Storms of Cinder

by Winter Rosario

First published

The immortal General of the Dragon King: Malafore, searches for a place to rest in peace after escaping the destruction of Avalar, and her former King. However, nothing is ever peaceful for the so-called Goddess of War.

My name is Cinder. It tells a lot about me, doesn't it? I'm the personification of ash and ember. What remains when Fire destroys everything. I've been called other names throughout my life: Storm Singer, Maiden of Glass, The Obsidian Archer, Blade Dancer, and many, many more. So many titles, gained through death and destruction. I never wanted to be a warrior, or guardian, specter, or assassin. My aspirations involved studying the true nature of Elemental Magic. What it truly means to wield fire, water, earth, air, and lightning. But because of my field of study, at a young age, I was taken by my country's military to become the very thing I despised the most. A weapon.

For years I've trained, fought, and bled for a cause I didn't want to aid. I became resentful but stayed silent. Obedient but ever-watchful. Until the day I finally escaped, with a faulty teleportation crystal overcharged with Aether Mana. Now, in a strange land with people who don't know who I am or what I've done. I try to find inner peace studying what I love most: The Elements. However, my peace doesn't appear calm and inviting once six strange girls decided that my life was too boring, and wanted to make it interesting again.


This is a revision of one of the very first stories that I've ever written called, The Singer of Storms. That story will be left up for the sake of history.

And, of course, Constructive Criticism is always welcome.


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"I lived my life one day at a time. I spent most of it enjoying books, reading, playing video games, and partaking in various forms of martial arts to stay fit. Life was simple for me, well, as simple as you could get. When I wasn't going through a rut of a routine, some days I like to veer off my usual path to sate my curiosity on various subjects that brought me interest: Meteorology, Military Strategy, Philosophy, (when I wanted to feel smarter than everyone else), and Magic. You know, typical normal things that your average nerd likes to study from time to time."

"I guess when I look back on my life, everything appears monotonous and boring. Hell, the most chaotic thing to happen in my life was the weather of all things! Every day on the news the Weather Man screws up the predictions regularly. It was quite funny to watch, especially on social media. People always complained that it was supposed to be sunny, but it rains. It's clear out, but instead. A thunderhead hovers menacingly overhead. I can't blame them for being wrong most of the time. Weather on earth had always been trolling everyone since year one. All we can do is prepare for the worst and hope for the best. It still sucked when it started to rain when its supposed to be sunny all day."

"Even though my life was boring, I enjoyed it. It didn't have to worry about my meals, my money, or my life. I didn't have to defend an empire, attack castles, slay demons, or train soldiers. All I had to worry about was placing things on the display cases at the right time, and managing the cash register. That, and my studies in post-secondary prep-school. No wars, fighting, or death. Just, peace."

"I don't know what happened to cause the change in my life. It was just an average day: I woke up and checked my pressure meter, thermometer and humidex at my window and dressed accordingly thinking that it was going to be sunny. I went to school, did my classes, and then went home only to stop at the store to pick up pop and a bag of chips."

"When I left the store, I noticed a storm coming on the horizon. The dark clouds covered the city in mere minutes with purple lightning flashing in the sky. Seeing such a rare occurrence happen in the heavens above caused me to smile in awe and wonder. However, halfway back home, I saw something strange happen above me—Clouds swirled into a vortex, strange purple lightning erupted violently around it, and most importantly: The rain stopped."

"Watching the events happening above me should have been warning enough to start running for my life. Then again, they say hindsight is twenty-twenty also, and most people tend to ignore their instincts when trouble comes for them. So, like the smart person I was, I stopped, stared, then screamed like a little girl when a bolt of purple lightning shot right at me. The next moment, I truly thought I was dead, I lost all feeling in my body, my eyes saw pure white for a moment then all I knew was darkness."

"To my utter shock and surprise, I woke up in the middle of a forest surrounded by flora and fauna I couldn't recognize. And to make matters worse, I woke up in a body that was not my own. Also, to add insult to injury, I was captured by Avalarian Knights. Suffice to say. I wasn't having a good day."

"Hmm, that does sound rather unfortunate; waking up in an unfamiliar land with the guards taking you prisoner. Though, why are you telling me this General? Shouldn't we be preparing for when the Arcadian Army comes marching on our final stronghold and not dwelling on the past?"

"Out of all the soldiers I've had the pleasure of fighting alongside, Vindictus. You have earned to learn the past that the records failed to keep. Besides, once the siege begins, I won't be around to defend Malafore's last castle. I'll be on another continent entirely, free from his tyranny, and never having to lead his armies again."

"Hmpf, where will you go? Cindaria Warfang is a name that knows no fail, that hasn't lost a single battle since she's been in command of Malafore's army for over fifteen-hundred years. The Arcadians won't let you escape or live long enough to allow a single taste of freedom. Their Knights won't stop hunting until the Goddess of War is found, and killed by their blades."

"You know very well I'm not a God, as that would imply I'm both omnipotent and omnipresent. I have my faults and failures too. And even if I was a God? Then Malafore himself would have gutted me long ago."

"Many don't see you that way, Cindaria. For hundreds of years, campaign after campaign, you stood as high as a mountain, your blade forever quenched in the blood of your enemies. Even now, your armor is marked with the failures of every soldier who couldn't defeat you in combat. In the eyes of Arcadia, you are the Goddess of War, the blade of Malafore. The Undefeated Warrior Princess of Avalar."

"It could be just my ego, but I prefer the title of Twilight Princess over Warrior. And we are getting off topic. I'm supposed to be telling you my life story, not hearing my second in command suck up to me with honorifics."

"I apologize, General. But hearing that you plan on leaving Avalar when the battle begins fills my heart with sorrow."

"Don't be sad, Vindictus. We'll see each other again, be it in Heaven or Hell, in this world or the next."

"Hmhm, it's a shame you're only attracted to females. I would have greatly enjoyed being your mate."

"Shush you! Now, we have a few days before the Arcadians arrive, and want to tell you my life story. So stop distracting me, shut up, and listen. Where was I?"

"I believe where the Avalarian Knights captured you after waking up in the middle of a forest?"

"Ah yes! Those assholes. So, there I was, lost, afraid, and freaking out like Neptari out of the water..."

'Vindictus, I'm so, so sorry,' was my first thought when I regained consciousness. The image of his death burned forever in my mind. Tears flowed down my blood and dirt-covered cheeks with choked sobs escaping my chapped lips. 'Out of all the soldiers of Avalar, I thought you of all people would make it out alive. You promised me you would. You promised.'

Vindictus was my bother in arms, a Colonel of the Avalarian Knights, and friend; all titles he held in my heart for hundreds of years. He never once failed to keep a promise. He made sure, no matter what, to keep his word no matter the cost, no matter the obstacle. His dependable nature inspired so many in Avalar.

In his dying breath, he protected me while my Teleportation Chamber ensured my escape. He fought, with that stupid smile of his plastered on his face, every Arcadian soldier that broke into the Magnus Tower. They were like an endless tide of water slowly corroding a mountain made of metal and fur. And all I could do was watch with both pride and horror as they slowly broke down his defenses, cut and stabbed him with their Void-forsaken Aether Swords until the teleporter activated—With me, and my Griffin Saber, trapped inside.

Speaking of Griffin's. Saber's beak nuzzled my damp cheek. He let out a pitiful chirp, asking me if I was okay. Through blurred vision, I reached out with an armored hand and gently pulled him into a hug. "I'm fine Fluffy. Well, as fine as I could be anyways." His response was to rest his head on my chest right underneath my chin with a protective wing covering the rest of my body. That caused a small smile to form on my lips.

Rolling my eyes at the gesture, I gently pushed him off my body. He voiced his complaints with an annoyed whimper but understood that I wanted to get off the ground. I had to take stock of my new surroundings and find shelter before nightfall. I can dwell on the loss of my oldest friend later.

Wiping away my tears to clear my vision, I saw that I woke up in the middle of a strange forest with equally odd flora and fauna. 'Deja Vu.' I'd noticed I still wore my primary set of armor and Saber wore his matching set, but his helm was resting against the backpack I brought with me. Frowning in confusion, I looked around the small clearing for my own helm, but couldn't find it anywhere. No matter, I could always make a new one. Helmets tend to get lost all the time. Especially my own, now that I think about it.

Shaking my head, I stood up with a grunt, signaling Saber to do the same. "Alright big guy. Time for another adventure," I said with a smile before grabbing Saber's jet-black helmet and placing it back on his head. Saber let out a "caw" of approval while I equipped my backpack, however. I felt that something was missing. Looking around again, I found my sword partially embedded in the ground.

"I can't leave without you, Ashia," I smiled weakly as I tenderly picked up my greatsword. That smiled died when I realized Ashia's scabbard was missing. I couldn't help but let out a groan of annoyance. Without the scabbard, the two-and-a-half-meter greatsword would quickly become quite cumbersome to carry around everywhere I go. So, for a temporary solution, I opened up my bag, pulled out my mage-coat, and used it as a wrapping for my blade. Then, with a few pieces of raw leather, I made a makeshift sling for the wrapping. It didn't look pretty, but at least it was functional. With that, I slung my sword over my shoulder before I began trekking through the strange forest in search of a new home.


"Oh my God! I hate this forest!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, hands in the air in the form of clenched fists with my knees firmly planted on the ground. To make myself appear even more overly-dramatic, I threw my head back with conviction. Saber let out a purr of amusement, finding my annoyance funny to watch.

"Be quiet you!" I glared back. I pointed a finger to exemplify my frustration. In response, he playfully chomped my finger. Making it difficult to stay angry at him. Slumping my head in defeat, I retrieved my finger from his mouth. I still had an abandoned castle to explore. And complaining about the bullshit that was the forest outside was only causing me to procrastinate.

'Lizard-chickens, wolves made of wood, Manticores, bears made of stars. STARS! What kind of ass-backward continent did I teleport too?' I frowned to myself. Ever since I began my exploration of the forest, mishap after mishap fell upon me like bad weather. The Timber Wolves, which were somewhat annoying, didn't understand the concept of what it means to be a predator. A whole pack of them thought me and Saber would make a tasty snack. I thought they would make good firewood. Suffice to say, green fire that radiated Earth Magic didn't make for good kindling. All it did was make the lizard-chicken I tried to cook with it taste like wet soil. I went hungry for a couple of hours until I came across a Manticore. Said Manticore had the same idea as the Timber Wolves, and thus, the beast became lunch. He tasted like Angus beef. Saber was quite happy for the large meal as well.

The animals of the forest, albeit a little troublesome, weren't what brought me intense frustration. Nope, that honor came in the form of a giant plant with tentacles. Now, I'm a curious person when it comes to anything kinky or lewd, but having a magical plant try to rape me with green, phallic-shaped, tendrils; was not something I ever want to experience. Ever! So, in response to the plant's advances on my still virgin entrance. I helped it understand what it feels like to burn alive. It screamed bloody murder while I torched it with hellfire. The hentai plant screamed! Screamed!

Good riddance.

After my encounter with the tentacle plant of kinky sex, I came across a grove of bright pink flowers. I thought they were harmless until I picked one up and gave it a good sniff. I was wrong. One moment, I felt perfectly fine, the next? All I wanted to do was make baby Griffins with Saber. I burnt that field to the ground when the effects wore off. That also was a mistake as the smell of the burning field caused everything with a dick and pussy to start screwing. Thankfully, I protected me and saber from the effects, but we still had to view the strange sight of a Manticore being brutally pounded by a Basilisk on the way to the castle. That and a pack of Timber Wolves dry-humping the trees, Cats with Dogs, lizard-chickens with Pheonixes, and crocodiles made of stone with fish. I thought I saw everything messed-up in the world and clearly, I haven't. I needed a drink after causing Animals Gone Wild.

Though, as strange as those flowers were, the bears made of stars trumped them in the exotic factor. I only got a brief glimpse of them when exploring a cave I thought was empty, and when I did? They saw me and began to case. I didn't scream like a little bitch when I ran, and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise. When I noticed that they weren't chasing me anymore, I found the castle I currently was using as shelter.

There were many things wrong with the castle I saw on a first glance. The most noticeable things had to be the wear, and tear of the decrepit complex. To start off with, the walls, floors, and roof all showed signs of battle; Sword slashes, magic burns, even arrows showed their marks on every surface of the castle. A fight happened, but I found it quite odd to see that most of the artifacts—sets of armor, paintings, pottery, and even jewlery—still sat on their designated alters. I've raided castles before, and I always make sure to leave nothing left for scavengers to take whatever wealth that could be acquired. And to see such blatant waste of resources to be withered away by the elements made my inner general angry at the incompetence.

After exploring the main floor of the castle, I decided it was time to make camp. On the northern side of the complex held the former guard barracks. It's also the place where we found our dinner in the form of a Manticore I mentioned earlier. The barracks itself had to be the most structurally sound building in the area. It made the perfect place to set up a temporary camp for the night. As tomorrow Saber and I will be searching for a town to live in for the rest of our immortal lives. Hopefully, the town won't see us as too out of place. Especially when I begin researching magic again. I want to appear as a wandering scholar to the general populous, and walking into town wearing full-plate, black with silver accents, adamantium armor with a giant sword made of dragon-scale won't paint me in a good light.

Thinking about my weapons and armor reminded me that I need to change into my mage-coat. Stopping in the throne room, I took a quick look around to see if anyone was around, mostly out of habit. The odds of a random stranger exploring an abandoned castle in the middle of a bullshit forest was low. But it doesn't hurt to make sure. Activating my magic, I cast large area-of-effect illusion spell called: Valley of Shadows, causing the entire throne room to go black for everyone but me. Once the spell was activated, I began taking off my armor.

First, I took off my gauntlets—they looked like vicious, black, dragon claws with tribal patterns made of silver—followed by my pauldrons. The left pauldron came off first as it was the largest. It extended over my shoulder and stopped just under my eyes. The entire thing had multiple overlapping plates that ended above my elbow and started with an elven leaf that curved upwards at my shoulder and downwards towards the ground. My right pauldron matched the left, but instead of the elven leaf, it was a wing that extended away from my body. This design showed that I was a Griffin rider. Once they were off, I took off my main arm-guards before touching the breastplate. The breastplate itself reminded vaguely of daedric armor. The Gorget was the same, the back-plate also the same, but the cuirass was in the shape of a beveled sideways diamond that covered the breasts with the same silver, tribal inlays. The plackart matched the overall aesthetics, however, for added flexibility. It was just overlapping dragon scales.

Once the bulk of my armor was off, I let out a sigh of relief. My breasts got rather tender after being squished inside the cuirass for weeks at a time. Anyway, I then proceeded to remove the Faulds or "Epic Valkyrie Battle Skirt," as Vindictus like to call it, then the Cuisse, shin-guards, knee-guards and finally my knee-high metal boots. Happy that I was free of the shower-preventing cage, I removed the final part of my armor: the Mithril chain-mail.

"Fuck, I reek," I coughed after nearly dying from smelling my majestic feminine odor. I made a note to clean my armor with every chemical in the universe later before storing my suit in my bottomless backpack. 'I still haven't figured out how everything I put in the thing doesn't weigh anything,' I hummed thoughtfully with a smile. 'Heh, that rhymed,' then I frowned again. 'I wish Ashia wouldn't destroy the bag. It would make carrying her around a lot easier, but the enchantments on the blade would destroy the backpack, and everything else held within. I hope I can find a good blacksmith, or find someone that could give me directions. It's such a drag to carry around Ashia without one.'

Setting those thoughts aside, I pulled out a fresh pair of clothes—a white blouse, vest, skirt, leggings, peasant boots, (as Charlotte would say), and a change of underwear—before removing my mage-coat from Ashia and put it on. "Now then! Let's see if the treasury still has anything, and judging from the lack of plundering of the castle. It should have something—"

"Come on, Twilight. Isn't this what you've been waitin' for?" spoke a voice with a southern country accent from nearby.

"—Nevermind, the loot can wait. There are people here!" I cheered quietly. My cheer died as quickly as it came. "Wait a minute. Why are people here!? I thought this place was abandoned!" Quickly, I dispelled the illusion in the throne room before pulling out my Silver Knight Straight Sword replica named: Astora, from my backpack. With my traveling sword and staff in hand, I sent my backpack and Ashia to the campsite with a quick teleportation spell. With my new sword, I began making my way towards my fellow intruders of the abandoned castle.

"The Elements of Harmony, we've found them. Careful, careful!" said someone new as I got closer to the intruders. 'The Elements of Harmony? Sounds like some magical McGuffin that grants those unable to use Harmoniamancy the ability to use it,' I scoffed in my mind.

That type of Light Magic is extremely difficult to master and use effectively. Some mages that I've had the pleasure to train took decades before they were even able to use the basic of Harmoniamancy spells. And that's after spending centuries worth of study on the subject myself before I began teaching potential candidates. Harmony Magic is very fickle as it requires a deep understanding of the nature of all types of magic. Yes, even Dark Magic. The only issue with this type of magic had to be the soul requirements. If you even touched Dark Magic like Necromancy, at any point in your life, then you'll never be able to use Harmoniamancy. And if you try to use Dark Magic after acquiring Harmoniamancy? Your body will react violently if you even try, and if you succeed? Then you'll lose the ability to use Harmony Magic as a punishment.

My mind went blank for a moment when that small snippet of information came to the forefront of my conscious. And I couldn't understand why. One moment, I was stalking around a few pillars with an invisibility spell masking my presence, then next I was staring into a large room with a destroyed throne at the end of it. The room was in disrepair; large holes in the walls and roof, windows empty of decorative glass, the floor covered with a small layer of grass, dirt, and moss. The scars of an epic battle marked the rest of the room. 'God, damn it. I forgot to deactivate the Recollection Enchantment on my mage-coat. The fucking spell is so annoying when I don't need it,' I thought dumbly for a moment. 'But where did I hear those—?'

Two figures stopped my train of thought so abruptly, that If I wasn't leaning against a marble pillar, I would have fallen over for how ridiculous the sight was. Near the throne stood two women—one wore a dark-pink, short-sleeve, dress-shirt underneath a dark-purple vest; and a purple plaid skirt that sat just above her knees. She had slightly pale fair skin, violet eyes, and the nerdiest haircut in the world. Seriously, her pink-stripped two-toned purple hair came down to the middle of her back, and her bangs were flat and stopped above her eyes. From where I stood, I could also see that she was wearing tasteful stockings and a cute pair of black dress shoes. I also saw a violet starburst surrounded by five little stars sewn into her skirt. This girl looked like your typical nerdy but cute, school-girl. 'Why was she exploring an abandoned castle?' I wondered. I didn't have to wait long for the answer, as the other women stepped into the light, and all I could think of when I saw her was, 'DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMN SHE HAS LEGS FOR DAYS!'

The other women that came into the spotlight wore a pair of armored, high-heel boots that came up to her thighs. And that's the most amount of clothing on her body as she wore metal panties, a metal cuirass that only covered her tits, arm-guards, and gauntlets, and an open-faced helm in the shape of a raven. Did I mention it was all black with dark-blue accents and inlays that made the entire set of armor look like the night sky? No? Well, now I did. 'Well, I do have my own set of skimpy armor for when I felt like screwing with my enemies, so I can't fault the women for being as classy as me. Then again, letting any amount of skin show through your armor is a major liability on the battlefield. It practically screams, "HIT HERE!" to your enemies.'

Shaking my head free of all the lewd thoughts caused by Princess Edgy's female video game armor bought with microtransactions for the uncensored sexy variation, I pulled out a recording crystal from my mage-coat, hoping to get a front row seat to some kinky evil empress role-play. 'Since Vindictus isn't here, he can't stop me from enjoying quality entertainment...! Fuck, I'm sad again. Whatever, I can mope later. There's a naughty scene to record!'

To my utter disappointment. Sexy-times never happened.


Twilight Sparkle, a student of Princess Celestia, stood before the Maiden of the Moon, the Demon of Dreams, the Empress of Shadows: Nightmare Moon, in fear. Her palms were sweaty, knees weak, arms were heavy, she didn't know why she was there, vomit threatened to come out, her mom's spaghetti. One moment, she was trying to figure out how to activate the Elements of Harmony, the next she was in an odd throne room with the Elements behind the Demon she was trying to stop.

The Demon in question walked menacingly towards her, a smug smirk plastered on her strikingly beautiful face. Her hips swayed sensually with each step. Her long, thick, starry hair flowed mystically in a non-existence breeze. To make her presence more imposing, Nightmare Moon flared her Aura—causing the temperature in the room to drop several degrees, and transforming the immediate area around Nightmare Moon into ice.

Twilight gulped, her mind failing to come up with a plan to reach the Elements of Harmony and use them on the Demon walking towards her. The intense pressure caused by Nightmare's Aura made calling upon her magic for a quick teleportation spell near impossible. But she had to come up with something! All life in Equestria depends on her! Without the sun, the entire world will die, and if she fails right here, right now? Then there will be no one to stop Nightmare Moon from shrouding the world in eternal night.

"What's the matter, little girl? Am I too intimidating for you? Is my Aura too powerful for such a pathetic mortal to even overcome? Where did all that bravado go when the Elements became out of your reach?" Nightmare Moon laughed with a vicious smile. "Face it! You are powerless to stop me, and since Celestia is currently trapped on the Moon as I once was. There is no one in all of Equestria powerful enough to stop me!"

"No! I don't believe you. Princess Celestia wouldn't fall to someone like you!" Twilight gulped, not wanting to believe the lies the Nightmare was saying. The Demon's grin only deepened at her words.

"Oh? Then what's that mark on the Moon then?" Nightmare grinned before pointing to herself then night sky. "Because if I'm here, then who is there?" Twilight could only stare in horror. The proof was right there, on the Moon, for everyone in the world to see.

"You see, Twilight Sparkle? Without the Elements of Harmony. Celestia stood no chance against me! I'm her better, and always will be!" Nightmare laughed evilly.

A tear embraced Twilight's cheeks. She couldn't believe what the Demon said about the fate of her beloved teacher. Being sealed within the Moon like Nightmare was something she couldn't fathom. Princess Celestia was the strongest Aetherial in known history, and hearing Nightmare Moon proudly say that she defeated Celestia with no trouble? It made her realize that she had no hope of ever defeating the Demon, to begin with. Especially without the Elements of Harmony, which wouldn't respond to her Magic at all. Without the spark to summon the sixth element, they were nothing more than glorified rocks.

Twilight fell to her knees, sniffling pitifully. Even though she was looking down in defeat, she saw Nightmare Moon standing above her. She could feel the triumphant gaze lingering on her form. She bet the Demon was enjoying her anguish, her sorrow, as a fine wine meant to be sipped and savored. Twilight knew that if she looked up, she would give Nightmare the satisfaction she wanted before her own, inevitable demise.

"None of that, pathetic child," Nightmare spat, sending a shiver down Twilight's spin. She could practically feel the venom in the Demon's voice. To make matters worse, she felt a cold blade pressing against her throat. And since she was already looking down, she saw a vicious looking battle scythe slowly begin to rise, forcing Twilight to look up or else the blade tip would grant her the sweet kiss of death. She wished Nightmare Moon would just...kill her already. Being forced to suffer through torture until the Demon became bored with her, was the worst fate she could imagine.

"I want to see the fear in your eyes before I end your miserable, sun-loving life!"

Twilight complied if only to make her demise come sooner. She stared into those piercing, icy, and powerful, blue eyes. She saw all the hate, all the pain, the suffering, and loneliness of the woman before her. At that moment, as Nightmare Moon raised her scythe for a quick and clean cut, Twilight understood a small portion of what made Nightmare who she was. All the hate, all the scorn from ages past had warped the Aetherial standing over her into a twisted version of who she once was: A dreamer who just wanted someone to appreciate her night, her art, but no one would.

It was also in that moment Twilight came with an idea, however, before she could use it. Something absolutely absurd happened. It was so strange that it stopped Nightmare Moon mid-swing of her scythe and caused her jaw to drop slightly in surprise. Twilight, still fearful of her life, thought her friends had appeared just in time to rescue her, but she was wrong.

Walking towards the pair was a woman that made Nightmare Moon's beauty look average. She had long, silver hair that parted over her left, vertically scarred, silver eye, and it flowed like fire in a non-existent breeze. The woman stood at a tall five-foot-nine with a perfect hourglass body. Her breasts were the size of cantaloupes while Nightmare's looked a little smaller. Her rump wasn't too big or too small, just enough to show curve without being too, "in your face." She was wearing a stunning red and silver leather vest with a white blouse that showed a modest amount of cleavage underneath. She wore a matching thigh-high skirt, leggings, and a pair of silver leather boots. She also wore one of those magic-girl coats Twilight had seen in comics before, but it looked far more practical and stylish.

The only thing odd about the woman had to be the large, wide-brimmed, pointy, silver wizard hat. That, and the stunning longsword strapped to her hip. Not to mention the pure-white staff she held in her right hand, and when the women got close enough. Twilight, much to her and Nightmare Moons surprise, saw two, large, fox ears wiggling underneath her hat. She also noticed, on closer inspection, a matching fox tail protruding from underneath the skirt that touched the ground. Wherever the mysterious woman came from, Twilight knew that stranger was in as much danger as she was. It was only a matter of time before Nightmare Moon set her sights on the mysterious stranger.

The stranger, however, had other ideas. With a mischievous smile, she introduced herself by taking off her hat, placing it over her heart, and with a bow, she said, "My name is Cindaria Warfang: Scholar, Explorer, and connoisseur of anything pornographic. And I must say that what you girls are doing here is absolutely amazing!" She happily cheered, throwing her arms in the air.

"What?" Both Twilight and Nightmare Moon said in unison.

"The Emotion! The Suspense! It has me on the edge of my seat! Also, it's driving me insane with what the director has planned for the "Elements of Harmony" when they get introduced. I bet each of the other girls scattered throughout the castle has one, and I can only imagine what kind of sex toy each "Element" is. Which has me wet with anticipation for how Nightmare Moon here plans on dominating each and every one of them."

Twilight Sparkle's eyes went wide, her face a deep red, 'Sex toys? Domination?! WHAT GAVE HER THAT IDEA?!' Nightmare Moon had the same thought running through her mind, but instead of becoming extremely embarrassed. She became absolutely furious!

"I don't know what kind of nonsense you're spouting, but if you don't show any respect. I'll turn rip you apart in the most painful way possible!" Nightmare Moon screamed. This threat didn't phase Cindaria at all, in fact, her smile, (somehow), got bigger. She even jumped with joy while clapping her hands together, which only made Nightmare Moon angrier.

"Ooh~ I like that! Fiesty!" Cindaria giggled. "But I have to ask; what kind of name is Nightmare Moon? It doesn't sound all that sexy. "Nightmare Moon" sounds like an evil villain from a children's book."

"You...You dare mock my name, knave!" Nightmare exploded, her face bright red in pure, unrelenting rage.

"Well, yeah. I mean, I could come up with a better name than "Nightmare Moon." How 'bout...? Forbidden Shadow. It's mysterious, sensual, and matches your slutty, lingerie armor perfectly!"


"MY BATTLE REGALIA IS NOT SLUTTY!" Nightmare shouted after sending Cindaria Warfang across the room with a back-handed swing of her scythe. Twilight then watched the livid Aetherial stomp towards the recovering woman with her scythe dragging against the stone floor. It was in that moment that Twilight's friends decided to appear. They rushed over to their frightened and embarrassed friend while mysterious stranger distracted Nightmare Moon.


'Ow, that's smarts,' I thought while rubbing the spot where Kink-Princess whacked me with her battle scythe. 'Probably shouldn't have edged her on like that. Kink-Princess probably doesn't like to be teased like some of the girls I've known. Oh well. At least I know that I didn't walk into a cleverly filmed porno'. I kinda' wished it was one though. The entire situation screamed "cliche anime villain battle with magical McGuffins," to me. Ugh, just thinking about it reminds me of all the so-called "Heros" that tried to defeat me whenever I was studying magic in the Inverted Spire. Fucking cunts thought I was some evil witch that needed vanquishing or something.'

Shaking my head, I stood back up with my staff in hand. My epic wizard hat sat next to Twilight Sparkle, (another stupid name might I add), across the room. Also with Twilight was a small group of gayly colorful girls. All of whom were trying to comfort their traumatized friend. Meanwhile, Nightmare Moon was still stomping her way towards me, and boy does she look pissed! Seriously, I didn't know a face could turn such a deep shade of red! If it was any darker, I bet she would pass out from all the blood rushing to her head!

Now, my initial plan of interrupting the obvious death sentence could have turned out better, but like a battlefield. It's never constant, and will always change to adapt to any and all variables added to the conflict. With that in mind, I now had to deal with a hostile Kink-Princess wielding a rather horrible looking battle scythe. Seriously, the shaft was too short for her height, (she was an inch taller than me), the curve on the blade was too round, and almost made it look like a sickle. Not to mention the lack of counterweight for the blade made it impossible to use properly because without one; the scythe will lose balance with each swing and have no impact after each strike. And if you don't have rhythm or momentum while wielding any pole-bassed weapon? Then you'll never be able to use that weapon effectively in combat. It's quite sad really.

Knowing that my current enemy had a subpar weapon will make the fight ridiculously easy. Not to mention her armor was, in fact, made of pure magic. Armor made of pure magic was the weakest type of protection against a Battle Mage like myself. All I had to do was match the Harmonic Resonance of her armor, which will amplify all damage done to her by my spells, and attack her at close or medium range.

Thankfully, Nightmare Moon was a moron. Only a retard would project their Aura so open and offensively to cause fear within their enemies. She practically gave me her Harmonic Resonance on a silver platter covered in Easy Cheese. Projecting your Aura is an extremely rookie mistake as it gives experienced Battle Mages, (like myself), all the information we need to determine what our enemies are capable of, what their affinities are, and how strong they in terms of raw power. It's only useful to scare away mischievious Spirits, and pointless anywhere else.

With all that information at my fingertips, I charged a C-Rank paralysis spell called: Symbiotic Body Cage, into the tip of my staff. This spell turns armor made of magic into a semi-perfect prison; it prevents all bodily movement, blocks the usage of magic, and renders the victim unconscious until either the armor or spell is destroyed. The only downside to this spell is how it feeds off the magic of the victim. Those with lots of mana find this spell near impossible to break free from, while those with little mana aren't affected by it at all. So, what does this have to do with Nightmare Kink-Princess? Well, she's wearing a suit of armor made out of her magic. Not only that, but she has an impressively sized pool of mana to draw from as well. It's not as large as mine, or some of the Archmages I've had the pleasure of training, but there was enough for my spell to make her an invalid for a couple of days.

I couldn't help but smile. Nightmare Moon had no idea who she was dealing with. Not only did she fail to follow the Seven Rules of Combat, but she also failed to notice my spell as well. Like, come on! She was projecting her Aura into her hands like a novice! A true Battle Mage would never let their Aura show at all! It just tells the enemy that they were going to use a spell and that they should prepare to defend against it. 'I know I promised myself a life without conflict, but I just watched my brother die a few hours ago. That promise can wait until I blow off some steam, and Nightbitch Kink-Princess chose the wrong cunt to pick a fight with...even though I was the one picking the fights. Whatever.'

"What are you smiling at, Peasant?" Nightmare Moon snarled. She was barely out of striking distance for me to make a clean hit without giving away a portion of my true speed, however. I knew how to bring her closer, and knowing what I had in mind only made my smile grow beyond Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan.

"Oh, nothing much Kink-Princess. I just wondered how much of a whore you are with that getup you're wearing. I bet you are intimately familiar with the term "Night Mistress," huh?"

Rule One of Combat: Don't let your Emotions go out of control or else they will control you.

Nightmare Moon didn't like what I said and lunged at me with her scythe. She lunged at me with her scythe. You don't lunge at someone with a scythe at all! Doesn't she realize that she opened herself up for an easy counter attack? Fighting with a scythe should be all about hacking and slashing. Not. Thrusting. How fucking stupid is she?!

Blinking away the shock caused by her stupidity, I learned to the right, dodging her thrust. For a follow-up, I flicked the butt of my staff up towards her chin for a clean hit. *Swack!* Then, with her face pointing up from the recoil, I slammed the tip against her face as hard as I could in one quick fluid motion, causing her to fall over, and drop her scythe.

Rule Two of Combat: Never let your opponent dictate your every action. Control is paramount on the battlefield, and without control, you are nothing but a puppet on loose strings.

Before Nightmare could recover, I slammed the butt of my staff into her stomach. She, (much to my surprise), managed to dodge by Blinking away. I found her holding her bloody nose in shock across the room. I could tell by the fear in her eyes that Nightmare Moon hasn't seen the color of her own blood in a long time. She just stood and stared at her vital fluid on her hand for a moment, trying and failing to figure out how I managed to wound her.

Rule Three of Combat: Always respect your opponent. Underestimating them will always lead to your demise.

In a screech of eldrich rage. Nightmare Moon sprouted a pair of ethereal wings made of stars. I couldn't help but stare at her beautiful wings. Such beauty rarely was seen in Avalar. Sure we had the Valkyries with their feathered wings, but Nightmare's set was on another level entirely when it comes to how majestic they were. It's a shame that I will have to cut them off. Her wings really looked amazing on her, but I think they'll look better on me instead.

As I called forth my magic, I raised a hand in front of me, palm pointed towards the sky and flicked my wrist back a couple of times. The iconic, "come at me bro," gesture spurred Nightmare on if her sudden charge at me was any indication. Sparks flew as she dragged her scythe against the ground, her eyes red with rage. It took only a fraction of a second before she was in striking distance again. I didn't move, only smirked while I watched her scythe slice through the air in an effort to cut me in half.

Her blade never found its mark, and that confused the bloodthirsty Kink-Princess, however. She learned where I disappeared to when I came slamming my staff down on her back. She grunted in pain when her body slammed into the ground, her scythe flying out of her hands. The power of my modified version of the S-Ranked teleportation spell: Flying Thunder God, was something to be feared.

Rule four of Combat: Never attack the strengths of your enemies to weaken them, for doing so is a waste of resources for both parties. Instead, neutralize their weaknesses, for doing so will negate their strengths, and render them useless.

Quickly, I stomped Nightmare's head into the stone to prevent her from getting up. Her helmet took most of the impact while also causing a small crater to form on the floor. Without missing a beat, I grabbed her wings, (somehow), and began to pull while holder her down with my foot.

"W-What are you doing? No! Please don't—AHHHHHHHHHH!" Nightmare begged before letting out the most bloodcurdling scream I've ever heard. That scream continued on as I violently ripped out, (somehow), her ethereal wings from their sockets—a unique collection of mana-nerves on her back—and tossed them aside. After which, I grabbed the sobbing Kink-Princess by the hair and raised her back to eye-level.

Rule Five of Combat: There is no Honor in war, only death. The victors of a battle are those who utilize everything at their disposal. Putting yourself above the enemy for the sake of Honor will always lead to your downfall. Leave Honor for the dead, not the living.

"Y-You'll pay for that!" Nightmare spat with tears streaming down her cheeks. She struggled, kicked, and flailed in my grasp in a vain attempt to break free.

"Really? Pay for what?" I chuckled in amusement at her pathetic, empty threat. I pressed the tip of my staff against her stomach, the spell I prepared earlier ready to be used. "You attacked me, tried to kill an innocent girl, and imprisoned this country's leader just for the sake of power."

"All will bow before me! All will worship me and my night!" Nightmare proclaimed. "And nothing will stop me! Not you, or the Elements of Harmony! The night will last, FOREVER!"

Rule Six of Combat: Tempo. Tempo. Tempo. Don't stop to monologue like a cliche villain. It's stupid and opens you up for an attack. Once you have momentum on the battlefield? Don't lose it. Doing so could lead to failure.

"Yeeeaaah, not going to happen. Do you want to know why?" I asked, leaning into Nightmare's ear.


"Symbiotic Body Cage. That's why." And with a chuckle, I cast the spell stored in my staff. Nightmare Moon couldn't react fast enough. She took the full power of the spell, unable to defend against it. In mere seconds of her body seizing in shock, she went limp in my arms. I did a quick check to make sure she wasn't faking it, and once I was happy with the results. I began dragging Nightmare to the small group of girls with colorful floating rocks hovering around them. I felt Harmoniamancy radiating from the six girls floating in the air, causing my brows to raise slightly in surprise. 'Huh, The Elements of Harmony are magical McGuffins that allows anyone to use Harmony Magic. Neat.'

The Last and Most Important Rule of Combat: If there is a magical McGuffin capable of doing the impossible, and pointed at you. Run like a little bitch until you can destroy them.

As fast as I could, I threw Nightmare Moon in the way of the Rainbow Beam of Death, grabbed my hat, and teleported back to my campsite before packing up everything, and getting as far away from the castle as possible. I wanted a life of peace, and I knew by associating with prophesized heroes of this country, would not give me my wish. That, and I don't want to explain to their monarch why the Elements of Harmony didn't work on me. Being a Harmoniamancer myself always brought trouble. And not the good kind of trouble either. So I ran, and when I got into the air on Saber's back. I noticed a town to the west, which automatically became our destination.

Going to that town would inevitably become the worst mistake of my immortal life.


Twilight Sparkle regained awareness after an unknown amount of time. She found herself laying uncomfortably on the ground in the same room where Nightmare Moon teleported her to, however, there were a few things that were different. One of them being her friends were all recovering from the aftereffects caused by using the Elements of Harmony. They all looked confused and dazed as if they didn't know where they were, but once they found their barrings. They all came to the collective realization of still being inside the Castle of the Two Sisters.

Twilight tried to recall all the events that led up to the activation of the Elements, while her friends began talking about the new jewelry they all woke up with. 'Okay, first was being Teleported to the Throne Room, followed by Nightmare Moon throwing me across the room after I failed to activate the Elements on my own. After recovering from the strike, Nightmare Moon said something about Princess Celestia being trapped on the Moon, me falling to my knees, and, that, strange, woman.'

Her eyes went wide as she remembered everything Cindaria did to Nightmare Moon; how she dodged every attack with blinding speed, how every spell simply vanished when they got to close. She remembered how Cindaria laughed, smiled, mocked Nightmare Moon before wounding the Demon with her staff. And Twilight especially remembered how Cindaria used magic without showing her Aura on the Demon! 'How did she do that?' She wondered. 'All creatures who use magic show it visually in one form or another!'

The most jarring and frightening thing Cindaria did to Nightmare Moon had to be when she ripped the Demon's wings out of their mana-sockets. Such a sight caused Twilight and a few of her friends to expel whatever was in their stomachs at the brutal display. Twilight, even though she wasn't a Pegasus, knew that having their ethereal wings ripped out was the most painful thing they could experience. What's worse was the fact that tearing a Pegasi's wings out would ground them for the rest of their lives. Though, judging by the look in Cindaria's eyes when she finished the act, told Twilight that she knew, and didn't care in the slightest. All she cared about was the complete and absolute destruction of her enemy by any and all means necessary. Such a ruthless mindset was unheard of in Equestria, and Twilight feared what that kind of mind was doing in her peaceful country in the first place.

"You okay there, Sugarcube? Ya' look like you've seen a ghost," Applejack asked softly, pulling Twilight from her thoughts. She turned around to see the country girl's summer green eyes staring warmly at her. Twilight let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and replied.

"I'm a little worried about the strange girl who fought Nightmare Moon and kept her at bay while we figured out how to use the Elements of Harmony. I've never seen someone take on an Aetherial before and win so easily. It looked like Cindaria wasn't even trying."

"Well, I don't know what to say. That girl really gave ol' Moony a good thrashing before we zapped her with the Elements. I kinda' wonder where she ran off to? I know I remember seeing her running for tha' hills before the Rainbow Lazar struck Nightmare Moon."

"I don't know Applejack, but I know we'll see her again," Twilight sighed. "And I have a feeling we'll see her again sooner rather than later."

A piece of the Past - PT 1

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"The first several days after my initial arrival in Avalar was pretty standard when it came to capturing illegal immigrants. I went through processing at a nearby town which, at the time, had me explain where I'm from, what my skills were, and why I was in Avalar. Now, being an individual that had no skills other than computer analysis and accounting, I was majorly fucked."

"Back then, those who were caught breaking into the country without a passport had to do community service for a designated amount of time. This sentence was mostly for proving our worth to the country. To show that we wouldn't be a burden on society until we gained citizenship. It was a good system as it allowed immigrants to gain experience, learn the laws and customs, and allowed the military to monitor and remove all the bad apples who proved to be a problem for the country."

"Because I had no skills that were useful to the country like Blacksmithing or Farming. I was forced to serve a minimum of four years in the Army."

"Being a female in the military all those years ago must have been horrible. I remember most women eventually leave for a multitude of reasons. The largest of which had to be the danger of becoming a War Trophy. I know it's a sore subject to mention, especially knowing the fate of Sofia. But how did you survive, General?"

"By being the most vicious bitch in the country. Well, after I got over the fact that I was in another world, killed a dude, and gained a pair of tits. I wasn't all that stable back then."

"Alright, get up you maggots! I want all you cock-sleeves off your asses front and center for your daily fucking!" screamed the deepest, most terrifying voice in existence. My fellow recruits and I rushed to get out of our straw beds, fearful of the wrath of our drill sergeant.

The sounds of many women tripping, groaning, and screaming to get out of their beds filled the near pitch-black room. I was, much to my horror, the only one to get out of bed, stand at attention at the base, in under ten seconds. As any slower would lead to punishment, however, being the first one to be in position meant that I became the unfortunate soul to face the drill sergeant first thing in the morning. And once everyone got into position, he automatically stood before me, glaring pure death straight into my soul. I gulped as I got a good look at the monstrosity called: Master Sergeant Tiffiny Vel'Suki.

He stood at a mindboggling seven-foot-two, had muscles forged by benching entire mountain ranges. Vel'Suki was a white Tiger Felana—a race of anthropomorphic animals native to Fauroa. Which, when I first met Vel'Suki, proved that I wasn't on Earth anymore. I'm pretty sure a seven-foot-two tiger that can punch boulders to dust wasn't something the government could hide from the general populous. His eyes were bright pink, his claws sharp, and his authority absolute.

What made him even more terrifying had to be the anaconda between his legs. I had the unfortunate pleasure of accidentally walking into his room when looking for the Fort's Nurse for my check-up. I don't think there is a single female in the world that could fit that thing without being ripped asunder. And having him let out a purr of amusement when I stopped to stare at it, only made the situation more awkward and embarrassing.

"Private Cindaria!" Vel'Suki shouted out for everyone to hear. "Since you were the first one to stand at attention. You get to lead the rest of these whores on a fifteen-mile jaunt through the countryside! NOW GET MOVING!"

"Ahh, I remember Vel'Suki. He was such a gentle giant. It's a shame he's no longer with us."

"I agree, even though he was a major ass during the first four years of my life. I can remember all the times he purposefully chose me for his amusement. How he thought my misery during training was the most entertaining thing he witnessed in his entire life. Though, when not on duty, he gave me comfort when no one else will."

"Vel'Suki tended to be soft with those he knew didn't belong. His empathy made a lot of friends, and many more enemies. Cinder, are you alright?"

"Yeah, there's just...just something in my eye..."

"Is there something in your eyes, bitch! Is the pain too much for you?! Get your whore-ass up, and back into formation!" screamed Vel'Suki before grabbing my silver hair and tossing me back towards the marching platoon of soldiers in training.

Its been one week since I began my life as an Avalarian soldier and I'm already regretting choosing it as my profession. If I had the chance to go back in time, I would tell myself to become a Miner or Farmer instead of Soldier. The hours were long, I barely slept, everyone chose me as their punching bag, (even though I was five-nine), and the Sergeant purposefully targeted me for all the punishments.

I knew being a soldier was hard; that only the most physically fit and the sound of mind would survive. But after being forced into a body that was not my own, I had to prove that I was strong. That I would not become a pussy to be used to make babies or pleasure men. I knew being a woman in the army would show my strength, but I don't know If I'll even survive basic training. Let alone actual combat. I feel like I've made a horrible mistake.

Speaking of mistakes, I'm being punished for one already. One of the other soldiers—a blond high-elf named Syvilis—sabotoged my equipment during the march. Using his magic, he cut my bag open, causing all my rations, water, clothes, tent and shovel to scatter all over the road in the middle the temperate forest surrounding the Fort. This event made Vel'Suki extremely angry, and he vented that anger by literally turning me into a punching bag.

Without any warning, I saw stars in my vision and on the ground staring at the clear blue sky. My nose hurt, but that wasn't the only thing in pain. When I failed to get up from my daze, Vel'Suki kicked my stomach, sending me sprawling a few feet away. I could hear the laughter of my comrades through mute clarity; how they found my pain amusing to them. I couldn't understand why I was the target for their ire. Was it because I was the only girl in the platoon? Was it because I was a half-breed of a Felana and a Human? There were other girls in the Fort as well. So why weren't they getting bullied like I was? Fuck, it felt like high-school all over again, but this time with swords and shields instead of garbage cans and toilets.

After losing my stuff, I was forced to continue our march without my gear. Which also meant I didn't have food and I had to sleep without shelter. Plus, without my shovel, clothes, and other stuff made everything during our three-day field exercise all the more miserable. My only saving grace came in the form, (much to my surprise), Sergeant Vel'Suki.

The third day of our exercise ended with me sitting alone underneath a tree to stay dry. It started to rain just as the sun fell below the horizon, signaling all but me that it was time to find shelter. Those who didn't have chores called it early for the night, and those that did, completed their tasks as quickly as possible.

I shivered slightly from the cold wind. It was going to be another long and restless night. I had my coat wrapped around me like a blanket with my knees held close to my chest. I sniffled, a cold was starting to make its presence known. The others in my squad were laughing by the fire. I bet they were enjoying their time without me. I held my knees tighter, hoping to stave off the cold until the morning. My wrongful punishment would continue until we returned to base, where I would have to go through debriefing before returning to the place where my equipment was left behind, and retrieve it. However, after a few minutes of moping in the rain. I felt something wrap around me followed by a deep and familiar voice making its presence known.

"Here, Private Cindaria. You need this more than I do," Vel'Suki said with a shockingly warm and gentle voice. Hearing his voice come out of nowhere made me jump out of my skin. Even my long, fluffy, foxtail went completely straight with the fur standing on end. And when I looked up from my hunched position, all I could see was a smirking tiger, purring in amusement.

"W-What are you d-doing here, Sergeant?" I asked through chattering teeth. His gaze softened for a moment, making the monster of Fort Delvani look rather cute for an anthropomorphic cat. I moved slightly away from him out of fear when he sat down next to me. Every encounter I've had with the Sergeant always ended with pain, and I don't know what I've done to earn his attention again, but I knew by the end of the night. I'll have another black eye. Hell, since I'm the only girl in the company. I bet he's planning on giving me to the men to be used! Fuck, I-I have to get out of here! I don't care if I get deported to one of the other countries. I'd rather be a homeless loser than—!

"At ease, Cinder. You need not worry about anything bad happening to you while under my command," Vel'Suki consoled with a hand resting on my shoulder. For some reason, that calmed me down, if by a little bit. I was still on the defensive, and I made sure my dagger was at the ready in case he attacked me, but something tells me that it won't be needed. "Though, I can't say the same for your squadmates."

"How d-did you know what I was thinking?" I frowned, tugging his oversized jacket around my shivering body for warmth. It smelt like maple. 'Home.' I blinked away a tear trying to form.

"Let me ask you something first," he hummed thoughtfully. "Why do I deliberately target you? Why do I give you the most grief, and cause you the most pain even though you've only started training a week ago?"

If it wasn't for the fact that I was completely miserable at that moment, I could have figured out his reasoning. In hindsight, I should have known that, because I was a girl in a medieval army, I was at risk of being raped, captured, or tortured by not only our enemies but by our allies as well.

Back then, even now, a female soldier fighting on the front lines would be seen as a War Trophy. Not only that, but girls are generally weaker than men, and not as emotionally strong. Vel'Suki thought I was born a woman, and adapted his training of me accordingly. If I wasn't capable of meeting the requirements of the average male in the military, then I was nothing but a liability to the safety of the country. He knew that fact and became extremely harsh to push me to my limits. He was still a dick for every time he punished me when my squadmates blamed me for their shit though.

"I don't know," was my honest reply at the time.

"Well, for one; you are a woman. You're not as physically strong as a man, nor as emotionally stable, however after observing how you act, how you think. I've concluded that wasn't always the case, hmm?"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," I quickly dismissed. He let out a chuckle in response.

"I won't pry into your past, but figuring out that little tidbit gave me enough information to deduce what your fears would inevitably become. Such as becoming a sex slave to the Orcs, a bride to a Felana chieftain, a breeder for the Elves, so on and so forth. By becoming a soldier, you can learn how to defend yourself. By learning how to fight, you'll never have to worry about being abused. Most woman who joins the Avalarian Knights does so to follow family traditions, to gain free schooling, to learn: Magic," he turned to look directly into my eyes, his head tilted, his voices full of wonder. I couldn't help but feel a little excitement at the prospect of learning actual magic.

"Not you. You want to become strong, to be the best that you can be, even though that wasn't your original goal. You want purpose beyond the confines of us mortals. To take destiny and destroy it. And that's something no Human, Elf, Orc, Dwarf, Felana, Neptari, or Valkyrie wants to achieve."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I couldn't help to ask. "I'm nothing special; just a guy who has a large string of bad luck. There isn't anything unique about me at all, and it doesn't explain why the others in my company treat me like shit."

"It's your eyes," he began mystically. "They're filled with Twilight. Where I'm from, such eyes are both loved and feared...mostly because Twilight is associated with magic. It symbolizes power, mystery, wisdom, and intelligence. Those eyes tell me that your special, Cinder. As for the "why" your fellow soldiers treat you like shit?" he stopped to let out a sigh with a dark glare forming on his face. "I expected them to help you, especially after that Elf sabotaged your gear. But it appears that they think they're above everyone else."

"In any case, he will be punished accordingly once we've returned to the base, along with the rest of the company. After which, I'll be transferring you to the 1st Mage Batallion Dragon Company. There, hopefully, you will be treated with respect and learn how to use the Magic within you."

After our little talk, he gave me his tent for the night. Well, when I mean he "gave" me his tent. He really just shared it with me. It was...Nice. Sure, it was really awkward when I woke up in Tiffiny's arms, snuggling his fluffy, muscular, chest, but at least I didn't get sick from sleeping in the rain. Also, Vel'Suki ripped apart anyone that made a comment about me leaving his tent in the morning, which was funny to watch. Especially when Tiff pointed out all the people who also shared a tent, but for completely different reasons entirely.

I bet the scent of sex made everyone a little self-conscious. Though, I have to wonder. What were you to Vel'Suki? You know, before Sofia?


"Just, close?"

"He was going to be my first and only husband."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It's in the past, and I'll always remember our time together...Even the shit he caused me during basic training."