> Unlikely hero > by Hattrixn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue - A S**tful Day (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The day began like any other for the man known as Jason Winter, he got up at 5 am as usual so he could make sure he got all his jobs done before going to class. His hair was dark brown with with a lighter streak through his hair that was originally pink, that was due to a bet that backfired, although he was thankful that it was near a blonde then the hot pink that originally claimed his hair. His eyes were a greenish blue, His sun kissed skin was decorated with scars and burns, A few of which from his years working on his best friend’s station. The man sat up and stretched out while he gave a soft groan as he felt a few pops in his back as shoulders. He was about to get up before a short stabbing pain rippled through his abdomen, causing him to look down and gently a fresh scar on his hip. "Bloody bull" he growled at the unpleasant memory as he got up and strode over to his chest of draws. On top of the piece of furniture was a picture of a group of men and girls sitting on a fence along with a picture of himself and several other people. “Best give dad a ring today” Jason said to himself before he opened the draws and pulled out a faded crimson flannel top, a paint stained black top, tan cargo pants that also had some paint on them and some underwear. Once he collected the items Jason walked over to a connected bathroom to wash himself. As he washed himself he smiled softly as the water slowly turned to hot, causing him to sigh softly as his joints and muscles were warmed by the water. After a few minutes Jason climbed out of the shower and walked over to his mirror with a towel around his waist. “Should i shave?” He asked his reflection as he inspected the thick stubble on his face while pulling a few different faces. “Nah i think i am good” He confirmed before he brushed his teeth. Once Jason had finished with his personal cleaning, he quickly got dressed before he returned to his room and sat on his bed where he grabbed a small log book from by his bed and opened it, where he scanned the appointments. “Fifteen jobs… this will be a fucking long day and no studying today” Jason muttered to himself before he grabbed his work phone and checked it’s messages. “N-no make that three” Jason said as he grabbed his pen and crossed out most of the appointments were cancelled last minute. Jason simply shrugged before he pulled on some socks followed by his word boots, after he was fully dressed he grabbed his work phone and a secondary phone he had for personal use, followed by his ipod, wallet and a few other items before he left his room and made his way to his kitchen. Once he arrived he started making his lunch for the day but halfway through wrapping his lunch, his personal mobile went off causing him to pull it out and answer it. “Hello?" He answered as he put his lunch in a small lunch box. "Hey Jason, It’s Luke" a male voice replied "What are you doing up at this hour? Jerking off or studying?" Jason asked with a soft chuckle as he collected two cold bottles of water from his fridge. "Hey I wasn't masterbating" Luke said obviously flustered “Were you studying?” Jason asked. “I was going to… but that isn’t why i called” Luke said "Okay little bro, so what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked his brother. "Oh yea, um well apparently there is a massive hurricane heading your way" he said worriedly "Your kidding mate, I would have heard about a Hurricane this far inland seeing that it would be all over the news" he said not amused "I'm afraid so, apparently the bloody thing popped up an hour ago and is heading your way" he explained. "Okay well thanks for the heads up, I’ll have to make a few calls but i swear if this is some prank i with destroy your xbox” Jason threatened as he pulled his work mobile out. "Don't worry bro I'm not joking so no need to break my stuff, anyway be safe and see you on the other side" he said before he hung up and Jason texted his clients that he was meant to see today. After he finished texting his clients, he put his lunch and water into a backpack that was sitting in the kitchen before went to his garage. As he entered, he turned on the light to see all the building supplies filling up the room. "Great now i have all these spare supplies now" he sighed as quickly emptied his truck’s tray before he opened his garage door and hopped into his vehicle. Once inside he drove out of the garage before hopping out and closing the door before getting back in his truck and driving off and headed to the grocery store to find it was dead considering the news, until Jason realised the time. “Right barely 6” He muttered before he entered the store. After some time, Jason finished loading supplies onto the tray of his truck and pulling a tarp over the load as the residents of the town started to storm the town, desperately trying to collect the things they need. “Well at least Luke wasn’t lying” Jason muttered. Once home, Jason grabbed several tools and a ladder before he climbed onto his roof and began to detach several solar panels and other equipment that would be damaged in the storm. As he started working on the panels, Jason noticed the large menacing black clouds rapidly growing closer and closer. “Shit” he growled as he started to work faster but he only managed to get through half of the panels when the strong winds nearly took him off his roof. “Fuck you too Mother Nature” He shouted as he flipped the cloud off just as on of the panels was torn from his roof and nearly hit him. This was his que to give up and head inside with what he had. Once inside, he locked his windows and doors while putting items of importance somewhere safe until the storm passed. Once secured Jason looked outside only to see a car casually slide passed sideways with the driver still inside just as the a solid wall of wind formed around the man’s home roughly four metres from his home. “The hell?” He asked as everything started to shake violently. “What? An earthquake?” He asked confused. Things only got worse from there as bolts of crimson energy sparked from the wall of wind and struck near his house in a blinding flash of light and with a deafening boom. Once Jason regained his senses, he noticed strange shadows moving behind the wind moments before the rumbling stopped suddenly followed Jason feeling like he was freefalling. “This is fucking weird” He comments moments before the house shock hard and sent Jason down, causing him to smack his head hard on the ground, knocking him out. (Equestria. Ponyville) A lean, five foot four amethyst coloured dragon with rounded lime green spines running down his spine and tail named Spike was currently cleaning the library which was inside of a tree. The library was dubbed the Golden Oak Library and had been the home of Spike and the Unicorn mare known as Twilight Sparkle. The pair were sent to the small town of Ponyville to help with a event, only to end up defeating an ancient evil being name Nightmare Moon. The being turned out to be the corrupted sister of the monarch known as Princess Celestia, who was also Twilight’s teacher. Spike fell asleep when Twilight lift with her new friends to deal with Nightmare moon only to wake up to find the library was a mess and now had spent the last few hours cleaning. Most of his time was spent on this one spot on the emerald green couch that refused to go away no matter what Spike used to try and remove it. He tried for the last two hours only to give up and chuck a pillow over it before he went to make himself breakfast for himself and Twilight, whenever she got up. He collected several ingredients before he started to make some basic pancakes, accidentally spilling some of the mix onto his green top, making him grumble. “Should have gone to bed earlier” Spike grumbled as he heard a knocking come from the front door. “Come in” Spike called out as he looked over his shoulder to see Twilight’s new friend known as Applejack, A six foot five amber mare with a lemon mane that was tied in a ponytail, along with her tail. She was wearing a old faded stenson, a faded blue flannel top and denim shorts that showed off her generous curves. “Howdy Spike, Um is Twilight in?” She asked in a thick southern accent while stealing a few glances at the staircase. “Yea she is Applejack, She is upstairs.” He said before he placed the mixing bowl back onto the bench. “Want me to go get her for you Applejack?” He asked her causing the mare to smile softly and shake her head. “No ah can go get her ma’self” She said before she started heading to the stairs. “Okay well at least tell her that breakfast is on the way” Spike said as he turned to the stove and ignited it. "Will do sugarcube" she said as the mare climbed the stairs only to return a few minutes later with a slightly shorter violet Unicorn with a deep purple mane that had two lighter coloured streaks of purple running through it, same with her tail. She was wearing a light pink top that had a few black ink stains on it and a purple skirt that went to her knees. The mare was more petite in comparison to Applejack but still had curves. “Morning Spike” Twilight said with a yawn as she stretched as the pair entered the kitchen and sat down. "Morning Twi, um isn't that what you wore last night?" Spike asked her, causing her to look down at her outfit. “Yea, i kind of fell asleep while reading this book that Princess Celestia gave me last night… it is so interesting and is full of things that i didn’t know existed.” Twilight explained as spike put a plate of pancakes in front of her. “Oh cool, what is the book called?” Spike asked as he offered Applejack a plate, which she accepted and thanked him before he sat down himself with his own plate. “It is called ‘Horrors of Equis’ “ Twilight said gaining a worried look from the others in the room. “What is most interesting is the fact that it wasn’t in alphabetical order… no it was like a list” She said with a frown on her face as she thought. “W-what was at worst?” Applejack asked. “I don’t know, the last half of the book was missing from the book but the last in the book was something that was called an Overlord” Twilight explained. “Which is a what?” Spike asked. “An race of creatures that supposedly were all about order but they corrupted, raped, pillaged, destroy or murdered everything they came… they had little to no hair and had pitch black skin… They give off an aura that makes ponies feel sick” Twilight explained causing both Applejack and Spike to look at each other with a worried expression. “But this book was apparently written ages ago and they are probably extinct if they even existed” Twilight explained with a chuckle . "Anyway why did you come over Applejack" Twilight asked but before she could be answered, a deafening explosion of wind tore passed the window, causing the house to shift and bend with the wind. When the wind died down, the three ran outside to see a towering thick spire of wind near the edge of the town with large crimson bolts of lightning running up and down it along with dozens of trees from the everfree. Several dozen pegasi of the ponyville weather team suddenly flew passed at high speed and attempted to create a tornado to dispute the the spire, only to be blown away by the power gale force winds, struck by trees or the lightning. "Spike send a lett...." Twilight started only for her to be cut off as a brief flash of lightning appeared before the three, only to be replace by a nine foot eight tall alabaster Alicorn, she had a long rainbow mane that was blowing in the opposite direction of the wind. She wore golden armour all over her form that resembled a goddess, save for her head and large swan wings. Her expression was that of anger, disgust and slight fear as she gazed upon the monstrous phenomenon on the edge of the town, Around her were several dozen golden armour guards, who looked to the tower with fear and several silver armoured bat ponies that looked at the same tower with hate. "Prin....Princess? What is going on?” Twilight asked, gaining the attention of the Alicorn, whose expression seem to melt into one of kindness. “Why are you covered in armour?” Twilight asked with worry. “I am here because of that” Celestia said as she pointed towards the spire of wind. “That is a Nova Gateway” She explained before waiting a few moments to shift slight as she looked at the horror. “It’s a gateway to another dimension, last time nearly lead to the arrival of the Overlords which nearly lead to the end of Equis” She explained as Twilight, Spike and Applejack looked at the princess in shock. “Equestria’s army is currently on the way but i fear it may not be enough if this is a full. “ Celestia sighed. “But how were they defeated last time?” Spike asked. “Well that is si…” Celestia started before she was cut off. “Look!” Applejack said pointing to the spire as a shadow quickly descended down the spire. “Here they come” Celestia said before she turned to the two ponies and dragon. “Twilight, go collected the other elements, Spike go get some cover” She instructed as she produced a mahogany bow and handed it to Twilight before she took flight towards the spire with most of the guards. Once they arrived near the spire’s base, Celestia’s horn flared, causing a golden greatsword, with a pony long blade, to appear in her hands while the guards drew their weapons in preparation. They watched as the shadow hit the ground quickly before the spire dissipated, only to reveal instead of an army of monsters preparing to attack, there was a large single story house sitting there with a ladder sticking out of the ground in front of it at a forty five degree angle. "Um Princess, I don't remember the Overlords coming in houses" a Thestral stated blankly " I agree, let's approach with caution" she stated as the group slowly stepped forward only to stop when the door opened. (Jason) With a groan Jason sat up while holding his badly bleeding head, he felt dizzy and sick while his head throbbed, which the sounds of talking, clanging metal and birds didn’t help. “Fuck” He groaned as he used his table to pull himself to his feet before he stumbled over to the front door. “Let’s see what is making that noise” He mumbled as he unlocked the door and pushed it open with as much strength as he could muster from his stunned body. Once it was open, the door swung open quickly, sending the man to the ground hard, making him groan in discomfort moments before the door came back and hit him in the side gently, causing him to make a odd noise. “Prick” He growled as he pushed himself up off the ground. After a few moments to get his barrings, the man raised his head up before winching at the glaring sunlight hitting him in the face making him squint until his eyes adjusted. Once adjusted, Jason realized something was wrong, apart from the fact that his house had moved. Staring at him in the same amount of confusion as the man was several dozen anthropomorphic horses in armour, a few of which had cocked their heads at him. “Yep i am unconscious” He grumbled as he used the door to sluggishly pull himself to his feet before returning his gaze to the crowd of armoured horses only to see the tallest on with a spear like horn and large wings was now approaching him quickly. “Nope” He said before he leant backward into his house, pulling his door shut before he landed on his back roughly. “Ahhh fuck me sideways!” He cried as he rolled onto his side. “Why did i think that was a good idea?” He asked before hearing a knocking coming from his door. “Hello?” He asked cautiously “Hello sir, do you mind opening up?” A female voice asked with hints of concerns in it’s voice. “Um no i am good… just gonna lay here” Jason replied. “I don’t think that is a good idea, seeing as it looked like you had a bad head injury.” The voice said concerned. “Hahah right, you just want me to open my door so you can try and sell me shit or talk about jesus” Jason replied only to receive silence moments before the sound of giggling was heard from the other side of the door, "You are mistaken kind sir I am not a sales mare, I am Princess Celestia Of Equestria" she stated in a matter of factly tone "Salesmare? Don't you mean sales mare? And I doubt you're a princess, you don't sound British" he said back before giving a stupid look to his door and slapping his head only to groan in pain.' "Yes I did say sales mare, and I am a Princess bit if that makes you feel uncomfortable then simply call me Celestia mr human" she said with a chuckle "Ummm okay then Celestia” Jason said with a raised eyebrow. "May i know your name?” Celestia asked through the door. “Ahh sure, Jason is my name” He said as he pushed himself to his feet, only to collapse against his door. “Damn it” He groaned quietly. “Are you okay sir?” Celestia asked concerned. “Not really” He admitted as he pushed himself off the door and held his hand against the doorframe as his eye stung from blood covering it. “Please open the door Jason and i can help you” Celestia asked as Jason locked his front door. “Jason!” “Sorry but you are an alien and i honestly don’t trust you” Jason said “You could dissect me or some other horrible stuff” Jason explained. “Now why would i do that when we are having such a nice conversation” Celestia said. “And honestly i can easily teleport in there with my guards and force you out” “Okay now i am getting my rifle” Jason said moments before he was surrounded in a golden aura. “How about no” Celestia said moments before Jason suddenly appeared on the other side of the door with his back against the door while looking up at the alabaster Amazon mare wearing heavy plate armour that covered her large features. She had a flowing multi colored pastel hair that flowed in the wind along with her tail. As he moved his head back up and looked at her face which was shorter than a normal horses and was more rounded, she had large magenta eyes that look at him warmly but also slightly worried, but the biggest thing he noticed was her victorious yet mischievous smirk on her muzzle on to be replaced with on of shock and concern as she looked at the nasty wound near his temple. He was about to say but he suddenly dropped to his hands and knees and started coughing badly with the feeling that he was about to vomit "Captain Scarlet, where is Nurse Redheart?" Celestia asked someone off to Jason's left "I am right here, sorry your majesty.... Um what is that?" She asked referring Jason before noticing the blood dripping from his face "oh dear" she said concerned before moving next to him and lifting his face so she could inspect it "What happened to him?" She asked "He is a human and I think he would best to answer that" Celestia stated before she noticed her guards had moved quite close to the injured man "Please keep back as i don’t want him to be stressed right now" she stated causing the group of guards to move away. When Jason looked at the nurse fixing and cleaning his face, he once again blushed as he came face to face with a white mare who was not as tall as Celestia or as curvy, coming in at around six foot and instead of double i cup breasts, she had solid double d breasts.. She had a white nurse's outfit covering her body with a small nurse cap on her head, covering her pink mane "Thanks" he said while still blushing like an idiot which seemed to make her smile "No worries sir, it's quite alright but I must ask why is your cutie mark on your neck?" She asked gently poking black widow tattoo on his neck "A what? Um that's a tattoo I got when I was drunk a few years back" he stated "and you don’t have to call me sir, my name is Jason" she said to her with a weak smile as she began to wrap up his forehead with a bandage "I have heard or tattoos, some races get them for fun, but isn't it painful?" She asked which Jason response with a smirk and nod "Well anyway cutie marks appear when you find your special talent, they appear over your heart and on your thighs" she explained with a smile. “Now are you going to tell me what did this?” "I hit my head on the corner of a table” He explained "So what's your special talent?" he asked curious. "Well mine is helping ponies and healing them" she explained with a smile. "Thus why you became a nurse" he said which she nodded "Okay cool...well I kind of feel lightheaded" he said as he placed his hand on his head. "Well you have lost quite a bit of blood and also this is quite a serious injury” Redheart explained before she turned her attention to Celestia” Um your majesty, would you kindly be able to take us as I don't Think Jason can walk in his condition" the nurse asked Celestia "I think that is the best, I'll have some guards make sure that no pony enters your home while you are in hospital Jason" she promised with a soft smile as her horn glowed as Red Heart helped him to stand, moments before they vanished and reappeared at the hospital's waiting room. Once there, Jason stumbled before he reached out to stabilize himself, unfortunately he placed his hand against the bandaged chest of a tall injured crimson stallion, who yelped loudly and quickly turned and punched Jason in the face. > Chapter 1 - Waking up in Pun Land > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A soft beeping was the first thing Jason heard that alerted him that he was coming to, the second thing was the splitting headache that was present in his skull then he heard voices nearby, several female voices, two of which he recognised but had no idea who they belonged to and just trying to figure it out made his head hurt more. He slowly opened his eyes only to be blinded by a blinding light so he closed his eyes again, he attempted again but slowly as he used his hands to feel around the bed, finding a railing not far from them, which he grabbed and pulled himself into a sitting position before fully opening his eyes. "Looks like I'm in Saint James hospital" he mumbled as he looked around the private hospital room, he looked around and noticed that he was connected to an IV, so he turned the valve on the cord to cut off it's supply before slowly removing the needle from his arm along with the tape "fucking hate tape on my arms" he mumbled as he rubbed the area which he had just removed the needle. After a bit of investigating, Jason found a small device connected to the wall next to his bed that he recognised "well best to call the nurse" he said as he pressed the button and ran his hand through his hair to find his head was bandaged "well that explains the headache" he said moments before the doors opened to show something that made Jason's jaw hang open. Standing in the doorway were 10 anthro horses and a weird gecko guy, there was a purple one with a horn that had violet mane and tail, with a pink strip running down them, she had what Jason could best describe as a librarian attire on. The next was a orange one with a yellow mane and tail in a ponytail 'go figure', she had a old Stetson on along with a red flannel top which was tied in a knot midway down her chest which showed off her middle, and she also wore a pair of torn denim jeans. Directly behind her was a yellow one with wings, 'I wonder if she can fly?' Her mane and tail were a light pink colour and she wore a green hoodie and a pink skirt . Next was a winged cyan one with a rainbow mane and tail, she hand skin tight black leggings on and a red tank top on along with a very annoyed glare painted on her face, following her was a white one with a horn and a deep purple mane and tail and she wore a ankle long silver dress that screamed posh 'I already don't like her' next was another white one with a pink mane a nurse outfit on 'why is she familiar?' Next was a solid pink one, like seriously, everything about her was pink except her eyes. Next to her were obviously two guards of some sort, both in golden armour that remind Jason of Ancient Greek soldiers, they both hand broadswords and lastly was the tall one White one in gold armour and doing a crown on, she had a multicoloured mane and tail that flowed in nonexistent wind and she had a horn and wings. And then there was the purple and green gecko in a hoodie and track suit pants. The mares heights and busts ranged from 6 foot 3, with double D to the tallest being 10 foot tall with easily g-I sized boobs that could easily kill a man. "Why do I get the feeling that I ain't in Kansas anymore?" Jason asked nervously, the moment he talked the purple one started writing on a note pad "Is that where your home is" said purple one asked "No, it's sort of a movie reference" he said which they replied with confused looks "Anyway I believe introductions are in order" the tall amazon one stated before pointing to the purple one "this is Twilight Sparkles" she said them pointe to the orange one "Applejack" then the yellow shy one "Fluttershy" next the skittles one "Rainbow dash" next the posh one "Rarity" then the nurse "you already have met Nurse Redheart" Redheart nodded to Jason with a smile which he nodded back, "and this two guards are Sargent iron star and Private Morning star" she said and the guards nodded 'I wonder if try are sisters "next is the young dragon Spike" she said pointing a the gecko 'holy shit a dragon' "an I am Princess Celestia, but you can call me Celestia and no I am not British" she said with a smirk 'I think I may have said something in my brain damaged state,wait where is the pink one?' Jason literally jumped up and fell out of the bed when said pink one appeared to his right, causing him to slam on his back with a grown "Owwww" "Pinkie!" A collective of voices said annoyed 'her name is pinkie? Never would have guessed' "Sorry " she said before joining the others as the nurse came over and helped Jason up and back onto the bed before giving him and once over before smiling "You should be alright to head home tomorrow Mr Winter" he said with a smile "Wait how long was I out and what was the damage?" He asked her "Oh well your skull was fractured and you had severe internal bleeding, and you were out for two days" she said with a smile but Jason was shocked "Two days with those kind of injuries? How am I not fucked in the head or dead or even awake?" He asked shocked "We used magic" she said bluntly which Jason just laughed "No seriously" he said looking at her with a smirk which she repeated and he frowned "magic doesn't exist Redheart" he said to her which in reply a clip board next to him rose into the air surrounded in a purple aura "okay freaky" he said with a sigh "So anyway moving on, you will be sent back to you house tomorrow but for now we would just like some questions" Celestia stated with a warm smile which Jason nodded looking at the hospital gown that he was in with a annoyed look "your clothes are in the draws and your things are in the pockets, we haven't removed anything out of respect but if you try anything you will regret it" she said "Okay okay I'm mind I I have some privacy?" He asked in which everyone but The two guards turned "that includes you two" he said which they grumbled and turned. So he began with removing the gown and pulling on his boxers and pants before hearing a gasp causing him to look up at a few of the mare looking at him in shock "what are you looking at perverts?" He said with a smirk "Darling what ever happened to you?" Rarity asked which got the remaining mares and dragon to turn who all seamed shocked except for the nurse, who obviously had already seen "What am I that bad looking?" He asked in mock horror before grabbing his top from infront of him "No, I mean how did you get all those scars?" She asked which made Jason look down at the scars on his chest and arms which he simply smiled "I got these from bar fights, defending my friends, protecting my little sister and this one" he said pointing at a large one over his appendix "I got gored by a very pissed off bull" he said with a winch "it was my fault I was blind drunk, all so the night I got my neck tattoo" he said showing the black widow tattoo "So your saying that you got them from fights?" Rainbow asked which Jason nodded "how many is you win?" "Well seeing as my friends or family were unharmed after woulda, I would say all of them" he said with a faint smile "well seeing as they came out with no long term injuries or scars that is" he muttered softly "So your proud of your scars? That's a bit barbaric" rarity stated "It's not really barbaric being proud of these scars because it mean I did my job as a friend and big brother to prevent the people I care about having to suffer from serious pain or psychological pain" he said checking his pockets briefly before grabbing his flannel and checking it's pockets "so shall we begin with the questions? And also no personal questions like about family" he said sitting on the bed as Nurse Redheart removed his head bandages "and before you rape my ears, we are gonna do this in a civilised way, raise your hands and I'll pick, ask a question without raising your hand and I'll ignore you and also stupid questions get stupid answers, understandable?" He asked in which all the anthros nodded and all, including the guards rose there hands "um okay ummm applejack is it?" He asked pointing at the orange one with a hat, which she nodded "Yea that's right, um ya' said ya' got gored by a bull, how did that happen?" She asked with a strong southern accent "Well Applejack, it was the evening of my graduation from school and myself am a few mates got plastered and decided to do stupid shit, surprisingly no of use got injured until he headed back to my fathers cattle station, which was where I was staying at the time." He said pausing as a soft smile formed on his lips "it was going nice and smooth until my friend Ashlee, ash was a guy don't ask, decided he wanted to try his hand at bull riding.... Needless to say he got sent off the bull, I still have no idea how the fuck he got on said bull, and so I jumped the fence, threw the moron back over the fence then as I turned back around, I found about four inches of horn in my gut, next thing I really remember is waking up in hospital a week later to find my father yelling at me for being stupid" he said with a chuckle "that answer your question?" He asked which she nodded Jason sighed as he picked the pink one and was surprised by her question "hi, do you like parties and of so what flavour of cake?" "Um yea I do and to be perfectly honest, I like any really" he stated as he looked at the mare moments before she vanished leaving a smoke copy for a brief moment before it too vanished "what the fuck?" "Don't ask partner" applejack said with a chuckle "Um okay, okay how about you Celestia?" He asked " thank you, I just have the one simple question, why are you so calm right now?" "Well I go by the rule of seeing is believing so after a few brief moments of panic, I usually calm down and accept it" Jason explained before looking at twilight who was writing frantically "hey ms purple.... I mean Twilight, what the heck are you doing?" He asked her which gained her attention "Um I am just recording everything that is said" she said sheepishly "um can I ask a question now?" She asked which got a nod "okay cool, tell me everything about your species" she stated which Jason just face palmed "At the end, now skittles" he said to Rainbow dash who glared at him "What did you call me?" She asked annoyed "Skittles, they are a candy from home that come in all colours of the rainbow" he said to her with a smirk "there slogan is taste the rainbow" he added which made her blush "so anyway what's your question?" "Do human fly?" She asked "Well yes and no" he replied which made her confused "we can't naturally fly but we have built machines to give use flight" he stated before picking Iron Star.... Maybe they guards were identical "Does your race have military and if so what's it like?" 'Oh boy this is gonna be a doozy' "Yes.... Iron?" She nodded "my race has it's own military, and well the best one worded answer I can give is, intense" he said to them before picking her sister? "What kind of weapons do you have and what do you mean intense?" 'I just realised I said one question each and just about all have asked two at a time' "Well our weapons range from swords, not that our military really uses them for combat anymore, to firearms and bombs which range from breaking bones to destroying entire cities in a blink of an eye" he said bluntly leaving everyone in the room slack jawed "and what I mean by intense is that, life in the military can go from boring to a total shit storm in a moments notice, and if you are a civilian and the military rocks up, you pretty much just get out of the way and out of the blast radius" he said before stretching, his back giving off a few cracks and pops before he looked back and noticed that there was only one hand left up "yes Redheart?" "What is your medicinal system like?" She asked "Well the human race, which is my species, uses our smarts to fight illnesses the best way we can, sure there are some that still have no cure but the vast majority do which allows for illnesses to possibly be wiped out, it also kind of helps when humans are quite adaptable and that there is just about always someone that is immune to the worst of it" he said "so in short our medicinal system works and barely fucks up, except for human error" he added before looking to twilight "so I guess we shall tell you about Humans, or Homo-Sapians, and I am just gonna stay briefly on each topic as I doubt we have all day" he announced which everyone in the room nodded "okay I guess we should begin with maybe the industrial revolution as I am quite shit at history, " (Two hours later, why did I write that thinking it was in a French accent?) "For the last time I don't eat ponies, one your sapient and two I doubt I'd like the taste of horse" Jason stated before he was slapped hard "Oww what the Fuck Rarity?!" "That's for calling use Whorses" she stated "Well that's what you are ri-" he was interrupted with another slap "stop slapping me, horses are fucking equines, and you are Equine and you look like hor-" he was slapped again "enough with the slapping" "Then stop calling us Whorses, we don't sleep around" she stated with a huff "I said horse no Whore" he said "why woul.... Oh again with the fucking horse puns? First the fact you all say pony instead of one when saying everyone, next you have pun cities called 'Trotting'ham, 'Mane'hatten, 'Prance' and fucking 'canter'lot so maybe lay off with the bloody slappy slappy ms Posh untown Unicorn bi-" Rarity slapped him once again before he took a deep breath to cool his anger before looking at her "look.... I am sorry about the attitude, just this Is so much to contend with and I am being defensive so can we start over?" He asked holding out his hand to her which she simply grumbled and took it, "well look on the bright side you only have to deal with me until Celestia can send me back" he said with a smile before looking at the Alicorn princess who's ears suddenly flopped against her head "I am sorry but Nova Gateways are one way and I tried to fin your world but I can't find you earth in the multiverse so I am sorry bit you are here... Forever" > Chapter 2 - Jason's Bad Week, Creepy Guy, Roommates and Stuff > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I am sorry but Nova Gateways are one way and I tried to find your world but I can't find you earth in the multiverse so I am sorry but you are here... Forever" Celestia stated as her ears lowered against her head, a million things were running through Jason's head at that moment, he was trying to figure out how to react, whether to be upset or angry or depressed. "Well shit" was the only thing he could say as his mind was trying to figure out how to process this information. "I know it is difficult to work your head around Jason but it's true, I am truely sorry that I can't help you" Celestia added with a frown before she remembered something important "oh that's right, Jason, what is the average life span for your species, and when does it reach maturity?" She asked attempting to change the subject. "Um what? Oh right um well.its roughly 80-120 I think and usually reach sexual maturity 16-18, why do you ask?" He asked. "I am just asking because the average ponies life span is Roughly ten times that and same with sexual maturity, how old are you?" She asked the now flabagasted Jason. "What....How..... Um I'm 25, how can ponies live that long?" He asked getting more confused. "Well it was due to an event called the Cataclysm, which was in short, the last human in Equestria sacrificing his life to save every race on the planet, the details are vague because it was around the time that I was a young filly but I do know that this human was powerful, magically and physically" she said which caused everyone to look at her in shook. "Oh and before I forget, since just about every time a human has arrived, trouble has followed shortly after, so to get prepared I have assigned Iron Star and Morning Star to train you with swords, spears, axes and hand to hand, and they will be staying at your place with you" she said with a smirk before she teleported away. 'Da fuck?' "Wait what? You two are staying at mine?" He asked the two guards who simply smiled and nodded "well double shit" he sighed before laying back on the hospital bed. "Don't worry we won't enter your home until you have arrived, we will be staying at a hotel for the night" Morning or Iron said. "And visiting hours are up so you all can see him tomorrow " Redheart said as she ushered every pony out of the room before she walked back to Jason as hugged him "I am sorry" she said quietly before leaving. "Thanks" he muttered before he removed his top and sighed before letting himself fall asleep. (The next morning) Jason was awoken by the sound of his room's door locking, he slowly opened his eyes to see a hooded figure at the end of his bed, the figure wore black leather armour that reminded him of Skyrims Theives guild armour, it's face was covered up to just below its eyes by a dark cowl, it wore a pair of gauntlets which were dark tinted metal with red gems on the middle of the inside and the outside of its palms, it had a broad sword strapped to it's back, along with several knives on its chest and a dagger on its upper torso, but the most defining features of the figure is one, it's burning ice blue eyes that burnt holes into ones soul and the fact that the creature appeared to be human. "What? Who.... Who are you?" Jason asked as he sat up. "My name is not important young one, but what is important is that you have returned..... And so have they" He stated in a low gruff voice before he walked over to next to Jason and unslung his sword which he placed on the bed side table, he then retrieved two envelopes from one of his pockets and placed them with the sword "this sword was your father's and he would have wanted you to have it and these letters are for your eyes and Alicorn eyes only" he said turning to look at Jason "they are enchanted for only those chosen can read it," he added. "What? My father is back on earth" Jason added looking at the sword then back at the man who simply chuckled. "I guess he never told you, oh well you will learn the truth soon enough" he stated before fading away second before the door was kicked in and the star sisters entered with sword drawn along with princess Celestia, who managed to only see his outline and his eyes which locked onto the mares "They are returning, so prepare as they will but remember a slayer's intuition is needed to sniff them out" he said before fully vanishing. "Okay that was creepy, so what the honest fuck is going on?" Jason asked as he got up and got dressed. "Tha....that was one of the Storm Brothers, they were the first humans to arrive here, they fought to protect Equis from danger, whether it was from war or from evil, they were there, when they entered this world from their's, they bodies were altered to become ageless, which was a gift and a curse. There was three of them, I can't remember their names only what they were nicknamed, the oldest being dubbed the Mimic as he was able to copy and magic that was used against him, the next was dubbed The Fog-Walker, who you just met, he can produce fog or mist from his body which he can manipulate at will and the youngest but no less powerful was The Slayer who was able to kill even immortal beings, but two of the brothers died at the Cataclysm so he is the last" she explained to Jason who simply nodded before grabbing the sheathed sword and letters. "Right and how am I involved?" He asked looking at the letters and pocketing them for later. "Well at first I didn't think you would be but now you just may be out only hope" 'well shit, this week just gets better and fucking better'. "So not only am I trapped in this world, but every adult is at least ten times my age and now I have to fight off an ancient evil?" He asked which Celestia nodded "well fuck I need a drink, and also this seems like one massive set up" he growled as he slung the sword over his shoulder and walked to the now open door but stopped "wait.... Why the fuck are you here Celestia?" He asked her. "Well I sensed a large power level in your room, I had placed a spell on it so I would know if you were in danger" she said. "Was it over 9000?" He asked. "Excuse me?" She replied. "Sorry just another reference " he said as Redheart arrived and looked at the door then at Jason then at the mares then back at the door. "I don't wanna know" she said before handing him a clip board and a pen which he filled out "okay your free to go and also here is my number so you can ring me if anything is medically wrong with you or you want to catch up" she said, offering him a slip of paper. "So you all have mobiles, okay well I don't know if mine will work here" he said pulling out his two phones which were surrounded in a gold aura. "Now they do, and I also added my number and Iron star's and Morning Star's also, but a question, why do you have two?" She asked him. "Well one is for personal use like friends and games and the other is for work so all my clients numbers and my schedules are on it" he stated. "Alright but I never asked, what was you job back on earth?" "Oh I was a handy man, I was a certified carpenter, electrician, plumber, brick layer and concreter, it was a bitch to get them all but when I did I started my own business in my back water town and seeing as there wasn't really any certified tradies in my town, I made a very decent living" he stated with pride "also I was at uni to become an architect if you were gonna ask" he said. "Ah do you are gonna be very useful and busy in ponyville" Redheart said which made Jason raise an eyebrow. "Why do you say that?". "Well between Rainbow dash's failed stunts that end up her going through a building and basic wear and tear, you will get plenty of business" she replied before she began leading the group out of the room to the main lobby before Celestia stopped and her ears fell against her head. "I feel like I have forgotten something very important" he said as she rubbed her chin. (Canterlot, Royal bathing chambers) Inside the Royal Bathing chambers resides several different bath types, one in particular is designed for Celestia herself as it is about chest deep for her, this is the very bath that Celestia decided to take Luna into to have some bonding time together. Thanks to Luna's condition, her wings and magic aren't strong enough to use and the water comes up to her mouth so her Big sister was holding her above the water in the middle of the bath until she teleported away leaving the weakened Alicorn on a small marble island in the centre of the bath unimpressed. (PonyVille outside of Jason's house) "You know I can't for the life of me remember, it must have been nothing" Celestia said with a shrug as Jason began unlocking his door "I have to introduce you to Luna, i think you two would ge..... oh buck" she said teleporting away. "Um okay" the three remaining uttered before they entered the house. "Okay so welcome to my place, you rooms are the last on the left and right" he said pointing down the hallway "and while you do that I am gonna check on my stuff" he stated before watching them head to the rooms, after they had left he walked to his fridge and checked that it was working before grabbing a beer. As he sipped his beer he walked to his garage and checked a monitor that he had set up to connect to his solar battery "okay good we have power but I need to reset up the rest of my panels" he muttered before returning to the house and locking the door only to come face to face with a bright orange mare with a steel grey mane and tail in a tank top and shorts and a Hot pink mare with red mane and tail who was wearing a yellow sundress "I'm hello who the fuck are you and how to fuck did you get in my house?" He asked shocked which made them giggle. "Told you he would have this reaction" the pink one said as the orange one gave her a coin purse "and before you ask I'm Morning and this is Iron"she said with a smile. "How?" Was Jason's only response. "Well guard armour is enchanted to make all the guards look identical so they can not be targeted by those who they have had a bad encounter with" Iron said. "Um okay question? Are you two related?" He asked which they nodded in reply "okay cool I'm want a beer?" "Sure" they said in unison, Jason walked back to his kitchen with the mares and grabbed them both a beer before a knock was heard at the door. Jason walked to the door and opened it slightly to see half the mares for the day before "um hello?" He asked keeping the gap minimal so they could only see his face and his body an nothing of his house. "Hey Jason we went to pick you up from the hospital but Nurse Redheart said you had already been released so we came here to invite you out to the Library" Twilight stated 'something ain't right'. "Why to the library?" He replied. "Oh you know to hang out and stuff" she replied. "Hang out..... At a library?" He asked skeptically. "Yea it'll be fun" she answered which half of the mares behind her face palmed. "Right" he said as he started to close the door but she stopped it with her magic. "Please Jason, we wan to be your friend so can you please come.... That if you want to" Fluttershy asked quietly but cutely which caused Jason to sigh. "Fine, but that's cheating and I am bringing the stars with me, give me a moment to change " he said closing the door and locking it before they had a chance to ask if they could come in. It's not because Jason didn't like them it was just he didn't trust them and h didn't want his things stolen or broken the door reopened and Jason walked out in shorts, trainers and a superman hoodie, following him out were the two guardmares who hadn't changed. As he was locking the front door he felt something poke his calf causing him to look down at Twilight how was poking his leg sleeve tattoo "having fun?" He asked causing her to jump an nearly impaled his thigh. "Um I just wanted to know why your leg has a snake coiled around it?" She asked him pointing to the colourful rainbow serpent around his leg. "Oh that's easy, one of my mates wanted to try doing colour tattoos instead of black and white, so I volunteered, cause one he is my best mate an two shit free sleeve tattoo" he said a he began walking with the group. "But why a rainbow snake" Skittles asked him. "Well it's part of his culture, it's called the Rainbow Serpent and it is part of something called the Dream Time" he explained. "Oh can you tell us more about it or the dream time!" twilight asked with a pen and notepad. "I can't off the top of my head but I am sure to have a book on it somewhere at my place you can read" he stated which caused her to get a crazy smile before she stopped him. "Really you have books at you place that I can borrow which are about your world?" She asked hitch he nodded, causing her to wrap her arms around him and squealed happily. "Buckin' egghead" rainbow dash muttered as Morning and applejack pried Twilight off Jason. "Um Jason how does tattooing work?" Rarity asked curiously as she eyed his leg. "Well you get a special needle, add ink then the ink is stabbed into you leg to make a tattoo" he said making all the mares including the guards winch. "Um excuse me Jason but would that hurt?" Fluttershy asked worriedly "Oh it hurt a lot, the scales were the worst part as my buddy had to go extra slow while doing it, the second most painfully part was when he was tattooing on my upper inner thigh, let's just say I found out I am turned on by pain" he said rubbing his putter thigh "but my friend did a good job so he was happy and I made him happy and got a awesome tattoo so I'm happy" he chuckle as they arrived at a large oak tree that was a house "well that's new". "This is the Golden Oak Library, it's also my home" Twilight said, 'why are the lights off? I spidey senses are tingling'. Twilight opened the door and ushered him in which made him raise his eyebrow "ladies first" he said which caused the mares to raise an eyebrow in confusion, so jason just grumbled and entered only to be blinded by a bright light. "SURPRISE!!!" > Chapter 3 - Ratio, Alicorn Sitting and Back in Buisness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "SURPRISE!!!" Called out a group of ponies who were hiding in the dark room, Jason was standing there confused and half blinded as he looked at the room full of ponies, majority being mares except for 3 or four stallions "What's all this then?" He asked as the pink one zipped to stand infront of him, who almost punched her on instinct. "Hey Jason I am so happy your better now I don't like it when my friends are hurt or sick, anyway this is your welcome to Equestria party a also welcome to Ponyville party and also your glad your out of hospital party so were you surprised?! Huh huh huh hummmphf "she said in a single breath of air but was cut off by Applejack muffling her from behind, she had a warm smile on her face "Sorry there Sugarcube, Pinkie can get ah little over excited " she said as she released the pink one 'Sugarcube?' "It's fine I think I got a few things from what she said, um I am good and I was surprised," Jason replied which received a yay and a hug from Pinkie before she disappeared back Ito the crowd, shortly after music began to play so Jason decided it wa best to take a seat on the free couch, as he sat down he realised he still had his beer in hand so he nursed it only to be joined by The orange Iron "so what brings you here?" He asked her curious as there were several different places to sit and groups of ponies to socialise with, she simply looked at him with a smile before opening her beer and sipping it. "What is this seat taken? Or am I bad company?" She asked with curiously "No no, hell you are nice company just a thought since your here you don't have to deal with your charge" he stated "Well that is true, what if I told you that I actually enjoy your company and would like to be your friend?" She asked "Well then I'd be over the moon to have such a cute mare as my friend." He said causing her to blush slightly "You think I am cute?" She asked curiously "Of course, and I don't mean in the adorable way either" he said as he sipped his beer "Well likewise" she said relaxing into the couch next to him as a mint mare dragged a cream mare over to them "Look Bon Bon a real human" the mint one stated excitedly to the cream one in jeans and a navy blue top "Lyra I honestly can't believe it, your not crazy" she said with a smirk as she teased her friend before offering her hand to Jason "Hey my name is Bon Bon and this is Lyra" she said pointing at the mint green mare with green mane and tail with a white strip in a dress who seemed to not be able to hold still and was bouncing on the spot. "Nice to meet you other, my name is Jason and this is Iron" he said gesturing Iron before shaking her hand before going to shake Lyra's only to have her stick her fingers in his mouth and inspect his teeth "Yep omnivorous but hay look at those canines, they are really sharp.... Ow" she said pulling her finger out after Jason bit her "sorry" she said as her ears fell against her head which cause Jason to sigh as he pulled green hairs out of his mouth. "It's fine just next time ask" he said with a smile which made her smile before she was dragged away by her friend "well that was definitely weird" he said which Iron nodded before Morning came over and sat on the opposite side of the couch to her sister. "What are you both up to?" She asked with a smirk "Just talking, and apparently Jason finds me cute" she said with a smile "Oh? What about me?" Morning asked making Jason feel slightly awkward "I think your cute also Morning" he stated "Damn right" she said as she laid her legs on his and used him as a foot rest "so any mares here tickle your fancy?" She asked which caused Jason to shake his head "what? Not even one?" She asked "Not even one" he said as he sipped his drink "Why not?" Iron asked "Well the main factor is that I am not a pony" he said which caused the sisters to laugh "what?" "Just because you ain't a pony doesn't mean you can't get jiggy with a mare" Morning stated with a smirk "hay out great grandfather was a griffin" she added "Bullshit" Jason replied "No bullshit here, it has it's perks, like being able to walk on clouds without being a Pegasus, allows use to eat meat, and makes us stronger" Iron said "Hold the fuck up.... Pegisi can walk on clouds?" He asked dumbfounded "Well yea how do you think they can control the weather without being able to touch clouds" Iron stated "Wait what?! Pegisi control the fucking weather?!" He said loudly getting everyponies attention in the room "Of course other wise who would?" A Black Pegisi stated "Um just let it do it's own thing" Jason said causing everypony to laugh at him "what?" "The only place that does that is the Everfree, but everywhere else Pegisi or Griffins control the weather worldwide" a pony stated "Well shit, on earth we can't control the weather, only predict it with satellites" he said which got him weird looks "satellites are machines that orbit my planet and take photos of my planet or space" he said which got him a lot of wide eyed responses. "He is telling the truth" Applejack said which didn't help the situation "Okay fine then if your planet doesn't control it's weather, let me guess the animals, planets survive without help, or the sun and moon raise themselves" another pony said sarcastically "Well yes that is correct" he said getting a collection of gasps "How does your race survive?" Another asked "Well my race are the apex predator of my world as we out think predators that want to get us and we are incredibly adaptable, and before you ask I don't eat ponies" he added getting him a collection of sighs of relief "So what did you even do back on your world?" The black stallion asked "Well I was a Tradie or Tradesman, I fixed things or build houses or fences or what ever was needed" he said with a smile "to be honest I am planning of setting up shop here in Ponyville" he added "So you are gonna be a fixer upper" a pink mare said at a makeshift bar "Yea of sorts, hell if any of you want to hire me just let me know" he said with a smile before the pink one came and dragged him onto the stage "what are you doing Pinkie?" He asked "Q and A time " she said before looking at an alabaster mare with an electric blue mane and tail and wore shades "Vinyl would you please?" She asked and the mare nodded and paused the music and gave Jason a microphone. "I was just doing that why am I doing it again" he asked "Oh no silly billy this is where the crowds asks you just about anything" she said before turning to the crowd "okay hands up everypony" she called out before looking at the crowd "Okay umm, Octavia" she said pointing to a grey mare in a Dark grey dress "Thank you Pinkie, I just wanted to ask about his world?" She asked which Jason nodded making her smile "do you have music and if so what type?" She asked in a proper tone. "Well my world does have music and to be honest from what I have heard from your dj, I think our music is similar, for example we have rock, metal, pop, jazz, R'n'B , classical and more" he said with a smile before Pinkie chose one named Big Mac "Ah just wanted to say ah'm sorry for punching ya a few days back" he said sheepishly which made the ponies wide eyed "It's cool, you were injured and I pressed against it" Jason replied, the rest of the questions came by pretty harmless until Pinkie asked a pink mare who was the bartender "Yes Berry?" Pinkie asked "Hey just a simple question, do you have a special somepony?" She asked curious with a slight slur from alcohol. "No, no I haven't for the last 6 -8. Years" he said causally "Well I'm sure a handsome stallion like you would have to trouble getting a mare or a dozen" she said with a wink "What do you mean a dozen?" He asked confused "Oh you know, starting a herd" she said making Jason cock his eyebrow "Um a herd?" He asked "Yea you know a stallion and multiple mares" she said "Wait relationships here are polygamous?" He asked getting a round of nods from everypony "Yea due to the fact that the stallion to mare ratio is 1 - 7 "Twilight said "why what's ratio in your world?" "Roughly 50/50" he said "Oh that explains things better" she said before Pinkie concluded the Q and A and Jason wen back to the couch "Well that explains why there are so few guys around as why you didn't understand ladies first, tell me which hence is dominant here?" He asked Iron "Female of course" she stated with a warm smile "You know you are handling this really well Jason" Morning stated "Yea tell me about it" he said leaning his back "I need a strong drink" he sighed "Here you I Hun," a voice said causing him to look at Berry offering him a glass, her mane and tail were pink also but a darker shade a she was wearing a black top that was maybe a size too small along with shorts. "Like what you see hmm?" She asked causing him to blush and politely take the drink "Sorry Ms I didn't mean to gawk" he said rubbing the back of his head with hi free hand as she grabbed a seat and sat in front of him "Call me Berry and don't worry about it, I find it a compliment" she said sipping we drink "and also I am sorry for embarrassing you bit what I said was true" she said with a smile "Thanks Berry, bit I doubt they'd want to I out with me, hell look at me, I am shorter then most, I am a fucking alien for Christ sake," he stated with a chuckle "And also he is xenophobic" Morning added "I am not xenophobic, and the only reason I said that your all not my species is a problem is because I was raised to only be with humans as ponies on my world were not sapient" he responded "Well your not on your world and the only way your gonna find love or anything like that is to drop that mind set and just go with the flow" Iron informed making Jason sigh ad sip his drink "Well fuck, how about this, you all get a list of mares that are interested in little old me and then maybe I'll think about dating ponies" he said 'I doubt there are many' "Deal" Berry said shaking his hand with a sultry look, he was about to say something about it before his phone went off. "Hello?" He asked. "Oh hello Jason it's me Celestia I just wanted to ask you a favor?" She asked as a loud crashing and screaming was heard in the back ground. "Um okay what is it?". "I was wondering if my little sister could stay with you for a couple weeks or months, I will pay for he boarding it's jut that.... She needs time to just" she said. "Alright fine but two things, one she better not break my stuff as second bring her over tomorrow" he said which she thanked him an hung up. "What was that about?" Iron asked. "Oh just another roommate" he sighed before standing from the couch "I better go" he said as Berry took his phone and called her phone with it before saving her number and returning his phone. "There now you have my number a I will spread your number around so you can get business" she said before standing and hugging him which he returned before heading for the door with the stars. 'Good thing Celestia called on my work phone' he said as the group walked home. "So who is our new roommate?" Iron asked. "Princess Luna" Jason replied causing the mares to sigh. "Well buck, just when I was starting to have fun" Morning said as they reached the front door. "It can't be that bad" he said as he unlocked the door and let them in, as he walked inside, his phone went off from text messages of jobs "well damn looks like I have a few jobs this week" he said surprised "that was fast". "It's a small town" Iron said before giving him an hug an heading to her room. "Why am I getting hugged?" He asked as Morning hugged him. "It's how we say hi ad bye to friends" she said with a smile and went to her room. "Right" he muttered and headed to his room before looking at his tv "I really wanna play video games but I can't have a late night.... Maybe for a little while" he said before setting up his console and began playing. (The next morning) Jason had just finished playing with a smile before he checked his phone and groaned "fucking fallout making me play all night" he muttered as he went to shower and make breakfast for himself and the mares "good thing they can eat meat" he said grabbing bacon and eggs from his fridge and began cooking "but I swear I set my alarm for 2am" he muttered as he pulled out his phone to check only to groan when it said it was set for 2pm. "Morning Jason" a Morning said as she Opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle that said Orange juice. "Morning.... Morning" he chuckled before handing her a plate of food which made her smile, he notice that she was wearing a black pair of shorts and a black tank top with the royal guard mark on them. "This is an upside to living with a omnivore instead of herbivores " she said eating the bacon first as Iron came out in a black top and track suit pants with the royal guard crest on both. "Hey" she ignored him as she yawned and went to a the pot of coffee that was freshly brewed before getting a mug and sipped it. "Morning" she said grabbing her plate and sitting down 'ah a coffee person' he finished up making his before walking and grabbing a coffee and sitting with the two "so when is the Princess coming?" Iron asked. "Fuck if I know" he said with a shrug before sipping his coffee. "So how did you sleep anyway?" Morning asked him. "I didn't I got distracted by my Xbox". "Xbox don't you mean Pbox?" Morning said. "What?" He asked confused. "Morning remember his world and ours are similar so they are most likely the same thing but anyway that was mighty stupid Jason seeing that not only do we have a princess coming but you also have work" Iron said as she sat back down with he third cup of coffee but before she could drink from it a knock was heard from the door. As Jason went to answer, he checked himself and sighed, he was in the same clothes as last night, but he had no time to fix it as he answered the door to find Celestia standing next to a 6 foot 2 faded blue Alicorn mare with a darker blue mane in a dark blue and purple dress "Morning Celestia" he said with a smile before offering his hand to Luna "hey my name is..." He was saying before he was cut off by Luna. "We know who thou is Jason Winter" she said with a annoyed huff. "Look Jason I just need you to look after her, I know you wondering why I chose you instead of my student but I needed someone who was gonna treat her like a mare instead of royalty so I chose you" she said before handing Luna a ring "Be good Lulu" she said with a smirk. "We are not a child Tia" she said putting the ring on and changing into a purple Pegasus mare "we will not cause trouble for me Winter" she said as Jason let her in to his house. "Okay good and Jason she didn't bring anything as she didn't really have anything in her size" Celestia said. "It's cool Tia, I'll take her to Get clothes" he said before giving her a hug that shocked her slightly before she returned it with a smile. "Thank you Jason for looking after her an seeing me as a friend, best of luck" she said before teleporting away leaving them alone. "Okay so Luna.... Wanna play some Fallout?" He asked. > Chapter 4 - First day and Gala (unedited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So Luna.... Wanna play fallout?" Jason asked her. "Um what is Fallout?" She asked confused which made him smirk. "Come on I'll show you and also you can remove your disguise, Morning and Iron both know who you are so a disguise won't be needed" he stated as removed the ring and he lead her to his room to grab his laptop. As they entered his room, Luna was surprised at it, it was clean and organised for a stallion. "Wow" she said as she looked at the game, movie and band posters on his walls, then at his photos of himself and either several other males or him and a shorter female. "Is this thou's marefriend?" She asked picking up the photo to show him. "What? Oh no that is my baby sister Amelia" he said with a sigh before he went back to looking around his room "Where the fuck is it?" He growled which at this point Morning and Iron had entered his room. "Wow Jason didn't think you'd have her in your room after just meeting the her" Morning tease which Jason replied by throwing a green lantern hoodie at her. "Mine now" she said with a smirk. "No I am just looking for my laptop while Luna is just having a look at stuff" he said annoyed as he opened his wardrobe and pulled out boxes, he opened one and threw homemade Foxy plushie out of it before finding his laptop" found it" he said with a smile as he turned to see Luna, Morning and Iron inspecting the plushie. "Um Jason, why do you have such a weird teddy bear?" Iron asked. "Well I made it for my little sister for her birthday, it's just something I do for her for her birthday." He said sighing again. "Um sorry to ask this but why do you?" She asked. "Well when she was little, she was scared of monsters, like the one under her bed or in her closet, which usually meant she end up screaming and hiding in my bed with me, when I asked why she hid in my bed rather then mum and dad's, she simply said that I'd scare the monster'a away,which gave me an idea to make her a 6 foot tall Xenomorph, which is a monster from a movie and can show you anyway, she surprisingly adored it either because it was I massive stuffed 'animal' or because I made it and so I told her that it would eat any monsters that came for her. " he smiled warmly at the memory "from then on I have made her plushie monster toys for her, but most are only a foot tall." He explained. "Why would thou stop letting thou's sister into your bed at night?" Luna asked. "Well simply because I was sneaking out at night to go to concerts and I didn't want her to be frightened and alone." He explained before looking at the plushie and sighed. "That was for her 17th birthday" he said before walking over and picking it. "Hell I should get rid if it to stop thinking about it but I don't want to destroy it. "He muttered. "We shall take it" Luna stated with a smile. "Sure" he said giving her the plushie "okay let's got to Luna's room so I can set up the laptop for her." He said leading the mares out if his room and into a room next door before going to the desk to set up. "Hey Iron, how do I have water here?" He asked the guard her smiled. "Simple, your home landed about three miles out of town so the Princess teleported it to a plot of land which then we connected the water and gas to it" she explained as he finished setting up and got the game ready. "Okay, anyway Luna it ready" he told her as he hit new game and let her sit in the chair. "Okay so this is Fallout 3 and it will go through a tutorial for you" he said plugging in a headset and mouse which she put on. "Okay so Iron check on her every few hours and bring food or water" he said which got him a nod before he turned and headed to his room to get changed for work. (Ten minutes later, ) Jason was walking through Ponyville while he read his note pad "okay so job one is helping a mare named Colgate with a broken hose" he muttered "next is fixing up a wobbly bench at a Sugarcube Corner, then help a stallion named Time Turner with a piano, then fixing a damaged door hinges at the Ponyville spa and lastly assisting at Sweet Apple Aches for three hours" he finished reading before he put the notepad away and checked a pocket map of the town and looked for the street Colgate is on before heading off with his headphones in. As he walked in his torn jeans and a tan top, a duffle bag with his tools inside along with a rubber hose and his lunch which was slung over his shoulder, he reached different looks, either them being curious looks or simply smiles as he passed ponies. As he walked arrived at the address, he looked at the building 'okay so she is a dentist' he thought as he entered the building and walked into the empty waiting room. "Oh thank Celestia your here beforehand afternoon appointments" a voice said from behind him causing Jason to turn to see a cobalt blue unicorn mare in scrubs smiling happily at him. "I would have been here earlier, but I got lost twice" he said with a smile and offered his hand as he noticed her look him up and down "Jason" he said. "Minuette, but everypony calls me Colgate" she said taking his hand and shaking it. "Pleasure Colgate, now where is the problem?" He asked which she lead him to the next room where she showed him the problem. "The old thing is worn and I don't actually know how to fix it as I have had it since I purchased it" she said with a frown as Jason moved and knelt down next to it and inspected the entire machine. "I can replace this" he said making her sigh in relief as he took out a spanner and began to slowly remove the bolt holding the hose in the suction machine, after removing it, he removed the new hose from his bag 'thank good I got the universal size' he though as he inserted the end and tightened the bolt back up. "Okay give her a test" he said removing the cap from the other end of the hose. She squealed in happiness when it worked before hugging him "thank you, thank you, thank you" she said happily before looking at the clock "wow you work really fast, um why do you have that hose anyway?" She asked curiously as she still hugged him. "Well before coming here, I usually had plenty of repair work from my local dentist so I recognised the machine also, you can leg go now" he said with a blush. "Oh I am sorry I just got a little excited um, how much do I owe you?" She asked causing Jason to pause and scratch his chin after she released him. "Um I have no idea the hose cost me $30 for 3 kilograms of it and I only used 500 grams so let's say $20 as $12 for labour" he said which made her smile as lead him out into the waiting room where she went to her office and grabbed a bag of bits for him. "Here 20 bits along with an extra 5 for doing such a good and fast job" she said happily as he put the bag in his duffle bag and went to shake her hand only to receive a hug. "I'll be sure to call you if I have another task oh and I would love to get a look at your teeth, my cousin said you have very unique teeth and seeing as I have never worked on a Carnivore or Omnivore before. " she stated hopeful. "Thanks Colgate, and sure maybe next Thursday" he replied as he left wit a wave and a smile as he went to his next job. Upon reaching Sugarcube corner, Jason had to actually stop and look at the literal gingerbread house "da fuck?" He muttered before entering to see a tall blue mare with a pink mane and tail in a yellow blouse, white skirt and apron waiting for him by the door "hey there, I've come to fix a bench?" He asked which she smiled and led him to a bench that seamed fine "okay I'll get this done in a jiffy" he said. "Thank you dear, care for a beverage?" The mare asked. "No thank you Ms...." He replied with a smile before testing the bench before flipping it over. "Okay dear and call me Ms Cake" she said before leaving to serve customers as Jason measure the legs and found one was a millimetre shorter so Jason pulled a small belt sander from his bag after marking the other legs with a marker on where to grind to before he grinded down the other legs to the right length before flipping the bench and testing it. After a nod of approval and packing up he walked to the counter to talk to the attendant who was a yellow stallion with blue top and black pants on "hey I finished the table sir" he said. "Ah I see, thank you, so how much do I oh you for the quick job?" He asked. "Well my basic labour cost is depends on the job, so let's just go with $12" he said which he received another small bag of bits. "Thank you sonny, my wife and I will be sure to call for you again if we need you" He said. "Thank you, Mr Cake?" He asked which he got a nod so he smiled an left for Time Turners place. As he arrived he noticed a blue police box in the front yard if the house, 'huh reminds me of doctor who' he thought as he knocked on the front door of the house only for it to be answered by a 5 foot 3 grey unicorn with a yellow mane and tail who was munching on a muffin "hey you must be the human" she said with a curious look. "Yes I am I have come to help with a Piano?" He stated which she nodded an lead him in and to a room with a brown stallion in grey suit, "Mr Turner?" Jason asked getting his attention. "Ah you must be Jason" he said walking over and shaking his hand excitedly "it's so good to see another human, you sound English" he said making Jason raise an eyebrow. "I'm Australian, I get if front my grandad and dad" he said with a smile "so where is the Piano?" He asked which Time gestured the empty room "no serious". "It's right here" he said placing his hand on a invisible surface "it's an invisible piano from a planet where the the inhabitants are blind and make the pianos out of invisible wood and talk through whoops" he explained. "Um okay so what do you need my help for?" He asked. "I named you to paint it". Time Turner replied. "Why would you buy an invisible Piano just to paint it?" Jason asked skeptically. "Because the piano is just the right height if you know what I mean?" He said which got a nod from Jason. " I have the paint and brushes for the job it's just that I named to go save my wife as I accidentally left her on an alien planet". He said sheepishly which made Jason place his own face in his hand before walking over to the paint and started on the task on hand. (Two hours later) Jason had finally finished the second coat and used a knife the separate the keys which were stuck together thanks to the paint just as Time returned with a large red hand print on his cheek. "So you go her back?" He asked which got him a nod "cool, well it's done so that's gonna be $12 plus $15 and hour so that's a total of $45" he explained which the stallion and lead him to the kitchen where a grey Pegasus with a yellow mane and tail was munching unhappily on a muffin as she watched her husband hand Jason a bit bag. "Thanks and i hope you call if you need anything else" he said with a smile before leaving. As he was on his way to the spa he bumped to twilight who was jump all of a sudden "hey Twilight, what's got you so on edge?" He asked. "I got two tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala and thanks to a certain pony half of Ponyville are chasing spike and me " she said as she looked over her shoulder then back at Jason "you don't want to do you?" She asked worriedly. "Um I have no idea what the heck a gala is so no not really" he said getting a sigh of relief from the mare, who was about to speak when Lyra came around the corner. "There she is!" She called out as Twilight eeped before grabbing both spike and Jason and teleporting away. As they arrived in the library twilight began closing all the shutters and spike and Jason groaned on the ground, "Twi warn me next time" Spike said as he got up and helped the human up. "I really don't like teleporting" he said as e heard twilight'a stomach growl so he pulled out his peanut butter sandwich and gave it to her. "Here now explain to me what is going on" he asked sitting on the couch as Twilight munched on the sandwich and explained that it was some massive event in Canterlot that is a must see event and it's most mares dreams to go to it. "Right, I am still not interested" he said stretching before standing and hugging Twilight "I best be off to my next job" he said as the mare nodded and let him out and locked the door behind him. As he entered the spa he was met by two mares, one was pink with a blue mane and tail with a headband and wearing a blue top an white skirt next to a blue mare with a pink mane and tail with a headband and wearing a pink top and white skirt "Hey my names Jason" he introduced offering his hand which the pink one shook first then the blue one. "Pleasure to meet you Jason, I'm Lotus and this is my sister Aloe" the blue one said with a smile as try both inspect him before giving him a map of the spa "okay so the red circles are the doors that you need to replace the hinges" she said with a smile which Jason nodded and headed to the furtherest from the main doors. As he arrived, he received a tap on the shoulder by Lotus who had followed him. "Hey I was wondering if you can work and talk, seeing as it's a slow day today." She asked which Jason nodded before pulling out a screwdriver and began to removed the screws. "So Berry Punch came by earlier and asked us to sign on a petition about you." She said as Jason removed the first of the two rusted hinges for the door. "Yea I was a bit flustered last night when I made that challenge with her" he said as he started on the upper hinge a he pinned the door to the wall with his leg. "Why were you flustered?" She asked him curious. "Well multiple reasons which have built up over the days, the first with being that I can never go home again, second being that I am below average height of ponies here, third that every species here can love ten times as long as I can, fourth being that the ratio of male to female is so out of wack, fifth, the fact that I have gone from a male dominate world to a female dominate one, sixth, polygamy is a thing here." He said with a sigh as he finished the first door "sorry about ranting" he said which made her smile as they moved to the next door. "It's quite alright, you sounded like you needed with the bucked up week you have been through an you also sound like you need friends" she said as she placed a hand on his shoulder "if you like, my sister and I are happy to be your friends" she said warmly which made Jason smile as he began on the door. "So tell me about your day" she said making Jason chuckle. "Nothing too exciting except for the fact I had to paint an invisible piano" he said making Lotus giggle. "Time Turner?" She asked making him nod "yea that sounds like him, he is really nice but he finds the oddest things" she said as Jason finished the door and entered the massage room with Lotus only to find Fluttershy and Rarity getting massages. "Oh hay is it Sunday already?" She asked no one in particular as the two went to a cupboard near the two mares. "Oh hello Lotus, hello Jason" Rarity greeted "what are you doing here Jason?" "Hey you two, well I am just replacing some rusted hinges" he said as he began on the cupboard door. "Oh really? That's very useful of you, oh and by the way you have received an invitation to the Gala" she stated which Jason only shrugged. "Not interested sorry" he said as he finished making Rarity gasp. "What?! But it's the biggest event of the year, you have to go and you have to let me make you a suit." She said sitting up, not giving a fuck that she was naked except for a towel around her waist, she had three blue diamonds on her breast. Jason quickly brought his hand up to his eyes out if respect. "I'm sorry it's just no my thing to hang out with nobles and from what I have heard, most are racist bigots and seeing as I am the only one of my species and an alien species at that, I'd be in quite a shot storm" he said with his eyes covered. "I see but please you must come, it will be enjoyable and you can be there when my dream comes true and I meet the love of my life" she said in a dreamy tone "also thank you for being such a gentle colt, I am covered" she said which got Jason to remove his hand. "Thanks and fine seeing as you are my friend I'll go" he said as she squealed and moved to hug him, ignoring the fact that her towel covering her lower half had fallen off her. "We can hug later when you aren't naked" he said making her blush brightly before levitating her bathrobe over and put it on as Jason left for the lobby. As he reached it, he began to work on the hinges of the front door as Aloe came over with a cup of water. "So what's the damage?" She asked as Jason finished. "Well 10 hinges is usually $5 so that plus $12 for labour makes it $17" he said which made her smile as she gave him a bag of bits, "this is too much" he said removing half of the amount only to be stopped. "Think of it as a tip" she said with a wink before heading back to the front desk to watch him leave. (Later at Sweet Apple Ache's) As Jason arrived at the farm house, he was greeted by Big Macintosh who was sitting on the step with a glass of cider "Howdy Jason" he greeted as he rose. "Hey Mac so what do you need my help with?" He asked. "Oh nothin' just wanted ya to come play cards with ma'self and ah couple of ma friends" he said. "Cards?" Jason asked "Eyup" he said getting a shrug from Jason. "Okay I'm game, when do we start?" He asked "In a bit, want a glass?" He asked gesturing the cider in his hand. "Sure" he said and entered the house with the large red Stallion. > Chapter 5 - Apple Bucking Season Part 1 (unedited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jason was casually sitting at a round table in the barn on Sweet Apple Aches, he was sipping a mug of cider as he and Big Mac waited for the others to arrive, Mac managed to explain that they would be playing Texan hold em' except it was called something else here. He decided to count his bits and take out what he was gonna use for the night while Mac watched him with a raised eyebrow. "Yah earned quiet ah bit of bits in ah day" he said making Jason smile. "Yea I know my rates and I do a good job and a fast job so everyone is more then happy to pay $15 an hour, with a $12 labour fee along with extra for like hinges or hoses used" he explained getting a nod from the stallion. "So who else is coming?" He asked as he put his money away, save for roughly 30 bits. "Well there is Time Turner, Carrot Cake, Thunderlane, Comet Tail, Caramel, Pokey Pierce and Fancy Pants" he explained getting a slow nod from Jason. "Fancy Pants is the only from out of town but he is ah high school friend of Comet so Comet invited him to this game so ya won't be the only newbie." "Fair enough" he said as he sipped his cider as several stallions entered, Time and Carrot both smiled and patted Jason on the back before grabbing a glass and sitting at the table. "How do ya both know him?" Mac asked. "Well I fixed a bench for Carrot and I painted a invisible piano for Time" Jason explained as the stallions nodded and got out their bits. "You had an invisible piano Timmy?" Carrot asked. "Why of course I did" he said sipping the cider and spitting it out straight away. "Aww buck, I grabbed the wrong cider " he said giving the full glass to Mac before grabbing another glass of cider. "So how is your wife now?" Jason asked. "Oh Ditzy is good, still grumpy I left her on that planet or she is grumpy cause I took her away from the planet as they had mountain sized muffins" he said getting a chuckle from all the guys. As they did the rest of the stallions arrived and grabbed seats and drinks, save for a white stallion in a checkered suit with a monocle who was standing next to Jason and inspecting him. "Um hey what's up" Jason said nervously which got him a smile from the unicorn. "I am very good laddy, may I ask who you are?" He asked politely. "Oh my name is Jason" he said offering his hand "and yourself?" "Oh pleasure to meet you Jason, my name is Fancy Pants but just call me Fancy" he said shaking Jason's hand firmly. "I hate to be blunt but what are you my boy?" "Oh I'm a human" he said to him. "Interesting an what do you do here in Ponyville?" He asked curiously. "Well I am a handy man, if someon....pony has a task they need help with or something that needs to be fixed, they call me, um what about you?" He asked as the unicorn sat next to him. "Oh well I am an Entrepreneur and I own a dozen restaurants and I am a manager for my Wife Fleur, also I am a professional boxer and ex Guard and a fashion Designer" he said proudly and dumbfounding Jason. "Oh cool, I am a black belt in Muay Thai" he said back to him. "Muay Thai?" Fancy asked curious. "It's a fighting style from my world and can be very dangerous if used incorrectly" he said. "Fascinating, do you mind if we swap phone numbers, I would very much like to talk with you more or even hire you for maintenance work my friend. " he asked which Jason simply offered him his personal phone, which Fancy entered his number and called himself to receive the number before returning the phone. "Shall we begin, a base of 20 bits as alway?" Carrot said which every one nodded before he began dealing, he then turned to a tan earth pony with a chestnut mane and tail "Caramel you got the small pot while Comet you got the large pot" he said pointing to a dark yellow Unicorn stallion with a dark blue mane and tail who simply groaned and put 3 bits in the centre of the table while Caramel put one with it. "I'll deal and it goes clockwise" he instructed, "Thunder did you being the cards?" He asked a black Pegasus with a white Mohawk. "Yea I did" he said handing carrot a deck of cards from his pocket. "Thanks, so everyone ready?" He asked receiving a round of nods before he began dealing. (A few hours later) The game of poker had ended shortly after it begun after a large black spider fell on Pierce's head causing him to freak out and accidentally break the table, he quickly apologised as Jason quickly repaired it as he still had his tools with him, he received a thanks from Mac before the group moved and sat down to watch a pony version of football on a large TV that was in the room. Jason groaned as it was like American football rather then Australian which caused him to constantly ask questions. As the night went on, Jason discovered that Pierce is a local jeweller who specialises in piercings while Thunder lane is part of the weather team. Comet was an astronomer and Caramel was the local Blacksmith. As the time reached 8pm, Applejack arrived with her little yellow furred sister with some food from her granny and dropped it off which seemed to make everypony but Caramel happy, as he went quiet and turned red before looking at his cider. Upon discussing his reaction after the mares had left, it was discovered that he had a thing for the farmer for the last couple I years but never had the balls to do anything about it. "Dude come on, man up and ask her and I don't give a flying fuck that it isn't how it normally works here" Jason said trying to motivate him. "And if your wondering if she may like you or not then ask Mac's little sister" he said getting a nod in agreement from Mac, who at tho point was munching on a frita. "Or just man up an ask her this week" he said. "He can't ask it's Apple Buck season, which is the name of our harvest and seein' ah'm injured, AJ is gonna be workin' overtime." He sighed. "Want some free labour?" Jason asked " I have no jobs till next week so yea" he said making Mac smile. "Okay well be sure to be here tomorrow at 6 am." He said to the human who nodded before saying his goodbye and leaving. As Jason was walking out if the barn, he noticed Applejack sitting on a swing chair with her stenson on her lap as she gazed at the stars. "Hey Applejack, you alright?" Jason asked as he sat next to her. "Oh Howdy Jason, yea everything is ok" she said with a sigh as Jason rubbed her back gently. "Then why are you down in the dumps?" He asked curious. "You to be honest" she said looking at him. "Me? What's wrong with me?" He asked confused. "Nothin' and that's the problem, heck If ah ended up on anther world where most of everything ah know and never beenin' able to see anyone I know and love ever again, ah'd be going crazy and push everypony away and yet here ya are, takin' it in your stride like nothin' even happened, so how are ya okay with this?" Se asked looking at him and making him sigh. "Truth be told, I'm far from okay, it's the reason I have been busy as I don't really wanna break down and burden you lot with it," he said leaving back. "Doubtful, ah'm your friend as it wouldn't burden me, heck it make me stop worrying about ya a little" she said with a soft smile. "You worried about an alien?" He asked teasingly. " yea, even more so when he is ma friend and is nice to everypony" she said. "Well thanks for your concern Applejack, so I'll be over tomorrow at 5 to help with the apple bucking" he said making her sit up as look at him confused. "Ah don't think so Sugarcube, ah don't need the help" she said stubbornly. "Yes you do" he said gesturing the aches of trees. "No ah don't it's the Apple family tradition that no pony other then Apples can buck apples" she said pointing a finger at him making him chuckle. "I'm not a pony so that rule doesn't apply to me" he said which he was about to counter before grumbling. "Fine" she said quietly. "So I'll see you tomorrow Applejack" he said as yet both stood up and hugged. "Call me AJ seeing as we're friends" he said with a smile before Jason left for home. As Jason walked his thoughts drifted to the individual that confronted him at the hospital and what his warning meant, he then remembered about the two letters back at his place. Upon arriving at his home he saw Iron sitting on the couch with a book in her hand while she wore a blue top and jeans while Morning was munching on an apple with Jason's hoodie on and in shorts, he quickly waved before heading to his room and locking the door before he wen to his bedside table and pulled out the letters and opened the one marked with the number 1. 'Dear Jason, I know what I am about to say may be a little intense but all of what I'm about to say is incredibly important. My name is Adrian Storm, I am fully human and I am your father, now before you get confused, if you already aren't, you were born in Equestria in the Crystal Kingdom. Now when you are most likely reading this is probably when you are a grown man that my Nephew has raised. I'm getting off track, okay so my Earth, the where you were sent to, the time between there and this Equis is incredibly buggered as a year on Earth is like 250 years.... Maybe, I don't know I didn't do the calculations.... Anyway back on track again, when you reading this is either when you are thirty (which was when the Nova Gateway was suppose to bring you back) which you can just tear this up now and ignore it.... If not then you an the rest of this planet are in terrible danger. A danger that Lucas, Milo and myself failed to stop which means you have to take over our job.... Sorry, anyway I have left a gift for you, it is a form of basic magic called Channeling that any species in the MultiVerse can use as it takes the magic around you and helps it intertwine with your soul through meditation. You probably don't believe me but I beg you, please at least attempt Channeling as it will allow you to use magic, mostly elemental which will save you life for when they come. Your probably have many questions, like how is your mother, how you were sent to earth, why didn't I keep you here, what the fuck is Channeling, who are they and why does this all sound like a bad plot twist? All these will be explained in due time my son but for now be safe and train as you will need to be at your very best With lo-- From Adrian Storm' Jason simply read the letter over a few more times before simply putting it back in his draw before he went to open the second letter, only to be electrocuted slightly, which annoyed him and he tried over and over, each time with the same result until he gave up and put it away. "Well fuck" he muttered before removing his clothes and putting on shorts before walking out to grab a glass of water, forgetting that he currently had several female room mates. As he walked out, he instantly got both Iron's and Morning's attention, who were talking on the couch, he didn't notice them as he entered the kitchen and opened his fridge as Luna walked in, took a bottle of soda, gave him a nod before leaving only to return a few moments later and look at him. "Yes Luna?" He asked as he grabbed a jug of water before closing the fridge and getting a glass. "We are simply inspecting our host" she stated as she sat across from him as he grabbed an apple and looked at his bear scarred chest. "Is it sufficient?" He asked as e munched on the fruit. "Yes, we believe it is, but we have another question" she asked. "Yea?" "We desire one of thou's hoodies" she stated Nanking him raise an eyebrow as Iron entered and sat next to him. "Now why would you want one of mine?" He asked. "Well your hoodies are thick, plush, soft and have one of a kind designs" Iron said making Jason nod. "And they smell nice!" Morning called out. "You know that the smell is most likely my sweat" he called back. "Interesting" Luna said rubbing her chin. "I'm Luna, why do you have a chip in your hair?" Jason asked making her stop and run her hand through her mane an found the chip. "Oh we were playing the Fallouts and a claw if death jumped out and attacked us making our chips to go flying" she said sheepishly as she threw the chip away. "Right well I'm gonna go to bed... If you want a hoodie come with me" he said as he rose and walked to his room as Luna and Iron followed him. "Okay so Blue, Indigo, Red, Yellow, Orange or Pink?" He asked. "Orange please." Iron asked "Blue" Luna said which Jason nodded and went to grab the hoodies, he had managed to buy a hoodie for each lantern corp a few years earlier as he enjoyed DC and green lantern comics. "Okay here you go, " he said giving the Avarice corp hoodie to Iron and the Hope corp hoodie to Luna who thanked him and left him to go to bed. 'So still got Pink, Indigo, White, Black, Yellow and Red' he thought as he looked at the hoodies before shivering 'that was weird' he thought before having a shower and heading to bed. The next morning, Jason was awoken by his alarm so with a groan he was up and began to get cleaned up, he grabbed cargo shorts, his steel cap boots and a black singlet, got changed and headed to Sweet Apple Aches to meet up with AJ who gave him a quota and a section which he began to work by scaling the tries and picked ripe fruit before dropping them into the buckets below. 'Thank fuck dad had a few apple trees on his property' he thought as he loaded the buckets from the first tree onto a cart before moving to the next. (Several Hours Later) Jason was working in his fourth row as a yellow mare with a red mane and tail in overalls walked under the tree he was in, he didn't notice her a he worked until she called out to him. "Hey Jason, Lunch is ready" she called out to him. "Thanks AppleBloom" he replied as he finished with the tree and climbed down before carrying the full buckets to the cart and pulled the cart to the barn for emptying. As he reached the barn, he notice that the yellow mare had been following him. "I'm gonna go, you don't have to worry" he said with a smile as he wiped his brow with his top. "No it's not that," she said as they began walking to the farm house. "Then what is it?" He asked. "Well it's just that your so much younger then me and yet your built like ma brother, how is that?" She asked "Cause where I am from, we age and grow much faster then species here" he said as they made it to the front porch. "Oh ah get it.... Ah think." She said making Jason laugh as they entered. "Hey Jason why are ya wearing cologne?" She asked. "What? I'm not" he said before sniffing himself and hi nose crinkled. "Damn I reek" he said with a groan. "No ya smell nice, like the fancy expensive cologne ma brother uses" she stated. "What is my natural B.O is pleasant to you?" He asked receiving a nod from her. "Well damn" he said as they reached the dining room and sat a the table with Mac and Granny. "Hey where is AJ?" He asked. "She's dealing with our run away cattle deary" the elderly light green mare said softly. "Fair enough Granny, but question, are the cows Like you all?" He asked. "No cows are cows, they walked on four legs as talk" he said making Jason shrug. "Close enough" he said before he began eating as AJ arrived huffing from running as she sat next to Jason and grabbed herself some food. As she ate she looked over to Jason with a smile. "So how many have ya done so far?" She asked. "Three rows" he said making her smile more. "That's double your quota" she said as she sipped we drink "you can finish for the day if ya like" she offered. "Nope, I clock off at six so that means six more hours so that means I can get another three in" he said before getting up from the table an heading back out. "Ah like 'im" granny said with a smile. "Yea he is as stubborn a a mule" Applejack said. "And before ya say anything, he ain't my type" she added making Mac raise his eyebrow. (That evening) When Jason finished, it was nearly midnight, which was quite a while after what he said he would work to, he simply smile and left the farm, leaving the Cowgirl to her own devices a e walked home. As he walked through the town, he passed several ponies who were going home after being out on the town, which most seemed to wave at him which he simply returned the gesture as he passed a alleyway. As he passed it he heard someone whimper softly causing him to stop and inspect the alleyway. As he did he saw a white unicorn stallion with a black mane holding Berry Punch against a wall, he had a sadistic smile as he did. "Hello sweetie, long time to see?" He asked as Jason slowly approached. "Let go of me Sword Dance" she begged which made him chuckle. "Why my dear fiancé?" He asked softly. "Ex- Fiancé, you bucked off when you found out I was pregnant" she growled. "Well now I'm back to take what mine aga..... " he was saying before Jason slammed his fist into the stallion's side causing him to let go of Berry and stumble back, the stallion didn't even have a moment to realise what was happening before a pair of palms smacked Sword's temples before they gripped and pulled his face down into a rise knee, knocking the stallion back more. "Who the Buck Are you?" He yelled as a trail of blood oozed from his nose. "I'm Berry's friend so if you want her, you are gonna have to go through me first" he said picking up a pipe that was in the Alley. "Oh Buck off" he growled as his horn began to glow, only for the pipe to be slammed horizontally across his horn, cracking it and making he cry out and hold his horn. "Now just fuck of before I give you a probing" he threatened making the stallion run out of the alley before Jason ditched the pipe and received a bear hug from Berry. "Thank you Jason" she said wit a sniffle as she buried her face in his neck. "It's okay Berry" he replied as his arms wen around her, "we are gonna go to your place, pack up some of your stuff as bring you and your little one to my place until your safe" he said. "Re.... Really?" She asked. "Of course" he said as he walked wit her back to her place to pack up some clothes, it was there that Jason met her daughter, Berry Pinch who was like her mother in appearance. "Okay we are ready" Berry said twenty minutes later which got a nod from Jason as they headed to his house. "Okay so Pinchy can take my study which I'll convert into a temporary bedroom while you Berry shall take my room" he informed as he unlocked the front door. "I can't and won't take your bed Jason" Berry argued as he let the two in. "This is non negotiable" he said a he went to his empty study to set up a mattress for the filly, as he did, Morning entered the room and gave him a hug from behind him. "What's this for?" He asked. "For being a decent Stallion" she said as she nuzzled his shoulder. "I just did what most guys would" he said. "Yea on your world, not here, especially when it comes to mares" she said with a sigh as she continued to hold him against herself. "Why is that? Is it cause of the ratio?" Jason asked as he placed his hand on hers to let her know she can let go. "Yea pretty much, most stallions see mares as just property" she sighed as she let go of him. "Well I wasn't raised like that." He said turning to face her. "It's one of the reasons I like you" she said with soft smile. "Anyway dinner I ready" she said before they left the room to head to the kitchen. "Hey Morning.... I like you too" he said making her smile. "Who doesn't" she said teasingly before she went to take a seat at the table, Jason sat next to her and Berry as Iron sat next to Pinchy and Luna, Luna was next to Morning and Pinchy was next to her mum. "So have you lot explained by Luna is here?" He asked getting a round of nods. "Hey Jason, why are you wearing cologne?" Iron asked. "I'm not, Apparently my Body Oder just smells like that" he grumbled making the mares laugh. "What?" "It's just funny that stallions pay like $100 - $3000 on a cologne like the when you produce it for free" Morning said making Jason smile. "Well ain't that a big F you to everybody else" he said as he ate. "You know this makes me feel a bit out of place" he said. "What does?" Berry asked. "Being the only guy in the room" he said. "Well you better get use to it as it will be a common scenario when you have a herd." iron said. "Are you lot still on that idea of me having a herd?" He asked getting a round if nods. "Why?" He asked them. "Well you kind, funny, polite, respectful to mares and hard working" Iron said with a smile. "And good looking" Morning added getting a glare from Iron but making Jason laugh. "What I am just being honest" she said with a smile. "Well as much as I like this conversation, I better head to bed and so should Pinchy" he said making the filly groan, he smile and headed to the lounge room before he was stopped by Berry. "Berry I'm not gonna let you sleep on the couch " he said. "Fine then at least share your bed with me" she asked making him blush slightly. "Are you sure you wanna share your bed with a smelly ape?" He asked with a smirk. "Why of course" she said. "And why is that?" He asked crossing his arms. "Because of this." She said Kissing him. > Chapter 6 - Apple Bucking Season Part 2 (unedited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jason was shocked at Berry as she pressed her soft lips against his, hundreds of thoughts were raving through his head like 'why him?' Or 'do I want this?' Before he could think of anymore, Berry pulled away an looked at his shocked and confused expression and instantly her ears fell against her head. "I'm sorry I buck up jus..." Berry was trying to say before Jason pulled her back into the kiss making her shrug an wrap her arms around his neck as the kiss deepened. Jason felt her tongue against his lips so he parted his lips to let it in only to shiver when he felt the long broad tongue over power his own. The two became oblivious to the world around them as two guardmares simply watch and Morning handed Iron a bag of bits. After a few more moments the two broke the embrace to get a breath of air, Berry had a dumb grin on her face while Jason was blushing slightly with a similar smile. "So I guess you accept the fact of dating mares now?" Morning asked grabbing hi and Berry's attention. "Yea I guess I am" he said with a nervous chuckle. "Good I'm glad" Iron said as she yawned and left for her room, shortly before Morning and Luna. Leaving the two alone in the lounge room. "So we better get some sleep" Jason said receiving a nod from Berry before they walked to Jason's room in which Jason grabbed a pair of sweat pants and headed for his bathroom to shower. As he did Berry looked around his room with a smile before she grabbed his pink hoodie and pulled it on after stripping to her underwear before climbing into his bed, shortly after Jason came out only in his pants an climbed in also only to have her arm wrap around him and cuddle him before she fell asleep. "She is gonna hate me in the morning" he said quietly as he checked his phone's alarm before heading to sleep. (The next morning at 4AM) RING!!!!!!! "WHAT THE BUCK?! WHY?!" SMASH!! That was the sounds Jason awoke to, only to see his personal phone in pieces and a very pissed off pink mare glaring at him. "You broke my phone" he grumbled. "It's 4 am" she stated "And this is when I get up" he said making her groan. "I guess you do have a fault" she said placing her face in her palm making him chuckle as he sat up and pulled her onto his lap. "It's only for this week" he said making her ears perk up slightly. "Then it's back to waking up at 6am" he chuckled a he slugged his shoulder hard making him groan "god damn you earth ponies are strong" he grunted as he rubbed his shoulder making her giggle. "That's what you get for waking me up this early" she said pecking his cheek before laying back down and watched him grab a red top, cargo pants and his boots before heading to shower only to return ten minutes later all clean and fresh to find that Berry was already out cold cuddling his pillow with a bit of drool seeping from the corner of his mouth making him chuckle before he headed to sweet apple aches. As he arrived at the farm, sipping a can of ROCKSTAR, he saw Applejack already working tiredly. 'Did she work through out the night?' He thought as he approached her and distracted her only to receive a hard buck to his knee causing him to grunt in pain. "Oh sugercube ah'm so sorry" she said apologetically moments before he offered her his spare can of ROCKSTAR, which she took confused. "What's this Sugercube?" She asked. "Energy" he said downing his can before limping towards the barn to grab several baskets and a cart only to have a sudden realisation "why the fuck didn't I bring my fucking truck" he groaned as he started on a row of trees slower ten the day before thanks to his injured knee. Throughout the day, the mane six has swung by to collect Applejack for different reasons, he managed to get Fluttershy to follow an nag him all day unwantedly after she noticed his limp, but Jason kept working, much to her efforts, the two talked about different things, like his past injuries, if he had pets, his past relationships, his now broken phone, why there was four mares and a filly now in his house and if she could borrow some books from him which he agreed to. "So since you have never had a pet... Do you want one?... That's if you don't mind" he said as she offered him a bottle of water as he was pulling a full cart to the barn. "Thanks... Um I don't know Shy, I have never had a pet before" he said taking and sipping the water, like the previous day, his top was tied to his belt loop an his pants were folded up to just above his knees to show a set of bandages on his left knee that Fluttershy had put on him. "I'm sure you'd be great with a pet Jason" she said smiling as she glanced at his knee as they reached the barn. "Um okay well I'll need one that I can depend on not one that needs me to constantly look after it so no cats or fish or hamsters or such" he said making her nod and smile at her small victory. "Well I guess that leaves a dog or a bird or a bear" she said catching him off guard with the last one. "I'm not gonna have a bear in my house, Berry or Iron would freak" he said "maybe a dog?" He asked receiving a nod from Shy as an exhausted Applejack over to Jason with a brown paper bag. "'Ere Jason, this is am apology for that" she said gesturing his knee as he opened the bag and pulled out the green muffin. "Interesting, you didn't have to AJ" he said. "Yea i did, I probably bucked up you knee for a good while, RedHearts not gonna be happy with me" he said as Jason took a bit if the muffin. "Haha yea probably, hey this isn't too bad" he said. "Ah'm glad, ah made it myself" she said wore heading back to work as Shy tapped him on the shoulder before pointing a the wriggling innards of the muffin. (Ten minutes later.... In the nearest bathroom). "Jason are you okay?" Shy asked worriedly as she listened to the sound of her friend being violently sick. "Yes fucking .... Burp..... Perfectly fine" he said as his voice dropped with sarcasm before he vomited more. "Don't worry Redheart is on her way" she said moments before the white earth pony came up the stairs. "Where is he?" She asked as Shy pointed to the door in which she opened and entered with Shy to find the very pissed off and sick human sitting next to the toilet. "Howdy" he said simply as she gave him a once over before helping him to his feet. "Your going to the hospital as this is the worse case of food poisoning today" she said as the two mares lead him out of the hospital. "Jason what happened to you, why are you limping?" She asked. "Applejack accidentally bucked his knee" shy said. "It's fine Red she didn't mean it" he said as the passed Twilight lecturing AJ before the two walked over to Jason. "Ah'm so sorry jas..." She was saying before he placed his hand on her muzzle. "It's cool, you were tired but I am never eating a muffin again" he said and not a second later he was tackle by a bright pink blur. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?!" Pinkie exclaimed as she sat on his stomach making him groan. "Cause of the reason that I got serious food poisoning from a fucking muffin, that should be nearly impossible even if you use spoilt eggs" he said. "Then I will make you love them again even if I have to make you eat one everyday until you do" she promise before she was pulled off the human and he was pulled to his feet and lead to the hospital. (The next day) Jason was finally released for the hospital only to be tackled by a pink blur and have a choc chip muffin forced into his mouth before the blur vanished leaving a confused and slightly violated man laying on the ground. He pulled himself off the ground before he headed to Shy's place to see her as she asked him the night before to swing by to see which of the few dogs she had that he would like, so like a good friend he went to her place only to get lost for an hour before finding it. As he entered the front gate he was instantly hugged by the butter mare "I'm so happy that your feeling better Jason" she said nuzzling his neck slightly before blushing and retreating from him "sorry um so your here to decide which pet suits you?" She asked changing the subject as Jason nodded and she led him to were her animals were relaxing. There were dozens if animals ranging from a cute little bunny to a massive Grizzly bear, he watched as Shy called out and several dogs and wolves walked over and sat in front if the two. He watched as she crouched down in front of them and asked which was interested in being his pet which caused Jason to cock his eyebrow before a large wolf with blue eyes and a white pelt moved forwards and sniffed him before sitting and panted at him. "I think she likes you" Shy said 'of course it's a girl' "this is quite rare for a Dire wolf to choose somepon.... Someone who isn't from the frozen north to be their master" she said as Jason offered his hand to the wolf only for it to be nuzzled. "Well isn't that interesting, I'll pick he up after I help AJ with her apple picking" he said. "Oh the girls and I did that after you were admitted to hospital" she said shyly. "So you got through to AJ?" He asked. "Yes after she got a massive scolding from twilight" she said with a giggle before looking at the large wolf "what are you gonna name her" "I don't know probably something to do with winter as that's my last name, cause I'm unoriginal like that."he said with a shrug as he scratched his new pet behind the ears. "How about snow?" She suggested causing Jason to shrug. "Works for me, how about you?" He said asking the wolf which honestly didn't look like it gave a shit other then receiving ear scratches. "Hey um if Snow's species is native way up north then how did she get here?" He asked. "Um I just found her waiting outside m door the day you arrived" she explained. "A little too convenient..., What are your secrets?!" He asked the dire wolf as he placed both his hands on it's cheeks and got close to it's face with his only to have his face licked. "She said she isn't telling" Shy added. "Okay well how much do I owe you shy?" He asked as he tuned to look at her. "Um just this, I wanted to give this to you cause I felt different around you but I didn't have the nerve to do it until now so please take it.... That's um if you want it" she said removing one of her primary flight feathers and offering it to him, Jason not knowing what the fuck it meant accepted it without second thought making her blush brightly and hug him tight confusing Jason to no end 'I got to ask Luna what this means as she is part Pegasus' he thought as he hugged her back before letting go. "Um I'll text you the details later tonight" she said happily a Jason gave her a thumbs up before leaving and placing the feather in his pocket. Upon arriving home and opening the door, Snow instantly moved inside and a loud scream was heard before Jason walked it to find Berry on the kitchen table. "Hey Berry so you have met Snow my new pet" he said wit a chuckle before taking a empty water bottle to the face followed by being tackle hugged to the ground. "Your a Bastard for doing that and making me worry" she growled before pecking his cheek and heading to his room. He simply got up and noticed Snow giving him a dead panned look which he shrugged off to find Luna. He reached her door and was about to knock before hearing. "Die filth, Thou shall pay for slaying our father..... Suffer the wrath of the fat man....... Buck I died" it was at this point that Jason knocked. "Enter" he heard before entering her room to see that she had redecorated "does thou approve of our remodelling of our room? Our sister brought over something's last night" she said with a smile as Jason gave her a thumbs up before walking over an sitting on her bed. "Wait is the room bigger?" He asked making her giggle. "Yes it is, a simply dimensional spell allowed for this so now we have a room for fit for a Princess" she said before pausing her game and sitting next to him. "I need to ask Tia to do that for my room.... Anyway I have a question for you as your part Pegasus" h said causing her to cock an eyebrow. "What does it mean for a Pegasus to offer you a Primary Flight feather?" He asked. "Why does thou ask?" She questioned as Jason produced the butter Feather from his pocket making her smile. "Well since thou accepted the feather, it means that thou has accepted to court the said Pegisi" she stated simply and waited for his reaction which took a few moments as his brain was processing the information. "Wait what?!" > Chapter 7 - Jason vs Overlord (unedited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So your saying I just accepted to go out with Fluttershy? When I just sort off agreed to go out with Berry?!" He asked reviving a nod from Luna. "And I'm guessing There are several others interest also" "We wouldn't be surprised, thou are quite desirable for a Stallion, with a bit of training and experience with a mare and thou may even find thou self in our bed" she said with a wink. "Okay I get it, I interrupted your gaming session" he said standing up as she went back to the laptop. "Night Luna" he said as he reached the door. "Night lover boy" she teased before shoving him out with her magic and locked the door. 'Well her magic has gotten stronger' he thought a he walked out to the lounge room to find Morning out cold on the couch with Snow laying on top of her with her muzzle buried in her cleavage 'great I got a perverted wolf' he thought before looking at Iron who was reading one of his book, '10,000 leagues under the sea' , he took a deep breath and walked over to her and sat in front of her. "Iron.... Can I ask you a question?" He asked, gaining her attention. "Hmm? What is it Jase?" She asked putting the book down an going him her full attention. "Why are you blushing?" She asked curious. "Um, well, I just wanted to.... How do I say this?" He asked out loud making her chuckle. "I'd love to Jase"she said pecking his cheek before returning to her book "you do know that Morning and myself are a package?" She asked. "A Package?" He asked looking at her confused until his vision was obscured by blood red hair "hey Morning" "Hey, so to answer your question, I am gonna ask you another question, do you remember the ratio?" She asked making him nod "well this allows groups of friends to be in a relationship together, so does that explain your question?" "Yea sort of but aren't you both siblings and wouldn't that be weird when it comes to sex?" He asked making her giggle. "Not really, you see with the ratio and how close family can be, it's actually legal for female family members to be intermate" she said. "So just female members?" He asked. "Yes due to the fact of the ratio," Iron said, "it's why Morning and I share a single room and bed here" she said with a smile and a wink. "Wait you mean...." He was saying before they both nodded, "in my house?" He asked getting another nod. "Wow you both are quiet" he said with a chuckle. "Actually, Twilight sound proofed the room, cause surprisingly Iron is really, really loud" Morning said causing the orange mare to turn bright red along with Jason. "I think I'm gonna take a walk before I end up feeling more awkward and turned on" he said before standing and leaving the room only to encounter Berry. "So you have started a herd without telling your head mare?" She asked confusing Jason even more. "Head mare?" He asked. "Yea or lead mare, it's pretty much your original partner and it's really disrespectful to start a herd without letting me know" she scowled him making him rub the back of his head before she started laughing "I am pulling your chain sweetheart, it just means I have to 'test them' "she said with a wink before heading to the kitchen. 'Is this national make Jason feel turned on and embarrassed day?, what could go worse?' He thought moments later hi front door was burst open and he was tackled by a grey blur. "Why do you hate Muffins?!" Derpy demanded, unknowingly straddling his lap. "Cause I got poisoned by one" he replied. "And? You can't let one bad experience ruin such a magnificent delicacy" she said bouncing up and down 'really?!' "Okay okay I won't hate them anymore" he promised which she glared at him for a moment. "Good" she said before smiling and leaving the house as Jason just laid their quietly before picking himself up an going to his room change into a his trainers, captain America top, cargo shorts and he slung his sword over his back and tightened the strap to make it comfortable before grabbing his iPod and exiting the house to head to the local woods. After several hours, Jason had arrived at a large crystal clear pool that was in the middle of the dark forest. He hadn't encountered anything too threatening, he encountered a weird rooster lizard that squawked at him before he punched it in the face, knocking it out before moving on. Jason sat down near the shallow pool and relaxed against a tree as he watched the sun set and the moon rise only to witness something amazing. Under the moonlight, the pool began to glow with a faint blue light. "Beautiful isn't it?" A voice asked from his left causing him to turn to see a black Alicorn that stood roughly the height of Celestia, her mane flowed in invisible wind as it resembled the night sky, she wore a black dress that cut off just below her knees but the most defining feature was her slotted blue eyes. "It is called the Moon Pool" she said walking over and sitting next to him, "it was one of my few good creations before I was forced into insanity, the pool heals anyone who is corrupted or wounded.... I hopped that my sister would bring me here except I was corrupted fully before I had a chance to tell her about the pool. " she sighed. "You don't seem so insane at the moment ms" he said looking at the pool then at re Alicorn. "That's because I am not his prize." She said with a sigh. "Who is he and who is his target?" Jason asked. "I am Mir'seck, I am an overlord and my target is Princess Lunar" a voice said from Jason's opposite side to see a figure in full plated armour and he held two 38 inch swords and he was heavily built. "Nightmare moon annoyingly sacrificed herself to save her better half by locking Luna away inside herself". Mir said as Jason got up and drew his sword before looking at Moon. "In the pool" he said which she nodded and teleported into the shallow pool, the water came up to just below her dress before the water underneath her glowed white which made her smile as Mir growled. "I guess now you have no more ways of controlling her" Jason said holding his sword in both hands and doing his best to remember the fight scenes from Lord of the rings. "It doesn't matter, I shall devour her heart when I am done with you whelp" he said before launching forward to slash horizontally only to be blocked poorly by Jason before Mir kicked Jason back and into a tree a mere moment before he drove both his blades into the wood were Jason was before he dodged and slice across Mir'seck's chest causing him to grunt in pain as the blade cut through his armour like it was soft dirt. Jason stepped back until his feet were in the pool, black thick blood oozed from the wound. "Why not take a dip Mir?" He asked getting a glare from the Overlord's glowing red eyes. "Smart little boy, but not smart enough" he said as he launched a meat hook from his cloak that impaled Jason's shoulder before he yanked him out of the water as slashed in a X fashion against the human's chest then moved a few metres back after yanking the meat hook out if his opponents shoulder. "Does it hurt little boy? You may have your father's sword but you don't have the skill or his magic" he said as he brought his slightly bloody blade to a slit in his helmet as a red forked tongue darted out and licked up the blood. "Mmmm delicious for a half human" he said before launching forward and brought his swords down vertically in a attempt to sever his shoulder from his body, but as he did, Jason sidestepped the attack before severing Mir's arm above his elbow causing the overlord more pain as his left arm fell to the ground before shattering into black ash. "You little fuck" he said before Jason was surrounded in a red aura and lifted off the ground as Mir prepared to impale him until a midnight blue beam struck him in the side of the head, sending him into a tree, releasing Jason who landed on the ground with a grunt as his knee was permanently damaged thanks to AJ. Jason looked to Moon who's horn was glowing and she looked extremely pissed off but Jason couldn't help the next words he spoke. "Why so serious?" He asked wit a smirk before she sent a ball of water into his face which at first annoyed him before he felt a warm sensation as his wounds healed, leaving behind scars but Jason soon turned to block an attack from Mir as another ball of water came flying but this time slammed into Mir, causing his armour to hiss and bubble causing him to cry out before he was silenced as Jason drove his blade through his heart "any final words?" He asked which caused Mir to chuckle. "I enjoyed killing your mother" he said before Jason growled, removed his sword before beheading Mir. "Well that went well" he said as he turned only to get bear hugged and smothered by Nightmare and her large bust. "Mmmm m mmmm mmmmm" he attempted to say 'Moon I can't breath' which simply made her giggle before releasing him only for her expression to turn to horror making Jason turn to see black tendrils leave Mir's body and zoom towards Jason, ignoring moon 'shadow of the colossus much?' He thought as the tendrils pierced his chest and gut before burrowing into him before they were absorbed by Jason, Moon thinking he was getting corrupted, grabbed Jason and threw him into the pool only for nothing to happen, she walked over and helped him up before helping him to a spot to sit before sitting next to him and leaning against him. "Thank you for saving Luna and myself" she said as she put one of her massive raven wings around him to keep him warm as he was dripping wet an his shirt was in shreds. "You own me dinner" he teased before looking a his top "ah damn that was one of a kind here" he grumbled making the dark Alicorn chuckle. "I accept and I can fix it when I recharge" she said causing Jason to blush. "You know I didn't mean it?" He asked. "I know but I want to as your not scared of me" she said with a chuckle. Which caused him to cock an eyebrow "you don't know who I am... Do you?" She asked as she received a no "well I better explain" she said with a sigh before she began to explain the events of her trying to cause eternal night and then her being sent to the moon which he received a slap when he asked if there were whalers on the moon. The two talked until the sun rose which a few moments later a flash of golden light appeared before them, before vanishing to show Celestia stood in front of the two before looking at Nightmare with a scowl then at the now heavily scarred Jason and then the corpse of the overlord which caused her eyes to widen as she looked back. "Hey Tia, you are not gonna be happy but some Overlord name Mir caused your sister to be banished into her own soul as Nightmare allowed herself to be corrupted so Luna would not be lost, long story short" he said edits pointing a the corpse "he wanted to control Nightmare and Luna so I killed him... I didn't want to at first but apparently he killed my supposed mother and get this, I am half human" he said to the already confused Celestia who simply sat down next to Jason and looked forward attempting to comprehend what she was just told. "Hey Jason, do you mind having Nightmare as your room mate until I have pardoned her, after she has proven he isn't a threat?" She asked. "Yes he will" nightmare said before Jason had a chance to answer. "Then it is decided, you shall have your payments doubled as Nightmare will be in your care" Tia said a the two 9 foot tall Alicorns looked at him to see what his reaction was. "Well fuck" > Chapter 8 - The Date, Friendship problems > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jason was laying in his bed in boxers, his chest was on fire, the large X shaped scar on his chest and the mark where he was impaled, may have been healed but they still hurt, not to mention that even with the moon pool'a magical properties, his knee was still fucked, apart from all that, he had another dilemma, wrapped around his body was a half naked, still incredibly pissed off, sleeping Berry Punch, who was less then happy to not only have another Alicorn mare loving with them, but also that Jason almost died. This angry cuddling wouldn't have been all that bad except that Jason needed to get up for to go see Shy for tier lunch date. So being as sneaky as he can, Jason slipped out of her grip before grabbing some clothes and entering his bathroom, as he entered the shower and the hot water hit his skin, he felt a pair if arms wrap around his body causing him to blush "just because I am angry with you doesn't mean that you should run away" Berry said before Jason turned to see her in all her bake glory. "I'm not trying to run away, I have sore Shy's lunch date today" he said making her smile before she inspected him. "Oh yea and this is the first time I have seen you naked" she said in a sultry voice before leaning forward and kissing him softly "we could get bet..... ahhhh!" She was cut off as the water turned ice cold, freezing the two, who quickly exited to dry off, Jason got dressed as Berry came out in a top and miniskirt "Iron was washing the dishes" she growled before gently pinning him to the wall and kissing him "we are finishing what we started tonight, okay?" He asked which Jason simply smile and kissed her deeply before she released him and he grabbed his Yellow 'Fear Corp' hoodie before leaving. As he walked he passed pinkie walking around looking for some pony before she saw Jason and hugged him "hey Jase, have you seen Dash?" She asked. "No I haven't seen Skittles" he said as he spied her on a cloud watching them. "Oh okay well, see ya" she said before bouncing away, giving Jason a decent view before he returned his gaze to dash who was hiding. "What are you doing?" He asked, causing her to float down to standing in front of him. "Well I'm hiding from her as she can get a little intense at times" she said. "Well Skittles, that's what she I like and seeing a your her friend, you have to enjoy it because if you don't and loose her, then you are going to regret it. " he said making her sigh. "Okay Jason, I'll go see what she wants " she said before hugging him and taking off after pinkie as Jason continued on to the cafe that Shy asked him to meet him at. He looked around and couldn't see her so he went and took a seat to wait for her, as he did a stallion In a suit approached him with a menu. "Here you go sir" he said a he handed Jason a menu, "would you like a beverage?" "A Latte please and may I have a second menu?" He asked getting a nod before the stallion left before looking at his watch. "Sorry I'm late, Angel was being difficult" Shy said landing in front I him, her hair was a mess and she was wearing a light green polo and pink shorts. "It's fine Shy, you look lovely" he sad making her blush before she looked at herself as gasped, "what?" He asked. "I'm still in my Pjs and my mane as tail are in a horrible state" she said getting a bit teary "I'm sorry Jason, I'm not usually li... Eep" she was saying before Jason stood up, walked over before pulling out a Swiss Army knife which he pulled out a comb attachment before pouring water into a glass that was already on the table as he wet the comb and quickly groomed her mane before pulling out a rubber band and doing her mane into a pony tail before he removed his hoodie and offered it to her which she took and put on before smiling at him as h sat back down wearing a pink top, that was red before he accidentally dyed all his white tops pink thanks to Morning putting her red top in the wash. "Thank you Jason" she said as she noticed most if the mares at the coffee shop looking at them wit soft smiles causing her to blush more "but what you did is what a mare usually does for a stallion" she said making him chuckle. "I'm not a stallion" he said as the waiter returned with Jason's coffee before taking their orders and leaving. "You are too nice that is coming from me" she said with a smile as she looked down at the symbol on the hoodie. "I'm what does this symbol stand for?" "It is for the yellow lantern corp of Fear" he said gaining her attention "it's for those who invoke fear into their enemies" he said making her smile softly. "Well the symbol is nice even if it's meaning isn't" she said "um can I ask you why you accepted my request to date me?" she asked making Jason sigh. "Well I didn't actually know what the feather meant, and I didn't want to disrespect it and reject it so I took it, I thought about it the entire night, mostly as decided that I would actually be happy with you" he said making her blush hard. "Thank you Jason, for being an amazing Sta.... Man and accepting me" she said as she reached out and held his hand which he gave a gentle squeeze back as their food arrived. "So what do you see in me?" He asked making her blush. "Well, your super nice, you are the good kind of protective which I found out from Berry, you are funny, you help out a friend in need, even though each time has lead to pain and suffering on your part, you are quite handsome and strong, you have a lot of energy and will and lastly, you smell divine" she said, saying the last part softly as they finished their food. "Wow, thank you Shy well your breathtaking "he said making her turn beer red. "Thank you, um would... Would It be okay if you become my Coltfriend and I join your herd? If that's okay with you" she asked hopefully. "Sure, I'd love to have an amazing mare be my partner" he said smiling as the waiter came over and before Shy could pay, Jason did before he got up and helped Shy up and walked back to hers. "I am sorry that I have wasn't the most best dressed or bed looking today" he said making Jason chuckle as they passed by a river as the sun was setting "hey um can we stop a I would like to say hello to some of my friends" he asked which Jason nodded in which they went to the edge and several critters were around and a off looking turtle which Jason picked up and saw that it was connected to a hose. He looked up and saw Skittles with a spyglass giving a sheepish look before she vanished trying to take the evidence with her, unfortunately this resulted in Jason face planting in the water. "Oh my Jason, what happened?" She asked as he pushed himself of the ground. "I was fishing and it got away from me" he said spitting water and mud from his mouth. "Oh well next time use a rod or a net, anyway, we have to get you home bet you catch a cold" she said leading him to her home and inside "Okay, strip" she said without hesitation. "What? Oh right" he said removing his top only for her to gasp, "what?" "What happened to you Jason? Two days ago you didn't have those scars!" She said tracing her finger across on. "Oh yea, I fought a creature called an overlord who wanted to eat mine and nightmare moons heart an wanted to make Luna his bitch" he said making her gasp. "It's fine, he is dead and now Nightmare lives with me" he added. "Oh that's good... I think, anyway let's get you stripped so I can was your clothes" she said which he nodded and stripped to his boxers "and those too" she said pointing at his boxers that were soaked. "Your kidding right?" He asked as she shook he head and held out a towel before turning. "Damn" he said removing his boxers and putting his towel on. "Good, I'm care to stay for dinner? You don't have to stay if you don't want to that is" she said 'clever girl to take my clothes' "Yes because walking through a town infested with single horny mares only in a towel is a brilliant idea" he said sarcastically which made her giggle and blush. "Sorry, um you clothes should be try after dinner" she said as she led him to her couch before walking off. "Well this is interesting" he said leaning his head back as sighing. The night continue on quietly, Shy and Jason talked as enjoyed their food before Jason got dressed and headed off after giving Shy a kiss and headed off. Upon arriving home, Jason discovered a note on his door, it stated that all the mares had gone to Canterlot for a meeting, which Jason simply shrugged an entered his home only to be greeted by Snow as he headed to bed with the wolf in toe. (Next afternoon) "Alright Rose, your flower garden is now bunny proof" Jason stated as he packed up his tools. "Thank you Jason, here is your pay" she said handing him a pouch of bits which he accepted before moving on, as he walked he noticed a lot of ponies staring at something, as he looked to were they were looking he clenched his fist, in front if him was a 7 foot tall Griffion belittling Shy and scaring her, causing her to run away crying. Ignoring his better judgement, he approached the Griffion who was inspecting leaning against a wall with a smug look on her face. " hey Birdy, i have a gift for you" he said gaining re attention. She wore a black torn skull top and tore jeans. "What is it dweeb?" She asked moments before he kicked her in the sternum with his steel cap boots, causing her to drop to her knees, as she did he grabbed her by the back of the head. "Listen little Birdy, scare or bully my marefriend again and things will get really bad for you" he said before letting go, only for her to swipe across hi chest, missing his sling but tearing open his short "that was my favourite top" he said before glaring at her as she rose to her feet. "I'm gonna do worse then that Dweeb" she said as Jason dropped his bag and removed his ruined top before getting into a stance. "Shall we Birdy?" He asked before she growled as launched herself at him, only for him to dodge and punch her lightly just under the ribs which she swiped backwards and got him across the face, leaving four scars running up from below the right side of his mouth up passed his right eye, not deep enough to damage it but enough to leave permanent scars. "Okay let's dance" he said before grabbing her head and head butting her before dropping down as slamming his fist into her knee, dislocating it causing her to grunt in pain and drop onto her back moments before she found his boot against her throat. "Listen Birdy, this I your final warning, fuck with me or my friends again, and I am having chicken tonight" he stated before removing hi boot a relocating her knee before grabbing his bag and heading home with a cloth on his wound. As he reached his place, he was greeted with a very pissed off Skittles "why did you beat up my friend for no reason?!" She demanded. "Oh you mean Birdy who roared and bullied Shy?" He asked. "Gilda would never do that, she said you attacked her for no reason.... I though you were a decent guy, but your just a worthless stallion" she said shaking her head. "Did you ask any other person in the market?" He asked annoyed. "Why the buck should I? She said you attacked her and she never lies to me." She said moving forward and poking him in the chest "I feel sorry for the mares who are with you as they were deceived by you, and I have already told them that and they are at the library now," she said before taking flight. "You are pathetic" she said flying away, leaving him alone causing him to sigh before looking at his place and heading off to the moon pool. Upon arriving, Jason scooped some of the water up in a cup from his bag before pouring it on his face, and just like the two nights before, his would healed as he went and sat against a tree, nearby was a rose bush, where Jason buried the Overlord. He then looked at the pool as he felt his phone go off, as he checked it, he found that it had dozens of missed calls, voice messages and texts from the mares, most were calling him a dick "well shit, the believe a fucking Griffion who is a botch rather then their friend.... I guess I shouldn't have dislocated and relocate her knee, but I wouldn't have had to if she got my initial message.... Fuck it," he said before turning off his phone and looking up at the slightly cloudy sky, it was a decent day, he had completed all his jobs before lunch only to have to deal with this bullshit. As he sat there, he noticed a faint sobbing coming from nearby, which he got up to investigate, finding Birdy sitting not far from him with a bit of blood running down from her jaw, he sighed before scooping up a cup of water before walking over and gently taking her head. "What the Buck are you doing Dweeb?" She asked slightly nervous as she looked at the man before he poured some of the water on her beak and the rest on her knee which both glowed. "The pain, it's gone.... How? Why?" She asked confused before he sat next to her and explained the properties of the moon pool and for her to keep it secret. "For why, well it's really the fact that I went overboard" he said sighing. "No you were just protecting your mate, it caught me off guard really, and the fact that your quite strong" she said looking at him then forward before sighing. "I'm sorry for turning your mates against you" she added making him chuckle. "If they really didn't trust me that much then what was the point of having a relationship with them, like this is one f te reasons you don't go out with someone you just meet" he said leaning back until he laid down. "Yea... I guess, I've never been in one really, just one night stands" she said laying down next to him. "Really, have you ever had a crush?" He asked her. "I did until today, when she chose her friends over we best friend" she said. "So what, she I only allowed to have one best friend?" He asked. "No she can have as many as she likes it's just that.... It's so frustrating to see her spent time with other mares and build up relations with them an..." She wa saying before Jason interrupted. "Your scared of being alone" he said gaining her attention "you were bullied through out your schooling life and your only friend that you barely see has gained new friends that she hangs out with more and talks about all the time, you just want her back the old way but that's impossible and you don't know how to work with the current version so you just gave up on her" he said. "Yea... Did that happen to you?" He asked. "No it happened to my baby brother, but I have a way to help, you compromise and show her what she really mean to you and the main thing is apologise." He said making her sigh and sit up . "Okay I'll do that now, I'm can you come with me?" She asked. "Unfortunately I may not be welcome back I Ponyville so you will have to so this by yourself, but hey if it doesn't work, you can just come back here and I'll be your friend" he said making her smile an give him a hug. "Thank you, sorry about the scar a my name is Gilda." She said. "No worries I'm Jason and besides it looks cool " he chuckled which she join in with. "Okay well I'll be back to tell you how it went" she said before flying off and he sighed again as she left before plugging his head phones in and playing music from his iPod as he sat up , crossed his legs and relaxed to meditate like his 'father' asked him to, as he did, he slowly felt tingling around his skin, the longer he kept himself relaxed, the stronger the feeling until a sudden pain courses through his entire body as the tingling stopped and something pierced his body, when he opened his eyes he didn't see any damage or anything on him 'was that my body absorbing magic?' He thought before he returned to meditating, except this time there wasn't a tingling sensation, just a warm full feeling making him open his eyes and raise an eyebrow, he rose to his feet and looked around for something. 'Okay so from what I have seen, telekinesis is the basic' he thought before finding a rock and focusing on it with his hand out stretched, it didn't work at first but over the next few hours he managed to get the gist of it master it in a way, well until he accidentally sent the rock flying off into the forest "well shit" he muttered before returning to his spot against a tree and checked his phone "where is Gilda it's been four hours" he said. "So this is where you are?" A familiar voice asked. "Come to tell me I'm a dick in person Berry?" He asked as she walked over to him with a apologetic look. "I'm sorry I just thought tha... " "That I was like you ex and instead of coming to see me to confirm it with AJ, you decided that I wasn't worth the effort" he growled causing her ears to fall against her head as she looked down. "I'm sorry I... I just thought that you were like the rest and I bucked up which I have realised so please give me a chance" she said as Jason got to his feet and grabbed his bag causing her to approach him and step in front of him. "Please" " your so lucky that I'm a nice guy" he said before she hugged him and began nuzzling him "okay okay, I get it, now let's head home." He said as she grabbed his Han in hers as she lead them home to find the star sisters, Luna, the mane 6, Gilda, Celestia and Moon all standing out the front talking, they failed to notice Berry and Jason as the two entered his house, Berry left Jason in his room to talk to the others as he went to clean himself up before laying in bed to find Snow still asleep under the blanket, "did you move at all today?" He asked softly as she simply yawned and cuddled up to him as he smiled before letting sleep take him. > Chapter 9 - Adventure, Changes (unedited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jason was awake before the sun rose to find that Snow was out col on top of him, causing him to groan at the 150 pound Dire wolf as he shoved her off him gently before slipping out of his bed. He rubbed his eyes as he yawned before checking his mobile to see that it was 3 am, he didn't have a good nights sleep, he decide to check his jobs for today and discovered that all his jobs ha been canceled, causing him to groan before he put his phone back before he looked at the unopened letter and got an idea. "If I can drain magic from around me that means I should be able to drain the spell on the letter, theoretically" he said as he relaxed and took the letter in hand. As he relaxed he felt the tingling sensation against his hand before it faded, leaving the letter feeling like it should "I guess it worked" he muttered as he opened the letter, only for a book and compass to materialise in his lap, unfortunately, the book was quite heavy and his junk wasn't prepared. "Fuck it's too early for this shit" he groaned holding his groin as Snow placed her paw on his face to try and shut him up. After his little incident, Jason retuned to the letter and read it. 'Dear Jason, congrats on learning to channel.... Unless you cheated and got a unicorn to help you, but if you didn't then congrats your on the right track. The items that are left with this letter are of utmost importance as the compass shall lead you to the next item I have left for you and the book shall help teach you to control your magic.' The letter said causing Jason to look at the compass and then the book before standing "well it gets me out of the house" he muttered as he grabbed his backpack and some camping gear then he got dressed in a grey shirt, a light tan thin hoodie, a leather jacket, hiking boots and cargo pants before grabbing his sword and just in case, his grandfather's .32 revolver along with about 30 rounds, before heading out to the living room to find Berry asleep on the couch. He sighed before carrying her to his room and laying her next to snow. As he returned to the kitchen, he left a note that he would be away for a few days before he grabbed some canned food and filled his water canteen then headed for the door, he gave on last look at the house before leaving, leaving his phone by his bed so he wasn't bugged. (Several hours later) Jason ha managed to get incredibly far inside the Everfree, his compass was telling him to continue his course through the Everfree, he ha encounter a massive Manticore, which attempted to eat Jason except the Manticore was left with a large hole in its head after woulds, he also encounter weird zombie ponies, which didn't attack, they were curious about him as he passed through the swamp. After a while, Jason came across a weird castle in the forest, the compass was pointing straight to it, which Jason had to check by going around the perimeter. He took a deep breath before entering the castle, keeping an ear out to make sure he wasn't ambushed as he moved further down in the castle until he found a throne room, where he found a strange chest where instead of a lock, it had a hand print. "Well that's interesting" he said as he scanned the room before slowly approaching until he felt the magic in the room shift, causing him to draw his firearm and sword. "My my my, what do we have here?" A masculine voice asked as Jason scanned the area around him only to find nothing "the child of the Human Slayer? I know why you are here, do you?" He asked. "My ''father' gave me a compass to come here" he said turning again. "Hmmm that sound like what he said, well there I just one way to find out if you really are his child.... Place your hand on the lock" the voice said as the chest glowed in a faint light, Jason looked around one last time before he sheathed and holstered his weapons before approaching the chest and placed his hand cautiously, moments before he felt nails pierce his skin causing him to grunt before he felt like his body was on fire as he fell to his knees. "What is it doing?" He asked panting as he felt the spikes recede. "Oh it simply increased your mana pool along with augment your body to be more tender" the voice said. "What do you mean tender?" Jason asked as he heard a sound on the wall behind him, causing him to turn and see a massive creature that reminded him of the scorpion king from the mummy 2. "I mean that you have been altered to be stronger and faster which makes you more delicious" he said licking his lips as Jason drew his sword and stumbled slightly. "Oh please don't embarrass yourself, you think you can defeat me when dozens have been through what you have before?" He asked laughing as Jason drew his revolver "what is that little thing?" He asked as Jason aimed for the creature'a head as it drew closer.when it was about a metre away, Jason shot it in the head causing it to fall to the ground dead before holstering the revolver before returning to the chest and finding another letter, another book and a pair of dark maroon studded vambraces. "Really? Was this really worth coming all this way?" He asked before grabbing the items, he put on the vambraces before walking passed the dead creature and out the door. He looked up at the sky and groaned as it was night time "better make camp" he muttered before he walked off to find a cave he passed on his way to the castle. (Jason's house) Berry was sitting at the kitchen room table re-reading the note Jason left with a sigh, they should have know better then to have think he forgave them fully, Moon had gone out in an attempt to find him as he said he was going to the Everfree for a little while and it had just become night time. Berry looked up when she hear some pony enter the kitchen to see Moon sit across from her "any lucky?" Berry asked, which Moon shook her head. "This wouldn't have happened if you, Morning, Iron and the mane six excluding Fluttershy hadn't rejected him immediately" Moon said. "What was I suppose to think abou... "She was saying before the Alicorn interrupted. "Your the head mare of his herd, did you even ask him for his side?" She asked. "Not in person but I texted him" she said as Moon pulled Jason's phone from her jacket. "Jason. I can't believe you, you are truly a dick for attack Gilda for no reason, I honestly believed that you were a decent stallion but I now know that what I believed was a lie, a lie told by you, don't expect me to ever forgive you bastard. - Berry Punch" Moon read a Berry's ears flopped against her head. "And you didn't even send an apology when you found out the truth ten minutes later" she growled. "I was shocked that sh... " Berry tried to say but Moon interrupted. "Don't even try giving me an excuse, the only ones who gave him a chance were Luna, Celestia, Fluttershy and myself.... I think I know what is the best course of action right now" she said gaining Berry's attention. "You resign a head mare as well as regaining his trust and affection, and this is not up for debate either" Moon growled. (Everfree) Jason sat in the cave next to the fire he made, he had set up a sleeping bag which he was currently sitting on as a flash of white and gold light appeared next to him. "Hey Tia" he said without looking as the mare sat next to him. "Hello Jason, I wanted to talk to to about something, if that's alright?" She asked. "Is it to ask why I'm such a bastard?" He asked. "No, Fluttershy, Lulu, Moon and myself all stuck by your side when you weren't there" she said making him smile slightly. "Then what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked. "Well it's a touchy subject but um, Luna and I would like to court you" she said smiling. "And why would you like to do that?" He asked curious. "You treat us both like we are normal mares, along with your overall personality and your will to protect your friends" he said making him chuckle. "Okay, so is that all? Your after my personality only?" He teased. "Well you being good looking doesn't hurt either" she said smugly. "Yea, so how are we doing this, dating or straight into a relationship?" He asked. "Let's begin with dating, hmm my schedule is free in about two months time" she said confusing Jason. "Wait then why didn't you ask me In two months time?" He asked. "Well you see the reason is.... Um..... I don't know" she said causing Jason to face palm "Luna said I should come ask you today." She said. "Did you tell her your schedule?" He asked and she shook her head "well if you is she probably would have told you to wait" Jason said as she smiled sheepishly. "Sorry well I better go" she said before teleporting away. "So instead of teleporting me home, she left me here.... Great first impressions Tia" he said chuckling. > Chapter 10 - A Slayer Rises, Star Acceptance (unedited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Jason sat in the cave after Celestia left, he decided to look at the two books that were left for him, the first one was a leather bound book which was titled 'Channeling and magic for non magical beings' while the second appeared to have some weird green rubbery cover and it was titled 'Slayers guild to Equis'. He placed the slayer book down and opened the channeling book and began reading. "Okay so, when a being has begun channeling, their magic is transparent unlike that of unicorns or Alicorns, as ther magic has not discovered it's preference yet. One can learn their preference when trying different types of magic, included in this edition are the basic forms of each type of elemental magic" he read the first page before he started to read the book and test out different types of magic to try and get his colour, unfortunately after hours of him trying and as the sun began to rise, he didn't get any until he reached the back of the book which talked about dark magic, black magic and necromancy "of course, go figure mine would be the kind everyone is scared of" he groaned before he selected a spell for each category, a low level summoning spell, a basic low level resurrection spell and a Harm spell. "Okay so I need to find something to use the torment spell on cause I don't want to kill the thing I summon" he muttered as he looked out the cave and large green toad in a tree that was watching him, it was roughly his size as it leered at him with it's yellow eyes. "Eh good enough" he muttered before reading the harm spell basics over again before aiming his hand towards the creature and focused on sadistic thought of what he wanted to do to it, like the spell recommended, next thing he knew, the frog was crying out in agony as even from the cave, Jason could hear it's bones and flesh tearing and twisting an cracking, before long the frog was mangled and hanging dead from the tree "well shit" he said before noticing that his hand was giving off a faded dark red aura, he quickly looke at the spell again "Harm spells are low level versions of a death spell, except unlike death spells, harm spells can be coupled with elemental spells to increase their damage". Next was the resurrection spell as he aimed at the mangled mess and focused on its image before hand as he watched his hand give off a black aura along with the red one as the frog was revived and got the fuck out of there causing Jason to look at the book. "Okay so there are two kinds of resurrection, dark and light, dark being where I control them, which has multiple levels while light heals them and gives them free will, these are sometimes dubbed as imperfect resurrection and prefect resurrection. NOTE: the longer something has been dead, the more mana and effort is needed for a perfect resurrection while this is the complete opposite to a Imperfect resurrection" he read before turning to the summoning spell before recharging his energy levels as he looked at the spell which was a temporary displacement summon. "Okay so think of an animal to summon, the large the animal, the greater amount of mana required, this can be coupled with a temporary control spell to allow the creatures you summoned to fight for you" he read before nodding and focused on what the instructions stated, he imagined a mouse, a small portal opened in front of him as his magical aura added a dark purple and a mouse appeared where he wanted it to, unfortunately it resembled Speedy Gonzales and ran out of the cave at a lightning fast pace before Jason looked back at the book. "Displacement summon spell may pull desired summon from anywhere in the multiverse" he read before face palming. He placed the book down an charged his magic as he noticed his aura around his hand was a mix of black, purple and red which caused him to look back at the channeling section and saw that it was actually common for user to obtain 2-7 base magic types. He place the book down next to him before opening the letter. 'Dear Jason, congratulations for slaying the Scorpinox, they are major pest in the everfree as the can reproduce Asexually, the one I left protecting the chest was an infertile one so don't worry about destroying it eggs, I bet you are wondering about the spikes on the Han print, well these were enchanted to double you mana pool along with cast a booster spell on you. A Booster speed is a temporary spell designed to boost physical traits of the user for around 20 minutes to an hour, the only way you can really grow stronger is by killing overlord and taking their souls, or by training. The book that you recieved is made of Hydra hide because it was difficult to kill and I didn't want to waste the hide anyway, why not read up on the Scorpinox oh nod make sure you study an learn other types of magic even if it isn't your preference, when you are ready, and have absorbed your second Overlord soul, the compass will lead you to find Volume 2 of the Magic book, it contains Booster spells ' the letter stated "he didn't mention the Vambraces" he said before opening the Hydra book and going through to find the Scorpinox. 'Scorpinox (Score - Pin - OX) Threat level : High Class of creature : Ambush/Tracker Predator Traits to be wary of : Medium level immunity to magic, twin set of bone crushing claws, thick fire proof armour, multiple brains, neurotoxin in tail, can spell blood from a mile away. Best method of Slaying : destroying it's brains which are found, around it's heart in its chest, in it's rear left leg an in it's tail, damaging the head will only result in it being stunned for an 12 hours at most.' It was at this point that Jason stopped reading and dropped the book "Oh fuck". Jason snuffed out his fire before packing his books, letter and sleeping bag away before exiting the cave to get some more distance between him and the Scorpinox. He made it about 3 miles before the dreaded creature dropped out of a tree, almost crushing him, Jason drew his gun and fired at the beast's back left leg, only for the bullet to bounce off "shit" he said before aiming for the beast's chest as the creature slammed one of its larger claws into Jason's side, breaking one of his ribs before sending him rolling down an incline with the Scorpinox hot on his tail. When Jason slammed into the grassy clearing below, he raised his hands as black and purple flames erupted from his hands, engulfing the incline 'shit they changed colour?' He thought as the beast landed in front of him, it's non-armoured part of its body was bright red and blistering as it roared and charged at Jason, who channeled magic into his hands and sent a massive gust of wind into the creature, sending in flying into the tree line. As Jason pulled himself up as began to recharge did a sharp piece of wood come flying and impale his leg, causing him to cry out and drop to his knee "you really think that you basic magic can harm me boy?" The creature mocked as it slowly approached him "your father managed to defeat me in a single blow, while you struggle to do some serious harm... pitiful" he said laughing as Jason growled and created a portal in the beast's mouth, next thing he knew, his mouth was filled with bullet ants, followed up by a blast of wind, forcing him to swallow the insects causing the Scorpinox to drop to it knees, choking and gagging in pain as the human smirked before channeling two different spells, A basic static manifestation and a basic rock spell. "come on" he growled a he coupled the two an formed a rock hand around the Scorpinox's back left leg and another around his body and with a hard tank from Jason, the creature'a leg was torn off causing the abomination to stumble from dizziness as the bullet ants vanished back through a portal. "Your gonna pay for that" the monster roared before lunging forward as Jason drew his sword and swiped, severing one of the beast's claws only for it to grab the blade of said weapon and snap it half way up the blade before smacking him away, cracking more ribs, the beast laughed before he charged, although the creature didn't notice half I the blade be sounded in a black, purple and red aura until the blade was impaled in his second brain, causing him to cry out and stumble before impaling his tail into Jason's shoulder and lifting him up off the ground. "Die freak" Jason said before plunging the broken blade into the venom sac, which was also where it brain was and punctured the sac, causing the creature to rip it's tail out and scream as it's own venom surrounded it's brain, it ran around the clearing screaming as Jason recharged his magic and raised both his hands, he used all the pain he felt and focused it on the creature, who's body started to compress and twist an expand with loud crunches and snaps before the beast finally fell to the ground dead, to make sure of this, Jason used his stone combination again and ripped it limb from limb before the venom took effect and he passed out. (Jason's house, Luna and Nightmare's room) "So you see the predicament Lulu?" Moon asked. "Yes we do, almost all of his herd has betrayed him and turned most of Ponyville against him, an seeing as he left without telling anyone save for a letter, shows that he isn't interested in talking to anypony, but the fact he moved Berry back into his bed so she could sleep comfortably shows that hope for their relationship is not lost. Seeing as Berry has resigned as his head mare, leave the spot vacant, unfortunately Fluttershy doesn't want the role a she is too shy, Celestia doesn't desire the roll as she doesn't want to be the boss mare a she said and thou doesn't want to have that much power in this relationship." She said getting a nod from her counterpart. "Why do you think he would desire us as his head mare?" She asked Moon. "Because you are smart, sexy, funny and adorable with that plushie sticking out of your hoodie" Moon said pointing to the Foxy head sticking out of the top of her hoodie. "And how do thou reckon we get him to accept us?" She asked petting the plushie. "By telling him and start doing what a mare does with her stallion" she said. "And why does that entail?" She asked. "Buck if I know" Moon said as Luna face palmed. (Unknown Location, 3 days later) Jason groaned as he awoke on top of something soft, he didn't remember falling asleep on something soft or the fact that most of the pain in his body was gone or that air was thick with different fragrances, he decide that he should sit up as his eyes seamed to be covered, except when he tried to rise, he felt a gently hand stop him. "Please be still young one, you shouldn't be awake until the rise of tomorrow's sun" a voice spoke softly and rhythmic. "No please may I get up" he asked as he hand slid up from his chest to his shoulder and gave him a helpful pull before he felt another hand on his leg and he was turned as laid against something. "Where am I? Why aren't I sore? How long was it out?" He asked as his blind fold was removed only for him to turn bright red. Standing in front of him was a tall zebra woman with f cup breasts that were hidden by a fur top that barely covered them, while her groin was covered by a pair of fur boxer-like underwear, she had her mane in a Mohawk and had a cute smile on her face. "Do you enjoy the show? I must say I like taking things slow" she said causing him to cock and eyebrow. "Um I do like the show and okay?" He said causing her to giggle before she checked him over gently to make sure all his wounds were healed "so how long was I out and who are you?". She smiled and handed him a green drink "you have been asleep for three days, and also my name is Zecora" she said with a smile as Jason sipped the drink and cringed making her smile "it may taste foul but you need it to get the rest of the venom out of your system" she said which Jason nodded and downed the revolting drink. "Nice to meet you Zecora, my name is Jason an I guess I should be thanking you for saving me" he said which made her smile. "It's no trouble but I do ask one thing in return." She said. "And what's that?" He replied. "For us to be friends as since coming here, all the ponies in Ponyville hide from me" she said sadly. "I would love to be your friend Zecora, hell I can come over regularly if you like and even do some fixing up around here if you need it" he said making her smile. "I would like that, um if you desire to return to Ponyville, it is straight down the path outside of my home, I shall grab your mended cloths" she said before leaving the room and try as Jason might, he couldn't resist checking he out more. 'Damn son'. Soon she returned as handed him his cloths, which was at that point, Jason realised he was in his boxers and he turned red making her giggle. "Sorry" he said as he got dressed and grabbed hi back pack. "Why? You didn't offend me" she said as she walked him out before handing him three bottles. "What are these?" He asked confused. "One is to help boost you magic levels, another is to allow your body to naturally charge your magic and the last is a endurance potion" she said with a wink. "Um okay wait how do you know about channeling magic and all?" He asked. "Zebras invented channeling magic" she said with a smile before giving him a hug and watching him leave. As Jason walked, he had a smile on his face which soon dropped as he exited the forest as Rainbow dash flew down an landed in front of him. "Where the Buck have you been Jason?" She asked crossing her arms. "Why the fuck do you care?" He asked stepping passed her only for her to grab his wrist. "Because I care about you, your my friend" she said a he yanked his had free. "I thought you hated me and that we were no longer friends Rainbow dash" he said as he watched what he said cut her. "I know what I said but I say stuff like that but I don't really understand what I said until later" she said as she tried to grab him again but results in him growling. "Please don't hate me" she begged. "I should fucking loath you, not only did your little stunt cost me all my clients and damage my reputation in this town but also it may have cost me my relationships" he growled causing her ears to flop against her head. "I'll give you one chance.... Not because I forgive you, oh no you have a long road ahead of you to earn that back, no because your Fluttershy's friend" he said as she nodded and took off causing Jason to sigh as he made it back to his home, as he opened the door, he found both Iron and Morning sitting at the kitchen table looking down, until they saw Jason only from their expressions to quickly drop when they saw his annoyed expression as he walked to his room. Before he reached his room though, he was suddenly pulled into a hug by both mares. "We are sorry we didn't take your side and call you a dick, it's just we are quite.... Damaged" Morning said causing Jason to cock an eyebrow "please let us explain" Morning said leading Jason to Iron an Morning's room and sit him on their bed. "What do you mean by Damaged?" He asked curious. "Well.... We haven't really told anypony this, because it is a very sensitive subject." Iron said as she sat next to Jason. "But when we were little, we only lived with our father while out mother was away for her duty as a Guardmare.... And well our father wasn't the nicest of Ponies." She said as she looked down at the ground. "Apart from his drunken ramblings and his idea that mares should be below stallions, which caused him to give us beatings when we were little but when Iron became a teenager, he started to.... Use her as a means of release" Morning said as Iron looked down with a sniffle "when I became a teenager, he attempted the same thing until I drove a blade into his heart, we pleaded to Celestia not to banish us and for her to understand what happened, and he did and compensated our family, but the damage was done as we have a really hard time accepting Stallions." She said sitting on his other side. "So when you heard that I attacked a Griffoness for no reason you thought that I was manipulating you both?" He asked receiving a nod from the two as he sighed "so is that why you didn't give me a second chance as you believed i'd take advantage of it and of you?" He asked again which they nodded before he sighed an laid back on the bed with his hands over his face trying to get his he's around this. "What do you both hope to happen now?" He asked. "Um I hope that you can forgive us and let us try this relationship. "Morning said. "Not to hate us" Iron said laying next to Jason ad looking at him. "I'm not gonna forgive either of you straight away as that would be meaningless so, give it time and I'll forgive you both fully, I don't hate you and I am willing to give this relationship a go.... If you both give me your full trust" he said looking at them, Morning nodded straight away while Iron hesitated before nodding, in doing so each mare received a quick kiss before he left the room. As he walked out into the living room, he saw Pinchy reading a text book before she saw him and smiled at him. "Hey Jason" she said as she went over and hugged him. "I'm sorry about what happened but Fluttershy set everypony straight." She said. "Wait Fluttershy? How?" He asked confused. "She told everypony what really happened along with Pinkie as she saw what happened, those two managed to get the town to realise that they mucked up." She said as Jason nodded slowly edits hugging her back just as the door knocked, he left Pinchy to go back to her homework as he answered the door only to come face to face with his stallion friends. "Now where the buck have you been?" Comet asked. "Camping" Jason replied making Caramel groan. "Next time invite us Bro" he said receiving nods from all the stallions. "Okay will do, why are you guys here anyway?" He asked. "A new pub just opened and we wanted to cheer you up after Rainbow told us you were back in town and that you weren't happy" Thunder said. "Okay, um sure I could use a drink, what's the place called?" He asked "The Bucking Bronto" Mac said. "Okay let me grab my bits" he said as they nodded, Jason went and dropped his bag in his room along with his pistol before grabbing 50 bits and headed back to the door before the guys left. As the group walked, they were getting several looks from mares as they passed, most had their eyes trained on Jason seeing that the last time they saw him, he didn't have the massive four scars on his face, after a while they reached a building that looked like a salon except the front door was a normal door instead of a saloon door, but out the front of the door was Gilda, in a black suit with shades on, but the moment she saw Jason, she gave a warm smile and hugged him as soon as he was close enough. "I'm glad your alright" she stated. "Good to know, so how did it go with rainbow?" He asked causing her to blush an let go of him. "Better then I expected because" she said as she lifted a cyan feather that was attached to a small chain around her neck. "Oh cool, um can we go in?" He asked which she smiled and let him as the other stallions inside. The guys found a booth and relaxed as mare came and collected their orders before leaving, Jason was sitting on the outside of the group as he didn't want to be stuck between two stallions mostly because it made him feel small by the fact that they are all taller then him. "Um excuse me, me Winter?" A voice asked Jason, causing him to turn and come too a pink mare with pink mane 'skit how common is pink on pink?'. "Yes?" He asked as she gave a soft smile and offered her hand. "My name is Cheerilee, I just want to ask if you had any job opening tomorrow?" She asked as he shook his head. "Great um what will it cost?" She asked. "It depends on the material?" He asked. "It's timber, I had the wood I just some pony to install it" she said a he nodded. "1 pm fine?" He asked as he grabbed a napkin and grabbed a pen from Comet. "That's perfect, thank you" she said smiling before walking off as Jason put the napkin in his wallet before returning Comet's pen as their drinks arrived. Mac and Caramel had cider, Pierce, Thunder and Comet had beer, while Timmy, Carrot and Jason had whiskey. "So what did I miss?" Jason asked the group as he sipped his drink. "Caramel asked Big Mac out and he accepted" Timmy said casually as Jason choked on his drink. "For real?" He asked getting nods from the group. "I thought you like AJ Caramel?" He asked confused. "No I like Mac just I was too nervous to ask and I was scared AJ would hurt me but that's to your words of advice, I asked him out" he said as Mac put an arm around him. "Awesome, glad I could help" Jason said smiling. "You know that's twice you have helped start relationships, maybe it's a talent?" Pierce said. "Why do you like someone?" Jason asked. "Maybe, " he said before looking away "hey isn't that Twilight as he friends coming over?" He asked changing the subject, as Jason turned to look, he was engulfed by a hug. "Oh Jason your okay" Fluttershy said not realising she was suffocating him. "Um Shy your smothering him" Pierce said causing her to gasp and release Jason's head. "I'm sorry" she said with a frown as Jason simply smiled. "It's cool" he said smiling as the owner of the bar, which Jason met few days earlier when he was helping with this pub, walked over and smiled at him. "Hey laddy, nice of ya to droop by, I see ya got a large grooup, so feel free to moove a table to extend it" The Bourbon coloured unicorn stallion said with a Scottish accent. "Will do Old Fashioned" he said with a smile as the unicorn smile and returned to the bar as Twilight moved a free table to add to the booth. "How do ya know Fashioned?" AJ asked as Fluttershy sat next to Jason. "Oh a few days back, the day shit hit the fan, I helped install his wiring and his insulation" Jason said as AJ's, Rarity's Twilight's and Rainbow's ears flopped agains their heads. "So Jason dear, you still need to come to my boutique to have me make you some new cloths, not that your cloths are in anyway bad" Rarity said smiling as she was across from Jason. "Oh sure, tomorrow around 9am work?" He asked which she nodded. "It perfect, in don't have any orders to start till 1" she said smiling. "Um Jason... Are we still friends?" Twilight asked him, causing him to sigh. "Yes we are but not as close, save for Fluttershy and Pinkie, I lost my respect and trust in the rest of you" he said as the four looked sad. "Is there any way we can regain it?" Rainbow asked. "By giving me a reason to trust you again". He stated. "You can trust me, I'm the element of Loyalty" Dash stated which caused Jason to simply stand up from his chair before leaving the table, he paid for his drink and left the bar. "What did I say?" She asked. "You may be the Element of Loyalty but did you give Jason a chance?" Asked Thunder. "No" she said frowning. "No you literally turned just about everyone against him" he replied. (Jason's house, 10 minutes later) As Jason entered his house, he waved at Moon who smiled at him before Jason retired to his room to find Berry sitting on the edge of his bed waiting for him. "Um Jason can I talk to you?" She asked as Jason wen and sat next to her before she leaned against, she was only in one if Jason's tops and her panties as she looked at him. "I have resigned as your head mare as I bucked up really bad, and you have the right to kick me out I your herd and your house, which I would not hold against you a I betrayed you, but I just.... I don't know I want to at least show you how much I care before you kick me out" she said before straddling his waist. "There is something that ponies do to their mates and partners that is very intimate and more personal then sex, it's grooming, which i think you understand what that is.... I haven't done it to anypony other then Pinchy when she was little." She said before looking a him which he smiled at her softly. "So you want to lick my face and hair?" He asked which caused her to blush and nod. "Sounds a bit silly when you put it like that, but I always wanted to do this bit never met some pony who I wanted to do it with" she said as her arms wen around his neck. "So how long have you wanted to lick my head?" He asked with a wink. "Oh a while now" she said in a sultry tone "but I have only wanted to groom you recently" she said giggling. "You know I think you have paid enough for me not to be angry at you anymore." He said making her smile. "So you trust me and respect me again?" She asked. "I respect you but I can only trust you if you give me your full trust," he said getting a nod from Berry. "Okay I understand and you will from now on" she said before licking his ear. "Really, my ear?" He asked as she giggled. (Outside the room) Moon was casually reading a book as she ate cereal, everyone in the house was asleep so she could just relax and enjoy the time alone. "Why the fuck did you bite me?!" She heard Jason shout. "Because your making this dirty!" Berry yelled back. "How can I not, your licking my head" Jason said causing Moon to choke on her cereal. "It's an intimate act that a couple can share between each other, I do it to Pinchy and my mother did it to me!" Se shout back making Moon confused as she looked at the door. "But now my head is all slimy ad sticky now!" Jason replied. "I don't Bucking care now stop complaining and let me finish!" She replied. "How do I know your not gonna bite me again," he asked, it was around then that it fell quiet again. "What the buck happened when I was gone?" She asked herself. > Chapter 11 - Ursa Troubles. Ghosts (unedited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jason heard his alarm go off and instantly hold Berry right against him so she couldn't break his phone, she growled at him when he held her "I don't need you breaking my phone again" he said as he gave her a brief peck on the lips before sliding out of the bed, stretched and headed to his bathroom. As he entered he looked his scarred face over in the mirror and sighed as a pair of pink arms wrapped around him. "It's not that bad Jase" Berry said before kissing his cheek and headed to turn on the shower before stripping, Jason smiled as he checked out re curvy naked form, he noticed that her cutie mark was a few berries and most likely a cup of punch, as he inspected her, she looked at him with a smirk "like what you see?" She asked as she entered the shower soon followed by Jason. "I do" he said with a smile as he kissed her neck softly making her giggle. "Wait until I'm in heat in a few weeks, then I'll have the entire two weeks off" she said smiling. "Heat?" He asked confused. "Yes my autumn heat" he said. "How can you have a Autumn he's when it's winter right now" he said confused her. "No it's summer" she said. "Um okay, fine then what is heat?" He asked her. "You know, when Mares become in season, it increases our sex drive tenfold" she said. "Wait but if I fucked you in your heat, wouldn't you get pregnant?" He asked. "I can't get pregnant after I had Pinchy, there were a few complications" she said sadly. "Hey don't be sad" he said wrapping his arms around her waist with a warm smile. "But, I can't have another foal," she said with a sad expression. "Does adoption exist in this world?" He asked getting a nod. "Then adopt" h said. "It's not the same sweetheart" she said. "I know and I am sorry I brought it up" he said as he let go of her and grabbed his shampoo. "Wait, if your sexual Drives increase so much, what is gonna happen with Luna and Nightmare and the Stars?" He asked making he pause and think about it. "How good are you in bed?" She asked as he shrugged "okay how good are you at running?" She asked. (10 minutes later) Jason was standing at the kitchen stove cooking pancakes, Berry was sitting at the kitchen table with Pinchy as they were eating there own pancakes which Jason had made, Moon was sitting at the table with a large mixing bowl filled with fruit loops, when questioned about where she got two boxes worth of Fruit loops when Jason only had the one, she opened a pantry to show about a dozen boxes which she duplicated from the original. Iron was standing next to Jason as she sliced up fruit and sipped on her coffee, Luna was sitting next to Moon looking at Jason while in deep thought while Morning had only made it to the living room where she passed out on the couch with Snow. "So Jason what jobs does thou have today?" Luna asked. "Oh just fixing up Cherrilee's school " he said casually. "Any plans other then work today?" She asked. "Um I'm going to see Rarity today to get a suit made for the Gala" he said which caught everyponies attention. "Your going to the Gala?" Berry asked. "Yea, Tia invited me even though I don't want to go" he said as he finished Luna's pancakes and gave them to her. "But why, it's what a lot of ponies dream of attending." Iron said "I'm not a pony" he said wit a shrug a he went back to cooking. "Okay what are thou doing tomorrow?" Luna asked him. "Nothing, why?" He asked as he plated Moning's and Iron's pancakes and started on his own. "We were wondering if we could spend the day with thou" she said quietly. "I'd like that" he said with a smile, he severed his own food and sat down next to Pinchy as Iron sat next to him and leaned in him. "So Jason I heard you got a bit intimate with Berry last night?" Moon said in a sultry tone causing Berry to blush. "Yes Berry decided that it would be best to groom me" he said causing the mares to cock an eyebrow and look at Berry "well anyway I have got to get to Rarity's in 20 minutes" he said finishing his food before leaving the room. "You groomed him?" Moon asked. "Yes but he would stop making innuendos so I bite him" she said causing the mares to laugh. (Rarity's Boutique) Jason reached the overly pink building with five minutes to spare, he had shorts, a red top and his boots on along with his duffle bag of tools and his slayer book. He entered the building with a ding. "I'll be out in a moment" a posh voice called as a moment later, Rarity stepped out in a white blouse, black dress pants and gold rimmed glasses. "Ah Jason you have arrived early" she said with a smile as she gave him a brief hug. "Now come with me and I'll measure you" she said taking his hand and leading him to a back room. "Okay Rarity, what do you need me to do?" He asked as he placed his bag on th ground. "Strip please darling" she said as Jason stripped to his boxers, "no fully darling" she said. "Um no" he replied. "Darling it isn't anything I haven't seen before" she said with a smirk as Jason groaned. "So you want me to stand naked while you measure me?" He asked and received a nod and smile. "Better be quick" he said which she nodded to as he pulled down his boxers and watched her gaze set on his lower region until he cleared his throat. "Oh right" she blushed as she began to measure his upper body. "Well we are even now, I saw you naked and you have seen me naked" he said making her blush more as she moves to his chest, a notepad and pen were hovering In the air as Rarity wrote down the measurements. After about 2 hours, and Rarity spending too much time crouched in front of him or trying to get him to let her make him a new wardrobe , Jason was off to head to the school house, where he found the materials needed so he placed his bag down and began his work. Around 1 pm Cherrilee arrived to find Jason already working on attaching the inner wall. "Oh wonderful, you've almost gotten half way" she said happily as Jason gave her a thumbs up as he finished inner section before he began installing the insulation. "Hey did you hear? There is a mare in town that apparently killed an Ursa Major" she said as Jason stopped and looked at her. "Ursa Major?" He asked as he received a nod. "Um interesting" he said as he went back to work, after about twenty minutes, Jason took a break and pulled out his Slayer guide to look up Irsa Major. 'Ursa Major (er - sir Major) Threat level : Extremely High Class of creature : Titan Class, Predator Traits to be wary of : High Intelligence, ability to fire a energy beam from its mouth, Relentless, high level immunity to magic, thick hide, ability to become imperious to attack at night, territorial Best method of Slaying: (Protected Species) Ways of subduing a enraged Ursa is through the use of reed music, the Ursa also has several pressure points on it body which when struck, will render it asleep. Jason rose an eyebrow before putting the book away safely in his bag and pulled out his lunch, he didn't notice a cloud roll on above him until he was covered in water, drenching him, but cleaning his apple. He looked up at Rainbow dash and Gilda laughing their asses off which maybe him smile as he continued to eat his apple, before stripping himself of his top and went back to working as Gilda landed next to him with Dash, both had their wings stuck up at full mast. "Hey Gilda, Hey Dash, any idea why I'm soaked?" Jason asked as he was installing the rest of the insulation. "We just thought you looked hot" Gilda said making Jason chuckle. "I already know I'm hot, I get told that by Berry when ever I shower with her" he said making Gilda laugh. "No we thought that you might like to be cooled off" Dash said. "And hence why I'm calling you Dash instead of Rainbow Dash" he said before he was suddenly hugged by the cyan speedster. "Thank you!" She said. "I haven't forgiven you fully girl" he said. "I know but this is a step forward" she said with a smile before looking at him close up "you have a lot of muscular considering how tall and buff you are" she said making him chuckle. "Yea my body doesn't poof out with muscle when I gain it" he said as he suddenly hugged Dash back who smiled before realising he was dripping wet. "No let go of me Jase.... Ahhhhh my top is white Jason, it's WHITE!!!" Sh called out as he let go and smirked as her top was now see through showing that she had a pink bra. "That's for drenching me" he said before he turned to Gilda who took a step back, "Let's be reasonable Jason" she said as he grabbed the hose a sprayed he with water. "Bastard!" She said before pulling of her black top to show off her blue bra holding her e cup breasts and the cyan feather on her necklace. "You didn't have to take off your top" he said making her smirk. "What and not show off?" She asked a he chuckled and went back to work. As he continued working, Gilda and Rainbow left to go do their own thing, a few hours passed and Jason finished the wall and painted it before sitting and sighing in relief. He grabbed his gear an began to head home when he heard screaming, which caused him to turn and see Spike run passed with two colts, shortly followed by a star bear, Jason would have been worried if it wasn't for a little detail, the fucking bear managed to destroy his just finished wall. "You Mother Fucker!" He shouted before running after the bear with a wrench. When he caught up to the bear, he saw that it had cornered a light blue mare in a wizard outfit, spike and the two colts, as they were talking, Jason side tackled the Bear in the ribs, sending it onto its side before he focused his magic around his foot and slammed it into it, sending it sliding. "Jason!" The three boys cried out in shock. "Snails and I are sorry we brought it to Ponyville" Snips said. "I'll deal with you both later cause right now" he said as the Ursa attempted to bite him but be grabbed it's top and bottom jaw and held it open as he slid back 'thank you overlord soul' he thought as the beast roar, covering Jason's face in spit and goo. He let got before sucking an slamming the wrench into the bear's neck, winding it as he kicked it in the face and hopped back, before the bear lunged forward and bit down on his shoulder, it's teeth puncturing his flesh causing his to growl. The bear continued adding pressure until it suddenly let go and swayed slightly, Jason was confused before he slammed the wrench into its temple, knocking it out "Fuck you" he said before dropping to his knee panting as only the blue wizard ran over to him, everyone else was shocked at what they witnessed. "Are you alright?" The mare asked. "Of course, well except for the Ursa Bite" he said as her ears fell against her head. "This is my fault, of those two foals had not believed my stage persona then you wouldn't have gotten hurt" she said as she started tear up. "You must be Trixie then" he chuckled before patting her shoulder "this isn't the worst I have been injured oh and just wait. " he said causing her to raise an eyebrow. "For what?" She asked, Jason just counted down with his fingers, after one a flash of dark light appeared nearby and soon Nightmare Moon stood tall and annoyed, her mere presence caused Trixie to hide behind Jason. "Jason why did you fight an Ursa Minor?" Moon asked moving to stand in front of him. "Oh you know, I wanted to save a pretty mare" he said causing Trixie to blush. " an also it destroyed a wall that took me hours to build" he said as moon shook her head and pulled a bottle of water from her mane, the water began to glow in the moon light before she poured it on Jason's wound which began to heal. "There all done, now I am gonna return this Ursa to its mother then go bak to bed" she said vanishing with the bear. "Jason are you okay?" Twilight asked running over. "Of course Sparky" he said receiving a slap. "That was very dumb of you to take on an Ursa like that" she said. "And if I didn't, spike would be Ursa food" Jason replied leaving Twilight silent for a moment. "Thank you" she said before Rarity, AJ, Dash and the rest of Ponyville approached and began blaming Trixie for the attack and that she was a no good show off. "ENOUGH!!" Jason shouted, silencing everyone before he turned to Trixe "you come with me" he said which she nodded as he led her to his place. "Go in here, tell then that you are staying for a little while, while Jason fixes your Caravan, okay?" He asked which she nodded before hugging him. "Thank you" she said before going inside as Jason headed back to the school house to start all over again. As he reached the school house, he was hit with a dizzy spell and had to grab onto a tree for support. "My precious little boy" a female voice said causing Jason to look around, he used a sensory spell but couldn't find anyone near him. "Your all grown up" the voice said again from his rear causing him to turn around only to see no one. "You look just like your daddy" the voice stated behind him making him turn again but seeing no one again. "Who's there?!" He demanded only to revived nothing. He waited for about twenty minutes until the dizzy speed left him. He headed to the school house only to find it was rebuilt with a small box sitting in front of it. Jason crouched down and looked at the box only to find it was addressed to him, he rose an eyebrow and opened it slowly only to find a glowing crystal, but before he had a chance to react it flashed brightly, blinding Jason. "I'm sorry my lady, I have no choice" a voice said, "I understand, please make it quick" the voice from earlier asked. "Of course" the first voice said before a scream was heard, and then crying. "I'm sorry little one, I didn't want to hurt her or you" the first voice said before the searing pain vanished leaving Jason on his knees panting loudly as he looked at the ground. "What the fuck?" > Chapter 12 - I Don't know what to call this Update > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jason looked at the ground panting, he was confused at what just happened, he was feeling several different emotions, ranging from Hatred to Sadness. He had a pretty good idea who left the box now but wasn't sure, the only real logical answer was the Fog Walker, his uncle. Jason felt a pair of hands grab him and lift him to his feet, he jumped at the sudden touch and tensed until he saw it was Tia. "Oh hey Tia, what's up?" He asked smiling softly as she simply wiped a handkerchief across his face, it was wet and also contained blood which causes Jason to feel his face only to discover his nose was bleeding and his eyes were moist. "The fuck?" He muttered before he had the handkerchief stuffed up his bleeding nostril "The Fuck?!" "It helps" she said smiling softly. "So I hear you took on an Ursa Minor and knocked it out, I thought slayers only kill" she said crossing her arms making him chuckle as he drew the slayer guide from his bag. "Not when it is a protected species" he said offering her the book which she duplicated and returned the original. "I see, and thank you, I'll be sure to add this to my personal Library" she said looking at the book. "So did you only come to ask if I was okay?" He asked. "Actually no, I came because I sensed the same power level from when you were in hospital" she said as he nodded. "Thought it may have been him" he sighed as he sat against the finished wall as she joined him. "What troubles you?" She asked as she offered a wing which he lent forward as it wrapped around him. "Well apart from the fact that I learnt magic but it's the type everyone fears or hates, I got ghosts of 'my past' giving me shit, Overlords trying to kill me, half the town or more against me, my supposed uncle fucking with my head and a fucking herd to deal with" he said leaning his head back. "Hmmm that's interesting that you have magic, dark, black or necromancy?" She asked. "All three" he said shocking her. "Wow, and yet I sense not even a sliver of corruption inside you, hmm you situations with your uncle and and your past shall sort it's self out in time I believe, and the Overlords, I recommend that you simply train but keep the fact you have magic to yourself so they don't know as of yet, the situation with the town will right itself when they see in due time and ask your head mare for help with your herd" Celestia advised. "That's just the thing.... I don't have a head mare anymore after Berry gave it up" he sighed again. "I believe maybe ask Lulu if she would like to be your head mare as it may help her self confidence" she said. "She has Confidence issues?" He asked. "Has she left your house?" Tia asked which Jason shook his head. "Well that explains it." "She talks to everyone in the house" he said. "Yes but she may have gotten use to you all" she said, "anyway I have to talk to you about the Autumn heat in three weeks" she said. "Yea?" He asked nervous. "Well seeing that Alicorns go into heat during Spring Heat only, I have come to warn you to get out of town by next week" she warned. "I think I may have a place" he said. "Oh? " she replied curious. "It's a massive Castle about 30 kilometres from my place" he said a she scratched her chin. "Hmmm seeing as the castle of the Two sisters is only 15 away, I believe you are talking about the Storm Citadel" she said looking at Jason who gave her a confused look with the handkerchief still hanging from his nose. "It's belongs to your father.... So I guess you have inherited it" she said smiling at patting his back. "Congratulations" "Yea.... So feel up to telling me day of the start of the Heat season?" He asked. "Only the Autumn heat" she said as Jason nodded before she produced a slip of paper from her mane and gave it to him. "Here, now let's get you home". She said as the stood up and she teleported them. As they appeared, Tia smiled before hugging Jason "look after yourself and I shall see you soon" she said before vanishing, Jason sighed again before removing the handkerchief from his nose, cleaned any blood from his face before entering the house, he found Trixie sitting awkwardly on the couch next to Luna and to Nightmare. "Trixie can you come with me?" He asked as she got off the couch and moved to him quickly as they walked down the hall to a spare room. "This is your room for now" he said as she nodded and gave him a hug. "Thank you" she said with a smile before she entered the large room as Jason returned to the lounge room. "So what did you do with the Ursa?" He asked Moon. "I returned him to his mother" she said smiling before she gave a quick glance to Luna. " I believe Lulu has a question for you" she said as Luna turned a faint red before glaring at moon. "Cool I have got a question for her first" he said gaining both of their attention. "Luna, would you like to be my Head Mare?" He asked her. "Yes!..... We mean, we would be delighted" she said as Jason smiled and nodded before heading to his room. As he entered his room, he saw Berry out cold with Snow cuddled up to her on his bed, he smiled before removing his gear before climbing into his bed, the moment he did, he was ensnared by Berry. She didn't make a sound as she held him against her so Jason put his arm around her and went to sleep as best he could. (Next morning) Jason was on his roof, he finally remembered that he hadn't reinstalled most of his solar panels, so he got up at around 8 and was on his roof with his drill, reinstalling the frames before he climbed down, opened his garage and grabbed some of the panels before climbing back up to install them. Before he started, he checked his ute's condition only to discover that it's Axle was beyond fucked and he didn't even want to think about the horror of his gearbox, all in all it was fucked with out a proper mechanic or the replacement parts, which this world had neither which saddened him as the old hunk of metal was the first and only car he got at 16. "Sir! What are you doing on your roof?" A voice called out. "Reinstalling my Solar Panels to increase the amount of electricity I have" he called back. "Solar Panels?" The voice asked. "Converts the energy from the sun into power" he said pointing upwards. "That's brilliant, I'm surprised ponies haven't thought of that" the voice said. "Well humans are quite advanced" he said as he looked over his shoulder to see a yellow mare with a red and yellow mane in a leather jacket, green top and a checkered short skirt. " the only problem is that if any of this breaks, I can't replace it." He said as he hopped back down and reopened his garage to grab more panels as the unicorn mare inspected his Ute. "Why is that?" She asked. "Simple, you lot don't make or install the parts" he said as he climbed back up which she cleared her throat and he helped her up onto the roof with him. "Okay, let me guess, something of yours broke so now your not happy." She said as she watched him plug a cable into a panel before he slid the panel into a slot with the reflective side facing up. "Yea my Ute's axle and gearbox are fucked" he said as he installed another. "Ute?" She asked as she used her magic to being out the rest of the panels. "The machine you were checking out in my garage" he said as she nodded. "Oh okay, ummm they make axles for carriages and trains" she suggested. "I already asked my friend Caramel what they make then with and they aren't strong or flexible enough for the off-road vehicle" he said as he finished another. "And even if It did work, I still need a new gearbox which is not gonna happen. So I'm gonna rip out her engine and fit it to My new friend's caravan, after teaching her how to use it" he said as she nodded. "That's really nice" she said. "Yea, so who are you?" He asked her as he continued to install the last of the panels. "Oh my name is Sunset Shimmers, one of Princess Celestia's personal Students" she said proudly. "Ah so Tia has more then one" he said making Sunset smile. "Yea she has about four, but she doe like to talk about you.... A lot" she said. "Oh really, what does she say?" He asked curious. "Well apart from being strong, smart and handsome, which appear to be true, she has stated that you get hurt a a lot and get into trouble, like fighting an ancient evil or a Griffoness or buck a Ursa with a wrench," she said. "Sounds about right" he chuckled before looking at her who was giving a skeptical expression. He smiled before removing his shirt and pointed to the massive X scar on his chest. "Overlord did this about a week ago" he said then pointed to his shoulder which had a large bite scar. "Ursa Minor last night" then he pointed to the four prong scar on his face. "Griffoness a week ago" he said as she looked at the scars in slight horror and awe. "How are you alive?" She asked. "I'm just stubborn" he chuckled as he hopped down and helped her down. "So anyway, why are you here?" He asked. "Oh well one I wanted to see how Twilight was doing and secondly I wanted to see what's got my mentor all flustered" she said making Jason chuckle. "Fair enough, um want to grab some breakfast?" He asked which she shrugged. "Sure, Twilight and her friends have gone off to deal with a dragon" she said causing Jason to pause. "Your kidding me?" He asked as she shook her head. "Fuck sake" he groaned. "Wait a moment while I grab some bits" he said as he went inside to grab about 50 bits before returning with Trixie and Iron. "Um hello Iron, long time no see" Sunset greeted sheepishly. "Yes it's been a while Sunset" Iron growled, causing the younger unicorn to flinch but leaving Trixie and Jason confused. "I really am sorry" Sunset said but before Iron could say anything, Jason picked her up, put her over his shoulder before looking at the two unicorns. "Shall we?" He asked as Iron growled but the unicorns nodded before they headed to Sugarcube corner. "So Sunset, what did you to make this calm and collected mare so angry?" He asked patting Iron's flank making her growl, which was quiet intimidating seeing a she had canines like himself. "I.... May have..... Turn her into a colt...." She said smiling sheepishly. "You turned her into little boy?" He asked getting a nod, "why?" "She was my personal guard but I wanted to go to a concert so I spiked a coffee I made for her but the enchantment went wrong..." She said. "How so?" Jason asked as they arrived and found a booth where Jason sat Iron down next to himself. "Instead of her being a filly for a day...." She was saying before Iron interrupted her. "I was a bucking colt for a month..... The Princess found out, scolded Sunset then kept me in her personal chambers so I didn't have to return to the barracks" she said with a growl as she leant against Jason, while they were chatting, Thunder, Pierce, Big Mac and Comet arrived and joined them. "Hey Jason, hey Iron" they greeted which the two greeted back before they all ordered. "What can I do to stop you from hating me Iron?" Sunset asked. "I'll do just about anything" she said. "Hmmm I don't know what you could do, but I'll think of something" she said as she nuzzled Jason. "Hey Jason, tomorrow night Fancy Pants had invite us over to his place in Canterlot for cards" Big Mac said putting a train ticket from his pocket and gave it to Jason. "Cool I'll meet you guys at the station" he said looking at the ticket . "At 12 " he replied getting a nod from the stallions as their food arrived and Mac gave a ticket to Carrot. They were eating until Jason's phone went off. "Hello?..... Yea I didn't forget..... No I'm just grabbing some food..... Yes I'll be home in 30 minutes...... Okay....... Okay see you soon" he said hanging up and put his phone away. "Sorry guys and gals but I got to go, you want to come with me Iron? Or Trixie?" he asked as Trixie nodded but Iron shook her hea so Jason pecked Iron's cheek before sliding out and was soon joined by Trixie as Jason paid for the groups food and left with the showmare. "I still can't thank you enough for saving my life and also defending me" she said smiling as they walked. "It was nothing really" he said smiling softly. "A your also fixing up my Caravan" Shaw stated with a smile. "It's what friends do" he chuckled as they arrived at his place and went inside. Trixie went to her room while Jason headed for Luna and Moon's room before knocking. "Enter" he heard Luna say so he entered to find that the room was an apartment. "What the fuck?" He asked as he looked around. "I decided to make our room a lot bigger for Luna and Me" Moon said smiling. "Well damn" he said as he smiled at moon before heading to a room marked with a sign saying 'Luna' which he knocked before the door was surrounded by a blue aura before opening shortly followed Jason being pulled into the dark room. The room was pitch black as Jason suddenly felt like he was weightless then he hit a soft surface, moments before he felt a weight on top of him. "Luna?" He asked but he shushed him before nuzzling him. "We are sleeping" she said as Jason felt his top, shoes, socks and shorts vanish off him, leaving him in his boxers as she pulled the silk cover over them. Her arms, legs, tail and wings wrapped around him, causing him to blush slightly as his arms went around her waist, and that's when he felt it,She has no clothes on. 'Oh shit' > Chapter 13 - The Moon's desires, Dvision > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Luna, why are you naked?" Asked Jason as he felt her tense up before she sighed and sat up. "We were debating whether or not to give ourself to thou..... We didn't want to offend thou but we didn't want to not make our stallion happy" she said as her bedside tap came on to show her in all her glory, her cheeks were a slight shade of red while her left breast was a black colour with a crescent moon on it. Her body had gotten bigger and her fur had changed to a midnight blue colour, her cup size had gone from a C cup to an F cup, her mane was flowing like Tia's and Moon's as it resembled the night sky. "So does our stallion like our true form?" She asked shyly as her hands rested on Jason's chest. "Ye.... I d.... Damn" he stuttered as he was bright red, his reaction cause Luna to giggle as she leant down and her stopped as her muzzle was a few inches from his face. "May we?" She asked as Jason smiled. "Even in a sexy situation, your still cute as hell" he chuckled as he leant his head up and kissed her gently, causing her to squeak softly before pushing slowly against his lips, he felt her tongue gently push against his lips which he parted, oddly enough nothing happened causing Jason to pull away slightly with a raised eyebrow. "What?" She asked. "Have you kissed someone intimately before?" He asked curiously. "We have kissed our mother and sister" she said crossing her arms. "Intimately?" He asked as she shook he head. "Um have you done any of this before?" He asked as her ears flopped against her head. "Of course we have" she said looking away. "Lulu" he said causing her to groan. "No we haven't, fine there we said it, we have never being intimate with another or mated with another, there are thou happy now" She growled, then her expression turned sad. "Please don't reject us for our inexperience" she whimpered as she looked at him slightly teary eyed. "No why the fuck would I reject someone I care about?" He asked as he sat up and wrapped his an around her waist. "Thou wouldn't be the first" she grumbled as he flicked her nose gently making her snort. "What was that for?" She asked. "Luna, I don't care if you are super inexperienced or if you are super experienced, I'm not gonna reject you unless you do something really fucked up towards me, understand" he asked as she nodded and nuzzled him. "Thank thou.... Are thou still up for some fun?" She asked as he smiled and nodded. (Clop scene) "So how do we start this activity?" She asked making Jason chuckle. "Lay on your back next to me" he said as she got off him and laid down, he moved so he was above her and smiled softly. "Okay so I'm going to make you feel good, but at any point you feel uncomfortable, tell me, okay?" He said as she nodded. "We understand" she said before Jason moved and kissed her neck softly causing her to shudder before he nipped her neck with his canines as he slowly kissed down her neck to her chest causing her to moan softly. He moved his hand to her left breast and groped if gently as he watched her expression change before he moved his hand and pinched her nipple making her squeak. "You like that?" He asked the blushing Alicorn who could only nod causing him to move down lower and kiss her breast before he took the nipple in his mouth and used his canines to nip and kneed it gently only to find Luna's hands on the back of his head pushing him against her, he was surprised when he felt a warm substance enter his mouth, causing him to jerk his head back with a confused expression. "What's wrong?" She asked as he pointed at her breast then his mouth, which was filled with a warm blueberry substance. "Oh... What does thou think of our milk?" She asked with a smirk. 'Milk?' He gave a thumbs up which made her giggle before he decided to swallow it so he didn't hurt her feelings, as he swallowed he got the unnerving sensation of the thick warm liquid running down his throat. "Does thou want more? We are quite full" she said with a smirk. Jason smiled at her as he looked at her breast before he decide to humour her if this would help build her confidence. He wrapped his lips around her nipple and suckled as her hands held his head against it while a single thought was going through his head repeatedly as he drank. 'It's not Jizz, it's not jizz, it's not jizz' he was thinking until he suddenly found his mouth empty before she moved his head to her other breast for him to repeat. 'Okay so maybe sex with a mare is more different then I thought' "AHHH we wish we did this earlier" she moaned loudly, Jason smirked as he moved his hand down between her legs causing her to gasp as he found his wet mark, he felt her winking flower as he rubbed and probed with two fingers, causing her to squirm, moan and buck. When his head was released he kissed down her body until he was just about her marehood, where his hand had begun to shallowly finger her. He looked up at her only to see her panting and watching him before she nodded and he moved his face closed and began to lick her as his spare hand spread her lips. He moved and gnawed softly on her clit making her gasp silently while his fingers began to pump faster and deeper, at one point he felt a barrier with his fingers so he thrusted them shallower to save Luna from any discomfort at the moment until she grabbed the back of his head and thrusted against his face. She moaned loudly as Jason felt her marehood clamp down and pulse around his fingers as his mouth was filled and covered with her cum. "Oh buck, oh buck, oh buck" she repeated as Jason moved next to her, he was trying to figure out the weird taste In his mouth, it wasn't like women from back on earth, this was more of a blueberry taste except slightly bitter and salty. 'Hmmm this may need more experimentation' he thought as he looked at Luna who had a dopey smile on her face. "So did you enjoy your first Oral experience?" He asked as she simply nodded. "Good to know" he said kissing her. "So do we get to the main event now?" She asked which disappointed Jason slightly but he went with it. "Yea, do you want to control how fast we go or would you like me to lead until your more confident?" He asked as she thought for a moment and kissed his neck. "May you lead me?" She asked which caught Jason off guard. "You talked normally?!" He asked. "Yes we.... I am learning, thanks to Fallout" she said smiling causing Jason to chuckle. "Well that works" he said as he removed his boxers which got Luna's attention. "It looks different then from books" she said poking his erect member. "That's odd... It's bigger?" He asked confused getting her attention. "Why do you say that?" She asked. "Well before I came here it was like 6-7 inches long, now it's like double... Which doesn't make sense as it was like that until..... That bloody zebra" he said. "Zebra?" Luna asked. "I'll explain later so we don't kill the mood" he said as she nodded. He moved so he was on top of her. "Okay so tell me when to stop and go, okay?" He asked getting a nod from Luna as he aligned himself and gently pushed inside of her causing her to moan loudly, he continued in at a slow pace until he stopped when he reached an obstruction. "Ready?" He asked. "One moment" she said with a winch as she shuffled her hips before nodding "we are ready" she said as her arms wrapped around Jason's neck as he gave a quick hard thrust, passing her hymen and causing her to growl in pain, digging her nails into his back. He stopped to let her adjust, which she soon nodded and he continued to push inside of her until he bottomed out. After a moment he pulled all but his tip out before pushing fully back inside of her as she ground her hips into his, he continued the motion repeatedly, slowly increasing how fast and how hard each thrust was. His left hand moved to her flank and gave it a squeeze and his right moved to her breast and fondled it as he started thrusting with more force, making the Alicorn gasp and groan as she pushed back into his thrusts just as hard. Soon he felt her thrusts become more erratic, her breaths shallower and her pussy tightening until she came harder then earlier, she wrapped her arms and legs around him as she panted although Jason continued to thrust through her orgasm causing her to cry out in pleasure. He moved his mouth to her breast and nibbled and suckled causing her to groan more. After a few minutes of this, Jason began to feel his own end coming, his thrust became longer, harder and more jagged, he had to slow down so he could warn Luna. "Lulu I'm close" he moaned as she pulled his head against her chest as she bucked against him hard. "Inside Jason, please" she begged which Jason began to thrust harder and harder before he thrusted hard and deep before cumming hard, filling her womb with his hot seed, she gasped and moaned as her third orgasm hit her , her pussy milked Jason's cock for every last drop as their combined cum seeped out if her as they rode out their orgasms. When they were done, Jason was using his arms to hold himself up as Luna panted loudly, her legs wrapped around his waist, keeping him inside of her. "Fuck that was... Fuck" he muttered making her giggle before she stopped and looked down at her slightly bulged belly. "Your still hard?!" She asked alerted. "Yea I can go a couple of rounds" he said making her smile. "Well I better stratify my stallion" she said before rolling over so she was on top of Jason. (End of Clop - That evening) Both Luna and Jason were laying in her bed, naked, sweating and panting, they had gone from 12 pm to 4 pm, they had swapped who was on top several times along with Luna wanting Jason to finish in her every time. "So, how was that for a first time?" He asked her as she laid on top of him. "Bucking amazing" she purred while nuzzling him. "Glad you enjoyed it" he said kissing the 8 foot tall mare. "You know I feel a bit small around Moon, Tia and yourself" he said as she chuckled. "Your perfect sized for cuddling" she said. "Haha thanks, so what do you want do now?" He asked as she tapped her chin before both their stomachs growled. "We think that answers your question" she giggled before climbing off him. He smiled before getting up and grabbing his clothes as he went to her bathroom and ran a shower. As he washed himself, he was soon joined by the midnight Alicorn who grabbed her shampoo before she began working it into his hair. "Really?" He asked as she giggled before washing his hair. "I'm not a child" he stated with a huff. "In comparison to us, you are a foal" she said before she grabbed her conditioner and added it to his scruffy hair. "If we had any milk left, we would feed you" she said as Jason turned bright red. "When did you gain so much confidence?" He asked as she smiled. "Um after we finished for the 5th time" she said before washing his hair out before turning her back to him as he began to wash her mane, which had stopped flowing and her tail In the same manor. After they had finished, dried of and got dressed, they left the room to find Moon on a couch reading. "So did you two have fun?" She asked. "How do you know we did anything?" Asked Luna. "Two reasons, one I can smell you on him and two, you forgot to soundproof the room" she said causing both Jason and Luna to blush. "Wait what do you mean smell her on me?" He asked. "It's a way of marking a stallion as a mare's or to see if a stallion has been unfaithful." Moon said "lucky for you, only Alicorns can smell Alicorns on stallions that they mated with" moon added. "Well that works, wait how come Luna can lactate even though it was her first time?" He asked. "Simple, when mare reach maturity, they produce milk as a just incase they are added to a herd, it allows multiple mares to feed foals when the mother is busy or working" Moon explained as Jason nodded. "Why, didn't you know?" She asked with a smirk. "Not until I had my mouth filled with it" he said. "Oh how did she taste?" moon asked, much to Luna's discomfort. "Blueberries actually" he said as Moon chuckled as Luna growled at him softly. "Sounds about right" Moon said before Luna and Jason's stomachs growled and they left for the main kitchen. They grabbed some food as the front door opened and the mane 6, Gilda, sunset, Iron, Morning, Trixie and a few other mares. "Hey Jason, what are you doing in two weeks?" Asked Dash. "I'm going camping" he said as he munched on a peach. "By yourself? Who will protect you?" Asked A mare who he remembered to be Lyra. "Your kidding me right?" He asked which she shook her head. "I can protect myself" he said. "How about you skip your camping trip and come to a sleep over we are having?" Asked Twilight. "No I'm good" he said as he grabbed a bottle of soda from his fridge. "Why, don't think you can handle a mare?" Asked the white unicorn with shades, this caused Luna to start laughing. "Oh he can, he handled us for four hours" she said causing all the mares to look at Luna then at Jason on shock. "How can you last that long?" Asked Gilda. "Well it was at least 6 rounds" he said with a chuckle. "But how? Most Equis male only last between 20 seconds to 3 minutes and can only go one round" Sunset causing Jason to start laughing loudly. "What?" "Oh my fucking god, I feel so sorry for you lot, like fuck" he said laughing "that sounds like a human male who has very, very poor stamina" he chuckled. "Fine then how long do ya last for in a round?" AJ asked. "8 minutes to an hour" he said as he leant against the counter and sipped his drink. "Okay now your definitely coming over to the sleep over" Dash said. "No I won't" he said before he felt Luna take his hand "well I'd love to continue this conversation but I have to go" he said as Luna lead him back to her room. "We have to find out where he is camping" said Morning as the mares nodded. (Next day at noon) Jason was sitting at the train station, he had the ticket in hand along with some bits, he had a pair of jeans on, a red t shirt, a black hoodie and his trainers on as he waited for the train and the other stallions. After about thirty minutes, there was no sign of them so Jason groaned before checking the timetable, which told him that there wasn't a train running today. "The fuck?" He asked before he pulled out the ticket and groaned. The ticket was blank. "For fuck sake, how did I miss that?" He asked himself as he walked home, only to be pulled into a bush. A loud smack was heard as Jason pulled himself and a very sore Pierce out of the bush. "What the buck dude?" He asked rubbing his face. "You don't pull me into bushes unless you want to be hit" Jason growled. "Now explain this?" He asked showing the ticket. "It means come to Sweet Apple aches at 6 pm" he said. "And how the fuck was I suppose to know?" Jason asked. "Well your a stallion you should have rem.... Oh right" he said sheepishly. "Yea if were gonna say remember from last time then I would have slapped you" he said as they walked back to Jason's house. "Sorry buddy, hey have you go shelter for the you know what?" He asked. "Nope, I'm jut gonna camp in Everfree" he said casually. "Your kidding right, that's suicide" Pierce said. "No it isn't and it sure is cloudy today" Jason winked as Pierce looked confused before looking up to see that there was a few clouds that had followed them from the station. "So I'm camping by myself deep in the Everfree, unless you and the guys are interested in coming" Jason said with a wink. "Oh OH yea I'll join you buddy" he said as Jason smiled and patted him on the back "I'll ask the rest of the guys" he said which Jason nodded before entering his home. (Sweet Apple Aches Barn) Jason was the first to arrive as he was greeted by Mac and Caramel, who smiled at him as he sat down. "Glad you could come" Caramel said. "Yea I wouldn't have come If I eve didn't explain what the blank ticket meant" he growled slightly. "Sorry, we can't be too careful" Mac said as he set up a board. "It's cool, so what's all this about?" He asked. "This is about the impending heat season in a months time" Caramel said as Jason sighed "what?" He asked. "My sources tell me that it's actually next week" he said as the two stallions froze along with the dozen who just entered. "How do you know that?" Asked a random brown Pegasus. "My friend.... Your princess told me as she has to prepare a heat nullifying spell on her female guard." He said as more stallions arrived. "But why would she tell you if she goes In heat?" Asked a sky blue Pegasus, "Oh Alicorns go in heat during Spring only" he said. "So we only have a week to prepare?" Asked the group a he nodded, causing them all to freak out before Mac calmed them. "Quiet, thank ya Jason, this helps immensely as now we have to work overtime to prepare for next week and prepare the shelter" he said. "Hey why is that ape even here? " asked. Pompous voice from behind Jason. "Because he is as much at threat as the rest of us" stated the sky blue Pegasus. "Why he is too much of a freak for the mares to be attracted to" stated another voice. "If it wasn't for him, we would still be unaware for next week" stated a brown stallion with a business suit on. "And what if he is bucking with is" asked a white unicorn, "he is just a dirty, stupid ape that should be put out of his misery or sent back to the Everfree where he belongs, besides what mare would want him as he is abusive and ...." The stallion was saying before Jason rose and left the barn. "Blueblood you flank hole" stated a stallion. Jason arrive back at his place and went to his garage and moved to a blanketed object before pulling the blanket off to show his light green dirty bike before he began to check it for damage, he fixed te few damages before he heard someone clear their throat behind him. He looked and saw it was his stallion friends along with the sky blue Pegasus. "You alright buddy?" Asked Thunder as Jason chuckled. "Yea just getting some gear ready before I transport it to my shelter" he said. "You have a shelter?" Asked Pierce. "Of course I do" he said as he mounted the bike and started it. "Where is it?" Asked the Sky Blue Pegasus, "also hi I'm Sourin" he said getting a nod from Jason. "It's 30 kilometres into the Everfree" he said getting them all to gulp save for Timmy. "If you like I can help get supplies out there for you and us" he said. "Us?" Jason asked. "Yea the stallions had divided into several groups, the main shelter has been taken by two groups" said Fancy. "Oh okay, well let's start moving stuff tomorrow" Jason said getting nods a he dismounted his bike and recovered it. > Chapter 14 - More Backstory, Zecora > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recap Jason and the stallions begun moving food, water and other supplies thanks to Timmy's blue box. The group had to stop or a couple days as Jason made the mistake of showing Time Turner 'Doctor Who' but once he had grabbed all the dvd's they started taking supplies to the Citadel, which surprisingly was well furnished, unfortunately due to a powerful enchantment, Timmy couldn't land in it so he parked next to it. After unloading and returning home, Timmy noticed the large distorted gearbox on Jason's workbench before he suddenly ran off into his box and vanished. Jason's non Alicorn mares and female friends have been following him and keeping an eye on him, which annoyed Jason to no end so he began taking Snow with him everywhere and she chased off the mares, and at night he'd spend it with Moon and Luna. End of Recap Jason was walking around Ponyville with his duffle bag of tools and a tin of green paint, Mayor Mare had asked him if he could paint several benches so they looked nice so that's what Jason was doing for the last hour as he arrived at a bench in front of Sugarcube corner. He was wearing his headphones and listening to loud rock music as he saw Pinkie flailing her arms at him for a window. Jason simply smiled and waved back and Snow glared at the pink mare before Jason went to work, he had noticed the town was pretty quiet, save for Twilight and spike, who were just pulled into Sugarcube corner. Jason was oblivious to the world, save for the White Dire wolf, that not only hand a green paint on he side but was now rolling on her back in the sun. He sighed as it was nice and calm so he removed his headphones just as a hooded figure approached him which made him chuckle. "Hey Zecora" he said to the zebra who smiled and lowered her hood. "What brings you to town?" He asked. "Well looking for you as you haven't visited" she said crossing her arms an pouting. "I'm sorry, I've just been preoccupied with the whole heat season, wait when do you go in heat?" He asked. "Summer" she said as the human nodded and sat on the bench before realising. "Fuck!, I just painted that" he said standing up as Zecora giggled. "May you please give me a hand with some things at my hut?" She asked as Jason nodded as they began to walk, he whistled which got Snow's attention as she ran over. As the three walked, Jason looked back at the bakery and saw the mares shouting at him, which he ignored and follow Zecora to her house in the Everfree. Upon arrival, he was shown the problem and the human began to repair the damaged roof, after am hour, he was finished but he found Zecora sitting on her doorstep in tears. "Hey what's wrong?" He asked sitting next to her and pulling her into a hug. "Why doesn't anypony like me? I try my best but they all run and hide from me" she cried into his shoulder as he stroked her back. "One they are morons and two, I like you" he said as she sniffed. "You do?" She asked looking at him. "Of course, why wouldn't i? Your awesome and cute and super nice" he said as she smiled slightly before wiping her eyes in his jacket. "Let's thick of a way to make them not be scared of you anymore" he said. "Well they... They were in a patch of Posion Joke" she said with a sniffle. "Posion Joke, it's a humiliation planet, it's in the same family as the horror joke and the killing joke but not as severe, the antidote is relatively simple" she said. "Okay well we shall do that then" he said standing and helping her up. "Good, um do you mind staying with me.... Just for tonight?" She asked. "Of course I don't mind" he said with a smile as she led Jason and Snow inside. As they entered, Zecora showed him her spare room. "This is the room that my brother uses when he visits, but you can use it" she said as Snow dove into bed and got comfortable. "Lazy dog" he sighed as he went to the lounge room with Zecora before she handed him a book. "What's this?" He asked. "A book on channelling, this teaches you how to focus magic around your body to use for attack and defence purposes" she explained which Jason nodded before a knock was heard from the door, as Jason opened it, he found both Luna and Moon standing there with swords causing Jason the cross his arms. "What's all this then?" He asked as the two teleported their weapons away as Zecora arrived at the door. "We were told you were in danger" Moon said as Zecora's ears fell against her head and she looked down, this caused Jason to growl. " well I'm not and you to better apologise to Zecora" he stated to the two who apologised to the zebra. "Good now Zecora, how do feel about being friends with two Alicorns?" "Wait what?" She asked. "We would be happy to be her friend" Luna said as Moon nodded "Thank you" The Zebra mare said with a smile. "Well seeing our stallion is in no danger, we shall be off" the two said score teleporting away. "Well I think I need some tea" Zecora said as the two went back inside, Jason was sitting in a chair as he noticed a strange blue flower on a bench, failing to hold his curiosity in check, he walked over and inspected it before giving it a sniff. "Damn that smells horrible" he said with a cough as he placed the flower back down as Zecora came in with some tea. The night was quiet as the two talked they both headed to sleep except Jason's dream world was Plagued. Jason awoke to find himself on a cold crystal floor, he groaned as held his head as he looked around, he was in a weird room that seemed to e designed for a child. He pulled himself to his feet and began inspecting the room, there was a crib, a few toys, blurred photos. "Where am I?" He muttered as the door to the room opened and a blurred figure in a sapphire blue dress entered with a small bundle in her hands, she was talking quietly to the bundle before she unwrapped it to show a young child before she placed the child in the crib when the door opened behind her and a black armoured person entered and approached the woman. "You highness" asked the person with a feminine voice. "Yes Umbra? What Is it my student?" She asked turning to the figure and stopping " why are you in your armour?" "The overlords are on route to the Crystal Kingdom now..... I have been ordered to kill you" she said drawing his sword. "By who?" Asked the woman as large blue wings extended defensively from the woman's back. "By.... By my master" the armoured woman her voice strained. "I see, I shall protect my son" she said before the child was surrounded in a blue aura which woke him up. "I'm so sorry my lady.... I have no choice" the armoured woman said as she drew a sword. "I understand, make it quick" she said giving her son one more look. "Of course" Umbra said before she drove the blade through the winged woman's back as blood splattered on to the child, just as this happened a servant entered the room and screamed before a black crystal erupted from the ground and impaled her. Umbra walked over to the crib and used a cloth to wipe the blood off the crying child's face. "I'm sorry little one, I never wanted to hurt her or you" she said before the dream ended in a flash. Jason sat up and panted loudly, sweat was present on his brow, he was visibly shaking as he held himself before feeling something that shouldn't be there. Jason looked down to see to lumps on his upper chest, this confused him as he felt around his boxers which was when his pupils shrank, his junk was gone. "Oh great first a freaky ass dream and now I'm a bloody woman" he groaned as he looked at Snow, who was watching him, "what?" He asked as she licked him, he sighed before a blue flash occurred in front of him and both Moon an Luna were standing in front of him. "Jason you had.... A..... Boobs" Luna said as she looked at the female Jason who was only in his boxers. "Yea I know I'm a chick" he groaned. "Yes but you had a nightmare that we couldn't enter, care to talk about it?" Asked Moon as she sat next to him. "Not really" he sighed as Moon pulled him in a hug, which was nice until he felt Moon playing with his breast. "Really?" He asked. "Hey your my partner, I'm just inspecting your new goods" she said with a giggle before Luna returned with Zecora "when did you leave?" Asked Jason. "Ah Posion Joke, I'll be able to fix this in a moment" Zecora said as Moon stroked Jason's side, he didn't notice but he was still shaking slightly. "Please tell me" Moon begged. "Only a little, do you know who Umbra is?" He asked. "Umbra?!" Both Alicorns asked alerted. "Yea, why do you know her?" He asked. "Yes, she murdered hundreds and enslaved the Crystal Empire" stated Luna. "Damn, well yea I had a dream about her murdering my mother I think" he said as the room fell silent before Jason felt Luna sit next to him as he was smothered between the bust of the two Alicorns. Snow simply watched and pouted. "I'm your highnesses I believe you are smothering him" Zecora said as the two released the slightly purple human who inhaled greedily. "I think I am getting a fear of breasts" he panted. "Anyway, the antidote is nearly ready" she said before a knock was heard at the front door. "Who could that be?" She asked before walking off. Jason got up and grabbed his gear but when he went to pull it in he growled. "Fucking wide hips and tits" he groaned as he was the same build and height except with a female figure. Luna teleported away before retiring with he blue hoodie, which was enlarged to fit her larger body as she gave it to Jason. "Thanks, now I'm wearing a hoodie dress" he said as the three and Snow left the room to find Apple Bloom talking to Zecora moments before the mane 6 burst in looking ridiculous and pissed off but before they could react, Jason moved In front of Zecora. "Who the buck are you?" Asked Dash as she came back inside. "Jason, I got hit by Posion Joke" he said as they gave him weird looks. "It is a humiliation type of plant" explained Moon. "Oh so that is why we are messed up." Said Rarity as Zecora nodded before looking at her large pot. "I'll need to make more if the Antidote" she said as the mares collected more of the ingredients as Jason had some tea. Once the potion was made, the group went to the spa to get fixed up, Luna brought some clean clothes for Jason as him and Snow went to a private room to wash in the potion infused water. Jason entered the hot water and dunked himself before coming up and checking himself to find he was a guy again. "Fuck Yes" he exclaimed happily before Snow leapt into the water before coming up, except when she did, she was human save for wolf ears and a wolf tail. "Yes I'm human again, now I don't have to deal with that stupid tail anymore.... Fuck!" She said when she saw her tail before looking at the shocked human male. "Hey I'm Snow" she said as Jason fainted. > Chapter 15 - Heat Season Part 1, Escape > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been several minutes since Snow's transformation and Jason had finally gotten clothes on her and now she was talking to Moon and Tia about what happened, apparently it had something to do with a variation of the Posion Joke called called the Horror Joke or Cruel Joke which is treatable within the first few days of exposure, unfortunately this occurred a few years back so the treatment was only temporary. Although Tia had come up with an idea to use a spell to make her a fix between to two, making her a wolf woman. Jason didn't really care at the moment as his thoughts unwillingly returned to the weird dream from the night before, to be honest, he had no idea if it was real or fake and why were the majority of their bodies blurs, did this mean that he really was born here and that then he thought was his father, lied to him his entire life. Jason sighed at the thoughts before he felt something gently hold his hands, causing him to jump and look up to see Tia was crouching in font of him holding his hands, not only that but all of the mares, including his female friends from outside, were in the room looking at him with concern. "Sorry you were talking?" He asked Celestia who smiled softly. "I was just saying that I can have her in her new form by tomorrow morning" she said as Jason nodded. " now what's wrong?" She asked. "Just thoughts that are fucking with my head" he sighed. "Care to share?" Asked Iron as she sat next to him. "No, not really" he said. "Okay, are you sure? You can talk to use when you need to" said Shy as she sat on the other side to him. "Yea.... I just need a little time to think" he said as Tia nodded and let go of his hands before she rose to her full height and offered him a hand. "Okay but I am still curious about what has happened to get you in such a rut" she said as he nodded and took her hand which she gently pulled him to his feet. "Ask Luna and Moon" he said before he left the room, and headed home. "Okay so what happened?" Celestia asked, her tone changing from soft to serious. "He relived a memory, a very bad one" Luna said. "And do you know what it was?" The Sun Deity asked. "Yes he told us..... It was his mother being murdered in front of him" Moon said receiving gasps from some of the mares. "And did he say who the culprit was?" Celestia questioned. "Umbra" the two Night Alicorns said, which caused Celestia to sigh before nodding. "I see well after the Heat Season, I'll take him to Canterlot and talk to him." She said. "Why not take him during?" Asked Moon. "Well because the nullifying spell did the opposite and made them more horny"she said. "That's annoying" Luna said. "Yes well I better head off and help Snow" Tia said as she walked over to Snow. " I will talk to you later" she said score teleporting away with Snow. (Jason's house) Jason was packing his duffle bag with things he would need during the Heat season. He grabbed his slaying and magic books, his laptop, MRE's that he had for a camping trip he was planning, nets, his hunting rifle, plenty of ammunition and his sleeping bag. He placed the bag near the door as he texted his male friends that they need to be ready to leave that night, Timmy and Carrot had already left to another planet so Timmy's box was a no go. He got his responses as he grabbed some water bottles but as he exited, he noticed Pinchy sitting on the couch looking down. Jason frowned and went over to her, he sat down next to her and put his arm around her before pulling her gently against him. "Hey Jason" she said with a sniff. "Hey Pinchy, why are you upset?" He asked her as she nuzzled his side. "I met my Daddy today and he.... He hit me can said I.... I .... " she was saying before bursting into tears as Jason wrapped his arms around her and held the fully against him. "He said I was a B worded Mistake" she cried as Jason comforted her, in his head he was seeing red, he wanted nothing more then to put his hands around Sword's horn and remove it. "Why can he be like you?" She asked catching Jason off guard. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Your so nice and you actually protected your family" she said. "My family?" He asked curious. "Yes..... Mum may not agree with me saying this yet, but i see you as my big brother.... Even though I am much older then you" she said as they both had a chuckle. "Well by your logic world's i am like 250 years old" he said as she nodded before he let go. " I am honoured you feel that way, but right now I have to beat up a stallion" he said as she nodded before hugging him again. "Okay.... I guess I'll see you in a few weeks" she said kissing his cheek before running of to her room, he simply smiled before slinging his bag and heading out to find Sword Dance. After looking for a while, he found Sword, Blueblood and a dozen other stallions at the main shelter, talking. "Sword, I got a bone to pick with you" Jason growled gaining all their attentions. "What do you want filth?" Asked Sword as The other stallions watched. "You hurt Pinchy" Jason said. "You mean my mistake? I don't see why you should care, it's her fault for being born" he chuckled. "How so? The only Mistake is you for being so fucked in the head that you probably have your friends fuck your throat regularly, anyway, I have come to show you that you can't fuck with Berry or Pinchy ever again!" Jason declared as Sword growled. "A contest, the captain of my personal Guard verses you" Blue said. "Winner not only gets the whore and her child but also decides the fate of his opponent" he stated. "Agreed" Sword said as Jason nodded. "Excellent, now you may use magic and any weapon you have with you" he said looking at Jason, who was only in shorts and a shirt, his bag was at Mac's place. He smirked as Sword stepped forward and unsheathed his long sword. "And begin" he said as he stepped back and Sword launched forward and slashed, only to barely miss Jason and receive a kick to the gut, sending the unicorn a few feet away. "Damn you" he growled as his horn glowed, followed by several magical swords forming in the air above him as he pulled himself to his feet. "I'll kill you and that little mistake" he said as he charged, all four blades swinging but ultimately missing as Jason rolled out of the way, moments before he launched a second kick except this time Sword slashed his leg making him winch as the magical sword split his leg a few centimetres deep causing Jason to move back. " not so tough now" he said, his breathing was slightly heavier from the exertion of having his magic running constantly on a complicated spell. "I guess I need to end this quickly" he said before launching forward and slamming his knee into Sword's sternum, making the stallion fall to the ground trying to catch his breath as his spell shattered. He looked up at Jason only to see the human with his sword, his face masked by a dark expression that sent shivers down the stallions' necks. "You have lost" he stated. "Not yet I haven't..... Ahhhh" Sword Dance was saying as his horn began to glow moments before Jason sliced his horn in half and drove the blade into the ground next to the stallion's head and crushed the severed piece of horn under his boot. "Do you give up?" Jason asked as Sword nodded pitifully before Jason turned to leave, as he was leaving he felt a surge of pain rush through him as Sword had gotten up and slashed across his back, the stallion could only smile as Jason whipped around and grabbed the unicorn's throat with one hand and snatched the sword with his other before pressing the blade to his neck. "Give me a good reason not to kill you?" "Because.... Because..... Because" he was stuttering before Jason punched him in the face and knocked him then dropped the stallion before walking away. As he walked, he had dropped the sword, he was loosing feeling in his arms and legs as he walked, blood continued to pour from the shallow wound on his back as he made it to town only to be confronted by Berry. "Hey sweetheart" she said happily before her expression changed. "Baby why are you so pale?" She asked as Jason dropped to his knees which was the point she saw his wound and gasped. "What did this to you?" She asked helping him to his feet and putting his arm over her shoulder. "Sword Dance.... " he said as they moved towards the hospital, which was on the other side of the small town. "Why did he do this?" She asked as they had begun to receive attention. "He hurt Pinchy so I went to talk to him, he then challenged me to a fight for you and Pinchy and then after I defeated him, he attacked me from behind" he said as Beery growled, Jason was about to say something until his felt his other arm being placed over a shoulder, causing him to look and see Thunder. "I'm gonna kill him" Berry growled as Jason chuckled. "What?" "I already have cut off his horn so yea" he said as they arrived at the Hospital. "Well he can just reattach it" Thunder said. "Yea after he picks the pieces from my boot" Jason stated as Red Heart and a few other nurses ran over and led him through, it was somewhere along this line when Jason passed out. (A several days later) Jason awoke in pain, he was laying on his chest while his back felt like it was on fire, he groaned as he pushed himself up to find that he was in a hospital gown. Jason looked around the room to see it was a private room, he then looked at a clock nearby which told him it was midnight, this made him sigh as he pulled himself from the bed slowly and painfully and walked over to the door, only to find that it was locked. "Figures" he muttered as he lifted his gown, to see he had his boxers on and his chest was heavily bandaged. He looked back at the bed and saw a clipboard with his details, so he went over and grabbed it and read. Name - Jason Winter Gender - Male Age - 25 (do not transfer to Foal ward again) Species - Human Condition - Sever trauma and laceration to spine, loss of cartilage in left knee, heavily internal bleeding. Medication - Morphine, Antibiotics and reconstruction Spells. Note - after several hours of surgery, 15 reconstruction spells and Medication, the patient has survived his ordeal but is to remain under until Heat Season has passed to avoid any damages to stitching. "Well that explains the locked door" he stated as he put the clipboard back as he went to the draw and found his pants and phone. "But it's almost a day into the Heat Season" he said looking at his phone's date. He sighed before changing into his shorts and moved to the door, his gown was on the bed so he wouldn't cause attention with its green flappiness. After checking his phone and seeing that the guys texted him that they were safe, he recharged his magic before unlocking the door, he begun moving towards the exit, avoiding ponies where he could, the most unnerving thing was the smell, it was a mixture of different thick musks that made Jason feel a bit dizzy but he was okay as he reached the front door. He looked around and saw no one was around, which confused him before remembering it was midnight so he made his way to his house. As he reached an alley, he heard voices and ducked into an alleyway, the sudden action caused him to winch in pain but he kept his hand over his mouth as he saw several mares walk passed, they were blushing heavily an their tails swishing erratically, he was about to leave when he heard them mention their raid on the stallion Shelters which peaked Jason's interest as he stupidly followed them until they reached the main shelter, which contained Blueblood and some of the other dick heads. Jason quickly scaled a building, which hurt like hell, and watched from afar as a couple hundred mares waited for something. There were mares in armour, in weird jumpsuits that had thunderbolts on them and the rest in easy to remove clothing. "What are they waiting for?" Jason asked before he felt someone tap his back in the wrong place causing a surge of pain before he whipped around, covered who ever's mouth was behind them and pulled them to the ground. When he saw it was Gilda, he gave a low growl which caused her to put we arms up defensively. "Your out of hospital..... And your still bandaged..... Sorry" she said quietly as Jason let go of her. "What are you doing here, you know it's pony heat season right?" She asked as Jason nodded. "Just got out of hospital.... Had to break myself out cause I wasn't too trusting seeing as if they hospital mares knew I was awake, their sex drive would probably cause them to do something they would regret" he said as the griffon nodded. "And I was curious to see how this would play out and also wanted to see Blueblood get fucked up" he said slowly as his breath got heavier. Gilda noticed this and moved to comfort her injured friend. "Well I can see how you would find that amusing after what happened.... Oh and Sword dance is in jail for attempted murder of a Princess's partner" she said. "That's a thing?" He asked as she nodded. "Yea, you actually can get away with a buck ton of stuff now" she said as he just waved it off. "I don't want to have that thought, I just like being me" he said Gilda nodded and gently held him against her. "When did you get soft?" He asked with a chuckle. "Since you kicked the shit out of me.... Yes I leant that word from you, and then you helped me" she said. "Let me guess, you kid the shit out of a Griffoness and she Is yours?" He asked sarcastically. "Actually yes" she said as Jason groaned, "what?" She asked. "This herd is growing faster then I can react" he said as she chuckled before a horn was played. "What's happening ?" He asked looking. "The mares were waiting for the stallions' sentry to spot them so they could have a chase" Gilda said. "Should I move then?" He asked as she shook her head and covered him with her wing so he was hidden from pegasi. "Thanks" he said. "Anything for a friend" she said with a smile before all hell broke loose and dozens of stallions swarmed out of the building, the mares watched for a moment before taking chase. It was complete madness as Stallions screamed for help, some were dragged off into clouds, others into building and some into bushes. "I think we should get you to your home" she said as Jason nodded before he moved and climbed down slowly and hide behind a dumpster as a group of stallions ran past, shortly followed by Blue, who manage to trip over a hole in the road and face plant, only for the mares to zoom passed him and go after the other stallions. "Really?" He asked. "I am prince BlueBlood!" He yelled at them before taking chase. "I have a bad feeling about this" Jason muttered to Gilda as the two followed, avoiding Mares until they found Blueblood pinning a pink mare with a tiara against a wall. "I'm not in heat.... I'm not even of age" she cried. "I don't care, I came down here and gave away that shelter to get bucked, and seeing as no mare wants me, I'll just take It for myself" he growled as she shook. "Out fuckface!" Yelled Jason as Blue looked and saw Jason holding Blue's phone, that he dropped before Jason played back what Blue just said but before he could react Jason punched him in the face, causing him to stagger back before the human kicked him in the temple, dropping him before Jason groaned and slid down a wall. "My back isn't ready for high kicks" he groaned. "Are you okay Jason?" Asked Gilda. "No but check the filly" he said as the Griffoness nodded and checked on the earth pony Filly who was shaken up but okay. "She is a little shaken up but she is fine" Gilda stated as Jason nodded before pulling himself to his feet and looked at Blue. "What are you thinking?" She asked. "Do you have an old Bra that you don't use, some make up and some hair dye?" He asked as she thought and nodded. "Good, how fast are you?" He asked. "I can almost rival Dashie" she said proudly.. "Good, get that also grab black permanent markers, rope, duct tape, my small blue portable speaker, a pink skirt and a knife" he said as she nodded before speeding off. "Hey what's your name?" He asked the filly. "Di.... Diamond Tiara" she sniffed. "Diamond Tiara?... You wouldn't happen to be Filthy Rich's little girl?" He asked as she nodded. "Okay so any good at arts and crafts?" He asked her. "I'm alright" she said as she relaxed before she suddenly hugged him tightly causing him to gasp in pain, "thank you". "No worries" he said as she released him and smiled at him, she watched as Jason stripped Blue down to his pink hearted briefs. "Well.... I didn't expect that" he said as Diamond giggled, Jason then looked at the phone and set it to play the track in loops, and seeing as Equis phones have unlimited energy, it was gonna be a while. After an hour, Gilda returned with all the items before she started laughing at Blue's boxers. "I know right" he chuckled. "What are you going to do?" She asked as Jason started to dress Blue in the skirt and bra. "Make him pay" he said before he looked at the hair dye. "Pink? Perfect" he said before using it on Blue along with the make up. "What are you doing out this late?" Asked Gilda to Diamond. "My mum kicks me out when she is in heat" the filly sighed. "Sounds like a bitch" Jason said as he curled the stallion's mane and tail using the knife and markers before using the markers to draw tramp stamps on him. "So where are you staying?" Asked Gilda. "I was going to stay at my friend's house but she has gone away so I don't have anywhere" she sniffed. "You can stay at mine" Jason said as wrote 'I love it up the ass' on Blue's chest, as the stallion was coming to before Jason knocked him out again. "Moon and Luna will look after you and also you can hang out with Pinchy" he said as Diamond nodded as she watched Jason duct tape the speaker to Blue's back and put it on full before connecting blue's phone to it and taping it also "my master piece is complete" he said in a crappy French accent. "So what now?" Gilda asked. "Let's go to town hall." He said. (Next morning) Blue Blood came to slowly, his wrists and ankle were bound out stretched by rope that was tied to posts and railings, he could see that he was in a dress and a bra, which were both pink, he noticed his tail swish, it was pink. At this point Blue was freaking out until he saw that he had a very crude message on his belly, he also felt a substance on his lips so he licked and tasted whipped cream "what the buck?" He asked as he looked up to see a large group of mares giggling. "What the Buck are you all looking at?!" He yelled. "Well that" one said pointing causing Blue to turn his head to see a sign. 'I Jason Winter, offer BlueBelle to be King Kong's butt Buddy' it stated. "I didn't know Blue Blood dressed up a mare to suck Stallion off" a mare said pointing at his lips. "It's Whipped Cream!" He yelled which they only laughed at. "Sure Belle" Said a Guardmare. "I will have you heads for this" he growled before a recording began to play from behind him, it was from what he said last night to the filly he tried to rape, his expression instantly turned to a sheepish smile as the mares glared at him "it's not what you think" he said as the pink filly walked up. "It is worse, he tried to do things but I was saved by Jason, who did this" Diamond said. The guards cut him down before dragging him away. (Jason's house) Jason was sitting in his garage as he changed his bandages, He had his Dirtbike fully refueled and he had grabbed his riding gear. "You know you shouldn't be out of hospital" a voice said causing Jason to freeze, the smell of a thick berry musk was on the air as he turned to see Berry leaning against the door frame. "But I am proud of what you did" she said walking over and straddling his lap. "Yea well I could leave her" he said as she finished bandaging his chest before taking his hands and placing them on her ass. "I was talking about comforting Pinchy and defending my honour" she said kissing his neck and gave it a nip. "I think I should reward you." "Baby I don't think I can handle it with my injury" he said. "I'll be gentle" she said as her hand moved to remove her loose top to show her bare chest. "I'm just so hot" she said as Jason felt his resistance failing. "But what about the others?" He asked as he felt her slip her hand into his jeans. "The Stars are out at Canterlot with Celestia, Trixie is uncouncious thanks to Moon, and Luna is asleep" she said as her hand entered his boxers and found her prize. "Besides I have wanted to do this for a while now" she said. "Okay but gentle" he said as she nodded and got off him, she grabbed his hand and led him to their room and gently shoved him onto the bed before smirking. "I'll do my best baby" she stated before dropping her shorts. (Clop) Jason blushed as she knelt between his legs and begun to undo his jeans before pulling them off, along with his boxers and smiled at her prize, which was semi hard. "I am going to enjoy this baby" she said before licking from the base to his tip "and you taste Devine" she added before she continued to lick and kiss hi member, while her off hand stroked his hardening cock until it stood at full mast. She smiled but groaned as he hand moved to her belly. "I'm sorry baby but we are gonna have to skip Foreplay" she said as Jason nodded before she straddled his waist. Jason was able to feel the humid air against his cock as she aligned it and sank down his length, moaning loudly as her nails dug into her shoulders until only a few inches were left outside once he reached a barrier, causing her to growl as she lifted we hips before slamming down and gasping as he entered her womb. "You okay?" He asked her as she sat then for a moment before nodding. "Your bigger then you look" she said as she began to lift her hips up until only the tip remained before pushing back down, she moved slow but soon began to pick up speed and force as Jason began to push up against her as she came down. Jason, ignoring the pain in his back, sat up and kissed her passionately as she bounced, her arms wrapped around his shoulders while his left hand found her ass and squeezed and sparked it, his right hand moved to her large breast, fondling it. "AHHH yes" she moaned as Jason broke the kiss and began kissing her neck as she rode him hard and fast, he thrusts bak into her just a hard, his brain ignoring the pain in his back before she gasped and slammed her hips down hard, her legs wrapped around him as Jason felt her marehood tighten and milk his cock as she came hard, covering his groin in her cum. "Buck" she panted before Jason rolled them over so he was on top. "Ready?" He asked as he shook her head and moved onto her hands and knees before raising her tail. "Now I am" Berry informed her lover as he moved behind her and pushed inside of her fully causing her to gasp as he fully her sensitive marehood, he was thrusting at a fast hard pace as he held her tail with one hand and her hip with his other. Berry was moaning and grunting loudly as she was rutted hard. "Spank me" she begged which Jason did, bringing his hand down hard against her ass making her cry out in pleasure before begging for another and another until her pink flank took on a red hue. "Baby I'm close again" she moaned. "So am I Berry" he grunted as he felt the familiar pressure as his thrusts became more erratic. "Inside me, I want to feel your Cum inside me" she begged as he started to give her longer, deeper thrusts until ultimately thrusting fully inside her and held her hips as he shot a few ropes of his cum as she came, they rode out the shared orgasms before Berry fell against the bed, her marehood dripping with their combined cum. "Buck" she said as Jason chuckled and kissed her cheek. "I have to go now baby" he said as she pouted. "Fine but after heat, We are rutting regularly" she said as Jason chuckled. "Of course" he said kissing her before he started to get dressed. When he was finished he received a hug from Berry as she offered him a bag. "Red called me about you being missing so he gave me some of you painkillers to give to you" she said. "Um okay" he said as he took the bag and pocketed it. "Okay I'm going" he said as she nodded and kissed him again. "Take care" she said as he nodded and grabbed his helmet, air horn and revolver and left. He opened his garage and pulled his bike out, but as he closed the garage he came face to face with the mane 6, Sunset, Lyra, Bon Bon, Vinyl and Octavia who were smirking at him. "Hey stud" said Rainbow. "What are you doing out of hospital deary?" Asked Rarity as he mounted the Bike, "Escaping" he said pulling on his helmet and started his engine causing them all to jump back from the roar of the engine. "You can't out run me" Dash said as Jason gave them the finger but moved close to Shy, removed his helmet and gave her a kiss before replacing the helmet and speeding off with Dash in hot pursuit. As they sped through Ponyville, Jason took a sudden stopped, causing Dash to zoom passed him along with half a dozen other Pegisi mares in jumpsuits. "Well I'm popular" he said revving his bike to get their attention. "This is actually pretty fun" he said with a smirk before doing a quick donut and zooming off in the opposite direction with the Pegisi hot on his tail. He then turned down a street but was confronted by several guardmares with smirks on their faces. Jason parked in front of them. "You have no where to go Jason" the captain of Ponyville's guard stated as Jason pulled out his air horn. "What the?" "Surprise mother fuckers" he said and pressed it causing all of the ponies to cover their ears and drop to their knees in fright as he zoomed passed them. The weren't impressed as they soon took chase also. As he sped toward the edge of town, he stopped when he saw a large portion of guards with earmuffs, along with Pegisi with earmuffs which made him smirk "that's clever" he said. "What?" Asked the captain "Your clever!" He said louder. "What?" She asked again as Jason groaned. "I said your fucking clever!" He shouted. "Wait?" She said removing her earmuffs "what did you say?" She asked As he used the air horn " bastard!" "Love you too Iron Heart " he chuckle before speeding off into the Ever free, which no one followed him. "What now?" Asked a guard. "What?!" Asked another as the Captain face palmed and groaned. > Chapter 16 - Heat Season Part 2, A new Teacher, Blue's Revenge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jason was smiling as he zoomed through the forest, well he was until he was lifted of the ground with his bike in a gold Aura. "Really Tia?" He asked as the Alabaster mare walked out of the treelike with a frown on her face. "Your suppose to be in hospital and not doing strenuous activities" she said as she floated him close to her. "Well it's not safe for me there" he said. "Why?" She asked. "Well I'm simply in a locked room where a horny mare could take advantage of me" he said dramatically. "They may have been the case if I didn't enchant the entire floor to nullify heat, and if you are still worried, we can always make arrangements" she smirked as she floated a Posion joke near him. "Hmmm be a woman for two weeks and have Moon and Luna fondle me no stop, or be a guy and be sentenced to death by Snu Snu" he said. "Moon, Lulu and myself" she corrected. " I don't know, it would feel weird" he said. "Try it just for a day?" She asked. "Why do you want it so bad?" He asked as she blushed. "I didn't get to see you as a female" she said. "Really? And wait don't you have Princess things right now?" He asked as she shook her head. "Nope, during autumn heat, I have it fully off, so plenty of time to spend with you" she said smirking. "Fine just for a day, and don't say I don't give you nice things" he said as se smiled and smirked the flower all over his face before teleporting them. When Jason looked around, he saw that they were in a massive room the depicted the sun, along with a few horror movie posters. "Is this your room?" He asked looked around as she let him down onto the ground and placed his bike in her closet with ease. "Yes it is, do you like?" She asked as Jason looked up at a actual sky above him. "It's amazing" he said shocked as she smiled. "Thank you" she said before removing his shirt. "What are you doing?" He asked her. "Fixing up your bandages" she said as she begun to unravel them, once she did she gently massaged his bruised back causing him to jump. "Your an idiot for running around in your condition" she said as she lifted him on to her lap and continued rubbing his back. "Well I don't like being locked in a room alone" he said as Tia floated over his bag of medicine and pulled out a bottle. "What's that?" He asked. "This is a painkiller in form of a cream, it's designed to hopefully stop ponies overdosing" she said as she poured some onto his back causing him to jump "cold?" She teased as he growled making her giggle as she rubbed in the cream. "So I was thinking for our date in a month's time that you accompany me to the Minos as there is a Ball on that I was invited to" she said. "May I take a weapon?" He asked. "I expect you to, it shows your willing to protect me" she said smiling. "Fair enough, so are you angry about what I did to Blue?" He asked as she giggled. "Not really, he is demanding your head but I said that if he were to harm you then I would put his on a pike" she said calmly. "Okay then" he said as he felt her begin to bandage his chest up. "I wouldn't hurt you, intentionally" she stated as he nodded. "Okay, hey do you have a dark side like Luna does?" He asked her as she pulled him close to her body. "Yes I do, she is called Solar Flare, but is nicknamed Molestia as she has a more powerful sex Drive" she said as her arms moved around his waist, her muzzle rested on his head while her wings wrapped around them. "It's been too long since I talked to her" she sighed. "Why is that?" Jason asked. "She wanted to be free and live her own life, which was nearly impossible, except an Overlord freed her but she killed him, which caused my sister to turn her to stone using the Element of Harmony" she sighed nuzzling his scalp. "Well why not release her?" Asked Jason as Tia stopped. "You have the power to" he added as the sound of her face palming was heard. "I am a bucking idiot, why didn't I think to do that before?" She asked. "Because you are busy" he said turning to face her and turning red, she was in gold almost fully transparent Lingerie. "You like?" She asked as he nodded. "Good, it was made just for you" she said as Jason blushed more. "I have more, but those are for a different time" she whispered in his ear. "Well I'm flattered" he said looking up at her. "You should, your the first mate I have had in a very long time" she said as she gently laid him on her bed before she straddled him waist causing him to winch. "Oh right," she said before her horn glowed and he became lighter. "I forgot" she said before laying on him an relaxing as her arms wrapped around him. "It's like 3 in the afternoon" he said. "I know right, been waiting a full year for this" she said as she nuzzled his neck. "And a couple thousand years to have a mate to do it with, so please let me enjoy this" she asked looking into his eyes with pleading eyes. "I wasn't complaining" he said as she smiled before she relaxed and fell asleep leaving Jason to watch the sky above them slowly shift to a night sky filled with stars. "Son of Adrian Storm" said a deep voice causing Jason to look around before his eyes locked on a weird Ram with blood red glowing eyes, he was wearing weird armour robes along with a collar that was spiked saved for a silver bell in the middle. "I have been watching you and I am rather disappointed in you" he stated as Jason looked at Tia. "Do not fret, I have not hurt the Alicorn, I don't want create conflict between us, but I have put her to sleep so she won't interfere" he said as he looked at the bike in the closet. "Interesting Machine you have here" he said. "Who are you?" Asked Jason as the blue Ram looked at him with a slight smile, his teeth were visible sharp. "I enjoy not being know, it gives me slight joy" he sighed. "My name is Grogar, but as your mate would say, I am the embodiment of Evil" he said. "Are you?" Jason asked. "Of course I am, but everyone has their own views of Evil, so it means I am many things" he stated as he sat on the bike's seat. "What do you want?" Jason asked him. "Well, let's be frank about this, you caught the attention of many dark and demonic beings when you not only showed your natural gifts for the dark arts, but also how fast you learnt" he said. "And? What does that mean?" Jason asked nervous. "Simple, we hate the Overlords as much as the next person, they disrupt the balance, they add too much evil, so we have decided to become your teachers in the Dark arts, for example I am a Master Necromancer and Stratagist" he stated. "So I shall take you as my apprentice and make you a powerful Necromancer" he said walking over to the bed. "If you accept that is" Grogar added. "If it means I can protect the people I care about" he said looking at the sleeping Celestia. "We wouldn't have it any other way, also I have removed the Posion Joke's effect from you" he said before placing his hand against Jason's shoulder as a burning pain courses through his arm. "Ahh what are you doing?" He asked. "Branding you so demons and forces of darkness shall not attack you, also lower levels shall serve you." He said before removing his hand to show a large deep worn purple ring with eight spikes coming off it which were a rusted red colour made the symbol look like an eight pointed star. He then removed a large heavy book from his cloak and placed it in Jason's back pack. "If you need assistance from myself or others, simply channel your magic through your brand" he said before fading away in the shadows, the room suddenly returned to its normal lighting with the sky illusion above him returning to day time. "The fuck?" He muttered as he relaxed, he was exhausted from being awake for a while but he felt nervous about Tia's reaction to the brand on his shoulder until he watched the symbol fade away. "Damn" he said. (Next morning) Jason was awoken to see Tia pouting at him. "What's wrong?" He asked. "It didn't work" she grumbled before helping Jason up. "But I still get to look at you half naked form" she stated. "Haha yea well I guess I should shower and get some food" he said as Celestia nodded before getting dressed while Jason showered, once she finished getting dressed, she waited for Jason to exit in the same clothes he had on yesterday. "Ready?" She asked as he nodded before she led him to the small dining hall, when the passed guards, they watched him like hawks, along with the maids, some bent over at the right moments to give Jason a view of under their skirts. This went on until they reached the dining hall, which was where Moon, Luna, A white wolf woman that was in a red dress that Jason ignited was Snow, a pink Alicorn with colourful hair and a white unicorn stallion with a blue mane. "Ah Jason" Luna said teleporting to him and hugging him. "We are soooooo happy you are better" she said squeezing him. "Lulu he is still injured" Tia said as Luna released him and lifted his shirt to see the bandages, the guards in the room smirked as they looked. "We are sorry" she said as Jason smiled and wave his hand. "It's cool Lulu" he said before kissing her softly. "So this is the stallion that stole your hearts aunties?" The pink Alicorn asked as Tia, Lulu and Jason reached the table and sat. "Yes Cadence this is Jason" said Tia as Snow came over and hugged Jason. "Wait Jason, isn't that the name of the guy who not only rescued that filly, humiliated Blue and defeated an Ursa?" Asked the stallion. "Why yes it is Shining Armour" said Moon. "Good on you man, you don't know how many friends you have made in the castle" he chuckled. "He is a bucking Bastard!" Yelled a familiar voice causing Jason to look at the pink haired Stallion enter and sit down. "I thought you were arrested Blue?" Jason asked. "I used my authority to have the charges dropped" he said as Jason looked at Tia. "He had the power to do that but he has a strike now" She said as their food arrived, they ate relative silence, when they were finished, everyone left, Jason was with Moon, Luna and Tia as they walked to the court yard, but as they were passing the guard barracks, a Guar ran up panting. "Your Highnesses, there is a rampaging beast in Lower Canterlot" she said as the Alicorns looked at each other before nodding and leaving, Jason watched them leave with the guard before he was grabbed by someone and shoved into a room, he looked to see it was Blue who was smiling evilly before slamming the door shut and locking it. Jason got up and hit the light switch, unfortunately the room was a night Guards' barracks so he ended up awakening a dozen Batpony Mares. "Oh fuck" he groaned as they smirked lustfully at him before a red bat pony mare sighed. "We can't, he is Nightmare Moon's mate" he sighed. "But Scarlet we need this, seeing as this heat is worse then normal". Another bat pony said rubbing her belly. "I know but is it worth facing we rather if we force ourselves on him" she said, "I'd rather live with the pain" she sighed. "Wait you lot are hurting from your heat?" Asked Jason. "Yea it's a hot tight pain the feels like it's squeezing our insides" one said as Jason thought for a moment. "Well if one, it helps you lot and two, you have a way of not getting pregnant, then I'll help" he said as they looked at him shocked. "You kidding?" Asked Scarlet. "No, I'm not, I couldn't leave you lot in pain after I woke you up" he said as they smiled. "Well I guess that makes sense, Night Stone, you know that spell to prevent conception right?" Scarlet asked a Black Unicorn mare. "Of course" she said as her horn glowed and surrounded each of the mares. "Done" she said. "Perfect" Scarlet said before flying forward and pinning Jason against a wall. "It's been too long" she said smiling as she showed off her fangs which made Jason gulp. (Clop) In a swift motion, she had removed his top and thrown it across the room, the mares watched as the Red Bat pony gently nipped his neck and licked the little blood that came out before she started to move lower until reaching his jeans and removing them, only to growl at the sight of his boxers, which she yanked off and gave a toothy grin. "Well your definitely bigger then most" she said before taking it her hand and slowly pumped it while sucking and licking the tip, he gave a soft moan as his hand traveled through her black mane, down her neck and found her bat wings before he began to massage them, causing her to moan with him, as she woke his member, her eyes opened in confusion as he grew in her mouth causing her to move her head back and look at it. "You were just semi hard?" She asked confused. "Yea is that a problem?" He asked. "Nope, means there is more to use" she said before she took the tip in her mouth and began sucking harder while bobbing her head up and down part of his length, Jason moaned before looking up at the other mares, he tapped Scarlets shoulder, gaining her attention. "Time to move" he said confusing her as he pulled out of her mouth and led her to a bed with a dark grey earth pony mare on it, he smiled before gently kissing the mare before laying down. "Oh I understand now, Midnight Rose, strip and mount this Stallions face" she ordered. "Yes sir" she said before removing her cloths and straddling his face as he he felt Scarlet return to his member. He started to use his tongue on Rose along with his fingers as his off hand held her hips in place. Rose was moaned and grinding into his face as Scarlet started moving we head faster as he felt his member enter her throat with ease, he moved and worked on Rose's clit moments before she grabbed the back of his head and came hard. She panted loudly before falling off his face and landing next to him just as Scarlet pulled her mouth off his cock. "You haven't cum and it's been like 4 minutes" she said shocking the mares. "That's normal for me" he said to her shocking her more which made him chuckle. "Shall we continue?" He asked as Scarlet nodded and climbed onto his lap before she began to ride him hard and fast, they were grunting and moaning loudly and before long, Scarlet was screaming in pleasure as she dug her nails into his skin, he was already close from before so he didn't last long before he thrusted fully inside of her and came, while he rode out his climax, her pussy constricted as she came loudly before falling on him panting. "Damn," she said as she pulled her self off him and was replaced immediately. (Several hours later, Clop end) Jason arrived at the dining hall around dinner time, the night guard were smiling at him as he entered, he was actually surprised that they were able to stand after what they went through, they had introduced him to an Endurance potion which re-energised him fully to go several more rounds with the mares. He took a deep breath before entering the room to see the Alicorns, and two Stallions talking, all but blue looked at him worried as Jason had a massive bite mark on his neck where Scarlet had bitten him. "Jason what happened to you" asked Tia worried as Jason moved behind Blue. "Oh simple really," he said before grabbing Blue's head and slamming him into his food. "This little fuckboy locked me in a room with a dozen sleeping bight guard" he growled as Blue whimpered. "So they forced themselves on you?" Moon asked annoyed. "No but I couldn't leave them in pain, so one of the unicorns cast a prevention spell and I helped them, I'm sorry for cheating" he said as Tia smiled. "You didn't cheat as your not married yet, and you also looked after out Guards" she said with a smile before looking to a guard. "Please Collect Captain Scarlet Night for me" she said as the Grey unicorn mare in black armour nodded and ran out, she shortly returned with the red Bat Pony mare, who was in a gold trimmed Black armour. "Yes your highnesses?" She asked before seeing Jason, "I am truely sorry for my ....." She was saying before being interrupted. "I am not scolding you Captain, Jason explained everything, and has taken the blame fully" Celestia said. "He has?" She asked shocked as she looked at Jason. "Yes, we wanted to ask you if you could organise some guards from those few that were in the room if they wish to be a personal Guard for the human" Luna said. "I already have Iron and Morning" Jason said. "Actually, they are Moon and Luna's guards" Tia stated before she looked at Scarlet. "Actually my Lady, may I go as I have been meaning to see my niece as she is my only family" she asked as Tia looked at Jason. "What?" He asked Tia. "It's your choice as she will be in your house" she said as Jason looked at the Captain then back at Celestia. "Fuck I'm gonna have to build an extension" he groaned as he placed his face in his hands. "That's a yes" Celestia said clapping her hands. "Oh and Jason, seeing as my dear nephew, who has two strikes, has caused you difficulty, I shall teleport you to your Citadel" she said catching all but Moon and Luna's attention. "That will be nice" he said standing before walking over and kissing her cheek before she smiled and teleported him away. As Jason landed, he looked at the Citadel with a smile before his backpack and bike landed next to him, followed by Snow landing on his head. > Chapter 17 - Ghost of the passed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been several days since Jason arrived at the safe house with Snow, the stallions were over to moon to see him and asked him how he escaped, which he explained then showed them the tape of what he did to Blueblood which made them furious but also amused, while Jason wasn't there, the stallions managed to find a few room that were sealed in a time bubble, apparently anything inside the bubble didn't age even though time went as normal, the decided to wait for Jason before entering. Mac had discovered the channelling book and wanted to give it a try, and to everyones surprise it worked as apparently it took more effort for the first mana absorption due to his natural magic, but after it was done, he could use Channeling magic so Jason begun to teach the rest of them. "Hey Jase, why are you learning this anyway?" Asked Sourin. "Simple, it makes the playing field even when I fight to protect Equis" he said. "Hey, why don't we help seeing that this is our world too." Thunder said. "You could die" Jason warned. "So could you" Comet added. "Okay fine, but let's go explore those time rooms" he said standing and heading to the rooms with his friends, upon arriving, they discovered the rooms were an Armoury and a Library "definitely keeping Twilight away from here" he muttered as he left to go to his room as his back was playing up, he soon arrived to find Snow sleeping on the large bed naked which caused him to shake his head before removed his shirt and grabbing his bag, he then retrieved some Morphine patches and placed one on his back before he laid on the cool bed and sighed, it was roughly 3 days till the heat was over and to be honest, Jason wasn't looking forward to it as It meant he had to build an extension for his house, and also deal with Christmas, "wait do ponies celebrate Christmas?" He thought out loud as he looked at the ceiling. "I don't know," he sighed as he closed his eyes to relax before drifting off to sleep. The next couple of days were quite while Jason taught his friends channeling magic. They soon got the hang of it quickly and agreed to keeping it a secret In order to protect themselves, but soon the time came for them to head home when Timmy arrived with his blue box in a Hawaiian top. The group packed up and left, Jason managed to grab a sword before going so he could practise. (1 hour later) "Last Stop, the Winter Residence" stated Time Turner as Jason nodded and unloaded with Snow before Timmy vanished. Jason stretched before he started taking his bike and other things to his garage before entering the house and collapsing in his own bed alone, he didn't care that it was 12 in the afternoon, he was in pain and tired. A knocking was heard from the door as Jason groaned. "Yea?" He asked. "Hey I'm may I come in.... If that's okay?" A timid voice asked. "Of course Shy" he said as she entered the room quietly and approached him, she soon stopped when she saw the large stitches wound in his back, causing her to whimper and place a soft hand on his back. "Sorry I forgot to cover it back up" he said as she smiled softly. "It's okay, you were doing a mare's job anyway" she said as he cocked an eyebrow. "Oh yea the Gender reversal" he sighed. "So what brings you here my dear?" He asked as she blushed. "Um I would like to spend some time with you and also for you to meet my mother" she said as she laid next to him in her yellow lantern hoodie only. "Did you come in only that?" He asked looking at her a she blushed. "No I removed my pants when I entered" she said as he smiled. "Will she reject a non pony?" He asked. "Who?" Shy asked. "Your mother? Will she reject me?" He asked. "Oh I don't think so, I have told her that you are a human and about you protecting me and your mares" she said as Jason smiled softly. "I see, so when is the meeting?" He asked. "Well.... You see" she was saying as Jason felt someone sit on his other side. "She came in with me" she said as Jason groaned and buried his face into his pillow. "Shy I literally just got back and I'm really sore" he said as she wrapped her arms around him gently. "I know but please" she begged which made him sigh and nod before turn to look at the other mare, he raised an eyebrow at the tall toned cream Pegasus mare, she had a hot pink mane and tail, she wore a dark red top and a blue skirt, her actual curves could rival Moon along with her height. "Wait why did you take of your pants?" Asked Jason as he looked at the blushing Fluttershy. "Um well you see.... Um my mum is really.... Um after my dad passed and I was.... You know" she was trying to say before blushing as Jason sat up with a winch and sat against his bed frame. "Two things, one she's your mum and two, my back isn't in any condition for sexy time" he said as she shook her head. "No that's not what I meant.. I.... Mother can you explain?" She asked her mum. "Of course deary, as you know I am single due to my husband passing a few years ago, and when Fluttershy was talking about you, I wanted to meet you and then I had a crazy idea, hear me out. I barely see my little girl seeing she lives in Ponyville and I live in Cloudsdale so I was wondering if it would be alright if you could build me a house in Ponyville." She asked confusing the hell out of Jason. "What does that have to do with being single or being half naked?" He asked. "Well Shy thought that you would need persuading so she stripped down I her underwear but she put her hoodie back on, and my husband never wanted to leave Cloudsdale so when he passed I didn't know if I should leave or not" she explained as Jason nodded "oh and my name is Firefly" she said shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you, just get approvals from Mayor Mare and what not then come back to see me" he said as she nodded before they both said their goodbyes and left. Jason sighed and got up before turning on his Air conditioning as his back felt like it was on fire, to say he was annoyed that he had to build a house now was a understatement but if it helped make Shy's mother like him, then it was sacrifice he would make. As he laid down on his chest and relaxed as he room became colder but he was soon disturbed again when he heard the door open. "There ya are Jason, ah need to talk to ya" a familiar country accent asked. "AJ what do you need to talk about?" He asked her with a groan. "Ah was wondering if ya would be interested in coming to a Sleep over at Twilight's?" She asked him as he sighed. "Sure, why not, when is it?" He asked. "In 40 minutes" she said as he groaned and pulled himself from the bed and looked at her as she gave him a sheepish smile. "It would mean a lot if ya came" she said as he sighed and grabbed some clothes before entering his bathroom to wash himself, after he was done and dressed he grabbed a empty back pack and put a few things in it. "Oh and it's drinking allowed" she said as she walked with him into his kitchen. "Oh hello Jason, how are you feeling" Moon asked as she sat at the kitchen table. "Sore" he said simply as he grabbed a bottle of dark liquor. "Should you be drinking on painkillers?" She asked. "Nope but I ran out three days ago" he said as Moon winched. "Ow, sorry to hear that, where are you two off to?" She asked. "AJ wants me to go to a sleep over so I am going to save arguing" he said as he grabbed a large bag of skittles with a smirk on his face before giving Moon a kiss on her cheek. "I'll be back tomorrow to spend time with you, okay?" He asked as she nodded before he went to his room and grabbed his phone before switching off his Air conditioner in his room and exited the house with AJ only to encounter Diamond and Pinchy laughing together as they approached the house. "Hey Jason" Pinchy said smiling as she hugged him. "Thank you for helping with my dad" she said as Diamond hugged him also. "Thanks for saving me from Blue Blood" she said as he hugged them both. "It's cool, it's what I do" he said smiling at them as they entered the house and AJ and Jason were off. As they walked AJ talked about heat season and how the group didn't find a stallion. "Sorry about that, if I wasn't injured or what not, I may have stayed" he said. "Yea most of the group wanted it to be ya anyway" she added. "Let me guess, cause of my stamina?" He asked as she shook her head. "No cause most if not all have a thing for ya" she said before stopping. "Most if not all? Does that include you?" He asked as she gave a sheepish smile. "Ummm hey look we're here" she said before entering with the human as he shook his head. She smiled before she gestured him to sit down, which he did while she went upstairs to change, only Twilight was there as she sat in a light purple pj top and pants. She gave a kind smile as she sat next to Jason . "Hey how I your back?" She asked as he removed his shirt which caused her to flinch. "I see" she said as he leant his bare back against the couch. Twilight stated at him for a bit before blushing as a knock came from the door, breaking her chain of thought. "I'll get that " she said as she got up and opened the door to find The rest of the mares, including Trixie, Lyra, Octavia, Bon Bon and Vinyl enter. "Where I Sunset?" He asked as Fluttershy sat next to him and nuzzle her Coltfriend. "She is upstairs getting ready" Twilight said as the mares headed upstairs. "Shy don't you want to go get changed?" Twilight asked. "I....i Usually don't where anything to bed" she said before burying her blushing face into Jason's neck. "I see, well I guess seeing AJ brought some Cider, would either of you like some?" Twilight asked as Fluttershy nodded with her face still in Jason's neck. "And you Jason?" She asked. "Nah I've got painkillers" he said confusing her as he pulled out the bottle of straight spirits. "What's that" Dash asked as she floated over to sit on Jason's other side, much to Twilight's annoyance of loosing her spot. "This is Johnny Walker Black label Scotch Whiskey" he said as he opened it and instantly the two mares moved their heads back from the smell. "Wow, may I?" Asked Dash as he gave it to her, she took a swig and almost spat it out before swallowing it and handing the bottle back. "Ahh buck it tastes weird and it burns" she whimpered as Jason simply swigged it like it was nothing. "How?" She asked. "I'm use to it" he said as Fluttershy took the bottle and sipped it before returning the bottle. "It does taste funny but I like it" she said smiling softly before burying her face in his neck again. He smiled as he put an arm around her which made her squeak. Jason and dash continued to share the scotch as the mares came down in their pjs, some left some buttons undone to reveal cleavage as they all sat in a circle with drinks. "I still can't believe you managed to outrun Spitfire, Rainbow Dash and half a dozen elite Wonderbolts" Sunset said as the mares agreed with him. "My bike is modified to go fast" he said. "That were noise maker was a cruel trick" Dash said with a huff, "I wanted to win and catch you" she groaned as Jason chuckled. "Better luck next time Dash" he said as she smirked. "Oh next time I will catch you" she said as he chuckled. The night went on about them all talking about the last two weeks, how AJ and Dash competed in some contest and then in a Running of the Leaves, which they both ended up coming last at, they also talked about what they thought about Blue's punishment from Jason which they all but Rarity found funny. After a hour of talking, Twilight decided it was time to play Spin the bottle with Jason's now empty Scotch bottle. "Okay I'll go first" Pinkie said as she spun it and it landed on herself causing her to giggle and kiss her hand, the gave went on with the mares kissing each other save for Twilight, when I was Shy's turn, she sun the bottle and it landed on Sunset who cocked an eyebrow before Shy liked lips with her. "Think Shy has had a bit" Jason chuckled as the two made out. "Um it's my turn anyway" he said spinning it an it landed on Dash. Dash smiled before turning and kissing him deeply, she gently pushed him down into the empty space of the couch and probbed his lips with her tongue, which he nipped her tongue with his teeth, causing her to yelp and move her head away and look at him with a sheepish smile. "Think that's enough for tonight and I should head home" he said as they groaned. "But why?" Asked Lyra. "Well my back still hurts, and it's pressing against something" he said sitting up to show he was laying on a book. "Also I have to head to the hospital tomorrow to get a check up" he said before standing as Dash looked upset. "It's not cause you kissed me, it was nice, just I shouldn't have come out tonight" he said as she still frowned until he handed her the bag of Skittles. "See ya Skittles" he said as she smiled before he left. When he was half way home, he stopped and looked up at the sky, which was when he noticed it was raining which made him groan before spinning and walking off in a random direction, he didn't want to make Dash upset, but he didn't want to expand his herd, the number of mares that he was with already was doing a number on his mind as he was trying to remember every detail they told him and it was driving him mad. 'How do stallions do this?' He thought as he soon reached left the town and continued walking until he reached a hill, in which he sat under the single tree on it and looked at Ponyville as he thought about everything. 'All this shit, overlords, the forces of evil, mares it's just too much' he sighed 'and to top off everything, there isn't really a point of settling down with them as I'll be dead way before they are' he thought as he leant against the tree. " I need some help" he said out loud before he opened his bag and pulled out his phone and checked the time, it was 8 o'clock at night, but he simply looked a the photo of his three siblings and sighed. "Never gonna see them again" he said as he gently hit his head against the tree. "I really wish Dash and Shy didn't drink all my grog" he groaned. "Well look on the good side, at least you have people to look out for you and have fun with, they many be Horse people but they are loving people" said a voice that caused Jason to jump and look to find a hooded figure standing to his left. "Who are you?" He asked as he stood up. "Well my name is Adrian Storm" he said crossing his arms and cocking his head. "But your dead" Jason said. "That I am, being impaled hurts like hell I should add." He said rubbing his chest. "But how are you here?" Jason asked. "Simple, my Brother delivered the soul stone to you which had my soul in it, it was a back up in case I died, and I must say, I never expected you to wield dark magic, well actually I guess I should have seeing your grandfather on your mother's side wielded dark magic like a boss" he chuckled. "Are you going to tell me my Mother's name?" Jason asked. "Crystal" Adrian said as he leant against the tree. "I had a girlfriend named Crystal once" Jason said as Adrian chuckled. "So am I the only one that can see you?" Jason asked. "Yep, and before you ask, I can block out you having sex, " he said as Jason blushed. "I never thought of that" Jason groaned before he sighed and looked at the town. "So why reveal yourself now?" Jason asked. "Because you needed to talk and also that I have to mention that you need to get presents for your friends and family" he said. "Right anything else I need to know?" Jason asked. "Yes, the overlords will attack in December" Adrian said. "Why do you say that?" Asked Jason. "Well with Hearth's Warming, and a lot of your friends an herd would leave for family so you will be alone" Adrian said. "But I shall teach you" He said. "Yay I got three months until I have to fight Overlords again" he said sarcastically. > Chapter 18 - Overlord attack > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recap Over the next month, Jason has been training with Adrian being his teacher, who has mostly been teaching him magic and how to use weapons. Jason also managed to finish Trixie's caravan which then she was up and gone with in a week's time.he also had to spend a fair bit of time in the hospital to have his back fixed up fully, but after that he was able to move around, when this world's version of Nightmare Night came around, Both Luna and Moon didn't want to participate so Jason grabbed some Horror movies and spent the night with them. End of Recap Jason was panting as he was bent over slightly and held his knees, sweat trailed down his face as he looked at the crystal Dummy construct, which was straying in front of him a sword pointing to him, Jason had been training with Adrian for the last two hours straight at the Citadel. Jason straightened up and launched forward and slammed the Lance in his hands into the Head of the construct, destroying it before he had a quick look around the courtyard. The small courtyard filled with colourful flora and shattered crystals, Jason walked over and sat under a tree to relax but was soon interrupted when a pink Alicorn landed in the courtyard panting heavily, her dress was damaged. "Cadence? What are you doing here?" Jason said going over to her and kneeling. "I needed to find you..... my Aunties are in Danger" she said panting slightly. "How so?" Jason asked. "A tall armoured creature entered the throne room with dozens of Ponies..... when I last saw Aunt Tia, she was fighting with her guards in the Dining hall." She said. "Why come to me instead of getting more guard?" He asked. "I did but I thought you could help as you have experienced fighting Overlords" She said as she sat up. "Overlords? " he asked. "Yes Tia said that's what was leading them" she said as Jason nodded. "Okay well I'll need to grab some gear, can you teleport us when I get back?" He asked and she nodded before he headed to the armoury. When he was in there Adrian reappeared. "How do you Recommend I handle this?" Jason asked. "Hmmm if they are attacking Canterlot against Four Alicorns and hundreds of Guards with Ponies then they probably have 2 or 3 Overlords there instead of 1, 1 is probably running as interference against assisting guard, 1 probably is using magic to boost their Ponies strength and the Last is probably heavily armoured so I recommend using a mix of plate and leather" he said as Jason nodded before removing his top before pulling on a leather vest followed by a Steel chest plate, he turned to catch a plate Pauldron which had layered plate down to his elbow, along with a small circle of steel at the top to protect against getting impaled in his shoulder. He looked at Adrian who tapped his left shoulder before Jason nodded and strapped it to his left arm before grabbing a less bulking that he attached to his right along with a thick leather vambraces to his wrists, he then grabbed a mixture of plate and leather armour for legs before returning to Adrian. "It''ll do, now you need a shield, and your choice of weapons" he said as Jason nodded before grabbing a kite Shield that was 4 foot tall and 2 foot wide with a large Dragon crest on it, he also grabbed two broadswords and strapped each to his waist before attaching a pair of daggers to the other side as he grabbed a pole Sword. "Okay I'm ready" he said before grabbing a helmet and left the Armoury to return to the Courtyard. When he returned he found Cadence sitting under the tree more relaxed then before until she saw Jason before getting to her feet and walking over to him. "I'm ready" he said slipping on his helmet. "Damn, okay sure give me a second" she said before taking a deep breath and teleported them. When they appeared, Jason had to pull Cadence out of the way as a bladed Whip slashed the spot where she was. "Hide at Twilight's" he ordered as she teleported before he looked at the tall, lanky creature, that sat crouched up on the wall of a bakery. It was equipped with a trident and whip. It's armour resembled that of a Gladiator with its armoured right arm, bare chest, leathery skirt, a skull helmet and shin guards. It's skin was black and warped which made Jason feel sick at the sight before he noticed the dead or heavily wounded guards around him. "Ahhh you must be the human" it said before dropping down, landing on a Guard who was crawling away, crushing his head. "Do you like what I have done with the place?" It asked with a sadistic laugh. "Why are you even doing this?" Jason asked. "Because it is fun to cull the inferior" it chuckled " but where are my manners, my name is Yen'Sic and I shall kill you for killing my Brother" it growled before using its whip to try and disarm Jason, but he sidestepped and thrusters his pole arm forward, which Yen dropped his whip and took a few steps backwards. Before Yen could react, Jason charged forward and slammed his Shield into the Overlord, causing him to stumble before thrusting his weapon again and slashing Yen's thigh as he rolled out of the way before kicking Jason in the chest and he slid backwards but Jason lunged forward and drove his pole arm into the Overlord's shoulder and used it to pick him up and throw him onto the stairs that lead up to the palace. Yen groaned as Jason drew a dagger and threw it into Yen's back causing him to grunt before he used his trident as a club and knocked Jason back and tried to impale him to the ground but Jason simply rolled out of the way after slashing Yen's bare chest before climbing to his feet. "I should probably get this along, I know I won't win against you shall wound you so you won't agains my brothers" he chuckled before grabbing one of the swords from the ground and charged as Jason raised his Shield, only for Yen to batter it out of the way and plunge his trident into Jason's right leg, piercing the leather while slashing Jason's left arm with the sword causing Jason to grunt in pain before driving his weapon into Yen's faceplate, peircing it causing him to fall to the ground dead moments before dark Tendrils exited his body and penetrated Jason's chest making him grunt in pain before it subsided. "Crazy Fucker, 'oh I'm gonna kill you oh wait no I'll wound you so my brothers will kill you' like make up your mind" Jason said shaking his head before attempting to pull the pole Sword from the Overlord until he discovered it was stuck "awww come on" he groaned before giving up. He then looked at the corpses and wounded "I should do the right thing.... but it's gonna hurt a lot..... but it's the right thing" he debated before sighing, he slung his Shield on to his back before his hands began to glow a white colour, the guards began to glow the same colour as their wounds began to heal before one by one they gasped as they were revived before Jason fell to his knees, his arms hurt immensely as if someone was constantly stabbing them, his head pulsed painfully and blood dripped from his mouth and nose with dripped from the visor of his helmet. "What happened?" Asked a guard. "I don't know, I remember having my throat slit then blackness" another said. "He used magic to revive us" said a guard as Jason looked up to see the guards looking at him. "How do you know not was him?" Asked a female guard as the guard in purple trimmed armour helped Jason to his feet. "Because I arrived just as the fight began and saw the fight" he said smiling. "Hey Shining" Jason said removing his bloodied helmet and wiped it clean before wiping his nose and mouth. "Hey Jason, thanks for saving Cadence, and for resurrecting my guards" he said as Jason shrugged before putting his helmet back on. "No worries" he said turning and heading up the stairs to the entrance of the Castle. "Hey wait for us to get ready" said Shining. "No, come in after my signal, I need to make their Soldiers weaker" Jason said. "Whats your signal?" Shining asked as Jason hand glowed and the lanterns by the entrance ignited "I see, good luck" he said. "Thanks" he said before heading up the stairs, trying not to limp from his wound 'i hope luck is enough' he thought before entering. Jason looked around the halls, not encountering anything but could hear fighting in the distance. "Where is that son of a bitch" he muttered before closingbhis eyes and focusing, he could sense the magical energies of everything in the Castle, which was annoying but he ignoredbit when he found a powerful magical energy away from the fighting so Jason opened his eyes and headed towards it. When he arrived near the source, he was in a strange Statue filled garden, the statues were of odd creatures but he didn't have time to pay attention as he needed to find the Overlord, which he found in front of a stone Alicorn with her wings flared and a massive Battle Axe in hand. "Look at you know Solar, petrified and unable to stop us from claiming your world" he chuckled, he was in blue robes that covered all of him save for his head, which was covered in a helmet that reminded him of the Lord of the Rings Witch King, in his hand was a massive staff with a golden crystal at the top and a gold ball at the bottom. "And you were the only one who was able to slay an Overlord, mind you he was weak from the Cataclysm but still strong" he said before sniffing the air. "Ahh so you have come for me Human, smart choice" he said before turning and giving a bow. "My name is Re'yen" he said before slamming the ball of the Staff into the ground and a ripple of magic sent Jason flying back into a Bench, shattering it. Jason groaned before he rolled out of the way as a light blue magical spear slammed into where he just was. "Oh do stay still" he growled as Jason drew one of his swords and used his magic to engulf it in black flames "Oh a new development, interesting" he said as he grabbed the area just above the ball of his staff and pulled, revealing a rapier that was housed in the Staff. Jason launched himself forward and slashed, barely missing the Warlock as he teleported behind Jason and slashed, but only his Jason's shield as he whipped around and blasted with black lightning, which the Warlock absorbed into his staff and fired back, making Jason cry out before he was slashed across the chest, the blade luckily didn't penetrate his armour, but it did send him stumbling back and against the Pedestal that the Alicorn was on. "You really are pathetic" Re grumbled before thrusting his Rapier forward only for Jason to roll out of the way and sever Re's arm at the Elbow as Jason's spare hand grabbed the Crystal and drained it fully, causing it to shatter and splinter into Jason's hand. "You trash" he said kicking Jason back into the Pedestal. "I don't need magic to kill you" he growled grabbing his Rapier. 'Free me and I will help you' a voice said in his head causing him to look up at the statue before looking at Re who was about to charge, Jason took a leap of faith and placed his bleeding hand against the Alicorn's ankle and pumped magic into her moments before the statue cracked and detonated sending both Jason and Re back. Jason groaned as he rolled onto his stomach, he noticed that he actually had a chunk of wood sticking out of his thigh, between the plate 'shit, I'll deal with that later' he thought before he felt like it was a million degrees. "No you shall not stop me whore" yelled Re as Jason looked over to see Re slowly crawling away from the White Alicorn, her cost had a red hue to it and red and Orange mane flowed in the air except it along with her tail looked like they were burning at the tips, her body was coated in red and gold armour and her Battle Axe was a dark red colour. "Oh I know I won't because I will just hold you down" she smirked as she placed her foot on his chest and held him down, she turned to Jason and gestured him over, which he did before stopping above the Overlord. "I believe this is your Kill" she stated as he nodded before slashing his blade and cutting the Overlord's head in two, killing him before the tendrils impaled Jason making he drop to his knees. "That's new" she said as Jason felt the temperature return to normal, moments before he felt the piece of wood in his leg being ripped free and all his wounds surrounded in a burning sensation. " there now you won't bleed to death" she said as he nodded and rose. "Thank you, now help the guard" he said as she cocked an eyebrow. "And why should I listen to you?" She asked. "Cause I don't want them to be butchered again" he said as she groaned and flew off. Jason took a deep breath before heading to the sounds of battle, he used his magic to ignite the lanterns before entering the Castle. (Iron Star) Iron was panting as she knelt on the ground, the dozen or so Elite Royal Guard that were left were fighting black armoured ponies that seemed to ignore pain and didn't die no matter the wound. Morning was standing in front of her sister wielding a shield and a Mace as she was knocking back the invaders, in the middle of the group of enemies stood a heavily armoured creature which had a massive spiked shield and a sadistic looking Flail along with a massive great sword on its back as I laughed each time a Guard went down. "Soon you shall all die and I shall have my prizes" it chuckled as Iron saw a immortal pony charge at her and out of instinct she drove her blade into his chest and surprisingly enough he stopped, looked at the blade before collapsing dead. This gained everyone's attention as the Royal Guard seemed to get a second Wind and slammed into the line and began slicing into the vulnerable enemy. " it doesn't matter, your still out numbered four to one" he chuckled before the door behind him burst open and Equestria guard flooded the room "No!" He shouted as his men were killed. "Surrender Sin've you are outnumbered" said Celestia as she stepped forward, her golden armour was cracked and her left wing was likely hanging from her back but she still stood tall with her Great sword in hand. "It doesn't matter, I will still kill them all" he laughed before the door to the side exploded out in a ball of fire as a White Alicorn stood at attention with a flaming Axe. "What! But how?.... it doesn't matter, I shall break you also" he said as he roared causing all ponies to hold their ears and their legs to buckle under them. "Bastard" Celestia said as Sin walked over and chuckled. "I know and soon you shall carry one" he said before he was struck in the head by a black bolt of magic from above, causing him to stumble back. Everypony looked up to see a armoured figure, it's armour had blood splattered on it and many holes. "Jason!" Shining called out as Iron's ears flopped against her head as she watched the figure hop down off the balcony as a black aura surrounded him, slowing he decent before he landed in front of Sin. "Human" Sin growled. "Fuck Face" Jason replied causing Sin to roar and charge at him beforr swinging his Flail at an incredible speed which Jason could simply raise his Shield before he was sent into a wall and onto the ground, his shield landed near him. "Fool, you should have known better" Sin chuckled until he watched Jason push himself back up, his left arm hung limply as he drew his second blade. "You can't win boy, I will break you" Sin said as Jason remained silent before his sword was surrounded in a black Aura. "I don't care if you break me Whore, I will kill you" Jason said before charging forward but Sin swung his Flail again. As Jason parried the Flail, his sword sliced straight through the weapon before its blade shattered, he then lunged forward with the broken sword but he was slapped with the handle of the Flail as sent a few metres away. "Impressive but not enough" Sin said as he discarded the pole and drew the Great sword and wielded it in a single hand. Jason rose and discarded his dented helmet and spat blood onto the ground. "Prepare to die boy"Sin said before he lunged forward, in a attempt to impale Jason but Jason rolled to the side, and had his side slashed before a black aura formed around his right hand and blasted him in the Overlord in his less armoured ribs, sending him onto the ground with a groan. Jason picked up a sword from the ground as Sin was getting up, once he was up, Jason drove the Blade through his Visor before removing the blade and severing his head and watched as the Overlord's corpse crumpled to the floor dead moments before the tendrils exited its body and entered Jason's, causing the wounded human to stumble and collapse on the ground. Luna was the first to him and looked at the nearby guards "get a doctor now'" she roared as the guard's nodded before two ran off > Chapter 19 - Gala > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jason groaned as he awoke in a black forest, he sat up and looked around to see that there was a heavy fog that inhibited his ability to see anything clearly "where am i?" He asked before looking down at his body and gulping, his wounds from the fights were open and bloody but weren't bleeding. "What the?" He asked before he felt a pulling on his body causing him to close his eyes before feeling immense pain throughout his body as he opened his eyes to find himself lying down on a hospital bed that was being sped down a hallway surrounded of blurry figures. "He's awake!" Said a voice to his right. "Jason how do you feel?" Asked another voice. "Like a million bucks fuck head" he groaned sarcastically. They soon arrived at a operating room or sorts. "Cant we use magic to heal him?" Asked a different familiar voice. "Luna?" He muttered. "No he is too far gone to use magic, not without surgery first" said another voice causing Jason to groan as he willed his right arm up and under his chest plate. "Doctor!" Called a voice as footsteps were heard as blurs arrived and tried stop him but he coated his arm in black lightning causing them to back off as he felt the clip attaching his plate to his leather chest. "What is he doing?" Asked a voice from before, probably a doctor, Jason grunted as he unclipped the first before moving to the next, once it was off. He lifted his arm and Chest plate with as much strength as he could muster and dumped the plate on the ground before Jason blacked out and awoke in the forest again. "So is this some kind of limbo?" He muttered as he looked at the starless night sky. He laylid there for what felt like a few moments before he felt the pulling feeling again and the overwhelmin pain. "Clear!" Called a voice as a surge of energy went through his chest causing a beeping to be heard and Jason to groan. " he's ba.... oof" the voice said as Jason punched it. "Oh Celestia the Doctor is unconscious!" Called a female voice. 'Woops' he thought before a mask was put over his mouth and nose and his arm was strapped down moments before he blacked out again. This time when he awoke, he was in a black void which was surrounded and far off white glowing dots. "Um okay?" He muttered as he sat down and sighed. "Well I guess this is less creepy" he sighed. "Yes it is, but this gives us a perfect chance to train" said Adrian's voice "Alright" Jason said getting up just as Adrian materialized in his armour. "Let's begin". He said. (Sometime later) Jason groaned as he awoke to the sound of soft beeping, he looked over to the side and saw the heart monitor softly beeping away. He then looked around the white hospital room before he sat up, he removed a oxygen mask from his face the turned the valve on the IV before removing it slowly along with the tape. He grunted as he rubbed the area before looking out the window to see the soft morning sunlight enter the room but Jason also noticed that he was not in Ponyville. "Makes sense" he muttered before turning off the Heart monitor before removing the cables then waited for a few minutes to see if anyone ran in, see in no one, he walked over to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror "definitely need to shave" he muttered before rinsing his face with hot water before summoning a sharp knife and proceeded to slowly shave until he was clean shaven. "Okay now the hippy hair" he said using the knife to shorten his hair to an acceptable length before incinerating the hair and using the toliet. When he was done, he walked out and stretched before looking down at the hospital gown. "Well I guess this is the perfect chance to try that re-equip spell" he said before focusing and a flame moved across his body, replacing the gown with some of his normal cloths, some cargo pants, boots and a black hoodie. "Be.... the hoodie is backwards" he groaned as he removed the hoodie and looked at the Punished top with a smirk before pulling the hoodie back on. He then moved to the door and left the room before walking to the nurse station and dinging the bell. "One moment please" a voice called before Red Heart walked out excepted she had a baby blue mane and tail instead of pink. "How can I...... I my your awake.... and dressed and shaved" she said dropping her clip board. "Yea I don't like being scruffy and I don't like hospital gowns" he said as she walked over to him. "Hey are you related to Red Heart in anyway?" He asked. "Yes she is my sister, my name is Blue Heart" she said as he shook her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, so can you tell me how long I've been out?" He asked her. "Five and a half months" she said. "Wait then how are my legs not twigs?" He asked. "We put spells on your muscules to stop them deteriorating" she said as she stepped out from behind the station. "Come with me, your probably hungry" she said as he nodded. "Good that's a good sign also it gives me to give you a check up" she said as he nodded and followed her to the cafeteria. When they arrived they grabbed some food and coffer before sitting, Heart began to go over him, checking if everything was okay while he ate, which when she was satisfied and they had finished the two went to reception only to run into Scarlet. She was shocked to see him awake. " your awake but they said it would be a few more months" she said as he chuckled. "It isn't the first time they overestimated me being out" he chuckled before she hugged him "what's this?" He asked. "I'm just happy your alright" she said as he hugged her back. When they broke apart she took a deep breath. "I better take you to see the Princesses" she said as Jason nodded before signing his release papers and lefted with Scarlet. The two walked in silence as they headed through Canterlot, passing nobles and guards, which all stopped and looked at the human making him feel self conscious until he was stopped by a friend. "Jason your Up" said the White Fancy Unicorn. "Yea I'm up Fancy, good to see you" he said smiling. "Good to see you too my friend and oh I would like you to meet my Wife" he said gesturing a White Unicorn mare with a slim face and pink mane and tail. "Fleur Dis Lee" he said which Jason gave a nod. "Oh I have wonderful news" Fancy said. "What is it?" Jason asked. "We have a foal on the way" the mare said in a slightly French accent. "Congratulations you two" Jason said smiling. "Thank you, where are you both off to if I may ask?" Fancy asked. "To the Castle," Scarlet said. " Yes I believe the Princesses would like to see their Coltfriend" Fleur said. "Yea that's the plan" Jason said "Well we best be off" he said. "Yes we'll see you tonight at the Gala" Fancy said before leaving. "Damn that's tonight? I don't have a suit" he said as they walked, as they arrived at the gate, both guards saluted Scarlet which she responded in kind as they passed them but Jason was stopped by someone grabbing his arm making him turn to see a Guard holding his arm. "What?" He asked. "I just wanted to say thank you for saving me" he said with a smile. "Don't mention it mate" he said with a kind smile as Scarlet and Jason headed up and entered the doors to find themselves in the throne room, they walked up to the throne but found it empty. Jason was about to say something before he felt arms wrap around him from behind and lift him off the ground. "Your awake!" Said a happy voice as Jason felt his neck getting Nuzzled. "Yea I noticed Tia" he said as she let him down before turning him and smiling at him "So what did I miss?" He asked. "Not much really except my heat" she said as he grinned sheepishly "Oh and your house burnt down" she said casually. "Wait what?!" He asked shocked "No pony was hurt and Luna saved everyone's thing and most of yours but the problem is that it was a magical fire" she said as he sat on her throne with Jason on her lap, much to his disapproval as she groomed him. "Would you stop?" He asked as she giggled and continued. "Fine what's a magical fire anyway?" He asked as he tried to get away but she pulled him back onto her lap. "A Magical Fire is Pyromancy which can't be extinguished save for a Pyromancer" a familiar voice said to his left making him look to see Solar Flare in a red and gold dress that showed off her curves and Cleavage, both bigger then Celestia's. She smiled as she walked over and sat on the throne next to the one Celestia was on. "It's good to see you Mr Winter" she said smiling softly. "Good to see you too Solar, and call me Jason please" he smiled as she nodded. "So any idea who set the fire?" He asked. "Not really" Scarlet said as Celestia and Solar agreed. "Damn.... I'm homeless now..... shit" he groaned as Celestia smiled. "And not really the godly image your use to aye Scarlet?" Jason asked. "No bit it's nice to see her act like a regular Pony" she said as Celestia nodded. "Thank you, and Jason your not Homeless, you'll be staying with myself or Twilight temporarily" Celestia said. "Hmmmm well I don't like nobles so I'll say Twilight" he said as she nodded and nuzzled him. "Okay, Scarlet you are dismissed" She said as Scarlet nodded before leaving. "So is the plan to reveal Jason at the Gala?" Solar asked as Celestia nodded. "Yes but right now I have Day court, please take Jason to a see Luna, I believe she is bathing right now and quite down" she said as Solar smirked and teleported Jason and herself to Luna's tower. Upon appearing, she sat Jason down and smiled at him. "She has been down lately as she she went to see you a few days ago" Solar said before leaving the room. Jason looked around the room and noticed how similar it was to Luna's room at his place, except the bed is alot bigger and there were lots of paintings and weapons, he could faintly hear a shower turn off in a nearby room so Jason took a deep breath and looked to the door just as it opened. Luna walked out with a towel wrapped around her form, her mane and tail hung motionless and dark blue as she was watching the door as she closed it behind her, her royal trinkets in one of her hands while her other hand held the towel up, once the door was closed she sighed and turned to face her bed and freezing. Her mane and tail started to flicker softly as she looked at Jason who smiled sheepishly at her before she shook her head, her mane returning to its still form as she walked over to a light blue crystal Alicorn mannequin that she placed her royal items on before looking back at Jason and shaking her head and sighing. Jason got off the bed and walked over to his Marefriend before gently putting his arms around her "your not real, your just a image my mind is showing me to try and cheer me up" she said as Jason frowned and punched her shoulder. "Ow" she said rubbing her shoulder and looked at him "Wait.... really?" She asked as her hand moved to his face moments before her mane and tail began flowing and she pushed her face against his, locking lips with him, her arms wrapped around him as her tongue forced its way into his mouth and she pushed him against her dresser, Jason was enjoying the kiss before realising that her large muzzle was covering his nose and he couldn't breath, and he couldn't move his head back as she was holding it in place as her tongue brutalized his own. He tapped her arm a few times but got no response so he grabbed her horn but simply made her moan into the kiss so he flicked her nose causing her to break the kiss and glare before she saw him gasp for air. "I'm sorry Jase" she said nuzzling his neck, Jason was happier that he had cheered her up but he didn't like being two feet off the ground. "It's fine Lulu maybe we should lay down" he said as she nodded and dropped him gently, he smiled as he stripped to his boxers moments before she wrapped her naked form around him and climbed into her bed, holding him like a teddy bear as she nuzzled and cuddled him, her wings extended and practically hide him from the world. "You know I'm not going anywhere, " he said as she nodded before kissing him softly and nuzzling him again. "We know but.... your our first ever partner and we were so distraught to be so helpless to help you and we could access your dreamscape..... we felt so alone" she whimpered as he placed his hand on her cheek and smiled at her. "Well I'm here now Luna, and I'm all yours until the Gala" he said as she nodded and pulled him against her damp naked form and nuzzled the top of his head while she relaxed "night Luna" he said softly. "Goodnight Jason" she said before she fell asleep. The pair slept for several hours before being awoken by one of Celestia's maid, stating that due too the Gala, they would have a early dinner which would be delivered to Luna's room, the night Alicorn gave her thanks before leaving the bed to shower, Jason on the other hand fell back asleep only to be awoken when Luna came back out and dragged him in with her, much to his disapproval and complaint. As they were in the shower, Jason's thoughts drifted to places it hasn't for a while before he felt something warm and soft against his lips, bringing him back to see Luna smiling. "Are you okay?" She asked him. "Yea just thinking is all" he said. "About?" She asked. "Do you know who a Crystal is? She lived in the Crystal Empire and was sapphire blue?" He asked as she thought for a moment and scratched her chin. "It's familiar but that was so long ago I'm sorry, maybe we shall have at the archive tomorrow" she said as he nodded before she gently pushed him against the wall. "What are you doing?" He asked confused as she just smirked and kisses her way down his body. "Cheering you up" she said but as she reached her prize a knock was heard from the door. "Lulu, Jason its time for dinner" said Celestia's voice as Luna groaned and Slumped her head forward, unintentionally headbutting Jason in the balls causing him to grunt and fall to the ground holding his groin. "We're sorry, We are coming Tia" Luna said turning off the shower and helping Jason out before handing him a towel and the two walked out to see Moon, Solar and Tia all standing there. "Why are you lot here?" Jason asked. "Well one I wanted to see you and two, seeing as Luna is coming to live here again, Solar and I want to live with you" Moon said. "But I don't have a house" he said. "Minor details, now you get dressed and come get some food" Solar said walking over and gently kissed him. "What was that for?" He asked. "Oh we forgot to mention that Solar is in our herd" Luna said. "Why?" Jason asked as he walked over to a wardrobe that was identical to the one he had, confirming his theory he pulls out some of his cloths and laid them on the bed. "Well seeing that one you can satisfy Alicorns" Moon said as she watched him get dressed. "And to stop Solar from killing Luna" Celestia said. "Ah, well welcome to the fuckery" he said as he pulled on a pair of black dress pants before sitting on the bed and putting dress shoes on. "Thank you, you know I was surprised at your spirit, I thought you were just going to let him kill you after your arm was broken and your lung collapsed" Solar said as Jason pulled on a singlet. "Thanks.... I think" he said grabbing a light purple dress shirt and put it on, he looked over his shoulder to see all four watching him. "Enjoying the view?" He asked as the four of them nodded making him groan. "So why don't you speak like Luna?" He asked as he put on a Black tie and a Black vest before tucking in his shirt. "Because unlike Luna, I was able to listen to Ponies talk over the ages" she Said as he nodded before doing a few stretches and nodding at the lack of unwanted tightness of his clothes before he rolled up sleeves to just above his Elbows. "How do I look?" He asked as he got thumbs up before Celestia gently look his left hand and looked at the jagged scar on the inside of his arm with a frown. "Hey its cool" he said gently cuppin her face. "No it isn't, they came after us and yet you nearly died protecting us" She sighed. "I would have died happy know in it protec.... ow" he was saying before she slapped him. "Be careful next time okay?" She asked as he nodded. "Good now let's get some food" she said as the others nodded before they all left for the dining hall. When the group arrived at the Dining hall, they were created by the sight of Shining Armour and Cadence making out, this develpoment shocked the four Alicorns as Jason shrugged and sat across from the couple before wolf whistling gaining their attention as they had a mini freak out before they relaxed at the sight of Jason, not knowing of the four adult Alicorns behind them. "Hey love birds, using a condom?" He asked as they both turned bright pink. The two tried to speak but nothing came out. "How long?" He asked them which Shining showed two fingers. "Years?" Jason asked as Cadence nodded. "Why hide it?" He asked. "Because I didn't want to get Shining in trouble" she said. "And how would you manage that?" Asked Jason. "Because he isn't an Alicorn" she said. "Hmm okay, two things, one when was the last time you saw a Male Alicorn? And two does that mean I'm not allowed to be with Solar, Tia, Moon and Luna?" He asked. "Thats different, and no I haven't" Cadence said. "How so?" Jason asked but when the two went to speak they couldn't answer. "Please don't tell my aunties, I dog want them to find out" she said. "A bit late" he said confusing them until he pointed behind them, causing them to turn and gulp a the sight of the Alicorns. As the group discussed Jason slipped out of the room and walked until he found the Garden, when he did he walked to a small tree next to a pond, which he sat against and relaxed. "Whats on your mind?" Adrian asked. "Mums final moments, I wish I could rememver it more clearly" Jason sighed. "I can help if you like" he said as he walked in front of Jason and crouched. "This will hurt physically and emotionally" he said as Jason nodded, Adrian took a deep breath and placed his hands on Jason's temples moments before a seerin pain rushed through his head causing him to clench his teeth before blacking out. Jason awoke to find himself on a Crystal floor, a few drops of blood fell from his nostril as he looked around the room, it was the nursery from before but it was easier to make out details, he was so caught up in the surroundings that he didn't notice the other occupants until they started arguing, Jason turned and froze, the black armoured mare known as Umbra was a dark grey Unicorn with a black mane and a weird red horn but what shocked Jason was Crystal, she stood taller then anyone else in the room, she had a flowing ice blue mane that shimmered softly along with her tail but the most noticeable fact was that she had a Horn and wings which mean that she was a Alicorn. "But how..... argh"he said as he fell to his knees, pain surging through his head before he heard a group of gasps, causing him to look uo to see the princesses were around him but he was still in the dream, the four watched the scene play out silently and when it collapsed and they returned to reality, they all stayed silent, and standing silently, save for Luna, who was wiping blood from Jason's face. Jason sighed as he climbed to his feet. "Are you alright Jason" Moon asked. "Why can't anything be simple?" He asked before leaving the four in the Garden and wandering for a while before he managed to get onto the roof, lay back and look a the stars. "Why couldn't this be simple?" He asked no one in particular. "Life never is" said a new female voice. "I'm not interested in talking" he said. "Okay then listen, I need you help" she said, Jason believe she was female due to her voice. "Whats wrong?" He asked not looking at her. "My father is in Danger of being taken over by an Overlord" she said gaining Jason's attention, he looks to find a very perculiar being, it was if a bunch of races got chucked into a blender. "What are you?" He asked curious. "My name is Eris and I am a Draconequus" she said as Jason got to his feet. "Please, I don't do this often but your the only one immune to their control magic" she said getting to her knees and held her hands together in front of herself. "I'll give you anything your heart desires" she said. "I'll do it for free" he said shocking her. "What? Your playing right?" She asked as he shook his head make her squeal happily before coiling around him, her large bust pressing his cheek and the middle of his back at the same time. "Dont thank me yet" he said as she nodded and released him. "I know but I know you can do it" she said before teleporting him to a hallway, In front of a large set of door, behind which Jason could hear a large amout of people talking. Steeling his nerves, he entered the room to see not only ponies but a multiple of other races, Jason simply ignored them as he walked over and grabbed a glass of champagne before exiting into the courtyard, which was filled with news reporters, but he did get a chance to move when he was suddenly hugged by a white Pegasus stallion in a very tight jumpsuit. "Sourin, I know I'm awake but I can feel your junk against my leg and its not a good feeling" he said. "Sorry mate, I'm just happy that your better" he said, Jason was about to say something before a familiar yellow mare in a similar tight jumpsuit interrupted him. "The Black knight has awoken" she said smiling. "The what has what?" Jason asked. "The Black knight, that's what the papers are calling you" she said. "Why?" He asked. "Because you rescued the Princesses in armour that resembled a knights while using dark magic" she said as he slowly nodded. "Oh I'm Spitfire by the way" she said offering her hand which he took and shook. "Nice to meet you and is that why the Newsponies are keeping a good distance from me?"He asked pointing to the group of Reporters who squeaked and ran away. "Hmmm we should bring you to some of our shows" Sourin chuckled moments before Jason was hugged tightly but a cyan mare with Rainbow hair. "Jason your better" she said not noticing her ideals right next to her as Jason chuckled before wrapping an arm around her. "I noticed, but I think you should look up" he said as she looked at him then looked at the Wonderbolts before going quite. "Sourin, this is my friend Rainbow Dash, Dash this is my friend Sourin" he said as she looked at him slightly betrayed. "Your friends with a Wonderbolt!?" She said alarmed. "And your wearing a dress" he counted causing her to blush. "Yea, what of it!" She said annoyed. "You look nice" he said making her blush more "now going with your ideals while the Reporters are away" he said as she nodded before he left, as he walked he found Blue with Rarity just before he removed her beautiful over coat and was about to lay it over a mud puddle but Jason wouldn't have that as he walked over, grabbed the coat and tripped Blue so he fell face first into the mud. "Madam" he said offering his hand to Rarity, who smiled and used Blue as a way to get over the mud puddle. "Thank you Jason, and I am so happy you are better" she said before looking at his suit. "Not too shabby if I must say" she said as he chuckled and gave her back her cost. "This is an Outrage, I have had enough of you Ape" Blue growled. "What are you going to do Blue" he asked as Blue growled again. "I challenge you to a Duel, winner decides the fate of the Loser" he said before looking at Rarity "and the Whorse" he said making her gasp in shock. "Sure, let's go" he said following Blue to the Guard training ground, a large crowd soon arrived, thanks to Rarity's loose lips. The two stood 2 metres away from each other with swords that they obtained from guards. "Any last words Blue." "Yes, I took pleasure destroying everything you hold dear" he smirked. "Wait are you saying that you destroyed my house?" Jason asked as Blue nodded before charging, only to have Jason side step and slap Blue's ads with the flat part of his sword, this act caused all of the crowd to laugh, but Blue growled before blasting Jason in the chest, sending him back. As Jason was getting up, he saw a group of blue armoured Guards enter the ring with shields and Swords. "I shall end you Ape" he smirked. "Blue Blood End this now!" Yelled a pony. "With pleasure" he said as he ordered his guards to charge, as the guards charged, Jason's hands glowed a dark red before they all stopped dead in their tracks. The guards looked confused as they tried to move but their feet were stuck to the ground, Jason simply walks passed them and towards Blue, who was moving backwards until he reached the edge of the ring and gulped, Jason smirked before smacking Blue's sword away and kicked him out of the ring. "I win" Jason said as Blue growled before pulling a flintlock, except it had crystals in its barrel. The crowd moved back as several Royal Guard charged towards Blue, but he already fired except, he missed by a mile, this caused Jason to smile before summoning his .32 revolver. "Call that a gun? This is a gun" he said before shooting Blue in the shoulder, the sound caused all the ponies to cover their ears in pain before they looked at Blue holding his shoulder and crying out in pain as blood poured from it. "Guards, arrest Blue Blood and his personal Guard" ordered Celestia as the Royal Guards nodded before roughly dragging away Blue and his guards as Celestia walked over to Jason. "That a strike 3 and 4" he said desummoning the revolver. "Yes it is but did you have to scare Everypony?" She asked gesturing the crowd that were watching. "Think of it as a means of showing not to fuck with me" he chuckled as she shook her head before smirking and stepping up into the ring. "What are you doing?" He asked. "Attention My little Ponies! Due to the multiple Crimes under Prince Blue Blood's Name, He Is to be stripped of all his Titles, Properties and his Princehood, Furthermore, as it has been recently discovered, due to Jason Winter's Roysl family Bloodline and his great service to Equestria, he will take up the mantle of Princehood" she said as the crowd gave a loud vocalisation of their Approval but Jason simply stood their shocked. "Why can't anything be simple?" He muttered > Chapter 20 - Frozen North, Sick > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jason was sitting in a small clearing in the Everfree Forest, it was somewhere between midnight and 3 am, Jason didnt know cause his phone was broken because he forgot to take it out of his pocket when he fought the overlords. Jason wasn't in a good mood, first he finds out that his house was burnt down by Blueballs, next he finds out his mother was an Alicorn which is gonna be a tucking pain in the ads and now Celestia has announced to the nobles of Ewuestria and the world that he was the me Prince and Jason hated being popular, he'd rather go unnoticed but that was impossible with him being the only human..... was he human? Jason leant back against a tree in his suit and sighed deeply before hearing a pop to his left that reminded him of the Halo grunt headshot skull. "What are you doing out here? My father is in danger" Eris stated as Jason groaned. "I set up a spell on him for the night so chill" he sighed. "Oh okay, what's wrong?" She asked. "Why do you care?" He asked her. "Hey your the first creature to not hate me in a long long time" she said as Jason shrugged. "Fair enough, so where do I begin? Well first I was ripped from my world, just when I had everything the way I wanted it, my own perfection...... then a cruel turn of events dumps me in a land full of nymphomaniac pastal ponies that all want to fuck a human..... I've had to deal with being rejected from my herd, ancient creatures that have left me with scars to haunt me for the rest of my days, oh and the world is gender bent so all the customs I'm used to doing are now rarer then in my world so that shoots up my popularity...... I have mystical powers but instead of having a normal one I get fucking death magic...... and to top that off..... I'm not even a fucking human..... I'm a thing" he said, the last part was quiet "and also to add Luna wants a large herd, which i guess i don't mind but its growing too fast, my house is destryoed and I'm now a fucking Prince so now I'm in the spot light which is one of my major hates and I can't reject it cause Tia fucking told it to the world" he said sighing and looking up at the night sky. "I'm just waiting for them to appear, say the right thing, calm my anger and take me back to where ever they have organized for me to stay" he said. "Dont worry about that as I have blocked their ability to find you with magic" Eris said leaning herself against him and sighing happily. "I can fix all of your problems if you like, make it so you never came" she offered. "And what will that achieve? Equestria would be taken over and my herd would be sex slaves for demonic beings, no I don't want that" he said as Eris nodded as she wrapped her tail around his waist. "Please don't tell me you''ve got a thing for me?" He asked. "Well I have been watch you since you came and well yea" she said as Jason groaned but she giggled. "Ever had sex with a Chaos being before?" She asked. "No I haven't" he said as she smirked. "Want to?" She asked as he hands moved to his chest. "Not today" he said as she frowned but nodded. "It isn't a no just I need to concentrate for tomorrow" he said. "I understsnd" she said putting her arms around him. (Next morning) Jason awoke to himself being shaken awake, as he opened his eyes he found Eris looking worried "what's wrong?" He asked. "My father is free" she said as Jason nodded as he stood before she teleported them with a auditable pop before reappearing to see a creature like Eris but more lean next to a Overlord. "Eris hide" he said as she nodded and vanished but as Jason looked back to the two, he felt a hand wrap around his throat and lift him off the ground, the Overlord was glaring at him before chuckling. "I know what to do with you" he said before he teleported the two of them. When they reappeared, they were in the middle of a graveyard, the grave yard itself looked ancient and unused in a long time, surrounding the graveyard was a heavy blanket of snow. The Overlord simply dumped Jason down in front of a large crypt door. "Say hello to mommy and daddy" he said with a chuckle but soon stopped when he heard Jason chuckling "Why are you chuckling?" He asked as Jason rose to his feet and turned to face the Overlord. "You are really stupid" Jason said causing the Overlord to growl. "And why is that?" He asked. "You don't take your enemy, a Necromancer, to a graveyard to fight him" Jason said as the Overlord took a step back. "Necromancer?" He asked before he noticed that Jason's hands were glowing, he also noticed the low mist and the faint sound of something dragging itself along the ground, no scratch that, multiple things. The Overlord started to show something that it hadn't shown in battle before, absolute terror as it felt multiple hands grabbing his legs and slowly pull him down snapping him out of his shock. "You can't do this!" He exclaimed. "Why?" Jason asked as the Overlord tripped to get away but he continued to slowly sink into the mist, he could feel press sure around his legs as he sunk. "It's.... it's pure evil"he said flailing his arms around as Jason approached the Overlord. "That's rich coming from a rapist genocidal species" he growled as the Overlord was now chest deep. "B-but I don't want to be buried alive" he pleaded as Jason walked over and grabbed an ancient shovel. "Oh don't worry, you won't be alive" he said before snapping the head off the shovel. "Please let me go, I won't do it a.... "he was saying before Jason impaled the sharp rotting pole through the Overlords neck, making him gurgle in his black blood before his soul left his body and entered Jason's, Jason stood there as his body vanished into the ground with the pole, once it was over the missed cleared to show an undisturbed graveyard, save for a rusted shovel head. "At least you go a burial" Jason said leaving the Graveyard, Jason walked through the freezing cold wasteland before he managed to stumble across a cave, which he took refuge in while a snow storm tore away at the outside world. He sighed before removing his vest and then his purple top, followed by his Singlet before he made a fire put and ignited his clothes to gain warmth while he looked around the cave, soon finding a old caravan, the owners long gone so Jason ripped the caravan apart and used it as fuel while he had his back against a wall, which was slowly warming from the fire. He sighed before leaning his head back before chuckling "I wonder what happened with Eris's father?" He asked no one before sniffling "damn I'm getting a cold" he groaned before looking out at the raging snowstorm "so this is where the Crystal Empire was? I wonder what happened?" He asked himself before looking back at the fire. (Canterlot) The five Alicorn princesses glared upon Eris as she stood before them, she could feel their anger radiating off them as the silently watched her. "Now I shall ask again, why did you leave Jason to deal with the Overlord and Discord?" Asked Celestia in a cold tone. "He told me to so I wouldn't get captured" she said. "Is that so? So tell us, where is our mate now?" Asked Luna. "I don't know, the spell I put on him so you couldn't track him is inhibiting my own ability to find him and unfortunately I need to be in close proximity to him to disable the spell." Eris said. "And why would you put such a spell on him?" Asked Celestia. "Because he needs time to adjust with everything, but he can't when you lot are smothering him" she yelled as the Alicorns cocked an eyebrow. "Explain Chaos being" demanded Solar. Eris took a deep breath before she explained everything that Jason had told her, the moment she had finished the four older Alicorns frowned before Celestia sighed. "We have been blind to our stallion's desires" she said as the other three nodded. "But the problem of right now is where is Jason" she said with a sigh. (Jason) Jason was practising his necromancy with the skeletal remains of the caravan owners, he was using a simple reanimation so he didn't disturb their eternal rest, he was starting to improve at it before he sneezed and caused the bones to shatter in his magic "Fuck" he growled as he returned to the fire and rubbed his chest. "I'm surprise that they haven't found me yet.... oh yea Eris put that spell on me.... I wonder" he said closing his eyes and channeling around his body before he felt a pressure leave his body "that should do it now I just have to...." he was saying before a loud pop was heard and he was suddenly wrapped in large black wings and arms before being pulled into a large pair of breasts 'or not' he thought before he felt himself getting teleported. He felt a soft mattress below him as his body was quickly warning up from Moon's embrace as she nuzzled his half naked cold form. "Dont worry I'll warn you up" she said as she had literally wrapped herself around him. He relaxed against her as he heard the door open. "You found him Moon" Luna's voice stated before she wrapped her arms around him also "Faust, he's freezing" she said as she pulled him into her lap. "Moon, get Celestia and Solar while I take him to the royal Bathing chambers" she said as Moon nodded before they both teleported. Jason soon found himself chest deep in hot water, still seated on the princess of the moon and in his boxers as she held him against her naked form and cuddled him, "I'm sorry" she said. "For what?" He asked. "Rushing you into building a herd too fast" she said as he smiled. "It's fine, just I don't want to upset you all when I die of old age before all of you" he said before a loud pop was heard as the large bath was suddenly filled with Tia, Solar and Moon in the same attire as Luna. "I actually have a solution for that my dear " Celestia said as the other three looked at her confused. "How so sister?" Asked Solar. "Well.... his father was an Immortal and so was his Mother, so if we activate the dormant genes within him, he would become immortal." She said. "And he could sprout wings" Moon said. "Is that so bad?" Luna asked. Jason finally snapped out of inspecting the three naked Alicorns and looked at Luna. "Um what do you mean, I would be annoying to fight with them" he said. "Yes but it allows for so many things, like cloud sex" she said as Jason turned bright pink. > Chapter 21 - Inventor, Manor, Sun Butt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (One week later) Jason was laying on his back in the Golden Oaks Library's couch with his headphones in, Twilight was rambling on about him killing and shit, she said that they could use the Elements of Harmony against the Overlords, which Jason didntblike the idea of. She also gave him an earful about what type of magic he uses, this annoyed him cause she called him evil. He took a massive sigh before sitting up and removing his headphones. "..... So you see Everypony is terrified of you so it would ease everyone if we cleansed you with the Elements of Harmony so you don't have to use Dark Magic again and ....." She was saying before Jason growled and snapped. "Shut the fuck up for once, you really think it's that simple? You think I love killing them? If you do then fuck you, I kill them to stop then from taking over and turning you into their personal Cock sock, so grow the fuck up and stop living in you little fantasy, the world is a fucked up place where something darkness is needed to see the light so no you won't be blasting me with you Fabulous rainbow beam, cause I fucking read what that does and if I'm correct, that shit will several my hurt me or even fucking kill me, and I'm sure you'd love to kill a friend, oh wait, I don't even think you see me like that cause if I die then you can fucking cut me up and look at my bits, so fuck off and talk to me when you fucking growl up." He yelled causing Everypony in the room to look at him in shock "also the Elements were used against the Overlords and I did nothing to them" he added before grabbing his bag and leaving the Library just as a disguised Solar gave a disguised Moon a bag of bits. Twilight on the other hand was staring in shock as her lip quivered and her eyes became moist right before AJ hugged her "what?..... what did I do?" She asked as her voice cracked slightly. "He is fighting a war by himself and trying his best to keep you all safe, his non-stop training is affecting his sleeping patterns and he is constantly tired and jumpy" Solar sighed as Twilight nodded "and you rambling just pushed him too far" she added. (Jason) Jason was walking through Ponyville with a sigh, he already felt bad but he didn't want to go back and apologize so he decided to check out available real estate. He walked towards the town hall, but before he could reach the destination, he was tackled by a pink mare, he soon found himself on his back looking up at a very piased off Berry Punch "your awake and you didn't tell me?" She asked as Jason gave a sheepish smile before she leant down and kissed him deeply and wrapped her arms around his neck moments before she climbed off of him and helped him before walking with him. As they walked, they noticed a crowd around town hall "what's this?" Jason asked as Berry chuckled. "The local Inventor is at it again" she said as she led him into the crowd to find a brown Earth Pony stallion with silver strips on parts of his body, a silver muzzle and blue eyes, his mane and tail were black save for a lime green strip, he was topless and wearing brown cargo pants, over his left eye was a magnifying glass as he worked on a vest that had a pair of artificial wings on it, his Cutie Mark was three gears as he had a screw driver in his mouth, next to him was a blue Unicorn stallion with the same strips but red, his mane was short and green along with his tail as he was in a white singlet and shorts, his eyes were yellow and he wore glasses, the last of the three was a Unicorn stallion which had red wine coloured fur and a steel and bronze coloured mane and tail that was a bit poofy, his eyes were bronze and slitted, he wore a hoodie and jeans as under his left arm was a tool box and under the other was a bag of bits. "Who are they?" Jason asked. "The Unicorn is Melting Point, has a really bad temper but has a long fuse, the Pegasus is Iron Wind, he works with Caramel, and the Earth Pony is Trixn Works, an Inventor, he is incredible smart but can be forgetful at times." She said as Jason noticed a fair amount of guards placing bets, paramares, Firemares, Celestia and Luna watching. "Its ready" Works said as he slipped on the vest and buckled it, the wings gave an experimental flap as he nodded, the sight shocked Jason as he took to straightened up "okay the time is" he said looking at his wrist watch "1:46pm" he said as Wind wrote down on a clip board before he removed his magnifying glass and put it in the tool box and crouched. "Wait did you remember to tweak the thrust strength to be less?" Wind asked as Work's eyes pinpricked but before he could say anything he was launched through the air in a high arc. "BUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuk!!!!!" He cried out as he flew off with the Paramares and Firemares in hot pursuit. "For buck sake not again" Wind said as him and his brother ran after Works as the guards paid their bets. Jason blinked before Celestia and Luna noticed him and approached him "Hey Dear" Tia said with a smile. "Is that normal?" Jason asked. (4 months ago) Works and his brothers were in the town square as Works hand a artificial horn on a head band, moments later he was transformed into a mare. (2 months ago) Works was in the ground with his legs kicking in the air as the fake wings flapped rapidly. (Present) "Yes but he has created so much, its just, he loves the trial and Error phase of his inventions" Luna said as a stretched went passed with Works on it twitching with his mane smoking. "Why?" Jason asked. "He has a thing for Nurse Sweetie" Berry said. "Right well I have to see Mayor Mare" Jason said as he walked towards the town hall as Luna stated close to him. When they entered, they found the Mayor sipping a cup of tea. "Mayor Mare" Jason said gaining her attention as she suddenly stood and bowed to the princesses. "What can I do for you Jason?" She asked as they took their seats. "Yes I was wondering if there were any large properties for sale?" He asked as she rose and walked over to a filling cabinet and looked through the files before pulling out three files and walking back before sitting in front of the four again. "Okay so there are three properties that you can choose from, 1st is a old small two bedroom house, 2nd is an abandon Manor that needs to be renovated and the last is a shack" she said. "I'll take the manor and I'll fix it up" he said as she nodded before handed the file to Jason. "I'll take the payment from your account" she said as Jason nodded and he sighed the deed. (Next day) Jason was standing out the front of the abandon Manor, his truck was sort in out the front after Timmy managed to save it and repair it, the tray was full of Jason's tool. He looked around to see that his Marefriends who said they would help, weren't around causing him to groan as I looked at the over grown plants and grass before grabbing his whipper snipper, ear muffs and goggles as I got to work, little did Jason knos that he was being watched from Canterlot by his herd, marefriends, Eris and a few maid and female guards through a spell Solar put up, there wasn't day court as I was a weekend so the mares and Eris watched the human work, as Celestia very very slowly increased the Sun's heat in the area he was in. After about an hour, he had trimmed the grounds clean as he was beginning to sweat before he pumped his Whipper Snipper, Chainsaw and Mower back in his Ute Tray before grabbing a sledge hammer, Axe and buzz saw and began on the house, after disposing of his hoodie. The inside of the house looked as if a bomb had gone off as Jason groaned and began working on it by tearing down the walls on the bottom floor along with the floors, after a good while, Jason had replaced the bottom floor as he used magic to assist him, he looked at his phone and sighed "shit its midnight" he said walking and locking up his house, it had managed to get so hot that he was topless and sweating profoundly as he felt the cool night air again his beer body causing him to shiver, he locked up before dumping his gear in the tray of his you before getting in and driving back to Twilight AppleJacks, placed his tools in the barn with his Truck before walking back to Twilight's, although when he arrived he was greeted with an empty library, making him cock and eyebrow before locking it and heading to the guess room. When he arrived he closed the door before turning on the light, when he did he felt a pair of arms wrap around his body. He looked at the colour of the arms and saw large white arms "shouldn't you be in bed Tia?" He asked her as she nuzzled the back of his head. "Yes but I wanted to spend tonight with you" she said as she let him turn only for him to turn red when he saw her naked "why so flustered? You've seen me naked before" she said smiling. "I can't help it" he said as she smiled and kisses him deeply. "Neither can I, so I have a special time tonight with you and you alone" she said walking over to the bed and sitting on it, causing it to creak and her to frown "although this bed isn't suffice to hold my royal flank" she grumbled as Jason walked over and kissed her softly. "Tia, your Flank is almost as big as it" he said with a smirk before she bit him "oww what the neck?" He asked rubbing his neck. "Its not that big" she pouted as he smiled and sat next to her and poked her side to get her attention as she growled at him. "Stop being moody" he said as she grumbled "how about we take this to you room?" He asked and before he could react, they had teleported and were sitting on Tia's bed " there now why are you na....mmmph" he said before she locked her lips with his and started working on his pants, growling at the annoyance of his belt, which soon ended up as ash causing Jason to gulp before she gently pushed him down on to the bed. "Okay easy" he said as she smirked. (Clop,) She finished undressing him before looking at her prize with a predatory gaze before taking it in her hand as she gently pumped her hand up and down his member while smirking at him "so let's see how your skills hold up to an Experienced Alicorn" she said as Jason gulped as she licked down his length, coiled her tongue around the base in which she gave a light squeeze with her hand on his tip before moving her mouth to his sack and suckled it as her hand pumped fast up and down his length causing Jason to moan loudly while he moved his hands to her long horn and began to massage it as squeeze it making her close her eyes and moan. She removed her mouth from his sack as she took his head in her mouth and sucked softly as her hand rubbed a spot on his cock randomly as he looked at with a cocked eyebrow and soft moan before she blushed before pulling her mouth off "hmm I forgot your not a Pony, Griffin, minotour, Diamond Dog or Dragon so you don't have as many sensative spots" she said with a giggle before returning her mouth to his head and began to move her head up and down, slowly taking more into her mouth until he felt his tip brush the back of her throat as she moaned and readjusted herself and continued to take more of his length when suddenly her horn began to glow as Jason felt a tingling sensation around his groin as Tia deep throated him and moaned deeply. She then started to pull her head almost fully off before plunging back down and repeating the process as Jason felt himself building, as he became close, she plunged down fully again as he groaned loudly and came hard down her throat while she swallowed until he stopped and she pulled off and swallowed the last of it in her mouth and moaned. "You tasty alot better then I would have thought" she said as her hand took your member and gently pumped it as she kissed Jason's neck. "I think it's time for the main event" she stated as her magic surrounded his member. "Wait don't you want head?" He asked as she shook her head. "I can get that from Solar or Luna or Moon when we are in the mood" she said as he got hard "No I want the real thing" she said kissing him as she got into position before sinking down his length causin them both to moan loudly as her hips met his. "Perfect length" she said smiling as she placed her palms on his chest. Jason groaned as Celestia was incredibly heavy as he placed his hands on her hips as she began to bounce on his lap fast and hard, causing Jason to grunt and moan out of pleasure and slight pain, if he wasn't a slight masochist then he wouldn't be enjoying this as much as he thrusted his hips up to meet hers as she came down. Jason sat up as she rode him to kiss her by ended up falling short causing him to growl before moving his hands to her wings and massaging them as they two moaned loudly, Tia moved her hands to his shoulders as she leant her head back moaning as Jason thrusted harder and faster while his hand have her a hard slap on her ads making her moan loudly for another, which he gave willingly. Before long Jason felt her marehood squeeze his member tightly as she screamed out his name and came, he gave a few thrusts as she milked his cock. "Tia.... I'm gonna cum" he moaned as her legs tightened around his waist. "Inside me..... please" she begged which after a few more thrusts, he slammed his hips against hers as he came hard inside of her causing her to moan loudly and pant as she stopped moving her hips. "Buck" she panted befofe laying against him, causing him to fall against the bed. "Fuck" he panted also as she chuckled and nuzzled him before yawning. "You okay?" He asked as she nodded. "One of those days and I needed this" she said kissing his lips. (End of Clop) "Okay Tia" he said kissing her back before she used her magic to float her blanket over them before she nuzzled him. "Night Jason" she said drifting off. "Sleep well Tia" Jason said as he watched the Alicorn fall asleep before realising he couldn't move her 'well looks like I'll be balls deep and under her for the night' he thought before relaxing, causing Tia to hold him tighter. (Next Afternoon) Jason was working on the top floor, his stallion friends along with Melting Point and Iron Wind were helping, Trixn Works was still in hospital. Jason was walking around with a slight limp which his friends asked about but he just said it was worth it with a chuckle. So now he was adding insulation to the floor before adding the cabling followed by floor boards, the process was tedious as Jason had been working on it since 6am, when Tia got him up for breakfast at 5am, he was happy to be able to use power tools as he was a mile and a half from Ponyville so he didn't disturbvany one. Around 10 am his stallion friends arrived, apparently Pierce was with Pinkie, Comet was With Twilight, Thunder with Rarity and Soarin with AppleJack, this surprised him but he was happy to not have as many mares chasing him, the majority of his stallion friends were helping bring up his tools, supplies or hammering floor boards, Twilight web to apologize but Jason simply said he was a dick and apologize even though he said he was still right and she agreed. "Mother fucking piece of fucking shit bags" Jason growled as he managed to nail his pants leg to the floor, missing his flesh. He sat there glaring at his pants before ripping it just as Rarity walked in with a pot of tea, said tea shattered on the enchanted wood, which was made to be waterproof for obvious reasons. "What the hay are you doing?" She asked as he looked down at his jeans to see a massive hole missing from the lower leg, that was attacked to the floor. "I buggered so I torn my pants, no biggy" he shrugged. "Yes Biggy, your a Prince, you must look respectable" she said grabbing his hand and dragging him out of the room. "THUNDER SAVE ME FROM YOUR FUCKING GIRLFRIEND!"Jason shouted. > Chapter 22 - Sickness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a solid week of working as Jason stepped outside of his new home with a beer in hand and paint seeping into his pants and shirt. He was glad Rarity wasn't here as Jason was pretty sure the Mare would have a heart attack at his current state. The thought made Jason sigh as he sat down on an outdoor chair and relaxed. He had torn his top a few hours earlier, along with his pants in a few places. He looked to the setting sun as he popped off the lid of his drink and took a swig, recoiling at the strong bitter taste. "What the fuck did they change the recipe?" he frowned before shrugging and taking another swig as he leant back against the chair.  "Wonder how long before I have to be dragged off somewhere to do something that I had no prior knowledge of?" He asked himself as he sipped his drink and looked back at the completed house and smiled. "Probably would have gotten this finished a couple days ago" He said as he rolled his eyes. "Still got to move all the furniture in" he groaned as he took a large sip of his drink. Several minutes went passed as Jason relaxed in the warm fading sunlight, slowly falling asleep when suddenly a soft pop was heard behind him. "Okay Jason are you ready?" Jason heard Luna asked as he sat up with a sharp inhale while fighting his desire to sleep. "Ready for what?" Jason asked as he looked back at her to see she was wearing a beautiful ebony dress that simmered faintly making it look like the Night sky. The left side of her dress was split from the bottom all the way to her side hips, revealing her cutiemark. From her waist the dress split into two parts which just covered her breasts and looked over her shoulders while leaving her breasts were still quite visible. The mare was currently putting platinum earrings as she walked over to Jason. The sight of the attire made Jason a little uneasy about her going out in it. "The meeting with the Royal Ball we were invited to in Prance" Luna explained as Jason frowned. "Tia didn't tell you?" Luna asked as Jason shook his head, making the mare grumble.  "How much time do I have before we leave?" Jason asked. "An hour" Luna replied as Jason got up and peeled off his ruined top. "Alright what's the dress code?" Jason asked. "Cocktail" Luna replied with a smile as Jason nodded. "Alright Well I'll get ready" He said causing the Mare to kiss him softly. "Thank you darling" she said happily as she teleported the pair back to her tower in Canterlot. "I just need to go see Tia to see if she is ready yet." Luna explained as she teleported away, leaving Jason alone.  "Well she looks delightful" a familiar voice stated as a Hooded figure appeared out of thin air sitting on the edge of Luna's bed. "Though I take it you are less than impressed?" Adrian asked. "I mean I don't know if I should be or not… I fucking am because one wrong move and her breasts are suddenly free for everyone to enjoy but at the same time I don't want to seem like I'm overstepping my boundaries or anything." Jason explained with a heated tone as he rubbed his eyes. "Well if you are so worried about everyone looking at her in a lustful manner then why not just tell her?" Adrian asked as Jason sighed. "I don't know, I don't want her to get upset because I feel insecure about the stability of this relationship." Jason explained as he crossed his arms and leant against Luna's desk.  "Why do you feel insecure about its stability?" Adrian asked as Jason sighed again. "Because I don't like the concept of Polygamy, and the whole herd mentality shits me cause I don't have time to spend with everyone on top of trying to work, having alone time and fucking fighting… like my anxiety goes fucking nuts when I am with one girl so you can fucking imagine how it's doing with 9 girls… oh sorry 7 girls seeing Snow and Solar broke it off with me due to be not being able to give them enough of my time… so yea I'm a little fucking insecure" Jason growled as Adrian put up his hands. "I only asked" Adrain replied. "Why not just talk to her about it then?" A drain asked as Jason sighed. "Cause honestly… and I feel like a cunt for feeling this way… I am not totally unhappy with the fact of this relationship ending" Jason explained as Adrain cocked his head. "Hear me out, I don't want to lose the girls but honestly all the training and other shit I'm doing is leaving me tired and leaving me not much energy to anything really… and I feel like it's unfair on them" Jason explained as he sighed. "This is fair but is it the only reason why?" Adrian asked as Jason shrugged. "I honestly don't know, I haven't actually had the brain power to focus on it with the chaos of late… look if somehow I can get some help with the overlords then it would leave me more time for this relationship." Jason explained as Adrian nodded. "Alright, I'll look into it but first go shower." A drain advised before he vanished into thin air.  "Yea probably should get ready" Jason muttered as he entered the bathroom and undid his damaged jeans. "Need a hand?" A soft sultry voice asked, causing Jason to turn and look behind him only to see Celestia leaning against the door frame with a soft smile on her face. She was dressed in a gold dress that was knee length. It hugged her form well, almost pushing up her breasts a bit. "How long have you been here?" Jason asked with a warm smile. "Long enough" She replied with a soft sad smile. "It was confusing at first to see you talking to yourself but a quick spell later and I got both sides." She explained as she walked over to Jason. "Sorry I didn't tell you but I…" Jason started before Celestia stopped him as she placed her finger against his lips. "It is quite alright, we are allowed our secrets. We are not married" Celestia explained with a soft smile as Jason could smell her intoxicating perfume. "True… but still I should have talked to you about my insecurities about the herd" Jason explained with a sigh as Celestia lifted his head and kissed his lips softly. "It's understandable, most stallions don't have to deal with saving the world on top of working and keeping his mare satisfied… and you are also not a stallion so it is a bit more alien." She said in a soft silvery tone as Jason felt her fingers exploring his back as she leant against him. Jason was about to reply when a soft pop was heard from behind Celestia, causing her ears to prick up. "Jason, I couldn't find Tia so I have come to see how you're…" Luna started before stopping as she saw Celestia cuddling Jason. "Is there something I am missing?" She asked In a concerned tone of voice. "I shall explain it to you while Jason gets ready" Celestia said as she turned and looked at Luna with a raised eyebrow. "Hmmm who are you trying to impress tonight?" Tia teased as Luna blushed brightly. "No-noone I just want to look nice." Luna started as Jason looked between them to see Celestia smirk slowly turn into a glare. Luna relented and sighed. "This is the first time I am out properly for something political and I just want to leave a decent impression of being as divine as you in multiple ways." Luna explained as she pointed towards Celestia. "Luna you look divine in general, fuck I had to out do myself tonight just to keep up." Tia complimented as she took Luna's hands in hers and smiled warmly as Jason raised an eyebrow at Tia swearing. "I just don't want people to get the wrong impression of you" Tia added as Jason turned on the shower.  "Thank you sister." Luna said as the pair hugged.  "I'm glad you to didn't end up fighting." Jason said with a smile as he noticed his beer was missing which made him frown. "Yes I agree, now how about we leave Jason to get ready?" Tia said, gaining a nod from Luna before the pair teleported away.  "Holy shit, will I actually have a shower without someone joining me for once?" Jason asked with a smirk as he undid his pants. "You forgot this." Jason heard Adrian say, causing the man to jump and nearly slip. "Sorry, your drink is on the counter." Jason heard Adrian say. "Mother fucker" Jason growled as he placed his hand over his heart and glared at the alcoholic beverage. Jason grabbed the drink while muttering under his breath before taking a swig of his beer. He choked slightly as he did and glared at the drink.  "Yep not buying this brand again." He growled as he took another sip. "Well it's kinda growing on me." He shrugged. (10 minutes later)  Jason had stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist as he placed the empty beer bottle on the counter. "Fuck I missed not sharing a shower." Jason chuckled to himself as he suddenly watched a pair of ebony arms wrap around his torso.  "I see how it is." Moon said as she placed her head on top of his.  "Okay let me rephrase that… I missed not sharing a shower with two Alicorns or mares at a time." Jason explained as Moon giggled and ran her fingers across his exposed chest, tracing the scarring on his chest.  Jason could see her frown as her fingers traced the cross scars on his chest. As her hands met at the cross section, Jason took her hands in his and squeezed them. "I'm still sorry about you getting hurt for me" She said quietly making Jason smile and sigh. "Its alright Moon, no need to be sorry for something that is in the past." Jason replied as he held her hands.  "I don't agree" she replied as she squeezed his hands in return before pulling her hands away. "You better get ready." She said as she kissed his cheek and leant against the counter. She was dressed in her pajamas. "Right. What about you? Why aren't you getting ready?" Jason asked as he crossed his arms and leant against the counter with a smirk. "Cause buck that, I only dress up for a select few reasons and people and besides I wasn't invited" Moon explained with a huff. "So if you were invited you would dress up?" Jason asked as Moon shrugged.  "Maybe but not to the same extent as those two." Moon explained as she slide closer to Jason and wrapped her wing around him. "But still enough to keep your eyes on me" she teased as her slitted eyes locked with Jason's. "Well how about this, in a week or two I take you out somewhere nice of your choice?" Jason offered, gaining an intrigued look. "Just you and me?" She asked. "Yep just the two of us." He said as the mare moved from the counter before leaning against the man, pinning him against the counter. "Anywhere I desire? Even if it is not an actual civilized place?" She asked. "Anywhere." Jason reassured with a warm smile gaining a wicked grin from Moon. "I guess I can live with that." Moon stated as she placed her hand on the man's cheek and kissed him softly. "It's a date."  "Yes it is." Jason replied with a chuckle as the mare hugged him close before freeing him. "Alright well I better let you get ready… I'll see you when you get back darling." Moon said with a smile before she shared another kiss with the man before she teleported away.  The moment she vanished Jason gave a sigh followed by an uncomfortable groan as he rubbed his chest. "Okay that's not normal" he groaned as his breathing became ragged while he clutched his heart. "Just… breath." Jason said as he forced himself to take deep breaths as he used the counter for support. After a few moments the pain subsided, letting Jason breath normally.  "What the actual fuck?" He asked himself as he grabbed the beer bottle and exited the bathroom. As he entered the bedroom, he placed the bottle in a bin and went to a dresser, ignoring the oncoming headache. "Great fucking start to this evening." He growled as he pulled out a pair of black dress pants, a white singlet, socks and boxers, which he tossed onto the bed.  "Okay now just need a top… but… Fuck sake" Jason muttered before stopping as he placed a hand against his forehead, feeling the headache quickly grow in intensity. "What the actual fuck?" He growled as he walked over to the bin, pulled out the beer bottle and gave it a sniff. He gave a frown as he pulled the bottle away.  "I don't know what I expected… it smells like beer." He grumbled as he put it back into the bin. "Fuck sake… Alright just need to deal with this shit for a couple hours." He groaned as he went into the walk in wardrobe, moved to the end, passed Luna's clothes to find his gear. "Alright focus, I need something that looks nice but won't cause cunts to try and talk to me." He muttered as he looked at the tops, his eyes lingering on a black dress shirt that had a short phrase on the front. "Fuck off." Jason said as he read the phrase out loud.  "Nah Luna and Celestia would murder me or lecture me which with this headache would be fucking murder." He groaned as he rolled his eyes. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and reached into the multiple shirts, grabbed and random one and pulled it out.  He opened his eyes and cocked an eyebrow at the hot pink dress shirt. "forgot I had this… Fuck it." He said with a shrug as he also grabbed a black jacket before exiting the wardrobe. As he stepped out he was struck with a have of dizziness, forcing him to use the doorway as a brace to stop himself from collapsing. "That isnt good." He groaned as the world began spinning for him.  "Yea… something is definitely wrong." Jason groaned as he waited for the world to stop spinning before he walked over to the bed and began to get ready. As he got dressed, he tucked his shirt into his pants and cursed quietly under his breath. " Forgot a belt" he muttered before looking towards the wardrobe.  He saw a black belt at the far end of it and held out his hand to use his magic to grab it. To Jason's surprise and slight horror, he watched the energy around his hand flicker for a few moments before dissipating. "No no no please don't tell me…" he said panicking slightly as he focused on grabbing the belt in his magic.  The purple and red aura formed weakly around his hand as he focused only for his concentration to break as his headache got worse. "Shit this is not good." He said panting slightly. "One more try."  Jason took a deep breath as he reached out with his hand, focusing all his magic on simply moving the belt. His mind burned with pain as Jason bit down on his lip and pushed through it. After a few long seconds of pain, the belt came fly into Jason's hand. Once the belt was acquired Jason panted as sweat coated his brow while the familiar taste of blood filled his mouth. "Great I've bitten open my lip." Jason said as he rolled his eyes. "One thing after another." He groaned as he pulled on his belt and tightened it appropriately before he went to collect his shoes. "I think I'm gonna have to give tonight a rain check… Luna shouldn't mind once I explain." Jason said to himself as he grabbed his shoes, sat down on the floor and put them on. After a few minutes of sitting on the ground, Jason only felt worse and worse before he used the wall next to him to get himself to his feet. As he managed to get a good footing the door opened to reveal Luna, who gave Jason a curious look. "That's an interesting choice darling." Luna said as she walked over to Jason, her horn flaring and summoning a tie. "Though I recommend a tie at the very least." Luna suggested as she approached him and wrapped the accessory around the man's neck. "Luna I don't think I'll be able to go tonight." Jason explained causing the Mare to stop and look at him confused. "Wait what? Why?." She asked frowning. "I feel like shit, I feel dizzy, I have a horrendous headache and o feel like I'm about to vomit and my…" Jason was explaining before Luna cut him off. "So you are tell me that suddenly you feel sick… For the first time since you came here on the night which I asked you to come with me to something really important for me?!" Luna said raising her voice, making the man flinch.  "Luna I don't know what to say, it just came on so suddenly and I think something is…" Jason tried to explain but Luna cut him off again. "You know what I think? I think you just don't want to go and instead of just telling me, you are giving me a bullshit excuse!" Luna shouted as she crossed her arms. "I Thought you were decent enough to at least tell me the truth." She said as Jason jason looked at her in shock. "if you had an issue with the dress, then you should have told me I could have changed clothes but nooo you thought using a childish excuse would be a better idea." Luna continued to shout.  "Luna…" Jason tried to cut in. "I don't want to hear it, Tia and I are going because I don't feel like dealing with you and more bullshit right now." Luna said as she stepped away from Jason. "I Don't care if you are here or not when I get back." Luna said as she teleported away before Jason could stop her. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Jason growled as his head pulsed with pain. "Where is my ph...phone." Jason said as he felt a wave of dizziness overtake him, forcing him to brace himself against the wall. "Of course when I need my body to be shitty it isn't… " Jason groaned as he heard a familiar voice behind him. "Jason, I wanted to… are you okay?" Jason heard Adrian say before he felt his stomach tighten. "No I'm not… I don't know what's wrong." Jason said as his body screamed at him. "Give me a second." Adrian said as Jason felt static surrounding his body. "Oh well that seams to be the problem." Adrian muttered as the static vanished.  "What's wrong?" Jason asked as he looked back at Adrian. "Oh well you have been poisoned." He explained. "Fucking wonderful." Jason groaned "can you get rid of it?" Jason asked. "I would but someone seems to be sustaining it with Magic." Adrian explained. "Of course there is… where?" Jason asked as he pushed himself off the wall.  "Jason you are in no condition to fight." Adrian said as Jason shrugged. "No one else is gonna help me with this so I might as well do it." Jason explained, gaining a nod from Adrian. "Alright, well I can give you a booster so you can use your magic but it will be limited." He explained, gaining a nod from Jason. "Alright, let's do this." Jason said as Adrian placed his hand on Jason's shoulder before the pair teleported away. (Deep within Evergreen forest)  Jason collapsed hard against the rough gravel, doing his best not to be sick as Adrian scanned the area. "Okay still hate that shit." "Come on, you don't have long before you pass out." Adrian explained as he pulled Jason to his feet. " Here let me…" Adrian started before both men heard a noise ahead of them. Adrian had barely a second to react before he found himself being shoved out of the way as Jason braced himself against a fiery blast, that seemed to incinerate the area around him and level several trees. " You idiot I can't be…" Adrian lectured as he looked back only to stop upon seeing the smoke clear, revealing Jason holding up a thin cracked magical barrier that was steaming.  Blood was beginning to leak from his nostril as he panted from exertion. Adrian got to his feet moments before a second fiery explosion slammed into Jason.  However instead of withstanding the blast a second time, the barrier shattered, sending Jason flying backwards about fifteen feet. "This is the magnificent Jason Winter… kinda disappointing." A feminine voice said in a mocking tone of voice. As the smoke cleared, Adrian saw the cracked charcoal skinned being step over the burning forest with a wide smirk on her face. Her burning red eyes focused solely on Jason as burning spheres of energy formed around her hands.  She stood about 5 foot 5 inches, thin build with robes covering her form. Her bleached white hair was tied back in a ponytail as she prepared to hurl another fire blast.  To the surprise of both the Overlord and Adrian, the fiery energy suddenly shifted to a purple colour seconds before detonating on the Overlord. "Holy shit… you cunts can't just leave me alone." Jason said as he pushed himself up out of the rubble. His shirt almost non-existent, his arms and chest bright red and blistering from the blast. His body was covered in cuts and protruding wood shards. "There's the fire!" The Overlord laughed out as the smoke vanished from her, revealing that she was relatively undamaged. "But you need to do better." She teased as Jason sighed. "No chance you wanna settle this like adults?." Jason asked as the Overlord shook her head. "How about like ponies?" Jason asked only to get an odd look from the Overlord. "I don't follow." She replied as Jason rolled his eyes.  "You know fuck?" Jason said. "Look you are cute but it be kinda weird fucking my boss's great grandson." She replied. "Wait what?" Jason asked confused. "Ariana! Stop fooling around and kill him before the Posion wears off!" The pair heard callout out from behind the Overlord, causing her to growl and look behind her angrily.  "Fuck off Gardon, I am talking here!" She shouted back behind her. "Less talking, more killing!" Gardon shouted back causing Ariana to roll her eyes. "Ducking assholes, well I'm sorry but our talk will have to end…" Ariana said as she turned to face Jason, only to see that he had vanished. "Motherfucker… I'm never gonna hear the fucking end of this." She growled to herself. > Chapter 23 - Manus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Alright that was too close for comfort" Adrian said as he gently sat Jason down against a cliff face before checking around him. "Looks like we should be alright for now." Adrian said with a sigh of relief as Jason grumbled under his voice. "Let me have a look at you." Adrian said as he knelt down in front of Jason and inspected the young man's wounds. "This is not good," Adrian said, concerned before rifling through his pockets.  "I can believe her… for no fucking reason… It doesn't make any sense…" Jason muttered with a look of anger gaining a curious look from Adrian. "What's wrong?" Adrian asked as he opened one of the bottles and dipped his index and middle finger into the bottle. He dragged his fingers through the contents before pulling them free, coated in a substance resembling grease.  "Luna cracked the shits at me cause I got poisoned." Jason growled as he gave a curious look to the substance that Adrian was rubbing between his hands as he used his magic to hold the bottle. "Did she know you were poisoned?" Adrian asked as he gently took Jason's arm in his hands and began to apply the substance. "I don't think so but she didn't even check with he… ow." Jason explained before flinching as Adrian accidentally pressed too hard on one spot. "Sorry, hey remember what you told me. Maybe she is feeling something similar… or maybe She just sees you as an accessory to be paraded around?." Adrian said, causing Jason to frown and look off to the forest. "No she isn't like that." Jason said before wincing again as Adrian started on Jason's other arm. "Are you so sure about that?" Adrian asked. Before Jason could answer, Adrian cut him off. "You have only known her for four years in her thousands of years she has been alive. She is going to outlive you and knows it so why would she get attached to you?." Adrian added. "But… no she…" Jason started only for Adrian to cut him off again.  "She what? She loves you? Please imagine how many have said that line about her and Celestia." Adrian added not gaining a response from Jason. " Alright anyway so I need you to drink this, it's a strong painkiller and it will render you unconscious." Adrian explained as he offered a vial of blue liquid.   "What ever." Jason muttered as he took the vial, popped the lid off before downing the liquid. As he felt the freezing liquid move down his throat, spreading a wave of relaxation through his body. The pain in his body slowly numbed until Jason had to focus to actually feel it while the effects of the poison faded into white noise.  "Fuck that is some… potent stuff." Jason said as he slowly began to lose consciousness. "Yes it is, rest now and when you wake, you will feel better." Adrian explained, gaining a nod from Jason before the man passed out. Once unconscious Adrian gave a sigh of relief before picking Jason up and putting him over his shoulder. "Now for the fun part." Adrian muttered before teleporting away. (Overlord base.) "So you understand now why you fucked up Ariana?" A large muscular male Overlord explained as he stood cross armed before Ariana. "Yes I understand that I fucked up our possible only chance to kill Jason, but honestly it's not my fault… You told me he couldn't use magic while afflicted by the poison and yet he used a barrier, exploded my charging fire blast and teleported away!" Ariana replied with a hiss to the larger Overlord. "What would Lord Darius say if he were here?" The large Overlord asked as he shook his head. "I would thank her for not fucking up my plan." Adrian said as he appeared between the pair carrying Jason. The sudden appearance made both Overlords jump back in surprise. "Where can I stick Jason? I have some work to do." Adrian said as the Overlords glanced between each other. "I don't understand my Lord?." The male Overlord said. "It's simple Gardon, I intend to do something very specific to this young man in order to break his spirit So I require a place to put him while I get ready." Adrian explained. "I can show you to the Infirmary my Lord." Ariana offered, gaining a nod from the hooded man. "Wonderful, lead the way." Adrian said, causing Ariana to nod and begin leading him out of the room and to another on the opposite side of the base. "My Lord, I am curious as to why you haven't just killed him?" Ariana asked as the pair walked. "Simple really, I wish to destroy every relationship he has made in this world by filling him with doubt towards those he loves. When I am done, I shall be the only one he can trust and then I shall kill him and watch the look of betrayal wash over him." Adrian explained with a sinister chuckle.  "Oh and how are you going to make him feel doubt?" Ariana asked.  "Simple, I controlled Luna and made her have a random outburst at him. And when she had finished and left him alone, I quickly modified her memory so that she now believes she had put her sick lover to bed and that nothing bad had happened." Adrian explained before taking a breath and continuing. "I now intend to heal him completely so that no scarring of tonight remains and then return him home to his bed only Luna to wake him to check on him, possibly resulting in a harsh backlash from Jason, thus destroying that relationship and damaging the rest of his." Adrian explained as Ariana gave an unsure look. "Right, so I know I may sound a bit odd but why not just kill him now while you have the chance and get it done and dusted?" She asked, gaming a chuckle from Adrian. "Oh you fool, where is the fun in that?" He asked her as they reached the Infirmary. "I require some things to prepare so I need some assistance collecting them." Adrian explained as he laid Jason down on a bed.  "Of course my Lord." Ariana replied before the pair left the room, leaving Jason alone.  (Dream realm) Jason was standing in what appeared to be an endless void in any direction with the occasional swirl of colour. Above him appeared to be a vast display of constellations while beneath him appeared the same. "Okay this is kinda trippy." Jason muttered to himself. "Yes I guess it would be." Jason heard A deep, gruff somewhat familiar voice say from around him. The voice seemed to echo around him with no visible point of origin. "And who is this?" Jason asked, concerned as he continued to look around. "My name is Manus… I am your father's godfather." The voice said as Jason noticed a tanned skinned man had materialised out of the ether. He had bright glowing violet eyes and hair that didn't seem to stay the same colour for more than a couple seconds. "He wished for me to protect you and your siblings from this but unfortunately Darius got to you first, which I apologize for." Manus said as he gave a short bow. "Darius?" Jason asked confused. "He is the one using the name of your grandfather Adrian." Manus explained. "Wait grandfather… I thought Adrian was my dad?" He asked. "No, he is your dad's dad and the only reason he thinks you are his son was the fact that your father changed his name from Jason to Sean a few centuries before you were born." Manus explained as Jason looked at him shocked. "A few centuries?" Jason asked while a bit shocked. "Indeed, your father had the same life span of his mother." Manus explained. "So there isn't any difference in time between here and my world?" Jason asked. "No unfortunately." Manus explained with a sad smile. "Fucking… alright fine. Why did dad call me Jason? Was I meant to be some kind of scapegoat or some shit?" Jason asked, visibly angry as Manus shook his head. "Far from it… in all honesty he simply forgot about this world, which is why he didn't warn you about it… hell he was waiting until Jamie had reached the age of 21 before telling him that he would age a lot slower but as you know he passed away shortly before then." Manus explained gaining a soft chuckle from Jason. "What?"  "Sorry… just happy those three idiots are still related to me." Jason said with a soft smile. "And I'm also happy that Sean is actually my father and I'm not some famous hero who I am meant to live up to." Jason said with a sad smile as he crossed his arms. "You seem to be taking this better than I expected." Manus said in a surprised tone. "Oh I am not taking any of this well, I just get the feeling that this is not the best point in time to have a panic attack involving this information." Jason explained as he looked to Manus. "You would be correct, you are currently being held within a Overlord Stronghold, surrounded by roughly seventy or more Overlords of varying power. Your power is still restricted, the Overlords have discovered the location of someone who can nullify their ability to possess people. Darius has possessed Luna and Celestia and is trying to destroy your relationships so he can break you and possibly he is intending to to murder your siblings in order to hurt you more." Manus explained to Jason, who was attempting to keep a straight face. This failed as his eye was twitching and a strangled noise came from him.  "Is that all?" Jason forced out. "No, your lover Celestia is pregnant with someone else's child." Manus added casually while Jason's eye twitched. "Hold the fuck on! What the fuck?!... no shit focus Jason… but why? Who?" Jason asked before shaking his head and patting his cheeks. "Okay no don't answer that, one step at a fucking time. How soon will the Overlords make a move against my family or the nulifying person?" Jason asked. "They will attack your family in the next few days while attacking the, as you put it, Nullifying person in a few months." Manus explained. "Right right… right and I'll need that person to free Luna and Tia… so I'll need to have my power unrestricted in order to break out, then I go free the person who will in turn help Luna and Celestia and then I either kill the Overlords attacking Amelia, Luke and Jamie or I somehow bring them here…" Jason was explaining to himself before trailing off. "...how the fuck am I gonna bring them here? Fuck it, a problem for future Jason." Jason added before he looked to Manus. "Can you remove the restrictions?" Jason asked. "You sure you want me to? You seem to have just met me." Manus explained. "You haven't given me a reason to not trust you and I just have a good feeling about you." Jason explained, gaining a nod of approval from Jason. "I can regret it later if I'm wrong, i've got to save my Luna, even if she is pissy with me." Jason added quietly.  "Alright well first I shall wake you up before removing the restrictions on your power." Manus explained as Jason gave a thumbs up. As he did the world around Jason began to collapse.  (Real world) Jason awoke suddenly and immediately cringed at the surge of burning pain on his arms and chest. "Cuuuuuunt" he growled as he remembered why he was unconscious as he curled up slightly on the bed he was in.  "Are you alright?" Manus asked as he appeared next to Jason, making the man roll his eyes. "Fucking peachy… any chance you can numb this…" Jason was asking before Manus waved his hand, sending a rippled of translucent purple energy over Jason's skin. As it passed over his skin, the burns, cuts and a majority of the smaller scars fell away like smoke. "... well shit. That works too." Jason said as he sat up and cocked an eyebrow. " Holy shit, you even got rid of that back pain I had from Sword Dance." Jason muttered. "So are you ready?" Manus asked the distracted man. "Not really but I don't have a choice." Jason said as he got to his feet. "Let's mess this joint up." Jason said coldly.  Manus nodded as he reached forward and pressed his finger tips against Jason's chest. A faint Amber glow seemed to resonate from them along with some steam as Manus slowly pressed them into Jason's skin. Jason was concerned about this and the fact he couldn't feel what Manus was doing at all. Jason however did feel a surge of discomfort as Manus' entire hand vanished into his chest.  He could feel his heart beating harder as his breathing became difficult. "M-Manus?" Jason crocked out only for the discomfort to vanish as Manus withdrew his hand, clutching a series of silver nails that seemed to be connected with steel webbing. "Holy shit! That was in me?" Jason asked with a mixture of amazement and concern.  "Yea, this was restricting your power." Manus said as he discarded the device. "Holy fuck… That's crazy" Jason said as he gazed at the device before looking back to Manus. "What now?" Jason asked. "We must leave before Darius finds out and comes to kill you." Manus said as his hands began to faintly glow. "Wait." Jason said as he placed his hand onto one of Manus' "I have another idea, this will probably be my best chance to kill him." Jason said as he got to his feet, staggering slightly but catching himself against his new companion. "That isn't wise Jason, he will most likely kill you as he knows your combat abilities." Manus said as Jason looked to him with a wavering glance. "Let's free you partners from Overlord control and then you can gain in power before facing him once again." Manus explained while looking to Jason, who had looked off to the side and had stared off for a few seconds before looking back at Manus with determination.  He pushed himself off of Manus gently and began striding towards the door. "Jason what are you doing?" Manus asked Jason, causing him to stop as he reached the door. The man took a deep breath as he placed his hand on the door handle. "And what if they were under his control before I even got here?" Jason asked, gaining a confused look from Manus. "What's to say that they will hold any feeling for me when this is finished and Darius' control is removed?" Jason asked as Manus watched him silently. "I want to try my best to kill him here and now so I don't have to get the only family I have left dragged into this bullshit… I had hoped to be able to return home to them when I thought not much time had passed for them but…" Jason was explaining only to stop briefly to sigh. "I'm going to kill Darius with or without your help Manus." Jason said as he pushed the door open and looked out the door. He saw he was at the end of a short hallway..  "Alright then, here take my hand.” Manus said as he offered his hand to Jason. “Why?” Jason asked with a raised eyebrow. “A show of good faith that i am on your side.” Manus said with a comforting smile, causing Jason to nod and take his hand. As their hands locked, two glowing lines arcane text spread up his arm, coiling in opposite directions to each other. The text glowed white hot before fading away, leaving no trace.  “What the hell was that?” Jason asked. “It will boost your Summoning and dark magic magic, so use it well.” Manus said before he vanished out of sight. Once he had vanished, Jason glanced at his arm before he looked down the hallway at a large wood door. “Better get this shit over and done with.” Jason said as he placed his palms together and focused his magic. This action caused a white glow to surround him briefly before vanishing. “Hopefully this spell works and they can no longer detect me but gotta move before they investigate me missing.” Jason muttered to himself before he began down the hallway. > Chapter 24 - Jason Vs Darius > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taking a deep breath, the brunette man placed his hand upon the handle of the door. He flinched for a fleeting moment as a pulse of doubt struck the confidence he held moments earlier. The Man steeled himself against a newly swelling sensation of fear and self doubt as he tore the door open towards him and thrusted himself forwards. Without looking, the man lowered himself to a stable crouched position as he focused his magic around his arms. As he landed, he swiftly scanned his surroundings for possible enemies only to see an empty room which was just larger than a basketball court. The room was decorated with several beds, foot lockers and a few tables littered with cards and dust covered personal belongings. The man rose to a standing stance before he began moving into the room, looking around incase of a possible trap as purplish red energy continued to cascade down his arms and dematerialize shortly after falling from his fingertips. Multicoloured energy occasionally flared off of his arms as he reached the middle of the room, where he stopped by one of the tables to inspect the abandoned belongings. He scanned the mess of items as he pushed the sensation of pins and needles in his arms as they continued to burn away, illuminating his surroundings in deep maroon hue. The man’s searching soon ended upon seeing an old faded picture caked in dust, he moved his hand and plucked the picture up to inspect it as his magical aura seemed to sear it around his touch. The picture was of a elderly ginger Unicorn stallion whose smile brought one to Jason’s face. The smile of the unicorn was also mirrored on a young muscular ebony pegasus mare who was standing next to the stallion in a wonderbolt uniform. The mare had a leather bracelet around her left arm that seemed to be decorated with red and yellow bands of fabric.  After a few lingering moments of silence, Jason discarded the now smoldering photo back onto the table and spied another door nearby which he approached. As he approached the door, he could faintly hear the crackle of fire behind him which he ignored as he moved through the door.  As he pushed the door open, he felt the door being forced back at him for a second before the door was blasted backwards, sending the man back several feet onto his back. The door crashed into the now burning table nearly bent in half while chunks of wood and debris from around the door crashed around Jason. Smoke and disturbed dust quickly filled the air as Jason strained to look through it at the door. As he stared he saw a sudden flash of light making the man quickly move to the side as a brillant blue beam pierced through the haze and struck the ground where he just laid. Even five feet away from the beam, Jason could still feel the incredible heat from the attack. Jason quickly pushed himself to his feet and partially closed his off hand while shifting his right side forward before he thrusted his off hand forward. As his hand passed the man’s head, he glanced at the swirling mass of energy in the palm of his hand. A burned skinned man stepped through the smoke with a yellowed grin while looking around the destruction. He did get to react as Jason thrusted his left hand forward towards the being, sending the orb of energy towards the Overlord. The orb distorted the area around it as it rushed forward with incredible speed, striking the Overlord in the side of his neck before it expanded over ten fold, encasing the majority of the Overlord briefly before it detonated. Jason did his best to quickly brace himself as a blinding crimson light and a burning gale force winds struck him followed by a deafening boom and a wave of pressure that would easily alert the entire base and nearly took Jason off his feet. After taking a second to compose himself, Jason pushed forward and passed the charred remains of the Overlord that had tried to stop him. The floor, ceiling and walls around where he had been standing looked as if a six foot sphere had been removed from existence with only a thin layer of blue crystal in the crater. “Definitely a powerup” Jason said with a smile as he stepped through the hole that was moments ago a doorway. As the man stepped out, he noticed a flash of blue light to his left, making him step backwards just as a volley of crossbow bolts, bolts of lightning and a stray acidic arrow. As Jason turned towards his attackers, he formed the attack once again in both hands and flung them down the hallway. He saw his opponents a mere moment before launching his attack towards them. They were roughly sixty feet away from him and consisted of a pair of archers, several swordsmen and a pair of casters.   Jason’s attack closed the distance in a few seconds, allowing the Overlords to either dodge or attempt to block the strikes. The closest caster raised a protective barrier in front of him as the first destructive orb missed it by nanometres and struck one of the archers as he was reloading. The orb slammed into the archer’s sternum and distorted it for a moment before expanding.  The second one hit the Caster Overlord’s barrier and to her horror the 6 inch sphere ripped through the barrier and barely slowed before it sailed past her into the other caster in the cheek before expanding. The hallway was quickly filled with crimson light, any noise the overlords made during the attack were completely silenced from the two explosions. Jason looked behind him to see the other end of the hallway was blocked by debris.  “So there is only one way… that makes it easy” Jason muttered as he approached the smoke filled section of the hallway. As he grew closer to the area where the Overlords once stood, the smoke had started to settle. Striding through the settling smoke, Jason gave the briefest glance at the smoldering, partially crystalized remains of the Overlords before he continued onwards. After almost a minute of walking down the hallway, Jason came to a stop.  “This is weird.” Jason muttered as he looked behind him only to see the carnage of his previous enemies hadn’t moved more than twenty feet. “Well isn’t that fantastic” Jason grumbled before looking forward, only to see a solid wall in place of the hallway he was walking down. “Oh hell no” Jason said as he moved backwards about twenty feet before he charged up a destructive orb in his hand. “I am not playing these games” Jason said as he flung the orb towards the wall and braced himself for the explosion. To the man’s surprise, the orb phased through the wall without leaving any damage. “Ahhh excuse fucking me?” Jason said with a frown before he kneels down and picks up a small group of  half inch sized stones. While keeping his eyes on the wall, he took a few steps away from it and got himself into a pitching stand.  Taking a deep breath, Jason threw one of the stones into the wall with as much force as he could muster. The rock took less than a second to strike the wall with an incredible amount of force, rending the stone to fragments and dust while the wall appeared undamaged. “Alright so that didn’t get absorbed by it” Jason muttered to himself as he briefly glanced at the damaged walls and floors around him before returning his gaze to the wall. To his shock, the wall had moved to less than a foot away from him, causing him to leap backwards. “Holy shit, easy there peanut” Jason mocked as he focused his magic into the remaining stones in his hand. “Let’s see how you deal with this!” Jason declared loudly as he pitched the dozen magically infused stones at the wall at great speed.  The rocks reached their target almost instantly, where the wall seemed to engulf them a second before the sound of rocks shattering behind it. Nothing else seemed to happen for the next few seconds before the wall faded away, allowing a shredded corpse to collapse forward onto the floor. Jason gave a smirk as he could see a dozen holes on the far wall behind where the fake wall was.  “So that is what someone looks like after being hit by a burst of gunfire” Jason said with a raised eyebrow as he stepped over the viscal remains of the magic casting Overlord, scooping up several dozen stones of similar sizes and putting them into his pockets.  Shortly after collecting a fair amount of rocks, he proceeded down the hallway where he found a single door on his right. “Alright let's rock” Jason said as he pulled five rocks out of his pocket and channeled magic into them while his free hand opened the door. As his left hand pushed open the door. The door resisted for a few moments before it suddenly yanked itself back away from him, revealing a large courtyard flanked on all sides by barricaded doors. The courtyard appeared to be an overgrown garden with a single bone white tree in the middle of it. Standing before the tree was a single individual who Jason recognized as the one he thought was Adrian. The Master Overlord was staring at the man with a disappointed look upon his face. “Is there anything I can possibly say to convince you to join me?” Darius asked with a dejected tone of voice. “No… not really, you kind of burnt that boat when you tried to manipulate and turn people against me.” Jason said as he lowered himself slightly and drew several stones from his pocket. Darius gave a sigh as he rubbed his chin and nodded. “Alright, I guess it's time to die Jason.” Darius stated as a radiant golden light surrounded his hands. “Any last words?” He asked as he took a step towards Jason. “Catch.” Jason replied as he launched the magical stones at Darius, who quickly put up a barrier to protect himself with a golden wall. The barrier cracked under the blast of stone, creating a cloud of dust and obscuring the Overlord’s view. Darius released the shield and sent a ripple of wind from his hands to disperse the cloud just to reveal Jason had closed the distance armed with a black metal spear.  Jason stopped before Darius and thrusted the blackened spear forward only for Darius to sidestep. As he did, the Overlord raised his hands above his head before pulling them down over the front of his body, creating an ethereal armour over his entire body. As the armour materialised, Darius appeared to move with less resistance through the air. A wicked smile formed on Jason’s opponent as he reached out his hand. “I have trained you well my boy.” He stated as a golden gaun dao appeared in his hand with a flash of light. “Though i had the wisdom to not teach you everything” He added as he twirled the pole arm in his hands before taking the weapon in both hands with the blade pointing towards Jason.  Jason gave a faint snicker as he swiftly changed his grip and threw it towards his foe, how gracefully side stepped it. As the weapon just passed him, the spear detonated in a wave of fire, forcing Darius to create another barrier. Darius noticed a flash of purple light in the corner of his eye, making him glance over to see Jason charging with two longswords that burned with purple energy. The corrupted man dropped his shield and danced around Jason while slashing across the man’s belly, easily tearing through his flesh. “See Jason, you wer… by the stars what is that stench?!” Darius started only to grab his nose as he watched Jason turn to face him, black rotten guts hung from his stomach. Darius watched in horror as Jason’s entire body shimmered, revealing the rotting armoured corpse of an overlord. It’s armour looked like it was burnt with acid with a ring of purple flames around one of the undead Overlord’s elbows and around its neck. “Mir'seck?” Darius asked confused as he recognized the corpse’s armour and blades. The ghoul gave a gutter growl as it pressed the attack with a volley of violent slashing forcing it’s former master to leap backwards.  As Darius did a series of black meat hooks seemed to launch from Mir’seck’s cloak towards Darius forcing him to continue moving away only to be halted as a black whip wrapped around his torso.  Darius looked to the owner of the weapon to see another undead Overlord, the tall, lanky corpse, that sat crouched upon the white tree cocked it’s head at him. It was equipped with a trident  and a bladed whip, It's armour resembled that of a Gladiator with its armoured right arm, bare chest, leathery skirt, a skull helmet and shin guards. It had purple flames burning from the middle of its face, left shoulder and across it’s chest. “Yen'Sic.” Darius growled as the ghoul gave a distorted giggle before it tried to yank Darius towards it.  “I see you have gotten reacquainted with some old friends.” Jason said as he stood by the white tree. “I thought about fighting you but then thought fuck it, i’ll have these lads do it for me.” Jason said as he flicked his wrist, creating two more flashes of purple light next to him which revealed an Overlord in blue rotten robes with a large steel spike helmet that seemed to have been split down the middle as purple flames rushed out of it. In its hand was a massive staff with a golden crystal at the top and a gold ball at the bottom. The gem on top of the staff had cracks covering it completely. “We have Re'yen and my this massive lad.” Jason stated as he pointed to the warlock then to the massive Overlord which was heavily armoured creature which had a massive spiked shield and a sadistic looking Flail along with a massive great sword on its back. It’s helmet burned with the same purple flames from its visor and neck. “Sin've” Jason added as Sin’ve gave a horrific roar and charged towards Darius while Re’yen send a bolt of lightning towards its former master also. Darius didn’t panic as he vanished out of Yen’s whip and reappeared behind Mir, blasting the rotting Overlord with a wave of radiant energy, disintegrating the undead. “Honestly, this is a clever ploy to try and catch me off guard and try and deter me from fighting but you failed to realize that, I don't care at all about these individuals.” He stated with a chuckle as he reached his hand towards Yen, causing a golden energy to wrap around the gladiator before Darius seemed to rip him towards him. As Yen was just about to reach him, Darius thrusted his weapon out and impaled the ghoul. “Because if I really cared about them then I would not have sent them against you.” Darius said as he blasted Yen with radiant light, destroying him also. Darius turned to face Jason again as glowing blue shackles wrapped around his wrists, encasing his hands completely. “Really?” Darius asked as Sin grabbed hold of Darius tightly. “Ah okay?” He asked in a confused voice as he looked at the massive Overlord. “They were not meant to unnerve you Darius, they were there to distract you.” Jason stated, causing Darius to look at him. As he did, he saw Jason creating a pair of Destructive orbs before throwing them at Darius. The Overlord didn’t have a moment to break free as the pair of orbs struck his chest and Sin’s arm before expanding, engulfing Darius and Sin completely. “You got outschooled.” Jason said with a smile just as Darius’ weapon came flying out of the sphere and drove itself through the right side of Jason’s ribcage, impaling him against the tree.  “I’m outschooled?” Darius asked as the sphere vanished, revealing him undamaged in the crater. He smiled wickedly as he approached Jason slowly, obliterating Re as he passed. “My dear child, I have been at this game a lot longer then you have.” Darius said as Jason gasped for breath with the radiant weapon burning in his ruined right lung. “Damn it seems i missed my target.” Darius chuckled as he grabbed the shaft of the weapon and gave it a wiggle, gaining a pained cry from Jason. “I was aiming for your heart” Darius said with a chuckle as he ripped the weapon free, letting Jason drop to the ground hard.  “I was going to give you a quick death if you didn’t struggle but you just had to put up a fight.” Darius said as he raised the weapon to kill Jason only to stop. “You know, I just had a wicked idea.” Darius said with a chuckle as he made his weapon vanish before he crouched in front of Jason. “I’m going to make sure everyone either forgets about you or hates you.” Darius stated as he transformed in front of Jason, into him, making the dying man look at him in horror. “How does that thought sit? Knowing you are going to die a slow painful death here  alone while I destroy your memory.” Darius said with a chuckle as he rose to his feet. “Have fun boy, if it is any consolation you did better than Adrian did.” Darius said before he teleported away, leaving Jason sitting against the tree dying. “What an absolute cunt.” Jason growled out with a wheeze as he clutched the hole in his chest while glaring at where Darius just was. His chest burnt painfully as he did his best to stay awake as he struggled to breath. “That could have gone better.” A voice stated from beside Jason. “Fuck… off.” Jason growled as Manus knelt down next to him. “I… had… him… on… the… run…” Jason wheezed out. “Right, come on, can’t have you dying quite yet.” Manus said as he gently picked up Jason.  “Where… are…” Jason started, only for Manus to stop him before the pair teleported away. > Chapter 25 - Consequences of One's Actions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “We…” Jason muttered, his sentence cut off as he suddenly found himself in a large dark room made of stone. He groaned softly as Manus sat him down on the cold stone floor before stepping away from Jason. “Where… are...we?” Jason asked, struggling to hold the sentence together with only one functional lung. He was thankful that the pain was gone, either to shock or something that Manus had done. “We are in an ancient place of healing, your injury is beyond normal means of healing due to the weapon that was used to create it.” Manus explained as Jason looked down at his chest to see purple light fainting glowing from the wound. “I have stabilized you but it isn’t a permanent solution.” He explained as the dark room was suddenly illuminated thanks to several torches that sat in each corner of the room.  The room was about 20 feet wide, 10 feet long and 15 feet tall with a barred door on the northern wall, the southern wall sat 20 feet from it and was decorated with iconography regarding Alicorns and Draconequus. A pair of 6 foot long by 4 foot wide sarcophagi sat in the middle of the room with at least 3 feet from the walls and 2 feet from each other. From what Jason could see, under the iconography on the southern wall sat a foot wide altar that stretched to 6 feet wide across the floor, giving at least 2 feet of room from the eastern and western walls. It sat 3 feet high and had an assortment of gold and silver trinkets, vases, urns and vessels that were decorated with waves and fire. “There is a catch however, to fully heal you, you will need to stay in one of these sarcophagi for an extended period of time.” Manus explained as he waved his hand, causing the lid of one to raise to the ceiling. “No… I can't… stay in there for…” Jason started only to cough and groan as the faint dulled pain. He found talking difficult but he refused to be taken out of the fight just yet. He locked his eyes with Manus, who gave him a nod, as if reading his mind. “I have a solution that may be to your liking. I can create a body for your soul to inhabit but you will not be as powerful as your current body.” Manus explained, gaining a nod from Jason. “You will need the help of your sibling, and yes I know that they don’t have the experience but I will make sure they are brought up to speed and trained accordingly while you secure resources to help in the fight.” Manus explained, stepping over to Jason and kneeling before him. “Resources?” Jason asked curiously. “Yes, there are several people that will be able to assist you in the final fight and could possibly undo some of the damage that Darius is causing at this point in time… the only issue is finding them, but I do have an idea of where to start.” Manus said as he carefully lifted Jason. “Care… to elaborate?” Jason asked the man. “Well, your first target will be your grandmother, seeing as both she and the mother of Celestia and Luna have discovered a way to permanently cure Corruption from Overlords.” Manus explained as he carried Jason to the open sarcophagus. “Once you are in your new body, I shall teleport you to a town near where your grandmother is secured, it will be up to you to find her.” Manus explained as he placed the man in the sarcophagus. “Right, sounds like a walk in the park.” Jason replied, still struggling to speak. “The longer you take, the stronger your siblings will be so do not worry about taking too long.” Manus explained as he checked over Jason once more. “Also what two colours do you like?.” “Ah… let's go maybe a royal blue and jade green.” Jason replied, gaining a nod from Manus as he stepped back from the sarcophagus. Once back, he flicked his wrist, causing the lid to move back over, sealing Jason inside. Jason was engulfed in darkness for a few seconds before a vibrant flash of violet light filled the void for a second. Once the light had vanished, Jason discovered that he was now naked in the darkness. Strangely enough the stone beneath him seemed to be of equal temperature to his body. He turned his head to the left and moved his arm to touch the walls, discovering that it was the same. “Curious.” He muttered before returning his gaze to the roof of the healing chamber.  Sitting in the void for a few moments let Jason’s mind linger on his fight with Darius and everything that he threatened to do. His train of thoughts were broken however as the man suddenly felt liquid touching his back. “The fuck?” He muttered as attempted to turn his head but found that his body was unresponsive. He continued to try and move when his vision was quickly obscured by glowing blue liquid which filled his nostrils causing him to panic. Filling his lungs with fluid didn’t help as the man continued to struggle against his body. He silently cursed himself for trusting Manus as he felt his vision begin to blur and fade. Shortly after his vision was gone, he felt a searing pain all over his body as if it was dissolving. As the pain continued, Jason hissed and grit his teeth as he felt his body finally return under his control. Without a second thought, the man thrusted his hand up with all the might he could muster only to find no resistance. The attack held enough force to pull Jason into a sitting position. “Be calm, you came to faster than expected.” He heard Manus say in a reassuring tone of voice within his mind. “I-t burns… I can't see.” Jason hissed in a voice that was not his own. “I know, the process is currently not finished as your Nervous system is currently in the process of being created, non vital organs will be one of the last things to be created.” Manus explained as a wave of dizziness overwhelmed Jason. “I am rendering you unconscious for the time being so I can finish without you coming to any more stress.” Manus added. “No, let me stay awake.” Jason asked as he felt the pain slowly dull as his body continued to form. “Are you sure?” Manus asked him. “Yes, it will remind me of what Darius did.” Jason replied before he fell into silence. “So Darius can manipulate memories?” Jason asked out of curiosity. “Yes, he is quite proficient in manipulating memories and minds in general.” Manus explained. “Fantastic.” Jason added sarcastically as he took a deep breath. “Hey Manus, why am I even fighting?” Jason asked as his world was filled with light as the pain vanished, revealing his royal blue fur. “Interesting, looks weird when it’s actually on me” he muttered as he flexed his fingers, the joints popping and becoming easier to move. “You honestly don't have a reason, you can wait until your body reforms and I can take you anywhere in the universe or further.” Manus explained as Jason nodded and continued to test out his new body. “Can you take me home?” Jason asked, still getting used to the way his voice sounded to which he was greeted with a sigh. “What?” “It’s a lot more complicated than that, unless the worlds are linked by a strong magical binding such as the cataclysm, then travel between both worlds becomes next to impossible.” Manus explained. “Wait then how the fuck did i get teleported here? And how the hell are you expecting to bring my siblings here.” Jason hissed as he rubbed his temples. “Unfortunately, the spell which binds you to this world is a one way spell that pulls those that are the most genetically and magically compatible with the target and will continue to pull people in until Darius is slain with a 8 year wait between.” Manus explained as Jason looked at him with a sceptical look. “You are the first since the spell initiated but the spell will repeat… indefinitely until Darius is dead, all I can do is speed it up enough to bring your siblings here all at once.” He added while giving gestures with his hands. “And you can’t like… see where this magic is reaching too and thus returning me to where it snatched me from?” Jason asked,turning to face Manus. “Well, the creator of the spell designed it so that would not be a possibility so Darius would not be able to invade the world in which you were born.” “And who made this stupid fucking spell?” Jason asked, his voice slowly rising in aggravation and volume. “A Starswirl the Bearded, Princess Celestia’s Former Magical Advisor… the only way for the spell to be altered at its core is through his direct intervention, all I can do to it is slow its timer, accelerate its timer and destroy the spell.” Manus further explained. “But He’s dead… like really really long dead, cause he lived back before Luna was banished.” Jason said as he turned to face forward again, growling softly and producing a snort. “Most likely.” “So what, just bring them here to be prepared to be soldiers against an impossibly powerful enemy or have you destroy the spell and have me never see them again?” Jason asked Manus. “Pretty much Jason.” The Void Walker replied. “Brilliant” Jason said as he rubbed his eyes. After a few moments of silence, Jason tested his legs before attempting to stand. He staggered a few times but quickly managed to gain his footing in his new body.  “So you are an Earth Pony, i hope you don’t mind but you are unable to use magic” Manus explained as he ground his palms against each other for a few second, creating metallic ash to fall from his hands before he pulled them apart, forming a mirror a few feet away from Jason Jason looked at the royal blue Stallion in the reflection with a long uncut emerald mane and tail, the body seemed relatively toned but not as muscular as most Earth Pony stallions he has seen before. He looked at his muzzle in the reflection and gave it a couple tentative squeezes, confirming that yes he was a horse. He opened his mouth and examined his teeth and the lack of canines which let him understand his now vegetarian diet. “Wonderful” he muttered as he looked down at his naked body, focusing on his equestrian anatomy and then at Manus. “What?” Manus asked. “I… how the fucked do i… aaaa this is gonna take some practise.” Jason said with a nervous chuckle as he ran his fingers over his new equipment and sheath, giving a shudder of discomfort. “Okay i hate this already and i am regretting it.” Jason grumbled as he gave his sack a gentle shake. “I hate this very much, look at the size of these!... How am I meant to be comfortable in clothes?... god how do the boys deal… oh god if a stallion this size is packing this then what is Mac… I feel sorry for his boyfriend.” Jason said, his mind racing through thoughts. “Do you need some time?” Manus asked with an amused smirk. “Mate, look at this shit, I was confused as to why Zecora made my dick so big before but now i… i fucking understand, no mare would have felt me before… jeez.” Jason said, looking between the mirror then back at Manus before rubbing his face with his other hand. “No I don't wanna imagine, I need to focus.” Jason said, taking a deep breath. “Done playing with yourself?” Manus asked with a chuckle. “For now… what now?” Jason asked as he crossed his arms as Manus rubbed his eyes slightly frustrated. “Look, you’re gonna need a new name, one that will let you blend in with Pony’s and avoid detection. It will also be put on some documents to help you out.” Manus explained. “Oh shit a name…aah fuck.. I don't know.” Jason said as he rubbed his chin, thinking of what could work. “Take your time Jason, I have many things to prepare.” Manus said before vanishing. “Wonderful… so i'm just meant to stand here, butt ass naked?” He asked out into the empty room. After a few seconds Jason sighed and sat down on the edge of the stone sarcophagus and looked at the mirror. “Is this really the first real choice I've been given since rocking up here?” he asked as his eyes scanned his reflection and the trail of his blood leading to the stone casket.  “Either continue fighting and put my family at risk while also displacing them with the reward of having them in my life again… if we all survive or i destroy any and all chance of seeing them again and just leave this world to it’s messed fate, knowing that i am really the only one able to save it… then there is the stuff with the herd…” he spoke to the empty room before stopping and contemplating. “On one hand… if I stay and fight, there is a strong chance that once Darius is dead that it's revealed that their love for me is not real and everything was fake and forced by Darius. Then there is the small chance that everything was real and I would be abandoning a group of loving women… but then what if they were never controlled but they were just using me for sex and simply because it kept me active in fighting against the Overlords.” He continued before chuckling to himself. “Man i would be so mad if it was the third option” He said, giving a less enthusiastic chuckle as his heart felt like it was breaking at the thought. “But i mean, that's if it's not the first option of it all being a ruse to hurt me from the start by Darius…” Jason added as it left like his heart was squeezing in his chest as tears began to form. “That would be fantastic. '' He uttered as tears began rolling down his cheeks while he hollowly chuckled. Jason sat there in the dimly lit tomb, the fur of his cheeks and around his eyes damp with tears as he looked down at the stone tiles, sniffling softly. “I mean, i got to fuck a couple Alicorns.” He said, chuckling while trying to distract himself. “Yea but now everything i have ever done is being ruined by Darius “So what are we gonna do Jase… get my family killed or just ditch everything.” he asked himself as he turned his gaze back to the mirror, focusing on his tear stained face before wiping his face. “No, I refuse to get them involved in this situation.” He growled softly as he stood up straight. “I am to kill that bastard, Find Starswirl and resurrect him to counter his own spell…” He started as he slowly flexed his hand and clenched it, causing his fresh knuckles to crack and pop. “Then I'll make sure that no one can force anyone else here against their will.” He hissed venomously before he took a deep breath. “One step at a time Jase… No, I need something new now.” He muttered as he looked at the mirror. “Crap, I should have been thinking about that instead of crying… I honestly have no idea without being edgy.” He said with a chuckle while rubbing his muzzle. Jason returned to his sitting position and casually tried out names before shaking his head at each one for the next 30 minutes before finding one that he liked. “Astral Wright, it’s something and it sounds weird but I am a builder and I am from another world so it makes sense to me.” He muttered with a smile only to be alarmed as a warm sensation filled his check and hips. He rubbed his chest and felt warmth radiating from the area while noticing in his reflection an image form over his heart. The image was that of several a hand saw and a hammer laying on top of each other while surrounded by stars and purple clouds.  “I guess that’s my Cutie mark… the Crusaders would be so mad” He said with a chuckle as he checked his hips to see the mark was on his butt. “Weird how it formed after I picked a name but then again I'm guessing Manus had set that up that way.” He said as he rubbed the mark on his chest.  For the next 30 minutes, Jason repeatedly spoke his new name over and over, letting the name become familiar to himself before Manus rematerialised. The being looked at the mark upon the Stallions chest and gave a nod of approval. “So what name did you go for?” “Astral Wright,” Jason replied, gaining a nod from Manus.  “I mean it works, so have you come to a decision?” He asked Jason. “Yes I have, please delay the spell. If i die then destroy the spell but if i succeed then i’ll find where Starswirl is buried and resurrect him in order to reverse his spell so i can go home… and I will also make sure that the knowledge of how to create this spell is removed from existence along with him.” Jason said as he rose from his seat. “Is that really your plan… how do you believe you will manage to do so?” Manus questioned, crossing his arms while sighing softly. “Simple, in a lot of media and some myths there have been weapons and magic that have caused the complete destruction of a soul and have slain even immortals permanently and or removed the ability of resurrection. Seeing that i have been able to reach into the Infinite Universes and pull items that seem like fiction before like a said super speed mouse, i reckon i can get my hands on the information to create such a weapon to kill Darius and Starswirl permanently.” Jason explained as Manus’ Eyebrow raised. “That is a ridiculously overly difficult idea that you are trying to force to be simple, is that really what you want to do?” Manus asked as he gripped the bridge of his nose, visibly growing frustrated which made Jason shrink slightly. “For the time being it is but knowing how life goes this plan could change. Fuck i could enjoy living as Astral and want to stay as this… settle down with a random mare, have some foals… this is after i cut Darius open from his dick to his nose of course.” Jason explained, trying to better explain himself. “Naturally.” Manus replied with a shrug. “So what now?” Jason asked. “Now we get all the details set up… and we get you some clothes.” Manus explained as he produced a folder. “Yay paperwork.” Astral Wright said with disdain. “Is there anything that you would like right now?” Manus asked as handed Astral the folder “I would like my phone that got destroyed months ago… I miss human music so much to be honest.” Astral explained, gaining a nod from Manus, who took the paperwork from Manus. “That’s Easy enough, I'll see if I can upgrade it for you, you just fill out that paperwork and i’ll make sure it is added to the appropriate places, just fill out the paperwork appropriately.” Manus explained before vanishing. “Great.” Astral said as he looked at the paperwork and started filling it out before stopping at a part about optional family. “Huh… I guess probably Astral would have parents and half a dozen.” He muttered with a chuckle as he wrote it down, causing the words he wrote to grow yellow. “What the hell?” He questioned quietly as he rubbed the glowing letters but found nothing off about them save for the glow.  “ I guess it is just like a highlighter so Manus can find it quickly.” He guessed as he continued down. “Family Origin… ah fuck it Canterlot. Amount of family members… aah how about 78, let's go with a stupid number. Relationship with Family… Bad save for like 4 of them. This is kinda amusing.” He said with a chuckle as he filled out the paperwork, the words he wrote glowing brightly. “ Wealth of family… fuck it they are rich.” He added with a chuckle as he got to the last line. “How old am i?... ah fuck lets go 23.” He said finish the document when suddenly all the glowing text began rapidly flashing before turning bright green. “Wait what the…” Astral started as the paperwork began vibrating and glowing before bursting into light and a searing pain filled the Stallion’s mind, making him crumple to the stone floor in agony. He laid on the ground, curled up from the pain for several moments before it passed “What… the actual fuck was that?” Astral growled as he rubbed his temples to try and soothe his newly formed headache. “And like that your phone is… why are you on the ground?” Manus asked confusedly as he looked down at the Stallion. “You forgot to warn me about sudden headaches with your paperwork.” Astral Growled. “That’s only if you went ridiculous with it” Manus growled as he shook his head. “It is a way to implant the memories of who you are into a family that matches your specifications, the more people, the more memories it would have to push into your head, thankfully they will only be recalled when the moment is needed but apart from that…” Manus explained as said paperwork appeared in his hands and he inspected it. “Why? Why the fuck did you pick such stupid numbers?”  “Hey, you didn’t tell me what would happen.” Astral attempted to retort. “This was a test for you, to see if you would be smart but as usual you don’t even stop to think about what this magical paperwork would do… did you not get concerned when the text started to glow?” Manus asked as Astral went to speak only for Manus to hold up his hand.”Don’t… You go headfirst into everything without thinking and hope for the best… I'm honestly surprised that there is a family that matches your stupid request. You are just… you being brought here was a mistake by the magic set in place.” Manus explained, his low growl in his voice. “You may be the closest genetically but it seems you didn’t inherit any of the skill or grace from your grandparents.” “Where the fuck is this coming from?” Astral growled, taking a step forward. “Since the moment I have started watching you, you never think before you act, you just jump head first into fights and expect to come out on top. The only reason you were crippled was because you ignored my advice to try and use what little extra power you had to fight the man that conquered this realm. You lost that fight and I don't even know why I am helping you when you can’t even manage to help yourself.” Manus hissed as he opened the folder and wrote in it. “You are not the hero this world needs, you are actually a failure.” Manus added without looking up. “I… I'm sorry.” Astral apologised. “Don’t be sorry, be better, you always manage to avoid the repercussions of your actions due to being hospitalised but even if your herd wasn’t brainwashed I doubt they would have put up with you for much longer with your bullshit.” Manus berated as he closed the folder, causing it to vanish into the ether. “W-what did you do?”  “Give you some more consequences for your actions, resolve them appropriately while I train your family to do the job you failed at, maybe they are better suited to save this world than you are.” Manus hissed. “Wait no i can…” Astral Started before Manus grabbed him by the throat.” “I don’t trust you anymore, your plan is stupid and rushed, you have no idea what your actions will do so you can experience what life is like dealing with the consequences of your actions. The people that you have forced yourself into their lives, the lives you have now changed are your responsibility and you have to live with them. I will give you the opportunity to have a life away from this chaos that you so desperately want.” Manus said as his eyes began glowing brightly. “However after all that you have achieved and all those lives you have saved, this is your chance to rest and have a break from it all.” “Wait.” Astral pleaded as he tried to pry Manus’ fingers from his neck. “I will see you again in time to see how you like this new life or if you want to return to your old body, this is the last time we shall speak until then so don’t fuck this up.” Manus said as Astral’s vision blurred before it faded all together along with his consciousness. [Several days later on a train heading to the fringes of Equestria] The soft rattling of metal wheels against rails was the first thing that came to Astral’s ears as he started to come too. He gave a soft groan as he rubbed his eyes, the burn of a distant migraine lingered at the edges of his mind as he gingerly opened his eyes. He was greeted with the blurry sight of trees rushing past at high speed and streaks of water flowing horizontally across the cold glass that his shoulder was leaning against. He was confused as to where he was as he blinked, his mind focusing on his surroundings as his senses took in his surroundings. He could smell a mix of perfumes, colognes and the smell of coffee permeating around him, the sound of multiple people speaking behind him made him look around.  He saw that he was on a relatively full train carriage, several parties of individuals filled different booths around him, consisting of mares and stallions alike, ranging from all three types of ponies Astral returned to looking at his booth to see a closed bottle of water beside him and a candy bar, a bag sat across from him as well. It took him several moments before his mind cleared up and he was reminded of what had transpired before he passed out. “Damn it, nice going.” He quietly growled at himself as he facepalmed before he looked down to see that he was wearing black cargo pants, boots, a yellow wonderbolts t-shirt and a cherry red hoodie. “Well at least I'm clothed.” he muttered as he checked his pockets. He found a wallet, a phone, a couple hundred bits worth of funds, headphones and a pair of wedding rings. “I mean it could be worse, now where the fuck am i?” He asked as he put all the items back into his pockets, choosing to inspect them later.  “Mr Wright, we will be arriving at Colt Cove shortly.” A feminine voice stated, causing Astral to jump slightly and turn to face a well dressed Unicorn mare, dressed in what Astral would presume the ticket inspector to be dressed like. The navy blue attire seemed to match decently to her mustard yellow coat while her violet mane was tied back in a bun as glasses sat upon her muzzle. “Sorry to spook you, but you did inform me to let you know when we were close.” She explained, gaining a soft nod from the mare. “I guess I did, didn’t i.” he said with a hollow chuckle as she simply smiled and moved on. “ Colt Cove… right punny names.” He said, grabbing the bottle of water and sipping from it. He leant back in his seat and took a deep breath. “I’m a failure.” He sighed as he twisted his bottle shut