> 100 moments of RareJack > by Autistic Writer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Happy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack stood by the doors of a classroom. He heard the tears of Rarity's sadness. Everyone of her friends and even his friends tried to help calm her down, but nothing could calm the storm that raged inside Rarity's heart. Rarity had failed to summit an application in time for a beauty contest. Now, she had to wait for another opportunity to come up, however by then, the dress would go out of style. Applejack might not have understood any of it, but still felt bad for Rarity. Applejack wanted to be helpful, but he didn't want to put the foot in his mouth like he did when he accidentally insulted Rarity's clothing designs. It took a week of Rarity giving the silent treatment to make him crack down and apologize to her. Twilight sighed as she came out of the room to take a little break. Rarity's tears were getting to her and she needed a breather just to escape from it, but even that wasn't working as well. She could still hear Rarity's cries. Applejack heard it to and felt Twilight's plan. “How’s it going with trying to calm her down?” Applejack joked. He could tell that Twilight would do anything to get Rarity to stop crying. “Not well, she is still crying over it. I mean it’s not that bad.” Twilight said loudly. Rarity cried out, “Not that bad?” “Oh great,” Twilight sighed as she looked at the door. Before she could touch the doorknob, Applejack put his hand on the knob and put his other hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “I’ll make her happy,” Applejack reassured Twilight that he would make things better. Twilight smiled. She should have sent in Applejack first. Whenever Rarity would feel sad, Applejack was Rarity's teddy bear in terms of comfort. Unless she was mad at him, Rarity would only want to see Applejack in her sighs. Twilight wasn't sure if he could fix the problem, but she was willing to try anything. Twilight held him as if he was entering a room with trained assassins, “Good luck,” Rarity stood there, hands gripping her skirt and her tears floating like a river. No matter what the others tried to do or say, Rarity wasn't registering any of it. When the door opened, The others thought Twilight was going to try again. However, it wasn't Twilight that came inside. Applejack couldn’t stand to see Rarity crying anymore as he walked through the door. Rarity was there for him whenever he was upset, so he needed to return the favor. Rarity wasn't sure who was in the room, but she didn't want to lift her head just yet. The others saw Applejack standing there. Each one had the expression of relief as if he was saving them from a fate worse than death. All of them slowly walked to the door leaving Applejack to deal with Rarity on his own. Rarity noticed the silence that filled the room. She wondered if she was truly alone. She raised her eyes slightly to see if she was the only soul that laid dormant in the room. Her eyes froze when Applejack was standing in front of her with his hands crossed. His appearance nearly took her out of her seat. Out of everyone, he was the last person she wanted to see. Rarity ignored the fact that her makeup was ruined and that it created black streams down her face. She was now in front of Applejack. Heart pounding and sweat beating down her face. Rarity was at a loss for words upon what to saw to Applejack. “Howdy,” He said to her. “Hi,” She told him back. Applejack had to pick his next words carefully since it was Rarity that he was talking to. Despite the fact she treated him differently than everyone else, he needed to choose his words carefully. It was like walking on thin ice, at any moment she could go right back to crying. He wanted to make her feel better. “I am sorry about what happened.” He tried to sympathize with her. “It’s okay, I guess I should have been more prepared and adapted to the schedule change.” Rarity sighed. She shifted her eyes away from Applejack at the moment. “You couldn’t have known about that. I mean, you are always on top of things like this. I just don’t understand how you lost track of the time?” Applejack wondered. Rarity was always adaptable when it came to schedules, yet this was the one time where she missed a deadline for something like a fashion contest. Rarity couldn’t tell him. She knew about the deadline, yet the one thing that distracted her from her entry was him. Yet, it didn’t mean that she blamed him for this, there was a simple reason she was distracted by him and it wasn’t of hatred. It was the exact opposite. For a while now, Rarity was having an internal battle with herself. A battle that caused her to reject so many guys that wanted to go out with her. So many guys wanted the chance to be Rarity’s boyfriend, yet Rarity felt that position belonged to one man, and he was sitting right in front of her. She had developed feeling for him at the start of the year when the Apple family had their reunion party. It was the big square dance night and Applejack asked Rarity to join him for a dance. When they danced, Rarity felt this intense passion circulating throughout her body. She was confused by the way she felt. How Applejack took complete control of the dance, how he kept his eyes to hers even though she wore an outfit that made every guy's jaw hit the floor, and the fact that he kept his hands to himself and her hips on occasions. Rarity had been bewildered by the way the male moved. His dance moves, eye contact and the way he spoke to her was nothing like any previous lover in the past. When it ended, Rarity felt the butterflies that danced in her stomach. That was when she knew she had to have Applejack. Her mind desired to sync with his, her body needs his and her heart wanted to be closer to him. However, there was a slight problem with getting him to be her boyfriend, his feelings. Rarity didn't know how the Apple farmer felt. She didn't know if he liked some other girl or disliked Rarity's type. Rarity wasn't sure if Applejack was dating or had an interest in dating or maybe he was into men or if he just liked her as a friend. Regardless of the factors, Rarity was scared that Applejack would spurn her feelings. This was the reason for her recent tear feast. “Rarity, I honestly wish I could find some way to help you feel better.” Applejack told her. Rarity turned to view her friend some more. There were so many reasons that she fell in love with him. His sandy hair, his western accent, his endearing eyes, his muscles hidden in the shirt and another feature Rarity would rather not speak of. Rarity saw Applejack shirtless, sometimes in boxers, and other times wearing a towel. Rarity's mind could probably paint a perfect picture of Applejack in the nude. She shook her mind and thought about Applejack's kind words. Hearing him saying he would do something to make it up to Rarity sent a grin upon her whole body. “It’s alright, darling.” Rarity tried to not sound so modest, “You don’t have to do a thing. I will be alright.” “No, I want to do something to make you feel better and forget about this whole thing. You need something to take your mind off this whole mess with fashion.” Applejack told her. Rarity was taken by surprise when Applejack stood in front of her and kneeled down on one foot. What he was doing was the universal sign he wanted to get married. Rarity's mind blew up just thinking about various wedding dresses she could wear. Rarity sat there watching Applejack looking at her with gentle intentions. “Rarity, would you go out on a date with me?” Rarity's mind tried to start back up, but nothing was clearly coming out. She had to make sure she heard Applejack correctly, “I beg your pardon?” “I feel that you need to relax and your mind needs other things to focus on. I know that I may not be your dream guy, but it doesn’t hurt to…” “Yes,” Rarity excitingly expressed. She wasn’t going to refuse this chance. Applejack was asking her on a date. How could she say no to her crush? It was such a change to hear him asking her to something. “Thanks,” Applejack tipped his hat. “Actually, the pleasure is all mine.” Rarity told him. Applejack wasn’t sure where they were going for their date. He stood there waiting for Rarity to finish up. Applejack dressed differently for the occasion. He wore black jeans, wore a buttoned up shirt and grabbed a bow-tie. He didn't look too fancy, but he wanted to put in some effort to look nice for Rarity. Applejack wasn’t really good with this dating nonsense, yet he wanted to make Rarity happy. For some reason, he wanted to see the smile upon Rarity's face. It was something about that smile and laugh that made him want to join her. The door opened slowly. Applejack stood there and watched the young and beautiful Rarity stepping forward. His jaw dropped seeing Rarity coming outside in different attire. The scarlet dress flowed down her body all the way up to her knees. She wore a diamond necklace that covered a bit of her skin. She did wear a bit of makeup, but this didn’t bother him at all. For the first time in his life, Applejack was really nervous. Rarity stood there seeing him in just a bow-tie. She could have gotten angry on his outfit and given him an hour lecture on his attire, but she merely was glad to see him. Her mind was screaming internally. She wanted to savagely rip the shirt off, bring him inside. They would probably skip dinner and go start into Rarity's version of desert, but Rarity shook her mind off the fantasy. “Here, let me fix that.” She insisted. Rarity went over to Applejack and fixed his bow-tie. To her, it felt like it was at an uneven angle and she was trying to fix it. The scene looked similar to a wife making sure her husband was getting ready for an interview. Rarity would have combed his hair if she had a men’s comb in her purse. Applejack looked over seeing her focus was on the bow-tie. Have to admit, she does look mighty sexy in her dress, Applejack smiled before realizing he was thinking about Rarity in a sexual way. Wait, why did i just say Rarity looks sexy. She is just a friend...Just a friend. He stood still while Rarity was putting the finishing touches on his bow-tie. This was her night, so he figured he would keep his opinions to himself. “Ta-da,” Rarity cheered as if she accomplished an impossible task. Applejack viewed himself in the small mirror that Rarity provided. The bow-tie didn’t look that much different, but he looked at Rarity’s grin. He knew he didn’t want to shame her efforts. She might be disappointed if he told her the truth. “It looks better than before.” Applejack told her. “I am glad you think so.” Rarity nodded, “Shall we be on our way?” “You look mighty pretty tonight, Rarity.” Rarity stopped when she heard Applejack saying words that affected her beauty. She turns around with her cheeks being a light shade of pink. “Thank you,” She smiled. Applejack wasn’t sure where to take Rarity on their date. That was the part that make him stuck. He wasn't sure where to take her. He knew she had high tastes and didn’t want to disappoint her by taking her to a place that she didn’t like or had the slightest bit of filth. He could have gone to a fancy restaurant, but Applejack didn’t have that type of cash, plus he wasn’t dressed for that place. He couldn’t take Rarity to a romantic night on the beach since it was cold plus he didn’t make any food for the date. Endless possibilities was floating in his head. Rarity saw Applejack was deep in thought of where their date should take place. She only cared about being with him. She cared about being in his comfort. She loved him too much to care about where their date should take place. It could be in a mud pit for all she cared. She decided to stop him when she saw the large sign in her viewing. “Why don’t we see a movie?” Applejack looked up at the maiden’s suggestion. There was a romance movie that was playing tonight that would be perfect date for Rarity. She could get a fashion idea from the movie or the audience. It was like killing two birds with one stone. He had enough money for the both of them, plus it wasn’t too formal. Applejack escorted Rarity inside the theater and hoped the film, the two of them would see, would be perfect for making Rarity feel better. If not, then he will have to try harder. Applejack sighed as the movie wasn’t really his kind of film. It was a cheap and typical romance between a man and a woman. She said one thing and he said another. Rarity on the other hand, was enjoying the flick immensely. She couldn’t help but to relate with the young maiden. She was doing her best to earn the love of the man, but he was very thickheaded and oblivious to her feelings, much like Applejack. Applejack looked over seeing Rarity was looking right at him, much to his confusion. Applejack moved a bit closer towards Rarity. For some reason, Applejack felt nervous around Rarity. He found her very attractive, yet she has always worn dresses and outfits like that, why was this dress so different? Rarity sipped her drink while Applejack ate some popcorn. They had gotten refreshments before hitting the movie because it was typical thing they usually do. It was like a habit they couldn't crack. They had to at least get something to keep them relaxed during the movie. “Applejack,” Rarity felt like Fluttershy as she was speaking to Applejack. He still looked very attractive in his outfit. She wanted to jump into his arms and have him carry her away out of the theater. “Yes,” Applejack looked back to her. Suddenly, Applejack and Rarity both heard a pair of moans coming from the film. They noticed the couple’s relationship was growing to a physical one. Both Applejack and Rarity both acknowledge the racy scene. Rarity gulped seeing how loud the couple was and wondered what her date was thinking about. Applejack turned his head away. He didn't want Rarity to think that he enjoys watching films like that. “Well, this is awkward.” Rarity created a fist and coughed on it. “Yeah, pretty awkward,” Applejack stretched his collar while letting in some air inside his shirt. Rarity and Applejack adverts their eyes to avoid anymore eye contact on each other or the arousing scene they were witnessing. Both gotten a brief fantasy of the scene, but shook it off. During the last points of the film, Applejack looked over Rarity. She was smiling. He was glad to do something for her. He looked down knowing that everything would turn back to normal. Rarity would just think of this date as a way to make her feel better. This was for Rarity's happiness, He told himself despite the fact it hurt him like hugging a cactus tightly. Once the film was over, Applejack stepped out of the theater with Rarity. He put his hands in his pockets and saw her swirling around. He saw that Rarity was feeling overjoyed about something. Was it the film or an idea about a fashion design. Regardless, it felt like Rarity was back to her old self. Rarity kept swirling around and around until she landed in Applejack’s arms. Usually when this happened, she felt embarrassed about his embrace. However, Rarity looked up at him. She didn't want to jump away or be embarrassed by it. She wanted to be in his arms forever. Rarity sighed knowing that she couldn't be in his arms forever. The world stopped for both of them. Rarity’s heart kept thumping and Applejack was sweating more than a day at the ranch. Both of them were closing in on each other. They were going to kiss. Rarity wanted to feel his lips. She wanted a taste of Applejack. Applejack wanted to taste her lips and wrestle with her tongue. Their hearts were settled, however Applejack panicked. Rarity probably liked some other guy and he was just to emotionally prepare her for the confession. “Your purse,” He ran back into the theater. Rarity wondered what he was talking about, but when she felt that she didn’t have her purse anymore, that was when Applejack returned with the small clutch in his hands. She must have forgotten it back in the theater. She had been so preoccupied by him that she nearly lost all the contents of inside of the purse. She carefully took it in her hands and then held him close. She wasn’t sure what to do next for their date, but she wanted to stay by his side. “So, where should we go now?” He asked. “Why don’t we spend some time at my house?” Rarity wasn’t the type of person to bring strangers into her house, yet she knew Applejack fairly well. He was a man to be trusted in her home. He wasn't a person that would leave her the morning after and steal half of her things. “I could go with that.” Applejack agreed to the idea. Applejack and Rarity had entered inside the Carousel Boutique. They had to be extra quiet so they wouldn’t wake Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle would be estatic to see Applejack. For some reason she clings to him like metal to a magnet. The fashionista turned around and held Applejack’s hand so she could sneak him to a secret location in the house. Applejack found Rarity taking him into an outside room. It looked more like a porch from where he was standing. Rarity motioned him to sit on a swinging bench with her. The two of them sat down and Rarity began to start up the swinging bench. They swing moved them back and forth. As they sat together, both of them were deep in thought about their feelings. I wonder what I should do now? Rarity sitting down here with me and I am not sure what should I do? I hope Rarity enjoyed the date we shared together. Oh my gosh, he is so charming. Why haven't i dated him years ago. I hope he feels the same way as I feel about him. Rarity sat up closer to him. She put her head on his shoulder and grinned. She wanted to tell him how she felt. She wanted to share all these moments and more with him. Applejack was a great friend and a potentially even greater boyfriend. She wanted to tell him how much she loved him. How much he mattered to her. How she wanted him to be the man that would devote his whole life to making her dreams come true. There would be only one way to find out. “Applejack, thank you for the date we shared together. It really made me feel better.” Rarity told him with a sincere voice. “Welcome, I just hope everything is alright with you.” Applejack cheered. “Are you feeling better about yourself?” “Most definitely,” She smiled, “However, there was another worry I had about today. The whole fashion show wasn’t the real reason I was crying.” Applejack raised a brow trying to understand Rarity’s words. “Before I tell you about it, I wish to tell you about my feelings towards a man I love.” Rarity took in a breath before explaining. “About a few months ago, i shared a dance with a man. This dance was unlike any other dance i had with previous dates and lovers. I am not going to lie to you, I didn't have feelings for this man at first, but after the dance, i began to realize that my feelings for him were just hidden and then realized at that exact moment. I never felt this way about anyone like him. Because there is no one like him. He is kind, loyal, stays by your side, is a true gentleman despite his…flaws, He holds me at ease physically and emotionally, he is the man that will go through everything to make me happy and he is very...Honest...” As Rarity described more of the man she loved, Applejack began to notice how similar the man was to himself. His mind began to piece together that Rarity had a crush on him, but he just wanted to confirm it before his suspicious would be correct, “Pardon to interrupt Rare, but is the man you like…” “Yes AJ, the man I am in love with is you.” She felt a sense of relief when she told him how she felt, “The reason I couldn’t tell you was that I was afraid you wouldn’t feel the same way about me. I was afraid of the rejection you would say. That fear is what led to me missing my fashion show deadline. It was mainly my fears of facing rejection was the reason for my tears. I lied to everyone so that they wouldn’t know the truth.” Applejack saw Rarity rising from the bench, “I am sorry I lied. I know it isn’t right for me to feel the way I feel about you. I already know the rejection is coming and I am ready to face it. I love you Applejack and I hope you feel the same way. If not, then we can…be friends.” Applejack saw how much Rarity was waiting for a rejection. She knew that if he had rejected her, they would still be friends, but Rarity would feel very sadden by his refusal of them being a couple. “Rarity I don’t know what to say.” Rarity didn’t answer him. She tried to be brave, but tears kept falling out of her eyes. She bravely prepared her heart for the worst outcome. It was not the outcome she wanted, but she had to respect his feelings. She knew it was coming. She knew she would hear the word that she didn't want him to speak. But, she had to her it anyways. She would have to face it sooner or later. She stood up and took three paces out of the bench. “Rarity, I hope this comes as a suitable answer.” Applejack stood behind her. With one fell swoop, Rarity felt the quickness of Applejack turning her and just like the movies, she felt Applejack’s kiss instantaneously. Rarity was speechless during the kiss. She had not expected Applejack to kiss her like that. However, she wasn’t going to argue with it either. She wanted the kiss to happen. She wanted this reality. She held onto him as their tongues danced in the kiss. Applejack felt Rarity’s legs wrapping around his waist. Applejack slowly looked at Rarity. He understood her feelings. He didn’t know that she liked him for that long. He often found her staring at him. He did mostly find himself shirtless in her house. It explained about the different ways Rarity looked at him. At first, he thought of her as a friend. When he started developing feelings for her, he was afraid their friendship might be ruined. Plus, there was Rarity’s other suitors. Rarity was popular among their friends. It would be understandable that so many guys would want to ask her out. What made him the one she wanted to be with? As their kiss ended, Applejack held Rarity in his arms, “I want to go out with you, but before I tell you, I want to ask you a question.” “Sure,” Rarity nodded with interest. “Out of all the guys you could have picked, what made me so special?” Rarity stopped for a moment. She dropped from his body and tried to think of the reason. It took her a while to think exactly why she liked him. She tried to think about it. She loved him, yet she didn’t understand why. Rarity looked over and pushed him away. She needed to think of the exact reason she loved him. It wasn't like she didn't know. It was just that her feelings for him was undescribeable. Applejack sighed. He walked over and put his hand on her shoulder. She was about to tell him, when he covered her mouth with one finger. “You don’t have to tell me if you are not ready to. I understand that love has no reason to exist; it just exists at the time we don’t fully understand. You’ll tell me why you love me someday.” He put his hat on top of her head. He smiled seeing how happy she looked and how cute she was in it. They continued to kiss for a few minutes. Applejack and Rarity walked upstairs to her bedroom. She stood in her room while he stood at the outside of it. Each were at different position by her door. Rarity wanted to invite him in, she wanted to throw out the rule of intimacy during the first date, but it wasn’t a line the two would cross...yet. They would cross it when they were both ready for it. When they were both ready to express their love in that form. “So, I guess this is good night,” Rarity returned his hat. “For now,” he told her as he put on the hat, “But, it could be the first of many.” “I would like that very much. So, does this make us…” “…boyfriend and girlfriend?” He finished her sentence, “I guess it does.” He planted one more kiss for her. He tipped his hat wishing her a goodnight and would lock up the doors as he would exit the Carousel Boutique. Rarity closed the door to her room and started to celebrate her new relationship. For a successful date, Rarity shouted and jumped around the room. She finally got her wish. She finally was in a relationship with the love of her life, Applejack. …and she was happy.