The Fallen

by Commander Shadow Wings

First published

When Equestria has fallen into a war against itself, the young and brave will fight for what they love.

Every city, Town, Empire, and Country has fallen into an war against one another. Equestria has fallen, and there is no way to resolve what happened this far into the war. What side will you choose? Will you stay with your friends, or be loyal to your homeland? Race, home, friends. It's up to you.

Young and willing to fight, 22 year old Wonderbolt, Shadow Wings is willing to fight for Harmony. She is loyal to Canterlot, and plans to fight for it, even if her land of birth is Cloudsdale. Canterlot had the better armed forces, so Harmony could be restored faster... or completely destroyed.

Close to fatal injuries ensue, and Shadow must fight while being only half of what she used to be, both physically and mentally.

News from the Captain

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A pounding on the door brought me back to reality. There was no doubt in my mind that my captain, Spitfire, was gathering the leaders of each squad for an All Captain Meeting. I had been daydreaming, trying to figure out why Spitfire had called for a meeting so randomly at such a late hour. Normally, I'd be asleep by now, resting up for the day of brutal training that lay ahead, but, as mentioned, tonight was a bit different. I stood up on all four hooves, adjusted my flight suit, and trotted over to the door. It swung open with a motion of my hoof, revealing Spitfire on the other side. Her fiery orange eyes had a slight look of urgency in them as she motioned her head towards the direction of the staff meeting room. I followed her, keeping pace with her urgent hoofsteps as best as I could.

Spitfire shoved open the door to the desired room, quickly making her way to the large chair she sat in during these meetings, nearly at cantering speed. I glanced around the room, scanning the faces of the other 18 squad captains. All 20 of us were here, although none of us knew why. My crystal blue eyes' gaze turned towards my captain who had just cleared her throat loudly to get our attention. We all silenced, each taking a seat at the lengthy table in the center of the room.

"Hello, fellow captains," Spitfire greeted hastily. We all replied politely, saying our 'hello's and 'good evening's. She smiled forcefully, almost loosing her cool, but quickly regaining it. "I've gathered you here for some important news that could not wait until tomorrow. I have gotten word from Princess Celestia that all of Canterlot was in desperate need of us. She requested we meet her at the Canterlot castle tomorrow afternoon to discuss an important matter." She explained quickly, pausing just so we cold soak it all in. She held her breath, fiery orange eyes hastily dashing about the room. I particularly was baffled, contemplating just what Spitfire was leading on to.

"Equestria has fallen into a war against itself. Every City, Empire, Country, Town, and Village for themselves. Canterlot has an advantage, with both the Royal guard and us Wonderbolts, we have 2 military forces, plus the two Alicorn sisters, we are nearly unstoppable. But there's a catch. You must decide for yourself which part of Equestria you wish to defend. Canterlot, or somewhere else. I have decided to stay, as have the rest of the Lead Squad, however, that does not obligate you to stay. Each pony has a right in the matter. Choose carefully, and be sure to inform your squadron of this. We must meet the princess tomorrow at high noon," she finished. "Questions?"

The captain of squad 13's hoof shot into the air. Spitfire cast her glance towards him, nodding solemnly to tell him to proceed.

"When will this war take place?" he asked with a deep voice. My ears perked up at the question. I never would have thought of that. Spitfire opened her mouth without a thought.

"In 2 days time. I assure you we will have our gear prepared by then, I just hope our combat training has been enough," Spitfire mumbled the last part. She scanned the room one more time before straightening up her posture and giving us a quick salute. "Meeting adjourned."

On my way back to my room, I kept my eyes cast down, focusing mostly on my silver-grey hooves as I contemplated the situation. This isn't something you just throw at somepony. and expect them to be fine with. I needed to soak it all in. I was one of the youngest Wonderbolts here, and I knew what I signed up for when I shook Spitfire's hoof . Combat training, Military courses, and hardcore training. I didn't expect being thrown into war only 2 years after I started my career. As captain of squad 2, I had by far the most intense workout in my whole squad, and while I am younger than one of my squad mates, I was still elected as the most mature and fit for the job.

In 2 days time, I'll be engaged in war against all of Equestria. Am I ready? Will we be victorious? Will i fight for Canterlot? All questions I don't have an answer to, but will soon figure out. The final question was possibly the most important at the moment. Canterlot is my current home, and I'm undeniably loyal to it. But Cloudsdale is my land of birth. My family lives in Canterlot, my mother, father, and 2 siblings live near the center where mostly unicorns populated. I could protect them if they weren't drafted in.

Canterlot it is.

As I re- entered my room, dreary and completely exhausted, I wondered just what was to become of me. In the heat of war, many don't survive, and even more don't leave unscathed, mentally and physically. What was to become of me? That's a great question that I don't have an answer to. There is always a chance of death, war or not, and I was bound to leave with at least one mental or physical injury. It was nearly guaranteed. Maybe its destiny that I should die, maybe not. From what I've gathered, war is a bundle of 'what if's, and questioning what's to come. The only thing I could do was pray to the divine Alicorn sisters that I made it out alive, that I would see the Equestrian sunrise every morning. A simple glimmer of hope was what I needed to guide my way, and I hope to remember that all the way through the war.

I slowly and softly lay my head on my soft pillow, letting my droopy eyes drift shut. With a small exhale, I conked out no more than 10 seconds after my head hit the pillow. Surely I would be exhausted in the morning, but I would bear through it with a cup of black coffee and adrenaline.


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"Yes. Captain Spitfire informed me last night. We will be meeting with Princess Celestia for further explanation," I said seriously, looking at each of my squad mates individually to emphasize my point. They all looked at each other with unsure glances and a hint of fear in their eyes. I couldn't blame them, I too was scared for my own life. This wasn't something to just wake up to and be fine with. A war? A war between all of Equestria, turned against itself for the worst. Of course, there was nothing I, nor anypony, could do to change it now.

"Captain Shadow, when will this meeting take place? And... When is the actual... war?" Ember Flame, my second in command, said with hesitation laced in her tone. I gritted my teeth, the news of the war's timing was unsettling to talk about.

"The meeting will take place today at High Noon. The war," I paused, steadying my breath, " tomorrow."

A look of pure shock and terror filled all 3 of their faces. The newest member of our squad was nearly in tears, blinking his eyes twice and staring forward blankly. Ember's jaw dropped as she took a step back and started to breath heavily. Her expression suggested that she felt sick. Her bright yellow eyes darted about the room as she continued to take in fast shaky breaths. My vision blurred a bit, but I pushed away the tears, for the sake of staying strong, for the sake of my team. I straightened my posture and inhaled deeply before opening my mouth to speak.

"Captain Spitfire will provide you with your armor. Meet her in her office as soon as possible. And listen," my expression softened, their eyes drew towards me, "A family always stays together." I smiled weakly nodding towards the door. They all left me alone in my quarters to contemplate just what I was to do. I looked at my closet, on a mare size plastic model, was my gold plated armor.

"By tomorrow. We're broken. We can't be fixed. We are damaged beyond repair," I said to myself softly, looking down at my hooves. "Will I make it out alive? Probably not. Will I be undamaged? Definitely not."

First, the lead squad. All three of them brought us along the winding corridors of Canterlot castle in squad order. Two members of the Royal Guard escorted us to the throne room, where Princess Celestia would explain everything, and hopefully clarify any questions that lay dauntingly in our minds and lay heavily on our hearts. I looked back, all the Wonderbolts behind me had a fake sense of confidence and pride in their steps to conceal their melancholy emotions. I, too, was walking confidently, trying my best to stay strong and powerful. Even Spitfire had faltered a bit. Just for a second, we were all equally horrified. I would be fighting for my country, there was no burden from that perspective, but I was also fighting innocents. I bit my lip as sickening images danced around my head, trying desperately to push them away.

The grand doors before us creaked open, light flooding the area as the Sun goddess herself sat in her throne regally. Her violet eyes cast toward us, causing each and every pony to bow instantly. In short swift movements, we were in the room, standing in a strict formation with stoic expressions.

"At ease, my subjects," Celestia bowed her head, allowing a bit of tension to escape the air. Ponies beside me and behind me all stared longingly at the Princess, awaiting an explanation.

"Your Highness, we have accepted your invitation to meet for further explanation of the war," Spitfire said in her captain voice, which echoed a bit due to the hollow room and her loud tone. Celestia nodded and stepped off of her throne. The metallic tap of her shoes filled the atmosphere as apprehension built around us. She stopped two yards from the front row of Wonderbolts and cast her eyes slowly among all of us.

"As most of you may have heard," Celestia began, steadily pacing the floor, "the war will take place tomorrow. I am aware that it is very sudden, but due to the dispute between our fair land, a raging warfare has been declared. I was recently spoken to by the council of each and every region of Equestria, and debated whether the battle should take place. I agreed, for reasons, I fear, may not be relieved by this mortal conflict. I do ask, that for the sake of yourself, and our mighty home, that you do choose where you stand. Is it Canterlot you will fight for? Or your home of birth, if you weren't from these parts." She said regally, making sure to firmly press her point to us. I had already chosen my side, with great morals and reasoning behind my choice. My teammates, however, I couldn't be so sure of.

"As of these next few moments, I will answer questions. But, if you are not to partake in the Canterlot side, do leave once I instruct to do so," the sun princess said. "You."

An indigo stallion in the back cleared his throat.

"Ah, yes. What is the conflict previously mentioned?"

"Exceptional question. We are calling it the 'Bolt Strike'. It is a code name for Equestrians only," Celestia responded. Bolt Strike?

On my way back to my quarters, I happened to forget to check the time. I looked around, my eyes landing on a plain wall clock beside somepony's door. 8:00 sharp, and due time for resting. What tomorrow holds is unknown, and there is no possible way to prepare. So, with the weight of the awful bloodshed that awaited me, I forced myself to sleep.