> The Dizzitron Hypno Betting Pool > by Runic Script > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I really don’t think this is going to work.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, leaning against the side of the cloud gym. “Oh shut it.” Lightning Dust grumbled around the turquoise feather between her teeth, trying to fit it into the door’s lock. “Of course it’s going to work. I’ve done this a dozen times.” “Yeah…” Rainbow snorted. “A dozen times this evening.” Lightning Dust spit out the feather and took a step away from the door, snapping at her rival. “Well, I don’t see you coming up with any better ideas.” Rainbow stepped away from the wall, stretching her wings and her back and cracking her front hooves before walking up to the door. She cleared her throat, gave the door a stern glare, then smirked and pushed the handle, causing the door to swing open. Lightning Dust opened her mouth, pointing and silently mouthing words for a few seconds before she finally decided on throwing her forelegs up with an exasperated shout. “What?!” “It’s a cloud building.” Rainbow pranced into the gym with a smug look, flicking her tail against Lightning’s muzzle. “If they lock it up, ponies are just going to go in through the walls and fixing up the holes is even more of a hassle. So they just leave the door unlocked on a ‘leave it like you found it’ policy. It’s all in the book about the Academy.” Lightning stared after her for a moment, then stomped in after her, grumbling and muttering to herself about “Freakin’ fanfillies…” ~~~~~ “Release!” Lightning Dust pulled the lever, causing her training partner to be flung from the Dizzitron and spin through the air. Rainbow Dash flapped wildly, almost skimming the cloud roof before she managed to turn herself towards the ground. She skidded across the floor, stumbling a little before she caught herself, panting from exertion. “I think… I think I’m actually starting to get a little… tired now.” She took a deep gulp of air, looking up and staggering over to the bulky control panel of the machine. “Snrk… Wha? I-I’m awake! I’m panca- I mean, I’m awake.” Lightning jolted, flailing as she tipped forward and catching herself on the machine’s lever. There was a clunk and the Dizzitron spun to life again. “F-falling asleep already?” Rainbow smiled weakly, swaying a bit until she managed to sit down and lean herself against the side of the control panel. She blinked sleepily, her eyes moving towards the spinning Dizzitron. “I could still… go for hours…” “Y-yeah? So could… so could I…” Lightning Dust sat down as well, leaning against the other side of the control panel and drooling slightly as she watched the Dizzitron. Rainbow watched the spinning machine, the spiral on it slowly reflecting in her eyes. Lightning Dust watched the spinning machine, the spiral on it slowly reflecting in her eyes. “Welp, they’re out. Who had the 2:15 bet?” ~~~~~ Dr. Crescent Moon turned around to the group of Wonderbolts gathered behind him, a fob watch in his hoof. “Welp, they’re out. Who had the 2:15 bet?” There was some assorted huffing, groaning and frustrated hoofstomping until one figure stepped forward. Spitfire adjusted her purple shades, her mouth twitching with the trace of a smirk. “That would be me, then.” The groaning got louder. Soarin threw his forelegs up, flailing. “I call shenanigans!” “Did somepony say… shenanigans?” A few of the ponies gasped quietly and the crowd parted to let a white pegasus through, carrying a large tome on her back. “Do you really think Captain Maxima Spitfire, of all ponies, would cheat? Especially considering the consequences?” Surprise Party walked up next to her superior and turned around to look at the crowd, opening the book and pulling a single loose sheet of paper from it. Spitfire glanced over at her, raising an eyebrow. “You think my first name is ‘Maxima’?” “It’s a reference. If you knew her you’d be flattered.” “…is that why all my shades had been replaced with slimmer, purple ones this morning?” “Eh-heh-herm!” Surprise loudly cleared her throat, ignoring Spitfire. “I will be reading the whole ruleset for our betting pool, for the sake of The Audience.” Soarin and the other pegasi gave her a blank stare. “…what?” “Rousing ‘The’ Audience. He wanted to join and I haven’t been able to fill him in yet.” Surprise pointed at a stallion at the side of the group, who gave a small wave. Then she cleared her throat again. “Aaaaanyway… Rules of the Dizzitron Hypno Betting Pool (not to be confused with the Dizzitron Speed Betting Pool, the Dizzitron Toss-Up Betting Pool, or the Dizzitron Malfunction Betting Pool) 1.) This is not a betting pool. We are instructors and role models, so betting and gambling are generally frowned upon. This is based strictly on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, under the mutual agreement that the one who got closest was first. 2.) This betting pool does not involve cadets in any way. It takes place in the gyms after 10 PM; as no cadets are allowed in the gym after that time, the betting pool which doesn’t exist does not involve cadets in any way, by default. 3.) Cheating at the bets (which don’t exist), in any way, is not allowed. If anypony is caught and proving to be cheating, they will have to join the cadets (which are not involved) for the day. 4.) Bets can be placed until 9 PM. They can be placed on times in fifteen-minute intervals. 5.) There’s a bird on the roof. Yes, a bird on the roof. There’s a bird on the roof. That’s so cute. 6.) For the record: Rule 5.) still needs revising. 7.) The winner gets the spoils, from the time of their win until 8 PM of the next day. “Any questions?” Surprise raised a hoof, holding a hoofpuppet and speaking in a squeaky voice from the side of her mouth. “But why are you doing all this?” She quickly put the hoof puppet away again, continuing. “Good question. You see, those two have been getting into the gym every night now to train, and it always ends the same. They train until they’re dizzy and tired, end up hypnotizing themselves staring at the Dizzitron and we have to get them back to their bunks. Well, this being the third time in a row now and everypony getting kinda annoyed with having to haul them back every night, we’ve made a betting pool out of it. The one who comes closest to the time they hypnotize themselves gets to have fun with two hypnotized cadets and give them whatever suggestion they want for the next day, as long as they still manage to participate in their training. But really, with those two they could do their minimum training in an hour if they wanted to. Any other questions?” The other ponies stared at her, one of them coughing quietly. Surprise pulled a swab of loose curly hair out of her mane and threw it to the side, watching as it slowly drifted past and out into the night. “Oki doki loki then. Rules, check. Background info, check. Serendipitous tumbleweed, check. Time to hit the bed everypony.” She waved and turned to skip off, humming. Soarin blinked, then called after her. “H-hey now, wait a moment! What about the two cadets?” Surprise stopped in mid-skip, her wings flipping her over and keeping her hovering hooves over head. “Oh, those? Spitfire took them with her five minutes ago already while I was doing the whole exposition thing. Ooooh, I should go as a demonic duck of some sort next Nightmare Night.” She flipped around again and continued her skipping, leaving a group of bewildered ponies to try and make sense of her. > Day One: Tech Control > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Alright maggots, listen up!” Spitfire trotted along the line of cadets, each of them standing at attention. “Due to several notes in the suggestion box at my office door, I will stop calling you ‘maggots’ and several other choice names for the foreseeable future.” She stopped at the end of the line and turned around again, pushing her shades down a little to look over her cadets. “On that note, whoever thought it funny to hang a suggestion box to my office door…” She took a deep breath. “IT’S NOT!!!” The row of cadets collectively flinched, Raindrops squeaking and falling over. Spitfire allowed herself a satisfied grin and a few seconds of frightful silence from the cadets. Of course the prank most likely came from one of her own instructors, but it was always good have a harmless reason to yell at the newbies, and amusing to boot. She nodded to herself, then continued. “Next on the list. Starting today Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust will be trained separately from the rest of the group.” She ignored the murmurs of the cadets and the not-so-well-concealed exclamations of ‘awesome’ from the back of the line. “As most of you should be aware, cadets Dash and Dust are on a different level of skill than the rest of you. I am not trying to criticize any of you, but the truth of the matter is that so far they have more often been disruptive and demotivating than they are inspiring to the rest of you. “To keep things fair, a different instructor will train them each day. For the rest of today, however, Surprise will take over training the rest of you. I can assure you that she is just the right pony to get you back into the spirit… probably.” She sighed and rubbed her forehead with a hoof, trotting down the line again and towards the two young mares who were whispering to each other and grinning giddily… apparently ignoring their instructor. “As for you two…” She kept her stony expression as they flinched and snapped to attention again. “You are still treading thin cloud, both of you. Lightning Dust, I respect and appreciate your efforts to become less reckless towards others, but aside from that not much of your attitude has improved. And I’m saying ‘you’ as in ‘both of you’, Rainbow Dash, so stop grinning. Your rivalry is disruptive, your antics are just plain embarrassing and your ego is bigger than that of all your instructors combined. In short, the fact that you are both excellent flyers makes you horrible cadets.” Both cadets gulped, sweat beading down their foreheads. Spitfire walked on before she could lose her pokerface. This was even easier than she thought. “Follow me, you two.” ~~~~~ Rainbow Dash grinned, looking over the West Field. “Can you believe it, Lightning? Private training with Captain Spitfire! This is the most awesomest thing in the whole history of awesomeness!” She flapped a few inches into the air and squeed into her front hooves. “Reign it in, fanfilly.” Lightning Dust rolled her eyes, grinning. “Of course we’re getting private training. We’re probably, like, the most talented cadets they had here in decades. You heard it, even Spitfire said that we’re miles ahead of those slowpokes.” Rainbow huffed. “You reign it in. Some of those ‘slowpokes’ are still my friends.” “Point still stands,” Lightning waved her off. “Have you seen that muscly guy trying to fly through a cloud ring? It’s not pretty.” “Am I interrupting something?” Both cadets jumped, whipping around to face Spitfire. They quickly straightened up and saluted, trying to look neither at each other nor at their instructor. Spitfire paced in front of them, not bothering to give them a look. “Your discipline is lacking. I’d say you two make up for it with raw talent and skill, but do you know what?” She whipped around, stopping just inches away from them. “Nothing makes up for being a pair of undisciplined foals!” She huffed and took a step back, watching the two cadets still hold their pose and staring straight ahead to avoid looking at her. She did get some satisfaction out of watching a few drops of sweat form on their foreheads. “Well now, luckily there is a simple solution for those problems.” She smirked, pausing for effect before pronouncing extra clearly. “Code: Futurebolts.” Dash gasped and cringed, instinctively crouching down defensively as she felt a surge of heat burst from the back of her neck. She opened one eye to see Lightning Dust react similarly, while Spitfire just seemed to stand there and watch. The heat pulsed and began to spread through the rest of her body even as she tried to form words to ask what was going on. Looking down at herself didn’t help either. As she watched, a strange metallic substance began to coat her legs including her flight suit… No, on second look it seemed that her legs were turning into the metal. She groaned again as another surge of heat washed through her body, filling her from the tip of her mane to the tip of her tail. Without warning, the heat disappeared as quickly as it had come, leaving her to stand shakily, staring down at her hooves. Her Wonderbolts flight suit had apparently fused with her body while it transformed, turning her into something resembling a very life-like robot Wonderbolt, with her body bearing the colors and pattern of her flight suit everywhere except her head, mane and tail, and everything glinting with that metallic sheen. Looking over to her partner, she saw that the same had happened to Lightning Dust, though she as well was too stubborn to just fall down and had apparently remained standing throughout the whole transformation. “Well, looks like everything went well. How do you two feel?” She looked up to see Spitfire smirking at them, and narrowed her eyes. “What did you do to us? What is this…” She held up a hoof, “this stuff?!” “That ‘stuff’ is a new alloy our science department developed. It is called Metallat X, and it reacts to the microchips that were implanted at your necks.” She chuckled. “Remember that bunch of papers you signed without reading when you got here? We didn’t think we’d ever have to call on this particular paragraph of fine print, but being prepared really paid off in this case.” “That’s… How can you…” Dash felt herself at a loss for words, pawing the ground angrily while taking an aggressive stance. From the corner of her eye she saw Lightning Dust react similarly. “I should–“ “Stand at attention!” Code: Stand at attention Moving to Pose 001 Preparing Reply 001 (f) Rainbow tried to yelp in surprise, but found herself unable to as her body locked up and moved on its own. Before she knew what was happening, she found herself saluting, back straight and eyes straight ahead as her mouth shouted “Ma’am yes, Ma’am!” in sync with Lightning Dust’s voice. Spitfire did her best to fight down her grin as she watched her two problem cadets in a stiff salute, blank eyes staring straight ahead. She took a deep breath, regaining her Tough Instructor act. “Now that’s a lot better. You’re finally showing some discipline. Now give me 100 push-ups, in perfect sync!” “What?! We’re not just going to–“ Command recognized Analyzing command Automated response: Reply 001 (f) “Ma’am yes, Ma’am!” Rainbow felt her body lock up again, eyes widening in shock as she was cut off mid-sentence by her own mouth. Analysis complete Free Command: 100 push-ups Code: in (…) sync Preparing sync with Drone LD-001 Rainbow tried to flinch as her legs turned her by 90 degrees, coming up face to face with Drone LD-001 Lightning Dust and stopping. She did not notice either or their ears flicking in a steady rhythm, quickly aligning the speed of the ear-twitches. Sync complete Routine = push-ups for T = -100 Her legs suddenly buckled, letting her plummet down until her chin was an inch off the ground before they suddenly tensed again, pushing her back up just to go down again. Glancing up, she could see Lightning Dust do the same, at exactly the same moment and same speed. From off to the side she heard the voice of Spitfire. “You’re doing even better than I expected. Good work, cadets.” Routine = push-ups for T = -95 Code: Good work, cadet Routine = push-ups for T = -94 Reward lv. 1 Routine = push-ups for T = -93 Rainbow gasped as a small pulse of heat spread from her neck again, relaxing her muscles and easing the tension in them even as she continued the push-ups. She hummed quietly; maybe the whole thing didn’t have just downsides. Routine = push-ups for T = -89 Routine = push-ups for T = -88 ~~~~~ “Aaaaand that was lap 298. Just two more to go, you two!” Spitfire looked up from her stopwatch again to watch Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust fly wide circles around the field. Dash glanced down at her and nodded slightly while she let her body do the rest of the work. In a way, she was really starting to enjoy this… upgrade, she supposed. Letting her body take over to follow Spitfire’s commands had become something of a second nature already, and it was nice to be able to not have to think while flying. It reminded her of a long distance flight, where she could just turn off her mind and enjoy the scenery while her body worked completely on autopilot. Routine = flying for laps = -0 Command finished Returning to base Moving into Pose 001 Preparing Reply 004 (f) Rainbow felt herself angling downwards, circling back down to Spitfire and stopping in front of her. She barely had time to notice Lightning Dust land right next to her before her body snapped back into its default position. “Command successfully executed, Ma’am.” “Indeed.” Spitfire smirked. “That was your last exercise for now. You two can be proud of yourselves.” She smiled and turned around, walking off. “Excellent work, cadets.” Code: Excellent work, cadet Reward lv. 5 Rainbow gasped and her legs gave out, letting out a satisfied groan as a surge of relaxing heat pulsed through her body and she felt hooves softly massaging every part of her, working out the stress and tension of more than just this training session. She slumped to the ground, drooling and humming in delight as she and Lightning had every tension and every knot worked out of her body. She wasn’t sure if that meta-lax or what it was called could actually turn her into a puddle from being too relaxed, but if it couldn’t then it was at least getting darn close to it. ~~~~~ “Soooo…” Soarin flew up next to her, hovering along. “Eee-nope.” Spitfire hummed, walking on and otherwise ignoring her teammate. “I was just asking if you had fun with them.” Soarin huffed. “Oh? Well, in that case I very much enjoyed myself. But not in the way you’re thinking of, perv.” She stuck out her tongue at him. “That’s… great.” Soarin trailed off, twiddling his hooves. “Now that you mentioned it, though…” “Nope. You wait your turn like everypony else.” “Pleeeeeaaaase?” Soarin dashed in front of her, forcing Spitfire to stop. “Just for a couple minutes. I was on the northwest rink, so I had to see you train those two all the time. Do you know how frustrating that was?!” He looked up at her with the best big, soulful puppy dog eyes he could muster. Spitfire groaned and rolled her eyes, pushing his head out of the way. “Yes yes, alright. Just stop begging, it’s getting embarrassing.” She trotted around him, trying to wave him off. “The code is ‘Piehole’. Just try not to do it somewhere everypony can see.” “Yes! Yes yes yes yes thank you!” Soarin dashed off with a cheer, stopping only to look back at Spitfire for a second. “Piehole, seriously? Oh who cares… yes yes yes yes yes…” ~~~~~ Dash stretched her hind legs, trotting towards the shower rooms with Lightning Dust. “Well, this was… Strange, but not entirely bad. What about you?” Lightning shrugged, looking down at her metallic hooves and blushing lightly. “I dunno. As long as they can reverse it again, I guess it wasn’t a horrible experience. I’ll just be glad when–“ “Cadet Dash, cadet Dust? Can I talk to you two for a moment in my office?” They turned their heads to see Soarin nodding at them, before turning around to enter the nearest building. Lightning shrugged and followed after him, leaving Rainbow Dash to catch up. They took a moment to reach his office, following the instructor inside and looking around while Rainbow kicked the door shut behind her. Lightning Dust took a step forward, back straight. “You wanted to see us, Sir?” Soarin nodded, sitting down in front of them and spreading his legs. “Indeed, I needed to test something before you end your training for today. Code: Piehole.” Rainbow blinked. “What do you…?” Code: Piehole accepted Loading simulation 003 Setting personality parameters Calibration complete Drone RD-001 trailed off, blinking again before her view moved down and stopped between Soarin’s legs. He was having an erection, growing quickly and already leaking the first drops of precum. Drone RD-001 stepped forward, noticing Drone LD-001 do the same and making room so they could both do their designated duty. She leaned down, starting by gently licking the beads of precum off the tip while Drone LD-001 licked along the side of the shaft, getting some twitches and moans in response. “Ohhhhhh… Oh, this is amazing…” Soarin leaned back, propping himself up with his forelegs behind him and closing his eyes. “Don’t tease now, get working. I’ve been pent up for you don’t know how long.” “Yeth, Siw.” Drone RD-001 pulled her tongue back in, opening her mouth wide and positioning herself right over him to slowly move her head down, taking in about half of his shaft in one go before she stopped. Drone LD-001 made room for her, crouching lower to play with the instructor’s balls instead, licking and sucking on them in turn. Drone RD-001 took a short breath, then lowered herself even further, taking the shaft almost to the hilt and playing along it with her tongue while she started to move up and down in a steady rhythm. “H-haaaahhh~” Soarin bucked against her mouth, his legs trembling already from the combined sensations. “Oh founders, I can’t take this for long… This is unreal! I-I’m going to… to… huh?” He blinked, confused and panting heavily as the sensations stopped without warning, leaving his genitals wet, slick and quickly cooling out in a light breeze. “W-what the hay…?” Mission ‘Piehole’ 50% complete Preparing step 2 Drone RD-001 and Drone LD-001 were standing by the open door, blocking the view from outside and staring blankly ahead as they waited for him to recover. He managed to sit back up again, just in time for them to stop talking in monotone synchronization. “Relaying prerecorded message: 'Nice try, Soarin.' Initiating exit protocol P-01.” They both jumped up, flaring their wings out. “Meep meep! Phhhhhbllthhh.” Soarin watched as they disappeared with blazing contrails, leaving only two pony-shaped clouds of dust in their wake. His left eye twitched in turn with his cock, he himself staying unmoving for a few seconds before he slowly stood up. He took a deep breath, then reared his head towards the ceiling. “SPITFIIIIIIIRE!” ~~~~~ “Drones RD-001 and LD-001 reporting, Ma’am. Mission ‘Piehole’ successfully executed.” Spitfire smirked and nodded. “I heard his scream, yes. Good work, you two.” Mission ‘Piehole’ 100% complete Returning to base personality Drone RD-001 Rainbow Dash blinked, shaking her head and lowering her hoof from the stiff salute it had been in. She didn’t quite remember herself and Lightning Dust arriving at the mares’ showers, though it had been where they were going. Something about Captain Spitfire sitting in front of her seemed not quite right as well, though she couldn’t put her primary on it… “Code: Sweet Pie.” “Wha–“ Rainbow Dash blinked again, looking Code: Sweet Pie accepted Loading simulation 001 Setting personality parameters Calibration complete down at Captain Spitfire and between her spread legs, the Captain’s marehood visibly wet with anticipation. Drone RD-001 stepped forward along with Drone LD-001, leaning down to begin doing their designated duty.