Mountain of Trouble

by JusSonic

First published

Discord's evil self is planning on wiping out both Canterlot and Ponyville in one blow, unless the heroes can stop him!

Shortly after Twilight and Fluttershy get back from dealing with the feud between the Hoofields and McColts, the Mane Six and Discord deal with Discord II, now named Chaotix, when he conjures up a powerful force field around Canterlot that traps even Celestia and Luna and also starts levitating the mountain Canterlot rest on, set to drop said mountain right on Ponyville after the mountain reaches thirty miles in the air. While the Mane Six pit their Rainbow Power against Chaotix, Discord tries to save both Canterlot and Ponyville

Chapter 01: A Mountain of Problems

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Mountain Of Trouble

Chapter 01: A Mountain of Problems

The scene begins to open up somewhere around the nighttime, as we see a familiar ballon landing near a spot just by Ponyville’s train station. It was Twilight & Fluttershy having return from Smoky Mountain after having settle a family feud between the McColts & the Hoofields. And now the two families are getting along, the animals are living happily together with them & the restoration of the once beautiful Smoky Mountains is on the way.

“Well Fluttershy, we finally made it back home.” Twilight sighs to say this that they are now back home at long last.

“Oh good, cause I think I’m….” Fluttershy was about to say this until the weight of having carries the heavy bags that Twilight packed on their trip to the Smoky Mountains. “Unable to move. Um, little help, please?” She meekly spoke off to say this in asking for a little help on being unable to move.

“Eheh, sorry about that.” Twilight chuckled sheepishly to use her magic to levitate the heavy bags off her friend's back. Perhaps the princess should've helped with the luggage.

Then popping into the picture from a smoky cloud, was none other than Discord as he suddenly scoops up the two ponies that came back.

“Twilight! Fluttershy! Oh, thank goodness your back!” Discord smiled off with joy before putting down these two ponies.

“Discord?” Twilight & Fluttershy replied back puzzled, why was Discord here; was he here to…welcome them back?

“I was worried that if you were caught in a war zone that’s been going on in those mountains, why I have to go into battle & RESCUE you from being caught between two enemies of different countries!” Discord issued off to say this while magically appearing in a general’s outfit, marching about in preparing himself to go into battle if his friends needed him.

“Discord, it was not a war between countries, it was a feud between two families.” Twilight pointed this out for Discord to not misunderstand something.

“Yes, but we did managed to settle the problem between the Hoofields & McColts.” Fluttershy smiled off to meekly say this about having already solve a friendship problem.

“Oh, well then I’m sorry for the wrong term of thinking.” Discord replied off lost & sheepish to snap out of his general outfit then. “But still, now that your back, let’s get you both to the castle, I already got the others waiting there with a surprise!” He smiled off in stating this factor of what is waiting for these two back home; a nice welcome surprise they will enjoy.

Before the two mares could say a word, Discord snapped his fingers that made them instantly vanish from sight. However, as Twilight & Fluttershy left the train station, something was seen on the train that conceal itself while looking to be wearing some outfit that makes the character blend in around the dark surroundings while having watch what occurred here.

“So those two were a part of the Mane Six, hugh, makes me wonder who the rest are. Guess I’ll stick close to the shadows to see more.” The mysterious guy spoke off in a rough & tough way, seeing the two mares that were a part of the Mane Six didn’t seem like much.

While the mysterious dark stranger was moving along with the darkness to blind in, there was something strange about the train’s smoke, it seem to be…moving in an unusual pattern while not fading out. What could this substance be is a question that will be answered later on from where things will take off.


Meanwhile, back in Canterlot within its castle, we see on a balcony was Celestia looking out to the night sky as Luna was coming into the picture. The day of the sun being out was long over, now it’s time for the next princess to rise the moon into the night sky.

“Are you well rested, Luna?” Celestia asked this off if her sister was rested up enough for her duty in her magic use of the night.

“Yes Celestia, now I am ready to begin my round of decorating the stars tonight.” Luna nods off her head in being ready to perform her royal task since the day of Celestia’s sun has set, time for the princess of the moon to begin.

“I’m glad to hear that, I heard you got a new theme you wish to present." Celestia smiled off to say this in knowing that her sister has a special plan for this night.

“Of course, it maybe my most amazing display that the ponies will surely stay up to watch.” Luna smiled in feeling that she will show a decorative night sky filled with lovely star displays none have ever seen before.

“Well we can only hope.” Celestia nods off to say this in hoping they get a good display of a starry night sky.

“Wish me luck Tia!” Luna nods off to say in wanting to have some good luck here as she opens her wings.

Now Luna takes off as she was waving farewell to Celestia. But as she was nearing the outer border of Canterlot to go into the skies, the princess of the moon yelped from bumping into…an unseen force.

“Ugh….What!?” Luna yelps from what she bumped into but then tries to see that there was….nothing.

Luna was seen patting her hooves on what look like an invisible, but magical glow substance of a see through dome over her & all of Canterlot.

“Celestia, come quick!” Luna yelled down for her sister to come here as it seem to have her a bit worried of what was going on here.

“What’s the matter?” Celestia asked off as she arrived to fly near Luna in pondering what the problem was.

“I can’t get out!” Luna stated off to say this that for some reason, she is unable to leave outside Canterlot to go out its borders or into the sky.

“Hmmm….ugh!” Celestia was moving further ahead of Luna, only to yelp upon her bumping into…an invisible dome substance. “I can’t get out either!” She stated off in seeing this, it seems this was not a spell for a certain target, but a spell to keep on sealed in.

“What is this?” Luna asked off in what this spell was that was keeping them from going out.

“A force field spell, it’s like Shining Armor’s, but different.” Celestia stated off in knowing the similar spell technique, but highly different from when Shining Armor used it on his wedding day.

“Is this someone’s idea of a prank?” Luna asked off in feeling that someone was pulling a fast one on them by keeping them from leaving Canterlot’s borders.

“Whoever it is, we need to undo it.” Celestia stated off with a stern face that they need to undo this spell if they want to get to the bottom of this mystery.

The Royal Sisters combined their magic to blast at this strange force field that kept them from going anywhere. But strangely as the attack that was meant to break this spell, hardly left a crack in the job; this was a tough thing to break.

“Our magic did nothing to it! Not even a dent!” Luna exclaimed off in shock, even from two Alicorn princesses, they can’t break this force field over their kingdom.

“This appears to be a powerful casted spell.” Celestia stated off firmly that whoever cast this spell must be powerful if not even the Royal Sisters can undo this.

“Oh yes & guess who did it.” Spoke out another voice that sounded very much familiar.

“Discord?” Luna raised an eyebrow in hearing who was here, but something seem…different about this Discord’s tone of voice & attitude.

“Not quite, huuhuhuaahh….” Spoke the voice that sounded like Discord, but was not….confusing is it not.

Then appearing outside of the force field that imprisoned the Royal Sisters was a new enemy that was making his round acts of evil, Discord II.

“You…” Celestia firmly made a stern face, the same as Luna, they know who THIS enemy is while it’s safe to say while it may look like Discord, in truth, it ISN’T the one they know.

“Pleasure to see you princesses, I…am Discord, but not the Discord you know. I…am Discord II!” Discord II introduced himself to the two Royal Sisters of being the more evil of evil version of the reform Discord. "BUT you can call me Chaotix now.


"I could explain but I'm planning on telling my good self's friends later on."

“We have heard of thou from Twilight’s report! You are said to be all of the evil from Discord!” Luna stated off in recalling about what they heard about this enemy, he looks & acts like what the old Discord use to be, but is much worse off because he doesn’t have an ounce of goodness & is all negative emotions that drive to cause chaos on a more havoc side in the name of painful enjoyment.

“Correct, I’m the me….of which the…’nice-guy’ Discord, let us be separated by birth.” Chaotix stated off to politely introduce himself with some background of his story. “Well okay, it was most likely that Lorcan separated my spirit from my body which in turn, made left something of me to be good, then a certain spell was used to break your prank of making mares fall in love with other mares by a dare you made.” The guy spoke off in stating about how he actually came to be when he, the evil self of Discord got separated from the rest & was sealed away until recent events occurred in the past.

“Ugh….does thou have ta bring up a discussion we rather not talk about!” Luna groans off to say this in wishing that such a discussion not be brought up; it was one loosely prank & even when Lorcan helped them avoid that event that took place in an alternate universe from a dream he had, it’s still annoying to be reminded of their rash action, etc.

“Well in any case, after that, my soul return to me, or rather one part of me. As the rest of my bad self remains hidden while three blank flank fillies took me in & then finally….one use of the Chaos Words helped not only free me, but gave me…a new body.” Chaotix finished off in telling his story of when the CMC found him, & by using the Chaos Words, freed him that gave him a new body & form to take.

“Though also forgot to mention thy time of a chipmunk voice when thou was an orb.” Luna remotely spoke off in rubbing salt in this villain’s wounds of such an embarrassing time.

“Yes, I do recall hearing about that.” Celestia nods off in making a sly smile in how funny it was; this scary opponent sounded like a cute little chipmunk.

“Well that’s over with! Now, I’m rolling with a new crew, one of the Three Lords.” Chaotix pointed this out that surprised the two, this evil version of Discord is now aiding one of the Three Lords of Equestria, which one? “And my first act of causing chaos of a scale my old goody-two-shoe self probably never tried is conjure up a powerful force field around your little Canterlot. Trapping you two in it!” He pointed this off that he has trapped the Royal Sisters & their kingdom in which they can’t escape from.

“Thou will not get away with thy plan of encasing us to be out of one’s way!” Luna protest against whatever the villain was up to will not get away with it.

“Oh, but that’s just the FIRST step, by tomorrow morning, the whole MOUNTAIN is gonna rise, before it becomes a great FALL, all over Ponyville.” Chaotix smiled off wickedly in stating the rest of his plan that will be a big deal to be witnessed upon.

“What? What are you scheming? Tell us now, this instant Chaotix!” Celestia sternly was asking in demanding to know what the evil Chaotix was plotting by such means.

“Oh, you’ll see…sleep well, you’re going to need it before the next sunrise over the horizon…” Chaotix smiled off fiendishly in stating this with a hidden agenda of what will happen next.

Then afterwards, Chaotix vanished in a red smoke cloud ion evil as the Royal Sisters stare off at each other with worry. As the scene goes dark, they fear that whatever Chaotix is planning will not be good & they can’t do anything to get out & stop it.


At this time as the morning sun rises, we zoom in around Rainbow Castle. Where we see the Mane Six, Ben, Nyx, Spike & Phobos resting in sleeping bags around the council table while Discord was sleeping on a log that was being saw’d; don’t ask. As everyone was slowly waking up to the start of a new morning after they had a party to welcome back Twilight & Fluttershy in being the last members summoned to solve a friendship problem, now all of the Mane Six have done so.

“Boy; that was some welcome party Pinkie Pie threw.” Rainbow Dash stretched herself in how that party they had went off.

“In all honesty, she wanted it ta be special.” Applejack nods off to the fact of how their pal really outdid herself.

“Yes, now we all have gone off where the map said we were needed.” Rarity smiled off to say this with joy of how things turn out for them.

“Yep, after our first adventure together on the map to now three map quest later, we all did our parts to help.” Pinkie Pie smiled forth in stating this matter of what fun adventures they all shared with either all of them or with others.

“Pinkie Pie’s right. I think I understand our new castle in how it works.” Ben stated off to say this in understanding what their new castle does for them.

“How’s that daddy?” Nyx asked her father in being curious.

“Well, Twilight & the rest represent the Elements of Harmony, which reflects the friendship.” Ben stated off to tell Nyx about how Twilight & the Mane Five represent the six elements that are about harmony & friendship. “First it was about Rainbow Dash & Pinkie Pie, they helped Griffonstone bring about a new happier moments of laughter by helping & being loyal to a friend that went astray.” Ben pointed out what two of the first ponies did that helped a kingdom of griffons begin to help slowly change from having something to smile & laugh happily & be loyal to another.

“You mean Gilda, well, that is very true.” Fluttershy stated off in recalling that adventure they heard about to be amazed that someone from the Brotherhood might not be all that bad now.

“Then during the Sisterhood, Applejack & Rarity went to Manhattan to help another friend & a whole city, with generous hearts & good honesty of putting on a show that was free & inspiring.” Ben stated off the next group that went to help a pony out that help a city remember what an important play with feeling is to be honest with themselves from the generous act. “Lastly, Twilight & Fluttershy, kindness was the key, but a little extra magic was needed to help kindness out from two feuding families.” Ben stated how without the magic effort from Twilight, then Fluttershy would never had help reach the funding families see what they were doing all this time.

“Don’t I know it.” Twilight rolled her eyes in just remembering that adventure they came back from.

“Well the sun is up, the birds are singing & Canterlot is levitating off it’s spot, the gentle breeze is in the air….” Discord spoke off in looking outside to state how the day looks to be going until…

“Wait, what was that other thing?” Spike stops Discord to ask what the other thing was again.

“Something about a breeze?” Phobos raised an eyebrow in recalling the last thing they heard.

“No, Canterlot.” Spike shook his head in stating what was actually said that earn bigger concerns.

That was where the others approached the window to stare outside, only to gasp in shock or in wide eyes; as a rumbling noise was heard in that direction. And to a shocking display, Canterlot was seen levitating off its mountain spot, heck, the whole MOUNTAIN ITSELF was taken along as it was slowly hovering off the ground to take flight upwards. The citizens were scared, as those in Canterlot stayed in their homes while the Royal Guard with wings were trying to keep everyone out of danger. But even still, from Cloudsdale to Ponyville, everyone would see this & know…this won’t be good.

“You guys!” Then entering the scene was Goldie’s group; Pinkamena, Omega, Jack Zen, Autumn Gem, & Sombra. “Canterlot’s entire mountain has just been taken from its location!” Goldie issued off that the sight was a total disaster upon the very sight of it all.

“We saw it, what’s going on?” Ben asked off in not knowing how this happened.

“Discord, is this your doing?” Jack Zen looked to the likely guy to do something THIS chaotic on the first morning.

“Well it does have a certain ‘chaotic’ air to it & I do sense powerful magic in use, but….it’s not me.” Discord held his chin to think this a bit through before stating that this was chaos magic, it was not his own doing.

“Then who’s doing this?” Sombra asked off puzzled in who else was behind this act.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Spoke the voice of Discord as if responding to the question.

“Discord, if you know, then tell us.” Autumn Gem asked Discord if he knows the answer to tell the rest.

“That….was not me.” Discord nervously stated that the voice heard did not come from him…

“Close, but no cigar.” The voice of Discord was nearby while sounding more magical every time.

Then something appeared in a red evil mist to form around to suddenly take the form of what looked like Discord, but in truth…it was not the reform guy, but the NEW villain; Discord II AKA, unknown to the heroes right now, Chaotix!

“Hugh! You….Discord II!” Pinkamena gasped in shock before bringing out her sword for a fight here. “Are you the one behind this?” She asked off in demanding an answer from this eviler version of Discord.

“Guilty as charge….” Chaotix smiled off with a wicked tone while floating around leisurely as the others stared at the guy. “Tell me my, less evil half, how do you like this? It’s a nice chaotic work of where there is more fun to be had….by endangering a whole kingdom to play along.” He stated this off in wanting the old Discord’s opinion for how the former evil Spirit of Chaos likes what he’s done to Canterlot.

“Well one thing, while that looks fun, it’s WAY too extreme, & secondly, I would NEVER put innocent lives in danger for a mere chuckle!” Discord protest forth in making this argument claim about the problems of such things.

“Hugh, you really have lost your evil edge, all the more reason why I’m the more better of us.” Chaotix sighs with a bored expression in seeing the reform Discord has lost his old evil edge while the new one, is the better of the two.

“You are NOT!” Discord protest of having an argument with…well, himself; awkward.

“I seem to recall you turn tail when you saw me & what I did before. The only reason I don’t is because I like to see you & your little….’friends’ try to stop this.” Chaotix smiled off fiendishly to lean near the good Discord in pressing all the right buttons; when he came into existence, he made the good Discord run with everyone because he sense how dangerous the new enemy was. "Before anyone else even mention my name, from now on, call me 'Chaotix' with an "'x'" at the end."

"Chaotix?" Twilight ask puzzled by the last name.

"Yes. I figure the changed name would go a long way toward avoid confusion with my semi-good counterpart."

"Well, whatever. I don't care what you choose to call yourself. My pals and I will beat you just the same." Rainbow exclaims sternly.

Chaotix just scoffs this off as he ask, "Oh, really? Consider this; when the mountain's base reaches thirty miles in the air, it will start falling at an every-increasing rate of speed, which means, by the time the mountain hits Ponyville - well, I'm sure you get the idea. After all, you don't need to be a math major to know just how much damage a literally mountain-sized object can cause when it hits a much smaller object at literally thousands of miles per hour. Not even your precious princesses, who are trapped in that force field surrounding Canterlot, will survive. And not even Princess Twilight is powerful enough to stop that mountain before it hits the ground."

"But your semi-good counterpart IS." Pinkie said thoughtfully with a smile.

"Discord, could you please try to undo the force field around Canterlot AND stop the mountain from hitting Ponyville while my other friends and I deal with your even-more-evil-than-you-used-to-be counterpart?" Fluttershy ask her good friend with a smile.

"You can count on me, Fluttershy!" Discord exclaims as he changes into an army private and gives a salute.

“In less than the time to move something that size from 30 miles from there to here, that mountain will arrive & just as it’s directly in position, it will fall, destroying Canterlot on impact….right beneath Ponyville, killing two birds with one stone.” Chaotix explained his plan, he’s going to level Canterlot by having it crush Ponyville, taking out two places at once along with its citizens.

“You can’t do that, do you know how many ponies will perish!” Twilight protest in showing a stern expression, that kind of action could get many ponies hurt or worse.

“Well, maybe you should stop yammering & get to work…you have only a little time till your two kingdoms collide & it won’t be pretty.” Chaotix made a dark humor of a joke about what will happen to both kingdoms; afterwards, he vanishes in a puff of smoke while leaving everyone stump in what to do now.

“Okay, no pony panic.” Twilight spoke off in trying to keep herself & everyone else from panicking here.

“Are you kidding me? THIS IS THE PERFECT TIME TO PANIC!” Phobos exclaimed off in panicking that this was the perfect chance to panic now.

“Phobos, don’t lose yourself!” Nyx spoke to calm her pet pal down.

“Twilight, any ideas?” Spike asked if there was any ideas that could help them.

“I’m thinking, but unless we can somehow undo that spell, there isn’t much to do.” Twilight stated to say that unless they can undo Chaotix's strong chaos magic on Canterlot, they won’t be getting anywhere.

“Don’t forget, unless you can levitate a mountain & put it back in place, then the strain is a killer. And you thought stopping an army of ponies was difficult.” Discord remarks to Twilight, making Twilight frown at that.

“Not helping Discord.” Ben lectures the guy for having spoken off stuff that was not at all making Twilight feel any LESS pressure.

"Well like I told Fluttershy, I am going to find a way to fix this while you deal with myself...but we need a plan of doing so. Anyone got any ideas to make that happen?"

The gang was in a debating matter of how to go about this, how can they stop Chaotix’s plot. They will need help & a lot of time to prevent Canterlot from falling on Ponyville, what can they do?

“Oh brother, I come here to investigate some new heroes in Ponyville, & what do I find….this?” Spoke another voice that was in the room of someone making a joke remark of what he sees is going on here.

“Who said that? Is that you Chaotix?” Jack Zen asked off to look around to see who spoke, it might be the enemy.

“Please, as if I ever look like that in the morning! I may as well rip off my own face.” The other voice of the male made a remarking claim about such things of him being as ugly as Chaotix.

“Hey, while I maybe the more pretty face out of the two, just who is it that is sounding like some tough guy?” Discord protest that he & Chaotix have almost the same face, & demands to know who was behind such sass talking.

Then some stomps were heard & some rattling of…chains. This made Fluttershy yelp & Spike & Phobos shiver in thinking they got trouble entering their mitts. But as whoever was behind the shadows came to enter, they all saw who it was. It was a unicorn stallion wearing a strange gray/black leather outfit with armor hoof pads & chest armor while wearing some metallic mask with dark green color eye visor material in the eye-socket spots. The metallic mask seems apart of the suit, as it shows its own low mane off the backside & he has a long tail which seems like it’s made of a leather steel frame for what fits underneath it. He appears like a tall, bulky, muscular appearing, tough rugged type of pony that can square off in any brawl he gets in. The only thing about his Cutie Mark on his flank, was that its appearance was a gold chain, issuing what kind of talent this character is capable of doing. He also appeared to be dragging two chains off his front hooves to give off a really terrifying appearance of a guy you DON’T wanna meet in a dark alley.

“That, would be me…” The mysterious newcomer issued off to say this.

“And you are….” Sombra slowly was asking this off in not knowing who was here.

“Wait a second, I know that getup, that dark humor, the tough presence…” Goldie was stating off in having seen & mostly has a feeling he knows who this pony was.

“And he’s carrying chains! Kinda like my Chain Blades, only different.” Pinkamena pointed out in what else she noticed that the two had some similar of weaponry usage.

“Golden Heart, who is he?” Ben turn to the guy that knows who was here before them.

“Believe it or not Ben, this guy is known as….Nightwatcher, The Chain Vigilante! And also an Element User…” Goldie pointed off in knowing who this guy was, an Element Wielder with a tough guy approach.

“Hugh?” The Mane Five replied off stump, this guy was both an Element User & a Vigilante?

“You got that right Goldilocks.” The revealed character named Nightwatcher address Golden Heart with a nickname.

Hearing that caused Rainbow Dash, Phobos, Discord, even Pinkie Pie, Rarity & Spike to burst out in laughter in thinking that was a funny nickname for Golden Heart. Course Twilight & Ben clear their throats which made everyone behave themselves while Goldie sighs from having to deal with such things from a guy that, in a word…likes to pull other folks' chains.

“I’m a user to the Element Of Chains, a Weapon Class Element, & my special talent, hugh…taking care of the slime-balls that try to come between me, & enter a brawl.” Nightwatcher issued off i what his element can do, & what he can do that is more or less; beating up enemies that almost look to him funny.

“Well, you seem…like, you specialize in fighting tough opponents.” Autumn Gem slightly stated this off sheepishly, somehow this one seems like he’s liking to get in fights.

“Can’t get enough of them, I’m like a dark avenger, so now it looks like you’ll need a little muscle to wrap up this caper.” Nightwatcher shrug off to simply say this while knowing the group will need a little muscle help in this case.

“Your right….” Twilight stated off to say without batting an eye.

“Darling are you sure, this one seems, well…a bit rough around the edges?” Rarity asked if Twilight was okay about this.

“We’re up against Chaotix, he won’t be playing around, & unless we can stop that mountain, it’ll destroy our homes & those still on it.” Twilight stated that they need whatever help they can get at this rate.

“Well, Ah guess it is true, heck, probably wasn’t gonna be easy ta begin wit'.” Applejack stated off to hold her chin in thinking such things need whatever chances they got to get by.

“Perhaps you are not looking at a bigger picture & need to look things over without letting doubt cloud the mind.” Spoke a male’s voice of someone wishing to state this statement of the discussion with some reason.

“Wow, great advice…who said that?” Pinkie Pie smiled off to say this before looking around; no one was taking the claim. “No one, not even you Mr. Nightwatcher?” Pinkie Pie asked off in being puzzled in seeing no one spoke, not even the new guy.

“Nope! But here’s a better question, you see smoke?” Nightwatcher pointed this off to say while noticing…smoke coming from the front door’s entrance.

“Smoke? Is there a fire?” Nyx yelps in thinking they have a fire emergency.

“I am not fire, but I am as you see…” As the other voice spoke out, the gang are surprised because the smoke was pouring in, but at the same time taking form. And what appeared to them was a strange pony they too have never seen. It was a Unicorn stallion with dark pale gray color fur, long flowing sliver mane & tail & with gray emerald color eyes. He appears physically fit & built to handle things with quick reflexes & agility. He wears a dark gray & silver plate uniform to make him look mysterious, almost like…a ninja…or an assassin; even with a black mouth visor. He almost looks like a ghostly figure from such pale looking fur but he seems perfectly fine, and for unknown reasons…smoke is leaking out of his body. What is seen on his flank appears to be something in the form of…a gray symbol for smoke, in stating what his represented talent is that is his Cutie Mark.

“Oh goody, another new face enters the fold. And you must be…” Discord rolled his eyes in seeing another surprise has enter their presence now.

“Smoke…” The new pony spoke off to say.

“Where?” Phobos asked off in thinking there was more smoke coming from somewhere.

“No, that is my name, I am Smoke, wielder to the Element of Smoke.” The strange new pony revealed that his name was actually Smoke & he wields an element matching his name.

“Oh my, how very original.” Discord rolled his eyes in having heard this, someone with both name & element that match perfect together; how ironic.

“There was an Element of Smoke?” Ben raised an eyebrow in being surprised, he never knew that smoke could be an element type of class to help out?

“I get Crash Fire’s element being fire, which makes smoke, but…what good can just turning yourself into smoke do?” Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow in thinking that while they know another pony that can use fire, what can be so great about smoke.

“I am an assassin, there are feats that an assassin can do from such things. Suffering, sneaking up behind, being unable to impact a target.” Smoke explained off the feats of what one can do be turning into smoke.

“Wait….did you say assassin?” Twilight yelps in having heard this which FREAKS everyone out, this other ally was…an assassin?

“Do not be alarm princess, while it is true, I am train to be an assassin, but I am a wandering assassin.” Smoke spoke forth in trying to make himself not be seen as a killer sent to get them than a hero & ally. “I only came to obverse you all to understand something I heard, your group have done much victories against evil foes of the past. And thought perhaps you could help a wandering element user out. I wish to help you, please trust me.” He spoke these words in wanting to be an ally than of an enemy to the group.

The room felt quiet, no surprise seeing that the room was filled with a vigilante & an assassin, it’s hard knowing what to do. Sure they fought with Z-Strap who was a vigilante hero & Nightwatcher seems like the same boot, but….gaining the aid of someone train to be an assassin, can it be a safe bet?

“Hmmm….you know, despite the thing about trusting those that are assassins, this guy here looks like he’s in the straight & narrow. So, I think we can help each other.” Pinkamena spoke off in feeling that this pony was someone that can be trusted, he’s not like other evil assassins that take lives.

“Well, if my sister thinks he’s okay, then no point in arguing.” Goldie stated out in feeling that arguing his sister to consider reason won’t work so well.

“He’s right, so we have a band that is more or less, not known hero material of a dark avenger & some smoky assassin.” Jack Zen stated off in seeing what they got, not quite the group gathering they were expecting.

“Hey, we can hear you.” Nightwatcher remotely stated in seeing what the guy was doing, trying to be funny.

“I believe the term is that we must work together to stop this evil plot.” Omega stated forth that they need to work together to stop the danger approaching them.

“Hmmm….” Twilight was thinking about this for a minute before turning to someone. “Nightwatcher, how strong are your chains?” She asked this question forth in liking an answer to them.

“Well, they’re pretty strong.” Nightwatcher boasted off that his chains are indeed very strong, they gotta be as tough for a tough guy to use.

“Are they strong enough to….keep a floating mountain from approaching Ponyville? Because perhaps Chaotix has Canterlot in a force field, but not the mountains ground structure.” Twilight explained that they can use strong chains to be embedded in the mountains ground & rock structure to keep it from moving anymore to their town.

“Well I can safely say I never done anything like that, but hey, never stopped me before.” Nightwatcher shrug off to say this simply that holding a mountain back will be a tall order, but he’ll make it work.

“Great idea Twilight, maybe we can slow Canterlot down to give us more time. What’s next?” Ben replied off in seeing what the idea was, now they need another move to help them out while they have time.

“Next, we need to distract Chaotix to catch him off guard.” Twilight stated this off in what they need to distract the enemy.

“Um, what if we do what the Hoofields did when they offered the McColts a peace offering? Oh, that is…if that will work.” Fluttershy meekly spoke off in her shy way about using something that their last adventure involved that caught the other by surprise; if anyone likes that.

“Fluttershy, that’s brilliant!” Twilight smiled off in having heard the idea to like it.

“It is Twilight?” Rarity raised an eyebrow in not following this strange planning.

“Pinkie, we need you to make a big cake, one to hid a pony in it!” Twilight issued the order in what she needs her friend here to do.

“Goody! I get to make a cake!” Pinkie Pie smiled for joy that the plan about making a cake is tasty news.

“Is she serious?” Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow in not believing this.

“Apparently so.” Applejack shrug off to say that the plan is as what Twilight is making it to be.

“I know the perfect thing, Pinkamena, are you up for a little surprise act?” Twilight turn to Pinkamena in liking her to be involved for a ’surprise’ act here.

“Do you even need to ask?” Pinkamena smiled off eagerly wanting to play a role in such a surprise.

“Can I help, oh please say so!” Discord held his hands in wanting to also help out too. "I told Fluttershy I could, don't make me back out on a promise now!"

“Discord, you’re gonna play a role in trying to approach Chaotix with this plan, make it look like you wanna be on the same side.” Twilight pointed out in what she needs Discord here to do to fool his evil self.

“Wait, you want Discord to make it look like he’s turn tail?” Phobos raised an eyebrow in being shocked to hear this part of the plan.

“That could work, that might fool Chaotix into believing it.” Nyx stated to say this in thinking, if Chaotix sees Discord wanting to be bad again, it may fool the enemy.

“Will Discord really pretend though?” Spike asked off in thinking that Discord was unprofitable, what if he really does turn on them?

“Believe me friends, I can be very perceptive in my acts. But I learn from siding with Tirek it doesn’t end well, but pretending is another matter all together.” Discord explained that he can fool his other self by pretending to turn back to the side of evil while not really doing so.

“Then let us hurry, time is ticking.” Smoke insisted that they have to hurry, the danger is approaching with the clock ticking against them.

The others looked back outside to see the approach Canterlot castle along with the entire mountain structure. They need to quickly get moving if they wanna try to stop it, despite moving slow, it needs to travel 30 miles to reach its target. The scene grows dark, with many thoughts wondering what will come if the heroes can stop a mountain load of trouble? Hopefully with some helpful allies & a bit of luck, they may just do that when they have to face Chaotix…

Chapter 02: Heavy As A Mountain

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Chapter 02: Heavy As A Mountain

The scene slowly opens up to where a strange dark storm cloud was seen above the sight in which it was formed with rusted metal bent works & structured into a Vietnam style cathedral palace in ruin without a roof. Right now, Chaotix sat in a throne he made to watch the hovering Canterlot Castle & the entire mountain as it was slowly getting nearer to Ponyville. Soon the guy’s wicked plan of leveling two kingdoms at once will be performed.

“Ah, now this is a view for the ages in Sportsmanship, in mere moments…Canterlot is going to CRUSH Ponyville, & the game will be over….and I will win.” Chaotix smiled off wickedly in marveling this work, the destruction while quoting sports theme claims is truly what make this a show.

“Oh you hoo!” Then something was heard that made the villain sense that someone was near.

Then looking below from his little dark cloud cover, the swirling clouds moved away to allow someone to visit the villain calling the shots. But then what came out to greet Chaotix was an unlikely visit from….the reform Discord himself.

“Well, well, what do we have here?” Chaotix smiled off to taunt the presence of someone he wasn’t expecting so soon.

“Yes, well, I wanted to talk,`” Discord rolled his eyes to quickly get to the reason he’s here.

“About what?” Chaotix asked off in wanting to know what his good side wants.

“That you were right.” Discord stated off with a straight point of the matter.

“Oh, do go on….this might interest my time.” Chaotix raised an eyebrow in being slightly intrigue to hear the REFORM Discord said his EVIL side is right.

“I do find this chaos at work amusing, but oh, it’s just so hard to contain it, & well…I want in!” Discord spoke off in trying to express how he loves what evil chaos was done & he exclaimed what he feels about such work in progress.

“You want…in, what?” Chaotix raised an eyebrow to slowly await what it is his good half wants that he came here to talk.

“The winning side, there is no way Twilight & her group can stop a mountain like that.” Discord stated off to simply say that he wants to be o the winning team; the evil team that is.

“And how do I know you are for real in deserting your….friends?” Chaotix boasted off to make a mockery that the Reform Discord is wanting to change sides when he finally felt happiest with having friends.

“Well, I have a peace offering, a specially made cake.” Discord stated off to say this as he lifted from his waving tail a strange object; it was form to be a dark emerald coloring of rusted gears & pipes for decorations, followed by crystal dagger rocks.

“Is that all? Please….we’re chaos beings, we can just pop a cake anytime we want.”Chaotix rolled his eyes in stating that make something like a baked cake is easy on their part.

“Ah, but this is a special Chaos Cake, it can’t be made by snapping our figures, you know.” Discord stated off to mention this with a round of confidence in his voice.

“Hmmm….true, tell me the flavors.” Chaotix rubbed his chin to know that fact is true, Chaos Cakes are not at all easy to make than regulars, so he ask what’s in such a cake.

“It’s got rusted metal, sharp gem edges, mix with weeks old milk & super frosted flavoring enough to turn even perfect white teeth rotten that detents would drill every last one of them out; it’s a real scream on bake success.” Discord explain d off all of the most chaotically thought up recipes to be made into such a cake of disaster.

“Hmm….very well, I accept this.” Chaotix hums a bit before slowly deciding that he can accept such a nicely chaotic cake of such things.

Now both Discords were approaching the edge of the dark clouds to watch how things are going; the mountain of Canterlot is slowly approaching Ponyville, any moment now, it will drop.

“So the weak minded me has decided to see the joy of causing absolute chaos & madness, perhaps there is hope for you after all.” Chaotix stated of in seeing how Discord has now realized the error of being good when it means he loses having so much evil fun in life.

“Perhaps so!” Discord exclaimed off to say this to turn around with a hidden smile on his face.

As things were moving along, no one saw a weird moving motion within the Chaos Cake; something interesting will happen here. But for now, the scene shifts to change location at this moment…


Meanwhile back on the ground, as the floating mountain of Canterlot was being magically levitated towards Ponyville, Nightwatcher was on the scene. As the guy had gathered up many ponies that can fly, use magic & even those that had strength from a few selected citizens of Ponyville to even Cloudsdale. Right now, the mountain was almost near, so it’s time to begin the plan to stop this act by Chaotix.

“Okay, I’m in position.” Nightwatcher stated off in having place himself just where he needs to be. “You Pegasus ready?” He turns to the other Pegasus of Ponyville in seeing if they are ready.

“We’re ready, um, sir!” Derpy saluted off that she & the rest from even Cloudsdale are ready.

“Well get ready, cause if you can make a cyclone by 700 wing power, then lets seen how tough you are in stopping a floating mountain top.” Nightwatcher gave out the order in wanting to see with enough wing power, they can keep a hovering mountain from going towards Ponyville.

That’s when the Pegasus ponies took off as Nightwatcher suddenly performed magic in where he aimed to fire chains of light that attached to the bedrock surface structure of the mountain that hovers off. He summoned enough that the first thirds were taken by the Pegasus ponies.

“Hruuuarrughhh!” Many of the Pegasus ponies were heard making loud noises as they were pulling the chains with much of their might.

“Alright you tough stallions, you maybe Earth Ponies, but you got muscle to spare, so don’t waste it & give this your all.” Nightwatcher issued this off against the ponies that got the most muscle as he was giving them the task to show folks what they are made of by pulling the chains to halt a mountain.

“Eeyup!” Big Mac nods off in stating this with a positive answer.

“Ho doggy, pulling’ a mountain, now I seen & heard everything!00” Tough Apple nods off in sounding excited about this, it’s crazy, but one’s pride & strength be on the line.

“And those of you that are Unicorns, use your magic, we’re gonna need a magic here than just pure strength.” Nightwatcher issued this off to the other remaining ponies in what they can do, those that got magic to spare, to use it to move the chains.

Soon everyone was in agreement as Nightwatcher called forth more chains that latch onto the floating mountain of Canterlot as the Earth & Unicorns were about to join in helping the Pegasus Ponies.

“Alright, here we go now!” Nightwatcher issued off to say this in about to really get things underway.

Soon at this moment, a shocking surprise was happening as the last few ponies took the other chains to start pulling with all they got, even Nightwatcher was doing his part to help. But the greatest surprise was seeing that from their effort, they were making the hovering mountain actually slow it’s movement to which it almost nearly stop, but at least the effort was keeping it from going anywhere.

“Discord, let’s hope you keep your word, cause if you turn on pony kind like last time…I’m coming for you!” Nightwatcher issued off to mutter this stuff while swearing if Discord pulls a fast one on them like the time Tirek came back & almost wreck Equestria, then the dark avenger is gonna beat the living daylights out of the spirit of chaos.

With that, the scene grows dark as everyone was working really hard to keep the mountain of Canterlot from reaching Ponyville, it was due or die time & no one wants the last thing on their minds.


Soon we return to where the two Discords are watching what was going on that the hovering mountains speed seems to be….slowing down further. This makes the evil one notice it with puzzlement cause he was certain of how the speed should be going, but this seem off while the good one seem to pretend like he was not knowing what was going on.

“Hmmm….odd.” Chaotix stated off to notice something that seem a bit off to him from what is going on now.

“What’s odd….besides the obvious floating mountain of a kingdom coming to fall on a town?” Discord shrug off to playfully state the matter of a doom town to be crush by an invading kingdom & such a quote is not by regular standard means of ponies but by buildings.

“Our approach seems to have nearly come to a slow halt.” Chaotix pointed out how the movement of Canterlot has slowed down much then it was moving earlier it seems.

“Really?” Discord raised an eyebrow in having just heard about this now.

“I best make sure those fools aren’t trying something.” Chaotix stated off in thinking it’s best that the enemies below are not about to stop a world of chaos going on.

“Why not take a slice of Chaos Cake to fuel your appetite?” Discord happily offered to say as the so-called Chaos Cake hovered near the evil version.

“Well, I suppose one slice won’t hurt.” Chaotix thought about this to shrug off the shoulders, a little snack before going out wouldn’t hurt, right?

Just then without warning, the cake vibrated to the point that something popped out; they were chains that tie around Chaotix. And then the enemy saw it was Pinkamena doing it, followed by Golden Heart, Jack Zen & Omega with the mare; they were hiding inside the Chaos Cake!

“SURPRISE!” Pinkamena yelled out in having caught this guy off guard with her chain blades holding the enemy.

“Aaahhh! This truly is a chaotically made cake… put a freaky & ugly looking pony in it!” Chaotix yelps out in shock in realizing what his goody-two-shoes self-made this Chaos Cake with & it was probably a bit too much.

“One! I got’cha! And two, WHO YOU CALLING UGLY!?” Pinkamena issued this off to say while yelling out the last part that upset her.

“Here is a taste of what you have coming!” Omega issued forth in charging up his front hooves into his arsenal of weapons.

As Chaotix was being blasted by shots of magic & machine attacks, he turn to red mist to escape afterwards before reforming. But then as he looked about, he saw Discord snap his fingers to bring in the Mane Six, Ben, Adult Nyx, & the baby Dragons as they were all ready to face off against this chaotic foe.

“You… DECEIVED ME!” Chaotix protest forth in seeing what the group here has done, they tricked him, the chaos being that’s better than the old Discord.

“What can I say, my personality is a discorded one, deceiving others is what I do….at least, to those that I don’t like.” Discord shrug off to simply say this in what he can do in many cases, even against those that are his enemies & NOT his true friends like the pony bunch.

“Clever ruse, but….clever will only get you so far!” Chaotix remotely stated this that such means will not be enough to get this bunch out of trouble.

“It’s over for you Chaotix, undo the force field around Canterlot!” Goldie ordered out that the enemy undoes his spell of trying to drop a mountain with a kingdom with it on an innocent town.

“You think sheer numbers are enough, fools!” Chaotix declared off to remotely state this as if not being intimidated by this. “I’ll just speed up the process.” Now Chaotix snaps his fingers as those looked down to see the mountain that was seemingly stop, suddenly pick up some speed as those trying to keep it at bay, struggle to hold it back more.

“Yikes! He’s making the mountain move quicker!” Pinkie Pie yelps in seeing the danger that is coming close to their home.

“That won’t be good, can the plan of holding it back still work?” Rarity stated off in fearing of what will happen if they can’t stop this fast.

“It’s gotta, we just gotta take this guy down!” Rainbow Dash stated off the simple plan, take down the enemy.

“Right, beat de caster, an de spell will be undone.” Applejack nods off in thinking that is the only thing that can help them the most.

“Oh my, I certainly hope so!” Fluttershy yelps a bit in hoping that they can do something like that.

“You all try to beat this evil me while I help stop this mountain.” Discord issued off to say this that while the rest fight Chaotix, he’ll try to stop Canterlot from crushing Ponyville.

“But I thought you said you couldn’t undo it.” Twilight questioned that Discord couldn’t break the powerful spell Chaotix casted.

“Undo it, no, but keep this mountain from destroy Ponyville, well that’s what I’m going to find out.” Discord pointed out the other options that can be done even when one can’t break or undo a spell. "Besides, I promise Fluttershy I will do my best regardless of what said so I'm keeping it!"

Now Discord magically teleported out of sight, only to appear below in front of the hovering mountain & was wearing a SUPER HERO getup with a matching cape & mask along with a ‘D’ logo on his suit.

“Never fear! SUPER DISCORD…Is Here!” Discord proclaimed off in introducing himself to wow the crowd that a savior has arrived.

“Can the dramatics & work already!” Nightwatcher yelled out for Discord to quit horsing around & just help out already.

“Well, you don’t have to be such a critic.” Discord rolled his eyes in seeing that someone was not much for his fun & games during such epic moments; oh well.

Soon Discord charges forth to push himself to push the mountain of Canterlot’s force field to keep it from getting any closer to Ponyville. While those that tried to take on Chaotix were seen hitting him with all they got. Rainbow Dash’s Magical Nun-Chuck Blasters, Rarity’s Eternal Gems, Fluttershy’s Sonar Screech, Applejack’s Diamond Lasso, Pinkie Pie’s Party Cannon, even Twilight & Adult Nyx used precise Unicorn Burst attacks. Ben, Goldie & Jack Zen used Sword Beam techniques, Omega fired off rounds of his Gatling guns & Pinkamena swung her chain blades. Everyone was doing their best, but it seems like Chaotix was not even taking their battle even remotely serious. Most times he was dodging or redirected their shots away from him so he would not sustain any damage.

“Hey come on, quit making this difficult!” Phobos complained that the enemy was making this harder to have them beat Chaotix.

“You know he’s a villain, right?” Spike remotely told Phobos that Chaotix is a villain & that he’s supposed to be hard to defeat.

“Well Discord was unpredictable, guess it makes sense his eviler self would be.” Adult Nyx stated off in knowing how hard it is to defeat a guy that is like the reform Discord, only more trickier to figure out.

“Golden Fireball!” Goldie hurls a golden fireball from his hoof at the target, only of Chaotix to effortlessly catch it without much troubling effort.

“Sorry, I prefer a different ball game.” Chaotixslyly stated this off before throwing the attack right back at the sender.

“Woah!” Goldie yelps to dodge the return of his own attack.

“Is this guy even serious in fighting us?” Jack Zen asked off in wondering if this enemy is even trying to be serious as they fight.

“Seeing how he’s not goofing around, he is more likely playing around with us.” Omega pointed out that the enemy known as Chaotix is not goofing around, merely fooling with his opponents.

“You fools, I have not even BEGUN to get serious; doing so would really put you at the disadvantage!” Chaotix issued forth that he has hardly even begun to be serious against those that are hardly any effort for him to take down no problem. “I am the Predator & you…are the Prey! It only seems natural that you struggle a useless chance to resist!” He bragged off that those here will continue to struggle as he enjoys it.

“Laugh while you can, cause soon you’re gonna be caught off guard & then we’ll strike.” Ben issued off to say this as they are not going to give up & will beat this foe.

“Please…what can you do to catch me off guard? TWICE…I might add!” Chaotix rolled his eyes in thinking that he will not be so easy to catch off guard like before.

“By insisting the aid of the Vanishing Assassin…” Spoke a voice out that was unseen & yet it was very close. “Smokescreen!” Then without warning, a stallion’s mouth was form in which thick smoke was blown out to act like smokescreen to lower Chaotix’s accuracy state. “Now! Attack!” Spoke out the same voice that belong to an ally of the gang, Smoke. He has blinded the enemy’s eyesight for a stealth attack approach.

“It’s Smoke’s signal, come on!” Pinkamena issued off in seeing that their other ally has given them an open chance to attack; time to take it.

Then without warning, the heroes used the smokescreen that blinded Chaotix to their advantage, causing the enemy to yelp to try to avoid the attacks, but some stun him as he could not see with the smokescreen.

“This is your plan….you expect to blind sight me with smokescreens?” Chaotix remotely stated in trying to avoid whatever he could while being blind-sighted by the amounts of the smokescreen attack.

“There is more to the attack, Burn Out!” Smoke’s voice is heard out before preparing another move here.

Now we see Smoke teleport-punches his opponent, then runs behind him & delivers a German Suplex which slams Chaotix’s head onto the ground, which would break an enemy’s head & neck of their bone joints. That moved made much of the gang yelp, that looked painful, but then again, a creature of chaos might not die off from such acts. Next, while Chaotix was trying to get up, Smoke kicks him in the face, breaking the guy’s facial structure even more.

“Ouch! That move looks like it can really break much of a guy’s bones!” Spike yelps a bit from seeing something like that which…surprised them.

“That’ll make it harder for them to continue to fight afterwards, what with broken bones.” Phobos remotely spoke off that from such an act, nobody would go on from having broken bones.

“Unfortunately, this guy could fix that problem. Let’s hope Smoke can keep him distracted a little longer.” Jack Zen pointed out that Chaotix is a being of chaos, even if one could break such bones, he probably fix it.

“Smoke Tremor!” Smoke does a move called Smoke Dash which he turns into a cloud of smoke & dashes forwards & backwards. But with a different technique he goes right through Chaotix. At the moment Smoke reappears, Chaotix suddenly begins to suffocate from the clouds of smoke cutting off too much oxygen, enough to almost reach a suffocated point of near-death & either be knocked out or finished off. Soon what happened caught the heroes by surprise as Chaotix went through an internal combust from the technique that did much to him, the pieces fall from the endodermic heat, starting from the top of the creature’s skull separating from the mandible & the rest of the body from key joints.

“Ugh…” Rarity yelps a bit disgusted by what has happened.

“Eek!” Fluttershy yelps a bit scared as this was a bit…over the top.

“Woah now!” Applejack slowly spoke off that they were not expecting this result.

“That was intense!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in surprise, that move was pretty intensive.

“Wow, I GOTTA learn how he did that!” Pinkamena exclaimed in thinking that be a great move to take out enemies.

“Please sis, we’re trying to not have another reason of ponies being scared of you!” Goldie insisted that he doesn’t want his sister learning how to make others' body combust & fall all over the place.

“Well, guess it’s already over.” Pinkie Pie shrug off to say in guessing this was the end of the enemy.

“Um, Pinkie Pie…better think again.” Ben slowly pointed off in noticing something else at hand here.

As Ben said that, what looked like Chaotix’s body parts began to reassemble themselves before he became whole as he looked perfectly fine again.

“Please, I won’t even suffocate from being surrounded by this stuff or what you make me breathe in. Even if I combust from within, a being of chaos can always fix such means to be put together again.” Chaotix rolled his eyes to tell whoever was trying to make him choke that he’s wasting time, as a chaotic being, laws like breathing don’t apply to him.

While the battle against Chaotix continues onwards, below that, we see how Nightwatcher & the reform Discord along with a lot of the other ponies were struggling to stop Canterlot & it’s mountain from approaching Ponyville. Time was running out as they were almost a yard or so away from when the mountain would be in position.

“Oh dear….we’re less than mere minutes above Ponyville, I’ve already grown in size, what else can I do?” Discord yelps in seeing that they are too close to Ponyville & yet his best efforts aren’t stopping a flying mountain from about to drop all over to level the place.

“How’s about you hold on!” Nightwatcher yelled out in telling Discord this as he was pulling his chains as everyone else was doing.

“I AM HOLDING ON!” Discord screamed out that he’s trying to hold on as best as he can.

“I meant hold on while I do something else here!” Nightwatcher yelled out for Discord to not misunderstand what he was trying to say here.

“Like what?” Discord asked off in not following along with something the dark avenger was coming up with.

“You said this Chaotix is tougher than you, right?” Nightwatcher asked off this sudden question about how the more evil Discord is stronger than the other one by letting off greater chaos, etc.

“As much as I hate to admit it, why?” Discord rolled his eyes to say this while not getting the discussion.

“Then maybe what those Mane Six need is a little self-confidence boost.” Nightwatcher spoke off with some confidence in what their friends will need to give them that special edge over an enemy.

“And how will that help?” Discord raised an eyebrow in not sure how a pony that can wield & swing & summon chains can help six ponies defeat an even worse version of Discord.

“By letting me have time to have my chains connect to a certain place, to see if it can channel a little self magical boost for them.” Nightwatcher issued off to say this as he summoned off another batch of chains in what he was discussing of his own plan to aid the gang.

“Wait, you can do that?” Discord raised an eyebrow in being surprised, this guy could do something that sounded crazy?

“Cross your fingers, here goes!” Nightwatcher issued off that they may as well be wishing for luck, cause it’s all or nothing now.

That’s when Nightwatcher had his chains go in the direction of the Rainbow Castle as they went off to find something; a mysterious chest buried beneath it that unleash a great power for the Mane Six. During the battle against Tirek, it was left alone while none knew how to even activity it, but the chains connected around it. At the same time, the chains Nightwatcher sent upwards found the Mane Six to tie around them while the fight against Chaotix continues. Wasn’t long before the mysterious chest was glowing a strange rainbow aura that it traveled from the chains. And soon coursing through the chains, it ended up going right towards the Mane Six, as they felt something…to which it earn some attention from others.

“What’s this?” Chaotix responded off puzzled in seeing some…unexpected magic at work here.

Once it’s over & the light show was gone, did what stood before everyone was the Mane Six….but they had obtain their Rainbow Forms.

“Rainbow Forms….but how?” Chaotix exclaimed off in surprise shock, the Mane Six should not even be capable of controlling such forms, so how?

“Nightwatcher is what happened.” Twilight smiled off to state this while showing the chains that were once wrapped around them for the enemy to recognize. “These chains are his that stretch off to reach the only place I could think of that if he could channel a connection with them, we could temporally gain our Rainbow Forms.” Twilight knew that there was only a 50/50 chance of such a plan to work, but it seems like it was worth the risk to gain the upper edge against this foe.

“So that was your game, even with such things….I’m still more powerful than you can imagine. Comparing me to the likes of Tirek in his Final Mode is highly unlikely!” Chaotix declared off that despite such efforts, he is more powerful than when the group fought against Tirek.

Now Chaotix was seen in summoning many chaotic war-like objects & wreckage to throw at the Rainbow Form Mane Six, but they managed to evade & soon delivered strong hit impacts on the guy's body to be knock across his dark cloud. Then as he got up, he suddenly was forming a dark pulse blast wave as he fired it off, the Mane Six used their Rainbow Magic to counter, & soon they were in a stalemate against the enemy. The others watch as victory was almost theirs, the gang needs to push a little more.

“Come on girls!” Spike cheered from their pals to hang in their.

“You got this!” Phobos yelled out to give some self confidence in their buddies.

“We should all pitch in too.” Ben issued off that they need to help out to end this quicker & stop Canterlot from falling on their home.

“Let’s do this!” Adult Nyx nods off in agreement, they must all pitch in to stop the evil plot.

Now the others join in helping the powered up Rainbow Form Mane Six’s attack wave as it clashes against Chaotix’s chaotic wave. It would seem that almost anything would go, but only through a certain advantage would if shift the balance.

“Try all you like, but the moment I let off my TRUE strength that even the original Discord never extracted before, you’ll be done in!” Chaotix smiled off wickedly that he has a power so great, it’ll finish off the bunch with ease.

“Then now’s the time to cut you off from ever doing so…” Smoke’s voice was heard as smoke moved around the guy as the half-top of the stallion came near Chaotix's head.

“What the…?” Chaotix yelps off in having forgotten this guy, what was he gonna do now?

“Smoked Out!” Smoke then jams his hoof into his opponent’s head & injects smoke into Chaotix; then as he lets go, extreme heat starts to sear Chaotix’s body from the inside.

“GWUUAAAH-AAHHHH-Aaaaaahhhhh!” Chaotix was screaming from this unsightly pain effect that smoke was blowing out of his ears like train whistles while his body feels heated tension. The excess heat was beginning to percolate Chaotix’s body in causing him to feel the inner burn inside that if he was a normal person would be knocked out of commission.

“NOW!” Twilight yelled out for all of them to put their best forward from this open window of opportunity.

Suddenly at that moment, the rainbow wave beam plowed across Chaotix’s attack, shattering it. As Smoke vanish from sight, Chaotix managed to see what was coming to summon a small chaotic barrier dome around himself as the attack was plowing him off his dark cloud & straight across the other side of Equestria.

“YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE LAST OF MEEEEEEE!” Chaotix screamed out from over the horizon that he will be back as he was seen like a starlight flashing than going out; signaling he was sent packing.

Suddenly with the disappearance of Chaotix, the force field around Canterlot began to vanish from the mountain; that’s the good news. The bad news however was that the mountain had lost the levitation spel, & began to fall, the reform Discord was now feeling himself get crush from trying to keep a mountain from making everything go splat. The other ponies were pulling the chains, even the magic & flying ponies carried some Earth Ponies to help lighten the weight, but it was still too much.

“I got this….I got this, I….” Discord was trying to keep a heavy mountain from dropping below him as he was directly underneath Ponyville now. “Oh who am I kidding, even I can’t hold a mountain like this.” He can tell this was even too much for him, holding a mountain takes a lot out of a guy.

“You’re a creature that can change into stuff, right?” Nightwatcher exclaimed off to say something that Discord can change into something of anything he wanted

“Yes, why?” Discord replied off that he could indeed do that, but what would that do now.

“So, turn into something to make a mountain go back in it’s right spot!” Nightwatcher exclaimed forth that Discord could change into something that stops a mountain from leveling a town & get it back in it’s right rocker.

“Well it’s not like I spring into action without a plan, I just…wait a second!” Discord was remarking about such things as if they were easy to come by when he stops to double back at what he said that sounded like an idea. “A spring, that’s it!” He smiled off in suddenly figuring out the idea that could help them out & it involves…a spring method.

Then without warning, Discord did the most unexpected thing by turning into the world’s largest springy slink toy. Then as the mountain press on the change form of Discord, it surprisingly rebound off the guy in a locate direction; back where Canterlot was once settled. And soon with enough magic, the mountain was place back where it belong.

“Okay, that was weird, but guess one can’t complain about the results!” Nightwatcher exclaimed to say this in seeing how that crazy stunt, ended up helping to save the day in the end.

Now the rest of the gang join those on the ground while the Rainbow Forms temporally states faded off the Mane Six. They were all sighing with relief, the somehow did it, they stopped Chaotix from destroying their two kingdoms.

“Is it over?” Jack Zen asked off in seeing if that was the end of the problem.

“Canterlot has return to it’s original place.” Omega issued off in seeing that the place that was endanger was return from whence it was.

“Phew, that was almost too close of a calling.” Goldie sighs with relief in seeing the worse has been avoided.

“I know, probably the next to scary thing that would top this would be if the moon fell down to flatten us, but hopefully that will NEVER happen.” Pinkamena issued off to randomly say something about how much harder & scarier it be if they had to face the problem of stopping something even heavier than a mountain from flattening them.

“Do you think that’s the end of Chaotix?” Rarity asked off in wondering if that was the last they saw the enemy.

“Well it’s hard ta say, we shot him pretty far.” Applejack shrug off in being uncertain of this if that will be the last they saw the enemy.

“Eh, if he dares to come knocking at our door again, we’ll be ready!” Rainbow Dash shrug off in not caring that if that enemy comes back, they’ll be ready.

“Well, I’m hoping it won’t be anytime soon.” Fluttershy meekly stated off in hoping they won’t run across Chaotix, he is not nice.

“So what do we do now?” Pinkie Pie asked off in what they do from here on out.

“We need to go over to Canterlot & check to make sure Celestia & Luna are alright. And the rest of Canterlot citizens.” Twilight issued off that they must check on how the Royal Sisters and the rest of Canterlot are doing after what Chaotix put them through.

“Good call Twilight, lets get moving.” Ben nods in agreement, they need to check to make sure his mother & aunt are okay.

“Allow me, one instant teleportation with a snap, coming right up.” Discord came near the rest in deciding that this was a simple task that he could help out…in a snap.

Then without warning, Discord snaps his fingers in which made everyone instantly vanish from sight to which a dust trail was shown them heading for Canterlot. With one danger avoided, how will things end after such a close encountering? Well that’s a strange thing to say, but, one will have to just wait & see, now won’t we…

Chapter 03: What Friends Are There fer

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Chapter 03: What Are Friends There for

Now the scene begins to open up around where many of the Royal Guarsd were checking up on the citizens of Canterlot. From what they all experienced, it was no short the ride of where their lives were at risk, but thanks to the efforts of some known heroes, a disaster was averted. Next within Canterlot Castle, we see Discord popping in with the gang as they saw in the throne room were Celestia & Luna, they were all happy to see one another.

“Twilight, Ben, everyone…” Celestia spoke off in feeling so relieved to see those here.

“We saw it all, well done.” Luna smiled forth in thanking those that had managed to stop what occur.

“Thanks, I’m just glad you all are safe.” Ben nods off in being very glad that they helped save his family from such peril.

“It was certainly a surprise, we did not even expect something like this from Discord.” Luna issued off in stating how shock & surprised they were in what came to their attention.

“Ahem….” Then at that moment, someone cleared his throat which turn out to be Discord, knowing that he was here.

“Apologizes, I meant Discord II.” Luna corrected herself about the other Discord that is on the loose. "Or in this Chaotix."

“Yes, well I’m not please about it either, I mean really.” Discord spoke off in still feeling a bit upset over a different matter altogether. “Flattening ponies below with a mountain & with ponies at the top to get hurt from the scattering fall?” He found the whole idea to be a bit too much, maybe he would have done so if Discord wasn’t reform no more.

“It was a crazy plan.” Jack Zen stated off how crazy a plan that was performed by the villain in trying something like that.

“Crazy enough for a psycho or derange lune to think up.” Nightwatcher pointed off in how such a villain would do something so crazy, who would make a plan to drop a MOUNTAIN on others?

“Well now, this is a surprise…” Celestia stated off to say this in looking at the new faces that are here with them. “I see you came across other allies that wield elements, Twilight.” She stated to Twilight from seeing those that are here that were likely, others that came to help the gang out.

“Yes Princess Celestia, Nightwatcher & Smoke, they helped played a part in trying to help us stop Chaotix’s plan.” Twilight nods off to introduce their new friends to the Royal Sisters.

“Yeah, you should have seen it, Nightwatcher’s chains really helped out in the pulling effort of a mountain & connected to that mysterious chest that transferred our Rainbow Power…even for temporary effects.” Pinkie Pie explained off in how one of their new pals, managed to have everyone pull really strong chains to hold a hovering mountain from locking into position over their town.

“And you should have seen Smoke in action, the guy was using smoke abilities I never expected could look so…awesomely wicked!” Rainbow Dash was stating to say how awesome they saw Smoke when he helped them face off against Chaotix.

“Please Rainbow Dash, somehow, while the smokescreen was nice, the others made me feel almost faint.” Rarity stated off in feeling that some of the moves they saw looked like they were more fatale for others that would not be the same.

“Well, they at least did a number on Chaotix, bet he’s feeling’ pretty sore from wha he got.” Applejack rolled her eyes to say this in having to guess that Chaotix is sore from what he suffered from Smoke’s techniques.

“Oh my yes, that did look scary, but….if not for that last aid, Chaotix would have tried harder to beat us, right?” Fluttershy stated off with concerns that if Smoke did not use one move that caught Chaotix off guard that smoke blew out of his ears from the that, they would have been done in.

“It’s a good thing too, Chaotix didn’t look like he was fighting seriously, worse, he cast a barrier dome to keep himself from being infected by your Rainbow Power.” Goldie pointed out the other matters that Chaotix may come back from having protected himself well from suffering a powerful rainbow wave attack from six Rainbow Form Mane Six.

“However, I can safely estimate that Chaotix will be done for a little while, so we won’t be hearing from him for at least sometime.” Omega stated off in having the facts that from what the enemy suffered, Chaotix will be off their backs for a while.

“That’s about the best news we’ve heard all day.” Jack Zen sighs off to say this in being glad to hear some good news for a change.

Just then, loud growling noises were heard that made everyone flip on edge, thinking there was more trouble. But then many look to the baby Dragons that held their tummies & soon it all became clear what it was; hunger.

“Ugh, I think we forgot something important.” Spike stated off to say this in feeling a bit tired & weak from a very loud & noisy tummy rumbles.

“Yeah, breakfast…the most important meal of the day. WHEN DO WE EAT, I’M STARVING!” Phobos exclaimed off to say this while crying out loud that they need food.

“Oh Phobos.” Nyx shook her head lightly in seeing how silly these guys were being.

“Well, since we are all here, how’s about I wipe us up a little BRUNCH….anyone?” Discord smiled off to say this in offering to do some cooking for everyone here.

The group were replying in sounding like they would not mind the thought of having something to eat, they are all practically starving. The scene goes dark at this time while Discord gets things ready for those about to have a nice little meal after having save two kingdoms from a whole MOUNTAIN of trouble.


Meanwhile, in a far off spot of Equestria that turns out to be Hayseed Swamp, something had crashed down there not too long ago. Turns out to be Chaotix as he seem to moving to pick what looks like his dried dead skin off of himself. However, as he was cleaning himself, a corridor of darkness appeared, and soon someone he knows comes out.

“So, this is where you got sent to?” Rainbow Chaos replied off to say in seeing where this guy got sent to, the swamps.

“Rainbow Chaos, my little chaotic friend.” Chaotix smiled off to make a little chat in seeing who was here.

“Yeah, yeah….so, you had a hard time?” Rainbow Chaos replied off to say while knowing who had a difficult time recently.

“No, more likely they got lucky when my guard was down!” Chaotix issued off that he was not beaten, the heroes just got lucky; especially when he didn’t go all serious when someone distracted him.

“Right, sure?” Rainbow Chaos rolled her eyes to say in having heard such an excuse.

“Well, I’ll let them have their ‘fun’ for now, but I will strike back, even harder than before!” Discord II declared forth that he’ll let the heroes have their moment, but next time…he’ll strike back with a heavier impact.

“Yeah, I’m sure, by the way, how’s the staff coming along?” Rainbow Chaos replied off to change the subject to something else at this time of her interest.

“Really, you’re asking me that now after what happened?” Chaotix raised an eyebrow in how careless Rainbow Chaos is, caring for a certain staff than a buddy.

“Just making conversation, or would you rather we talk about what happened?” Rainbow Chaos stated off in which Chaotix would rather they chat about.

“Very well, you make an excellent point.” Chaotix replied off to say in seeing how much this chaotic little pony makes a good point, to him, Rainbow Chaos is far more better at causing chaos than the reform Discord could ever be.

Soon Chaotix snaps his fingers to make something appear that was form into a wooden staff with a more demonic presence while the head figure looked like an evil figure head of a Demon with horns that almost looks like…Discord. This was the Staff of Discord that Rainbow Chaos wants made by Chaotix & it looks like it’s almost ready.

“Awesome….it looks as terrifying as I hoped!” Rainbow Chaos smiled off as she approached & touch the staff, at last, the thing she has been wanting….

“Oh, but it’s just the appearance & form, the final making of it is sacrificing a being of chaos to make it work properly.” Chaotix explained that the Staff of Discord will not work with any chaos magic unless a chaos being is sacrifice in its making.

“And you said that if you crooked, I get yours for this, right?” Rainbow Chaos asked off if she still gets her staff to work when this guy bites the dust.

“Yes, if I perish, but I have not yet.” Chaotix pointed out the fact while still not being ready to join as a part of the staff’s final progress.

“Great, so until this baby gets some chaos power to juice up another chaos being, it’s only good for whacking stuff?” Rainbow Chaos rolled her eyes to remark this off as she took the staff for a few swings, it’s a pretty good melee weapon, but what’s the point if it doesn’t come with chaos magic.

“Patience my dear, all good things will come…when the time is right.” Chaotix smiled off wickedly in stating this that the true matter of what will come, will be for those that wait.

Now from both beings of chaos using magic, they smiled with evil anticipation of when the time will come, when the staff to give the other great power will someday be made. For Rainbow Chaos, she wants the staff to become even more powerful in the Apocalypse Ponies & cause total chaos. Everything goes dark at this moment, for what happens from now is just another thing of villains' past time.


At this time within Canterlot Castle, within what was likely the dining hall, many of the heroes sat to chat & eat a little food that was prepared for them as their ‘brunch’ of the day. Discord was dress like a chef as he was making all sorts of magic make boiling stew pots, cooking ovens, mixing bowls, you name it, & it was being done. Right now, the rest of the gang are enjoying cooking from Discord that was actually in truth, not too bad, & it wasn’t chaotically disgusting looking either.

“Burp!” Phobos burps without warning here.

“Phobos!” Nyx lectures her pet pal for his manners.

“Oh, excuse me.” Phobos yelps to cover the mouth while excusing himself for that act.

“Oh brother.” Spike rolled his eyes in seeing how that suddenly went off.

“I must say, when we thought Discord’s choices of meals would be strange, it seems they are….not as strange as we thought.” Celestia stated of fin having to make a new change of view of someone that they thought had strange taste.

“You should have seen the Chaos Cake he made that hid ponies inside.” Rainbow Dash stated off in how they saw one strange cake that was made.

“Yes, I dare fear what it would taste like.” Rarity stated off in being fearful of how a cake like that would ever taste like.

“Have the answer to that question in which I shared with the others, about a certain Mystery Flavor & the ingredients used.” Omega stated off to say that he has gotten the information in what Discord used to make his Chaos Cake with a strange ingredient to the mix.

“Oh, and those are?” Fluttershy asked off in being curious about what was used to make the Chaos Cake.

“Trust us, you don’t wanna know.” Jack Zen stated off to shake his head in saying the group doesn’t wanna know.

“Not until your married & have kids to be THAT old!” Pinkamena issued off that those that wanna know need to be a LOT older than they are now to know the truth.

“Trust us on that, it was NOT pretty!” Goldie stated to say that what they don’t know, won’t hurt them, or gross them out.

“Well, on the bright side, THESE meals are delicious!” Pinkie Pie smiled off today this while continuing to dig in of how tasty these treats are.

“Well, gotta admit, a dark avenger could never get food this good on what he does.” Nightwatcher stated off to say this about having had his mask off long enough to enjoy some of this meal.

“Even I think that to eat this much or share this that is not poisoned is most intriguing.” Smoke stated off in speaking off his own thoughts of eating this with a group, & without it being meant to kill in his line of work.

“You know, I gotta ask you both this….how did you become wielders of elements? I mean, a dark avenger & an assassin?” Ben asked this off in being curious about their two new allies about something.

“What, you mean you never came across folks that ain’t all about looking pretty or heroic or just plain simple that get such things?” Nightwatcher remotely asked off that the others here were expecting heroes to look something less dark & either moody or gloom to be more bright.

“Well…there was that time we thought Mayor Ronson from Manehattan was the good pony while Z-Strap who wielded the Element of Iron was evil, but turns out Ronson was the Changeling King.” Twilight slightly shrug off in recalling a time they believed someone who was making himself be a good person & the other one seem like the enemy when it was all a big misunderstanding.

“Huh, to think you let someone with politics fool you.” Nightwatcher shrug off that ponies let those in political powers call the shots.

“There was also a time where they helped free a feared wielder known as Zebura, while he was terrifying at first, Twilight & the others learn he can be a good ally underneath much of his appearance.” Celestia explained forth that Twilight & her group have learn that even those that seem scary are not as frightening as one could expect when deep down, there is something to be found.

“Yes, we have heard much tales of you befriending such ponies. Perhaps if you know about us, you may come to understand.” Smoke stated forth to say this about how they may better understand another.

“Yes, perhaps that would be best for they will need to know.” Luna nods off to say this in agreeing to the term of knowing one’s new friends.

“I’m here, what did I miss!” Discord appeared with another batch of food to be served, but couldn’t help overhear some things in the discussion.

“Nothing much, just about to start off my story here. Now let’s see, where do I begin?” Nightwatcher spoke off to say this as blur images show off in what was this pony’s past long ago. “Born as a dark green fur, red mane & red eyes pony who look like some freaky freak, was beaten up a few times. For unlike many other ponies, I was a colt named Raph, grew up in the slums of a busy city, where there was hardly much law keeping things intact. And gangster fights, brawls, you name it, were what was causing commotions around the town. I was alone on the streets, no one could help out when the city was nearly fallen into ruin & under the control of some big shots controlling the crime-waves. But then one day, I ran from some thugs wanting to pick on the weak, then fell into something…a manhole that was supposed to not move & was just there for decoration, which help me lose them pursuers. But then I found myself in a strange hidden altar under the city, it look like there was a bunch of fighting going on in where skeleton remains show weapons. But on the altar was something that glowed from little lights escaping from above…it was a long chain with a tip blade on the end. So I approached the object, but was careful in when I touch it….it felt heavy at first, but….Suddenly, it became alive that the chain moved around to coil me when I was a colt, right before it magically was infusing it’s self with me. When I became aware of what happened, something appeared on my flank, my Cutie Mark showed a golden chain type image? When I return to the surface by a different route, ended up in a hideout of some dangerous thugs, but then when bracing for the worse…a magic chain appeared that attacked one. So I saw what I did & followed my instincts to use the magic chain, using tactics & moves unknown to me, but allowed the me when just a colt to have taken out every last foe. When leaving, the police investigated the racket to discover someone took down a gang bunch of members, & boy was I amazed by my skill & ability….it’s like I was destine to wield the weapon, and learn what to be. Soon donning a new identity, Nightwatcher, the Chain Vigilante, I’ve been cleaning up the streets & became like a dark avenger, the protector of the city that hardly sleeps with crime afoot.” After many vague images of the past, Nightwatcher’s story had finally reach its end now of how it was from beginning to end.

Those that heard the tale were greatly surprised that someone like Nightwatcher went through a rough life, but in truth, that life he went through came with him obtaining that which help him begin a change. A change for the better along with helping to change a city & all of the problems that not many others could do. Guess the claim statement is true in parts of the world; words won’t solve anything, action will…in such cases, Nightwatcher does that to help end crime on the streets, etc.

“Woah…dat there is some story?” Applejack stated off from what they have just heard.

“Guess now we see why you’re so much being the tough fighter.” Rainbow Dash pointed off in having seen much about how Nightwatcher is who he is now.

“Who wouldn’t when living in such a neighborhood?” Phobos exclaimed how someone had to get tough from such a rough life style of living.

“Ehh, you get used to it…course, fixing it can be a lot more a difference.” Nightwatcher shrug off to lightly say this while making a bit of a quote on the topic.

“Oh dear me, after hearing about your trail of what you went through, I’m puzzled in what Smoke may have been through!” Rarity lightly gasped in feeling that if Nightwatcher had such an experience in life, what will Smoke’s tale be about.

“Well for one thing, there is my old name.” Smoke pointed off in having a different name from long ways back.

“Your…old name? So, it’s not Smoke? Then, if you don’t mind me asking, why did you change it?” Fluttershy meekly asked off in being curious about the question itself.

“I shall tell you, here & now.” Smoke stated forth in about to tell his story as blurry images began to take form. “Long ago, a colt by the name Tomas Adabrv experienced an event unlike anything to have happened. Abducted by an obscure cult & made a sacrifice to a Demon. The body was burned, nothing but smoke filled the air as the child’s life was fading in a puff of smoke & vapor. And that child was me…” The first part of the story had many already spooked out of their minds, some were shaking from their knees as Smoke continues. “But at the strangest of times, a thicker vapor mist swarm around the remains of the colt I once was, aiding in absorbing the dead child’s smoking remains before reforming them again. In a sudden act of instincts, the creature of smoke saw the captors & they were helpless against the shapeless form as it lashed out in avenging the cruel act that befell Tomas Adabrv. When coming to it, I had avenged what happened to me, but also knew nothing about my former life other than a name and what the obscure cult did. Left to wander a wasteland that was where I came from, wandering aimlessly until…something, or someone found me as a colt that was letting off smoke from his body. As a child, I thought there was an enemy, but the one watching turn out to be…a pony assassin that went to scout the area & found my child self with a strange mark on the flank that was a circle symbol that meant ‘Smoke’. Offering a place of where they can go, I was brought to a temple run by the Lin Kuei. The Grandmaster of the group saw me, stating I was bless with the Element of Smoke, and as I was reborn by the element when I died, I was to be called: Smoke. Soon, years were passing by, learning to harvest my newfound abilities in both ninja skills of stealth to assassin techniques in appearing & disappearing from the scene. There was much I achieved in proving myself to be worthy of the clan & that I would help in stopping forces wanting to harm Equestria. But it was not to be, as an invasion of those siding with the Demon God spread their forces to end the Lin Kuei by a means worse than death, by capturing and having many undergo a program of turning the clansmen into cyborgs. Two traitors named Sector & Hyrax who were skilled offer to become cyborgs with their souls twisted to being evil, the rest of the unfortunate members were given the same fate in being turn into Unit 5s. The Grandmaster told me to escape, since I was next to be converted, stating it is a fate worse than death, bowing to give farewell to my master….before he was killed by the cyborg army of the turn Lin Kuei. As I flee, I heard they use the cyborg Lin Kuei members to find & kill hidden assassins in Equestria that want to do good; Ever since, I been a wandering assassin, performing things while not being seen to this very day while keeping myself distant from the cyborg Lin Kuei that are trying to come after me & turn the guy into a cyborg weapon…” Now Smoke has reach his conclusion as the blurry scenes of the past finally end with everyone having absorbed what they heard.

More silence fell across the room that made some almost feel so shock to believe, that Smoke had died, but was resurrected by a strange force. Even more so, that his old clan, the Lin Kuei that were meant to protect Equestria suffered a terrible fate to which they were used to hunt down others that were good & stood to protect Equestria. And it didn’t take any to know, that the ones that invaded who allied themselves with a so-called, Demon God, were somehow referring to Grimmore as the heroes know that he’s the top worse of the Three Lords.

“Whoa, that’s scary to imagine you were taken & then turn…into something you weren’t! It’s kinda like what my brother Lorcan went through, but different.” Spike stated off in feeling concern that Smoke went through something that sounded almost similar to someone else the baby dragon knows about.

“I have heard much of him, but I heard….he was changed.” Smoke stated off in having heard much about Spike’s brother, especially the aftermath of things.

“Yeah….he did & it also took time too.” Spike nods off lightly to say this in having know his bro finally was no longer evil.

“So then you were raised to be an assassin, but then your clan was wiped out…I’m sorry to hear that.” Twilight spoke off in feeling sadden to hear & learn what happened to Smoke’s clan.

“It is fine, but I may just say….you are as every bit of someone I once came across said you be even before being an Alicorn.” Smoke spoke off to say this to Twilight while having heard much about the pony, but the details were from when Twilight wasn’t an Alicorn yet.

“Someone who knows my mommy, who’s that?” Nyx asked off in being puzzled, yet curious upon hearing this.

“I do not know, he only said he was…family to the parents.” Smoke shook his head off in only giving out some hints of who he met.

“My mother & father? But, from who…?” Twilight replied off to say this while being curious, who was it from either her mother or father that Smoke said was either one’s family he met across.

“Oh what does it matter, now you got to know these two & they can see you’re as every bit worthy, right?” Discord cuts in to say this to pat Twilight’s shoulder to be at ease, seeing that the important thing was how the new allies saw they can trust the heroes & offer assistance in the future from being worthy.

“Well in truth, I did come here to investigate the matter to see for myself of how good this bunch are.” Nightwatcher pointed off that he came to see if the Mane Six were as crack up as he’s been hearing & not learn its gossip. “At first, wasn’t feeling like getting cozy with ponies that are kinda more peaceful types that rather try to help others through friendship; I’m more action than words kinda guy.” He was stating to say this about what he was thinking when he saw this group, that they solve things that don’t involve much action but with speeches & words against certain problems at times.

“I think we could figure out that much.” Ben made a sheepish, but funny remark about what the guy was talking about.

“But while I mind doing my own things, I’ll admit, you Mane Six & your pals can get by on your own means. Well, most of you!” Nightwatcher exclaimed off to simply say this stuff off while his gaze from his eyesight looked to a certain Moon Dragon in question.

“Hey! Why are you looking at me when you say that last stuff?” Phobos complained in seeing who the dark avenger was talking about on that last stuff he said.

“I too have learn much about each the Mane Six while in turn you also learn something about me.” Smoke stated to say this in having learn much from those he has meant, & vice-versa.

“Well gee, I guess we can learn a lot from each other from times.” Spike shrug off to simply say this in coming to something of the matter.

“Well now, guess this is where we say thanks for the meals & our farewells.” Nightwatcher issued off to say while he was slowly getting up to prepare to leave.

“Oh, not sticking around for dessert?” Discord asked off in feeling gloom that this pony won’t stay for dessert he’s prepared.

“Sorry, gotta get back to my turf before some other nut job trashes the place.” Nightwatcher issued off that he’s gotta get to other places at this time, especially his own turf that he’s been away that any sort of boneheads like Chaotix may try to take it over. “However, I will promise you this…if you need a little muscle work to tussle against some bad guy behind, you can give me a call…” He did issue to say this that in the future, if the gang needs his help, then he’ll come around if they need the right muscle to tussle with an enemy that needs a rear kicking.

Then without warning, Nightwatcher was heading for the balcony, then leaped off as the others gasp to check if the guy that jumped from a height was alright. Turns out Nightwatcher used his chains to swing from building to building as he disappears far from sight in a dramatic way of doing it.

“Did he really have to leap off the balcony of the castle?” Jack Zen raised an eyebrow in having seen what was done just now.

“It is fine, everyone has their own style.” Celestia nods off in being alright with what was done by the pony that does his work, as a dark avenger.

“Yes, though it is a first we seen this happen.” Luna stated off to say that not many heroic warriors would do something like that, walk out the door or teleport yes, but that was definitely new.

“Well strange pony avengers leaping off a castle balcony to vanish from sight; that is something to only imagine such a thing to be seen.” Pinkamena stated off to mention this about how that was other in having seen that first hand.

“Not from my experience.” Goldie shook off his head to state his own two-cents here.

“I too must also say my goodbyes here.” Smoke slowly stood up in also preparing to depart as well.

“Really, we just got to know you a bit?” Nyx asked off in feeling like Smoke doesn’t have to leave so soon.

“Before I leave, I will tell you something, for the first time since meeting you, I felt…like you are ones that could be relied upon.” Smoke spoke forth in being honest with something he wants to let the others know. “Even though the Lin Kuei stated a warrior’s path isn’t to become friends to divert their goals, perhaps….having friends, those one can have trust in, can be something else to give one relief.” He issued off to say this about how perhaps having emotions for those one feels are as close as friends is not such a bad thing after all.

“It is and we’re thankful for you accepting us.” Twilight nods off with a smile in feeling glad that…they could help a pony out with their own problem about having friends & about friendship.

Then afterwards with a little farewell wave from the guy, Smoke turns into smoke & vanishes from sight while his voice is heard. “If you ever need me, I will be your ally to come & aid you, my friends, when you least expect it.” Smoke’s voice was heard saying before the rest of the smoke trail vanishes from the room, leaving everyone speechless.

“You think we’ll end up meeting with other assassins?” Rainbow Dash asked off a big question about meeting such others in such a career choice.

“If we do, it’ll be too gosh darn soon if an ye ask me!” Applejack pointed off that such a thing will be too soon for them to even tell.

“Maybe, but sometimes…surprises can appear in the most unlikely of places.” Celestia smiled off to say this while for many that couldn’t tell, there was more to what she said while it was not clear as to why.

“Surprises? Where?” Pinkie Pie asked off in getting excited from misunderstanding.

“It’s an expression darling.” Rarity reminded her friend about what Celestia meant.

“Well I can tell those two will be helpful in the future, heck, I could think Nightwatcher & me be pin-pals since we both enjoy using chains.” Pinkamena smiled off in having thought that the guy with the chains & her could be pals since they have something in common; wielding chains.

“Terrific. Your first pin-pal & it’s with a guy like that.” Goldie rolled his eyes in having heard his sister have interest in someone that is like a dark avenger of one’s own turf.

“Well, we all have strange friends, Sombra & Discord are one of them.” Jack Zen pointed off in knowing how they have strange friends from different sides of life, etc.

“And me, as many would think a living machine might be strange too.” Omega pointed out this fact for those to hear as well.

“Well, I’m just happy that we have more friends if we are ever in trouble.” Fluttershy smiled off to say this in being a more positive girl on the subject.

“Right, just like what happened before with Gemini Sparks & Armor Stark.” Spike nods off in recalling how they made two new friends that helped them on a journey before.

“Yeah, from that Loki A. Fool adventure to now this.” Phobos nods off that when they were rescuing the Mane Six, two new allies join to help them out on such a case.

“It’s good to have more friends.” Nyx smiled off to say this that having more friends is always a welcome thing.

“That’s right Nyx, the more friends one has, the better we all can help each other.” Twilight pats her daughter’s head in also thinking the idea & action helps them out in such cases.

“Especially against chaotic foes like Discord….” Ben was starting off to say how having friends can beat guys that use chaos magic when…

“Now see here, I said…” Discord was cutting in from thinking Ben was referring to him when…

“II…” Ben finished off that he was referring about Chaotix, not the reform Discord before them. "Or Chaotix."

“Oh, never mind. My mistake.” Discord sheepishly finished off to say this while blushing from having jump to conclusions there.

That ended up causing the room to be filled up with some laughter at this time, as everyone felt relief now. As the scene goes dark, at least the chaos that Discord II brought was finally put to rest. What will happen in the future if the gang come across such a foe again, well…that remains to be seen.

Discord comment, "Boy, undoing the force field and stopping that mountain in mid-air took a lot out of me. I'm definitely going to need a three-day night after this." He conjures up a night cap and a comfy-looking bed.

Fluttershy nod and admit, "He DID earn it. We might have beaten Chaotix, but HE was the one who saved both Canterlot AND Ponyville."

The End