> Molten Apples > by roseprincess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Hard and Heated > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         Applejack tossed and turned on the mattress on the floor of Pinkie’s bedroom, groaning quietly in frustration as she opened her eyes widely, staring up at the ceiling.         “Consarnit. Ah just ain’t tired, and it’s way too hot to sleep anyways,” she whispered to herself, sitting up. “Well, ah guess ah can always get something’ to drink.” She pushed the blanket off and carefully stood up, trying not to wake up Pinkie or any of the other girls surrounding her. She stepped off the mattress onto the wooden floor, and tiptoed out towards the open door.         A creak. Applejack turned back, alarmed, but all girls lay on the floor, asleep, as they were before. She held her breath and continued on her way.         Once she was in the kitchen, Applejack let out a sigh of relief and opened up the cupboard above the sink, which held rows and rows of glasses. She pulled one out, and turned to her left to fill it up, when she was taken aback by the presence of a moody girl with dark skin.         Applejack stumbled back a few steps, but avoided screaming, although her heart was pounding against her chest. “W-Where did you come from?!” she whisper shouted.         “My bedroom,” Maud said simply, reaching out for the cupboard next to the one that Applejack opened recently. “Boulder’s hungry.” She grabbed the box of snacks, and went towards the kitchen counter to feed him. Maud’s parents had warned her not to leave crackers all over the floor, and even though she had no idea what they were talking about (since Boulder ate them), she resorted to “spilling” the crackers all over the bench instead.         Applejack bit her lip and proceeded to fill up the glass, leaning against the counter as she took a sip, staring ahead at Maud. She was a weird girl at that, but at least one that Applejack could understand to some extent. There wasn’t much they could do to change her personality, or mood, but they could understand why she had such a character. Applejack thought she’d be pretty bland if she lived on a rock farm for most of her childhood. But then again, Maud seemed to like rocks…         “What are you doing here so late?” Maud asked, biting down onto one of the crackers herself. Applejack snapped out of her thoughts, and was slightly hesitant to answer that question. But then again, if she couldn’t trust Maud, who could she trust?         “Ah can’t sleep. It’s too hot, and ah feel really uncomfortable for some reason,” Applejack replied truthfully. “Ah know ah'm not sick, but ah can’t really think of why ah feel this way.”         Maud’s lips pursed, and then she moved her tongue out and licked her lips. “You guys can transform into ponies, right?”         Applejack nodded slowly. Pinkie, she thought, before replying. “But ah don’t see what that has to do with anything.”         Maud placed a hand on her chin as though she were thinking. “Is it possible that you could be going through a heat cycle?”         Applejack’s heart thumped, as though she had been scared out of her wits again. “Y-Ya really think that’s true? Ah guess ah never really thought about, but it has only been a month or so since we first transformed…” She thought about the ideal acts of a horse in heat, and her mind’s sexual filter switched off. She blushed, hiding her face with her hat.         “A-Ah guess that means ah should go then…” Applejack said, turning away as she went to head back down the hall.         Maud reached out and grabbed her wrist to stop her from heading near the other girls. “Do you really think that’s a good idea?”         Again, images Applejack didn’t want to think of formed in her mind. If she really was in heat, then perhaps she wasn’t the only one. She hated the fact that she could envision what would happen if any of the others woke up. She gulped and turned away.         “What do you suggest ah do then?” Applejack asked, and Maud let go, waving a hand for her to follow. Applejack walked after her, and was led to another room near the lounge room.         “This is another spare room we have, in case of visitors. You’re welcome to use it for tonight. I’m sure the others will understand if you tell them what’s going on,” Maud said, opening the door.         “Heh, yeah, they’ll understand alright,” Applejack said, entering the room, her face flushed slightly. “Thanks.”         “You’re welcome,” Maud said emotionlessly, and turned away.         The longer Applejack stared at Pinkie’s sister, the harder it was to resist the temptations she felt.         “Wait!” Applejack called out, slightly startling Maud, who turned back around.         “Ah know ah shouldn’t be asking of this, after all you did, but this feeling is getting worse and worse every second, and ah can’t even imagine trying to go back to sleep.” She tugged lightly at the buttons on her pajamas, looking to the side and blushing. “So, do ya mind if we…?”         Maud placed a finger against Applejack’s lips, and for a split second, she swore a smile had appeared on her face.         “Say no more. It’s no problem. Anything to help.” Maud closed the door behind her and turned on the lamp in the corner of the room. Without hesitation, she reached her hands forward, and undid the first button on Applejack’s shirt.         It’s just a one nighter, Applejack thought, her mouth feeling dry, no feelings, no romance; just straight out sex and it’s done. But goddammit, am I feeling thirsty.         Maud stopped when her hand reached the third button, and looked up. She placed her finger on Applejack’s lips again, and then leaned closer and licked them.         Applejack’s brain seized up. She isn’t about to… But she was. No sooner after, did Applejack feel the placement of the rock lover’s lips against her own, and as much as she wanted to hide the feelings, she couldn’t chase away these ones. It was heaven. She melted into it, almost feeling as if she could fall asleep right then and there. But there was still the heating sensation running through her body that she couldn’t ignore.         As soon as the pressure on her lips had dissipated, Applejack slowly snapped out of her haze to notice that her pajama jacket was already hanging loosely down her shoulders, and her large, but firm breasts were in plain sight.         Maud placed a hand underneath one of them and began kneading it, thinking to herself. Unexpectedly large for a girl who spends most of her time out on farm, but thinking rationally, most of the work there isn’t really much like running, but more like heavy lifting and the like, which involves a lot of endurance, but not really the kind that would produce small breasts. Nevertheless, they’re quite nice, and would definitely attract a lot of guys, were they to catch a sneak peek.         Applejack blinked, feeling slightly turned on, but confused as to why Maud had spent the last two minutes or so groping her left breast. She didn’t need to say a word, however, as the oldest of the Pie family let it fall, and pointed towards the bed.         “Come on. Let’s get the real show on,” Maud said, placing her hands together as she walked over to the foot of the bed. Applejack consciously climbed up, lying underneath her friend’s sister, as she crawled up on top of her. Without wasting any time, Maud leaned down and, while one of her hands reached out and grabbed Applejack’s right breast, she planted her mouth firmly around the left one, licking it for a bit, before sucking on it tenderly, but enough to make the farm girl let out a few quiet moans, goosebumps forming on her body as she shivered from the feeling. Applejack didn’t feel at all worried or guilty in any way — it was just one night, and therefore she should be allowed to enjoy it to her heart's content. … That was just the heat talking. Applejack’s face turned red, but she couldn’t get over the feeling of the tongue that fondled her breast, licking and sucking as if it were some kind of apple-flavoured lollipop. Ah well, the juices were already forming just a little bit further down. Maud gave her nipple one last lick, before moving her hand down to her wet pants, feeling her slick vagina through the mildly thick material. With a very slight smirk, she slipped her fingers into the rim of Applejack’s long pants, and pulled them down. Applejack’s heart throbbed, as she could feel her pussy itching. One light touch from Maud, and she shivered yet again, the feeling washing through her entire body, which was now fully naked, aside from the pants which hung just around the bottom of her leg. Maud licked her finger, then proceeded, digging it deeper and deeper as she went, and earning louder and more pleasant sounding moans from Applejack, as she relished the feeling of Maud’s only special treatment. Bringing up her fingers every so often, she constantly tasted the juices from the applelover,  she figured it was about time to put her now ready tastebuds to use. Moving back to the edge of the bed to give herself more room, Maud leaned down and brushing her tongue across the entrance of Applejack’s vagina, and lapping up the leftover’s from her previous fingering. She continued at it, stroking every inch in determination to relieve the girl of her heat cycle, but also relieve her first of enough delicious tasting cum to fill her up in one go. Applejack could barely keep her moans under control. The feeling was unlike anything she had ever felt before, and with every passing second, she worried that the next lick was going to be the last. For minutes on end, Maud went on sucking on Applejack’s pussy lips, flicking her clit, and burying her tongue as deep inside the girl as it would go. Slowly, Applejack could feel the pressure building up in her lower half. She tried to look down, but it was almost impossible, as the build up got bigger and bigger. Barely a few seconds later, Applejack found herself murmuring. “Ah...ahm gonna cum…” she breathed out, and this sent shivers down the receivers spine as well. Maud gently, but quickly continued to slosh her tongue as far as she could get it in. Applejack could not contain the scream that came when she felt her juices finally release from her pussy, the feeling exciting, pleasuring and relieving. She breathed heavily, finishing off with a few extra moans, before her head fell against the pillow, and exhaustion washed over her, her eyelids half closed by the time her one-time sex partner had swallowed as much as she could of her liquid. Maud stood up, wiped her mouth clean, and looked down at Applejack’s peaceful self, who seemed just about ready to pass out. With this, she couldn’t contain the only feeling she ever really felt. Maud smiled. Not a fake one, not even a half one. A real, genuine smile. She reached out and grabbed the slightly wet blanket, placing it over Applejack. Just before she turned away, she leaned down and kissed the girl on the forehead, whispering, “goodnight.” Maud turned back towards the door, the smile fixed on her face until she shut the door. Applejack entered Pinkie’s room, and all five girls turned and stared at her. She blinked. “What?” “What do you mean, ‘what’?” Rarity started, waving her hand in the air with a flourish. “It’s not every sleepover you wake up to find out that one of the group is missing. Just where were you?” Applejack gulped quietly, hesitant to tell them. But if she acted that way, it would only make them more suspicious. “This is another spare room we have, in case of visitors. You’re welcome to use it for tonight. I’m sure the others will understand if you tell them what’s going on.”         Applejack took a deep breath and turned towards Sunset, the one she was almost positive to understand.         “Look, this may sound crazy, but last night… ah woke up feeling all hot and uncomfortable” — slightly shocked looks appeared on everyone’s faces — “and so ah went out to help myself to a glass of water, and met up with Maud. After she came up with a logical explanation as to what was wrong, we, um…”         Rainbow Dash was the next to speak up. “You had sex, didn’t you?”         Pinkie gasped, and Applejack’s eyes shot open. “You… you know?! But— how?!”         Rainbow Dash stood up next to her. “Remember that time when we went over to Rarity’s place for a sleepover?” she asked, and everyone nodded. “Well,” Rainbow continued, “I felt the same way, and ended up banging, um…”         Rainbow didn’t even need to finish her sentence for everyone to know who she was talking about. Rarity would’ve been absolutely repulsed that her best friend had taken her little sister’s virginity, if she didn’t have a confession of her own to make.         “Ahem. Me too.” She blushed and rubbed the back of her neck. “With, um, Apple Bloom.”         “Aw, to hell with it!” Pinkie announced. “I had sex with Scootaloo, on the night she was staying downstairs at Fluttershy’s house, while we were all over.”         Everyone turned to Fluttershy, who squeaked and looked towards Rainbow Dash with an apologetic look.         Rainbow Dash smirked. “Ya know, I’m pretty sure Gilda is single, if you wanna give it a shot.”         Fluttershy hid her face behind her. “R-Right. I’ll, um, take you up on that.”         During all of this conversation, the Rainbooms had completely forgotten there was someone else in the room. Sunset Shimmer stared ahead, mouth wide open at what she had just heard.         “Woah, woah, woah, guys! I get all of this, but… why would you do it all in the first place?” Sunset asked.         Rainbow Dash blinked, and everyone else shared her surprised expression as they turned to Sunset.         “Darling, we thought you would’ve been the first to work it out!” Rarity said.         “It happened a whole month after our transformations; what else could it be?” Rainbow said, looking at the others, who agreed.         “Wait… you’re telling me you went through… heat?” Sunset said, surprised, she raised her eyebrows and stared ahead. “Oh, god, I have to collect this data! Applejack, you were the last to experience this! I need you to tell me everything!”         Applejack thought to herself. “Or, ya know… how about we all come over to your place next week and see what happens?”         “Uh.” Sunset’s face flamed red, before she calmed herself. “Okay, why not?”          As the others headed out towards the door, Applejack stopped and looked back. As her friend’s noticed, she half grinned and rubbed the back of her neck. “Uh, ah’ll just catch up with you guys in a bit,” she said, turning and heading back into the house. Luckily, Pinkie’s sister Maud was, again, sitting in the kitchen. Applejack smiled. “Thanks a lot for last night,” Applejack started to say, leaning against the sink like last night. “You’re welcome,” Maud said simply, picking up the glass next to her and taking a sip. Applejack stared ahead at the drink, then her cheeks turned red, as she realised the substance was apple juice. Maud nodded, smiling with her eyes as she placed it down again. Silence beared upon the two, and Applejack looked around a bit, before speaking up. “So, uh, ah guess ah better head back with my friends,” she said, stepping towards the door. “Applejack.” Applejack stopped in her tracks and looked back towards Maud. “Yeah?” Maud slightly fidgeted with the glass in her hands, and Applejack deciphered that as mildly embarrassed. But she didn’t show it in her next sentence. “Do you wanna do it again some time?” Applejack’s reaction would’ve normally consisted of loads of blushing, stuttering, and the like, but honestly, it didn’t really seem like such a bad idea. It may have been just to relieve the heat cycle she was in, but just because they did it again, doesn’t mean there were any romantic feelings involved. More like… Applejack held out her hand. “Friends with benefits?” Maud placed down the glass and took her hand, a small smile flickering in plain sight for her to see. “Sure.”