going on business trips for your publishing firm, and yet you were really out… killing ponies or doing Celestia knows what!?” “Not as many as you think,” Prose admits, looking away from his wife. “But I never killed unless I absolutely had to. I hate killing.” “Daring said you killed a lot of ponies last night,” Foxfire states. “If you hate killing, then why does she say you killed so easily?” “To protect others!” Prose snaps, taking a step towards his wife causing her to recoil slightly. Sighing, he sits down again. “I’m sorry… Last night was horrible, and I’m still trying to… come to terms with everything I saw.” Turning to look to one side, he continues in a softer voice. “I’ve never seen death on that scale before. In all my years as a Shadowbolt I’ve never seen the likes of last night. Hay, we often fought to prevent nights like this…” “I find that hard to believe,” Foxfire mutters darkly. “Believe what you want,” Prose sighs, looking back at his wife. “But you’ve met quite a few of my… coworkers, and you’ve never had a problem with them. You’ve even invited quite a few over for dinner!” “Wait, I let a bunch of killers into my house!?” Foxfire gasps before glaring daggers at her husband. “YOU LET KILLERS CLOSE TO OUR FOALS!?” “Yes. I let a bunch of horrible, dangerous, bloodthirsty, killers near our foals,” Prose deadpans, crossing his arms. “In fact, if I recall correctly you called them the most well behaved dinner guests you’ve had the pleasure of entertaining.” “No…” Foxfire says slowly, her eyes growing wide. “You mean to tell me?” “Yes, four months ago, that group of ponies that I was so happy to see? Those were all Shadowbolts, and some of my most trusted friends.” Prose smiles softly at his wife. “I would trust each and every one of them with my life, and with the lives of my family. They would never hurt you or my foals, and I am sure at least Gentle Guardian, who is actually named Tank, would die before he let foals come to harm.” “The one who was playing with the the twins?” Foxfire asks quietly. “Bu… he can’t be a killer, he was so gentle and… and he made them laugh! How can he be a killer!?” “He is actually a JSS experiment,” Prose says calmly. “He didn’t have a foalhood, and while he is the most gentle being in the entire world normally? Well, let's just say when we need a room cleared, or a door broken in? Tank is our pony.” “An… experiment?” Foxfire says softly, narrowing her eyes. “Yes, I’ve never asked the details, and honestly I’ve never truly wished to.” Prose sighs, shaking his head. “What JSS does to young foals is beyond reprehensible, and is yet another reason I’ve never shared this part of my life with you. Knowing is hardly a shield for what is out there, and at times is exactly the opposite.” “Normally I… I’d argue with that,” Foxfire mutters. “But after what I’ve seen here in Canterlot, as brief as it has been, I won’t argue the cruelty of those mercs.” She then sighs and looks to her husband. “What about the others, I’d like to know who they are.” “Well, that nice stallion who fussed over that burn you’d try to bandage yourself?” Prose starts, raising an eyebrow. “Healing Light?” Foxfire answers slowly, her shoulders slumping. “What’s his real name?” “Arclight,” Prose supplies. “I’ve not asked his background, but he is as he seems. A trained medic and healer, often the one who fusses over his fellow Shadowbolts when they get themselves injured.” He coughs, scuffing a hoof against the carpet beneath him. “I’ve been on the receiving end of his lectures, as well as the his healing touch more times than I truthfully wish to admit.” Giving her husband a knowing smirk, Foxfire gestures with a hoof. “Okay, so Hea… Arclight acts the same way, who's next.” “Broad Cloth and Clean Cut,” Prose shrugs, scratching at his bandages. “The brother and sister. As I recall, you let Clean Cut help carve up the roast we were having for dinner the night they visited.” “I was quite impressed with how she wielded the knives,” Foxfire admits, blushing a little. “I take it she is an expert knife fighter?” “Expert would be an understatement,” Prose chuckles weakly. “You’ve doubtlessly seen the blades I use? Well, hers are faster, and sharper. I’ve seen her pin a pegasus’ wings at thirty yards.” Running a hoof over the clean cut on his face, he looks towards the window. “She is very aloof, cold… sometimes heartless.” He pauses for a moment, then smirks. “Except to Arclight, actually. They’ve been a couple for a few years.” “Do you know why?” Foxfire asks, ears perked forward. “I do,” Prose sighs. “But it’s her and her brother’s to tell, not mine. They’re names, by the way, are Cloak and Dagger. Cloak is the brother, and-” “Dagger is the sister,” Foxfire finishes with a smirk. “I gathered from her use of knives.” She then frowns. “What about the young stallion they all seemed really happy to see? The one that all of them, you included, were showing all the respect to.” “Eagle Eye,” Prose responds softly, a fond smile spreading over his face. “Or, Rat, as he is actually known. He is the leader of the small band we had at our dinner table.” “Rat? Really?” Foxfire asks, leaning her head to one side. “That’s his name? I rather like Eagle Eye better.” “He’s rather fond of his name,” Prose chuckles. “He was a thief, a street rat, in Saddle Arabia before the Shadowbolts more or less saved him. Or rather, he saved a group of us.” “So, he’s what, the captain of that squad?” Foxfire inquires, gesturing with one hoof. “Or is it called something else in the Shadowbolts?” “There is only one Captain in the Shadowbolts,” Prose says in a serious tone. “It’s the strongest of all of us. Rat, simply, earned the trust of all the ponies he led, and many of us deferred to him when it came to getting into tricky places.” He chuckles and shrugs. “He’s young, but he has a gifted mind.” “They seemed nice, rather unlike the rumors I’ve been hearing from the Reservists,” Foxfire says slowly. “Daring told me about the battles.” “That would be the fault of our… of the Captain who took over after the last,” Prose states sadly. “Nightshade is… strong in many ways, but she fell to the allure of power provided to her by a client that even us who gathered information on contracts don’t know the true name of.” He stands up and walks unsteadily in a circle, his unease clear. “Suffice to say, I did not take part in the first battle, in fact I’ve not actively been on a mission since Nightshade started offering crystals to us.” His wings flutter slightly, ears back against his head. “I made the excuse of going deeper into an ongoing assignment I had, cut off as many ties as I could. I had hoped, prayed, that Nightshade would see the error of her ways, but when I heard the Cirrus… fell, I was heartbroken.” He looks to Foxfire, whose eyes widen slightly at the sad look in her husband’s eyes. “My home will always be with you, with our foals, but the Cirrus? It was the home of so many of my friends, of ponies I had fought beside. When it fell, I feared they had all perished.” “But they didn’t,” Foxfire says, smiling despite herself “Yes, they lived,” Prose agrees, his smile growing. “In fact, a few visited me at my publishing agency. Descent, Rat’s mentor, came to me and attempted to personally recruit me back into the fold.” He pauses, his smile slipping. “I… refused him. Saying I-I had a family to look after.” He looks to his wife. “I… I had to protect you and the twins.” He shakes his head, sitting back down with a grunt. “Descent was understanding, more so than I expected, and told me that if I changed my mind, I would be welcome with him and his Renegades.” “From the fact you’re wearing the uniform, you eventually did join up?” Foxfire probes, her own smile turning into a frown. “My hoof was forced,” Prose states sadly. “It was actually shortly after Rat and the others visited. Rat left a headband and goggles with me, as well as a warning.” He looks at his wife again, worry clear on his features. “Descent and his forces were not the only Shadowbolts to make it clear of the wreck of our fortress, it wasn’t clear at the time how many, but along with the crystals they had it was more than enough.” “Did they come after you?” Foxfire asks in a worried tone. “They came after us,” Prose corrects. “Remember how I suggested you go visit your mother here in Canterlot for a week?” When his wife nods he continues. “Well, a day after you left, a group of armed ponies came in the middle of the night. I count myself lucky that the pony who is responsible for most of the intelligence gathering is on our side, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to handle the situation as well as I did..” “So, the red stain on the carpet…?” Foxfire ventures, her voice shocked. “One of them fought back, and I couldn’t… get rid of them as I had the others,” Prose confirms. “I spilled some wine over the stain after the fact, to hide the scent and make it believable that I really had just had a quiet weekend.” He sighs heavily, wincing as his bandages stretch. “After that, I found Descent and told him what happened, and that if he needed me I was his so long as my family was safe.” He lowers his gaze to the floor between his hooves. “I’ve been keeping an eye on Canterlot’s underground, my ears open…” Sighing, Foxfire stares at her husband, allowing the silence at the end of his little confession to stretch on. After the longest, and tensest moments Prose has ever experienced short of asking his wife’s father for her hoof in marriage, Foxfire shakes her head and looks away. “This is a lot to take in,” she states calmly. “And… it’s going to be a while before I can even start to forgive you for lying to me for so long. But…” “But?” Prose echoes. “But, I won’t hold it against you. I can tell you’re being sincere, and… well that’s all that matters,” Foxfire sighs, her shoulders slumping. “I need to think it all over, though.” “Then, I think I will go crawl back into bed,” Prose agrees as he slowly stands, his eyes still focused on the floor. “I am sure whatever doctor patched me up will have a fit if I open my side again.” Limping towards the door, he pauses a moment to look back at his wife, a small smile once more on his face. “While you think over what I told you, remember no matter what, I do love you. That is real, no matter what lies I told, that was never a lie.” When his wife doesn’t reply, he opens the door and goes back into his room, quickly climbing into his bed. --- The streets of Canterlot are aglow with lanterns and the few restored streetlights that the magical engineering team have been able to bring back into operation. Overall, the city is still reeling from the recent rioting and the fire that resulted from it. Even now, the triage centers and hospital are still full of ponies from the edges of the Middle Class district who had been caught in the blaze, and yet more ponies are without homes. And in the center of it all, the now burnt and devastated High Class district sits like a scar upon the hearts and minds of the entire city, the actions of Archduke Blueblood having cast shame upon his fellow nobles, and upon the city itself. But even with the most recent violence fresh in everypony’s mind, many eyes are still turned towards the crater where the Wonderbolts’ compound had sat not more than a week earlier. A small memorial had been put up even, with family members of the Wonderbolts, and even by extension the auxiliaries that had been with them, to go and visit. And on this cold and mournful night, a single unicorn foal is sitting in front of the memorial, his cape pulled tightly around himself. In his magic is a picture of a grey unicorn and the foal, both smiling excitedly. Sniffling, the colt levitates the picture to a prominent spot on the memorial. “Witch Doctor... “ the colt starts, pausing for a moment and sighing. “Mom, I hope you’re alright. Uncle Leaf and Auntie Yearling both tell me that you’re going to be fine, that you’re strong and that the Shadowbolts are likely fleeing in terror of you.” He chuckles a little, and shakes his head, tears forming again. “Uncle Leaf says if you were any more powerful, you’d be an alicorn Princess! He laughed when he said it, saying that it’d never happen in a million years! But, I think it’d be awesome if you came back as an alicorn! That means I’d be the son of a Princess! Wouldn’t that be awesome… We could live in a big castle… and… no one would ever make fun of me again… or yell at me…” he sniffles again and lays down. “Come home soon, Mom… I… I’m scared…” He sighs and gets back up, and turns to leave. He gets a few steps away from the memorial before there is a bright flash of light and a loud peal of thunder. Turning around, the colt is amazed to find an entire TOWER like off of the Castle falling from the sky. He watches for a few seconds, amazed as only foals can be when something like this happens, before it dawns on him that he really shouldn’t be standing this close to it when it hits the ground. Turning once more, the colt takes off like a stone from a sling, rushing behind some rubble so he can continue to watch in safety. The tower continues to fall, and right before it hits the ground, there is a bright flash and a loud popping sound. The sound and flash are then repeated a few yards away from the colt, who turns to look right as the tower impacts and a huge cloud of dust erupts from the crater. Putting an arm in front of his face, the colt coughs as he comes out from behind the rubble. He had sworn he had seen a pony standing nearby before the dust had overtaken him. “Hello?” the colt calls, coughing a couple more times. “Is anypony there? Are you alright?” The sound of hooves coming closer, along with what the colt swears is the sound of bells, causes him to stop in his tracks. After a few moments of standing there, the dust starts to settle, and the pony walking towards him comes into sharp focus. It’s an elderly grey unicorn with a long curly beard and mane. He wears a wide-brimmed pointed hat with bells on it, as well as a cape that nearly drags along the ground that also has bells on it. The strange unicorn stops a little ways away from the colt and blinks a few times, then narrows his eyes and stares. “Uhm… h-hello?” the colt says slowly. “Ah, so you are not an illusion brought upon by magical fatigue and… well the loss of my glasses…” the unicorn states quickly. “Now, if only I could find my glasses… then I could get a good look at you!” The unicorn removes his hat, the jingle of bells causing the colt to laugh a little, and scratches his head. As he does so, his hoof taps against none other than his glasses. “Oh! There they are!” He quickly puts them on and blinks a few times. “Ah, that’s better, now there…” He looks at the colt as he replaces his hat on his head. “Good eve there, young one. I hope I did not startle you by crashing my tower into…” He looks around and frowns, “wherever this is.” “This is Canterlot,” the colt replies before putting a hoof against his chest. “And I’m Trick Step, I’m a Cutie Mark Crusader and one of the ponies helping to defend the city!” “Well met, Trick Step,” the unicorn chuckles as he pulls off his hat and bows. “I am Star Swirl the Bearded! Mage and advisor to their highnesses Celestia and Luna of Equestria!” He looks up at Tricks as he starts chuckling. “Have I said something funny?” > Chapter 10: Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 10: Time Star Swirl watches the young colt in front of him cough as his laughter dies away, the thick cloud of dust stirred up by his tower striking the earth has yet to truly settle, and so the colt must have inhaled some as he had laughed at the old wizard. Frowning, Starswirl casts a spell that settles the dust in the immediate area around them, allowing himself and the colt to breath more freely. As the colt’s coughing fit ends, he looks up at Star Swirl with a warm smile, and wipes tears of mirth from his eyes before speaking in a slightly strained voice. “Well, I’ll give you points on the costume, but Star Swirl the Bearded has been dead for nearly a thousand years,” Tricks replies. “If Princess Twilight is right, he died shortly before Luna went mad and nearly destroyed Equestria!” “That’s absurd!” Star Swirl says firmly. “Princess Luna is the kindest, most generous and caring filly I know! I used to read bedtime stories to her after the fall of Equus! Nopony that sweet could ever be evil.” Shrugging, Tricks turns to leave. “Well, it was fun talking, but my mom says I shouldn’t talk to strange ponies, and I think you take the cake on that one.” “That is true,” Star Swirl sighs before looking at Tricks. “But, before you go, can you tell me where we are, and why you were out here in the middle of these ruins?” “Oh, we’re in Canterlot,” Tricks replies, turning around again. “It’s the capital of Equestria.” He then sighs and sits down, his ears going back against his head. “As for why I am out here… well the city was attacked, and my mom was with the Wonderbolts when it happened. Their compound took off and flew away…” “I… am sorry to hear that,” Star Swirl replies, frowning as he looks around. “But last I checked, Canterlot was full of stuffy unicorn nobles who couldn’t stop arguing with each other.” He shakes his head and chuckles. “If not for the King, I swear they would have been stabbing each other in the streets…” He then turns and looks at the memorial, mostly at the pictures that are now strewn all over the place from his tower landing. “Which one is your mother?” “Oh,” Tricks perks up, trotting over quickly to the fallen pictures and picking up the one he had placed. “This is my mom, Witching Hour! She… isn’t really my mom, my real parents didn’t… want me…”  He trails off as Star Swirl frowns, making Tricks fear he's said something wrong. “But, Witch Doctor adopted me! And we live with her friend in this big fancy house that we rent from Mom’s friend, Fancy Pants. It’s got lots of rooms and comfortable beds!” He holds the picture up and shows it to Star Swirl. “This is her!” Star Swirl’s eyes go wide as he looks at the picture. He quickly powers up his horn and scans Tricks with a spell, which brings a frown to his face. “I must have gone too far…” he mutters. “The Virtue’s magic must have passed onto another…” “Virtues?” Tricks asks, leaning his head to one side. “I’ve heard that before. I think Auntie Yearling and Princess Twilight were talking about those…” “Then perhaps I should speak to your aunt, and to this Princess Twilight,” Star Swirl says with a smile. “Well, they’re at the Castle! I can take you there!” Tricks says excitedly, bouncing around Star Swirl. “I bet Princess Twilight would like to meet you. She’s always talking about ‘Star Swirl the Bearded’ doing things, and she’d love to meet someone who shares her interest in him I bet!” He then starts off quickly, causing Star Swirl to have to almost run to keep up. The pair make good time through the ruins of the High Class district, the Castle not being far from the center of the blast, though they have to take a few detours around impassable streets and areas where the mana-lines are still exposed and potentially dangerous. The Night Guards on duty nod respectfully to Tricks as he leads Star Swirl through the front gate, likely believing he is simply escorting somepony or running another message to somepony in the Ballroom. Once inside, Tricks leads Star Swirl through the hallways, occasionally stopping to tug on the old unicorn’s beard as he stops and stares at one thing or another. Tricks leads him into the royal quarters, and to a door with Twilight’s Cutie mark on the door. She has had a room here for a while, seeing as she is a Princess, though it is rarely occupied. This, however is one of the nights it is. Reaching a hoof up and knocking loudly, Tricks ignores the two Night Guards on both sides of the door who raise an eyebrow at him and his strange tag-along. “Princess Twilight! There is a pony who needs to talk to you!” The sound of hooves on the tile floor inside the room, along with some muttering, announce the occupant coming to the door before the door even opens. Once it does though, the weary features of Twilight come into the torchlight in the hallway. Stifling a yawn with one hoof, Twilight looks to Tricks. “What’s going on, Tricks? Is something wrong?” “Yeah!” Tricks says enthusiastically. “This pony’s tower just dropped into the middle of the place the Wonderbolts’ compound used to be! He says he’s Star Swirl the Bearded. I don’t believe him, but, he dresses funny, and was saying something about those virtue things you and Auntie Yearling were talking about!” “Well, that’s interesting,” Twilight yawns again, looking up at Star Swirl and instantly freezing. She knows this pony; in fact, as she looks at him in her mind’s eye, she can see him as a younger stallion, a sarcastic smile on his face and a look of trouble twinkling in his eyes. “Acolyte Star Swirl?” Frowning, Star Swirl looks at Twilight. “How do you know that title? Let alone that I once wore it?” “I… you see…” Twilight starts, her brain going into overdrive because Star Swirl the Bearded is standing right in front of her. “The Tree of Harmony, I touched it and…. saw… things.” For a long moment, Star Swirl says nothing. He then sighs and removes his hat. “Princess Twilight, was it?” He looks her in the eyes. “We have a lot to talk about.” “I… Yes we do,” Twilight stammers, stepping back into her room and opening the door more. “Please, come in.” She then looks to Tricks as he shuffles from hoof to hoof. “Tricks, I think it’s past your bedtime. You should go get some sleep.” “But I want to know what’s going on!” Tricks protests, yawning at the end. “You should listen to the Princess, little one,” Star Swirl says softly, a warm smile on his face. “You can always find me in the morning and I can answer all your questions.” “Okay!” Tricks agrees loudly before waving to Twilight. “Night, Twilight!” he then speeds off down the hallway. “You’re going to regret that,” Twilight says absently, a smile on her face. “I highly doubt it, Your Highness,” Star Swirl chuckles. “I’ve dealt with many foals in my life, I think I can stand one more.” Entering into the room, Star Swirl looks around, taking note of a few of the books strewn across the various surfaces. More than one he recognizes as books he wrote. Twilight, seeing this, chuckles weakly and starts over to the sole table with chairs at it in the room. “Please, uhm, make yourself at home!” Twilight says emphatically, clearing books from one of the chairs in her room. “I… uhm, I didn’t expect to have anypony as… important as you show up!” “I am hardly an important pony,” Star Swirl says as he gestures with one hoof. “By your wings and horn, I would say you are an alicorn. And what am I but a simple unicorn in the presence of a goddess!” He climbs up onto the chair and settles down with a weary sigh. “I’m hardly a divine being,” Twilight blushes. “I am just a very lucky unicorn who happened to complete a spell that nopony else could complete!” She gets up onto her own chair, smiling warmly at her guest. “In fact, it was a spell you wrote! It switched around my friend’s cutie marks, and caused all kinds of trouble. But, I was able to finish it and fix it!” “Oh? If it is the spell I think it is, then I am in your debt…” Star Swirl chuckles. “What was missing from it?” “Friendship,” Twilight explains excitedly. “It was missing the magic of Friendship!” Frowning, and stroking his beard with one hoof, Star Swirl nods slowly. “Ah, well then I know where I went wrong with it. I was attempting to scry the fate of my daughter, to see if she would be the next Hope.” “Your… daughter?” Twilight asks, eyes wide with wonder. “You had a daughter?” “Radiant Hope…” Star Swirl sighs, his ears going back against his head. “Crystal Hope and… I had a daughter. She was a brilliant, amazing mare. Celestia and Luna even took her on as a student.” “This wasn’t in any of the history books!” Twilight frowns, levitating a few thick books from her desk. “And Celestia never mentioned her to me! I mean… You’d think she would have told me, her favorite student… or well, former student, about something like this!” She opens the books and starts flipping through the pages, stopping only as Star Swirl starts to laugh. “W-what’s so funny?” “You,” Star Swirl replies, shaking his head. “You remind me of Clover.” For a few long heartbeats, it’s quiet, and Star Swirl frowns. It isn’t until Twilight’s eyes grow wide and she smiles widely, followed by a very loud squeal of delight, that Star Swirl realizes the princess across from him is really happy to have been compared to his former student. “I remind you of Clover the Clever!?” Twilight all but bounces in her seat. “OHMYGOSH! You compared me to your former student, one of the most influential ponies in Equestria’s history, next to yourself!” “Well… it’s... “ Star Swirl starts, before chuckling again and smiling warmly. “It’s a very good comparison.” He pauses for a moment when Twilight once more exclaims happily before opening his mouth to say more. He is cut off, however, by a loud knock at the door which is quickly followed by said door opening to admit a large white alicorn wearing a thin gold circlet. “Is everything alright in here, Twilight?” the alicorn asks. “I thought I heard…” He trails off as he spots Twilight’s guest. Frowning, he raises an eyebrow. “You’ve gotten old.” “Aye,” Star Swirl says slowly, looking over his shoulder and right into the eyes of the alicorn. “Your eyes tell me the same has happened to you, old friend.” Star Swirl then smiles warmly and stands up, facing the alicorn with a wide smile. “It’s good to see you again, Shiro.” He looks around, as if expected something to jump out at him. “But where is Jinsong?” “I sent him to annoy… I mean watch over the Virtue of Hope,” Shiro admits, a small smirk creeping onto his face. “Shiro! Do you have any idea how stressed Witch has been?!” Twilight asks angrily. “Oh... I have an idea or two….” Shiro replies, his smirk remaining. Twilight visibly pales and flinches. “Well, I…  uhm…” Twilight sputters, eyes flicking from object to object as she searches for words. “Yes, Princess, I am well aware of the situation in the mountains,” Shiro continues, not allowing Twilight to find purchase. “Jin has been kind enough to keep me appraised, but I felt it best to respect young Hope’s privacy.” “Something I should be aware of, my old friend?” Star Swirl asks, raising an eyebrow. “No,” Twilight speaks up from behind Star Swirl. “Nothing you need worry yourself about, Star Swirl.” “Are you sure?” Star Swirl asks, concern in his voice. “If the Virtue of Hope is having problems…” “Then you will let Princess Twilight, the new Compassion, worry about it,” Shiro states softly. “It’s not your Hope, my old friend.” “I… know,” Star Swirl sighs, turning to look back at Twilight. “My wife is long since dead.” Walking to stand beside Star Swirl, Shiro drapes a wing over his friend, and looks to Twilight. “I am curious, though, as to why you are here.” “As I explained to Twilight,” Star Swirl says, pausing as Twilight squeals at him calling her by her first name. “I attempted to locate my daughter using a time-scrying spell… it sort of backfired on me, and for reasons I am unable to figure out, I ended up here.” “Well, I am no expert on magic,” Shiro answers Star Swirl’s unspoken question, “but, I have lived long enough to think that, perhaps, this is where - or rather when - you are needed most, old friend.” “I agree with Shiro,” Twilight starts, yawning heavily. “If I’ve learned anything in my years of studying magic, it’s that sometimes spells take on a mind of their own, and drag their caster along with them.” She rises from the table and goes over to her desk. “In fact, I think I was working on something along those lines…” Twilight yawns again, shaking her head. “But, with you here I can…” “Princess, I think the only thing you should be doing is resting,” Shiro cuts in gently. “It’s been a long couple days, and hardly any of us have slept. You need to be well rested and ready for anything, you need to be well rested to keep the remaining nobles in line, and to quiet the fears of the common pony..” “But… Star Swirl the Bearded is here!” Twilight pleads, her tone reminding Star Swirl so much of the one his daughter would take with him when he told her it was time for bed. “I have so many questions!” She lifts parchment from the table, along with a quill. “Sleeping can wait!” “No, it can’t.” Star Swirl interjects. “I don’t know what has happened here, but surely I am not so old as to not last the night.” Twilight looks slightly taken aback, so Star Swirl rises and goes over to her, resting a hoof on her shoulder. “Princess, I shall keep until morning, and so shall your questions.” Twilight visibly deflates a little, her ears lowering. “Alright,” she sighs, looking up at Star Swirl with a small smile, “but promise you’ll be ready to talk first thing in the morning. I don’t want to have to wait for you.” “I assure you, Princess, I shall be up with the sunrise.” Star Swirl says slowly, his tone slightly distant. “I am always up with the sunrise…” He then clears his throat and smiles at Twilight. “Regardless, though, I am at your service, Princess.” “I look forward to it, Star Swirl,” Twilight replies before yawning again. “Well, I shall leave you to your rest, your highness,” Star Swirl chuckles, turning and walking towards the door. He stops at the door next to Shiro and looks over his shoulder with a warm smile. “Oh, and one more thing, Princess.” “Hmm?” Twilight hums, looking over at Star Swirl with weary eyes.   “When we talk next, bring that book on your bedside table, I can help you figure out how to use it better,” Star Swirl comments off-hoofedly. “Until then, rest well.” Star Swirl walks out the door, a stunned Twilight looking after him and Shiro following in his wake with a chuckle. As soon as the pair is out of the room, the door safely closed behind them, Star Swirl allows his shoulders to slump and his head to hang. He is so far removed from his own time, everypony he knows is likely dead save for perhaps the two Princesses. Worse still, he likely was no closer to finding his daughter. The sudden feeling of warmth and weight on his back makes him look up, though, and smile as he notices a white wing draped over his back. “From one widower to another,” Shiro whispers softly, “it gets better.” “When?” Star Swirl asks in an equally soft whisper. “When does it get better, Shiro?” For a long moment, the alicorn is silent, his eyes taking in the patterns of the tile beneath their hooves. Then, he looks up with a weary smile. “I’ll let you know when I figure it out.” He clears his throat and sniffs, then points down the hallway. “Come, I think the night guards are currently having their lunch. We can walk in that direction, and I can do my best to answer what questions you may have.” Nodding, Star Swirl does his best to smile. “I would like that,” he starts off in the direction indicated by Shiro, his hooves tapping out a steady beat against the tiles. “I guess, really, I need to know when I am. What year is it? How long have I been gone?” “Nearly a thousand years,” Shiro answers with a sigh. “So far as I can tell, from the books I’ve read and the ponies I’ve talked to.” “A thousand years? Truly?” Star Swirl muses. “Well, I guess there are worse things.” He opens his mouth to ask another question, when the sound of racing hooves, and raised voices cause him and Shiro to stop. “Hurry, Midnight,” the voice of a young pony, a filly most likely, comes from around the corner. “Moony! Wait up!” Another voice comes from the same direction. “Why are we running?” “We have to hide,” Moony replies. “Damn Diet Chaos! Why did he have to bring us h-” the voice stops as a young unicorn filly wearing a cape races around the corner, skidding in front of Star Swirl with wide blue eyes. Another caped foal, this one a colt, comes around the corner and runs right into Moony’s back. “Moony, why’d you stop,” the colt asks, rubbing the end of his muzzle. “I thought we had to…” he trails off as he peers around the filly, eyes going wide. “Good eve-” Star Swirl starts, but Moony’s expression instantly changes to one of panicked shock as she whirls around, grabs her brother, then vanishes in a loud pop leaving Star Swirl and Shiro blinking. “Did she just teleport?” Shiro asks slowly. “I believe she did,” Star Swirl frowns. “And, what’s more, I could sense something off about them. A filly of her age should not be able to teleport, let alone teleport with a passenger like that.” He sighs and looks to his friend. “No matter, I doubt this will be the last we shall see of those two, if my luck has anything to say about it.” He gestures with his head as he starts walking again. “Well, I don’t know about you, but I could use a snack.” “Truthfully? I could use a drink,” Shiro chuckles. “But, I can settle for a light snack.” “Good! Then we can both explore just how much the arts of cooking have progressed in the past thousand years!” Star Swirl exclaims happily, the bells on his clothing jingling. “And you, can explain to me where Celestia and Luna are.” ------ The cold cell is far removed from the comforts Blueblood is used to, for the bed is too hard, the room too dark, and the air stale and unmoving. The sheer thought of being in a place like this is enough to break most nobles, their fragile self-image unable to cope with the stark reality of stone walls and cold iron shackles, but not Blueblood. No, as the Archduke of Canterlot, he has gone without comforts before, and he shall do so now if it means keeping his dignity when all others in this city have lost theirs. Truthfully, the cell is perhaps a step up from the tent he had been sleeping in the past week or so, as it is within the walls of the Castle. Ultimately, he was one step closer to his goal if only he could convince the guards to come over to his side, as they rightly should, and help him overthrow the traitors who are most likely feasting and laughing about the foolish nobility who had dared to try and stop them. Stop them he must, however. Crossing to the door, he places his hooves against the door and peers out into the dark hallway beyond, his gaze slowly drifting around to try and find any guards that might be nearby. Finding none, at least any visible ones, he sticks his muzzle through the bars. “Is anyone out there?” he demands, his upbringing allowing no signs of weakness to be shown. “I demand to speak to whomever is in charge of this dreadful hole you call a dungeon!” Silence, and his own voice echoing back to him, is the only response he gets, causing Blueblood to sigh heavily before lowering himself back to the floor and leaning his back against the door. If his parents could see him now, they’d die of shame all over again… Putting his hooves against his face and sighing, he steels his resolve. He can’t let thoughts like that infect him, he needs to stay strong for Celestia… for Luna… one of both of his aunts could be dead and he was the only one who could bring their killers to justice! But first, he has to get out of his cell, and that isn’t going to happen by him feeling sorry for himself. Running a hoof over his horn, he grimaces as he touches the magical suppression ring secured tightly to it, his options are limited without his magic but his education had been quite broad, so a lack of magic is but a minor setback. Standing once more, Blueblood starts pacing in a circle, the motion bringing back memories of his father pacing in his study as he discussed various things with his son… though usually it was to stop himself from yelling as Blueblood had been less than a perfect foal for his parents. Shaking the unbidden memories from his head, Blueblood picks up speed, pacing at a near jog as he tries to get blood flowing to his brain. What would Auntie Celestia do? Talk her way out, most likely; she has… or had the heart of a true diplomat. She could talk her way out of anything, and come away from the worst situations better for it all. And although Blueblood received training in diplomacy from her, he had never really gotten as good as she had so talking his way out might be out of the question unless he can get the ear of somepony who sympathizes with him and his plight... Perhaps then he should be thinking what his other aunt would do? He doesn’t know Luna all that well, she had only been back for a year or two, but from the little he had learned she was a warrior without peer. And… Blueblood is not. Sure, he can fight, he had held his own against that assassin, and would likely have killed him if not for the fact he had been taken from behind by another! Growling loudly, a sound that makes even his own ears flatten in fear, Blueblood decides that he is going to kill him, as well as whoever helped him. Stopping, Blueblood swivels his ears towards the door, a change in the ambient sound catching his attention. At first, he hears nothing, then the sound of a door creaking open and a pair of hooves coming down the hallway towards his cell echoes through the otherwise quiet night. As they draw closer, and Blueblood is sure they’re coming to his cell, the disgraced Archduke sits down in the center of his dismal lodgings and puts on his best smile. As the pair stop in front of his door, he runs a hoof through his hair, doing his best to make sure it’s laying mostly flat, and pulls himself up to his full height. As the key clicks in the lock, and the door swings open on its rusty hinges, Blueblood comes face to face with a hooded figure and it’s escort. His smile never slipping, Blueblood inclines his head, his voice as welcoming and warm as if he were greeting a foreign dignitary into his manor house. “Good evening, I was afraid I was going to be forgotten down here,” Blueblood chuckles. “But, I take it you are not here to whisk me away to some better accommodations?” “No, we are not,” the guard with the figure grunts. “Honestly, I would have been happy to forget you’re down here, but the Commanders informed me in no uncertain terms that you were to be allowed visitors, and this pony seems intent on visiting you.” “Is that so?” Blueblood asks slowly, his smile growing. “And pray-tell, what business do you have with me?” “My own,” a husky voice comes from beneath the figure’s deep hood. “And not to be spoken of in… mixed company?” The figure’s hood turns slightly, giving the impression that they’re looking at the guard. “I see,” Blueblood states, looking to the guard with his warm smile. “You may leave us, I doubt there is anything I could do to imperil my guest here.” He taps his horn and the magic suppression ring on it. “Wouldn’t you agree?” Grunting, the Guard rolls his eyes. “Not like you can dig yourself a deeper hole.” The guard turns and starts to close the door. “If your friend doesn’t walk out of here unharmed, though, I’ll give you some fresh bruises and orders be damned.” As the door closes, Blueblood’s smile slips as, for a moment, he is a foal in his father’s study again, the older stallion glaring at him with a switch levitating in front of Blueblood’s face as hateful words flow from his father’s mouth. A cough from the hooded figure draws him from the memories and back to his slightly less uncomfortable present. Smiling a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes, Blueblood turns to regard his guest. “So, now that we’re alone,” he starts, gesturing with a hoof, “what is it you wished to discuss with me?” “Your attack on the city,” the figure states, then pauses as if considering it’s next words. “And your failure.” “It wasn’t my fault,” Blueblood snaps, narrowing his eyes. “If those insufferable mercenaries our mutual friend sent me to could have held their own I would…” turning, he continues in a higher-pitched voice, tail lashing behind him. “I should be sitting on the throne! It’s what Celestia and Luna would have wanted! If I just had had better troops…” he trails off into a growl, his eye twitching. “Did you sit on something, Your Grace? Or did they toss you in on your family jewels?” the hooded figure asks slowly, the question clear in their voice. “Your voice is a little higher than usual.” “What?” Blueblood asks, his voice still slightly higher before blushing and clearing his throat. “It’s this damned cell; it has me on the edge of panic.” He turns away from his hooded guest to hide his blush and continues. “Regardless, I am sure our mutual friend will see things our way, and with enough time I am sure I can fix the situation before it grows too dire.” “You are to be put to trial shortly, Your Grace,” the figure counters. “I am not sure our friend can be patient with you much longer.” “Then perhaps he should use some of that power he was claiming he had!” Blueblood counters curtly. “He spoke plainly of the crystals he had in his possession, perhaps they could be of use again. They certainly were of use to him in discovering the murder of my aunt.” “It is possible,” the figure concedes. “But what do you expect these crystals to do? Hm?” “I don’t know, but I am sure that I could do great things with them!” Blueblood argues, his voice shifting higher for a moment before he stuffs it back down to it’s normal range. “Besides, the one he gave me broke, and I’ll need a new one if I am to remain free of whatever magic the guard and reserves have used to brainwash the populace.” “And where is the broken one?” the figure asks curtly, looking around the small room. “You’d best not have lost it, for your sake.” “N-no, I didn’t lose it!” Blueblood professes, going over to his bed and reaching under the pillow. “I hid it when they dragged me in here. They almost got it when they took my armor, but I saved it!” He pulls his hoof back out from under the pillow, a shattered pink crystal weakly glowing coming into view. “I see,” the figure whispers before looking at Blueblood. “I will have to take it with me, as the guards will doubtlessly check your… room to make sure I did not leave anything with you.” “Of course, can’t be too careful with this lot of traitors,” Blueblood grumples, hoofing over the crystal. “I’ll need a new one quickly, though, no telling when they’ll come for me. I have to be able to defend myself.” “Our friend will not deprive you of your defense,” the figure says softly, accepting the shards of the crystal with a sea-green hoof. “For long, at least.” The figure then turns and goes to the door. “Of course, if you fail again…” the threat hangs in the air like a thick cloud, causing Blueblood to swallow. “I won’t,” Blueblood whispers. “I swear it.” “See that you don’t Archduke,” The figure says softly as it knocks on the door. “See that you don’t.” The door swings open and allows the figure to exit, the guard who opened it casting a glare to Blueblood, who does his best not to shiver and shrink beneath the glare. He lasts until the door is closed, and the sound of hoofbeats is echoing down the hallway before he wraps his arms around himself, closes his eyes, and shivers as he holds back the desire to cry. ---- As he walks down the hallway, the figure shivers heavily and chokes back tears. Stopping at the guard station, the figure leans against the wall and sits down as it’s legs fail to continue to hold their weight. “You okay?” the guard that had escorted the figure from Blueblood’s cell asks, gently resting a hoof on the the cloaked figure’s shoulder. “You don’t need to be afraid of him, Sea, you were very brave.” “I know,” the figure sniffles, pushing back its hood with a sea-green hoof. Beneath the deep hood is the face of a stallion, his chocolate brown eyes clouded with tears. “I… just hate seeing Blueblood like that.” He takes a shuddering breath, and shakes his head to clear the tears, but fails. “I know, but it had to be done,” the guard comments, rubbing the stallion’s back. “We wouldn’t be asking this of you if we didn’t think you could do it.” “I just hope it was worth it,” Sea whispers softly. “I want my Blueblood back…” “It was worth it,” a new voice says confidently, the owner limping forward to smile at Sea. “And you will have back the Blueblood you remember, I promise you.” Extending a grey hoof, the figure’s smile slips as his expression turns serious. “Did you find out if he had what I feared he did?” “I… I did, Prose,” Sea says quickly. “To think, something so small, could cause so much trouble.” He hands over the dimly glowing crystal shards, which Prose quickly deposits into a pouch. “Many of my fellows said the same thing, Sea,” Prose offers softly before reaching over and putting a hoof on the other stallion’s shoulder. “I promise you, when all is said and done, I will do my best to protect Blueblood. I swear it.” “I’ll hold you to that, Renegade,” Sea sniffles. ------- Trotting through the hallway leading into the kitchens, Daring sighs. It was the first real night where she isn’t in danger of being woken up by some strange emergency, and she can’t sleep. She had tried everything, and by rights she should be bone tired after the battle she had been a part of a day before. But no, her body just had to be charged with nervous energy. Leaf had finally booted her out of their room, as he was actually tired and had wanted to get some sleep. She had acted offended, but honestly it was really funny how comfortable they were together after their rocky start. And, of course, they were engaged, so at this point they were more or less a married couple, and were already acting like it. Now, if only she could get her friends to stop teasing her about it… Turning a corner, she instinctively nods at the guards who are stationed at the nearby doors into what had at one point been a magnificent courtyard, but was now more rubble than anything else if you could see it through the tents tent city set up on it. The guards offer a respective salute in return, but otherwise don’t move as they stand at their posts. She has yet to figure out how to be an officer, but Daring can’t help but smile as her Reservists salute her, and decides to perhaps let it last a little while longer if only so she can rub it in Leaf’s grandmother’s face later. That thought puts a small spring in her step as she makes the remainder of her journey to the kitchen in relatively high spirits, and before long she is browsing through the magi-tech freezer for ice cream. Deciding on a small carton of Rocky Road, she trots over to a cabinet, and helps herself to a spoon. Sticking the spoon into her mouth, she starts off towards the doors, when the sound of conversation causes her to slow down, lest she be hit by whoever is about to come through the doors. “Shiro, I just cannot believe Luna would do something like that,” the voice of what must be an elderly stallion comes from behind the doors along with the sound of jingling bells. “Honestly, she was always such a sweet filly, to think she led a rebellion against her sister, nearly plunged all of Equestria into eternal darkness?” “Unthinkable, I know my friend,” Shiro’s confidant voice answers as the doors start to swing open. “But it is the truth, or so much as I’ve been informed.” “And who informed you of this?” the stallion asks as he and Shiro come through the door. He is a grey unicorn wearing what Daring has to admit is the most accurate Star Swirl the Bearded costume she has ever seen. “Well, this mare here, actually,” Shiro states simply, a smirk on his face as he turns to look at Daring, who is standing in the middle of the kitchen, a spoon sticking out of her mouth and a carton of ice cream under her wing. Smiling sheepishly, and waving to Shiro with one hoof, Daring pretends she didn’t just get caught raiding the freezer by Celestia and Luna’s uncle. “Ah, she seems… respectable enough,” the elderly unicorn mutters, walking around Daring and inspecting her with a critical eye. “Of course, anypony who has the peace of mind to smile when they’re caught with their hoof in the cookie jar is alright by me.” Sitting down and taking the spoon from her mouth, Daring raises an eyebrow. “I am not raiding the cookie jar. I was taking my just spoils after a battle hard fought the other day!” She waves the spoon like a scepter. “Honestly, after what I’ve been through, I deserve more than just ice cream!” She points to Shiro. “Shiro, do you think you could convince your nieces to give me ownership of the Equestrian History Museum?” “I’ll think about it, Daring,” Shiro chuckles. “It was a battle hard fought. However, I am surprised you are not in bed with your stallion celebrating the victory.” “Mmm,” Daring hums, having opened the ice cream container and taken a spoonful. Swallowing, she shrugs. “I was… a bit restless, and he wanted to sleep, so he kicked me out.” “Sounds like a brave lad,” the unicorn chuckles. “Leaf Wind is quite brave,” Shiro agrees. “As is Daring, here.” He then pauses and looks to the unicorn with a growing smile. “But, then, while I am speaking of brave souls, I think I should properly introduce you two.” “Oh, yes, please, introduce me to the weird, bell-wearing unicorn,” Daring shrugs, taking another spoonful. “Weird?” the unicorn chuckles. “My dear filly, I assure you when and where I am from this was completely acceptable dress.” “Yeah, in early Equestrian society,” Daring smirks. “Heck, I’ve not seen clothes like that outside of exhibits on Star Swirl the Bearded! And honestly, he was quite unique for his time.” “Daring, you’ve never seen another pony dress like my friend here because he is Star Swirl the Bearded,” Shiro chuckles, which grows into a full laugh as Daring sits there with her spoon sticking out of her mouth and blinks slowly. Shaking his head and gestures to Daring, Shiro continues. “And Star Swirl, the confused young mare is A.K. Yearling, better known as Daring Do, an adventurer and an expert in ancient cultures.” “A pleasure, Miss Yearling,” Star Swirl says warmly, offering a hoof, which Daring accepts with her spoon still sticking out of her mouth. She shakes Star Swirl’s hoof rather stiffly, still blinking and looking rather confused, which causes Star Swirl to chuckle nervously. “Are you alright, my dear?” Taking the spoon out of her mouth, Daring nods. “Yeah, I’m just debating going and getting a bigger carton of ice cream…” She looks to Shiro and smiles in a sarcastic manner. “And Shiro, please, next time please lead with ‘Oh, Daring, this is a famous pony from ages past!’ so I don’t make a fool of myself.” “Please, Daring,” Shiro sighs. “You don’t need my help doing that. It’s what you have Leaf for.” “My fiancé aside, it would have been nice to have some warning,” Daring sighs. “Besides, I...” “You are an expert on ancient cultures and history?” Star Swirl cuts in causing Daring to look over at him. “Well, I’ve been in my fair share of places, read my fair share of books,” Daring shrugs. “But yeah, I’m an expert by most standards. Why?” “What do you know of the Crystal Empire,” Star Swirl starts slowly, his face growing serious, “and of the Umbra.” “Not much,” Daring says slowly, narrowing her eyes slightly. “But I know enough that I’m going to need more than just ice cream to get through this conversation.” “Then let us find a table,” Shiro offers, nodding towards the door leading to the temporary mess hall. “And you can explain to us what you know.” “Well, it’s not like I was going to get any sleep tonight anyway,” Daring sighs as she turns and starts towards the exit. As she passes the large walk in pantry, she pauses and opens the door, calling to a pony inside. “Rusty! Could you bring some cake out to me?” “Sure thing, Daring!” the reply echoes from inside the pantry. Satisfied, Daring continues off to the exit and pushes the double doors open, gesturing for the two with her to go through. Shiro inclines his head and goes first ,followed closely by Star Swirl who is looking around the room with interest. Smiling, Daring follows after the two of them, spoon sticking of her small carton of ice cream balanced on a wing. The mess hall isn’t full at this hour, but still holds quite a large number of night guard, as well as a few insomniac day guard and reserves, milling about eating their various meals or simply talking now that death wasn’t looming over their heads. Those that are up and walking around part before their small group, many offering bows or salutes to Shiro as he passes, causing the old alicorn to frown as he politely nods his head to them. They reach a table in short order, and Daring soon finds herself situated across from the two ancient ponies. “So…” Daring starts slowly, poking at the ice cream in front of her. “The Umbra and the Crystal Empire.” “Yes,” Star Swirl presses as he leans forward, beard brushing against the table. “I need to know how much you know about them. It’s very important.” “Can I ask why?” Daring asks, looking Star Swirl in the eyes. “I mean, honestly, why do you need to know? You’re an Archmage who served Celestia and Luna when Equestria was just forming. Shouldn’t you know about them?” “I do know about them,” Star Swirl agrees with a sigh. “But not enough. I distanced myself from such knowledge, I didn’t want to admit what they had been before they became Umbra. Didn’t want to face the reality of the war we had fought.” “That doesn’t answer my question, Star Swirl,” Daring counters. “The legends surrounding them, hay, Roan for Celestia’s sake!” At the mention of Roan, Star Swirl winces heavily, and looks away. Sighing, Daring continues is a more gentle voice. “What I know about them paints a dark enough picture, so I need to know why you want to know what I know.” “Because he has to find his daughter,” Shiro states calmly before Star Swirl can. “His and Hope’s.” “Hope?” Daring says softly, brow furrowing as she thinks. “Wasn’t she one of the…?” “The Virtues, yes,” Star Swirl sighs. “If history has been kind to her, she would be remembered as Queen Crystal Hope, the First Queen of the Crystal Empire.” “That explains why you want to know about that,” Daring nods, gesturing with her spoon. “Surely you know the Empire was outside time for a thousand years?” “I knew its capital was banished from time, but not for how long,” Star Swirl offers. “It has returned, then?” “Yes, and it’s now ruled over by one of Amore’s descendants, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, or Cadance as she is known to many.” “But what of the Umbra?” Star Swirl asks slowly. “Have any more surfaced after Sombra?” “Sombra was an Umbra?” Daring asks, eyes wide. “I mean, that would explain a lot, but… it also does nothing to quiet my fears of those things.” “If you did not know that, then you must know very little about the Umbra,” Star Swirl growls, shaking his head. “I know the legends, and, at this point, they’re likely the best you’re ever going to get,” Daring remarks before smirking. “Unless you go to a museum, and I doubt they’d let you leave seeing as you’re the actual Star Swirl the Bearded.” She chuckles as the old unicorn gives her a pointed glare, taking a bite of her ice cream. “Anyway, before my cake shows up, here’s what I know.” She puts the spoon down and takes a deep breath before looking Star Swirl in the eyes. “The Umbra, or Shadow Ponies as they are known in some cultures, are a mythical race of ponies that are said to be the harbingers of death, as well as the ones who whisper in the ears of the truly evil ponies who have sought to break the balance over the centuries.” She taps her hoof against the table, stalling as she thinks. “Not a lot is known about them, and no mention of one is made having physically been in this world, as most sources state them as being an ‘influence’ rather than a physical thing.” “Well,” Star Swirl starts, clearly hesitant, “to be abundantly fair, they weren’t the actual force itself, but rather the result of the fall of the Virtues, and subsequently, Equus…” "All except for one, Oh Belled and Bearded One," Discord says, suddenly popping into existence and holding out a cake with silvery frosting and Hope's sigil in blue on top. "Well... Technically one..." Without missing a beat, Daring reaches over and and accepts the cake and puts it down in front of her. She then frowns and look over at Discord, “What no fork?” Discord snaps his fingers, the requested utensil forming out of thin air, and hands it to Daring. “Thank you. I hope you didn’t inconvenience Rusty too much.” “Oh, your dear Quartermaster is simply doing battle with an army of fanged vegetables.” Discord comments with a wave of his paw. “Honestly, I’ve never seen a pony enjoy fighting produce so much.” “Hope did not fall,” Star Swirl growls from across the table, causing Daring’s attention to go to the archmage. “Oh, silly little Archmage,” Discord coos, snapping his fingers and appearing next to Star Swirl. “You and I both know that’s not true.” “She did not fall,” Star Swirl insists as he glares daggers at the misshapen creature behind him. “I-it was simply time for her to depart from this life, as all are called into the embrace of the Cosmos eventually.” “I’m sure that’s the pretty little lie you told you dear daughter,” Discord sighs, floating around the old unicorn and popping up between him and Shiro, “but there are no foals at this table.” He looks to Shiro, who is frowning, then back to Star Swirl. “So I think it’s time to admit she did the one thing she was absolutely not allowed to do.” “Shut up, you detestable bag of mixed parts!” Star Swirl growls, his eyes narrowing even as tears start to form. “Struck a nerve, have I?” Discord frowns, raising an eyebrow. “She won the battle… but not the war, Mr The Bearded.” He flicks Star Swirl’s nose. “And you know it.” “What does he mean, Star Swirl?” Daring asks around a mouthful of cake, pausing to swallow before continuing. “What does he mean, she won the battle but not the war?” “You have to understand, she was under a lot of stress…” Star Swirl starts as he stares down at the table. “She had lost too many friends… her entire family… I thought she was doing so well, but Radiant’s birth…” “What happened Star Swirl?” Shiro calmly says, putting a wing around his friend as he starts shivering. “What did Hope do?” “She…” Star Swirl starts again, clearing his throat and shaking his head. “She knew she was falling. Shiro, she felt pain slowly overwhelming her… So s-she wrote me and our daughter a letter and… took off her bracers.” Above him, Shiro stiffens his eyes going wide. “So she took off her jewelry,” Daring comments, gesturing with her fork. “What’s so important about that?” “My dear Yearling,” Discord speaks up as he suddenly appeared on her shoulder. “She was well past what you would consider ancient for a normal pony.” He hops down and walks over to lean against the cake bearing Hope’s symbol. “The only thing keeping her weary old bones tethered to this life was her fancy jewelry.” “So she…” Daring asks slowly, realization dawning on her. “She killed herself,” Star Swirl chokes out as he pulls the brim of his hat down to cover his face. “She killed herself before she could fully fall and endanger everything and everypony she loved.” “Truthfully,” Discord says in a suddenly serious tone. “It gave even me pause when I found out.” He looks to Star Swirl who is glaring at him from beneath his hat. “Don’t give me that look! The Virtues and I never saw eye to eye, what with the whole chaos and cosmic harmony being opposites. But, even I did not wish for her life to end like that. She was a worthy foe, and deserved to die a peaceful death surrounded by her family.”   Clearing her throat, Daring puts aside her cake, her appetite suddenly less. “I think we should return the your original question, Star Swirl?” She looks to Discord, “And I think you should go release the Quartermaster from whatever it is you did before Dame Fluttershy catches wind of it.” “Oh fine, ruin my fun,” Discord pouts. “But you are right. I’d best go free that old stallion before Fluttershy notices… We’re having tea tomorrow, and I’d rather not sit silently the whole time.” He waves to Star Swirl and Shiro. “Toodles!” He snaps his fingers and vanishes. “Why you all let him run free I shall never understand,” Shiro grumbles as he continues to comfort Star Swirl. “What more can you tell us of the Umbra, Daring?” “Not a whole lot more,” Daring sighs as she looks to Star Swirl. “The only other thing of substance is that there is this old explorer’s story from the wastes north of the Crystal Empire. Something about a grand city hidden behind a blizzard. The few ponies that apparently have found it and return speak of eyes in the shadows, and the blind guardian that is the warden of the city.” “What more do you know of this city? Do you know it’s location?” Star Swirl speaks up, his face still shadowed by his hat. “I know the general area, the accounts have never been that accurate.” Daring says softly as she scratches her cheek. “If you get a current map of the Crystal Empire and the surrounding area, I might be able to show you. But other than that I suggest you go to the library here in the Castle, ask the warden… I mean the librarian about the section dealing with older journals, particularly in the period shortly after the Empire vanished.” “Then I think I will go there,” Star Swirl sighs slowly before looking up with a smile. “Thank you, Daring.” “Mmm,” Daring hums around a spoonful of ice cream. “No problem, but just one more thing.” “Yes?” Star Swirl chuckles. “Be careful of that old nag’s tongue; she can strip the hide from a dragon with that thing.” > Chapter 11: Discord's Traveling Puppet Show > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 11: Discord’s Traveling Puppet Show? Grunting softly as he moves down the currently dark corridor of Canterlot Castle, Prose cannot help but wonder why exactly he has been summoned to the other side of the Castle, especially this early in the morning. Stopping and leaning against a pillar, Prose sighs and he lifts his cloak and checks to make sure he hasn’t reopened his wound. Finding no red stains on his side, Prose closes his eyes and does his best to catch his breath. “Are you alright?” Foxfire asks from his left, causing Prose to open his eyes and smile. “Should I go find a medic?” “No, I’ll be fine,” Prose grunts as he stops leaning on the wall and starts forward again. “This scratch might slow me down, but it is hardly worthy of concern. I’ve had worse.” “I wish you wouldn’t say that,” Foxfire sighs as she takes her place beside her husband. “You asked me this morning, when the servant came and woke us up, to never lie to you,” Prose says solemnly. “And I promised that I wouldn’t, thus why I said that, and thus why you are coming with me to this meeting.” “I know,” Foxfire concedes, stopping for a moment to run a hoof over the collar of Prose’s uniform. “It’s… just a lot to get used to.” Stopping and looking to his wife, then to a nearby mostly intact window, Prose studies his reflection. He lingers longest on the dark purple uniform with black accents he is wearing under his backup tactical vest. He had debated putting this on, but the servant who had knocked on the door said that two of the three waiting for him were wearing the same type of flight suit he had been, and with his out of commission he had opted to wear this outfit as it would identify him to whoever it was waiting. Plus, his non-marked flight suit was currently occupied by the love of his life, and he wasn’t about to tell Foxfire she can take it off. “Yes, it is,” Prose comments as he looks away from the window and continues forward. “But, I have faith in you, dear heart. You are, if nothing else, a smart and talented mare, and if you do not wish for me to lie, then I will not spare you the details.” His tone then turns serious and he looks to Foxfire from the corner of one eye. “Also, and this is very important, but while we are in there you are not to speak unless spoken to, am I understood?” “Wh…?” Foxfire starts to ask, but is stopped as Prose extends a wing and turns to look at her with a deadpan expression. “Because, I don’t know who we’re meeting, all the servant said was that they were wearing flight suits like mine. There are two groups who wear that flight suit, with very subtle differences, and if it’s not my friends then you have to let me talk our way out.” He gets closer, their muzzles almost touching. “Now, am I clear?” “Yes,” Foxfire whispers, her eyes wide. “Good,” Prose sighs as he turns and starts down the hallway once more. He hates talking to his wife like this, and if he could he would avoid it altogether, but he can’t and he has to keep her safe. Their foals need at least one parent, and the odds are with the profession he is in it won’t be him if things go south. The two continue down the hallway in silence, save for the sound of their hooves against the polished stone floor and the occasional servant or guard making their pre-dawn rounds. At one point, glimpsed distantly through a shattered window, Prose swears he can see an old unicorn sitting on a balcony, his eyes turned towards the distant point which the sun will soon rise from. And then, they are at a pair of large double doors leading to the currently empty wing of the castle that houses foreign heads of state, a pair of marines standing on both sides of the door. Stopping in front of the door, Prose takes a moment to compose himself and slip into the mindset he uses when he is working as a member of the Shadowbolts. As he does so, he pulls himself up, holds his head higher as his smile fades and the ever-present laughter in his eyes gives way to a dark, distant and serious expression that makes Foxfire take a few steps to the side and stare at her husband as if he were a live snake. Likewise, the marines shuffle uncomfortably as Prose looks to them, his lips turning down slightly into an almost invisible frown. “I was summoned?” Prose asks, his tone lacking any of it’s previous warmth. “Yes, sir,” one of the marines says curtly, motioning to the door. “Please, go inside.” Nodding, Prose starts forward, the guards instinctively shuffling aside as he draws close. With one final glance to his wife, and a hoof to his lips to remind her to stay silent, Prose pushes open one of the doors, which swings inward on well-oiled hinges, and enters with Foxfire close on his tail. Once past the doors, Prose surveys the room and is surprised to find it occupied by two ponies he had not thought to see so soon, and a third that explained the presence of the marines. “It is good to see you again, Epic Prose,” Dee-Seven states calmly from where she is standing in the center of the room beside the other two occupants. “I am to understand you are acquainted with Hawk and Tank?” she motions to the two beside her. “I am,” Prose answers curtly before looking over his shoulder. “Dear, close the door please.” As Foxfire does that, Prose crosses the room and stops in front of Tank, a massive stallion wearing a Shadowbolt flight suit minus the hood. He smiles down at Prose, who lets the warmth return slightly to his features as he smiles back. “It’s good to see you again, Tank.” “Heh, heh, heh,” chuckles Tank, catching Prose in a bear hug. Walking up next to Prose and Tank, Foxfire looks up at him with wide eyes before looking to her husband who nods to her. “H-hello again, Tank. You’re.. Uhm… looking well?” “Yes, he is,” Prose agrees as he returns the hug. “I heard from some of the naval ponies that there was a fire in the direction of JSS HQ?” He looks between Tank and Hawk as he lets go of Tank. “You two wouldn’t happen to know what that was about, would you?” “Well, you know what they say, Prose,” quips Hawk. “You reap what you sow, and Janus spread around a lot of flames and death here. We felt it was high time for a bit of reaping. In my opinion, after what they put Tank and Dee through, it’s long overdue.” “Agreed,” Prose sighs as he sits down with a wince. “If not for the fact I was injured beating some sense into the Archduke, I would have flown out there to see what was going on.” He rubs his side slightly and smiles weakly. “I’m going to get an earful if we ever find Patch and she sees my flight suit.” “My analysis of your flight suit indicated it was made of a polymer that should not have torn in the way it did,” Dee interjects. “I suspect this ‘Patch’ is the one who makes your suits? She will be angered at its damage?” “Basically, Prose was lazy and didn’t get the damn thing replaced when he should have,” snorts Hawk. “What does he mean?” Foxfire asks, aiming a concerned look at her husband. “Flight suits like the one you’re wearing,” Prose starts, poking his wife with a wing, “are made out of a kind of material that does not tear or break, at least until it degrades. Typically, it takes four or five years for it to reach that point, at which time it’s basically better used for napkins than armor… mine was five years old… last year.” “And you just ignored it?” Foxfire states, narrowing her eyes. “Why?” “There were reasons, which I will share with you when, and if, Princess Twilight or Luna give me leave to.” Prose answers bluntly, holding up a hoof to forestall the backlash. “No, that isn’t a lie, but as a Shadowbolt I am under a contract which Luna holds, and I cannot break it under my oath as a Shadowbolt.” “Oh for fuck’s sake, the damn Shadowbolts blasted Canterlot to hell, and this is your wife we’re talking about,” groans Hawk in frustration. “Just tell her-” Tank promptly sits on Hawk, frowning at the stallion. “Thank you, Tank,” Prose sighs, putting a hoof to his head. “Look, Hawk, I don’t want to hide behind the Code, I really don’t. But I just pulled one of Nightshade’s mysterious benefactor's ‘gifts’ off of the Archduke last night. In fact, I’m going to be speaking to Princess Twilight as soon as we’re done here.” He then takes a deep breath and claps his hooves together. “So. Why did you have me woken up this early?” “Your friends discovered something while they taught Janus a lesson,” Dee speaks up. “I think it is best if they inform you of what they found, however.” At this, Tank looks up, confused momentarily. “The foals, you big lug,” grunts Hawk from beneath the large stallion. Tank grins sheepishly, before lifting a massive wing. Tucked beneath the wing, a grey foal with brilliant purple eyes blinks as the light of the room disorients him slightly. An identification number is marked on his flank. The foal shrinks in fear at the new ponies before Tank rests a hoof on the colt’s shoulder. “Fff- Family,” grunts Tank.   Without missing a beat, Prose’s face splits into a warm fatherly smile as he extends a hoof. “I won’t hurt you, little one, you are safe here.” He looks to Tank for a brief moment, before looking back to the foal. “Like your large guardian here said, we’re family.” The foal looks up, staring silently at Prose. He then lunges forward, catching the stallion in a  desperate hug, tears streaming down his small face. Wrapping his arms around the foal, Prose gently rubs his back and returns the hug without reservation. “It’s alright, nopony will ever hurt you again.” He looks to Hawk and asks softly. “How many?” “Over a hundred walking around,” reports Hawk in a hushed tone, having freed himself from beneath Tank. “One thousand or so still in growth tubes.” “I see,” Prose sighs. “If Dee is here, then I suspect you’ve talked to at least Voyager’s Captain, and that the ones who are walking are here in this wing of the Castle.” He continues to hold onto the foal in his arms. “What is being done with the growth tubes? Have they been evacuated somewhere secure? I trust Captain Noire, but those foals don’t deserve to be in the hooves of the Equestrian Military.” “Rat’s off making a deal with Crystal Rose,” explains Hawk. “You remember her, right? Cloak’s squee-” At this, Tank promptly shifts as if to sit on Hawk again, glaring. “Cloak’s mare,” corrects Hawk, shooting a dirty look at Tank. “She is the head of one of the Seaddle Crime families, right?” Prose asks. “She’s the head of pretty much all the crime families,” explains Hawk. “Anything that happens in that town goes through her. Thankfully, she’s been as benevolent as Sunbutt herself, though a bit more present, as of late.” “Right, well that takes care of that,” Prose nods before looking down at the foal. “We’re going to need to give the ones here a checkup, there’s no telling what JSS has done, but I don’t think we can take them to what’s left of Canterlot General.” He looks to Foxfire, and nods to the door. “Dear, I hate to do this, but I need you to go track down Fluttershy, tell her that I need her, and possibly Ember if she isn’t busy, to come here. Tell them the truth, but don’t tell anypony else what you’ve seen.” “O-okay,” Foxfire starts, her eyes locked on the foal in her husband’s arms. “I… I can do that.” She stands up to leave, but Prose calls after her. “And I want you to stay here with them when they do the checkup. You’re a mother, and… Fluttershy is good with foals, but with how many there are…?” “I’ll stay,” Foxfire says softly before continuing to the door, and then vanishing out of it. “Right,” Prose sighs as he rests the bottom of his head on top of the foal’s. “Tank, Hawk, I can stay with the foals until my wife comes back with Dame Fluttershy if you two need to report back.” He then folds his ears back against his head and furrows his brow. “And… if you do need to report back, I-I need you to tell Descent that I think there is an active cell of Nightshade’s agents in Canterlot. One of them gave at least Blueblood one of the crystals, for whatever reason, and I’m worried there might be more. I am going to ask Princess Twilight to let Daring, the Guards, and I sniff them out and put a stop to their activity before they can make Canterlot erupt in violence again.” “Do you need the Rat Pack to stick around?” asks Hawk. “There isn’t a whole lot going on back at the Nimbus.” “I don’t know yet,” Prose concedes. “I’d feel better if you all were close by. But I can’t ask you guys to stop guarding the Wonderbolts, wherever they are, in favor of helping me find a few rogue elements of the intelligence network.” He looks to Hawk and frowns. “You know how important Soarin is, I heard the whispers when I did visit the fortress. Kayn Ost wants Soarin, and from what I’ve heard, from what I witnessed myself the first time that beast of a cannon they’ve strapped to the Cirrus fired, Soarin is the King in this deadly game of chess and I’m simply hunting the pawns.” “Well, let us know if you need to call in a Rook, buddy,” Hawk replied. “When I find them, you can better believe I will call you guys in,” Prose chuckles hollowly. “And together we can remind them the cost of breaking the oath… and for taking the lives of civilians.” “Rat will enjoy that,” mutters Hawk, turning slightly to Dee-Seven. “Dee, I know you probably already know the information, but I found something while in JSS headquarters.” The stallion pulls out a folder with several papers in it. “Your complete file, no black ink in it whatsoever,” explains Hawk. “It’s got everything here, your parents’ names, your home town, even your real name… Honestly, I think it’s a rather pretty name. ‘Anise Wreath’. It suits you.”  “...This is unnecessary,” states Dee, glancing away uncomfortably. “...Sorry,” apologizes Hawk. “I just… felt you should know. I’ll be going, then. Thanks for helping the foals, Dee.” And without another word, the stallion takes to the skies, vanishing into the night. Tank glances after his partner, ready to take off, but a slight whimper stops him. The foal from before is watching the large pegasus, staring as though he doesn’t want to be left behind. Tank approaches the foal and kneels next to him, comforting the young one. Looking to the foal, then to Tank, Prose releases the foal and steps over to sit next to Dee. “If you need a minute, Tank, I am sure Hawk won’t mind.” “Don’t let Brother go,” whimpers the foal softly. Tank kneels down to the foal. “Sss- Safe now,” groans Tank. “Fff- Family. Ww- Will be back.” The foal visibly relaxes from Tank’s reassurance, allowing the giant to take to the skies after his comrade. --- Sitting in one of the large conference rooms in the Castle and sipping tea, Prose stares out the window and regards the once beautiful city of Canterlot. Through the numb detachment that comes with him being in his Shadowbolt persona, Prose muses darkly that in a way the state of the city is in part his fault. He, like so many of his fellow Shadowbolts, had followed Nightshade without question until her insanity had been proven. Sure, he had stayed distant, had done all he could to stay out of the fight that had been brewing between the Wonderbolts and the ponies he considered his extended family. But, he had still provided intelligence on Wonderbolt movements, had passed along scraps and tidbits provided in passing by Daring when they had gossiped over tea. He had helped plan the attack in Canterlot that had led to Dash and Soarin’s abduction. Even if it was just through providing the information that Rapidfire was unhappy with his lot, a fact anypony could have seen, Prose can’t help but feel dirty. Dash was a loyal friend to so many in Ponyville, even if she was a prankster and a layabout at times, she would never betray the trust of her friends. Shaking his head and taking another sip of his tea, Prose pushes the dark thoughts from his mind. They are the past, and he can dwell on them later when the situation allows for him to rest. Right now, he needs to focus on the meeting that is about to be held. Putting his tea aside, he pulls out an ornate pocket watch, his initials worked into the lid, and flips it open to check the time. Finding it to be mid-morning, Prose closes the watch and picks his tea up again right as the door to the room clicks and opens to admit one of the ponies he has been waiting for. “Archduke Shiro,” Prose says loud enough to be heard by the alicorn. “I hope you’re settling into your new title gracefully?” . “As gracefully as can be done,” Shiro replies as he closes the door. “I fear I do not know your name, though, outside of passing conversation. Seeing as you know mine…?” “Ah, yes, please forgive me,” Prose sighs as he turns around, gesturing with one wing to the teapot on the table. “My name is Epic Prose, I am a Renegade who specializes in infiltration, information gathering, and covert operations. I am also perhaps the first pony outside of Daring’s expedition to learn of you, Lord Shiro Hoshi of Equus.” “I see,” Shiro states calmly, as he goes to the table and eyes the teapot. Noting Shiro’s hesitation, Prose refills his cup from the pot and sits at the table with a small smile. “Daring told me you were a stallion of few words, but I hope you will be free with them when the meeting starts, for there is much to discuss, and almost all of it troubles me.” “We shall see,” Shiro shrugs as he pours himself a cup of tea, taking the first sip as he sits down. “This is quite good. Is it from the local tea shop I keep hearing about?” “It is,” Prose smirks, turning his eyes to the door as it once more opens to admit Twilight and an elderly unicorn. “However, we can talk about that later, as it seems the rest have appeared.” “Sorry we’re late, Prose,” Twilight remarks breathlessly. “I got caught up talking to Star Swirl and…” “And you lost track of time,” Prose finishes for her, waving a hoof with a chuckle. “Twilight, I’ve known you for over a year now, and I would expect nothing less from you considering your fillyhood hero all but fell into your lap last night.” “You’re not going to argue that I’m not real, or a pretender?” Star Swirl asks, raising an eyebrow. “No, truth be told I don’t care,” Prose answers seriously. “But evidence suggests you are the real deal, and I’ve got too many years of listening to Daring explain fantastic truths to dismiss you.” He then sighs and reaches into a pocket on his uniform. “It is also not the subject of this meeting, as much as I wish it were.” He pulls out the broken pink shards of a crystal, still faintly glowing, and places it on the table. “Where did you get that?” Star Swirl growls. “Off of the Archduke currently residing in the dungeon,” Prose answers curtly. “The sheer fact he had it raises too many red flags with me, and your reaction only reinforces them.” “It would explain why everyone says he was acting oddly,” Shiro muses, his eyes locked on the crystal. “It feels unnatural, and vile.” “What is it?” Twilight asks, coming around the table to get close to the shards. “Something I swore I’d never get close to,” Prose says softly as he takes another sip of his tea. “Nightshade, the Captain of the Shadowbolts, gave crystals like these out to those under her command. They’re gifts from a mysterious benefactor whom I and the rest of the Shadowbolt Intelligence Network have never been able to identify.” He gestures with a wing towards Star Swirl and Shiro. “However, after hearing your reactions, and the stories Daring has passed on from what you told her, they are more than simple gifts, aren’t they?” “You are right, Renegade,” Shiro agrees, clutching his tea mug between his hooves. “They are a thing Star Swirl and I hoped never to see again.” He looks to his fellow Equus pony, his gaze filled with regret. “But I do not recognize which Vice it belongs to. Do you, old friend?” “Pain.” Star Swirl whispers, his eyes locked upon the crystals as if through sheer force of will he can destroy them. “I saw all the magic of the vices during the war, and this one never came into existence as Hope was still strong.” He shakes his head, the bells on his hat jingling. “But it is not created naturally, or as naturally as any of that vile magic can be created. No, this is the work of some master spellcrafter, artificially created by extracting the magic from…” “From what?” Prose asks, raising an eyebrow. “From ponies who are experiencing it,” Star Swirl sighs. “Whoever is creating these crystals is truly evil, for I know of no way to artificially create the magic of a vice save for tormenting ponies until the vice manifests.” “These things have always made me feel uncomfortable, but to think they have been created in such a manner,” Prose muses absently, his eyes wandering to Twilight who is staring at the crystals with rapt attention. “Twilight, do you have anything to add?” “Hmm?” Twilight hums, her eyes still locked on the crystals. “No… No I have nothing to add.” “Princess, I think perhaps you should take a few steps back,” Star Swirl says slowly as he makes his way around the table towards Twilight. “No, I think I like it right here…” Twilight says softly, slowly getting closer to the crystals. “I think I’d like to touch them, though…” “Prose, get her away from them!” Shiro says sharply, standing up and powering up his horn. Without hesitation, Prose puts his tea down and quickly turns and grabs Twilight, pushing her backwards as she lets out a loud growl and tries to fight Prose off to get back to the crystals which have started to glow brighter. “NO! I need to study them!” Twilight shrieks, her horn glowing brightly as she tries to throw Prose with her magic. She is stopped by Shiro who quickly overpowers the younger alicorn’s magic with his own as he pushes her back and freezes her in place. Twilight growls and struggles against the spell holding her in place as Star Swirl comes around the table, his own horn powering up. “Detestable things,” Star Swirl mutters as he surrounds the crystals in a small dome of his magic. A few seconds later there is a bright flash of light, and the smell of burnt wood, as Star Swirl engulfs the crystals in his own magic, quickly destroying them. “Well, that was dramatic,” Prose chuckles, still standing in front of Twilight who is now blinking rapidly. “You alright there, Twilight?” “Y-yeah…” Twilight says softly. “What happened?” “Temptation,” Shiro answers. “One that stronger ponies have fallen to. But it is over now.” “Oh… okay?” Twilight asks, blinking and looking at Shiro. “Can you let me go now?” Shrugging, Shiro releases the magic holding Twilight and calmly sits back down to resume sipping his tea. “So, was that the only thing you wished to speak to us about, Master Renegade?” “No, actually,” Prose coughs, slowly going back to his own seat, which had been overturned when he got up to restrain Twilight. “I was going to ask Twilight for permission to lead an investigation, an official one, into the root of the riots. With the discovery of that crystal in Blueblood’s possession, I can only believe there is a deeper cause here, perhaps connection to the Shadowbolts.” “Permission granted,” Twilight states from where she is standing looking at the burnt patch on the table where the crystal had been. “If there are more out there, then there is no telling what could happen.” She then looks to Prose, her expression serious. “And, if you encounter Discord during the investigation, please ask him about containment. Witch was… studying one, and he made a case for the crystal she had in her possession so it wouldn’t affect her.” Before Prose can say anything, Shiro does a spit take and Star Swirl’s face drains of color. “You’re telling me she had one?” Shiro barks, slamming his mug down on the table hard enough to crack it. “HOPE HAD ONE OF THOSE FOR HOW LONG!?” “Uhm…” Twilight stammers, tapping her forehooves together. “Seven months… at least?” She then looks between Star Swirl and Shiro, quickly adding. “But it was contained the entire time because she kept trying to smash it!” “Regardless, it was reckless of her to keep one!” Star Swirl states bluntly, looking at Twilight with disappointment. “These things are not to be toyed with! The powers that created them destroyed Equus! Took from me some of my closest and dearest friends!” “I know,” Twilight sighs. “I’ve… seen the memories…” She looks down at her hooves. “But she learned a lot… like, the crystals are seeds… We weren’t sure how they’re made, but the crystals seem to be the seeds of a crystal tree, like the Tree of Harmony.” Sighing and putting a hoof to his face, Star Swirl speaks up. “Well, this is a fine mess the Cosmos has dumped me into.” He looks to Prose, frowning. “Is there anything else you need to speak to the Princess about? Or may I take her away to speak on this most unsettling of topics?” “There is one last topic, and it’s short,” Prose sighs. “A couple of my fellow Renegades dropped off a group of foals here in the Castle. I assume you knew about them, Twilight?” “Yeah… Captain Noire told me that they were orphans?” Twilight replies slowly before narrowing her eyes. “Why?” “She didn’t lie to you, they are orphans,” Prose states with a sigh. “However, they are orphans by the sheer fact that they, before the Renegades led a raid on their headquarters, were property of JSS.” “Meaning?” Shiro asks, leaning forward. “Were they slaves? Servants?” “Experiments, Lord Shiro,” Prose explains. “As I am to understand, many were… created artificially. I do not understand the process myself, nor do I care to. It is but one of many examples of the barbarity and malice that those monsters were capable of.” He looks to Twilight, his expression no longer friendly and actually causes Shiro to shiver slightly and bristle. “Twilight, what they have gone through would break even the toughest of ponies, and many of them are scared. I need you to declare them wards of the crown before we leave this room, so that none may lay hoof upon them ever again.” “H-how many are there?” Twilight asks, her ears folded against her head as her friend stares her down. “One-hundred and fifty foals.” Prose states simply. “All terrified, abused, young ponies who have done nothing wrong in their life save being born into the clutches of ponies who make my Captain look like the model of a perfect mother.” “That many?!” Twilight exclaims, starting backwards a bit in shock. “How... “ She shakes her head for a moment before closing her eyes and nodding. “I’ll… I’ll have the papers drawn up, and they’ll be put under the protection of the crown before the day is over.” “Good,” Prose sighs, turning his gaze away from Twilight and back to his tea. “If things go well, that number may shrink by one, my wife has… grown attached to one of the foals. I would be remiss if I denied the poor colt a home, and I could never say no to my wife.” He looks up, his expression changing to one of warmth and compassion as if a switch had been flipped. “But, that is all I needed to talk to you all about. I believe you all have places you need to be, and I shall not keep you from them.” He drains the remainder of his tea, and stands. “And if not, then I must beg my leave, for I promised to return to Foxfire and the foals as soon as this meeting concluded.” He looks to Twilight, inclining his head. “With your permission Princess?” “You have my permission…” Twilight says slowly. “Thank you, Princess,” Prose says warmly before bowing to Shiro and Star Swirl. “It was a pleasure meeting you both, I hope our paths cross under less serious conditions in the future.” He then departs before anypony can speak up, leaving the three remaining in the room wondering what just happened. Twilight in particular watches Prose leave, her mind attempting to come to terms with how the quiet and compassionate stallion she had known in Ponyville could in fact be as cold and calculating as she had seen in the glare he had given her. She decides, quite quickly, that she does not wish to know the answer. ------ Turning from the doorway, Star Swirl looks over at Shiro and Twilight, both of which are still in the room with him in the wake of the Renegade Prose’s departure. Twilight, in particular, worries him at the moment, though as her temptation by the shards of vice crystal unsettle Star Swirl to the core. He had seen one Compassion fall in his lifetime, he was not about to see another do so. “Shiro, my old friend,” Star Swirl starts, his voice weary with the weight of the discussion he must have with Twilight. “I need to speak with our young friend alone, for what is to be discussed is for our ears only.” Nodding, Shiro looks to Twilight, a soft smile on his face. “By your leave, Your Highness?” “Go on, Shiro,” Twilight sighs, her ears going flat against her head. “I won’t argue with Star Swirl if he wishes to speak to me alone.” “As well you shouldn’t,” Star Swirl stated flatly. “You should listen to your elders.” He keeps his eyes on Twilight as Shiro walks past Star Swirl and towards the door. As soon as the door closes, the old wizard sits down beside the table. “Now then, Twilight, I do not appreciate not being told that you and Hope were close to one of these crystals for as long as you were.” “I didn’t know it was something you’d be interested in,” Twilight protests. “How was I supposed to know what they were?” Slamming a hoof against the table and causing Twilight to jump and close her eyes, Star Swirl raises his voice. “Horse apples! You said you saw the memories! You knew what those crystals were!” “They were orange in my memories!” Twilight counters as she sits down. “I never saw a single pink crystal! For all we knew, it was just some strange artificial chaos magic!” Twilight then sighs and gestures with one hoof. “Besides, Witch had to put it into a containment box, otherwise she would have destroyed it outright.” “And that wasn’t enough cause for you to destroy it?!” Star Swirl barks. “Nox’s mane, Twilight, chaos magic brings nothing but ruination onto the world! Look at Discord!” He sighs, shaking his head. “I’ve already seen one Compassion fall, I am not about to see you make the same mistakes.” “So teach me!” Twilight pleads. “I can’t avoid a danger I know nothing about, Star Swirl! You of all ponies should know that knowledge is power.” Sighing once more, Star Swirl nods slowly. “You are right. I cannot expect you to combat something you know little about,” he levels a piercing gaze upon Twilight, causing the young alicorn to swallow hard. “But, before I can teach you I must know what you already know about them.” He taps a hoof against the table. “Starting with how many colors you’ve come across so far? Since you are here, I shall assume the power of envy has not yet found it’s way back into the world?” “I… I don’t know; it’s possible, but I’ve not seen any yet,” Twilight admits, doing her best to hold firm under Star Swirl’s gaze. “And what of the other colors? Black, red, yellow?” Star Swirl inquires, his eyes never leaving Twilight. “No, I’ve not seen any of those, nor do I even know what they represent,” Twilight admits.   “Black is the color of Death, the anthesis of Life,” Star Swirl starts, listing the colors off almost absently as if reading from a list. “Red is the color of Hate, which is Love destroyed. Yellow is the color of Fear, when Strength has fallen,” He pauses for a moment, then continues. “And you already know orange, Compassion’s failure.” “And pink is when Hope is silenced?” Twilight asks slowly, smiling slightly as Star Swirl nods. “Well, I’ve not seen any of those colors… Though legends do state that Nightmare Moon’s magic had some yellow to it. I… didn’t see it when my friends and I fought her though; we were too busy staying alive…”   “Yet another reason I need to speak to Luna,” Star Swirl mutters before clearing his throat. “It is a blessing that none of them, save perhaps for yellow, have not appeared along with the pink crystals.” “Yeah, we’re barely holding on with these pink ones,” Twilight chuckles, rubbing the back of her head with a hoof. “I’d hate to see what happens when they’re all loose.” “It’s terrible,” Star Swirl whispers. Shaking his head he looks up at Twilight and frowns. “But what about your friend, Witching Hour was it? What about her attempting to smash the crystals?” “She said they felt wrong,” Twilight says calmly. “Like every fiber of her being wanted to destroy them and wipe them from the universe.” “It makes sense, as she is apparently Hope,” Star Swirl muses, stroking his beard. “Even if she was not yet fully recognized as such by the Cosmos, she’d still feel driven to rid the world of the vice spawned from her Virtue.” Opening her mouth to say something, Twilight stops as the sudden sound of birds chirping fills the space between her and Star Swirl. Smiling broadly, she channels her magic and summons a looking glass from thin air, quickly holding it up in front of her face as Star Swirl stares. “Twilight!” the voice of a mare comes from the mirror, causing Twilight to hold the thing a little farther away from her. “I just got outed to the entire corps!! I hate Diet Chaos” “Well, did he have a reason?” Twilight asks slowly, wiggling a hoof in one ear. “Discord never does anything unless he has a reason.” "Well…” the mare in the mirror starts. “The Shadowbolt captives have crystalline growths because of their long-term crystal use and Luna and Bliss wanted to put me in charge of finding a way to reverse it but the Captains got all skeptical of the idea…” She pauses, and growls loudly before continuing. “ And then Diet Chaos just had to drop in with his own vote in favor of the idea..." “Diet Chaos?” Star Swirl asks slowly. “That is quite an interesting name for that detestable creature. I rather like it.” “Twilight,” the mare starts slowly as though dreading yet another instance of being outed, “who’s with you?” “Hm?” Twilight hums, blinking before shrugging. “Oh, it’s just Star Swirl.” “Give him the mirror, NOW!” she shouts, making Twilight hold the mirror away from herself again. “Okay, okay!” Twilight sighs, levitating the mirror over to Star Swirl, who takes it in his magic and turns it around to look into it. “Huh, I’ve not seen this mirror in some time,” Star Swirl says absently as he levels it with his face. “A thousand years, at least…” “Yeah sorry… Twy and I kinda looted your wife’s tomb… But that’s not important!” the mare insists as Star Swirl stares blankly at her, a look of recognition slowly dawning in his eyes.  “Right now, I have an epidemic on my hooves, and I don’t know what I did to cure this the first time other than knock myself out for eight hours and create a pendant that somehow stops the crystals from forming in the organic tissues…” “And what exactly seems to be the problem?” Star Swirl asks slowly. “Crystals growing in organic tissue? Epidemic?” he pauses. “And as for raiding my wife’s final resting spot. I assumed that had been the case, as I know I had Compassion’s Archive buried with her, and it currently resides in Twilight’s possession.” “Okay…” Taking a quick breath to calm herself, the mare explains, “Pink crystals… Fake chaos magic, opposite of Hope… Bunch of pegasi have been using them for magic to attack us… We captured a fair number of them and smashed the crystals to keep them from escaping. Only now, they’re going through withdrawal symptoms and these crystal growths are forming all over their bodies.” “Ah,” Star Swirl states. “I see. Well, I was aware of the crystals, in fact I was just finishing giving Twilight a lecture about why we do not touch them, when you contacted her.” He strokes his beard with a hoof as he thinks. “In fact, I was also slightly aware of the pegasi, at least I think I am if they are known as the ‘Shadowbolts’, as the one who met with us but a moment ago informed us of them.” He then looks at Witch, his eyes narrowing. “But, I fear I do not know how to help those afflicted with the growths. They often appeared during the fall, but I fear we did not have much time to study such things, especially in those who used the vile things the Vices gifted their followers for long periods of time.” He shakes his head. “No, I fear I would have to be there to help you.” Sighing heavily, Witch presses a hoof behind her left eye as it twitches. “Alright… Twilight has a copy of my notes on how I treated Arclight when I had to deal with the blasted things the first time… Just… Try to look into it? Please?” Almost as an afterthought, she quickly adds, “Oh! And please don’t tell anyone about me having wings now? It’s bad enough with just the ponies around here making a big hullabaloo about it…” “Yes, yes, I won’t tell anypony you have wings, and I shall look into the notes,” Star Swirl agrees with a smile. “But, you must do something for me.” Witch looks uncertain for a long moment. “Uuuuuh… O… Kay?” she responds hesitantly. “Please tell Luna that I look forward to seeing her again, and that we need to speak soon.” Star Swirl says slowly. “If it isn’t too much trouble, that is.” “Nnnnngh… No,” Witch grumbles, looking as though she’d just swallowed something sour. “It’s not any trouble.” “Thank you, my dear,” Star Swirl smiles. “I shall keep you no longer, as I am sure you wish to return to your patients? Or, at the very least find some composure after… what was it you called him? ‘Diet Chaos’ revealed your wings?” “More like Bliss wants me out of her storage closet…” Witch mutters before sighing. “Twilight, I’ll call later!” “Okay, Witchy,” Twilight replies as Star Swirl floats the mirror back to her. As the mirror goes dark, Twilight looks over at Star Swirl, who levels his gaze back on her. “Now, about those notes?” ----- Slowly walking down the hallway of the Canterlot Castle, Twilight cannot help but hang her head and stare at the stone tiles beneath her hooves as she goes. That crystal had tempted her, whispered sweetly in her ear, and she had nearly taken it. If not for Star Swirl… Shaking her head, Twilight silently chides herself, bringing her gaze from the floor and towards where she is walking. If she focuses on it, then it’ll only continue to gnaw at her, instead she should go find out more about the other thing Prose had mentioned at the meeting; the foals that Dee-Seven and some Renegade friends of Prose’s had brought to the Castle. She had known they were in the Castle prior to the meeting, but she had been told they were refugees, not experiments from the now destroyed JSS Headquarters. She had seen the corpses of some of JSS’s Jaeger’s, and the thought of facing one in battle was something Twilight is not sure she’d ever be able to do, but she had to admit that they were the products of advanced technology and breeding, perhaps… No. No they’re just foals, and she can’t study them like lab rats… Stopping outside the large doors of the Castle’s theater, Twilight silently wars with herself. The part of her that wants to understand everything attempting to justify studying the foals, listing out all the things that JSS had to have done to produce soldiers on the scale they had fielded. The part of her that is Princess of Friendship, and quite possibly Compassion, argues that they’re only foals, they’ve not asked for what has happened to them. The sheer fact that she is actually thinking about this says she has a long way to go before she’s truly ready to be called Princess. As she continues to war with herself, the sound of laughter reaches her ears, causing her to blink slowly as the sound, which had been there the entire time she’s been at the door, registers. Reaching out with her magic, she opens the door and slowly peeks around it to see what is going on inside the theater. Inside the theater -- which had been cleared during the siege and used as an emergency aid station complete with the stage being used as a surgery due to its lights -- Twilight finds a large group of foals and a few adults all sitting on the floor and watching what appears to be a puppet show being presented on the stage. A large amount of the foals are huddled around two of the adults, who as Twilight quickly recognizes as Prose and his wife, and seem to be shying away from everypony else. The rest of the foals are all wearing capes, and seem to be the ones who are laughing. And then she looks up at the stage, and the puppet show upon it, and her ears stand straight up. “Discord! What the hay you doing?!” Twilight demands, taking a few steps into the room as all eyes turn to her. “I am simply putting on a show for these poor, mistreated foals,” Discord chuckles from where he is sitting on the stage, to one side of the puppets being controlled by his magic. “I figured it was simply the friendly thing to do, and Prose had no objections.” He gestures to a pair of puppets that look like Celestia and Luna. “I was just about to start the dramatic scene where Lulu is forced to rule over the kingdom due to her sister suddenly taking ill!” “Discord….” Twilight starts, but is cut off as Discord starts talking in a high pitched voice that sounds vaguely like Luna. “But thou art such a better ruler than I,” Discord cries, putting the back of one paw to his head before continuing in his normal voice. “Moonbutt cried, yet alas, Celery was very sick, and could not aid her sister in ruling their kingdom!” He then leans forward and holds up a single digit. “But, all was not lost for our dear Moonbutt! No, for in her darkest hour she found she was not alone!” Waving his lion-paw, Discord brings forth three more puppets. “For Lulu found that she had allies in the form of her faithful guards, and her…” Discord pauses to cough, “hopeful student!” As the puppets reach the area beside the Luna puppet, Twilight sits down and looks at them. She quickly realizes that they’re facsimiles of Commanders Amber Dawn and Moonlight Knight, with the third being Witching Hour. “And so, reinforced by the devotion of her friends,” Discord continues, rolling his eyes slightly when he says ‘friends’, “Lulu quickly raised her defenses and continued to fight off the evil pegasi who threatened her kingdom.” In front of Twilight, Prose shifts slightly as Discord mentions ‘evil pegasi’, pulling closer to his wife and likewise looking away from her. Twilight has no doubt in her mind that he feels guilty for his role, however small, in the Shadowbolts’ actions against the Wonderbolts in the past, but from the fact he has been wearing the same dress uniform in Shadowbolt colors all day, he cannot be that guilty. “And so, Lulu continued the fight, yet she also kept her most devoted allies in the dark,” Discord continues, his eyes narrowing at the Luna puppet. “For reasons that none but her can know, she decided to keep the Wonderdolts ignorant of the true danger, and instead sought to shield them without their knowledge!” He then looks to the crowd of foals and adults who lean slightly closer at the storytelling. “But, as with all things kept in the dark, sooner or later they must come to the light! For though Moonbutt tried her best to keep them safe, before long the evil pegasi broke through her defenses, and assaulted the Wonderdolts’ fortress!” He lifts a paw again, and the puppets all vanish to be replaced by new ones in the likeness of the Lead Squad of the Wonderbolts. Above them, however, is a host of puppets wearing dark purple, their eyes represented by pink buttons. “And so they came! In a host so vast the very sun was blotted out! The Wonderdolts stood before their foes now brought to light, and fought valiantly against them!” He then grows somber, his face forming a serious look Twilight has never seen him wear before. “But, for all their strength, for all their drive to succeed, their foes were too many.” He waves his hand, and the Wonderbolt puppets fall limply to the stage, the host of Shadowbolts slowly advancing as if to finish them. All at once, the room grows silent as everypony present holds their breath. The memories of the battle are far too recent for many, and even those who were not present like Twilight hold their breaths in anticipation for what comes next. Discord’s face then splits into a smile, and he winks. “But, Moonbutt had a secret weapon kept in reserve.” He looks to the audience, primarily at Prose whose ears go back against his head. “And just as the Shadowbolts were to strike the final blow, she sent in her last reserve, her Renegades.” Suddenly, the sound of a kazoo playing echoes through the room as a group of puppets swoop in and knock aside the Shadowbolts. The sound of everypony in the room nearly drowns out the kazoo, and Twilight can’t help but chuckle nervously as she finds herself letting out her own held breath. “But, the victory was brief, for the evil pegasi would return again, and again, until even Luna’s final reserve was nearly overwhelmed.” Discord continues as he waves his paw again and a miniature of the Shadowbolt fortress floats onto the stage, the massive cannon glowing slightly. “Yet, once more, our dear Wonderdolts proves themselves to be resourceful beyond any but myself could be. For as their foe once more descended, sure of their victory, the Wonderdolts stole it from their hooves.” He snaps his fingers and a mini-wonderbolts compound comes into existence, shortly there-after, a small pegasus stallion puppet swoops in, grabs the compound, and flies it off stage. There is a general cheer from the CMC, and a few scattered claps from the foals gathered around Prose, and Twilight herself even finds herself clapping a bit despite herself. Discord’s antics can, at times, be horribly distracting, but in this case it had apparently worked in their favor. She continues to watch Discord, wondering what he’ll do next. “Sadly, my dear little ponies, our story has for now run its course,” Discord sighs dramatically before smiling as the foals all groan. “Fear not, though, for when next I take the stage to continue the story I shall regale you with tales such as…” he pauses and sweeps a paw, clearing the stage of all the other puppets as a new batch appear. “Impossible rescues, dramatic battles, siblings reunited, and my personal favorite,” he levitates up a pair of puppets, one of them being Witching Hour and the other a large blue pegasus stallion. “Love found in the strangest of places,” he tips the two together as if to make them kiss. As they touch, the stallion’s wings snap out and with the sound of tearing fabric so do a pair of wings on Witch’s back. “And let me tell you, it’ll be a royal scandal, for sure.” For a moment, Twilight isn’t quite able to comprehend what she is seeing, but when she spots Discord looking at her and giving her a knowing wink, she stands up and glares at him. However, instead of storming over to him, she sits back down and waits patiently as Prose and the other adults get up and start shepherding the foals out of the room to some other activity. As they pass her, many of the foals with Prose shying away from the strange pony, Twilight nods to Prose, but otherwise keeps her attention on Discord lounging on the stage and seemingly waiting for her. As the last of the other ponies clear out, Twilight stomps forward until she is at the base of the stage. “Oh, hello there Twilight,” Discord greets her as he runs a file over the claws on one hand. “I do hope you enjoyed my little show. It’s so terribly hard to make current events funny, all this tragedy and all.” “Witch wants to keep her ascension a secret, Discord!” Twilight growls, launching right the problem at hoof. “It’s bad enough you forced her out to the rest of the Wonderbolts, and now you’ve just flaunted it to a room full of ponies!” “Moi?” Discord asks, putting a paw against his chest. “Now, how was I supposed to know everypony’s favorite reclusive doctor was trying to keep her wings under wraps? Honestly, it’s as if you all believe me to be an omniscient, benevolent, being!” He levitates the Witching Hour puppet over to him and smiles. “I am, in fact, only omniscient, for my halo is held up by my horns! See?” He snaps his fingers and a halo appears between his horns. “Besides, her wings are quite lovely, what with the midnight blue accents. One could almost say they’re quite the gift.” “Discord…!” Twilight growls. “Now now, Princess, where’s your compassion!” Discord continues. “It’s not like anypony will ever believe me. Her secret is safe with me.” He then looks to Twilight. “Oh, and between you and me, my dear friend, you will have to congratulate that little ball of energy she adopted sometime in the future. He’s about to get a father.” Sighing and putting a hoof to her face, Twilight groans. “Discord, can you be serious for once?” “Now, where would the fun in that be,” Discord says suddenly from right beside Twilight in her ear causing her to start and look around. However, Discord is nowhere to be seen, nor are the puppets or any of the props he had used. Suddenly, Twilight decides she needs to go organize her bookshelf, even as she kicks herself for not asking Discord about the box he had given Witchy... ------- “My mom would be the best Princess!” Tricks exclaims, nearly launching himself into the air as they walk down the hallway towards the ‘Headquarters’ of the CMC. The rest of the CMC and a few of the adults who were at the puppet show are following, and even a few of new foals that have been following Prose are tagging along. “Nuh-uh!” Gust replies loudly. “Luna is the best Princess!” “But my mom baked us cookies, and came to our Hearth’s Warming pageant!” Tricks argues. “Therefore, she is the best!” “Still, Luna is actually a Princess, Tricks,” Spark speaks up, frowning. “I mean, it’d be awesome if your mom was a Princess, but Discord is likely just messing with everypony.” “You two are no fun,” Tricks sighs, looking over his shoulder at a couple of nearby foals. Smiling brightly, he calls back to them. “Hey, Moonshadow, Midnight, what do you think about my mom being a Princess?” Moonshadow trips forward as the question registers, and Midnight smiles widely, opening his mouth to reply as panic spreads across his sister’s face. “Well, I think it’s…” Midnight starts, but is quickly stopped as his sister’s magic envelops his mouth and closes it. “I think it’s an interesting idea, Tricks, but alicorns are really rare, aren't they?” Moonshadow chuckles. “I mean, so far I’ve only seen Twilight and that really old one, Shiro, here in Canterlot! And before that I only ever saw Cadence in the Crystal Empire!” “See, even they agree,” Gust says, poking Tricks in the side with his wing. “So, how about we talk about how to get our cutie marks? I think we’re almost at the end of our list…” As Tricks replies, Moonshadow and Midnight fall behind, and eventually stop with Midnight giving his sister a glare until she releases his mouth. “You didn’t need to do that,” Midnight complains, sitting down and crossing his arms. “I was just going to say it was a neat idea.” “Yeah, well you’ve got a big mouth and I can’t let you mess up the timeline!” Moonshadow says sternly as he looks around to see if anypony else is present. Finding none she turns to her brother and levels a glare of her own at him. “If Star Swirl were here, he’d….” “I’d what?” The question comes from behind Moonshadow, causing the young filly to turn quickly. Finding Star Swirl himself standing there, she turns to bolt, actually jumping into the air and spreading a pair of wings, before she slams face first into an invisible barrier. “That won’t work this time, young alicorn. I’ve put up a privacy barrier; you can’t teleport, walk, or fly out of it. But nopony else can see us, so you can drop the pretenses and explain yourselves.” “Finally!” Midnight sighs, throwing up his hooves. “I’m tired of having to pretend I don’t know anything! It’s hard!” He looks at Star Swirl. “Do you know how hard it is to pretend you’re not talking to your older brother about your mother? It’s not easy!” “And who, pray tell, is your older brother?” Star Swirl asks, looking between Midnight and Moonshadow with narrowed eyes. “And why exactly do you have to pretend you don’t know anything?” “Because Discord pulled us out of our time period and put us here!” Moonshadow blurts out, looking at Star Swirl. “I know we shouldn’t be here! Please send us back! Please! Discord is cutting it really close with crossing personal timelines, and Midnight’s mouth is constantly running and almost messing up the timeline! Please, you have to help us!” “He… WHAT!?” Star Swirl growls. “He said it would be educational,” Midnight shrugs. “And Trick Step is our older brother, though we generally consider him more of an uncle since he is so much older.” “Of all the things that creature has done…” Star Swirl mutters as he shakes his head, the bells on his hat jingling. “And as much as I want to, I can’t send you back. All my spells and equipment were damaged or destroyed when my tower crashed.” He then stops and looks at Moonshadow. “And what do you mean ‘crossed personal timelines’?” Moonshadow groans and puts her hooves to her face as she leans against the barrier. “Oh, come on, Moony, it’s not that bad!” Midnight says happily. “Not that bad!? NOT THAT BAD!?” Moonshadow responds, whipping around to face her brother. “Midnight, if Mom’s stories are true I am like… threedays away from being CONCEIVED!” She puts her hooves on his shoulders. “IT IS THAT BAD!” “I still think you’re over-reacting,” Midnight sighs, rolling his eyes as he points to Star Swirl. “I mean, he always said that it’s really only bad if we run into our future selves! I’m not born yet, and Mom and Dad haven’t even conceived you yet.” “Midnight….” Moonshadow moans, putting a hoof to her face. “We are the future selves we’re not supposed to meet!” “Well… uhm…” Midnight starts, before sighing. “I’ve never been good at this stuff…” He looks to Star Swirl and smiles. “So, if you can’t send us back, can we continue to just wander around and meet all the adults we know when they’re still foals? Because it’s really fun.” “No,” Star Swirl deadpans. “I can’t let you do that.” “Then what are we supposed to do?” Midnight asks, clearly sad he doesn’t get to continue roaming around. “You two are going to stay with me,” Star Swirl says with a smile. “That way, I can make sure you two don’t cause any damage to the timeline. Besides, you clearly know me, so you know I can make you stay with me if I have to, but I’d rather not.” “Well, at least I don’t have to worry about keeping him under control now,” Moonshadow responds slowly, a blush rising on her cheeks as she smiles. “But, that doesn’t really answer the question. What are we going to do?” “I figure I’ll take you back to the rooms Twilight has offered to let me use, and we can start assessing the damage you two may have already caused,” Star Swirl answers as his horn glows to release the barrier. “After that, if you two haven’t caused horrible damage to the timeline, we can go to the kitchen for a treat or something.” “I knew there was a reason I liked you,” Midnight says brightly. “Yes, I get that a lot,” Star Swirl says with a wave of his hoof. “Now, as we walk, can one of you please tell me who your parents are? Just names will be fine, I don’t want to know about the future.” “Well, uhm…” Moonshadow starts as she rises to come stand beside Star Swirl. “Our mom is Witching Hour, and our dad is Bronze Star.” Nodding as he starts walking, Moonshadow and Midnight beside him, Star Swirl smiles. “Good, and where are they right now?” “With the Wonderbolts!” Midnight answers excitedly. “Somewhere in the mountains, I think.” “I see,” Star Swirl mutters before looking at Moonshadow. “And why, my dear, are you an alicorn? I’ve not seen one so young since Celestia and Luna were fillies.” “My mom is one,” Moonshadow replies hesitantly. “I guess I inherited it from her.” “Is she a natural born alicorn like you? Or ascended?” Star Swirl asks plainly as they turn the corner into the guest wing of the castle. “She earned her wings!” Midnight says proudly, holding his head high and puffing out his chest. “Is that so?” Star Swirl chuckles. “A rare feat, but one to be proud of for sure.” He stops in front of a door, and looks to the two foals with him. “Well, this is it.” He opens the door, a simple but comfortable sitting room beyond. “Let’s get inside away from prying eyes, and you two can start from the beginning.” “I call the couch!” Midnight says excitedly, rushing into the room and instantly jumping on the couch where he rolls onto his back and sighs comfortably. Moonshadow, however, hesitates, looking between Star Swirl and the open door as if to step inside will mean something important. “Something wrong, little one?” Star Swirl asks, raising an eyebrow. “N-no, sir!” Moonshadow replies automatically before stepping inside with a clear blush on her cheeks. Once inside she finds her way to a chair near the table in the room, and crawls into it to settle down and look around as if she is in a world of trouble. Chuckling to himself, Star Swirl walks inside and closes the door, thinking to himself that if nothing else he does enjoy the company of these two foals. Whoever they are in the future to him, he can’t wait to meet them in the proper time. > Chapter 12: Need to Know > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 12: Need to Know Sleep comes slowly to Star Swirl, for in the days after the death of his beloved, he finds that no matter where he sleeps, the bed is never comfortable nor warm enough. Last night had been no exception, for he had surrendered the bed in his suite to the two foals he had talked to last night, leaving him the couch and a few blankets. While it was not the first time he had been forced to sleep on the couch, and in fact it is worlds more comfortable than the times he has fallen asleep at his desk or in his study on the floor, Star Swirl found sleep to be more elusive than usual as his mind worked over the problem the foals presented. They knew him, that much was clear, and quite well by the way they acted around him. And as much as he does not want to know how they know him, he found himself wishing to ask, if only for something to cling onto in this strange new era. When sleep had at last found him, he had decided that it was a problem left for later, for he was growing no younger and he would need his rest to wake with the sunrise as was his ritual. But, just like it was loath to find him, sleep surrenders Star Swirl slowly. And much like many other days, he leaves it reluctantly. However, unlike most days, what brings him back to the world of the waking is something he has not heard in many a year; the sound of small hooves attempting to cross the floor without waking him. For a brief moment, he sits on the border between waking and dreaming, and in that moment he can almost believe he is home in bed beside Hope, their daughter attempting to sneak past the door and into the kitchen. But as he cracks open an eye, the only thing beside him is a pillow on the couch, and he remembers he is in fact not where his heart wishes to be. Yawning and stretching, a few loud creaks and pops issuing forth from his joints, Star Swirl rolls over on the couch and looks around to find the source of the hoofsteps. However, there is nopony to be seen, and the only indication that anypony besides himself had been in the room is the door to the balcony sitting slightly ajar. Rolling over and onto his hooves, Star Swirl rises from the couch and walks towards the door, judging that it is a few minutes until the sun rises. As he reaches the door, he opens it the rest of the way and stops at the sight beyond it. Sitting on the balcony, her front hooves resting on the railing, is Moonshadow. “I’ve always wished you had wings so you could fly with me,” Moonshadow says softly, her attention never straying from the horizon. “Hope always used to say that to me,” Star Swirl chuckles weakly as he comes out to stand beside Moonshadow. “I know,” Moonshadow replies quietly, lowering her eyes from the horizon. “You told me once how you and your wife would always watch the sunrise together. It annoyed Mom no end when I started doing it myself…” “I take it your mother isn’t a morning pony?” Star Swirl laughs, relaxing slightly. “I am thankful for the company, though.” “She’s the quintessential night owl,” Moonshadow responds, even as a blush rises on her pale gray cheeks. “A lot of the time, she’d be just falling onto the couch for a nap when I came down to drag her outside to watch…” “Ah, well I guess I will owe you mother many an apology in the future?” Star Swirl hazards, raising an eyebrow at the filly. Moonshadow chuckles a little nervously. “You know she won’t accept them…” she says. “She wouldn’t be who she is if she did…” “And who is she?” Star Swirl says absently. “Why wouldn’t she accept the apologies of an old stallion?” Moonshadow shrugs. “You’d be angry if I told you… But I suppose I could say that she owes you much more than a few missed naps.” “I’m almost afraid to meet her now,” Star Swirl smirks before sighing and sitting down. “It’s been too long since I’ve last enjoyed a sunrise wi-” Moonshadow cuts him off with kind smile as she puts a hoof to his lips. “Shh… You’ll miss it,” she murmurs softly before turning her attention back to the rose-gold dawn pushing back the dark blues and violets of the night. Smirking behind the hoof on his lips, Star Swirl turns his attention to the rising sun. As the sky starts to fill with the brilliants swirling colors that mark the new day, Star Swirl scoots a little closer to his small friend, enjoying the company of the strange filly from the future. As the sun crests the distant hills, a small wing hesitantly reaches out, then rests on Star Swirl’s back, a growing blush forming on Moonshadow’s face. If nothing else, Star Swirl decides he’s found a friend. -- “Dear, I believe civilized ponies use spoons to eat their breakfast,” Leaf comments with an amused tone at Daring who is muzzle deep in a bowl of oatmeal and half awake. “Keep this up, and you’re going to ruin all the credibility you’ve built up!” “Mmm, no I don’t want to go into the tomb, it’s full of snakes…” Daring mutters, blowing bubbles in the oatmeal. “Why is it always snakes…” “What ever will I do with you, my love,” Leaf sighs, taking a sip of his coffee. Putting his coffee down, he looks around the dining room, taking note of the other ponies who are slowly filling in and making use of the hours when the majority of ponies are still in bed. Finding nopony of interest up and about at this hour, Leaf goes back to trying to extract his fiancée’s face from her breakfast. “So, where do you think she is? They told us to come in here and she’d be here eventually,” the very familiar and perky voice of a mare echoes through the calm, Leaf ignoring it at first until the mare continues. “Stormy, do you think she’s still in bed? I hope she isn’t still in bed.” “Why don’t we just ask Leaf?” retorts a second voice, this one a stallion and presumably Stormy. “He’s right there, after all.” “He is?” the mare gasps, and Leaf’s ears go back against his head, remembering the entire month he woke up to that voice. The sound of hooves quickly pulls him from that thought, and he turns just in time to see white and blue streak shooting towards him. “LEAF!” And then, his vision is filled with a dappled white and grey smiling face as the mare hugs him. “It’s good to see you again!” “Hi, Starry,” Leaf wheezes. “Think you could let me go? It’s been a rough week, and I’m kinda sore.” “Oh, sorry,” Starry chuckles, releasing Leaf from her hug before looking over her shoulder. “Stormy and I just got in this morning.” “Starry was adamant we get here as quickly as possible,” Stormy chuckles as he walks over and pats Leaf on the shoulder. “We would have been here sooner, but we got tied up in Ponyville station due to all the trains being unable to enter the city.” “Yeah, the train station is an absolute mess from what I’ve heard,” Leaf sighs as he settles himself down on the seat next to Daring. “But, you’re here now, so why don’t you two take a seat.” “We’d love to, Leaf,” Starry says slowly, shuffling from hoof to hoof, “but we need to report to somepony. So do you know where Senior Master Sergeant Yearling is?” “I do,” Leaf smirks, but says nothing more. “Oh? Well, uhm… where is she?” Starry asks quickly. “I want to report in so I can start helping!” “Well, you’re in luck,” Leaf continues smirking, patting Daring on the back and causing her to mutter something. “This is her!” “I accept the nomination for ‘best explorer of all time, ever’,” Daring mutters as she holds a hoof up like she is holding an award. “And I’d like to say something to all those who doubted me…” Daring promptly blows a raspberry into her oatmeal. Blinking a few times, Starry leans her head to one side. “This is the current commander of the Reserves?” “Yes, and my soon to be wife,” Leaf chuckles. “She’s never been a morning pony, and she was up all night talking to somepony about something or another.” He then clears his throat and pokes Daring. “But, since you need to report to her, I’d best wake her up.” “And how are you going to do that?” Stormy asks. “Easy,” Leaf assures the other stallion before raising a hoof to his lips and whistling sharply. “Rusty! I need a double shot over here!” “Time to wake Yearling up, eh?” The shouted response comes, quickly heralding a stallion on a skateboard to roll by and place a bubbling cup of coffee off in front of Daring. “Make sure you keep a good hold on her! Last time we gave her this, she nearly shot through the roof!” “Don’t worry, Rusty,” Leaf laughs. “I won’t let the city get any more damaged!” He looks to Stormy and motions with a hoof towards Daring. “Right, help me prop her up.” Stormy comes over and helps lift Daring out of her breakfast and hold her steady. “Right, now really keep a good hold on her, and watch out for her wings.” Leaf states calmly as he picks up the bubbling coffee with one hoof, using the other to pick up a napkin and wipe Daring’s face off before opening her jaw. “Alright! Time to wake up, Miss ‘Best Explorer of All Time’!” “So, we give her this coffee, and she wakes up?” Starry asks slowly, coming around to the other side of the table to watch. “Yeah, something like that,” Leaf says slowly. “Can you hold her head up, Storm?” “Okay,” Stormy answers, putting an arm behind Daring’s head. “So, she looks really familiar. What does she do when she isn’t doing Reserve stuff?” “Oh, you know, writes books,” Leaf chuckles. “Kicks my ass, and discovers ancient civilizations.” “Ancient civilizations?” Starry asks slowly, raising an eyebrow. “What is she, Daring Do?” “Uhm, yeah actually, she is exactly that,” Leaf shrugs as he lifts the coffee mug to Daring’s lips. “So, Starry… you were there during the recruitment when Dash broke the sound barrier from standing still, right?” “Yeah…?” Starry starts, looking confused. “Why?” “Oh, well, I think you might want to stand back a bit…” Leaf says in an off-hoofed tone as he tips the contents of the mug into Daring’s mouth before promptly closing it so she swallows. For a few moments, nothing happens except Daring shuddering, but as Leaf quickly gets a grip on one of her arms her eyes snap open and she gasps as her wings shoot out and strike Stormy and Leaf in the face with a loud crack. She then jerks backwards, nearly pulling the two stunned stallions from their seats. Shivering and shaking her head, Daring blinks rapidly and looks around. “Dear sweet Celestia in a little black dress….” She looks over at Stormy, her eyes unfocused. “Leaf, what the hell did you give me!?” “Uhm… ma’am, I’m not Leaf,” Stormy says slowly, looking over at Starry who is giggling. “Oh…” Daring mutters, looking over at her other side at Leaf. “What the hay did you give me!?” “Coffee,” Leaf says smugly. “The kind that I am pretty sure is banned in most sports.” “WHY!?” Daring demands, leaning suddenly closer to Leaf as she narrows her eyes. “Because it’s nearly eleven in the morning, and you have to work,” Leaf comments with a sigh as he points over to Starry. “Dear, let me introduce you to Wingpony Starry Sky, she is reporting for duty. Her, her coltfriend - who is holding your other arm by the way - and I attended the academy together.” Looking over at Starry, Daring leans over and narrows her eyes. “You’re Clear Sky’s sister, aren’t you…” “Yes, ma’am,” Starry agrees with a salute. “Wingpony Starry Sky reporting for duty, per the general call to arms put out with the attack on Canterlot.” “Ah… yes…” Daring says slowly, continuing to blink before sitting up straight. “Well, then,  consider yourself on the roster, Wingpony Sky. If you’ll let me finish my breakfast,” she looks down at the mostly cold bowl of oatmeal, “and allow my brain to catch up to the kick it received, I am sure we can get your duties sorted… barring any unforeseen interruptions.”   “I’m sorry, Daring,” a stallion says from behind Daring. “But I’m going to have to unforeseeably interrupt you.” Looking at the ceiling, Daring sighs as she removes her arms from the two stallions beside her. “Celestia, I know you’re laughing in whatever place you’re currently at. But really, can’t you cut me a break?” she then turns around and smiles. “Rapidstrike, to what do I owe the pleasure of a fellow Senior Master Sergeant?” “Stay up all night talking with somepony and forget to sleep?” Rapid smirks. “And, as to why I am here, I was wondering if I could talk to you for a moment…” “Sure, not like I’m going anyway,” Daring yawns. “Take a seat and tell me what’s on your mind.” Going around the table, Rapid sits down on Starry’s left as Stormy likewise goes around the table and sits on Starry’s right. “It’s about the Wonderbolts….” he starts, looking at Daring with a serious expression. “I want to know if you’ve had any word from them after the letters went out.” Sighing, Daring shakes her head. “No, I’ve not heard anything from them,” she pauses and smiles slightly. “Or your daughter. But I’m sure they’re all fine, Rapid, really.” “How can you be sure, though?” Rapid counters, pointing towards one of the windows. “I mean, look outside, Daring! The city is in ruins… The Shadowbolts blew up the entire High Class district of the city from what I hear.” “I know, Rapid,” Daring sighs, “I was here when it happened, both times. But Monkey is with Witch, and some of the most experienced fighters I’ve ever known, she’ll be fine.” “So, how is Witch different?” Rapid suddenly says out of the blue. “You two are her family, or at least Leaf is related to her and you're marrying into the family, Daring.” He looks between the two, who look confused. “Define ‘different’, Rapid,” Leaf asks slowly. “I don’t know, that’s why I’m asking you two…” Rapid shrugs. “Monkey said something about her being ‘different’ in her letter, I was wondering if Witch said anything to you two.” “Other than the mountains are cold, they got shaken up?” Daring asks, to which Rapid nods. “No, nothing really. Though, I suspect we’ll hear something sooner or later, both sides of the Royal Guard and the Navy are chomping at the bit to get out there.” “Air Guard too,” Rapid agrees. “I suspect we’re all not rushing out there for the same reason?” “Needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few,” Daring shrugs. “City needs us more, and the Wonderbolts can handle themselves.” She then clears her throat and looks to Stormy and Starry. “I need to deal with you two now, I think, the coffee has fully kicked in.” “Both of us, ma’am?” Starry asks, raising an eyebrow “Yes, both of you,” Daring confirms. “Both of you are going to need to report to the armory for Reserve uniforms and combat kits, then you’ll meet me in the ballroom so I can give you further orders.” “Miss Yearling, I’m a civilian,” Stormy says slowly. “I can’t wear the Reserve uniform. I missed the recruitment.” “Not anymore,” Daring smirks. “Cadet Midnight Storm, under Article Seven of the Charter of the Private Royal Equestrian Air Force, Wonderbolts’ Reserve Division, as acting Command Sergeant, I am drafting you into the Reserves, effective immediately.” Smiling brightly, Stormy stands up and salutes. “I’ll do my best to not let you down, ma’am.” “Why’re you so happy?” Daring asks, continuing to smirk. “I’m your CO. Your flank is mine!” “Sorry, ma’am, but I have to disagree,” Stormy says with a smirk and a wink. “My flank belongs to Starry.” “And besides, I don’t share,” Leaf says in mock hurt as he pretends to pout. “But, if you don’t want it anymore, I guess the wedding’s off.” “Oh, you’re not getting out of it that easily,” Daring shoots back. “My parents would kill me if we didn’t have a wedding, and I am sure your sister would turn you into something unnatural.” “Yes, but you are claiming other stallion’s flanks,” Leaf sighs dramatically, putting a hoof to his chest. “It wounds me.” “Well, we’re not married yet so I can stare at other stallions all I like,” Daring remarks with a laugh. “Hm, yes that is true,” Leaf replies thoughtfully as he looks to Rapid. “Say, Rapid, do you think Twilight’s holding court yet?” “Why, I think she just opened the doors,” Rapid says slowly, a smile spreading across his face. “Her schedule should be quite open for a short while.” “Well, then I guess we’d best hurry!” Leaf declares as he turns to Daring. “Dear, I think I am going to take a page from my uncles for a moment.” “What are yo-” Daring starts, only to be dragged out of her seat, and onto Leaf’s back as he starts walking towards the door. “Put me down!” “Nope! Sorry, I only take orders from my wife!” Leaf laughs. “You can order me around all you like in a little bit, though.” As he goes he looks over his shoulder at a stunned Starry and Stormy. “If you two hurry, you can grab your uniforms and be in the throne room in time to witness me getting sold into favorable slavery!” Blinking, Starry quickly catches on and grabs Stormy and dashes off. ----- Yawning sharply, Twilight watches the latest group of petitioners walk out of the throne room. This was perhaps her fifth noble in the past hour, and she’d been up and open for court for only an hour. Each of them were wondering how the deaths and arrests were going to advance their status or what they’re going to gain out of it. So far, she’d only actually listened to a few of the ponies who had come in toting complete family trees and arguments towards advancing their status. Shaking her head and hiding another yawn behind a hoof, Twilight looks to her left where Shiro has been keeping her company once again, adding the extra benefit of his glare weeding out those who don’t truly have business with her. “If I did not know that a thousand years had passed,” Shiro comments without looking over to Twilight, “I would swear I was still in Equus, for nobility never seems to change in their desire to be above other ponies. If only by a fancy title.” “I am glad you’ve found at least something familiar about sitting here advising me,” Twilight chuckles before hiding another yawn. “I just hope we don’t have to deal with this all day, and we get something that is actually interesting.” “There is an old proverb from where I am from,” Shiro offers absently. “‘May you live long enough for your life to become interesting’.” “Oh? I think I’ve heard that before,” Twilight yawns again, “what does it mean?” “Truthfully, Your Highness, it’s a curse,” Shiro answers with a shrug. “An interesting life is hardly something I’d wish on anypony, for it means you get no rest nor end of strife.” “I think I liked my definition of interesting better, Shiro,” Twilight sighs. “But, after the past week here in Canterlot, I’d say your life is quite interesting.” “I won’t argue that, Your Highness,” Shiro sighs, shaking his head. “If anything, I wish life to become boring again.” Opening her mouth to say something, Twilight is cut off by shouts at the entrance to the throne room. Turning her attention, Twilight watches Shiro instinctively stand up and get in front of the throne to protect her incase it is less than friendly visitors. However, the next sound from the entrance quickly allays any fears of hostile forces to rest. “Leaf, I can walk!” Daring yells, the sound echoing through the throne room. “My legs and my wings work fine, so put me down!” “No can do, Dee!” Leaf replies as he comes through the doors, Daring fuming on his back. “I have to make sure you get to where we’re going in one piece!” “What, are you afraid I’ll get attacked? Trip? Fall down a hole in the floor?” Daring retorts ears flat against her head. “Well, after everything that’s happened here as of late…?” Leaf lets the question hang in the air as he stops in front of Shiro and gives the large white alicorn a wide grin. “Morning Shiro, I hope we’re not interrupting anything?” “Nothing important, Leaf,” Shiro rumbles as he looks between Daring and Leaf. “Though, I am curious as to why you two are here.” “Well, I was hoping Twilight would do us a rather large favor,” Leaf starts, looking beyond Shiro to Twilight who looks down at the two with a raised eyebrow. “If you promise it isn’t a petition to make you or Daring the head of some facet of Equestrian Government, then sure!” Twilight shrugs.   “Well, damn, there goes my idea to be made head of the Equestrian Antiquities Department!” Daring sighs loudly, throwing her hooves up in the air. “I guess we’ll have just have to go back to the dining room and finish our breakfast now that my plan has failed.” “Quiet you,” Leaf shushes Daring with a smirk before continuing. “Actually, Your Highness, my request is something more meaningful.” “Then I shall try to grant it, Honorable Leaf Wind,” Twilight smirks, falling back onto the title for Leaf. “Then, Princess Twilight Sparkle, would you do Daring and I the honor of marrying us?” Leaf asks, standing up straight under the weight of Daring on his back. “I would be honored,” Twilight says loudly, putting a hoof to her chest. “But, Daring is going to need to get off your back.” “I think she’s turning a few too many shades of red and trying to hide her face under one of my wings, Your Highness,” Leaf chuckles. “I’m not hiding!” Daring retorts from under the wing she has hidden her face under. “I’m checking to see if the wing is damaged.” “Well, it’s not, so time to get off,” Leaf says promptly as he sits down, causing Daring to slide from his back and land roughly on the floor. “Daring, do you have any objections to me marrying you and Leaf?” Twilight inquires as she rises from the throne and walks down to stand in front of the two. “No, Your Highness,” Daring replies, her cheeks red. “I just wish I had more warning.” “Well, if you’d rath-” Twilight starts, but is cut off by Daring. “No, no let’s do this before I decide to run,” Daring says quickly, looking anywhere but at Twilight or Leaf. “Though, I think Leaf invited two of his academy buddies to be here…” “If they’re a pair of pegasi wearing Reservist uniforms waving from behind the guards, then I think they’re here.” Shiro says slowly, smirking as he waves for the guards to let Stormy and Starry in. The two rush over and stop a short distance from Shiro and Twilight, bowing deeply to Twilight and staring wide-eyed at Shiro. “S-sorry we’re late, it took a few minutes to find the proper size of uniform for me,” Starry says quickly, her eyes never leaving Shiro. “It’s alright. You’re here on time anyway,” Leaf chuckles as he looks over his shoulder for a moment before turning his attention back to the matter at hoof. He shuffles closer to Daring, putting a wing over her and drawing her close to him. “So, I think we’re ready, if you are Twilight.” “I am,” Twilight states as she smiles warmly. “Though you’ll have to forgive me, I don’t think we have time for a long speech, so I’ll keep it brief. If I don’t we’ll be here all day and the nobles outside will think I’m giving you special treatment.” “Wouldn’t want the nobles to feel their entitlement is in danger,” Daring mutters. “Usually ends with things catching fire.” “And I think we’d all like to avoid that,” Twilight smirks before clearing her throat. “Friends, we are gathered here today to bear witness to Leaf Wind and A.K. Yearling joining in marriage.” Her voice echoes through the room, carrying out into the area beyond where all the nobles are waiting. “It is a special moment, which normally I am sure we could all agree should be celebrated in length, but under the circumstances we shall have to settle with the smiles on their faces, so…” She looks to Daring who shuffles from hoof to hoof. “A.K. Yearling, do you take Leaf Wind to be your lawfully wedded husband?” “I do,” Daring answers, looking up with a smile on her face and a few tears in her eyes. “And do you,” Twilight continues, turning her attention to Leaf. “Leaf Wind, take A.K. Yearling as your lawfully wedded wife?” “Do I have a choice?” Leaf asks. “No.” Twilight, Shiro, and Daring all answer at once. “Then I do,” Leaf answers with a warm smile. “Then I, Princess Twilight Sparkle, do pronounce you husband and wife,” Twilight intones, her voice carrying once more. “You may kiss.” “Like you could stop us,” Daring chuckles, wiping tears from her eyes as she turns and wraps her arms around Leaf and pulls him into a kiss. Behind them Starry and Stormy clap, as do a few of the guards and the waiting ponies in the next room. “I wouldn’t want to,” Twilight coughs, blushing. “But, if I could interrupt you two for a moment, I have a wedding present for you.” Releasing each other, Daring and Leaf look up at Twilight. “I think being married is present enough, Princess,” Leaf says with a chuckle. “That and the look on my grandparents faces when they learn I married beneath myself.” “About that,” Twilight chuckles nervously. “See, I’ve been meeting with nobles all day, and one of the first appointments I had was from a ‘Lady Silk Scrivener’, who I believe you know, Daring?” “Yeah, that’s my mom’s name…” Daring says slowly, raising an eyebrow. “What’d she want?” “Well, she wanted to show me a family tree, of all things,” Twilight sighs. “Like a lot of nobles today, even if your family was very minor nobility.” “Was?” Leaf asks, leaning his head to one side. “Was,” Twilight smirks. “As grim as it is to know, a lot of ponies on that tree no longer hold any right to their title due to siding with Blueblood, and quite a few more are… unfortunately dead.” “So?” Daring asks again, a cold sweat forming on the back of her neck. “What, is she suddenly a Baronet or something?” “Actually, Daring…” Twilight chuckles again. “Quite a few more ponies than that are no longer bearing their titles… your mother’s official title is now ‘Furstin’, which is just a step below Duchess.” “Well, congrats to my mom, now she can lord over her friends at their regular lunches,” Daring says quickly, starting to scoot backwards and try and drag Leaf with her. “That’s a wonderful present for my wedding, so now that it’s out of the way…” “That wasn’t the present, Daring,” Twilight says curtly, but not unkindly. “With your mother’s increase in rank, you have also gone up.” “To what?” Leaf asks slowly, looking between Daring and Twilight. “Because if you’re implying what I think you are, Twilight, I’m going to need to get the look on my grandparents’ faces framed.” “I am,” Twilight winks at Leaf before looking to Daring as she stands up to her full height. “A.K. Yearling, it is my honor to inform you that you have been granted the rank of marchioness, by right of succession. Congratulations, and may you bear your title with the grace and honor you’ve exhibited as the leader of the Reserves here in Canterlot.” “Wait, so, if Daring is a Marchioness…” Leaf starts slowly, looking at Daring whose eyes are wide and her ears against her head. “That makes me…?” “A Marquis, Leaf, by marriage.” Daring whispers. “We outrank your grandparents…” “Well, that’s not going to agree with the sticks up their flanks,” Leaf grins. “But I think I can live with it.” “Well, at least one of you are taking it well,” a new voice comes from ontop of Shiro’s head. “Honestly, Daring, you look like this new title is a death sentence.” “I was wondering when you’d show up to poke fun at me,” Daring sighs, looking at the wyrm on top of Shiro’s head. “How long have you been lurking, Jinsong?” “A while now, Daring,” Jin shrugs as he lounges on Shiro’s head. “I would have come down sooner, but I couldn’t interrupt such an amazing scene.” He looks to Leaf and smirks. “But, it is good to see that you, my friend, are continuing the trend your sister started! Rising up the ranks of Nobility!” “What do you mean by that?” Leaf asks, raising an eyebrow. “As a certain annoying, and vaguely dragon-like, creature would say, ‘That would be spoilers.’ “ Jin sighs. “Suffice to say, I’ve -” Before he can continue Jin finds himself encased in Twilight’s magic, he is then levitated off of Shiro, quickly gagged and promptly sat on. “What was he saying about my sister?” Leaf asks, a little worry creeping into his tone. “Nothing, Leaf, she’s fine!” Twilight states quickly. “I spoke with her not too long ago, and she’s doing fine. Nothing to worry about!” “Then why are you sitting on Jin?” Daring asks, smirking. “Because he is annoying, and I think you two have duties you have to attend to,” Twilight deadpans. “And I need to return to holding court, so we have no time to listen to his babbling.” “Yeah, we really don’t have time for it I guess,” Daring yawns and shrugs. “I think we should return the mess hall, and I’ll get the two newbies behind me briefed and given orders.” She offers a salute to Twilight, which is mirrored by the other three with her. “With you permission, Princess?” “Dismissed,” Twilight sighs, inclining her head. The three Reservists lower their salute, stand, and walk from the room leaving Twilight alone with Shiro and Jinsong. For a moment, Twilight simply sits there, not really wanting to go back to meeting with nobles, but a muffled voice from beneath her quickly changes her mind. “You smell like lavender….” Jin says slowly. “And old books!” “Shhhiirrrooo!” Twilight groans, looking over at the older Alicorn as if to ask for his ancient wisdom in how to rein in the dragon-god.  ----- Sighing heavily as he makes his way through the dungeon beneath Canterlot Castle, Black Velvet cannot help but turn his nose up at the offensive stench that seems to permeate the every stone in the dismal place. If not for the fact that he had to be here, the Earl would not have even considered setting a single hoof into the deeps beneath the Castle. Yet, business he has, of the most important and dire kind. Walking up to a door with bars in it, he raps twice upon the wooden face and waits as a guard inside unlocks the door and allows him inside. “I will be speaking with my client alone, Guardspony,” Velvet states, his tone leaving no room for argument. The guard snaps a salute and instantly obeys by leaving the room and closing the door. As the door closes, Velvet allows his professional air to drop, and a wide smile to spread across his face, but not quite touch his eyes. “I see you finally decided to visit,” the stallion shackled to the table in the center of the room sighs. “Brother.” “I could hardly pass up the opportunity to see you chained to a table, Tie,” Velvet chuckles as he slowly walks over to the other side of the table. “I mean, I’ve waited far too long to see you thus.” He then sighs and sits down, levitating a small briefcase onto the table. “Besides, I am your lawyer, as much as I loath to admit it, I have to defend you.” “Well, Celestia forbid you actually do your duty as an older brother,” Tie remarks, rolling his eyes. “But, tell me how long will I need to dwell here? I am eager to return to my own bed.” “Then you shall pine for it for a very long time,” Velvet smirks. “With what you, and the others, have done I do not foresee you escaping these dark walls for some time. If ever.” “I know you’re a better lawyer than that!” Tie growls. “Unless they have something against me that I do not know about?” “No, of course they don’t have anything, Tie!” Velvet assures his brother before pulling out a folder and putting it on the table. He opens it, his smile growing as he spreads the pictures inside on the table. “I do.” Leaning forward, his chains clinking as he does, Tie stares wide eyed at the pictures before him. They depict him, sword held high, attacking his niece and great-nephew, a look of rage on his face. “Where did you get these?” Tie whispers, barely keeping the fury form his voice. “I had one of my retainers follow you,” Velvet states absently. “Honestly, it wasn’t hard. But, really, I guess I shouldn’t have expected much from you.” He looks his brother straight in the eye, a deep frown on his face. “Seriously, defeated by that malformed foal? I swear, I am almost tempted to acknowledge his as my great grandson, he beat you so soundly.” “You wouldn’t dare,” Tie growls. “That insolent little whelp is tainted, just like your precious daughter’s offspring!” “You are right, but that is why I said almost, dear brother,” Velvet counters, gathering up the photos and putting them back into the folder. “If not for my other plans, saying he is my grandson would have been viable, but I am well past the need for such theatrics.” “What are you talking about?” Tie demands. “What have you done besides trap your own brother in jail?” “The only thing I could to protect Father’s legacy,” Velvet sighs, leaning back in his chair. “Seeing as my line is superior, trapping you here was only the start of things. As soon as Witching Hour returns safe, and hopefully a few ranks higher in the Wonderbolts’ Auxiliary, I plan to marry her off to somepony who will increase her status.” He gestures with one hoof, his eyes growing distant. “And, I believe I’ve selected the best stallion for the job, for it would have to be a stallion as I can’t rely on Leaf and his pigeon whore to continue the bloodline, they’re both already tainted as it is.” “And who the hay did you get to agree to this?” Tie remarks, his eyes narrowed. “They’d have to be desperate, or-” “Well, I got the Archduke to agree; you see he has been in need of a wife for some time,” Velvet states, cutting off his brother. “Or stupid, very, very stupid!” Tie shouts. “And after the gloriously successful coup he just tried to stage? I’D SAY HE QUALIFIES AS THE LATTER!” “That is no way to talk about your betters,” Velvet sighs. “But you never were one for tradition. Sad, really; if you were, you never would be where you are now.” “Regardless, I doubt you’ll get that tainted spawn of yours to sell her daughter off into a political marriage,” Tie barks, leaning as far forward as he can with the chains around him. “Fine Brew is many things, but she isn’t as far under your hoof as you think!” “That is where you’re wrong. My daughter is firmly under my control,” Velvet responds. “And I doubt she’ll have much choice, as I am sure she is as worried about the bloodline as I am. So, unless Witching Hour walks out of those mountains with somepony of far higher status than I, or her dear teacher, if one can even call Luna such a thing, intervenes, she’ll wed Blueblood.” Velvet leans forward, his smile growing cold and cruel. “Don’t worry, though, I’ll be sure to save a seat for your dear children, and your wife! They deserve to witness my triumphant moment so they can tell you all about it!” With a howl of rage that would not be out of place for a dragon, Tie lunges forward, stopping an inch from his brother’s still smiling face by the chains. “I WILL KILL YOU! YOU ARROGANT BASTARD!” Tie shouts, foaming at the mouth. “You’ll have to get off that leash first,” Velvet chuckles as he packs his briefcase before rising, and shouting at the door. “GUARDS!” The guards open the door instantly, rushing in to subdue the still shouting Tie while Velvet walks slowly from the room, his smile never slipping. > Chapter 13: Ashes to Ashes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 13: Ashes to Ashes From the balcony in the diplomatic quarters of Canterlot Castle, Prose cannot help but marvel at how fast Canterlot is rebuilding. The city is still mostly in ruins, much of it completely uninhabitable, but the feeling within the city is one of compassion and caring for each other. Ponies, of all classes and walks of life, are lending what help they can to each other, opening house and business for those who have lost everything. If Prose had to bet, he would put his bits on it being Twilight’s influence. The Princess of Friendship had an aura about her that causes ponies to work together and put aside their differences. If nothing else, the very presence of a Princess is enough to make most work together, and hopefully Shiro’s added weight is helping. But then, with all the cooperation and open smiles, Prose knows that just below the surface something else is brewing. Just because the sun is out, doesn’t mean all the shadows of fled, afterall. The sound of hooves outside the door draws Prose’s attention away from the city, and he pulls out a pocket watch from the breast pocket of his uniform. Noting the time, he sighs and puts the watch away as he composes himself. A knock at the door comes shortly, and Prose calls out as he looks back out over the city. “Enter.” Prose’s voice is calm, but not unwelcoming. The door swings open and a small squad of guards enter, followed by the large lumbering shape of a heavily scarred pegasus mare who looks around the room passively. Her eyes eventually land on Prose, and her face becomes slightly less passive, slightly more surprised. “We were told to bring this… prisoner to you,” one of the guards, clearly the most senior, states, hesitating slightly as though trying to remain professional. “I do not know what you wish of her, but she has said little and clearly does not wish-” “She is mute,” Prose interjects, turning to look at the guards and the Jaeger. “If the scar on her neck is any indication.” He then smiles slightly. “But, you wouldn’t know that.” “Yes, sir…” The senior guard says slowly. “In any event, we were instructed to remain with her, and to make sure she causes no problems for you.” “Of course, Princess Twilight is very protective of her friends,” Prose chuckles as he picks up an apple from the table in front of him. After a short pause, he extends the blade from one of the collapsible blades on his fetlocks, and starts peeling it. “However, I do not require you to remain in the room. If you would all please leave her in my care and exit the room, you will find refreshments and a place to rest has been prepared.” For a moment the lead guard hesitates, then shrugs and nods to his group. “Alright, but if you need any assistance, we’ll be just outside the door,” the guard salutes sharply as he turns and exits along with the rest of his group. Returning to looking out over the city and continuing to peel the apple, Prose waits patiently for the large mare to feel at ease, or at least curious, enough to wander over. It will take a while, but in meetings like this trust is a commodity worth more than all the gold in the world. As the sun reaches it’s apex, for he had been sitting out here since just after the tolling of the tenth hour of the morning, the sound of heavy hoof falls heralds the approach of his guest, and from the corner of his eye he watches her take a seat on the other side of the table and look over the spread of food. “It is for you,” Prose says absently, causing the mare to look up at him. Blinking a few times, she opens her mouth to speak, but Prose holds up a hoof and puts down his apple before lifting his wings and hooves and signing to her. ‘Do you know how to speak like this?’ The mare nods slowly, her head tilting to one side in confusion before she replies simply, ‘I do.’ “Good,” Prose smiles picking his apple back up and taking a bite. “I hope you don’t mind, but I took the liberty of looking over the medical report the navy filed after your capture.” ‘Why would I care?’ the mare replies hesitantly, looking between Prose and the food. ‘And why give me food?’ “Because, they don’t feed you well down in the dungeon,” Prose answers, gesturing to the food. “They feed Blueblood three square meals a day, even the JSS officers get better meals than you. I figured you’d be hungry.” “W-why?” the mare asks, her voice raspy and soft. “Am I not allowed to show respect to the pony who bested me in combat?” Prose asks in kind. “Plus, I do not hold you in contempt for your part in the riots, as I know a thing or two more than most when it comes to how Jaegers are made.” He gestures to the food, his smile growing. “So please, eat. I insist. And while you do, we shall I need to speak to you about something.” Shaking her head, the mare sighs a raspy almost death rattle-like sigh, before she looks at Prose again. ‘There is always a catch.’ She then starts eating, albeit slowly as if unsure of what exactly to eat first. Prose waits a few moments before he reaches over to a stack of folders on the side of the table. Selecting one, he flips through it for a few moments to allow the mare to eat a small amount before he speaks up. “Now, I know you don’t trust me, and in all honesty I do not trust you. But, if the food and the dismissal of the guards did not make it clear, I wish to trust you and mean you no ill will.” He pauses to allow the mare to reply, when she continues eating, sparing him but the briefest of glances, he continues. “So, to that effect I want you to know that as of the end of the riots, Janus Security Solutions was dissolved. Its assets were seized by the crown, and liquidated. The majority of their… less than savory experiments were destroyed, and are reported missing.” The mare stiffens at the mention of the experiments, and sits up sharply, glaring daggers at Prose who once more holds up a hoof. “If you will allow me to finish before you join my wife in wanting to rip my guts out, I am sure I can put your fears to rest.” The mare holds her gaze on Prose for a few moments longer, but eventually she settles down again and relaxes. “Good,” Prose says simply, his smile never slipping. “Now, if you are worried about a certain collection of young ponies, I would direct your attention over the balcony to the gardens.” The mare pauses in her eating and scoots over to look over the edge of the balcony, starting slightly as she looks down into the gardens. As she does, Prose likewise looks down into the gardens that are usually reserved for the pleasure of visiting diplomats. Today, however, what is left of the garden is full of young ponies and their caretakers playing amongst the flowerbeds and bomb craters. A few of the foals are wearing capes, but the majority are looking around at everything like they’ve never been in a garden before, and likely many of them haven’t. The large group of gawking foals are being escorted by a buttery-yellow pegasus with a pink mane who is gently answering the questions as they come up, and even helping break the ice between some of the more adventurous animals that have returned to the garden and the foals. The next caretaker, a fiery red unicorn, is calmly sitting with the foals that aren’t following the pegasus. A book levitating in her magic, she seems to be reading them a story from the center of a large picnic blanket, the story obviously enthralling them and helping put them at ease. And last, but not least, a third mare seems to be playing hide and go seek with the last group, which contains mostly foals wearing capes and various uniforms. This one, however, keeps changing in flashes of red fire as she hides, often times taking on the form of one of the foals. The foals laugh each time she changes, the fact that she is cheating by doing this lost in the novelty of her ability to do so. “One hundred and fifty foals,” Prose says calmly, his voice full of pride. “One hundred and fifty scared, confused, and most importantly safe, foals came to the Castle two days ago via some of my friends.” The mare looks up at him, but Prose keeps looking down into the garden. “Currently, my wife -- she is the red unicorn reading to the group down there -- Dame Fluttershy -- the Pegasus --, and Doctor Emerald Haze -- she is the one changing form -- are keeping watch over them.” He looks up at the mare, who blinks slowly. “They speak fondly of you, by the way, their big sister.” Glaring at him, the mare raises her wings again and once more speaks in sign language. ‘What do you want?’ “What do you mean?” Prose asks, raising an eyebrow. ‘For their safety, what do you want?’ The mare demands, her motions forceful. “I want nothing for their safety,” Prose says slowly, his brow furrowing. “In fact, I am slightly insulted you’d ask that. I would never harm foals! Shadowbolts have standards, you know!” He sighs and shakes his head. “No, I want to make this clear. I will not, nor will anypony, ever harm those foals. Nor, I should add, the foals that have yet to emerge from the growth tubes my compatriots found when they raided JSS’s HQ.” “R-r-raided?” The mare’s raspy voice once more comes forth, followed by a coughing fit. “Please, don’t use your voice, it’s clearly painful,” Prose says gently as he pours her a glass of water and offers it over. “As to your question, on the night of the attack on Canterlot by JSS and the upstart nobility, a group of Shadowbolts entered JSS’s headquarters outside the city.” he picks up another folder and offers it to the mare, the words ‘TOP SECRET’ and ‘CONFIDENTIAL’ are stamped on the front of it along with the seal of the Royal Equestrian Navy. “The group included a former Jaeger, much like yourself, outfitted in modified Jaeger armor. As I am to understand, with the exception of those foals, the entire facility was slaughtered to the last.” The mare takes the folder and opens it, scanning through the images inside as she sips her water and eats a little more. Her body language slowly relaxes as she looks through the pictures, as if the confirmation that JSS has been wiped out takes a weight off her shoulders, or perhaps all the fight out of her. As she looks at the last picture, which depicts the inside of a bunkhouse that looks like a vat of ground beef exploded in it, the mare opens her mouth as if to speak, then closes it and raises her wings. ‘Why?’ she asks again. ‘You’ve shown me all of this, the pictures, my…” she hesitates, looking out over the edge of the balcony again before continuing. ‘My family. Yet you’ve not said why I am here.’ “I need your help,” Prose states calmly. “I need your help and in return I am going to offer you something nopony has ever offered you before.” ‘What?’ the mare asks, her gestures slow as she leans her head to one side. “Your freedom.” ----- “Helm, slow speed to half power,” Noire says calmly from her chair, her eyes fixed forward out the large viewing window. Beside her, Prose smiles slightly at the sound of the bells denoting the decrease in speed. “I have to thank you again, Captain, for ferrying myself and my group out here,” Prose says with a chuckle. “I would have thought you and your crew would be enjoying your leave.” “I think we’re all a little too used to action to sit on our flanks,” Noire replies with a smirk. “Besides, I agree with you on the fact that there is something more going on here. Blueblood has always been special in the head, but never so much so to start an entire uprising. Not unless he was pushed to do so.” “All the same, you didn’t have to come, I could have requisitioned a ship through Twilight,” Prose continues with a warm smile. “Well, nopony is more experienced with dealing with JSS in the Equestrian Military than us, Prose,” Noire counters. “And I believe you wanted to keep Twilight’s involvement under wraps for the time being, at least that’s what your wife said.” “At this rate, all the mares I know are going to become friends with my wife, and I’ll never escape,” Prose sighs, putting a hoof to his face in mock frustration. “You can’t escape us, Prose,” Noire says in a comforting tone, patting the stallion on the shoulder. “All mares know each other, and it’s part of our code to make the lives of the stallions hell.” She then stands and stretches before turning towards the back of the bridge. “But, enough gossip, we’re here on a mission.” She nods her head towards the door leading to the hallway leading off the bridge. “Walk with me, Renegade, we need to talk.” “As you wish, Captain,” Prose states calmly, his tone professional. The two walk from the small dias the Captain’s chair occupies, and through the bridge, which is about the size of Prose’s living room and dining room combined. Currently, the stations on the bridge are not all staffed, as the ponies that normally stand at the tactical, damage control, and map stations are currently elsewhere on the ship. The few that remain, mostly the navigation and comms stations, are currently enjoying the lazy cruise their ship is on, and are taking advantage of it by talking back and forth about idle topics such as mares or asking after each other’s families post riot. Prose hasn’t been listening to it, though, the gossip. He already knows that the Helmsman's father is quite alright even if he is currently being chewed out by the Admiralty and Princess Twilight for crashing his ship into the Everfree. The Comms officer’s family was likewise okay, even if his father was currently pulling his mane out in worry over Luna and having to deal with his co-commander and the general insanity of the city. And then they’re out of bridge and into the cramped inner part of the ship, the tight walkways lined with pipes and reinforced bulkheads, which are normal. What catches Prose’s attention is the unorthodox upgrades that have been integrated into the ship’s inner workings. “This looks like Drake forged steel, Captain,” Prose states as they pass a bulkhead, which including the surrounding area looks as if it had been replaced. “A gift, actually, from our time lost floating around up north,” Noire replies. “So the stories really are true?” Prose asks, raising an eyebrow. “Dee-Seven told us you know the Rat Pack,” Noire inquires, continuing as Prose nods his head. “Then you should already know the answer to that.” “My day job is publishing stories, Captain,” Prose counters. “There’s just something different about hearing them from the source, and not a third party, you know?” He shrugs. “Perhaps I can convince you to tell me them sometime?” “Perhaps,” Noire chuckles. “If you think the bulkhead is cool, should talk to my engineer. She’ll fill an entire conversation talking about the stuff she’s done to this old floating rust bucket.” “I might just have to,” Prose agrees as he starts forward again. “Now, where are we off to and what do you need to talk about?” “The armory,” Noire replies as she starts leading Prose again. “The large friend you brought on board and the others are there, getting ready for our landing. I figured we’d converge there and talk about what we’re doing once we get to our destination.” Nodding, Prose follows after, the pair lapsing into silence as they pass through the ship and down two flights of stairs to reach the armory in the center of the ship. After the first flight they find themselves surrounded by the crew, who stop and salute to their Captain as they pass while also barely giving much attention to the strange companion with her. Their indifference to Prose’s uniform and appearance speaks highly of their training, and also their comfort with things they’ve never seen before, which makes Prose glad that Noire bullied him into accepting her help and her ship to get him to the former JSS HQ. They also pass the ship’s weaponry, the majority of which seems to be small caliber flak and anti-boarding guns. A few, though, catch his eye as they’re larger caliber Griffin breach guns ranging from blood chilling twelve pounds to a pair of massive sixteen pounders mounted just below the bridge. Prose keeps his eyes on the sixteen pounders until they’re out of sight as Noire leads him around a corner and down the second set of stairs. Once they’re at the bottom of the stairs, he opens his mouth to ask where the hay they’d gotten those guns, but Noire speaks up before he can. “We’re here,” Noire states calmly, opening a large reinforced bulkhead door and holding it open. “After you, Prose.” “Thank you, Noire,” Prose says warmly as he steps into the armory, stopping a few feet in as he spots his team. That team is comprised of five hoof picked guards, Daring, Leaf, and the large armored form of the recently freed Jaeger. Out of all of them, them the Jaeger shows the most emotions, her scarred face moving through the gambit of confusion and anger, to even a calm blank mask whenever she spies someone looking at her, which happens quite often due to her armor and the fact she is quite a bit larger than a normal mare. Prose had taken the Jaeger armor she had been captured into the Royal Armory, and along with his wife the armorer and given it a small makeover once they’d finished poking around at it to see what made it so damn deadly. They’d given it a fresh coat of paint in dark purple and gold, removed the rank insignias and added in a few reinforcements in key points Prose had discovered after his fight in the city. If not for the fact that she was an imposing figure to start out with, the armor made her more so, and Prose was counting on it to keep any potential JSS stragglers from interrupting them. Walking forward as Noire closes the bulkhead behind herself, Prose makes straight for the Jaeger, who is currently sitting on a bench near the weapons racks. As he draws close, her eyes flick up towards him for a brief moment, before returning to looking at nothing. He stops in front of her, and raises his hooves and wings, signaling he is going to talk to her and drawing her full attention. ‘How are you feeling?’ Prose gestures, a warm fatherly smile on his face. ‘Empty,’ she replies, her gestures slow. ‘I do not know how to feel about returning to the place we are going,’ ‘Would you like to talk about it?’ Prose asks gently. ‘I do not know if I can,’ the Jaeger replies. “Grace, I am here for you if you need to talk about it,” Prose says aloud, slowly reaching out and placing a hoof on the large mare’s. She jerks back instinctively, her entire body tensing. “You don’t have to, though, I understand.” ‘Too painful. And my name is not Grace, hasn’t been for a long time,’ Grace replies slowly. ‘JSS called me Vengeance.” “It was the way you looked at them, wasn’t it?” Prose sighs. “The looks you’d give them after each time they’d beat you down to the mats in training. The way you’d always get even with the ones who mistreated the foals.”  Narrowing her eyes, Grace glares at Prose, gesturing quickly, ‘How do you know that?’ “I’ll tell you when we get back to Canterlot,” Prose remarks softly. “Suffice to say, this isn’t our first meeting.” Grace stares at him blankly, her brows furrowed, and move to continue talking, but another voice cuts in before she can start. “Jaeger unit Vengeance,” a monotonous voice states from the other side of Grace. “I have finished the calibrations on your helmet. They should be up to current military standards.” Looking around Grace, Prose smiles at the mare who was speaking. “Dee, I see you’ve met my friend here?” “I have,” Dee replies as she holds the helmet out for Grace. The larger pony takes the helmet slowly, holding it in her hooves for a few long moments as she looks at the black visor and new dark purple and gold paint. With a rasping sigh, she turns it around and puts it over her head, the hissing of the seal locking the only sound for a few moments before she looks at Dee. “Thank you, Subject Delta-Seven-Slash-Nine,” an artificial voice issues from the helmet. “It is serviceable.” “I am glad,” Dee answers, the ghost of a smile on her face. “I was worried the vocal processor had been damaged when the armor was tampered with at the Castle. That seems to not be the case.” She turns and without further comment walks away. “I see JSS was just as lazy as ever,” Prose comments as he slides onto the bench with a sigh. “I bet a lot of your handlers didn’t bother learning how to talk to you using pegasus-sign language, or that most of them were even pegasi.” “I cannot comment on their motives, Renegade Prose,” Grace replies as she faces forward. “I am a weapon, a tool, they only gave me the technology in this helmet because even as a tool I still needed to offer field reports.” “I see,” Prose sighs. “It’s good to hear you speaking, even if it’s a fake voice.” “This is my voice, Renegade Prose,” Grace states. “I remember having no other voice, except for vague memories that may very well be the wishful dreams of a filly now long dead.” “I don’t think that’s true,” Prose says absently. “I think she’s still in there, somewhere.” He then slides off the bench and looks to Grace. “Well, I think it’s time I briefed the team as to why we’re going into where we’re going.” “Lead the way,” Grace states as she stands as well, the bench creaking as her weight is lifted. With a nod, Prose starts towards the others, who have gathered on the other side of the armory to prepare their own gear, openly leaving room between themselves and Grace. As the two approach the quiet conversations that had been going on die down, and all eyes instantly turn towards Grace where they linger for a moment longer than is polite, before moving to Prose as he clears his throat. “I hope everypony is prepared.” Prose asks in a calm voice, his face taking on a neutral expression as all gathered nod, including Noire. “Good. Now, Captain Noire wished to discuss why we are heading where we are, and in the interest of full disclosure I think it’s time I told you all exactly what is going on.” “About time, Prose,” Daring interjects. “Usually I’m all for going into places with no idea what to expect, but I think this time I’d like to know what I’m jumping into.” “Of course,” Prose smirks before reaching up and patting Grace’s shoulder. “But, before I get into the gritty details, I’d like you all to properly meet our guide; Everypony, this is Graceful Melody, also known as the Jaeger Vengeance. Her and I are going to be leading this little outing, and I expect everyone to treat her with respect, alright?” Everypony nods, though some slower than others. Lowering his hoof from Grace’s shoulder, Prose clears his throat and continues. “Now, Captain Noire and Senior Master Sergeant Yearling know this, but a few days ago as we fought through the streets of Canterlot the JSS HQ outside Canterlot was attacked, and subsequently destroyed. The group that destroyed it was comprised of friends of mine and Yearlings, Renegades led by a young stallion by the name of Rat,” at the mention of Rat Daring starts, her eyes going wide which causes Leaf to look at her with a raised eyebrow and Prose to smirk. “The group unleashed one of their own, a former Jaeger named Tank, into the facility as well as set explosives of different types. The end result was the complete destruction of the facility and all staff within.” “So, what, we’re going to go pick through the pieces and see what’s still useful?” A guard asks with a snort. “Sounds like crap work. By now everything that was useful has likely been taken by scavengers, or the official investigation.” “Knowledge,” Prose answers simply. “Knowledge is the only thing worth gaining in this world, my dear friend. I’ve been in the business of gathering knowledge for a long time, and when I don’t know something, I find it out.” “And what are we looking for, Prose?” Leaf asks, scratching the back of his head. “I mean, I’ve followed Daring into ruins before, but we usually know what we’re looking for.” “We’re looking for who is pulling the strings, Leaf,” Prose states. “I found evidence that some of my… former associates have their hooves in the riots, and if that is the case then if it is of the utmost importance we find out who, and why.” He gestures to Captain Noire and Dee, who has taken up a position beside her captain. “Noire and the crew of Voyager will be providing C.A.P during the mission, as well as a ground team of her marines and an engineering team, as I doubt we’ll find anything that isn’t beat to hell down there.” he looks to his group, a sad smile on his face as he does. “Our job is the fun one. We’re going to be wading into the ruins to find the computer core and the records. Now, when I say the staff were slaughtered, I mean it, we’re going to be wading knee, if not chest, deep through bodies and Celestia knows what else. I heavily suggest you eat a light lunch, do not wear anything you’re not prepared to burn, and wear masks.” “Oh, lovely,” Daring sighs before she turns to Leaf. “Dear, I think we’d best leave our uniforms here….” “Don’t have to tell me twice! Remember that time we fell into that burial chamber?” Leaf snorts. “I had to burn my favorite vest!” “You look better without it,” Daring smirks. “Save the honeymoon for later, you two,” Prose coughs. “I know you just got married basically today, but can you wait to jump each other until we’re not on a mission?” “Unless you two want to wash the armory floor,” Noire comments with a smirk “Dear, my cousin and your publisher are ganging up on us!” Leaf chuckles. “We’ll save it for later, Prose, Noire,” Daring promises with a chuckle of her own. “So, is there anything else we need to be aware of, Prose?” “Just that if we run into any JSS straglers, they’re kill on sight,” Prose states with a finality that causes a few of the ponies present to shiver. “Princess Twilight has branded JSS employees as traitors to the crown, and they are to be treated as such. If they surrender to you, they are to be considered prisoners of war, pending a war crimes trial.” “And if they don’t surrender?” a marine nearby asks slowly. “Vengeance belongs to me,” Grace’s artificial voice declares softly. “I shall pay them back a thousand fold for what they have done to my siblings.”   ---- The muted sound of the groups hoof falls is the only companion to Prose and his group as they tredge through the front gates of the former HQ of Janus Security Solutions. The once well guarded reinforced gates are blown open, the charred remains of the security guards barely seen beneath the discarded metal and overturned carts. Even this many days past, fires still smolder in some of the buildings, their concrete faces glowing faintly as wispy trails of smoke escape the shattered windows, lending them the appearance of charred skulls, causing many of the group to shiver or shy away from the hellish buildings. “Be on your guard,” Grace states calmly. “With all the destruction here, ambushes could wait around any corner.” “Thanks, I feel much better,” Daring smirks under her filter mask. “Anything else we should know? Like did they mine the driveway? Oh, how about pitfalls?” “Fear not, Senior Master Sergeant,” Grace intones, “I am sure any of the many explosive traps they set beneath the walkway detonated or were rendered inoperable during the attack.” She then pauses in her advance, causing everypony else to pause as well. “But, if not, and you hear a clicking sound, please inform me so I can put proper distance between us.” “Was that sarcasm, Miss Stoneface?” Daring asks with a weak chuckle. “No, standard Janus anti-personnel mines have an effective explosive radius of two pony lengths, and a shrapnel cloud of at least four,” Grace answers, looking over at Daring, her face hidden beneath her helmet. “I would prefer my armor not become damaged due to inattention after it was just returned to me.” “Okay, I’m going to treat that like sarcasm, and pretend you’re actually a normal pony,” Daring sighs, shaking her head. “If that makes you feel better, Senior Master Sergeant,” Grace shrugs before continuing forward, the group in tow. Shivering once, Daring continues forward, making sure to step in the hoofprints of Grace, just in case there are undetonated mines. Not that she is afraid of it, after all she has been in worse places than this, Canterlot a few days ago for one, and then there was that one time in the jungle… The appearance of a large shadow overtaking them draws Daring from her thoughts, and draws her attention upwards towards HMS Voyager as it passes overhead. Captain Noire had informed them that she’d be patrolling over the vast grounds of the security compound, and had given them some smoke signals ‘just in case you need something dealt with’ which Daring had presumed meant if they needed Voyager to blow something up. Of course, she had added in a hug to Leaf, and one for Daring, congratulating them on their marriage and telling her cousins to come back safely so she doesn’t have to explain to Fine how she got them killed. Looking back at Leaf, she finds her husband currently next to one of the Royal Guard accompanying them. Both him and the guard, who is a friend of theirs named Lode Stone, are carrying the equipment that Voyager’s engineer had informed them they’d need. Prose had argued it a bit, some of the items had been very unorthodox, but there had been no arguing with the hot-tempered hippogriff, and in the end he had simply agreed with it so they could disembark and get on with their mission. Chuckling at the memory, Daring starts to turn around when there is a loud clicking sound. Freezing instantly she looks down to her hoof and for a moment is afraid there is a mine beneath it. But chuckling from nearby draws her attention up to the head of the group where Prose is holding open a mostly intact door. “Something wrong, Daring?” Prose asks, his eyes twinkling with the familiar mischief they usually hold. “Nope, just eager to get inside,” Daring replies stiffly. “Very well, let’s get inside then,” Prose agrees, turning to the door and pausing. “Oh, and do mind the bodies and the smell…” He looks to Grace who is standing beside him. “Time to take point, my friend. If you could clear a path through the bodies, I am sure the earth ponies and unicorns with us would be thankful.” “As you command, Renegade Prose,” Grace says automatically as she tries to open the door fully, only to find it’s jammed. She rips the door off it’s hinges with a grunt, allowing for the body of a badly mangled JSS employee to fall backwards in front of her. The body is too badly charred and damaged to tell if it’s a mare or stallion, and Daring watches as Grace simply steps over it and into the darkness with one final word back to the others. “Wait here for a moment, I shall make sure the room is clear before the rest of you enter.” Doing her best to avoid looking at the body in the doorway, Daring stiffly waits for Grace to return or call for them to enter the building. She has no idea why she is so nervous, she has gone into dangerous ruins before, why should this one be different even if it has only been ruins for a few days? The sound of another pony coming up next to her draws her attention to the side, and she smiles warmly as she spots Leaf come to stand next to her as he extends a wing to rest over her back. As he does, she realizes exactly why this time is different. Why she is suddenly so worried. Looking down to Leaf’s left fetlock, she looks at the gold band wrapped around it, marking him married. The matching one is on her own left fetlock mirroring his, declaring to all that she is married to him. And that’s what frightens her, they more than anypony else know how dangerous places like this can be, possible death simply one of the many things that you accept when you’re in the line of work they are. But, now? Now she doesn’t want to accept that risk, now Leaf is her husband and not simply her partner, and if one of them die… “The way is clear,” Grace’s artificial voice drones out from the room. “You may all enter, as I have cleared a path through the barracks of bodies. Be warned, the hallway beyond is considerably worse, and is damaged badly.” Take a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Daring starts forward right as Prose enters the dark barracks. She braces herself mentally and physically as she starts to cross the threshold to prepare herself for whatever horrors lay within, for even with the Shadowbolt attack and the riot she knows she’ll never get used to seeing dead bodies. And then she is inside, and her stomach does backflips at the sight, as well as the humid and cloying smell she can taste as much as smell in her mind’s eye. The entire barracks is a scene of carnage and devastation with bunks thrown in seemingly random directions and some even bent completely in impossible angles as if they’d been bowled over by a freight train. And amidst the broken bunks are bodies, strewn like discarded dolls against the walls and all over the floor save for a single path which Daring and the others walk towards the charred door on the other side. Despite her fury at Janus, the anger and the outrage for what they’d done, Daring cannot help but feel slightly sorry for them. Many, if not all of them, must have been taken in their sleep, as more than a few aren’t even wearing their uniforms, and those who are look like they’d been thrown on in a quick and haphazard fashion. “This is the world of a fellow Jaeger alright,” Grace comments from her position beside the far doorway. “Quick, brutal, efficient. I am surprised any of them had time to put on their uniforms.” “Damn,” Lode breaths from behind Daring, his mask masking most of the sound. “Why’re the ones not in their uniforms mostly pegasi?” “They’re the lucky ones,” Leaf comments, his voice sounding strained as if he’s trying not to vomit. “All their throats are slit, they’d have gone quickly.” “Standard Shadowbolt extermination procedure,” Prose states calmly without looking back as he moves out towards the hallway. “Kill the flyers first, they’re the first to usually raise the alarm, and if they get away reinforcements are often on scene in less than five minutes.” He pauses at the door and sighs. “Plus, if you can’t fly, there was only one way out of the hell that descended upon this place, and if he is as angry as I think he was, you’d might as well have slit your own throat and ended it quicker.”   “He like our lovely guide?” Lode asks slowly. “He smiles more,” Prose responds. “And, he’s a lot happier most days.” He gently nudges the body of a mare, her neck ending in a stump half way up. “This was one of the other days.” “I’d hate to see him when he’s truly mad,” Leaf chuckles uneasily. “Or when someone tries to take his lunch money.” “There’s a reason our cleaners are some of the best, Leaf,” Prose states as he reaches into a pouch on the tactical harness he is wearing. “When someone does do those things to him, you never hear about it.” He pulls out a small globe and strikes it against the wall, causing a second glass sphere inside to shatter and the globe to glow brightly. “Now, if they’re as lazy as I remember with their base layout, the computer core should be deeper into this building, and down in one of the sub-basements.” “And if it isn’t?” Daring asks calmly. “Then we keep looking,” Prose answers. “Let’s just hope Lieutenant Torrent gets the power back on soon, because whatever we find will be mostly useless unless she does.” He puts the light globe into a small holder on his harness and starts down the hallway. “But, no point in standing around, I’d rather we not be here for long as there are less questions to be asked if Voyager isn’t spotted by random ponies in the area.” Wordlessly, the group follows, Prose and Grace in the front and Lode taking the rear with Leaf and Daring in the middle. Daring does her best to ignore the carnage, but more often than not as they walk through the hallways she brushes against a fallen pony, or is forced to gingerly step over a body part that lays discarded in her path. The state of everything claws at her, mostly her stomach, but she does her best to tell herself that they deserved it, that it was their end result of their actions in Canterlot and likely a hundred other places. That these ponies were evil, vile, creatures who had not deserved to be citizens of Equestria. But, no matter how much she tells herself that, the part of her that is the explorer, the archeologist, keeps finding little details to poke holes into those thoughts. Stopping for a moment as Grace and Prose work on opening a sealed door, Daring looks off into a room that looks to have been a break area. The door is out of its frame and is lying inside the room as if it had simply fallen inward, and inside are bodies. One of them catches her attention, as it’s sitting up against an overturned table, one hoof held against a bloodstained bandage and it’s face turned down towards an object dangling from one hoof. Looking over at Grace and Prose, Daring decides she can take a moment to sate her curiosity, and gets a little closer. Walking into the room, she squints at the object in the darkness as she draws close. For a moment she thinks it’s a watch, or perhaps some random object. But as her eyes adjust she realizes, to her horror and dismay, that it’s a locket with a picture inside that is partially obscured by dried blood. Backing up, she realizes that the pony in front of her must have survived the initial attack, only to bleed out on the floor, alone and surrounded by the bodies of their coworkers, and the last thing they had done as the life had drained from them was to look at the pictures in the locket. She turns to leave the room, and runs right into Prose who had walked silently into the room after her. She looks between Prose and the dead pony behind her, her eyes wide. When he doesn’t reprimand her, she starts to walk around him. “Sometimes, we forget our foes are ponies too,” Prose says softly, stopping Daring in her tracks. “I hope you never forget it, though, Daring. Killing is horrible, and wars are the greatest sin we can ever commit.” He turns, and nods to Daring. “I take no pleasure from seeing this, but for now we must put from our minds the death and focus on the mission, so please refrain from wandering off.” He then leaves the room, forcing Daring to follow him. As she rejoins the group, Daring sticks close to Leaf, the image of the bloodstained locket seared into her mind and leaving her in need of the close proximity of her husband. She stays there as they continue through the dark hallways of the facility, eventually reaching a stairwell that is mostly in tact, though Grace is forced to break the door down as it had been barricaded and from the other side. The stairwell, unlike the hallway, isn’t full of bodies, though there are a few that look to have fallen down the stairs, or suffocated as the fires that had raged on the other floors had sapped the air from the stairs. Grace once more takes point, and they descend down the stairs, deep into the underbelly of the compound. They go down three levels until they reach the bottom of the stairwell which contains a large reinforced steel door. Looking it over, Prose sighs and looks to Grace. “I don’t think we’re going to get this open by brute force.” “Agreed,” Grace grunts. “These doors are usually opened via a keycard or other such things. If Lieutenant Lighting Torrent of Voyager can get the power back on, we may be able to open it using the one off of my former handler.” “Why do you call them ‘handlers’?” Lode asks, looking up at Grace. “Why not just call them ‘boss’,” He pauses as Grace turns her head to look down at him. “Erm… ma’am.” “Because, as a Jaeger, I was not a soldier as you understand it,” Grace replies, hesitation in her voice. “I was not equal to what you would call a normal pony, I am… I was property of the company, to be used, expended, and discarded as they saw fit. The officers were not my boss, they were my handlers. An officer gave an order, and I obeyed, without question, or thought, I simply did.” “That sounds awful…” Lode whispers, continuing to look up at Grace. “How could you live like that?” “I knew no other life,” Grace shrugs as she looks back at the door. “Even now, ‘freedom’ is an abstract concept, an idea just beyond my ability to comprehend as I do not have anything to compare it to.” "Even from the life I came from, we still had some form of freedom. I don't think I could live if my qu...er... mother had ever treated me worse than dirt,” Lode starts, looking at the door and sitting down next to Grace. “She treated me and all my siblings with the utmost respect, and always asked us to do something." “Then you are blessed,” Grace replies, looking back down at Lode. “I have no parents, at least not what most would consider parents.” She sits down as well with an echoing sound as her armor hits the floor. “But again, such things are beyond my comprehension.” Lode opens his mouth to continue the conversation, but is quickly cut off by a loud hum and a few sparks from the lights above them as the power comes back on. Daring herself starts slightly, blinking as the magical lights glow brightly. “Well, looks like Noire’s engineer is as good as she says she is,” Prose mutters as he reaches into a breast pocket on his uniform and pulls out a keycard. “Right, mares and gentlecolts, from here on out I’m pretty sure we should be past the worst of it, but just in case keep your eyes and ears open.” He swipes the card through a small port beside the door, and with a loud hiss and resounding boom the locks disengage and allow the door to swing open. Grace stands up and walks to the door, looking to Prose for instructions. “After you, Grace.” Nodding, Grace starts into the hallway beyond, the sound of her armored hoofsteps echoing out to the rest of the group as they follow after. Beyond the door Daring is struck by the difference in atmosphere from the rest of the compound. While the air is still heavy it no longer feels sickly, and there isn’t as much damage. “So, what is this place used for?” Daring asks Prose who is just ahead of her. “Storage, I think,” Prose replies. “There is also some labs down here, but we’re not going to go into those as my friends doubtlessly looked them over for things when they were here.” “What kind of labs?” Leaf asks, looking around. “Research and Development,” Prose answers. “Mostly they’d use them to grow the Jaegers, research better and deadlier weaponry. Dee-Seven came from a lab much like the ones they’ve likely got here.” “Oh,” Leaf whispers, falling silent as he continues to look around, though his eyes now hold less curiosity and now hold more revolusion. The group continues on in complete silence save for the echoing sound of their hooves and their breathing. The hallway eventually opens up into a larger room, different hallways branching off from it to other places with colored lines on the floor to help lead ponies to where they need to go. In the center is what used to be a security checkpoint, but is now nothing more than a twisted mass of metal, a charred leg sticking out of it speaking of what happened to the security that staffed it. Without stopping, Prose and Grace lead the group along a purple line on the ground, the words “Computer Core” marked on the ground next to it every few feet. They enter another tunnel, and after a short walk they come to another large steel door which Prose opens with the keycard, allowing them to walk into another large room. Unlike the last room, this one is dominated by large metal cases which hum softly, quite a few of them look damaged, the scorch marks stating that they likely overloaded when whatever happened to the power happened. Daring wanders to a nearby desk, and picks up a clipboard that looks like it’d been discarded in the middle of whatever the pony holding it had been writing. It looks to mostly be a maintenance sheet, the last entry stating that they’d been forced to remove the surge protectors from a few of the servers due to them malfunctioning. “Looks like everything is in order here,” Prose says from across the room. “Grace, if you’ll watch the door, I’ll see about booting this computer up and getting what I need.” “Right away, Renegade Prose,” Grace answers as she moves over to the door where she stands looking out. Moving over to where Prose is, Daring tucks the clipboard under one wing as it looks like the tech had scrawled a password along one side. As she reaches where her friend is, she finds him fiddling with a large, and obviously very expensive as it is rare, computer. “You sure you know how to work this thing?” Daring asks as she stops beside him. “Yeah, it’s not as hard as it looks,” Prose replies as he presses a button, causing the contraption to hum to life. “Honestly, I prefer writing by hoof, or even using a typewriter, but as an infiltrator I have to be able to work with the newest pieces of tech these ponies think up.” “Honestly, I’ll never understand these things,” Daring shrugs. “Something about them makes me uneasy.” “Might be the price tag,” Prose shrugs, tapping a key on the large keyboard a few times as the computer boots up to the login screen. He pushes his glasses up his face and squints at the screen. “Well, time to figure out what they used for a password.” “Here, this might help,” Daring chuckles, offering the clipboard. “You’ll love the password.” “Oh?” Prose asks, smiling as he takes the clipboard. He raises an eyebrow as he looks at the password and chuckles. “Really? ‘Celestia sucks’ is the best they could come up with? No numbers or anything?” He types it in and the password and gets to the next screen, which is a command prompt. “Now the real work starts.” Daring settles down and watches her friend work, her interest in the other life he has led coming to the forefront and blocking out whatever worries she had been having earlier. Prose works the keyboard slowly and somewhat awkwardly, but progress continues forward until he attempts to access internal memos on recent contracts. “Restricted, should have guessed,” Prose sighs as he fishes the keycard out of his uniform again, swiping it in a nearby slot. However, the computer beeps and the words ‘Insufficient Clearance’ comes up on the screen. “Well, that was anticlimactic,” Daring mutters as she looks to Prose. “So, Mister Shadowbolt infiltrator, what now?” “Well, I don’t have time to hack my way around this,” Prose sighs, looking over his shoulder towards Grace. “So, I am going to pray that they’re just as lazy as I remember them being…” He types in ‘voice authorization’ into the command line, and pulls a mic over towards him on the desk. Clearing his throat, he waits for the computer to flash ‘ready to receive authorization’ before he presses the button on the mic and speaks. “Command level authorization; Sierra, Bravo, Foxtrot,” He pauses and swallows. “Steel Strike, Jaeger Training and Conditioning.” Daring stares at Prose, her eyes wide, her expression becoming only more shocked as the computer finishes processing and the command line reads ‘Authorization accepted’ and starts listing documents. “Where’d you get that?” Daring asks slowly, her voice unable to keep at a whisper. “Exactly where you think I did,” Prose states numbly as he starts typing again. “Exactly… I’m thinking a lot of things, but I’m hoping I’m wrong,” Daring states bluntly. “Keep your voice down, I don’t want Grace to…” Prose asks, but is cut off by Daring. “Don’t want her to what? Know you helped those monsters make ponies like her!?” Daring retorts just a bit too loud. “I’m not proud of what I did,” Prose argues. “I was under orders to get into JSS and find out what they were doing. I never expected to get in as deep as I did, nor was I ready for the horrors they were unleashing on foals!” He turns to Daring, stopping his typing. “I did my best, I tried to make sure they were ready for what was coming. Tried to train them so that they could take care of themselves!” He growls, placing a hoof on the desk. “If I regret anything, it’s having to walk away seven years ago and abandon all of them to the tender mercies of the monsters I had tried to shield them from.” “You need to talk to Grace,” Daring says slowly as she stands up and turns. “But it explains why you’re so comfortable around her and those foals that suddenly showed up.” “I already planned on it,” Prose mutters, returning to typing, though to Daring it looks more like he is trying to murder the keys. “But not now, it’s too soon.” Shaking her head, Daring heads towards Leaf, who is sitting next to the door absently toying with the contents of his saddlebag. She sits down next to him, her back against the wall, and watches Leaf, a small smile on her face. She stays there for what feels like hours, the sound of Leaf’s rummaging and Prose’s distant typing making her feel like it’s a normal day. Almost. “THAT FUCKING BASTARD!” Prose suddenly shouts from the computer, slamming his hooves against the desk, causing all the objects on it to jump up and clatter to the floor. “I should have known somepony as slimy as him would have their hooves in this! I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN!” He picks up the keyboard and types something into the command line, inserting a small device into a port on the computer. “I am going to kill him, slowly, with hot branding irons.” he mutters, typing again in the command line as Daring comes over with Leaf and Lode in her wake. “What's gotten into you?” Leaf asks from behind Daring, a worried frown on his face. “An old drunken ghost is rearing its ugly face,” Prose growls as he pulls the device from the computer and pockets it. “We need to get outside, right now.” He spreads his wings and ushers the group towards the door, pausing as he passes the one of the computer core’s memory banks to place another device on it. Once they’re at the door, he looks to Grace, “Time to go. I’m going to blow the server room.” “Very well,” Grace says softly. “I’ve heard no movement from the hallway, we should still be alone.” She pauses, looking down at Prose, her expression unreadable behind her visor. “I would also like to remind you, I have excellent hearing.” Taking a deep breath, Prose sighs and nods. “Right, just let me know when you wish to talk, and we’ll talk,” he looks up at Grace, a somber yet determined look on his face. “But, you can hate me after the mission is over. What I’ve found is important if we’re going to keep everypony in Canterlot safe, your siblings included.” “I believe you mistake me for somepony like the Senior Master Sergeant,” Grace states. “I am always a professional on a mission.” “Okay, now I know that was sarcasm,” Daring sighs. “Right, well can we cut the chatter? I’d like to be out of the creepy ruins full of mangled ponies,” Leaf says quickly. “I mean, I for one want a shower, and I think you all do too.” “Leaf is right,” Lode offers from the back. “If you have something important, let’s get moving.” Nodding again, Prose gestures to Grace, who takes point again and leads them back through the hallway. As they get to the junction again, Prose holds a hoof up for them to stop, pulls out a small device which he clicks twice in rapid succession. A muted boom echoes from the hallway they just came from, followed by a cloud of dust as they start off down the hallway to the stairs. They reach the stairs, then the ground floor, and then outside, all in quick succession as nopony wishes to stay in the hallways and continue to look at the massacre. Once outside, Daring pulls off her mask and takes a deep breath, wiping the sweat and condensation from her muzzle as she looks around. Voyager is still overhead, and it looks as if the world is as they left it. But they’re not out of the woods yet, as Prose moves quickly into the open air and rips his own mask off as he turns his face skyward and shouts. “HOX! I know you’ve got one of those infernal things floating around here!” Prose’s voice echoes sharply through the ruins, causing Daring to fold her ears back. The stallion waits, a glare on his face that makes Daring’s blood run cold, as a small device suddenly comes into view from nearby and hovers in front of him. “Hox, I know who's behind all of this, and I need you to tell Rat. I need you to tell him, RIGHT. NOW.” He pauses a moment then continues. “Hox, Pitch is back.” > Chapter 14: Discoveries and Realizations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 14: Discoveries and Realizations Staring out the porthole in the Officer’s private dining room, Grace watches the world below the airship pass by slowly. They’re traveling at full speed, but at the height they are at Grace cannot help but feel the land below her is traveling at a snail’s pace. Perhaps it isn’t the height that is doing it though, perhaps it’s the thing that has been bugging her since they had departed the ruins of Janus Security’s Headquarters. Steel Strike, or Epic Prose as he is properly called, was somepony she knew. It had bugged her since the defeat in Canterlot, when he had asked her to take off her helmet, and she had found herself unable to say no to the gentle voice and the warm smile. It had bothered her, tickled at the back of her mind like an itch she couldn’t quite reach. But she had pushed it aside, her training and conditioning making her comply and not think too hard on it even after she had signed the pardon he had produced with Twilight’s name and seal. She had signed it without a second thought, her messy hoofwriting a rare talent among the Jaegers, but something she had been taught what seemed like a lifetime ago. And thinking back, she can see the pride that had been in Prose’s eyes as he had watched her sign her name. She had assumed that it was simply joy at seeing somepony freed from JSS’s control, but with the realization from deep in the bowels of the burnt out ruins they had just transversed, she knows better. He was proud of her, because he had taught her how to do it in the first place. A knock at the door draws Grace’s attention to the door, which had been left open so that anypony who walked by could see who was currently in the room and hopefully leave her alone. Everypony except the one currently standing in the doorway, his head held high even as his eyes shine with a look of guilt that Grace does not quite understand. “So, should I close the door?” Prose asks, his eyes never leaving hers. Nodding, she lifts her hooves and wings, singing ‘Yes, this is private, and I do not wish to bother others with this.’ Prose nods silently, and closes the door, the clicking of the latch sounding oddly loud in the silence that descends over the room. “So, where do you want to start?” Prose inquires, coming over to the table and sitting across from Grace. ‘At the start,’ Grace signs, her heart beating a little harder for some reason. ‘I want to know how you ended up where you did. I need to understand how you were involved with JSS.’ “Alright,” Prose sighs, settling down in his seat and putting his hooves on the table. He looks down at his hooves, his eyes growing distant for a moment before he speaks again. “To understand that, you have to know I’ve been a Shadowbolt since I was young. I won’t bore you with the details of how I joined, but I was one when I graduated college.” He takes a deep breath and continues in an absent voice. “JSS approaching me shortly after I graduated, they were recruiting ponies with my skills for a new project they were starting, and needed fresh blood to help pad out the ranks. I blew them off at first, stating that I had other obligations, but that night I got a visit from a fellow Shadowbolt, who took me to our fortress and put me in front of the Captain… I was told to infiltrate JSS and find out what I could.” Tapping a hoof against the table to draw Prose’s attention back to her, Grace signs again. ‘And you followed orders?’ “I did,” Prose nods. “I found the recruiter the next day, and told them I’d thought it over and I actually wanted to do it.” He pauses and shivers. “I didn’t know what I was getting into, if I did… perhaps I would have said no to the Captain, but I wanted to please them, show them I was willing to do what I could to help my… my family.” He puts his head in his hooves and sighs. “JSS trained me, not quite telling me anything useful at first. Then, half a year after I infiltrated their ranks, I was pulled aside by the director of special projects, and informed that I was showing promise. He told me that they needed me to train some new soldiers for a project they’d just started that had just entered its first test run. I agreed. They took me to a facility near Vanhoover, and I was put in a room with a bunch of other combat specialists. We were told if we spoke a word of what we were about to see outside of that room, no pony would ever see us again. We signed documents stating we’d keep quiet, and I signed the false name of Steel Strike.” ‘That's when you met the Jaegers?’ Grace questions. “Yes,” Prose states calmly, taking his face out of his hooves and looking at Grace, a cold steel to his eyes. “I met the first generation of Jaegers. And I was appalled at the depths JSS would go.” He sighs, leaning back. “I don’t remember how many survived in that first batch, it’s been so long. I recall that one of them was Tank, who is now a Shadowbolt. They wanted to kill him for being uncontrollable.” He looks up at the ceiling. “I watched them shoot his twin, and then I watched him break loose and kill all the guards we threw at him. Poetic justice, really.” He looks back at Grace and shrugs. “After that, they tightened security, refined whatever the hell it was they did to make you all, and unleashed the ones who’d survived onto the foes of whoever paid them the highest amount of bits.” ‘And you reported all of this to the Shadowbolts?’ Grace signs. “I did, and the information and other tidbits I passed on was used to undermine JSS operations whenever it was needed,” Prose agrees. “You see, Shadowbolts and JSS work for the highest bidder, but unlike JSS, we had morals. They’re twisted and convoluted at times, and quite a few toss them out the window altogether, but as a whole I like to think that we at least our code gave us the moral high ground.” He sighs and leans forward. “You, and your siblings, were born in the third generation of Jaegers. Like the two generations before you, I helped train you all… but…” ‘But our generation was different.’ Grace states simply. ‘How?’ “The first generation they used the DNA of a couple famous Wonderbolts, most of it coming from the big green one who’s name escapes me…” He clears his throat. “I’m not sure what they used for the second, but the results were better than the first as more survived. The third, though, they decided to try mixing in the DNA of some of the more outstanding employees, mostly the combat specialists and the higher ups, something about rewarding loyalty.” He looks up at Grace, staring her in the eyes. “I wasn’t informed until after you all came out of the vats, but I was among the ‘exceptional’ employees they decided to use as a base for the experiment.” A cold feeling forms in Grace’s gut as she listens to that last part, she knew how she had been ‘born’ from a vat, but she had never known who exactly the donors had been. Blinking slowly, she raises her hooves and signs. ‘So, you were used as a part of the base for my generation?’ “Not the entire batch,” Prose admits, scratching the back of his head. “Different training sergeants were used for each group. The one assigned to me, including you, had me as a part of the base. They figured doing it that way might… I don’t know make you more loyal? As if being raised and trained by one of the chief donors would make the whole conditioning process easier, since you’d instinctively want to do what your ‘parent’ asked.” He pauses for a moment, looking past Grace as if to peer into the past. “They didn’t account for how each of the sergeants would handle basically becoming a parent against their will. Only a few of us, myself included, took to it better.” He looks to Grace, his eyes blank. “I remember being reprimanded over it, by both JSS and the Shadowbolts. They told me I was growing too attached to the assignment. JSS because they saw you all as nothing more than numbers on a spreadsheet, and the Shadowbolts because they thought I was losing sight of the reason I was there.”     ‘Were you?’ Grace asks, the cold pit in her stomach growing harder to ignore. “I was,” Prose responds, a soft smile on his face. “And I knew it, but I didn’t care… not at first anyway.” He blinks and his eyes come back into focus. He snorts and shakes his head. “Then I took a few days paid leave, and the training sergeant they got to cover for me slit your throat.” Grunting, Grace puts a hoof to her throat, the memory of the searing pain flashing through her mind. For a moment, she is a young foal again, singing a lullaby to one of her siblings. She can remember the shouting for her to be quiet, and her talking back, shouting that the drunk old stallion wasn’t her father. The feeling of a hoof against hers draws her back to the present, and she realizes she has been breathing heavily as her heart raced. Looking down at the hoof against hers, she follows the arm attached to it until she is looking Prose in the eyes, her mind reeling as she tries to figure out why he has tears in his eyes, and why she herself feels like crying. “Grace, if you want me to stop,” Prose says slowly, causing Grace to ask herself if she really wants to keep hearing this. Slowly lifting her wings and hooves again, Grace signs shakily, ‘Why did you leave?’ “When I got back, I was furious at finding out one of the other sergeants had harmed my children,” Prose states bluntly, barely refrained fury and outrage clear in his voice. “I wiped the smile off his face, made sure he’d never do it again.” He clears his throat and looks away. “The director of special operations decided I was a liability, so he told me he was moving me elsewhere.” He looks back at Grace, his ears back against his head. He sighs, closing his eyes and looking down at the table. “I reached my breaking point when I found out what the new project I was going to work on was called. Project ‘Ascension’, the project that spawned Dee-Seven, was appalling. I downloaded all the information I could find on it, where it was located and when it was going to start… and I burned Steel Strike from existence.” He sighs once more, opening his eyes and looking up at Grace’s as he sits back. “Is there anything else you wish to discuss with me?” Shaking her head, Grace signs, ‘No, you have given me much to think on.’ “Alright, I’ll take my leave, then,” Prose says softly, reaching out to gently pat Grace’s shoulder. “I’m glad we were able to talk. I’ll see you later.” he then rises and starts for the door, Grace following him with her eyes until he reaches the door. “W-wait,” Grace rasps, causing Prose to look over his shoulder as she raises her wings and hooves again. ‘Thank you.’ Smiling warmly, Prose signs back, ‘You’re welcome.’ ----- Fiddling idly with a piece of paper on the desk in front of her, Twilight wonders exactly how she had gotten into the place she was now. Logically, she knows that she hadn’t specified which study she would like to use, and thus the staff had just assumed she would feel comfortable using the study of her former teacher. The emotional side of her, however, can’t help but panic slightly, causing her to stop fiddling with the piece of paper (which as she looks at it closer has doodles on it next to Celestia’s prim and precise script) and quickly put it back where she had found it. The fact is, that honestly she would have prefered sitting on the throne to sitting in the seat behind the desk her mentor should rightfully be occupying. Being on this side of the solid oak desk feels wrong, as if she is invading Celestia’s private sanctum, a fact constantly brought to the forefront whenever she looks anywhere in the room and her eyes land upon one of the many sun motifs that decorate the walls, or even the carpet. Laying the bottom of her muzzle on the desk, Twilight sighs heavily as she silently prays there is good news being brought to her from the team that she was about to talk to. A knock at the door makes Twilight sit up straight, albeit reluctantly, and call out. “Enter,” Twilight’s voice is calm, if weary. The door swings open, and Twilight smiles warmly as the ponies file in. “It is good to see you all again, my friends. I trust your mission was a success, Prose?” She looks to a grey stallion wearing a dark purple and gold uniform for a moment before looking at the others who had entered with him. The other companions are three mares, and two stallions. All of them visably relaxing as the door is closed by the larger of the three mares. “It was,” Prose replies with a sigh. “As reported, the JSS base was in ruins, all defenders having been slaughtered previously.” “It smelled to the high heavens, too,” Daring, who is one of the mares, states from beside the large glass door to the balcony. “It was worse than the streets of Canterlot after we ended the riots… I’m going to need to shower for a week straight to get the smell out.” “I’ll join you,” Leaf, who is one of the other stallions, groans. “I feel oily.” Clearing his throat, Prose continues. “As per my plan, the former Jaeger, Grace,” he looks over to the largest of the three mares who is wearing heavy looking purple and gold armor, “led us through the hallways, helping us avoid any latent traps JSS might have laid down to deter their attackers.” He pauses as Grace taps him on the shoulder, bringing his attention over to her as she makes some motions with her wings and hooves that Twilight doesn’t quite understand. “Grace wishes me to inform you that such traps were extensive within the perimeter,” he pauses again as she makes more signs, “and that she advises against sending any further teams into the area unless they are with someone skilled at knowing how to disarm explosive devices.” “I shall take that into consideration,” Twilight says with a frown, which garners a nod from Grace who steps back and sits down. “Once we were in the basement of the facility, we were able to navigate swiftly to our objective, which was the computer core,” Prose continues his narration, his voice flat as if sneaking into the instillation has been nothing out of the ordinary. “There, I gained access to their records and uncovered the ultimate culprit behind the Canterlot uprising.” “And who would tha-” Twilight starts to ask, but is cut short as a knock comes from the door. Sighing she looks to the door and calls out, “Enter.” The door swings open and a dark blue pegasus stallion wearing a reservist uniform walks in, saluting sharply to Twilight. “Princess, I was instructed to inform you that the work ponies at the power station have run into another problem,” the reservist states, his manner stiff. “Thank you, Midnight Storm,” Twilight sighs, shaking her head. “I’ll deal with it once this meeting concludes.” “Shall I wait outside, Princess?” Stormy asks, looking at the others in the room. “No, I doubt the contents of this meeting will stay private for very long,” Twilight explains, rolling her eyes. “I expect Daring will eventually brief the Reserves on what is said here, so you may as well stay.” She looks to Daring to make sure she is guessing right, smiling faintly as Daring nods to her. “Of course,” Stormy says slowly as he walks over to sit next to Leaf who is absently fiddling with an object on a nearby coffee table. “Now, who set the chain of events in motion, Prose?” Twilight inquires, turning her eyes back to her friend. “Pitch Tempest, a Shadowbolt who has a reputation of being brutal and uncompromising,” Prose answers in a half growl. “Wait… Pitch Tempest? As in ex-Baltimare cop Pitch Tempest?” Stormy speaks up suddenly, his ears standing straight up. “Yes, that Pitch Tempest,” Prose answers, turning slightly to look Stormy up and down, his eyes narrowed. “Why?” “Most would call him my father…” Stormy states cooly, his own eyes narrowing. “I usually just refer to him as the reason my mother is forced to work two jobs.” Blinking, Prose’s professional mask drops and he turns fully. “I-I’m sorry,” Prose says earnestly. “I would not wish that pitiful excuse for a stallion on anyone as a parent.” “Don’t be,” Stormy growls, “he walked out on us when I was five, so I never really knew him.” “First Descent, and now Pitch?” Prose sighs, putting a hoof against his head. “Am I the only non-absentee father in the Shadowbolts,” he pauses and looks to Grace who has raised her wings and hooves. “Grace, please don’t answer that.” Raising an eyebrow at Prose, Twilight decides to file away why he wants Grace to be quiet to be asked later. Instead she leans on the desk and clears her throat. “So, now that you know who it is that introduced the crystals to Blueblood, and set JSS up to join forces with him, what are you going to do?” “Kill him,” Prose states bluntly as he turns around. “It’s as simple as that. He has done horrific things in the past, but this makes all other past actions pale in comparison.” The declaration causes everypony in the room, except for Grace, to take a few steps away from Prose. Twilight herself pales slightly as once more her preconception of Prose being nothing more than a loving father and a fellow bookworm is once more shattered. Suppressing a shiver, Twilight once more clears her throat. “I.. Okay, for his crimes justice would demand nothing less, I… I guess.” “Twilight, I know capital punishment is not something usually done in Equestria,” Prose says softly. “So I will not ask of you to justify it. This is a matter to be settled between Shadowbolts, and I assure you it shall be settled as such things always have been; outside the public eye, and far from the gaze of ponies who deserve not to know the darker side of the world.” He pauses, bowing his head for a moment as if weighing his next words before speaking once more. “I will have to leave tonight, though, if I stand a chance of reaching where I must go in good order. However, I do not think Pitch worked alone, and there are surely agents left behind to continue to cause chaos within the city.” “We’ll root them out,” Leaf says confidently as he walks up and puts a hoof on Prose’s shoulder. “You go get the head of the snake, we’ll stomp on its body till it stops moving.” “Besides,” Daring chuckles as she sits down on Prose’s other side. “We don’t have to explain to Foxfire that you’re going into the field again.”   ----- Smiling slightly, Foxfire bends over and gently kisses the top of the head of the foal she is finishing tucking in. Despite the fact that the large amount of foals are not hers, the mother in her can’t help but want to show them all the affection they’d not gotten while being test subjects for JSS. Turning to leave, she stops as she feels the colt who she just tucked in hold onto her arm as if letting go would mean disaster. Turning back to fully face him, Foxfire smiles lovingly and brushes aside a few stray strands of his mane. “Don’t go,” the colt whispers. “It’s okay,” She whispers softly, “I’ll just be in the next room.” Shaking his head, the colt continues to hold onto Foxfire’s arm. “No, please don’t go… I don’t want to be alone…” Looking around at the other beds, most of them cots and sleeping pallets the staff had been kind enough to find for the foals, Foxfire’s smile grows a little. “You’re not alone, dear, your brothers and sisters are here with you,” Shaking his head again, the colt tugs gently on Foxfire’s arm. “I want to sleep with you,” he looks down, ears against his head. “If that’s okay…” “I’ve got some paperwork I have to do,” Foxfire sighs, causing the foal to frown and look away. “But I won’t argue with you keeping me company?” Smiling brightly the colt lets go of Foxfire and quickly gets out of bed and leaps into the air, spreading his wings he quietly flies over his siblings and lands at the door where he waits a moment before opening it and going through. As she follows Foxfire hears the colt gasp, then laugh followed by his voice drifting from the other room. “Grace! You’re back!”   Emerging into the next room, she finds her husband standing beside a large mare wearing the imposing and impressive set of armor she had poked at the other day. Clearly, if she was the one wearing it then she was the Jaeger who Prose had said had soundly defeated him during the riots. Currently, she has the colt wrapped in her arms and, unless the light is playing tricks on her eyes, is actually crying slightly as she smiles widely. “Where’ve you been?” the colt asks, nuzzling Grace’s exposed cheek. “We were so afraid you were killed like the rest of the older Jaegers!” Shaking her head, Grace puts the colt down and lifts her wings and hooves, and starts motioning with them in the same way Foxfire had witnessed Prose and Daring talking the other day. From the little she knows of Pegasus sign language, Foxfire is able to pick up a word or two, but nothing that helps her make sense of what the large mare is saying. “I was making sure JSS would never harm us again,” Prose states calmly as he walks over and sits beside his wife. “That’s what she’s saying; I was out making sure JSS would never harm us again, little brother, but it required I stay away from all of you for a while. I am just glad you are all safe, and that we are all free of them now.” “I’m glad you’re safe too, big sister,” the colt says enthusiastically. “Me and the others have seen so many wonderous things, too! Miss Foxfire, Ember, and Fluttershy took us into the garden earlier today! I’ve never seen so many green things in my entire life, but they told me that gardens like this, and entire forests, are common!” Smiling brightly, Grace signs again, but Prose doesn’t translate it, instead he sighs and looks to Foxfire, a frown forming on his face. “Oh no, I know that look,” Foxfire growls, narrowing her eyes. “You’re about to tell me something I’m not going to like.” “We found out who orchestrated Blueblood’s uprising,” Prose admits softly, hanging his head. “It was a fellow Shadowbolt named Pitch Tempest. He’s a sick, twisted, bastard of a pony. The things he’s done in the past make me, and quite frankly a lot of the Shadowbolts, sick to our stomach, but under our code he’s been well within his right to do as he pleases on a mission.” “But this is different, isn’t it?” Foxfire asks, frowning. “This? This violates everything it means to be a Shadowbolt,” Prose whispers, a low growl in his voice. “You’re going after him, aren't you?” Foxfire sighs. “I have to,” Prose replies, looking at his wife. “I have to track him down, and end the threat he poses once and for all.” He looks up at Grace who now has the colt on her back as he laughs and she smiles warmly. “I have to protect my family, after all.” Raising an eyebrow, Foxfire looks over at Grace who lets the colt down and looks to Prose. Opening her mouth, Foxfire starts to ask why Prose would include Grace in the statement ‘my family’, when she catches one of the signs Grace makes with her wings; ‘Father’. Prose replies quickly, his own signs causing the young colt to smile warmly and go over and hug him. “What’d she ask?” Foxfire inquires slowly, looking to her husband. “She wanted to know if the foals could continue staying here,” Prose states calmly as he releases the colt. “I don’t see Twilight removing them anytime soon, she did name them wards of the crown, after all,” Foxfire says slowly. “But, if that’s all she wanted to know, why’d she call you father?” Flinching, Prose smiles weakly. “Perhaps it’s because I conduct myself in such a kind manner I seem like a father figure to all of the foals?” He looks to Foxfire who is frowning deeply. “What? It’s true, just because I’ve secretly been a member of a mercenary organization doesn’t mean I don’t know how to be a father!” “I’ll concede that point,” Foxfire sighs, narrowing her eyes. “But, that’s not what she said, is it? You promised not to lie to me, so why are you doing it now?” Looking away, Prose lays his ears against his head. “Because, there are some parts of my past I’m truly afraid of how you’ll react,” he admits softly. “I’ve told you a lot of stuff, stuff I’m not proud of… but there are parts I am proud of that are not only bloody, but... “ “But what?” Foxfire presses, raising an eyebrow. “Dark, twisted,” Prose sighs. “Sad, I guess? And are not completely my stories to tell.” “Then who’s story is it to tell?” Foxfire asks, an annoyed tone creeping into her voice. “Mine,” Grace rasps softly, bringing Foxfire’s attention over to her. She looks to Prose, who makes a few signs, which are returned in kind before she nods. “But, it is a conversation for later,” Prose picks up from Grace. “She’ll explain tomorrow, I am sure.” He sighs and shakes his head with a smile. “She always has taken after her father, after all. Can’t resist telling a story to a captive audience.” “Fine, keep your secrets,” Foxfire laments. “When are you leaving to go chase down your rogue Shadowbolt?” “Tonight, as soon as I settle some business here in Canterlot,” Prose answers without hesitation. “I’m leaving Grace here with you and the foals, and I’ve sent word to my brother to bring the twins here as well. Celestia knows they should be with their mother right now, and not at home with my poor brother.” “I’m sure he’s entertaining them with one of his ballads,” Foxfire says off-hoofedly. “So long as he’s not blowing something up. He’s worse than me when it comes to pyrotechnics!” “Yes, yes he is,” Prose chuckles before turning and pulling his wife into a hug. “I need you to promise to keep the foals safe, ours and the ones you’re looking after here. Just in case-” “You’re coming home, so don’t even start with that,” Foxfire growls, her heart isn’t really in it though. “I’m not leaving the twins without a father. Too much of that going around as of late.” “I’ll come home if I have to fight my way through every single corrupt Shadowbolt they throw at me,” Prose promises, gently leaning back and kissing his wife. “I should get going now, I’ll be home before you know it.” Letting his wife go he takes a few steps back. “I’d say stay safe, but I think we both know you’re too stubborn to follow that advice,” Foxfire shrugs as she turns, gets a few steps away, then stops. “But all the same, stay sa-” Turning back around, she finds the window in the room open, and Prose gone. --- The streets of Canterlot are quite, forlorn, and dark. In the wake of the two successive attacks, the streets have, by some unspoken curfew, become devoid of ponies as soon as the sun has fallen beneath the distant horizon. The empty streets serve as both a convenient pathway, and a hinderance, for the two cloaked figures slowly making their way through the ruined city. Besides the two cloaked figures, the only other ponies on the streets are the Night Guard, their patrols paying no more mind to the pair than their daylight counterparts would a pony in a crowded street. The only exception coming when they reach a checkpoint, and stop to state their business. “We’re heading out of the city,” one of the cloaked and hooded figures states calmly. “I am on business from Princess Twilight, and my companion is my escort.” Pulling his cloak back, and showing off a grey wing as he pulls out some papers and offers them to the officer who takes the papers and looks them over. “Very well,” the officer says softly, the oppressive air of the ruins around them making speaking above a whisper awkward. “Please keep to the streets, as Canterlot Airspace is currently reserved for emergency personnel and airships assisting in searching the damaged districts.” Nodding, the cloaked pegasus takes the papers back, nods to his companion, and walks past the checkpoint. Once there are a few streets between them and the checkpoint, the pegasus’s companion speaks up, his voice soft so as not to be heard by others who may be nearby. “Are those papers real?” he asks, looking over at the pegasus. “Of course they are, Cloak,” the pegasus chuckles. “I’ve known Twilight since before she was a Princess, and while I would not call us close friends, I am a regular face around her library.” “You know, sometimes I think you take your job of blending into regular society too seriously, Prose,” Cloak chuckles back. “Hey, don’t knock it until you try it, my friend,” Prose smirks over at Cloak from beneath his hood. “And just wait, someday, you’ll be sitting on a porch, reading to your grandfoals, and you’ll not want to trade that for the world.” “Pfft, yeah right!” Cloak laughs. “I’d have to have foals first, Prose. And I don’t think me and Rosie will be going that far! Besides, I’m not even sure I’m going to live that long anyhow!” “I’ve survived this long, Cloak,” Prose shrugs, “so don’t sell yourself short.” He then sighs and slows down a bit. “Besides, after all this I’d think a lot of us would want to settle down for a while.” Shaking his head, Cloak falls silent as the pair make their way around a rather large debris field. They keep to the shadows, as the entire area is full of ponies, civilians, guards and military, picking through the ruins while an airship above provides light via its search lights. Once they’re beyond the active search, Cloak looks to Prose. “So, is it really him?” Cloak asks in a worried tone. “Is Pitch really the one responsible for all of this?” “Yes,” Prose states simply, his tone growing cold. “Rat is going to kill him when he finds out,” Cloak sighs. “He’ll have to get in line,” Prose growls as he hunches his shoulders and starts walking faster. “Rat’ll be lucky if I leave so much as a shitstain in evidence that that bastard ever existed.” “Well, don’t rush it if you get there first,” murmured Cloak. “Rat mentioned something about pouring lamp oil, letting him burn alive and dousing him a few times before he dies…” “Really?” Prose asks, raising an eyebrow as he looks over at Cloak. “Huh, I might actually let Rat go first, then, that sounds like fun.” “We have to get to him first,” Cloak states with a smile. “But, yeah, it sounds like exactly what he deserves.” “He deserves far more, Cloak,” Prose growls before sighing and lapsing once more into silence as the pair continues towards the gates of the city. The route to the city gates is not clear, in fact as they get closer to the walls that mark the boundaries of Equestria’s Capital, the damage becomes worse, more deliberate. Entire city blocks have been demolished in the fighting, some nothing more than still smoldering timbers and twisted steel to mark where once an apartment building had stood, or the empty and shattered windows of corner stores staring out at the pair like empty eyes. If not for the fighting the past few days having left him feeling numb, along with the fury burning within him, Prose would have shivered at the sight of the lower class district. Now, all he can muster is more fury towards the stallion who has caused all of this, and think ahead to when Pitch shall face justice. Stopping as they reach the front gates, Prose turns to Cloak and pulls his hood back, causing the other Renegade to stop and pull his own hood back. “Before we go, Cloak, I have to ask,” Prose starts slowly, “is it as bad as I’ve heard out there?” Shaking his head, Cloak frowns. “No, it’s worse.” He then shrugs and smiles. “But, nothing we can’t handle. Descent has yet to lead us astray, and Rat trusts him.” “It’s not Descent that worries me, Cloak,” Prose offers with a sigh. “Have our brothers and sisters really fallen so deeply into their own addiction that they’ve truly fallen to madness?” Pulling off his cloak and putting it in a satchel, Cloak looks to Prose. “We’d best get going, we don’t want to be caught in the mountains at night.” Sighing, Prose pulls his own cloak off and nods. “Okay, lead the way, Cloak…” Cloak nods and takes off, Prose half a second behind him as he offers a silent prayer to Celestia and Luna that their journey is safe, and that his family is still there when he gets back. And then, one more prayer, that he makes it back at all. > Chapter 15: The Hunt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 15: The Hunt Striding down the brightly lit corridor of Canterlot Castle, Daring can’t help but feel like she is walking to her own execution. The fact she is flanked by no less than six guards, all hoof-picked by Amber Dawn himself, and on the way to the dungeons below the Castle only makes it worse. If not for the fact she is wearing a finely tailored RAF uniform with her rank and the insignia of the Wonderbolts Reserve Corps, she would likely make jokes to the tune of being under arrest for some joke made about Commander Knight’s narcolepsy. However, she is not being marched to the dungeons to be put in a cell. The soldiers around her are under her command, and they are escorting her to do perhaps the hardest thing she’ll do since taking over the Reserves in Canterlot; Talk to her cousin. Coming to the large reinforced doors that block the entrance to the twisting staircase into the abyss below, Daring holds up a hoof to silently order a halt. The guard squad assigned to her stops, their training causing them to react instantly. Sighing heavily, Daring looks to a nearby window, and closes her eyes as she lets the mid-morning sun streaming through the shattered remains of the window warm her coat. She takes strength from it, as she had taken strength from the warm body of her husband as they had consummated their marriage last night. Taking one more deep, long breath, Daring opens her eyes and smiles slightly. “We’ll, let’s go say hello to my dear cousin, shall we?” Daring mutters to herself. “Did you say something, ma’am?” a guard asks from beside her. “Nothing of importance, Private,” Daring sighs. “Lets just go get this over with.” Nodding, a pair of guards move forward and push the reinforced oak door open, a low grinding sound filling the air followed by a muted boom as the door swings fully open. Once the guards return to their places in the formation, the group starts forward again, compressing down into a single file line to navigate the stairs once past the initial guardhouse just beyond the gates. The descent down into the depths steals the warmth from the air, each step down the worn and rough hewn stone steps echoing forward and backwards in the passage like a funeral march. By the time they reach the dungeons, Daring’s breath mists slightly in the air to mix with the hazy smoke of the torches and lanterns that grace the dark spaces below the Castle with their light. “I’ll take two of you to the cell, the rest stay here in reserve,” Daring states calmly. “No point in having all of you down there, the corridors are too narrow.” “Of course,” the senior guard in her detail, a weathered sergeant, agrees. “I and the new recruit will accompany you, then.” Smirking, Daring nods. “Alright, you and Lode then, Sergeant Bulwark.” She starts off towards the door on the far end of the corridor, the rooms on this side of the door being the facilities for the guards and everything beyond the cells. She waits by the door for a moment for her reduced escort to catch up before opening the door and stepping into the actual jail part of the dungeon. Their journey is swift through the dark cut stone corridors, the occasional torch and magical lantern casting flickering shadows as they advance to a cell not far from the guard checkpoint they just left. Truthfully, their destination could have been deeper in the dungeon, for the twisting corridors extend deep into the bedrock upon which the Castle is built upon, deeper still than the crystal caverns that are above their heads, but being a high valued prisoner Daring’s cousin was housed in one of the more… accommodating cells. Stopping before a door like any other, Daring looks to the two guards with her and smirks. “If you hear any shrieking inside, I’ll need you to come in and rescue my cousin,” Daring quips. “Celestia knows last time I spent more than five minutes in a room with him, I nearly strangled him.” “Very well, Command Sergeant,” Bulwark replies with his own smirk. “Try not to kill him, though. A lot of us want a shot at him.” Putting a hoof on the door, Daring sighs, “Oh, fine, ruin my fun.” She then chuckles and pulls a key out of a uniform pocket which she uses to quickly unlock the door. “Right, I’ll be back shortly.” Not waiting for a nod from the two guards, Daring hands the key to Bulwark and steps inside. The door closes behind her, and the lock once more clicks into place as she stares at the form laying prone on the bunk in front of her. “I was wondering when one of you was going to come and gloat,” the stallion on the bunk sighs, not turning over to look at her. “Honestly, I’m insulted, it’s taken you this long to come here and rub my defeat in my face.” “That’s not why I am here,” Daring replies curtly. “And you know it.” She sighs and steps forward. “So turn over and look at me.” “Why should I? I am the Archduke of Canterlot,” the stallion replies, his tone cold. “Imprisoned I may be, but I shall never abandon my dignity.” “Blueblood,” Daring sighs. “Just as stubborn as always…” “You’re one to talk,” Blueblood replies, rolling over and glaring at Daring. “Of all the lesser nobles, you and perhaps your godmother are the most infuriating. Always you forget your station when speaking to your betters.” “Well, good thing I won’t have that problem anymore,” Daring shrugs as she pulls a stool over to sit in front of Blueblood’s cot. “My parents were advanced to Furst and Fursten in the wake of your uprising, my husband and I are now ranking nobles of the court.” “You and your husband?” Blueblood asks, raising an eyebrow. “Honestly, you actually married your clumsy gardener?” He sighs and rolls onto his back, hooves folded on his chest. “At least he is of noble blood. Minor nobility at that, you two deserve each other.” “I don’t know if I should be insulted that I have your blessing, or just smirk and make a witty comeback…” Daring muses with a frown. “Wait, no I know which one I should do. At least I’m married!” "Well, I was going to marry… I guess Doctor Hour would be your sister-in-law now. Her position in House Grey and as my aunt's student are circumstances highly in her favor.” Blueblood states with a lazy wave of his hoof. “She would make a suitable wife for a stallion of my standing." “I don’t think you’d survive the honeymoon,” Daring replies with a roll of her eyes. “And that’s assuming you make it to the ceremony!” She then smirks evilly and leans forward. “Besides, if I recall correctly, you found the perfect stallion years ago!” “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Blueblood growls, his face starting to turn red. “Oh, I think you do,” Daring smirks as Blueblood’s face continues to turn red. “But, then, I’m not here to talk about you and him breaking down the back door or anything.” “Good, because that’d never happen,” Blueblood grumbles, his face still a bright crimson as he turns his head to glare at her. “So why are you here?” “To help you, actually,” Daring starts as she fixes Blueblood with a flat look. “You were working with someone from the Shadowbolts, and I need to know who.” “Well, you’ve wasted your time,” Blueblood states sharply. “I’d never heard of the Shadowbolts until they blew up my house, and I’d never work with them.” “Then who gave you the crystal?” Daring inquires calmly. “As I understand, they come from the Shadowbolts, so you have to have worked with them to get one.” “I assure you, I never spoke with them,” Blueblood states forcefully, sitting up. “I would know if I was speaking to one of those pegasi!” “Well, who told you the Wonderbolts and Royal Guard had taken over Canterlot?” Daring continues asking. “Which, you should have known better than to believe! For one thing, I am a Wonderbolt, as are quite a few of the minor nobility!” “Then why did you keep us from the Castle?” Blueblood bites back. “And it was Secure Savings, he owns the Canterlot Bank and does a lot of business with the Castle. If anyone would know what is going on in there, it would be him.” Blueblood then pauses and narrows his eyes. “Are you telling me the Shadowbolts have more than just pegasi in their employ?” “Oh sweet Celestia,” Daring moans, putting a hoof to her face. “Now you get it?” She lowers her hoof and looks at Blueblood. “Yes, the Shadowbolts have an entire network of informants, of all tribes, that funnel them information. And apparently, they also do field work.” “They used me?” Blueblood growls, his eyes narrowing further. “THEY USED ME TO ATTACK MY CITY!?” “Yes, they did,” Daring says calmly. “They used you to invade the city, and kill thousands, Blueblood.” She leans forward, her face growing somber. “Many were of the peerage, and many more still were common ponies who looked up to you to protect them as the Archduke of this city, Blueblood. Their blood stains your hooves as much as Janus’, and the mercs have already faced their justice.” “I had wondered what that dreadful screaming was a few nights ago,” Blueblood muses darkly. “I take it somepony took it into their mind to make the world a better place?” “You could say that,” Daring shrugs, “but, like I said, I am here to help you. I’d rather not any more of my family, no matter how distantly related, die. We’ve had too much blood spilled.” “So, I tell you how to find Secure Savings, and what?” Blueblood asks, leaning back on his cot. “You make sure I don’t die a horrible, screaming, death from an assassin’s blade?” “Twilight will,” Daring sighs. “Not me. But only if you tell me how to draw the bastard out of hiding.” “I want a full pardon,” Blueblood states calmly. “No,” Daring replies sharply. “You’re lucky we didn’t just leave you to the mobs. You’ll take what Princess Twilight gives, and you’ll be glad you’re not swinging from the gallows.” “Fine,” Blueblood sighs. “Anything else?” “Yes,” Daring smiles, “Twilight told me if you cooperate you’ll be moved somewhere more fitting for your station, or past station however you want to think of it right now.” “Then, allow me to tell you what I know,” Blueblood smiles brightly, his eyes alight with the prospect of getting out of his cell. ------- “To think that coin counter is the source of our troubles,” Gold Star sighs, shaking his head. “But then, I shouldn’t be surprised, I’ve never trusted ponies who hoard money like dragons.” “They are needed to keep the economy going,” Twilight states calmly from where she is seated behind Celestia’s great desk. “His bank holds the payroll for many groups in Equestria, including the Royal Guard and the Wonderbolts.” Once more, Twilight had gone to her teacher’s study to find escape from the press of ponies needing her attention as the sole princess in Canterlot. Yet, even here she found herself with paperwork and other administrative things. Not that she minds it, honestly paperwork is something she does everyday, but with the majority of it being forms on how to rebuild the city she finds she wishes she could just curl up with a book and do nothing for the day. “At least he doesn’t hold onto my main source of income,” Daring chuckles from where she is seated in front of the large fireplace, the afternoon sun streaming through the open doorway behind her. “Though, knowing what I know now, I’m not sure I want to know where Prose gets the money to pay me.” “We’re getting off-track,” Dawn, who has been standing beside the closed door to Twilight’s left. “Princess, we need to figure out what we’re going to do with this information. The Guard can’t very well storm the Equestrian National Bank without cause, and we can’t publically name Secure Savings a traitor lest he run.” “Well, we could if we gathered the house of lords, and got them onboard with the information we’ve got,” Gold offers, gesturing to Daring. “Especially if it comes from her and Blueblood.” “Why me?” Daring says with a start, sitting up straight with a look of horror. “They likely hate me! And… well Blueblood is likely still in good terms with some of them, but I just got my rank handed to me on a silver platter!” “By me,” Twilight agrees with a sigh. “I won’t lie, I don’t know the first thing about Canterlot politics, even if I am a Princess, but I think Gold has a point. They might at least respect the rank, if not you, because I was the one to give it to you.” “I’ll concede that point,” Daring grumbles. “Not that I want to stand in front of a bunch of nobles and explain to them why we have to attack the building they house all their wealth in.” “Not if we tell them their wealth is under attack by the Shadowbolts,” Gold provides, a devious smile on his face. “Nothing gets those rich slobs off their flanks like a threat to their bits.” “Well, then let’s go with that,” Twilight declares before sighing and lifting some papers off the desk and stacking them. “Now, as much as I’d like to talk, I need to get back to looking over these papers, otherwise nothing will ever get done.” She shakes her head and mutters softly to nopony in particular. “How did Celestia put up with all this paperwork?” “By your leave, Princess,” Dawn says with a salute before he opens the door, holding it open for Gold who likewise salutes and walks out. Daring, however, doesn’t move, and insteads looks to Twilight with a small smile. “Uhm, Princess, before you get back to that, could you spare a moment for a something slightly personal?” Looking up from the papers at Daring, then back at the papers, Twilight smiles slightly and nods to Daring. “Of course, I can spare a moment, Daring.” She inclines her head to Dawn who nods and closes the door. “So, what do you need to talk about?” “Well,” Daring starts, crossing over to stand in front of the desk. “It’s about Blueblood’s release to a room here in the Castle. I’ve got an idea, and I wanted to ask you about it.” ------ Walking past the checkpoint a block down the street from Canterlot’s main power station, Foxfire can’t help but wince as she starts to feel the magical energy in the air start to grow more dense and cause the part of her head directly around and beneath her horn to throb. The entire block around the power station had been rendered nearly uninhabitable in the wake of the power station’s explosion during the battle, as any unicorn living in the area was unable to perform even the most basic of magics. As such, Foxfire has no doubt she is the only unicorn in the area. All the workers she has seen so far are earth ponies or pegasi. Turning a corner and walking down the next street directly towards the entrance to the power station’s service tunnel, Foxfire smiles as she notices a familiar red pegasus break off from a group of workers and start over towards her. “Well, lass, I didn’t expect to see you out here,” Miracle says with a smile. “Thought you’d be at the Castle helpin’ hold things together.” “I’ve got a degree in science and magical theory, Captain,” Foxfire smirks. “I figured I’d sat on my flank long enough and should roll my sleeves back up and see about lending you stallions a hand out here.” “We could use all the help we can get,” Miracle sighs, looking around. “Whole place is a right bloody mess. And it only gets worse once you get underground.” As if to prove his point, a loud thumping sound echos through the air, followed by a discharge of magical lighting arching up from the center of the power station and into the sky. As it hits the clouds it arcs back down to touch a lighting rod secured a short distance away from Foxfire and Miracle with a muted pop. “You all didn’t toss the emergency switch on those laylines?” Foxfire asks with a worried frown. “Lass, there isn’t any emergency shutoff down there,” Miracle shrugs. “It’s all gone. We’ve been trying to tame the magical storms down there so we can get more unicorn personnel in, but it’s an uphill battle.” He turns and gestures for her to follow him towards the group he had been standing with is. “But I’ll let the stallion heading this operation fill you in.” As they grow closer, Foxfire hears a gruff voice arguing in the group they’re about to come up upon, the tone causing her to frown further and her ears to tilt forward. “Look, I don’t care how many more rods we have to put up, we’ve got to get this damned storm under control NOW or you’re going to have to tell the Princess why the city is still without power!” “Y-Yes sir,” another stallion replies before running off. “Iron, you really shouldn’t scare them like that,” Miracle chuckles as he comes up to the group, which Foxfire now realizes is around a table. “They’re all afraid as it is.” “As they should be,” Iron grumbles. “The entire city is without power, and we’re going to need it before the emergency failsafes start kicking out.” “How long before that?” Foxfire asks, scooting in beside Miracle, causing everypony present except Miracle to blink. “How long until we start losing the emergency water and the limited power?” “Week, week and a half?” Iron replies. “And who the hay are you?” “Iron Anvil, this is Foxfire Prose,” Miracle chuckles. “She’s a friend, and a unicorn who specializes in magical and scientific fields.” He then looks to Foxfire and gestures to Iron. “And this, lass, is Iron Anvil. He’s the head of Canterlot’s Public Works, and an old friend from my navy days.” “A pleasure,” Iron grunts before looking to the table, and the diagrams and schematics upon it. “Not sure what use you’ll be out here; you can’t use your magic.” “I have my brain, Mister Anvil,” Foxfire answers with a smirk. “And that is all I’m going to need. So, what’s the situation?” “You ever see the end result of a cascading magical implosion?” Iron asks bluntly. “Not up close, no,” Foxfire states slowly. “Well, now you have,” Iron sighs as he moves some papers on the table and points to a diagram of the Canterlot power system. “All the magic in the grid got sucked into the crater next to us when the station imploded. I’m not sure what they hit it with, but I’d love to beat the bastard who designed it.” “Most likely the cannon outside the city,” Miracle provides. “It’s a nasty beast of a gun, shells are the size of a steam engine.” “No kidding?” Iron asks, in disbelief, shaking his head when both Foxfire and Miracle nod. “Well, guess I should be glad I was underground when the battle was taking place.” He then looks back to the diagram. “But, that doesn’t help us solve this problem. We need to disperse the mass of magic down there so the grid can start back up, otherwise we’ll just feed more magic into it.” “Have you tried isolating this area of the city?” Foxfire inquires, looking at the schematic in front of her. “If you cut the flow of power at these junctions it might allow you to isolate the magical feedback and starve it out?” “We’ve tried, it’s drawin on the ambient magic of the area,” Iron says sadly. “We’ve cut it off like you said when we got here, but it just keeps drawing power,” he pauses as another magical lighting bolt shoots up from the center of the crater, “and it keeps getting bigger.” “What about grounding it? Or even causing it to explode in a controlled way?” Miracle offers. “It’s how we deal with the magical engines when they go critical in the navy.” “You blow them up?” Foxfire asks, a stunned look on her face. “Well, no, we toss ‘em off the ship and pray it doesn’t blow us up,” Miracle chuckles weakly. “Well, that doesn’t help us here,” Iron grunts. “And we’ve not been able to get close enough to get any kind of grounding instrument into the eye of that thing.” “You try from the air?” Foxfire says, pointing up towards the cloudy sky. “Might be able to get one in with a couple pegasi, or an airship.” “I’m not sending any of the foals working under me up there to try and thread that needle,” Iron states flatly. “And I don’t know any airship Captains crazy enough to put their ship over that thing.” “Is Voyager still here?” Foxfire asks, looking over to Miracle. “Why, lass, I think it is,” Miracle replies, a smile forming on his face. He looks to Iron and nods towards the way he and Foxfire had come from. “The Comms station out there still working?” “Should be, why?” Iron inquires, raising an eyebrow. “Because I know a Captain crazy enough to sail into that maelstrom.” Miracle laughs as he moves away and gallops down the street. Blinking slowly, Iron looks back over at Foxfire who is continuing to smile. “Right, so I guess we wait to see if he can wrangle your Captain,” he clears his throat and points towards the diagram again. “In the meantime, let me go over some things with you, seeing as Miracle likes you you might be worth your salt.” Nodding, Foxfire settles in and listens to Iron detail out everything she’ll need to know if she wants to help. It’s fairly technical, and somewhat beyond the level of engineering she is used to, but she is able to understand the majority of what she is told, and even contributes a little to the discussion via insights into magical theory. In all, Iron talks for nearly an hour, and stops only when a large shadow and the low hum of airship engines fills the air above them. Breaking her attention away from the papers in front of her on the table, Foxfire looks up and smiles as she spots the familiar shape of HMS Voyager floating above her. Her smile widens as a hatch opens up and Miracle flies down towards them. He lands a short distance away, slightly unsteady because even pegasi magic is slightly disrupted by the amount of magical feedback in the area, and walks over to the pair at the table with a wide grin. “I got her to agree to help us,” Miracle declares proudly. “She even has a mithril-core rod aboard her ship, should do better at channeling the ambient magic than a steel or iron cored rod.”   “Mithril-cored rod?” Foxfire says slowly, her eyes wide. “Where the hay did she dig that beauty up?!” “Wouldn’t say, but she was more than willing to dispense of it if it meant helping the city,” Miracle chuckles with a shrug. “And how, my old friend, is she going to deliver it? Can’t just drop it out of a door into the crater. And she can’t magically place it,” Iron states, looking up at the airship. “And I honestly hope she isn’t planning on shooting it out of a cannon.” “Nah, nothin’ like that, Iron,” Miracle smirks. “She’s loading it into a ballista on the bottom deck. She’ll angle her ship a little, and shoot it in. Won’t be a clean, straight, shot but it should do the trick.” “I’ll take it,” Iron sighs. “Worst case it doesn’t work, and we’re back to square one.” He then smiles and looks over at Miracle. “But, if you taught me anything, you old bag of wind, it’s that sometimes the stranger solutions work best.” He then looks around and shrugs. “And, honestly, after this past week I’m a stronger believer of that than I ever was.” “Well, glad one of my students took my teachings to heart, and used ‘em for good things,” Miracle sighs before looking back up at the airship. “She should be firing any moment. Perhaps we’d best put some distance between us and the target.” “Agreed,” Foxfire nods, turning and looking down the street. “There a bunker near here, or should we go out to the radio station?” “There is a bunker, but it’s currently closed off due to artillery damage,” Iron replies as he starts off down the street, prompting the others to follow. “Lets get to the station on the edge of the contamination area, should be safe from there. We should also be able to speak to Voyager from there.” The three head towards the outskirts, turning down the street Foxfire had come from when a loud siren starts blaring in the area prompting all remaining personnel to evacuate towards a safe distance. The evacuation is orderly, and Foxfire can’t help but smile as they pass other groups making their way out as if it was their lunch break. Upon reaching the radio station, which is a sandbagged storefront that Foxfire assumes had served as forward operation post during the riots, Iron stops and shields his eyes with one arm as he looks up towards Voyager, which is starting to move towards the raging clouds in the center of the damaged power station. “I hope they know what they’re doing,” Iron says flatly. “We’ll be the ones to have to scrape them off the pavement if that ship goes up.” “Don’t worry, Captain Noire’s crew knows what they’re doing,” Miracle replies, patting Iron on the shoulder. “And that ship is built to withstand far worse than that magical storm.” “I hope so,” Iron grunts as he turns back towards the radio post and walks to the door. “But, let's go listen in, might prove entertaining at least.” Following Iron and Miracle inside, Foxfire sits down next to the large, and mostly broken, window that had once been served most likely as a cafe window, she watches Voyager as it floats almost lazily towards the dark clouds. She keeps one ear turned towards the radio which is sitting on the large bar-like counter on the other side of the room, smirking slightly at the chatter between the operator and the Tactical officer aboard the airship. Most of it is inane banter, but every minute or two the officer gives a status update on the airship’s progress, until they’re directly over the eye of the magical storm. “Alright, we’re ready to launch the rod,” the tactical officer’s voice declares. “I hope everypony’s clear of the area, no telling what this’ll do!” “Area is clear, Voyager,” Iron says into the microphone. “Launch the rod at your discretion.” As soon as Iron finishes, Foxfire watches the airship start to tip slightly so the left side is facing slightly down towards the eye of the storm. “Risky maneuver, that,” Miracle says softly as he comes up next to Foxfire to watch. “They’re increasing the thrust on one side of the ship, and decreasing it on the other. Whole ship tips to one side, but anything not nailed down will fall across the deck.” “Not much choice, though,” Foxfire comments as a port on the side of the ship opens and a large ballista pokes out. “Just hope we’re right about Voyager.” “Me too, lass,” Miracle admits. Further conversation is cut off as the ballista fires, the rod loaded into it streaking down into the center of the ruined power station. For a moment, nothing happens and everypony holds their breath as the airship quickly rights itself and starts out of the storm. However, right as Voyager reaches the edge of the stormclouds, lightning suddenly fills the sky and arcs down towards the center of the power station. A good deal strikes Voyager, arcing off its hull on the way down towards the power station, causing it to lose some altitude, but the airship manages to stay in the air as the loudest clap of thunder erupts into existence and assaults the area. The thunder is so loud and powerful, that Foxfire is almost afraid it will shake the building she is in apart. But, after a few moments of rattling, and no small amount of glass breaking in the already ruined window, the world returns to normal. “Anyone injured?” Iron calls from near the counter where he had taken cover under a table. A chorus of replies calling out no injuries quickly answers and Iron grunts as he stands up and heads for the window. “I’m getting too old for all these loud noises and earthquakes. If it’s not artillery, it’s the damned magical power stations trying to tear themselves apart.” Stopping at the window, he offers a hoof to Foxfire who had crouched down to avoid falling glass. “But, it looks like that stunt payed off a bit.” He nods towards the skies above the power station, a smirk on his face. Accepting the hoof up, Foxfire follows his gaze and smiles warmly. The sky above the power station, though not completely clear, is free of the dark clouds that had gathered in the wake of the magical explosion. “Well then, looks like the real work can start,” Foxfire comments, looking between Iron and Miracle, who is likewise getting up from where he had taken cover. “And we’re going to have to buy Captain Noire a round, otherwise I’ll never hear the end of it when I get back to the Castle.” > Chapter 16: Spies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 16: Spies Walking triumphantly into one of the secluded meeting rooms in Canterlot Castle, Twilight cannot help but smile brightly as she crosses towards the table in the room, which has been set with tea for four. Reaching the table, Twilight gently levitates her tiara off and places it on the table as she turns to look at the others who have entered the room behind her. First, wearing his polished dress armor complete with medals, comes Commander Dawn who is holding his head high with a small playful smirk on his face. He crosses to the table, quickly followed by the former Wonderbolt Wind Rider who is likewise in good spirits, and finds a seat beside Twilight before removing his helmet. Lastly, comes the newest addition to the upper echelons of Canterlot’s noble society. Dressed in her Royal Equestrian Air Force dress blues which also bears a few medals for bravery and other such things, Daring’s scowl could almost curdle milk or perhaps cause a few hearts to stop from sheer fear. Chuckling at Daring’s expression, Twilight smiles to her friend. “It wasn’t that bad, Daring,” She nods towards the last seat, pouring some tea with her magic. “You did a wonderful job speaking our case to the nobles.” “My mouth tastes like I’ve been kissing plots,” Daring grumbles as she come over to the table to sit down. “Anyone have a breath mint?” Reaching into a pocket on his flight jacket, Rider offers Daring a few breath mints with a smile. “I always keep a few of these on hoof in case I have to talk to a bunch of nobles,” He pops one into his own mouth. “Always leaves a bad taste in my mouth too.” “I hope I’m not included in that statement,” Twilight smirks as she finishes pouring the tea. “Anyway, the nobles are onboard with our plan, if all goes well we should be able to sort out the last pocket of Shadowbolt resistance without further problems.” “True,” Daring sighs as she puts a mint into her mouth before smiling. “And, I would never include a fan such as you in a group like that, Princess.” She then picks up her teacup, which Twilight had just filled, and sips from it causing a smile to spread over her face. “Is this one of Fine’s blends?” “Yes,” Twilight admits, a small blush on her face. “I mentioned to her that I really liked this blend, and she just sort of gave me a few full tins of it as a thank you for showing up and helping save the city.” “Ha, sounds like her alright,” Daring chuckles before sipping her tea again. “This’ll go a long way to counteracting the dull buzzing in my ears, and the ache between my eyes.” She sighs and looks to Dawn and Rider. “But, then, we’ve got business still to attend to, don’t we?” “We do, I fear,” Dawn agrees as he puts his own teacup down. Looking to Twilight, his gaze takes on a sharper edge, making Twilight blink a bit as he instantly becomes professional. “Princess, while discretely attempting to give orders to my guards, I fear a servant overheard me. I thought nothing of it, but that same servant soon after left the Castle and headed towards the Secure Savings bank. They were apprehended and brought back to the castle for questioning.” Taking a slow sip of her tea before slowly lowering to rest lightly on the saucer before her, Twilight sighs. “I didn’t want to think that there were those within the Castle who worked for the Shadowbolts,” she looks to her companions, a frown forming on her lips. “But, I guess such beliefs are now unfounded, and we must entertain the idea that the Shadowbolts have agents inside the Castle, and may yet learn of our plans, if they have not already.” “Well, what are we going to do?” Daring asks slowly, her eyes narrowing. “I’m not about to let all the hard work I just went through to kiss up to all those stuffy nobles go to waste.” “We won’t let it go to waste,” Dawn chimes in, a sad smile on his face. “But, we’re going to need to plug the leak now that we know it might exist.” “How, exactly?” Rider asks, frowning. “We can’t just round up everyone in the Castle on the grounds that they might be a Shadowbolt. That’d only give Earl Grey more to toss at us at the trial, give him grounds to claim that Blueblood was right.” He looks over at Dawn and gestures with one hoof in a circular motion. “Did you get anything out of the servant who was going to warn Secure?” “Not as much as I would have liked,” Dawn admits, earning him a raised eyebrow from Twilight. “We asked him, without forcing him, to tell us who he was and why he was working for the Shadowbolts, and if there were anymore within the Castle’s staff.” He sighs, slumping a bit in his seat. “He told us nothing, even spit in my lieutenant’s face.” “Well that gets us nowhere,” Daring says with a shake of her head. “I’d suggest letting me talk to him, but I don’t think Twilight would approve of my methods.” “No, I don’t think I would,” Twilight agrees before sighing and putting her face in her hooves. “We can’t stoop to torture. It’s against Equestrian Law, so we’ll just have to come up with something to keep everypony located in the Castle currently in the Castle until we take care of Secure.” “Knight and I can inform the staff that we’re running a drill?” Dawn says slowly as he scratches his chin with a hoof. “Possibly get the Reserves in on it too, or at least Daring and Wind here,” he nods to Daring who smiles, and Wind who shrugs, “make it look like we’re prepping for a just in case scenerio.” “That could work,” Daring admits, her smile growing. “Could rope the entire garrison into it? Inside and outside the Castle, to make it seem like a universal thing. Keep it going up until the day we strike Secure Savings’ bank and we’d have a good cover for moving troops around.” “It’ll draw a lot of attention, though,” Rider comments as he sips his tea. “Though, that might be what we want, get the city focused on us training and draw attention away from the real activities.” “That solves some of the problem,” Twilight states as she looks between the other three with her. “But, the servants and civilians in the Castle will still be wandering the halls.” “Not if we tell them that we’re restricting the movement of all non-military personnel,” Dawn answers, his brow furrowing. “They won’t like it, and I hate to order it, but we can make it seem like it’s part of the exercise.” “It sounds like we’ve got the start of a plan,” Dawn nods before looking at Twilight. “You’re going to be busy, though, when we put this into effect. A lot of ponies are going to come to you to complain.” “Sounds like a normal day to me,” Twilight sighs, rolling her eyes. “I’d never realized how much ponies complain or seek others to solve their problems before coming into my crown.” She leans back and looks at her crown, a small smirk on her face. “But let them come, if it helps you all catch the bad guys, I’ll smile and weather the storm.” “We are deeply honored that you’d do this for us, Twilight,” Daring smiles as she refills her teacup. “But, I think if we’ve got the military stuff out of the way, we should turn to the more domestic stuff.” She frowns and holds her cup between her hooves and looks at it. “The power has yet to come back on, and in light of our plan I think it’s time we start thinking of suspending the majority of the…” She pauses and looks up at Twilight, an unsure expression coming over her face. “We should suspend the recovery efforts and focus on clearing spaces to set up tents and other non-permanent shelters for civilians.” Twilight stares blankly at Daring for a few moments, her teacup suspended in front of her face as the words slowly sink in. The others at the table are likewise staring at Daring, except for Dawn who is nodding slowly as he looks down at the table. “That might be for the best,” Dawn says softly, his ears going back against his head. “We need to look after the living first.” He looks up at Daring, his face taking on a hard expression. “I suggest we focus near the train station, a lot of the buildings around it were businesses, we shouldn’t run into too many… bodies there, and once we’ve got the spaces clear we can focus on getting the trains moving again, get fresh supplies in, and refugees out.” Shaking her head -- as well as pushing aside the twisting feeling in her gut at how two of the city’s top commanders have decided to give up on recovering the fallen in Canterlot -- Twilight puts down her tea and clears her throat. “Admiral Star has offered the use of the Naval Air Supply and Logistics Fleet to resupply Canterlot as well as to get civilians who wish to leave out of the city.” “That’s all well and good, Princess,” Rider says warmly, his own tea now on the table as well. “But, ASLF is based out of Fillydelphia. The trains would offer a larger range, and more destinations. We can’t get everything from the Navy at this point, nor from the CAG, we need to get the civilian services up as soon as possible.” “I-I guess that makes sense,” Twilight sighs. “I just don’t want to stop all the recovery efforts, we owe to the ponies who’ve lost loved ones to… to find them as soon as we can, and allow them to say their goodbyes.” She shakes her head and takes a deep breath. “It’s a horrible feeling, not knowing if you’re friends and family are still alive, and I will not allow my ponies to suffer any more than they have to. I will not order the recovery operations to be suspended.” She pauses for a moment, allowing her commanding tone to sink in before continuing. “But, I will order the majority of those who are working on it to do as you have laid out, and clear spaces around the train depot. Once we have it operational again, we can bring in new workers along with the supplies…” “Your ponies, eh?” Daring asks with a chuckle, causing Twilight to blush slightly. “You sound like Celestia, I like it.” She drains what remains of her tea and stands up. “Hold onto that courage, Twilight, you’re going to need to be every bit as courageous as your mentor in the coming days.” ---- Humming softly as she sews a small red cape together, Foxfire’s eyes stray every so slowly up towards the young colt sitting beside her on the couch, his eyes purple fixated on a book in front of him. Every few lines in the book, which is about wildlife, he narrows his eyes and quietly mouths the word he is stuck on slowly to puzzle it out. The action causes Foxfire to laugh silently, but she otherwise does not comment. However, as she watches the young colt read, her attention is inevitably drawn to the other occupants in the room, especially the large form of the pegasus mare sitting at the table a respectful distance away from Foxfire. In the day since her husband had left, Foxfire had gotten to know the former Jaeger, and had grown to, if not fully trust her, at least like her. Yet, the more she had gotten to know Grace, the more Foxfire saw something familiar in her. The way she did things, especially her way of treating the foals, reminds her quite a bit of her husband. Currently, however, the large mare is pouring over paperwork along with another former JSS experiment, both of them looking as if what’s written on the pages is the most important thing in the world. And, quite possibly, it might be. It might also be vastly important to her, too. Admitting that to herself, even silently, causes her to smile warmly as she puts aside her sewing and carefully extract herself from the side of the colt beside her. He gives her a sad, almost scared look, as she steps off the couch, and moves to close his book and get up with her. “You should keep reading,” Foxfire says softly, gently nuzzling the colt’s neck. “I don’t want you to leave,” he replies softly, the scared look in his eyes remaining even as he opens the book as if on instinct. “I don’t want to be alone.” “I’m not leaving the room, little one,” Foxfire responds gently as she points over towards Grace and Dee Seven. “I’ll just be over there talking with Dee and Grace.” “Oh, okay…” the colt quietly offers, lowering his head down towards the book as he pulls his wings tighter to his body. Lingering for a moment longer, Foxfire’s smile slips and she slowly looks away from the colt before turning and walking away. As she reaches the table, she finds Grace looking at her, a smile on her face. The large pegasus looks over to Dee and makes a few quick gestures, earning a nod from the other mare. “Grace wishes me to inform you that she believes that young colt looks up to you,” Dee states as Grace makes a few more motions. “She believes it is a good thing, and that he could not have chosen a better pony to attach himself to.” “Thank you,” Foxfire replies, her smile returning slightly. “How are things over here?” “Our work progresses at an acceptable pace,” Dee comments, returning her attention to the paperwork before her. “I did not, however, realize there were this many forms required for what we are attempting.” “You work with the navy, Dee,” Foxfire chuckles as she takes a seat between the two at the table. “I would have thought you would be used to this much red tape.” “The forms in the Navy, and the ones here, do not have any red tape attached to them.” Dee informs Foxfire with a raised eyebrow. “It’s an expression,” Foxfire sighs, her smile growing. “But it’s not important. What is important, is offering the foals a chance at a better life.” She looks over her shoulder at the young colt on the couch. “They deserve that much after all they’ve been through.” A tap on her shoulder pulls her attention to Grace, who once more makes gestures so that Dee can speak for her. “She wants to know if you’ve figured out a name for him,” Dee translates. “I was thinking Fox Tale,” Foxfire replies slowly. “He seems to really like reading, and his coloration fits…” Smiling brightly, Grace nods in fervent agreement. “An accurate name,” Dee agrees without looking up from her paperwork. “Perhaps the rest who wish to be adopted will gain names such as that, and be free of their past.” “Well, so far everypony that has opened their homes to the foals are good ponies,” Foxfire states confidently as she looks over the forms. “I mean, Fine Brew and Holly Sweep, Distant and her husband,” she flips to another page. “Fancy and Fleur! Honestly, I think the foals are going to good homes, Dee.” Dee opens her mouth to respond, but is cut off as the door to the room opens and a voice comes through. “Come on, Mugsyyy!” the voice whines, “You promised you’d take this seriously!” “Rain, I don’t know,” a second voice replies to the first. “I mean, do we have time to take care of a foal?” “Of course we do!” the first voice states enthusiastically as a sapphire blue pegasus stallion skips in, a wide smile on his face. “If Dusty has the time, so do we!” “Fine, we can at least ask about it,” the second voice, obviously ‘Mugsy’, sighs as a light brown unicorn walks in. “Just don’t get your hopes up.” “Magic Mug? Purple Rain?” Foxfire asks slowly, a confused look on her face. “Miss Foxy!” Rain greets Foxfire in a sing-song voice. “We heard there are some foals for adoption, and we were interested in seeing if we’d be allowed to adopt one.” “I wouldn’t be opposed to it,” Foxfire shrugs with a smile. “I mean, I know you two from around Ponyville as good ponies.” She then turns back to the table and chuckles. “Plus, I was wondering when I’d see you two. Mug’s sister was in here earlier, and is adopting two herself.” “My… sister?” Mug says suddenly, ears standing up straight. “She is adopting a couple foals?” “Your sister is Viscountess Grey?” Dee inquires from where she is sitting, bringing the attention of the two stallions to her. “Yes she is…” Mug starts slowly as he looks Dee over with confusion. “It sounds just like Brewsky to open her home and heart to poor orphaned foals,” Rain sighs happily, a smile on his face as he wanders over to the table. “What with her daughter adopting that poor unfortunate little colt, I would expect nothing less of dear Brewsky!” He looks between the three mares, his smile growing. “So! How do we go about this?” “Well, if you want to adopt one-” Foxfire starts. “We’re adopting two,” Mug cuts in, coming over to the table. “Really!?” Rain gasps, wrapping his arms around Mug’s neck. “TWO!? Is it my birthday!?” “You say that now, but remember the condition for adopting one?” Mug says with a serious expression. “I can’t flirt for a whole month,” Rain sighs heavily, slumping his shoulders as his lower lip quivers. “I guess you’ll want to make it two now, right?” He stops hugging his husband and puts the back of one hoof to his forehead. “I don’t know how I’ll do it, but I guess I shall do my best to endure such torment, if only for the foals!” “Yes, yes you will,” Mug states calmly. “However, it’s not going to be two months. If you want to adopt these foals, it’s no flirting for the whole summer.” Rain looks over at his husband with a stricken look, opening his mouth to complain, but Mug’s stern expression cuts him off “No arguing, or you’re sleeping on the couch for that entire time too.” “Oh, poo,” Rain sighs, crossing his arms. “I guess I’ll just have to keep busy shamelessly spoiling the foals.” “That’s the spirit,” Mug chuckles before looking at Foxfire and the others. “So, how do we go about this?” “Well, we have you fill out the forms, and then introduce you to the foals who want to be adopted,” Foxfire says with a smile. “Then we’ll go from there.” “Right, got that Ra…” Mug starts looking over to where his husband had been moments before, only to find him gone. “Oh great… where’d he go now?” “He went into the next room,” Dee states calmly as she writes on a form. “He seemed to have gotten bored of waiting, and went to go see the foals.” “Leave it to him to skip the first couple steps…” Mug sighs with a roll of his eyes before looking at Foxfire. “Alright, well I’d better fill out a form for two foals before he comes back out here with more than that.” “That may be for the best,” Dee once more says calmly. “Your husband seems the type to want to adopt all orphaned foals, and I do not think you could support all of them.” “Can’t be that many,” Mug shrugs as he sits down and levitates a pen out of a pocket of his jacket. “There are over a hundred in this wing of the Castle,” Dee replies with a serious expression. “That many? Our house is a little too small for that many…” Mug chuckles weakly as he takes the form Foxfire floats over to him. “So, how many have been adopted?” “Eleven,” Foxfire says proudly. “At least, out of the ones Dee and Grace here are looking over. They’re the ones who want to be adopted, though.” “Ah, I see,” Mug smiles slightly. Foxfire watches him fill out the form, occasionally helping him where he needs it, and smiles warmly as he signs his name. As she levitates the form over to the pile of finished ones, her tail is slightly pulled, and she looks back to find Tale standing behind her with a hesitant look on his face. “Yes?” Foxfire asks softly, her smile turning motherly. “I got lonely…” the young colt admits, looking down and scuffing the floor with a hoof. Without saying another word, Foxfire scoots back a bit and levitates him up to sit in front of her. He scoots back against Foxfire’s chest, and nuzzles into the bottom of her jaw before he starts to just silently observe. Smiling, Mug gives Foxfire a knowing look as she gently strokes Tale’s mane with a hoof. He opens his mouth, most likely to comment on the fact that Foxfire has a vested interest in helping adopt out the foals, when loud giggles suddenly echo from the other room. The giggles are followed by Rain, who prances into the room with a couple of fillies under his wings, a triumphant smile on his face. “I think I found the chosen ones, dear husband,” Rain purrs beside Mug before gently letting the two fillies down from beneath his wings. “Allow me to introduce you to your daughters!” He sits down between the two fillies, and gently rests a hoof on the first, who is a pegasus. “This is Raspberry Beret,” he puts his other hoof on the other who beams up at Mug. “And this is Pink Cashmere!” He then wraps his arms around both of them and pulls them close. “I’ve been telling them all about Ponyville, and they’re really excited to come home with us!” “You’re going to want me to serve drinks named after them now, aren’t you?” Mug sighs, attempting to sound stern despite a smile spreading across his face. “Like after we got married, and you wanted me to name a drink after you.” “Aww, but you loved the drink I came up with!” Rain says with a pout. “Besides, you might have been able to say no to me, but you’ll never be able to say no to all three of us!” Mug opens his mouth, but stops as he looks down at the three who are all now giving him looks that make even Foxfire’s heart skip a beat at just how adorable they are. Much like Rain had done earlier when he had pouted, Cashmere and Raspberry are giving Mug wide-eyed stares, their lower lips quivering with their ears flat against their head. Silently, Foxfire muses that the only thing that could tip it any further in their favor is if somepony started playing sappy music. “Oh, fine!” Mug breaks down, throwing his hooves up in the air. “But if they don’t sell in a week, I’m taking them off the menu.” “Does this mean we’re adopting them?” Rain asks slowly, his expression remaining. “Of course we’re adopting them, you silly fool,” Mug replies with a smile as he gets down from his chair and pulls Rain and the two fillies into a warm embrace. “I already signed the paperwork.” Watching the new family hug, Foxfire can’t help but wrap her own arms around the colt sitting with her and gently nuzzle the top his head. “You know, they’re not the only ones who’ve been adopted,” she says softly. “What’cha think, want to make it official? Me tucking you in at night?” “Do you mean it?” he asks softly, looking up at her with wide eyes. “Paperwork is all filled out,” Foxfire states warmly, once more nuzzling his head. “So, if you want, you can be my little Fox Tale.” For a moment, the colt says nothing, but simply blinks slowly. Then, tears form in his eyes and he turns around and hugs Foxfire tightly as if she is the most important thing in the world. “I’d love that,” Tale says as he presses his face against her chest before looking up at her with a look that makes Foxfire’s own eyes tear up. “Mom.” ---- Walking down the brightly lit corridor of the Castle, Blueblood can’t help but hold his head lower than he usually does. All around him, evidence of his sins stare him in the face in the form of the broken windows, and empty eyes of the ponies. Though he keeps a straight face, his heart aches with every blank look aimed at him, or every time a pony spits at him before turning away. Worse still, perhaps, is his ‘honor guard’. The heavily sound of their armored shoes, and loud clanking of their armor, reminding him that he is not a free pony by any means even more than the ring securely fastened to his horn. Yet, a part of him won’t surrender to the overwhelming shame he is feeling right now. A part of him -- instilled into him by the rough side of his father’s hoof and the sharp side of his mother’s tongue -- refuses to show anything but the calm and collected expression of his station. This causes more than a few to try and advance towards him, profound anger in their eyes, only to be stopped by his escort. “I know it’s hard for you,” a voice states calmly from Blueblood’s left, “but you really should at least pretend to feel guilty for what you did.” “I do, Yearling,” Blueblood says softly, his eyes falling to the floor as he walks. “I know it’s hard for you to understand, but this is my city. The injury I’ve done to it and its ponies? It’s like stabbing myself now that my head's clear.” “All the same,” Daring replies, bringing Blueblood’s attention over to her. “Let's just get you to your new rooms before one of the staff decides to actually stab you while me and the other ponies guarding you suddenly get amnesia.” “You’d enjoy that, wouldn’t you,” Blueblood sighs, a small smirk creeping onto his face and breaking his stately mask. “But I like not being full of holes, so you’ll have to not develop memory problems.” The group picks up pace, causing Blueblood to canter to keep up with the guard ponies as they enter into the undamaged guest wing. They pass by Twilight’s rooms, as well as a room that has a soft blue glow coming from beneath the door, and even a pair of stallions carrying two giggling fillies on their backs. The giggling stops, though, when the fillies spot the Guards, and the stallions stiffen when they spot Blueblood. Turning his eyes forward, he tries his best to ignore the small voice that echoes to him from one of the fillies. “Papa Rain, who is that?” “A very bad pony, Raspberry,” the reply comes, causing Blueblood’s ears to flatten in shame. And then they’re at a door. Pausing long enough for Daring to open it and dismiss all but two guards, Blueblood is ushered through and into a spacious and well furnished common room. Looking around slowly, Blueblood spots a few dusty and somewhat scorched trunks that he recognizes as being from his home, as well as a few other personal items. “Twilight figured you’d want to have at least something from home,” Daring answers Blueblood’s thoughts. “And we were already poking around in what’s left of your house, so nopony objected.” She walks forward towards another door in the room, pausing slightly to look over her shoulder. “Though, I’m sure you understand if not everything we salvaged made it here.” For a moment, rage boils up in Blueblood’s chest causing him to take a step forward. But as he does, he steps in front of the large windows and his attention is drawn outside to the state of the city. And, overlaid over the scene of destruction and sorrow, is the twisted and rage filled reflection of his own face. Instantly, he feels a stab of horror at that expression, so similar to his own father’s, and he looks back to Daring as the rage dies out. With a sigh, he looks towards the carpet and speaks softly. “To the victorious go the spoils,” he offers, turning towards a couch to go sit down. “Just, make sure one of the swords in my collection goes to you and to that stallion who was fighting me.” “I’ll keep that in mind,” Daring shrugs as she opens a door, peeking inside. “So, this little suite comes with two bedrooms, a kitchenette, and a fully stocked bathroom.” She closes the door and frowns. “Quite frankly, it’s a lot better than what me and my husband have, so I hope you realize just how lucky you are that Princess Twilight doesn’t hold a grudge.” “Perhaps she is simply giving me the proper respect due an Archduke,” Blueblood deadpans. “Even under arrest, I am afforded a certain amount of respect and comforts.” He gestures to the room, a small smirk playing on his face. “Such as this room, it is nicer than yours because you are nothing more than a lowborn noble, nor are you a high ranking officer, or even for that matter rich.” “Well, forgive me for only being a Marchioness who has to work for a living,” Daring quips back with a roll of her eyes. “I didn’t make the cut to sit on my flank and drink expensive wines, and kick dirt in the faces of the servants.” “Yes, well,” Blueblood coughs as he looks around again. “Speaking of such, was I assigned a servant? My-” “Yes, yes, ‘your station demands certain things’, I get it,” Daring sighs, putting a hoof to her face. “And no, we didn’t forget, or rather, I didn’t forget. Twilight wasn’t going to assign you one, but I convinced her otherwise.” She lowers her hoof and smiles a bit too wide. “In fact, I found the perfect one to be your personal bodypony.” “Well?” Blueblood asks, raising an eyebrow and making a circling motion with a hoof. “Where is he?” “In the kitchen, I asked him to prepare some lunch for you,” Daring remiles, her smile growing, if that is even possible. “He said he knew all your favorite dishes, so I didn’t argue, can’t have you being uncomfortable after all!” She turns and heads to a door between the two leading to bedrooms. “I’ll go get him.” Shaking his head, Blueblood slides off the couch and goes to one of the trunks. Opening it, he shifts through the contents, which is mostly just clothing and various personal objects like smaller pictures and keepsakes. Pulling out a clean, though very wrinkled, suit jacket Blueblood changes out of what he had been wearing down in his cell, resolving to get a shower later once he is free of his dear cousin. As he pulls out a pocket watch and handkerchief, both of which are put into a pocket, the door opens to the kitchen and the smell of food drifts over to him. Despite his desire to turn around and see what’s for lunch, Blueblood stays with his back turned, continuing to sift through the mess inside the trunk until he hears the sound of a tray touching down on the table behind him. “I see lunch has finally been served,” Blueblood sighs, turning around with a look of disappointment on his face. “I had hop-” he gets no further has his neutral expression not only falters, but shatters upon seeing the pony standing next to Daring. “I trust the food will be up to your standards, m’lord,” the sea-green earth pony states calmly, his chocolate brown eyes sparkling despite the professional look on his face. “I remembered how you liked everything, and thus have done it exactly like that.” “Sea?” Blueblood whispers, blinking slowly. “They got… you?!” “Yes, m’lord,” Seabiscuit replies calmly. “Princess Twilight and Master Sergeant Yearling came to me the other day and requested I serve as your personal aid and servant.” He smiles slightly, the professional mask dropping ever so slightly as he blushes. “I may have jumped at the chance.” “You hugged Princess Twilight and I and thanked us profusely,” Daring chuckles, rolling her eyes. “I didn’t think anypony could be that excited to do whatever Blueblood wanted.” She then shrugs. “But then, I do recall a certain scandal back when we were younger, something about a certain heir -” “What have you done?” Blueblood asks slowly, as he stares at Daring, his pupils shrinking to pinpricks as he realizes what she’s done, what she is implying. “What I thought was right, dear cousin,” Daring replies, a knowing smirk on her face. “See, while I was hardly a high ranking noble before your uprising, I did hear things.” She takes a plate from the tray, which is laden with what looks to be small sandwiches, and makes her way over to a chair. “And, I know that they’re all wrong. You don’t need a mare in your life to keep you under control.” “Don’t you dare say it,” Blueblood growls, his eyes narrowing. “But, it’s only the truth, Blueblood!” Daring insists, putting a hoof against her chest as she picks up a sandwich with the other. She takes a bite of her food and hums contently and smiles warmly. “Ohh, Sea how are you still single… and can you teach Leaf to make these!?” “I can try, m’lady,” Sea replies, blushing. “And, as for your other question, I guess you could say I’ve already got my sights set on somepony.” “Oh no,” Blueblood growls. “No. He will not be staying here. I will not have him as my personal servant!” He points a hoof at Sea, who shrinks back a bit. “My parents would not stand for this! I will not allow myself to be dragged into the gossip columns again!” “You’re parents are dead, Blueblood,” Daring states flatly, putting aside her tray on the arm of the chair. “And I’m not asking permission to assign him as your personal servant. He is your aid, period. End of story.” She stands up and crosses to stand beside Sea, a wing going out and draping over the earth pony’s back as he looks between Daring and Blueblood with a conflicted look. “M’lady, if he doesn’t want me…” Sea starts, ears back against his head. “Then that’s too bad for him,” Daring replies curtly. “You accepted the post, and you’ve got it. We never said it’d be easy.” “So, what I don’t get any say in the matter?” Blueblood shouts, stomping his hoof against the carpet. “I am the Archduke of Canterlot, I am affo-” “No, you are not.” Daring snaps. “Your title is hollow right now, Blueblood. It’s a fancy thing to put in front of your name, but you have no more power than a common pony right now.” She gestures at the ring on his horn. “Right now, you’ve got more in common with Sea here, than you do your fellow nobles. So get used to having him around, because he isn’t to leave your side for anything except to sleep and when his tasks require it.” “I will n-” Blueblood starts, his voice rising in both volume and pitch as his anger flares, but he is quickly cut off by a knock at the door. Everypony in the room freezes for a moment, before Sea blinks and crosses to the door to do his job. Opening the door, Sea speaks softly to the pony outside for a few moments before allowing a unicorn stallion carrying a covered tray inside. “Can we help you?” Daring asks slowly, eyeing the unicorn up and down. “Yes, I was told to bring lunch to the Archduke,” the unicorn replies. “However, if he does not wis-” “No,” Blueblood states coldly, “I would love to see what you’ve brought, as the lunch prepared here was not up to my standards.” He looks over at Sea pointedly, causing him to flinch and lower himself a bit in shame. He walks over towards the servant, his neutral mask once more in place. As he draws closer, the unicorn pulls the lid off the tray and the smell of a delicately seasoned salad -- a rarity in the weeks since the Shadowbolt attack -- makes Blueblood’s mouth water. He instinctively attempts to take the plate with his magic, however due to the inhibitor ring he earns himself a sharp pain at the base of his horn for his troubles. “Here, allow me, Archduke,” the unicorn says with a knowing smile and levitates the plate off of the tray and over towards the table. Turning his back towards the unicorn, Blueblood follows the salad, his stomach grumbling loudly. As he is about to pick up a fork and dig in, Sea exclaims loudly from where he is standing, and Blueblood suddenly finds himself crashing to the floor as a dagger flies through the spot his head had just occupied a moment earlier. Landing heavily on his side, Sea on top of him, Blueblood feels the air rush out of his lungs causing him to gasp sharply as he watches Daring rush forward to engage the assassin. “G-get off of me,” Blueblood wheezes as he pushes against Sea weakly. “I will not take this insult lying down!” “I have to protect you, m’lord,” Sea says softly, ears back against his head. “I won’t let you come to harm again.” “Again?” Blueblood growls. “Get off of me, you useless lout!” He pushes harder against Sea as his breath returns, easily dislodging the other pony who yelps as Blueblood dumps him to one side. Rising, Blueblood grabs the tray that has the sandwiches on it, and moves to join the small brawl that has ensued between Daring and the unicorn assassin. Before he reaches the assassin, however, the unicorn turns from fighting Daring, and shoots a beam of magic at Blueblood, who barely gets the tray up in time to block the beam, which deflects upon the polished silver surface and strikes the door. “Stay out of this, Blueblood, I can handle this alone!” Daring shouts as she pushes forward, bringing a hoof up to strike the assassin. Her blow is dodged, and she barely blocks a buck from the unicorn who continues to try and fight Blueblood with magic. “He is making an attempt on my life, dear cousin,” Blueblood growls from behind his tray as yet another magical attack strikes it. “I shall not stand idle while he does so!” Daring growls in response, but says nothing more as the two continue to try and combat the obviously experienced fighter. They’re soon joined by the Guards, who burst through the door with weapons drawn and quickly fall upon the Assassin with deadly intent. Seeing himself outnumbered and likely to be overwhelmed, the assassin starts to fight savagely with reckless abandon for his own safety. Using all at his disposal, from his teeth, hooves, and magic, the unicorn assassin holds his own for a few minutes, and is even able to land a few blows on both Daring and the Guards. Blueblood, as well, does not escape injury as he is struck by a blast from the Unicorn and sent flying into a wall where he impacts hard enough to knock both the wind and the senses from him. Fighting back the encroaching darkness around his vision, Blueblood fights to get to his hooves as he watches the failed assassin become overwhelmed and get tackled to the ground by the guards. Sea comes to his side, and lifts one of Blueblood’s arms to rest around his neck to help steady his lord. Absently, Blueblood shivers from the contact, a thing he silently prays Sea does not notice as his breath returns, along with sound. “Stay down, or I swear to Celestia, your doctor will never have to give you another prostate exam!” Daring growls from where she has an arm around the assassin’s neck. The guards have managed to immobilize his arms and legs, causing him to thrash weakly despite the threats. “You’ve only delayed the inevitable,” the unicorn states as he stops struggling. “He has outlived his usefulness, and like all tools that have become blunt he shall be discarded!” “Yeah, well we sorta still need him,” Daring replies, her hold on the stallion’s neck remaining as she glares at the back of his head. “Mind telling us who you work for? Because if you’re JSS I’d love to introduce you to a certain former Jaeger.” She leans forward and whispers sharply in her captive’s ear. “And even if you’re not, I might still do it. I hear she can be quite persuasive with her whole silent act.” “I am not one of those witless mercenaries,” the unicorn growls back sharply as he tries to thrust his head back to strike Daring. The action earns him nothing but her stranglehold growing tighter. “None of that now,” Daring coos softly. “I’d hate to break your neck just yet. So talk, and we can escort you to a nice room in the dungeon.” “You’ll have to torture me” the stallion starts before Blueblood, who has been watching the entire exchange with a look of bored disgust, picks up the knife that had been thrown at him earlier and offers it to Sea. “Sea, you have to follow any of the orders I give you, right?” Blueblood asks. “Yes?” Sea replies, eyeing the knife. “Good, I’d like you to geld our unwelcome guest,” Blueblood states calmly, nodding to the now wide-eyed assassin. “M’lord, I… I don’t know if I-” Sea starts hesitantly. “That’s an order, Seabiscuit,” Blueblood continues, his eyes narrowing. “I… yes sir,” Sea swallows as he takes the knife and looks to the assassin who has started to struggle again. “No! Y-you can’t!” the unicorn shouts, trying desperately to get out of Daring’s grip. “I can stop him,” Daring says, winking to the guards who are both looking at her for instructions. “But you have to tell me who you work for.” “Never!” the unicorn wails. “Okay, well I hope you weren’t planning on having foals!” Daring shrugs before looking at Sea. “Might want to heat that up, first, don’t want him to get an infection, now do we!” “Yes, ma’am…” Sea says slowly, furrowing his brows. “ALRIGHT!” the unicorn yells as he desperately attempts to cross his hind legs. “I work for the Shadowbolts! They don’t pay me enough for this!” “You all seem to be coming out of the woodwork as of late,” Daring sighs as she looks towards Blueblood. “Well, I guess I should start locking my doors,” Blueblood sighs as Sea returns with the red-hot blade and looks at Blueblood. “You know, it’d be a waste to not use this now…” “Blueblood, you’re not gelding him,” Daring frowns as the Shadowbolt squirms and whimpers. “You seem to forget that I am, apparently, an evil pony, my dear,” Blueblood says softly as he looks back at the Shadowbolt. “I do have that unwanted reputation to uphold.” “Blueblood…” Daring growls. “Fine, I’ll let you take him to my old room downstairs,” Blueblood sighs. “But do take out the nice pillows and sheets you gave me, they’re far too expensive to be use by such a poor excuse for a stallion.” “Sounds like a plan to me,” Daring smirks as she shoves the unicorn to his hooves. “Now, come with us quietly, and I promise I won’t let the guards turn you into swiss cheese.” She pushes the unicorn forward, and he offers no resistance save to stare at the knife Sea is still holding until they’re out of the room. Once Daring and her group is gone, Blueblood walks over and closes the door before turning around and looking at Sea. “If I order you to leave, will you do it?” Blueblood asks, narrowing his eyes. “Not even if you threatened me,” Sea replies, putting aside the knife and standing up tall. “I told Princess Twilight I’d stay by your side, and I meant it.” Sighing, Blueblood hunches his shoulders and closes his eyes. “Fine. If I cannot be rid of you, then please make yourself useful and clean up this mess while I go lay down…” “As you wish,” Sea smiles warmly before starting on his task. Despite himself, Blueblood smiles slightly at the words as he walks towards one of the bedrooms. No matter how hard he tries to deny it to himself, he finds that, perhaps he won’t hate being locked in here. Because, if nothing else, the company is at least mostly tolerable. > Chapter 17: Breaking the Bank > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 17: Breaking the Bank The early morning air in Canterlot feels fresh and welcoming against Evening Star’s face. Taking a deep, slow, breath he fills his lungs with the crisp air and exhales slowly, a small smile spreading across his face. All around him ponies are slowly going about their business, most avoiding the large amount of guards and Reserves that shuffle along the still damaged streets of the financial heart of Canterlot. Yet, for all the dismal appearance of the city, the sun is still shining and the world is moving onward. “Rose Moon has to be my favorite month,” Evening says slowly as he looks to the pony beside him. “What about you, Rider? Got a favorite month?” “I’ve always prefered Grass Moon,” Wind shrugs as he takes a sip of the coffee he is holding. “Makes sense,” Evening shrugs before finishing his own coffee. “So, we’ve been standing here a while, might as well go inside and get our part of the job over with.” “Sorry, my old bones don’t work properly unless I’ve had my morning cup of coffee,” Wind quips with a smirk. “You’re not that much older than me,” Evening snorts before smirking. “Then we’re both old,” Wind shrugs, a few joints popping as he stands and starts across the street to his and Evening’s destination. The building which they walk up to is large, easily three or four stories tall, and made of the same white marble that the rest of the city is made of, with a massive arching entrance flanked by expertly carved colonnades. Even at this early hour, Equestria National Bank has a few early risers coming in and out of the old oak doors that Evening and Wind quickly slip through. The inside is the same white stone, save for the floor which is an aged hardwood polished smooth by the thousands of hooves that have walked across it over the decades. As the two progress deep inside, mostly towards the lobby area, Evening is struck by just how undamaged the building is, as if the conflict outside had purposely avoided the hallowed monetary institution. Then again, perhaps it did. Stopping in the center of the room, the pair look around slowly in an effort to figure out where they need to go. “Security guards look like they’re coming from somewhere back there,” Evening says softly, gently nudging Wind who is pretending to look at a flyer for something or another. “We’ll need to find a way back there,” Wind nods before tapping his hoof against the flyer. “Perhaps we should look into a loan? They seem to be advertising some nice home loans for the coast near Manehatten.” “Thinking of retiring?” Evening chuckles as he looks towards where the guards seem to be coming from, which is, ironically, near the loan offices. “After the nearly two weeks I’ve had here in Canterlot? Buck yeah I’m thinking of retiring!” Rider says loudly, causing a few heads to turn towards him. “Honestly, I’ve had enough of being shot at, blown up, and all around being run ragged. I’m too old for that horse apples… it’s not good for my complexion.” “You don’t look that bad,” Evening chuckles, playing along with Wind. “But, we can go look into it if you want.” “I think I’d like that,” Wind replies with a sigh as he puts down the flyer and starts off towards the loan area. They are greeted by a young earth pony stallion who assures Wind that they can find him and Evening a good price for a home loan someplace where there won’t be the threat of bombs dropping on their heads. Wind is, of course, all for this idea of not being in a war zone and engages the loan officer in a very involved conversation. While Wind does this, Evening looks around from where he is beside Wind, and takes note of the security guards as well as the ‘staff only: security’ sign on a door down the hall from the open office area they’re at. “That’s all really nice,” Evening breaks into the conversation that the loan officer and Wind are having, “but what we’re really looking for…” he then leans forward, and ‘accidentally’ knocks some papers off the desk. “Crud, sorry! It’s been a hell of a week and I’m a little twitchy.” “No, no that’s alright,” the earth pony chuckles as he scoots his chair back and gets under the desk. “I’ll just picks these up and we can continue.” As he vanishes beneath the desk, Evening nudges Wind and nods towards the security door. The former Wonderbolt nods and smiles warmly as the loan officer sits back up and deposits the papers back on his desk. “Excuse me, but I fear I need to use the restroom,” Wind says with a scratch of the back of his head. “Which way is it?” “Down the hall and to your left, sir,” the loan officer replies with a friendly smile. “I can continue with this other gentle stallion while you’re gone?” “Of course, I trust him completely,” Wind replies with a wink and a pat on Evening’s shoulder. “Now don’t go promising our life savings to him, dear.” “No promises, you know how I get,” Evening sighs with a smile before looking back at the loan officer as Wind gets up and walks down towards the restrooms, and the security office. “Now, like I was saying before I gave into my inner klutz…” Evening speaks with the loan officer for a good long while on loans, something he feigns no real knowledge of, while keeping an eye on the marked door as Wind slips into it. He keeps the conversation going for a while longer before he sighs and pointedly looks over towards the restroom. “I’d better go make sure he didn’t fall in,” Evening says as he stands up. “If you’ll excuse me that is, I’m sure this won’t take long.” Walking towards the bathroom, Evening slips in and counts to ten before he walks back out and looks around. Finding nopony looking his way, he walks quickly down the hallway and knocks on the security door three times, and is quickly admitted by Wind. Inside, the lone security guard that had been inside is sleeping slumped over in a corner, a nasty looking welt forming on the back of his head. “I see you didn’t have any trouble requisitioning our use of their security station,” Evening smirks as he walks over towards the large group of screens showing off different views of the inside of the bank. “It’s good to be rich, I guess, all these fancy magical stuff.” “Yes, it’s all very nice looking,” Wind grumbles. “But I don’t have the foggiest idea how to turn it off.” Going to the desk and sitting down, Wind looks over the various objects and magical displays. Taking a few steps back so Wind can work, Evening looks around as well, finding nothing much of interest except a large server in one corner with cables and such sticking out of it and going to the displays. Scuffing a hoof against the carpet, because the security office has carpet and not hardwood, Evening sighs as no real ideas come to mind that will work. Turning, he walks over towards the desk and reaches out to touch one of the metal chairs at the desk, and shocks himself. Yelping slightly, drawing the attention of Wind, Evening looks between his hoof, the chair, and then the server as a small smile forms on his face. “Got something on your mind there?” Wind asks, raising an eyebrow. “Just a small idea,” Evening replies, smirking as he shuffles his hooves over the carpet rapidly while moving towards the server tower. Once he reaches it, he looks to Wind. “Could you perhaps open this for me?” Shrugging, Wind walks over and opens the side of the server tower. “Okay, so, what’s your idea?” “Well, I was talking to some navy ponies the other day,” Evening starts as he continues to shuffle his hooves over the carpet while going in a circle. “They were talking about how they had to specially isolate some of their equipment, because if it got the tiniest shock, it’d short out!” “Yeah, and..?” Wind prompts, waving a hoof in a circle. “And…” Evening continues with a smirk as he stops, and reaches a wing out to gently touch the exposed server with a primary feather. The instant it touches, a loud snapping sound echoes through the air, and the server sparks, and actually catches fire. As it smokes, the display screens flicker, then go dead, as does the nearby alarm box. “Problem solved. Shall we go inform Daring?” “Once more unto the breach, my friends,” Wind quotes as he walks to the door, before turning, “let us pray it is a short battle, I hate cramped quarters.” Nodding, Evening joins him at the door. “Me too, now let’s break the bank.” --- Standing at a checkpoint down the street from the bank, Daring smiles as she spots the familiar sight of her second in command, Wind Rider, on the front steps of Equestrian National. She watches as, without pausing as he starts down the steps, he whistles sharply. The sound quickly travels to all the Guards and Reservists that are waiting in the area, both in uniform and in civilian clothing, and they instantly spring into action. Starting forward herself, Daring answers Wind’s whistle with one of her own as her own troops, comprised mostly of the extra reservists and a few guards manning the checkpoint, draw blades and crossbows and rush the bank’s front steps. Daring reaches the front door last, offers a smirk and a wink to Wind, and opens the door and enters into the controlled chaos that is a raid on a civilian institution. “You have no right to be here!” a mare shouts at Dawn, who is staring at her impassively as the Guards and Reservists herd everypony in the bank towards the central lobby area. “This is a privately owned bu-” “And the Princess forbade her guards to invade privately owned businesses or homes without due cause,” Dawn interrupts the mare. “However, I have cause, and I have the permission of Princess Twilight.” He reaches into a saddle bag and produces a piece of parchment, which Daring can see has Twilight’s flowing script on it. “We have reason to believe that this building is harboring conspirators who were key in causing the uprising. We are here to arrest them.” “Let me see that,” the mare growls as she snatches the parchment. Her face pales as she looks it over, before handing it back to Dawn. “The head of the bank’s name is on there, and it says he’s a Shadowbolt.” “So it seems,” Dawn shrugs before putting the warrant away and looking the mare in the eyes with a non-nonsense expression. “We’re going to need you to open the vaults as soon as we’ve locked the building down. Once they’re open, you will be escorted back here to the lobby by a guard. Understand?” “Y-yes sir,” the mare replies. “Let me just go get my key and grab the assistant manager, it’ll take both of us to open the vault.” “Alright, but be quick about it,” Dawn stated flatly as the mare runs off. Turning to Daring he smiles slightly, allowing his professional mask to break slightly. “So, first time to Equestrian National Bank?” “Yeah,” Daring says slowly, looking around at the opulent interior. “I’ve made it a point to avoid big banks like this, always seemed like a bad idea to put my hard earned bits into the hooves of another pony for safekeeping.” Raising an eyebrow, Dawn smirks. “So, what do you bury it all in treasure chests marked with big red X’s?” “Well, there was this one time…” Daring starts, gesturing with one hoof. “Really?” Dawn asks, leaning his head to one side. “No, not really,” Daring chuckles. “The Royal Equestrian Explorer’s League has a credit system in place, you deposit money at one of their offices, and they’ll give you a voucher. I can withdraw money from anywhere they have an office.” She shrugs as the mare comes back with a wide-eyed young stallion. “The rest I keep in a locked safe at my house.” “We’re ready to open the vault now, Commander,” the mare says slowly, her ears lowered. “Just promise you’ll be careful, there is a lot of valuable stuff down there, especially on the fourth and fifth sublevels.” “Oh, I won’t be going down there,” Dawn shrugs as he walks over and puts an arm around Daring’s neck. “I’m sending somepony who’s used to pillaging places of all their wealth!” “What!?” the mare gasps. “Please tell me you’re joking!” “He is,” Daring sighs as she rolls her eyes. She then smiles softly and extends a hoof towards the mare. “At least in part; I’m Senior Master Sergeant A.K. Yearling, and I really do have some experience protecting valuable objects.” Accepting the hoof with her own, and tentatively shaking it, the mare blinks. “A.K. Yearling? Like the author of Daring Do?” “Yeah, something like that,” Daring chuckles before shaking Dawn’s arm off of her and stepping forward. “So, don’t worry, I’ll do my best to not destroy things down there. But, if what we think is true, then there may be some collateral.” She gestures with one hoof to the mare, a smile on her face. “Lead the way, and I’ll follow.” “R-right,” the mare nods as she starts off with the assistant manager next to her. Hesitating for a second, Daring whistles sharply, causing the mare to jump slightly and stop to look back. Daring, however, has started forward, her smile remaining, as Guards in heavy body armor and carrying shields and swords, and Reservists carrying crossbows and in their lighter armor, form up behind Daring who prompts the mare to keep going forward. The group moves through the bank’s lobby, through a pair of double doors at the back, and eventually down a large flight of stairs to stop in front of a massive steel door. Whistling sharply, one of the Guards, looks over at Daring. “Thing looks like it could survive the end of the world.” “Just about, I’d imagine,” the mare who has led them here remarks with pride. “It was designed by the same ponies who make the armor on airships! She’ll stand up to anything short of something truly catastrophic!” She then produces a key, which she levitates with her magic into keyhole. “It’s also thief proof. Nopony can pick the lock, or even get it to open unless they’re bank personnel of sufficient rank.” “I don’t know,” Daring smirks, “I know some ponies who’d just love to put that to the test. Heck, they might even prove you wrong.” “I highly doubt that, Sergeant,” the mare snorts, turning her nose up. “Equestrian National prides itself on being the safest and most secure bank in all of Equestria, perhaps all of Equus!” “Oh, I am really going to tell them about you now,” Daring chuckles. “But that’s for later, open the door.” “Right away,” the mare sighs, rolling her eyes as her and her associate turn their keys at the same time. As the keys finish turning the massive door unlocks with a resounding boom, almost akin to the sound of a battering ram striking the steel door, as well as a few loud clicks and the sound of scraping metal against metal. The mare envelops the massive tumblr, which looks almost akin to the wheel on a sail ship, and spins it a few times, further unlocking the door with one last resounding boom before sliding it open hinges that are silent beside all the earlier noise. The room beyond the massive door is a security checkpoint, the guards beyond starting up as the team of Royal Guards and Reservists comes into view. “What is th-” one of the security officer starts, but is quickly cut off as Daring points forward. “By order of the Crown of Equestria, lay down your weapons and surrender,” Daring says calmly, her hoof still pointed towards the security guards. “Not likely!” the guard shouts, drawing a hoof blade and squaring his shoulders. “Warn the boss, we’ve been compromised!” Another security guard nods, and sprints down the hallway, quickly hitting a button on the way out of the checkpoint. The expected alarm does not go off, however, causing Daring to smirk. “Sorry, but you’re going to be having some technical difficulties for a while,” she quips as she steps back into the forming line of guards who have raised their shields and lowered their blades. “Right, guess the silent approach is off the table everypony. Time to go loud!” “Hoo-Rah!” Daring’s troops shout in unison, the shield wall charging forward into the security guards with the Reserves following behind to catch any who try and get over. They quickly overwhelm the guards, knocking them out or forcing them to the ground so they can be detained. Once the room is clear, they advance forward, the hallway beyond forcing the shieldwall down to three ponies in front backed by three behind with their shields held at an angle to protect the vanguard’s heads. “Watch for IEDs and anti-personnel mines!” Daring shouts from where she is in the center of the line. “We don’t know what Secure has planned for us, so keep on your guard and watch your sectors!” The advance slows slightly under the order to watch out for explosives, but they keep a healthy pace until the hallway turns, and they’re faced by a group of unicorns who let loose a blast of flames from their horns. In response to the flames, a guard unicorn levitates a small glass vial off of a belt around their barrel, pulls the pin with their teeth, and tosses it over to shield wall. “Grenade out!” The object sails towards the security unicorns, and lands with a muted pop before a bright flash of light. The flame stop and the unicorns scream loudly as they cover their eyes, the shieldwall surging forward to overtake them as more security comes to fight. It soon becomes clear, as each group of security is dealt with, that the fighting will be yard by yard in the corridors of the vaults, as with each passing minute more dangerous spells and even weapons are dredged up out of the vaults. At one point, as Daring’s forces turn into a security checkpoint, they’re suddenly faced with the rapid fire of a mana-powered repeating crossbow, which shoots it’s payload into the shieldwall and actually forces the front ranks to kneel down in order to keep their shields upright. The front ranks shout over the sound of the crossbolt, which makes a rapid and loud popping sound, but when they only pause to reload the monster of a machine, Daring orders up something they’d confiscated the other night from Janus. “You sure about this?” a guard asks Daring as she gets the area behind the tube-like Dragonlance clear of her guards. “Nope,” Daring shrugs as she picks up the ballista-like projectile the ‘lance uses as ammo. “But, we’re in a hurry, and I hate when ponies block the hallway.” she slams it into the back of the tube, and taps the shoulder of the reservist who is holding it. “Fire in the hole!” The Reservist, kneeling on her hind legs with the Dragonlance perched on one shoulder, smiles and shouts. “KNOCK KNOCK!” as the shieldwall in front of her suddenly falls to the floor as the guards hit the deck. The crossbow team, which consists of four ponies, is in the process of rapidly reloading their weapon, and stops to stare wide eyed at the thing pointed at them. Before they’re able to recover, the reservist clicks the trigger and fires the weapon with a loud roar and a stream of fire behind her as the projectile shoots forward and impacts the weapon position with a dull thunk followed by a fountain of flames that rush back and into the quickly reestablished shieldwall. “I’VE GOT TO GET ME ONE OF THOSE!” Daring shouts, rubbing an ear with a hoof. “WHAT’D YOU SAY?!” the guard next to her shouts. “NOT-” Daring starts, before coughing and going back to a normal speaking voice. “Nothing, just thinking out loud. Let’s keep going.” She waves for the line to move forward again, and to reform with the Dragonlance in the middle with her so it’s protected. After the short battle with the fortified crossbow nest, they’re able to advance down to the fourth level without much more problems save for a few more defensive positions. However, when they reach the fifth sub-level, which houses the largest of the vaults, they run into a fortified position unlike any other. The room before the final vault is at least as large the bank above ground, with a barricade of furniture staffed with grim looking security guards wielding crossbows. Behind that, is a concrete half-wall with firing positions for multiple of the larger repeater crossbows. The first ranks of the Royal Guard in are nearly cut down, barely able to get their shields to bear before the deadly rain impacts them. After a few seconds, Daring calls a retreat into the hallway and stairwell leading into the large room. Unable to progress further, Daring orders her forces to hold position while she goes back to the surface for reinforcements. And failing that, a back door into the vault. --- From his perch at the top of the stairs to the vaults, Dawn keeps a silent vigil, guards behind him awaiting his order to enter and reinforce those below. The sounds of battle echoing from the vaults had subsided a few minutes ago, and Dawn can’t help but be worried. Daring is, all things considered, a very capable leader and fighter, but in that silence that echoes up from the depths of the bank, Dawn can’t help but fear he’ll be giving Leaf bad news. The sound of rapid hoofsteps coming up the stairs causes him to stand a little taller, ears perked forward as he awaits to see who will come from the entrance. Silently, he raises a wing, singling the guards behind him to stand ready to fight, or to rush to the defense of those below. However, the pony that comes from the entrance quickly dispels his fears. “Looking a little tired there, Yearling,” Dawn comments with a smirk as his friend stops on the steps just below him. “You would not believe the toys they have down there,” Daring pants, wiping her brow. “We’ve fought everything from flamethrowers to repeating crossbows.”  She looks up at Dawn, a smirk on her face. “Plus, it’s nothing but twists and turns down there, and stairs.” “Is it over, then?” Dawn asks, leaning slightly to one side to look down to the entrance of the vaults. “Not by a long shot, I fear,” Daring states simply as she starts up to stand next to Dawn. “The final level is better defended than Pinkie Pie’s cupcake recipe, we need help.” “What kind of help?” Dawn asks slowly, raising an eyebrow. “You’ve already got some of my best down there, if you can’t charge it, how do you expect to take it?” “Well, I’m not sure,” Daring admits as she scratches the side of her muzzle. “But, I figured I’d come up here, grab the schematics for the bank vaults, and see if I can’t puzzle out the problem.” “Makes sense,” Dawn smiles. “I might also have a pony that can help with that, and you’ve worked with him before.” “Oh?” Daring asks as she turns and starts towards the lobby again. “Wouldn’t happen to be that earth pony, Lode Stone? I recall hearing he used to be a miner.” “Scuttlebutt got it right on that,” Dawn agrees. “He earned his place in the guard through some heroics during the riots. If anypony will know how to fix your problem, it’ll be him.” Nodding, Daring leads Dawn out of the back of the bank and into the open lobby area. She wanders over towards the mass of worried looking employees and over to the mare that had opened the vaults. “So, your boss has quite the security force down there,” Daring says before the mare can compose herself. “So large, in fact, I’m really thinking he’s trying to hide something really important and damning.” “You got to the bottom floor, didn’t you?” The mare asks, her ears going flat against her head. “I don’t know what’s in there, but Mr Savings was very protective of it.” “We did, and now we’re going to need you to help us find the plans for those levels,” Daring says, her tone leaving no room for argument. “I don’t want to spill more blood, and I’ll be forced to if we can’t end this soon. So, help us end it, and I’ll put in a good word with the Princess.” She turns slightly, a smile forming on her lips. “After all, somepony is going to have to take over with the head of the bank in jail.” Standing up, a hopeful look on her face, the mare nods quickly. “I’ll go find the plans. They should be in my office!” She starts off, pausing to look at Daring. “Uhm, are you coming with me ma’am?” “Yeah, guess I should keep an eye on you,” Daring sighs dramatically before looking at Dawn. “We’ll grab the floor plans, you grab your expert?” “Right,” Dawn nods, “meet back up at the front counter?” “Sounds good,” Daring confirms as she gestures with a wing to the mare. “Well, lead the way, we don’t have all day…” Chuckling, Dawn makes his way over to a group of Guards that are coordinating with the checkpoints outside. Specifically, he walks up to a deep red stallion with green patches, and taps him on the shoulder. “Lode, I’m going to need you help with something,” Dawn says quietly, waving a hoof absently as the earth pony salutes. “No need for that, come with me over to the front desk and we’ll wait for Daring to come back so she can explain her problem to you.” “Yes, sir,” Lode says curtly, following after Dawn, who has turned and started off towards the front desk. By the time they reach the desk, Daring is on her way back with the mare who is holding onto a rolled up set of blueprints. They reach the desk at about the same time, and Daring clears a section of it with a sweep of a wing, sending the majority of the stuff onto the floor so the mare can spread the blueprints out. Looking at the sketches on the paper, Dawn can only stare blankly and look over at Lode who has removed his helmet and is looking intently at the paper. “So, I take it you can make sense of this?” Dawn asks slowly, looking over at Daring with a raised eyebrow. “Of course,” Daring shrugs. “Remember the Reserves are more than just a combat force, we’re also search and rescue. I had to learn how to read blueprints and floor plans when I became an officer in the event of a collapsed building.” “Okay, that makes sense,” Dawn concedes as he looks over at Lode. “How about you?” “Sir, I’m a miner, I know how to read these things,” Lode states absently as his eyes scan over the blueprints for a few moments before looking up at Daring. “So, what’s the problem?” “Well, we reached the final level here,” Daring explains quickly, pointing to the largest of the vaults on the bottom of the blueprint. “However, it looks like they’ve set up extensive defenses and have bottlenecked us in the stairwell. We can’t move the forces into the room to attack without serious casualties.” “You need a back door, then?” Lode asks as he looks to the blueprints again. “I might be able to make one, but the entire vault area is surrounded by solid rock, like the rest of Canterlot. And, if I recall correctly, there aren’t any tunnels near here.” He looks up to the bank mare who nods to him. “So, unless you want to wait a few more hours, or even a day, I can make a tunnel from behind or even under.” “No, that’s too long,” Dawn speaks up. “We need this done soon. There’s no telling who they might be able to call in or do if we give them time.” “Skylight it is, then,” Lode chuckles. Pointing to the vault above the lowest one, he looks to the mare again. “Who’s vault is this?” “That belongs to House Grey,” the mare states simply. “They’re one of our oldest patrons.” “Oh, well then I guess I’ll have to hide behind my sister after this,” Lode sighs. “Ember might be able to shield me from Witch’s family.” “I’m part of that family, Lode,” Daring chuckles with smirk. “And, if you’re Ember’s brother, I guess I don’t have to worry about your skills.” She looks to the mare and gestures to the blueprints. “You’re going to need to open House Grey’s vault, I’ll just explain to my husband’s dear grandparents that it was a required sacrifice on their part, and I’ll have Twilight compensate them.” “I don’t think I can do that,” the mare says slowly as she shakes her head. “I don’t want the Earl or Countess angry at me because I let one of their grandkids blow up their family vault, or whatever you’re planning on doing.” “Well, how about having a Marchioness angry at you?” Daring questions the mare, turning a steady gaze towards her. “Uhm…” the mare replies blinking slowly. “I, uh, oh yes I think I actually can open that vault, ma’am.” She steps back from the table, ears against her head. “Good,” Daring states simply as she looks back to Lode. “What do you think you’ll need to get through the floor?” “We’ll need something to break through the vault’s floor,” he taps the blueprint, “which looks to just be normal stone, so some blasting powder, perhaps water and ice spells depending on the composition of the floor.” He then frowns and looks up at Daring. “Then perhaps some thermite, we’ll need to cut a hole in the metal roof of the vault beneath it, because if I am reading this right it’s reinforced with steel.” “Okay, me and our friend here will go unlock the vault,” Daring sighs. “Dawn, I’m going to take some of your troops up here down there to help move things around. No point in damaging whatever is in there, Leaf’s grandfather will be angry enough with us blowing a hole in the place.” “Fine by me,” Dawn replies with a smirk. “While you do that, me and Lode here will go get what he needs and meet you there.” Nodding, Daring puts a wing over the bank manager’s back and escorts her off as they talk about things not related to the current military operation around them. Smirking at the display, Dawn nods to Lode and makes his way to the front doors of the bank and then quickly down the front steps into the street where a crowd is already gathering to stare at the massive amount of guards keeping the area directly in front of the bank clear. The sun has progressed well into the morning sky by now, bringing the full terribly glory of the ruined city into full view. The sight stops Dawn in his tracks at the bottom of the steps, a deep chested sigh escaping him as he looks over the ruined houses and businesses. “It’s not easy seeing your home in ruins,” Lode says from beside Dawn, his own eyes locked on the burnt out ruins. “No, it’s not,” Dawn agrees with another sigh. “I just feel so... “ “Violated?” Lode provides with a frown on his face, his eyes distant. “Like everything you’ve ever cared for and loved has been torn away from you, and destroyed before your very eyes.” “Sounds like you have experience in this,” Dawn says softly, looking to his newest recruit from the corner of one eye. “You could say that,” Lode replies in an equally soft voice before blinking and looking around. “So, where do we need to go to get the supplies I need?” “This way,” Dawn coughs as he heads towards a group of guards clustered around some covered wagons. “Hey, Red, you in there?” Dawn shouts knocking on the side of one of the large covered wagons. The sound of something dropping on the wooden floor followed by profuse cursing issues forth from inside the wagon, followed by the door flying open and a very irritated looking bright red earth pony wearing an old army uniform stomping out. “Damnit, Dawn,” Red growls. “I told you to not bang on the side of the wagon when the door isn’t open! I was working with very volatile components in there!”   “So, you were making your lunch over that grey stuff you use to blow up walls again?” Dawn says with a straight face. “That’s not the point, and you know it,” Red grumbles. “Now, what do you need?” Looking to Lode, Dawn gestures with a hoof towards Red, “Well, you’re up, Lode.” Clearing his throat, Lode clears his throat. “I need some supplies for breaking through a layer of rock, followed by a layer of steel.” “Alright, I can set you up,” Red says in a serious tone as he turns to completely face Lode. “Were you thinking chemical or powder explosives for the stone?” “Powder, black if you have it,” Lode replies, then pauses. “Small charges, nothing larger than a tenth of a stick of TnT? We’re breaking through the bottom of House Grey’s vault, and I don’t know how much damage I can reasonably cause.” “Mmm, yes I think I have some smaller charges,” Red replies with an absent nod. “Though, I should give you something larger, just to spite that pompous idiot. Scuttlebutt from the seahorses are that Earl Black Velvet is defending the Nobles.” “I wouldn’t know, sir,” Lode replies with a shrug. “But, please stick to the smaller charges. I’m going to need a controlled space for the next part of the demolition.” “Yes, the steel,” Red chuckles. “Thermal Lance or Thermite? Heck, I can lend you some of the explosives I’m cooking with!” “Thermite only, please,” Lode chuckles. “Explosives would be a bit too excessive.” “Right, right, stay here and I’ll go dig up what you need,” Red states simply as he turns and heads back into the wagon. “So, he’s interesting,” Lode says with a smile as he looks over to Dawn. “Red? Yeah, he’s an old-hoof at this sort of thing,” Dawn shrugs. “He was the pony who worked out the supply routes during the Griffin-Drake War.” “No kidding?” Lode says with a wide smile. “I’d heard some of the drakes cursing ‘Redball Express’ I thought that was the name of the supply routes, but it’s the pony?” “A little of both,” Dawn nods. “They named the routes after him.” “And he is working for you, why?” Lode asks, raising an eyebrow. “Because I like blowing stuff up, and they wouldn’t let me retire,” Red grunts as he walks out of the wagon with a saddlebag loaded down with supplies. “Here, everything you’ll need to crack the floor of that vault, plus some extras for good measure.” “Thanks, Red,” Lode says happily as he takes the saddlebag. “When this is over, we should sit down for drinks or something, I’d love to talk shop.” “We’ll see,” Red replies. “Now, if you two will excuse me, I’m going back to my lunch.” “Alright,” Dawn laughs. “Don’t go blowing yourself up, y’hear? I’ve got a lot of bits riding on you making it to seventy.” “Yeah, yeah,” Red grumbles as he goes back into his wagon. Shaking his head and chuckling again, Dawn waves for Lode to follow him and heads back to the bank. Once back inside, they transverse the bank and quickly head to the back, then down into the vaults. The first few floors are full of guards keeping a watchful eye on captured security guards, or dragging body bags out of the walkways to allow reinforcements to head through. Once and a while, they find a vault that has had its door damaged, Royal Guards standing on the sides of the entrance and keeping a watchful eye on the contents so that nothing is stolen or misplaced. The fourth level of the vaults finds small pockets of resistance being crushed, but the main hallways are clear and well guarded as Dawn and Lode make their way to the far end of the hallway to a door bearing the crest of House Grey. Daring is already inside the vault with a small detachment of Guards and Reserves, her voice echoing from inside as her troops labor to remove valuable objects. “WHERE THE HAY DID THEY GET THIS!?” Daring’s loud question causes Dawn to stop and blink, the ranting mare stepping out of the vault with a painting under one wing. “Dawn! Do you know what this is? Do you know how much it’s worth?” “No,” Dawn states simply, “but I am sure you’ll tell me anyway?” “This is an original Van Goat!” Daring proclaims, shaking the painting at Dawn. “THIS BELONGS IN A MUSEUM!” “You say that about a lot of things, Daring,” Dawn shrugs. “Well, this isn’t all. They’ve got things in there that I know were sold on the black market! We have to confiscate them, put them where they’re rightfully meant to be!” Daring states, passing the painting off to a Reservist. “We need to-” “No, we don’t, Daring,” Dawn states firmly, raising a hoof to stop her. "We're already stretching our legal authority as it is. Anything we take from there would be counted as an illegal seizure." “But, but…” Daring starts. “We can’t give Earl Grey any more ammunition than he probably already has for his defense of the Archduke, Yearling.” Dawn continues gently, a smile on his face. “We’ll get him later, Daring. Now that we know it’s here, we’ll be able to come after it.” “Fine,” Daring sighs, her shoulders slumping. “But it’s not fair.” “No, it’s not,” Dawn agrees. “But that is life, and legality.” He looks to the vault and smiles. “So, how goes emptying the place? Sooner it’s emptied, sooner we get to blow a hole in it.” He looks back to Daring and winks. “And I know you’ll feel better if you get to blow a hole in the bottom of the vault.” “I might feel a little better,” Daring concedes. “And it’s nearly done, the Van Goat was one of the last things in there.” She thens and goes back towards the entrance to the vault, and looks in as a Reservist exits. “And, actually it looks clear now.” “Well, looks like I’m up,” Lode smiles as he trots over to the entrance, quickly going around Daring to set to work. He looks at the floor and taps the floor, muttering to himself as he goes. “No, too firm here... “ He moves to another section and taps the floor again, a smile forming on his face. “This should do nicely.” From where he is standing at the door next to Daring, Dawn watches as Lode pulls out a small hoof-drill and makes some holes in the floor in a roughly box-shape with an ‘x’ going through it. Once the holes are drilled, he pulls out small cylindrical charges and places them in the holes, ties all their fuses together and lights them before retreating out to where Dawn and Daring are standing. “Cover your ears, it might be a bit loud,” Lode warms as he sits down behind the wall and follows his own advice. Dawn likewise gets behind the wall, Daring not far behind him, and covers his ears with his armored hooves as a loud, though not forceful, explosion rips through the air from the vault. Once the dust settles, Dawn peeks around the corner as Lode goes back to work. The floor in the area Lode had drilled is now nothing more than chunks of rock, which is quickly cleared away by the former miner to show off the steel of the vault beneath them. “Well, part one is done,” Lode sighs as he continues to clear the stone. “Part two is going to be the fun part.” He looks out to Dawn and Daring, a smile on his face. “Could I beg some help with this? We need to get the stone cleared so I can lay down the thermite.” “If it makes this go faster, sure,” Daring nods as she walks in, quickly getting to work clearing the rubble. “A fresh recruit giving a Commander orders?” Dawn chuckles as he walks in and gets to work himself. “What has the world come to?”  “A demolitions expert respectfully requesting aid from his superior, sir,” Lode states calmly, a smirk creeping onto his face. They work for a few minutes to clear the area, work which is made quicker as a few more Guards shuffle in and aid the three with their excavation. Once his work area is clear, Lode ushers everypony to the entrance again, and sets to work spreading a combination of powder and gel to the steel that is visible, once more forming a roughly box shape. This time, however, when he is finished, instead of setting a fuse he simply walks out and sits down against the wall and pulls out a red canister grenade. “Alright, so, when I toss this in, things are going to get hot in there really quickly,” Lode explains as gestures to the grenade. “Really hot, it should melt through the steel quickly, we’ll have at least a minute or more depending on the thickness of the steel.” “So, I should get the guards ready to jump in,” Dawn states calmly. “Yes, sir, you should,” Lode agrees. Nodding, Dawn passes word to one of his lesser officers to gather as many Royal Guard as possible in the main hallway on this level, and that they should be ready for combat shortly. The officer runs off to issue the orders and, within minutes, the hallway facing the vault is lined with grim faced guards. “Light it,” Dawn orders Lode, who nods as he pulls the pin and quickly tosses it around the side. As the grenade lands, there is a loud pop followed by a sudden rush of heat and an intake of air towards the vault which glows with a bright, almost white, light from within. The sound is quickly followed by smoke and sparks of white hot metal. The scene plays out for a few minutes, only to stop abruptly as a loud clang issues forth from inside. “Way’s clear!” Lode shouts. “Alright, everypony move!” Dawn yells, waving the first rank of Guards into the vault to assault their foe on the next floor. The Guards rush forward, shields held aloft and blades ready, many of them yelling wordless battlecries as they rush into the smoke filled vault. After the first three ranks are through, Dawn stands up and draws his own blade before rushing in with the fourth rank. Beyond the door to the Grey Family Vault, the room is smoky and the sound of combat echoes from the hole in the floor. He charges forward, diving into the hole quickly to escape the noxious smoke, and quickly finds himself in the midst of a melee between his Guards and various ponies wielding everything from knives to tabled chair legs. Moving forward so as to not block the hole, Dawn searches for a target of opportunity, and quickly spots a pony giving orders to the defenders. Smirking around the hilt of his sword, Dawn starts towards his target, barreling through or quickly disabling ponies who try and block his advance. Halfway there, the pony spots him and points towards Dawn, causing more defenders to try and stop his advance. Forced to contend with the ponies that are blocking his way, Dawn crouches low and tucks his wings tightly to his sides as his eyes dart from opponent to opponent. When he makes no move to attack, one of the ponies rushes forward when Dawn’s eyes are not on them, and swings a crude mace, nothing more than a table leg, down to try and hit Dawn across the head. The strike finds nothing more than air, as Dawn easy side-steps the blow before rushing forward and easily catches the pony across the head with the flat of his blade to send them tumbling to the ground. The others, numbering now at least five, take a step back, and become more cautious of Dawn. However, before they can attack again, Dawn finds himself flanked by Daring and Lode who both simply crouch down without a word. The hostile ponies hesitate for a brief moment, their advantage now slightly smaller, but a sharp word from the one leading them sends them into combat. Dawn and the others spring into action as soon as the security forces are in range. Dawn continues to mostly dodge out of the way of the blows of his foes, jumping over or sliding around them when he can, and striking out only when he is sure to gain a hit and remove his opponent from play. Daring, true to her unorthodox personality and mindset, all but dances around her own foes, striking out with wing and hoof at multiple opponents, while also never giving them an opening to strike back.  And then, there is Lode Stone. Knowing who, and what he is, Dawn still can’t feel a bit surprised, and no small amount reassured, when he spots Lode wading into battle and fighting like a force of nature. Unlike the two pegasi, Lode simply blocks the blows coming at him, and returns the attention in kind to whichever pony he is currently fighting. Years of working underground in mines and tunnels has clearly left its mark on him, as he is able to defend himself against opponents he isn’t even looking at, and when he strikes back many of the ponies are sent flying into others or into objects to rarely get back up again. The fighting only lasts a few minutes, though like all combat it seems to last much longer to Dawn, before the amount of guards in the room outnumber their foes and the defenders are forced to surrender. The only exception to the general surrender is the pony at the back of the vault who has taken up a blade in his magical grip. Sneering darkly, he holds the blade up and points it at Dawn. “You have no right, Guardspony!” he shouts. “This is my bank, and I shall not have your filthy hooves tainting what I have built!” “You’ve already tainted it,” Dawn replies coldly, stepping forward with Daring and Lode at his side. “Shadowbolt.” His sneer turning slightly manic, Secure Savings chuckles. “Ah, so I see the game is up. I really shouldn’t have trusted Blueblood with that crystal, but orders are orders.” He keeps the blade pointed at Dawn as he starts to step backwards towards the wall. “I’m sure you understand?” “Honestly, I don’t,” Dawn admits, matching Secure’s backwards advance by moving towards him. “I know a Shadowbolt, and he is a better stallion than you’ll ever be.” “You must mean that half-wit, Prose,” Secure spits, his eyes aglow. “His skills are like his writing, all show and leaving you wanting for more. He’s not been a proper Shadowbolt since he married that traitor to Unicorns he calls a wife.” “Now that’s not very nice,” Dawn frowns as he continues his advance, which has brought him just outside Secure’s sword range. “If anything, I’d say helping to destroy Canterlot makes you a traitor to unicorns. Corrupting the Archduke? Crimes like these are hardly the work of a patriot.” “Sometimes, you must burn all to the ground, start anew, before all can be made right!” Secure counters as he reaches the wall. “But, I would hardly expect the Guard who is Luna’s personal pet to understand. You should be happy your daughter is not here to see how badly you’ve let the ponies of Equestria down, how many you let die.” He raises a back hoof and strikes a section of the wall which starts to slide inwards. “I fear, though I cannot stay and educate you.” He moves to try and get into the passageway that is just starting to open, and for a brief moment takes his eyes off of the Guards. Without thinking, Dawn and Daring both spring forward towards Secure who tries to raise his blade again to defend himself. Dawn easily parries the blade, and strikes a solid blow against Secure’s head just below his horn as Daring quickly sweeps his hooves from under him. Their combined attack shorts out his magic and sends Secure to the floor of the vault with a strangled cry that cuts off as Dawn puts a hoof against the fallen unicorn’s neck. “I think you should stay,” Dawn says quietly as he leans down to glare at Secure. “After all, I would hate for you to miss your appointment with the Princess.” Looking to a pair of nearby Guards Dawn points towards Secure with a wing. “Secure him, and then take him to the Castle.” the guards nod and quickly take Secure between the two of them as one of them puts an anti-magic ring on his horn. “Well, that battles over,” Daring sighs, watching the guards drag Secure away. “Now what?” “Now, we see what they were up to,” Dawn replies as he looks to Lode. “Lode, I need you to explore the tunnel that Secure opened. Take some of the other guards with you. Once you’ve figured out where it terminates at, I want you to collapse it.” “Yes, sir,” Lode replies, saluting before running off to do as he is told. “And Daring,” Dawn says, turning to his fellow officer. “I need you to go through this place with a fine toothed comb. Find everything and anything you can to figure out what they were doing, and if there is any more danger to Canterlot and it’s citizens.” “Right away, Dawn,” Daring agrees, the serious tone in his voice making her obey instantly. Sitting down as everypony starts to go about their tasks, Dawn sighs heavily and hangs his head. For a moment, a very brief and fleeting moment, he allows himself the comfort of believing that everything is over. That the Shadowbolt threat is ended, that the ponies behind Blueblood’s rebellion have been brought to justice, that he can go take a long and well deserved nap in his favorite spot in the Castle’s garden. But, like all dreams, that thought ends suddenly. “Dawn! You need to see this!” Daring calls out causing Dawn’s head to snap up. “What is it?” Dawn asks loudly as he stands up and canters quickly over to where Daring is standing. “You have to see for yourself,” Daring states softly, her tone shaken. Blinking as he reaches the long table Daring is at, Dawn quickly scans the wall it sits against. It is full of papers, charts, pictures; the majority of the last being of Twilight, Prose, Knight, and even himself. Stopping beside Daring he looks to where she is pointing and recoils slightly at the open iron box on the table, five softly glowing pink crystals resting inside on a silk cushion. “If there was ever any doubt,” Dawn starts slowly. “Yeah, there isn’t any now,” Daring nods. “Secure works for the Shadowbolts.” She then pauses and looks to Dawn. “And that’s not all. The papers and stuff? They’re fallback plans should what just occurred ever happen. We’re lucky we caught as many as we did here, because their backup plans were to go on a killing spree.” She taps a stack of paper next to the box of crystals. “This? This is an accounting of how to get into the Castle and murder Twilight,” she points to a drawing on the wall with her wing. “That? That is a drawing of the Guard Barracks, with yours and Knight’s rooms highlighted.” Once more she stops, her face growing dark, mournful even. “And this, this is the worst of all.” She slides a final piece of paper over towards Dawn. “That is the name of every Cutie Mark Crusader in Canterlot, including where they’re currently staying, and who their families are.” Looking over the documents, Dawn can’t help but stare blankly at each piece of evidence. Deep down inside he is fighting against the outrage and disgust, barely holding it in check so that he can do his job and think with a clear head. How had he missed all of this? How had Knight? Quietly, he whispers under his breath which draws Daring’s attention. “You say something?” Daring asks, raising an eyebrow. “Remember when I said we shouldn’t give your husband’s grandfather anymore ammunition?” Dawn replies slowly with a question of his own. “Yeah?” Daring nods. “I think it’s Hearth’s Warming Eve for him,” Dawn sighs. “And we’re the ones giving him the presents.” > Chapter 18: The Trial > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 18: The Trial The morning sun dawns over a renewed, but still somber, Canterlot. The previous day had seen an arrest that had shaken Canterlot’s already tenuous feelings of peace, for if the head of one of Equestria’s largest, and most trusted, banks could be a Shadowbolt, then who else could be plotting behind closed doors? The hours after the arrest had been turbulent for Twilight, as the common pony and the nobility had swarmed the battered Castle, all vying for an audience with her to put voice to their worries, and to demand more be done. Twilight had weathered it as best she could, for she was sure even Celestia’s regal mask would have broken beneath as vicious and desperate an onslaught as had been aimed at Twilight in those hours, and had found comfort in the stoic and solid forms of Shiro on one side and Commander Knight on the other. Their presence had been a blessing in the darkness, for though heated words had been exchanged, nopony had gone so far as to become violent. Though, she had seen more than a few with a look in their eyes that had spoken of barely restrained hysteria just short of violence. And now, with this new day, as the Princess of Friendship watches the golden rays of the sun gently caress the injured city, she prepares for yet another harrowing day. “How have things come to this, Shiro?” Twilight asks softly, her breath misting on the still-cold window before her. “How is it that I should sit in judgment before those who have so deeply wounded their own homes?” “Because fate is cruel,” Shiro replies in a gentle voice. “However, the Cosmos know you are strong enough to face what is to come.” He pauses for a moment, the clink of his armor echoing almost distantly in the silence between his words. “Besides, they brought upon themselves this day of judgment, as blinded as they were by their pride. They should have known better.” Turning to look at Shiro, Twilight regards the older alicorn with a slight frown. In preparation for the day’s events, he has dawned a set of resplendent gold and red armor, the rank insignias replaced by his cutiemark, and has his polearm resting against the nearby wall as he sits beside Twilight. A part of her cannot help but view him as some sort of otherworldly creature, sent here by divine grace to do the bloody work that had been required. Another part of her, the part that has gotten to know the stallion beneath the armor through watching him interact with his family, cannot help but view him as the grandfather she had never known. “Be that as it may, I do not know if I have the heart to pass harsh judgment on them,” Twilight continues, her voice wavering slightly as she looks back out the window on the city. “All the ponies that have died, all the blood that has been spilt? I don’t know if I can add to it.” “You would not be Compassion otherwise,” Shiro chuckles softly. “In Equus, all wished to be judged by her, and not by Strength. Compassion was lenient, able to bend to and offer the hoof up, whereas Strength would deal out what punishment was required by the law with no exceptions.” “Then perhaps you should judge them,” Twilight suggests quickly, her voice breaking slightly. “No. I would judge them by the laws of my home,” Shiro states, turning his gaze to Twilight who shrinks slightly beneath its weight. “And my home would require their heads mounted on pikes upon the battlements, a grim and dire warning to all who would rise against the crown in the future.” “That’s barbaric!” Twilight gasps. “Nopony would ever accept that judgment.” “But, such punishments are doled out by those hard of heart,” Shiro continues, “and you are hardly such.” He sighs, and returns his gaze to the city beyond, one large white wing unfurling and gently laying across Twilight’s shoulders. “And still, this is not Equus, and thus it is not my place to sit in judgment.” He shakes his head, a small smile forming on his face. “This is why you must sit in judgment, Twilight. In the absence of Celestia and Luna, you are the heart and soul of this city. You, above all, are the only one who can sit upon that throne and cast judgment upon those who have wounded it. And whatever judgment it is, be it as lenient as a slap on the wrist, or as harsh as calling for their lives to end, all shall stand by it.” “I hope you are right,” Twilight sighs as she scoots closer to Shiro, the warmth of his wing bringing some measure of comfort. “I’m just worried.” “I know,” Shiro says gently, his voice comforting. “But you will have your friends there to help, as well as myself and the Commanders.” He looks down at Twilight, his smile growing. “And take it from an old soldier, anything can be accomplished when you’ve got a stout and hearty group of friends by your side.” “And they call me the Princess of Friendship,” Twilight chuckles. “I am simply an old soul, Twilight,” Shiro chuckles back. “When you are as old as I am, you will know quite a bit.” The two quietly share a much needed laugh for a few moments, the weight in the air seeming to lessen slightly as they share in a feeling of companionship. However, Twilight knows it cannot last, and she eventually sighs a sigh that holds a slightly note of contentment, but also of profound sorrow. “Shiro, I think you should go check in on the security arrangements,” Twilight say softly as she draws up her shoulders, her wings fluttering slightly. “Very well, Twilight,” Shiro states with a reverent note in his voice. “I shall leave you then, I know how important it is to steel yourself before you walk into battle.” He gently hugs Twilight with his wing before removing it as he stands and departs. The sudden absence of heat, and perhaps more importantly the feeling of suddenly being alone, causes Twilight to shiver heavily for a few seconds. She takes one last long look at the city; burning the shattered and broken visage of her home city into her mind, before turning and striding towards the low coffee table in Celestia’s study. Upon it, sitting on a purple cushion with Twilight’s cutiemark sewn into it, rests her crown beside a set of shoes and a chestpiece. The shoes and chestpiece of forged of a brilliant dark gold, almost an amber, with a masterfully cut gems set into the face of the chestpiece in the shape of the Element of Magic. They had been a gift from the Royal Armory, stating that Rarity had commissioned and paid for them to be made so that Twilight would look the part of a ruling Princess for the duration of her time upon the throne of Canterlot. Gingerly, as if the objects were alive and infinitely fragile, Twilight reaches out and rests a hoof against the cold surface of the chestpiece. No matter how many times she had looked upon these objects, she still felt unworthy of them, but now she could harbor no doubts. She must not only look the part of a princess today, she must be a princess today to equal Celestia or Luna so long as she sits upon the throne to pass her judgment. “This is mine,” Twilight whispers softly as she attempts to make those words true not only in her mind but in her heart. “I am a princess. I can do this.” She pauses to take a deep breath, the next words coming out despite the lump forming in her throat. “I will make you proud, Celestia.” Removing her hoof from the chestpiece, she gathers the shoes in her magic and places them on the floor so she can step into them. Once she has her shoes on, she levitates the chest piece up and buckles it on, the cold metal sending a shiver down her spine as its weight settles against her chest. Then, finally, she turns to her crown, and with the same gentle way one would hold a newborn foal, she wraps the crown in her magic and slowly floats it up towards her head. She stares at it a moment as it comes level with her eyes, her heart beating hard and fast as if she had just participated in the Running of the Leaves. This is the symbol of her right to rule. The shoes and chestpiece are just fancy pieces of jewelry, the crown marks her as a sovereign princess. And for a moment, all her hesitation, all her fears come back. Looking at the crown, a small voice whispers in her mind, ‘who are you to wear this beside the likes of Celestia? Beside Luna?’ Shaking her head, she closes her eyes and steels her resolve as she floats the crown up to rest upon her head. Once more, she takes a deep breath, the weight of the crown upon her head nearly as light as a feather, even as it weighs heavily on her mind and heart. When she opens her eyes again, the doubt is gone. As she strides once more to the window to look out on her city, she sighs softly. Today, justice shall be done. ----- The sound of all the undamaged bells across Canterlot announcing the ninth hour of the day rings loudly through the corridors of the Castle. So loud is the ringing that the sound of Blueblood’s hoofbeats, and the hoofbeats of the nobles behind him and their escorts in their polished golden and blue armor, are nearly lost to all but the most perceptive of ears. Head held high, Blueblood strides confidently towards what can only be his ultimate doom. All around him the eyes of the servants, the guards, the displaced civilians, stare at him with a deep and profound hurt that he cannot help but feel deep in his own heart. With each passing pony, with each tolling of the bell, he can feel his heart beat a little slower from shame. The ruined corridors of the Castle, the broken windows, the chipped and tarnished floors upon which he strides through and upon, is ultimately his fault.   This, he concludes, is the price of arrogance allowed to run free. This is the horrible cost of allowing one’s inhibitions and desires to be above others. As the large group turns the final corner and the massive doors to the throne room come into view, Blueblood slows a bit and tries to draw every last inch he can. No matter what shame he might feel in his heart, he cannot appear weak before the assembled masses. He will not appear weak before the princess. For should this be his doom, he will face it bravely, like has faced nothing else in his life. As he arrives at the doors, the guards on both sides banging their polearms upon the floor to signal the arrival of the accused. Keeping his eyes forward, he watches as the doors swing open on their silent hinges, and barely keeps from gasping as he sees the state of the room beyond. The once humble throne room of Equestria, the shining jewel of Canterlot’s Castle, lies in ruins. This is the first time Blueblood had set hoof in it since the attack, and where he feels shame at the glares and looks he has gotten from his fellow ponies, he feels true dispair and profound sorrow at seeing the room his aunt has ruled from his entire life in shambles. Stepping forward, it takes all his willpower to keep steady on his hooves, to simply keep his head held high. But with each step he takes deeper into the throne room, the harder it becomes. His eyes cannot stop looking over the cracked and chipped colonnades, the empty glass windows, the torn and ragged banners. He cannot help but feel the cool marble beneath his hooves, each crack, dent, and chip in the once perfect face feeling like a wound to his own body. Dragging his attention away from the state of the room, Blueblood realizes that it is full of ponies, and not just those who stand beside him to be judged. Ponies from all walks of life crowd the vast throne room, leaving only a narrow channel lined with Royal Guards in the center for the accused to walk. At the end of the path, sitting in a large clearing at the base of the throne are the commanders of the city’s defense. The Royal Guard’s commanders wear impassive expressions, their dented and scratched armor all but glowing in the late morning light, while the Navy and Reserve Corps’ leaders wear expressions of profound disgust and disappointment. And above them all, sitting tall upon the throne with her head held high, is Twilight Sparkle. As Blueblood stops before the throne he bows deeply, his muzzle nearly touching the cracked stones beneath of the floor. Behind him all the others fall into equally deep bows, more than a few actually falling onto the floor due to injuries or fatigue. “Rise,” Twilight commands in a dispassionate voice, causing instant obedience from Blueblood and his fellows. “Before we start the trial, I must ask you all if you understand the charged being put before you.” “I would have those charges stated once more, your highness,” a voice comes from Blueblood’s right, quickly followed by Earl Black Velvet walking to stand before his clients. “So that there is no confusion. That is, if the prosecution agrees?” “We have no objections, your highness,” a mare wearing a Royal Navy dress uniform answers as she steps into view as well. “Very well,” Twilight nods as she draws herself up taller, her wings flaring slightly. “Archduke Blueblood, you and your cohorts are charged with Treason as well as numerous counts of murder in the first and second degrees, attempted Regicide, and the further destruction of our fair city. How do you and your own plead?” Opening his mouth to speak, he is cut off by Velvet. “My clients plead not guilty, your highness, such accusations are baseless!” “I wish to hear it from them, Earl Grey,” Twilight states coolly as she folds her wings and turns her gaze to towards Blueblood’s lawyer. “Very well,” Velvet states calmly as he and the prosecutor look to Blueblood. “We plead not guilty, your majesty,” Blueblood calmly says as he bows his head. “We were not ourselves.” “Very well,” Twilight sighs as she inclines her head slightly. “As you understand the charges, and have professed your innocence, we shall stand trial.” She turns towards the large form of the male alicorn, who Blueblood has learned is named White Star, and gestures with a wing. “Archduke White Star, seal the throne room, and let none enter so long as we are in trial. I do not wish any to disturb us.” “By your leave, Highness,” White Star intones softly as he stands, his golden armor rattling as he descends from his place beside the throne towards the doors. Blueblood watches the alicorn walk, the fact his title is equal to Blueblood sends a shiver down his spine. Had Twilight replaced him? The tidbits he’d been able to pick up from his personal servant had indicated this alicorn had come in the days prior to Blueblood’s uprising, and was the head of House Star. The information was too convenient, though, he had come from nowhere and nopony knew anything about him save for House Star, and they were tight lipped. The sound of the vast doors to the room closing draws Blueblood from his thoughts, his eyes refocusing and finding all eyes had likewise followed the mysterious alicorn to now watch him close them off from the world beyond. As the doors finish closing, the echoing boom of them falling into their place echoing akin to the earlier tolling of the bells. Instead of turning and walking to resuming his place beside Twilight’s side the instant the doors have been closed, his horn continues to glow with magic, and Blueblood is both shocked and impressed as a sealing ward forms over the doors. The sudden realization that there will be no escape from whatever judgment Twilight passes sinks into Blueblood’s mind, and a dreadful fear grips his heart. He had no plans to escape, he would face his judgment, but now faced with the fact in all but stone is a terrifying prospect. “Let the trial of Blueblood and his associates commence,” Twilight’s voice echoes in the deathly quiet room. “Earl Grey, we will allow you to give your opening statement first, followed by Lieutenant Commander Juris Prudence.” “Thank you, Your Highness,” Velvet says with a bow before turning towards the assembled ponies in the throne room. Drawing himself up, his face grows serious as he starts to talk. “My fellow Equestrians, I shall spare you from going over once more the horrors of what has befallen our beloved city. For we all know what has happened, but we do not know who is to blame!” He pauses a moment to point towards Juris who simply raises an eyebrow. “My dear colleague from the Navy will tell you it is the fault of my clients, the Nobility who has done nothing but watch over our fair city! Who in their love for their Princess and Nation were blinded and led astray by sweet words laced with poison!” He lowers his hoof and holds his head high, a small almost proud smile on his face. “But, I assure you all, I shall prove to you all beyond a shadow of a doubt, that our Archduke and all who followed him, are guiltless and that the actions of those who are truly to blame weigh heavily upon their hearts and shoulders.” He then pauses once more, turning to look at Twilight as he speaks once more. “For, an attack on the nobility of this city, is an attack upon us all,” he then goes and sits beside Blueblood at the head of the accused nobles. “The defense rests, Your Highness.” Inclining her head, Twilight looks towards Juris who rises and takes a moment to compose herself. “A great tragedy has occurred in our city,” Juris starts, her voice clear and just loud enough to reach everypony in the room, “and in our hearts. Our city has been wounded, beaten, battered, and broken! And while I will concede the defense that there are those beyond the group standing here today who share the blame, I shall not concede that Archduke Blueblood and his group is blameless!” She calmly raises an arm to point at Blueblood, her eyes never leaving the crowd. “Archduke Blueblood willingly rose up in arms against his fellow ponies, against the ones he swore to protect beneath the Crown of Equestria.” She turns and points towards the throne, pointing towards it and the one who occupies it. “He rose up with the goal of destroying that crown, and deposing the ones who rightfully rule over us!” She turns once more and stomps a hoof loudly against the marble floor. “Such cannot, and shall not, go unpunished. I know that all of you shall not allow their actions to go unpunished! Nor, I assure you, shall Princess Twilight allow them to go free. I shall show you all, that no matter what excuses and slick words my counterpart shall find or say, the facts will always outweigh and outshine the fictions constructed by those who desire power.” She looks over to Twilight, her final words echoing in the deathly silent hall. “If you have finished your opening statement, Lieutenant Commander, you may call your first witness,” Twilight states camly. “Thank you, Your Highness,” Juris says softly before turning towards the crowd again, pausing, Blueblood sees a small corner of her mouth turn up slightly when her eyes fall on Velvet. “The Prosecution calls forth the Marquis Leaf Wind of House Platinum, Wonderbolts Reserves Senior Wingpony, to give an account of what he witnessed during the attack.” The crowd parts slightly, and a red pegasus stallion with a dual colored mane walks forth and heads towards the base of the throne. He stops on the first riser and turns to sit down and face the crowd. “Leaf Wind, raise your right hoof and repeat after me,” Juris instructs Leaf who promptly raises his hoof. “I, Leaf Wind, swear to upon my life and my standing in Equestria that I shall tell the truth, and nothing but the truth.” Leaf repeats the oath and then lowers his hoof. “Marquis Wind, could you please state to the court who you are and what you were doing the evening Blueblood’s forces attacked.” “As you stated before, my name is Leaf Wind, and I am a Senior Wingpony in the Wonderbolts’ Reserve Corps,” Leaf starts slowly, keeping his eyes focused ahead or on Juris. “I am also a Marquis of Equestria, following my marriage to my wife A.K. Yearling.” He pauses and takes a deep breath before continuing. “On the night of the uprising, I was with my mother, Viscountess Fine Brew, and my nephew Trick Step investigating the ruins of the teahouse my mother owns in the High Class district near the area the Wonderbolts’ Compound used to occupy.” “And, what happened while you were there?” Juris asks, prompting Leaf to continue. “Well, we’d been there for about an hour when the artillery started to fall,” Leaf states slowly as he slightly lowers his ears and looks down. “I ushered my mother and nephew into the cellar of the teashop and guarded the door while Canterlot went to hell.” He shakes his head slowly and sighs. “The shells rained down for what felt like hours, and when it finally stopped I was almost sure we’d come back out to nothing but the entire city in ruins.” “And understandable concern,” Juris agrees with a nod which Blueblood can see many of the ponies in attendance share. “Now, when you left the tea house’s cellar, what did you find?” “My grand-uncle, actually,” Leaf snorts. “Or rather, I ran into the point of his blade, which was aimed right at me.” “And is this the sword you are speaking of?” Juris asks as she walks over to a table covered in objects to be used as evidence. She picks up a rapier which has been melted nearly to the hilt, and holds it up for Leaf to look at. “It is,” Leaf answers. “Exhibit A-two,” Juris announces. “This blade is property of Lord White Tie, who stands accused of attempted fratricide.” She turns towards Leaf and walks over towards him with the blade. “Can you explain to the court how it was melted like this?” “My nephew, Trick Step, got between myself and Tie,” Leaf starts, “and had a magic surge while defending my mother and I. It melted the blade as you see, and threw Tie back into a wall.” “The after action report states that after that you took him to the Castle? Did the attack from the young colt knock him out?” Juris asks, turning from Leaf and pacing slightly. “No, my mother actually did that with a brick,” Leaf chuckles as he scratches the back of his head. “But, after that we did take him to the Castle, and… Well, truth be told, when we got there I almost wished we’d stayed at the tea house.” “And why is that?” Juris presses, turning around to face Leaf. “I’m sure you saw the front entrance to the Castle,” Leaf answers slowly, his ears folding back against his head. “I did, but I need you to explain it,” Juris continues to press. “Ma’am, with all due respect, I don’t think it has anything to do with this trial,” Leaf responds, his ears going back against his head. “And frankly, I’d rather not.” “Fine., Did you witness anything else during the attacks?” Juris asks, prompting Leaf to continue. “Nothing pressing, ma’am,” Leaf shrugs. “I was present for Princess Twilight’s arrival inside the Castle, and Blueblood’s arrival to the dungeon. But that is all.” Nodding, Juris smiles for the first time. “Thank you then, Marquis,” she turns and walks back to sit where she had started and looks to Twilight. “If Earl Grey does not have any questions, I shall call my next witness?” “I have no questions for Leaf Wind at this time, your highness,” Velvet states calmly. “You may step down, Leaf,” Twilight say softly, prompting Leaf to bow his head to her before he stands up and walks back to sit amidst the crowd. “Please call your next witness, Commander,” Twilight orders calmly. “Right away, Your Highness,” Juris replies as she rises again. “We call Major General Diamond Star to the stand.” A grizzled looking mare strides forth from the front row of the crowd, her spotless dress uniform sporting ribbons and medals that make Blueblood’s eyes grow wide. Many of the medals are for bravery, and one of them is even the Equestrian Royal Medal of Honor. The mare settles down in the place that Leaf had been in earlier, and raises her right hoof before Juris can even ask. “I, Duchess Diamond Star of House Star, Major General retired of Equestria's Armed Forces, swear upon my standing in Equestria and my life that I shall tell the truth, and nothing but the truth so long as I shall sit here.” “Been through this before, General?” Juris asks with a smirk. “A few times, Commander,” Diamond replies with her own smirk, “a few times.” “So, General, you were present here in the Castle for the majority of the fighting, is that correct?” Juris inquires, gesturing with a hoof absently. “That is correct, Commander. I, along with many of House Star’s core household have been here in the Castle since the Shadowbolts’ attack,” Diamond replies in a matter of fact tone. “We have apartments here in the Royal Wing.” “Might I ask why you’ve got apartments in that part of the Castle?” Juris prompts, raising a questioning eyebrow at Diamond. “We are distantly related to Princess Celestia and Luna through the head of our house,” Diamond replies once more calmly as if it were everyday knowledge. “And who is the head of your house?” Juris prompts. “Objection!” Velvet interrupts. “What does this have to do with anything?” “I am establishing credibility,” Juris offers in counter, looking up to Twilight. “I’ll let it stand for now, so long as you get to the point, Commander,” Twilight frowns, “we are here after all to hear evidence on the crimes of the nobility, not the pedigree of the General.” “The head of our house is sitting on the right of Princess Twilight, Commander,” Diamond shrugs. “But, I agree with the Earl of House Grey, we should focus on the more important topics.” “Very well,” Juris agrees with a sigh. “You were here during the fighting, correct?” “I was,” Diamond responds. “What capacity did you serve, General?” “As a retired Major General, I was here originally as an advisor to Commanders Dawn and Knight,” Diamond answers calmly. “However, once it became clear the fighting would not be contained, and would soon consume the entire city, I belted on my sword and stood at the front gates.” “So, you saw action during the uprising?” Juris queries. “Yes, I saw first hoof what JSS was willing to do to win the fight,” Diamond growls. “First at the gates when they threw wave after wave after wave at our defenses. Then, later after Princess Twilight arrived, I and my house guard ventured forth into the city to cut out the rot of the mercenaries like a cancer. In all my years of soldiering, I’d never seen a sight as disgusting and disgraceful as what I saw. If Blueblood hired them, as I’ve been told, then he is just as responsible for their atrocities as they are.” “Would you care to describe some of the atrocities, General?” Juris asks hesitantly, clearly unsure if she really should ask it of the older mare. “Have you ever been in war, Juris?” Diamond asks softly, dropping rank and simply asking the other mare. “No, I’ve not,” Juris replies in an equally soft voice. “I hope you never have to be, then,” Diamond offers. “What I saw was not war, though, not in the traditional sense at least. JSS was committing outright genocide, indiscriminate and without hesitation.” Shaking her head she looks out over the crowd. Blueblood follows her gaze and he can see many in the courtroom have a haunted expression on their faces. “I saw too many good, young, ponies die that night, Commander. Ponies that had no place on the battlefield were cut down by the sword, by the arrow, and by spells. You ask me to describe what I saw? Very well.” The General goes into a long and graphic description of what she’d seen during the uprising. No matter what he does, no matter how hard he tries, Blueblood can’t drown her words out, and he finds himself glad his coat is already white for how pale he feels himself grow. He is also not the only one in the group to grow pale, and more than a few even turn green at the descriptions of just how bad of a butcher’s yard the streets had become. As she finishes, Blueblood decides that, should he survive the day, he will need a shower to wash off everything he is feeling at that moment.    Clearing her throat, Juris does her best to swallow down the green forming in her cheeks. “T-thank you, General, that was a very… exhaustive description.” She then shakes her head and continues on,“you were a part of the group that planned out how to end the battle, were you not?” “I was included, yes,” Diamond confirms. “Princess Twilight wished me to lend my tactical experience.” “And what was your recommendation upon learning of the fortifications present at Blueblood’s estate?” Juris asks simply. “That we should defeat them before they became more entrenched,” Diamond states. “That we should kill the lot of them, and be done with it!” She pauses, and looks over at Blueblood. “You’re lucky that Renegade was friends with the Princess, Blueblood, because he saved your life.” The outburst causes many nobles, and even commoners, to shout and stamp their hooves in protest, causing the guards to form up around Blueblood and the accused to keep them back. “Order!” Twilight says loudly. It’s not a shout, but it’s not quiet. “Everypony, please, you will stay calm, or I shall have you removed.” The room goes quiet as everypony settles back down. “Thank you, Your Highness,” Juris thanks Twilight with a bow before turning back to Diamond. “Why was that your recommendation, General?” “Because after what I’d seen, I felt there was no other option,” Diamond growls. “And I stand by it. What they’ve done to their fellow ponies deserves nothing but the same in kind.” The sound of general agreement from the crowd causes a cold sweat to form between Blueblood’s shoulder blades, but he does his best to ignore it. Twilight was many things, but he does not believe she’ll condemn him and the others to death. At least, he hopes she won’t. “I have no further questions, General,” Juris says with a smirk as she turns to Velvet. “Do you wish to speak with her, Earl Velvet? Or shall we dismiss her?” “I have no questions for the venerable General,” Velvet states calmly, though Blueblood can tell he is tense. “You may step down, General Star,” Twilight commands softly. “Yes, your highness,” Diamond says as she turns and salutes crisply to Twilight and Shiro before walking from the base of the throne and back to where she had been standing before. “And now, for my next witness…” Juris starts as she pulls out a list from her uniform, quickly calling a name that Blueblood does not know, and calling a pony to stand before the court. It continues on like that for a little while, Juris calling everything from shopkeepers to Reservists, to even a few members of the group of foals that he had seen wearing capes. Blueblood doesn’t really pay attention to any of the testimony, all of it is the same; stories of the uprising, the personal heartbreak, the horrors. All of it, to a single story, is damning towards him and his group. And through it all, the Archduke can’t help but wonder what his parents would think of this latest debacle in their son’s life. Doubtlessly, they’d say they wished his uncle and his older brother had survived the Griffin Drake War, because he had always been the smarter of the two… “If it pleases your majesty, I would like to call my last witness,” Juris states, pulling Blueblood from his thoughts and back to the horrible reality that is his life. When Twilight nods Juris turns towards the crowd, pulls out her list, and reads the final name. “The Prosecution calls Graceful Melody to stand before the court.”   Turning to scan the crowd, Blueblood watches as one of the tallest and largest pegasus mares he has ever seen stands up and gently pats the Royal Guard sitting beside her with one hoof before striding forward with purpose. As she draws close to Blueblood and the others, he finds himself holding back a gasp at how scarred she is, and nearly loses it when he sees the deep faded scar drawn across her throat. As she reaches the base of the throne, she pauses and her brow furrows as she turns around to start back to where she’d been sitting, only to have the guard that had been sitting with her, an earth pony from the looks of him, run over and give her what looks to be a small radio device which she accepts with a smile. “Is something wrong, Miss Melody?” Juris asks with a raised eyebrow. “No, I simply forgot the device that allows me to speak freely,” Grace’s ‘replies’ through the artificial voice box. “I do not think I would be able to aid you if I could not speak and had to resort to sign language.” “Ah, yes, I was informed you would require special considerations,” Juris sighs before nodding towards the base of the throne’s dias. “If you are all ready?” Nodding, Grace walks over to the dias and sits at the base of the throne before raising her right arm and speaking the oath. Once she has done that, she settles down, regarding Juris with a look that reminds Blueblood a lot like a griffin staring at a deadly foe. “So, Miss Grace, you were present during the uprising, is this correct?” Juris starts her usual line of inquiry to establish the witness’ credibility. “I was,” Grace replies in her almost robotic voice. “In what capacity?” “I was a member of Janus Security’s Twenty-Fifth Jaeger Division,” Grace states calmly, causing all but Twilight and Shiro, as well as a few of the Guards, to gasp and take a few steps backwards from the throne. “My position in the squad could be described as the Lieutenant, or even the Sergeant, directly commanding the squad beneath our ‘captain’ or handler.” “A-and what was your task during the uprising?” Juris asks unsteadily. “And how are you sitting here a free pony?” “My squad was tasked with removing pockets of resistance, such as Guard armories and civilian holdouts in captured districts,” Grace replies in the same tone a soldier would report to a superior. “As for how I am here, my squad and I ran into….” she pauses, her ears going back against her head as she looks out towards the crowd. “Into what, Miss Melody?” Juris asks quickly. “Remember you are under oath and must answer the question.” “We ran into my father,” Grace replies, looking down and away from Juris. “He was waiting in ambush outside a house in the middle class district that had a sniper in it. He killed my entire squad except for our handler before I was able to disable him. I would have killed him, but Captain Noire of the Royal Navy arrived and stopped me.” “And how does this make you a free pony? Is your father a guard?” Juris asks, though Blueblood knows the question is completely off-topic from the trial he can see many are actually interested, or too afraid to speak up. “My father, Epic Prose, is a… stallion in the employ of the Crown, and a personal friend of Princess Twilight,” Grace replies slowly, and Blueblood is almost certain he can hear the large mare kicking herself for having to tell that information. Juris opens her mouth to ask another question, but before she can Blueblood hears Velvet get to his hooves and start forward. Looking over at the Earl, Blueblood flinches slightly at the look of controlled fury on his face. “You expect us to accept the testimony of this… this monster?!” Velvet demands, stopping a hoof against the floor. “I’ve allowed you to prance out a lot of witnesses without complaint, Miss Prudence, but this? This is too far.” “Earl Velvet, I do-” Juris starts. “Of course you don’t, you’re no different than the General, or this creature here,” Velvet says coldly. “You’re a soldier, and you’re not meant to understand. But this has gone too far.” He looks up at Twilight who has narrowed her eyes at him. “Your Highness, clearly you can see that the only criminal in this room is sitting on the witness stand! That monster has doubtlessly killed more ponies than my clients! Their blood stains her hooves, not Blueblood’s or his co-defendants!’ “Leave her alone!” A shout comes from the crowd, causing Blueblood to look over as it parts with a few startled gasps. “Leave my stepdaughter alone, she’s just doing what she feels is right to make up for the stuff you’re accusing her of.” “I will not be lectured by a common pony,” Velvet growls without looking back at the unicorn who storms forward. “And if you are related to this creature, than I have less reason to heed your words.” “Yeah, she’s a member of the mercs that attacked us!” a voice comes from the crowd, followed by loud agreement from primarily nobles. “She should be in a cage!” another calls forth. “She helped us fight the Shadowbolts!” another pipes in defence Grace. “Yeah, she is a good pony!” this one is from the guard Blueblood saw sitting with her. The throne room erupts into loud arguments, and very nearly devolves into a brawl before Twilight stands and flares her wings. “ENOUGH!” Twilight shouts in the Royal Canterlot Voice. “Graceful Melody is not on trial here! Nor shall she ever be for I have pardoned her!” She lowers her wings, and her voice as she looks to Shiro, also standing with his polearm halfway drawn. “Shiro, unlock the doors, I think we need a recess for lunch and for everypony to cool off.” “Yes, Your Highness,” Shiro agrees as he walks from his perch beside the throne and wades through the crowd to unlock the doors. Blueblood watches as the doors swing open and the majority of the ponies present shuffle out under the watchful eyes of the Royal Guard and the armored alicorn standing at the doors. Sighing heavily, Blueblood allows his shoulders to slump and his head to hang as his fellow defendants are taken away leaving him in the mostly empty throne room with just Twilight and a few others who are gathering themselves to leave. Taking a deep breath, he stands and turns to leave, a small smile forming on his face unbidden when he is greeted by Seabiscuit, who is dutifully waiting for him. As he and Sea depart the throne room, Blueblood continues to smile. If nothing else, if the day ends with him being convicted of his crimes, he at least still had one friend left in Sea. ---- The gardens of Canterlot Castle had seen better days, true, but even in their current state they are more beautiful than the majority of the city. And, more importantly, far more peaceful. Because of this, it was there that Fine Brew had elected to take Tricks, her grandcolt, and her two adopted daughters Jasmine Honey and Camomile Sugar. With all the stress of the past few weeks, Fine had taken the first chance she could get to go somewhere out of the way on the Castle grounds to just pretend everything is normal and her world had not been tossed upside down.   And so, she finds herself in the shade of a grand old oak tree, Jasmine curled up against her as the pair watch Tricks and Camomile wrestle around near a small pond that had formed out of an impact crater. “Why don’t you go join your sister and nephew?” Fine gently asks as she leans down and nuzzle her daughter’s head. “They look like they’re having fun.” “I don’t want to,” Jasmine replies softly as she scoots closer to Fine. “I want to say here, with you.” She gently nuzzles against Fine’s neck, her ears back against her head. “Why?” Fine asks, slightly puzzled as her daughter just leans against her. “I’m scared,” Jasmine whispers. “You’re safe now,” Fine comforts her daughter. “Nothing can hurt you now.” “It’s not that, Mama,” Jasmine once more whispers. “I’m afraid of hurting others…” “What do you mean?” Fine asks softly as she gently lifts an arm and pulls Jasmine closer. “You’re not going to hurt anypony.” Shaking her head and shivering slightly, Jasmine looks up at her adoptive mother. “I was made to hurt ponies. I don’t want to though…” “Shhh, it’s okay, Jasmine,” Fine coos gently as she hugs her daughter. “You’re my daughter now, and everything that happened in the past can’t touch you anymore. The only thing you’ll be doing from here on out is helping with the tea shop and enjoying being a foal, nothing else.” She gently nuzzles against her daughter’s head and continues on. “And that’s all you and your sister should focus on, because you’re my little princess, and nopony can tell me otherwise.” Giggling, Jasmine returns the nuzzle and rests her head against Fine’s neck. “I love you Mama.” Fine sighs contently as she settles back into simply holding her one daughter, while watching the other play with Tricks. A part of her feels overjoyed to have adopted the two young fillies, the chance to give them a better life swelling her heart. Of course, Leaf had already taken to his new younger sisters, finally able to claim the title of ‘older brother’ over a female sibling, and Fine was more than sure Witch would adore them as well. The sound of hoofsteps approaching draws Fine from her thoughts, her smile remaining as she looks up towards whoever is coming closer. However, as she spots the figure, her smile slips and she pulls Jasmine closer without thinking. Trying her hardest not to scowl, Fine looks over towards the two playing foals and calls over to them. “Tricks, Chamy, why don’t you come join me and Jasmine for a minute?” Her voice is steady, calm, which stands in testament to her self control to not growl or grind her teeth as her mother comes across the gardens towards them. “Aww, but Nana Brew! Me and Chamomile were having fun!” Tricks protests as he squirms under his aunt. “Chamomile and I, Tricks,” Fine corrects automatically, not even thinking about it. “Yeah, I had him pinned finally!” Chamomile adds, blithely ignoring Fine’s correction to Tricks’ speech. “Just do as I ask, please?” Fine states, gesturing with her free hoof for the two to come over. Sighing heavily, Camomile gets off of Tricks and offers him a hoof up before the two of them walk over sullenly as if they’d done something wrong. They get about halfway before Sweet Tea reaches Fine, stopping a short distance from her with a disapproving frown on her face. “Well, at least they’re unicorns,” Sweet Tea sighs heavily. “Hello, Mother,” Fine says in a strained voice. “To what do we owe the pleasure of your attention?” “I didn’t see you in the throne room attending the trial,” Sweet replies, dodging the question and answering it at the same time. “I would have thought you would be in there supporting your father.” “My daughters do not need to be in there,” Fine states curtly, pulling Chamomile into the embrace with her sister. “Nor, for that matter, does my grandcolt,” she pulls Tricks in as well, hugging the three foals close to her body. “And I told you already, the stallion that I happen to be related to is crazy for defending those ponies!” “Fine Brew! He is your father, and he deserves your respect and support!” Sweet retorts as she draws herself up taller to loom over her daughter and the foals. “To think, you would choose charity cases over your own blood relatives!” “They are m-” Fine starts, her eyes narrowing. “I had hoped that it was just the stress talking back when we last spoke,” Sweet interrupts her daughter. “Clearly that is not the case! To think your loyalties have been bought by offering you some street rat orphans to look after! Is this what mine and your father’s bloodline has come to? Well? Your brother married a stallion instead of that nice mare we introduced him to, and you’ve gone off and squandered your potential!” “Jasmine, Chamomile,” Fine starts slowly as she releases the three foals from being hugged against her. “Take your nephew and go over to your uncles. Your grandmother and I need to have a discussion that isn’t suitable for your ears.” “Okay, Mama,” Jasmine and Chamomile both agree at the same time as they get up. Chamomile once more helps Tricks up, and the three quickly sprint away from Fine and Sweet. Sweet opens her mouth to say something, but Fine quickly cuts her off as she stands up and all but storms her mother’s personal space. “Where do you get off talking like that in front of my daughters? In front of my daughter’s son?!” “They are har-” Sweet attempts to counter, but is once more cut off. “They’re more of a family than you and Father ever were!” Fine shouts, pointing a hoof at her mother. “And I’m damn well a better mother than you could ever HOPE to be, and my husband is a thousand times the stallion my so-called-father is! So save the ‘but they’re not blood related’ horse apples! Those two fillies are MY DAUGHTERS! PERIOD! END. OF. BUCKING. DISCUSSION!” “I see you’ve already grown attached to them,” Sweet sighs, waving a hoof at Fine to lower hers. “Dear, it’s not proper for a lady to po-” “I will point at whatever I damn well please,” Fine growls, her eyes narrowed as she snorts through her nose. “And yes, I have grown attached to them. Because they need me, and I am more than willing to open my heart and my home to them. Which is more than could ever be said of you! The way you treated Rain when Mug brought him home! I’d think you actually didn’t like him if not for the fact that’s how you already treated Mug and me!” “I hardly see how that’s relevant,” Sweet counters, narrowing her own eyes. “It was years ago, and you know how your father and I felt about Mug eloping with that… that… pegasus! Honestly, we could have at least been cordial if he had brought home another unicorn, but he just had to fall in love with a bird br-” “Don’t even finish that sentence,” Fine barks. “Purple Rain, your son-in-law, has made my brother, your son, nothing if not happy. He has given him the best of himself, despite the fact his in-laws hate the very idea of him!” She pokes a hoof against her mother’s chest. “So don’t you dare finish that thought, because I love Rain as much as I love Mug, and right now that love would outweigh my restraint to not slap you across the face.” “You would never strike me,” Sweet chuckles weakly. “You were brought up better than that.” “How badly do you want to test that theory, Mother?” Fine growls dangerously. “Lay a hoof on me and the guards will show you the dungeon,” Sweet states calmly, her eyes narrowing. “I am a Noble of Equestria, and I will not be threatened or treated like a commoner.” “You’re forgetting something,” Fine says slowly, advancing on her mother and causing her to step backwards. “I’ve been inside the Castle since the Shadowbolts attacked. I’ve helped tend to the wounded, helped to comfort the grieving, and consoled the fearful. Those guards? They’re my friends, and so is the princess.” She jabs a hoof against her mother’s chest again. “The only pony here who will see the inside of a cell would be you, because they’d take my side. Especially with Father defending those upstarts inside.” She pushes harder, causing her mother to hiss slightly from the pain. “So, listen very carefully. Leave Rain, Mug, my nieces, my children, my grandcolt, and I alone. Or I swear by Celestia’s shining, cake-fed flank, I will beat you into the ground so hard, the pony to pull you out will be crowned the next Marquis of Prance.” She lowers her hoof and leans in close to Sweet’s face. “Am I clear?” “Y-yes, you’ve made your point,” Sweet answers slowly. “I’ll just leave you alone now, allow you to cool off…” “You’re going to be waiting a long time,” Fine growls before stepping back and sitting down in the shade of the tree. She watches as her mother slowly turns around, then leaves at a quick pace back towards the Castle. For a moment, she holds her serious expression, before a small smile creeps onto her face and she laughs softly. “That felt really good…” ---- From their vantage point in the shade of another tree about ten yards away from Fine, Mug and Rain watch Sweet Tea’s retreat with a mixture of smiles and quiet laughter. “Oh, I am really glad I’ve never gotten on Brewsky’s bad side!” Rain comments as he gently ruffles Jasmine’s mane. “Your mom’s got a fiery spirit! You should be proud of her!” “We are, Uncle Rain!” Jasmine laughs from where she is sitting hugging her sister and Tricks. “Well, good, because honestly I’m still in shock,” Mug says slowly, his eyes still wide. “I can’t believe she blew up like that at Mother! I mean, I never thought I’d see the day…” “Now now, dear,” Rain laughs as he leans over and nuzzles his husband’s cheek. “We all knew she had it in her, she was just being polite because Holly didn’t take a hint from me and put her over his back and run laughing as far away from Canterlot as his hooves could take him.” “Still!” Mug presses, blushing slightly at the public affection his husband is showing. “It’s just… the way she defended us!” “I know,” Rain smiles warmly, leaning his head against Mug’s. “I’ve never been more proud to call Brewsky my sister-in-law than right now…” His smile then grows wider. “So, we should show how proud we are!” He looks to the five foals all gathered around, his two daughters included, and gestures to Fine. “How about you all go collect Brewsky, and then we can all go to the Castle’s kitchens and see about finding ourselves something special as a treat! We need to celebrate Fine telling the old wind bag to stick a sock in it!” “Okay!” Tricks replies, quickly getting up and leading his cousins and aunts over to Fine. “Old Wind Bag?” Mug asks with a raised eyebrow. “That’s my mother you’re talking about.” “Oh, sorry, love,” Rain chuckles. “Does ‘evil, blood-sucking she-devil’ work better?” “Much,” Mug agrees as he leans over and kisses his husband on the cheek. ----- Sitting down in the place he had left two hours earlier, Blueblood watches as ponies once more stream into the courtroom to find seating before the next part of the trial commences. After the Prosecution's opening, and all the evidence they had presented, Blueblood can’t help but feel disheartened. Looking over at Black Velvet, the Earl Grey, he can’t help but pray that he is as good as he claims to be, if not Blueblood himself but for the nobles who had foolheartedly followed their Archduke into rebellion. He and his two friends perhaps deserved the full extent of the law to be brought down on them, but the others had just followed orders. Turning his attention towards the throne, Twilight already sitting upon it, Blueblood silently offers a prayer to whoever might be listening. And then Twilight nods, and the doors behind Blueblood swing closed. The trial has once more commenced. “Earl Velvet, are you prepared to offer defense for the accused?” Twilight asks, her voice carrying effortlessly through the room. “I am, your highness,” Velvet replies, his own voice carrying equally well. “Then please, proceed,” Twilight instructs, inclining her head. Standing up and striding to stand before the throne, Velvet turns and regards the assembled ponies with a smile that causes Blueblood’s blood run cold. He’d seen smiles like that on his father’s face before, and it meant nothing but trouble. “Mares and gentle stallions,” Velvet starts, his gaze drifting over everypony. “Before I call my first witness, I would like to remind you all to keep an open mind, for in these times of strife and hardship for our beloved city, we must not be quick to judge! As I have promised, I have proof at the innocence of my fellow nobles, but it falls upon you all, and our dear Princess, to cast aside your fear and anger, and listen to what shall be said here with an open mind and a forgiving heart.” There is a general murmur of apprehension, but when nopony speaks out against him, Velvet’s smile grows wider and he turns to walk over to stand near the evidence table. “Now then, let us start,” Velvet declares as he puts a hoof on the table. “The Defense calls Secure Savings to the stand!” Loud gasps echo through the room, followed by the sound of chains as a pair of guards escort the disheveled former head of the Equestrian National Bank to the base of the throne. It takes Blueblood a few moments to even recognize the once proud stallion, as his once defiant body language has been replaced by the defeated and bowed shell that now shuffles to the base of the throne. As he reaches it, he absently steps up, his movements slow and deliberate as if he is in pain. The thought seems to echo in a few minds, least of all Twilight’s, as she looks down on the poor stallion with an expression of regret and pity. “Now then, Secure,” Velvet says curtly, causing the stallion sitting at the base of the throne to look at him with weary eyes. “You’re going to tell us the truth, right?” Secure nods wearily before looking back down at the floor and shivering as Velvet walks forward to stand near Secure. “This, my dear fellow ponies, is the cost of seeking power through dark magics. Where once a good and proud stallion stood, now only a shell remains. I would have him speak the oath, but I fear he would not understand it, but all the same he cannot lie to us.” He clears his throat and turns away, walking towards the table again. “Now, Secure, my dear friend, would you please tell the court of the orders you were given by the shadowy figure you served?” “I was to stir up trouble in Canterlot,” Secure says softly, his voice ragged and worn. He grimaces with each word, as if it is a battle to even shape them. “Af-after the attack on the Wonderbolts by our forces, those of us hidden in the shadows in Canterlot were to..” he pauses to cough a racking, full bodied cough. “Were to stirr up as much trouble as we could, and I saw in Blueblood and his friends the opportunity to do so… much more.” “And what was that opportunity, Secure?” Velvet prompts as he runs a hoof over the evidence table, stopping in front of a small clear jar of pink crystal dust. “I saw within them an unease, a strife that I could use to further wound the city,” Secure answers, his eyes on the carpet. “I had been gifted with certain objects that allowed me to look into the hearts of others, and twist their emotions so as to make them more useful to our goals.” “Those objects were crystals, were they not?” Velvet asks as he picks up a jar containing a full crystal, which glows faintly at being near the unicorn’s magic. “This being one of those crystals, correct?” At the sight of the crystal, Secure instantly tries to run forward, a look of manic need in his eyes, one hoof extended out to try and touch it. “YES! Please… please give it back!” he is stopped by the chains, which go taunt in the grips of the guards holding them. When it becomes clear he can’t reach the crystal, Secure’s eyes fill with tears as he flails his extended hoof desperately. “Please! Please it hurts! GIVE IT BACK!”   Velvet starts to say more before Twilight cuts in, her tone harsh and disapproving. “Earl Velvet, that is enough,” she rises from the throne and descends down to the still whimpering Secure who stops his attempts to get to the crystal and instead starts to shy away from Twilight. “It’s okay, I won’t hurt you,” Twilight whispers as she powers up her horn and casts a spell that Blueblood knows to be a mixture of painkiller and a low-level sleeping charm. “This will help with the pain, and allow you to sleep.” She looks to the guards and smiles softly. “Please take him back to his room in the medical wing. His part in this trial is at an end.” “Your Highness, I obj-” Velvet starts before Twilight turns her attention to him, causing him to swallow. “No. His part is done. He has suffered enough,” Twilight states firmly. “Guards, you may take him away.” The guards salute and herd Secure from the base of the throne, his whimpering and muttering about the crystals filling Blueblood with dread. He had been touched by those crystals, would he end up the same? Wrapping his arms around himself, Blueblood shivers at the thought of becoming a shell of himself, trapped in his own mind and screaming from pain and a desire to touch the those pink crystals. “I guess I’d best call my next witness,” Velvet mutters to himself as he walks over to the evidence table again. “The Defense calls Star Swirl the Bearded, to the stand as an expert on the crystals, as well as their effects on ponies.” “Objection!” Juris shouts, standing up from where she has been seated while Velvet has been taking his turn. “Your Highness, surely you do not think I can allow Earl Grey to pull out some imposter he has slapped the name of ‘Star Swirl’ onto to make us believe he has summoned up some ancient wizard?” “I assure you, my dear,” a voice comes from behind Juris as the crowd parts to allow an aged unicorn with a long beard to step forward, “I am hardly an imposter, though I do take offense at being called ‘ancient’! I am only one-thousand-and-eighty-three after all!” All eyes go to the stallion who, like the drawings in the history books, wears a long blue cloak covered in stars and moons and trimmed with bells, as well as a pointy wide-brimmed hat similarly decorated. He strides forward, the bells jingling, for a few paces before turning and looking at two young caped foals who have followed him. “Midnight, Moonshadow, stay here and don’t do anything, alright?” Star Swirl sighs. “Aww, okay,” one of the foals, a colt, sighs. Nodding, Star Swirl continues forward again and stops at the base of the throne with a smile. “Your Highness,” he inclines his head to Twilight. “Lord Grumpy,” he smirks at Shiro. Twilight returns the smile, and Shiro smirks and snorts a bit as Star Swirl turns around and removes his hat. “Right, Star Swirl raise your right hoof and recite the oath,” Velvet states calmly, waiting a moment for Star Swirl to do so. “Now, you know about these crystals, am I correct?” Velvet asks, levitating the crystal in the jar again. “I do,” Star Swirl says slowly, his eyes narrowing at the jar. “Enough to know that you should not be even this close to it, nor should I.” “And why is that?” Velvet asks, bringing the jar over and holding it in one hoof. “It certainly seems benign.” “I assure you they are anything but!” Star Swirl says firmly, his eyes narrowing. “You saw the stallion that was just in here, the pain he was going through, the longing to touch those crystals again. If you think he is broken now, wait a few days, and you shall see the pain he feels now shall pale next to the agony he shall soon feel as the twisted magic he has used consumes his body.” Star Swirl stands, the bells on his cloak tinkling. “If he dies, and I assure you he very well might, it shall be after days, weeks perhaps, of lingering in the worst possible pain you can imagine. And if he, by some grace of the Cosmos, survives? He shall forever be disfigured, crippled and deformed, by the pact he willingly made.” He glares daggers at the crystal within the jar, and Blueblood can almost feel the glare reflected upon it’s surface. “It is anything but benign, and you would do well to destroy it now.” “You make a… good point,” Velvet says slowly as he puts the jar, and its deadly contents, back on the table. “Tell me, though, where do they come from? How are they made?” He pauses, looking at Star Swirl with a serious gaze. “And how do you know so much of them?” “They are ancient, perhaps far more ancient than I,” Star Swirl states gravely as he sits back down. “They are products of Vice, a corrupting and all consuming magic that brought about the fall of my homeland…” he pauses to take a deep breath and look down. As he does, Blueblood watches as profound sorrow come over the ancient mage, ”and ultimately killed my wife.” He looks back up, his eyes growing hard as steel. “When my home, when Equus, was consumed by war, I did my best to learn of our foes, who used magic much like that contained within the crystals you have. I did everything I could to learn of them, short of using them myself, and saw with each battle the terrible, unspeakable, cost of using the magic's brought upon those who had fallen under its sway.” “This magic, can it do as Secure said?” Velvet ventures. “Can it sway the minds and hearts of ponies?” “It can,” Star Swirl confirms with a sigh. “It is how their ranks swelled so quickly. However, as I said the cost is great, on those who use the magic and on those who it is used on. It is also limited in scope, as it can only amplify feelings that are already there, not create them.” “What do you mean the cost is great on those the magic is used on?” Blueblood finds himself asking. When he realizes he spoke out loud, he claps a hoof over his mouth as all eyes turn to him, the attention causing his ears to go back against his head as he sinks towards the floor. “I take it you had it used on you, then,” Star Swirl sighs. “Fear not, young stallion, you will not be consumed by the same things as the poor wretch who was just in here. No, I suspect you have already gone through the withdrawls. You would have felt extreme paranoia, fear, fatigue. Perhaps moments from your life that have made you feel especially vulnerable would haunt your dreams?” Nodding, Blueblood looks up at Star Swirl from the floor. “Yes,” he replies weakly, a shiver running through his body. “I-it was awful…” “Then the worst is past, young stallion,” Star Swirl smiles softly. “Though, the scars will remain, so I suggest you hold tightly to the love of others, and be not afraid to open your heart to them. It will chase the pain away.” Coughing, Velvet brings attention back to himself. “Thank you for that, insight, Star Swirl, but I do not think you need to comfort my client. He is, after all, a grown stallion.” “Even grown stallions need comfort sometimes, Earl Grey,” Star Swirl replies with a soft frown. “How would you feel after being violated like he has been?” “I… cannot say,” Velvet replies before clearing his throat. “But, moving on, do you know how these things are created?” “Vile magic, more foul and dangerous than the dark arts even Sombra dabbled in,” Star Swirl growls, shifting uncomfortably. “These, in particular, are Pain. In the absence of a Vice to generate them, they would be created by causing the vice to manifest through inflicting that vice upon ponies.” “So, you are saying that somepony tortured others to create these?” Velvet asks, slightly taken aback. “Torture is too… lenient a word, Earl Grey,” Star Swirl says slowly, his eyes narrowing as he focuses on a distant, unseen point. “When I say these are pain, I mean they are pain so complete, so utterly consuming, you would wish to die to simply end the feeling. It is born from the wails of children crying over the bodies of their parents, and parents sobbing over the broken forms of their children. It is created from the tears of brothers torn from brothers, sisters from sisters, child from parent. It is found in the endless questions of those who have seen horrors beyond imagining.” He looks up, his eyes haunted. “These crystals are pure, horrific, unspeakable pain made manifest. To make them, you yourself would have to be a monster beyond description.” For a long moment, the courtroom falls silent as Star Swirl’s words echo through the minds of everyone present. Blueblood himself sits blinking slowly at the sheer implications of what the old wizard had just said. And then, Blueblood shivers as he realizes the city has become the perfect breeding ground for the creation of these crystals, and he offers a silent prayer to Celestia that he has not had a hoof in creating more of these things. “Right, I don’t… I don’t have any more questions,” Velvet stammers, his ears back against his head as he too doubtlessly feels the profound horror at what Star Swirl had just suggested. “Do you have any questions, Juris?” Velvet asks, turning around to look at his counterpart who is currently slack-jawed. “Juris?” “Hm? Oh… No, no I don’t have any questions,” Juris states, her voice weak. “Then I shall take my leave,” Star Swirl sighs as he stands and collects his hat. He steps off the dias with the jingle of his bells, and heads back to the two foals who have been sitting beside Juris. They instantly move close to him, and the three vanish back into the crowd. Velvet waits a few moments, then looks to up to Twilight who nods. “My next witness is Restful Reprieve, the proprietor of the Gilded Bit,” Velvet announces. “Since I have fleshed out the fact that Blueblood and his fellow leaders were mind controlled, we shall now explain how.” Absently, Blueblood watches a unicorn step out of the crowd from where he is still laying on the floor. The unicorn pays him no mind as he heads to the bottom of the throne’s dias, and Blueblood quickly finds himself retreating into his own mind as the stallion starts his testimony. Star Swirl’s words continue to echo in his mind, and the feeling of profound violation grows, causing his chest to tighten up and his breathing to quickly slightly. The old wizard had said to hold onto the ones he cares about, but with what he has done, Blueblood knows he has no one to count on. He is alone. The thought causing him to shiver, and he covers his eyes with his hooves like he used to do when he was a small colt. Perhaps, if he just ignores all of this, it’ll turn out for the better, and when he opens his eyes he’ll be at home in bed and all of this will have just been one horrible dream… But then, if this is a nightmare, where is Luna? The sound of soft conversation comes from nearby, but Blueblood simply folds his ears back and does his best to ignore it as he wallows in his own fear and stupidity. Then, the feeling of somepony sitting beside him pulls him from his thoughts, and he slowly lowers a hoof to see Sea sitting beside him, his flank touching Blueblood’s. His servant says nothing, and simply sits there looking ahead as if what he is doing is the most normal thing in the world. But, it’s not. It is a massive breach of etiquette for him to be sitting this close to Blueblood, not to mention he is touching him. He had not called him over, he had not asked him to stay by him, but here he is. And, for some reason, as much as Blueblood wants to yell at him to get away, he finds himself actually scooting slightly closer to the warmth. It’s a small comfort in the darkness, and once more Star Swirl’s words echo in Blueblood’s mind and the Archduke decides that, the old wizard was right; He should keep those he cares about close… “Thank you, Mister Reprieve,” Velvet states. “You may step down.” Blueblood lowers his other hoof, and sits up a bit as the unicorn inn keeper leaves the stand and heads back into the crowd. “Might want to sit up a bit more, m’lord,” Sea whispers softly, his face neutral. “I think Velvet is about to pull out his final witness.” Sitting up, Blueblood opens his mouth to comment, perhaps to thank Sea, but closes his mouth. A part of him remains unwilling to show much, or even public, kindness to the earth pony. Instead, he sighs and draws himself up, sitting tall beside Sea as he watches Velvet pace for dramatic effect. “Now, I shall call my final witness, who shall give testimony on JSS’s cruelty! She shall explain to us all that, even had Blueblood and his fellows been in their right minds, JSS would still be beyond control,” He stops and looks to the crowd. “The Defense calls Miss Anise Wreath to the stand!” For a moment, nothing happens, then there is the sounds of a scuffle and the crowd quickly parts as a unicorn wearing the uniform of a Navy Captain marches another pony forward using both her magic and physical force. While the captain is nothing out of the ordinary, the pony she is ‘escorting’ forward is the focus of all the attention in the room, and as she is marched forward Sea draws closer to Blueblood and shivers slightly. For his part, Blueblood doesn’t complain, as his attention is fixed on the strange pony. “Captain, he did not call for me,” the strange pony states calmly, far too calmly to be natural. “He did, just not with your proper name. Now get up there so we can get this whole farce over with!” the Captain replies as she scoots the strange pony to the front of the crowd and points. “Go.” Without further comment, the strange pony starts forward giving everypony present a good look at her. The pony is a mare, neither too tall nor short, her body scarred and also sporting what look to be armored plates grafted to her body. Between her shoulders is the remains of what had perhaps once been some sort of flight device, and her head has a metal stub in the center, giving the appearance of a small horn. As she reaches the dais, she turns and Blueblood is appalled to see that parts of her face are replaced by what seem to be magi-tech implants. She scans the crowd impassively, her expression not only deadpan but devoid of any emotions whatsoever. “Miss Wrea-” Velvet starts. “That is not my name,” the pony states firmly. “I- I’m sorry?” Velvet asks, taken aback. “That is not my name,” the pony insists in her deadpan voice. “I am known as Delta Zero-Seven-Slash-Zero-Zero-Nine, or Dee-Seven.” “I see,” Velvet says slowly before clearing his throat. “Very well, Miss Dee-Seven, you are a former experiment of Janus Security Solutions?” "That is incorrect,” Dee once more states, the slightest flicker of annoyance crossing her features, “I am an engineer and navigator on the airship Voyager." Blinking rapidly, Velvet takes a step back as he tries to recover. “I, yes, I was going to ask if you served in the Royal Navy.” “I do not serve in the Navy. I am a civilian consultant,” Dee corrects once more. “A-and before that, you were experimented on by JSS?” Velvet presses, his voice unsteady as he clearly flounders to try and find his footing again. “Yes, I was a part of what was known as ‘Project Ascension’,” Dee admits. “I was, however, rescued seven years ago by the crew of Voyager in conjunction with members of the Shadowbolts working a contract.” “How many other subjects were there?” Velvet asks.   “Clarify,” demands Dee. “Living subjects, kidnapped subjects, cloned subjects, or total?” “Let's start with kidnapped subjects,” Velvet clarifies. “There were a total of one hundred fifty kidnapped subjects, including myself,” stated Dee. “Two hundred additional subjects were cloned, leaving 180 to emerge-” “Cloned? Could you explain the process to us?” Velvet inquires, raising an eyebrow. “It is the same process used to produce Jaeger units,” stated Dee. “Donor material is obtained, usually through illicit means, and tailored to suit the needs of the project. Growth is accelerated through magical and alchemical means, and the units are provided an education through electrostimulation of their neural pathways, which ends up claiming most of the ten percent margin of error.” “I-I see,” Velvet coughs. “It sounds like they had all of this down to, if you will excuse my choice of words, a science.” He clears his throat and continues on, pacing slightly as he speaks again. “If you know all of this, you are well versed in how JSS operated? What is your opinion on the attack they helped to orchestrate?” “They followed what their contractor stated, but they were not under the control of crystals,” stated Dee calmly. “In completing their objective, they made decisions that lacked compassion or empathy, but this is nothing new to any of the three tribes. In fact, Equestria’s own military forces employed tactics that were just as brutal, if not more so, in the last Griffin-Drake War. The Dragonlance weapon system is a perfect example of such brutality. ” “The times were different, and we did not target civilians such as JSS did,” Velvet counters, his eyes narrowing. “And I would say such systems were a necessity to defend ourselves.” “But they were used against civilians, Earl Velvet,” replied Dee. “Villages on all sides of the borders burned without distinction. The God of Chaos himself was released from his prison as a result of said chaos and carnage. To deny this fact is to deny reason itself. And if I may be so bold, Earl Velvet, you are using the incorrect defense in this case.” “And just what do you mean by that you insu-” Velvet barks, only to be cut off by Twilight. “I think that’s enough,” Twilight announces calmly. “Thank you for your testimony, Dee-Seven.” She then smiles slightly, her eyes twinkling with suppressed mirth. “And for the sorely needed reminder that our history is not as perfect as we wish it to be.” She inclines her head. “You may step down now, and return to Captain Noire, as I am sure you do not wish to be the center of attention any longer.” “Thank you, your highness, but I feel it is necessary to remain here for only a little while longer,” replies Dee before she turns to the crowd, barely suppressing the rage in her eyes. “You all claim to be kind, compassionate, and welcoming souls. This is a lie. The manner in which you have treated Graceful Melody, a victim of her own circumstance, is the proof of this. You claim to be better than Janus Security Solutions. Prove it. Show compassion. Show kindness. Show forgiveness to those who were in circumstances beyond their control. If you do not, you are no better than the group you so fiercely condemn.” And with that, Dee steps down from the stand, marching with frightening purpose back to her Captain. Noire smiles warmly at her crew member, her eyes glistening with unshed tears of pure pride. The crowd is dead silent, some hanging their heads in shame while others glowered at Dee in indignation. Captain Noire pats Dee’s shoulder as the enhanced pony reaches her, then together they head back into the crowd, which quickly parts before them before swallowing them and removing Dee and Noire from Blueblood’s sight. “Do you have anypony else to call to the stand, Earl Grey?” Twilight asks in a commanding tone, causing the still off-balance stallion to flinch. “No, your highness,” Velvet admits. “Then I believe you and Juris should make your closing arguments,” Twilight suggests. “Yes, Your Highness,” Velvet nods as he draws himself up and shakes his head to clear the last bit of the indignation he suffered at the hooves of Dee. When he turns towards the crowd again, he is sure of himself and his eyes are alight with his typical inner fire. “Mares, gentle stallions, I have shown you nothing but the truth today. For all the death, all the destruction, those I defend are not to blame! No. If truly we wish to blame anypony, let us lay the blame squarely at the hooves of the Shadowbolts!” He stomps a hoof, causing Blueblood, and many in the room, to flinch slightly. “And at the hooves of JSS! For are they not the ones who truly attacked the city? The Shadowbolts with their flying fortress, and Janus with their weapons of unthinkable destruction?” He shakes his head, sighing as he paces the area before the crowd. “These monsters are to blame. For I have proven to you, all of you, that they manipulated our fair Archduke and his compatriots. Used their desire, their wish, to defend all of us from tyranny to sow even more killing within our city. Blame not Blueblood and his fellow nobles who stand before you, for if they are guilty of anything, let them be guilty of trying to protect us from ourselves.” He turns to Twilight and Shiro, a small smile on his face. “I pray that you, our fair Princess of Friendship, can see that and shall clear them of all charges.” He then bows deeply, and goes to sit beside Blueblood, marking the end of his speech. As Velvet sits, Juris rises and strides to the center of the room before the throne. As she reaches it, she starts clapping, a smirk on her face. “A very fine speech, from a very practiced orator,” Juris praises Velvet, causing a few eyebrows to raise. “Surely, the Earl Grey is a very practiced speaker.” She stops clapping, and lowers her hooves to the floor, her expression becoming serious. “But, even if the words were pretty, and the speech well done, they were just words.” Standing, she makes a sweeping motion with one arm, her smile returning. “And I have more faith in all of us, in the Ponies of Equestria, to not be fooled by honey-sweetened lies. All of you can clearly see that Blueblood and his cohort are guilty of nothing short of treason, and nothing less than the endangerment of every single pony within this city, if not within the Kingdom!” She lowers the hoof to the floor, her smile slipping a bit. “I will concede that, perhaps, their intentions were good, noble even, but we are not here to judge their intentions but their actions,” She pauses and points to a window, and the shattered city beyond, “and their results! They broke our city, noble intentions or not, and they killed hundreds of ponies! We cannot allow them to walk away from this without punishment, nor, I am sure, will any of you allow that. Least of all, our esteemed Princess, who came here to end the battle!” She bows her head, her next words soft but still easily heard. “Let justice be done, my friends, and let this nightmare finally end.” As her speech ends, Juris returns to where she had been sitting, and sighs heavily as she looks to Twilight’s next instructions. “Very well,” Twilight states as she rises, her head held high. “Everypony, much has been revealed here today, and there is much to think on. Court shall be adjourned for a few hours until I, and others, have had a chance to discuss the information.” She powers her horn, and the doors to the throne room glow as the seal is released. Beside her, Shiro smirks slightly, earning him a smirk in return from Twilight, before the two descend the stairs and head towards the door with everypony else following in their wake. Blueblood rises as the room clears, and hesitates for a moment to look around the ruined throne room. He takes in the sight, the smell, the sounds, committing them all to memory as best he can. After all, this might be the last time he ever sees this room. --- “I still believe that this course of action is a mistake, Your Highness,” Shiro states calmly for the third time in the past ten minutes. “The nobility must learn their place, and I do not believe what you intend will drive the point home.” “I have no other options, Shiro,” Twilight sighs as she leans back in the spacious chair at Celestia’s desk. “I refuse to execute them, but I cannot allow them to walk away without punishment. I believe this is a good medium between the two.” “Be that as it may,” Shiro continues, walking to stand before the large desk in Celestia’s study. “But what of the three who led this revolt? I do not think your solutions is even close to…” “Lord Shiro Hoshi.” Twilight’s calm, but sharp, tone cuts through Shiro’s words and silences him. “You are my friend, but I am the one who has to live with the choice. I am filling in for Celestia and Luna, and am the Sovereign Princess.” She raises a hoof to forestall Shiro’s next words. “No, Shiro, I do not know if Celestia and Luna would approve of what I am going to do, but we do not have time to dwell on what others might do in this situation. We must act.” For a moment, Twilight fears that Shiro will be angry with her. However, he suddenly smiles and lets out a hearty laugh. Confused, Twilight blinks rapidly and leans her head to one side as she waits for the alicorn to stop laughing. “And there it is,” Shiro sighs as his laughter subsides. “The conviction you’re going to need to pull this off.” He clears his throat and settles down, his soft smile remaining. “Even if I do not approve of your actions, you are right. You are the one who will live with them. I have counseled you as best I can, but you have made up your mind and I shall stand by it.” “Thank you, Shiro,” Twilight sighs, relief clear in her voice. “That means a lot to me.” She turns her attention to the desk, and the notes stacked upon it. “Still, as sure as I am, I can’t help but wish I had more time to do research, a month preferably….” A knock on the door brings Twilight’s attention from her notes, and she nods to Shiro to open the door and allow their guest in. As he does, Twilight levitates a hand mirror up as she gently runs a hoof through her mane. “You wished to speak with me, Your Highness?” Black Velvet, Earl Grey, asks in a triumphant tone as he strides in to stand before Twilight. “I did, Earl Grey,” Twilight starts, only to have the stallion speak before she can continue. “Oh, please, call me Velvet, Your Highness, we are hardly in court,” Velvet says calmly as he sits down, his grin becoming oily. “I think not, Earl Grey,” Twilight replies curtly. “I requested you attend me so that we could speak of something that has come to my attention.” “You don’t wish to speak on the verdict?” Velvet says slowly, raising an eyebrow. “I assumed that’s what you needed to see me about, seeing as Miss Prudence looked so sullen.” “Commander Juris Prudence was called in here to speak to me on that,” Twilight sighs. “What we need to speak about is far more personal, and quite a bit more important.” “I… see, and what do wish to speak to me about, Your Highness?” Velvet asks slowly, his grin slipping a bit. “Well, it has come to my attention that you visited your brother while he was incarcerated,” Twilight states in matter of fact tone. “Apparently you and he had a very interesting discussion.” “I was speaking to him about what he was looking at should we lose the trial,” Velvet shrugs as he runs a hoof over the surface of the desk. “I see,” Twilight deadpans. “I fail to see how talking about your bloodline, let alone marrying off Witching Hour, who happens to be my friend, to the Archduke qualifies as talk about the trial.” She then leans back in her chair as she closes the book on the desk. “Care to explain that?” “Honestly, it is none of your buisness,” Velvet states bluntly, his eyes narrowing. “Though I am curious as to how you came across the information, as my conversation was supposed to be private.” “You two were speaking loud enough for the guards to hear, and a lot of what you said didn’t fall under privacy laws,” Twilight explains. “And even then, you informed your brother you would do everything in your power to keep him locked up.” “Your point?” Velvet inquires, waving a hoof. “We were simply playing the age old game of the nobility.” “Well, I do not have the time, nor the desire to play such games,” Twilight informs the Earl as she leans forward, placing her hooves on the desk. “So, I would like to make it very clear that I am going to treat your brother the same as the others, and if I hear you attempting to meddle with the verdict in any way, you’ll find yourself beside him in the dungeon.” “Are you sure you wish to play this game, Princess?” Velvet asks slowly, his eyes narrowing. “You might be a Princess, but you’ll find it quite hard to get anything done if the nobles are not on your side.” “I think I’ll manage,” Twilight frowns. “And one more thing before I dismiss you.” “Yes, Your Highness?” Velvet growls. “Witching Hour is beyond your power to control.” Twilight informs him, a small smirk on her face. “Oh, by the way, try to keep your schedule clear. I'm sure she'd hate to inconvenience you once a date's set for her coronation..." Velvet blinks slowly, his eyes narrowing before growing wide in shock. “No…” “Yes,” Twilight confirms. “Now, you are dismissed, Earl Grey. Please return to whatever dark political hole you crawled out of, and stay there until I am ready to announce the verdict.” “I mu-” Velvet starts. “Was I not clear? You are dismissed.” Twilight cuts in forcefully. “Now leave.” She watches as Velvet stands and walks to the door, anger clear on his face as he opens the door, and slams it behind him. Closing the door behind the disgruntled Earl, Shiro gives Twilight an approving smile and a chuckle as he crosses to sit in front of the desk again. “It was about time he was put in his place,” Shiro remarks, earning him a look from Twilight. Sighing, Twilight looks to the mirror that has been floating near her, the face turned so that Velvet could not see it. A soft smile forms on her face as she looks at it, and she leans back in the chair. “I’m sorry you had to hear all of that,” Twilight says softly, “but I felt you needed to know.” She then chuckles. “Also, sorry for spoiling the surprise, but we needed the morale boost around here, and a coronation is the perfect thing. You should have heard Rarity’s raptures on the subject...” “Well, at least it’s for a good cause,” Witch’s voice sighs from the mirror. “Let’s just hope we don’t have to postpone it for very long….” “Oh, I’m sure we won’t,” Twilight smirks. “After all, I’m sure your brother and sister-in-law would move heaven and hell just to get the chance to see you squirm.” “Don’t remind me…” Witch mutters, groaning. "Perhaps I should have a conversation with the Marquis and Marchioness about their treatment of a Cosmic Aspect, and a God. Sister or not, they should not treat you with anything but the utmost respect and deference." Shiro states seriously, his tone leaving no room for argument or further comment on the subject. For a long moment, both Twilight and Witch blink with confused looks on their faces before groaning heavily and putting their faces in their hooves. ------         Sitting upon the throne of gold, Twilight watches silently as the nobles and those who had come to watch the trial enter into the ruined throne room of Canterlot. Beside her, Shiro sits with a passive expression, his eyes betraying none of the feelings he had expressed to Twilight earlier in the study. In a way, she is glad that Shiro is beside her, despite him thinking her idea isn’t the right one. He lends a certain strength with his presence, a small irony perhaps due to his long-dead wife having been the embodiment of that virtue. She is drawn from her thoughts by the sound of the large doors on the other end of the room closing, the Royal Guards taking their place before it and effectively sealing the throne room. To all in the room, Twilight included, this is the sign that the trial shall continue, and quietly Twilight wishes she had more time to prepare before she has to pronounce, and then carry out the sentences she is about pass down. Letting the silence persist for a moment longer, Twilight takes a deep breath and fixes the accused with a stern look. They are all seated before the throne, Blueblood seated at the forefront with his head held high and body ridged. For a moment, Twilight cannot help but think he looks like he wishes to shield those who followed him into battle, and the thought brings the ghost of a smile to her face. More than a few mistake her small smile for something else, and recoil, fear obviously gripping them as surely as if they looked their executioner in the face. Twilight finds she cannot blame them, after-all, she will be doing something to them that shall make them wish they had died. “Earl Black Velvet,” Twilight says calmly, her voice carrying over the entire room so that all can hear. “Would you and your clients please stand, so that I may deliver the verdict?” “Very well, Your Highness,” Velvet replies as he looks to his clients. Absently, Twilight feels a slight bit of personal satisfaction at the fact he is no longer smirking. As the gathered nobles rise, Twilight’s smile slowly slips back into an expression of neutrality, she will not enjoy this next part, so no need to wear a fake smile. “Assembled Lords and Ladies,” Twilight starts, her eyes turning to Blueblood and the two others who instigated the uprising. “Archduke Blueblood, Lords Golden Gavel and Jet Set. After reviewing all the evidence provided to this court today, and after taking counsel from my advisors, I have no choice but to find you all guilty of the charges you have been accused of.” A cheer breaks out in the assembled spectators, forcing Twilight to pause in her pronouncement. She allows them to continue for a few moments, the look of true despair growing on the faces of the accused nobles. However, before anypony can get out of hoof, Twilight raises a hoof and silences the crowd. “As such, I am forced to sentence you to the full extent of the law, as is demanded by your actions.” Twilight continues, fixing the group with a hard stare. “It is the judgment of the Crown of Equestria, that henceforth you shall all be reduced to a lower noble rank which shall be determined by Princess Luna and myself at a later date. Your fortunes, and what remains of your holdings here in Canterlot, are to be forfeit to the Crown to be used to aid in the reconstruction of the city as well as the housing of those you have made homeless.” She pauses again, taking a deep breath before continuing. “However, due to evidence also brought before the court, namely the Shadowbolt Infiltrator known as Secure Savings, I am forced to lay down a different sentence for the three who you followed into battle.” As the words leave her mouth she watches Blueblood and his two friends stiffen. “Your Majesty,” Blueblood starts as he advances towards the throne a few steps before Shiro stands and starts down to stop him. “Do not judge Jet and Gavel harshly, they were tricked into this, and followed my orders. If a sentence harsher than what has given to my peers is demanded for justice to be carried out, then level it upon my head, not theirs.” Finding a warm smile suddenly spreading across her face, Twilight stands and descends from the throne. “My little pony, you are very brave to try and shield your fellows from what you must think shall be a harsh, and terrible penalty for your collective crimes.” She stops in front of Blueblood who is staring at her with a confused look. During the momentary pause, it occurs to Twilight that Blueblood has likely heard those very words come from Celestia’s mouth before, and she finds her smile growing slightly brighter. “No, this sentence cannot be deferred to just you, for it would be unfair of me to pass judgment upon you alone.” She looks to Shiro, who nods to her, then back to Blueblood at the two who are cowering behind him. “Archduke Blueblood, under the laws of Equestria, though you and your two fellows have been found guilty of the crimes you have committed, it has been sufficiently shown that you three were under the influence of mind control.” Her voice wavers for a moment, but then she continues, slightly more sure of herself, even if she isn’t of what she is about to say. “Thus, in accordance to the laws penned by your aunt, Princess Celestia, you and your fellows are to have your sentences mitigated to house arrest, with the possibility of parole by the Crown, with no loss of rank nor wealth.” The silence that descends upon the throne room is almost deafening, and Twilight knows she has done herself, nor Blueblood, any favors. In fact, she is sure she has just made some powerful foes amongst the nobility, and more than a few in the common classes. But, she did what the law required, and while she knew not everypony would agree with her, it still had to be done. And then Blueblood opens his mouth. “I cannot accept this judgment,” Blueblood states quietly, his tone wavering as if it is taking all his effort to speak. “I-I injured Canterlot, my home, and the City I swore to protect, irrevocably.” He pauses, then stamps his hoof. “I demand you punish me! Take my riches, take my title, none of it means anything! Tis naught but ash and dust beside the horrors I unleashed!” “If you wish to donate a part of your fortune, and the lands which you own, to be used by refugees and to help rebuild the city, that is your choice, Archduke,” Twilight replies calmly, though a part of her is deeply shocked by Blueblood demanding to be punished. The swift turn from his usual brash and selfish personality is more than a bit jarring, and not only to her. More than a few faces are full of shock and confusion at the statement. “However, my judgment will still stand, no matter what.” She then pauses and regards Blueblood with a softer expression. “Also, seeing as you do not have a house anymore, you will be staying in the room you currently occupy here in the Castle. You will likewise retain the servant that was assigned to you, and no further staff will be assigned to you. Considering the level of luxury you are used to, a diminished, and by all accounts unwelcomed, staff shall be your added punishment.” Sighing heavily, Blueblood bows his head. “Then, if your Majesty has no further pronouncements, may I return to my gilded cage?” “You may, Archduke,” Twilight consents before turning and walking back up to the throne. She takes her time to sit comfortably and draw herself up before she looks at the assembled masses. “One last thing,” Twilight states, her voice causes everypony to freeze. “If any harm should come to any of those I have sentenced today, I can promise you I shall not be so lenient.” She then inclines her head. “The trial is over, you may now all return to your loved ones, and, hopefully, the healing of this great city shall start.” Everypony present bows, and then stands and departs through the large doors that are now open. Even the Royal Guard departs, many of them doubtlessly going to find their bunks, or to rotate to off-duty now that this final large event has concluded. Twilight herself rises, and looks over to Shiro who has likewise stood up. “Shall I accompany Her Highness to her rooms, and then presumably to her friends so she make seek comfort with those who do not wish her ill?” Shiro asks, his neutral features offset by a slightly playful tone. “I would be honored, Archduke Hoshi,” Twilight replies wearily, a yawn escaping her. “And then I guess I should release you so that you can go back to House Star, and be with your family.” She chuckles, “I understand you have been putting off a conversation with a certain Naval Admiral?” Starting forward with Twilight, Shiro nods gravely. “Yes, I do owe a certain grandcolt a very long conversation on ethics.” He then sighs and shakes his head. “And then, I think I shall seek my bed. I may be immortal, but I am not as young as I once was. All this excitement has taken its toll.” “Yes,” Twilight agrees, “but I think we can safely say all of the danger and horrors are behind us.” “I hope you’re right, Twilight,” Shiro whispers. “I hope this city can start to heal now.” > Chapter 19: City of Ghostlights > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 19: City of Ghost Lights. From her perch on the balcony connected to Celestia’s study, Twilight listens to the haunting toll of the Canterlot Castle bell tower. Shortly after the trial had ended yesterday, and after she had drawn some strength and comfort from her friends, she had declared the night directly after the trial to be one of collective mourning. “I’ll never get used to hearing bells toll in mourning,” a voice comes from beside Twilight, its worn and weary quality making Twilight remember just who she is standing with. “Nor will I, Star Swirl,” Twilight remarks, doing her best to not squeal in joy when she says the name of one of her idols. “Still,” a second voice echoes from the other side of Twilight, “better the bells to toll for the fallen heroes, than for the entire city.” “Better for none to fall at all, Shiro,” Twilight replies, her tone somber. “Too many have given their lives this past few weeks. If Celestia was here…” “She would be as hard pressed as you, I am sure,” Star Swirl states firmly as he looks out over the city. “If I know that filly, she’d be just as distraught over losing so many good ponies, but she would do what needed to be done to ensure it never happened again.” “I still feel like I’ve failed them all. I stayed away for too long,” Twilight mutters. “And I wish there was something more I could do to ease their pain.” “Perhaps, there is,” Star Swirl says slowly as he looks past Twilight to Shiro. “Old one, do you remember how to cast Compassion’s light spell?” “I believe so,” Shiro whispers, his brow furrowing. “It has been a long while, though.” “Then simply follow my lead,” Star Swirl chuckles as he turns attention to Twilight. “You as well, Your Highness, you are the new Compassion after all, you should learn this spell.” Nodding, Twilight watches closely as the archmage closes his eyes and channels magic into his horn. At first, it is simply the glow of his own magic, silver in color, but then, as the spell builds, she watches as flashes of another color start to appear. As the color becomes more prominent, she realizes it’s a deep indigo, much like the magic she had seen when she had touched the Tree of Harmony! The magic calls to her, tugging at a part of her deep within, causing her to react with her own magic and innately cast the spell as if she had been doing it her entire life. Closing her eyes she gets lost in the feeling of the magic, which starts out as a small feeling of warmth in her chest and spreads out to fill her entire body. Analytical mind racing to try and put words to the feeling, she finds her words failing her, as the feeling of simply comfort and compassion wraps around her like a warm blanket, or perhaps even the hug of a lover. The feeling simply takes her breath away, and brings tears to her eyes, as somehow it felt as if the magic had simply been waiting for her to find it... And what’s more, she can feel the same magic radiating to a lesser degree with Star Swirl. Instinctively, she reaches out partially with her magic and partially with the feeling growing within her. As she does, she opens her eyes, watching almost breathlessly as wisps of indigo magic drift from her horn into the area around her. The part of her mind not subsumed by the feeling of warm comfort likens the spreading magic to a cloud, and yet even that barely describes it as it drifts out and connects to a growing field of magic from Star Swirl’s own horn. As the fields touch, Twilight has to suppress a sharp gasp as she suddenly feels Star Swirl’s presence. Yet, the feeling that suddenly fills her isn’t one of discovering something new, rather it is as if she has discovered something that she had lost and had not known she had yearned to find it again until that exact moment. The magic filling her greets Star Swirl with an almost overwhelming feeling of relief, of joy, at once more being reunited with an old friend it had feared lost. The intensity of its greeting, which she can feel reciprocated by Star Swirl, nearly drives Twilight to tears as her heart swells near to bursting under the crashing waves of pure compassion she feels at the rekindling between Star Swirl and the Virtue he had dedicated himself, and nearly lost his life, to serving. And then just as suddenly, another presence reaches out, and she turns her attention to Shiro. Like Star Swirl, his own horn is emitting it’s own slowly spreading magical field, but his is a different color. His own dark red magic is tinged with a rich green that Twilight instinctively knows belongs to Strength. The two magics for a moment clash, the deep indigo and the green acting almost surprised at each other’s touch but after a few hesitant moments they rush together as if embracing. Instantly, a feeling of profound joy washes through her, and distantly she can feel it washing through Star Swirl as well, as the two virtuous magics mix, the feeling not unlike what she feels when she embraces her brother after a long period of time without seeing him. Closing her eyes again, Twilight lets go of herself. Allowing the magic to take over, all sense of self is washed away beneath the warm glow of the pure joy she feels. In that instant, perhaps more so than when she had touched the Tree of Harmony, she feels connected to the previous Compassions. She lets them guide her as she gathers up the feelings filling her until she feels as if she will burst, before she channels it all towards her horn as she takes a deep, slow, breath. And then, she exhales. As she does, she feels it all flow out of her, her eyes opening slightly, and she watches passively as she directs the magic from her two companions to spread out over the city. The translucent cloud slowly drifts over the city, and as it does Twilight watches as it seems to almost start to snow as bright white balls of light start to drift lazily down from the magic to almost dance amongst the burned and shattered streets of the wounded city. A small warm smile slowly creeps across Twilight’s face as she feels tears streaming down her face as she feels the magic starting to run its course. When the last of it leaves her, she sits down and closes her eyes fully once more, the tears freely flowing down her cheeks to lightly splash against the marble of the balcony beneath her. “It’s… so beautiful,” Twilight whispers reverently. “I had almost forgotten,” Star Swirl agrees, his own voice soft as he sits down next to Twilight, leaning against her slightly. “To serve Compassion again… Words fail me to describe just how much I have missed it.” “It has been far too long,” Shiro states in a voice so soft Twilight almost doesn’t hear it as he too joins her and Star Swirl on the floor. The feeling of a wing gently laying across her back causes Twilight’s eyes to open and, as she looks up towards Shiro’s face, she sees a serene smile on the ancient alicorn’s face. Tears streaming down from his closed eyes, he has one of the orbs that are falling from the sky clutched tightly to his chest, and as Twilight looks closer she can see images dancing just beneath the surface. “What exactly are they?” Twilight asks, looking over to Star Swirl. “Ghostlights,” Star Swirl answers, reaching a hoof upwards to catch one of the dancing lights as it lands softly on his hoof. “It is a spell Compassion rarely used, and was one that was created with the help of Lord Nox.”   “Nox…?” Twilight starts, blinking rapidly to clear the tears in her eyes. “That name is familiar… but I can’t seem to place it.” “A brave stallion,” Star Swirl says softly as he pulls the orb close to himself, clutching it with both hooves as if letting it go would allow it to vanish. “Celestia and Luna’s father, and Shiro’s brother in godhood.” Looking down into the orb clutched between his hooves, Star Swirl smiles softly. “Before Luna, he was the steward of the Night and of dreams. He was also, and I suppose still is, the shepherd of souls.” “You mean… the Princess’ father is… death?” Twilight asks slowly, her eyes growing wide. “In a sense, yes,” Star Swirl agrees. “Though, he does not kill anypony, so much as is there to offer them comfort and to help them go to their rest.” He pulls the orb against his chest and closes his eyes. “These were his greatest gift to us, as I am to understand it.” “What are they, exactly?” Twilight presses. “I fear my words would not do them justice, take one, and look into it and you shall see,” Star Swirl whispers, his own eyes opening and staring into the orb he is all but cradling against his chest. Shrugging, Twilight reaches up with a hoof and watches as one of the orbs actually changes its slow descent to float over and land softly on her hoof. Silently, Twilight pulls her hoof back, marveling at the fact the orb weighs absolutely nothing and yet she can still feel it pressing against her. At the same time it feels almost as if it’s pulsating, like the beating heart of a small animal, yet with each pulsation the feeling of comforting warmth radiates outwards and into her hoof. Clearly, they are made of the magic she had channeled earlier, as the warm feelings she felt when channeling Compassion’s, or rather her, magic is burned into Twilight’s mind in such a way that she doubts she’ll ever forget it. Yet, as she levels the orb with her eyes she can see strange magic held within, alien and unknown to her she can almost feel an otherworldly quality radiating from deep within the orb. And then, deep within the glowing orb, she spies movement. For a brief moment, she can’t be sure, but then the image within the orb comes into sharp clarity as she can see a younger version of herself bouncing around excitedly as she goes down a familiar hallway in the Castle. For a moment Twilight is confused as to what she is seeing, until the younger self stops and turns to look directly at Twilight with a smile. “Commander Aegis, you don’t have to follow me everywhere,” Twilight’s younger self says innocently inside Twilight’s head. “Your teacher asked me to, little filly,” A voice, male and unmistakably that of Captain Aegis replies. “You don’t want to disrespect Celestia’s wishes, do you?” “No, Princess Celestia is really nice to me. I guess you can follow me around…” “They’re… memories?” Twilight states to nopony in particular. “Of the fallen,” Shiro answers to nopony in particular. “My brother was… is crafty, and a gentle soul. When Compassion asked him to help find a way to ease the hearts of those who had lost loved ones, this was his answer.”  “But how?” Twilight asks, turning her attention to Shiro. The older alicorn is still staring down at the orb clutched against his chest, his eyes still shining with tears. “Such is easy for the one who once watched over dreams, and who guides souls beyond the veil,” Shiro replies, almost cryptically. “Even the memories of those long since passed.” “Who do you see,” Twilight asks, leaning over towards Shiro’s orb. “My wife,” Shiro’s voice is soft, and Twilight is struck by the sound of what could only be called love echoing through his words. “The day my son was born…” “I see,” Twilight’s own words are soft as well as she averts her gaze from the orb. Obviously, whatever Shiro is seeing is quite private, and Twilight doesn’t wish to intrude. Looking back over to Star Swirl she smiles softly as she spots her idol staring into his own orb with a soft and loving smile of his own. “I think I will leave you two to your memories,” Twilight states calmly, gaining the attention of the two with her. “I have to go see to the Guards, and do one final duty tonight before I am free to join into the mourning myself.” “Are you sure,” Star Swirl asks, tearing his gaze away from his orb to look at Twilight. “You said earlier you were worried about what was planned…” “No, I think I will be fine, Star Swirl,” Twilight sighs as she stands up and releases the orb she had been holding. To her surprise it floats up a ways, then stops to hover near her head. Smiling brightly, she looks down at Star Swirl, the next words out of her mouth filling her with confidence and pride. “I am Compassion, after all. I think I can handle this.” Nodding with a wide, and perhaps proud, smile Star Swirl reaches over and lightly pats Twilight’s shoulder. “That you are, my dear. Good luck.” Returning the smile, she turns and walks back into Celestia’s study, turning once to watch as Star Swirl scoots over to lean against Shiro’s side. The sight of the two widowers sharing in their collective loss, and silently sharing memories of better days, warms Twilight’s heart almost more than the spell earlier. With one final sigh she goes to the desk, and pauses as she looks at the regalia she had worn during the trial. For a long moment, she debates putting it on, after all this will be a semi-formal thing she will do. However, showing up in her regalia seems wrong for some reason, and instead she levitates a black and gold cloak off of the back of the desk’s chair and sweeps it over her shoulders with a flourish. Once it is settled across her shoulders she goes to the door and draws herself up before enveloping the handle in her magic and pulling it open. Striding out, she is met by a small squad of guards, equal parts Day and Night shifts, who all snap to attention as she exits the study. Like her, the guards are all wearing black and gold cloaks, though they still retain their armor and weapons beneath them. Raising a hoof, Twilight smiles warmly at the Guards. “Please, everypony, at ease. Tonight I am just Twilight, not a Princess.” Nodding, the ranking officer in her escort turns with a smile. “Then, please, allow us to escort you to the practice yard.” The rest of the guards follow suit, lowering their salute and waiting for Twilight to start forward before taking up positions beside her. As they walk, the small orb beside Twilight continues to lazily float beside her head and draws a few glances from the Guards who also look out the windows at the snowfall of the things. “Princess, might I ask a question?” a Night Guard pegasus mare beside Twilight asks slowly. She is smaller than the average mare, and seems rather young. “Of course,” Twilight replies with a warm smile. “What is that?” the mare asks, gesturing with her head towards the ghostlight. “A ghost light,” Twilight answers, her smile growing slightly sad. “It’s something Star Swirl showed me… it shows memories the fallen had of us.” “I see…” the mare says softly in reply. When she says nothing more, Twilight can’t help thinking she has said something wrong, so she clears her throat and makes her smile warm again. “What’s your name?” “Silver Skies, ma’am,” Skies says quickly. “Lieutenant Silver Skies…” “Nice to meet you, Miss Skies,” Twilight chuckles. “Are you new to the rank?” “Y-yes ma’am,” Skies replies softly. “Th-the lieutenant before me didn’t make it. We got pinned down and…” As she trails off, Twilight slows down a bit and unfurls one of her wings to gently drape it across the smaller mare causing her to jump slightly at the contact. “I’m sorry, I wish you didn’t have to go through that,” Twilight whispers, her eyes full of regret. “I should have come sooner with the forces I gathered.” “It’s not your fault, Prin-,” Skies starts, but is cut off by Twilight. “Please, just Twilight,” Twilight says with a smirk. “R-right, Twilight,” Skies continues hesitantly. “You couldn’t have known how bad it was… you were so far away in Ponyville…” Skies’ speech quickly turns into just stammering and squeaking, most likely from embarrassment. “I could see the city burning from my window,” Twilight offers to Skies. “But I was afraid to get involved… I thought that perhaps you all had it under control, that if I got involved it’d only make things worse…” Twilight’s smile slips and she hangs her head slightly. The sight prompts Skies to frown and lower her ears against her head. “I wish to apologize, Lieutenant, for failing you and the other Guards.” “Princess…” Skies starts pausing for a moment and looking at the floor as she walks. When she looks up again she is smiling slightly, though there are tears clouding her eyes. “Twilight, we live to serve the Princess. We live to protect Celestia, Luna, the entire city of Canterlot. Five-hundred of my brothers and sisters gave their lives not because you were late, but because it meant one more civilian might make it out of the line of fire.” She clears her throat and looks ahead. “In the end, you came, and the battle ended. That’s all that matters…” “But, you’ve lost so many,” Twilight answers shaking her head. “How can you not blame me? What if I had come faster? What if I had already been here?” “It would not have mattered,” Skies replies, her smile slipping slightly as she reaches out with one of her own wings, which Twilight can see is a pure white with blue tips, and pokes Twilight in the side. “You, of all ponies should know how irrational they were. You sat in judgment over them, heard what had been done…” She trails off, a low whimper escaping her throat as her smile slips and she looks forwards again. “Ponies were going to die that night, Princess. Better us than those who can’t fight back.” Before Twilight can continue to try and argue her case, the guards in front of her stop at a pair of large steel bound wood doors. Stopping as well, Twilight takes a deep breath before letting it out slowly as she tries her best to put aside her own anxiety so she can appear at least somewhat strong before the Guards. Once that is under control, Twilight slowly retracts her wing from over Lieutenant Skies’ back and looks down to the smaller mare with a warm smile. “Before we go out there, I’d like to give you something,” Twilight says softly, her voice meant to be heard by nopony else but Skies. The smaller mare looks up, her brow furrowing beneath her helmet in confusion, as Twilight reaches gently up towards the ghost light floating beside her head. Gently, as if the flickering orb was the most fragile thing in the world, Twilight offers the orb to Skies. “I want you to hold onto this for me. Right now, you need it more than I do.” “I-I…” Skies starts before accepting the orb and clutching it against her chest protectively. “Thank you… Twilight…”   “Keep it close,” Twilight states as she draws herself up. “And do not be afraid to cry, my little pony, because everyone else will.” Looking forward, she nods to the other guards who promptly open the door. As soon as the doors swing all the way open, Twilight starts forward, Lieutenant Skies beside her. Bracing herself, Twilight does her best to keep her head high as she strides into the open air to face perhaps the toughest task she shall ever face. And then, a short distance into the practice yard, she stops as the scene before her hits her in all its glory. The packed dirt courtyard that serves as the Royal Guard’s training grounds is full of ponies, so many in fact that more than a few of the pegasi are forced to fly above the crowd with even more perched on the roof looking down. However, a good many of the ponies present are injured, or in various stages of recovery, with the entire front row of the group directly opposite the doors dedicated to nothing but ponies on litters and stretchers. However, that is not the part that truly takes Twilight’s breath away, nor the thing that causes her heart to skip a beat in shame. In the center of the yard, in neat rows, are five hundred helmets mounted on swords. Before each, where the blade meets the ground, a single ghostlight floats as if having been called to stand in for the ponies the helmets represent. Twilight is brought back to the present as as one the entire complement of Guards in the yard snap to attention. Even the most injured do their best to raise a hoof to head or chest to salute the Princess that had come to save them. With a soft sigh, Twilight fixes an image of Celestia in her mind, and draws herself up as best she can. “My friends, please. Be at ease,” Twilight’s voice echoes through the yard, her words clear and sure of themselves. The guards go to ease, many slumping down a bit as they’re allowed to rest and no longer put strain on their injuries. As soon as she is sure everypony is no longer saluting, she steps forward a few paces and stops before the helmet of Captain Aegis. Looking at the faded gold helm, she commits every detail to memory, lest she forget the final sacrifice one of her brother’s former Commanders had made. Once done, she turns her attention to the living guards who are waiting patiently all around her. “Today, we mourn our fallen,” Twilight’s voice is less sure of itself, but she holds herself firm. “Our brothers and sisters, not in blood, but of choice and of oath.” She raises a hoof to her chest, placing it gently over her heart. “Although I have no right to call them my brothers and sisters, for I am not a warrior. Not truly. Not like the brave souls who have given their lives for us to see one more sunrise. And not like you all.” She pauses, her gaze sweeping over everypony present before she lowers her hoof back to the dirt below. “This fact is no more apparent than now, as I stand before such valiant heroes, for surely I am but a child beside her elders in this field of gold and silver.” She reaches out with her hoof again, gently resting it against Captain Aegis’ helm. “And yet, they were my friends. The silent guardians that watched over me as I played, as I learned beneath the wings of Celestia. Words shall never, could never, be able to express the depth of my sorrow, nor the breath of my gratitude, I feel for those who once wore these helmets.” Looking down at Silver Skies, who has stayed beside her, Twilight smiles warmly. Extending her wing and gently laying it over the young guardsmare, Twilight looks back up towards the crowd. Specifically, to the two Commanders who are standing slightly in front of their respective guards. “To do that, however, I must ask of you all a favor,” Twilight’s voice is once more confidant, her posture radiating that confidence. “Please stand with me in vigil, as your Commanders read the names of those who have departed. Let our respectful silence, and the tolling of the bells carry them into the waiting arms of those who have come before, and to their just reward.” Striding forward, Dawn and Knight both come to stand beside their fallen Captain’s helmet. Saluting once in perfect unison, they turn and remove scrolls from beneath their armor. “Guards of the Radiant Sun, and Luminescent Moon, if you are able please stand at attention and remove your helmets!” Dawn commands, his tone cracking like a whip. “Should you not be able to stand under your own power, please remain seated and silent.” As one, the entire company of guards stand, including many of the injured, those wearing helmets raise hooves up and remove their helmets before lowering them to the ground. Once everypony who is able is up, the entire compliment goes to attention, heads held high and eyes forward. “Captain Aegis,” Dawn starts, signaling a small bell near the barracks to ring. “Private Poppy,” another toll… The names continue, and five hundred times the bell tolls on the other side of the yard. With each toll, Twilight watches the guards, including Skies beside her. She watches as, despite their stoic looks, despite their straight backs and heads held high, that many weep openly and silently as the names of their comrades and friends are listed. Even Skies, who is beneath Twilight’s wing, cries; the feeling of the mare holding back sobs causing Twilight to draw the smaller mare towards her with her wing. As the final toll rings, Twilight stands and walks the short distance to where Captain Aegis’ helmet is. Pausing before it, she reaches down and gently picks up the ghostlight at the base of his sword, and lifts it to hover in front of her face. “Go now, and be at peace, Adamant Aegis,” Twilight whispers. “I pray you’ve found peace beyond the veil, and that you can trust us to take up the duty you have left.” She lifts the ghostlight into the air, where it hesitates for a brief moment on her outstretched hoof before floating up towards the sky. As it floats skyward, it is joined by the others that had gathered at the base of all the other swords. Stepping back and sitting down beside Skies, Twilight once more puts her wing around the smaller mare as both of them, as well as the entire complement of guards, watch a Captain lead his troops to their final rest. ----- Walking slowly down the deserted corridors near his rooms in the Castle, Star Swirl cannot help but feel melancholy. He had released the orb that had come to him earlier, and had bid his farewells to Shiro to allow his fellow widower to continue to be lost in his mourning. For Star Swirl, Hope’s death felt like it was merely yesterday, but for Shiro it had been well over a thousand years of heartache.   And, for all the comfort he drew from his friend, Star Swirl really felt like being alone with this thoughts right now. Stopping beside a mostly intact window, the old wizard looks out over the cityscape currently being illuminated by the ghostly light from both the conjured ghost lights and the brilliantly full moon hanging in the sky above. The ruined and shattered buildings beyond the Castle’s walls bring back memories of Equus, of Roan… Coltenhagen… of Hope. And also of two smiling fillies he had taken under his care in the wake of their parents deaths. Two beautiful mares he’d watched grow into monarchs, into princesses he had been proud to have considered as much a part of his family as his own daughter and his wife. Closing his eyes and leaning against the wall, Star Swirl closes his eyes and takes a deep shivering breath. “There’s a grief that can’t be spoken,” he whispers softly, “there’s a pain, goes on and on…” His words echo through the empty hallway, the mournful tone drifting like a cold wind in the silence. “Empty chairs at empty tables…” Taking another shivering breath, he squeezes his eyes shut as tears come unbidden. “Now my friends are dead…” he chokes back a sob. “And gone…” Pushing off from the wall, he starts down the hallway again, blindly walking as his singing mingles with the soft sound of his hooves against the stone floor. “Here they talked of revolution, here it was they lit the flame,” Star Swirl’s almost haunted voice continues to drift forth from him, the words streaming forth from a place well beyond conscious thought. He does not fight it, the simply act of singing his woes causing his heart to feel slightly lighter. Stopping in front of a pair of doors bearing Celestia’s cutie mark, Star Swirl looks up at its polished wooden surface through tear stained eyes. “Here they sang about tomorrow, but tomorrow never came…” Lowering his eyes from the door, Star Swirl continues on down the hallway, the soft patter of his tears mingling now with that of his hooves and his voice. “From the table in the corner, they could see a world reborn,” Star Swirl whispers as he moves ever onwards, his beard nearly dragging against the floor. “And they rose with voices ringing…” he pauses, once more choking on the lump in his throat. “And I can hear them now, the very voices they had sung… Became their last communion! On the lonely barricades at dawn.” Stopping before a large stain glass window that has somehow remained whole, the image on it depicting Celestia and Luna fighting, Star Swirl looks up as tears stream freely down his face. “Oh my friends, my friends! Please forgive me!” He laments, his voice raising in volume. He looks to another window, this one damaged but the image of the Crystal Empire being saved still somewhat clear. “That I should live, and you are gone!” He places his hoof against the window of Celesita and Luna, looking up towards the angry faces of the two fillies he loved like daughters. “There’s a grief that can’t be spoken… there’s a pain goes on… and… on…” Reaching a shaking hoof up to gently rest against the window, he leans against the wall beside it, his voice wavering. “Phantom faces in the windows, phantom shadows on the floor…” He closes his eyes, the tears slowing a little. “Empty chairs at empty tables… where my friends will meet no more…” Slowly, he slides down towards the floor, his voice falling to nothing more than a mournful whisper. “My friends… my friends, d-don’t ask me… what your sacrifice was for…” Slumping down further, his hoof trailing against the cool glass of the window, Star Swirl whispers between sobs. “Empty c-chairs at empty tables… wh-where my friends will sing no more….” Burying his face in his arms, Star Swirl sobs on the floor, his side against the wall directly beneath the window. Occasionally, the words ‘I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,’ and ‘ I should have been there’ drift from where he is laying as he shivers under the oppressive weight of his own sorrow. He is so deep in the darkness of his mourning, that he does not hear the soft echoing sound of hooves on the floor until they’re right beside him. Flicking an ear, Star Swirl turns his face away from whomever it is, and continues to sniffle until the feeling of a soft and warm wing resting over him draws him back into the light. Blinking, the elderly unicorn looks up to see an ethereal white wing resting on his back, the surrounding halo of flickering light illuminating the area around him. For a moment, he can’t help but feel confused, until a voice as smooth as velvet and as comforting as the voice of his own mother whispers in his ear. “Dear grandfather, why do you weep?” Whipping his head around to look at the speaker, Star Swirl’s mouth hangs open as he comes face to face with the glowing face the grown mare he’d once helped raise. “C… Tia?” Star Swirl whispers, reaching a hoof up to gently rest it against Celestia’s, only to have it pass through. “W.. what happened to you?” “A small penance for a mistake I made,” Celestia whispers as she reaches a hoof up to gently rest against Star Swirl’s own face, the feeling causing the fur on Star Swirl’s face to tingle. “It’s just so good to see you again. When your tower exploded Luna and I… we thought…” “I was dead?” Star Swirl finishes for her. “You think a small spell like that could kill an old stallion like me? Tia.. where’s your faith in me?” Giggling, the sound as beautiful to Star Swirl’s ears as birdsong, Celestia smiles warmly. “I have nothing but faith in you, Star Swirl, as I always have.” She sighs, leaning over and gently resting her chin on top of Starswirl’s head. “Simply I was afraid I had lost another pony I loved.” Her echoing voice becomes nothing more than a soft whisper as she closes her eyes. “After we lost Hope… after Amore… your daughter? I… I was afraid we’d lost you forever.” Closing his eyes and basking in the ethereal warmth Celestia is putting off, Star Swirl relaxes a little. “I’m sorry I went away, Tia… I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help you protect your sister from herself.” “Put such thoughts from your mind,” Celestia comforts the aged unicorn. “What would your wife say if she could hear you speaking like this?” Snorting, Star Swirl chuckles weakly. “She’d tell me I’m being a fool, and an old fool at that.” He sighs and wipes his face with the back of one arm. “I miss her… I miss her so much.” “We all do, Star Swirl,” Celestia replies, reaching over with a glowing hoof to gently poke Star Swirl in the chest. “But, she’ll always be alive in here, Star Swirl. You told me that once, remember?” “The day after we left Fillyon,” Star Swirl nods. “You and Luna were… crying because you missed your parents… your beds, the warm safety of your house.” He chuckles weakly and closes his eyes. “We were around the campfire and I grabbed a blanket and pulled you both close… and I told you that no matter what, no matter how long they’d been gone, they’d always be there so long as you kept them alive in your hearts.” “And we did,” Celestia offers. “We kept them safe in our hearts, and then we made room for our adoptive Grandmother when Hope passed… and then we added you when you’re tower vanished…” Shaking her head and sighing Celestia grows quiet, and for a moment Star Swirl swears he can see tears gleaming in her eyes. When next she speaks, her voice is serious, but still soft and comforting. “Star Swirl, I came here to tell you something, something very important.” “Yes, Tia?” Star Swirl asks, his curiosity peaking. “Soon, a call will go out that will send many of our ponies North, to the Crystal Empire,” Celestia explains, turning her gaze back to Star Swirl, her eyes full of concern. “Though it shall pain you greatly, you must go with them. You must travel north. You must seek your daughter.” “Celestia I-” Star Swirl starts. “But, most importantly, you must aid my sister,” Celestia continues, cutting Star Swirl off. “She is with the Wonderbolts, and she will need your guidance. You must also ensure Shiro travels north with you. His destiny lies with Luna, and he must be there upon their arrival.” For a long moment, Star Swirl sits there quietly, his brow furrowed as he does his best to figure out what to say. A part of him wants to refuse this order, to tell Celestia that he should stay here and assist the new Compassion with her duties. Twilight will need him to teach her things, important things! But, that voice is quiet, nearly drowned out by the father in him that makes him want to get to his hooves and run to the nearest window and teleport himself to the kingdom his wife once ruled over. And yet, all of that, the voice of fear and the voice of logic, is drowned out by the warmth of Celestia’s presence beside him. And so, he nods slowly, eyes closed as he sighs. “I’ll do it, Tia... “ Star Swirl whispers, shivering slightly at the prospect of going north. “That’s all I ask, my dear adoptive grandfather,” Celestia whispers before leaning over and gently kissing his forehead. “I love you, Grandpa…” And then, the warmth and light vanishes, leaving Star Swirl alone in the corridor. Opening his eyes slowly, Star Swirl finds himself alone, Celestia having vanished. Slowly, almost frightfully, he reaches up to his head and gently touches the place Celestia kissed as tears well up once more in his eyes. “I love you too, my dear grandfilly…” Star Swirl whispers to the empty air, somehow sure that Celestia had still heard him. ------ “Come on, Moonshadow! Star Swirl told us to stay in his suite!” Midnight Wind shouts after his sister, who is keeping ahead of him as she runs down the corridor. “But I heard him singing!” Moonshadow replies curtly. “He sounded sad and I don’t want him to be sad!” “Cosmos, sis,” Midnight sighs as he tries to catch up. “I swear to Mom, if you get us in trouble I am going to hold it over you until you die from embarrassment!” Moonshadow doesn’t reply, instead she puts on more speed, her wings coming out from beneath her cloak as she takes to the air and keeps ahead of her younger brother. In response, Midnight Wind takes to the air too, quickly putting as much strength as he can into his wings just keep pace with his alicorn sister. Right before he catches up, she turns around the corner and lands in the hallway. Landing beside her, Midnight opens his mouth to speak, but is cut off when a voice comes from nearby. “I thought I told you two to stay where you were.” “I heard you singing…” Moonshadow says slowly, walking towards Star Swirl, who is sitting beside the large window depicting Celestia and Luna’s battle. “I was worried. You sounded really sad..” “A lot of that going around tonight,” Star Swirl sighs, “but your worry is touching, little Moonshadow.” “I told her to stay put,” Midnight sighs as he rolls his eyes. “But she wouldn’t listen! I told her you’d be angry, but she still ran out of the rooms to come find you.” “I’m not angry,” Star Swirl says softly. “See! He-” Midnight starts before pausing. “Wait, you’re not angry!?” “I’m not,” Star Swirl chuckles, smiling warmly as he walks over. “In fact, I’m glad you came to find me… I… I don’t want to be alone right now, and you two are the only others besides Shiro who are not of this time.” Walking over and leaning against Star Swirl, Moonshadow smiles softly. “You’re not alone, Star Swirl.” Gently, Star Swirl pulls Moonshadow into a hug, followed by Midnight, who has wandered over as well. “Thank you, both of you.” “You’re just lucky that this period of time is just as not fun to live as it is to listen to during school,” Midnight laments, a slight blush on his face from being hugged by the elderly unicorn. “I’d imagine it’d be a lot of fun to listen to,” Star Swirl chuckles as he releases Midnight. “Though, I admit when I was your age I didn’t exactly enjoy the history lectures I had to sit through during my time as an acolyte.” “Yeah, but you got to learn about cool ancient history and stuff!” Midnight counters. “I bet you learned about all kinds of cool battles and heroes!” “No, not really,” Star Swirl states with a shrug. “We mostly learned about the history of the Virtues, mostly Compassion, and we learned things that pertained to our duties.” He sighs and shakes his head. “Honestly, the history of Equus was mostly peaceful, with the occasional skirmish and other such small things… at least until the end.” Gently nuzzling against Star Swirl’s side, Moonshadow shuffles closer and rests her head against the aged unicorn’s side. “But that’s over, and you’re with ponies who love and care about you now.” Almost before the words fade from the air, Moonshadow goes stiff as a board and her cheeks turn a bright red as she realizes what she had just said. On the other side of Star Swirl, who is looking down at Moonshadow with a raised eyebrow, Midnight is snickering into a hoof. “And what do you mean by that, little Shadow?” Star Swirl asks, a smirk on his face. “N-nothing, Archmage!” Moonshadow replies quickly, her eyes darting around and pupils shrinking. “I… just mean that you’re just an amazing teacher and a living legend, and I bet lots of ponies around here care for you!” “That’s not what I read in your diary!” Midnight teases, causing his sister’s blush to spread and her wings to snap open. “Perhaps I should tell him? I mean, I think he has a right to-” he gets no farther as Moonshadow rushes around Star Swirl and tackles her brother with a furious shout and intent that would make even a timberwolf blush. “YOU READ MY DIARY!?” Moonshadow shouts as her brother yelps and tries to get out from under her. “That’s private! MOM TOLD YOU NOT TO READ IT!” Before she can get much more into punishing her brother, there is a loud snapping sound and suddenly she is on top of Star Swirl’s back. Blinking and looking around, Moonshadow narrows her eyes as a familiar laugh echoes through the air. “Diet Chaos…” Moonshadow hisses as she gets off of Star Swirl’s back, the archmage likewise wary. “My my, you really are your mother’s daughter,” Discord chuckles as he seems to grow out of the floor. “But, she would be cross with me if I didn’t return you two back unharmed, and I can’t let you beat your brother to a pulp and do that, now can I?”’ “And why do you care?” Midnight asks, blinking. “I mean… not like I’m complaining... Moonshadow is scary when she’s angry! But you’ve kept clear of us the entire time we’ve been here, so why are you here now?” “Isn’t it obvious?” Discord asks, raising an eyebrow. “It’s time for you two to go home, lest your mother turn me into something natural or some other unspeakable punishment.” He paces forward, a twisted smile on his face. “Besides, what happens after this is quite… boring. And you’re both hardly old enough to take part in the rescue mission.” “Aww, but I wanted to spend more time with Uncle Tricks!” Midnight complains, crossing his arms. “He’s always so busy in the future, and he’s never busy here!” “Yes, yes, but I simply cannot allow you to stay any longer,” Discord snorts. “Besides, the old windbag your sister is snuggling up to knows I’m right, even if it’ll kill him to admit it.” “Is that true, Star Swirl?” Moonshadow asks, looking up at her mentor. “Do we need to go back now?” “Yes, little Shadow,” Star Swirl sighs as looks down at her for a moment, before looking up at Discord. “Though I loathe to admit it, Discord is right.” “Could you say that again? Louder this time?” Discord asks as he snaps his fingers and produces a strange recording device. “I’d like to be able to listen to the sound of you admitting that I, Discord, have finally done something you agree with!” “Don’t press your luck, Diet Chaos,” Star Swirl says with a smirk, earning an annoyed frown from Discord. “I rather like that nickname. I think I’ll keep using it.” “No matter what time period you’re in, you always seem to suck the fun out of it, Swirly,” Discord mutters. “Anyway, time to go, chop chop!” “Oh, alright,” Midnight sighs as he turns and hugs Star Swirl. “Thanks for letting us stay in your suite, Star Swirl.” He then walks over towards Discord. “W-wait a moment, Discord,” Moonshadow says quickly a she looks up to Star Swirl. “Uhm…” “Yes?” Star Swirl asks, looking down at Moonshadow with a raised eyebrow. “It was really nice getting to know you during this time period…” Moonshadow says quickly, her blush growing. “And it was an honor to get to know both of you,” Star Swirl agrees with a warm smile. “I look forward to officially meeting you both, when you’re supposed to be in the timeline, that is.” “Y-yeah... Me too…” Moonshadow stammers before quickly rearing up and planting a kiss on Star Swirl’s cheek. For a moment, Star Swirl is stunned at the sign of affection, more so as he watches Moonshadow retreat over towards Discord, a bright blush on her face. Before he can regain his composure and ask why she had kissed him, Discord snaps his fingers and the three of them vanish in a bright flash of light. Reaching up and placing a hoof on his cheek, Star Swirl smiles softly. “Until we meet again, little Shadow…” > Chapter 20: Flight of the Lunar Guard > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 20: Flight of the Lunar Guard Running a hoof over her dress uniform, Senior Master Sergeant A.K. Yearling looks at herself in the full bodied mirror before her, and sighs. No matter how many times she looks at herself in this uniform, she can’t help but feel it’s some sort of mirage. Hay, the entire past few weeks had felt like that, a hazy nightmare only half remembered and laced with the screams of her fellow Reservists. Closing her eyes, she takes a deep breath and does her best to try and force down the terrible feelings of unease that had spawned as she had thought over the horrors she had witnessed. “Mmm, did I ever tell you,” a voice comes from behind her, quickly followed by a pair of arms. “That I can’t resist a mare in uniform?” Laughing as she opens her eyes, she smirks into the mirror and offers a wink to her husband. “Well, that’s not what you said last last night,” she says as she gently removes his hooves and turns around. “You seemed like you couldn’t wait to get it off then.” “What can I say? You’re a bad influence,” Leaf replies, drawing his wife into a kiss. After a few moments, he leans back, a loving smile on his face. “Now, are you ready to go address your troops, Senior Master Sergeant?” “I don’t know, Leaf,” Daring sighs, her own smile growing. “I don’t really want to stand in front of a bunch of ponies standing at attention. Just doesn’t feel right.” “Could have fooled me, Dee,” Leaf chuckles as he leans over and kisses Daring’s forehead. “You look so natural up there, reminds me a bit of a certain Captain I met during that second time at the Academy.” “You talking about Tide the Ripper?” Daring asks in a serious tone, raising her eyebrow. “That’s a new one. We just called her Ma’am,” Leaf chuckles. “But, yes, except you’re not as stern and I’m not afraid you’re going to toss me off the side of a mountain.” “Don’t tempt me,” Daring chuckles before sighing. “But, thanks for the compliment all the same. These two weeks have been tough, and I’ve been afraid I’ve been a horrible leader.” “Hey, you did what you could,” Leaf says softly as he reaches up and gently puts a hoof against Daring’s cheek. “You were there when nopony else was, and held us together. So what if you were the highest rank there, you could have shirked it off to Dawn or Knight or somepony else. But you didn’t, and you led us through the darkest nights Canterlot has ever seen in living memory.” He gently caresses her cheek with his hoof, his smile remaining. “You convinced a God to get off his tail and join the fight, and stood strong when the bombs came raining down as thick as snow.” He pauses, leaning in and once more kissing Daring softly on the lips. When he leans back again, Daring can’t help but feel her heart all but stop at the look of pure love in his eyes. “And, most importantly, you got me as a husband out of it. I think when all is said and done, you came out on top just for that last part.” Laughing, Daring nods and leans her head against her husband’s chest. For a long moment, she simply enjoys the contact, pulling all the comfort and strength she can from the simply act of being in his arms. “I guess you’re right. I mean, with you as my husband I can hardly be called the silliest pony in the room.” “That’s the spirit.” He releases her and takes a few steps back before gently reaching over and smoothing out the wrinkles on Daring’s dress uniform. “Now, we’re late to tell everypony they can go home and hug their own loved ones and forget all the horrible things they saw.” “Isn’t it usually the mare’s job to make sure their husband’s tie is straight?” Daring asks with a smirk as Leaf continues to fix her uniform. “Well, most stallions aren't married to the most bad-flanked adventurer and Wonderbolts’ Reservist in the world.” Leaf smirks back as he finishes. “Now, let’s go before they think we skipped town and fled to Saddle Arabia.” Standing up and starting towards the door, Leaf right behind her, Daring chuckles. “We could just run to Saddle Arabia. I happen to know this lovely town that has the most beautiful hotel in it.” “I don’t know. The owner is kind of crazy,” Leaf answers with a wink. “Plus, I hear she has a bunch of foals on her hooves now. I don’t think she wants two more hanging around.” “You take all the fun out of my ideas,” Daring sighs dramatically as she opens the door to the suite her and Leaf share. “Just doing my duty as a married stallion, my dear,” Leaf winks as he follows Daring out the door, closing it after himself. Further conversation is forestalled by the need to be professional, as the instant they are out of the door they’re not husband and wife, they’re Senior Master Sergeant and Senior Wingpony. They advance down the hallway from their suite, Leaf slightly behind Daring, and past the reconstruction work that is finally taking place all over the Castle to replace windows, shore up damaged walls, and cracked support pillars. Everypony they pass that is not currently working offers them a friendly greeting, some even a salute, as they acknowledge the current leader of Canterlot’s Reservist force and her husband.   The fact that, in most cases, they are saluting her and her alone makes Daring feel a bit awkward, even if she hides it behind impartial mask of a military officer. While she is used to praise from the Royal Equestrian Explorer’s Guild, she had earned her praise as an adventurer. This, she still doesn’t feel like she’s earned this respect, what with all the blood that still stains the flagstones of the city. The fact that a lot of that blood is from her troops, the young mares and stallions who had placed their faith in her, only makes it worse. The trip to their destination, which is a relatively intact area of the Royal Gardens, is blissfully short, and Daring only has to endure a few minutes of the salutes and greetings before she is in the open air and making her way to the group of seventy or so ponies standing around talking amongst themselves. As they get closer, Wind Rider, nearest to Daring and Leaf, spots the approach of their commanding officer and whistles sharply. “Thanks, Wind,” Daring says curtly as the Reserves fall into ranks. “And here I was looking forward to getting them all to jump when I showed up without them noticing.” “Just doing my duty and ruining your fun, Yearling,” Wind replies, skipping her rank like she had his. “Right,” Daring smirks slightly as she looks to Leaf. “Best get in line with the others.” She watches as her husband nods, offers a salute, and then goes and fills a hole at the end of one of the lines in front. Waiting a moment, Daring takes a deep breath and holds it for a moment before letting it out slowly. She then takes her place in front of the Reservists and looks them over with a critical eye.   “Wonderbolts Reserve Corps, at ease!” Daring shouts, her command cracking in the morning air like a whip. As one, the Reserves relax slightly, all eyes turning to Daring who is now smiling broadly. Turning and starting to pace down the line, Daring holds her head high. “My friends, we have been through much the past two weeks. Things that any sane, or normal, pony would shy away from. Yet you all ran towards the fires raging all around you, if not simply stood your ground where you were already in the fire.” She pauses, and turns. “And why is that?” “Wonderbolts don’t back down!” The Reserves all reply as one. “That’s right! We don’t back down,” Daring agrees as she resumes pacing. “We are the final line of defense against all that would seek to harm our friends, our families. We are the last shield that any force must go through to harm other ponies.” She pauses as she reaches the end of the line, turns around, and starts the other way. “And it has cost us dearly. We lost a lot of good ponies this past two weeks, seen a lot of good ponies fall. But, I know they’re all proud of us! For today, we stand here at the end of the dark tunnel, once more in peace.” Turning stopping at the other end of the line, Daring turns and walks back to the center a warm smile on her face. “And thus, my friends. No, my brothers and sisters, it is my honor to inform you all that as of this moment, as acting Command Sergeant, I am standing down the Reserves. You may all go home to your families, and put all of these dark days behind you.” A general cheer comes from the Reserves, quite a few breaking ranks and hugging each other or sitting down with wide smiles. Daring allows their celebrations to continue for a minute, unable to ask of them what she needs to next without allowing some joy to fill their hearts first. Eventually, though, she holds up a hoof and brings them to silence. “Yes, you are all free of me now,” Daring laughs, her eyes full of sarcastic humor. “Not like I really enjoyed being your Commanding Officer! I swear, you all are like herding cats.” She clears her throat, pausing to allow the Reservists to chuckle at her joke. “Anyway, I do have a request of you all, at least the ones who live here in Canterlot like me… I know I’ve no right to ask, but I was hoping some of you would stay on, keep helping with the repairs and such. I know I plan on keeping my uniform on and getting my hooves dirty because we’ve got a long road to rebuilding, and Canterlot could still use us even if we’re not ‘active’.” The Reservists fall silent as Daring’s words sink in, and many of them looking around with conflicted expressions. And Daring can’t blame them, as much as she’d love to just go curl up in a corner with Leaf her sense of duty outweighs her desire to hide. When nopony speaks up immediately, Daring fears she’ll be alone with Leaf aiding the cleanup, but then right as that fear grows strongest she hears somepony clear their throat. “We’ll stay, Senior Master Sergeant,” the voice is female, and as the first few ranks part to allow the speaker to step forward Daring can’t help but smile. “Wingpony Sky,” Daring states with a chuckle. “I thought I said ponies who lived in Canterlot, you don’t, do you?” “No, Senior Master Sergeant,” Starry Sky replies as she pulls herself up to her full height. “But, Stormy and I came to help, and we’re not leaving until the job is done!” She then pauses, her ears going back slightly. “Plus, my brother is out there somewhere, and I don’t want to leave before I know he’s alright.” “That last reason is good enough for me, Wingpony,” Daring says softly as she gestures for Starry to come over. “Come over here with me and bring your coltfriend with you.” Nodding quickly, Starry turns around and grabs a stallion standing in the third row by the arm and drags him forward. He puts up little resistance, and is in fact smiling widely as Starry and him come forward to sit behind Daring. “Alright, anypony else?” Daring asks, looking along the line. “Oh, well, I guess I can’t let you stand out there with just Starry and her coltfriend for company,” Leaf sighs dramatically as he walks forward. “But, I do this only for the greater good.” “Leaf, my dear sweet husband,” Daring smirks. “I am your wife. I am the greatest good you’ll ever have.” “My point stands!” Leaf proclaims as he comes to sit down next to her, kissing her cheek. “Love you too,” Daring chuckles as she looks back to the group. A few more of the Reserves cross over to sit near Daring, until a good fifteen or so have gathered with her. As the final one makes their way over to her Daring hears a loud sigh from nearby, followed by Wind walking over and holding up some papers. “Well, guess it’s time I gave you this,” Wind says slowly, his eyes slightly narrowed. “This going to tell me you’re going back into retirement and to never knock on your door ever again?” Daring asks, raising an eyebrow as she takes the papers. “Ha! Like I could leave you foals alone without adult supervision!” Wind laughs shaking his head. “No… Those are re-enlistment papers…” Looking the papers over, Daring’s eyes grow large at the filled out forms. Flipping between the pages, she can’t help but stare, her mouth falling open slightly. “Wind… These… You’re requesting I draft you into the Reserves fully until…” She pauses, looking at the last page. “Wind, there isn’t any date on here… Why isn’t there a date on here?” “Because retirement is boring, Yearling,” Wind replies curtly. “Spitfire retired you Wind, you’re too old to serve in the Wonderbolts,” Daring says slowly, looking up at the older pegasus. “Yes, Yearling, I’m retired from the Wonderbolts,” Wind agrees, putting emphasis on the Wonderbolts. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t serve in uniform in the Reserves. Spitfire can take the forced retirement and shove it up her plot if she thinks I’ll sit by and let others serve in uniform when I’m still capable!” Looking down at the papers in her hooves Daring sighs slowly, and nods. “Right. Wind, I don’t know what to tell you…” She looks up, noting Wind frowning at her and looking worried. “Except that you’re going to need to go get fitted for a uniform, and inform the Quartermaster that I expect him to give you the proper rank required to serve as my second.”   The smile that spreads across Wind’s face makes years seem to fall off of him. “Yes, ma’am, Senior Master Sergeant.” He turns and starts towards the Castle, an eager spring in his step. “Oh, and Wind!” Daring calls before he can get too far away. “Yes, Yearling?” Wind calls back, stopping to look over his shoulder. “Equestria is lucky to have Wonderbolts like you.” Daring says proudly. “No,” Wind chuckles. “Like us, Yearling. Like us.” ---- Trotting happily with his lunch tray balanced on one wing, Commander Amber Dawn whistles a wordless tune as he makes his way towards the table he is sharing with his fellow Commander. Although Moonlight Knight is a thestral. he is still awake, along with a lot of the other thestrals of the Night Guard, as their sleep cycles had been tossed into chaos with the two weeks of almost non-stop duty. In light of this, Dawn and Knight had continued to relax a lot of the typically strict rules on shifts, and had continued to mix Day and Night Guards during all hour of the day while both shifts worked on getting their sleep patterns back. Sliding into the bench across the table from his fellow Commander, Dawn lays his tray down and offers Knight a warm smile. “Still weird seeing you up at this hour of the day, Knight,” Dawn comments as he picks up his mug of coffee, compliments of Rusty. “Though I suspect I’ll be seeing less of you in the coming days.” “Yes, well. We can’t have our two commands continue to mingle forever,” Knight comments as he continues eating his own lunch, which includes a blend of tea that is lower in caffeine. “Besides, Luna will need us to gu-” Looking up from his food, Dawn raises an eyebrow at the shocked expression that is plastered on his friend’s face, complete with slack jaw and wide eyes. “Knight? You okay?” Dawn asks, his concern and interest growing when Knight doesn’t reply. “Moonlight Knight? Hello? Equestria to my batty friend? Was there a bug in your tea or something?” “N-no…” Knight replies, his voice soft as he blinks and rises stiffly. “L-Luna calls for aid..” He rises slightly, his eyes still wide. “She is calling us to the Crystal Empire…” For a moment, all Dawn can do is blink, then he rises to his hooves and looks towards Knight with his eyes narrowed. “I’d ask how you know, but honestly after these past few weeks I’m just going to roll with it.” He starts to slide off the bench, stopping when Knight’s voice echoes from the other side of the table. “No, Dawn,” Knight states firmly. “You can’t come with us… Luna has called her Lunar Guard to mobilize… and just the Lunar Guard…” “Wait… the Lunar Guard?” Dawn says slowly, before his expression goes flat. “That means…” “Yes, Commander, it means it’s time I showed you foals how a proper soldier fights,” a deep, metallic voice echoes from nearby. “So you had best sit down and finish your lunch.” Turning around slowly, his expression neutral, Dawn comes face to face with the metallic face and glowing red eyes of the last pony he wants to see. “Captain P.L.” Dawn states calmly, his voice even. “I’d ask to what we owe the honor of you gracing us with the honor of your tin-can-plated self, but I think we’d both rather avoid you melting in the sunlight.” An echoing snort is all the reply Dawn is graced with before the metallic faceplate and eyes turn to regard Knight as he comes around the table. “Commander Moonlight Knight, under the charter of the Lunar Guard, as established by Princess Luna, you are to report to duty beneath me immediately to venture forth to answer the call from our Princess.” “I am at your disposal, Captain,” Knight says softly, bowing his head. “Wait, wait,” Dawn says quickly, holding up a wing to block Knight’s advance. “You can’t have him. I need him here to help me run the Royal Guard! We don’t have a Captain to replace Aegis, and it’s taking both of us to hold things together right now.” PL turns his gaze back to Dawn, who barely resists the urge to back up beneath the predatory gaze of the thestral captain. “That is not my problem, Commander,” PL replies sternly, a growl echoing from within his helmet. “Nor, is it your place to command me! Now, stand aside, lest I be forced to remove you and take Commander Knight with me!” “You wouldn-” Dawn starts, only to be cut off by a hoof on his shoulder. “Dawn, I have to go,” Knight says softly as he looks at Dawn intently. “I need to go get our friend back.” He sighs and reaches into a pocket on his armor before pulling out a small box. “Besides, you won’t have to worry about holding things together without me while I do so.” “What do you mean?” Dawn asks, raising an eyebrow. “Princess Twilight came to me last night, and asked me if I’d fill the roll of Captain,” Knight admits, “I told her I thought there was a better candidate, and that I’d just been following his lead during the riots.” “Knight…” Dawn starts. “Anyway, I told her I’d offer the bars over personally, since you’re my friend and all,” Knight shrugs, hoofing over the box. “It was going to be a surprise after lunch, with the whole guard present. But, that idea has gone out the window.” He pats Dawn on the shoulder as he takes the box. “Congratulations, Captain.” Sighing, Dawn lowers his wing and looks at the box. “I don’t know if I should feel honored or to deck you, Knight,” Dawn admits shaking his head. “I don’t think I can ever replace Aegis.” “So don’t. Just keep everypony on the right track like you’ve been doing since that damned fortress blew a hole in the city,” Knight comments as he walks forward towards PL. The other thestral has already turned around and is making his way towards the door. “Right, I’ll do that if you and Captain Tin-Can do something for me,” Dawn says loudly, catching the attention of both PL and Knight. “And, what, pray tell, why do you expect me to honor any request?” PL states loudly, drawing the attention of nearly everypony in the room. “Because you’re sworn to do this thing anyway,” Dawn replies. “But I’m going to ask anyway! PL, promise you’ll get Luna home safely.” Snorting an almost chuckle-like snort, PL shakes his head. “Fine.” Sitting down on the bench at the table with his lunch, Dawn sighs heavily as he puts down the small box he’d gotten from Knight. Opening it slowly, he reaches in and removes the gold bars of the Captain of the Royal Guard. Removing the goal oak leaves on his collar, he places them in the box the bars had just come from, and puts his new rank onto the collar of his uniform. For a long moment, he sits there staring into space, his mind slowly trying to accept the fact he had just been promoted on top of his friend going into battle to likely pull Luna, and the Wonderbolts with her, out of some horrible danger. A part of him is angry that Knight had passed the Captaincy onto him, and that his friend is going off to fight the fight that Dawn himself wishes to fight himself. Another part is simply honored, and at the same time overwhelmed by the promotion, and the trust that Princess Twilight and Knight have put in him. And then, he pushes aside all those feelings, as well as his food, and stands up. “Well, if I’m the Captain now, best get started,” Dawn mutters to himself. “Starting with getting a group together and sending them north. I might be trusting PL to protect Luna, but Celestia knows that bastard will do that and only that.” He turns and starts towards the doors. “The Wonderbolts will need aid, and after what we saw here in Canterlot, I’m not going to subject Cadence and Shining to the horror of that Fortress. Not alone anyway…” ---- Walking swiftly down the hallway in full battle dress, the armored and padded uniform having been the first choice when aiding in clearing rubble, Daring wipes the sweat from her brow  with a dirt-covered wing. Beside her, equally covered in dirt and rubble, are Leaf and Wind with all of them being escorted by a squad of grim-faced Royal Guard. The guards had not informed her what she was being summoned for, only that the new Captain of the Royal Guard wished to speak to her on a matter of the utmost importance. They had told her, though, that apparently Luna had called her elite guard to her, and that every thestral in the Night Guard had gone with the captain of the Lunar Guard to do their mistress’ bidding. Daring could really only sigh when she learned that, as she had met Captain PL once, and she had been rather underwhelmed. Turning a corner, Daring is slightly surprised to see they’ve come to Celestia’s study, which is currently being used by Twilight. The door is open, and through it Daring can see Dawn standing in front of the desk in full armor with a weary look on his face. “Princess, I know you needed to replace the captain,” Dawn says as Daring and her group draws closer, “but you should have spoken to me first. I’ll do the job, but I still don’t think I’m the best choice.” “With all due respect, Captain Dawn,” Twilight says calmly, a smirk spreading over her face as Daring and co walk in the door. “I believe you are the best pony for the job, as does Shiro and many of those who I spoke to about the matter. I understand if you are nervous. Adamant Aegis is Captain that will be a hard act to follow, much like my brother was. But you are a competent leader, you are kind, and you are humble. I can’t ask, nor wish, for anything more in a Guard Captain.” “Princess, I…” Dawn starts only to be cut off by Daring slapping him on the back with a hoof. “So they saddled you with the job?” Daring laughs, a sarcastic smirk on her face. “Good thing. I was afraid Twilight was going to hand it over to somepony warm and cuddly, like P.L.” “I honestly didn’t even consider him,” Twilight states with an involuntary shiver. “Not that he is a bad Captain, mind you. He is however beyond my authority as the head of Luna’s personal guard.” “And I guess Knight was out of the running?” Daring asks, raising an eyebrow. “I mean, I can’t imagine you not thinking about making everypony’s favorite bat-pony the Guard Captain.” “He declined in favor of me,” Dawn replies, a small playful smirk growing on his face. “Truthfully, I think the paperwork scared him. I know it scares me.” “Uhg… Tell me about it,” Daring deadpans as she rolls her eyes. “You should see the amount on my desk. And by desk, I mean the table I occupy in the mess hall.” She clears her throat and looks between Twilight and Dawn, slipping an arm around the latter. “So, any particular reason you called me, my second, and my husband away from digging through the rubble?” She pokes Dawn’s new rank insignia and wiggles her eyebrows. “You know, other than to show your most recent bout of misfortune?” “Luna called her elite guard to herself earlier today,” Twilight answers, her playful smile remaining as Dawn facehoofs at Daring’s antics. “Captain P.L. led his forces to meet up with her. Though he gave me the briefest of statements in passing before flying away, we now know where the Wonderbolts are, and where they are heading.” “Oh? Did Captain Sunshine and Rainbows actually tell you where they were?” Daring asks, canting her head to one side with a look of interest. “Must be your crown. All he ever tells most ponies is to go away and stop bothering him.” “Well, my crown does afford me certain courtesies,” Twilight chuckles with a wink and a smirk. “But, yes he did inform me. Which, sadly, is why you have been called here.” “I assume then,” Wind speaks up from behind Daring as he makes his way to stand on the other side of Dawn, “that we are going to be sent after them? The Wonderbolts, I mean.” “No, Commander Rider,” Twilight starts, but stops when Wind holds up a hoof. “It’s Master Sergeant, Princess, I re-enlisted under Daring,” Wind states, a smile on his face. “Found a way around the retirement, did you?” Dawn smirks. “Yes, I did,” Wind nods, a proud smile on his face. “Anyway, as I was saying,” Twilight coughs. “No, you will not be sent after the Wonderbolts. Instead, Captain Dawn and I are sending you, and as many uninjured Guards as we can, North.” “North?” Leaf asks, speaking up for the first time since entering the room. “We’re going to the Crystal Empire?” “Yes,” Twilight confirms with a nod. “My brother and sister-in-law do not know what they face in the Shadowbolts, and soon the Shadowbolts and the Wonderbolts will be on their doorstep.” She sighs and shakes her head, her voice growing soft. “I will not, nor can I, allow another Canterlot to happen. The ponies of the Crystal Empire deserve better, and I cannot in good faith allow them to suffer as we have suffered here.” “Then we won’t,” Daring states firmly, releasing Dawn from her sideways hug. “Princess, say the word and I will round up all my remaining Reservists, and we will go north under anypony you deem worthy to lead this mission.” “Funny you should say that, Daring,” Dawn chuckles as he pokes her in the side. “You were speaking of my latest bout of misfortune? Well, I think your luck is slightly worse.” “What do you mean…?” Daring asks, her tone growing worried. “Senior Master Sergeant Yearling,” Twilight declares as she rises from behind the desk, “We require you to lead this important mission to the Crystal Empire. As such, we are putting you in charge of the joint resources of the Royal Guard, the Equestrian Navy, the Equestrian Army, and the Wonderbolts Reserve Corps.” Blinking slowly, Daring stares at Twilight before she snorts a few times. Before long she has devolved into full bodied laughter as she flops backwards and holds her stomach. Her laughter lasts for a good few minutes before she realizes nopony else is laughing with her, causing her laughter to die out slowly and a cold sweat to develop between her wings. “You’re not joking, are you?” Daring asks slowly, a growing pit of dread forming in her stomach. Sitting up and clearing her throat, she looks Twilight in the eyes. “Princess, I am not a field commander, I am hardly even an officer! Send Admiral Star, or hay even his mother! Captain Noire, o-or even Shiro! Shiro could lead this mission!” She gestures with one arm, nearly backhoofing Dawn in the face in her panic. “Or Star Swirl! As I am to understand his wife used to lead the bucking Empire! He’d be welcomed back with open arms leading a military force!” “Shiro and Star Swirl have both agreed that they are out of their depth leading a military force in this day and age,” Twilight explains as she sits down in front of Daring. “Shiro may perhaps, someday, be able to lead as a military general again, but right now he does not know modern tactics and weaponry.” She smiles softly a chuckle escaping her lips. “As for Star Swirl? He is a scholar, and a wizard. He will be invaluable to you with his magic, but he is not a soldier. They will both, however, be coming with you. As I am to understand, they have business in the Crystal Empire separate from this mission, but they are willing to forestall it until after the Empire is safe.” She keeps smiling warmly, as she continues as if adding in an afterthought. “Of course, they’ll be more than happy to advise you, as they have been advising me, but being well over a thousand years out of date, that is the best they can offer.” Taking a deep breath, Daring looks over to Wind and Leaf who both nod at her. Releasing the breath slowly, Daring hunches her shoulders and looks up at Twilight, a determined glint to her eyes. “When do we leave?” ---- Walking carefully down the still damaged, but currently clear, streets of the High Class District, Serenity can’t help but feel like she is walking through another warzone. Sure, this was her home city, and the battle had ended days ago, but the feeling of violence still hung in the air like a bad odor. Sighing as she turns down a side-street, Serenity cannot help but frown at the state of the shop that is her destination. Once, the tea house at the end of the street had been a meeting spot for many of her fellow nurses, and even some of the more well off ponies as well as some of the Wonderbolts. The last had been a bonus for the older unicorn, as she’d been able to sneak away not a few times from the Hospital and steal quiet lunches over tea with her husband there. The memories of the quiet lunches with the love of her life causes her to slow a bit, a warm smile forming on her face that is nearly equal to the warmth radiating from her heart when she thinks of the stubborn old fool she married. The smile lasts well into the ruins of the tea house, and all the way up to the door to the cellar where the sounds of conversation can be heard. “Hello? Is Holly Sweep down there?” Serenity calls down, knocking on the frame of the door. “I am!” The reply comes, quickly followed by white earth pony with a red and pink mane. “Serenity? What a pleasant surprise! What’re you doing here?” “I came to see if you had some spare herbal medicines on hoof,” Serenity answers, her warm smile remaining. “We’re nearly out, and with the Guard and Reserves mobilizing a small force to head north…” She shrugs her smile slipping. “We can spare a few personnel, so I’ll be going north… but we can’t spare the medication.” “I… see,” Holly says slowly before turning. “Best come downstairs, and I’ll see what I’ve got that I can spare.” Following behind Holly, Serenity chuckles, “If you can’t spare anything, dear, it’s alright. I’m just here with a small list, and if you can’t spare anything then don’t worry.” She pauses as they reach the bottom of the stairs. “Except for my usual order, I… really do hope you have some spare digitalis.” “You and your foxglove, Serenity,” Holly laughs. “I think I do have some spare digitalis, though not a lot.” “Like I said, whatever you can spare,” Serenity assures Holly as her friend walks off. As he does, she takes as moment to look around at the basement of the building. She’d never be down here before, though now that she has she is not surprised by how it is packed with brewing equipment and storage racks. Though, it is also far from undamaged, as there are cracks in the walls and bits of stonework laying pushed in the corners. But, at least some part of the building had withstood all the punishment that had been put upon it. Advancing further into the space, close behind Holly, Serenity smiles softly at the other ponies that are down here. Namely, Fine Brew and three foals are slowly cleaning up what remains of the rubble, and organizing what what looks to be shelfs of tea leaves. The three foals are all unicorns, like Fine, and at least one of them is wearing the cape that Serenity has come to know as one to mark the bearer a Cutie Mark Crusader. “So, let’s see that list,” Holly says, bringing Serenity’s attention back to him as they stop in front of some shelves. Taking the list that Serenity levitates over to him, Holly starts browsing the shelves. “I think we can spare most of what’s on here, though I fear you may need to go without some of the less critical stuff for now.” “I figured as much, the stuff I’ve got underlined is the stuff I can’t leave without, though,” Serenity states softly, but firmly. “We’re not sure what we’re going to be facing up North, but one things for sure there is going to be a lot of injured coming in…” “Do you think it’ll be as bad there as it was here?” Holly asks, slowing turning his head to look at Serenity. “I mean… our daughter is out there with them…” “As is my husband, Holly,” Serenity sighs, her ears lowering against her head. “I... I don’t know if it’ll be as bad as here, but I don’t doubt we’re going to be treating a lot of injured…” “I’m sure they’ll be fine,” a voice comes from behind Serenity, causing the older unicorn to look over her shoulder. “The Wonderbolts are strong and know what they’re doing.” “I hope so, Fine,” Serenity sighs softly. “But, my husband isn’t as young as he used to be… and…” “He’ll be fine,” Fine repeats, putting a hoof on Serenity’s shoulder. “Just like our daughter is fine. After all, Witch is a doctor and she’ll help keep your husband in one piece.” Smiling warmly, Serenity gently pats Fine’s hoof with her own. “Thank you. Your daughter is a talented healer, so I guess if anyone can hold my stubborn husband together out there it’ll be her and Bliss.” “You know my mom?” another voice, this one clearly a colt, asks from slightly behind Fine. Looking down and leaning slightly to one side Serenity finds the colt from earlier standing beside Fine, an eager smile on his face. “I do. I worked with her at the hospital before she was transferred to the Wonderbolts Auxiliary,” Serenity states warmly. “I didn’t know she had any kids, though.” She looks to the two fillies who are also wandering over. “Let alone three.” “Oh, they’re not my sisters,” the colt laughs as the two fillies walk over, one of them lightly punching him in the shoulder. “The fillies are mine, Serenity,” Fine smirks. “Chamomile and Jasmine are orphans from the attack, and Tricks here is a former ward of the Crown that my daughter adopted after his parents… didn’t want him.” “Well, if that cape is anything to go by, I’d say any parent would be lucky to have a son like you,” Serenity says with a smirk. “I’ve heard good things about you Crusaders.” “My parents didn’t want to deal with my horn,” Tricks says mournfully. “It grew in wrong… and they argued a lot.” “Wait… I think I recall a young unicorn who came into our hospital who had parents who were infamous for yelling…” Serenity starts, stopping as she notices the forlorn look growing on Tricks’ face. Smiling warmly she walks over towards Tricks and leans down. “But that’s in the past, my little friend. You couldn’t have gained a better mother out of that whole ordeal than Witching Hour.”   “I know. Witch Doctor is the best mom!” Tricks replies happily, his mood immediately lifting. “If I see her up north, I’ll tell her you said that,” Serenity promises as she smiles brightly before turning around to look at Holly who has returned to looking through his supply. Turning her gaze back to Fine as the other mare speaks again. “How’s your own family fairing, Serenity? They make it out of harm's way alright?” Fine asks, concern clear in her voice. “Yeah, my kids made it out alright,” Serenity offers with a nod. “Wasn’t so lucky about the house, but that’s what happens I guess.” “We’re not in much better of a position,” Fine laughs as she gestures upwards. “We lost just about everything that wasn’t down here in the initial blast. That said, if you need anything else, that isn’t my husband’s herb stores, feel free to ask. I’ve still got most of my tea making equipment, so feel free to tell your kids that if they need somewhere to go that isn’t the ruined city, they’re free to come visit.” “I’ll be sure to tell them,” Serenity replies warmly. “Thank you, I’m sure they’ll appreciate that offer.” “Well, that should be everything I can spare for you, Serenity,” Holly stares as he comes over with the herbs and Serenity’s list. “I wish I could do more, but I’m already low as it is. Just hope it’s enough.” “So do I, Holly,” Serenity sighs before reaching up and patting her friend’s shoulder. “But thanks all the same. I’m sure this’ll do a world of good where it’s going.” Sighing she lowers her hoof and looks towards the way back to the surface. “Which, on that note, I should be heading back.” “Stay safe, Miss Serenity,” Tricks says cheerfully. “I’ll try,” Serenity chuckles. “You and your aunts stay safe, too, okay?” When Tricks nods, Serenity heads to the exit, and back into the ruined landscape of Canterlot. Instead of heading towards the Hospital, she heads towards the train station, where a loud shrill train whistle is already sounding ----- The shrill whistle sounding from the top of the engineering compartment of the massive black and red locomotive beside Daring causes her to wince. In the span of time it had taken to mobilize the Royal Guard and get them down to the sprawling ruins that had once been Canterlot Central Station, Daring had been able to shower and get most of the dust from her combat gear. Looking at the mass of ponies loading the train she is standing beside, Daring can’t help but be glad she had showered, because she has to look every bit the confidant leader if she is going to pull this off. Turning and spreading her wings, wincing slightly at the soreness still present from the shrapnel injuries from the initial Canterlot attack, Daring flaps once and hops up to the engineer’s platform. Inside, muttering and cursing in ways that’d make even a griffin blush, is a bright red stallion wearing an old Equestrian Army uniform. “I swear, Mystic, if you don’t start speaking Equestrian I am going to feed that braid of yours to you!” the red stallion growls, turning towards a purple unicorn wearing an Equestrian Railway outfit. “I am speaking Equestrian, you blustering old bag of wind!” Mystic counters, lightly bopping the stallion on the head. “Now, listen up, Red, I’m only going to repeat this once more!” She turns to the large boiler, which is hissing and rumbling as the pressure builds, and taps a lever. “This is the brake, you pull backwards to disengage the brake and allow the train to go forwards.” She turns to pressure valve and turns it. “This is the master steam line, if this,” she taps a gauge, “gets in the red, you turn this nozzle, and release the pressure or they’ll be digging your sorry flank out of Yakyakastan, in pieces.” She turns to another lever, this one looking like something you’d find on a ship. “This, and if you remember nothing else but this I’ll be happy. This controls the speed of the train, now you are going to be hauling SIXTEEN cars behind this beautiful steel mare, and that means you’re going to have a couple thousand tons of weight behind you. That means you cannot, and I honestly can not stress this enough, you shall not go above half speed at any time with the exception of the Senior Master Sergeant behind us telling you that Tartarus itself has opened behind the train and all that it holds is about to descend onto your sorry excuse for a flank.” “Alright, alright, I get it!” Red growls as he looks over his shoulder at Daring. “Where in the name of Celestia’s unshaved fetlocks did you find this mare!?” “Mystic? She came highly recommended by a few friends, as well as the Equestrian National Rail Engineers Union,” Daring says with a smirk. “In the words of the stallion I spoke to at the office, or what’s left of it, here in Canterlot, ‘Mystic is damn near the best train engineer I’ve ever seen, she handles steam engines like she was the one who invented them!’ or something like that.” “I’m really not that good,” Mystic coughs as she blushes. “Right,” Daring smirks before growing serious. “How’s she doing? I saw them having to right her back on the tracks earlier and was worried this old girl wouldn’t be ready to go in time.” “Oh, no ma’am!” Mystic says loudly, a faint tone of offense in her voice. “This ol’ girl is an Equestrian Steel Horse, model DRB-Fifty!” She gently rests a hoof on the side of the engineering compartment, a soft smile on her face. “I don’t know how JSS got their hooves on her, but her and her sisters took worse hits during the Griffin-Drake War!” “I have to agree with her,” Red states firmly before spitting as if the words taste wrong in his mouth. “I used to rely on these trains when I was the supply master for the Equestrian Army. They’re tough, and I learned to rely on them.” “Yeah, now if only you know how to properly maintain her,” Mystic mutters, earning a glare from Red. Nodding, Daring looks to the two ponies in front of her with a serious expression. “Good, we can’t afford to be late to the Crystal Empire. I don’t know about you, but I want to get the drop on these Shadowbolts for once.” “Of that I am sure we can all agree on,” Mystic sighs. “Just wish I could help you all more than simply getting this old girl working,” she pauses and looks over at Red, narrowing her eyes, “and attempting to teach this old wind bag.” “Hey now!” Red starts, but is stopped when Daring clears her throat. “Red, Mystic, please try and not kill each other?” Daring asks as she turns towards the entrance to leave the platform. “Okay? I need Red in one piece if we’re to get to the Crystal Empire, and I don’t want the entire Railroad Union breathing down my neck if you injure one of the best and brightest.” “Fine,” both Red and Mystic say at the same time. “Good, I knew I could count on you two,” Daring chuckles. “I’ll talk to you later, Red. And Mystic, stay safe alright? If you can teach Red here how to run this thing, first round is on me if we get back.” Before they can reply, Daring hops down from the platform and back onto solid ground. She takes a moment to chuckle at the antics of the two who she just spoke to, before turning and walking down the line towards the cars connected to the beast of an engine. Like Mystic had stated, there are sixteen cars, all of them salvaged from the JSS trains that had brought in the weapons that had been used to attack the city. Dawn had objected when she had laid out the plan to get them north, but Twilight had backed her up by stating they had nothing in their own arsenal to combat the Shadowbolts. JSS did, however, and they had brought their heavy weapons in spades. Of that weaponry, the majority had never been offloaded, and even more still had been left undamaged when the Navy had swept through and cleared the artillery positions. And now all of it was being loaded onto train cars along with food, medical supplies, and tools that would be needed by the time this operation was done. Stopping in front of a large box car, the JSS emblem having been hastily replaced with the the symbol of the Equestrian Crown, Daring watches the progress of one of the large guns being carefully loaded. Though she is no expert, she had listened to enough lectures earlier in the day from both Red and Miracle, the latter insisting he be allowed to come due to his knowledge of large guns, to hazard a guess on the caliber of the artillery piece before her. “Is this car loaded with only twenty-fives?” she asks a passing officer, his uniform marking him a member of the Hundred-Twenty-Second Artillery Corps. “Yes, ma’am,” the officer, a faded-rust colored unicorn stallion replies. “This car, along with two others are loaded, or will be loaded once this last gun is onboard, with the thirty twenty-five pound guns we were able to salvage.” He levitates a clipboard up from a saddlebag and flips through it. “We also have two cars worth of munitions for them, and each car has also been loaded with the tools required to service them in-field when we arrive.” He lowers the clipboard. “A few of them were damaged in the fighting, but JSS wasn’t able to scuttle them before we overwhelmed their positions.” “What about smaller guns? I understand we salvaged some twenties and ten-pounders?” Daring asks, coming to stand beside the unicorn and look at his clipboard. “Yes, ma’am,” the stallion replies. “The Triple-A twenties are loaded a little farther back, they were never fired during the battle as far as I can see.” He chuckles nervously as he flips another page. “I am glad for it, too, our airships would have caught Tartarus up there if those guns had been employed.” He then clears his throat and stops on a page, tapping it with a hoof. “The ten-pounders are in the back near the munitions cars. They’re nothing more than carronades, honestly, but if we can angle them properly we might be able to get some use out of them bashing against the shield I heard about.” Sighing, Daring nods, “Celestia will be with us if we even put a dent in that shield, Lieutenant, so every bit does help.” She pats the lieutenant on the shoulder and smiles. “Thanks for the update, I should go see to other things.” “You’re welcome,” the stallion replies automatically, then pauses and looks to Daring. “One more thing; Miracle wanted me to tell you he got the One-Twenty-Two working.” “Guess I have to buy him a bottle of Crystal Brandy now,” Daring chuckle as she turns to walk away. “I’ll let you get back to work if there’s nothing else?” “No, ma’am,” the lieutenant says with a smile. “Thank you, ma’am.” Moving back down the line, Daring continues to visit with various other officers and familiarizes herself with the different groups that will be coming with her on the mission. It soon becomes apparent to her, if it hadn’t already, that she is leading a small army North and that, when this is all over, she is going to have to go find a nice quiet ancient temple to discover for a few months with her husband. It’d be nice to get away from all the other ponies, and the troubles that follow them, for a little while. Not to mention, it’d give everypony time to forget that she’d been given the title of ‘Commander’ in the vein of the Equestrian Army, since she is the commanding officer for this insane venture. The shrill whistle of the engine pulls her from her thoughts, causing her to look up from the supply manifest she is going over with another mare, a quartermaster from the Navy, and look towards the front of the train. Red hangs out of the side of the engineer’s platform, waving his helmet to signal his readiness. Looking from Red, Daring observes the rest of the train seems to be packed, everypony taking the whistle and the waving as the signal that it’s close to departure time. Not wanting to prove them wrong, Daring hands the clipboard back to the mare with a smile, and then puts a hoof to her lips and whistles up towards the engine. Red pulls the cord for the whistle twice, and Daring smirks as she stands up. “Alright, everypony! Time to go kick some Shadowbolt flank!” Daring shouts as she trots quickly towards the large armored passenger cars, all the ponies on the train platform backing up or following in her wake to board the train. Daring herself goes for the largest of the cars, which has a collection of radio antenna sticking out. Mounting the stairs and quickly heading inside, she finds herself in the mobile command center that JSS had been using to command their efforts separately from Blueblood’s command tent. When Dawn had seen it Daring had sworn his mane got a few gray hairs, but he had insisted they bring it along with them so they could properly defend the Crystal Empire. Going right up to the large table in the center, a large map of the Crystal Empire replacing the one of Canterlot they’d found there originally, Daring nods to Shiro who is seated on the other side of the table. “So, how are you are enjoying your continued taste of modern warfare?” Daring asks, a slight smirk on her face. “I find it is no different from what I am used to,” Shiro deadpans as he looks at the map. “War... War never changes. No matter the tools you use.” He looks up at Daring, raising an eyebrow. “Are we ready to depart? I am eager to see the kingdom Hope built after Equus fell.” “Just about,” Daring sighs as she crosses from the table to a window to look outside. After a moment, once everypony is aboard the train, she reaches over and flips open a speaking tube. “Red, it’s time.” “Good! Let’s see what this old mare can do!” Red’s voice comes through the tube, followed by another shrill whistle and the engine’s bell ringing. For a moment, there is nothing but that sound. However, right when Daring fears Red has broken something up there the car beneath her hooves lurches forward, and the train starts forward. With one, final sigh, Daring watches the ruined city of Canterlot slowly pass her beyond her window as the train picks up speed and leaves the station. At last, two weeks after the fateful attack by the Shadowbolts, they’re going to strike back.