> I'am 120% Cooler! > by DarkMagicEn-Forcer1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 (edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Rainbine P.O.V) (Equestria, Canterlot Royal stone garden, present time) (“Hey, how long have we been trapped in stone for?”) Asked the tomboyish voice in my head for the thousandth time. “About 2,566 years ago Rainbow. You already know how long we've been trapped in here.” I said to Rainbow Dash, who resided in my head. (“But I'm so bored.”) Rainbow whined in my head, to which I sighed in reply. “I know Rainbow, but we are going to have to wait until someone, like or Toy Bonnie and Toy Chica can free us. If they are still alive.” I said, worried. Those two had been with us through thick and thin during the war the ponies had with the griffins. Ever since I first bought them along with my arm cannon from that shady merchant from comic-con (back when I used to be a guy) they had been 100% loyal to me and Rainbow. Which is good, since two days after the war was over, the pair of royal backstabbers decided to betray us by sealing me in stone. Toy Bonnie and Toy Chica were lucky enough to escape before they met the same fate as me. (“I know Rainbine, I just hope it's not that much longer. I have faith they are still alive.”) She said with confidence. (“Hey, have I ever told you how I ended up in your head?”) She asked as she decided to change the subject, and curiosity filled me. “Now that you mention it, no you haven’t told me how that happened at all, due to the fact we were always busy or watching ponies walk by. So care to tell?” I asked Rainbow. But before she could reply, we heard an explosion from one of the castle walls. (“What the hell was that?!”) Rainbow shouted in my head, surprised as we watched a big red and black centaur run past us to the main castle. “That was Tirek. If he’s attacking the castle now, that means we are at the final episode of season 4.” I said excitedly, before sensing Rainbow roll her eyes. (“Good to know, but…. We're still trapped in stone.”) Rainbow said, annoyed. “I know. But I got a gut feeling that we will be freed after Tirek has left the castle to go after Twilight.” I told Rainbow, confident about what I had said. I felt her smiling at this. (“Okay, I'll trust you on this. After all, your gut feelings are never wrong on things like this.”) Rainbow said happily, before waiting for Tirek to leave. --30 minutes later.-- We had just seen Tirek running past us to Ponyville along with Discord before waiting for what will free us from stone. So far nothing happened. (“Agh! Why aren’t we free yet?”) Rainbow groaned, not wanting to be in stone any longer. “Not much longer now Rainbow. We will be free soon enough I can feel it.” I said excited as we see two unicorn guards walking toward us. Once the two guards have gotten close enough to my statue they then look left and right. making sure there's nopony else around. After that they aimed their horns at us and with a quick shot of magic, we were free from the stone prison. (“FREE AT LAST!”) Rainbow shouted out of happiness in my head while I laughed like a madman. I then glanced at the two guards with a big smile. “Thank you for freeing me. But why would two of Celestia’s guards such as yourself want to free someone like me?” I asked, to which the two guards simply grinned at me. “Simple.” Both guards said at the same time as they put a hoof on their faces as a cloud of smoke covers them. Once the cloud had disappeared it left behind two very familiar animatronics. “We were never really on her side.” Said the male blue bunny animatronic, who wore a red bow tie. “Specially after she and her sister betrayed us when sealing you in stone!” Said the female yellow chicken, who wore an apron with the words saying “let's party!” on it. “TOY BONNIE! TOY CHICA!” I shouted in glee, before giving my two animatronic friends a far too long awaited hug, which they returned in kind. We were hugging each other for about 10 minutes before we heard someone yell “halt!” at us. When we broke the hug, we turned to see Shining Armour and about 15 guards slowly running toward us. I wasn't worried about this, since Shining and his guards had been drained of their magic. I tune Shining out after he said “you three are under arrest” and transform my left hand into my cannon and shot his horn, which caused him to fall down, crying in pain like the little bitch he is. I turned to look at my friends with a manic grin. “Five guards each and leave Bitch Armour alive?” I asked Toy Bonnie and Toy Chica, to which they both nodded in agreement before getting out their weapons. Toy Bonnie began firing at his five guards with his red and white mini gun, while Toy Chica blew up hers with her tf2 grenade launcher that fired pink cupcake grenades. As for me, I summoned my wings and rose up in the air, before letting loose a barrage of fire from my cannon at my five guards. Some of the guards tried to get away but they didn’t get too far. After that we stepped outside the garden so I could talk to my friends without Bitch Armour hearing us. (“Why did we only leave that one guard alive but still killed his friends?”) Rainbow asked, no longer bothered about us killing living creatures. “Those 15 guards, like the rest of the guards of this day and age, are weak and useless. With or without magic.” Toy Bonnie answered, whom, as well as Toy Chica, were the only ones, beside myself, who could hear Rainbow when she talked. “The stallion that Rainbine had shot in the horn was Prince Shining Armour. He is Twilight Sparkle’s older brother.” Toy Chica said, which caused Rainbow to gasp in my head as realization struck her. (“He’s this world’s version of Twilight’s brother?”) Rainbow asked, surprised at what Toy Chica had just told her. “Yeah, we don’t want Twilight coming after us to avenge her brother’s death, now do we?” I asked, to which everyone nodded. “Now then. Before we leave Canterlot, let's break into the Princess’s vault and steal some bags of bits and a cake before everyone in Equestria gets their magic back.” I said, before we began to run towards the vault’s location. “Ooh Ooh! Can I leave the Princesses a present in their vault?” Toy Chica asked while blowing up a guard that we ran past with a cupcake grenade. “Of course you can Toy Chica. Just put it in the cake section of the vault.” I told her with a manic grin while Rainbow and Toy Bonnie giggled at what Toy Chica meant by ‘leaving a present’. 10 minutes later We had reached the vault after we had killed god knows many useless guards that got in our way. It only took Toy Bonnie four minutes to make a hole in the vault’s door with his enchanted chainsaw. After that, we entered the vault, before becoming awestruck at the literal tons of big bags of bits and cakes along with a few bags that are labeled strange items. (“Wow. How many bags of bits are you guys going to take?”) Rainbow asked, still awe struck at the scene. “I think 15 bags of bits will be enough for now.” I said, before putting 5 bags in my pocket dimension while the others did the same. I noticed Toy Bonnie placed a bag of strange items in his pocket dimension while Toy Chica grabbed a toffee cake. “Is everyone ready to go?” I asked. “Just putting the present in the perfect spot now.” Toy Chica said as she placed the ‘present’ in the center of all the cakes while Toy Bonnie just nods. (“Then let's get out of here while we still got time.”) Rainbow said and we all nodded in agreement before running out of the vault. As we ran through the castle halls, Toy Bonnie told me and Rainbow about all the upgrades he and Toy Chica had gotten. Those will come in handy for us in the future. When we got outside I summoned my wings once more and took to the air while Toy Bonnie and Toy Chica had to turn on their rocket plates from their hands and feet like Ironman, before they took to the air as well. *Five minutes later* We landed on a cloud after we had flown a good distance away from Canterlot. We looked down below to see Tirek getting hit by the Mane six’s rainbow power beam. After he got hit, all the magic he had stolen began returning to their rightful owners, exluding the dead guard's, as he was sent back to Tartarus. The guards magic just flew into the Everfree. (“Awesome.”) Rainbow said as the Mane six followed the crystal box back to Ponyville where I knew Twilight’s new castle would appear. “It is, isn’t it? But right now, we need to find a place to hide before old Sunbutt and Moonbutt get back to Canterlot.” I said, imagining the look they will have when they see the bodies, and me missing. “Well, how about the old castle of the Royal Pony Sisters, in the Everfree Forest for a place to hide?” Toy Bonnie asked as he pointed to where the castle is from our spot in the sky. “Yeah, it will be the perfect spot to hide and rest up for the night!” Toy Chica said, as she had noticed the sun was starting to go down. “Great idea guys. Let's get going.” I said as we started to fly off to where the old castle stood. (Celestia P.O.V) (Equestria, Canterlot Castle, 10 minutes after returning from Ponyville) “This is horrible.” I said to myself as I followed the path of dead guards from the stone garden, while trying not to throw up at the blood and guts. From what Shining Armour had told me and my sister when we got back from Ponyville, it was that monster Rainbine, and her blue and yellow golems that had caused all these deaths. I knew I should've banished her to Tartarus like I did with those other two monsters and their golem instead of sealing her in stone, like Luna had convinced me to do. But now she is free, thanks to her golems. The path of dead guards ended at the royal vault where some of the guards were investigating on what’s missing from it. I asked one of the guards on what was missing, and he reported that 15 big bags of bits, a bag of strange items, and a toffee cake were gone from the vault. My eyes widened when he said bags of strange items. Whatever plans Rainbine had for those items, they aren't good and she must be captured as soon as possible before she harms my ponies. Just before I was going to write a letter to Twilight, Flash Sentry called me over to the cake section where I heard a beeping noise. Turns out it was a pink cupcake with yellow eyes and a blue candle that was making the sound. When I got close to the cupcake it stop beeping and start playing a recorded message. “I am goin ta kill you and I am *burp*.” Before I could react the cupcake exploded and covered everypony in the vault in cake batter. After I wiped some of the batter off my face so I can see. When I do, I stare in wide eyed horror at what I am seeing. Every last cake in the vault was destroyed. My anger for my destroyed cakes and knowledge of who did it was building. I stomped my front hooves on the ground hard, before raising them up to the air and shouted in rage with the Royal Canterlot Voice. “RAAAAAIIIIIIINNNNNNBIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!” Celestia Vs Rainbine (Third person P.O.V) (Equestria,Tartarus, Night time) Tirek was furious. He had drained the magic from every last pony in Equestria. But then he was defeated by six mares with this unknown rainbow magic and 'friendship'. Now he is back in Tartarus, small and weak again. Only difference is that this time he is in a cage with no doors to get out of. “This isn’t over Princess Twilight Sparkle!” He weakly shouted only to hear silence as he continued his rant. “I have escaped Tartarus once, and I can do it again! Even if it takes me another 1000 years to do it, this cage won't hold me forever!” He yelled as he punched one of the cage’s bars, only to yelp out in pain from hurting his hand. “Oh I believe it will hold you just fine.” Said a soft female voice that contained a little bit of venom in it. The voice had originated from the right side of Tirek’s cage, but when Tirek turned around to see who dared to speak to him in such a foolish manner, his pupils dilated as he stared, eyes filled with horror, at the one creature he had hoped never to see again. “No! Not you again!” He whimpered. Standing right outside his cage was a human girl with really pale yellow skin, bright red hair, her right eye being a teal blue colour while her left eye being red and having red eye shadow around it. She wore a white tank top, dark red skirt with a picture of three butterflies with speakers and blood on their wings, dark red boots, a grey butterfly hair clip and a red and white top hat that looks like it was from the Cat in the Hat. The girl stared at Tirek with a evil smile and a ‘I am going to kill you’ look in her eyes. “Oh what's the matter little guy? Ain’t you happy to see me again?” She cooed in a mocking tone of voice, which made Tirek back against the cage wall in terror. “Like how I feel when I see chains binding me to the ground. Fluttershout.” Tirek said, while trying not to look like he's scared of Fluttershout. Sadly, he failed as Fluttershout's evil smile got bigger at seeing his fear of her. “Aah. What a shame but it's really sweet of you to remember my name.” Fluttershout cooed at Tirek as she gets closer to the cage bars. “Also do you remember what I told you what I would do if I saw your face back in Tartarus again?” She asked, never losing her smile as she saw Tirek’s eyes stink down to pin picks in horror. “N-n-no! Not that! Please have mercy on me!” Tirek begged, which told Fluttershout all she needed to hear from him. “Sorry Tirek. But I am all out of mercy.” Fluttershout said while actually having a sorry look to her face for a few seconds before it went back to her evil smile. “Besides, you've had this coming for a long time.” She added as she took in a deep breath, before letting out a very loud scream, which promptly made Tirek’s head explode. After Fluttershout stopped screaming in order to catch her breath for a minute or two, she stared at Tirek’s headless body lying lifeless on the floor. Which is now covered in his blood and brain matter. “You live alone. You die alone.” Fluttershout said as she gave out a sigh. She didn't like killing but it's one of the things she must do, especially because the Princesses and their ponies don’t have the balls to kill monsters like Tirek. After a minute of staring she picked up a stone and threw it over at a nearby wall. Then she heard a female voice grunt in pain. Fluttershout smiled cheekily as she saw the owner of the voice walk around the edge of the wall rubbing her head while removing some earplugs she had in her ears. She was an anthropomorphic mobian fox with red, brown and cream fur with dark red hair and blue eyes. She wore a black belly top, black belted skirt, black fingerless gloves, black boots, a yellow bow and a belt. At the moment, she was looking at Fluttershout, annoyed. “You could've just walked around the wall and waved at us you know.” Said the mobian fox crossing her arms in annoyance. “Sorry Fiona. But where's the fun in that?” Fluttershout asked cheekily which caused Fiona to shake her head while chuckling at her antics. “You never change, do you Fluttershout?” Fiona said smiling. “So is Tirek dead?” She asked, before she noticed the dead body in the cage behind Fluttershout. “Yeah. He won’t be stealing any magic from anyone ever again.” Fluttershout said with a grin. “Anyways, is Foxy finished with Tirek’s tombstone?” She asked just as a male red fox animatronic, that has a hook and a eye patch like a pirate, came around the wall while holding a rock slab. “Aye. I have done the dead coward’s tombstone like ye’ asked, lass.” Foxy said as he place the rock slab in front of the cage. The words that Foxy had written on the rock slab that is Tirek’s tombstone are as follows. "Here lays the headless body of the evil Lord Tirek He is a friendship hating magic stealer who died forever alone as a virgin. He will not be missed." As the group was starting to laugh at the words that were on on the tombstone, a strange glowing pink crest appeared right under their feet, and before they could react, the crest then turned into a portal and they fell in. Soon afterward the portal then closed but not before it left the echoing sound of a young boy’s laughter. To be Continued > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Castle of the Royal pony sisters’s Throne room, Everfree Forest) It was a day after Rainbine had escape from Canterlot with the help of her two friends Toy Bonnie and Toy Chica. Rainbine was busy looking in the bag of strange items to see if she can find anything useful for her revenge or make the castle more liveable. (“Do you think anything in this bag of old crap can help us?”) Rainbow asked in Rainbine’s head which she just sigh. “There better be some useful in here. If not...well I could always sell them or throw them at bad guys that Sunbitch foolish wipe under the rug before we kill them.” Rainbine said as she pull out a weird looking gem from the bag and hears a message. “I am Asphyxious. The iron lich. If you need my aid, just take this token and call my name.” “What the hell is a Asphyxious?” Both Rainbow and Rainbine said at the same time as Rainbine drop the gem from out surprise as she only used to hearing Rainbow’s voice in her head. That when a portal opens and strange music plays, then a guy walks out with a tail. “You rang?” He asked with a smile. The first thing she noticed was he had one eye, white hair and a tail. He was also taller than her. “Who the hell are you? Some kind pirate wannabe?” Rainbine asked as she had her arm cannon ready just in case if the guy in front of her is hostile. (“And why does he sound like a pervert?) Rainbow asked in Rainbine’s head. “I’m not a pervert, also looks like Sombra has someone to talk to now.” The man said giving Rainbine a annoyed look. “I get enough of that from Katily.” (“Wait you can hear me?!”) Rainbow said in a surprise tone of voice. “We both can you foolish mare.” Replied a voice in Asphyxious head. (“Who is that and why do you sound like my old math teacher before he got fired?) Rainbow asked confused but excited that somebody else can hear her. “Forgive me. My name is Asphyxious Hellbringer. And you’re a displaced of some kind… Never meet someone with two voices in there head before.” Asphyxious said as he crossed his arms. “Well I am awesome like that.” Rainbine said pruffing her small chest in pride but then look at Asphyxious in confusion. “The name is Rainbine by the way and what the hell is a displace?” She asked just as Toy Bonnie and Toy Chica step into the room with a bag of apples in hand. “Let me ask, do you remember buying something from someone before waking up here?” Asphyxious asked, calmly before seeing the other two. “Oh there more of you.” “Yes I do remember that happening. I use to be a guy before I came here and these two use to be small action figures I brought from the bastard that sold me this arm cannon.” Rainbine said sadly as her arm cannon transform back into her hand. “Trust me, you're not the only ones this asshole has done this to.” Asphyxious replied as he took a set. “Is Rainbow living inside you head to?” (“Yeah. I'm in here. I am the Equestria Girl version of me as Rainbine had put it.”) Rainbow answer Asphyxious’s question happily. (“I have been in here, in her head ever since I was sucked in a portal while looking for some missing students at Canterlot High.”) She still sounding excited. “That must of been hard for both of you.” Asphyxious replied. “If I knew a way to separate you two safely I would help. But I’ll look into it and see if I can get you both your own bodies.” “Well we have gotten use to it and we are fine being together like this.” Rainbine said with a blush. “Those you do sometimes want a bigger chest.” Toy Chica said cheekily which made Rainbine blushed hardy at the comment while Toy Bonnie was laughing. “I think you look fine just the way you are.” Asphyxious replied as he saw his token on the floor, then picked it up. “So want some help making a token of your own?” “What’s a token?” Rainbine asked in confusion as she manage to stop blushing. “A token is a means for displaced to get in contact with each other. As you saw with mine, we can call on them for help or just to hang out.” Asphyxious explained, as he was talking Rainbow asked Rainbine something. “Ok. I think I got an idea for a token. Hey Toy Bonnie plus me my guitar.” Rainbine said to Toy Bonnie who open up his chest and pull out a black with green lightning guitar with a picture of a rabbit and a pink cupcake with eyes on it. “Would this do?” She asked Asphyxious while holding the guitar. “Cool, just put some power into it and leave a message.” Asphyxious said, he looked around at the old castle. “Ok. Let’s see now.” Rainbine said as she hold the guitar like she was about to play it. “Yo this is Rainbine here and if you got trouble from bad guys or those who betrayed your loyalty just call me and I will put a bullet in their head.” Rainbine said her massage as a portal open up and suck the guitar in after it closed. “How is that?” She asked. “That work, So what happening in this equestria? Did you piss off sunbutt or something?” Asphyxious asked, as he played with a deck of cards looking through them. “More like the Sunbitch piss us off by betraying us just days after the war with the griffins over a 1000 years ago.” Rainbine said with anger. “What did she do?” He asked looking at a card with some kind of dragon on it. “We was her most loyal soldiers in the war. But then afterward she said our usefulness is no longer needed freaks and she put Rainbine in stone while me and Toy Chica manage to get away.” Toy Bonnie said angrily as he start shooting a wall with his red and white minigun. “Hmmm, sounds strange. She just snap like that overnight, maybe she under some kind of mind control spell or something?” Asphyxious asked rubbing his chin. “Nah. She was planning to get rid of us by sending us to this world’s hell like she did with another human that came before. I Know because I was looking into her diary after her betrayal. It was only by Luna that Rainbine got stoned instead of being sent to hell.” Toy Chica answer sound mad herself. “Wow, your human equestria is fucked up.” Asphyxious replied, as he put the cards away.. “So need me for anything else?” “It’s pony Equestria actually. And I suppose these something you could help us with.” Rainbine said as she place her hand on her chin in thought. (“Any chance you got a map of Equestria?”) Rainbow asked. Asphyxious then looked into his echo and looked around for a map. He then pulled out small device that made a holo map of equestria. “Sonay made this so I would not get lost, I swear that dragon worries too much.” Asphyxious said as he handed the map over to them. “Try and make some friends here, they can help you out.” “Thank you. With this map I could now hunt down all the bad guys that Sunbitch or the Mane Six had foolishly wipe under the rug like They did by placing Tirek back under the rug yesterday.” Rainbine said happily. “Wouldn’t it be five? Seeing as you’re here. Also, explain into detail what your talking about because you lost me on where we are.” Asphyxious asked, giving her a blank look. (“I am the human Rainbow Dash. The pony me is here in this world.”) Rainbow said to Asphyxious like she was talking to a child. “You know I could take that map back?” He said in a deadpan manner. “So just so I understand… Human Celestia, sent you here… And then you got stoned after fighting in a war. Am I understanding this right?” “It’s pony Celestia that stoned us. The only other human that was some girl name Fluttershout.” Rainbine answered. “So she was the one who betrayed you… Right?” Asphyxious asked, making sure he has all the facts. “Where have I heard those names before?” “Who knows. But we are planning to kill some bad guys and then put a bullet in the Sunbitches’s head for betraying our loyal.” Rainbine said as she fire her arm cannon at Celestia’s old throne. “You know… firing off your weapons like that, just going to make it easier for them to find you right?” Asphyxious asked, looking at the destroyed set. “They are still recovering from Tirek’s attack while old Sunass is still cleaning herself from what remains of her cake vault I blew up.” Toy Chica said while a cupcake shape bomb. “Toy Chica sometimes act like the TF2 Demoman when it comes to bombs.” Toy Bonnie said with a facepalm. “Hmmm, well I guess I should explain how to send a displaced home after calling them. If you want to send a displaced back home, just say there name and our contract is complete.” Asphyxious explained. “Ok. Before I do is there any Displace we should watch out for?” Rainbine asked. “Not that I can think of. Oh there is a Dark Magician Girl displaced who loves to prank and be a pain in the ass, she a dragon now.” Asphyxious replied like it was not a big deal. “Hmm. She sound like someone to partner up when pulling pranks.” Rainbine said with a evil grin. “Just be careful, she like to call everyone a pervert.” Asphyxious added with a sigh. “Well, at lest she called me by my name when I summoned her.” (I wonder why she call you a pervert?”) Rainbow said with a small giggle. “Katily and her boyfriend had the power to spy on displaced. Make of that what you will.” He replied bluntly. “As long as they don’t try to stop us from killing our Celestia then I got no problem of them spying on us.” Rainbine with a shrug. “Anyway I will call you if need help or just hang. So Asphyxious our contact is complete.” Rainbine said. Asphyxious gave a nod as a portal opened and started to walk into it. (“Catch you later handsome perv.) Rainbow said happily. Asphyxious gave a grunt of annoyance. “Well… At lest she called me handsome.” Asphyxious said as the portal closed behind him. “Well that fun.” Toy Bonnie said as he noticed Toy Chica was giggling a bit. “Don’t tell me you slip a prank cake in his pocket.” Toy Bonnie said annoyed. “Ok I won’t.” Toy Chica said as Toy Bonnie just facepalmed again. A small portal opened up as a cartoon dragon walked out with a cake in it claws, it smiled before eating it. The explosion went off making it belly huge like a balloon. The cartoon dragon looked dizzy as it walked back into the portal. “Aww nuts and bolts.” Toy Chica said disappointed at her fail prank. “Ok funny time is over. So get down to bad guy hunting.” Rainbine said while open the map up for all of them to look. “So which one are we going for?” Toy Bonnie asked while looking at the map. “I know just the one to go for first.” Rainbine said while pointing to a town that looks like a equal sign. “What are all these other places?” Asked toy Bonnie. “Don’t know. But we will find out later after we take out Starlight Glimmer.” Rainbine answered Toy Bonnie’s question. (So we are going after the leader of some silly cult?”) Rainbow asked sounding eager for a kill. “Yes. So we need to be ready to go in a few days time.” Rainbine said as three begin to prepare to end a cult. To be continue. > Chapter 3 (crossover with I'am the Eggman) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Rainbine P.O.V) (near Our Town) It took us a day or two to this equal cultist-filled town. We had to take some time leaving the Everfree Forest while making sure nobody saw us. Then it was only a matter of time for us to follow the map we got from that pervy Lich guy by air. And when Our Town came into view we turned invisible so none of the cultists could spot us when we landed behind a house. “Is this the right place?” Toy Chica asked quietly as we became visible again. “Yes this is the right place. Since it’s in the middle of nowhere and it’s shaped like an equal sign when you look at it from a high enough place.” Toy Bonnie quietly answered after checking the map while I took a look around the corner to see if any town ponies/cultists were walking by. “Plus all the town ponies I can see have all got the same equal sign cutie marks, the same big smiles, the same manes and tails styles and they all have both horns and wi-. Wait. What the fuck?!” I quietly yelled in surprise as I wiped my eyes before looking again to see what I saw was real. Which is real. All the town ponies/cultists are all alicorns. (“You didn’t tell me that the equality cultists are all alicorns.”) Rainbow said in my head surprised. “That's because they weren't. In the show at least.” I said to Rainbow as we quietly moved from building to building in order for us to get to the Acclimation House where the Mane Six are being held. “So if in this world the cultist became alicorns when their cutie marks are removed.” Toy Chica said as we kept moving. “Then the Mane Six are more at risk of being brainwashed into joining the cult.” Toy Bonnie said, sounding a bit worried. “That will not happen. As long as we are here we can do our best to make sure the event in this town plays out like in the show.” I said to my friends while I was thinking up a plan. (“By that you mean make sure Fluttershy sees Starlight’s fake equal cutie mark and fake wings?”) Rainbow asked me as I mentally nodded as we reached behind the Acclimation House where there is a small window for us to look into. There we can see the Mane Six are even standing or sitting around. All six of them have the equal sign cutie marks, their colours are dulled and lucky enough Twilight is still the only alicorn in that house at least for now. We can’t hear what the six mares are saying to each other due to what the speakers in the corners of the room are saying. “In the sameness, there is peace. Exceptionalism is a lie. Free yourself from your cutie mark. Choose equality as your special talent. Difference is frustration. To excel is to fail. Be your best by never being your best. Conformity will set you free. Accept your limitations, and happiness will follow. You're no better than your friends.“ That was all we could hear from those speakers as they repeated those words over and over again. But we focus more on the Mane Six and watch them do what they are doing like it was in the show with some difference. When Rarity was talking about how bad the window curtains were and Fluttershy said she likes them which caused Rarity’s equal mark to glow to make her like them too. We saw Rarity’s mane and tail become less fancy curl as it became shorter. We also saw two bumps on her back which tells us that Rarity is slowly starting to grow wings. When Fluttershy tries to talk to a bird that was at a window and her equal mark glows making her unable to understand what the bird is saying. We saw her mane and tail get a little bit shorter along with getting a bump in the middle of her forehead which tells us that Fluttershy is starting to grow a horn. When Applejack failed to bucked the door down and can’t think of a cowboy saying due to her equal mark had glow just now. We saw the little red ribbons on her mane and tail disappeared as it got a bit shorter. Plus we saw Applejack is starting to grow a horn and wings if the bumps on her head and back was anything to go by. When Pinkie Pie tried to cheer everyone up only for her cheerfulness to be dull down a bit after her equal mark glowed. Her mane and tail became a little less poofy and a bit shorter along with getting the bumps on her head and back. “Not good. Four of them have just started to become equalised alicorns.” Whisper a worried Toy Chica which I rolled my eyes at her concern. “Not to worry. As long as we make sure Fluttershy sees Starlight’s real cutie mark under her fake equal mark before she is fully equalised. Then it should play out like in the show.” I said to my friends with confidence that everything is going to play out okay. “And how are we going to do that?” Toy Bonnie asked me not sure on how we are going to pull this off. At the same time Pinkie’s equal mark glow again dulling more of the party pony’s cheerfulness and making her mane and tail even shorter and less poofy, While the bumps on her back and head got bigger. (“Do you two still have those core thingy that bearded pony gave you?”) Asked Rainbow Dash. “Of course we still have our magic cores. How else did you think we would create equipment we need to hide right under Sunbutt’s nose after all these years?” Toy Bonnie said, poofing his metal chest in pride. “Plus with all the cakes she has been eating we could hide behind her fat ass.” Toy Chica joked which we all quietly giggled at Celestia’s huge butt. “Good because I got a plan.” I said as I began to explain the plan to my friends. Which took most of the night before we fell asleep. (The next morning) We awoke from our spot behind the Acclimation House after a night of planning. I was thankful that nobody from town came to look at what's behind the building during that time. “Ok. Do you all remember the plan we made last night?” I had asked my friends which they have nodded to tell me they do remember. “Good. Now let’s check on the Mane Six before we begin.” I said as I took a look in the window of the Acclimation House. It seems the six mares had changed a little more during the night. For Twilight her mane and tail have gotten a little shorter with her mane starting to change to one of the styles the cultist mares has theirs. For Fluttershy her mane and tail have become shorter than last time with her tail becoming the same styles as the cultist’s tails. Her bump that is on her forehead had become a small horn. From the looks of it the horn size is the same as a 4 year old unicorn colt or filly. For pony Rainbow Dash her mane and tail had become shorter and less cool. The bump on her forehead has become a horn that's size is the same as a 1 year old colt or filly. For Rarity her mane and tail had become short enough that it had lost it’s fancy curls she likes to have them in. The two bumps on her back have become a pair of pegasus wings. Their size is the same as a 5 year old pegasus colt or filly. For Applejack her mane and tail have become shorter while the back of her mane has split into two halves as it’s at the beginning of forming the pigtails style the same style as some of the cultist mares have. The bump on her forehead and the bumps on her back have become a horn and a pair of wings the same size as a 4 year old unicorn and pegasus colt or filly. And finally for Pinkie Pie who has changed the most out of the six mares her mane and tail has gotten even shorter and a lot less puffy than before with her mane in the shape of a puffy version of the pigtail style the cultist mares have. Her bumps become a horn and a pair of wings that are the same size as a 15 year old unicorn and pegasus colt or filly. (“Oh no. Pinkie is going to be the first to become one of the Equal cultists!”) Rainbow said in a panic in my head as I rolled my eyes. “It won’t matter if Pinkie is the first or not. Because as long as Toy Bonnie can slow down Fluttershy’s brainwashing long enough that she does her part like in the show. Then everything will be ok.” I said to ensure Rainbow which she gave a relaxed sigh. “Yeah and Toy Chica will keep an eye on the others and slow down Twilight’s brainwashing as well.” Toy Bonnie said in agreement while Toy Chica was laying on a sunchair that she had gotten out of nowhere. “Great. Now all I have to do is to go to the cave Starlight would use to escape from the Mane Six and set a trap.” I said with confidence that our plan will work out just fine. After all, almost all of my plans we made during the war work out alright. I then took a quick look in the window to see the Mane six are now making the same plan that they did on the show. With Pinkie jumping in cheer only to get dull down even more as her equal mark glows again making her horn and wings bigger while her mane and tail gets even less poofy as it looks more of the pigtail style the cultists have. Just when I turn around to say something to my friends I hear a voice in my head and it wasn’t Rainbow it was someone else. “Rainbine. I the great Dr Eggman needs your help for a mission.” After that I realized it was a displace that was calling for my help. Talk about bad timing but my plan can still work without me. “Ok. A little change in our plan. I am being summoned by a Displace right now. So Toy Chica I would need you to quickly get to the cave and set the trap and come back here as quick as possible without being spotted.” I said as a portal opened right below my feet and I fell in. “You can count on us captain.” Toy Chica said as the portal closed. (Third P.O.V) (Dr Eggman’s Equestria) (Death Egg's control room) Minutes after Dr Eggman played the guitar token a portal had opened up from the ceiling and Rainbine fell out and landed on her feet. The rainbow haired cyborg then had a quick look at the room she is in before facing Dr Eggman himself with a raised eyebrow. “You rang Doctor?” She asked as she noticed Eggman’s Pinkie walking off with a bag filled with bits leaving behind an annoyed Twilight, Orbot and Cubot. “I am guessing you want my help to take over your Equestria and rule it with an iron fist?” She asked the doctor to raise an eyebrow at the doctor. “Help take over Equestria yes. But I will be ruling it not with an ironfist like the real Eggman/Robotnik would but to fix it’s harmony that the Princess’s never bothered to fix.” Dr Eggman answered with a small frown. While Rainbine just stared at him confused at what he meant by fixing harmony. So she tips her head to the side as her way of wanting him to explain which the Doctor got the message as he starts explaining to her. (A few minutes of explaining later.) After Eggman explains everything to Rainbine, she turns to look around the room for 30 second thinking before looking back at the Doctor with a grin. “Ok Doc. I will help you on this mission.” Rainbine said which made Eggman smile at the answer. He was about to say something but Rainbine raised a finger to cut him as she continued. “But I would like something in return for my help.” She added as she waited for Eggman’s response. “Well I did reward some other displace I had summoned for helping me with a mission. So sure. I will have something made for you while we are taking over Ponyville and Canterlot.” Eggman said as he began to lead Rainbine to the hanger bay. (Fluttershout P.O.V) (Hers and Rainbine’s Equestria badlands Not far off of the Changeling kingdom) “Ok Vectrix. How much longer until this friend of yours shows up?” I asked our displacer who was the one that got me and my friends out of tartarus and had us visit an anthro Equestria for a short time. “Patience my top hat wearing friend. She should be here right about now.” Vectrix answered as he pointed to the trees that are behind us. But who or what came out of the trees had taken me and my friends by surprise as it was a changeling queen. “So ye friend is a Changeling Queen? Is she our world version of Chrysalis?” Foxy asked out of confusion as this changeling queen looks completely different from what Chrysalis normally looks like. For example, she doesn’t have any holes in her long legs, mane and wings. Her chitin is colour amber gold, her mane and tail is a mix of black and yellow colours and her eyes look like normal pony eyes with a magenta colour. “Please do not mistake me for that disgrace of a Changeling Queen.” The changeling queen said while glaring at the animatronic who looked back at her sheepishly. “Allow me to introduce you three to Queen Honeycomb. Queen of the Sweethoney changelings and a member of the Changeling High Council.” Vectrix said in a showy kind of manner. Which I just roll my eyes at him while I bow a little at Honeycomb in respect. “High Council huh? So I will take it that there are more than two Changeling hives out there?” Fiona asked out of curiosity of there being more changeling hives. “Indeed there are more hives out there. The Changeling High Council is very top secret and it is made up of every changeling queen or king of every hive in the world. Well..almost every hive.” Honeycomb said but with venom on the last part. Which I have a pretty good guess on who’s hive she is talking about. “I take it Chrysalis isn’t a member of the council?” I asked the queen that she gave me a nod to confirm what I was guessing. “She was never a member to begin with. Her greed for power has twisted hers and her changelings bodies to match her black heart.” Honeycomb said with a frown before she started to growl. “But what she did at the wedding in Canterlot has not only disgraced our whole races but now the ponies only see us as monsters.” She added while it sounded like a rant to me I now understand why she hates Chrysalis so much. “If ye and the other councillors hate her so much then why not just kill her?” Foxy asked as it was a simple thing to do but when Honeycomb shook her head as a way of saying it wasn’t. “We can’t. It’s against our law of the council for a hive can’t invade another for whatever the reason. That’s why we have been debating for months on how to deal with that witch. So far we came up with nothing for as long as Chrysalis remains in her kingdom we can’t lay a single hoof on her.” Honeycomb said growling before she calmed herself down. “So you want us to kill Chrysalis for you guys?” Fiona asked with raised eyebrows. “Yes. Your Displacer here came to us saying that you three can get into that hive and end that witch. But the question is.” Honeycomb said as she lowered her head in respect to us as she continued. “We three end the disgrace Chrysalis for us?” She asked us to sound very hopeful. I turn to look at Fiona and Foxy who gave me nods of agreement before I look back at Honeycomb. “Sure. We will kill the bitch for you guys. But what about her subjects?” I asked, not sure if we should kill them with Chrysalis or not. “You can knock her subjects out but don’t kill them. They are only obeying her because they fear her.” Honeycomb said sadly. “Oh and you might want to destroy her throne as well. That thing stops any magic users except for changelings from using any magic in that bitch’s kingdom.” She added as an afterthought. “Uh-Wouldn’t that throne also stop me from using my powers as well?” I asked to make sure I wouldn’t be helpless once inside the hive. “Just leave that part to me.” Vectrix said with a chuckle and for some reason it made me feel like I am going to regret it later on. (Toy Chica P.O.V) (Mountain cave) It’s been an hour and a half since Rainbine had left to help another Displace out for something. And during that time things in Our Town are going just like in the show but with Toy Bonnie secretly following Fluttershy just as planned. Right now I just finished setting up trapped inside the cave Starlight would be using to escape from the Mane Six. “I can’t wait to see the look that bitch will have when she falls for this.” I said to myself with pride as I left the cave. “Now it’s time for me to get back to that town to keep an eye on Twilight and the others.” I added as I use a teleport spell back to behind the house the girls are in. After I got back I sure none of the cultists had seen the flash of my teleporting. These cultist’s IQs must be very low for none of them to come check behind the buildings. Anyway I then looked into Acclimation House’s window and casted the slowdown spell on Twilight in order to slow down the brainwashing that is affecting her. Thankfully nobody in the room has noticed me casting the spell. Which is good because I can keep on spying on them and see how much they have changed. Since there are only five of them still in the house, six if you count the stallion cultist that was dragged back into this building, I will be texting Toy Bonnie about how much Fluttershy has changed later today. So let’s see how much these five mares have changed so far. Ok let’s see now. From looking at Twilight I can see that her tail has fully changed to the style the cultists mares have theirs. The other part of her that had changed is her mane but only by a little more from the last time I checked. Now it looks a little more of the same style that cultists mare, Night Glider, had. I do hope my spell had slowed the brainwashing down just long enough that things play out just like Rainbine said it should. The next pony I checked on is Rarity. Her tail is about half or more way to be fully changed while her mane has stopped getting shorter and the back is starting to tire itself in a bun style like the town’s baker has her’s. Her wings have now gotten to the size of a 15 year old pegasus’s wings. Next up is the pony Rainbow Dash. From what I can tell her tail is about 3 quarters away from being fully changed, the same goes with her mane. Which it looks like it’s changing to the same style Twilight’s mane is becoming. Her horn is now the size of an 11 year old unicorn horn. “I wonder how pissed the Rainbow in Rainbine’s head will get if she finds out that her pony counterpart got fully equalized while those two are out?” I thought to myself as I turn my focus on the farm mare. Applejack’s tails have fully changed like Twilight’s tail is while her mane is halfway changed to the pigtail styles like Pinkie’s. Plus she is no longer wearing her trademark hat along with her horn and wings are now the size of a 15 years horn and wings. And finally there is Pinkie Pie. The one I was worried about was her being the first to become one of them. Her tail is fully changed just like her mane has fully become the pigtails style some of those cultists have. Her horn and wings are now fully sized like Twilight’s are. Right now she looks like she is in the final stages of being equalised if her glowing equal mark and swirly eyes with a small smile was anything to go by. “I knew it.” I said to myself quietly as I looked away from the window and sat down on the ground. “I just hope the plan works by the time Rainbine gets back.” (Third P.O.V) (Death Egg’s hangar) On the way to the hangar, with an Egg-Carrier ready and waiting, both Eggman and Rainbine have a discussion about the upcoming mission. “So do you understand what you got to do in Ponyville?” Dr Eggman asked Rainbine who just rolled her eyes at the question. “Yeah yeah I know. I help your bots and borgs in taking over Ponyville and if there’s any guards in that town I can shoot to disable not kill them.” Rainbine said borely while Eggman just nodded and then showed the rainbow hair cyborg to an Egg-Carrier that is ready for take off. “Good. Now take this Egg-Carrier to Ponyville to begin the mission and remember to disable not kill.” Dr Eggman said as he walked off to get out of the hangar. While Rainbine just rolled her eyes again, after being reminded of what she shouldn’t do, as she flies inside the Egg-Carrier as it took off out of the hangar. (Rainbine P.O.V) (Egg-Carrier) (Half an hour later) (“Are we there yet?”) Rainbow asked from inside my head borely for about the fourth time during our time inside the Egg-Carrier. “Not much longer now Rainbow. Once this ship is in Ponyville’s air space we can begin to do our part.” I said Rainbow as I was standing in the Egg-Carrier’s command centre looking at the many robots and cyborgs at work. “Talking to your A.I I see?” Asked a robotic female voice that came from behind me. When I turned around to see it was a robot I remember seeing in a comic book issue of Sonic but I have completely forgotten it’s name. “Uh.. More like I am talking to someone who got trapped in my head ever since I got Displaced.” I answered her question before I asked my own. “My name is Rainbine. What’s yours?” “I am E.T.M.1 Mecha Sally. I am the leader of a strike force named Team Metal and I am in charge of this mission my creator has summoned you to help with.” Mecha Sally said in a no nonsense robotic tone of voice. “I assume he told you what you have to do for the mission?” She asked while she was just there staring at me. Which is a little bit creepy if you ask me. “Yeah. He told me to disable only any to all of the royal guards I can find in Ponyville.” I answered Mecha Sally’s question which she nodded at me aprovely. Then she stepped forward and gave me some kind of bracelet. “What’s this for?” I asked, looking at the thing. “This device will allow you to be able to use your powers, while inside the anti-magic dome that we are placed on Ponyville.” Mecha Sally explained. “My creator had made these just in case the anti-magic dome affects the next displace he summons.” She added which makes some sense to me. After all there alot of magic using displace out there. “I guess that makes sense. I don’t want to risk becoming a sitting duck because of you guy’s dome thing.” I said as I put the bracelet on my left arm. After that I then notice a cyborg diamond dog walk up to Mecha Sally with a datapad in his robotic paw-hand. “Commander Mecha Sally. We are now right above Ponyville and from the look of things there seemed to be more guards down there.” The cyborg diamond dog said as he let Mecha Sally have a look at his datapad. After she looked at the pad for 10 second she then looked back at the dog and gave him a nod. “Excellent work Digger. Now go tell the others to activate the anti-magic dome and begin the invasion of Ponyville” Mecha Sally ordered Digger which he nodded at her and ran off while Mecha Sally looked back at me. “As for you. Go down to Ponyville to do what the creator had summoned you for.” She ordered me to go to the nearest ship exit. It's about time I get some action after all. (“So many guards do you think is down there?”) Rainbow asked me as I headed to an exit hatch that some flying robots and cyborgs are using. “Don’t know but hopefully there will be lots of them down there. Wouldn’t want our time here to be too short now do we.” I said to Rainbow as I left the ship and flew down to Ponyville with the rest of Eggman’s guys. (“True. So let’s get to work already.”) Rainbow said as I landed on the ground in Ponyville. When I look around and I can already see the town ponies running around in a panic while some of Eggman’s robots are catching some of them. “Yeah. Let the fun begin.” I said as my hand transformed into my arm cannon and started to shoot at any guards I came across. In order for me to keep my word of disabling the guards but not kill them I just shoot the weapons out their hands or in the legs. That way it will make it easy for one of Eggman’s bots to round up. (“This is too easy.”) Rainbow said an hour into the battle and there were still more guards fighting Eggman’s robots even without their magic. “Yeah. The royal guards are useless no matter what world we are in. Let’s just fin-.” I wasn’t able to finish that sentence as I had dodge an incoming sword swing. Once I got far enough away from my attacker I then looked to see it was this world’s Princess Luna. “If you think you can take Ponyville then think again.” Luna said with a glare as she came charging at me with her sword. Of course I didn’t just stand there and so I started avoiding her sword swings. (“Aren’t you going to shoot her already?”) Rainbow asked me why I haven’t started firing at Luna yet. “She is wearing a lot of armour and less spots to disable her with. I can’t get a good aim if she keeps charging at me with her sword.” I answered as I avoided another sword swing. (“Then why don’t you try shooting her from up high in the air?”) Rainbow asked while I mentally slapped myself not doing that in the first place. I should realize sooner that Luna can’t fly due the dome is stopping her from using the pegasus part of her alicorn magic to fly. After I dodged another sword swing I then unfolded my wings and took to the air. But before I got to high Luna managed to grab both of my legs and before I could react she then slammed me onto the ground hard. “Ouch. That could've gone better.” I groaned as Luna pinned me to the ground with her left foot. “Surrender demon or die!” Luna demanded as she had her sword ready to cut my head off. “You can kiss my ass Moonbutt!” I said back to Luna pridefully as I prefer to die then surrendering to a noble or royal. (“Can’t we talk about this?”) Rainbow said even when Luna can’t hear her as she got even more mad. “So be it demon.” Luna said as she brought the sword down as I closed my eyes bracing for the pain before death. But it didn’t come. Instead I heard the sound of metal hitting metal. When I opened my eyes I saw Mecha Sally was blocking Luna’s sword with her arm blades. “Thanks for saving my bacon Mecha Sally.” I said as Mecha Sally pushes Luna away from me so I can get back up. “You are my creator’s friend from another world. It would look bad on me if you had died under my watch.” Mecha Sally said as she charged Luna with her arm blades. (“Thanks.”) Rainbow said, sounding unsure at Mecha Sally’s reason. “Well whatever her reason for saving us is it doesn’t matter. Right now she is giving us a chance to shoot Luna.” I said as I went back to the air and waited until the two lock blades with each other. It only took 10 seconds for the two lock blades. (“Fired now!”) Rainbow yelled as I fired at the back of Luna’s left leg. “ARGH!!” Luna yelled in pain right before Mecha Sally punched her in the face and knocked her out cold. “Excellent shot Rainbine.” Mecha Sally said as her blades went back into her arms just as a couple of swat bots showed up. “Commander. The takeover of Ponyville has been completed.” Said one of the Swat bots. “Awaiting for a higher up to speak with the ponies here.” Said the other one as Mecha Sally nodded in approval. “Excellent. Now please take Princess Luna to a robotizer that’s back on the Egg-Carrier. Once she is a robot, bring her to Canterlot as soon as Dr Eggman gives the word that the Capital of Equestria is taken over.” Mecha Sally ordered the two Swat bots who picked up the out colded Luna and took off without another word. “So what do I do now Mecha Sally?” I asked her which was about to answer when she got a call on the coms from Eggman or Orbot. After two to three minutes Mecha Sally ended the call and then answered me. “You can take the Egg-Carrier to Canterlot right now. Orbot said that Dr Eggman took over Canterlot and had Princess Celestia robotized.” Mecha Sally said to me and I nodded before giving a wave goodbye and flying off the Egg-Carrier. (“That was fast. I guess time really does fly when we are being awesome.”) Rainbow said as I responded with an eye roll at her brag while getting in the Egg-Carrier just leaving for Canterlot. (third person P.O.V) (Death Egg Hanger) (20 minutes later) While Eggman’s forces begin preparing a party for their latest victory Eggman and Rainbine meet up in the Death Egg Hanger for the last time. “I take it that your mission in Ponyville went well?” Dr Eggman asked while pressing some buttons on his datapad. “It went pretty well. If it wasn’t for Mecha Sally I don’t think I would still have a head on right now.” Rainbine said while rubbing the back of her head. “It's good to hear Rainbine. Now if you are so kind as to follow me? Your reward should be ready on the other side of the hanger.” Dr Eggman said as he started to lead Rainbine there. Minutes later the two were at the other side of the hanger now looking at a black and green Egg-Carrier. Rainbine just stared at it with a jaw drop look to her face. (“It looks so awesome.”) Rainbow said while Rainbine was busy picking up her jaw from seeing their new ship. “This ship has everything you would need to avoid or attack your Celestia. Weapons, food, beds, drinks, meds-” Dr Eggman continues listing things off while Rainbine still stared at her new ship. (“Are you listening to what he is saying about our new ship?”) Rainbow asked, wondering if Rainbine was paying attention or not. “Yeah I am listening.” Rainbine said just as Dr Eggman finished listing things about the ship. “Right now it’s time for us to part ways until next time Rainbine. So thanks for little help.” Dr Eggman said as he and Rainbine shake hands. “It’s no problem Dr Egghead. I will see you around.” Rainbine said right before she flies into her Egg-Carrier while Dr Eggman looks a little annoyed. “It’s Eggman but whatever. Our contract is complete.” Dr Eggman said as Rainbine and her Egg-Carrier disappears in a flash of light. (Rainbine P.O.V) (Egg-Carrier’s control room) After the flash that happened I got in my Egg-Carrier’s control room I found out that I am now back in my Equestria. With my ship now flying around the snowy mountains that are near Our Town. “Aaah. It feels great to be back in our world.” I said while enjoying the view from the window. (“Plus having this sweet new ride is going to make our lives easier.”) Rainbow said happily in my head which I agree 100%. “Yes it will. But right now it’s time to check back in with the others.” I said as I turned on my comms to call Toy Chica and Toy Bonnie. “Hey guys I am back.” “Hey Rainbine and Rainbow. You came back just in time.” Toy Chica said happily with an echoey sound to her voice. She must be hiding in the cave Starlight is going to run into. “Starlight is now being chased by four of the town ponies as we speak.” Toy Bonnie said with amusement in his voice. “And before you ask. Yes the town ponies got their cutie marks back and they no longer are alicorns.” He added which was good. “That’s good. Now I got a sweet new ride from a new friend. So I need to change the plan a little bit.” Said as I begin to explain the changes to the plan. (A couple of minutes later near the cave.) I am now above the cave’s entrance while using the snow for cover. While Toy Bonnie has now joined Toy Chica inside the cave. From my point of view I can see Starlight standing off against four of the town ponies and the Mane six. Who has just showed up by teleport after they got their cutie marks back and with Twilight being the only alicorn of the group again. (“So when is Starlight going to run into that cave?”) Rainbow whispered in my head. Not wanting to take the chance that pony Rainbow can hear her too. “Any minute now Rainbow. Just let it play out like it did in the show.” I whispered back to Rainbow just as the ponies finished talking with Starlight firing a magic bolt and with Twilight blocking it with a magic shield. This has caused a flash that lasted long enough for Starlight to escape into the cave. “Now is the time.” I said as I removed my snow cover. “She’s getting away!” Pony Rainbow yelled as everyone could see again and notice Starlight had escaped. “We'll never find her in there!” Double Diamond, one of the four town ponies, said while pointing into a cave. I just rolled my eyes since none of them have tried to go after her. Like it matters anyway. “Oh don’t worry about it. She won’t get far.” I said which got the ponies attention toward me. But before any of the ponies could say anything they all jump in fright from the fnaf 2 jumpscare scream in the cave. “Perfect.” “What was that?!” Asked Fluttershy, while holding on to Pinkie Pie. “ Oh it’s just my pals saying hello to that cult leader before catching her.” I said smugly. “Your pals?” Asked Rainbow, while Twilight was glaring at Rainbine. “That’s right. And we're going to have some fun with her.” I said with an evil giggle before noticing Twilight. “What with the glare?” I asked. “You better hope when this is all over the princess will lock you away before I can get to you.” Twilight growled before being pushed away by Applejack. “Could ya’ll give us a moment?” Applejack asked. “Oh sure. No problem.” I said with a crazy smile. “You do know you almost killed her brother right?” Asked Pinkie pie in a deadpan tone. “He should be thankful that I shot his horn off aren’t like those worthless guards of this year.” I said with disappointment. “You are aware unicorns can’t use magic without their horns right?” Asked Rainbow dash, who could see Aj and Twilight talking. (“He would still be bad at his job anyway.”) The Rainbow who in my head said back. “I heard that!” Yelled Rainbow, while everypony looked at her confused. “Oh so you can hear her too airhead.” I said as I expected she would be able to. “Her who? Wasn’t that you just now?” Asked Rainbow Dash. When Twilight and Applejack walked back. “Oh just someone that’s 120% cooler than you.” I said as human Rainbow laughed at that. “No pony is cooler than me!” Yelled Rainbow Dash, but was stopped by Rarity by holding Rainbow tall. That when they all heard the sound of something heavy in metal and moving slowly. Coming from the cave. “We got her.” Toy Chica said happily as she and Toy Bonnie are holding a cage with a knockout Starlight inside. “What… Is.. that?” Asked Twilight as her friends looked on in fear, oddly enough Fluttershy wasn’t. “Awww they look cute.” Said Fluttershy, making her friends look at her. “Why thank you little miss.” Toy Bonnie said with a blush. “Now if you don’t mind. Me and my pals will be taking our leave with our prize.” I said getting my wings ready. "Wait! You’re not going anywhere until you’ve faced the princess for what you’ve done to my brother!” Twilight yelled. “You can tell your cakeass of a princess to kiss my ass teacher’s pet.” I said back to her before turning to look at Toy Chica. “Toy Chica.” “Smoke bomb cake!” Toy Chica yelled as she threw a cake at the main six which created a smokescreen that lasted long enough for me and my friends to get away with the caged Starlight. “Oh that sounds fun!” Said Pinkie. Before the cake smoke bomb went off, Pinkie looked around then frowned. “Where did the cake go?” “Pikeie there wasn’t any cake!” Called out Applejack, as Pinkie slowly looks back to her friend. “Say it not true… The cake was a lie!?!” Yelled Pinkie. “Yeah, it wasn’t a real cake.” Said Rd waving her hoof to help clear the smoke. “I can’t believe they got away!” Yelled Twilight as Rainbine and her friends are now gone. “I swear, I’ll… I’ll think of something!” Twilight was so mad she had lost her train of thought. But little did they know they are being watched from afar by a being in a black cloak. (Above the castle of two sisters, hours later) “And that’s the last of it.” Toy Bonnie said after the three of them have looted everything of worth from the castle to the ship. “I still don’t get why cakebutt didn’t take all this stuff to her new castle.” Toy Chica said while putting some books away. “Laziness or she forgot about them. But in the end. We will be selling them for millions.” I said while sitting by the ship’s weapon controls looking through some old books from Celestia’s old room. “Yeah. But we might need to sell them outside of Enquestia. Just to avoid the guards.” Toy Bonnie said with a trie sigh. “As long as the pay is good it doesn’t matter.” I said as I was picking up the last book. And this book raised an eyebrow at. (“Hey. Isn’t this one of Celestia’s old diaries?”) Rainbow asked while I checked the cover of the book which has Celestia’s cutie mark on it. It was old, really old. Parts of the book cover were even starting to peil in places, however the pages looked like they could outlast the cover. There was a good layer of dust on the book too. “Yes it is. Let’s see what old secrets cakeass has in here.” I said as I opened the book and read with a grin. But as time went on page after page my grinning face went into confusion, to shock and then to rage. As more pages went by my rage boiled up so much I screamed with rage while slamming my fist on to the weapon controls which caused my ship to fire at a far away mountain. (“Okay, I don’t understand everything in this book. But I want to blow something up! I mean, I feel so… Mad right now! Rain what going on!?”) Rainbow said in my head feeling just as mad as me. (Meanwhile with Pony Rainbow Dash) “This sucks so much!” Screams Rainbow Dash making her friends jump at her. “We have to fly all the back, then fly all the way home! And then I have to take a long shower because I feel like I’m going to explode!” “Rainbow Dash what got your tail in a twist?” Asked Pinkie Pie, RD was about to round on her friend until she thought about that. “I… I don’t know! All I know is I feel really, really mad right now!” Rd replied before flying off to try and clear her head. (Meanwhile in Dark Magician’s world) “What’s all that noise?!” Dark Magician yells out from his window while wearing a sleeping hat. “It’s 2:02am!” He added as an injury Scout ran up to him. What he saw outside was chaos, Rainbow Dash’s of all kinds were in a blind rage. Yelling, shouting and even fighting with each other and their friends. One was even wearing power armour. “BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!” She yelled before being sent flying by a dragon RD. It looked like all their eyes were glowing red. “I don’t know DM! All of the reverie Rainbow Dash’s Just woke up in pure rage. It’s crazy out here!” Scout said as he dodged a fireball. “I’m going to make a salad out of your eyeballs!” Yelled a psycho RD. Running around with a spoon in one of her hooves. Flying after a claptrap Twilight. “I am going to need a lot of coffee for this.” Dark Magician said with an annoyed sigh. (Now back with Rainbine and co) “Rainbine what’s wrong?!” Toy Bonnie asked out of worry for me as I slammed the old book on the floor. “This world…” I said slowly trying to calm myself but failing. “That bitch ass pulled a conversion bureau on it!” I yelled slamming the controls again. Making a few missiles go lost, before the sound of them exploding in the background could be heard. “That’s horrible!” Toy Chica said cover her peck in shock only for it to fall off her face. “But this wasn’t just any human world.” I said as I looked at my friends my eyes glowing blood red with rage. “It was my home, my world.” To be continued...